- Words in file names MUST be separated with hyphens (-).
- Selectors MUST be in hyphen case. (.button-blue).
- Selectors MUST be on a single line, with a space after the last selector, followed by an opening brace. A selector MUST end with a closing brace that is un-indented and on a separate line. A blank line MUST be placed between each block of selectors.
- There MUST only be one property:value pair per line.
- CSS blocks SHOULD adhere to the CSS Property Order.
- There MUST always be a space after a property's colon (e.g., display: block; and not display:block;).
- Property declaration lines MUST end with a semi-colon.
- For multiple, comma-separated selectors, each selector MUST be on its own line.
- Attribute selectors, like input[type="text"] MUST always wrap the attribute's value in double quotes, for consistency and safety.
- Attribute selectors MUST only be used where absolutely necessary (e.g., form controls) and MUST be avoided on custom components for performance and explicitness.
- Series of classes for a component MUST include a base class (e.g., .component) and use the base class as a prefix for modifier and sub-components (e.g., .component-lg).