- Fix errors of JPEG-mode
- Implemented Timelapse-mode, but disabled for the moment
- IE11 support main functions
- Implemented JPEG-mode for player
- Some elements redesign
- Fix error in behaviour of timeline and loader
- Implemented backward-audio module
- Supports for mobile
- Add alot of options: disableGetShot, disableGetClip, disableAudioControl, disableZoomControl, disabling some features
- Implemented clip creating dialog
- Support temporary access_token
- Support access_token for VXGServer connected to Cloud
- Implemented clip creating
- Implemented snap shoting
- Examples are simplified
- Video.js update upto 7.9.5
- Fix videojs error handling
- Fix player behaviour while destroy
- Cleaned the SDK index.html
- Fixed: player does not work without web server
- Added: new errors on the event onError
- Optimized controls, controls are hidden if the user clicks on the player
- PTZ control shows only buttons for actions supported by the camera
- Fixed speed control
- Added the ability to switch 12-hour and 24-hour clocks
- Added support for remote channels in the player
- Fixed problem with video not starting after camera reboot
- Fixed settings for multi-instance
- Fixed range mode in timeline
- Fix zoom-panel
- Fixed destroy method
- Fixed timeline behaviour. Now timeline could be in another div, or inside player div(default), that defined from CloudPlayerSDK-constructor parameters
- Fixed timeline when multi instance is used
- Fixed examples and updated pictures
- Fixed snippets code
- Changed design
- Added speed control
- Fixed issue with formats
- Added : option 'mute' sets mute on player start . Broswer does not start video if there is audio in stream. Example : opt['mute'] = true; player = new CloudPlayerSDK('player1', opt);
- Player is started in Mute mode
- Small fix instruction
- Fixed sound control for WebRTC
- Removed hardcoded 'withCredential' for HLS (not used anymore)
- Unused code was cleaned up
- Fixed autoplay for WebRTC (VXG Server)
- Added new option 'trasholdPlaybackInMs'
- Updated webrtc-adapter-latest.js (7.2.0)
- Fixed autoplay for WebRTC (Cloud)
- Added event TIMELINE_END_UPDATED and player will automatically restart after error on this event
- Fixed autoplay for Angular
- Added missing REANGE_ENDED
- Fixed autoplay on Safari browser
- Added event 'CHANGED_CONTROLS'
- Added event 'RANGE_ENDED'
- Added event 'CHANNEL_STATUS'
- Added event 'ERROR'
- Added 'addCallback' to CloudPlayerSDK
- Added option 'polingRangeDataEveryInSec'
- Improved timeline in range mode
- Changed setting of ignoring holes in timeline from 2 to 4 seconds
- Improved message when records are missing
- Fixed playback settings
- Added option useTimezone
- Fixed position on first start in CloudPlayerSDK
- Fixed missing include WebRTC-adapter in quick start
- Fixed CNVR-1398 'Play button on HLS when first start'
- Set default player format to HTML5 (HLS)
- Enabled example_cloudsdkplayer9 - (WebRTC+PTZ)
- Fixed calendar (days in previous month)
- Fixed CNVR-1134 CloudSDK Web: need processing cookies in sdk
- Use turn.vxg.io server
- Fixed CNVR-1312 WEBRTC/RTMP/HLS settings disappeared after you change them at playback mode
- Added CloudHelpers.unpackAccessToken
- Implemented calendar
- Implemented new streaming format
- Added the new version of WebRTC
- Updated webrtc-adapter
- Improved player settings
- Fixed restrictions for CDN multi-domain option
- Fixed "zoom" function for playback
- Use turn.vxg.io server
- Added new option 'mute'
- Added new option 'useOnlyPlayerFormat'
- Improved WebRTC video playback
- Fixed bug when settings dialog is not seen
- Fixed destroy timeline
- Added support version for a Cloud WebRTC
- Added new options 'preferredPlayerFormat'
- Updated stun for WebRTC
- Added option waitSourceActivation
- Fixed bug with HLS playback
- Fixed bug with working with VXG Server
- Fixed timeline behavior when using mouse
- Fixed playback of small records
- Disable automoving to cursor for range
- Draw timeline optimized (fixed memory leak)
- Added algorithm for timeline to follow the cursor
- Fixed CloudHelpers.parseUri
- Fixed WebRTC for flexible server port
- Added new method to destroy and re-create the player on the page
