The below diagram explains how this extension communicates with Grafana.
For best viewing, view this page on GitHub.
participant Webview as Webview <br> (inside the VS Code Extension)
participant Iframe as Iframe (Grafana) <br> (rendered inside the extension's webview)
participant ProxyServer as Proxy server <br> (running inside the extension)
participant Grafana as Grafana Instance <br> (running outside the extension)
participant FileSystem as File system
Note over ProxyServer: Starts on random port
Webview->>Iframe: Render an iframe for Grafana. Callback URL to the proxy is an iframe src URL param
Iframe->>ProxyServer: Requests HTML dashboard page/etc
ProxyServer->>Grafana: Requests HTML dashboards page/etc
Iframe->>ProxyServer: Request to retrieve the JSON for opened dashboard
FileSystem->>ProxyServer: Retrieve JSON
ProxyServer-->>Iframe: JSON for opened dashboard
Iframe->>ProxyServer: Edited dashboard JSON on save
ProxyServer->>FileSystem: Edited dashboard JSON