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@@ -39,4 +39,4 @@ the library that we want you to build real production applications on it.
If you find a bug, or have a feature suggestion, please log an issue. If you'd like to contribute, please read How to Contribute.
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The WrapperProps
interface extends the LoaderOptions
interface from
The WrapperProps
interface extends the LoaderOptions
interface from
See the reference documentation for
for a complete list of all props that are available.
callbackCallback prop used to access @googlemaps/js-api-loader
and Status
callbackCallback prop used to access @googlemaps/js-api-loader
and Status
Note: The callback be executed multiple times in the lifecycle of the component.
-Callback prop used to access @googlemaps/js-api-loader
and Status
Note: The callback be executed multiple times in the lifecycle of the component.
childrenChildren wrapped by the <Wrapper>{elements}</Wrapper
renderRender prop used to switch on the status.
-Render prop used to switch on the status.
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childrenChildren wrapped by the <Wrapper>{elements}</Wrapper
renderRender prop used to switch on the status.
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Generated using TypeDoc
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A component to wrap the loading of the Google Maps JavaScript API.
+- Preparing search index...
- The search index is not available
@googlemaps/react-wrapperFunction Wrapper
A component to wrap the loading of the Google Maps JavaScript API.
Returns ReactElement<any, string | JSXElementConstructor<any>>
Member Visibility
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