diff --git a/topics/admin/tutorials/backup-cleanup/slides.html b/topics/admin/tutorials/backup-cleanup/slides.html
index 28e08bf0855bd4..c81d1cf4b5fc27 100644
--- a/topics/admin/tutorials/backup-cleanup/slides.html
+++ b/topics/admin/tutorials/backup-cleanup/slides.html
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
-- One of the important admimn tasks is to keep an eye on the storage consumption.
+- One of the important admin tasks is to keep an eye on the storage consumption.
- Every instance should have a data rention policy defined and shared with users.
- Codebase contains scripts that can assist with cleaning up and reclaiming space.
- The gxadmin tool can assist with invoking these scripts.
diff --git a/topics/admin/tutorials/k8s-deploying-galaxy/tutorial.md b/topics/admin/tutorials/k8s-deploying-galaxy/tutorial.md
index 001ab951f505c9..84404f0e5ca1b0 100644
--- a/topics/admin/tutorials/k8s-deploying-galaxy/tutorial.md
+++ b/topics/admin/tutorials/k8s-deploying-galaxy/tutorial.md
@@ -34,37 +34,27 @@ priority: 2
## Overview
-Galaxy has a minimal number of required dependencies, which makes its basic
-installation quick for both users and developers. However, configuring a
-multi-user production instance is a complex undertaking due to Galaxy’s many
-interacting and dependent systems, components, and configurations. Software
-containerization has become the preferred method of addressing deployment
-challenges across operating environments. Containerization also requires
-orchestration, so that multiple containers can work together to deliver a
-complex application. [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io/) has emerged as the
-primary container orchestration technology, as it is both container agnostic and
-widely adopted. Kubernetes allows managing, scaling, and deploying different
-pieces of an application–in a standardized way–while providing excellent tooling
-for doing so.
-In this tutorial, we'll take a look at Kubernetes and [Helm](https://helm.sh/)
-as tools for deploying containerized Galaxy. The goals for this model of
-deploying Galaxy is to use best-practices from the Galaxy community on how to
-deploy the Galaxy application in a well-defined package. This model can simplify
-deployment and management burden of running Galaxy. While it is possible to
-follow this tutorial by simply copying and pasting supplied commands, and a
-production-grade Galaxy will be installed, it is desirable to have a basic
-understanding of the container concepts and Kubernetes and Helm technologies.
-Some of the goals for deploying and running Galaxy in this mode include:
-- Design a mostly stateless model for running Galaxy where processes can be
- horizontally scaled as needed
-- Integrate components from the Galaxy project ecosystem to leverage existing
- resources
-- Provide a unified handling of Galaxy configurations
-- Minimize customized dependencies
-- Minimize the need to build custom components
+This tutorial describes how to use the Galaxy Helm Chart to deploy a production
+grade instance of Galaxy on a Kubernetes cluster. The Helm Chart has been designed
+to follow best practices adopted by the community, including the usegalaxy.* federation,
+and will install a Galaxy with the following features by default:
+- Zero-downtime configuration changes and upgrades
+- Scalable web and job handlers
+- Automatic failure recovery based on liveness and readiness probes
+- A built-in nginx for efficiently serving large files
+- TUSD for resumable uploads
+- Celery for background jobs
+- Access to CVMFS reference data
+- A toolset matching the usegalaxy.* federation (also served off CVMFS)
+- Interactive tools (wildcard DNS mapping required)
+- Minimal privileges, with jobs running as non-root and only having access to datasets they need
+- Automatic maintenance scripts to cleanup the galaxy database and tmp directories
+Optionally, the chart can be configured with
+- High-availability components - this includes trivial scaling of clustered Postgres, Rabbit MQ etc.
+- Replacement components - You can replace the built-in operators with a managed or existing Postgres database (e.g. Amazon RDS), RabbitMQ cluster etc.