- Fixed cursor position in timeline for WebRTC
- Live stream will not stop on the end of range
- Fixed digital zoom for WebRTC
- Fixed hide settings on button "settings"
- Fixed fullscreen for mobiles
- Fixed UI and behavior for mute/unmute
- Redesigned settings
- Added handling error for WebRTC and VXG Server
- Fixed cross server play WebRTC (for VXG Server)
- Added new state "Video source is offline" and autostart from this state to play
- Improved streamer for check flash in Firefox
- Extended access_token for player and for streaming
- Fixed autoplay for chrome and hls and privacy
- Added "goto live" button in timeline
- Change behavior on search real record for play
- Fixed timezone in timeline
- Added WebRTC for a VXG Server
- Enabled volume control
- Fixed autostart player in safari
- Fixed playback
- Fixed zip-archive for windows default zip-viewer
- Fixed behavior in range mode
- Fixed problem with view zip explorer on windows
- Implemented range mode
- Fixes in timeline
- Fixed "ERROR ReferenceError: d is not defined"
- Fixed close in CloudPlayerSDK
- Fixed copy object
- Redesign place for examples
- Added new sample with 4 players
- Updated icons
- Added customization for svcp url
- Improved CloudPlayerSDK
- Fixed quick start
- Updated examples
- Fixed enableSharing (added play to acls)
- Added CloudPlayerSDK
- Fixed player double inizialization
- Added sharing for token
- Redesign share example
- Added getCameraListLight - for simple updating statuses
- Fixed getRecordingMode
- Added to sdk.version date of build
- Fixed for firefox start video
- Improved CloudTokenConnection for custom svcp_host
- Added CloudShareConnection
- Updated examples list
- Added deny try example if examples/snippets opened as local file
- Fixed problem with enter license key (dialog sometimes not closing)
- Removed TripleValue and changed setForStream use bool
- Implemented CloudCameraListFilter setForStream
- Implemented CloudCameraListFilter setPrivacy
- Added enums: CloudCameraPrivacyFilter, TripleValue
- Reset position to live on change source in player
- Fixed change source
- Changed color
- Fixed black player screen
- Enabled sound default on 0.5
- New behaivor: If user click on timeline in future - than player will be play live
- Removed cursor style 'move'
- First version fo timeline
- Fixed examples
- CloudPlayer: if source is null then play button will be hidden.
- Removed showTimeline & hideTimeline from CloudPlayer and added addCallback/removeCallback
- Added navigation to examples
- Fixed example4 (CameraLis/Create/Delete/Update)
- Added setURLLogin and setURLPassword to CloudCamera
- Fixed hls playing for desktop versions
- Removed printing to log user data (license_key)
- Removed printing rtsp url to log
- Fixed error on check play hls
- Fixed player for iOS 11 (hls).
- Updated hls plugin and added min version
- Added setPublic to CloudCameraListFilter
- Added setOwner to CloudCameraListFilter
- Fixed loading popper js
- Fixed update timezone on camera
- Added moment timezone for show correct camera time
- Fixed fullscreen
- Added sdk version to player
- Fixed call play in player twice
- Added CloudTokenConnection
- Fixed problem with hls
- Cleanup examples
- Redesign fonts/menu
- Check for launching HTML from a file
- Live URL sample has wrong file paths
- Live URL snippet is not working
- Added missing snippets and exampels
- Start implemnetation for session timeline
- Fixed live time for cloud session
- Fixed playing offline session
- Fixed fullscreen in player
- Fixed HLS for safari
- Fixed white flash background
- Fixed update api token
- CloudSession check end time is null
- Added getStatisticsLive to CloudSession (for Online)
- Added first version of player + play live/playback sessions
- Fixed CloudSession refresh
- Implemneted timeline animation, and scaling-mode: 12h, hr, min
- CloudUserInfo: chnaged getCameraLimit and getCameraCreated (removed methods getStreamerLimit and getStreamerCreated)
- Fixed styles for snippet pages
- Added getAccountCapabilities to CloudAPI
- Implemented getUserInfo
- CloudCameraList: Added handling error for NO CLOUD CONNECTION
- Init first version