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index 00000000000000..ae32fe0a1d8743
Binary files /dev/null and b/topics/admin/images/create_subdomain/add_customize_tool.png differ
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index 00000000000000..3cc9b0b9a89ef3
Binary files /dev/null and b/topics/admin/images/create_subdomain/add_gxit.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..37b40d642c19de
Binary files /dev/null and b/topics/admin/images/create_subdomain/customize_tool.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..acbd261886997a
Binary files /dev/null and b/topics/admin/images/create_subdomain/earth_system_subdo_gxit.png differ
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index 00000000000000..6ec2ebb253cefc
Binary files /dev/null and b/topics/admin/images/create_subdomain/earth_system_subdo_infra.png differ
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+layout: faq-page
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+++ b/topics/admin/tutorials/subdomain/tutorial.md
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+layout: tutorial_hands_on
+title: Create a subdomain for your community on UseGalaxy.eu
+- What are the Galaxy communities ?
+- What's a subdomain ?
+- How do I create one ?
+- How can I customize a subdomain ?
+- Discover Galaxy's communities
+- Learn how to set up a subdomain for you community
+- Learn how to customize you tool panel
+- Improve the looks and feel of your subdomain main page
+time_estimation: 1H
+- Subdomain
+- Community
+- Earth System
+ - subdomain
+ - community
+ - earth-system
+ - interactive-tools
+ authorship:
+ - Marie59
+ funding:
+ - gallantries
+ - fairease
+ - eurosciencegateway
+This tutorial covers how to set up a subdomain on usegalaxy.eu. We will take here the example of the [earth system subdomain](https://earth-system.usegalaxy.eu/) and follow the step one by one.
+> In this tutorial, we will cover:
+> 1. TOC
+> {:toc}
+{: .agenda}
+# Add your subdomain on a Galaxy server
+> Subdomain name
+> - Clone the Github repository of the Galaxy server (of where you want your subdomain to be attached)
+> - For Galaxy europe clone the [Infrastructure repo](https://github.com/usegalaxy-eu/infrastructure)
+> - Create a branch on your fork
+> - Open the file **dns.tf** and edit it
+> - You should add the name of your subdomain to the list my_new_and_shiny_subdomain.usegalaxy.eu or for the example here earth-system.usegalaxy.eu AND update **count** (number of subdomains) as shown below.
+> ![Image of the modification to make in the dns.tf file](../../images/create_subdomain/earth_system_subdo_infra.png)
+> - Then commit your changes and write a nice message for the admin when you open your Pull Request.
+{: .hands_on}
+# Enable the interactive tools
+> Galaxy Interactive Tool
+> - Clone the Github repository of the Galaxy server (of where you want your subdomain to be attached)
+> - For Galaxy europe clone the [Infrastructure-playbook repo](https://github.com/usegalaxy-eu/infrastructure-playbook/tree/master)
+> - Create a branch on your fork
+> - Open the file **sn06.yml** and edit it
+> - You should add the name of your subdomain to the list "*.my_new_and_shiny_subdomain.usegalaxy.eu" or for the example here "*.earth-system.usegalaxy.eu"
+> - AND add "*.interactivetoolentrypoint.interactivetool.earth-system.usegalaxy.eu" as shown below.
+> ![Image of the modification to make in the sn06.yml file](../../images/create_subdomain/earth_system_subdo_gxit.png)
+> - Then commit your changes and write a nice message for the admin when you open your Pull Request.
+{: .hands_on}
+> Add the interactive tool section to the tool panel
+> - First, on your **Infrastructure-playbook** fork, create a new branch
+> - Go to **templates/galaxy/config/**
+> - Open the file **global_host_filters.py.j2** and edit it
+> - In the function per_host_tool_labels add your subdomain as followed
+> ```
+> if "earth-system.usegalaxy.eu" in host:
+> return label.id in valid_labels"
+> ```
+> - Then in the **DOMAIN_SECTIONS** add the the interactive tool section (this will allow to see on the subdomain interface the tool section "Interactive tools") as folowed:
+> `'earth-system': ["interactivetools"],`
+> ![Image of the modification to make in the global_host_filters.py.j2 file](../../images/create_subdomain/add_gxit.png)
+> - Second, on the same fork go to **files/traefik/rules/**
+> - Open and edit **template-subdomains.yml**, there you need to add the folowing line for your subdomain `{{template "subdomain" "my_new_and_shiny_subdomain"}}`
+> - Finally, commit all your changes and write a nice message for the admin when you open your Pull Request.
+{: .hands_on}
+# Make a nice tool panel (only for interactive tools)
+> Customize the tool panel (only for the interactive tools)
+> - On your **Infrastructure-playbook** fork (don't forget to synchronize it)
+> - First, go to **templates/galaxy/config/**
+> - Open the file **tool_conf.xml.j2** and edit it
+> - From there you can create your own tool sections where your different interactive tools can be organized. See the example of earth-system below.
+> ![Image of the modification to make in the tool_conf.xml.j2 file](../../images/create_subdomain/customize_tool.png)
+> - Then, commit your changes
+> - Secondly, still in **templates/galaxy/config/**
+> - Open the file **global_host_filters.py.j2** and edit it
+> - Add the different new sections of tools created to your subdomain and prevent those new sections to appear in any other subdomain as shown below.
+> ![Image of the modification to make in the global_host_filters.py.j2 file to add your tool sections](../../images/create_subdomain/add_customize_tool.png)
+> - Then commit your changes and write a nice message for the admin when you open your Pull Request.
+{: .hands_on}
+# Customize the front page
+> Update the homepage
+> - For Galaxy europe clone the [website repo](https://github.com/usegalaxy-eu/website/tree/master)
+> - Create a branch on your fork
+> - Create an index file in markdown for instance "index-earth-system.md"
+> - Once created let your imagnination flows to make the looks and feel of your homepage (if needed here is a [PR example](https://github.com/usegalaxy-eu/website/pull/1149))
+> - If you want to add images to your front page add them as folowed **assets/media/my_incredidle_image.png**
+> - Then commit your changes, write a nice message for the admin when you open your Pull Request.
+> If in the future you want to change the front page just update the index file.
+{: .hands_on}
+> Add a custom welcome.html
+> There is also the possibility to add a custom welcome.html, as well as other custom static files like the [singlecell subdomain did](https://github.com/usegalaxy-eu/infrastructure-playbook/tree/master/files/galaxy/subdomains/singlecell/static)
+{: .tip}
+> Add a theme
+> - On your **Infrastructure-playbook** fork (don't forget to synchronize it)
+> - Go to **group_vars/sn06/**
+> - Open the file **subdomains.yml** and edit it. There you have to add the name of your subdomain.
+> - In this same file you can also customize a theme for your subdomain.
+{: .hands_on}
+# Let people know
+> Make some communication on your new subdomain
+> - Clone the [galaxy-hub repo](https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy-hub/tree/master)
+> - Create a branch on your fork
+> - In **content/news** create a folder for your news example "2023-10-17-earth-system" and in it create an **index.md** file
+> - In this index file write your blog post don't hesitate to add some nice photos
+> - Then commit your changes and open your Pull Request.
+{: .hands_on}
+# Conclusion
+Your Subdomain is ready to be used !