+- Use S3 as an alternative to CVMFS
+- Automatic scraping of metrics which can be sent to Influxdb
@@ -74,11 +64,13 @@ Some of the goals for deploying and running Galaxy in this mode include:
{: .agenda}
## Prerequisites
-We'll be using the [Galaxy Helm chart] to install and manage a Galaxy
-deployment. To be able to use this chart, we'll need access to a Kubernetes
-cluster, with Helm installed. For development and testing purposes this can be
-easily achieved by installing
-[Docker Desktop locally and enabling Kubernetes][DfD]. Afterwards, also install
+Some familarity with Kubernetes is assumed. This includes general administrative
+familarity and how to install and configure Helm Charts.
+A running Kubernetes cluster is also required (1.27 or higher), with Helm
+(3.5 or higher) configured to access it.
+For development and testing purposes this can be easily achieved by installing
+[Docker Desktop locally and enabling Kubernetes][DfD]. Afterwards, install
For production deployments, we'll also need some storage resources for data
@@ -87,41 +79,6 @@ creating a [Persistent Volume and a corresponding Persistent Volume Claim][PV].
Once created, just keep a note of the resources Persistent Volume Claim ID and
to use later.
-For the CVMFS-enabled version of the chart (more on this below), it is also
-necessary to run Kubernetes version 1.13 or newer because we'll be using the
-[Container Storage Interface (CSI)][CSI].
-# Downloading the Galaxy Helm Chart
-The Galaxy Helm Chart is currently under active development with enhancements
-continuously trickling in. As a result, there are no regular releases yet and
-instead we recommend just cloning the GitHub repository with the chart
-implementation. This will be the easiest method to keep up with chart changes
-for the time being.
-> Download the chart
-> Clone the chart repository from the machine where you would like to deploy
-> Galaxy and change into the chart directory.
-> {% raw %}
-> ```bash
-> git clone https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy-helm
-> cd galaxy-helm/galaxy
-> ```
-> {% endraw %}
-{: .hands_on}
-# Deploying Galaxy
-The Galaxy Helm chart packages best-practice solutions for deploying Galaxy
-into a single package that can be readily deployed as a unit. Behind the
-scenes, all the supporting services are started and configured into an
-interoperable system. Specifically, this involves starting a database service
-based on Postgres, using Nginx as a web proxy, and running an independently
-scalable set of web and job handler processes for Galaxy. This follows
-the production-quality deployment recommendation setup for Galaxy and leverages
-some of the Kubernetes features to help with running long-term services (e.g.,
-liveness probes that automatically restart stuck processes).
## Deploying the Default Configuration
The default set of values for the Galaxy chart configures only a minimal set
of Galaxy options necessary. The configured options are required for suitable
@@ -132,129 +89,123 @@ chart later in this tutorial.
> Deploying the Galaxy Helm Chart
-> 1. First, we need to fetch any dependencies for the chart. One of the
-> advantages of using Helm is that we can reuse best-practice deployment
-> methods for other software right out of the box by relying on published
-> charts and integrating them into the Galaxy chart.
+> 1. First, we need to add the helm repository for the chart. The chart is
+> automatically packaged, versioned and uploaded to a helm repository on github
+> with each accepted PR. Therefore, the latest version of the chart can be directly
+> installed from that repository.
> {% raw %}
> ```bash
-> helm dependency update
+> helm repo add galaxyproject https://raw.githubusercontent.com/galaxyproject/helm-charts/master/
+> helm repo update
> ```
> {% endraw %}
-> 2. We can now deploy Galaxy via the Chart. Before running this command make
-> sure you are in the chart source code directory (where `values.yaml` file
-> resides) and note the trailing dot. Running this command will create a new
-> Helm release (i.e., chart installation) called `galaxy`.
+> 2. We can now deploy Galaxy via the Chart. Running this command will create a new
+> Helm release (i.e., chart installation) called `mygalaxy`.
> {% raw %}
> ```bash
-> helm install --name galaxy .
