diff --git a/.github/workflows/labelpr.yaml b/.github/workflows/labelpr.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c14131cbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/labelpr.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+name: Label PRs
+ pull_request_target:
+ types: [opened, edited, synchronize, reopened]
+ label_pr:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/github-script@v3
+ with:
+ github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+ script: |
+ const pr_welcome_msg = `Thanks for making a pull request! 😃\nOne of the maintainers will review and advise on the next steps.`;
+ // https://github.com/commitizen/conventional-commit-types
+ const valid_pr_types = ['feat', 'fix', 'docs', 'style', 'refactor', 'perf', 'test', 'build', 'ci', 'chore', 'revert'];
+ if(context.payload.pull_request.comments === 0) {
+ await github.issues.createComment({ ...context.repo, issue_number: context.payload.number, body: pr_welcome_msg});
+ }
+ const title = context.payload.pull_request.title;
+ const results = /^(\w+)(\(\w+\))?!?:/.exec(title);
+ if (results === null) return core.setFailed(`The title does not follow conventional commits spec: https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/#summary Title: ${title}`);
+ const pr_type = results[1];
+ core.info(`pr_type: ${pr_type}`);
+ if (!valid_pr_types.includes(pr_type)) return core.setFailed(`Unknown pull request type: ${pr_type}`);
+ const labels = context.payload.pull_request.labels;
+ const new_labels = labels.filter(label => !valid_pr_types.includes(label.name)); // keep all labels that are not in valid_pr_types
+ new_labels.push({name: pr_type});
+ await github.issues.update({ ...context.repo, issue_number: context.payload.number, labels: new_labels });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.pylintrc b/.pylintrc
index e94869511..d6f8a5d6c 100644
--- a/.pylintrc
+++ b/.pylintrc
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ indent-string=' '
# Maximum number of lines in a module.
# Allow the body of a class to be on the same line as the declaration if body
# contains single statement.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 4bc762e4d..9a509106a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
- [Tips on Parameters to Set](#tips-on-parameters-to-set)
- [Tuning Techniques](#tuning-techniques)
- [LoRA Tuning Example](#lora-tuning-example)
+ - [GPTQ-LoRA with AutoGPTQ Tuning Example](#gptq-lora-with-autogptq-tuning-example)
- [Prompt Tuning](#prompt-tuning)
- [Fine Tuning](#fine-tuning)
- [FMS Acceleration](#fms-acceleration)
@@ -116,9 +117,9 @@ Formatting will happen on the fly while tuning. The keys in template should matc
##### In conclusion, if using the reponse_template and single sequence, either the `data_formatter_template` argument or `dataset_text_field` needs to be supplied to the trainer.
-### 2. JSONL with input and output fields (no response template)
+### 2. JSON/JSONL with input and output fields (no response template)
- Pass a JSONL containing fields "input" with source text and "output" with class labels. Pre-format the input as you see fit. The output field will simply be concatenated to the end of input to create single sequence, and input will be masked.
+ Pass a JSON/JSONL containing fields "input" with source text and "output" with class labels. Pre-format the input as you see fit. The output field will simply be concatenated to the end of input to create single sequence, and input will be masked.
The "input" and "output" field names are mandatory and cannot be changed.
@@ -270,6 +271,18 @@ generation_config.json model-00005-of-00006.safetensors tokenizer.model
+#### Optimizing writing checkpoints
+Writing models to Cloud Object Storage (COS) is an expensive operation. Saving model checkpoints to a local directory causes much faster training times than writing to COS. You can use `output_dir` and `save_model_dir` to control which type of storage you write your checkpoints and final model to.
+You can set `output_dir` to a local directory and set `save_model_dir` to COS to save time on write operations while ensuring checkpoints are saved.
+In order to achieve the fastest train time, set `save_strategy="no"`, as saving no checkpoints except for the final model will remove intermediate write operations all together.
+#### Resuming tuning from checkpoints
+If the output directory already contains checkpoints, tuning will automatically resume from the latest checkpoint in the directory specified by the `output_dir` flag. To start tuning from scratch and ignore existing checkpoints, set the `resume_from_checkpoint` flag to False.
+You can also use the resume_from_checkpoint flag to resume tuning from a specific checkpoint by providing the full path to the desired checkpoint as a string. This flag is passed as an argument to the [trainer.train()](https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/blob/db70426854fe7850f2c5834d633aff637f14772e/src/transformers/trainer.py#L1901) function of the SFTTrainer.
## Tuning Techniques:
### LoRA Tuning Example
@@ -280,15 +293,15 @@ Set `peft_method` to `"lora"`. You can additionally pass any arguments from [Lor
r: int =8
lora_alpha: int = 32
target_modules: List[str] = field(
- default_factory=lambda: ["q_proj", "v_proj"],
- metadata={
- "help": "The names of the modules to apply LORA to. LORA selects modules which either \
- completely match or "
- 'end with one of the strings. If the value is ["all-linear"], \
- then LORA selects all linear and Conv1D '
- "modules except for the output layer."
- },
- )
+ default=None,
+ metadata={
+ "help": "The names of the modules to apply LORA to. LORA selects modules which either \
+ completely match or "
+ 'end with one of the strings. If the value is ["all-linear"], \
+ then LORA selects all linear and Conv1D '
+ "modules except for the output layer."
+ },
bias = "none"
lora_dropout: float = 0.05
@@ -331,8 +344,11 @@ Equally you can pass in a JSON configuration for running tuning. See [build doc]
-Notice the `target_modules` that are set are the default values. `target_modules` are the names of the modules to apply the adapter to. If this is specified, only the modules with the specified names will be replaced. When passing a list of strings, either an exact match will be performed or it is checked if the name of the module ends with any of the passed strings. If this is specified as `all-linear`, then all linear/Conv1D modules are chosen, excluding the output layer. If this is not specified, modules will be chosen according to the model architecture. If the architecture is not known, an error will be raised — in this case, you should specify the target modules manually. See [HuggingFace docs](https://huggingface.co/docs/peft/en/package_reference/lora#peft.LoraConfig) for more details.
+Notice the `target_modules` are the names of the modules to apply the adapter to.
+- If this is specified, only the modules with the specified names will be replaced. When passing a list of strings, either an exact match will be performed or it is checked if the name of the module ends with any of the passed strings. If this is specified as `all-linear`, then all linear/Conv1D modules are chosen, excluding the output layer. If this is specified as `lm_head` which is an output layer, the `lm_head` layer will be chosen. See the Note of this [section](#recommended-target-modules-per-model-architecture) on recommended target modules by model architecture.
+- If this is not specified, modules will be chosen according to the model architecture. If the architecture is not known, an error will be raised — in this case, you should specify the target modules manually. See [HuggingFace docs](https://huggingface.co/docs/peft/en/package_reference/lora#peft.LoraConfig) for more details.
+#### How to get list of LoRA target_modules of a model
For each model, the `target_modules` will depend on the type of model architecture. You can specify linear or attention layers to `target_modules`. To obtain list of `target_modules` for a model:
@@ -387,7 +403,131 @@ For example for LLaMA model the modules look like:
You can specify attention or linear layers. With the CLI, you can specify layers with `--target_modules "q_proj" "v_proj" "k_proj" "o_proj"` or `--target_modules "all-linear"`.
#### Recommended target modules per model architecture
-As per [LoRA paper](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2106.09685), section 4.2 , by using the query and value projection matrices, we can achieve reasonable quality with efficient GPU utilization. Hence, while thinking about what LoRA adapters to specify, we recommend starting with query and value matrices. You could also refer to the defaults specified by PEFT library for popular model architectures in section [TRANSFORMERS_MODELS_TO_LORA_TARGET_MODULES_MAPPING](https://github.com/huggingface/peft/blob/7b1c08d2b5e13d3c99b7d6ee83eab90e1216d4ba/src/peft/utils/constants.py#L70) as a good starting point.
+As per [LoRA paper](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2106.09685), section 4.2 , by using the query and value projection matrices, we can achieve reasonable quality with efficient GPU utilization. Hence, while thinking about what LoRA adapters to specify, we recommend starting with query and value matrices. You could also refer to the defaults specified by PEFT library for popular model architectures in section [TRANSFORMERS_MODELS_TO_LORA_TARGET_MODULES_MAPPING](https://github.com/huggingface/peft/blob/7b1c08d2b5e13d3c99b7d6ee83eab90e1216d4ba/src/peft/utils/constants.py#L70) as a good starting point.
+How to specify lm_head as a target module
+Since `lm_head` is an output layer, it will **not** be included as a target module if you specify `all-linear`. You can, however, specify to apply the LoRA adapter to the `lm_head` layer by explicitly naming it in the `target_modules` arg.
+**NOTE**: Specifying `["lm_head", "all-linear"]` will not tune the `lm_head` layer, but will run the equivalent of `["all-linear"]`. To include `lm_head`, you must explicitly specify all of the layers to tune on. Using the example of the Llama model above, you would need to list `"q_proj" "v_proj" "k_proj" "o_proj" "lm_head"` to tune the all linear layers including `lm_head`. These 5 layers will be produced in the LoRA adapter.
+Example 1:
+ "target_modules": ["lm_head"] // this produces lm_head layer only
+Example 2:
+ "target_modules": ["lm_head", "c_proj", "c_attn", "c_fc"] // this produces lm_head, c_proj, c_attn and c_fc layers
+Example 3:
+ "target_modules": ["lm_head", "all-linear"] // this produces the equivalent of all-linear only, no lm_head
+#### Post-processing needed for inference on VLLM
+In order to run inference of LoRA adapters on vLLM, any new token embeddings added while tuning needs to be moved out of 'adapters.safetensors' to a new file 'new_embeddings.safetensors'. The 'adapters.safetensors' should only have LoRA weights and should not have modified embedding vectors. This is a requirement to support vLLM's paradigm that one base model can serve multiple adapters. New token embedding vectors are appended to the embedding matrix read from the base model by vLLM.
+To do this postprocessing, the tuning script sft_trainer.py will generate a file 'added_tokens_info.json' with model artifacts. After tuning, you can run script 'post_process_adapters_vLLM.py' :
+# model_path: Path to saved model artifacts which has file 'added_tokens_info.json'
+# output_model_path: Optional. If you want to store modified \
+# artifacts in a different directory rather than modify in-place.
+python scripts/post_process_adapters_vLLM.py \
+--model_path "/testing/tuning/output/post-process-LoRA-saved" \
+--output_model_path "/testing/tuning/output/post-process-LoRA-modified"
+ Alternatively, if using SDK :
+# function in tuning/utils/merge_model_utils.py
+ path_to_checkpoint="/testing/tuning/output/post-process-LoRA-saved",
+ modified_checkpoint_path=None,
+ num_added_tokens=1,
+# where num_added_tokens is returned by sft_trainer.train()
+### GPTQ-LoRA with AutoGPTQ Tuning Example
+This method is similar to LoRA Tuning, but the base model is a quantized model. We currently only support GPTQ-LoRA model that has been quantized with 4-bit AutoGPTQ technique. Bits-and-Bytes (BNB) quantized LoRA is not yet enabled.
+The qLoRA tuning technique is enabled via the [fms-acceleration](https://github.com/foundation-model-stack/fms-hf-tuning/blob/main/README.md#fms-acceleration) package.
+You can see details on a sample configuration of Accelerated GPTQ-LoRA [here](https://github.com/foundation-model-stack/fms-acceleration/blob/main/sample-configurations/accelerated-peft-autogptq-sample-configuration.yaml).
+To use GPTQ-LoRA technique, you can set the `quantized_lora_config` defined [here](https://github.com/foundation-model-stack/fms-hf-tuning/blob/main/tuning/config/acceleration_configs/quantized_lora_config.py). See the Notes section of FMS Acceleration doc [below](https://github.com/foundation-model-stack/fms-hf-tuning/blob/main/README.md#fms-acceleration) for usage. The only kernel we are supporting currently is `triton_v2`.
+In addition, LoRA tuning technique is required to be used, set `peft_method` to `"lora"` and pass any arguments from [LoraConfig](https://github.com/foundation-model-stack/fms-hf-tuning/blob/main/tuning/config/peft_config.py#L21).
+Example command to run:
+python tuning/sft_trainer.py \
+--model_name_or_path $MODEL_PATH \
+--tokenizer_name_or_path $MODEL_PATH \ # This field is optional and if not specified, tokenizer from model_name_or_path will be used
+--training_data_path $TRAIN_DATA_PATH \
+--output_dir $OUTPUT_PATH \
+--num_train_epochs 40 \
+--per_device_train_batch_size 4 \
+--learning_rate 1e-4 \
+--response_template "\n### Label:" \
+--dataset_text_field "output" \
+--peft_method "lora" \
+--r 8 \
+--lora_dropout 0.05 \
+--lora_alpha 16 \
+--target_modules c_attn c_proj \
+--auto_gptq triton_v2 \ # setting quantized_lora_config
+--torch_dtype float16 \ # need this for triton_v2
+--fp16 \ # need this for triton_v2
+Equally you can pass in a JSON configuration for running tuning. See [build doc](./build/README.md) for more details. The above can also be passed in as JSON:
+ "model_name_or_path": $MODEL_PATH,
+ "training_data_path": $TRAIN_DATA_PATH,
+ "output_dir": $OUTPUT_PATH,
+ "num_train_epochs": 40.0,
+ "per_device_train_batch_size": 4,
+ "learning_rate": 1e-4,
+ "response_template": "\n### Label:",
+ "dataset_text_field": "output",
+ "peft_method": "lora",
+ "r": 8,
+ "lora_dropout": 0.05,
+ "lora_alpha": 16,
+ "target_modules": ["c_attn", "c_proj"],
+ "auto_gptq": ["triton_v2"], // setting quantized_lora_config
+ "torch_dtype": "float16", // need this for triton_v2
+ "fp16": true // need this for triton_v2
+Similarly to LoRA, the `target_modules` are the names of the modules to apply the adapter to. See the LoRA [section](#lora-tuning-example) on `target_modules` for more info.
+Note that with LoRA tuning technique, setting `all-linear` on `target_modules` returns linear modules. And with qLoRA tuning technique, `all-linear` returns all quant linear modules, excluding `lm_head`.
@@ -507,18 +647,40 @@ The list of configurations for various `fms_acceleration` plugins:
- [quantized_lora_config](./tuning/config/acceleration_configs/quantized_lora_config.py): For quantized 4bit LoRA training
- `--auto_gptq`: 4bit GPTQ-LoRA with AutoGPTQ
- `--bnb_qlora`: 4bit QLoRA with bitsandbytes
-- [fused_ops_and_kernels](./tuning/config/acceleration_configs/fused_ops_and_kernels.py) (experimental):
+- [fused_ops_and_kernels](./tuning/config/acceleration_configs/fused_ops_and_kernels.py):
- `--fused_lora`: fused lora for more efficient LoRA training.
- `--fast_kernels`: fast cross-entropy, rope, rms loss kernels.
+- [attention_and_distributed_packing](./tuning/config/acceleration_configs/attention_and_distributed_packing.py):
+ - `--padding_free`: technique to process multiple examples in single batch without adding padding tokens that waste compute.
+ - `--multipack`: technique for *multi-gpu training* to balance out number of tokens processed in each device, to minimize waiting time.
* `quantized_lora_config` requires that it be used along with LoRA tuning technique. See [LoRA tuning section](https://github.com/foundation-model-stack/fms-hf-tuning/tree/main?tab=readme-ov-file#lora-tuning-example) on the LoRA parameters to pass.
* When setting `--auto_gptq triton_v2` plus note to also pass `--torch_dtype float16` and `--fp16`, or an exception will be raised. This is because these kernels only support this dtype.
- * Currently, the `fused_ops_and_kernels` is to be used used together QLoRA or GPTQ-LORA via the `quantized_lora_config`. In the future it may be made more flexible such that `fast_kernels` can even be used with full-finetuning.
* When using `fused_ops_and_kernels` together with `quantized_lora_config`,
make sure to appropriately set `--fused_lora auto_gptq True` or `bitsandbytes True`; the `True` sets `fast_lora==True`.
- * Currently `fused_ops_and_kernels` only supports activating `fast_loss,fast_rsm_layernorm,fast_rope_embeddings` all to `True`, so pass `--fast_kernels True True True`.
+ * `fused_ops_and_kernels` works for full-finetuning, LoRA, QLoRA and GPTQ-LORA,
+ - pass `--fast_kernels True True True` for full finetuning/LoRA
+ - pass `--fast_kernels True True True --auto_gptq triton_v2 --fused_lora auto_gptq True` for GPTQ-LoRA
+ - pass `--fast_kernels True True True --bitsandbytes nf4 --fused_lora bitsandbytes True` for QLoRA
+ - Note the list of supported models [here](https://github.com/foundation-model-stack/fms-acceleration/blob/main/plugins/fused-ops-and-kernels/README.md#supported-models).
+ * Notes on Padding Free
+ - works for both *single* and *multi-gpu*.
+ - works on both *pretokenized* and *untokenized* datasets
+ - verified against the version found in HF main, merged in via PR https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/pull/31629.
+ * Notes on Multipack
+ - works only for *multi-gpu*.
+ - currently only includes the version of *multipack* optimized for linear attention implementations like *flash-attn*.
+Note: To pass the above flags via a JSON config, each of the flags expects the value to be a mixed type list, so the values must be a list. For example:
+ "fast_kernels": [true, true, true],
+ "padding_free": ["huggingface"],
+ "multipack": [16],
+ "auto_gptq": ["triton_v2"]
Activate `TRANSFORMERS_VERBOSITY=info` to see the huggingface trainer printouts and verify that `AccelerationFramework` is activated!
@@ -635,4 +797,4 @@ Further details on enabling and using the trackers mentioned above can be found
[Prompt Tuning on Twitter Complaints](examples/prompt_tuning_twitter_complaints/README.md)
-A good simple example can be found [here](examples/kfto-kueue-sft-trainer.yaml) which launches a Kubernetes-native `PyTorchJob` using the [Kubeflow Training Operator](https://github.com/kubeflow/training-operator/) with [Kueue](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kueue) for the queue management of tuning jobs.
+A good simple example can be found [here](examples/kfto-kueue-sft-trainer.yaml) which launches a Kubernetes-native `PyTorchJob` using the [Kubeflow Training Operator](https://github.com/kubeflow/training-operator/) with [Kueue](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kueue) for the queue management of tuning jobs.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/Dockerfile b/build/Dockerfile
index de00ddaee..507dd4f52 100644
--- a/build/Dockerfile
+++ b/build/Dockerfile
@@ -19,17 +19,21 @@ ARG USER=tuning
+## Enable Aimstack if requested via ENABLE_AIM set to "true"
## Base Layer ##################################################################
-FROM registry.access.redhat.com/ubi9/ubi:${BASE_UBI_IMAGE_TAG} as base
+FROM registry.access.redhat.com/ubi9/ubi:${BASE_UBI_IMAGE_TAG} AS base
+# Note this works for 3.9, 3.11, 3.12
RUN dnf remove -y --disableplugin=subscription-manager \
subscription-manager \
- && dnf install -y python${PYTHON_VERSION} procps \
+ && dnf install -y python${PYTHON_VERSION} procps g++ python${PYTHON_VERSION}-devel \
&& ln -s /usr/bin/python${PYTHON_VERSION} /bin/python \
&& python -m ensurepip --upgrade \
&& python -m pip install --upgrade pip \
@@ -44,14 +48,14 @@ RUN useradd -u $USER_UID ${USER} -m -g 0 --system && \
chmod g+rx /home/${USER}
## Used as base of the Release stage to removed unrelated the packages and CVEs
-FROM base as release-base
+FROM base AS release-base
# Removes the python3.9 code to eliminate possible CVEs. Also removes dnf
RUN rpm -e $(dnf repoquery python3-* -q --installed) dnf python3 yum crypto-policies-scripts
## CUDA Base ###################################################################
-FROM base as cuda-base
+FROM base AS cuda-base
# Ref: https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/archive/12.1.0/cuda-toolkit-release-notes/
@@ -75,7 +79,7 @@ ENV CUDA_HOME="/usr/local/cuda" \
## CUDA Development ############################################################
-FROM cuda-base as cuda-devel
+FROM cuda-base AS cuda-devel
# Ref: https://developer.nvidia.com/nccl/nccl-legacy-downloads
@@ -99,14 +103,13 @@ RUN dnf config-manager \
-FROM cuda-devel as python-installations
+FROM cuda-devel AS python-installations
-## Enable Aimstack if requested via ENABLE_AIM set to "true"
RUN dnf install -y git && \
# perl-Net-SSLeay.x86_64 and server_key.pem are installed with git as dependencies
@@ -132,19 +135,32 @@ RUN if [[ -z "${WHEEL_VERSION}" ]]; \
RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/home/${USER}/.cache/pip,uid=${USER_UID} \
python -m pip install --user wheel && \
python -m pip install --user "$(head bdist_name)" && \
- python -m pip install --user "$(head bdist_name)[flash-attn]" && \
- if [[ "${ENABLE_AIM}" == "true" ]]; then \
+ python -m pip install --user "$(head bdist_name)[flash-attn]"
+# fms_acceleration_peft = PEFT-training, e.g., 4bit QLoRA
+# fms_acceleration_foak = Fused LoRA and triton kernels
+# fms_acceleration_aadp = Padding-Free Flash Attention Computation
+RUN if [[ "${ENABLE_FMS_ACCELERATION}" == "true" ]]; then \
+ python -m pip install --user "$(head bdist_name)[fms-accel]"; \
+ python -m fms_acceleration.cli install fms_acceleration_peft; \
+ python -m fms_acceleration.cli install fms_acceleration_foak; \
+ python -m fms_acceleration.cli install fms_acceleration_aadp; \
+ fi
+RUN if [[ "${ENABLE_AIM}" == "true" ]]; then \
python -m pip install --user "$(head bdist_name)[aim]"; \
- fi && \
+ fi
# Clean up the wheel module. It's only needed by flash-attn install
- python -m pip uninstall wheel build -y && \
+RUN python -m pip uninstall wheel build -y && \
# Cleanup the bdist whl file
rm $(head bdist_name) /tmp/bdist_name
## Final image ################################################
-FROM release-base as release
+FROM release-base AS release
RUN mkdir -p /licenses
COPY LICENSE /licenses/
diff --git a/build/README.md b/build/README.md
index db7fcc64d..17fd775c9 100644
--- a/build/README.md
+++ b/build/README.md
@@ -38,14 +38,16 @@ For example, the below config is used for running with two GPUs and FSDP for fin
"per_device_train_batch_size": 4,
"learning_rate": 1e-5,
"response_template": "\n### Label:",
- "dataset_text_field": "output"
+ "dataset_text_field": "output",
+ "lora_post_process_for_vllm": true
-Users should always set `num_processes` to be explicit about the number of processes to run tuning on. When `num_processes` is greater than 1, the [FSDP config](https://github.com/foundation-model-stack/fms-hf-tuning/blob/main/fixtures/accelerate_fsdp_defaults.yaml) is used by default. Thus in the above example, you don't need to pass in the FSDP flags since they match the ones used in the default FSDP config. You can also set your own default values by specifying your own config file using key `config_file`. Any of these values in configs can be overwritten by passing in flags via `accelerate_launch_args` in the JSON config.
+`num_processes` defaults to the amount of GPUs allocated for tuning, unless the user sets `SET_NUM_PROCESSES_TO_NUM_GPUS` to `False`. When `num_processes` is greater than 1, the [FSDP config](https://github.com/foundation-model-stack/fms-hf-tuning/blob/main/fixtures/accelerate_fsdp_defaults.yaml) is used by default. Thus in the above example, you don't need to pass in the FSDP flags since they match the ones used in the default FSDP config. You can also set your own default values by specifying your own config file using key `config_file`. Any of these values in configs can be overwritten by passing in flags via `accelerate_launch_args` in the JSON config.
Note that `num_processes` which is the total number of processes to be launched in parallel, should match the number of GPUs to run on. The number of GPUs used can also be set by setting environment variable `CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES`. If ``num_processes=1`, the script will assume single-GPU.
+If tuning for inference on vLLM, set `lora_post_process_for_vllm` to `true`. Post process LoRA adapters to allow inferencing on vLLM. vLLM needs new token embedding weights added during tuning to be moved to a new file new_embeddings.safetensors.
## Building the Image
diff --git a/build/accelerate_launch.py b/build/accelerate_launch.py
index d7753728c..6cbc7d252 100644
--- a/build/accelerate_launch.py
+++ b/build/accelerate_launch.py
@@ -23,19 +23,18 @@
import subprocess
import sys
import traceback
-from pathlib import Path
import json
+from pathlib import Path
# Third Party
from accelerate.commands.launch import launch_command
-from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer
-from peft import PeftModel
-from torch import bfloat16
# Local
from build.utils import (
- get_highest_checkpoint,
+from tuning.utils.merge_model_utils import (
+ post_process_vLLM_adapters_new_tokens,
from tuning.utils.config_utils import get_json_config
from tuning.utils.error_logging import (
@@ -43,18 +42,10 @@
-from tuning.data import tokenizer_data_utils
ERROR_LOG = "/dev/termination-log"
-def get_base_model_from_adapter_config(adapter_config):
- """Given path to adapter_config.json file, returns the base model name"""
- with open(adapter_config, "r", encoding="utf-8") as config_file:
- adapter_config = json.load(config_file)
- return adapter_config.get("base_model_name_or_path")
def main():
if not os.getenv("TERMINATION_LOG_FILE"):
@@ -107,6 +98,8 @@ def main():
output_dir = job_config.get("output_dir")
+ if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
+ os.makedirs(output_dir)
# checkpoints outputted to tempdir, only final checkpoint copied to output dir
@@ -128,85 +121,55 @@ def main():
write_termination_log(f"Unhandled exception during training. {e}")
- # remove lm_head from granite with llama arch models
- try:
- checkpoint_dir = job_config.get("save_model_dir")
- if not checkpoint_dir:
- checkpoint_dir = os.path.join(
- output_dir, get_highest_checkpoint(output_dir)
- )
- use_flash_attn = job_config.get("use_flash_attn", True)
- adapter_config_path = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, "adapter_config.json")
- tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(checkpoint_dir)
+ peft_method = job_config.get("peft_method")
+ if job_config.get("lora_post_process_for_vllm") and peft_method == "lora":
+ save_model_dir = job_config.get("save_model_dir")
+ if save_model_dir:
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(save_model_dir, "added_tokens_info.json")):
+ with open(
+ os.path.join(save_model_dir, "added_tokens_info.json"),
+ encoding="utf-8",
+ ) as json_data:
+ added_tokens_info = json.load(json_data)
+ num_added_tokens = added_tokens_info["num_new_tokens"]
+ else:
+ logging.warning(
+ "Failed to post-process: file added_tokens_info.json not in path %s",
+ save_model_dir,
+ )
- if os.path.exists(adapter_config_path):
- base_model_path = get_base_model_from_adapter_config(adapter_config_path)
- base_model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(
- base_model_path,
- attn_implementation="flash_attention_2" if use_flash_attn else None,
- torch_dtype=bfloat16 if use_flash_attn else None,
- )
+ if os.path.exists(
+ os.path.join(save_model_dir, "adapter_model.safetensors")
+ ):
+ post_process_vLLM_adapters_new_tokens(
+ save_model_dir, save_model_dir, num_added_tokens
+ )
- # since the peft library (PEFTModelForCausalLM) does not handle cases
- # where the model's layers are modified, in our case the embedding layer
- # is modified, so we resize the backbone model's embedding layer with our own
- # utility before passing it along to load the PEFT model.
- tokenizer_data_utils.tokenizer_and_embedding_resize(
- {}, tokenizer=tokenizer, model=base_model
- )
- model = PeftModel.from_pretrained(
- base_model,
- checkpoint_dir,
- attn_implementation="flash_attention_2" if use_flash_attn else None,
- torch_dtype=bfloat16 if use_flash_attn else None,
- )
+ if (
+ os.path.exists(os.path.join(output_dir, "added_tokens_info.json"))
+ and job_config.get("save_strategy") != "no"
+ ):
+ with open(
+ os.path.join(output_dir, "added_tokens_info.json"), encoding="utf-8"
+ ) as json_data:
+ added_tokens_info = json.load(json_data)
+ num_added_tokens = added_tokens_info["num_new_tokens"]
+ # if multiple checkpoints in directory, process each checkpoint
+ for _, dirs, _ in os.walk(output_dir, topdown=False):
+ for name in dirs:
+ if "checkpoint-" in name.lower():
+ post_process_vLLM_adapters_new_tokens(
+ os.path.join(output_dir, name),
+ os.path.join(output_dir, name),
+ num_added_tokens,
+ )
- model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(
- checkpoint_dir,
- attn_implementation="flash_attention_2" if use_flash_attn else None,
- torch_dtype=bfloat16 if use_flash_attn else None,
+ logging.warning(
+ "Failed to post-process: file added_tokens_info.json not in path %s",
+ save_model_dir,
- model_arch = model.config.model_type
- # check that it is a granite model with llama architecture with tied weights
- # ie. lm_head is duplicate of embeddings
- # a fine tuned model will have params_dict.get("model.embed_tokens.weight")
- # a prompt adapter has params_dict.get("base_model.model.embed_tokens.weight")
- # a lora adapter has params_dict.get("base_model.model.model.embed_tokens.weight")
- if model_arch == "llama" and hasattr(model, "lm_head"):
- if (
- # lora tuned model has an addt model layer
- (
- hasattr(model.model, "model")
- and model.lm_head.weight.untyped_storage().data_ptr()
- == model.model.model.embed_tokens.weight.untyped_storage().data_ptr()
- )
- # prompt tuned model or fine tuned model
- or (
- hasattr(model.model, "embed_tokens")
- and model.lm_head.weight.untyped_storage().data_ptr()
- == model.model.embed_tokens.weight.untyped_storage().data_ptr()
- )
- ):
- logging.info("Removing lm_head from checkpoint")
- del model.lm_head.weight
- if hasattr(model, "lm_head.weight"):
- logging.warning("Failed to delete lm_head.weight from model")
- logging.info("Saving checkpoint to %s", output_dir)
- model.save_pretrained(checkpoint_dir)
- # save tokenizer with model
- tokenizer.save_pretrained(checkpoint_dir)
- except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
- logging.error(traceback.format_exc())
- write_termination_log(f"Exception encountered removing lm_head from model: {e}")
# The .complete file will signal to users that we are finished copying
# files over
if os.path.exists(output_dir):
diff --git a/build/utils.py b/build/utils.py
index 3d2f89d19..8249554f0 100644
--- a/build/utils.py
+++ b/build/utils.py
@@ -24,12 +24,16 @@
import shutil
-def copy_checkpoint(source, destination):
+def copy_checkpoint(source, destination, exclude_files: list[str] = None):
if not os.path.exists(destination):
shutil.copystat(source, destination)
# Have a list of directory objects, now iterate over them.
+ if exclude_files is None:
+ exclude_files = []
for item in os.listdir(source):
+ if item in exclude_files:
+ continue
source_file = os.path.join(source, item)
destination_file = os.path.join(destination, item)
if os.path.isdir(source_file):
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 9843a8274..67623503d 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ classifiers=[
dependencies = [
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ dependencies = [
@@ -46,6 +45,7 @@ dev = ["wheel>=0.42.0,<1.0", "packaging>=23.2,<25", "ninja>=,<2.0", "sci
flash-attn = ["flash-attn>=2.5.3,<3.0"]
aim = ["aim>=3.19.0,<4.0"]
fms-accel = ["fms-acceleration>=0.1"]
+gptq-dev = ["auto_gptq>0.4.2", "optimum>=1.15.0"]
diff --git a/scripts/post_process_adapters_vLLM.py b/scripts/post_process_adapters_vLLM.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..daa80ea08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/post_process_adapters_vLLM.py
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+""" Script to post-process tuned LoRA adapters for inference on vLLM.
+vLLM requires that any token embeddings added while tuning be moved to a new file \
+called new_embeddings.safetensors. \
+See the description in utility function \
+/tuning/utils/merge_model_utils/post_process_vLLM_adapters_new_tokens for more details.
+This script takes a path to tuned model artifacts containing adapters \
+(or checkpoints with adapters) and the file 'added_tokens_info.json' produced while tuning. \
+It will perform the post-processing as needed for inferencing on vLLM.
+# Standard
+import argparse
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import sys
+# Local
+from tuning.utils.merge_model_utils import (
+ copy_files_to_directory,
+ post_process_vLLM_adapters_new_tokens,
+### Main & arg parsing
+def main():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description="Post processes LoRA adapters due to addition of new tokens, as needed by vLLM"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--model_path",
+ help="Path to tuned model containing either one or multiple checkpoints. \
+ Path should have file added_tokens_info.json produced by tuning. \
+ Hint: This will be either output_dir or save_model_dir arguments while tuning. \
+ If multiple checkpoints are present, each checkpoint folder name \
+ should begin with 'checkpoint-'",
+ required=True,
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--output_model_path",
+ help="Output directory where post-processed artifacts will be stored. \
+ If not provided, artifacts will be modified in place",
+ default=None,
+ )
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if args.output_model_path is None:
+ output_model_path = args.model_path
+ else:
+ output_model_path = args.output_model_path
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.model_path, "added_tokens_info.json")):
+ with open(
+ os.path.join(args.model_path, "added_tokens_info.json"), encoding="utf-8"
+ ) as json_data:
+ added_tokens_info = json.load(json_data)
+ num_added_tokens = added_tokens_info["num_new_tokens"]
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "file added_tokens_info.json not in model_path. \
+ Cannot post-processes"
+ )
+ if num_added_tokens == 0:
+ logging.info("No new tokens added, hence post-processing not needed")
+ sys.exit(0)
+ found_adapters = 0
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.model_path, "adapter_model.safetensors")):
+ found_adapters = 1
+ post_process_vLLM_adapters_new_tokens(
+ args.model_path, output_model_path, num_added_tokens
+ )
+ # if multiple checkpoints in directory, process each checkpoint
+ found_checkpoints = 0
+ for _, dirs, _ in os.walk(args.model_path, topdown=False):
+ for name in dirs:
+ if "checkpoint-" in name.lower():
+ post_process_vLLM_adapters_new_tokens(
+ os.path.join(args.model_path, name),
+ os.path.join(output_model_path, name),
+ num_added_tokens,
+ )
+ found_checkpoints = 1
+ if found_checkpoints and output_model_path != args.model_path:
+ copy_files_to_directory(
+ args.model_path,
+ output_model_path,
+ exclude_files=["adapter_model.safetensors"],
+ )
+ if not found_adapters and not found_checkpoints:
+ logging.warning("No adapters were found to process in model path provided")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/scripts/run_inference.py b/scripts/run_inference.py
index d64bf926b..7e4465cac 100644
--- a/scripts/run_inference.py
+++ b/scripts/run_inference.py
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
# Third Party
from peft import PeftModel
from tqdm import tqdm
-from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer
+from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer, GPTQConfig
import torch
# Local
@@ -176,6 +176,8 @@ def load(
else {}
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(checkpoint_path)
+ device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else None
+ print(f"Inferred device: {device}")
# Apply the configs to the adapter config of this model; if no overrides
# are provided, then the context manager doesn't have any effect.
@@ -183,13 +185,36 @@ def load(
if base_model_name_or_path is None:
raise ValueError("base_model_name_or_path has to be passed")
- base_model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(
- base_model_name_or_path,
- attn_implementation="flash_attention_2"
- if use_flash_attn
- else None,
- torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16 if use_flash_attn else None,
- )
+ if (
+ has_quantized_config(base_model_name_or_path)
+ and device == "cuda"
+ ):
+ # Using GPTQConfig from HF, avail params are here
+ # https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/en/main_classes/quantization#transformers.GPTQConfig
+ # We only support 4-bit AutoGPTQ, so setting bits to 4
+ # setting exllama kernel to version 2 as it's a faster kernel
+ gptq_config = GPTQConfig(bits=4, exllama_config={"version": 2})
+ # Since we are using exllama kernel, we need torch.float16 as torch_dtype
+ base_model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(
+ base_model_name_or_path,
+ attn_implementation="flash_attention_2"
+ if use_flash_attn
+ else None,
+ device_map=device,
+ torch_dtype=torch.float16,
+ quantization_config=gptq_config,
+ )
+ else:
+ base_model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(
+ base_model_name_or_path,
+ attn_implementation="flash_attention_2"
+ if use_flash_attn
+ else None,
+ torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16 if use_flash_attn else None,
+ )
# since the peft library (PEFTModelForCausalLM) does not handle cases
# where the model's layers are modified, in our case the embedding layer
# is modified, so we resize the backbone model's embedding layer with our own
@@ -211,14 +236,28 @@ def load(
except FileNotFoundError:
print("No adapter config found! Loading as a merged model...")
# Unable to find the adapter config; fall back to loading as a merged model
- model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(
- checkpoint_path,
- attn_implementation="flash_attention_2" if use_flash_attn else None,
- torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16 if use_flash_attn else None,
- )
+ if has_quantized_config(checkpoint_path) and device == "cuda":
+ # Using GPTQConfig from HF, avail params are here
+ # https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/en/main_classes/quantization#transformers.GPTQConfig
+ # We only support 4-bit AutoGPTQ, so setting bits to 4
+ # setting exllama kernel to version 2 as it's a faster kernel
+ gptq_config = GPTQConfig(bits=4, exllama_config={"version": 2})
+ # Since we are using exllama kernel, we need torch.float16 as torch_dtype
+ model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(
+ checkpoint_path,
+ attn_implementation="flash_attention_2" if use_flash_attn else None,
+ device_map=device,
+ torch_dtype=torch.float16,
+ quantization_config=gptq_config,
+ )
+ else:
+ model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(
+ checkpoint_path,
+ attn_implementation="flash_attention_2" if use_flash_attn else None,
+ torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16 if use_flash_attn else None,
+ )
- device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else None
- print(f"Inferred device: {device}")
return cls(model, tokenizer, device)
@@ -327,5 +366,9 @@ def main():
print(f"Exported results to: {args.out_file}")
+def has_quantized_config(model_path: str):
+ return os.path.exists(os.path.join(model_path, "quantize_config.json"))
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/tests/acceleration/spying_utils.py b/tests/acceleration/spying_utils.py
index ce1ae1f9a..5dc9f7ceb 100644
--- a/tests/acceleration/spying_utils.py
+++ b/tests/acceleration/spying_utils.py
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ def augmentation(
def get_callbacks_and_ready_for_train(self, *args, **kwargs):
spy["get_ready_for_train_calls"] += 1
- return plugin_cls.get_callbacks_and_ready_for_train(self, args, **kwargs)
+ return plugin_cls.get_callbacks_and_ready_for_train(self, *args, **kwargs)
attributes = {
"model_loader": model_loader,
diff --git a/tests/acceleration/test_acceleration_dataclasses.py b/tests/acceleration/test_acceleration_dataclasses.py
index fc031298b..130159933 100644
--- a/tests/acceleration/test_acceleration_dataclasses.py
+++ b/tests/acceleration/test_acceleration_dataclasses.py
@@ -23,6 +23,11 @@
+from tuning.config.acceleration_configs.attention_and_distributed_packing import (
+ AttentionAndDistributedPackingConfig,
+ MultiPack,
+ PaddingFree,
from tuning.config.acceleration_configs.fused_ops_and_kernels import (
@@ -65,6 +70,24 @@ def test_dataclass_parse_successfully():
assert cfg.auto_gptq is None
assert isinstance(cfg.bnb_qlora, BNBQLoraConfig)
+ # 3. Specifing "--padding_free" will parse a PaddingFree class
+ parser = transformers.HfArgumentParser(
+ dataclass_types=AttentionAndDistributedPackingConfig
+ )
+ (cfg,) = parser.parse_args_into_dataclasses(
+ ["--padding_free", "huggingface"],
+ )
+ assert isinstance(cfg.padding_free, PaddingFree)
+ # 4. Specifing "--multipack" will parse a MultiPack class
+ parser = transformers.HfArgumentParser(
+ dataclass_types=AttentionAndDistributedPackingConfig
+ )
+ (cfg,) = parser.parse_args_into_dataclasses(
+ ["--multipack", "16"],
+ )
+ assert isinstance(cfg.multipack, MultiPack)
def test_two_dataclasses_parse_successfully_together():
"""Ensure that the two dataclasses can parse arguments successfully
@@ -133,3 +156,9 @@ def test_dataclass_will_fail_to_accept_illegal_args():
ValueError, match="quant_type can only be either 'nf4' or 'fp4."
+ # 3 padding-free plugin only supports huggingface models
+ with pytest.raises(
+ ValueError, match="only 'huggingface' method currently supported."
+ ):
+ PaddingFree(method="invalid-method")
diff --git a/tests/acceleration/test_acceleration_framework.py b/tests/acceleration/test_acceleration_framework.py
index c907b8f06..b6acf7eb3 100644
--- a/tests/acceleration/test_acceleration_framework.py
+++ b/tests/acceleration/test_acceleration_framework.py
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
from typing import Annotated
from unittest.mock import patch
import copy
+import os
import tempfile
# Third Party
@@ -37,6 +38,11 @@
from tuning.config.acceleration_configs.acceleration_framework_config import (
+from tuning.config.acceleration_configs.attention_and_distributed_packing import (
+ AttentionAndDistributedPackingConfig,
+ MultiPack,
+ PaddingFree,
from tuning.config.acceleration_configs.fused_ops_and_kernels import (
@@ -47,11 +53,24 @@
from tuning.utils.import_utils import is_fms_accelerate_available
+# for some reason the CI will raise an import error if we try to import
+# these from tests.data
+ os.path.dirname(__file__), "../data/twitter_complaints_json.json"
+ os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ "../data/twitter_complaints_tokenized_with_maykeye_tinyllama_v0.json",
# pylint: disable=import-error
if is_fms_accelerate_available():
# Third Party
- from fms_acceleration.utils.test_utils import build_framework_and_maybe_instantiate
+ from fms_acceleration.utils.test_utils import (
+ build_framework_and_maybe_instantiate,
+ instantiate_model_patcher,
+ )
if is_fms_accelerate_available(plugins="peft"):
# Third Party
@@ -62,7 +81,11 @@
if is_fms_accelerate_available(plugins="foak"):
# Third Party
- from fms_acceleration_foak import FastQuantizedPeftAccelerationPlugin
+ from fms_acceleration_foak import FastKernelsAccelerationPlugin
+ if is_fms_accelerate_available(plugins="aadp"):
+ # Third Party
+ from fms_acceleration_aadp import PaddingFreeAccelerationPlugin
# There are more extensive unit tests in the
@@ -351,6 +374,8 @@ def test_framework_intialized_properly_peft(
train_args.output_dir = tempdir
train_args.save_strategy = "no"
train_args.fp16 = True
+ peft_args = copy.deepcopy(PEFT_LORA_ARGS)
+ peft_args.target_modules = ["q_proj", "k_proj"]
installation_path, (MockedPlugin, spy) = mock_and_spy
@@ -361,13 +386,14 @@ def test_framework_intialized_properly_peft(
[([installation_path], MockedPlugin)],
- sft_trainer.train(
- model_args,
- train_args,
- quantized_lora_config=quantized_lora_config,
- )
+ with instantiate_model_patcher():
+ sft_trainer.train(
+ model_args,
+ train_args,
+ peft_args,
+ quantized_lora_config=quantized_lora_config,
+ )
# spy inside the train to ensure that the acceleration plugin
# was called. In the context of the AutoGPTQ plugin
@@ -399,6 +425,8 @@ def test_framework_intialized_properly_foak():
train_args.output_dir = tempdir
train_args.save_strategy = "no"
train_args.fp16 = True
+ peft_args = copy.deepcopy(PEFT_LORA_ARGS)
+ peft_args.target_modules = ["q_proj", "k_proj"]
# setup default quantized lora args dataclass
# - with auth gptq as the quantized method
@@ -406,7 +434,7 @@ def test_framework_intialized_properly_foak():
fusedops_kernels_config = FusedOpsAndKernelsConfig(
fused_lora=FusedLoraConfig(base_layer="auto_gptq", fused_lora=True),
- fast_loss=True, fast_rsm_layernorm=True, fast_rope_embeddings=True
+ fast_loss=True, fast_rms_layernorm=True, fast_rope_embeddings=True
@@ -415,7 +443,7 @@ def test_framework_intialized_properly_foak():
"AutoGPTQMock", AutoGPTQAccelerationPlugin
MockedPlugin2, spy2 = create_mock_plugin_class_and_spy(
- "FastPeftMock", FastQuantizedPeftAccelerationPlugin
+ "FastPeftMock", FastKernelsAccelerationPlugin
# 1. mock a plugin class
@@ -428,14 +456,15 @@ def test_framework_intialized_properly_foak():
- sft_trainer.train(
- model_args,
- train_args,
- quantized_lora_config=quantized_lora_config,
- fusedops_kernels_config=fusedops_kernels_config,
- )
+ with instantiate_model_patcher():
+ sft_trainer.train(
+ model_args,
+ train_args,
+ peft_args,
+ quantized_lora_config=quantized_lora_config,
+ fusedops_kernels_config=fusedops_kernels_config,
+ )
# spy inside the train to ensure that the AutoGPTQ plugin is called
assert spy["model_loader_calls"] == 1
@@ -446,3 +475,244 @@ def test_framework_intialized_properly_foak():
assert spy2["model_loader_calls"] == 0
assert spy2["augmentation_calls"] == 1
assert spy2["get_ready_for_train_calls"] == 1
+ not is_fms_accelerate_available(plugins="aadp"),
+ reason="Only runs if fms-accelerate is installed along with \
+ attention_and_distributed_packing plugin",
+def test_framework_initialize_and_trains_with_aadp():
+ """
+ Ensure that a properly configured aadp dataclass is
+ correctly activated in train.
