- Display Name: TM1638
- Author: Gavin Lyons.
- Description: A Raspberry pi library to display data on 8-digit TM1638 seven segment modules.
Connections to RPI:
- GPIO = STB = Strobe
- GPIO = CLK = Clock
- GPIO = DIO = Data input / output
- VCC 3.3V (or 5V see Note)
NOTE : If VCC is set to 5V, level shift GPIO to 3.3V or damage could result.
This library supports three variants of the TM1638, which for purposes of this documentation, will be named Model 1 ,Model 2 and Model 3. Pictured at from left to right.
Model No | Module Name | LEDS | Push buttons |
Model 1 | TM1638 LED & KEY | 8 red only | 8 |
Model 2 | TM1638 KEYS, QYF | 0 | 16 |
Model 3 | TM1638 V1.3 or LKM1638 | 8 bi color, red and green | 8 |
Library uses a type of software SPI like bus.
This library section is a port of my Arduino Library.
There are two test example files, One does model 1 and model 3 , the other model 2. In the former file: at top of file there is a 'User selection section' which lets user swap between model 1 & 3.
Communications optional delay. It may be necessary to adjust the constant TMCommDelay in the TM1638plus_common.h file. It is Microsecond delay used in communications clocking, it is currently set to 1, It can be set to 0 or higher. On a different CPU Frequency to one tested, it may be necessary to increase/decrease this. The user can do this with the Getter method provided. TMCommDelayGet.