Operator | Syntax |
Spread |
Bitwise AND |
Bitwise Left Shift |
Bitwise Left Shift |
Bitwise NOT |
Bitwise OR |
` |
` |
Bitwise XOR |
Increment |
Decrement |
Logical AND |
Logical NOT |
Logical OR |
` |
` |
Modulus (division remainder) |
Function | Action |
date.getDate() |
Returns the day of the month (from 1-31) |
date.getDay() |
Returns the day of the week (from 0-6) |
date.getFullYear() |
Returns the year |
date.getHours() |
Returns the hour (from 0-23) |
date.getMilliseconds() |
Returns the milliseconds (from 0-999) |
date.getMinutes() |
Returns the minutes (from 0-59) |
date.getMonth() |
Returns the month (from 0-11) |
date.getSeconds() |
Returns the seconds (from 0-59) |
date.getTime() |
Returns the number of milliseconds since midnight Jan 1 1970, and a specified date |
date.getTimezoneOffset() |
Returns the time difference between UTC time and local time, in minutes |
date.getUTCDate() |
Returns the day of the month, according to universal time (from 1-31) |
date.getUTCDay() |
Returns the day of the week, according to universal time (from 0-6) |
date.getUTCFullYear() |
Returns the year, according to universal time |
date.getUTCHours() |
Returns the hour, according to universal time (from 0-23) |
date.getUTCMilliseconds() |
Returns the milliseconds, according to universal time (from 0-999) |
date.getUTCMinutes() |
Returns the minutes, according to universal time (from 0-59) |
date.getUTCMonth() |
Returns the month, according to universal time (from 0-11) |
date.getUTCSeconds() |
Returns the seconds, according to universal time (from 0-59) |
date.getYear() |
Deprecated. Use the getFullYear() method instead |
date.now() |
Returns the number of milliseconds since midnight Jan 1, 1970 |
date.parse() |
Parses a date string and returns the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 |
date.setDate() |
Sets the day of the month of a date object |
date.setFullYear() |
Sets the year of a date object |
date.setHours() |
Sets the hour of a date object |
date.setMilliseconds() |
Sets the milliseconds of a date object |
date.setMinutes() |
Set the minutes of a date object |
date.setMonth() |
Sets the month of a date object |
date.setSeconds() |
Sets the seconds of a date object |
date.setTime() |
Sets a date to a specified number of milliseconds after/before January 1, 1970 |
date.setUTCDate() |
Sets the day of the month of a date object, according to universal time |
date.setUTCFullYear() |
Sets the year of a date object, according to universal time |
date.setUTCHours() |
Sets the hour of a date object, according to universal time |
date.setUTCMilliseconds() |
Sets the milliseconds of a date object, according to universal time |
date.setUTCMinutes() |
Set the minutes of a date object, according to universal time |
date.setUTCMonth() |
Sets the month of a date object, according to universal time |
date.setUTCSeconds() |
Set the seconds of a date object, according to universal time |
date.setYear() |
Deprecated. Use the setFullYear() method instead |
date.toDateString() |
Converts the date portion of a Date object into a readable string |
date.toGMTString() |
Deprecated. Use the toUTCString() method instead |
date.toISOString() |
Returns the date as a string, using the ISO standard |
date.toJSON() |
Returns the date as a string, formatted as a JSON date |
date.toLocaleDateString() |
Returns the date portion of a Date object as a string, using locale conventions |
date.toLocaleString() |
Converts a Date object to a string, using locale conventions |
date.toLocaleTimeString() |
Returns the time portion of a Date object as a string, using locale conventions |
date.toString() |
Converts a Date object to a string |
date.toTimeString() |
Converts the time portion of a Date object to a string |
date.toUTCString() |
Converts a Date object to a string, according to universal time |
date.UTC() |
Returns the number of milliseconds in a date since midnight of January 1, 1970, according to UTC time |
date.valueOf() |
Returns the primitive value of a Date object |
number.isFinite() |
Checks whether a value is a finite number |
number.isInteger() |
Checks whether a value is an integer |
number.isNaN() |
Checks whether a value is Number.NaN |
number.isSafeInteger() |
Checks whether a value is a safe integer |
Number.MAX_VALUE |
Returns the largest number possible in JavaScript |
Number.MIN_VALUE |
Returns the smallest number possible in JavaScript |
Number.NaN |
Represents a "Not-a-Number" value |
number.toExponential(x) |
Converts a number into an exponential notation |
number.toFixed(x) |
Formats a number with x numbers of digits after the decimal point |
number.toLocaleString() |
Converts a number into a string, based on the locale settings |
number.toPrecision(x) |
Formats a number to x length |
number.toString() |
Converts a number to a string |
number.valueOf() |
Returns the primitive value of a number |
string.charAt() |
Returns the character at the specified index (position) |
string.charCodeAt() |
Returns the Unicode of the character at the specified index |
string.concat() |
Joins two or more strings, and returns a new joined strings |
string.endsWith() |
Checks whether a string ends with specified string/characters |
string.fromCharCode() |
Converts Unicode values to characters |
string.includes() |
Checks whether a string contains the specified string/characters |
string.indexOf() |
Returns the position of the first found occurrence of a specified value in a string |
string.lastIndexOf() |
Returns the position of the last found occurrence of a specified value in a string |
string.length |
Returns the length of a string |
string.localeCompare() |
Compares two strings in the current locale |
string.match() |
Searches a string for a match against a regular expression, and returns the matches |
string.repeat() |
Returns a new string with a specified number of copies of an existing string |
string.replace() |
Replaces every occurrence of a substring (string literal or regex) |
string.search() |
Returns the position of the first occurrence of a substring (string literal or regex) |
string.slice() |
Extracts a part of a string and returns a new string |
string.split() |
Splits a string into an array of substrings |
string.startsWith() |
Checks whether a string begins with specified characters |
string.string[index] |
(zero based) |
string.substr() |
(Old — use slice) |
string.substring() |
(Old — use slice) |
string.toLocaleLowerCase() |
Converts a string to lowercase letters, according to the host’s locale |
string.toLocaleUpperCase() |
Converts a string to uppercase letters, according to the host’s locale |
string.toLowerCase() |
Converts a string to lowercase letters |
string.toString() |
Returns the value of a String object |
string.toUpperCase() |
Converts a string to uppercase letters |
string.trim() |
Removes whitespace from both ends of a string |
string.valueOf() |
Returns the primitive value of a String object |