+ """
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
+ model_args = copy.deepcopy(MODEL_ARGS)
+ model_args.model_name_or_path = "TinyLlama/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v0.3"
+ model_args.use_flash_attn = True
+ train_args = copy.deepcopy(TRAIN_ARGS)
+ train_args.output_dir = tempdir
+ train_args.save_strategy = "no"
+ data_args = copy.deepcopy(DATA_ARGS)
+ data_args.training_data_path = TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_JSON_FORMAT
+ data_args.response_template = "\n\n### Label:"
+ data_args.dataset_text_field = "output"
+ # initialize a config
+ aadp_config = AttentionAndDistributedPackingConfig(
+ padding_free=PaddingFree(method="huggingface")
+ )
+ # create mocked plugin class for spying
+ MockedPlugin1, spy = create_mock_plugin_class_and_spy(
+ "PaddingFreeMock", PaddingFreeAccelerationPlugin
+ )
+ # 1. mock a plugin class
+ # 2. register the mocked plugins
+ # 3. call sft_trainer.train
+ with build_framework_and_maybe_instantiate(
+ [
+ (["training.attention.padding_free"], MockedPlugin1),
+ ],
+ instantiate=False,
+ ):
+ with instantiate_model_patcher():
+ sft_trainer.train(
+ model_args,
+ data_args,
+ train_args,
+ attention_and_distributed_packing_config=aadp_config,
+ )
+ # spy inside the train to ensure that the ilab plugin is called
+ assert spy["model_loader_calls"] == 0
+ assert spy["augmentation_calls"] == 1
+ assert spy["get_ready_for_train_calls"] == 1
+ not is_fms_accelerate_available(plugins="aadp"),
+ reason="Only runs if fms-accelerate is installed along with \
+ attention_and_distributed_packing plugin",
+def test_error_raised_with_paddingfree_and_flash_attn_disabled():
+ """Ensure error raised when padding-free is not used with flash attention"""
+ with pytest.raises(
+ ValueError,
+ match="`--padding_free` argument was called without enabling "
+ "flash attention, ensure `use_flash_attn = True` to use padding-free flash attention",
+ ):
+ attention_and_distributed_packing_config = AttentionAndDistributedPackingConfig(
+ padding_free=PaddingFree(method="huggingface")
+ )
+ model_args = copy.deepcopy(MODEL_ARGS)
+ model_args.use_flash_attn = False
+ sft_trainer.train(
+ model_args,
+ attention_and_distributed_packing_config=attention_and_distributed_packing_config,
+ )
+ not is_fms_accelerate_available(plugins="aadp"),
+ reason="Only runs if fms-accelerate is installed along with \
+ attention_and_distributed_packing plugin",
+def test_error_raised_with_multipack_and_paddingfree_disabled():
+ """Ensure error raised when padding-free is not used with multipack"""
+ with pytest.raises(
+ ValueError,
+ match="`--multipack` is currently only supported with `--padding_free`",
+ ):
+ attention_and_distributed_packing_config = AttentionAndDistributedPackingConfig(
+ multipack=MultiPack(num_processes=16),
+ padding_free=None,
+ )
+ model_args = copy.deepcopy(MODEL_ARGS)
+ sft_trainer.train(
+ model_args,
+ attention_and_distributed_packing_config=attention_and_distributed_packing_config,
+ )
+ not is_fms_accelerate_available(plugins="aadp"),
+ reason="Only runs if fms-accelerate is installed along with \
+ attention_and_distributed_packing plugin",
+def test_error_raised_with_packing_and_paddingfree_enabled():
+ """Ensure error raised when padding-free is used with packing"""
+ with pytest.raises(
+ ValueError,
+ match="`--padding_free` argument was called with `packing=True`, "
+ "Trainer should not perform packing when using `--padding_free`",
+ ):
+ attention_and_distributed_packing_config = AttentionAndDistributedPackingConfig(
+ padding_free=PaddingFree(method="huggingface")
+ )
+ model_args = copy.deepcopy(MODEL_ARGS)
+ model_args.use_flash_attn = True
+ train_args = copy.deepcopy(TRAIN_ARGS)
+ train_args.packing = True
+ sft_trainer.train(
+ model_args,
+ train_args,
+ attention_and_distributed_packing_config=attention_and_distributed_packing_config,
+ )
+ not is_fms_accelerate_available(plugins="foak"),
+ reason="Only runs if fms-accelerate is installed along with \
+ fused_ops_and_kernels plugin",
+def test_error_raised_with_fused_lora_enabled_without_quantized_argument():
+ """
+ Ensure error is thrown when `--fused_lora` is passed without
+ `--auto_gptq` or `bitsandbytes`
+ """
+ with pytest.raises(
+ ValueError,
+ match="`--fused_lora` must be accompanied by a quantized base layer "
+ "`--auto_gptq` or `--bitsandbytes`.",
+ ):
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
+ # instantiate the arguments
+ model_args = copy.deepcopy(MODEL_ARGS)
+ model_args.model_name_or_path = "TheBloke/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v0.3-GPTQ"
+ model_args.torch_dtype = torch.float16
+ train_args = copy.deepcopy(TRAIN_ARGS)
+ train_args.output_dir = tempdir
+ train_args.save_strategy = "no"
+ train_args.fp16 = True
+ peft_args = copy.deepcopy(PEFT_LORA_ARGS)
+ peft_args.target_modules = ["q_proj", "k_proj"]
+ # setup FOAK config with fused lora
+ fusedops_kernels_config = FusedOpsAndKernelsConfig(
+ fused_lora=FusedLoraConfig(base_layer="auto_gptq", fused_lora=True),
+ )
+ # pass FOAK config but don't specify quantized base layer to sft_trainer
+ # expect error in framework instantiation
+ with build_framework_and_maybe_instantiate(
+ [
+ (["training.fused_ops_and_kernels"], fusedops_kernels_config),
+ ],
+ instantiate=False,
+ ):
+ with instantiate_model_patcher():
+ sft_trainer.train(
+ model_args,
+ train_args,
+ peft_args,
+ quantized_lora_config=None,
+ fusedops_kernels_config=fusedops_kernels_config,
+ )
+ not is_fms_accelerate_available(plugins="foak"),
+ reason="Only runs if fms-accelerate is installed along with \
+ fused_ops_and_kernels plugin",
+def test_fastkernels_with_full_finetuning_runs_successfully():
+ """
+ Ensure that a properly configured fastkernels dataclass will train with full FT.
+ """
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
+ model_args = copy.deepcopy(MODEL_ARGS)
+ model_args.model_name_or_path = "TinyLlama/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v0.3"
+ model_args.torch_dtype = torch.bfloat16
+ train_args = copy.deepcopy(TRAIN_ARGS)
+ train_args.output_dir = tempdir
+ train_args.save_strategy = "no"
+ train_args.bf16 = True
+ data_args = copy.deepcopy(DATA_ARGS)
+ data_args.training_data_path = TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_JSON_FORMAT
+ data_args.response_template = "\n\n### Label:"
+ data_args.dataset_text_field = "output"
+ # initialize a FOAK config
+ fusedops_kernels_config = FusedOpsAndKernelsConfig(
+ fast_kernels=FastKernelsConfig(
+ fast_loss=True, fast_rms_layernorm=True, fast_rope_embeddings=True
+ ),
+ )
+ # create mocked plugin class for spying
+ MockedPlugin1, spy = create_mock_plugin_class_and_spy(
+ "FastKernelsMock", FastKernelsAccelerationPlugin
+ )
+ # 1. mock a plugin class
+ # 2. register the mocked plugins
+ # 3. call sft_trainer.train
+ with build_framework_and_maybe_instantiate(
+ [
+ (["training.fused_ops_and_kernels"], MockedPlugin1),
+ ],
+ instantiate=False,
+ ):
+ with instantiate_model_patcher():
+ sft_trainer.train(
+ model_args,
+ data_args,
+ train_args,
+ fusedops_kernels_config=fusedops_kernels_config,
+ )
+ # spy inside train to ensure that the aadp plugin is called
+ assert spy["augmentation_calls"] == 1
+ assert spy["get_ready_for_train_calls"] == 1
diff --git a/tests/artifacts/tuned_llama_with_added_tokens/adapter_config.json b/tests/artifacts/tuned_llama_with_added_tokens/adapter_config.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3e54e0f8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/artifacts/tuned_llama_with_added_tokens/adapter_config.json
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ "alpha_pattern": {},
+ "auto_mapping": null,
+ "base_model_name_or_path": "Maykeye/TinyLLama-v0",
+ "bias": "none",
+ "fan_in_fan_out": false,
+ "inference_mode": true,
+ "init_lora_weights": true,
+ "layer_replication": null,
+ "layers_pattern": null,
+ "layers_to_transform": null,
+ "loftq_config": {},
+ "lora_alpha": 32,
+ "lora_dropout": 0.05,
+ "megatron_config": null,
+ "megatron_core": "megatron.core",
+ "modules_to_save": null,
+ "peft_type": "LORA",
+ "r": 8,
+ "rank_pattern": {},
+ "revision": null,
+ "target_modules": [
+ "v_proj",
+ "q_proj"
+ ],
+ "task_type": "CAUSAL_LM",
+ "use_dora": false,
+ "use_rslora": false
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/artifacts/tuned_llama_with_added_tokens/adapter_model.safetensors b/tests/artifacts/tuned_llama_with_added_tokens/adapter_model.safetensors
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d20b279dd
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/artifacts/tuned_llama_with_added_tokens/adapter_model.safetensors differ
diff --git a/tests/artifacts/tuned_llama_with_added_tokens/added_tokens.json b/tests/artifacts/tuned_llama_with_added_tokens/added_tokens.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9c16aa4be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/artifacts/tuned_llama_with_added_tokens/added_tokens.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "": 32000
diff --git a/tests/artifacts/tuned_llama_with_added_tokens/special_tokens_map.json b/tests/artifacts/tuned_llama_with_added_tokens/special_tokens_map.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a782b2f1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/artifacts/tuned_llama_with_added_tokens/special_tokens_map.json
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ "bos_token": {
+ "content": "",
+ "lstrip": false,
+ "normalized": false,
+ "rstrip": false,
+ "single_word": false
+ },
+ "eos_token": {
+ "content": "",
+ "lstrip": false,
+ "normalized": false,
+ "rstrip": false,
+ "single_word": false
+ },
+ "pad_token": {
+ "content": "",
+ "lstrip": false,
+ "normalized": false,
+ "rstrip": false,
+ "single_word": false
+ },
+ "unk_token": {
+ "content": "",
+ "lstrip": false,
+ "normalized": false,
+ "rstrip": false,
+ "single_word": false
+ }
diff --git a/tests/artifacts/tuned_llama_with_added_tokens/tokenizer.json b/tests/artifacts/tuned_llama_with_added_tokens/tokenizer.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..78fc7092e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/artifacts/tuned_llama_with_added_tokens/tokenizer.json
@@ -0,0 +1,96964 @@
+ "version": "1.0",
+ "truncation": null,
+ "padding": null,
+ "added_tokens": [
+ {
+ "id": 0,
+ "content": "",
+ "single_word": false,
+ "lstrip": false,
+ "rstrip": false,
+ "normalized": false,
+ "special": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1,
+ "content": "",
+ "single_word": false,
+ "lstrip": false,
+ "rstrip": false,
+ "normalized": false,
+ "special": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 2,
+ "content": "",
+ "single_word": false,
+ "lstrip": false,
+ "rstrip": false,
+ "normalized": false,
+ "special": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 32000,
+ "content": "",
+ "single_word": false,
+ "lstrip": false,
+ "rstrip": false,
+ "normalized": false,
+ "special": true
+ }
+ ],
+ "normalizer": {
+ "type": "Sequence",
+ "normalizers": [
+ {
+ "type": "Prepend",
+ "prepend": "▁"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "Replace",
+ "pattern": {
+ "String": " "
+ },
+ "content": "▁"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "pre_tokenizer": null,
+ "post_processor": {
+ "type": "TemplateProcessing",
+ "single": [
+ {
+ "SpecialToken": {
+ "id": "",
+ "type_id": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Sequence": {
+ "id": "A",
+ "type_id": 0
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "pair": [
+ {
+ "SpecialToken": {
+ "id": "",
+ "type_id": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Sequence": {
+ "id": "A",
+ "type_id": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "SpecialToken": {
+ "id": "",
+ "type_id": 1
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Sequence": {
+ "id": "B",
+ "type_id": 1
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "special_tokens": {
+ "": {
+ "id": "",
+ "ids": [
+ 1
+ ],
+ "tokens": [
+ ""
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "decoder": {
+ "type": "Sequence",
+ "decoders": [
+ {
+ "type": "Replace",
+ "pattern": {
+ "String": "▁"
+ },
+ "content": " "
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "ByteFallback"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "Fuse"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "Strip",
+ "content": " ",
+ "start": 1,
+ "stop": 0
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "model": {
+ "type": "BPE",
+ "dropout": null,
+ "unk_token": "",
+ "continuing_subword_prefix": null,
+ "end_of_word_suffix": null,
+ "fuse_unk": true,
+ "byte_fallback": true,
+ "ignore_merges": false,
+ "vocab": {
+ "": 0,
+ "": 1,
+ "": 2,
+ "<0x00>": 3,
+ "<0x01>": 4,
+ "<0x02>": 5,
+ "<0x03>": 6,
+ "<0x04>": 7,
+ "<0x05>": 8,
+ "<0x06>": 9,
+ "<0x07>": 10,
+ "<0x08>": 11,
+ "<0x09>": 12,
+ "<0x0A>": 13,
+ "<0x0B>": 14,
+ "<0x0C>": 15,
+ "<0x0D>": 16,
+ "<0x0E>": 17,
+ "<0x0F>": 18,
+ "<0x10>": 19,
+ "<0x11>": 20,
+ "<0x12>": 21,
+ "<0x13>": 22,
+ "<0x14>": 23,
+ "<0x15>": 24,
+ "<0x16>": 25,
+ "<0x17>": 26,
+ "<0x18>": 27,
+ "<0x19>": 28,
+ "<0x1A>": 29,
+ "<0x1B>": 30,
+ "<0x1C>": 31,
+ "<0x1D>": 32,
+ "<0x1E>": 33,
+ "<0x1F>": 34,
+ "<0x20>": 35,
+ "<0x21>": 36,
+ "<0x22>": 37,
+ "<0x23>": 38,
+ "<0x24>": 39,
+ "<0x25>": 40,
+ "<0x26>": 41,
+ "<0x27>": 42,
+ "<0x28>": 43,
+ "<0x29>": 44,
+ "<0x2A>": 45,
+ "<0x2B>": 46,
+ "<0x2C>": 47,
+ "<0x2D>": 48,
+ "<0x2E>": 49,
+ "<0x2F>": 50,
+ "<0x30>": 51,
+ "<0x31>": 52,
+ "<0x32>": 53,
+ "<0x33>": 54,
+ "<0x34>": 55,
+ "<0x35>": 56,
+ "<0x36>": 57,
+ "<0x37>": 58,
+ "<0x38>": 59,
+ "<0x39>": 60,
+ "<0x3A>": 61,
+ "<0x3B>": 62,
+ "<0x3C>": 63,
+ "<0x3D>": 64,
+ "<0x3E>": 65,
+ "<0x3F>": 66,
+ "<0x40>": 67,
+ "<0x41>": 68,
+ "<0x42>": 69,
+ "<0x43>": 70,
+ "<0x44>": 71,
+ "<0x45>": 72,
+ "<0x46>": 73,
+ "<0x47>": 74,
+ "<0x48>": 75,
+ "<0x49>": 76,
+ "<0x4A>": 77,
+ "<0x4B>": 78,
+ "<0x4C>": 79,
+ "<0x4D>": 80,
+ "<0x4E>": 81,
+ "<0x4F>": 82,
+ "<0x50>": 83,
+ "<0x51>": 84,
+ "<0x52>": 85,
+ "<0x53>": 86,
+ "<0x54>": 87,
+ "<0x55>": 88,
+ "<0x56>": 89,
+ "<0x57>": 90,
+ "<0x58>": 91,
+ "<0x59>": 92,
+ "<0x5A>": 93,
+ "<0x5B>": 94,
+ "<0x5C>": 95,
+ "<0x5D>": 96,
+ "<0x5E>": 97,
+ "<0x5F>": 98,
+ "<0x60>": 99,
+ "<0x61>": 100,
+ "<0x62>": 101,
+ "<0x63>": 102,
+ "<0x64>": 103,
+ "<0x65>": 104,
+ "<0x66>": 105,
+ "<0x67>": 106,
+ "<0x68>": 107,
+ "<0x69>": 108,
+ "<0x6A>": 109,
+ "<0x6B>": 110,
+ "<0x6C>": 111,
+ "<0x6D>": 112,
+ "<0x6E>": 113,
+ "<0x6F>": 114,
+ "<0x70>": 115,
+ "<0x71>": 116,
+ "<0x72>": 117,
+ "<0x73>": 118,
+ "<0x74>": 119,
+ "<0x75>": 120,
+ "<0x76>": 121,
+ "<0x77>": 122,
+ "<0x78>": 123,
+ "<0x79>": 124,
+ "<0x7A>": 125,
+ "<0x7B>": 126,
+ "<0x7C>": 127,
+ "<0x7D>": 128,
+ "<0x7E>": 129,
+ "<0x7F>": 130,
+ "<0x80>": 131,
+ "<0x81>": 132,
+ "<0x82>": 133,
+ "<0x83>": 134,
+ "<0x84>": 135,
+ "<0x85>": 136,
+ "<0x86>": 137,
+ "<0x87>": 138,
+ "<0x88>": 139,
+ "<0x89>": 140,
+ "<0x8A>": 141,
+ "<0x8B>": 142,
+ "<0x8C>": 143,
+ "<0x8D>": 144,
+ "<0x8E>": 145,
+ "<0x8F>": 146,
+ "<0x90>": 147,
+ "<0x91>": 148,
+ "<0x92>": 149,
+ "<0x93>": 150,
+ "<0x94>": 151,
+ "<0x95>": 152,
+ "<0x96>": 153,
+ "<0x97>": 154,
+ "<0x98>": 155,
+ "<0x99>": 156,
+ "<0x9A>": 157,
+ "<0x9B>": 158,
+ "<0x9C>": 159,
+ "<0x9D>": 160,
+ "<0x9E>": 161,
+ "<0x9F>": 162,
+ "<0xA0>": 163,
+ "<0xA1>": 164,
+ "<0xA2>": 165,
+ "<0xA3>": 166,
+ "<0xA4>": 167,
+ "<0xA5>": 168,
+ "<0xA6>": 169,
+ "<0xA7>": 170,
+ "<0xA8>": 171,
+ "<0xA9>": 172,
+ "<0xAA>": 173,
+ "<0xAB>": 174,
+ "<0xAC>": 175,
+ "<0xAD>": 176,
+ "<0xAE>": 177,
+ "<0xAF>": 178,
+ "<0xB0>": 179,
+ "<0xB1>": 180,
+ "<0xB2>": 181,
+ "<0xB3>": 182,
+ "<0xB4>": 183,
+ "<0xB5>": 184,
+ "<0xB6>": 185,
+ "<0xB7>": 186,
+ "<0xB8>": 187,
+ "<0xB9>": 188,
+ "<0xBA>": 189,
+ "<0xBB>": 190,
+ "<0xBC>": 191,
+ "<0xBD>": 192,
+ "<0xBE>": 193,
+ "<0xBF>": 194,
+ "<0xC0>": 195,
+ "<0xC1>": 196,
+ "<0xC2>": 197,
+ "<0xC3>": 198,
+ "<0xC4>": 199,
+ "<0xC5>": 200,
+ "<0xC6>": 201,
+ "<0xC7>": 202,
+ "<0xC8>": 203,
+ "<0xC9>": 204,
+ "<0xCA>": 205,
+ "<0xCB>": 206,
+ "<0xCC>": 207,
+ "<0xCD>": 208,
+ "<0xCE>": 209,
+ "<0xCF>": 210,
+ "<0xD0>": 211,
+ "<0xD1>": 212,
+ "<0xD2>": 213,
+ "<0xD3>": 214,
+ "<0xD4>": 215,
+ "<0xD5>": 216,
+ "<0xD6>": 217,
+ "<0xD7>": 218,
+ "<0xD8>": 219,
+ "<0xD9>": 220,
+ "<0xDA>": 221,
+ "<0xDB>": 222,
+ "<0xDC>": 223,
+ "<0xDD>": 224,
+ "<0xDE>": 225,
+ "<0xDF>": 226,
+ "<0xE0>": 227,
+ "<0xE1>": 228,
+ "<0xE2>": 229,
+ "<0xE3>": 230,
+ "<0xE4>": 231,
+ "<0xE5>": 232,
+ "<0xE6>": 233,
+ "<0xE7>": 234,
+ "<0xE8>": 235,
+ "<0xE9>": 236,
+ "<0xEA>": 237,
+ "<0xEB>": 238,
+ "<0xEC>": 239,
+ "<0xED>": 240,
+ "<0xEE>": 241,
+ "<0xEF>": 242,
+ "<0xF0>": 243,
+ "<0xF1>": 244,
+ "<0xF2>": 245,
+ "<0xF3>": 246,
+ "<0xF4>": 247,
+ "<0xF5>": 248,
+ "<0xF6>": 249,
+ "<0xF7>": 250,
+ "<0xF8>": 251,
+ "<0xF9>": 252,
+ "<0xFA>": 253,
+ "<0xFB>": 254,
+ "<0xFC>": 255,
+ "<0xFD>": 256,
+ "<0xFE>": 257,
+ "<0xFF>": 258,
+ "▁t": 259,
+ "▁a": 260,
+ "in": 261,
+ "he": 262,
+ "re": 263,
+ "on": 264,
+ "er": 265,
+ "▁the": 266,
+ "▁s": 267,
+ "at": 268,
+ "▁o": 269,
+ "en": 270,
+ "▁w": 271,
+ "or": 272,
+ "it": 273,
+ "an": 274,
+ "▁c": 275,
+ "is": 276,
+ "es": 277,
+ "▁f": 278,
+ "al": 279,
+ "nd": 280,
+ "ing": 281,
+ "ed": 282,
+ "▁p": 283,
+ "▁b": 284,
+ "ar": 285,
+ "ou": 286,
+ "▁of": 287,
+ "▁in": 288,
+ "▁to": 289,
+ "▁m": 290,
+ "▁and": 291,
+ "ic": 292,
+ "ion": 293,
+ "▁d": 294,
+ "as": 295,
+ "le": 296,
+ "▁h": 297,
+ "om": 298,
+ "▁th": 299,
+ "ent": 300,
+ "▁T": 301,
+ "il": 302,
+ "st": 303,
+ "▁S": 304,
+ "ro": 305,
+ "▁re": 306,
+ "el": 307,
+ "▁A": 308,
+ "▁l": 309,
+ "ct": 310,
+ "▁n": 311,
+ "▁I": 312,
+ "et": 313,
+ "▁C": 314,
+ "▁e": 315,
+ "ve": 316,
+ "id": 317,
+ "▁g": 318,
+ "ut": 319,
+ "ol": 320,
+ "ot": 321,
+ "▁is": 322,
+ "am": 323,
+ "▁M": 324,
+ "ur": 325,
+ "ly": 326,
+ "im": 327,
+ "▁on": 328,
+ "▁for": 329,
+ "ad": 330,
+ "ce": 331,
+ "ation": 332,
+ "▁be": 333,
+ "ig": 334,
+ "ay": 335,
+ "ow": 336,
+ "us": 337,
+ "ch": 338,
+ "ver": 339,
+ "▁P": 340,
+ "▁B": 341,
+ "▁that": 342,
+ "▁y": 343,
+ "▁st": 344,
+ "ir": 345,
+ "ith": 346,
+ "▁The": 347,
+ "▁W": 348,
+ "▁H": 349,
+ "▁he": 350,
+ "▁with": 351,
+ "▁(": 352,
+ "▁D": 353,
+ "ul": 354,
+ "ra": 355,
+ "un": 356,
+ "▁it": 357,
+ "se": 358,
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+ "": 31968,
+ "â": 31969,
+ "«": 31970,
+ "ш": 31971,
+ "€": 31972,
+ "ю": 31973,
+ "ł": 31974,
+ "®": 31975,
+ "ç": 31976,
+ "С": 31977,
+ "§": 31978,
+ " ": 31979,
+ " ": 31980,
+ "ф": 31981,
+ "П": 31982,
+ "å": 31983,
+ "ا": 31984,
+ "В": 31985,
+ "�": 31986,
+ "ñ": 31987,
+ "": 31988,
+ "К": 31989,
+ "ã": 31990,
+ "ú": 31991,
+ "™": 31992,
+ "č": 31993,
+ "М": 31994,
+ "ā": 31995,
+ "щ": 31996,
+ "α": 31997,
+ "š": 31998,
+ "А": 31999
+ },
+ "merges": [
+ "▁ a",
+ "i n",
+ "h e",
+ "r e",
+ "o n",
+ "e r",
+ "▁t he",
+ "▁th e",
+ "▁ the",
+ "▁ s",
+ "a t",
+ "▁ o",
+ "e n",
+ "▁ w",
+ "o r",
+ "i t",
+ "a n",
+ "▁ c",
+ "i s",
+ "e s",
+ "▁ f",
+ "a l",
+ "n d",
+ "in g",
+ "i ng",
+ "e d",
+ "▁ p",
+ "▁ b",
+ "a r",
+ "o u",
+ "▁o f",
+ "▁ of",
+ "▁i n",
+ "▁ in",
+ "▁t o",
+ "▁ to",
+ "▁ m",
+ "▁a nd",
+ "▁an d",
+ "▁ and",
+ "i c",
+ "io n",
+ "i on",
+ "▁ d",
+ "a s",
+ "l e",
+ "▁ h",
+ "o m",
+ "▁t h",
+ "▁ th",
+ "en t",
+ "e nt",
+ "▁ T",
+ "i l",
+ "s t",
+ "▁ S",
+ "r o",
+ "▁r e",
+ "▁ re",
+ "e l",
+ "▁ A",
+ "▁ l",
+ "c t",
+ "▁ n",
+ "▁ I",
+ "e t",
+ "▁ C",
+ "▁ e",
+ "v e",
+ "i d",
+ "▁ g",
+ "u t",
+ "o l",
+ "o t",
+ "▁i s",
+ "▁ is",
+ "a m",
+ "▁ M",
+ "u r",
+ "l y",
+ "i m",
+ "▁o n",
+ "▁ on",
+ "▁f or",
+ "▁fo r",
+ "▁ for",
+ "a d",
+ "c e",
+ "at ion",
+ "ati on",
+ "atio n",
+ "▁b e",
+ "▁ be",
+ "i g",
+ "a y",
+ "o w",
+ "u s",
+ "c h",
+ "ve r",
+ "v er",
+ "▁ P",
+ "▁ B",
+ "▁t hat",
+ "▁th at",
+ "▁ that",
+ "▁ y",
+ "▁s t",
+ "▁ st",
+ "i r",
+ "it h",
+ "i th",
+ "▁T he",
+ "▁Th e",
+ "▁ The",
+ "▁ W",
+ "▁ H",
+ "▁h e",
+ "▁ he",
+ "▁w ith",
+ "▁wit h",
+ "▁ with",
+ "▁ (",
+ "▁ D",
+ "u l",
+ "r a",
+ "u n",
+ "▁i t",
+ "▁ it",
+ "s e",
+ "te r",
+ "t er",
+ "▁ R",
+ "▁ F",
+ "▁a s",
+ "▁ as",
+ "▁a n",
+ "▁ an",
+ "▁w h",
+ "▁ wh",
+ "▁y ou",
+ "▁ you",
+ "▁a l",
+ "▁ al",
+ "i f",
+ "e m",
+ "er s",
+ "e rs",
+ "▁c on",
+ "▁co n",
+ "▁ con",
+ "il l",
+ "i ll",
+ "▁ L",
+ "▁ N",
+ "a g",
+ "▁p ro",
+ "▁pr o",
+ "▁ pro",
+ "r i",
+ "▁ E",
+ "o d",
+ "is t",
+ "i st",
+ "a c",
+ "he r",
+ "h er",
+ "▁w e",
+ "▁ we",
+ "▁ G",
+ "es t",
+ "e st",
+ "an d",
+ "a nd",
+ "o p",
+ "at e",
+ "a te",
+ "t h",
+ "▁a t",
+ "▁ at",
+ "u m",
+ "a b",
+ "es s",
+ "e ss",
+ "▁w as",
+ "▁wa s",
+ "▁ was",
+ "▁c om",
+ "▁co m",
+ "▁ com",
+ "l d",
+ "p p",
+ "▁a re",
+ "▁ar e",
+ "▁ are",
+ "e w",
+ "▁ v",
+ "or e",
+ "o re",
+ "k e",
+ "it y",
+ "i ty",
+ "ro m",
+ "r om",
+ "▁d e",
+ "▁ de",
+ "▁o r",
+ "▁ or",
+ "re s",
+ "r es",
+ "ig h",
+ "i gh",
+ "▁e x",
+ "▁ ex",
+ "me nt",
+ "men t",
+ "m ent",
+ "▁ O",
+ "o s",
+ "q u",
+ "o c",
+ "▁ J",
+ "▁h a",
+ "▁ ha",
+ "ec t",
+ "e ct",
+ "▁b y",
+ "▁ by",
+ "or t",
+ "o rt",
+ "an t",
+ "a nt",
+ "ie s",
+ "i es",
+ "ai n",
+ "a in",
+ "ar t",
+ "a rt",
+ "▁s e",
+ "▁ se",
+ "i v",
+ "▁s u",
+ "▁ su",
+ "▁ r",
+ "▁f rom",
+ "▁fr om",
+ "▁fro m",
+ "▁ from",
+ "iv e",
+ "i ve",
+ "n t",
+ "us t",
+ "u st",
+ "en d",
+ "e nd",
+ "▁n ot",
+ "▁no t",
+ "▁ not",
+ "▁t his",
+ "▁th is",
+ "▁ this",
+ "u d",
+ "▁h ave",
+ "▁ha ve",
+ "▁ have",
+ "▁s h",
+ "▁ sh",
+ "ig ht",
+ "igh t",
+ "al l",
+ "a ll",
+ "▁c h",
+ "▁ ch",
+ "ou r",
+ "o ur",
+ "▁ U",
+ "ar d",
+ "a rd",
+ "re d",
+ "r ed",
+ "▁ u",
+ "ia l",
+ "i al",
+ "ea r",
+ "e ar",
+ "▁ “",
+ "▁l e",
+ "▁ le",
+ "ou t",
+ "o ut",
+ "ou ld",
+ "oul d",
+ "o uld",
+ "p t",
+ "el l",
+ "e ll",
+ "g e",
+ "os t",
+ "o st",
+ "▁I n",
+ "▁ In",
+ "▁w or",
+ "▁ wor",
+ "ro u",
+ "r ou",
+ "o g",
+ "▁u s",
+ "▁ us",
+ "▁a b",
+ "▁ ab",
+ "g h",
+ "as t",
+ "a st",
+ "ur e",
+ "u re",
+ "om e",
+ "o me",
+ "p e",
+ "a k",
+ "in e",
+ "i ne",
+ "▁p l",
+ "▁ pl",
+ "o k",
+ "▁h as",
+ "▁ha s",
+ "▁ has",
+ "ic h",
+ "i ch",
+ "pe r",
+ "p er",
+ "▁c an",
+ "▁ca n",
+ "▁ can",
+ "p l",
+ "▁ j",
+ "▁ K",
+ "▁S t",
+ "▁ St",
+ "ion s",
+ "io ns",
+ "i ons",
+ "f f",
+ "▁T h",
+ "▁ Th",
+ "be r",
+ "b er",
+ "▁w ill",
+ "▁ will",
+ "id e",
+ "i de",
+ "▁a ll",
+ "▁al l",
+ "▁ all",
+ "i a",
+ "▁ k",
+ "ac k",
+ "a ck",
+ "an s",
+ "a ns",
+ "ic al",
+ "ica l",
+ "i cal",
+ "▁in t",
+ "▁i nt",
+ "▁ int",
+ "▁w he",
+ "▁wh e",
+ "▁ whe",
+ "▁h is",
+ "▁hi s",
+ "▁ his",
+ "at ed",
+ "ate d",
+ "a ted",
+ "ic e",
+ "i ce",
+ "▁ \"",
+ "th er",
+ "the r",
+ "t her",
+ "on g",
+ "o ng",
+ "▁g o",
+ "▁ go",
+ "▁d o",
+ "▁ do",
+ "am e",
+ "a me",
+ "ag e",
+ "a ge",
+ "▁n e",
+ "▁ ne",
+ "i e",
+ "▁b ut",
+ "▁bu t",
+ "▁ but",
+ "r y",
+ "ar y",
+ "a ry",
+ "i p",
+ "u b",
+ "▁a d",
+ "▁ ad",
+ "i z",
+ "ou s",
+ "o us",
+ "▁c l",
+ "▁ cl",
+ "u e",
+ "ar e",
+ "a re",
+ "▁m e",
+ "▁ me",
+ "ac t",
+ "a ct",
+ "▁e n",
+ "▁ en",
+ "▁the ir",
+ "▁ their",
+ "c c",
+ "▁c omp",
+ "▁com p",
+ "▁co mp",
+ "▁ comp",
+ "in d",
+ "i nd",
+ "▁i m",
+ "▁ im",
+ "▁ V",
+ "as s",
+ "a ss",
+ "or m",
+ "o rm",
+ "▁t hey",
+ "▁the y",
+ "▁th ey",
+ "▁ they",
+ "a p",
+ "ab le",
+ "abl e",
+ "a ble",
+ "c l",
+ "ul t",
+ "u lt",
+ "▁c ont",
+ "▁con t",
+ "▁co nt",
+ "▁ cont",
+ "▁o ut",
+ "▁ou t",
+ "▁ out",
+ "▁u n",
+ "▁ un",
+ "on e",
+ "o ne",
+ "▁C h",
+ "▁ Ch",
+ "im e",
+ "i me",
+ "oo k",
+ "o ok",
+ "▁w ho",
+ "▁wh o",
+ "▁ who",
+ "e p",
+ "▁wh ich",
+ "▁ which",
+ "▁m ore",
+ "▁mor e",
+ "▁mo re",
+ "▁ more",
+ "▁ Y",
+ "an ce",
+ "anc e",
+ "a nce",
+ "at ions",
+ "ation s",
+ "ati ons",
+ "atio ns",
+ "▁s a",
+ "▁ sa",
+ "al ly",
+ "all y",
+ "▁re s",
+ "▁r es",
+ "▁ res",
+ "er e",
+ "e re",
+ "i b",
+ "▁u p",
+ "▁ up",
+ "▁o ne",
+ "▁on e",
+ "▁ one",
+ "ir e",
+ "i re",
+ "▁y our",
+ "▁you r",
+ "▁ your",
+ "ig n",
+ "i gn",
+ "ve ry",
+ "ver y",
+ "v ery",
+ "s o",
+ "r u",
+ "en ce",
+ "enc e",
+ "e nce",
+ "or d",
+ "o rd",
+ "▁s o",
+ "▁ so",
+ "ak e",
+ "a ke",
+ "▁ab out",
+ "▁ about",
+ "it e",
+ "i te",
+ "a v",
+ "ct ion",
+ "d u",
+ "▁m an",
+ "▁ma n",
+ "▁ man",
+ "ac e",
+ "a ce",
+ "▁ $",
+ "k s",
+ "▁I t",
+ "▁ It",
+ "as e",
+ "a se",
+ "▁a pp",
+ "▁ap p",
+ "▁ app",
+ "en ts",
+ "ent s",
+ "por t",
+ "po rt",
+ "p ort",
+ "▁l i",
+ "▁ li",
+ "▁w ere",
+ "▁we re",
+ "▁wer e",
+ "▁ were",
+ "▁a r",
+ "▁ ar",
+ "▁p er",
+ "▁pe r",
+ "▁ per",
+ "ou nt",
+ "oun t",
+ "o unt",
+ "ve l",
+ "v el",
+ "ac h",
+ "a ch",
+ "ai l",
+ "a il",
+ "▁y ear",
+ "▁ye ar",
+ "▁ year",
+ "▁t r",
+ "▁ tr",
+ "▁ -",
+ "▁d is",
+ "▁di s",
+ "▁ dis",
+ "on d",
+ "o nd",
+ "for m",
+ "fo rm",
+ "f orm",
+ "▁o ther",
+ "▁ot her",
+ "▁ other",
+ "il e",
+ "i le",
+ "ay s",
+ "a ys",
+ "▁t e",
+ "▁ te",
+ "▁a g",
+ "▁ ag",
+ "re ss",
+ "res s",
+ "r ess",
+ "▁p art",
+ "▁par t",
+ "▁pa rt",
+ "▁ part",
+ "▁e v",
+ "▁ ev",
+ "or y",
+ "o ry",
+ "it ion",
+ "iti on",
+ "▁h er",
+ "▁he r",
+ "▁ her",
+ "os e",
+ "o se",
+ "▁h ad",
+ "▁ha d",
+ "▁ had",
+ "▁n ew",
+ "▁ne w",
+ "▁ new",
+ "▁b een",
+ "▁be en",
+ "▁bee n",
+ "▁o ff",
+ "▁of f",
+ "▁ off",
+ "re at",
+ "rea t",
+ "er v",
+ "l l",
+ "el y",
+ "e ly",
+ "▁q u",
+ "▁ qu",
