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Release 4.0.3

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@harasunu-narayan harasunu-narayan released this 06 Jul 17:09
· 28 commits to master since this release
  • Fixed selection lost issue on Safari while focusing the toolbar by keyboard shortcut (alt+F10)
  • Fixed the video preview issue on Safari browser
  • Fixed the issue with copy/paste base64 image from editor to editor on Safari browser
  • Fixed selection lost issue with custom popup
  • Fixed issue inserting text followed by a line break into the editor, The editor ignores the line break(<br>)
  • Fixed issue with bullet Indent/Outdent
  • Fixed embedded Twitter content is missing issue
  • Fixed issue pasting Images with some text from MSword gets pasted twice when setting the option wordPasteModal: false
  • Fixed issue with removing the 'videoReplace' and 'autoplay' buttons from the Video Edit popup
  • Fixed issue with creating list in iframe mode in IE11 browser
  • Fixed issue IE11: Object doesn't support property or method 'matches'
  • Fixed issue dropdowns has a horizontal scroll in Safari (Mac)
  • Fixed error on applying inline styles on content with nested spans in IE11 browser
  • Added translation for Table Styles and Cell Styles options
  • Fixed issue toolbar buttons disappear when replacing the image caption
  • Fixed the progress bar getting hidden issue if the editor is resized while a large file is uploading
  • Fixed issue table edit popup not opened after wrapping the table in a div tag