- Web Developer Roadmap: https://github.com/kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap
- OS: Preferably Unix system (Linux or mac OS).
- Javascript flavors: https://2018.stateofjs.com/javascript-flavors/overview/
- ES6
- Typescript
- Flow
- 3 most popular frontend frameworks
- React
- Angular
- Vue
- Survey: https://2018.stateofjs.com/front-end-frameworks/overview/
- Backend
- Postgres (https://www.postgresql.org/) via sequelize (https://sequelize.org)
- REST APIs (https://www.restapitutorial.com/) via hapi (https://hapi.dev/)
- GraphQL (https://graphql.org/) via Apollo (https://www.apollographql.com/)
- Open source: https://github.com/allaboutapps/aaa-backend-stack
- Typescript handbook: https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/home.html
- tldr: JS with static type information.
- Evolved into a modern language comparable to Swift or Kotlin.
- Tooling!
- Tooling!!! (code completion, code navigation, great IDE via VSCode)
- Compile time checks lead to fewer runtime bugs
- Self documenting code → essential for teams
- Superset of JS → valid JS is valid TS
- Use future ES features now (modules, optional chaining, ...)
- Makes rapid prototyping slower (though you can always use any).
- Typings can be hard to read (e.g.https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/blob/a9950fcb4a1cf54dcb7fb7ac5d5c60a3cd79a86c/types/eslint/ts3.1/rules/variables.d.ts)
- @types versioning does not match npm package versioning and not always match signature.
- Since it derives from JS sometimes obscure: undefined, any, null, unknown, never, void, object, Object → WHAT?
- Rendering only
- You need to add
- Routing (React router, Reach router)
- State handling (Flux, Redux, MobX)
- Network requests (fetch, superagent, axios)
- i18n (react-intl, react-i18next)
- (Optional) Various animation libraries
- (Optional) JSS (reac-jss, styled components)
- → more dependencies
- Consider JS vs TS vs Flow
- Rendering is via JSX (html in JS)
- Easier to express more dynamic layout problems. Logic and layout both are done in JS.
- Data binding is simple via JS code/variables and html event handlers.
- Easy to learn
- Setup via create-react-app, rest is done manually
- Project structure is up to you.
- CSS vs JSS vs inline styles.
- Supposedly better performance than Angular.
- Paradigms changed over time:
with Mixins (used to enhance a components functionality).- Object oriented approach with
MyComponent extends React.Component
- Now: functional components with hooks and effects instead of state and life cycle methods
- Batteries included. It is a full featured application framework. Written in typescript, all of the dependencies from React are covered. Upgrading to new versions is easy, only Angular needs to be upgraded.
- Rendering is traditional (html, css, js are separated)
- Layouting and data binding via string interpolation, property binding, own "language" constructs in html *ngIf, *ngFor, directives ...
- Steeper learning curve (also RxJS)
- Powerful CLI for project tasks
- Project structure and naming conventions (module, component, ...) are standardized (if using CLI). Every angular project will look similar.
- Verbose: Every component results in 4 files. Refactoring is tedious.
- AngularJS to Angular 2 transition was very rough. Angular lost a lot of popularity to React during that period. Angular 2 was a complete rewrite. Since then fairly stable.
- I have no personal experience (yet).
- Template based like Angular, (but also understands JSX, which should be used sparingly).
- Less opinionated than Angular.
- Very popular in China.
- Supposedly better performance than Angular.
- Simpler than Angular.