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Cards Library: Thumbnail

In this page you can find info about:

Quick Start

  • The built-in thumbnail uses an AsyncTask and LRUCache to improve performance.
  • You have to provide a layout with a thumbnail

The default layout doesn't contain the thumbnail.

For the CardViewNative: You have to use the res/layout/native_card_thumbnail_layout.xml

For the CardView: res/layout/card_thumbnail_layout.xml

or a your custom layout.

Read Customizing the Thumbnail Layout paragraph for more info.


            card:card_layout_resourceID="@layout/native_card_thumbnail_layout" />

Basic usage

Creating a base CardThumbnail is pretty simple.

        //Create thumbnail
        CardThumbnail thumb = new CardThumbnail(getActivity());

        //Set resource

        //Add thumbnail to a card

CardThumbnail provides a base ThumbnailLayout with an ImageView.

You can find it in res/layout/native_base_thumbnail_layout.xml (or res/layout/base_thumbnail_layout.xml for the CardView)

With your CardThumbnail you can:

  • load a image from a resource ID
  • load a image from a URL (of course it requires INTERNET permission)

Thumbnail from Resource ID

If you want to load an image from a resource ID:

        //Create a Card
        Card card = new Card(getActivity());

        //Create thumbnail
        CardThumbnail thumb = new CardThumbnail(getActivity());

        //Set ID resource

        //Add thumbnail to a card

        //Set card in the cardView
        CardViewNative cardView = (CardViewNative) getActivity().findViewById(;


Thumbnail from Resource URL

If you want to load an image from an url:

         //Create a Card
         Card card = new Card(getActivity());

        //Create thumbnail
        CardThumbnail thumb = new CardThumbnail(getActivity());

        //Set URL resource

        //Add thumbnail to a card

        //Set card in the cardView
        CardViewNative cardView = (CardViewNative) getActivity().findViewById(;


Thumbnail from Custom Source

If you would like to add thumbnails from custom source, instead of a resource ID or URL, you can use the thumbnail.setCustomSource() method.

Pay attention. Using this method, the image will be loaded using the built-in AsyncTask and LRUCache.

When creating the CardThumbnail you have to implement the CustomSource interface.

In this example thumbnail is using the Package Manager.

        CardThumbnail thumbnail = new CardThumbnail(getContext());
        thumbnail.setCustomSource(new CardThumbnail.CustomSource() {
            public String getTag() {
                return "";

            public Bitmap getBitmap() {
                PackageManager pm = mContext.getPackageManager();
                Bitmap bitmap = null;
                try {
                    bitmap = drawableToBitmap(pm.getApplicationIcon(getTag()));
                } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
                return bitmap;

            private Bitmap drawableToBitmap(Drawable drawable) {
                if (drawable instanceof BitmapDrawable) {
                    return ((BitmapDrawable) drawable).getBitmap();

                Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(drawable.getIntrinsicWidth(), drawable.getIntrinsicHeight(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
                Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap);
                drawable.setBounds(0, 0, canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight());

                return bitmap;

Using external library

The CardThumbnail loads a Bitmap with a built-in feature which uses LRUCache and an AsyncTask.

If you want to improve this feature using your favorite networking library you can do this:

First you need to set thumbnail.setExternalUsage(true);

        Card mCard= new Card(getContext());

        //Add Thumbnail
        MyThumbnail thumbnail = new MyThumbnail(getContext());
        //You need to set true to use an external library

Then you have to implement your logic in setupInnerViewElements(ViewGroup parent, View viewImage) method:

        public class MyThumbnail extends CardThumbnail {

        public void setupInnerViewElements(ViewGroup parent, View viewImage) {

            //Here you have to set your image with an external library

            viewImage.getLayoutParams().width = 250;
            viewImage.getLayoutParams().height = 250;

In Demo/Extra you can find 3 example with Picasso, Ion and Android-Universal-Image-Loader libraries.

You can see PicassoCard , IonCard , UniversalImageLoaderCard sources in demo-extras.

You can read more info in this page.

Using with a Bitmap

If you want to use the CardThumbnail with a Bitamp or other DrawableResource you can use a custom source.

Pay attention. Using this method, the image will be loaded using the built-in AsyncTask and LRUCache.

Otherwise you can use the method above thumbnail.setExternalUsage(true); and use the ImageView in setupInnerViewElements method:

        Card mCard= new Card(getContext());

        //Add Thumbnail
        MyThumbnail thumbnail = new MyThumbnail(getContext());
        //You need to set true to use an external library

        public class MyThumbnail extends CardThumbnail {

        public void setupInnerViewElements(ViewGroup parent, View viewImage) {

            ImageView image= (ImageView)viewImage ;


Error Resource Id

You can set a drawable resource Id to display when the image can't be attached to ImageView (for example an error occurs while downloading).

