This project was bootstrapped with Create React App, using the Redux and Redux Toolkit template.
The template creates environment for experimenting react redux problem set. Please follow strictly how to use those branches.
git checkout main
Stage: Blank project with one file App.tsx
->git checkout stage/blank-project
Stage: react-redux and formal store setup
->git checkout stage/react-redux
Stage: Project with setup of reduxjs-toolkit
git checkout stage/react-redux-reduxjs-toolkit
Stage: reduxjs and testing
->git checkout stage/reduxjs-testing
Stage: css
->git checkout stage/styled-components
Stage: typescript
->git checkout -b stage/typescript
Experiment: todo list
git checkout experiment/todo-list
Experiment: todo list testing:
->git checkout experiment/todo-list-testing
Experiment: form validation
git checkout experiment/form
Experiment: financial pocket
git checkout experiment/financial-pocket
About business logic
- action:
- actionCreator:
- actionTypes:
- reducer:
- enhancedReducer:
- store:
- middleware:
- connect():
- code splitting: Dynamic import module, which allows client to load module and run on demand
- rest parameter: Ability to pass as many as params onto the function as you want(same type param of course)
- freezing: Freeze state, to prevents accidental change
- side effect: "any kind of asynchronous logic (AJAX calls, timeouts, promises), generate random values (, Math.random()), modify variables outside the reducer, or run other code that affects things outside the scope of the reducer function." - Redux guideline. splitting reducer: Act of splitting reducer into parts that only taking care of. For example, todo, visibilityFilters, etc.
- Curried reducers: Concept immer(immutability mutation lib), when you passing a function to a produce. Produce is a API which help to 'produce' immutable state using draftState. Draftstate is a param that you do mutation in it. Draft state info will then be used to produce a new state with change using copy-on-write mechanism