+> helm install mygalaxy galaxyproject/galaxy
> ```
> {% endraw %}
-> 3. It will take about a minute or two for the database to be initialized,
-> necessary containers downloaded, and Galaxy processes started. Ultimately,
+> 3. It will take about a minute or two for the necessary containers to download,
+> the database to initialize, and Galaxy processes to start. Ultimately,
> while this may depend on the Kubernetes cluster setup you are using,
-> Galaxy should be available at the root URI for the given machine. We can
+> Galaxy should be available at https:///galaxy for the given machine. We can
> always check the status of our release by typing `helm status galaxy`.
{: .hands_on}
-## Deploying a CVMFS-enabled Configuration
-The Galaxy Helm chart also comes with a more comprehensive set of configuration
-options that leverage more of the Galaxy project ecosystem. In practice this
-means deploying Galaxy with the same toolset as that of
-_[usegalaxy.org](https://usegalaxy.org/)_ right out of the box. It's important to note
-that this deployment configuration leverages all the same chart components but
-just defines more configuration options. Namely, we attach to the
-[Galaxy CVMFS][CVMFS] ready-only file system for retrieving the tool
-configurations while leveraging [BioContainers] for resolving tool dependencies.
+## Setting the admin user and changing the brand
+The chart is designed to follow standard Kubernetes and Helm idioms, and therefore,
+it should be intuitively similar to the steps required to change configuration in
+any other Helm chart. For example, ingress paths, resource allocations, container
+images etc. can be changed following standard helm conventions. The list of
+available configuration options are also documented in the Galaxy Helm
+_[Chart repository](https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy-helm/tree/master?tab=readme-ov-file#configuration)_
-> Deploying the CVMFS-enabled Configuration
+To change Galaxy specific configuration, such as setting the admin user or change the brand in `galaxy.yml`,
+we can follow the following steps. Once done, we will also rollback our change to demonstrate how Helm manages
+> Setting admin user and changing the brand
+> 1. Modify the following entries in your `mygalaxy.yml`. Make sure to add these
+> keys under the `configs:` section of the file.
-> 1. If you are following this tutorial sequentially and have a release of
-> Galaxy already running, let's delete it (assuming that's fine and you have
-> no data to keep). More details about the deletion process are available in
-> the [Deleting a Deployment section](#deleting-a-deployed-helm-release). If
-> you're just playing around, run `helm delete --purge galaxy`.
+> {% raw %}
+> ```
+> configs:
+> galaxy.yml:
+> galaxy:
+> brand: "Hello World"
+> admin_users: "admin@mydomain.com"
+> ```
+> {% endraw %}
-> 2. The CVMFS variant of the Galaxy chart has an additional dependency on the
-> [Galaxy CVMFS chart](https://github.com/CloudVE/galaxy-cvmfs-csi-chart).
-> We'll deploy this chart into its own [Namespace] to keep its resources
-> nicely grouped. We'll also fetch the chart from a packaged chart
-> repository instead of its GitHub repo.
+> 2. Now, let’s upgrade the chart to apply the new configuration.
> {% raw %}
> ```bash
-> kubectl create namespace cvmfs
-> helm repo add galaxy https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CloudVE/helm-charts/master/
-> helm repo update
-> helm install --name cvmfs --namespace cvmfs galaxy/galaxy-cvmfs-csi
+> helm upgrade --reuse-values -f mygalaxy.yml mygalaxy galaxyproject/galaxy
> ```
> {% endraw %}
-> 3. We can now install the CVMFS-enabled set of values.
+> 3. Inspect the currently set Helm values by:
> {% raw %}
> ```bash
-> helm install --name galaxy galaxy/galaxy
+> helm get values mygalaxy
> ```
> {% endraw %}
-> 4. Again, it will take a few minutes for Galaxy to start up. This time most of
-> the waiting is due to the tool definition files to be cached on CVMFS and
-> loaded into the tool panel. We can check the status of the deployment by
-> running `helm status galaxy`. We can also watch the boot process by tailing
-> the logs of the relevant container with a command similar to
-> `kubectl logs -f galaxy-web-7568c58b94-hjl9w` where the last argument is
-> the name of the desired pod, as printed following the `helm install`
-> command. Once the boot process has completed, we can access Galaxy at
-> `/galaxy/` URI (note the trailing `/`; it's significant).
