The run_EPNL_cross_verification.m
code is used to perform a cross-verification between the EPNL results obtained using SQAT and EPNL values provided in the literature [1]. For this purpose, the EPNL_FAR_Part36
function (see code here) is used to compute the EPNL from the (auralized) audio files provided as complementary data from Ref. [1], which can be freely donwloaded from Ref. [2] (link). The verification is performed considering the reference values provided in Table 4 of Ref. [1].
In order to run this code and reproduce the figures available in the figs
folder, the user needs to download the dataset of sound files from Ref. [2] (link). The obtained folder called AIAA-2020-2582_Sound_Files
has to be included in the sound_files
folder of the toolbox (or loaded properly if the user wants to place it elsewhere).
In Ref. [1], three auralization tools, namely (1) NAF/NASA, (2) AURAFONE/Empa and (3) FLAURA/ONERA, are used to auralize 5 cases of aircraft flyovers. Therefore, the EPNL values from (5 cases X 3 tools) = 15 (auralized) aircraft flyover signals are considered.
The figures below compare the EPNL results obtained using the EPNL_FAR_Part36
implementation in SQAT, with the reference values provided in Table 4 of Ref. [1].
NAF/NASA (Ref. [1] vs. SQAT) | AURAFONE/Empa (Ref. [1] vs. SQAT) | FLAURA/ONERA (Ref. [1] vs. SQAT) |
The table below summarizes the results by presenting the absolute values from Ref. [1] along with the respective differences relative to the reference values (i.e. SQAT minus Ref.), which are presented within [.] markers. It is possible to verify that the maximum absolute difference among the 15 cases considered is of about
5 | 85.6 [0.1] | 85.6 [0.0] | 86.7 [0.1] |
6 | 91.5 [-0.5] | 91.4 [-0.5] | 92.4 [0.0] |
7 | 79.2 [0.6] | 81.4 [0.0] | 79.5 [-0.1] |
8 | 80.5 [-0.2] | 78.4 [-0.3] | 79.0 [0.0] |
8a | 81.2 [-0.2] | 81.6 [-0.3] | 83.3 [0.2] |
[1] Rizzi, S. A., LeGriffon, I., Pieren, R., & Bertsch, L. (2020). A Comparison of Aircraft Flyover Auralizations by the Aircraft Noise Simulation Working Group. In AIAA AVIATION 2020 FORUM. doi: 10.2514/6.2020-2582
[2] (Last viewed 20.12.2023) created on 20.12.2023 by Gil Felix Greco