+ "▁o ur",
+ "▁ou r",
+ "▁ our",
+ "▁s p",
+ "▁ sp",
+ "en s",
+ "e ns",
+ "me r",
+ "m er",
+ "▁al so",
+ "▁als o",
+ "▁ also",
+ "ow n",
+ "o wn",
+ "in t",
+ "i nt",
+ "li c",
+ "l ic",
+ "▁it s",
+ "▁i ts",
+ "▁ its",
+ "ia n",
+ "i an",
+ "o v",
+ "ve rs",
+ "ver s",
+ "v ers",
+ "▁w ork",
+ "▁wor k",
+ "▁ work",
+ "o b",
+ "or s",
+ "o rs",
+ "an g",
+ "a ng",
+ ". .",
+ "re e",
+ "r ee",
+ "▁m y",
+ "▁ my",
+ "il d",
+ "i ld",
+ "t e",
+ "ar k",
+ "a rk",
+ "▁p e",
+ "▁ pe",
+ "in gs",
+ "ing s",
+ "▁t here",
+ "▁the re",
+ "▁th ere",
+ "▁ there",
+ "▁H e",
+ "▁ He",
+ "▁w ould",
+ "▁ would",
+ "is h",
+ "i sh",
+ "ou nd",
+ "oun d",
+ "o und",
+ "▁s c",
+ "▁ sc",
+ "ov e",
+ "o ve",
+ "▁re c",
+ "▁r ec",
+ "▁ rec",
+ "▁R e",
+ "▁ Re",
+ "▁ \\",
+ "▁a ny",
+ "▁an y",
+ "▁ any",
+ "▁i f",
+ "▁ if",
+ "▁t ime",
+ "▁tim e",
+ "▁ time",
+ "▁o ver",
+ "▁ov er",
+ "▁ over",
+ "▁k n",
+ "▁ kn",
+ "▁t hem",
+ "▁the m",
+ "▁th em",
+ "▁ them",
+ "c k",
+ "n e",
+ "ir st",
+ "irs t",
+ "ri c",
+ "r ic",
+ "▁s ome",
+ "▁so me",
+ "▁som e",
+ "▁ some",
+ ") .",
+ "p h",
+ "op le",
+ "opl e",
+ "o ple",
+ "ou gh",
+ "oug h",
+ "o ugh",
+ "us e",
+ "u se",
+ "▁t han",
+ "▁th an",
+ "▁ than",
+ "▁w hen",
+ "▁wh en",
+ "▁whe n",
+ "▁ when",
+ "▁b ec",
+ "▁be c",
+ "▁ bec",
+ "▁s aid",
+ "▁sa id",
+ "▁W e",
+ "▁ We",
+ "▁p re",
+ "▁pr e",
+ "▁ pre",
+ "▁r o",
+ "▁ ro",
+ "nd er",
+ "n der",
+ "ce s",
+ "c es",
+ "ri t",
+ "r it",
+ "▁l ike",
+ "▁li ke",
+ "▁lik e",
+ "▁ like",
+ "▁T his",
+ "▁Th is",
+ "▁ This",
+ "ft er",
+ "f ter",
+ "▁w hat",
+ "▁wh at",
+ "▁ what",
+ "at h",
+ "a th",
+ "o y",
+ "▁ =",
+ "ol l",
+ "o ll",
+ "w o",
+ "on s",
+ "o ns",
+ "at es",
+ "ate s",
+ "a tes",
+ "w n",
+ "ol d",
+ "o ld",
+ "▁in to",
+ "▁int o",
+ "▁ into",
+ "▁g et",
+ "▁ge t",
+ "▁ get",
+ "ur n",
+ "▁a cc",
+ "▁ac c",
+ "▁ acc",
+ "x t",
+ "▁ –",
+ "in k",
+ "▁U n",
+ "▁ Un",
+ "ad e",
+ "a de",
+ "▁pe ople",
+ "▁ people",
+ "▁c omm",
+ "▁com m",
+ "▁co mm",
+ "▁ comm",
+ "he d",
+ "h ed",
+ "cl ud",
+ "▁n o",
+ "▁ no",
+ ") ,",
+ "ua l",
+ "u al",
+ "▁s he",
+ "▁sh e",
+ "▁ she",
+ "▁j ust",
+ "▁ju st",
+ "▁ just",
+ "ter n",
+ "t ern",
+ "ic k",
+ "i ck",
+ "▁W h",
+ "▁ Wh",
+ "▁a m",
+ "▁ am",
+ "ro ugh",
+ "rou gh",
+ "r ough",
+ "je ct",
+ "j ect",
+ "a w",
+ "io us",
+ "i ous",
+ "at er",
+ "ate r",
+ "a ter",
+ "at ional",
+ "ation al",
+ "ati onal",
+ "▁f irst",
+ "▁ first",
+ "co m",
+ "c om",
+ "ie w",
+ "i ew",
+ "▁d es",
+ "▁de s",
+ "▁ des",
+ "on t",
+ "o nt",
+ "▁A s",
+ "▁ As",
+ "▁ <",
+ "w e",
+ "is s",
+ "i ss",
+ "n g",
+ "le ct",
+ "l ect",
+ "f t",
+ "▁h ow",
+ "▁ho w",
+ "▁ how",
+ "oo l",
+ "o ol",
+ "oo d",
+ "o od",
+ "▁ &",
+ "▁in d",
+ "▁i nd",
+ "▁ ind",
+ "▁a ct",
+ "▁ac t",
+ "▁ act",
+ "am p",
+ "a mp",
+ "▁S e",
+ "▁ Se",
+ "if f",
+ "i ff",
+ "▁f e",
+ "▁ fe",
+ "▁u nder",
+ "▁un der",
+ "▁und er",
+ "▁ under",
+ "▁C om",
+ "▁Co m",
+ "▁ Com",
+ "ra m",
+ "r am",
+ "t t",
+ "pe c",
+ "p ec",
+ "it ies",
+ "iti es",
+ "i ties",
+ "▁D e",
+ "▁ De",
+ "▁b et",
+ "▁be t",
+ "▁ bet",
+ "au se",
+ "aus e",
+ "a use",
+ "ni ng",
+ "n ing",
+ "▁on ly",
+ "▁ only",
+ "ol og",
+ "olo g",
+ "o log",
+ "▁p rov",
+ "▁pro v",
+ "▁pr ov",
+ "▁ prov",
+ "▁t ra",
+ "▁tr a",
+ "▁ tra",
+ "l i",
+ "▁in clud",
+ "▁incl ud",
+ "▁ includ",
+ "▁c ons",
+ "▁con s",
+ "▁co ns",
+ "▁ cons",
+ "ce d",
+ "c ed",
+ "et h",
+ "e th",
+ "▁t wo",
+ "▁tw o",
+ "▁ two",
+ "▁m ay",
+ "▁ma y",
+ "▁ may",
+ ") ;",
+ "▁b l",
+ "▁ bl",
+ "▁e m",
+ "▁ em",
+ "▁m ost",
+ "▁mo st",
+ "▁mos t",
+ "▁ most",
+ "er m",
+ "e rm",
+ "▁N ew",
+ "▁Ne w",
+ "▁ New",
+ "ro und",
+ "rou nd",
+ "r ound",
+ "er t",
+ "e rt",
+ "/ /",
+ "▁n eed",
+ "▁ne ed",
+ "▁ need",
+ "id ent",
+ "ide nt",
+ "iden t",
+ "pe ct",
+ "pec t",
+ "p ect",
+ "is e",
+ "i se",
+ "▁a fter",
+ "▁af ter",
+ "▁ after",
+ "ge t",
+ "g et",
+ ". ”",
+ "le s",
+ "l es",
+ "fu l",
+ "f ul",
+ "▁in v",
+ "▁ inv",
+ "▁re g",
+ "▁r eg",
+ "▁ reg",
+ "ub lic",
+ "ubl ic",
+ "u blic",
+ "ri b",
+ "r ib",
+ "if ic",
+ "ifi c",
+ "▁y ears",
+ "▁year s",
+ "▁ye ars",
+ "▁ years",
+ "▁a dd",
+ "▁ad d",
+ "▁ add",
+ "▁th rough",
+ "▁thr ough",
+ "▁thro ugh",
+ "▁ through",
+ "p s",
+ "▁P ro",
+ "▁Pr o",
+ "▁ Pro",
+ "el f",
+ "at ing",
+ "ati ng",
+ "atin g",
+ "a ting",
+ "ro w",
+ "r ow",
+ "▁a tt",
+ "▁at t",
+ "▁ att",
+ "▁A nd",
+ "▁An d",
+ "▁ And",
+ "ys t",
+ "y st",
+ "oi nt",
+ "oin t",
+ "o int",
+ "▁k now",
+ "▁kn ow",
+ "▁ know",
+ "oc k",
+ "o ck",
+ "ic s",
+ "i cs",
+ "it t",
+ "i tt",
+ "▁h im",
+ "▁hi m",
+ "▁ him",
+ "▁ {",
+ "▁c ould",
+ "▁co uld",
+ "▁cou ld",
+ "▁ could",
+ "cr e",
+ "c re",
+ "▁im p",
+ "▁i mp",
+ "▁ imp",
+ "if e",
+ "i fe",
+ "▁b ack",
+ "▁ba ck",
+ "▁ back",
+ "▁s upp",
+ "▁su pp",
+ "▁sup p",
+ "▁ supp",
+ "▁st ud",
+ "▁ stud",
+ "war d",
+ "wa rd",
+ "w ard",
+ "▁w here",
+ "▁wh ere",
+ "▁whe re",
+ "▁ where",
+ "▁the se",
+ "▁th ese",
+ "ic t",
+ "i ct",
+ "▁c o",
+ "▁ co",
+ "▁A r",
+ "▁ Ar",
+ "▁a ss",
+ "▁as s",
+ "▁ ass",
+ "▁re l",
+ "▁r el",
+ "▁ rel",
+ "al s",
+ "a ls",
+ "ment s",
+ "men ts",
+ "m ents",
+ "he n",
+ "h en",
+ "as ed",
+ "ase d",
+ "for e",
+ "fo re",
+ "f ore",
+ "ot h",
+ "o th",
+ "▁A n",
+ "▁ An",
+ "▁p ol",
+ "▁po l",
+ "▁ pol",
+ "it ed",
+ "ite d",
+ "i ted",
+ "▁s ee",
+ "▁se e",
+ "▁ see",
+ "▁d iff",
+ "▁di ff",
+ "▁ diff",
+ "en er",
+ "ene r",
+ "e ner",
+ "da y",
+ "d ay",
+ "▁b u",
+ "▁ bu",
+ "or k",
+ "o rk",
+ "▁p lay",
+ "▁pl ay",
+ "▁pla y",
+ "▁ play",
+ "y s",
+ "▁w ell",
+ "▁we ll",
+ "▁wel l",
+ "▁ well",
+ "▁r a",
+ "▁ ra",
+ "▁A l",
+ "▁ Al",
+ "ar ch",
+ "arc h",
+ "▁p r",
+ "▁ pr",
+ "hi p",
+ "h ip",
+ "▁f l",
+ "▁ fl",
+ "il y",
+ "i ly",
+ "▁ [",
+ "an y",
+ "a ny",
+ "▁p h",
+ "▁ ph",
+ "un d",
+ "u nd",
+ "il ity",
+ "ili ty",
+ "ilit y",
+ "▁re m",
+ "▁r em",
+ "▁ rem",
+ "ur ing",
+ "uri ng",
+ "u ring",
+ "▁e very",
+ "▁ev ery",
+ "▁ever y",
+ "▁eve ry",
+ "▁ every",
+ "ce ss",
+ "ces s",
+ "c ess",
+ "▁s ub",
+ "▁su b",
+ "▁ sub",
+ "at a",
+ "a ta",
+ "an c",
+ "a nc",
+ "os s",
+ "o ss",
+ "▁p rodu",
+ "▁pro du",
+ "▁ produ",
+ "▁s erv",
+ "▁ser v",
+ "at ive",
+ "ati ve",
+ "ativ e",
+ "an ge",
+ "ang e",
+ "= \"",
+ "er son",
+ "ers on",
+ "re n",
+ "r en",
+ "uc h",
+ "u ch",
+ "i o",
+ "t s",
+ "▁s uch",
+ "▁su ch",
+ "▁suc h",
+ "▁ such",
+ "iv ers",
+ "ive rs",
+ "iver s",
+ "i vers",
+ "ul ar",
+ "ula r",
+ "u lar",
+ "ri ng",
+ "rin g",
+ "r ing",
+ "▁u se",
+ "▁us e",
+ "▁ use",
+ "▁Y ou",
+ "▁Yo u",
+ "▁ You",
+ "▁m ake",
+ "▁ma ke",
+ "▁ make",
+ "ie d",
+ "i ed",
+ "yst em",
+ "ys tem",
+ "ra ct",
+ "rac t",
+ "r act",
+ "▁m any",
+ "▁man y",
+ "▁ma ny",
+ "▁ many",
+ "vel op",
+ "▁l ook",
+ "▁lo ok",
+ "▁ look",
+ "▁d id",
+ "▁di d",
+ "▁ did",
+ "▁ *",
+ "ib le",
+ "ibl e",
+ "i ble",
+ "▁a c",
+ "▁ ac",
+ "▁c ol",
+ "▁co l",
+ "▁ col",
+ "▁re t",
+ "▁r et",
+ "▁ ret",
+ "▁w ant",
+ "▁wa nt",
+ "▁h el",
+ "▁he l",
+ "▁ hel",
+ "ow er",
+ "owe r",
+ "o wer",
+ "la nd",
+ "lan d",
+ "l and",
+ "▁e nt",
+ "▁en t",
+ "▁ ent",
+ "▁n ow",
+ "▁no w",
+ "▁ now",
+ "ur es",
+ "ure s",
+ "u res",
+ "t y",
+ "▁p res",
+ "▁pre s",
+ "▁pr es",
+ "▁ pres",
+ "▁t hen",
+ "▁the n",
+ "▁th en",
+ "▁ then",
+ "al th",
+ "alt h",
+ "e g",
+ "▁e ven",
+ "▁ev en",
+ "▁eve n",
+ "▁ even",
+ "s s",
+ "▁s et",
+ "▁se t",
+ "▁ set",
+ "▁f in",
+ "▁fi n",
+ "▁ fin",
+ "▁r ight",
+ "▁rig ht",
+ "▁ right",
+ "ri v",
+ "r iv",
+ "▁w ay",
+ "▁wa y",
+ "▁ way",
+ "ie nce",
+ "ien ce",
+ "i ence",
+ "▁ag ain",
+ "▁ again",
+ "ul l",
+ "u ll",
+ "▁v ery",
+ "▁ve ry",
+ "▁ver y",
+ "▁ very",
+ "ak ing",
+ "aki ng",
+ "akin g",
+ "a king",
+ "ch ool",
+ "cho ol",
+ "▁F or",
+ "▁Fo r",
+ "▁ For",
+ "▁B ut",
+ "▁Bu t",
+ "▁ But",
+ "▁o b",
+ "▁ ob",
+ "▁be cause",
+ "▁bec ause",
+ "▁ because",
+ "ga n",
+ "g an",
+ "ue s",
+ "u es",
+ "ic es",
+ "ice s",
+ "i ces",
+ "▁ '",
+ "em ent",
+ "emen t",
+ "eme nt",
+ "e ment",
+ "▁S h",
+ "▁ Sh",
+ ", ”",
+ "a u",
+ "ot her",
+ "oth er",
+ "othe r",
+ "o ther",
+ "it s",
+ "i ts",
+ "▁sh ould",
+ "▁sho uld",
+ "▁ should",
+ "▁d ef",
+ "▁de f",
+ "▁ def",
+ "in ess",
+ "ine ss",
+ "ines s",
+ "i ness",
+ "▁t rans",
+ "▁tr ans",
+ "▁tra ns",
+ "▁tran s",
+ "▁ trans",
+ "co n",
+ "c on",
+ "▁s how",
+ "▁sh ow",
+ "▁sho w",
+ "▁ show",
+ "a h",
+ "▁w orld",
+ "▁wor ld",
+ "▁ world",
+ "mer ic",
+ "me ric",
+ "▁e ff",
+ "▁ eff",
+ ".. .",
+ ". ..",
+ "▁e nd",
+ "▁en d",
+ "▁ end",
+ "▁s ec",
+ "▁se c",
+ "▁ sec",
+ "▁o wn",
+ "▁ow n",
+ "▁ own",
+ "a x",
+ "▁ex per",
+ "▁exp er",
+ "▁ exper",
+ "ar s",
+ "a rs",
+ "▁be ing",
+ "▁bei ng",
+ "▁ being",
+ "ai r",
+ "a ir",
+ "ti ng",
+ "t ing",
+ "▁ }",
+ "ut ion",
+ "uti on",
+ "as h",
+ "a sh",
+ "u p",
+ "ie nt",
+ "ien t",
+ "i ent",
+ "ne r",
+ "n er",
+ "ou n",
+ "o un",
+ "▁in st",
+ "▁ins t",
+ "▁ inst",
+ "ir ect",
+ "ire ct",
+ "i rect",
+ "▁k e",
+ "▁ ke",
+ "ce pt",
+ "c ept",
+ "ie l",
+ "i el",
+ "▁c ount",
+ "▁co unt",
+ "▁cou nt",
+ "▁coun t",
+ "▁ count",
+ "he s",
+ "h es",
+ "c y",
+ "▁m od",
+ "▁mo d",
+ "▁ mod",
+ "an k",
+ "in s",
+ "i ns",
+ "▁hel p",
+ "▁ help",
+ "▁in ter",
+ "▁int er",
+ "▁ inter",
+ "a z",
+ "is m",
+ "i sm",
+ "u g",
+ "▁I f",
+ "▁ If",
+ "ver n",
+ "v ern",
+ "▁d ec",
+ "▁de c",
+ "▁ dec",
+ "▁a rt",
+ "▁ar t",
+ "▁ art",
+ "i x",
+ "▁s pec",
+ "▁sp ec",
+ "▁spe c",
+ "▁ spec",
+ "form ation",
+ "format ion",
+ "▁th ose",
+ "▁ those",
+ "▁th ink",
+ "▁thin k",
+ "▁ think",
+ "e x",
+ "bl e",
+ "b le",
+ "▁g u",
+ "▁ gu",
+ "▁l ong",
+ "▁lo ng",
+ "▁lon g",
+ "▁ long",
+ "p r",
+ "▁s ur",
+ "▁su r",
+ "▁ sur",
+ "▁g ood",
+ "▁go od",
+ "▁ good",
+ "ma n",
+ "m an",
+ "as on",
+ "aso n",
+ "a son",
+ "▁s m",
+ "▁ sm",
+ "ol low",
+ "oll ow",
+ "ollo w",
+ "vi ew",
+ "vie w",
+ "v iew",
+ "▁A meric",
+ "▁Amer ic",
+ "▁ Americ",
+ "ve n",
+ "v en",
+ "ut h",
+ "u th",
+ "we en",
+ "w een",
+ "▁m ade",
+ "▁ma de",
+ "▁mad e",
+ "▁ made",
+ "al e",
+ "a le",
+ "▁c all",
+ "▁ca ll",
+ "▁cal l",
+ "▁ call",
+ "▁m uch",
+ "▁mu ch",
+ "▁muc h",
+ "in ce",
+ "inc e",
+ "i nce",
+ "iv es",
+ "ive s",
+ "i ves",
+ "▁diff ere",
+ "▁differ e",
+ "▁l oc",
+ "▁lo c",
+ "▁ loc",
+ "e f",
+ "▁d on",
+ "▁do n",
+ "▁ don",
+ "▁st art",
+ "▁star t",
+ "▁sta rt",
+ "▁ start",
+ "▁h igh",
+ "▁hig h",
+ "▁hi gh",
+ "▁ high",
+ "▁m em",
+ "▁me m",
+ "▁ mem",
+ "us iness",
+ "▁f am",
+ "▁fa m",
+ "▁ fam",
+ "▁b el",
+ "▁be l",
+ "▁ bel",
+ "▁m on",
+ "▁mo n",
+ "▁ mon",
+ "in es",
+ "ine s",
+ "i nes",
+ "▁d oes",
+ "▁do es",
+ "▁ does",
+ "▁re qu",
+ "▁r equ",
+ "▁req u",
+ "▁ requ",
+ "▁de velop",
+ "▁ develop",
+ "le d",
+ "l ed",
+ "e k",
+ "▁n um",
+ "▁nu m",
+ "▁ num",
+ "▁be fore",
+ "▁ before",
+ "▁c lass",
+ "▁cl ass",
+ "▁cla ss",
+ "▁ class",
+ "▁B e",
+ "▁ Be",
+ "▁c har",
+ "▁ch ar",
+ "▁cha r",
+ "▁ char",
+ "o h",
+ "▁g reat",
+ "▁gre at",
+ "▁ great",
+ "▁bet ween",
+ "▁ between",
+ "▁ .",
+ "oc i",
+ "o ci",
+ "▁d own",
+ "▁do wn",
+ "▁ down",
+ "▁l ead",
+ "▁le ad",
+ "▁ lead",
+ "te n",
+ "t en",
+ "▁in s",
+ "▁i ns",
+ "▁ ins",
+ "gr am",
+ "gra m",
+ "g ram",
+ "▁ex p",
+ "▁ exp",
+ "wa y",
+ "w ay",
+ "▁ ‘",
+ "▁L e",
+ "▁ Le",
+ "▁C l",
+ "▁ Cl",
+ "▁o p",
+ "▁ op",
+ "▁A d",
+ "▁ Ad",
+ "at her",
+ "ath er",
+ "athe r",
+ "a ther",
+ "▁p ublic",
+ "▁publ ic",
+ "▁pub lic",
+ "▁pu blic",
+ "▁ public",
+ "▁m ed",
+ "▁me d",
+ "▁ med",
+ "ch n",
+ "c hn",
+ "is ts",
+ "ist s",
+ "▁H ow",
+ "▁Ho w",
+ "▁ How",
+ "▁re ad",
+ "▁r ead",
+ "▁ read",
+ "▁s ystem",
+ "▁sys tem",
+ "▁ system",
+ "▁re f",
+ "▁r ef",
+ "▁ ref",
+ "▁g r",
+ "▁ gr",
+ "▁S c",
+ "▁ Sc",
+ "im es",
+ "ime s",
+ "i mes",
+ "▁p erson",
+ "▁per son",
+ "▁pers on",
+ "▁ person",
+ "▁T r",
+ "▁ Tr",
+ "ou se",
+ "ous e",
+ "o use",
+ "▁f orm",
+ "▁for m",
+ "▁fo rm",
+ "▁ form",
+ "Th e",
+ "T he",
+ "▁e ar",
+ "▁ ear",
+ "▁h ere",
+ "▁he re",
+ "▁her e",
+ "▁ here",
+ "▁d et",
+ "▁de t",
+ "▁ det",
+ "de r",
+ "d er",
+ "at ch",
+ ". ,",
+ "▁I s",
+ "▁ Is",
+ "▁ |",
+ "to n",
+ "t on",
+ "us s",
+ "u ss",
+ "al k",
+ "ol ogy",
+ "olog y",
+ "olo gy",
+ "▁ Q",
+ "▁l ast",
+ "▁la st",
+ "▁las t",
+ "▁ last",
+ "av e",
+ "a ve",
+ "ivers ity",
+ "▁m in",
+ "▁mi n",
+ "▁ min",
+ "u c",
+ "▁us ed",
+ "▁use d",
+ "▁ used",
+ "od e",
+ "o de",
+ "▁f ind",
+ "▁fin d",
+ "▁fi nd",
+ "▁ find",
+ "▁e d",
+ "▁ ed",
+ "▁f il",
+ "▁fi l",
+ "▁ fil",
+ "▁com mun",
+ "▁comm un",
+ "▁ commun",
+ "▁s ign",
+ "▁si gn",
+ "▁sig n",
+ "▁ sign",
+ "▁c ur",
+ "▁cu r",
+ "▁ cur",
+ "▁s er",
+ "▁se r",
+ "▁ ser",
+ "▁s om",
+ "▁so m",
+ "▁ som",
+ "er n",
+ "ual ly",
+ "u ally",
+ "▁d isc",
+ "▁dis c",
+ "▁di sc",
+ "▁ disc",
+ "▁O n",
+ "▁ On",
+ "re ad",
+ "rea d",
+ "r ead",
+ "it al",
+ "ita l",
+ "i tal",
+ "▁e xt",
+ "▁ex t",
+ "▁ ext",
+ "▁I nd",
+ "▁In d",
+ "▁ Ind",
+ "ter s",
+ "te rs",
+ "t ers",
+ "▁v al",
+ "▁va l",
+ "▁ val",
+ "▁f ollow",
+ "▁fol low",
+ "▁ follow",
+ "▁c ar",
+ "▁ca r",
+ "▁ car",
+ "▁supp ort",
+ "▁sup port",
+ "▁ support",
+ "▁l ife",
+ "▁li fe",
+ "▁lif e",
+ "▁ life",
+ "< /",
+ "▁t ake",
+ "▁ta ke",
+ "▁ take",
+ "▁T here",
+ "▁The re",
+ "▁Th ere",
+ "▁ There",
+ "▁s im",
+ "▁si m",
+ "▁ sim",
+ "▁f un",
+ "▁fu n",
+ "▁ fun",
+ "et s",
+ "e ts",
+ "▁re p",
+ "▁r ep",
+ "▁ rep",
+ "le t",
+ "l et",
+ "- -",
+ "ag es",
+ "age s",
+ "a ges",
+ "ar m",
+ "a rm",
+ "▁S he",
+ "▁Sh e",
+ "▁ She",
+ "▁wh ile",
+ "▁ while",
+ ". \"",
+ "is ion",
+ "isi on",
+ "iz e",
+ "i ze",
+ "▁con f",
+ "▁ conf",
+ "▁ —",
+ "ie ld",
+ "iel d",
+ "i eld",
+ "am es",
+ "ame s",
+ "a mes",
+ "ve nt",
+ "ven t",
+ "v ent",
+ "er ed",
+ "ere d",
+ "e red",
+ "▁f ound",
+ "▁fo und",
+ "▁ found",
+ "▁im port",
+ "▁imp ort",
+ "▁ import",
+ "▁c our",
+ "▁co ur",
+ "▁cou r",
+ "or n",
+ "el s",
+ "e ls",
+ "re nt",
+ "ren t",
+ "r ent",
+ "▁P h",
+ "▁ Ph",
+ "ro up",
+ "rou p",
+ "r oup",
+ "▁p oint",
+ "▁po int",
+ "▁ point",
+ "ve d",
+ "v ed",
+ "ut e",
+ "u te",
+ "▁c re",
+ "▁cr e",
+ "▁ cre",
+ "▁s tr",
+ "▁st r",
+ "▁ str",
+ "▁d ay",
+ "▁da y",
+ "▁ day",
+ "ne ss",
+ "nes s",
+ "n ess",
+ "▁b oth",
+ "▁bo th",
+ "▁bot h",
+ "▁ both",
+ "▁v ar",
+ "▁va r",
+ "▁ var",
+ "▁s ame",
+ "▁sa me",
+ "▁sam e",
+ ": //",
+ "▁B l",
+ "▁ Bl",
+ "▁in f",
+ "▁ inf",
+ "▁in formation",
+ "▁inform ation",
+ "▁ information",
+ "▁ch ild",
+ "▁chi ld",
+ "▁ child",
+ "th e",
+ "t he",
+ "▁st ill",
+ "▁ still",
+ "iz ed",
+ "ize d",
+ "i zed",
+ "li ne",
+ "lin e",
+ "l ine",
+ "▁th ough",
+ "▁thou gh",
+ "▁ though",
+ "ev er",
+ "e ver",
+ "ect ion",
+ "e ction",
+ "▁c ent",
+ "▁ce nt",
+ "▁ cent",
+ "an ds",
+ "and s",
+ "in ed",
+ "ine d",
+ "i ned",
+ "▁E x",
+ "▁ Ex",
+ "ro ss",
+ "ros s",
+ "r oss",
+ "▁g ener",
+ "▁gen er",
+ "▁ge ner",
+ "▁gene r",
+ "▁ gener",
+ "▁re al",
+ "▁r eal",
+ "▁ real",
+ "ic ally",
+ "ical ly",
+ "▁ Z",
+ "ra l",
+ "r al",
+ "▁s ay",
+ "▁sa y",
+ "▁ say",
+ "▁a v",
+ "▁ av",
+ "▁b est",
+ "▁be st",
+ "▁bes t",
+ "▁ best",
+ "▁e ach",
+ "▁ each",
+ "ak es",
+ "ake s",
+ "a kes",
+ "ce nt",
+ "c ent",
+ "an ts",
+ "ant s",
+ "▁F r",
+ "▁ Fr",
+ "▁m ark",
+ "▁mar k",
+ "▁ma rk",
+ "▁ mark",
+ "▁d ata",
+ "▁dat a",
+ "▁da ta",
+ "▁ data",
+ "▁T hey",
+ "▁The y",
+ "▁Th ey",
+ "▁ They",
+ "▁d ist",
+ "▁dis t",
+ "▁di st",
+ "▁ dist",
+ "▁a round",
+ "▁ar ound",
+ "▁ around",
+ "▁diff erent",
+ "▁differe nt",
+ "▁differ ent",
+ "▁re port",
+ "▁rep ort",
+ "▁ report",
+ "▁th ree",
+ "▁thr ee",
+ "▁ three",
+ "▁te am",
+ "▁tea m",
+ "▁ team",
+ "et y",
+ "e ty",
+ "▁C on",
+ "▁Co n",
+ "▁ Con",
+ "is hed",
+ "ish ed",
+ "ishe d",
+ "▁b ook",
+ "▁bo ok",
+ "▁boo k",
+ "▁ book",
+ "▁c or",
+ "▁co r",
+ "▁ cor",
+ "▁b usiness",
+ "▁bus iness",
+ "▁ business",
+ "▁b r",
+ "▁ br",
+ "a j",
+ "▁pro vid",
+ "▁prov id",
+ "▁d uring",
+ "▁du ring",
+ "▁dur ing",
+ "an n",
+ "a nn",
+ "▁c are",
+ "▁car e",
+ "▁ca re",
+ "▁ care",
+ "ill ion",
+ "ion al",
+ "iona l",
+ "i onal",
+ "ie r",
+ "i er",
+ "at ure",
+ "atur e",
+ "atu re",
+ "▁e l",
+ "▁ el",
+ "er est",
+ "ere st",
+ "e rest",
+ "oo t",
+ "o ot",
+ "ru ct",
+ "r uct",
+ "▁S o",
+ "▁ So",
+ "ur al",
+ "ura l",
+ "u ral",
+ "▁res ult",
+ "▁ result",
+ "g y",
+ "▁g l",
+ "▁ gl",
+ "E R",
+ "vern ment",
+ "▁f act",
+ "▁fac t",
+ "▁fa ct",
+ "▁ fact",
+ "▁re ally",
+ "▁real ly",
+ "b s",
+ "▁cont in",
+ "▁ contin",
+ "▁re turn",
+ "▁ret urn",
+ "▁ return",
+ "▁S p",
+ "▁ Sp",
+ "▁app ro",
+ "▁ap pro",
+ "▁ appro",
+ "▁C omm",
+ "▁Com m",
+ "▁Co mm",
+ "▁ Comm",
+ "▁c he",
+ "▁ch e",
+ "▁ che",
+ "▁g oing",
+ "▁go ing",
+ "▁ going",
+ "▁l ar",
+ "▁la r",
+ "▁ lar",
+ "▁P l",
+ "▁ Pl",
+ "ber s",
+ "be rs",
+ "b ers",
+ "o x",
+ "▁part ic",
+ "▁par tic",
+ "ir ed",
+ "ire d",
+ "i red",
+ "in al",
+ "ina l",
+ "▁ /",
+ "ar ed",
+ "are d",
+ "a red",
+ "en se",
+ "ens e",
+ "▁A ll",
+ "▁Al l",
+ "▁ All",
+ "▁re sp",
+ "▁res p",
+ "▁ resp",
+ "▁W hat",
+ "▁Wh at",
+ "▁ What",
+ "i k",
+ "vin g",
+ "vi ng",
+ "v ing",
+ "ra ph",
+ "rap h",
+ "r aph",
+ "▁pro gram",
+ "▁pr ogram",
+ "▁ program",
+ "▁M ar",
+ "▁Ma r",
+ "▁ Mar",
+ "ge r",
+ "g er",
+ "▁in cluding",
+ "▁includ ing",
+ "▁incl uding",
+ "▁ including",
+ "▁v is",
+ "▁vi s",
+ "▁ vis",
+ "▁d ep",
+ "▁de p",
+ "▁ dep",
+ "▁t y",
+ "▁ ty",
+ "▁h ome",
+ "▁hom e",
+ "▁ho me",
+ "▁ home",
+ "ie n",
+ "i en",
+ "▁l aw",
+ "▁la w",
+ "▁ law",
+ "od y",
+ "o dy",
+ "▁is s",
+ "▁i ss",
+ "▁ iss",
+ "▁s chool",
+ "▁sch ool",
+ "▁ school",
+ "at t",
+ "a tt",
+ "▁d el",
+ "▁de l",
+ "▁ del",
+ "e c",
+ "in a",
+ "i na",
+ "pl e",
+ "p le",
+ "▁s l",
+ "▁ sl",
+ "▁C ol",
+ "▁Co l",
+ "▁ Col",
+ "▁w rit",
+ "▁wr it",
+ "▁ writ",
+ "mb er",
+ "m ber",
+ "m s",
+ "▁again st",
+ "▁p lace",
+ "▁pl ace",
+ "▁plac e",
+ "▁pla ce",
+ "▁ place",
+ "▁Un iversity",
+ "▁Univers ity",
+ "▁ University",
+ "▁R es",
+ "▁Re s",
+ "▁ Res",
+ "▁U S",
+ "▁ US",
+ "▁pro cess",
+ "▁proc ess",
+ "▁ process",
+ "▁d irect",
+ "▁di rect",
+ "▁dire ct",
+ "▁dir ect",
+ "▁ direct",
+ "▁de sign",
+ "▁des ign",
+ "▁ design",
+ "sel f",
+ "s elf",
+ "▁p at",
+ "▁pa t",
+ "▁ pat",
+ "▁p ost",
+ "▁pos t",
+ "▁po st",
+ "▁ post",
+ "om en",
+ "ome n",
+ "o men",
+ "oa d",
+ "o ad",
+ "▁ #",
+ "er ing",
+ "eri ng",
+ "e ring",
+ "rat ion",
+ "r ation",
+ "ri st",
+ "ris t",
+ "r ist",
+ "▁r un",
+ "▁ru n",
+ "▁ run",
+ "▁T o",
+ "▁ To",
+ "▁ex pl",
+ "▁exp l",
+ "▁ expl",
+ "us ic",
+ "u sic",
+ "▁T e",
+ "▁ Te",
+ "▁s ol",
+ "▁so l",
+ "▁ sol",
+ "ge d",
+ "g ed",
+ "ial ly",
+ "i ally",
+ "▁st at",
+ "▁sta t",
+ "▁ stat",
+ "▁st ate",
+ "▁stat e",
+ "▁sta te",
+ "▁ state",
+ "▁e st",
+ "▁es t",
+ "▁ est",
+ "▁te chn",
+ "▁tech n",
+ "▁ techn",
+ "ur o",
+ "u ro",
+ "pl oy",
+ "▁he alth",
+ "▁heal th",
+ "▁ health",
+ "y m",
+ "▁n umber",
+ "▁num ber",
+ "▁nu mber",
+ "▁numb er",
+ "▁ number",
+ "▁ad v",
+ "▁ adv",
+ "▁o pen",
+ "▁op en",
+ "▁ open",
+ "▁int erest",
+ "▁inter est",
+ "▁ interest",
+ "▁con st",
+ "▁cons t",
+ "▁ const",
+ "▁p ur",
+ "▁pu r",
+ "▁ pur",
+ "▁c le",
+ "▁cl e",
+ "▁ cle",
+ "▁h tt",
+ "▁ htt",
+ "▁h ist",
+ "▁his t",
+ "▁hi st",
+ "▁ hist",
+ "▁p ass",
+ "▁pa ss",
+ "▁pas s",
+ "▁ pass",
+ "way s",
+ "wa ys",
+ "w ays",
+ "▁h app",
+ "▁ha pp",
+ "s c",
+ "at or",
+ "ato r",
+ "a tor",
+ "ri s",
+ "r is",
+ "ro n",
+ "r on",
+ "▁pro f",
+ "▁pr of",
+ "▁ prof",
+ "ri end",
+ "rie nd",
+ "rien d",
+ "▁se cond",
+ "▁sec ond",
+ "▁ second",
+ "ve s",
+ "v es",
+ "▁bu ild",
+ "▁ build",
+ "▁or gan",
+ "▁org an",
+ "▁ organ",
+ "b e",
+ "▁l eg",
+ "▁le g",
+ "▁ leg",
+ "▁p rot",
+ "▁pro t",
+ "▁pr ot",
+ "▁ prot",
+ "nc e",
+ "n ce",
+ "iss ion",
+ "ar n",
+ "as es",
+ "ase s",
+ "a ses",
+ "▁in vest",
+ "▁inv est",
+ "▁ invest",
+ "em ber",
+ "emb er",
+ "e mber",
+ "▁m ov",
+ "▁mo v",
+ "▁ mov",
+ "▁T hat",
+ "▁Th at",
+ "▁ That",
+ "oc ial",
+ "oci al",
+ "o cial",
+ "▁l ist",
+ "▁li st",
+ "▁ list",
+ "▁p oss",
+ "▁pos s",
+ "▁po ss",
+ "▁per form",
+ "▁perf orm",
+ "▁ perform",
+ "▁s ince",
+ "▁sin ce",
+ "▁si nce",
+ "▁ since",
+ "▁A t",
+ "▁ At",
+ "iv ing",
+ "i ving",
+ "um an",
+ "uma n",
+ "u man",
+ "▁t oo",
+ "▁to o",
+ "▁ too",
+ "ut hor",
+ "uth or",
+ "t o",
+ "▁e ffect",
+ "▁eff ect",
+ "▁ effect",
+ "▁m ust",
+ "▁mus t",
+ "▁mu st",
+ "▁ must",
+ "ap p",
+ "a pp",
+ "pt ion",
+ "le ss",
+ "les s",
+ "l ess",
+ "▁m ain",
+ "▁ma in",
+ "▁ main",
+ "so n",
+ "s on",
+ "ou th",
+ "out h",
+ "o uth",
+ "▁s ays",
+ "▁sa ys",
+ "▁say s",
+ "▁mon th",
+ "▁mont h",
+ "▁ month",
+ "▁O r",
+ "▁ Or",
+ "oh n",
+ "o hn",
+ "▁o per",
+ "▁op er",
+ "▁ oper",
+ "in ing",
+ "ini ng",
+ "i ning",
+ "▁pro ject",
+ "▁ project",
+ "▁in c",
+ "▁i nc",
+ "▁ inc",
+ "▁o pp",
+ "▁op p",
+ "▁ opp",
+ "▁in cre",
+ "▁inc re",
+ "▁ incre",
+ "or th",
+ "ort h",
+ "▁us ing",
+ "▁ using",
+ "▁l a",
+ "▁ la",
+ "it tle",
+ "itt le",
+ "i ttle",
+ "▁ i",
+ "▁g ame",
+ "▁gam e",
+ "▁ga me",
+ "▁ game",
+ "cc ess",
+ "c cess",
+ "▁f ew",
+ "▁fe w",
+ "_ {",
+ "▁an other",
+ "▁l ot",
+ "▁lo t",
+ "▁ lot",
+ "et hing",
+ "eth ing",
+ "e thing",
+ "g g",
+ "▁re st",
+ "▁r est",
+ "▁res t",
+ "▁ rest",
+ "\" >",
+ "en g",
+ "e ng",
+ "con om",
+ "co nom",
+ "c onom",
+ "al ity",
+ "ali ty",
+ "▁h and",
+ "▁ha nd",
+ "▁han d",
+ "▁ hand",
+ "c o",
+ "ro l",
+ "r ol",
+ "▁p ower",
+ "▁po wer",
+ "▁pow er",
+ "▁ power",
+ "ot e",
+ "o te",
+ "le ase",
+ "▁M ay",
+ "▁Ma y",
+ "▁ May",
+ "▁re se",
+ "▁r ese",
+ "▁res e",
+ "os ed",
+ "ose d",
+ "ur y",
+ "u ry",
+ "le ment",
+ "lem ent",
+ "l ement",
+ "▁t op",
+ "▁to p",
+ "▁ top",
+ "e b",
+ "oa rd",
+ "o ard",
+ "▁h ead",
+ "▁he ad",
+ "▁ head",
+ "▁c ase",
+ "▁ca se",
+ "▁cas e",
+ "▁ case",
+ "er tain",
+ "ert ain",
+ "O N",
+ "mi n",
+ "m in",
+ "▁d em",
+ "▁de m",
+ "▁ dem",
+ "st and",
+ "stan d",
+ "sta nd",
+ "S t",
+ "th ing",
+ "t hing",
+ "▁J an",
+ "▁Ja n",
+ "▁ Jan",
+ "▁qu est",
+ "▁que st",
+ "▁ quest",
+ "▁n ame",
+ "▁na me",
+ "▁nam e",
+ "▁ name",
+ "▁re ce",
+ "▁rec e",
+ "▁comp any",
+ "▁compan y",
+ "▁ company",
+ "le y",
+ "l ey",
+ "▁p op",
+ "▁po p",
+ "▁ pop",
+ "▁f amily",
+ "▁fam ily",
+ "▁famil y",
+ "▁ family",
+ "▁t ri",
+ "▁tr i",
+ "▁ tri",
+ "I N",
+ "▁G o",
+ "▁ Go",
+ "▁p roduct",
+ "▁pro duct",
+ "▁produ ct",
+ "▁ product",
+ "um p",
+ "u mp",
+ "▁a nn",
+ "▁an n",
+ "▁ ann",
+ "▁al low",
+ "▁all ow",
+ "▁ allow",
+ "our ce",
+ "me d",
+ "m ed",
+ "▁t est",
+ "▁te st",
+ "▁ test",
+ "▁N o",
+ "▁ No",
+ "pr o",
+ "p ro",
+ "▁s k",
+ "▁ sk",
+ "▁with out",
+ "▁ without",
+ "pa r",
+ "p ar",
+ "▁C ent",
+ "▁Ce nt",
+ "▁ Cent",
+ "at ely",
+ "ate ly",
+ "y n",
+ "ir d",
+ "i rd",
+ "▁th ings",
+ "▁thing s",
+ "▁thin gs",
+ "▁W hen",
+ "▁Wh en",
+ "▁Whe n",
+ "▁ When",
+ "▁we ek",
+ "▁ week",
+ "▁p ar",
+ "▁pa r",
+ "▁ par",
+ "▁p os",
+ "▁po s",
+ "▁ pos",
+ "▁c ome",
+ "▁com e",
+ "▁co me",
+ "▁ come",
+ "▁p lan",
+ "▁pl an",
+ "▁pla n",
+ "▁ plan",
+ "qu e",
+ "q ue",
+ "▁J ohn",
+ "▁Jo hn",
+ "▁Joh n",
+ "▁ John",
+ "li ng",
+ "lin g",
+ "l ing",
+ "io r",
+ "i or",
+ "iz ation",
+ "▁some thing",
+ "▁som ething",
+ "▁ something",
+ "▁W ith",
+ "▁Wi th",
+ "▁ With",
+ "▁b ig",
+ "▁bi g",
+ "▁ big",
+ "▁n ever",
+ "▁ne ver",
+ "▁ never",
+ "▁n ext",
+ "▁ne xt",
+ "▁ next",
+ "po r",
+ "p or",
+ ", \"",
+ "le ction",
+ "lect ion",
+ "l ection",
+ "ter national",
+ "tern ational",
+ "er y",
+ "e ry",
+ "▁p ut",
+ "▁pu t",
+ "▁ put",
+ "▁b ro",
+ "▁br o",
+ "▁ bro",
+ "▁d i",
+ "▁ di",
+ "er r",
+ "e rr",
+ "▁B y",
+ "▁ By",
+ "▁c urrent",
+ "▁cur rent",
+ "▁ current",
+ "▁sm all",
+ "▁ small",
+ "is ed",
+ "ise d",
+ "un e",
+ "u ne",
+ "ot t",
+ "o tt",
+ "▁be lie",
+ "▁bel ie",
+ "▁A m",
+ "▁ Am",
+ "ail able",
+ "if ied",
+ "ifi ed",
+ "i fied",
+ "▁C o",
+ "▁ Co",
+ "▁go vernment",
+ "▁govern ment",
+ "▁ government",
+ "▁rec ord",
+ "▁ record",
+ "▁E ng",
+ "▁En g",
+ "▁ Eng",
+ "op e",
+ "o pe",
+ "▁i de",
+ "▁id e",
+ "▁ ide",
+ "ain s",
+ "ai ns",
+ "a ins",
+ "en n",
+ "e nn",
+ "▁c a",
+ "▁ ca",
+ "▁M an",
+ "▁Ma n",
+ "▁ Man",
+ "▁s pe",
+ "▁sp e",
+ "▁ spe",
+ "▁Americ an",
+ "▁America n",
+ "▁Amer ican",
+ "▁ American",
+ "▁le vel",
+ "▁lev el",
+ "▁ level",
+ "▁C an",
+ "▁Ca n",
+ "▁ Can",
+ "iv id",
+ "i vid",
+ "▁st and",
+ "▁sta nd",
+ "▁ stand",
+ "ub l",
+ "u bl",
+ "▁o ld",
+ "▁ol d",
+ "▁ old",
+ "o f",
+ "ob er",
+ "obe r",
+ "o ber",
+ "▁R ep",
+ "▁Re p",
+ "▁ Rep",
+ "iv ed",
+ "ive d",
+ "i ved",
+ "▁t urn",
+ "▁tur n",
+ "▁ turn",
+ "▁e qu",
+ "▁eq u",
+ "▁ equ",
+ "▁m ight",
+ "▁mig ht",
+ "▁ might",
+ "▁fe el",
+ "▁fee l",
+ "re en",
+ "ree n",
+ "r een",
+ "▁s tre",
+ "▁st re",
+ "▁str e",
+ "▁ stre",
+ "▁se em",
+ "▁see m",
+ "ic le",
+ "i cle",
+ "ir on",
+ "iro n",
+ "i ron",
+ "▁m et",
+ "▁me t",
+ "▁ met",
+ "vi ous",
+ "v ious",
+ "▁man ag",
+ "re m",
+ "r em",
+ "▁c ap",
+ "▁ca p",
+ "▁ cap",
+ "it ions",
+ "ition s",
+ "iti ons",
+ "▁import ant",
+ "▁ important",
+ "▁bet ter",
+ "iv en",
+ "ive n",
+ "i ven",
+ "▁al ways",
+ "▁f r",
+ "▁ fr",
+ "▁C ar",
+ "▁Ca r",
+ "▁ Car",
+ "or ies",
+ "ori es",
+ "orie s",
+ "o ries",
+ "ai m",
+ "a im",
+ "ri es",
+ "rie s",
+ "r ies",
+ "▁t ry",
+ "▁tr y",
+ "▁ try",
+ "he re",
+ "her e",
+ "h ere",
+ "▁f our",
+ "▁fo ur",
+ "▁ four",
+ "▁o ffic",
+ "▁off ic",
+ "▁ offic",
+ "iu m",
+ "i um",
+ "▁Un ited",
+ "▁Unit ed",
+ "▁ United",
+ "ar ent",
+ "are nt",
+ "aren t",
+ "a rent",
+ "▁l ittle",
+ "▁li ttle",
+ "▁lit tle",
+ "▁count ry",
+ "▁coun try",
+ "▁ country",
+ "ust om",
+ "▁pro ble",
+ "▁prob le",
+ "▁p resent",
