Related Topics:
- Redux addons catalog - Apps and Examples: Links to various projects built with Redux, both purpose-built-examples and "real" applications, as well as several Redux usage stories
- Redux Architecture and Best Practices: many "lessons learned"-type articles after having used Redux
Using React is a Business Decision, Not a Technology Choice
A higher-level, more business-case look at the pros of React -
React: A Competitive Edge and a Business Decision A slideshow laying out a number of arguments for using React -
React.js: The Good and the Bad
Some very good pros and cons based on experiences -
One Year of React.js at Arkency
Thoughts on experience with using React -
Productive Javascript Development
Looks at 6 ways different frameworks make things "easy": concepts, reading/writing code, architecting / maintaining / debugging apps. -
How React Helped Us Scale a Large Web App
A look at how React has been used to scale the OpenGov app architecture in terms of both users and developers. -
The Other Reasons We Chose React
A summary of how When I Work evaluated several different frameworks for future development, and the reasons why they picked React -
When Does a Project Need React?
Some useful thoughts on when it makes sense to use React: when there's lots of state, spaghetti code, or lots of DOM management. -
Which Projects Need React? All of Them!
A response to the previous article, suggesting that React has benefits across a wide variety of applications. -
Why I'm betting on React Native for my next Startup
A startup product lead gives several reasons why he's using React Native for their large app, including uniformity of experience, testing, recruiting, and scalability. -
Why Choose React?
Some high-level thoughts on the benefits of choosing React, including proven use at scale, influence on the community, versatility, and that it's "just Javascript". -
Why We Chose React To Help Serve Millions of Educators
The Teachers Pay Teachers team describes why they chose React to rebuild their UI, including the small API size, size of the community, battle-tested capabilities, and more.
Redux: Concept Over Implementation
Some high-level thoughts on why Redux over standard Flux -
Why use Redux over Flux?
Another good post from Redux's author comparing Redux and Flux
Flux is the new WndProc
An intriguing comparison between a React + a Flux-type architecture, and the classic Win32 WndProc message switch handling approach. Plenty of good discussion in the comments. -
I'm Sticking with React (For Now)
Some thoughts on the differences between React and other similar libs like Preact and Inferno, and why there's value in staying with React. -
My experience with Redux
A look at Redux's influences, some experience using Redux, Dan Abramov's involvement with the community, and some other libs that may be interesting to look at. -
What's good about Redux
Some thoughts on Redux's core "what-if?" questions, and some of the potential implications of those decisions. -
Use Redux before it's too late
A response to the "you may not need Redux" discussions, suggesting that it's worth using Redux because it changes how you think about your data. -
The Post-MVC Age
A conference talk (video and transcription) that discusses how building apps with components works, how to communicate between them, and how Flux/Redux and Reactive Programming differ from traditional MVC, -
Redux is the Pivotal Frontend Innovation
An opinionated article that says state management is even more important than components. -
Reflections on React
A former Telerik dev gives his thoughts on the current state of the React world, including how much people like it, use of standard JS syntax like classes, the variety of UI libs, and the lack of serious enterprise-class components like data grids and schedulers. Some good discussion in the comments, too. -
The delight of working on a React + Redux app
Some interesting personal opinions on the benefits of working with React+Redux, including explicitness, traceability, and easy unit testing. -
Don't Blame it on React or Redux
Some short but well-written thoughts that argue in favor of React and Redux's "do it yourself" / "don't prescribe how to solve everything" approach, and that blaming them for bad app design or boilerplate is wrong. -
What's So Great About Redux?
Deep and fascinating analysis of how Redux compares to OOP and message-passing, how typical Redux usage can devolve towards Java-like "setter" functions with more boilerplate, and something of a plea for a higher-level "blessed" abstraction on top of Redux to make it easier to work with and learn for newbies. Very worth reading. The author originally wrote a tweetstorm, which I captured in the Storify link, and wrote the blog post to expand on those thoughts. Finally, he followed up with a few more thoughts on abstract vs concrete examples in another shorter tweet thread.
What's Your #1 Problem With React?
Developers discuss problems they've run into with React -
Application Architecture with React
More article discussion on React and Flux experiences -
"Pros and Cons of React and Flux"
A FANTASTIC comment that points out how each JS framework is a reaction to a specific category of problems -
"Any Serious / Large / Real Web Apps with React and Flux?"
Good discussion of scaling React and Flux past a small toy app -
"Redux feels bloat - what alternatives?"
Thoughts on Redux, its ecosystem, and API -
"Getting Started with Redux" discussion
Some great discussion on real-world experience with Redux, particularly by user TheAceOfHearts -
"Why has Redux become so popular vs other Flux solutions"?
Thoughts on the benefits and pros of using Redux -
"Has anybody actually built a decent sized React app?"