+> 4. List the installed Helm charts again and note that the revision of the chart has changed as expected.
-{: .hands_on}
-## Deleting a Deployed Helm Release
-After we're done experimenting with an installation of the chart, we can just
-as easily delete all the resources as we've created them. However, that may
-not be desirable so make sure you understand the system you're working on to
-avoid undesired surprises. Namely, deleting and recreating a Helm release is
-generally not a problem where the processes will just respawn and everything will go back to operational; however, underlying storage configuration may
-interfere here with all the application data being potentially lost. This
-predominantly depends on how the relevant storage class was configured.
-> Deleting a Deployed Helm Release
+> {% raw %}
+> ```bash
+> helm list
+> mygalaxy 2 Wed Jun 26 14:51:17 2023 DEPLOYED galaxy-5.14.2 v24.0.2 default
+> ```
+> {% endraw %}
+> 5. Revisit the Galaxy Application in your browser to check whether the settings have changed. This will
+> take a short while (< 1 minute) for the new container to come up. You should experience no downtime.
-> 1. Before we delete a deployment, let's ensure we understand what will happen
-> with the underlying storage used by Galaxy.
+> 6. Let’s now roll back to the previous revision.
> {% raw %}
> ```bash
-> $ kubectl get pv
-> cvmfs-cache-pv 1000Mi RWX Retain Bound cvmfs/cvmfs-cache-pvc manual 31m
-> pvc-55806281-96c6-11e9-8e96-0251cc6c62f4 1Gi ROX Delete Bound default/galaxy-cvmfs-gxy-data-pvc cvmfs-gxy-data 28m
-> pvc-5580c830-96c6-11e9-8e96-0251cc6c62f4 1Gi ROX Delete Bound default/galaxy-cvmfs-gxy-main-pvc cvmfs-gxy-main 28m
-> pvc-55814757-96c6-11e9-8e96-0251cc6c62f4 10Gi RWX Delete Bound default/galaxy-galaxy-pvc nfs-provisioner 28m
-> pvc-70d4cc48-96be-11e9-8e96-0251cc6c62f4 8Gi RWO Delete Bound default/data-galaxy-galaxy-postgres-0 nfs-provisioner 84m
-> pvc-8cb27bc9-9679-11e9-8e96-0251cc6c62f4 100Gi RWO Delete Bound cloudman/data-nfs-provisioner-0 ebs-provisioner 9h
+> helm rollback mygalaxy 1
> ```
> {% endraw %}
-> As we can see in the command output, the storage resources associated with
-> the current deployment have the reclaim policy set to `Delete`, which will
-> happen once no resources are using the given resource. If what you see is
-> the not the intended behavior, you can change the [reclaim policy].
-> 2. Once we're ok with the state of the resources and are ready to delete a
-> a deployment, we can do so with the following commands:
+> Use `helm get values` again to observe that the values have reverted to
+> the previous revision. After a short while, once the new container is up
+> and running, Kubernetes will automatically switch over to it and you can
+> see that the previous configuration has been restored.
+{: .hands_on}
+## Deleting a Deployed Helm Release
+By default, the Helm chart is designed to install all required dependencies, so that it's easy
+to get an instance up and running quickly for experimentation. However, in production, we
+recommend installing the dependency charts separately, once per cluster, by installing
+Galaxy with helm options
+`--set postgresql.deploy=false --set s3csi.deploy=false --set cvmfs.deploy=false --set rabbitmq.deploy=false`.
+This is particularly important during uninstallation, where orderly destruction of dependencies is often required
+For example, if the rabbitmq operator is uninstalled before the rest of the Galaxy helm chart is deleted, there will be
+no operator left to cleanup rabbitmq resources. Installing the aforementioned operators separately sidesteps this problem.
+> Deleting a Deployed Helm Release
> {% raw %}
> ```bash
-> helm delete --purge galaxy
-> helm delete --purge cvmfs
+> helm delete mygalaxy
+> helm delete mycvmfs # and any other operators
> ```
> {% endraw %}