+ "▁pre sent",
+ "▁pres ent",
+ "▁ present",
+ "▁with in",
+ "▁wit hin",
+ "▁Ch rist",
+ "▁Chris t",
+ "▁ Christ",
+ "▁m at",
+ "▁ma t",
+ "▁ mat",
+ "s p",
+ "▁t erm",
+ "▁te rm",
+ "▁ter m",
+ "▁ term",
+ "▁g ot",
+ "▁go t",
+ "E S",
+ "▁b eh",
+ "▁be h",
+ "▁ beh",
+ "ne y",
+ "n ey",
+ "ur ed",
+ "ure d",
+ "u red",
+ "▁e as",
+ "▁ eas",
+ "en cy",
+ "enc y",
+ "A R",
+ "am ple",
+ "amp le",
+ "A T",
+ "▁W or",
+ "▁Wo r",
+ "▁f ac",
+ "▁fa c",
+ "▁ fac",
+ "▁g row",
+ "▁gr ow",
+ "▁gro w",
+ "▁ grow",
+ "▁m ar",
+ "▁ma r",
+ "▁ mar",
+ "ab ility",
+ "abil ity",
+ "▁g roup",
+ "▁gr oup",
+ "▁gro up",
+ "▁ group",
+ "um ent",
+ "ume nt",
+ "umen t",
+ "u ment",
+ "▁a ff",
+ "▁af f",
+ "▁ aff",
+ "gi n",
+ "g in",
+ "s h",
+ "id er",
+ "ide r",
+ "i der",
+ "ent ion",
+ "enti on",
+ "▁st ory",
+ "▁ story",
+ "▁ke ep",
+ "▁ keep",
+ "▁e lect",
+ "▁el ect",
+ "▁ele ct",
+ "▁ elect",
+ "▁e ng",
+ "▁en g",
+ "▁ eng",
+ "▁mark et",
+ "▁mar ket",
+ "▁ market",
+ "▁p rom",
+ "▁pro m",
+ "▁pr om",
+ "▁ prom",
+ "▁p ay",
+ "▁pa y",
+ "▁ pay",
+ "▁l ess",
+ "▁le ss",
+ "▁les s",
+ "▁ less",
+ "iv ely",
+ "ive ly",
+ "i vely",
+ "▁v iew",
+ "▁vi ew",
+ "▁ view",
+ "if y",
+ "i fy",
+ "▁l et",
+ "▁le t",
+ "▁ let",
+ "▁P ol",
+ "▁Po l",
+ "▁ Pol",
+ "aj or",
+ "ajo r",
+ "▁a sk",
+ "▁as k",
+ "▁ ask",
+ "▁h ard",
+ "▁ha rd",
+ "▁har d",
+ "▁ hard",
+ "▁c r",
+ "▁ cr",
+ "▁l ove",
+ "▁lo ve",
+ "▁ love",
+ "in ation",
+ "▁ch ange",
+ "▁chang e",
+ "▁ change",
+ "in c",
+ "i nc",
+ "ab ly",
+ "abl y",
+ "▁s ing",
+ "▁sin g",
+ "▁si ng",
+ "▁av ailable",
+ "▁avail able",
+ "▁ available",
+ "ain ed",
+ "ai ned",
+ "aine d",
+ "a ined",
+ "ent ly",
+ "▁A b",
+ "▁ Ab",
+ "▁w in",
+ "▁ win",
+ "▁p olit",
+ "▁pol it",
+ "▁po lit",
+ "▁M ed",
+ "▁Me d",
+ "▁ Med",
+ "▁l ocal",
+ "▁loc al",
+ "▁lo cal",
+ "▁ local",
+ "▁S u",
+ "▁ Su",
+ "▁exper ience",
+ "▁experien ce",
+ "▁or der",
+ "▁ord er",
+ "▁ order",
+ "at ic",
+ "ati c",
+ "a tic",
+ "le x",
+ "l ex",
+ "us h",
+ "u sh",
+ "▁b re",
+ "▁br e",
+ "▁ bre",
+ "▁c hang",
+ "▁ch ang",
+ "▁cha ng",
+ "or ding",
+ "ord ing",
+ "▁child ren",
+ "▁ children",
+ "or tun",
+ "ort un",
+ "( )",
+ "b r",
+ "▁e t",
+ "▁ et",
+ "▁f riend",
+ "▁ friend",
+ "at s",
+ "a ts",
+ "ient s",
+ "ien ts",
+ "i ents",
+ "▁E uro",
+ "▁Eur o",
+ "▁Eu ro",
+ "▁ Euro",
+ "▁m illion",
+ "▁mill ion",
+ "▁ million",
+ "on ey",
+ "one y",
+ "o ney",
+ "▁w ater",
+ "▁wa ter",
+ "▁wat er",
+ "▁ water",
+ "ia ns",
+ "ian s",
+ "i ans",
+ "wo rk",
+ "wor k",
+ "w ork",
+ "▁e s",
+ "▁ es",
+ "ti l",
+ "t il",
+ "▁c ost",
+ "▁co st",
+ "▁cos t",
+ "▁ cost",
+ "▁m usic",
+ "▁mus ic",
+ "▁mu sic",
+ "▁ music",
+ "▁f ree",
+ "▁fr ee",
+ "▁fre e",
+ "▁ free",
+ "▁/ /",
+ "▁ //",
+ "▁f ull",
+ "▁ful l",
+ "▁fu ll",
+ "▁ full",
+ "▁P res",
+ "▁Pr es",
+ "▁Pre s",
+ "▁ Pres",
+ "b y",
+ "▁O ne",
+ "▁On e",
+ "▁ One",
+ "ov er",
+ "ove r",
+ "o ver",
+ "▁s it",
+ "▁si t",
+ "igh ts",
+ "ight s",
+ "O R",
+ "▁n on",
+ "▁no n",
+ "▁ non",
+ "▁wor king",
+ "▁work ing",
+ "▁ working",
+ "pu t",
+ "p ut",
+ "ent ial",
+ "enti al",
+ "I n",
+ "▁a ccess",
+ "▁acc ess",
+ "▁ac cess",
+ "▁ access",
+ "re f",
+ "r ef",
+ "au gh",
+ "aug h",
+ "a ugh",
+ "▁P r",
+ "▁ Pr",
+ "our n",
+ "o urn",
+ "▁char act",
+ "▁cha ract",
+ "▁s ervice",
+ "▁serv ice",
+ "▁ service",
+ "▁d ays",
+ "▁day s",
+ "▁da ys",
+ "▁ days",
+ "▁comm unity",
+ "▁commun ity",
+ "▁ community",
+ "▁pro per",
+ "▁pr oper",
+ "▁prop er",
+ "en e",
+ "e ne",
+ "m a",
+ "war e",
+ "wa re",
+ "w are",
+ "▁b as",
+ "▁ba s",
+ "▁ bas",
+ "or g",
+ "ic y",
+ "i cy",
+ "▁ex pect",
+ "▁exp ect",
+ "an e",
+ "a ne",
+ "▁s ocial",
+ "▁so cial",
+ "▁soc ial",
+ "▁soci al",
+ "▁ social",
+ "ea d",
+ "e ad",
+ "▁E n",
+ "▁ En",
+ "ac y",
+ "a cy",
+ "iv er",
+ "ive r",
+ "i ver",
+ "▁l ine",
+ "▁li ne",
+ "▁lin e",
+ "▁ line",
+ "▁me et",
+ "A N",
+ "▁F l",
+ "▁ Fl",
+ "▁a ble",
+ "▁ab le",
+ "▁ able",
+ "▁em ploy",
+ "ut ure",
+ "▁le ft",
+ "▁ left",
+ "▁B r",
+ "▁ Br",
+ "▁su ccess",
+ "▁suc cess",
+ "▁succ ess",
+ "▁ success",
+ "is ter",
+ "ist er",
+ "iste r",
+ "i ster",
+ "▁act iv",
+ "▁ activ",
+ "▁A ss",
+ "▁As s",
+ "▁ Ass",
+ "e e",
+ "▁ind ust",
+ "▁indu st",
+ "▁ indust",
+ "▁re search",
+ "▁res earch",
+ "▁rese arch",
+ "▁researc h",
+ "▁resear ch",
+ "▁ research",
+ "ul ation",
+ "u lation",
+ "▁f und",
+ "▁fun d",
+ "▁fu nd",
+ "▁ fund",
+ "▁p ract",
+ "▁pr act",
+ "▁pra ct",
+ "▁ pract",
+ "is ing",
+ "isi ng",
+ "▁A pp",
+ "▁Ap p",
+ "▁ App",
+ "oo r",
+ "o or",
+ "▁p ast",
+ "▁pa st",
+ "▁pas t",
+ "ri ct",
+ "ric t",
+ "r ict",
+ "▁ +",
+ "vi ron",
+ "vir on",
+ "v iron",
+ "os p",
+ "o sp",
+ "oc us",
+ "o cus",
+ "▁m ove",
+ "▁mov e",
+ "▁mo ve",
+ "▁ move",
+ "▁w omen",
+ "▁ women",
+ "ou rs",
+ "our s",
+ "o urs",
+ "oi d",
+ "o id",
+ "as ter",
+ "ast er",
+ "aste r",
+ "a ster",
+ "▁n ear",
+ "▁ne ar",
+ "ir c",
+ "i rc",
+ "a i",
+ "▁N e",
+ "▁ Ne",
+ "og raph",
+ "ograp h",
+ "o graph",
+ "▁ @",
+ "▁o rig",
+ "▁or ig",
+ "▁ori g",
+ "▁ orig",
+ "▁stud ents",
+ "▁student s",
+ "ur s",
+ "u rs",
+ "▁h uman",
+ "▁hum an",
+ "▁ human",
+ "▁add ition",
+ "* *",
+ "ur ity",
+ "uri ty",
+ "u rity",
+ "du ct",
+ "duc t",
+ "d uct",
+ "fo r",
+ "f or",
+ "en ded",
+ "end ed",
+ "ende d",
+ "▁prov ide",
+ "▁provid e",
+ "▁I m",
+ "▁ Im",
+ "▁a uthor",
+ "▁aut hor",
+ "▁ author",
+ "▁c alled",
+ "▁call ed",
+ "▁cal led",
+ "▁ called",
+ "▁m il",
+ "▁mi l",
+ "▁ mil",
+ "eth od",
+ "e thod",
+ "it ing",
+ "iti ng",
+ "i ting",
+ "uc k",
+ "u ck",
+ "▁c ond",
+ "▁con d",
+ "▁co nd",
+ "▁ cond",
+ "ar ds",
+ "ard s",
+ "{ \\",
+ "▁ :",
+ "▁Y ork",
+ "▁Yo rk",
+ "▁E d",
+ "▁ Ed",
+ "▁e conom",
+ "▁ec onom",
+ "▁eco nom",
+ "▁ econom",
+ "▁w hy",
+ "▁wh y",
+ "▁ why",
+ "po s",
+ "p os",
+ "▁St ate",
+ "▁Stat e",
+ "▁Sta te",
+ "▁ State",
+ "at eg",
+ "ate g",
+ "▁G u",
+ "▁ Gu",
+ "▁w ord",
+ "▁wor d",
+ "▁ word",
+ "▁ X",
+ "▁f ore",
+ "▁for e",
+ "▁fo re",
+ "▁ fore",
+ "▁p riv",
+ "▁pr iv",
+ "▁pri v",
+ "▁ priv",
+ "▁$ \\",
+ "▁ $\\",
+ "▁a rea",
+ "▁are a",
+ "▁ar ea",
+ "▁ area",
+ "si de",
+ "sid e",
+ "s ide",
+ "▁o cc",
+ "et er",
+ "ete r",
+ "e ter",
+ "▁e vent",
+ "▁ev ent",
+ "▁even t",
+ "▁eve nt",
+ "▁ event",
+ "▁t oday",
+ "▁to day",
+ "▁G r",
+ "▁ Gr",
+ "▁s ervices",
+ "▁serv ices",
+ "▁service s",
+ "▁ services",
+ "▁fil m",
+ "▁ film",
+ "id d",
+ "i dd",
+ "en ding",
+ "end ing",
+ "▁m ajor",
+ "▁maj or",
+ "▁ major",
+ "I D",
+ "ce r",
+ "c er",
+ "▁Euro pe",
+ "▁Eur ope",
+ "▁ Europe",
+ "ve ral",
+ "ver al",
+ "v eral",
+ "▁m aking",
+ "▁ma king",
+ "▁ making",
+ "▁W orld",
+ "▁Wor ld",
+ "▁ World",
+ "▁N ational",
+ "▁Nation al",
+ "▁Nat ional",
+ "▁ National",
+ "▁f unction",
+ "▁fun ction",
+ "▁ function",
+ "▁m embers",
+ "▁mem bers",
+ "▁member s",
+ "▁ members",
+ "▁d ev",
+ "▁de v",
+ "▁ dev",
+ "▁ z",
+ "an ces",
+ "ance s",
+ "anc es",
+ "a nces",
+ "re sent",
+ "res ent",
+ "▁a way",
+ "▁aw ay",
+ "▁awa y",
+ "▁ away",
+ "af f",
+ "a ff",
+ "▁M y",
+ "▁ My",
+ "▁an al",
+ "▁ana l",
+ "▁In st",
+ "▁Ins t",
+ "▁ Inst",
+ "▁g ive",
+ "▁gi ve",
+ "▁d esc",
+ "▁de sc",
+ "▁des c",
+ "▁ desc",
+ "er ence",
+ "ere nce",
+ "eren ce",
+ "e rence",
+ "al f",
+ "▁un til",
+ "▁unt il",
+ "▁ until",
+ "E N",
+ "▁m ean",
+ "▁me an",
+ "▁ mean",
+ "va l",
+ "v al",
+ "re ady",
+ "read y",
+ "rea dy",
+ "a f",
+ "▁under stand",
+ "▁underst and",
+ "▁a cross",
+ "▁ac ross",
+ "au t",
+ "a ut",
+ "▁M in",
+ "▁Mi n",
+ "▁ Min",
+ "\" ,",
+ "▁b ased",
+ "▁bas ed",
+ "▁base d",
+ "▁ based",
+ "ua ry",
+ "u ary",
+ "▁w ar",
+ "▁wa r",
+ "▁ war",
+ "ob al",
+ "oba l",
+ "o bal",
+ "ro p",
+ "r op",
+ "li sh",
+ "lis h",
+ "l ish",
+ "▁d ra",
+ "▁dr a",
+ "▁ dra",
+ "al es",
+ "ale s",
+ "a les",
+ "▁a long",
+ "▁al ong",
+ "▁ along",
+ "▁val ue",
+ "▁ value",
+ "▁ide nt",
+ "▁id ent",
+ "▁ ident",
+ "art ment",
+ "▁k ind",
+ "▁kin d",
+ "▁ kind",
+ "it or",
+ "ito r",
+ "i tor",
+ "▁l ik",
+ "▁li k",
+ "▁ lik",
+ "▁c ity",
+ "▁cit y",
+ "▁ci ty",
+ "▁ city",
+ "ward s",
+ "war ds",
+ "w ards",
+ "▁f ar",
+ "▁fa r",
+ "▁ far",
+ "▁A fter",
+ "▁Af ter",
+ "▁ After",
+ "ot s",
+ "o ts",
+ "▁c ustom",
+ "▁cust om",
+ "▁ custom",
+ "▁app lic",
+ "▁appl ic",
+ "▁you ng",
+ "ivid ual",
+ "▁did n",
+ "▁di dn",
+ "er al",
+ "era l",
+ "e ral",
+ "▁St ates",
+ "▁State s",
+ "▁Stat es",
+ "▁Sta tes",
+ "▁c amp",
+ "▁ca mp",
+ "▁cam p",
+ "▁ camp",
+ "ma th",
+ "mat h",
+ "m ath",
+ "▁con n",
+ "▁co nn",
+ "▁ conn",
+ "▁follow ing",
+ "▁J u",
+ "▁be come",
+ "▁bec ome",
+ "▁becom e",
+ "▁stud y",
+ "▁c ourse",
+ "▁co urse",
+ "▁cour se",
+ "▁ course",
+ "ur ther",
+ "urt her",
+ "▁b en",
+ "▁be n",
+ "▁ ben",
+ "▁hist ory",
+ "▁histor y",
+ "▁hi story",
+ "▁ history",
+ "▁c ho",
+ "▁ch o",
+ "▁ cho",
+ "▁O ct",
+ "▁ Oct",
+ "it ive",
+ "iti ve",
+ "▁j ob",
+ "▁jo b",
+ "▁ job",
+ "▁e duc",
+ "▁ed uc",
+ "▁ educ",
+ "viron ment",
+ "▁spec ial",
+ "▁spe cial",
+ "▁ special",
+ "g o",
+ "▁l im",
+ "▁li m",
+ "▁ lim",
+ "▁develop ment",
+ "▁ development",
+ "A S",
+ "ik e",
+ "i ke",
+ "▁C ont",
+ "▁Con t",
+ "▁Co nt",
+ "▁ Cont",
+ "▁M e",
+ "▁ Me",
+ "▁A f",
+ "▁ Af",
+ "▁s ure",
+ "▁su re",
+ "▁sur e",
+ "id ence",
+ "ide nce",
+ "iden ce",
+ "▁se ason",
+ "▁sea son",
+ "▁seas on",
+ "▁ season",
+ "▁c ult",
+ "▁cul t",
+ "▁cu lt",
+ "▁t hing",
+ "▁th ing",
+ "▁thin g",
+ "▁ thing",
+ "▁A ct",
+ "▁Ac t",
+ "▁ Act",
+ "▁k nown",
+ "▁kn own",
+ "▁know n",
+ "▁ known",
+ "io d",
+ "i od",
+ "▁G e",
+ "▁ Ge",
+ "▁im pro",
+ "▁imp ro",
+ "y l",
+ "om an",
+ "oma n",
+ "o man",
+ "ge ther",
+ "get her",
+ "g ether",
+ "▁m ult",
+ "▁mu lt",
+ "▁ mult",
+ "▁t ogether",
+ "▁to gether",
+ "▁A pr",
+ "▁Ap r",
+ "▁ Apr",
+ "▁o ften",
+ "▁of ten",
+ "▁oft en",
+ "▁ often",
+ "▁How ever",
+ "▁ However",
+ "▁al ready",
+ "re am",
+ "rea m",
+ "ff ic",
+ "▁M c",
+ "▁ Mc",
+ "im ate",
+ "ima te",
+ "i mate",
+ "se l",
+ "s el",
+ "▁t rad",
+ "▁tr ad",
+ "▁tra d",
+ "▁ trad",
+ "▁p a",
+ "▁ pa",
+ "▁t imes",
+ "▁time s",
+ "▁tim es",
+ "▁ times",
+ "ol e",
+ "o le",
+ "om m",
+ "o mm",
+ "ra y",
+ "r ay",
+ "▁s af",
+ "▁sa f",
+ "▁c ame",
+ "▁ca me",
+ "▁cam e",
+ "▁c lear",
+ "▁cl ear",
+ "▁cle ar",
+ "▁ clear",
+ "▁ _",
+ "▁cont rol",
+ "▁ control",
+ "▁t ell",
+ "▁te ll",
+ "▁tel l",
+ "▁E m",
+ "▁ Em",
+ "▁h aving",
+ "▁ha ving",
+ "▁l east",
+ "▁le ast",
+ "▁c reat",
+ "▁cre at",
+ "▁ creat",
+ "▁W ill",
+ "▁Wil l",
+ "▁Wi ll",
+ "▁ Will",
+ "▁B ro",
+ "▁Br o",
+ "▁ Bro",
+ "▁a ut",
+ "▁au t",
+ "▁ aut",
+ "▁m en",
+ "▁me n",
+ "▁ men",
+ "le g",
+ "l eg",
+ "it her",
+ "ith er",
+ "ithe r",
+ "i ther",
+ "▁in vol",
+ "▁inv ol",
+ "▁ex c",
+ "io l",
+ "i ol",
+ "or ed",
+ "ore d",
+ "o red",
+ "▁sh ort",
+ "▁sho rt",
+ "▁ short",
+ "▁C ount",
+ "▁Co unt",
+ "▁Coun t",
+ "▁Cou nt",
+ "▁ Count",
+ "▁f uture",
+ "▁fut ure",
+ "▁p hot",
+ "▁ph ot",
+ "▁ phot",
+ "▁part icular",
+ "▁partic ular",
+ "▁f ocus",
+ "▁fo cus",
+ "▁foc us",
+ "▁ focus",
+ "▁se veral",
+ "▁sever al",
+ "▁l ater",
+ "▁la ter",
+ "▁lat er",
+ "▁late r",
+ "ra p",
+ "r ap",
+ "▁ear ly",
+ "▁ early",
+ "le v",
+ "l ev",
+ "ow s",
+ "o ws",
+ "ue d",
+ "u ed",
+ "▁g iven",
+ "▁give n",
+ "▁gi ven",
+ "▁C al",
+ "▁Ca l",
+ "▁ Cal",
+ "▁C ity",
+ "▁Cit y",
+ "▁Ci ty",
+ "▁ City",
+ "rig ht",
+ "r ight",
+ "▁A g",
+ "▁ Ag",
+ "▁M r",
+ "▁ Mr",
+ "un g",
+ "u ng",
+ "▁P art",
+ "▁Par t",
+ "▁Pa rt",
+ "▁ Part",
+ "▁prof ess",
+ "▁D o",
+ "▁ Do",
+ "▁ind ividual",
+ "▁individ ual",
+ "at erial",
+ "ate rial",
+ "ater ial",
+ "▁e ver",
+ "▁ev er",
+ "▁eve r",
+ "▁ ever",
+ "▁The se",
+ "▁Th ese",
+ "▁ These",
+ "▁A ug",
+ "▁Au g",
+ "▁ Aug",
+ "▁c ertain",
+ "▁cert ain",
+ "▁cer tain",
+ "▁M arch",
+ "▁Mar ch",
+ "▁Marc h",
+ "▁ March",
+ "▁S chool",
+ "▁Sch ool",
+ "▁ School",
+ "el t",
+ "e lt",
+ "▁in clude",
+ "▁includ e",
+ "▁inc lude",
+ "▁incl ude",
+ "▁ include",
+ "▁t alk",
+ "▁tal k",
+ "▁ talk",
+ "ap s",
+ "a ps",
+ "▁ex ample",
+ "▁exam ple",
+ "▁ example",
+ "▁o pt",
+ "▁op t",
+ "▁ opt",
+ "ide o",
+ "ch ed",
+ "che d",
+ "c hed",
+ "▁n et",
+ "▁ne t",
+ "▁ net",
+ "▁lar ge",
+ "▁ large",
+ "▁A ust",
+ "▁Aus t",
+ "▁Au st",
+ "▁c laim",
+ "▁cl aim",
+ "▁cla im",
+ "▁ claim",
+ "▁p ot",
+ "▁po t",
+ "▁ pot",
+ "t r",
+ "ak en",
+ "ake n",
+ "a ken",
+ "▁other s",
+ "▁ot hers",
+ "▁a nt",
+ "▁an t",
+ "▁ ant",
+ "▁con c",
+ "▁co nc",
+ "on y",
+ "o ny",
+ "w w",
+ "▁S outh",
+ "▁So uth",
+ "▁Sou th",
+ "▁Sout h",
+ "▁ South",
+ "ch e",
+ "c he",
+ "d e",
+ "▁a ir",
+ "▁ air",
+ "▁me ans",
+ "▁mean s",
+ "▁p ossible",
+ "▁poss ible",
+ "▁t reat",
+ "▁tre at",
+ "▁v e",
+ "▁ ve",
+ "▁h old",
+ "▁hol d",
+ "▁ho ld",
+ "▁ hold",
+ "no t",
+ "n ot",
+ "▁H ar",
+ "▁Ha r",
+ "▁ Har",
+ "▁s elf",
+ "▁sel f",
+ "▁ self",
+ "our ces",
+ "ource s",
+ "▁Jan uary",
+ "▁ January",
+ "ect ed",
+ "ec ted",
+ ".. ..",
+ "... .",
+ ". ...",
+ "▁m oney",
+ "▁mon ey",
+ "▁mo ney",
+ "▁ money",
+ "▁w r",
+ "▁f ield",
+ "▁fi eld",
+ "▁ field",
+ "▁a mong",
+ "▁am ong",
+ "on es",
+ "one s",
+ "o nes",
+ "▁A rt",
+ "▁Ar t",
+ "▁ Art",
+ "A L",
+ "ww w",
+ "w ww",
+ "I S",
+ "▁s w",
+ "▁ sw",
+ "id es",
+ "ide s",
+ "i des",
+ "ur ch",
+ "ba ll",
+ "bal l",
+ "b all",
+ "ro ll",
+ "rol l",
+ "r oll",
+ "▁v ers",
+ "▁ve rs",
+ "▁ver s",
+ "▁ vers",
+ "ri but",
+ "rib ut",
+ "ia m",
+ "i am",
+ "ab or",
+ "a bor",
+ "le ge",
+ "leg e",
+ "il ls",
+ "ill s",
+ "▁acc ount",
+ "▁ac count",
+ "▁ account",
+ "▁s eries",
+ "▁se ries",
+ "▁ser ies",
+ "▁ series",
+ "as k",
+ "a sk",
+ "ci ng",
+ "cin g",
+ "c ing",
+ "▁< /",
+ "▁ ",
+ "▁- -",
+ "▁ --",
+ "ar ing",
+ "ari ng",
+ "arin g",
+ "a ring",
+ "▁D ep",
+ "▁De p",
+ "▁ Dep",
+ "▁fe at",
+ "▁ feat",
+ "mo st",
+ "mos t",
+ "m ost",
+ "▁en ough",
+ "▁r is",
+ "▁ri s",
+ "▁ ris",
+ "yl e",
+ "y le",
+ "iqu e",
+ "iq ue",
+ "i que",
+ "▁S ept",
+ "▁Se pt",
+ "▁Sep t",
+ "▁ Sept",
+ "▁t ook",
+ "▁to ok",
+ "▁too k",
+ "▁N ot",
+ "▁No t",
+ "▁ Not",
+ "▁C omp",
+ "▁Com p",
+ "▁Co mp",
+ "▁ Comp",
+ "▁J une",
+ "▁Ju ne",
+ "▁Jun e",
+ "▁ June",
+ "re w",
+ "r ew",
+ "ip p",
+ "i pp",
+ "▁l ight",
+ "▁lig ht",
+ "▁ light",
+ "te d",
+ "t ed",
+ "▁t em",
+ "▁te m",
+ "▁ tem",
+ "▁Apr il",
+ "▁Ap ril",
+ "▁ April",
+ "▁W ar",
+ "▁Wa r",
+ "▁ War",
+ "▁d one",
+ "▁do ne",
+ "▁don e",
+ "▁ done",
+ "ir l",
+ "i rl",
+ "▁t ype",
+ "▁ty pe",
+ "▁typ e",
+ "▁ type",
+ "▁re view",
+ "▁rev iew",
+ "▁ review",
+ "il ar",
+ "ila r",
+ "i lar",
+ "se t",
+ "s et",
+ "▁G l",
+ "▁ Gl",
+ "m e",
+ "▁Pres ident",
+ "▁ President",
+ "▁s ide",
+ "▁sid e",
+ "▁si de",
+ "▁ side",
+ "og n",
+ "o gn",
+ "ri pt",
+ "rip t",
+ "r ipt",
+ "▁J uly",
+ "▁Ju ly",
+ "▁Jul y",
+ "▁ July",
+ "▁f re",
+ "▁fr e",
+ "▁ fre",
+ "▁happ en",
+ "ad a",
+ "a da",
+ "▁N orth",
+ "▁Nor th",
+ "▁Nort h",
+ "▁ North",
+ "▁H is",
+ "▁Hi s",
+ "▁ His",
+ "▁le arn",
+ "▁lear n",
+ "▁h ouse",
+ "▁hous e",
+ "▁ho use",
+ "▁ house",
+ "ap e",
+ "a pe",
+ "▁disc uss",
+ "▁t old",
+ "▁to ld",
+ "id s",
+ "i ds",
+ "▁l ive",
+ "▁li ve",
+ "▁liv e",
+ "▁ live",
+ "▁re ason",
+ "▁P ar",
+ "▁Pa r",
+ "▁ Par",
+ "▁C he",
+ "▁Ch e",
+ "▁ Che",
+ "▁c rit",
+ "▁cr it",
+ "▁ crit",
+ "▁m akes",
+ "▁make s",
+ "▁ma kes",
+ "▁h ig",
+ "▁hi g",
+ "▁ hig",
+ "ba ck",
+ "b ack",
+ "▁th ought",
+ "▁though t",
+ "▁ thought",
+ "▁N ews",
+ "▁New s",
+ "▁Ne ws",
+ "▁ News",
+ "▁t ax",
+ "▁ta x",
+ "▁ tax",
+ "▁s een",
+ "▁se en",
+ "▁see n",
+ "▁ seen",
+ "▁T ra",
+ "▁Tr a",
+ "▁ Tra",
+ "▁st rong",
+ "▁str ong",
+ "▁stro ng",
+ "▁ strong",
+ "▁we bs",
+ "▁web s",
+ "I C",
+ "▁v ari",
+ "▁var i",
+ "▁va ri",
+ "▁ vari",
+ "▁w orks",
+ "▁wor ks",
+ "▁work s",
+ "▁ works",
+ "▁opp ortun",
+ "ail s",
+ "ai ls",
+ "a ils",
+ "er ship",
+ "ers hip",
+ "▁O ur",
+ "▁ Our",
+ "m y",
+ "▁v ol",
+ "▁vo l",
+ "▁ vol",
+ "▁F eb",
+ "▁Fe b",
+ "▁ Feb",
+ "▁C O",
+ "▁ CO",
+ "▁p ubl",
+ "▁pub l",
+ "▁pu bl",
+ "▁ publ",
+ "▁ben ef",
+ "▁bene f",
+ "▁htt ps",
+ "▁http s",
+ "▁ https",
+ "st er",
+ "ste r",
+ "s ter",
+ "▁f ood",
+ "▁fo od",
+ "▁ food",
+ "▁D r",
+ "▁ Dr",
+ "▁d eb",
+ "▁de b",
+ "▁ deb",
+ "▁d eal",
+ "▁de al",
+ "▁ deal",
+ "▁m om",
+ "▁mo m",
+ "▁ mom",
+ "▁D av",
+ "▁Da v",
+ "▁m edia",
+ "▁me dia",
+ "▁med ia",
+ "▁medi a",
+ "▁ media",
+ "▁f ive",
+ "▁fi ve",
+ "▁ five",
+ "I T",
+ "▁D is",
+ "▁Di s",
+ "▁ Dis",
+ "▁d oc",
+ "▁do c",
+ "▁ doc",
+ "▁app ear",
+ "▁look ing",
+ "▁lo oking",
+ "▁ looking",
+ "ve rage",
+ "ver age",
+ "▁n ight",
+ "▁ night",
+ "▁n ews",
+ "▁ne ws",
+ "▁new s",
+ "▁ news",
+ "▁per iod",
+ "ourn al",
+ "▁C or",
+ "▁Co r",
+ "▁ Cor",
+ "en tal",
+ "ent al",
+ "enta l",
+ "▁R eg",
+ "▁Re g",
+ "▁ Reg",
+ "T h",
+ "▁d oing",
+ "▁do ing",
+ "▁doi ng",
+ "▁ doing",
+ "▁wh ether",
+ "▁whe ther",
+ "▁ whether",
+ "uf f",
+ "u ff",
+ "jo y",
+ "j oy",
+ "▁s um",
+ "▁su m",
+ "▁ sum",
+ "ce mber",
+ "c ember",
+ "▁p ort",
+ "▁po rt",
+ "▁por t",
+ "▁ port",
+ "▁s ite",
+ "▁sit e",
+ "▁si te",
+ "▁ site",
+ "▁does n",
+ "▁B ar",
+ "▁Ba r",
+ "▁ Bar",
+ "▁D es",
+ "▁De s",
+ "▁ Des",
+ "an ies",
+ "ani es",
+ "anie s",
+ "le r",
+ "l er",
+ "W e",
+ "▁t ot",
+ "▁to t",
+ "at ors",
+ "ator s",
+ "ato rs",
+ "▁m eas",
+ "▁me as",
+ "▁re present",
+ "▁rep resent",
+ "▁ represent",
+ "▁Q u",
+ "▁ Qu",
+ "▁k ey",
+ "▁ke y",
+ "▁ key",
+ "s w",
+ "▁o nce",
+ "▁on ce",
+ "▁ once",
+ "ie f",
+ "i ef",
+ "▁G od",
+ "▁Go d",
+ "▁ God",
+ "bo ok",
+ "b ook",
+ "▁re du",
+ "▁r edu",
+ "▁red u",
+ "▁qu estion",
+ "▁quest ion",
+ "▁ question",
+ "ov ember",
+ "ove mber",
+ "▁E l",
+ "▁ El",
+ "▁l and",
+ "▁la nd",
+ "▁lan d",
+ "▁ land",
+ "an gu",
+ "ang u",
+ "▁rel ations",
+ "▁relation s",
+ "▁per cent",
+ "▁ percent",
+ "▁c hall",
+ "▁ch all",
+ "▁cha ll",
+ "▁de ath",
+ "▁ death",
+ "▁w ent",
+ "▁we nt",
+ "▁ went",
+ "re g",
+ "r eg",
+ "▁w on",
+ "▁ won",
+ "▁S erv",
+ "▁Ser v",
+ "▁sign ific",
+ "▁com pet",
+ "▁comp et",
+ "▁ compet",
+ "ci l",
+ "c il",
+ "▁M ore",
+ "▁Mor e",
+ "▁Mo re",
+ "▁ More",
+ "▁s top",
+ "▁st op",
+ "▁ stop",
+ "▁l ow",
+ "▁lo w",
+ "▁ low",
+ "is on",
+ "iso n",
+ "i son",
+ "pl ay",
+ "p lay",
+ "▁tr ue",
+ "▁tru e",
+ "▁ true",
+ "▁P er",
+ "▁Pe r",
+ "▁ Per",
+ "▁j o",
+ "▁ jo",
+ "▁person al",
+ "▁pers onal",
+ "▁persona l",
+ "▁ personal",
+ "▁t re",
+ "▁tr e",
+ "▁ tre",
+ "ess age",
+ "essa ge",
+ "he rs",
+ "her s",
+ "h ers",
+ "▁d ri",
+ "▁dr i",
+ "▁B rit",
+ "▁Br it",
+ "▁Bri t",
+ "▁ Brit",
+ "▁act ually",
+ "▁actual ly",
+ "E D",
+ "▁c omb",
+ "▁com b",
+ "▁co mb",
+ "▁ comb",
+ "l u",
+ "▁P e",
+ "▁ Pe",
+ "▁m ethod",
+ "▁me thod",
+ "▁meth od",
+ "▁ method",
+ "▁m aterial",
+ "▁mat erial",
+ "▁mate rial",
+ "▁mater ial",
+ "▁ material",
+ "g r",
+ "ol ution",
+ "▁c ou",
+ "▁co u",
+ "▁mon ths",
+ "▁month s",
+ "▁mont hs",
+ "▁indust ry",
+ "▁r oom",
+ "▁ro om",
+ "▁ room",
+ "il led",
+ "ill ed",
+ "ille d",
+ "▁on line",
+ "▁ online",
+ "ge s",
+ "g es",
+ "il ities",
+ "ili ties",
+ "ilit ies",
+ "▁b ody",
+ "▁bo dy",
+ "▁bod y",
+ "▁ body",
+ "iv al",
+ "iva l",
+ "i val",
+ "▁in it",
+ "▁ init",
+ "▁Oct ober",
+ "▁ October",
+ "▁d ue",
+ "▁du e",
+ "▁ due",
+ "min ist",
+ "m inist",
+ "ro du",
+ "rod u",
+ "▁De cember",
+ "▁Dec ember",
+ "▁ December",
+ "th ough",
+ "ac es",
+ "ace s",
+ "a ces",
+ "▁b it",
+ "▁bi t",
+ "▁ bit",
+ "el e",
+ "e le",
+ "▁re quire",
+ "▁requ ire",
+ "▁req uire",
+ "▁ require",
+ "▁St ud",
+ "▁Stu d",
+ "▁ Stud",
+ "▁p ain",
+ "▁pa in",
+ "▁Sept ember",
+ "▁ September",
+ "ch es",
+ "che s",
+ "c hes",
+ "▁e ner",
+ "▁en er",
+ "▁ ener",
+ "ag n",
+ "a gn",
+ "▁cre ate",
+ "▁creat e",
+ "▁ create",
+ "▁el se",
+ "▁ else",
+ "m l",
+ "ib ility",
+ "b l",
+ "re t",
+ "r et",
+ "ge st",
+ "ges t",
+ "g est",
+ "▁f urther",
+ "▁fur ther",
+ "▁p ri",
+ "▁pr i",
+ "▁ pri",
+ "▁start ed",
+ "▁star ted",
+ "▁add ress",
+ "▁ address",
+ "▁s pace",
+ "▁sp ace",
+ "▁spa ce",
+ "▁ space",
+ "▁Americ a",
+ "▁Amer ica",
+ "▁ America",
+ "us ed",
+ "use d",
+ "it ted",
+ "itt ed",
+ "itte d",
+ "an cial",
+ "anc ial",
+ "▁N ovember",
+ "▁Nov ember",
+ "▁ November",
+ "▁s ound",
+ "▁so und",
+ "▁sou nd",
+ "▁ sound",
+ "▁H er",
+ "▁He r",
+ "▁ Her",
+ "▁e nc",
+ "▁en c",
+ "▁ enc",
+ "ar get",
+ "arg et",
+ "▁y et",
+ "▁ye t",
+ "▁ yet",
+ "I t",
+ "op h",
+ "o ph",
+ ") :",
+ "▁Aug ust",
+ "▁ August",
+ "fe r",
+ "f er",
+ "no w",
+ "n ow",
+ "ul e",
+ "u le",
+ "▁char acter",
+ "▁charact er",
+ "▁ character",
+ "gr ess",
+ "gre ss",
+ "g ress",
+ "▁re spons",
+ "▁resp ons",
+ "▁ respons",
+ "port s",
+ "por ts",
+ "p orts",
+ "▁P a",
+ "▁ Pa",
+ "u ation",
+ "▁R uss",
+ "▁Ru ss",
+ "▁Rus s",
+ "w h",
+ "▁c omes",
+ "▁com es",
+ "▁co mes",
+ "▁come s",
+ "▁ comes",
+ "▁pro blem",
+ "▁proble m",
+ "▁prob lem",
+ "▁b ring",
+ "▁br ing",
+ "▁bri ng",
+ "▁ bring",
+ "▁ne eds",
+ "▁need s",
+ "▁su per",
+ "▁sup er",
+ "▁ super",
+ "if ication",
+ "ific ation",
+ "ifi cation",
+ "it le",
+ "i tle",
+ "it er",
+ "ite r",
+ "i ter",
+ "▁Af ric",
+ "▁r ole",
+ "▁ro le",
+ "▁ role",
+ "▁p ress",
+ "▁pre ss",
+ "▁pr ess",
+ "▁pres s",
+ "▁ press",
+ "▁J ust",
+ "▁Ju st",
+ "▁ Just",
+ "▁n ational",
+ "▁nation al",
+ "▁ national",
+ "▁f inal",
+ "▁fin al",
+ "▁ final",
+ "▁re spect",
+ "▁res pect",
+ "▁resp ect",
+ "▁ respect",
+ "ir m",
+ "i rm",
+ "▁ann oun",
+ "▁W est",
+ "▁We st",
+ "▁Wes t",
+ "▁ West",
+ "eq u",
+ "e qu",
+ "▁S m",
+ "▁ Sm",
+ "▁h ttp",
+ "▁htt p",
+ "▁ http",
+ "▁s ong",
+ "▁so ng",
+ "▁son g",
+ "▁ song",
+ "▁s ingle",
+ "▁sing le",
+ "▁ single",
+ "▁m ind",
+ "▁min d",
+ "▁mi nd",
+ "▁ mind",
+ "▁p rob",
+ "▁pro b",
+ "▁pr ob",
+ "▁ prob",
+ "▁A cc",
+ "▁Ac c",
+ "▁ Acc",
+ "▁c ell",
+ "▁ce ll",
+ "▁cel l",
+ "▁ cell",
+ "▁Wh ile",
+ "▁ While",
+ "▁He alth",
+ "▁ Health",
+ "ha m",
+ "h am",
+ "ain ing",
+ "ai ning",
+ "a ining",
+ "oci ety",
+ "ri ed",
+ "rie d",
+ "r ied",
+ "▁K e",
+ "▁ Ke",
+ "▁en vironment",
+ "▁ environment",
+ "▁vis it",
+ "▁C our",
+ "▁Co ur",
+ "▁Cou r",
+ "▁build ing",
+ "▁ building",
+ "▁t yp",
+ "▁ty p",
+ "▁ typ",
+ "▁ex ist",
+ "am b",
+ "a mb",
+ "gin g",
+ "gi ng",
+ "g ing",
+ "▁ob ject",
+ "▁obj ect",
+ "▁ object",
+ "au lt",
+ "aul t",
+ "a ult",
+ "pl es",
+ "ple s",
+ "p les",
+ "hi ng",
+ "hin g",
+ "h ing",
+ "▁en joy",
+ "▁H ouse",
+ "▁Hou se",
+ "▁Ho use",
+ "▁Hous e",
+ "▁ House",
+ "ear ch",
+ "e arch",
+ "▁b o",
+ "▁ bo",
+ "▁f av",
+ "▁fa v",
+ "te xt",
+ "tex t",
+ "t ext",
+ "▁l o",
+ "▁ lo",
+ "il t",
+ "i lt",
+ "▁b egin",
+ "▁be gin",
+ "▁beg in",
+ "▁ begin",
+ "▁res ults",
+ "▁result s",
+ "▁ results",
+ "▁comp let",
+ "▁compl et",
+ "▁a ud",
+ "▁au d",
+ "▁ aud",
+ "▁iss ues",
+ "▁issue s",
+ "▁issu es",
+ "▁ issues",
+ "▁F rom",
+ "▁Fr om",
+ "▁Fro m",
+ "▁ From",
+ "▁P ost",
+ "▁Po st",
+ "▁Pos t",
+ "▁ Post",
+ "cre t",
+ "cr et",
+ "c ret",
+ "A C",
+ "es ts",
+ "est s",
+ "▁mod el",
+ "▁mode l",
+ "▁mo del",
+ "▁ model",
+ "ut es",
+ "ute s",
+ "u tes",
+ "▁p olitical",
+ "▁polit ical",
+ "▁ political",
+ "▁ab ove",
+ "▁ above",
+ "oo n",
+ "o on",
+ "sel ves",
+ "um b",
+ "u mb",
+ "▁comp anies",
+ "▁compan ies",
+ "▁a go",
+ "▁ag o",
+ "▁ ago",
+ "st r",
+ "s tr",
+ "-- --",
+ "--- -",
+ "- ---",
+ "if t",
+ "i ft",
+ "in o",
+ "i no",
+ "▁get ting",
+ "▁ge tting",
+ "▁C har",
+ "▁Ch ar",
+ "▁Cha r",
+ "▁ Char",
+ "▁L a",
+ "▁ La",
+ "n a",
+ "un ch",
+ "unc h",
+ "▁th ird",
+ "▁ third",
+ "▁a ction",
+ "▁act ion",
+ "▁ action",
+ "▁d r",
+ "▁ dr",
+ "▁M ark",
+ "▁Mar k",
+ "▁Ma rk",
+ "▁ Mark",
+ "ve rt",
+ "ver t",
+ "v ert",
+ "ib r",
+ "i br",
+ "he ad",
+ "hea d",
+ "h ead",
+ "▁a ge",
+ "▁ag e",
+ "▁ age",
+ "▁ ,",
+ "ye ar",
+ "y ear",
+ "▁s ent",
+ "▁se nt",
+ "▁sen t",
+ "▁ sent",
+ "E C",
+ "ra in",
+ "r ain",
+ "▁sign ificant",
+ "▁signific ant",
+ "z e",
+ "▁N ow",
+ "▁No w",
+ "▁ Now",
+ "▁T H",
+ "▁ TH",
+ "fa ct",
+ "fac t",
+ "f act",
+ "an a",
+ "a na",
+ "cl us",
+ "▁e y",
+ "▁ ey",
+ "em pt",
+ "emp t",
+ "▁bel ieve",
+ "▁belie ve",
+ "am a",
+ "a ma",
+ "▁pre vious",
+ "▁prev ious",
+ "pe cially",
+ "pec ially",
+ "op y",
+ "o py",
+ "▁we bsite",
+ "▁webs ite",
+ "▁web site",
+ "ut ions",
+ "ution s",
+ "uti ons",
+ "lat ion",
+ "l ation",
+ "' ,",
+ "▁te chnology",
+ "▁techn ology",
+ "ru ction",
+ "ruct ion",
+ "r uction",
+ "o e",
+ "▁I nt",
+ "▁In t",
+ "▁ Int",
+ "▁est ab",
+ "▁es tab",
+ "▁ estab",
+ "as ing",
+ "asi ng",
+ "▁com mon",
+ "▁comm on",
+ "▁ common",
+ "▁ar g",
+ "▁ arg",
+ "▁m ot",
+ "▁mo t",
+ "▁ mot",
+ "▁r ights",
+ "▁right s",
+ "▁ rights",
+ "on se",
+ "ons e",
+ "▁D on",
+ "▁Do n",
+ "▁ Don",
+ "▁t aken",
+ "▁take n",
+ "▁ta ken",
+ "▁s hall",
+ "▁sh all",
+ "▁L aw",
+ "▁La w",
+ "▁ Law",
+ "▁f ace",
+ "▁fac e",
+ "▁fa ce",
+ "▁ face",
+ "▁d eterm",
+ "▁de term",
+ "▁det erm",
+ "▁deter m",
+ "▁ determ",
+ "▁e nergy",
+ "▁en ergy",
+ "▁ener gy",
+ "▁energ y",
+ "▁ energy",
+ "▁v iol",
+ "▁vi ol",
+ "▁ viol",
+ "▁imp act",
+ "er ror",
+ "err or",
+ "▁sh are",
+ "▁shar e",
+ "▁ share",
+ "▁s ugg",
+ "▁su gg",
+ "▁A ustral",
+ "▁Aust ral",
+ "d d",
+ "ing ton",
+ "an ks",
+ "ank s",
+ "um e",
+ "u me",
+ "▁eff ort",
+ "▁for mer",
+ "▁form er",
+ "▁ former",
+ "▁o ffer",
+ "▁of fer",
+ "▁off er",
+ "is tic",
+ "ist ic",
+ "▁priv ate",
+ "▁privat e",
+ "▁ private",
+ "▁st ep",
+ "▁ste p",
+ "▁ step",
+ "▁h alf",
+ "▁hal f",
+ "▁ half",
+ "▁C ounty",
+ "▁Count y",
+ "▁Coun ty",
+ "S T",
+ "▁w hole",
+ "▁wh ole",
+ "▁who le",
+ "ra c",
+ "r ac",
+ "▁S ch",
+ "▁Sc h",
+ "▁ Sch",
+ "ep end",
