graalvmNative {
- agent {
- defaultMode = "standard" // Default agent mode if one isn't specified using `-Pagent=mode_name`
- enabled = true // Enables the agent
- modes {
- // The standard agent mode generates metadata without conditions.
- standard {
- }
- // The conditional agent mode generates metadata with conditions.
- conditional {
- userCodeFilterPath = "path-to-filter.json" // Path to a filter file that determines classes which will be used in the metadata conditions.
- extraFilterPath = "path-to-another-filter.json" // Optional, extra filter used to further filter the collected metadata.
- }
- // The direct agent mode allows users to directly pass options to the agent.
- direct {
- // {output_dir} is a special string expanded by the plugin to where the agent files would usually be output.
- options.add("config-output-dir={output_dir}")
- options.add("experimental-configuration-with-origins")
- }
- }
- callerFilterFiles.from("filter.json")
- accessFilterFiles.from("filter.json")
- builtinCallerFilter = true
- builtinHeuristicFilter = true
- enableExperimentalPredefinedClasses = false
- enableExperimentalUnsafeAllocationTracing = false
- trackReflectionMetadata = true
- // Copies metadata collected from tasks into the specified directories.
- metadataCopy {
- inputTaskNames.add("test") // Tasks previously executed with the agent attached.
- outputDirectories.add("src/main/resources/META-INF/native-image/<groupId>/<artifactId>/") // Replace <groupId> and <artifactId> with GAV coordinates of your project
- mergeWithExisting = true // Instead of copying, merge with existing metadata in the output directories.
- }
- /*
- By default, if `-Pagent` is specified, all tasks that extend JavaForkOptions are instrumented.
- This can be limited to only specific tasks that match this predicate.
- */
- tasksToInstrumentPredicate = t -> true
- }
- binaries {
- main {
- // Main options
- imageName = 'application' // The name of the native image, defaults to the project name
- mainClass = 'org.test.Main' // The main class to use, defaults to the application.mainClass
- debug = true // Determines if debug info should be generated, defaults to false (alternatively add --debug-native to the CLI)
- verbose = true // Add verbose output, defaults to false
- fallback = true // Sets the fallback mode of native-image, defaults to false
- sharedLibrary = false // Determines if image is a shared library, defaults to false if `java-library` plugin isn't included
- quickBuild = false // Determines if image is being built in quick build mode (alternatively use GRAALVM_QUICK_BUILD environment variable, or add --native-quick-build to the CLI)
- richOutput = false // Determines if native-image building should be done with rich output
- requiredVersion = '22.3' // The minimal GraalVM version, can be `MAJOR`, `MAJOR.MINOR` or `MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH`
- systemProperties = [name1: 'value1', name2: 'value2'] // Sets the system properties to use for the native image builder
- configurationFileDirectories.from(file('src/my-config')) // Adds a native image configuration file directory, containing files like reflection configuration
- excludeConfig.put("org.example.test:artifact:version", ["^/META-INF/native-image/.*", "^/config/.*"]) // Excludes configuration that matches one of given regexes from JAR of dependency with said coordinates.
- excludeConfig.put(file("path/to/artifact.jar"), listOf("^/META-INF/native-image/.*", "^/config/.*"))
- // Advanced options
- buildArgs.add('--link-at-build-time') // Passes '--link-at-build-time' to the native image builder options. This can be used to pass parameters which are not directly supported by this extension
- jvmArgs.add('flag') // Passes 'flag' directly to the JVM running the native image builder
- // Runtime options
- runtimeArgs.add('--help') // Passes '--help' to built image, during "nativeRun" task
- useFatJar = true // Instead of passing each jar individually, builds a fat jar
- }
- }