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Installing OpenVK on Fedora Server 40

This is a sample guide for installing OpenVK on Fedora Server 40, created by user bulbad0za.


🖥Run the command:


If it says Enforcing then SELinux will disturb us. Let's disable it.

!!! note

I know that it's not most secured solution but I don't know any proper way that will work.

📝Run command setenforce 0 and check the SELinux status again with the getenforce command, it should now display Permissive.


🖥Let's install Remi repos for PHP 8.2:

dnf install

🖥Then enable modules that we need:

dnf -y module enable php:remi-8.2

🖥And install dependencies:

dnf -y install php php-cli php-common unzip php-zip php-yaml php-gd php-pdo_mysql nodejs git nano mariadb-server httpd

🖥Don't forget about Yarn and Composer:

npm i -g yarn

php -r "copy('', 'composer-setup.php');"

php composer-setup.php --filename=composer2 --install-dir=/bin --snapshot


🖥We will use MariaDB for DB:

systemctl start mariadb

systemctl enable mariadb

🖥Then run mysql_secure_installation, set new password and answer like this:

Enter current password for root (enter for none): *press enter*

Change the root password? [Y/n] y

You will then be asked to come up with a password and enter it again.

Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] y

Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] y

Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] y


Additionally, you can install ffmpeg for processing videos.

🖥You will need to use RPMFusion repo to install it:

dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm

🖥Then install ffmpeg:

dnf -y install ffmpeg

Chandler and OpenVK installation

🖥Install Chandler in /opt:

cd /opt

git clone

cd chandler/

composer2 install

🖥You will need a secret key. You can generate it using:

cat /dev/random | tr -dc 'a-z0-9' | fold -w 128 | head -n 1

📝Now edit config file chandler-example.yml like this:


debug: true

websiteUrl: null

rootApp: "openvk"


appendExtension: "xhtml"

adminUrl: "/chandlerd"

exposeChandler: true


dsn: "mysql:unix_socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock;dbname=openvk"

user: "root"




csrfProtection: "permissive"

sessionDuration: 14

🖥And rename it to chandler.yml:

mv chandler-example.yml chandler.yml

🖥Now let's install CommitCaptcha extension. It is mandatory for OpenVK.

cd extensions/available/

git clone

cd commitcaptcha/

composer2 install

🖥And now download OpenVK:

cd ..

git clone --recursive

cd openvk/

composer2 install

cd Web/static/js

yarn install

cd /opt/chandler/extensions/available/openvk

📝Now edit config file openvk-example.yml like this:


debug: true


name: "OpenVK"

motd: "Yet another OpenVK instance"


femaleGenderPriority: true


disableLargeUploads: false

mode: "basic"



- "index.php"


requireEmail: false

requirePhone: false

forcePhoneVerification: false

forceEmailVerification: false

enableSu: true


actions: 5

time: 20

maxViolations: 50

maxViolationsAge: 120

autoban: true


supportName: "Moderator"

adminAccount: 1 # Change this ok


strict: false



maxSize: 60000

processingLimit: 3000

emojiProcessingLimit: 1000




enable: false

src: ""

caption: "Ad caption"

link: ""


fartscroll: false

testLabel: false



enable: false

client: ""

secret: ""


enable: true # Better enable this


dsn: "mysql:unix_socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock;dbname=openvk_eventdb"  #Note that you should use “openvk_eventdb” and not “openvk-eventdb”.

user: "root"


Please note eventDB section because it's better to enable event database.

🖥And rename it to openvk.yml:

mv openvk-example.yml openvk.yml

🖥Then enable CommitCaptcha and OpenVK for Chandler:

ln -s /opt/chandler/extensions/available/commitcaptcha/ /opt/chandler/extensions/enabled/commitcaptcha

ln -s /opt/chandler/extensions/available/openvk/ /opt/chandler/extensions/enabled/openvk

DB configuration

!!! note

It's better to create another user for SQL but I won't cover that.