+ "e pend",
+ "hi b",
+ "h ib",
+ "▁des crib",
+ "▁desc rib",
+ "▁f ail",
+ "▁fa il",
+ "▁ fail",
+ "ul es",
+ "ule s",
+ "u les",
+ "at ural",
+ "atur al",
+ "atu ral",
+ "▁ph ys",
+ "▁M ich",
+ "▁Mic h",
+ "▁Mi ch",
+ "▁sub ject",
+ "▁ subject",
+ "▁p arent",
+ "▁par ent",
+ "▁pa rent",
+ "▁ parent",
+ "ru g",
+ "r ug",
+ "ti me",
+ "tim e",
+ "t ime",
+ "le te",
+ "let e",
+ "l ete",
+ "▁s ix",
+ "▁si x",
+ "▁ six",
+ "▁product s",
+ "▁ products",
+ "▁acc ording",
+ "▁accord ing",
+ "ab el",
+ "abe l",
+ "a bel",
+ "ol ogical",
+ "olog ical",
+ "ologic al",
+ "▁c ompl",
+ "▁com pl",
+ "▁comp l",
+ "▁ compl",
+ "▁F in",
+ "▁Fi n",
+ "▁ Fin",
+ "ru ary",
+ "r uary",
+ "} }",
+ "▁part icip",
+ "▁partic ip",
+ "▁ass oci",
+ "▁ associ",
+ "h t",
+ "▁c ourt",
+ "▁co urt",
+ "▁cour t",
+ "▁cou rt",
+ "▁ court",
+ "▁gener al",
+ "▁gen eral",
+ "▁gene ral",
+ "▁ general",
+ "▁v ideo",
+ "▁vide o",
+ "▁ video",
+ "▁P re",
+ "▁Pr e",
+ "▁ Pre",
+ "▁cons ider",
+ "▁consid er",
+ "oun cil",
+ "ch ie",
+ "chi e",
+ "▁cont ent",
+ "▁ content",
+ "▁off icial",
+ "▁offic ial",
+ "▁ official",
+ "ys is",
+ "y sis",
+ "▁t w",
+ "▁ tw",
+ "ad es",
+ "ade s",
+ "a des",
+ "▁e ns",
+ "▁en s",
+ "▁ ens",
+ "▁In ternational",
+ "▁Inter national",
+ "▁Intern ational",
+ "▁ International",
+ "▁al most",
+ "▁G erm",
+ "▁Ge rm",
+ "▁Ger m",
+ "▁ Germ",
+ "ex t",
+ "e xt",
+ "▁U K",
+ "▁ UK",
+ "▁m or",
+ "▁mo r",
+ "▁ mor",
+ "▁st ruct",
+ "▁str uct",
+ "▁stru ct",
+ "▁ struct",
+ "▁g en",
+ "▁ge n",
+ "▁ gen",
+ "▁f all",
+ "▁fa ll",
+ "▁fal l",
+ "▁ fall",
+ "it te",
+ "itt e",
+ "i tte",
+ "fe ct",
+ "f ect",
+ "▁att ack",
+ "▁he art",
+ "▁hear t",
+ "▁ heart",
+ "▁l at",
+ "▁la t",
+ "▁ lat",
+ "▁Tr ump",
+ "▁Tru mp",
+ "▁ Trump",
+ "ress ion",
+ "r ession",
+ "▁h y",
+ "▁ hy",
+ "he l",
+ "h el",
+ "▁S ec",
+ "▁Se c",
+ "▁ Sec",
+ "▁g ames",
+ "▁game s",
+ "▁gam es",
+ "▁ga mes",
+ "▁ games",
+ "▁qu ality",
+ "▁qual ity",
+ "▁q uality",
+ "▁ quality",
+ "ir t",
+ "i rt",
+ "at ory",
+ "ator y",
+ "ato ry",
+ "▁ >",
+ "it ary",
+ "itar y",
+ "ita ry",
+ "▁p osition",
+ "▁pos ition",
+ "▁ position",
+ "▁e p",
+ "▁ ep",
+ "ict ion",
+ "i ction",
+ "fa ce",
+ "fac e",
+ "f ace",
+ "▁r ad",
+ "▁ra d",
+ "▁ rad",
+ "▁sim ilar",
+ "▁e ither",
+ "on don",
+ "ond on",
+ "ondo n",
+ "par t",
+ "pa rt",
+ "p art",
+ "▁p rop",
+ "▁pro p",
+ "▁pr op",
+ "▁ prop",
+ "^ {",
+ "▁b ar",
+ "▁ba r",
+ "▁ bar",
+ "▁perform ance",
+ "▁ performance",
+ "id ay",
+ "ida y",
+ "i day",
+ "ad em",
+ "ade m",
+ "a dem",
+ "ed eral",
+ "eder al",
+ "ede ral",
+ "▁iss ue",
+ "▁issu e",
+ "▁ issue",
+ "▁che ck",
+ "▁ check",
+ "▁S ome",
+ "▁So me",
+ "▁Som e",
+ "▁ Some",
+ "▁a mount",
+ "▁am ount",
+ "el ling",
+ "ell ing",
+ "elli ng",
+ "▁w ind",
+ "▁win d",
+ "▁ wind",
+ "en ds",
+ "end s",
+ "▁w a",
+ "▁ wa",
+ "al d",
+ "a ld",
+ "▁h eld",
+ "▁he ld",
+ "▁hel d",
+ "▁ held",
+ "lo ad",
+ "l oad",
+ "▁ent ire",
+ "▁m ember",
+ "▁me mber",
+ "▁mem ber",
+ "▁ member",
+ "▁c oll",
+ "▁co ll",
+ "▁col l",
+ "▁ coll",
+ "▁O f",
+ "▁ Of",
+ "▁d om",
+ "▁do m",
+ "▁ dom",
+ "▁a gre",
+ "▁ag re",
+ "▁Feb ruary",
+ "▁ February",
+ "▁C enter",
+ "▁Cent er",
+ "▁ Center",
+ "ci al",
+ "cia l",
+ "c ial",
+ "R E",
+ "ful ly",
+ "full y",
+ "f ully",
+ "▁t aking",
+ "▁ta king",
+ "▁ taking",
+ "ic ult",
+ "ca l",
+ "c al",
+ "▁r ather",
+ "▁ra ther",
+ "▁rat her",
+ "ie t",
+ "i et",
+ "s y",
+ "▁in ternational",
+ "▁inter national",
+ "▁intern ational",
+ "▁pol icy",
+ "▁polic y",
+ "▁ policy",
+ "▁bre ak",
+ "▁ break",
+ "led ge",
+ "l edge",
+ "▁Ch ina",
+ "▁Chi na",
+ "▁Chin a",
+ "▁ China",
+ "u k",
+ "▁D irect",
+ "▁Di rect",
+ "▁Dir ect",
+ "▁ Direct",
+ "ap t",
+ "a pt",
+ "▁P ark",
+ "▁Par k",
+ "▁Pa rk",
+ "▁m iss",
+ "▁mis s",
+ "▁mi ss",
+ "▁ miss",
+ "ca st",
+ "cas t",
+ "c ast",
+ "▁rec ogn",
+ "▁ recogn",
+ "ec ut",
+ "e cut",
+ "▁d ou",
+ "▁do u",
+ "her n",
+ "h ern",
+ "▁friend s",
+ "▁h ours",
+ "▁hour s",
+ "▁ho urs",
+ "▁ hours",
+ "▁h om",
+ "▁ho m",
+ "▁ hom",
+ "▁qu ick",
+ "▁qui ck",
+ "▁c ut",
+ "▁cu t",
+ "▁ cut",
+ "▁orig inal",
+ "▁origin al",
+ "▁ original",
+ "- >",
+ "▁col lect",
+ "▁coll ect",
+ "▁colle ct",
+ "▁ collect",
+ "▁ne cess",
+ "▁ necess",
+ "ic ation",
+ "i cation",
+ "▁S w",
+ "▁ Sw",
+ "▁c al",
+ "▁ca l",
+ "▁ cal",
+ "▁contin ue",
+ "▁continu e",
+ "▁like ly",
+ "▁lik ely",
+ "▁ likely",
+ "il le",
+ "ill e",
+ "am ent",
+ "ame nt",
+ "amen t",
+ "a ment",
+ "▁sh ows",
+ "▁show s",
+ "▁sho ws",
+ "er a",
+ "e ra",
+ "id ed",
+ "ide d",
+ "i ded",
+ "ke y",
+ "k ey",
+ "ra ft",
+ "raf t",
+ "r aft",
+ "▁p age",
+ "▁pa ge",
+ "▁pag e",
+ "▁ page",
+ "▁count ries",
+ "▁r ange",
+ "▁ran ge",
+ "▁rang e",
+ "▁ range",
+ "▁t ext",
+ "▁te xt",
+ "▁ text",
+ "▁P at",
+ "▁Pa t",
+ "▁ Pat",
+ "▁ev ents",
+ "▁even ts",
+ "▁event s",
+ "▁ events",
+ "▁ide a",
+ "▁id ea",
+ "▁prov ided",
+ "▁provid ed",
+ "▁provide d",
+ "▁cl ose",
+ "▁clos e",
+ "▁clo se",
+ "▁ close",
+ "ce ption",
+ "cept ion",
+ "▁v arious",
+ "▁var ious",
+ "▁vari ous",
+ "ic ro",
+ "i cro",
+ "▁b uy",
+ "▁bu y",
+ "▁ buy",
+ "▁cont act",
+ "▁ contact",
+ "▁relations hip",
+ "▁relation ship",
+ "( \"",
+ "ne w",
+ "n ew",
+ "ad d",
+ "a dd",
+ "ho ld",
+ "hol d",
+ "h old",
+ "▁c ases",
+ "▁case s",
+ "▁ca ses",
+ "▁cas es",
+ "▁ cases",
+ "▁how ever",
+ "▁f oot",
+ "▁fo ot",
+ "▁ foot",
+ "▁re cent",
+ "▁rec ent",
+ "▁rece nt",
+ "▁r isk",
+ "▁ris k",
+ "▁ri sk",
+ "▁ risk",
+ "▁gl obal",
+ "▁glob al",
+ "▁ global",
+ "▁h ost",
+ "▁ho st",
+ "▁ host",
+ "▁s ex",
+ "▁se x",
+ "▁ sex",
+ "it es",
+ "ite s",
+ "i tes",
+ "le ased",
+ "lease d",
+ "▁educ ation",
+ "▁ education",
+ "▁bl ack",
+ "▁ black",
+ "en der",
+ "end er",
+ "ende r",
+ "e nder",
+ "▁any thing",
+ "▁H igh",
+ "▁Hig h",
+ "▁Hi gh",
+ "▁ High",
+ "ar i",
+ "a ri",
+ "▁f ront",
+ "▁fr ont",
+ "▁fro nt",
+ "▁ front",
+ "▁h ope",
+ "▁hop e",
+ "▁ho pe",
+ "of f",
+ "o ff",
+ "se c",
+ "s ec",
+ "▁M on",
+ "▁Mo n",
+ "▁ Mon",
+ "▁every thing",
+ "iv il",
+ "ir es",
+ "ire s",
+ "i res",
+ "▁w atch",
+ "▁wat ch",
+ "▁ watch",
+ "it ch",
+ "itc h",
+ "▁es pecially",
+ "▁ especially",
+ "ee s",
+ "e es",
+ "▁K ing",
+ "▁Kin g",
+ "▁Ki ng",
+ "▁ King",
+ "al t",
+ "a lt",
+ "ai gn",
+ "a ign",
+ "▁S te",
+ "▁St e",
+ "▁ Ste",
+ "▁bec ame",
+ "▁a bs",
+ "▁ab s",
+ "▁ abs",
+ "ig ital",
+ "igi tal",
+ "▁O ff",
+ "▁Of f",
+ "▁ Off",
+ "yp e",
+ "y pe",
+ "▁L ondon",
+ "▁Lon don",
+ "▁ London",
+ "▁are as",
+ "▁ar eas",
+ "▁area s",
+ "▁some one",
+ "▁be low",
+ "▁bel ow",
+ ": :",
+ "▁be aut",
+ "at ur",
+ "atu r",
+ "▁re pl",
+ "▁rep l",
+ "c i",
+ "▁C ourt",
+ "▁Co urt",
+ "▁Cour t",
+ "▁Cou rt",
+ "angu age",
+ "▁in tern",
+ "▁int ern",
+ "▁inter n",
+ "ro om",
+ "r oom",
+ "▁conc ern",
+ "am ed",
+ "ame d",
+ "a med",
+ "▁t otal",
+ "▁to tal",
+ "▁tot al",
+ "▁ total",
+ "ea l",
+ "e al",
+ "_ _",
+ "▁beh ind",
+ "▁re ceived",
+ "▁rece ived",
+ "▁receive d",
+ "▁cont ract",
+ "▁contra ct",
+ "▁ contract",
+ "▁invest ig",
+ "bu m",
+ "b um",
+ "▁im m",
+ "▁i mm",
+ "▁ imm",
+ "▁p arty",
+ "▁part y",
+ "▁par ty",
+ "▁ party",
+ "▁sec urity",
+ "▁ security",
+ "() ;",
+ "( );",
+ "▁art icle",
+ "▁artic le",
+ "▁ article",
+ "A M",
+ "▁t rying",
+ "▁tr ying",
+ "▁try ing",
+ "ig ure",
+ "com e",
+ "co me",
+ "c ome",
+ "} $",
+ "s u",
+ "▁D em",
+ "▁De m",
+ "▁ Dem",
+ ". )",
+ "▁pat ients",
+ "▁patient s",
+ "▁Dep artment",
+ "▁Depart ment",
+ "mi t",
+ "m it",
+ "▁w alk",
+ "▁wal k",
+ "▁ walk",
+ "idd le",
+ "▁t ravel",
+ "▁tr avel",
+ "▁tra vel",
+ "▁trav el",
+ "▁ travel",
+ "C h",
+ "no v",
+ "n ov",
+ "▁F irst",
+ "▁ First",
+ "▁A ng",
+ "▁An g",
+ "▁ Ang",
+ "cl e",
+ "c le",
+ "ce ed",
+ "c eed",
+ "▁c los",
+ "▁cl os",
+ "▁clo s",
+ "ro ups",
+ "rou ps",
+ "roup s",
+ "ie nces",
+ "ience s",
+ "ien ces",
+ "i ences",
+ "▁c irc",
+ "▁cir c",
+ "▁ci rc",
+ "▁ circ",
+ "▁fam il",
+ "▁fa mil",
+ "og le",
+ "ogl e",
+ "▁requ ired",
+ "▁require d",
+ "▁ required",
+ "▁d est",
+ "▁de st",
+ "▁des t",
+ "▁ dest",
+ "ac hing",
+ "ach ing",
+ "achi ng",
+ "a ching",
+ "ens ive",
+ "▁ x",
+ "ic les",
+ "icle s",
+ "i cles",
+ "▁p ie",
+ "▁pi e",
+ "▁ pie",
+ "▁point s",
+ "▁po ints",
+ "▁ points",
+ "▁S en",
+ "▁Se n",
+ "▁ Sen",
+ "▁acc ept",
+ "▁ac cept",
+ "▁ accept",
+ "▁as ked",
+ "▁ask ed",
+ "▁c oming",
+ "▁com ing",
+ "▁co ming",
+ "▁ coming",
+ "▁D avid",
+ "▁Dav id",
+ "▁Da vid",
+ "▁ David",
+ "▁o bs",
+ "▁ob s",
+ "▁ obs",
+ "▁ex am",
+ "▁ exam",
+ "op s",
+ "o ps",
+ "▁g round",
+ "▁gr ound",
+ "▁gro und",
+ "▁ ground",
+ "▁I r",
+ "▁c red",
+ "▁cre d",
+ "▁cr ed",
+ "▁man agement",
+ "▁manag ement",
+ "▁manage ment",
+ "▁ management",
+ "ud e",
+ "u de",
+ "▁m ass",
+ "▁ma ss",
+ "▁mas s",
+ "▁ mass",
+ "▁h on",
+ "▁ho n",
+ "▁ hon",
+ "▁G ener",
+ "▁Ge ner",
+ "▁Gen er",
+ "▁Gene r",
+ "▁ Gener",
+ ".. /",
+ ". ./",
+ "ip le",
+ "ipl e",
+ "i ple",
+ "▁re gard",
+ "▁reg ard",
+ "▁a chie",
+ "▁w anted",
+ "▁want ed",
+ "▁C ons",
+ "▁Con s",
+ "▁Co ns",
+ "▁ Cons",
+ "▁In dia",
+ "▁Ind ia",
+ "▁ India",
+ "ue l",
+ "u el",
+ "it ution",
+ "▁b ad",
+ "▁ba d",
+ "▁ bad",
+ "▁p ers",
+ "▁per s",
+ "▁pe rs",
+ "▁ pers",
+ "▁diff icult",
+ "it ional",
+ "ition al",
+ "iti onal",
+ "▁Ass oci",
+ "▁ Associ",
+ "▁Bl ack",
+ "▁ Black",
+ "▁off ice",
+ "▁offic e",
+ "▁ office",
+ "ip s",
+ "i ps",
+ "▁H ere",
+ "▁He re",
+ "▁Her e",
+ "▁ Here",
+ "▁qu ite",
+ "▁qui te",
+ "▁quit e",
+ "ae l",
+ "a el",
+ "▁l iving",
+ "▁li ving",
+ "▁liv ing",
+ "▁ living",
+ "or es",
+ "ore s",
+ "o res",
+ "ag ue",
+ "agu e",
+ "a gue",
+ "gr ound",
+ "gro und",
+ "g round",
+ "▁t arget",
+ "▁tar get",
+ "▁ target",
+ "▁up on",
+ "▁ upon",
+ "re st",
+ "res t",
+ "r est",
+ "▁ch anges",
+ "▁change s",
+ "▁chang es",
+ "ug e",
+ "u ge",
+ "id ge",
+ "▁N et",
+ "▁Ne t",
+ "▁ Net",
+ "▁i ll",
+ "▁il l",
+ "▁ ill",
+ "▁S er",
+ "▁Se r",
+ "▁ Ser",
+ "▁st aff",
+ "▁sta ff",
+ "▁ staff",
+ "▁Y our",
+ "▁You r",
+ "▁Yo ur",
+ "▁ Your",
+ "▁m atter",
+ "▁mat ter",
+ "▁matt er",
+ "▁H ist",
+ "▁His t",
+ "▁Hi st",
+ "▁ Hist",
+ "oc r",
+ "o cr",
+ "re et",
+ "ree t",
+ "▁n eg",
+ "▁ne g",
+ "▁ neg",
+ "▁fin ancial",
+ "▁financ ial",
+ "▁for ward",
+ "▁ forward",
+ "} \\",
+ "▁impro ve",
+ "▁improv e",
+ "▁b i",
+ "▁ bi",
+ "▁pres ident",
+ "▁ president",
+ "pl y",
+ "p ly",
+ "▁p o",
+ "▁ po",
+ "▁n othing",
+ "▁not hing",
+ "▁no thing",
+ "▁p rim",
+ "▁pr im",
+ "▁pri m",
+ "▁ prim",
+ "▁h ot",
+ "▁ho t",
+ "▁ hot",
+ "it ute",
+ "itu te",
+ "▁ad ded",
+ "▁add ed",
+ "▁ added",
+ "▁s oft",
+ "▁so ft",
+ "▁ soft",
+ "ov ed",
+ "ove d",
+ "o ved",
+ "is es",
+ "ise s",
+ "i ses",
+ "▁st ay",
+ "▁sta y",
+ "▁ stay",
+ "base d",
+ "bas ed",
+ "b ased",
+ "▁p roduction",
+ "▁pro duction",
+ "▁produ ction",
+ "▁product ion",
+ "▁ production",
+ "ne s",
+ "n es",
+ "med i",
+ "me di",
+ "m edi",
+ "▁S an",
+ "▁Sa n",
+ "▁ San",
+ "▁term s",
+ "▁ter ms",
+ "bo r",
+ "b or",
+ "con t",
+ "co nt",
+ "c ont",
+ "▁H ol",
+ "▁Ho l",
+ "▁ Hol",
+ "ou d",
+ "o ud",
+ "▁e mb",
+ "▁em b",
+ "▁ emb",
+ "ur g",
+ "▁re ported",
+ "▁rep orted",
+ "▁report ed",
+ "▁r oad",
+ "▁ro ad",
+ "▁ road",
+ "▁w ords",
+ "▁wor ds",
+ "▁word s",
+ "▁ words",
+ "▁se ems",
+ "▁see ms",
+ "▁seem s",
+ "▁p ack",
+ "▁pa ck",
+ "▁pac k",
+ "▁ pack",
+ "▁pot ential",
+ "▁potent ial",
+ "▁dec ision",
+ "▁Ph il",
+ "▁ Phil",
+ "ap an",
+ "apa n",
+ "a pan",
+ "ic ated",
+ "ica ted",
+ "icate d",
+ "Co n",
+ "C on",
+ "▁spec ific",
+ "▁ specific",
+ "in ary",
+ "ina ry",
+ "inar y",
+ "et t",
+ "e tt",
+ "E T",
+ "▁pol ice",
+ "▁polic e",
+ "▁e asy",
+ "▁eas y",
+ "itt ee",
+ "itte e",
+ "▁O b",
+ "▁ Ob",
+ "▁e ss",
+ "▁es s",
+ "▁ ess",
+ "▁s ense",
+ "▁sens e",
+ "▁sen se",
+ "ak er",
+ "ake r",
+ "a ker",
+ "▁Cal if",
+ "▁Ca lif",
+ "▁w ond",
+ "▁won d",
+ "▁system s",
+ "▁Com mun",
+ "▁Comm un",
+ "▁l og",
+ "▁lo g",
+ "▁ log",
+ "▁tr aining",
+ "▁tra ining",
+ "▁train ing",
+ "ic a",
+ "i ca",
+ "▁be gan",
+ "▁beg an",
+ "▁A c",
+ "▁ Ac",
+ "▁prob ably",
+ "ta in",
+ "t ain",
+ "▁c reated",
+ "▁cre ated",
+ "▁creat ed",
+ "▁create d",
+ "▁ created",
+ "▁j ud",
+ "▁ju d",
+ "▁ jud",
+ "▁an im",
+ "▁ anim",
+ "▁s at",
+ "▁sa t",
+ "li n",
+ "l in",
+ "▁every one",
+ "▁f ire",
+ "▁fi re",
+ "▁ fire",
+ "▁writ ing",
+ "▁wr iting",
+ "▁ writing",
+ "▁com put",
+ "▁comp ut",
+ "▁ comput",
+ "▁up d",
+ "▁s elect",
+ "▁se lect",
+ "▁sel ect",
+ "▁ select",
+ "ur b",
+ "u rb",
+ "▁d am",
+ "▁da m",
+ "▁ dam",
+ "▁v ersion",
+ "▁vers ion",
+ "▁ version",
+ "at form",
+ "▁pro perty",
+ "▁proper ty",
+ "▁ property",
+ "▁d ate",
+ "▁dat e",
+ "▁da te",
+ "▁ date",
+ "ov ered",
+ "ove red",
+ "over ed",
+ "overe d",
+ "o vered",
+ "▁ne eded",
+ "▁need ed",
+ "▁ needed",
+ "▁care er",
+ "▁I I",
+ "▁ II",
+ "▁incre ase",
+ "pr e",
+ "p re",
+ "▁Man ag",
+ "▁l egal",
+ "▁le gal",
+ "▁leg al",
+ "▁ legal",
+ "▁s ym",
+ "▁sy m",
+ "▁ sym",
+ "▁l ives",
+ "▁li ves",
+ "▁live s",
+ "▁liv es",
+ "▁t own",
+ "▁to wn",
+ "▁tow n",
+ "▁ town",
+ "▁quest ions",
+ "▁question s",
+ "▁pop ular",
+ "▁popul ar",
+ "▁ popular",
+ "ac c",
+ "a cc",
+ "▁D ay",
+ "▁Da y",
+ "▁ Day",
+ "eg in",
+ "e gin",
+ "▁re d",
+ "▁r ed",
+ "▁ red",
+ "it ter",
+ "itt er",
+ "itte r",
+ "▁T rans",
+ "▁Tr ans",
+ "▁Tra ns",
+ "▁ Trans",
+ "▁l ate",
+ "▁la te",
+ "▁lat e",
+ "▁ late",
+ "t d",
+ "▁fe atures",
+ "▁feat ures",
+ "▁feature s",
+ "au r",
+ "a ur",
+ "▁can not",
+ "▁cann ot",
+ "at ives",
+ "ative s",
+ "ati ves",
+ "ativ es",
+ "▁wor ked",
+ "▁work ed",
+ "▁w ays",
+ "▁way s",
+ "▁wa ys",
+ "▁ ways",
+ "▁u nd",
+ "▁un d",
+ "▁ und",
+ "▁mom ent",
+ "▁mo ment",
+ "o o",
+ "▁U s",
+ "▁ Us",
+ "▁V al",
+ "▁Va l",
+ "▁ Val",
+ "um ents",
+ "ument s",
+ "umen ts",
+ "u ments",
+ "A P",
+ "for d",
+ "fo rd",
+ "f ord",
+ "▁B ook",
+ "▁Bo ok",
+ "▁ Book",
+ "osp ital",
+ "▁r ate",
+ "▁ra te",
+ "▁rat e",
+ "▁ rate",
+ "ra el",
+ "r ael",
+ "ac hed",
+ "ach ed",
+ "ache d",
+ "a ched",
+ "▁U p",
+ "▁ Up",
+ "▁them selves",
+ "▁out side",
+ "▁outs ide",
+ "▁T V",
+ "▁ TV",
+ "▁high er",
+ "▁hig her",
+ "▁is n",
+ "▁i sn",
+ "▁re v",
+ "▁r ev",
+ "▁ rev",
+ "▁con sum",
+ "▁cons um",
+ "▁it self",
+ "▁its elf",
+ "ac ed",
+ "ace d",
+ "a ced",
+ "▁Will iam",
+ "▁ William",
+ "▁b oard",
+ "▁bo ard",
+ "▁ board",
+ "▁t ool",
+ "▁to ol",
+ "▁too l",
+ "▁ tool",
+ "▁includ es",
+ "▁include s",
+ "▁incl udes",
+ "▁Eng lish",
+ "▁ English",
+ "▁d eg",
+ "▁de g",
+ "▁ deg",
+ "ens ion",
+ "if ul",
+ "i ful",
+ "▁B u",
+ "▁ Bu",
+ "▁in flu",
+ "▁inf lu",
+ "▁infl u",
+ "oi ce",
+ "o ice",
+ "▁T w",
+ "▁ Tw",
+ "▁an sw",
+ "▁ans w",
+ "ar a",
+ "a ra",
+ "ho od",
+ "h ood",
+ "re ct",
+ "rec t",
+ "r ect",
+ "es e",
+ "e se",
+ "▁ •",
+ "em s",
+ "e ms",
+ "or nia",
+ "orn ia",
+ "▁g roups",
+ "▁group s",
+ "▁gro ups",
+ "▁ groups",
+ "R O",
+ "▁sugg est",
+ "\" .",
+ "▁p red",
+ "▁pre d",
+ "▁pr ed",
+ "▁ pred",
+ "▁prov ides",
+ "▁provid es",
+ "▁provide s",
+ "▁g irl",
+ "▁gi rl",
+ "▁ girl",
+ "▁t akes",
+ "▁take s",
+ "▁ta kes",
+ "it ting",
+ "itt ing",
+ "i tting",
+ "ra b",
+ "r ab",
+ "iz ing",
+ "i zing",
+ "act ion",
+ "a ction",
+ "▁p ublished",
+ "▁publ ished",
+ "▁publish ed",
+ "▁pub lished",
+ "▁ published",
+ "▁wh ite",
+ "▁whit e",
+ "▁ white",
+ "f l",
+ "▁int rodu",
+ "▁intro du",
+ "▁c ele",
+ "▁ce le",
+ "▁cel e",
+ "▁net work",
+ "▁ network",
+ "at tle",
+ "att le",
+ "a ttle",
+ "i j",
+ "▁ass ist",
+ "▁min utes",
+ "▁minute s",
+ "is hing",
+ "ish ing",
+ "ishi ng",
+ "▁eng ine",
+ "▁ engine",
+ "▁E ar",
+ "di v",
+ "d iv",
+ "▁s ection",
+ "▁se ction",
+ "▁sect ion",
+ "▁ section",
+ "▁v ot",
+ "▁vo t",
+ "▁s oon",
+ "▁so on",
+ "▁ soon",
+ "▁camp aign",
+ "en ing",
+ "eni ng",
+ "e ning",
+ "▁s us",
+ "▁su s",
+ "▁s aw",
+ "▁sa w",
+ "▁t rack",
+ "▁tr ack",
+ "▁tra ck",
+ "▁ track",
+ "▁in j",
+ "▁ inj",
+ "ht ml",
+ "htm l",
+ "h tml",
+ "eng th",
+ "▁A ir",
+ "▁ Air",
+ "▁Europe an",
+ "▁ European",
+ "an ced",
+ "ance d",
+ "anc ed",
+ "▁him self",
+ "▁Col lege",
+ "▁v ict",
+ "▁vi ct",
+ "▁vic t",
+ "▁f ight",
+ "▁fig ht",
+ "as c",
+ "a sc",
+ "▁H ome",
+ "▁Hom e",
+ "▁Ho me",
+ "▁ Home",
+ "▁R ed",
+ "▁Re d",
+ "▁ Red",
+ "fi eld",
+ "f ield",
+ "E L",
+ "co l",
+ "c ol",
+ "▁d ocument",
+ "▁doc ument",
+ "▁ document",
+ "▁per fect",
+ "▁perf ect",
+ "▁ perfect",
+ "am s",
+ "a ms",
+ "▁P aul",
+ "▁Pa ul",
+ "▁ Paul",
+ "▁J apan",
+ "▁Ja pan",
+ "▁ Japan",
+ "▁ev idence",
+ "▁eviden ce",
+ "▁l ink",
+ "▁lin k",
+ "▁ link",
+ "ne rs",
+ "ner s",
+ "n ers",
+ "▁play ers",
+ "▁player s",
+ "▁pla yers",
+ "▁grow th",
+ "▁ growth",
+ "▁prot ect",
+ "▁prote ct",
+ "ail y",
+ "ai ly",
+ "a ily",
+ "▁writ ten",
+ "▁wr itten",
+ "▁ written",
+ "▁p rice",
+ "▁pr ice",
+ "▁pri ce",
+ "▁pric e",
+ "▁ price",
+ "or der",
+ "ord er",
+ "orde r",
+ "▁S im",
+ "▁Si m",
+ "▁ Sim",
+ "▁be com",
+ "▁bec om",
+ "li er",
+ "lie r",
+ "l ier",
+ "ad u",
+ "a du",
+ "tt y",
+ "t ty",
+ "▁rec ently",
+ "▁recent ly",
+ "▁s ize",
+ "▁si ze",
+ "▁ size",
+ "▁de fin",
+ "▁def in",
+ "al se",
+ "als e",
+ "us es",
+ "use s",
+ "u ses",
+ "▁Re search",
+ "▁Res earch",
+ "▁Resear ch",
+ "▁his tor",
+ "▁hist or",
+ "▁re comm",
+ "▁rec omm",
+ "▁int eg",
+ "▁ integ",
+ "▁ad minist",
+ "▁adm inist",
+ "▁admin ist",
+ "▁R ead",
+ "▁Re ad",
+ "▁ Read",
+ "▁s ect",
+ "▁se ct",
+ "▁sec t",
+ "▁ sect",
+ "▁m other",
+ "▁mot her",
+ "▁mo ther",
+ "▁ mother",
+ "ess ion",
+ "k y",
+ "▁Pro f",
+ "▁Pr of",
+ "▁ Prof",
+ "▁t our",
+ "▁to ur",
+ "▁tou r",
+ "▁Cal ifornia",
+ "▁Calif ornia",
+ "▁s te",
+ "▁st e",
+ "▁ ste",
+ "▁W ash",
+ "▁Was h",
+ "▁Wa sh",
+ "▁A re",
+ "▁Ar e",
+ "▁ Are",
+ "n y",
+ "or ge",
+ "org e",
+ "ar ter",
+ "art er",
+ "arte r",
+ "▁e mer",
+ "▁em er",
+ "▁ emer",
+ "I L",
+ "▁w oman",
+ "▁ woman",
+ "ab les",
+ "able s",
+ "abl es",
+ "a bles",
+ "▁p ath",
+ "▁pat h",
+ "▁pa th",
+ "▁ path",
+ "▁current ly",
+ "▁al bum",
+ "ok e",
+ "o ke",
+ "▁appro ach",
+ "▁de cl",
+ "▁dec l",
+ "▁ decl",
+ "▁p rior",
+ "▁pr ior",
+ "▁pri or",
+ "▁t reatment",
+ "▁treat ment",
+ "▁Re public",
+ "▁Rep ublic",
+ "av ing",
+ "avin g",
+ "avi ng",
+ "a ving",
+ "iv ity",
+ "i vity",
+ "▁M or",
+ "▁Mo r",
+ "▁ Mor",
+ "ek s",
+ "e ks",
+ "▁in cluded",
+ "▁includ ed",
+ "▁include d",
+ "▁incl uded",
+ "ou ra",
+ "our a",
+ "o ura",
+ "id a",
+ "i da",
+ "▁l oss",
+ "▁lo ss",
+ "▁los s",
+ "▁ loss",
+ "▁n orm",
+ "▁no rm",
+ "▁nor m",
+ "▁ norm",
+ "▁p ick",
+ "▁pic k",
+ "▁pi ck",
+ "▁ pick",
+ "ee d",
+ "e ed",
+ "▁att empt",
+ "▁d ise",
+ "▁dis e",
+ "▁di se",
+ "▁v ia",
+ "▁vi a",
+ "▁ via",
+ "um n",
+ "pp ed",
+ "ppe d",
+ "p ped",
+ "▁L et",
+ "▁Le t",
+ "▁ Let",
+ "u x",
+ "ar ies",
+ "ari es",
+ "arie s",
+ "a ries",
+ "▁inv olved",
+ "▁invol ved",
+ "▁involve d",
+ "▁p ict",
+ "▁pic t",
+ "▁pi ct",
+ "▁ pict",
+ "ha t",
+ "h at",
+ "▁A dd",
+ "▁Ad d",
+ "▁ Add",
+ "▁econom ic",
+ "▁ economic",
+ "▁de ep",
+ "▁ deep",
+ "li m",
+ "l im",
+ "use um",
+ "▁c over",
+ "▁co ver",
+ "▁cov er",
+ "▁ cover",
+ "h a",
+ "▁n atural",
+ "▁ natural",
+ "E x",
+ "▁J ames",
+ "▁Jam es",
+ "▁Ja mes",
+ "▁ James",
+ "pi te",
+ "pit e",
+ "p ite",
+ "▁C ouncil",
+ "▁Coun cil",
+ "▁resp onse",
+ "▁respons e",
+ "▁ response",
+ "▁v eh",
+ "▁ve h",
+ "▁ar ch",
+ "▁arc h",
+ "▁ arch",
+ "▁b ooks",
+ "▁book s",
+ "▁bo oks",
+ "▁boo ks",
+ "▁ books",
+ "▁Is rael",
+ "▁ Israel",
+ "is ions",
+ "ision s",
+ "isi ons",
+ "▁l ed",
+ "▁le d",
+ "▁ led",
+ "uf act",
+ "u fact",
+ "▁t able",
+ "▁tab le",
+ "▁ta ble",
+ "▁ table",
+ "ag s",
+ "a gs",
+ "▁com plete",
+ "▁comp lete",
+ "▁complet e",
+ "▁compl ete",
+ "▁ complete",
+ "▁re lease",
+ "▁rele ase",
+ "▁ release",
+ "or ing",
+ "ori ng",
+ "o ring",
+ "re l",
+ "r el",
+ "in ks",
+ "ink s",
+ "IO N",
+ "I ON",
+ "ain t",
+ "ai nt",
+ "a int",
+ "▁d en",
+ "▁de n",
+ "▁ den",
+ "▁P al",
+ "▁Pa l",
+ "▁ Pal",
+ "et imes",
+ "etime s",
+ "eti mes",
+ "e times",
+ "▁st ates",
+ "▁stat es",
+ "▁state s",
+ "▁sta tes",
+ "▁ states",
+ "▁R et",
+ "▁Re t",
+ "▁ Ret",
+ "▁Brit ish",
+ "▁ British",
+ "sy ch",
+ "s ych",
+ "er c",
+ "e rc",
+ "IN G",
+ "I NG",
+ "▁p urch",
+ "▁pur ch",
+ "▁pro blems",
+ "▁proble ms",
+ "▁problem s",
+ "▁opportun ity",
+ "▁l ost",
+ "▁lo st",
+ "▁los t",
+ "▁E ast",
+ "▁Eas t",
+ "▁ East",
+ "B C",
+ "▁sim ply",
+ "▁simpl y",
+ "▁T hen",
+ "▁The n",
+ "▁Th en",
+ "▁ Then",
+ "mo n",
+ "m on",
+ "Pr o",
+ "P ro",
+ "▁f ul",
+ "▁fu l",
+ "▁ ful",
+ "▁med ical",
+ "▁medic al",
+ "▁medi cal",
+ "▁cond itions",
+ "▁condition s",
+ "▁I nc",
+ "▁In c",
+ "▁pl ayed",
+ "▁play ed",
+ "▁ played",
+ "▁S y",
+ "▁ Sy",
+ "( \\",
+ "▁s ens",
+ "▁se ns",
+ "▁sen s",
+ "▁ sens",
+ "▁re lated",
+ "▁rel ated",
+ "▁relate d",
+ "▁ related",
+ "▁s earch",
+ "▁se arch",
+ "▁sear ch",
+ "▁ search",
+ "▁s ource",
+ "▁sour ce",
+ "▁ source",
+ "ro ught",
+ "rough t",
+ "r ought",
+ "▁c onduct",
+ "▁con duct",
+ "▁cond uct",
+ "▁ conduct",
+ "ri e",
+ "r ie",
+ "▁through out",
+ "▁O p",
+ "▁ Op",
+ "oc al",
+ "oca l",
+ "o cal",
+ "wo od",
+ "w ood",
+ "▁mod ern",
+ "▁moder n",
+ "▁ modern",
+ "▁t itle",
+ "▁tit le",
+ "▁ title",
+ "▁re quest",
+ "▁requ est",
+ "▁ request",
+ "ar ning",
+ "arn ing",
+ "▁f ather",
+ "▁fat her",
+ "▁fa ther",
+ "▁ father",
+ "ct or",
+ "c tor",
+ "m b",
+ "▁know ledge",
+ "▁. ..",
+ "▁.. .",
+ "▁ ...",
+ "O T",
+ "air s",
+ "ai rs",
+ "a irs",
+ "▁d er",
+ "▁de r",
+ "▁ der",
+ "lig ht",
+ "l ight",
+ "▁bu ilt",
+ "▁ built",
+ "▁D ist",
+ "▁Dis t",
+ "▁Di st",
+ "▁ Dist",
+ "se qu",
+ "s equ",
+ "▁s ett",
+ "▁se tt",
+ "▁set t",
+ "▁ sett",
+ "op er",
+ "ope r",
+ "o per",
+ "ro wn",
+ "row n",
+ "r own",
+ "▁F il",
+ "▁Fi l",
+ "▁ Fil",
+ "▁G roup",
+ "▁Gr oup",
+ "▁Gro up",
+ "▁ Group",
+ "▁f avor",
+ "▁fav or",
+ "▁fa vor",
+ "▁Re view",
+ "▁Rev iew",
+ "▁ Review",
+ "pi r",
+ "p ir",
+ "▁long er",
+ "▁lon ger",
+ "▁T HE",
+ "▁TH E",
+ "▁ THE",
+ "▁W ashington",
+ "▁Wash ington",
+ "▁ Washington",
+ "” .",
+ "= =",
+ "▁W hy",
+ "▁Wh y",
+ "▁ Why",
+ "▁Can ada",
+ "▁Canad a",
+ "▁ Canada",
+ "ver se",
+ "vers e",
+ "▁mov ie",
+ "▁mo vie",
+ "▁c y",
+ "▁ cy",
+ "an ger",
+ "ang er",
+ "ange r",
+ "▁p aper",
+ "▁pa per",
+ "▁pap er",
+ "▁ paper",
+ "es tern",
+ "est ern",
+ "ester n",
+ "do m",
+ "d om",
+ "ri ption",
+ "ript ion",
+ "ve y",
+ "v ey",
+ "id ered",
+ "ide red",
+ "ider ed",
+ "du c",
+ "d uc",
+ "▁t ou",
+ "▁to u",
+ "▁A nt",
+ "▁An t",
+ "▁ Ant",
+ "ro r",
+ "r or",
+ "▁pract ice",
+ "▁ practice",
+ "▁mil itary",
+ "▁milit ary",
+ "▁militar y",
+ "( '",
+ "en c",
+ "e nc",
+ "ra w",
+ "r aw",
+ "be gin",
+ "beg in",
+ "b egin",
+ "▁In ter",
+ "▁Int er",
+ "▁ Inter",
+ "▁me eting",
+ "▁meet ing",
+ "U S",
+ "▁* /",
+ "▁ */",
+ "▁re lig",
+ "▁rel ig",
+ "▁reli g",
+ "▁le ading",
+ "▁lead ing",
+ "▁ leading",
+ "▁reg ion",
+ "▁ region",
+ "ul ations",
+ "ulation s",
+ "▁ex pected",
+ "▁exp ected",
+ "▁expect ed",
+ "▁ expected",
+ "▁off ers",
+ "▁offer s",
+ "er ved",
+ "erv ed",
+ "erve d",
+ "▁d rug",
+ "▁dr ug",
+ "▁ drug",
+ "ha ps",
+ "h aps",
+ "ar c",
+ "a rc",
+ "ic ations",
+ "ication s",
+ "▁ п",
+ "▁re ve",
+ "▁rev e",
+ "с т",
+ "ly ing",
+ "l ying",
+ "ib er",
+ "ibe r",
+ "i ber",
+ "▁C ong",
+ "▁Con g",
+ "▁Co ng",
+ "▁b road",
+ "▁br oad",
+ "▁bro ad",
+ "min g",
+ "mi ng",
+ "m ing",
+ "em ents",
+ "ement s",
+ "emen ts",
+ "e ments",
+ "▁th reat",
+ "▁ threat",
+ "▁re leased",
+ "▁release d",
+ "▁rele ased",
+ "rib ution",
+ "ribut ion",
+ "▁s old",
+ "▁so ld",
+ "▁sol d",
+ "▁s on",
+ "▁so n",
+ "▁ son",
+ "▁St reet",
+ "▁Stre et",
+ "▁Te chn",
+ "▁Tech n",
+ "▁com ment",
+ "▁comm ent",
+ "▁comme nt",
+ "▁ comment",
+ "▁s tri",
+ "▁st ri",
+ "▁str i",
+ "▁ stri",
+ "ou l",
+ "o ul",
+ "▁inter view",
+ "▁R ich",
+ "▁Ric h",
+ "▁Ri ch",
+ "▁ Rich",
+ "▁un ique",
+ "▁uniqu e",
+ "▁ unique",
+ "▁t al",
+ "▁ta l",
+ "▁ tal",
+ "▁l anguage",
+ "▁ language",
+ "▁pl aying",
+ "▁play ing",
+ "▁pla ying",
+ "▁ playing",
+ "▁an alysis",
+ "▁anal ysis",
+ "▁analy sis",
+ "▁analys is",
+ "▁ analysis",
+ "▁h it",
+ "▁hi t",
+ "▁ hit",
+ "as tic",
+ "ast ic",
+ "▁imp lement",
+ "▁impl ement",
+ "ir th",
+ "irt h",
+ "ress ed",
+ "r essed",
+ "as ons",
+ "ason s",
+ "aso ns",
+ "▁pre vent",
+ "▁pr event",
+ "▁prev ent",
+ "▁u t",
+ "▁ ut",
+ "A D",
+ "yo nd",
+ "yon d",
+ "y ond",
+ "un t",
+ "u nt",
+ "▁pre tty",
+ "▁pret ty",
+ "la m",
+ "l am",
+ "ay er",
+ "a yer",
+ "▁c ode",
+ "▁co de",
+ "▁cod e",
+ "▁ code",
+ "▁b ase",
+ "▁bas e",
+ "▁ba se",
+ "▁ base",
+ "▁P ublic",
+ "▁Publ ic",
+ "▁Pu blic",
+ "▁Pub lic",
+ "▁ Public",
+ "▁h or",
+ "▁ho r",
+ "▁ hor",
+ "ograph y",
+ "ograp hy",
+ "▁c and",
+ "▁can d",
+ "▁ca nd",
+ "▁was n",
+ "▁wa sn",
+ "▁M ichael",
+ "▁Mich ael",
+ "▁ Michael",
+ "▁f ile",
+ "▁fil e",
+ "▁fi le",
+ "▁ file",
+ "▁B en",
+ "▁Be n",
+ "▁ Ben",
+ "▁se par",
+ "▁ separ",
+ "▁any one",
+ "▁app lication",
+ "▁applic ation",
+ "▁appl ication",
+ "▁ application",
+ "U R",
+ "om b",
+ "o mb",
+ "▁r unning",
+ "▁run ning",
+ "▁ running",
+ "ar r",
+ "a rr",
+ "▁pl atform",
+ "▁plat form",
+ "▁ platform",
+ "▁s imple",
+ "▁sim ple",
+ "▁simpl e",
+ "▁ simple",
+ "ro te",
+ "rot e",
+ "r ote",
+ "▁t ru",
+ "▁tr u",
+ "} ,",
+ "th is",
+ "t his",
+ "ir it",
+ "iri t",
+ "i rit",
+ "▁inst all",
+ "▁ install",
+ "▁u ser",
+ "▁us er",
+ "▁use r",
+ "▁ user",
+ "▁I N",
+ "▁ IN",
+ "▁R ober",
+ "▁Rob er",
+ "▁Ro ber",
+ "▁ Rober",
+ "▁we eks",
