diff --git a/docs/releases.rst b/docs/releases.rst
index cd5b4fd15..b9440c9eb 100644
--- a/docs/releases.rst
+++ b/docs/releases.rst
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Release Notes
:maxdepth: 1
+ releases/1_1_2
diff --git a/docs/releases/1_1_2.rst b/docs/releases/1_1_2.rst
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/releases/1_1_2.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+.. _1-1-2:
+Graphite 1.1.2 is now available for usage. Please note that this is a bugfix release for stable Graphite 1.1.x branch and it's recommended for production usage. It also contains some improvements backported from master branch.
+Source bundles are available from GitHub:
+* https://github.com/graphite-project/graphite-web/archive/1.1.2.tar.gz
+* https://github.com/graphite-project/carbon/archive/1.1.2.tar.gz
+* https://github.com/graphite-project/whisper/archive/1.1.2.tar.gz
+* https://github.com/graphite-project/carbonate/archive/1.1.2.tar.gz
+Graphite can also be installed from `PyPI `_ via
+`pip `_. PyPI bundles are here:
+* http://pypi.python.org/pypi/graphite-web/
+* http://pypi.python.org/pypi/carbon/
+* http://pypi.python.org/pypi/whisper/
+* http://pypi.python.org/pypi/carbonate/
+Please upgrage carbon and graphite-web - they're contain valuable bugfixes and improvements. Whisper package was not changed.
+Incompatible changes
+* REMOTE_FIND_TIMEOUT and REMOTE_FETCH_TIMEOUT are renamed to FIND_TIMEOUT and FETCH_TIMEOUT. Default FETCH_TIMEOUT increased from 3 to 6 seconds.
+* Default GRAPHITE_URL is set to ""
+Security Notes
+New features
+* Add seasonality parameter for holt-winters functions (@LTMXcitrus, #2225)
+* Percentile aggregation documentation (@wridgers, #2204)
+* Clarifying documentation for storage-aggregation.conf (@wfhu, #2215)
+* functions: fix groupByNode() output (@iksaif, #2213)
+* Some cleanups for storage.py (@iksaif, #2181)
+* Make it possible to fully disable tags (@iksaif, #2206)
+* Adding Graphouse to the Tools page (@denish, #2208)
+* Rename timeout settings (@DanCech, #2196)
+* hashing: better performances (@iksaif, #2191)
+* Added doc for nginx+gunicorn stack (configuration and deployment) (@Serphentas, #2179)
+* improve efficiency of standard finder (@DanCech, #2185)
+* graphite: add support for raven/sentry.io (optional) (@iksaif, #2180)
+* Changing default GRAPHITE_URL to (@deniszh, #747)
+* Percentile aggregation methods in aggregator (@wridgers, #696)
+* fnv1a_ch and mmh3_ch hashes can be used in all routers (@iksaif, #727)
+* Add support for TCP_KEEPALIVE, enabled by default (@iksaif, #722)
+* log: add raven/sentry support (@iksaif, #724)
+* Add a README and examples for invoking test harness by hand (@cbowman0, #2176)
+* None
+* carbon-sync: expose --overwrite to copy all non-null datapoints (#89, @jehiah)
+Bug Fixes
+* functions: fix holtWinterAberration with multiple targets (@iksaif, #2226)
+* handle case when node.fetch returns None (@DanCech, #2223)
+* Propagate `now` parameter for whisper reader (@deniszh, #2207)
+* Documentation fixes (@deniszh, #2201)
+* Do not try merge series with different length (@deniszh, #2198)
+* app_settings: append() doesn't work on tuples (@iksaif, #2190)
+* Fixing build-index tool (@DanCech, #2178)
+* clarify function plugin docs (@DanCech, #2177)
+* Tweak function docs (@DanCech, #2172)
+* fix typo in aggregate arg definition (@DanCech, #2169)
+* Fix hash position computation of fnv1a_ch (@DanCech, #2168)
+* fix interval end test error (@DanCech, #2164)
+* ignore bogus url warnings, update INSTALLED_APPS (@DanCech, #2163)
+* client: make sure the line client doesn't loose precision (@iksaif, #723)
+* carbon line format float handling (@DanCech, #740)
+* writers run synchronously in separate threads (@DanCech, #738)
+* Fix leaks in writeForever and writeTagsForever (@cevans-uk, #733)
+* run whisper and tag writers in separate threads (@DanCech, #731)
+* carbon: use a generator in routers instead of returning the full set (@iksaif, #728)
+* hashing: fix performance regression (@iksaif, #726)
+* Don't require six in setup.py (@iksaif, #725)
+* Fix hash position computation of fnv1a_ch (@DanCech, #717)
+* restore droppedCreates metric (@fessyfoo, #710)
+* None
+* fill: fix bugs causing some data points not to be copied (#90, @jehiah)