Before being able to run the integration tests, you'll need to deploy an Application Insights instance and a Service Bus namespace. This can be done using scripts\testing\Deploy-Testing.ps1.
Once you have provisioned the infrastructure, write down the Service Bus connection string.
You need to set the Service Bus connection string before running NUKE
The integration tests rely on both Functions CustomV4InProcessFunction
and DefaultV4InProcessFunction
running locally.
Replace the user secrets:
dotnet user-secrets set Testing:IsEnabled true --id 074ca336-270b-4832-9a1a-60baf152b727
dotnet user-secrets set ServiceBusConnection '{testing-connection-string}' --id 074ca336-270b-4832-9a1a-60baf152b727
Start the custom v4 in-process Function:
cd samples\CustomV4InProcessFunction
func start
Start the default v4 in-process Function:
cd samples\DefaultV4InProcessFunction
func start
Run the integration tests.
Once you're done, restore the user secrets:
dotnet user-secrets remove Testing:IsEnabled 074ca336-270b-4832-9a1a-60baf152b727
dotnet user-secrets set ServiceBusConnection '{connection-string}' --id 074ca336-270b-4832-9a1a-60baf152b727
If you want to test the behaviour when the Application Insights connection string is not set, you'll need to remove the secret:
dotnet user-secrets remove APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING --id 074ca336-270b-4832-9a1a-60baf152b727
Run the App Insights connection string integration tests.
Once you're done, restore the user secret:
dotnet user-secrets set APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING '{connection-string}' --id 074ca336-270b-4832-9a1a-60baf152b727