+ "▁week s",
+ "▁D an",
+ "▁Da n",
+ "▁o rd",
+ "▁or d",
+ "▁ ord",
+ "▁O ut",
+ "▁ Out",
+ "it ation",
+ "itat ion",
+ "im um",
+ "▁b and",
+ "▁ban d",
+ "▁ba nd",
+ "▁ band",
+ "▁Gener al",
+ "▁Gen eral",
+ "▁Gene ral",
+ "▁ General",
+ "ot o",
+ "o to",
+ "▁ser ious",
+ "▁d iv",
+ "▁di v",
+ "▁ div",
+ "▁le ave",
+ "v ille",
+ "▁M od",
+ "▁Mo d",
+ "▁ Mod",
+ "▁cons idered",
+ "▁consider ed",
+ "▁consid ered",
+ "▁a verage",
+ "▁aver age",
+ "▁ average",
+ "▁he av",
+ "id ents",
+ "ident s",
+ "iden ts",
+ "▁im age",
+ "▁imag e",
+ "▁ image",
+ "▁F ound",
+ "▁Fo und",
+ "▁Fou nd",
+ "▁ Found",
+ "▁O ther",
+ "▁Ot her",
+ "▁ Other",
+ "ar es",
+ "are s",
+ "a res",
+ "▁B usiness",
+ "▁Bus iness",
+ "▁ Business",
+ "▁J e",
+ "▁w orth",
+ "▁wor th",
+ "▁ worth",
+ "iat ion",
+ "i ation",
+ ">< /",
+ "> ",
+ "nce s",
+ "nc es",
+ "n ces",
+ "is try",
+ "ist ry",
+ "▁st ru",
+ "▁str u",
+ "▁ stru",
+ "for t",
+ "fo rt",
+ "f ort",
+ "is c",
+ "i sc",
+ "ur ance",
+ "ura nce",
+ "u rance",
+ "▁com plex",
+ "▁comp lex",
+ "▁compl ex",
+ "al ls",
+ "all s",
+ "▁c ulture",
+ "▁cult ure",
+ "▁ culture",
+ "▁J ack",
+ "▁Jac k",
+ "▁Ja ck",
+ "▁ Jack",
+ "ic o",
+ "i co",
+ "il es",
+ "ile s",
+ "i les",
+ "▁c oun",
+ "▁co un",
+ "▁cou n",
+ "ur d",
+ "u rd",
+ "▁m ention",
+ "▁ment ion",
+ "ac hes",
+ "ach es",
+ "ache s",
+ "a ches",
+ "▁conn ect",
+ "▁ connect",
+ "vi s",
+ "v is",
+ "▁ann ounced",
+ "▁announ ced",
+ "▁announce d",
+ "▁c ross",
+ "▁cr oss",
+ "▁cro ss",
+ "▁ cross",
+ "▁A nn",
+ "▁An n",
+ "▁ Ann",
+ "▁S ub",
+ "▁Su b",
+ "▁ Sub",
+ "▁prof essional",
+ "▁profess ional",
+ "▁profession al",
+ "▁ professional",
+ "▁Ind ian",
+ "▁India n",
+ "ra st",
+ "ras t",
+ "r ast",
+ "▁ens ure",
+ "▁ ensure",
+ "pos e",
+ "po se",
+ "p ose",
+ "ren ch",
+ "r ench",
+ "▁in stead",
+ "▁inst ead",
+ "▁c ause",
+ "▁ca use",
+ "▁caus e",
+ "▁ cause",
+ ") )",
+ "il ling",
+ "ill ing",
+ "illin g",
+ "▁d ead",
+ "▁de ad",
+ "▁ dead",
+ "▁G reat",
+ "▁Gre at",
+ "▁ Great",
+ "▁st yle",
+ "▁sty le",
+ "▁styl e",
+ "▁ style",
+ "н а",
+ "▁cap ital",
+ "▁capita l",
+ "▁ capital",
+ "▁im medi",
+ "▁imm edi",
+ "ht t",
+ "h tt",
+ "ib rary",
+ "ibr ary",
+ "▁add itional",
+ "▁addition al",
+ "miss ion",
+ "m ission",
+ "ecut ive",
+ "▁stud ent",
+ "ri ck",
+ "ric k",
+ "r ick",
+ "▁s aying",
+ "▁sa ying",
+ "▁say ing",
+ "er ve",
+ "erv e",
+ "▁Ar ch",
+ "▁Arc h",
+ "▁ Arch",
+ "▁le arning",
+ "▁learn ing",
+ "▁lear ning",
+ "▁ learning",
+ "▁J ew",
+ "▁Je w",
+ "▁ Jew",
+ "▁wh ose",
+ "▁who se",
+ "ag ing",
+ "agi ng",
+ "a ging",
+ "ra z",
+ "r az",
+ "▁act ivities",
+ "▁activ ities",
+ "▁W ell",
+ "▁We ll",
+ "▁Wel l",
+ "▁ Well",
+ "▁st ories",
+ "▁ex act",
+ "▁m ag",
+ "▁ma g",
+ "▁ mag",
+ "▁re ading",
+ "▁read ing",
+ "▁ reading",
+ "▁O ver",
+ "▁ Over",
+ "▁M ost",
+ "▁Mo st",
+ "▁Mos t",
+ "▁ Most",
+ "▁in depend",
+ "▁ind epend",
+ "ag ed",
+ "age d",
+ "a ged",
+ "▁w rong",
+ "▁wr ong",
+ "ob ile",
+ "obi le",
+ "obil e",
+ "▁Wh ite",
+ "▁Whit e",
+ "▁ White",
+ "av es",
+ "ave s",
+ "a ves",
+ "iq u",
+ "i qu",
+ "▁la test",
+ "▁lat est",
+ "▁late st",
+ "le ments",
+ "lement s",
+ "lem ents",
+ "l ements",
+ "▁level s",
+ "▁lev els",
+ "▁G et",
+ "▁Ge t",
+ "▁ Get",
+ "▁S und",
+ "▁Su nd",
+ "▁Sun d",
+ "▁project s",
+ "▁des igned",
+ "▁design ed",
+ "▁ designed",
+ "en ces",
+ "ence s",
+ "enc es",
+ "e nces",
+ "▁n ature",
+ "ve st",
+ "ves t",
+ "v est",
+ "it iz",
+ "iti z",
+ "▁F ace",
+ "▁Fac e",
+ "▁Fa ce",
+ "▁ Face",
+ "▁par ents",
+ "▁parent s",
+ "▁ parents",
+ "▁beaut iful",
+ "do wn",
+ "d own",
+ "▁direct or",
+ "▁dire ctor",
+ "▁dir ector",
+ "▁ director",
+ "▁s peak",
+ "▁spe ak",
+ "▁reg ular",
+ "▁regul ar",
+ "▁ regular",
+ "▁sur pr",
+ "an ch",
+ "anc h",
+ "na me",
+ "nam e",
+ "n ame",
+ "▁n ation",
+ "▁necess ary",
+ "for ce",
+ "f orce",
+ "▁stand ard",
+ "▁ standard",
+ "in ated",
+ "ina ted",
+ "inate d",
+ "▁s il",
+ "▁si l",
+ "▁ sil",
+ "he t",
+ "h et",
+ "▁g ave",
+ "▁ga ve",
+ "▁E v",
+ "▁ Ev",
+ "se e",
+ "s ee",
+ "▁E duc",
+ "▁Ed uc",
+ "▁Edu c",
+ "im ent",
+ "ime nt",
+ "imen t",
+ "i ment",
+ "▁d riv",
+ "▁dri v",
+ "▁dr iv",
+ "▁V ol",
+ "▁Vo l",
+ "▁ Vol",
+ "▁l ower",
+ "▁low er",
+ "▁lo wer",
+ "▁ lower",
+ "▁chall eng",
+ "▁S ystem",
+ "▁ System",
+ "ra g",
+ "r ag",
+ "VI D",
+ "V ID",
+ "▁s tar",
+ "▁st ar",
+ "▁sta r",
+ "▁ star",
+ "▁p rint",
+ "▁pr int",
+ "▁pri nt",
+ "▁ print",
+ "▁r ound",
+ "▁ro und",
+ "▁rou nd",
+ "▁ round",
+ "he m",
+ "h em",
+ "▁c lean",
+ "▁cl ean",
+ "▁cle an",
+ "▁ clean",
+ "▁Acc ording",
+ "▁E ven",
+ "▁Ev en",
+ "▁Eve n",
+ "▁ Even",
+ "▁P ort",
+ "▁Po rt",
+ "▁Por t",
+ "▁ Port",
+ "▁ext rem",
+ "▁extr em",
+ "▁d raw",
+ "▁dra w",
+ "▁dr aw",
+ "▁ draw",
+ "] .",
+ "▁a ward",
+ "▁aw ard",
+ "▁awa rd",
+ "▁E very",
+ "▁Ev ery",
+ "▁Ever y",
+ "▁Eve ry",
+ "▁ Every",
+ "im ately",
+ "imate ly",
+ "▁pop ulation",
+ "▁popul ation",
+ "ch an",
+ "cha n",
+ "c han",
+ "▁S ee",
+ "▁Se e",
+ "▁ See",
+ "▁sc ient",
+ "▁sci ent",
+ "▁ scient",
+ "▁in side",
+ "▁ins ide",
+ "▁b illion",
+ "▁bill ion",
+ "▁ billion",
+ "▁Sc ience",
+ "▁Sci ence",
+ "▁ Science",
+ "▁de tails",
+ "▁det ails",
+ "▁detail s",
+ "▁ details",
+ "▁c apt",
+ "▁ca pt",
+ "▁cap t",
+ "▁ capt",
+ "▁G reen",
+ "▁Gr een",
+ "▁Gree n",
+ "▁Gre en",
+ "▁ Green",
+ "▁Pro gram",
+ "▁Pr ogram",
+ "▁ Program",
+ "wh ere",
+ "whe re",
+ "w here",
+ "▁ab ility",
+ "▁ ability",
+ "ough t",
+ "oug ht",
+ "o ught",
+ "▁b oy",
+ "▁bo y",
+ "▁ boy",
+ "▁f elt",
+ "▁fe lt",
+ "▁fel t",
+ "▁ felt",
+ "bo dy",
+ "b ody",
+ "▁= =",
+ "▁ ==",
+ "▁s creen",
+ "▁sc reen",
+ "▁scr een",
+ "▁ screen",
+ "▁A N",
+ "▁ AN",
+ "▁p lease",
+ "▁ple ase",
+ "▁plea se",
+ "▁pleas e",
+ "▁b rought",
+ "▁br ought",
+ "▁bro ught",
+ "r s",
+ "▁A ustralia",
+ "▁Austral ia",
+ "▁ в",
+ "▁Inst itute",
+ "▁Instit ute",
+ "▁pro gress",
+ "▁ progress",
+ "▁pr ograms",
+ "▁program s",
+ "▁T hom",
+ "▁Th om",
+ "un k",
+ "▁t en",
+ "▁te n",
+ "▁ ten",
+ "op p",
+ "o pp",
+ "▁h ands",
+ "▁hand s",
+ "▁han ds",
+ "▁o il",
+ "▁ oil",
+ "bi t",
+ "b it",
+ "▁pl ans",
+ "▁plan s",
+ "▁pla ns",
+ "▁sub st",
+ "▁subs t",
+ "▁ subst",
+ "} {",
+ "ck s",
+ "c ks",
+ "▁co uple",
+ "▁cou ple",
+ "▁coup le",
+ "▁p rep",
+ "▁pre p",
+ "▁pr ep",
+ "▁ prep",
+ "▁res ources",
+ "▁resource s",
+ "▁ resources",
+ "▁B oard",
+ "▁Bo ard",
+ "at ter",
+ "att er",
+ "l a",
+ "▁go al",
+ "▁pr inc",
+ "▁pri nc",
+ ") $",
+ "al y",
+ "a ly",
+ "▁man ufact",
+ "oo m",
+ "o om",
+ "▁custom ers",
+ "▁customer s",
+ "▁cust omers",
+ "ri m",
+ "r im",
+ "r m",
+ "▁sc ience",
+ "▁sci ence",
+ "▁ science",
+ "▁M art",
+ "▁Mar t",
+ "▁Ma rt",
+ "▁ Mart",
+ "▁De velop",
+ "▁b ank",
+ "▁ban k",
+ "▁ bank",
+ "▁f orce",
+ "▁for ce",
+ "▁ force",
+ "▁ex tra",
+ "▁ext ra",
+ "▁extr a",
+ "▁ extra",
+ "▁develop ed",
+ "▁ developed",
+ "▁b lock",
+ "▁bl ock",
+ "▁bloc k",
+ "▁ block",
+ "Na me",
+ "N ame",
+ "▁P ress",
+ "▁Pres s",
+ "▁Pr ess",
+ "▁Pre ss",
+ "▁ Press",
+ "wo r",
+ "w or",
+ "▁R el",
+ "▁Re l",
+ "▁ Rel",
+ "li ke",
+ "lik e",
+ "l ike",
+ "mit ted",
+ "mitt ed",
+ "m itted",
+ "ro ws",
+ "row s",
+ "r ows",
+ "▁us ers",
+ "▁use rs",
+ "▁user s",
+ "▁ users",
+ "▁w rote",
+ "▁wr ote",
+ "mer cial",
+ "▁s ort",
+ "▁so rt",
+ "▁sor t",
+ "▁ sort",
+ "ti es",
+ "t ies",
+ "▁t er",
+ "▁te r",
+ "▁ ter",
+ "op t",
+ "o pt",
+ "▁Ch urch",
+ "▁Fr iday",
+ "▁Fri day",
+ "▁T ex",
+ "▁Te x",
+ "▁ Tex",
+ "▁S ince",
+ "▁Sin ce",
+ "▁Si nce",
+ "▁ Since",
+ "or ds",
+ "ord s",
+ "▁Con f",
+ "▁ Conf",
+ "▁g oes",
+ "▁go es",
+ "▁interest ing",
+ "▁re ceive",
+ "▁rece ive",
+ "▁p an",
+ "▁pa n",
+ "▁ pan",
+ "▁beh av",
+ "▁R ec",
+ "▁Re c",
+ "▁ Rec",
+ "re sh",
+ "res h",
+ "r esh",
+ "ar ily",
+ "ari ly",
+ "▁s afety",
+ "▁saf ety",
+ "▁safe ty",
+ "▁st age",
+ "▁sta ge",
+ "▁ stage",
+ "ge n",
+ "g en",
+ "▁et c",
+ "▁ etc",
+ "▁d emon",
+ "▁de mon",
+ "▁dem on",
+ "▁demo n",
+ "▁Y ear",
+ "▁Ye ar",
+ "▁ Year",
+ "▁st atement",
+ "▁stat ement",
+ "▁state ment",
+ "▁school s",
+ "▁sch ools",
+ "▁m is",
+ "▁mi s",
+ "▁ mis",
+ "▁c ook",
+ "▁co ok",
+ "▁ cook",
+ "▁Direct or",
+ "▁Dir ector",
+ "▁k new",
+ "▁kn ew",
+ "▁B est",
+ "▁Be st",
+ "▁Bes t",
+ "▁ Best",
+ "el low",
+ "ell ow",
+ "ello w",
+ "▁m id",
+ "▁mi d",
+ "▁ mid",
+ "▁h ol",
+ "▁ho l",
+ "▁ hol",
+ "E O",
+ "▁l ack",
+ "▁la ck",
+ "▁lac k",
+ "▁s uff",
+ "▁su ff",
+ "et ic",
+ "eti c",
+ "e tic",
+ "▁m ach",
+ "▁mac h",
+ "▁ma ch",
+ "ad o",
+ "a do",
+ "▁cent ury",
+ "▁ century",
+ "▁l iter",
+ "▁li ter",
+ "▁lit er",
+ "▁ liter",
+ "▁a p",
+ "▁ ap",
+ "▁e mail",
+ "▁em ail",
+ "▁ email",
+ "▁h um",
+ "▁ hum",
+ "▁J ournal",
+ "▁ Journal",
+ "▁he ard",
+ "▁hear d",
+ "▁ heard",
+ "os ing",
+ "osi ng",
+ "▁c ivil",
+ "▁o ptions",
+ "▁opt ions",
+ "▁option s",
+ "▁ options",
+ "ro id",
+ "r oid",
+ "▁f air",
+ "▁fa ir",
+ "▁ fair",
+ "▁b log",
+ "▁bl og",
+ "▁ blog",
+ "▁v er",
+ "▁ve r",
+ "▁ ver",
+ "vi n",
+ "v in",
+ "▁b orn",
+ "▁ born",
+ "p m",
+ "▁W ork",
+ "▁Wor k",
+ "▁Wo rk",
+ "▁ Work",
+ "re sp",
+ "res p",
+ "▁W ed",
+ "▁We d",
+ "▁m atch",
+ "▁mat ch",
+ "▁ match",
+ "▁d igital",
+ "▁dig ital",
+ "▁digit al",
+ "▁ digital",
+ "▁to wards",
+ "▁toward s",
+ "▁tow ards",
+ "▁Go ogle",
+ "▁ Google",
+ "ra ted",
+ "rate d",
+ "rat ed",
+ "r ated",
+ "en ed",
+ "ene d",
+ "e ned",
+ "▁Comp any",
+ "▁Compan y",
+ "L E",
+ "_{ \\",
+ "_ {\\",
+ "▁l ic",
+ "▁li c",
+ "▁ lic",
+ "▁f ast",
+ "▁fa st",
+ "▁ fast",
+ "▁att ention",
+ "▁attent ion",
+ "ag o",
+ "a go",
+ "▁w onder",
+ "▁won der",
+ "▁wond er",
+ "▁t rade",
+ "▁tr ade",
+ "▁tra de",
+ "▁trad e",
+ "▁ trade",
+ "▁mult iple",
+ "▁multi ple",
+ "▁multip le",
+ "▁multipl e",
+ "y ing",
+ "▁Com mission",
+ "▁Comm ission",
+ "▁h ear",
+ "▁he ar",
+ "O S",
+ "▁aut om",
+ "▁auto m",
+ "▁stud ies",
+ "▁sit uation",
+ "▁situ ation",
+ "I G",
+ "? ”",
+ "р а",
+ "▁f em",
+ "▁fe m",
+ "▁ fem",
+ "▁resp ond",
+ "▁ respond",
+ "▁Af rica",
+ "▁Afric a",
+ "▁b ed",
+ "▁be d",
+ "▁ bed",
+ "a e",
+ "ma r",
+ "m ar",
+ "▁B er",
+ "▁Be r",
+ "▁ Ber",
+ "> <",
+ "▁c enter",
+ "▁cent er",
+ "▁ center",
+ "▁m us",
+ "▁mu s",
+ "▁ mus",
+ "land s",
+ "lan ds",
+ "l ands",
+ "▁b all",
+ "▁bal l",
+ "▁ba ll",
+ "▁ ball",
+ "st on",
+ "sto n",
+ "s ton",
+ "▁Ab out",
+ "▁ About",
+ "▁organ ization",
+ "▁organiz ation",
+ "▁S ur",
+ "▁Su r",
+ "▁ Sur",
+ "▁s ociety",
+ "▁soci ety",
+ "▁sur v",
+ "ct ions",
+ "ction s",
+ "▁B el",
+ "▁Be l",
+ "▁ Bel",
+ "▁dis play",
+ "▁disp lay",
+ "▁displ ay",
+ "▁ display",
+ "ur t",
+ "u rt",
+ "▁c ard",
+ "▁car d",
+ "▁ca rd",
+ "▁ card",
+ "▁cost s",
+ "▁cos ts",
+ "▁B re",
+ "▁Br e",
+ "▁ Bre",
+ "▁cele br",
+ "▁celeb r",
+ "▁enc oura",
+ "н и",
+ "ol ic",
+ "oli c",
+ "o lic",
+ "▁Associ ation",
+ "▁f ederal",
+ "▁fed eral",
+ "▁feder al",
+ "▁col lection",
+ "▁coll ection",
+ "▁collect ion",
+ "▁colle ction",
+ "▁ collection",
+ "▁a im",
+ "▁ aim",
+ "▁M em",
+ "▁Me m",
+ "▁ Mem",
+ "▁ac qu",
+ "▁ acqu",
+ "▁L eg",
+ "▁Le g",
+ "▁ Leg",
+ "▁U nder",
+ "▁Un der",
+ "▁Und er",
+ "▁ Under",
+ "ri al",
+ "ria l",
+ "r ial",
+ "it ect",
+ "ite ct",
+ "▁w rite",
+ "▁writ e",
+ "▁wr ite",
+ "▁ write",
+ "un ction",
+ "unct ion",
+ "▁no vel",
+ "▁nov el",
+ "▁I S",
+ "▁ IS",
+ "▁w eb",
+ "▁we b",
+ "▁ web",
+ "it z",
+ "i tz",
+ "▁s ales",
+ "▁sa les",
+ "▁sal es",
+ "▁sale s",
+ "▁co lor",
+ "▁col or",
+ "▁ color",
+ "▁S am",
+ "▁Sa m",
+ "▁ Sam",
+ "z z",
+ "wid e",
+ "wi de",
+ "w ide",
+ "▁Su per",
+ "▁Sup er",
+ "▁ Super",
+ "li ed",
+ "lie d",
+ "l ied",
+ "rib ute",
+ "ribut e",
+ "augh ter",
+ "aught er",
+ "▁go vern",
+ "▁M usic",
+ "▁Mus ic",
+ "▁Mu sic",
+ "▁ Music",
+ "▁h ous",
+ "▁ho us",
+ "▁b ox",
+ "▁bo x",
+ "▁ box",
+ "▁quick ly",
+ "▁organ iz",
+ "▁t rust",
+ "▁tr ust",
+ "▁tru st",
+ "▁effect s",
+ "bo ard",
+ "b oard",
+ "ix ed",
+ "in ter",
+ "int er",
+ "▁cons ist",
+ "▁D ef",
+ "▁De f",
+ "▁ Def",
+ "ec h",
+ "e ch",
+ "▁p arts",
+ "▁part s",
+ "▁par ts",
+ "▁se ek",
+ "▁see k",
+ "▁ seek",
+ "▁Ge orge",
+ "▁Georg e",
+ "en ge",
+ "eng e",
+ "ma rk",
+ "mar k",
+ "m ark",
+ "▁Eng land",
+ "▁dec ided",
+ "▁decide d",
+ "▁Sund ay",
+ "▁Sun day",
+ "▁p layer",
+ "▁pl ayer",
+ "▁play er",
+ "▁pla yer",
+ "▁ player",
+ "▁te ac",
+ "▁tea c",
+ "▁S pec",
+ "▁Sp ec",
+ "▁Spe c",
+ "▁ Spec",
+ "▁ …",
+ "▁k ids",
+ "▁kid s",
+ "▁r out",
+ "▁ro ut",
+ "▁rou t",
+ "▁occ ur",
+ "ri an",
+ "ria n",
+ "r ian",
+ "▁Face book",
+ "▁T od",
+ "▁To d",
+ "at al",
+ "ata l",
+ "a tal",
+ "C O",
+ "▁us ually",
+ "▁usual ly",
+ "▁ usually",
+ "av a",
+ "a va",
+ "fr ac",
+ "fra c",
+ "f rac",
+ "▁Go vernment",
+ "▁Govern ment",
+ "▁turn ed",
+ "▁tur ned",
+ "▁D el",
+ "▁De l",
+ "▁ Del",
+ "▁b rand",
+ "▁br and",
+ "▁bra nd",
+ "▁ brand",
+ "ul ated",
+ "ulate d",
+ "ula ted",
+ "u lated",
+ "▁M ond",
+ "▁Mon d",
+ "▁Mo nd",
+ "▁H all",
+ "▁Ha ll",
+ "▁Hal l",
+ "▁g ra",
+ "▁gr a",
+ "▁ gra",
+ "▁Hist ory",
+ "▁Histor y",
+ "▁Hi story",
+ "▁ History",
+ "▁con cept",
+ "▁conc ept",
+ "▁conce pt",
+ "▁Pe ople",
+ "▁ People",
+ "▁l ocated",
+ "▁loc ated",
+ "▁locate d",
+ "▁An gel",
+ "▁Ang el",
+ "▁Christ ian",
+ "▁ Christian",
+ "C l",
+ "▁cont ribut",
+ "lish ed",
+ "lis hed",
+ "l ished",
+ "▁S ervice",
+ "▁Serv ice",
+ "▁ Service",
+ "▁in nov",
+ "▁inn ov",
+ "▁l ooks",
+ "▁look s",
+ "▁lo oks",
+ "ub e",
+ "u be",
+ "om p",
+ "o mp",
+ "▁M us",
+ "▁Mu s",
+ "▁ Mus",
+ "▁bl ood",
+ "▁ blood",
+ "▁str eng",
+ "▁stre ng",
+ "▁wor kers",
+ "▁work ers",
+ "▁worker s",
+ "▁ workers",
+ "et a",
+ "e ta",
+ "▁s qu",
+ "▁sq u",
+ "▁ squ",
+ "now n",
+ "no wn",
+ "n own",
+ "is tics",
+ "ist ics",
+ "istic s",
+ "▁cl ub",
+ "▁ club",
+ "▁T op",
+ "▁To p",
+ "▁ Top",
+ "▁S atur",
+ "▁Sat ur",
+ "▁re member",
+ "▁rem ember",
+ "▁Al so",
+ "▁fam ilies",
+ "▁famil ies",
+ "▁s ummer",
+ "▁sum mer",
+ "▁summ er",
+ "ai th",
+ "ait h",
+ "a ith",
+ "ban d",
+ "ba nd",
+ "b and",
+ "ir us",
+ "i rus",
+ "en ty",
+ "ent y",
+ "▁ !",
+ "oc ation",
+ "o cation",
+ "ra ng",
+ "ran g",
+ "r ang",
+ "le ar",
+ "l ear",
+ "in ese",
+ "ine se",
+ "ines e",
+ "▁f arm",
+ "▁far m",
+ "▁fa rm",
+ "▁n amed",
+ "▁name d",
+ "▁na med",
+ "▁nam ed",
+ "▁ named",
+ "▁Tex as",
+ "me n",
+ "m en",
+ "k i",
+ "▁can did",
+ "▁cand id",
+ "▁g ets",
+ "▁get s",
+ "▁ge ts",
+ "▁ gets",
+ "▁M ary",
+ "▁Mar y",
+ "▁Ma ry",
+ ". [",
+ "A r",
+ "▁b al",
+ "▁ba l",
+ "▁ bal",
+ "ap ter",
+ "apt er",
+ "d o",
+ "▁sh own",
+ "▁show n",
+ "▁sho wn",
+ "pp er",
+ "ppe r",
+ "p per",
+ "▁ne igh",
+ "▁n early",
+ "▁near ly",
+ "▁F rench",
+ "▁Fr ench",
+ "▁ )",
+ "▁pos itive",
+ "▁ positive",
+ "ic ip",
+ "ici p",
+ "▁part icularly",
+ "▁particular ly",
+ "▁dise ase",
+ "▁r ace",
+ "▁ra ce",
+ "▁rac e",
+ "▁ race",
+ "▁ass ess",
+ "▁M at",
+ "▁Ma t",
+ "▁ Mat",
+ "▁a void",
+ "▁av oid",
+ "▁ avoid",
+ "▁lim ited",
+ "▁limit ed",
+ "▁ limited",
+ "d a",
+ "▁g iving",
+ "▁gi ving",
+ "▁ giving",
+ "tr ans",
+ "tra ns",
+ "t rans",
+ "it ar",
+ "ita r",
+ "i tar",
+ "id ing",
+ "idi ng",
+ "i ding",
+ "el lig",
+ "ell ig",
+ "elli g",
+ "▁Dem ocr",
+ "▁qu al",
+ "▁q ual",
+ "▁ qual",
+ "▁ear lier",
+ "cl ass",
+ "c lass",
+ "▁L ife",
+ "▁Li fe",
+ "▁Lif e",
+ "▁ Life",
+ "▁ch ance",
+ "▁cha nce",
+ "od es",
+ "ode s",
+ "o des",
+ "▁e ffic",
+ "▁eff ic",
+ "▁ effic",
+ "os ition",
+ "osit ion",
+ "pr i",
+ "p ri",
+ "is tan",
+ "ist an",
+ "ista n",
+ "i stan",
+ "ic ate",
+ "ica te",
+ "id th",
+ "▁im ag",
+ "▁i mag",
+ "▁ imag",
+ "ch ange",
+ "chan ge",
+ "▁de mand",
+ "▁dem and",
+ "▁ demand",
+ "ju st",
+ "j ust",
+ "▁d ied",
+ "▁di ed",
+ "▁die d",
+ "▁direct ly",
+ "▁effect ive",
+ "▁ effective",
+ "augh t",
+ "aug ht",
+ "a ught",
+ "▁r ock",
+ "▁ro ck",
+ "▁ rock",
+ "▁associ ated",
+ "▁associate d",
+ "▁ associated",
+ "▁incre ased",
+ "▁increase d",
+ "▁Off ice",
+ "▁Offic e",
+ "▁soft ware",
+ "▁incre asing",
+ "▁w ife",
+ "▁ wife",
+ "de f",
+ "d ef",
+ "▁answ er",
+ "▁ans wer",
+ "▁be yond",
+ "ate gy",
+ "ateg y",
+ "mo re",
+ "mor e",
+ "m ore",
+ "▁ph one",
+ "▁phon e",
+ "▁ phone",
+ "▁con vers",
+ "▁conv ers",
+ "▁conver s",
+ "▁conve rs",
+ "al ed",
+ "ale d",
+ "a led",
+ "▁re fer",
+ "▁ref er",
+ "▁ar riv",
+ "▁arr iv",
+ "▁val ues",
+ "▁value s",
+ "▁ values",
+ "▁h ref",
+ "▁hr ef",
+ "▁d rive",
+ "▁dri ve",
+ "▁dr ive",
+ "▁driv e",
+ "▁ drive",
+ "▁s en",
+ "▁se n",
+ "▁ sen",
+ "▁in form",
+ "▁inf orm",
+ "▁info rm",
+ "▁ inform",
+ "▁individual s",
+ "▁de tail",
+ "▁det ail",
+ "▁ detail",
+ "▁CO VID",
+ "▁ COVID",
+ "ia nce",
+ "ian ce",
+ "i ance",
+ "▁d ark",
+ "▁da rk",
+ "▁dar k",
+ "▁ dark",
+ "ri ef",
+ "rie f",
+ "r ief",
+ "P h",
+ "il s",
+ "i ls",
+ "und red",
+ "U T",
+ "▁th ous",
+ "▁thou s",
+ "▁G ood",
+ "▁Go od",
+ "▁ Good",
+ "ven ue",
+ "▁mor ning",
+ "▁M any",
+ "▁Man y",
+ "▁Ma ny",
+ "▁ Many",
+ "e y",
+ "▁f alse",
+ "▁fals e",
+ "▁fal se",
+ "▁ false",
+ "▁begin ning",
+ "▁beg inning",
+ "▁e arn",
+ "▁ear n",
+ "▁me aning",
+ "▁mean ing",
+ "▁ meaning",
+ "▁p ark",
+ "▁par k",
+ "▁pa rk",
+ "▁ park",
+ "▁S ing",
+ "▁Sin g",
+ "▁Si ng",
+ "▁prov iding",
+ "▁provid ing",
+ "▁M al",
+ "▁Ma l",
+ "▁ Mal",
+ "▁ref lect",
+ "C C",
+ "▁e yes",
+ "▁ey es",
+ "▁eye s",
+ "he st",
+ "hes t",
+ "h est",
+ "ra ck",
+ "rac k",
+ "r ack",
+ "bo n",
+ "b on",
+ "ous ly",
+ "it ness",
+ "▁f irm",
+ "▁fi rm",
+ "▁F am",
+ "▁Fa m",
+ "sp an",
+ "s pan",
+ "▁s n",
+ "▁ sn",
+ "▁A tt",
+ "▁At t",
+ "▁ Att",
+ "wi se",
+ "w ise",
+ "▁success ful",
+ "▁r i",
+ "▁ ri",
+ "▁pl ant",
+ "▁plan t",
+ "▁pla nt",
+ "▁ plant",
+ "▁ \r",
+ "ia nt",
+ "ian t",
+ "i ant",
+ "an cy",
+ "anc y",
+ "▁ide as",
+ "▁idea s",
+ "▁id eas",
+ "▁cor rect",
+ "▁ph ysical",
+ "▁phys ical",
+ "▁physic al",
+ "▁R ob",
+ "▁Ro b",
+ "▁ Rob",
+ "” ,",
+ "▁lar gest",
+ "▁large st",
+ "▁ largest",
+ "▁Satur day",
+ "▁r ules",
+ "▁rule s",
+ "▁ru les",
+ "▁rul es",
+ "▁Con gress",
+ "▁Cong ress",
+ "ud get",
+ "udge t",
+ "▁c opy",
+ "▁co py",
+ "▁cop y",
+ "▁ copy",
+ "▁o nes",
+ "▁on es",
+ "▁one s",
+ "▁ ones",
+ "▁S T",
+ "▁ ST",
+ "e v",
+ "▁G old",
+ "▁Go ld",
+ "▁Gol d",
+ "▁ Gold",
+ "ber g",
+ "b erg",
+ "ib ly",
+ "ibl y",
+ "▁ch oice",
+ "▁cho ice",
+ "▁ choice",
+ "▁p rec",
+ "▁pre c",
+ "▁pr ec",
+ "▁M ac",
+ "▁Ma c",
+ "▁ Mac",
+ "▁p rem",
+ "▁pre m",
+ "▁pr em",
+ "▁ prem",
+ "ow ers",
+ "ower s",
+ "owe rs",
+ "az ing",
+ "azi ng",
+ "a zing",
+ "▁dev ice",
+ "▁ device",
+ "▁s le",
+ "▁sl e",
+ "▁ sle",
+ "▁s tra",
+ "▁st ra",
+ "▁str a",
+ "▁ stra",
+ "ma s",
+ "m as",
+ "io s",
+ "i os",
+ "em ic",
+ "emi c",
+ "e mic",
+ "▁B ill",
+ "▁Bi ll",
+ "▁Bil l",
+ "▁ Bill",
+ "▁char acters",
+ "▁charact ers",
+ "▁character s",
+ "▁g ives",
+ "▁give s",
+ "▁gi ves",
+ "▁re ady",
+ "▁read y",
+ "▁ ready",
+ "▁h uge",
+ "▁hug e",
+ "b b",
+ "к о",
+ "▁achie ve",
+ "St ring",
+ "Str ing",
+ "▁b ott",
+ "▁bo tt",
+ "▁bot t",
+ "▁ bott",
+ "▁f ans",
+ "▁fan s",
+ "▁fa ns",
+ "▁f requ",
+ "▁fr equ",
+ "▁fre qu",
+ "▁re ports",
+ "▁rep orts",
+ "▁report s",
+ "iu s",
+ "i us",
+ "an der",
+ "and er",
+ "ande r",
+ "a nder",
+ "▁high ly",
+ "▁A lex",
+ "▁Al ex",
+ "▁Ale x",
+ "▁ Alex",
+ "▁pro mot",
+ "▁prom ot",
+ "▁promo t",
+ "ol f",
+ "I V",
+ "▁deg ree",
+ "▁degr ee",
+ "▁ degree",
+ "▁w ide",
+ "▁wid e",
+ "▁ wide",
+ "▁s erved",
+ "▁serv ed",
+ "▁ser ved",
+ "▁serve d",
+ "▁Educ ation",
+ "▁Edu cation",
+ "▁p ric",
+ "▁pr ic",
+ "▁pri c",
+ "ig ation",
+ "▁g rowing",
+ "▁gr owing",
+ "▁grow ing",
+ "▁gro wing",
+ "▁ growing",
+ "▁L ou",
+ "▁Lo u",
+ "▁ Lou",
+ "▁S ol",
+ "▁So l",
+ "▁C lass",
+ "▁Cl ass",
+ "▁Cla ss",
+ "▁ Class",
+ "m p",
+ "▁l if",
+ "▁li f",
+ "▁ lif",
+ "▁M il",
+ "▁Mi l",
+ "▁ Mil",
+ "▁M ag",
+ "▁Ma g",
+ "▁ Mag",
+ "▁g as",
+ "▁ga s",
+ "▁ gas",
+ "▁Al though",
+ "▁an ti",
+ "▁ant i",
+ "▁ anti",
+ "▁all owed",
+ "▁allow ed",
+ "▁F lor",
+ "▁Fl or",
+ "▁Flo r",
+ "▁J er",
+ "▁Je r",
+ "▁s pent",
+ "▁sp ent",
+ "▁spe nt",
+ "es ter",
+ "est er",
+ "este r",
+ "e ster",
+ "▁a ware",
+ "▁aw are",
+ "▁awa re",
+ "▁ aware",
+ "▁c orpor",
+ "▁cor por",
+ "▁corp or",
+ "▁re main",
+ "▁rem ain",
+ "▁U SA",
+ "▁US A",
+ "▁ USA",
+ "▁th inking",
+ "▁think ing",
+ "▁thin king",
+ "▁ thinking",
+ "▁d ed",
+ "▁de d",
+ "▁ ded",
+ "▁mov ement",
+ "▁move ment",
+ "▁mo vement",
+ "▁Ch ild",
+ "▁Chi ld",
+ "▁ Child",
+ "▁Ch inese",
+ "▁Chin ese",
+ "▁Fr anc",
+ "▁Fra nc",
+ "▁Fran c",
+ "▁s low",
+ "▁sl ow",
+ "▁ep is",
+ "▁under standing",
+ "▁understand ing",
+ "▁underst anding",
+ "pl ace",
+ "p lace",
+ "▁g e",
+ "▁ ge",
+ "est ival",
+ "▁c am",
+ "▁ca m",
+ "▁ cam",
+ "▁en ter",
+ "▁ent er",
+ "▁ enter",
+ "fi g",
+ "f ig",
+ "▁des cribed",
+ "▁desc ribed",
+ "▁describ ed",
+ "▁describe d",
+ "▁Mon day",
+ "▁Mond ay",
+ "▁M et",
+ "▁Me t",
+ "▁ Met",
+ "▁eff orts",
+ "▁effort s",
+ "pe d",
+ "p ed",
+ "▁pur pose",
+ "▁ purpose",
+ "▁act ivity",
+ "▁activ ity",
+ "▁ activity",
+ "▁l ocation",
+ "▁loc ation",
+ "▁lo cation",
+ "▁ location",
+ "▁s al",
+ "▁sa l",
+ "▁ sal",
+ "▁fore ign",
+ "▁s ust",
+ "▁su st",
+ "▁sus t",
+ "er ia",
+ "eri a",
+ "e ria",
+ "▁sp eed",
+ "▁spe ed",
+ "▁ speed",
+ "▁cl imate",
+ "▁clim ate",
+ "▁ climate",
+ "ber t",
+ "be rt",
+ "b ert",
+ "▁c ast",
+ "▁ca st",
+ "▁cas t",
+ "▁ cast",
+ "I d",
+ "▁m essage",
+ "▁mess age",
+ "▁ message",
+ "ig ned",
+ "ign ed",
+ "igne d",
+ "▁some times",
+ "▁som etimes",
+ "▁sometime s",
+ "н о",
+ "▁h op",
+ "▁ho p",
+ "▁ hop",
+ "▁B ank",
+ "▁Ban k",
+ "▁ Bank",
+ "▁R em",
+ "▁Re m",
+ "▁ Rem",
+ "▁h appy",
+ "▁ha ppy",
+ "▁happ y",
+ "▁pie ce",
+ "▁ piece",
+ "▁D ec",
+ "▁De c",
+ "▁ Dec",
+ "▁invest ment",
+ "▁sk ills",
+ "▁skill s",
+ "▁F ore",
+ "▁For e",
+ "▁Fo re",
+ "▁ Fore",
+ "▁v oice",
+ "▁vo ice",
+ "▁fe ature",
+ "▁feat ure",
+ "▁ feature",
+ "C H",
+ "ed om",
+ "edo m",
+ "e dom",
+ "▁le aders",
+ "▁lead ers",
+ "▁leader s",
+ "▁m oved",
+ "▁mov ed",
+ "▁move d",
+ "▁mo ved",
+ "▁u lt",
+ "▁ul t",
+ "▁ ult",
+ "▁C am",
+ "▁Ca m",
+ "▁ Cam",
+ "▁S ervices",
+ "▁Serv ices",
+ "▁Service s",
+ "▁ Services",
+ "▁c lin",
+ "▁cl in",
+ "▁ clin",
+ "ro s",
+ "r os",
+ "y a",
+ "▁j ournal",
+ "▁ journal",
+ "▁C ap",
+ "▁Ca p",
+ "▁ Cap",
+ "▁U N",
+ "▁ UN",
+ "br e",
+ "b re",
+ "▁D uring",
+ "▁Du ring",
+ "▁Dur ing",
+ "▁Rober t",
+ "▁Rob ert",
+ "▁Ro bert",
+ "▁p ull",
+ "▁pul l",
+ "▁pu ll",
+ "▁ pull",
+ "▁A M",
+ "▁ AM",
+ "▁str ugg",
+ "▁stru gg",
+ "▁a w",
+ "▁ aw",
+ "▁s olution",
+ "▁sol ution",
+ "▁P lease",
+ "▁Ple ase",
+ "▁ Please",
+ "▁d oor",
+ "▁do or",
+ "▁ door",
+ "▁employ ees",
+ "▁employee s",
+ "▁w el",
+ "▁we l",
+ "▁look ed",
+ "▁lo oked",
+ "▁st ore",
+ "▁ store",
+ "] ,",
+ "▁ex cept",
+ "▁exc ept",
+ "▁ except",
+ "▁c redit",
+ "▁cre dit",
+ "▁cr edit",
+ "▁cred it",
+ "▁reg ist",
+ "▁ regist",
+ "▁b asis",
+ "▁bas is",
+ "▁ba sis",
+ "▁re ach",
+ "▁r each",
+ "▁ reach",
+ "▁S tr",
+ "▁St r",
+ "▁ Str",
+ "р о",
+ "E M",
+ "▁st ructure",
+ "▁struct ure",
+ "▁T om",
+ "▁To m",
+ "▁ Tom",
+ "s ource",
+ "Y ou",
+ "▁S upp",
+ "▁Su pp",
+ "▁Sup p",
+ "▁ Supp",
+ "▁R oad",
+ "▁Ro ad",
+ "we et",
+ "ro nic",
+ "ron ic",
+ "r onic",
+ "▁ с",
+ "oy al",
+ "oya l",
+ "▁P M",
+ "▁ PM",
+ "▁con text",
+ "▁cont ext",
+ "▁ context",
+ "▁i d",
+ "▁ id",
+ "▁Comm ittee",
+ "▁benef its",
+ "▁benefit s",
+ "▁bene fits",
+ "▁ch anged",
+ "▁change d",
+ "▁chang ed",
+ "▁commun ities",
+ "com ing",
+ "co ming",
+ "c oming",
+ "▁S tar",
+ "▁St ar",
+ "▁Sta r",
+ "▁ Star",
+ "▁pl aces",
+ "▁place s",
+ "▁plac es",
+ "▁pla ces",
+ "▁ places",
+ "▁coll abor",
+ "▁estab lished",
+ "▁establish ed",
+ "▁ established",
+ "▁e ight",
+ "▁ eight",
+ "oc ks",
+ "ock s",
+ "o cks",
+ "▁n ote",
+ "▁not e",
+ "▁no te",
+ "▁ note",
+ "▁s che",
+ "▁sc he",
+ "▁sch e",
+ "▁ sche",
+ "▁trad itional",
+ "▁tradition al",
+ "er o",
+ "e ro",
+ "▁m ax",
+ "▁ma x",
+ "▁ max",
+ "▁n ames",
+ "▁name s",
+ "▁na mes",
+ "▁nam es",
+ "▁ names",
+ "▁S mith",
+ "▁Sm ith",
+ "▁ Smith",
+ "▁str ateg",
+ "▁strat eg",
+ "▁f ully",
+ "▁full y",
+ "▁ful ly",
+ "▁ fully",
+ "▁P lan",
+ "▁Pl an",
+ "▁ Plan",
+ "on ent",
+ "one nt",
+ "▁J ud",
+ "▁Ju d",
+ "▁happ ened",
+ "▁happen ed",
+ "ic ine",
+ "ici ne",
+ "I M",
+ "▁Prof ess",
+ "▁c arry",
+ "▁car ry",
+ "▁te ams",
+ "▁team s",
+ "▁tea ms",
+ "▁p aid",
+ "▁pa id",
+ "▁ paid",
+ "▁t ypes",
+ "▁ty pes",
+ "▁type s",
+ "▁typ es",
+ "▁ types",
+ "▁s afe",
+ "▁sa fe",
+ "▁saf e",
+ "▁ safe",
+ "k a",
+ "▁f inally",
+ "▁fin ally",
+ "▁final ly",
+ "I P",
+ "▁complet ely",
+ "▁complete ly",
+ "se y",
+ "s ey",
+ "ul ts",
+ "ult s",
+ "▁a ng",
+ "▁an g",
+ "▁ ang",
+ "▁al tern",
+ "▁alt ern",
+ "▁alter n",
+ "▁all ows",
+ "▁allow s",
+ "! !",
+ "▁S ocial",
+ "▁So cial",
+ "▁Soc ial",
+ "▁Soci al",
+ "▁ Social",
+ "▁L ast",
+ "▁La st",
+ "▁Las t",
+ "▁ Last",
+ "O L",
+ "am ing",
+ "amin g",
+ "ami ng",
+ "a ming",
+ "▁contin ued",
+ "▁continue d",
+ "▁continu ed",
+ "ie rs",
+ "ier s",
+ "i ers",
+ "▁T wo",
+ "▁Tw o",
+ "▁ Two",
+ "▁A ny",
+ "▁An y",
+ "▁ Any",
+ "▁d ream",
+ "▁ dream",
+ "on a",
+ "o na",
+ "se ction",
+ "sect ion",
+ "s ection",
+ "▁d oub",
+ "▁do ub",
+ "▁dou b",
+ "▁qu e",
+ "▁q ue",
+ "▁ que",
+ "▁cond ition",
+ "▁ condition",
+ "▁b us",
+ "▁bu s",
+ "▁ bus",
+ "▁In tern",
+ "▁Int ern",
+ "▁Inter n",
+ "▁O F",
+ "▁ OF",
+ "▁n umbers",
+ "▁num bers",
+ "▁number s",
+ "▁numb ers",
+ "▁F rance",
+ "▁Fr ance",
+ "▁Franc e",
+ "▁Fra nce",
+ "▁Fran ce",
