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OpenSDP Setup

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OpenSDP Setup Tutorial

Being a PoC, we currently do not provide binary releases. This means you will need to compile the software yourself. But don't worry it's easy, it's Go!


  • OpenSPA server setup (with a test client)
  • Debian/Ubuntu based system

RSA Keys

Clients authenticate with the server via mutual TLS. This means that the servers and clients will need a signed certificate by a commonly trusted CA.

Creating Our Own (Self Signed) CA

mkdir -p ~/opensdp/keys
cd ~/opensdp/keys

openssl genrsa -out ./ca.key 2048

# Fill out the certificate info as you like
openssl req -new -x509 -key ./ca.key -out ./ca.crt

Creating the Server and Client(s) Keys

Let's create our server keypair

openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048

# Fill out the certificate info as you like EXCEPT the common name (CN)!
# The CN should be "OpenSDP-server"
openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr

# Sign the CSR with our CA to create a 365 day valid cert
openssl x509 -req -in server.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -out server.crt -days 365 -CAcreateserial

# We don't need the CSR anymore
rm server.csr

Next, let's create a client's keypair (this step is identical for all clients). For this step you need to have generated an OpenSPA client OSPA file for EACH client you wish to create a keypair here.

openssl genrsa -out client.key 2048

# Fill out the certificate info as you like EXCEPT the common name (CN)!
# The CN should be the client's device ID (UUID), eg; 9f84fbb8-10e8-4b8a-abd2-bb91cbf484df.
openssl req -new -key client.key -out client.csr

openssl x509 -req -in client.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -out client.crt -days 365 -CAcreateserial
rm client.csr

Build the Software

Let's build the server. First get the source code.

go get

Don't worry if you get a package no Go files in /home/ubuntu/go/src/ error message.

Now let's build it.

cd ~/go/src/
go get -u ./... # this may take some time

go build -o ~/opensdp/opensdp-server

Great, we have our executable now. Let's build the client now.

cd ~/go/src/
go get -u ./... # this may take some time

go build -o ~/opensdp/opensdp-client

Next copy the example config files.

cd ~/go/src/
mkdir ~/opensdp/clients

cp client/config.yaml ~/opensdp/clients/config.yaml
cp server/*.yaml ~/opensdp/

Configure the Server & Client

First the server.

cd ~/opensdp
# Update the ca-cert, certificate and key fields to reflect the
# ~/openspa/keys dir (we recommend using absolute paths to avoid errors)
nano config.yaml

# Configure this to your liking
nano services.yaml 

# Configure this to your liking,
# Please only use services that you defined earlier otherwise
# the server will reject the file.
nano clients.yaml

Next the client.

# Move the previously generated keys to the clients dir
mv keys/client.* clients/

# For now just update the server field (the default port is 33311)
nano clients/config.yaml

You have successfully created the necessary client files. Copy the following to your client:

  • ~/opensdp/clients/client.crt
  • ~/opensdp/clients/client.key
  • ~/opensdp/clients/config.yaml
  • ~/opensdp/keys/ca.crt

And of course the opensdp-client.

Starting the Server

Since it's only a PoC we'll run the OpenSDP-server using screen.

cd ~/opensdp
screen -d -m ~/opensdp/opensdp-server

Starting the Clients

If you had a working OpenSPA installation before and the required client OSPA file, edit your client's config.yaml file. The path of the OpenSPA-client should be specified (absolute path) and the path of the OSPA file. Make sure your keypairs and ca cert are specified as well. Once you have everything setup, run:

opensdp services --config ./config.yaml --verbose

This should print out a list of available services. If there is absolutely no response from the OpenSDP server, then you probably have an OpenSPA related configuration issue. In case OpenSPA is not the issue, check all the OpenSDP yaml files.