Releases: gcobb321/icloud3
iCloud3 v2.4.1 - April, 2021
iCloud3 v2.4.1 is a maintenance release that addresses the following issues:
- Fixed a bug where the 'create_sensor' was not creating any sensors and the 'exclude_sensor' was not excluding the specified sensors.
- Fixed coding spelling error bugs related to (1) iCloud 2fa reauthorization requests after a failed authorization and (2) determining if a beta version of the the Event Log was installed that needed to be updated when iCloud3 was starting.
iCloud3 v2.4.0 - April, 2021
This iCloud3 update contains several enhancements and fixes a few bug fixes.
New Parameters:
- inzone_intervals - Specify the inzone_interval time by device type (iPhone, iPad, Watch, etc.), for the devices that are not using the iOS App (iosapp_installed: False/noiosapp: True parameter) and for the default interval time.
- inzone_interval by device - Specify the inzone_interval by device on the devices/device_name parameter.
- iosapp_installed - Replaces the noiosapp parameter which is being depreciated.
- Depreciated the track_devices parameter which will be removed in the next release.
Other changes:
- Minor changes to the Event Log.
- The last-update, next_update and last-located device_tracker attributes now show the full timestamp (2021-03-11 14:23:30) instead of only the time (2:23:30 or 14:23:30). The sensors for these items did not change.
- devices/device_name/track_from_zone parameter now supports multiple zones.
- Improved the zone name display formatting for zones with 's (Barry's House).
- Under the cover code improvements - code refactoring, removed dead code, improved configuration parameter processing, etc.
- Added the 'version' number to the HA manifest.json file in support of future HA custom component updates.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a problem where unlocatable devices would fill up the Event Log, Tracking will now be Paused after a period of time.
- Fixed some variable naming issues.
v2.3.5 Bug Fix Update (2/25/2021)
v2.3.5 Bug Fix Update (2/25/2021)
- Fixed a bug causing the zone's friendly name to be displayed incorrectly that was introduced in v2.3.4. This only occurred when the zone's friendly name is more than one word,
- Added debug logging to the zone table load function
- Removed obsolete and unused 'IsOld' variables to prevent errors when location_data(IsOld) is not available.
Edited 3/7/2021 (The iCloud3 version number did not change)
- Added iCloud3 version number to manifest.json file as required by the HA 2021.3.2
v2.3.4 Bug Fix Update (2/23/2021)
- Corrected the 'selwf' spelling error.
- Fixed a problem setting up the track_from_zone parameter. The zone(s) specified are now verified. Also, the track_from_zone zone name can now be either the zone name or the zone's friendly name.- The config_ic3.yaml configuration parameters are now being validated. Errors are displayed in the Event Log and ignored.
- Added a check for a mismatched quote (') in the config_ic3 parameter file. An error message is displayed in the Event Log showing the line number with the error.
- Fixed a problem where the 'True/False' configuration parameters were not being handled correctly.
- Removed all iCloud '2-factor-authentication' code.
iCloud3 v2.3.3 Maintenance Release
v2.3.3 Bug Fix Update (2/19/2021)
- The track_from_zone parameter is used to track from the home zone and an additional zone. It was not being accepted and creating an error, resulting in iCloud3 not tracking any devices.
- Changed invalid configuration parameter error messages so they are consistent and provide more information.
- Cleaned up and optimized some code.
iCloud3 v2.3.2 Maintenance Release
The following bug was fixed in the iCloud3 v2.3.2 update:
- The Name parameter was not being decoded correctly due to a bug introduced in iCloud3 v2.3.1.
- Added a device_type parameter to override a value extracted from the device_name parameter.
- Updated the iCloud3 version number which was not updated in the v2.3.1 release.
iCloud3 v2.3.1 Maintenance Release
The following bugs have been fixed in iCloud2 v2.3.1.
- The name specified in the Settings App > General > About > Name field (Gary-iPhone) can now be specified on the device_name configuration parameter. Previously, the value in the HA device_tracker entity id had to be specified (gary_iphone).