+ "▁ France",
+ "en cies",
+ "enc ies",
+ "la bel",
+ "lab el",
+ "l abel",
+ "▁al though",
+ "▁ although",
+ "por ary",
+ "po rary",
+ "pora ry",
+ "▁me asure",
+ "▁meas ure",
+ "su b",
+ "s ub",
+ "▁e mot",
+ "▁em ot",
+ "st e",
+ "s te",
+ "▁diff erence",
+ "▁differe nce",
+ "▁differ ence",
+ "it able",
+ "ita ble",
+ "i table",
+ "▁C ur",
+ "▁Cu r",
+ "▁ Cur",
+ "ac ity",
+ "a city",
+ "▁Re port",
+ "▁Rep ort",
+ "▁ Report",
+ "▁ £",
+ "▁o pin",
+ "▁op in",
+ "▁ opin",
+ "▁d og",
+ "▁do g",
+ "▁ dog",
+ "▁b ill",
+ "▁bi ll",
+ "▁bil l",
+ "▁ bill",
+ "▁Con st",
+ "▁Cons t",
+ "▁ Const",
+ "amp ions",
+ "ampion s",
+ "le ft",
+ "ba r",
+ "b ar",
+ "▁trans port",
+ "▁s even",
+ "▁se ven",
+ "▁ seven",
+ "ip ment",
+ "▁f eed",
+ "▁fe ed",
+ "▁fee d",
+ "▁ feed",
+ "ri a",
+ "r ia",
+ "▁comp ared",
+ "▁compar ed",
+ "▁compare d",
+ "▁B ig",
+ "▁Bi g",
+ "▁ Big",
+ "▁m er",
+ "▁me r",
+ "▁ mer",
+ "▁s ell",
+ "▁se ll",
+ "▁sel l",
+ "▁ sell",
+ "▁c itiz",
+ "▁cit iz",
+ "▁c ateg",
+ "▁cat eg",
+ "▁cate g",
+ "▁ categ",
+ "▁econom y",
+ "▁ec onomy",
+ "▁v ill",
+ "▁vi ll",
+ "▁M iss",
+ "▁Mi ss",
+ "▁Mis s",
+ "▁ Miss",
+ "▁app ropri",
+ "▁appro pri",
+ "▁ appropri",
+ "▁follow ed",
+ "▁S l",
+ "▁ Sl",
+ "vent ion",
+ "v ention",
+ "b u",
+ "▁t ried",
+ "▁tr ied",
+ "▁tri ed",
+ "an cing",
+ "anc ing",
+ "▁ch urch",
+ "▁ church",
+ "▁ex hib",
+ "▁exh ib",
+ "▁= >",
+ "▁ =>",
+ "ed y",
+ "e dy",
+ "▁p en",
+ "▁pe n",
+ "▁ pen",
+ "▁vari ety",
+ "▁d ro",
+ "▁dr o",
+ "▁ dro",
+ "▁t ouch",
+ "▁to uch",
+ "▁tou ch",
+ "▁ touch",
+ "ak ers",
+ "ake rs",
+ "aker s",
+ "a kers",
+ "EN T",
+ "E NT",
+ "▁O h",
+ "▁ Oh",
+ "U L",
+ "D A",
+ "ru pt",
+ "rup t",
+ "▁Th urs",
+ "▁Thu rs",
+ "▁Thur s",
+ "▁T ues",
+ "▁Tu es",
+ "▁Tue s",
+ "▁S al",
+ "▁Sa l",
+ "▁ Sal",
+ "▁u ses",
+ "▁us es",
+ "▁use s",
+ "▁ uses",
+ "▁start ing",
+ "▁star ting",
+ "com p",
+ "co mp",
+ "c omp",
+ "▁h ospital",
+ "▁b irth",
+ "▁bir th",
+ "▁ birth",
+ "▁comp uter",
+ "▁comput er",
+ "▁compute r",
+ "▁p olic",
+ "▁pol ic",
+ "▁po lic",
+ "ho use",
+ "hou se",
+ "h ouse",
+ "n o",
+ "▁sh oot",
+ "▁sho ot",
+ "il ler",
+ "ill er",
+ "ille r",
+ "i ller",
+ "▁exp and",
+ "▁A v",
+ "▁ Av",
+ "I A",
+ "▁business es",
+ "yn am",
+ "yna m",
+ "y nam",
+ "▁c ells",
+ "▁cell s",
+ "▁cel ls",
+ "N A",
+ "▁com mercial",
+ "▁ commercial",
+ "▁your self",
+ "▁yours elf",
+ "▁orig in",
+ "▁ori gin",
+ "▁g rand",
+ "▁gr and",
+ "▁gra nd",
+ "▁gran d",
+ "▁ grand",
+ "▁m ount",
+ "▁mo unt",
+ "▁ mount",
+ "▁l ay",
+ "▁la y",
+ "▁ lay",
+ "▁const ruction",
+ "▁construct ion",
+ "▁ construction",
+ "▁qu arter",
+ "▁quart er",
+ "▁quar ter",
+ "▁ quarter",
+ "it ude",
+ "itud e",
+ "itu de",
+ "▁m oving",
+ "▁mov ing",
+ "▁mo ving",
+ "▁ moving",
+ "▁st atus",
+ "▁stat us",
+ "▁ status",
+ "▁Min ister",
+ "▁Mini ster",
+ "▁d u",
+ "▁ du",
+ "▁contin u",
+ "▁tem per",
+ "▁temp er",
+ "▁h undred",
+ "ac he",
+ "ach e",
+ "a che",
+ "▁F e",
+ "▁ Fe",
+ "▁e lection",
+ "▁el ection",
+ "▁elect ion",
+ "▁ele ction",
+ "▁ election",
+ "▁cho ose",
+ "---- ----",
+ "▁leg is",
+ "▁sp irit",
+ "▁spir it",
+ "um ber",
+ "umb er",
+ "u mber",
+ "in n",
+ "i nn",
+ "▁J o",
+ "▁ Jo",
+ "if ying",
+ "ify ing",
+ "is ation",
+ "▁my self",
+ "▁r oll",
+ "▁ro ll",
+ "▁ roll",
+ "▁app oint",
+ "▁ap point",
+ "▁f ear",
+ "▁fe ar",
+ "▁ `",
+ "▁g reen",
+ "▁gr een",
+ "▁gre en",
+ "▁ green",
+ "▁a ctive",
+ "▁act ive",
+ "▁activ e",
+ "▁ active",
+ "▁s hot",
+ "▁sh ot",
+ "▁sho t",
+ "▁ shot",
+ "▁Develop ment",
+ "e q",
+ "bo l",
+ "b ol",
+ "▁S un",
+ "▁Su n",
+ "▁ Sun",
+ "▁Pro ject",
+ "▁ Project",
+ "▁pe ace",
+ "▁ peace",
+ "▁Man agement",
+ "▁Manag ement",
+ "▁w ants",
+ "▁want s",
+ "▁demon str",
+ "▁demons tr",
+ "h y",
+ "ot a",
+ "o ta",
+ "T ype",
+ "▁W ho",
+ "▁Wh o",
+ "▁ Who",
+ "et ers",
+ "eter s",
+ "ete rs",
+ "e ters",
+ "▁S ociety",
+ "▁Soci ety",
+ "▁le ader",
+ "▁lead er",
+ "▁ leader",
+ "▁rem ains",
+ "▁remain s",
+ "ve re",
+ "ver e",
+ "v ere",
+ "Th is",
+ "T his",
+ "er vation",
+ "erv ation",
+ "▁trans fer",
+ "▁transf er",
+ "▁ transfer",
+ "ke n",
+ "k en",
+ "▁me chan",
+ "ab y",
+ "a by",
+ "▁al one",
+ "▁ alone",
+ "▁w ild",
+ "▁ wild",
+ "▁app ly",
+ "▁ap ply",
+ "▁appl y",
+ "▁ apply",
+ "▁br other",
+ "▁bro ther",
+ "▁v ote",
+ "▁vot e",
+ "▁vo te",
+ "▁C amp",
+ "▁Cam p",
+ "▁Ca mp",
+ "▁ Camp",
+ "▁s un",
+ "▁su n",
+ "▁ sun",
+ "▁c ancer",
+ "▁can cer",
+ "re y",
+ "r ey",
+ "▁estab lish",
+ "▁ establish",
+ "▁V ir",
+ "▁Vi r",
+ "▁E conom",
+ "▁Ec onom",
+ "▁Eco nom",
+ "▁g un",
+ "▁gu n",
+ "▁ gun",
+ "▁l ines",
+ "▁li nes",
+ "▁line s",
+ "▁lin es",
+ "▁ lines",
+ "▁p le",
+ "▁pl e",
+ "▁ ple",
+ "▁a ffect",
+ "▁aff ect",
+ "▁af fect",
+ "▁recomm end",
+ "ut y",
+ "u ty",
+ "lo r",
+ "l or",
+ "▁v acc",
+ "▁vac c",
+ "▁va cc",
+ "▁ vacc",
+ "ro y",
+ "r oy",
+ "▁com fort",
+ "▁ comfort",
+ "▁Germ any",
+ "▁German y",
+ "▁Ger many",
+ "U N",
+ "▁great er",
+ "▁gre ater",
+ "olog ies",
+ "ologie s",
+ "ound s",
+ "oun ds",
+ "▁F orm",
+ "▁For m",
+ "▁Fo rm",
+ "▁ Form",
+ "▁S a",
+ "▁ Sa",
+ "▁back ground",
+ "▁ background",
+ "▁T imes",
+ "▁Time s",
+ "▁Tim es",
+ "▁Ti mes",
+ "▁ Times",
+ "▁material s",
+ "▁mater ials",
+ "▁Thurs day",
+ "mo d",
+ "m od",
+ "ter m",
+ "te rm",
+ "t erm",
+ "iz es",
+ "ize s",
+ "i zes",
+ "▁e r",
+ "▁ er",
+ "▁eas ily",
+ "▁p m",
+ "▁ pm",
+ "▁Af rican",
+ "▁Afric an",
+ "▁Africa n",
+ "▁p sych",
+ "▁psy ch",
+ "▁ps ych",
+ "▁ psych",
+ "az ine",
+ "azi ne",
+ "▁ex cell",
+ "▁exc ell",
+ "▁excel l",
+ "ult ure",
+ "im al",
+ "ima l",
+ "i mal",
+ "▁H am",
+ "▁Ha m",
+ "▁certain ly",
+ "▁opportun ities",
+ "▁Tues day",
+ "▁St ep",
+ "▁Ste p",
+ "▁ Step",
+ "▁W omen",
+ "▁Wo men",
+ "▁ Women",
+ "▁p assed",
+ "▁pass ed",
+ "▁o ption",
+ "▁opt ion",
+ "▁ option",
+ "▁col lege",
+ "▁colle ge",
+ "▁ college",
+ "▁Q ue",
+ "▁Qu e",
+ "▁ Que",
+ "▁im pl",
+ "▁imp l",
+ "▁ impl",
+ "▁im ages",
+ "▁image s",
+ "▁imag es",
+ "▁ images",
+ "he ns",
+ "hen s",
+ "h ens",
+ "ed d",
+ "e dd",
+ "▁Wed nes",
+ "▁mod els",
+ "▁model s",
+ "▁mode ls",
+ "▁ models",
+ "es c",
+ "e sc",
+ "▁Flor ida",
+ "▁oper ations",
+ "▁operation s",
+ "▁R ussia",
+ "▁Russ ia",
+ "▁ Russia",
+ "▁c ool",
+ "▁co ol",
+ "▁ cool",
+ "▁hel ped",
+ "▁help ed",
+ "▁in iti",
+ "▁init i",
+ "▁a spect",
+ "▁as pect",
+ "out hern",
+ "outh ern",
+ "▁R iver",
+ "▁Riv er",
+ "▁Ri ver",
+ "I R",
+ "ear ed",
+ "ea red",
+ "e ared",
+ "▁crit ical",
+ "▁critic al",
+ "▁ critical",
+ "▁v oid",
+ "▁vo id",
+ "▁ void",
+ "▁g old",
+ "▁go ld",
+ "▁ gold",
+ "▁m iddle",
+ "▁ middle",
+ "▁plan ning",
+ "ca use",
+ "c ause",
+ "▁H uman",
+ "▁Hu man",
+ "▁Hum an",
+ "▁ Human",
+ "? \"",
+ "▁W ind",
+ "▁Win d",
+ "▁Wi nd",
+ "▁ Wind",
+ "ud d",
+ "u dd",
+ "or age",
+ "ora ge",
+ "o rage",
+ "▁d aily",
+ "▁da ily",
+ "z a",
+ "▁ex pert",
+ "▁exper t",
+ "▁exp ert",
+ "▁p roduced",
+ "▁produ ced",
+ "▁produce d",
+ "▁ produced",
+ "▁T ime",
+ "▁Tim e",
+ "▁Ti me",
+ "▁ Time",
+ "bo x",
+ "b ox",
+ "▁Un ion",
+ "▁n ormal",
+ "▁norm al",
+ "▁nor mal",
+ "▁ normal",
+ "▁T oday",
+ "▁To day",
+ "▁Tod ay",
+ "▁ Today",
+ "▁e val",
+ "▁ev al",
+ "▁ eval",
+ "▁s ave",
+ "▁sa ve",
+ "▁sav e",
+ "▁ save",
+ "▁P lay",
+ "▁Pl ay",
+ "▁ Play",
+ "▁f ine",
+ "▁fin e",
+ "▁fi ne",
+ "▁g rant",
+ "▁gr ant",
+ "▁gra nt",
+ "▁gran t",
+ "▁est im",
+ "▁es tim",
+ "ir ection",
+ "ire ction",
+ "irect ion",
+ "i rection",
+ "▁part ies",
+ "▁par ties",
+ "▁cent ral",
+ "▁centr al",
+ "▁ central",
+ "at ively",
+ "ative ly",
+ "ati vely",
+ "ativ ely",
+ "▁M o",
+ "▁ Mo",
+ "▁d ie",
+ "▁di e",
+ "▁ die",
+ "an o",
+ "a no",
+ "▁ex actly",
+ "▁exact ly",
+ "▁per haps",
+ "▁Dist rict",
+ "lic k",
+ "li ck",
+ "l ick",
+ "▁H ill",
+ "▁Hi ll",
+ "▁Hil l",
+ "▁L at",
+ "▁La t",
+ "▁ Lat",
+ "▁S cott",
+ "▁Sc ott",
+ "▁Scot t",
+ "▁M ex",
+ "▁Me x",
+ "▁ Mex",
+ "▁talk ing",
+ "▁tal king",
+ "▁H el",
+ "▁He l",
+ "▁ Hel",
+ "▁de liver",
+ "▁del iver",
+ "▁M useum",
+ "▁Muse um",
+ ".. ......",
+ "... .....",
+ ".... ....",
+ "..... ...",
+ "...... ..",
+ "....... .",
+ ". .......",
+ "ul ate",
+ "ula te",
+ "u late",
+ "▁inter ested",
+ "▁interest ed",
+ "li st",
+ "lis t",
+ "l ist",
+ "ir ing",
+ "iri ng",
+ "i ring",
+ "ia r",
+ "i ar",
+ "▁e th",
+ "▁et h",
+ "▁ eth",
+ "an nel",
+ "ann el",
+ "anne l",
+ "▁v irt",
+ "▁vir t",
+ "▁vi rt",
+ "mi ss",
+ "mis s",
+ "m iss",
+ "we ll",
+ "w ell",
+ "L ist",
+ "▁cre ating",
+ "▁creat ing",
+ "▁offic ials",
+ "▁official s",
+ "P S",
+ "▁p oor",
+ "▁po or",
+ "ic ks",
+ "ick s",
+ "i cks",
+ "▁respons ible",
+ "▁ responsible",
+ "▁w eight",
+ "▁we ight",
+ "▁weigh t",
+ "▁ weight",
+ "▁s pread",
+ "▁sp read",
+ "▁spr ead",
+ "▁ann ual",
+ "st ate",
+ "stat e",
+ "sta te",
+ "▁benef it",
+ "▁bene fit",
+ "▁R ock",
+ "▁Ro ck",
+ "▁Roc k",
+ "▁ Rock",
+ "▁Found ation",
+ "▁cons ult",
+ "▁F rank",
+ "▁Fr ank",
+ "▁Fran k",
+ "▁ Frank",
+ "▁F ree",
+ "▁Fr ee",
+ "▁Fre e",
+ "▁ Free",
+ "ic on",
+ "ico n",
+ "i con",
+ "ty pe",
+ "typ e",
+ "t ype",
+ "▁Tw itter",
+ "▁D et",
+ "▁De t",
+ "▁ Det",
+ "▁S um",
+ "▁Su m",
+ "▁ Sum",
+ "▁fe et",
+ "▁fee t",
+ "ad y",
+ "a dy",
+ "▁pri mary",
+ "▁prim ary",
+ "▁ primary",
+ "▁D ata",
+ "▁Da ta",
+ "▁Dat a",
+ "▁ Data",
+ "b f",
+ "▁st ock",
+ "▁ stock",
+ "ri sis",
+ "ris is",
+ "▁att ract",
+ "▁Wednes day",
+ "C A",
+ "▁V is",
+ "▁Vi s",
+ "▁ Vis",
+ "▁require ments",
+ "▁requirement s",
+ "at o",
+ "a to",
+ "▁B ay",
+ "▁Ba y",
+ "▁ Bay",
+ "▁C r",
+ "▁ Cr",
+ "▁B i",
+ "▁un f",
+ "ai t",
+ "a it",
+ "▁s y",
+ "▁ sy",
+ "▁A ward",
+ "▁Aw ard",
+ "▁P eter",
+ "▁Pe ter",
+ "▁Pet er",
+ "▁Pete r",
+ "▁C are",
+ "▁Car e",
+ "▁Ca re",
+ "▁ Care",
+ "▁Car ol",
+ "▁Ca rol",
+ "$ .",
+ "▁s erve",
+ "▁serv e",
+ "▁ser ve",
+ "▁agre ement",
+ "▁agree ment",
+ "▁Th omas",
+ "▁Thom as",
+ "pe ctive",
+ "pect ive",
+ "▁Rich ard",
+ "▁Ric hard",
+ "▁Ri chard",
+ "ur ation",
+ "u ration",
+ "▁ag ree",
+ "▁agre e",
+ "▁sur face",
+ "▁surf ace",
+ "▁t im",
+ "▁ tim",
+ "ig r",
+ "i gr",
+ "▁s em",
+ "▁se m",
+ "▁ sem",
+ "▁w w",
+ "▁ ww",
+ "Re s",
+ "R es",
+ "▁cal c",
+ "▁ calc",
+ "▁A uthor",
+ "▁Aut hor",
+ "▁ Author",
+ "▁tr uth",
+ "▁tru th",
+ "▁ truth",
+ "▁w ood",
+ "▁ wood",
+ "lev ant",
+ "▁k illed",
+ "▁kill ed",
+ "▁kil led",
+ "▁in come",
+ "▁inc ome",
+ "▁ income",
+ "os h",
+ "o sh",
+ "re turn",
+ "ret urn",
+ "▁art ist",
+ "▁re asons",
+ "▁reason s",
+ "V al",
+ "lo g",
+ "l og",
+ "it c",
+ "m essage",
+ "▁c ru",
+ "▁cr u",
+ "▁W il",
+ "▁Wi l",
+ "▁claim s",
+ "▁cla ims",
+ "▁S k",
+ "▁ Sk",
+ "▁sc ene",
+ "▁scen e",
+ "an ned",
+ "ann ed",
+ "anne d",
+ "▁P ri",
+ "▁Pr i",
+ "y p",
+ "▁ ?",
+ "ne t",
+ "n et",
+ "▁im mediately",
+ "▁immedi ately",
+ "▁immediate ly",
+ "▁J es",
+ "▁Je s",
+ "g l",
+ "▁r ates",
+ "▁ra tes",
+ "▁rate s",
+ "▁rat es",
+ "▁ rates",
+ "▁se cret",
+ "▁sec ret",
+ "▁secre t",
+ "▁ secret",
+ "▁gr adu",
+ "▁gra du",
+ "▁grad u",
+ "▁w ww",
+ "▁ww w",
+ "▁ www",
+ "▁A P",
+ "▁ AP",
+ "it ely",
+ "ite ly",
+ "po int",
+ "p oint",
+ "▁st uff",
+ "▁In formation",
+ "▁Inform ation",
+ "▁c hem",
+ "▁ch em",
+ "▁che m",
+ "▁ chem",
+ "▁exper ien",
+ "ruct ure",
+ "▁ob vious",
+ "▁Be cause",
+ "▁ Because",
+ "▁vict im",
+ "▁vic tim",
+ "▁M ad",
+ "▁Ma d",
+ "▁ Mad",
+ "▁J ul",
+ "▁Ju l",
+ "▁ Jul",
+ "▁I ran",
+ "▁Ir an",
+ "▁Ira n",
+ "▁Ch ic",
+ "▁Chi c",
+ "ce l",
+ "c el",
+ "▁over all",
+ "▁may be",
+ "▁ maybe",
+ "▁rest aur",
+ "▁s ch",
+ "▁sc h",
+ "▁ sch",
+ "ca re",
+ "car e",
+ "c are",
+ "▁let ter",
+ "▁lett er",
+ "▁ letter",
+ "tain ed",
+ "ta ined",
+ "t ained",
+ "▁m ission",
+ "▁miss ion",
+ "▁ mission",
+ "\" )",
+ "▁veh icle",
+ "▁pro ced",
+ "▁proc ed",
+ "▁pres ented",
+ "▁present ed",
+ "▁ac adem",
+ "▁G erman",
+ "▁Germ an",
+ "▁Ger man",
+ "▁ German",
+ "▁Ac adem",
+ "▁ex isting",
+ "▁exist ing",
+ "▁ existing",
+ "at re",
+ "a tre",
+ "ul a",
+ "u la",
+ "co de",
+ "cod e",
+ "c ode",
+ "H e",
+ "▁St at",
+ "▁Sta t",
+ "▁ Stat",
+ "S h",
+ "▁it ems",
+ "▁item s",
+ "▁ items",
+ "▁b eg",
+ "▁be g",
+ "▁ beg",
+ "$ ,",
+ "▁Se cret",
+ "▁Sec ret",
+ "▁T ur",
+ "▁Tu r",
+ "▁ Tur",
+ "▁com ments",
+ "▁comm ents",
+ "▁comment s",
+ "act ions",
+ "action s",
+ "a ctions",
+ "▁P arty",
+ "▁Part y",
+ "▁Par ty",
+ "▁in dependent",
+ "▁ind ependent",
+ "▁independ ent",
+ "▁ independent",
+ "▁J ose",
+ "▁Jo se",
+ "▁Jos e",
+ "our ney",
+ "ourn ey",
+ "▁ ©",
+ "▁char ge",
+ "▁ charge",
+ "▁M er",
+ "▁Me r",
+ "▁ Mer",
+ "ant ly",
+ "▁s olutions",
+ "▁sol utions",
+ "▁solution s",
+ "▁there fore",
+ "▁sh ared",
+ "▁share d",
+ "▁shar ed",
+ "▁ shared",
+ "▁c ert",
+ "▁ce rt",
+ "▁cer t",
+ "▁ cert",
+ "▁con v",
+ "in y",
+ "i ny",
+ "ph a",
+ "p ha",
+ "▁T O",
+ "▁ TO",
+ "▁e lectric",
+ "▁elect ric",
+ "▁electr ic",
+ "▁ electric",
+ "▁u r",
+ "▁ ur",
+ "▁cl ients",
+ "▁client s",
+ "▁A ut",
+ "▁Au t",
+ "▁ Aut",
+ "▁re pe",
+ "▁rep e",
+ "▁d oll",
+ "▁do ll",
+ "▁dol l",
+ "R A",
+ "▁S pe",
+ "▁Sp e",
+ "▁ Spe",
+ "re ci",
+ "rec i",
+ "resp ond",
+ "▁O ffic",
+ "▁Off ic",
+ "▁s end",
+ "▁se nd",
+ "▁sen d",
+ "▁ send",
+ "▁power ful",
+ "▁D i",
+ "▁ Di",
+ "▁t rial",
+ "▁tr ial",
+ "▁tri al",
+ "ner ship",
+ "ners hip",
+ "n ership",
+ "▁organ izations",
+ "▁organization s",
+ "▁organiz ations",
+ "▁press ure",
+ "an da",
+ "and a",
+ "ra d",
+ "r ad",
+ "▁sc en",
+ "bu t",
+ "b ut",
+ "▁Cl ub",
+ "▁com mit",
+ "▁comm it",
+ "▁pat tern",
+ "▁P rot",
+ "▁Pro t",
+ "▁Pr ot",
+ "▁ Prot",
+ "▁con tain",
+ "▁cont ain",
+ "▁d ram",
+ "▁dra m",
+ "▁dr am",
+ "at ever",
+ "ate ver",
+ "▁could n",
+ "en ted",
+ "ent ed",
+ "ente d",
+ "▁Gl obal",
+ "▁Glob al",
+ "▁ Global",
+ "> \r",
+ "▁N ext",
+ "▁Ne xt",
+ "▁Nex t",
+ "▁ Next",
+ "ra py",
+ "rap y",
+ "Con t",
+ "Co nt",
+ "C ont",
+ "▁ab sol",
+ "▁abs ol",
+ "math cal",
+ "▁chall enge",
+ "▁challeng e",
+ "▁We ek",
+ "▁ Week",
+ "▁conn ection",
+ "▁connect ion",
+ "▁ connection",
+ "ort hern",
+ "orth ern",
+ "B A",
+ "U n",
+ "▁Franc is",
+ "▁down load",
+ "▁ download",
+ "▁pro pos",
+ "▁prop os",
+ "▁l oad",
+ "▁lo ad",
+ "▁ load",
+ "▁m ess",
+ "▁me ss",
+ "▁mes s",
+ "▁sur round",
+ "▁ ^",
+ "▁s ector",
+ "▁se ctor",
+ "▁sec tor",
+ "▁sect or",
+ "▁L ike",
+ "▁Li ke",
+ "▁Lik e",
+ "▁ Like",
+ "▁K ore",
+ "▁Ko re",
+ "▁Kor e",
+ "▁challeng es",
+ "▁challenge s",
+ "▁T re",
+ "▁Tr e",
+ "▁op ening",
+ "▁open ing",
+ "▁ opening",
+ "▁M edia",
+ "▁Med ia",
+ "▁Me dia",
+ "▁ Media",
+ "▁li mit",
+ "▁lim it",
+ "▁ limit",
+ "▁major ity",
+ "▁maj ority",
+ "▁re ality",
+ "▁real ity",
+ "ash ion",
+ "ashi on",
+ "ag er",
+ "age r",
+ "a ger",
+ "ca pe",
+ "cap e",
+ "c ape",
+ "se mb",
+ "sem b",
+ "s emb",
+ "▁spec ies",
+ "▁spe cies",
+ "to p",
+ "t op",
+ "▁P ubl",
+ "▁Pu bl",
+ "▁Pub l",
+ "▁Is lam",
+ "▁ Islam",
+ "▁Pol icy",
+ "▁Polic y",
+ "▁ Policy",
+ "▁E lect",
+ "▁El ect",
+ "▁Ele ct",
+ "▁am azing",
+ "ar den",
+ "ard en",
+ "▁c ry",
+ "▁cr y",
+ "▁ cry",
+ "▁h arm",
+ "▁ha rm",
+ "▁har m",
+ "▁ harm",
+ "▁e lements",
+ "▁el ements",
+ "▁element s",
+ "▁ele ments",
+ "▁elem ents",
+ "▁m ill",
+ "▁mil l",
+ "▁mi ll",
+ "▁ mill",
+ "▁st ring",
+ "▁str ing",
+ "▁stri ng",
+ "▁ string",
+ "▁init ial",
+ "▁initi al",
+ "▁ initial",
+ "▁b udget",
+ "▁T or",
+ "▁To r",
+ "▁ Tor",
+ "▁viol ence",
+ "▁a head",
+ "▁m icro",
+ "▁mic ro",
+ "▁mi cro",
+ "▁ micro",
+ "▁i l",
+ "▁ il",
+ "\" :",
+ "▁s ports",
+ "▁sp orts",
+ "▁sport s",
+ "▁ sports",
+ "▁rec ords",
+ "▁record s",
+ "ar ant",
+ "ara nt",
+ "aran t",
+ "a rant",
+ "▁favor ite",
+ "▁Le ague",
+ "▁str ategy",
+ "▁strateg y",
+ "▁t ick",
+ "om a",
+ "o ma",
+ "▁d at",
+ "▁da t",
+ "▁ dat",
+ "st anding",
+ "stand ing",
+ "stan ding",
+ "▁Cent ral",
+ "▁aud ience",
+ "▁audi ence",
+ "us ing",
+ "▁for ces",
+ "▁force s",
+ "▁ forces",
+ "▁R ussian",
+ "▁Russ ian",
+ "▁Russia n",
+ "▁ Russian",
+ "me t",
+ "m et",
+ "▁to ward",
+ "▁tow ard",
+ "wi n",
+ "w in",
+ "▁L ab",
+ "▁La b",
+ "▁ Lab",
+ "▁l ength",
+ "▁ length",
+ "▁t ools",
+ "▁to ols",
+ "▁too ls",
+ "▁tool s",
+ "▁ tools",
+ "▁fun ding",
+ "▁fund ing",
+ "▁ funding",
+ "▁N ov",
+ "▁No v",
+ "▁ Nov",
+ "▁fl oor",
+ "▁flo or",
+ "▁ floor",
+ "▁r ule",
+ "▁ru le",
+ "▁rul e",
+ "▁ rule",
+ "▁not ice",
+ "oc ol",
+ "oco l",
+ "o col",
+ "▁f resh",
+ "▁fr esh",
+ "▁fre sh",
+ "▁fres h",
+ "T S",
+ "▁L ist",
+ "▁Li st",
+ "▁Lis t",
+ "▁ List",
+ "▁d ouble",
+ "▁do uble",
+ "▁dou ble",
+ "▁doub le",
+ "▁ double",
+ "an tic",
+ "ant ic",
+ "anti c",
+ "▁D iv",
+ "▁Di v",
+ "▁ Div",
+ "▁R ad",
+ "▁Ra d",
+ "▁ Rad",
+ "▁er ror",
+ "▁err or",
+ "▁ error",
+ "in ate",
+ "ina te",
+ "r d",
+ "▁custom er",
+ "▁cust omer",
+ "ap er",
+ "ape r",
+ "a per",
+ "▁st ation",
+ "▁stat ion",
+ "▁ station",
+ "▁Ob ama",
+ "el ine",
+ "eli ne",
+ "elin e",
+ "e line",
+ "▁l aws",
+ "▁law s",
+ "▁la ws",
+ "▁ laws",
+ "▁L os",
+ "▁Lo s",
+ "▁adv ant",
+ "▁ advant",
+ "▁f igure",
+ "▁fig ure",
+ "▁figur e",
+ "▁ figure",
+ "▁high est",
+ "▁hig hest",
+ "▁sex ual",
+ "▁ sexual",
+ "▁I ns",
+ "▁In s",
+ "▁ Ins",
+ "an ta",
+ "ant a",
+ "▁h our",
+ "▁ho ur",
+ "▁ hour",
+ "▁s ites",
+ "▁sit es",
+ "▁site s",
+ "▁si tes",
+ "▁ sites",
+ "▁m iles",
+ "▁mil es",
+ "▁mile s",
+ "▁mi les",
+ "ra ce",
+ "rac e",
+ "r ace",
+ "▁Americ ans",
+ "▁American s",
+ "▁America ns",
+ "▁Amer icans",
+ "▁ Americans",
+ "▁s pect",
+ "▁sp ect",
+ "▁spec t",
+ "▁spe ct",
+ "▁ spect",
+ "▁R ev",
+ "▁Re v",
+ "▁ Rev",
+ "ha n",
+ "h an",
+ "al ing",
+ "ali ng",
+ "alin g",
+ "a ling",
+ "▁Christ mas",
+ "il ing",
+ "ili ng",
+ "i ling",
+ "▁g one",
+ "▁go ne",
+ "▁ gone",
+ "▁prot ection",
+ "▁protect ion",
+ "▁prote ction",
+ "▁i r",
+ "▁ ir",
+ "▁des pite",
+ "▁desp ite",
+ "ri ve",
+ "riv e",
+ "r ive",
+ "▁Mar ket",
+ "▁Mark et",
+ "▁f aith",
+ "▁fa ith",
+ "▁E U",
+ "▁ EU",
+ "▁l ab",
+ "▁la b",
+ "▁ lab",
+ "▁Is land",
+ "▁off ered",
+ "▁offer ed",
+ "or ial",
+ "ori al",
+ "oria l",
+ "o rial",
+ "et te",
+ "ett e",
+ "e tte",
+ "▁th us",
+ "▁n umer",
+ "▁num er",
+ "▁nu mer",
+ "▁ numer",
+ "on ents",
+ "onent s",
+ "▁pat ient",
+ "▁ patient",
+ "om s",
+ "o ms",
+ "▁mark eting",
+ "▁market ing",
+ "▁redu ce",
+ "▁red uce",
+ "▁Comm unity",
+ "▁Commun ity",
+ "▁reg arding",
+ "▁regard ing",
+ "▁ex erc",
+ "ri age",
+ "ria ge",
+ "▁method s",
+ "▁meth ods",
+ "▁G en",
+ "▁Ge n",
+ "▁ Gen",
+ "▁L ead",
+ "▁Le ad",
+ "▁ Lead",
+ "▁s atis",
+ "▁sat is",
+ "▁equ ipment",
+ "▁equip ment",
+ "▁W here",
+ "▁Wh ere",
+ "▁Whe re",
+ "▁ Where",
+ "▁n ice",
+ "▁nic e",
+ "▁ni ce",
+ "▁applic ations",
+ "▁application s",
+ "▁appl ications",
+ "le vision",
+ "lev ision",
+ "▁S om",
+ "▁So m",
+ "▁ Som",
+ "▁w arm",
+ "▁war m",
+ "▁wa rm",
+ "▁B ack",
+ "▁Ba ck",
+ "▁Bac k",
+ "▁ Back",
+ "▁c lick",
+ "▁cl ick",
+ "▁ click",
+ "da te",
+ "dat e",
+ "d ate",
+ "▁contin ues",
+ "▁continue s",
+ "▁continu es",
+ "▁art ists",
+ "▁artist s",
+ "▁f ig",
+ "▁fi g",
+ "▁ fig",
+ "▁n ull",
+ "▁nu ll",
+ "▁ null",
+ "▁w all",
+ "▁wa ll",
+ "▁wal l",
+ "▁ wall",
+ "▁L u",
+ "ga r",
+ "g ar",
+ "il ed",
+ "ile d",
+ "i led",
+ "▁supp ly",
+ "▁sup ply",
+ "▁c rim",
+ "▁cr im",
+ "f o",
+ "im b",
+ "i mb",
+ "▁pict ure",
+ "▁ picture",
+ "▁d anger",
+ "▁O pen",
+ "▁Op en",
+ "▁ Open",
+ "▁foot ball",
+ "▁b ound",
+ "▁bo und",
+ "▁bou nd",
+ "▁ bound",
+ "▁H ot",
+ "▁Ho t",
+ "▁ Hot",
+ "▁cont roll",
+ "▁control l",
+ "tern al",
+ "▁s ongs",
+ "▁song s",
+ "▁son gs",
+ "▁conf lic",
+ "▁stra ight",
+ "▁administ ration",
+ "▁administr ation",
+ "▁B rown",
+ "▁Br own",
+ "▁Bro wn",
+ "▁Brow n",
+ "▁j obs",
+ "▁job s",
+ "▁jo bs",
+ "▁pre viously",
+ "▁previous ly",
+ "▁prev iously",
+ "▁h ar",
+ "▁ha r",
+ "▁ har",
+ "▁la unch",
+ "▁laun ch",
+ "▁l ands",
+ "▁land s",
+ "▁lan ds",
+ "▁ lands",
+ "▁F und",
+ "▁Fun d",
+ "▁Fu nd",
+ "▁ Fund",
+ "ma ry",
+ "mar y",
+ "m ary",
+ "▁s equ",
+ "▁se qu",
+ "▁ sequ",
+ "▁M icro",
+ "▁Mic ro",
+ "▁Mi cro",
+ "▁ Micro",
+ "▁lar ger",
+ "▁large r",
+ "▁An other",
+ "▁W estern",
+ "▁West ern",
+ "▁Wes tern",
+ "▁Ch icago",
+ "▁Chic ago",
+ "uc lear",
+ "ucle ar",
+ "u clear",
+ "▁j oin",
+ "▁jo in",
+ "▁ join",
+ "ye r",
+ "y er",
+ "us band",
+ "▁ %",
+ "▁fe eling",
+ "▁feel ing",
+ "▁fee ling",
+ "▁E arth",
+ "▁Ear th",
+ "P A",
+ "▁ »",
+ "g a",
+ "kn own",
+ "know n",
+ "k nown",
+ "▁e lement",
+ "▁el ement",
+ "▁ele ment",
+ "▁elem ent",
+ "▁ element",
+ "cl usion",
+ "clus ion",
+ "▁p redict",
+ "▁pre dict",
+ "▁pred ict",
+ "▁Th anks",
+ "▁Thank s",
+ "▁Than ks",
+ "▁ Thanks",
+ "▁a nc",
+ "▁an c",
+ "▁ anc",
+ "▁se tting",
+ "▁set ting",
+ "▁sett ing",
+ "▁ setting",
+ "▁mult i",
+ "▁ multi",
+ "▁c ultural",
+ "▁cult ural",
+ "▁ cultural",
+ "▁an aly",
+ "▁anal y",
+ "▁ana ly",
+ "▁ analy",
+ "▁produ ce",
+ "▁w at",
+ "▁wa t",
+ "▁dis app",
+ "work s",
+ "wor ks",
+ "w orks",
+ "▁p et",
+ "▁pe t",
+ "▁ pet",
+ "▁lead ership",
+ "▁leaders hip",
+ "▁leader ship",
+ "▁sh owed",
+ "▁show ed",
+ "▁sho wed",
+ "es tic",
+ "est ic",
+ "▁C D",
+ "▁ CD",
+ "▁i gn",
+ "▁ig n",
+ "▁ ign",
+ "▁S il",
+ "▁Si l",
+ "▁ Sil",
+ "or ney",
+ "orn ey",
+ "orne y",
+ "▁big gest",
+ "▁Y es",
+ "▁Ye s",
+ "▁ Yes",
+ "▁F re",
+ "▁Fr e",
+ "▁ Fre",
+ "▁The ir",
+ "er ences",
+ "ere nces",
+ "erence s",
+ "eren ces",
+ "e rences",
+ "; \r",
+ "▁W eb",
+ "▁We b",
+ "▁ Web",
+ "р е",
+ "M S",
+ "▁la un",
+ "▁arch itect",
+ "ed s",
+ "e ds",
+ "▁M ass",
+ "▁Ma ss",
+ "▁Mas s",
+ "▁bas ic",
+ "▁ba sic",
+ "▁E p",
+ "▁ Ep",
+ "wi th",
+ "w ith",
+ "▁W ood",
+ "▁Wo od",
+ "▁p oll",
+ "▁pol l",
+ "▁po ll",
+ "▁ poll",
+ "ig ration",
+ "igr ation",
+ "ed ia",
+ "edi a",
+ "e dia",
+ "▁part ner",
+ "▁en h",
+ "▁ enh",
+ "▁Sec urity",
+ "▁ Security",
+ "▁ins urance",
+ "▁insu rance",
+ "t a",
+ "▁* *",
+ "▁ **",
+ "▁s pot",
+ "▁sp ot",
+ "▁spo t",
+ "▁ spot",
+ "▁ar rest",
+ "▁arr est",
+ "▁V ict",
+ "▁Vic t",
+ "▁Vi ct",
+ "▁In vest",
+ "▁Inv est",
+ "▁O nce",
+ "▁On ce",
+ "▁ Once",
+ "os ure",
+ "г о",
+ "▁Vir gin",
+ "▁M ont",
+ "▁Mon t",
+ "▁Mo nt",
+ "ap ers",
+ "ape rs",
+ "aper s",
+ "a pers",
+ "▁op ened",
+ "▁open ed",
+ "▁ opened",
+ "▁Can ad",
+ "▁Eng ine",
+ "▁ Engine",
+ "ro wd",
+ "row d",
+ "▁go als",
+ "▁goal s",
+ "▁v s",
+ "▁ vs",
+ "▁N or",
+ "▁No r",
+ "▁s ustain",
+ "▁sus tain",
+ "▁sust ain",
+ "▁pro posed",
+ "▁prop osed",
+ "▁propos ed",
+ "▁propose d",
+ "▁s ources",
+ "▁source s",
+ "▁sour ces",
+ "▁w ish",
+ "▁M a",
+ "▁ Ma",
+ "▁T im",
+ "▁Ti m",
+ "▁ Tim",
+ "▁k ept",
+ "▁ke pt",
+ "▁un it",
+ "▁ unit",
+ "▁gener ally",
+ "▁general ly",
+ "▁t rain",
+ "▁tr ain",
+ "▁tra in",
+ "▁ train",
+ "▁F amily",
+ "▁Fam ily",
+ "▁ Family",
+ "or ter",
+ "ort er",
+ "ent ially",
+ "ential ly",
+ "enti ally",
+ "gen cy",
+ "g ency",
+ "▁L ove",
+ "▁Lo ve",
+ "▁Lov e",
+ "▁ Love",
+ "▁a ctions",
+ "▁act ions",
+ "▁action s",
+ "▁ actions",
+ "S S",
+ "▁be comes",
+ "▁bec omes",
+ "▁become s",
+ "▁becom es",
+ "▁act ual",
+ "▁p ages",
+ "▁pa ges",
+ "▁page s",
+ "▁pag es",
+ "▁ pages",
+ "▁d irection",
+ "▁direct ion",
+ "▁di rection",
+ "▁dire ction",
+ "▁dir ection",
+ "an ia",
+ "ani a",
+ "a nia",
+ "os is",
+ "osi s",
+ "o sis",
+ "▁B ur",
+ "▁Bu r",
+ "▁E nd",
+ "▁En d",
+ "▁ End",
+ "g u",
+ "as ion",
+ "asi on",
+ "▁acc ur",
+ "▁ac cur",
+ "▁d aughter",
+ "▁ daughter",
+ "ci te",
+ "cit e",
+ "c ite",
+ "▁f it",
+ "▁fi t",
+ "▁ fit",
+ "▁m obile",
+ "▁mob ile",
+ "▁mobil e",
+ "▁ mobile",
+ "▁J im",
+ "▁Ji m",
+ "▁ex press",
+ "▁exp ress",
+ "▁fact ors",
+ "▁factor s",
+ "▁fa ctors",
+ "▁facto rs",
+ "ellig ence",
+ "elli gence",
+ "▁c at",
+ "▁ca t",
+ "▁ cat",
+ "▁D own",
+ "▁Do wn",
+ "▁Dow n",
+ "▁ Down",
+ "▁appropri ate",
+ "▁ appropriate",
+ "▁c alls",
+ "▁call s",
+ "▁cal ls",
+ "** **",
+ "*** *",
+ "* ***",
+ "▁m ap",
+ "▁ma p",
+ "▁ map",
+ "▁V iew",
+ "▁Vi ew",
+ "▁Vie w",
+ "▁ View",
+ "in ct",
+ "inc t",
+ "▁b rain",
+ "▁br ain",
+ "▁bra in",
+ "▁ brain",
+ "▁environment al",
+ "▁Spec ial",
+ "▁Spe cial",
+ "▁ Special",
+ "▁w ait",
+ "▁wa it",
+ "▁ wait",
+ "▁L ord",
+ "▁Lo rd",
+ "▁Lor d",
+ "▁me ant",
+ "▁mean t",
+ "▁S how",
+ "▁Sh ow",
+ "▁Sho w",
+ "▁ Show",
+ "▁att end",
+ "az on",
+ "a zon",
+ "f r",
+ "\" /",
+ "▁M el",
+ "▁Me l",
+ "S c",
+ "in ger",
+ "ing er",
+ "inge r",
+ "▁g uid",
+ "▁gu id",
+ "▁fil ms",
+ "▁film s",
+ "l o",
+ "ff icient",
+ "ffic ient",
+ "▁s ale",
+ "▁sa le",
+ "▁sal e",
+ "▁pres ence",
+ "▁comp leted",
+ "▁complet ed",
+ "▁compl eted",
+ "▁complete d",
+ "▁H en",
+ "▁He n",
+ "▁ Hen",
+ "▁| |",
+ "▁ ||",
+ "c a",
+ "▁n orth",
+ "▁nor th",
+ "▁nort h",
+ "▁t rip",
+ "▁tr ip",
+ "▁tri p",
+ "pat h",
+ "pa th",
+ "p ath",
+ "▁polic ies",
+ "▁ad vert",
+ "▁adv ert",
+ "▁ advert",
+ "il i",
+ "i li",
+ "▁t rend",
+ "▁tr end",
+ "▁tre nd",
+ "▁ra ised",
+ "▁raise d",
+ "▁B et",
+ "▁Be t",
+ "▁ Bet",
+ "el ess",
+ "ele ss",
+ "e less",
+ "in clud",
+ "▁P riv",
+ "▁Pr iv",
+ "▁Pri v",
+ "▁ Priv",
+ "it ors",
+ "itor s",
+ "ito rs",
+ "▁J oe",
+ "▁Jo e",
+ "▁rel igious",
+ "▁relig ious",
+ "▁ religious",
+ "in i",
+ "i ni",
+ "▁E ach",
+ "▁ Each",
+ "▁s usp",
+ "▁su sp",
+ "▁sus p",
+ "▁for ms",
+ "▁form s",
+ "▁ forms",
+ "▁e ye",
+ "▁ey e",
+ "▁ eye",
+ "▁w hom",
+ "▁wh om",
+ "▁who m",
+ "▁P et",
+ "▁Pe t",
+ "▁f ram",
+ "▁fr am",
+ "▁fra m",
+ "▁m agn",
+ "▁mag n",
+ "▁ma gn",
+ "▁influ ence",
+ "▁Lou is",
+ "▁Lo uis",
+ "▁E r",
+ "▁ Er",
+ "▁stand ards",
+ "▁standard s",
+ "ur a",
+ "u ra",
+ "▁Ar ts",
+ "▁Art s",
+ "▁cl early",