        //Create thumbnail
        CustomThumbCard thumb = new CustomThumbCard(getActivity());

        //Set URL resource

        //Error Resource ID

        //Add thumbnail to a card


Customizing the Thumbnail Layout

You can fully customize your thumbnail layout.

You can set your thumbnail layout, customizing card layout and inflating your thumbnail xml layout file.

First of all you have to provide your card layout .The quickest way to start with this would be to copy the res/layout/native_card_thumbnail_layout.xml

You can see res/layout/carddemo_googlenownbirth_layout.xml.

   <LinearLayout xmlns:android=""



When you use a custom card layout or compound layout is important to use the same IDs to preserve built-in features. When you use a custom inner layout you can change everything.

You can specify your thumbnail layout (compound layout) using this attr:card:card_thumbnail_layout_resourceID="@layout/carddemo_googlenowbirth_thumbnail_layout".

Then you have to define your thumbnail layout:

You can see an exmple in res/layout/carddemo_googlenowbirth_thumbnail_layout


Customize Thumbnail

If you want to customize your Thumbnail you can use your style files. The quickest way to start with this would be to copy the specific style or resources in your project and change them.

    <style name="card_thumbnail_image">
        <item name="android:layout_width">@dimen/card_thumbnail_width</item>
        <item name="android:layout_height">@dimen/card_thumbnail_height</item>
        <item name="android:layout_gravity">center</item>
        <item name="android:gravity">center</item>
        <item name="android:scaleType">centerCrop</item>

    <style name="card_thumbnail_outer_layout">
        <item name="android:layout_width">wrap_content</item>
        <item name="android:layout_height">wrap_content</item>

Otherwise you can extend your CardThumbmail and override the setupInnerViewElements method.

    public class CustomThumbCard extends CardThumbnail {

        public CustomThumbCard(Context context) {

        public void setupInnerViewElements(ViewGroup parent, View viewImage) {
            if (viewImage!=null){

                DisplayMetrics metrics=parent.getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
                viewImage.getLayoutParams().width= (int)(250*metrics.density);
                viewImage.getLayoutParams().height = (int)(250*metrics.density);


Broadcast to know when the download is finished

The CardThumbnail loads a Bitmap with a resource ID or with a URL using LRUCache and an AsyncTask. If you would like to know when the image is downloaded and attached to ImageView you can create a Broadcast Receiver that listens for Constants.IntentManager.INTENT_ACTION_IMAGE_DOWNLOADED Broadcast Intents, as shown:

    activity.registerReceiver(mReceiver,new IntentFilter(Constants.IntentManager.INTENT_ACTION_IMAGE_DOWNLOADED));

This Intent includes extras that provide additional details:

  1. Constants.IntentManager.INTENT_ACTION_IMAGE_DOWNLOADED_EXTRA_RESULT is a boolean. It is true when the image is downloaded and attached successfully, false otherwise.
  2. Constants.IntentManager.INTENT_ACTION_IMAGE_DOWNLOADED_EXTRA_CARD_ID contains the card id which contains the imageView.
  3. Constants.IntentManager.INTENT_ACTION_IMAGE_DOWNLOADED_EXTRA_ERROR_LOADING is a boolean. It is true when the error image is attached.
     * Broadcast for image downloaded by CardThumbnail
    private class ImageBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {

        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
            Bundle extras = intent.getExtras();
            if (extras!=null){
                boolean result = extras.getBoolean(Constants.IntentManager.INTENT_ACTION_IMAGE_DOWNLOADED_EXTRA_RESULT);
                String id = extras.getString(Constants.IntentManager.INTENT_ACTION_IMAGE_DOWNLOADED_EXTRA_CARD_ID);
                boolean processError = extras.getBoolean(Constants.IntentManager.INTENT_ACTION_IMAGE_DOWNLOADED_EXTRA_ERROR_LOADING);
                if (result){
                    if (id!=null && id.equalsIgnoreCase(cardGmap.getId())){

You can disable this default feature in your CardThumbnail with:


How to modify the bitmap and create circular or rounded images

You can modify your bitmap before it is attached to the ImageView.

You need to override the thumbnail#applyBitmap method.

  public class CardThumbnailCircle extends CardThumbnail{

      public boolean applyBitmap(View imageView, Bitmap bitmap) {

         //Put your code here
         //Return true if your callback attaches the bitmap to the ImageView, false otherwise

         // Example:
         CircleDrawable circle = new CircleDrawable(bitmap,true);
         return true;



This method is called only with a standard implementation. If you use an external library, you don't need this method to access to your bitmap.

You can see an example here


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