🖥Enter MySQL shell:

mysql -p

🖥And create main and event databases:


CREATE DATABASE openvk_eventdb;


🖥Go to /opt/chandler:

cd /opt/chandler

📝We need to import Chandler database :

🖥Now database dump can be imported:

mysql -p'DATABASE_PASSWORD' openvk < install/init-db.sql

🖥Go to extensions/available/openvk/:

cd extensions/available/openvk/

📝We also need to import OpenVK database:

🖥Now database dump can be imported:

mysql -p'DATABASE_PASSWORD' openvk < install/init-static-db.sql

🖥Also import event database:

mysql -p'DATABASE_PASSWORD' openvk_eventdb < install/init-event-db.sql

🖥Now we need to go to the directory with all the OpenVK tables for the database:

cd install/sqls

You will see all available databases that need to be imported one by one. You can use this template command:

mysql -p'DATABASE_PASSWORD' openvk < *database table name*

Once you have imported everything you need to go to the eventdb directory and import one table:

cd eventdb/
mysql -p'DATABASE_PASSWORD' openvk_eventdb < 00000-notifications-emoji-support.sql

Installing dependencies for PHP

We also need to install some dependencies for PHP for the instance to work correctly.

xdiff & imagick

dnf install php-pear php-devel gcc ImageMagick ImageMagick-devel php-intl

pecl install imagick

cd /usr/
curl -O
tar -xvf libxdiff-0.23.tar.gz    
cd libxdiff-0.23/
make install
pecl install xdiff

Once we have installed the required dependencies they need to be enabled in the /etc/php.ini file. Write it at the end of the file:

Webserver configuration

Apache is already installed so we will use it.

🖥Make the user apache owner of the chandler folder:

cd /opt

chown -R apache: chandler/

📝Now let's create config file /etc/httpd/conf.d/10-openvk.conf:

<VirtualHost *:80>

ServerName openvk.local

DocumentRoot /opt/chandler/htdocs


<Directory /opt/chandler/htdocs>

AllowOverride All


Require all granted



ErrorLog /var/log/openvk/error.log

CustomLog /var/log/openvk/access.log combinedio


📝Also enable rewrite_module by creating /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/02-rewrite.conf:

LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

🖥Make directory for OpenVK logs and make the user apache owner of it:

mkdir /var/log/openvk

chown apache: /var/log/openvk/

🖥Make the firewall exception for port 80:

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=80/tcp

firewall-cmd --reload

🖥And start Apache:

systemctl start httpd

Congratulations, OpenVK successfully installed! But there are still some bugs that can be fixed via phpMyAdmin (how to install and configure it I think you can figure it out yourself). The bugs and their solutions will be described below:

Adding new administrators

Since new admins cannot be added to OpenVK through the normal admin panel we will do it through phpMyAdmin.

Open the openvk database and open the ChandlerACLRelations table, click on the INSERT tab. You will see 3 columns - user, group and priority.

In user you must enter the UUID of the required user, it can be found in the admin panel in the Users tab.

In group you must enter the ID of the Chandler group, in our case it is the “Administrators” group.

And in priority you just need to enter the value 64.

Problems with using HTTPS

If you are using HTTPS, you may have a problem with playing music and other media files. This can be solved by editing the file located at openvk/Web/Models/Entities/Media.php. Go down to line 61 and edit it as follows:

return "https://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/

Now you should have everything working, but note that if you want to use HTTP again, this line will need to be reverted.

Broken gift sending/points transfers

After installing OpenVK and enabling commerce, you may not be able to give gifts or send points to other users. This can be fixed in the following way:

Open the openvk_eventdb database and in it the notifications table. Go to the STRUCTURE tab and click the Change button next to modelAction. Change the Type to MEDIUMINT and set the Value to 7.

Helpdesk is missing

For some reason the default account doesn't have access to the Helpdesk, let's fix that! Open the ChandlerACLGroupsPermissions table and click the INSERT tab. Enter the Values in this order:

group - 3b55f3ca-2ccf-11ec-9487-fa163e1b15b1 model - openvk\Web\Models\Entities\TicketReply context - 0 permission - write status - 1

After that you need to save everything and in ChandlerACLRelations add administrator to group 3b55f3ca-2ccf-11ec-9487-fa163e1b15b1 (in general actions are almost identical as with adding administrator). After these steps, Helpdesk should appear in your sidebar.