Uploading and handling file uploads can be a pain. This library aims to make it easier to implement file uploads in your web application by providing simple interfaces to handle uploads from the client side to a storage provider (e.g. Cloudflare, S3) of your choice.
participant FE as Frontend
participant BE as Backend
participant DB as Database
participant SP as Storage Provider (Cloudflare)
FE->>BE: Request Upload URL
activate FE
activate BE
BE->>DB: Create File Entry (status = requested)
%% DB-->>BE:
BE->>SP: Request Signed Upload URL
%% SP-->>BE:
BE-->>FE: Return Signed Upload URL + confirmToken
deactivate BE
FE->>SP: Upload File (using signed URL)
%% SP-->>FE:
FE->>BE: Confirm Upload (confirmToken)
activate BE
BE->>DB: Get confirmToken
%% DB-->>BE:
BE->>BE: Verify confirmToken
BE->>SP: Request file
%% SP-->>BE:
BE->>BE: Verify that file has been uploaded
BE->>DB: Update File Entry (status = uploaded)
%% DB-->>BE:
%% BE-->>FE:
deactivate BE
loop Poll until file is ready
FE->>BE: Request File
activate BE
BE->>DB: Get File Entry
%% DB-->>BE:
BE->>BE: Verify that file exists
BE->>SP: Request file
%% SP-->>BE:
BE->>FE: Return file
deactivate BE
deactivate FE