- When specifying the zone parameter in configuration file for a device. It should be 'track_from_zone'.
- When specifying how the zone displayed (display_zone_as: fname). It was always displaying the zone's name instead of the friendly name.
- When the devicename was duplicated in the Family Sharing List. If an older device has the same name as the newer device, the location was being requested for the older device instead of the newer device. The older devicename probably does not exist anymore so no location information was returned for it.
- When optimizing the device's tracking method. The Family Sharing tracking method was always selected for all devices if they were all in the Family Sharing list and in the Friends list on the FindMy App. In this situation, the Find-my-Friends tracking method should be assigned to each device.
- When the unit_of_measurement parameter was specified in the config_ic3.yaml as 'km'. The unit_of_measurement ('mi' or 'km') would be displayed correctly but the value being displayed was always the miles value.
- Cleaned up the iCloud3 code - Removed the old 2sa Authentication code, removed other obsolete code, cleaned up some messages, removed zone_name_1/2/3 and last_zone_1/2/3 sensors left in by mistake.
- Updated the iCloud3 documentation.
iCloud3 v2.3 (January, 2021)
iCloud3 v2.3 is a significant enhancement to iCloud3. It's major enhancements include:
- Support for Apple's 2-factor authentication trusted device verification. This is the real verification process, the one you are familiar and used by other 2fa apps, web sites and browsers. It replaces the 2-step verification method you have ben using for years.
- The iCloud Location Services tracking methods (Find-my-Friends and Family Sharing) have been combined and the most efficient method is assigned by iCloud3 on a per-device basis. iCloud3 analyzes how your devices are configured and determines the one to use that will minimize the number of locations requests. This reduces the lag time between the request and the response and helps lower the number of old locations received.
- The configuration parameters for defining devices has changed to provide for future device specifications and to conform to HA's methods of configuring devices. The old track_devices still works but is being depreciated.
- Updated the handling of the config_ic3.yaml iCloud3 configuration file.
- New configuration parameters.
- Fixed some bugs.
Gary Cobb, aka Geekstergary
January, 2021
Edit: 1/13/2021
- Fixed a minor bug handling track_from_zone parameter specified for a tracked device.
- Fixed a problem displaying the zone's friendly name.
iCloud3 v2.2.1
iCloud3 v2.2.1 includes enhancements, bug fixes and some new configuration parameters. Details are in the iCloud3 User Manual here but the major ones are:
- Updates to the iOS App tracking method that support phone polling requests and updates like the Family Sharing and Find-my-Friends tracking methods.
- Improved zone/zone name display and handling.
- New configuration parameters for displaying zone names in the Event Log and using a 24-hour time format.
- Improved handling of old locations.
- Ability to display the iCloud3 User Manual from the Event Log.
- Improved support for how the iOS App handles zone change notifications.
- Bug fixes.
Updated to v2.2.1a (11/4/2020)
- Fixed a bug where the device_tracker/[DEVICENAME] state was being set to Home instead of home or Away instead of not_home.
- Depreciated the zone_name1, zone_name2 and zone_name3 entities. They have been renamed to zone_name, zone_title and zone_fname respectively. See the 2.4 Using Sensors in the iCloud3 User Manual for more information. You should change any automations and scripts that use the zone_name# entities.
iCloud3 v2.2 (October, 2020)
This is a major enhancement to iCloud3 that includes:
- The Find-my-Friends and Family Sharing tracking methods have been completely rewritten to support iCloud 2fa accounts.
- Eliminated the need for the 'dummy non-2fa' iCloud account that was required in previous versions of iCloud3.
- Improved iOS App monitoring.
- Enhancements to the iCloud3 Event Log.
- Support for a special iCloud3 configuration file.
- Extensive performance enhancements to minimize the interaction between iCloud3 and the iCloud Location Service.
- New configuration parameters.
- Various Bug fixes.
- Overhauled the iCloud3 documentation.
Review the Change Log for a complete list of the changes and enhancemennts.