More good discussion on practical experiences -
"Here we see the culmination of the great Frameworks vs Libraries divide"
A great piece of insight: "pick and choose libraries" vs "use a full framework" is a personal choice based on trust and decisiveness -
"What are the real benefits of using Flux/Redux?"
Discussion of some of the actual practical advantages of using Redux, with some thoughts on similar structures in ClojureScript. -
"React Tutorial: Cloning Yelp"
Around 250 comments on React, dependency management, tutorial writing, and library churn. Also a great quote on the inherent complexity of developing any application. -
"9 things every ReactJS beginner should know"
Some interesting discussion on easy vs simple, desktop vs web, and managing container components. -
"React.js Introduction for People Who Know Just Enough jQuery"
A long discussion thread about many aspects related to use of React and frameworks. Plenty of good discussion overall. In addition, buried in the overall thread, some specifically insightful comments about managic codebase size and complexity, and doing web apps "by hand" with direct DOM manipulation vs what a framework like React provides. -
"I'm a web dev who uses jQuery for a large app - How can I convince my bosses a JS framework is the way to go?"
Another long, in-depth discussion thread on the merits of JS frameworks, as well as "big-bang" rewrites -
"Why isn't AJAX present in Many examples of React/Flow/Redux?"
A long discussion thread that covers several topics related to tutorials, articles, and official docs, and various approaches. Includes a couple comments from Dan Abramov on the limited size and scope of the React team. -
"How can I better market my Javascript library?"
The developer of a Redux wrapper library asks how to get more attention online. I offer a pretty long reply comment describing the various network effects involved in any addon library, and critique his specific library from a Redux user's perspective. -
"Our conversion from Angular to React"
A comment pointing out that React's "mostly the view" status enables it to be used in a wide variety of situations, which also means it works best when you are willing and able to come up with your own architecture. -
"Dan Abramov: Redux is not an architecture or a pattern, it's just a library"
A discussion thread covering a number of aspects of Redux usage, including its relation with other libraries and patterns such as event sourcing. -
"Why isn't AJAX present in many examples of React/Flow/Redux?"
Discussion of why a typical React app is made up of many different libraries and pieces. -
"Confused: Redux or MobX?"
An in-depth thread comparing the two libraries. Includes comments from both Dan Abramov of Redux and Michel Weststrate of MobX describing their libraries, as well a number of other good comparisons. -
"A SoundCloud client in React and Redux
Includes an extended discussion on use of Redux with forms -
"Why Learning Angular 2 was Excruciating"
Another very long thread about the JS ecosystem and versioning. The linked comment describes how React, Redux, and Webpack have brought predictability to a particular application. -
"React perf and optimization tests"
Discussion of React's performance compared to an existing Handlebars/Knockout app -
"Why is everying in Javascript changing so fast?
Yet another rant thread about Javascript churn, but with a couple very insightful comments about the unique complexities and challenges involved in writing applications for the web. -
"Youtube is being rebuilt on Web Components"
Some interesting thoughts on how various frameworks have approached composition, and how React helps make it more approachable. -
"Modern JS developer workflow makes me sad"
A fairly well-written rant about problems a dev was experiencing due to complexity of build tools. There's extended discussion with some excellent suggestions and advice, and ultimately the author was able to resolve some of the complaints about build times and sourcemaps. -
"Create an Instagram-like App with React, Node, and Redux"
A humorous comment summarizing the benefits of using React over jQuery, and Redux/MobX along with plain React. -
"Is it a good practice to use Create-React-App for learning?"
My comments addressing why CRA exists, and why it's a good idea to use it when learning React (especially in comparison to a "learn Webpack+Babel first" approach). -
"React/Redux or Angular 2 better for big enterprise project?"
Some good discussion on what "enterprise" means, and the relative merits of various frameworks for building enterprise apps. -
"Redux is overused. Use setState first unless you know why you need Redux"
Jay Phelps, author of redux-observable, starts a long and involved Twitter thread about when it's appropriate to use Redux - use cases, app sizes, and reasons. Lots of interesting opinions.
Facebook Open Source License FAQ
Official answers to questions about the meanings of license phrasing -
Dan Abramov Twitter threads addressing patent concerns
A couple of extended discussions from Dan debunking myths about React's PATENTS clause, and a collection of further related links -
React's license: necessary and open?
Analysis from a lawyer on the merits of React's patent license, and whether it still qualifes as "Open Source". -
React, Facebook, and the Revocable Patent License: Why it's a Paper Tiger
Analysis of the React patent license from an IP lawyer, in response to the latest set of discussions and arguments online -
Comments from other companies on the acceptability of the license
Comments from developers at Automattic, Google, Spotify, and Microsoft, indicating they're fine with using React -
"Comment on the Apache Foundation's statement about Facebook's BSD+Patents license"
One of the best layman's summaries I've seen about what the patents file actually means and is intended to do. -
Further discussions
More discussion threads regarding the PATENTS license