+ "▁clear ly",
+ "▁At l",
+ "▁app ears",
+ "▁appear s",
+ "▁De sign",
+ "▁Des ign",
+ "▁ Design",
+ "B S",
+ "▁n om",
+ "▁no m",
+ "▁ nom",
+ "▁appro x",
+ "▁ approx",
+ "▁r at",
+ "▁ra t",
+ "▁ rat",
+ "▁Te chnology",
+ "▁Techn ology",
+ "▁p ush",
+ "▁pu sh",
+ "▁ push",
+ "hip s",
+ "hi ps",
+ "h ips",
+ "▁t error",
+ "▁ter ror",
+ "▁terr or",
+ "▁ terror",
+ "▁C ath",
+ "▁Cat h",
+ "▁Ca th",
+ "▁ca used",
+ "▁cause d",
+ "▁caus ed",
+ "▁p aram",
+ "▁par am",
+ "▁pa ram",
+ "▁para m",
+ "▁ param",
+ "▁view s",
+ "▁vi ews",
+ "▁ views",
+ "an dom",
+ "and om",
+ "ando m",
+ "i i",
+ "▁v an",
+ "▁va n",
+ "▁ van",
+ "▁A pple",
+ "▁App le",
+ "▁Ap ple",
+ "▁Appl e",
+ "▁see ing",
+ "▁ seeing",
+ "▁rest rict",
+ "▁L ear",
+ "▁Le ar",
+ "▁ Lear",
+ "us ion",
+ "▁B o",
+ "▁ Bo",
+ "▁cap acity",
+ "▁capac ity",
+ "▁c ounter",
+ "▁count er",
+ "▁coun ter",
+ "▁ counter",
+ "▁other wise",
+ "en a",
+ "e na",
+ "or row",
+ "ul ed",
+ "ule d",
+ "u led",
+ ", \\",
+ "▁com par",
+ "▁comp ar",
+ "▁ compar",
+ "▁S eries",
+ "▁Se ries",
+ "▁Ser ies",
+ "▁ Series",
+ "▁W ater",
+ "▁Wat er",
+ "▁Wa ter",
+ "▁ Water",
+ "▁p rison",
+ "▁pr ison",
+ "▁pri son",
+ "O M",
+ "▁re levant",
+ "▁jo ined",
+ "▁join ed",
+ "▁f amous",
+ "▁fam ous",
+ "▁Post ed",
+ "▁Po sted",
+ "▁Pos ted",
+ "▁ Posted",
+ "▁A rab",
+ "▁Ar ab",
+ "▁Ara b",
+ "A s",
+ "in ner",
+ "inn er",
+ "▁app reci",
+ "▁s mart",
+ "▁sm art",
+ "▁ smart",
+ "▁learn ed",
+ "▁lear ned",
+ "▁r ob",
+ "▁ro b",
+ "▁ rob",
+ "▁L ong",
+ "▁Lo ng",
+ "▁Lon g",
+ "▁ Long",
+ "▁sen ior",
+ "▁r are",
+ "▁ra re",
+ "▁prof ession",
+ "▁profess ion",
+ "T o",
+ "os es",
+ "ose s",
+ "o ses",
+ "ag ram",
+ "agra m",
+ "a gram",
+ "▁e arth",
+ "▁ear th",
+ "▁ earth",
+ "it led",
+ "itle d",
+ "▁me asures",
+ "▁meas ures",
+ "▁measure s",
+ "▁op eration",
+ "▁oper ation",
+ "▁ operation",
+ "▁dev ices",
+ "▁device s",
+ "▁m aster",
+ "▁ma ster",
+ "▁mast er",
+ "▁mas ter",
+ "▁ master",
+ "▁T own",
+ "▁To wn",
+ "▁Tow n",
+ "▁p ros",
+ "▁pro s",
+ "▁pr os",
+ "▁r ap",
+ "▁ra p",
+ "▁ rap",
+ "un te",
+ "unt e",
+ "▁Ch ief",
+ "▁Chi ef",
+ "▁ Chief",
+ "▁tr uly",
+ "▁tru ly",
+ "▁Con n",
+ "▁Co nn",
+ "▁ Conn",
+ "▁c lient",
+ "▁cl ient",
+ "▁ client",
+ "pr of",
+ "pro f",
+ "par am",
+ "pa ram",
+ "para m",
+ "p aram",
+ "▁as sum",
+ "▁ass um",
+ "ru it",
+ "r uit",
+ "▁the ory",
+ "▁theor y",
+ "▁citiz ens",
+ "▁citizen s",
+ "iv ery",
+ "ive ry",
+ "iver y",
+ "i very",
+ "▁develop ing",
+ "ri g",
+ "r ig",
+ "▁O per",
+ "▁Op er",
+ "▁ Oper",
+ "▁In ternet",
+ "▁Inter net",
+ "▁Intern et",
+ "re ek",
+ "ree k",
+ "▁P ower",
+ "▁Po wer",
+ "▁Pow er",
+ "▁ Power",
+ "▁would n",
+ "g ment",
+ "▁in str",
+ "▁inst r",
+ "▁ins tr",
+ "▁ent ertain",
+ "▁enter tain",
+ "ar row",
+ "arr ow",
+ "▁res idents",
+ "▁resid ents",
+ "▁resident s",
+ "g n",
+ "go ing",
+ "g oing",
+ "▁re ached",
+ "▁reach ed",
+ "da ta",
+ "dat a",
+ "d ata",
+ "▁con ference",
+ "▁conf erence",
+ "as y",
+ "a sy",
+ "▁a ren",
+ "▁are n",
+ "▁ar en",
+ "▁ aren",
+ "▁val id",
+ "▁ valid",
+ "ce ll",
+ "cel l",
+ "c ell",
+ "ov ery",
+ "ove ry",
+ "over y",
+ "o very",
+ "ui t",
+ "u it",
+ "▁W he",
+ "▁Wh e",
+ "▁ Whe",
+ "▁in sp",
+ "▁ins p",
+ "▁f low",
+ "▁fl ow",
+ "▁flo w",
+ "▁ flow",
+ "▁R ef",
+ "▁Re f",
+ "▁ Ref",
+ "▁Mart in",
+ "act ive",
+ "activ e",
+ "a ctive",
+ "▁L and",
+ "▁La nd",
+ "▁Lan d",
+ "▁C EO",
+ "▁CE O",
+ "▁c ities",
+ "▁cit ies",
+ "▁ci ties",
+ "ew ork",
+ "e work",
+ "▁s olid",
+ "▁sol id",
+ "▁thous ands",
+ "▁thousand s",
+ "ro ud",
+ "rou d",
+ "r oud",
+ "▁F ollow",
+ "▁Fol low",
+ "▁ Follow",
+ "di s",
+ "d is",
+ "▁R E",
+ "▁ RE",
+ "▁l oved",
+ "▁love d",
+ "▁lo ved",
+ "▁t rou",
+ "▁tr ou",
+ "▁tro u",
+ "▁W rit",
+ "▁ Writ",
+ "▁fun ds",
+ "▁fund s",
+ "▁bl ue",
+ "▁ blue",
+ "C E",
+ "▁inst ance",
+ "▁ instance",
+ "ab ilities",
+ "abil ities",
+ "▁mention ed",
+ "▁ment ioned",
+ "▁ mentioned",
+ "▁G rand",
+ "▁Gr and",
+ "▁Gra nd",
+ "▁Gran d",
+ "Co l",
+ "C ol",
+ "▁se emed",
+ "▁see med",
+ "▁seem ed",
+ "▁u nc",
+ "▁un c",
+ "▁ unc",
+ "▁we ap",
+ "▁en try",
+ "▁ent ry",
+ "▁entr y",
+ "▁ entry",
+ "▁h usband",
+ "▁hus band",
+ "▁s outh",
+ "▁so uth",
+ "▁sou th",
+ "▁sout h",
+ "▁app eared",
+ "▁appear ed",
+ "▁s pend",
+ "▁sp end",
+ "▁spe nd",
+ "▁writ er",
+ "▁wr iter",
+ "▁write r",
+ "▁ writer",
+ "▁def end",
+ "▁defe nd",
+ "▁rad io",
+ "▁radi o",
+ "▁ radio",
+ "oc h",
+ "o ch",
+ "and emic",
+ "ande mic",
+ "andem ic",
+ "▁N av",
+ "▁Na v",
+ "▁ Nav",
+ "▁dam age",
+ "▁hel ps",
+ "▁help s",
+ "ur ies",
+ "uri es",
+ "u ries",
+ "re me",
+ "rem e",
+ "r eme",
+ "A G",
+ "▁per formed",
+ "▁perform ed",
+ "▁pro ceed",
+ "▁proc eed",
+ "F L",
+ "ya n",
+ "y an",
+ "ar io",
+ "ari o",
+ "a rio",
+ "} .",
+ "ro ad",
+ "r oad",
+ "} )",
+ "▁ph il",
+ "▁ phil",
+ "▁H ead",
+ "▁He ad",
+ "▁ Head",
+ "▁Se cond",
+ "▁Sec ond",
+ "▁ Second",
+ "▁r ank",
+ "▁ran k",
+ "▁ rank",
+ "O C",
+ "▁g eneration",
+ "▁gener ation",
+ "▁gen eration",
+ "▁gene ration",
+ "▁ generation",
+ "▁cl osed",
+ "▁close d",
+ "▁clos ed",
+ "▁ closed",
+ "▁str ength",
+ "▁streng th",
+ "pp ing",
+ "p ping",
+ "▁occ up",
+ "▁ occup",
+ "▁requ ires",
+ "▁require s",
+ "▁R ights",
+ "▁Right s",
+ "▁Pol ice",
+ "▁Polic e",
+ "▁s kin",
+ "▁sk in",
+ "▁ski n",
+ "▁fem ale",
+ "it a",
+ "i ta",
+ "s m",
+ "▁P olit",
+ "▁Pol it",
+ "▁Po lit",
+ "▁Angel es",
+ "al a",
+ "a la",
+ "li fe",
+ "lif e",
+ "l ife",
+ "p x",
+ "▁f an",
+ "▁fa n",
+ "▁ fan",
+ "ac ing",
+ "a cing",
+ "▁dec ades",
+ "▁decade s",
+ "▁mem ory",
+ "▁memor y",
+ "▁memo ry",
+ "▁ и",
+ "ia t",
+ "i at",
+ "w rit",
+ "▁compet ition",
+ "▁excell ent",
+ "▁c risis",
+ "▁cris is",
+ "▁re ference",
+ "▁ref erence",
+ "▁refer ence",
+ "▁refere nce",
+ "▁referen ce",
+ "▁ reference",
+ "▁S ar",
+ "▁Sa r",
+ "▁post ed",
+ "▁pos ted",
+ "▁po sted",
+ "▁D en",
+ "▁De n",
+ "▁ Den",
+ "▁b rief",
+ "▁br ief",
+ "▁bri ef",
+ "▁ brief",
+ "▁min or",
+ "▁mi nor",
+ "▁kn ows",
+ "▁know s",
+ "▁dist rict",
+ "▁L ook",
+ "▁Lo ok",
+ "▁ Look",
+ "li g",
+ "l ig",
+ "com m",
+ "co mm",
+ "c omm",
+ "▁purch ase",
+ "▁m ist",
+ "▁mis t",
+ "▁mi st",
+ "▁ mist",
+ "▁A ff",
+ "▁Af f",
+ "▁return ed",
+ "su m",
+ "s um",
+ "▁j ourney",
+ "▁r ise",
+ "▁ris e",
+ "▁ri se",
+ "▁ rise",
+ "I s",
+ "S P",
+ "cl usive",
+ "clus ive",
+ "▁cor respond",
+ "os oph",
+ "oso ph",
+ "as ure",
+ "▁p rices",
+ "▁pr ices",
+ "▁pri ces",
+ "▁price s",
+ "▁pric es",
+ "▁M ount",
+ "▁Mo unt",
+ ") (",
+ "▁ph oto",
+ "▁phot o",
+ "▁ photo",
+ "Ne w",
+ "N ew",
+ "h o",
+ "▁a gency",
+ "▁ag ency",
+ "en ses",
+ "ens es",
+ "ense s",
+ "▁ о",
+ "▁off ering",
+ "▁offer ing",
+ "▁offic er",
+ "▁office r",
+ "▁exper iences",
+ "▁experience s",
+ "▁experien ces",
+ "▁Or gan",
+ "▁d efined",
+ "▁def ined",
+ "▁defin ed",
+ "▁define d",
+ "▁ defined",
+ "▁sc ale",
+ "▁scal e",
+ "▁ scale",
+ "▁John son",
+ "▁Johns on",
+ "▁be coming",
+ "▁bec oming",
+ "▁becom ing",
+ "▁s igned",
+ "▁sign ed",
+ "▁sig ned",
+ "el ta",
+ "elt a",
+ "▁A L",
+ "▁ AL",
+ "▁En ter",
+ "▁Ent er",
+ "▁ Enter",
+ "▁rese arc",
+ "▁resear c",
+ "▁res ist",
+ "▁ resist",
+ "bo ur",
+ "b our",
+ "▁behav ior",
+ "▁behavi or",
+ "▁adv ice",
+ "▁Ch ris",
+ "▁f ant",
+ "▁fan t",
+ "▁fa nt",
+ "lo ok",
+ "loo k",
+ "l ook",
+ "▁def initely",
+ "▁defin itely",
+ "▁definite ly",
+ "▁ch ief",
+ "▁chi ef",
+ "▁ chief",
+ "▁F ind",
+ "▁Fin d",
+ "▁Fi nd",
+ "▁ Find",
+ "▁Med ical",
+ "▁Medic al",
+ "▁ad apt",
+ "▁ind ic",
+ "▁N Y",
+ "▁ NY",
+ "▁trans form",
+ "▁transf orm",
+ "▁ transform",
+ "▁man ager",
+ "▁manag er",
+ "▁manage r",
+ "▁ manager",
+ "▁inst it",
+ "▁ess ential",
+ "▁ essential",
+ "▁opin ion",
+ "ic it",
+ "ici t",
+ "i cit",
+ "▁M ain",
+ "▁Ma in",
+ "▁Mai n",
+ "▁ Main",
+ "▁th ank",
+ "▁than k",
+ "▁d epend",
+ "▁de pend",
+ "▁dep end",
+ "▁ depend",
+ "▁c op",
+ "▁co p",
+ "▁ cop",
+ "▁s light",
+ "▁sl ight",
+ "ol ars",
+ "olar s",
+ "ola rs",
+ "▁m ental",
+ "▁men tal",
+ "▁ment al",
+ "▁st eps",
+ "▁step s",
+ "▁ste ps",
+ "▁ steps",
+ "equ ation",
+ "eq uation",
+ "ab led",
+ "able d",
+ "abl ed",
+ "a bled",
+ "▁f ailed",
+ "▁fail ed",
+ "▁fa iled",
+ "▁s leep",
+ "▁sle ep",
+ "▁slee p",
+ "▁dist ribution",
+ "▁distribut ion",
+ "▁old er",
+ "▁ol der",
+ "▁ older",
+ "▁O ld",
+ "▁Ol d",
+ "▁ Old",
+ "▁ep isode",
+ "▁epis ode",
+ "▁/ **",
+ "▁/* *",
+ "▁ /**",
+ "og ue",
+ "o gue",
+ "an ging",
+ "ang ing",
+ "if ically",
+ "ific ally",
+ "▁h air",
+ "▁ha ir",
+ "▁w id",
+ "▁ wid",
+ "▁m achine",
+ "▁mach ine",
+ "▁c ash",
+ "▁ca sh",
+ "▁cas h",
+ "▁F ederal",
+ "▁Fed eral",
+ "▁Feder al",
+ "▁b attle",
+ "▁batt le",
+ "▁bat tle",
+ "▁ba ttle",
+ "▁test ing",
+ "▁ testing",
+ "▁inc red",
+ "▁incre d",
+ "▁hel ping",
+ "▁help ing",
+ "▁f ol",
+ "▁fo l",
+ "▁ fol",
+ "ique s",
+ "iqu es",
+ "iq ues",
+ "i ques",
+ "▁Profess or",
+ "▁C le",
+ "▁Cl e",
+ "▁s itu",
+ "▁sit u",
+ "▁si tu",
+ "ch er",
+ "che r",
+ "c her",
+ "▁g uy",
+ "▁gu y",
+ "va r",
+ "v ar",
+ "▁M ike",
+ "▁Mi ke",
+ "▁Mik e",
+ "I F",
+ "▁f ra",
+ "▁fr a",
+ "▁ fra",
+ "al led",
+ "all ed",
+ "alle d",
+ "▁pract ices",
+ "▁practice s",
+ "▁determ ine",
+ "▁determin e",
+ "▁some w",
+ "▁som ew",
+ "▁free dom",
+ "▁fre edom",
+ "▁freed om",
+ "▁I ll",
+ "▁Il l",
+ "▁ Ill",
+ "em porary",
+ "empor ary",
+ "▁I D",
+ "▁ ID",
+ "▁a mb",
+ "▁am b",
+ "▁ amb",
+ "▁H y",
+ "▁ Hy",
+ "▁s core",
+ "▁sc ore",
+ "▁ score",
+ "▁in put",
+ "▁ input",
+ "▁g raph",
+ "▁gr aph",
+ "▁gra ph",
+ "▁grap h",
+ "▁ graph",
+ "▁en ded",
+ "▁end ed",
+ "▁ende d",
+ "▁ ended",
+ "rast ructure",
+ "▁P erson",
+ "▁Per son",
+ "▁Pers on",
+ "▁ Person",
+ "dr o",
+ "d ro",
+ "od ies",
+ "odi es",
+ "▁circ um",
+ "▁qu ant",
+ "az z",
+ "a zz",
+ "S A",
+ "S E",
+ "\"/ >",
+ "\" />",
+ "▁l abor",
+ "▁la bor",
+ "▁lab or",
+ "▁v ision",
+ "▁vis ion",
+ "▁ vision",
+ "▁n oted",
+ "▁not ed",
+ "▁no ted",
+ "▁note d",
+ "▁I T",
+ "▁ IT",
+ "▁I re",
+ "▁Ir e",
+ "▁L ake",
+ "▁La ke",
+ "▁Lak e",
+ "▁J eff",
+ "▁Je ff",
+ "▁b ul",
+ "▁bu l",
+ "▁ bul",
+ "▁he avy",
+ "▁heav y",
+ "▁m ix",
+ "▁mi x",
+ "} (",
+ "▁P rov",
+ "▁Pro v",
+ "▁Pr ov",
+ "▁ Prov",
+ "▁s pl",
+ "▁sp l",
+ "▁ spl",
+ "▁t end",
+ "▁te nd",
+ "▁ten d",
+ "▁h omes",
+ "▁home s",
+ "▁hom es",
+ "▁ho mes",
+ "▁Bu ild",
+ "▁ Build",
+ "▁s elected",
+ "▁se lected",
+ "▁select ed",
+ "▁sel ected",
+ "▁ selected",
+ "▁dec isions",
+ "▁decision s",
+ "▁As ia",
+ "▁r ich",
+ "▁ri ch",
+ "▁ric h",
+ "▁ rich",
+ "ha b",
+ "h ab",
+ "▁Te am",
+ "▁Tea m",
+ "▁ Team",
+ "▁B oth",
+ "▁Bo th",
+ "▁Bot h",
+ "wo rd",
+ "wor d",
+ "w ord",
+ "▁s hip",
+ "▁sh ip",
+ "▁ ship",
+ "as te",
+ "ast e",
+ "a ste",
+ "▁Ph oto",
+ "▁Phot o",
+ "▁ Photo",
+ "▁dr ink",
+ "▁th anks",
+ "▁than ks",
+ "▁thank s",
+ "▁C y",
+ "▁ Cy",
+ "m m",
+ "▁re place",
+ "▁rep lace",
+ "▁repl ace",
+ "▁ replace",
+ "▁f ell",
+ "▁fe ll",
+ "▁fel l",
+ "▁ fell",
+ "▁week end",
+ "▁L ee",
+ "▁Le e",
+ "▁own er",
+ "▁ow ner",
+ "▁ owner",
+ "▁ex ecutive",
+ "▁execut ive",
+ "▁c atch",
+ "▁cat ch",
+ "▁ catch",
+ "▁focus ed",
+ "▁foc used",
+ "▁ focused",
+ "▁Just ice",
+ "▁P aris",
+ "▁Par is",
+ "▁Pa ris",
+ "R e",
+ "et ry",
+ "e try",
+ "▁f inding",
+ "▁fin ding",
+ "▁find ing",
+ "▁dis cussion",
+ "▁disc ussion",
+ "▁discuss ion",
+ "▁event ually",
+ "▁eventual ly",
+ "▁T est",
+ "▁Te st",
+ "▁Tes t",
+ "▁ Test",
+ "ner gy",
+ "nerg y",
+ "n ergy",
+ "▁neigh bor",
+ "▁neighb or",
+ "▁pre fer",
+ "▁pref er",
+ "pec ted",
+ "pect ed",
+ "p ected",
+ "▁gu ide",
+ "▁guid e",
+ "▁ guide",
+ "▁pl aced",
+ "▁place d",
+ "▁plac ed",
+ "▁pla ced",
+ "▁ placed",
+ "▁ill ust",
+ "A n",
+ "g s",
+ "▁f lu",
+ "▁fl u",
+ "▁ flu",
+ "▁app eal",
+ "▁Char les",
+ "▁Charl es",
+ "▁st reet",
+ "▁stre et",
+ "▁ street",
+ "▁A ND",
+ "▁AN D",
+ "▁ AND",
+ "id en",
+ "ide n",
+ "i den",
+ "so ft",
+ "s oft",
+ "▁l iber",
+ "▁li ber",
+ "▁lib er",
+ "▁ liber",
+ "An d",
+ "A nd",
+ "▁Ge org",
+ "▁S and",
+ "▁San d",
+ "▁Sa nd",
+ "ov ing",
+ "ovi ng",
+ "o ving",
+ "▁J esus",
+ "▁Jes us",
+ "▁st ated",
+ "▁stat ed",
+ "▁state d",
+ "▁sta ted",
+ "at ically",
+ "atic ally",
+ "atical ly",
+ "a tically",
+ "▁b ur",
+ "▁bu r",
+ "▁ bur",
+ "▁cr ime",
+ "▁crim e",
+ "▁ crime",
+ "▁d ynam",
+ "▁dy nam",
+ "▁d riving",
+ "▁dri ving",
+ "▁dr iving",
+ "▁driv ing",
+ "▁ driving",
+ "р и",
+ "▁oper ating",
+ "▁opera ting",
+ "▁c rowd",
+ "▁cro wd",
+ "▁S ection",
+ "▁Se ction",
+ "▁Sect ion",
+ "▁ Section",
+ "▁c overed",
+ "▁co vered",
+ "▁cover ed",
+ "▁cov ered",
+ "el la",
+ "ell a",
+ "e lla",
+ "er ation",
+ "e ration",
+ "li es",
+ "lie s",
+ "l ies",
+ "▁commun ication",
+ "▁ communication",
+ "▁B ob",
+ "▁Bo b",
+ "▁r uns",
+ "▁run s",
+ "▁ru ns",
+ "pos es",
+ "pose s",
+ "po ses",
+ "p oses",
+ "▁p olitics",
+ "▁polit ics",
+ "h i",
+ "▁l ived",
+ "▁li ved",
+ "▁live d",
+ "▁liv ed",
+ "▁ lived",
+ "▁con cent",
+ "▁conc ent",
+ "▁conce nt",
+ "bur g",
+ "b urg",
+ "▁I ts",
+ "▁It s",
+ "htt p",
+ "h ttp",
+ "▁dep artment",
+ "▁depart ment",
+ "is her",
+ "ish er",
+ "ishe r",
+ "ic ians",
+ "ician s",
+ "ici ans",
+ "icia ns",
+ "▁exper ienced",
+ "▁experience d",
+ "▁experien ced",
+ "P R",
+ "▁Austral ian",
+ "▁Australia n",
+ "▁s ea",
+ "▁se a",
+ "▁ sea",
+ "▁In f",
+ "▁ Inf",
+ "▁con tains",
+ "▁cont ains",
+ "▁contain s",
+ "▁ contains",
+ "▁techn ical",
+ "▁Cent re",
+ "I I",
+ "s k",
+ "ig an",
+ "iga n",
+ "i gan",
+ "в а",
+ "▁Jew ish",
+ "▁ Jewish",
+ "▁p assion",
+ "▁pass ion",
+ "▁t ask",
+ "▁ta sk",
+ "▁ task",
+ "ien cy",
+ "i ency",
+ "▁U se",
+ "▁Us e",
+ "▁ Use",
+ "O W",
+ "ot hing",
+ "oth ing",
+ "o thing",
+ "▁e rr",
+ "▁er r",
+ "▁ err",
+ "▁c ore",
+ "▁co re",
+ "▁cor e",
+ "▁ core",
+ "un der",
+ "und er",
+ "u nder",
+ "▁Ad minist",
+ "▁Adm inist",
+ "▁Admin ist",
+ "▁concern s",
+ "an i",
+ "a ni",
+ "▁author ity",
+ "C T",
+ "n ight",
+ "▁invest igation",
+ "▁investig ation",
+ "▁extrem ely",
+ "▁extreme ly",
+ "▁c as",
+ "▁ca s",
+ "▁ cas",
+ "▁ed itor",
+ "▁edit or",
+ "▁ editor",
+ "pr int",
+ "pri nt",
+ "p rint",
+ "▁separ ate",
+ "▁in cor",
+ "▁inc or",
+ "▁c ars",
+ "▁car s",
+ "▁ca rs",
+ "▁Mc C",
+ "ne l",
+ "n el",
+ "▁th row",
+ "▁thr ow",
+ "▁thro w",
+ "▁ throw",
+ "▁just ice",
+ "O D",
+ "▁Ex p",
+ "▁ Exp",
+ "▁wind ow",
+ "▁ window",
+ "▁aff ord",
+ "▁af ford",
+ "▁cre ative",
+ "▁creat ive",
+ "▁supp orted",
+ "▁support ed",
+ "▁sup ported",
+ "▁ supported",
+ "▁re nt",
+ "▁r ent",
+ "▁ren t",
+ "▁ rent",
+ "▁fac ilities",
+ "▁facilit ies",
+ "▁te aching",
+ "▁teac hing",
+ "▁teach ing",
+ "▁tea ching",
+ "ch ar",
+ "cha r",
+ "c har",
+ "ig ma",
+ "igm a",
+ "▁p rote",
+ "▁pro te",
+ "▁pr ote",
+ "▁prot e",
+ "▁l ock",
+ "▁loc k",
+ "▁lo ck",
+ "▁ lock",
+ "▁mon itor",
+ "▁m ut",
+ "▁mu t",
+ "▁ mut",
+ "▁d im",
+ "▁di m",
+ "▁ dim",
+ "▁M ot",
+ "▁Mo t",
+ "▁sh owing",
+ "▁show ing",
+ "▁sho wing",
+ "▁wh atever",
+ "▁what ever",
+ "▁n or",
+ "▁no r",
+ "▁ nor",
+ "▁le aving",
+ "▁Ad v",
+ "▁J on",
+ "▁Jo n",
+ "oe s",
+ "o es",
+ "▁di agn",
+ "▁dia gn",
+ "id den",
+ "idd en",
+ "i dden",
+ "▁Can adian",
+ "▁Canad ian",
+ "▁on to",
+ "▁ont o",
+ "▁ onto",
+ "▁C orpor",
+ "▁Cor por",
+ "▁Corp or",
+ "ia s",
+ "i as",
+ "▁d isp",
+ "▁dis p",
+ "▁di sp",
+ "uth ors",
+ "uthor s",
+ "▁exp ression",
+ "▁express ion",
+ "li ament",
+ "lia ment",
+ "▁doc uments",
+ "▁document s",
+ "I f",
+ "▁com mitted",
+ "▁comm itted",
+ "▁commit ted",
+ "▁pro perties",
+ "▁proper ties",
+ "▁ properties",
+ "ip e",
+ "i pe",
+ "▁pl us",
+ "▁ plus",
+ "ce an",
+ "c ean",
+ "▁part nership",
+ "▁partner ship",
+ "▁partners hip",
+ "os en",
+ "ose n",
+ "o sen",
+ "▁a rm",
+ "▁ar m",
+ "▁ arm",
+ "▁be at",
+ "▁ beat",
+ "▁anim als",
+ "▁animal s",
+ "▁re mind",
+ "▁rem ind",
+ "▁G ame",
+ "▁Ga me",
+ "▁Gam e",
+ "▁ Game",
+ "▁R oyal",
+ "▁Roy al",
+ "▁c old",
+ "▁co ld",
+ "▁col d",
+ "ra te",
+ "rat e",
+ "r ate",
+ "ha nd",
+ "han d",
+ "h and",
+ "▁hist orical",
+ "▁histor ical",
+ "▁historic al",
+ "▁he at",
+ "▁ heat",
+ "or ation",
+ "o ration",
+ "▁F ood",
+ "▁Fo od",
+ "▁y outh",
+ "▁you th",
+ "../ ../",
+ "▁R oman",
+ "▁Ro man",
+ "▁Rom an",
+ "▁Roma n",
+ "▁inter ests",
+ "▁interest s",
+ "▁iss ued",
+ "▁issue d",
+ "▁issu ed",
+ "ge rs",
+ "ger s",
+ "g ers",
+ "ic ed",
+ "ice d",
+ "i ced",
+ "▁d istance",
+ "▁dist ance",
+ "▁ distance",
+ "▁art icles",
+ "▁article s",
+ "▁artic les",
+ "▁ articles",
+ "▁D ou",
+ "▁Do u",
+ "▁M ur",
+ "▁Mu r",
+ "▁g lass",
+ "▁gl ass",
+ "▁ glass",
+ "▁follow s",
+ "▁M iddle",
+ "▁Midd le",
+ "▁C H",
+ "▁ CH",
+ "} ^",
+ "▁You ng",
+ "▁Yo ung",
+ "▁ Young",
+ "▁in ternal",
+ "▁intern al",
+ "▁ internal",
+ "▁ad just",
+ "▁adj ust",
+ "▁ adjust",
+ "C L",
+ "ar sh",
+ "ars h",
+ "▁Mus lim",
+ "▁ Muslim",
+ "▁use ful",
+ "▁n av",
+ "▁na v",
+ "▁ nav",
+ "▁con sequ",
+ "▁cons equ",
+ "▁c riminal",
+ "▁crim inal",
+ "be d",
+ "b ed",
+ "N o",
+ "▁con struct",
+ "▁const ruct",
+ "▁ construct",
+ "in em",
+ "ine m",
+ "ortun ately",
+ "ortunate ly",
+ "du le",
+ "d ule",
+ "O P",
+ "ba n",
+ "b an",
+ "▁ar rang",
+ "▁arr ang",
+ "▁mar ried",
+ "▁t hr",
+ "▁th r",
+ "▁m ur",
+ "▁mu r",
+ "▁ mur",
+ "▁d etermined",
+ "▁determ ined",
+ "▁determine d",
+ "▁determin ed",
+ "▁St and",
+ "▁Stan d",
+ "▁Sta nd",
+ "▁ Stand",
+ "ter ed",
+ "te red",
+ "t ered",
+ "ar en",
+ "are n",
+ "a ren",
+ "ca p",
+ "c ap",
+ "▁ident ify",
+ "▁S af",
+ "▁Sa f",
+ "val ue",
+ "▁Ind ust",
+ "▁b order",
+ "▁ border",
+ "V iew",
+ "л и",
+ "▁V er",
+ "▁Ve r",
+ "▁ Ver",
+ "▁record ed",
+ "▁int roduced",
+ "▁introdu ced",
+ "▁introduce d",
+ "▁Th ank",
+ "▁Than k",
+ "▁ Thank",
+ "▁C up",
+ "▁Cu p",
+ "▁mark ets",
+ "▁market s",
+ "▁ markets",
+ "ult ural",
+ "▁h ero",
+ "▁he ro",
+ "▁her o",
+ "▁ hero",
+ "▁man aged",
+ "▁manag ed",
+ "▁manage d",
+ "ur ban",
+ "urb an",
+ "▁vis ual",
+ "▁happ ens",
+ "▁happen s",
+ ". ’",
+ "▁com mand",
+ "▁comm and",
+ "▁ command",
+ "▁T our",
+ "▁To ur",
+ "▁Tou r",
+ "▁def ense",
+ "▁ defense",
+ "▁st orage",
+ "▁ storage",
+ "ci ous",
+ "c ious",
+ "▁Am azon",
+ "ok en",
+ "oke n",
+ "o ken",
+ "l t",
+ "ze n",
+ "z en",
+ "▁Mex ico",
+ "▁F ire",
+ "▁Fi re",
+ "▁ Fire",
+ "in gly",
+ "ing ly",
+ "T r",
+ "▁h earing",
+ "▁he aring",
+ "▁hear ing",
+ "▁cr itic",
+ "▁crit ic",
+ "▁I ra",
+ "▁Ir a",
+ "▁gu ess",
+ "▁ident ified",
+ "▁ identified",
+ "▁most ly",
+ "x y",
+ "ir med",
+ "irm ed",
+ "▁for ced",
+ "▁force d",
+ "▁ forced",
+ "ot ic",
+ "oti c",
+ "o tic",
+ "▁Ir eland",
+ "▁Ire land",
+ "▁t ro",
+ "▁tr o",
+ "▁bott om",
+ "▁ bottom",
+ "▁And rew",
+ "▁An drew",
+ "▁Andre w",
+ "▁p andemic",
+ "▁un ivers",
+ "▁adv antage",
+ "▁advant age",
+ "▁Japan ese",
+ "is hes",
+ "ish es",
+ "ishe s",
+ "re lated",
+ "rel ated",
+ "ff ect",
+ "ffe ct",
+ "f fect",
+ "т о",
+ "▁h aven",
+ "▁ha ven",
+ "▁have n",
+ "▁numer ous",
+ "~ \\",
+ "▁pl ays",
+ "▁play s",
+ "▁pla ys",
+ "▁ plays",
+ "M A",
+ "▁Ex per",
+ "▁Exp er",
+ "f riend",
+ "▁in ternet",
+ "▁inter net",
+ "▁intern et",
+ "▁f uel",
+ "▁fu el",
+ "▁fue l",
+ "▁ fuel",
+ "▁W all",
+ "▁Wal l",
+ "▁Wa ll",
+ "lo ck",
+ "loc k",
+ "l ock",
+ "em pl",
+ "emp l",
+ "▁P an",
+ "▁Pa n",
+ "▁ Pan",
+ "▁b an",
+ "▁ba n",
+ "▁ ban",
+ "▁L ibrary",
+ "▁Lib rary",
+ "▁ Library",
+ "T H",
+ "ph one",
+ "▁co ach",
+ "▁dou bt",
+ "▁doub t",
+ "▁st ress",
+ "▁str ess",
+ "▁stre ss",
+ "▁girl s",
+ "\") ;",
+ "\" );",
+ "▁S up",
+ "▁Su p",
+ "▁Be fore",
+ "▁ Before",
+ "▁phot os",
+ "▁photo s",
+ "▁import ance",
+ "▁launch ed",
+ "▁laun ched",
+ "▁pur poses",
+ "▁purpose s",
+ "▁Sen ate",
+ "sh ip",
+ "shi p",
+ "s hip",
+ "} _",
+ "▁app lied",
+ "▁appl ied",
+ "▁W ay",
+ "▁Wa y",
+ "▁up date",
+ "▁upd ate",
+ "▁ update",
+ "▁clin ical",
+ "▁clinic al",
+ "▁ clinical",
+ "▁Virgin ia",
+ "ph as",
+ "pha s",
+ "p has",
+ "▁ch air",
+ "▁cha ir",
+ "▁ chair",
+ "▁J ones",
+ "▁Jo nes",
+ "▁Jon es",
+ "wh ile",
+ "▁s am",
+ "▁sa m",
+ "▁ sam",
+ "▁in struct",
+ "▁inst ruct",
+ "▁instr uct",
+ "▁tra ffic",
+ "▁re tail",
+ "▁ret ail",
+ "▁I d",
+ "▁ Id",
+ "▁Vict or",
+ "▁Vic tor",
+ "▁Vi ctor",
+ "op ping",
+ "opp ing",
+ "o pping",
+ "' )",
+ "▁f inished",
+ "▁fin ished",
+ "▁finish ed",
+ "▁ finished",
+ "▁D u",
+ "▁te levision",
+ "▁tele vision",
+ "▁telev ision",
+ "▁gu ys",
+ "▁guy s",
+ "in ations",
+ "ination s",
+ "semb ly",
+ "sembl y",
+ "▁b reat",
+ "▁bre at",
+ "▁spe ech",
+ "▁T er",
+ "▁Te r",
+ "▁A ud",
+ "▁Au d",
+ "▁ Aud",
+ "▁del ivery",
+ "▁deliver y",
+ "rie ved",
+ "▁w atching",
+ "▁watch ing",
+ "▁wat ching",
+ "▁app arent",
+ "▁ap parent",
+ "▁appar ent",
+ "▁ad voc",
+ "▁adv oc",
+ "all ery",
+ "alle ry",
+ "▁w itness",
+ "▁wit ness",
+ "▁b urn",
+ "▁bur n",
+ "▁ burn",
+ "it em",
+ "ite m",
+ "i tem",
+ "▁ident ity",
+ "▁id entity",
+ "trans lation",
+ "▁F estival",
+ "▁Fest ival",
+ "ot ed",
+ "ote d",
+ "o ted",
+ "▁we ather",
+ "▁ weather",
+ "▁sur vey",
+ "▁surv ey",
+ "▁surve y",
+ "ra cy",
+ "rac y",
+ "r acy",
+ "▁cl oud",
+ "▁clo ud",
+ "▁ cloud",
+ "▁s ets",
+ "▁se ts",
+ "▁set s",
+ "▁ sets",
+ "▁con sid",
+ "▁cons id",
+ "▁D aniel",
+ "▁Dan iel",
+ "ut ely",
+ "ute ly",
+ "ide os",
+ "ideo s",
+ "▁ded icated",
+ "▁h ab",
+ "▁ha b",
+ "▁ hab",
+ "▁C all",
+ "▁Cal l",
+ "▁Ca ll",
+ "▁ Call",
+ "ok es",
+ "oke s",
+ "o kes",
+ "se r",
+ "s er",
+ "itution al",
+ "▁Jose ph",
+ "ki ns",
+ "kin s",
+ "k ins",
+ "к а",
+ "▁M en",
+ "▁Me n",
+ "▁ Men",
+ "▁exp lore",
+ "▁expl ore",
+ "▁explo re",
+ "▁explor e",
+ "▁offic ers",
+ "▁office rs",
+ "▁officer s",
+ "▁hot el",
+ "▁ho tel",
+ "ea h",
+ "e ah",
+ "▁ch anging",
+ "▁chang ing",
+ "▁ changing",
+ "▁Fil m",
+ "ad ing",
+ "adi ng",
+ "a ding",
+ "▁col umn",
+ "▁ column",
+ "in er",
+ "ine r",
+ "i ner",
+ "il la",
+ "ill a",
+ "i lla",
+ "st ring",
+ "str ing",
+ "stri ng",
+ "▁Th rough",
+ "▁Thr ough",
+ "▁b ra",
+ "▁br a",
+ "▁ bra",
+ "▁al le",
+ "▁all e",
+ "▁ alle",
+ "Ge t",
+ "G et",
+ "▁C ast",
+ "▁Cas t",
+ "▁Ca st",
+ "▁ Cast",
+ "▁P C",
+ "▁ PC",
+ "▁W atch",
+ "▁Wat ch",
+ "▁ Watch",
+ "ri son",
+ "ris on",
+ "r ison",
+ "M P",
+ "▁e c",
+ "▁ ec",
+ "na m",
+ "n am",
+ "A B",
+ "ri be",
+ "rib e",
+ "r ibe",
+ "▁E nergy",
+ "▁En ergy",
+ "v a",
+ "▁adv ance",
+ "ol ar",
+ "ola r",
+ "o lar",
+ "E W",
+ "uc ky",
+ "uck y",
+ "Wh at",
+ "W hat",
+ "▁li sten",
+ "▁list en",
+ "in ating",
+ "ina ting",
+ "ri cs",
+ "ric s",
+ "r ics",
+ "▁Secret ary",
+ "▁instit utions",
+ "▁institution s",
+ "▁Academ y",
+ "▁p roud",
+ "▁pro ud",
+ "▁pr oud",
+ "O b",
+ "▁pre par",
+ "▁prep ar",
+ "▁health y",
+ "▁heal thy",
+ "▁ healthy",
+ "▁g ar",
+ "▁ga r",
+ "▁ gar",
+ "ri er",
+ "rie r",
+ "r ier",
+ "▁part ners",
+ "▁partner s",
+ "▁f if",
+ "▁fi f",
+ "▁prep ared",
+ "▁prepar ed",
+ "▁prepare d",
+ "▁Ir aq",
+ "▁Ira q",
+ "▁p un",
+ "▁pu n",
+ "u a",
+ "In d",
+ "I nd",
+ "▁s ession",
+ "▁ session",
+ "ste in",
+ "▁Val ley",
+ "▁re li",
+ "▁r eli",
+ "▁rel i",
+ "Dat a",
+ "Da ta",
+ "D ata",
+ "▁R eal",
+ "▁Re al",
+ "▁ Real",
+ "▁B oy",
+ "▁Bo y",
+ "▁n otes",
+ "▁not es",
+ "▁no tes",
+ "▁note s",
+ "▁ notes",
+ "▁d river",
+ "▁dri ver",
+ "▁dr iver",
+ "▁driv er",
+ "▁drive r",
+ "▁ driver",
+ "al ian",
+ "ali an",
+ "alia n",
+ "▁Net work",
+ "▁ Network",
+ "se s",
+ "s es",
+ "▁re b",
+ "▁r eb",
+ "▁ reb",
+ "▁main tain",
+ "▁altern ative",
+ "▁alter native",
+ "▁mov ies",
+ "▁movie s",
+ "▁car ried",
+ "ix t",
+ "i xt",
+ "▁conn ected",
+ "▁connect ed",
+ "▁ connected",
+ "ma il",
+ "m ail",
+ "▁un iversity",
+ "▁univers ity",
+ "per ty",
+ "pert y",
+ "▁manufact ure",
+ "▁p p",
+ "▁ pp",
+ "▁H aw",
+ "▁Ha w",
+ "▁process es",
+ "▁r ow",
+ "▁ro w",
+ "▁ row",
+ "htt ps",
+ "http s",
+ "▁small er",
+ "▁B as",
+ "▁Ba s",
+ "▁ Bas",
+ "▁l inks",
+ "▁link s",
+ "▁lin ks",
+ "▁ links",
+ "ov es",
+ "ove s",
+ "o ves",
+ "▁came ra",
+ "▁cam era",
+ "ho st",
+ "h ost",
+ "▁G al",
+ "▁Ga l",
+ "▁G ra",
+ "▁Gr a",
+ "▁respons ibility",
+ "▁bal ance",
+ "▁ balance",
+ "re hens",
+ "um er",
+ "ume r",
+ "u mer",
+ "ri d",
+ "r id",
+ "al pha",
+ "alph a",
+ "] ;",
+ "at ures",
+ "ature s",
+ "atur es",
+ "atu res",
+ "▁P ac",
+ "▁Pa c",
+ "▁st atic",
+ "▁stat ic",
+ "▁sta tic",
+ "▁ static",
+ "L e",
+ "▁P enn",
+ "▁Pe nn",
+ "▁Pen n",
+ "▁S ports",
+ "▁Sp orts",
+ "▁Sport s",
+ "▁ Sports",
+ "n s",
+ "▁Ar my",
+ "▁Arm y",
+ "F or",
+ "ho w",
+ "h ow",
+ "▁wonder ful",
+ "▁N ote",
+ "▁No te",
+ "▁Not e",
+ "▁ Note",
+ "! ”",
+ "▁gu arant",
+ "е н",
+ "L C",
+ "▁n ut",
+ "▁nu t",
+ "▁ nut",
+ "▁O k",
+ "▁ Ok",
+ "▁f iles",
+ "▁fil es",
+ "▁file s",
+ "▁fi les",
+ "▁ files",
+ "▁n arr",
+ "▁na rr",
+ "▁nar r",
+ "▁ на",
+ "▁eas ier",
+ "▁Bl ue",
+ "▁Blu e",
+ "▁ Blue",
+ "ul ty",
+ "ult y",
+ "▁d ig",
+ "▁di g",
+ "▁ dig",
+ "▁agre ed",
+ "▁agree d",
+ "▁C oll",
+ "▁Col l",
+ "▁Co ll",
+ "▁ Coll",
+ "▁F urther",
+ "▁Fur ther",
+ "ear s",
+ "ea rs",
+ "e ars",
+ "▁co ast",
+ "▁un less",
+ "▁unle ss",
+ "▁ unless",
+ "▁corpor ate",
+ "▁corp orate",
+ "▁f ashion",
+ "▁ fashion",
+ "ot i",
+ "o ti",
+ "▁tem perature",
+ "▁temper ature",
+ "▁n uclear",
+ "▁nucle ar",
+ "▁nu clear",
+ "ru m",
+ "r um",
+ "▁inj ury",
+ "▁En vironment",
+ "▁ Environment",
+ "▁t ree",
+ "▁tr ee",
+ "▁tre e",
+ "▁ tree",
+ "\"> <",
+ "\" ><",
+ "▁s election",
+ "▁se lection",
+ "▁select ion",
+ "▁sel ection",
+ "▁h ousing",
+ "▁hous ing",
+ "▁ho using",
+ "ab ase",
+ "aba se",
+ "a base",
+ "▁st ars",
+ "▁star s",
+ "▁sta rs",
+ "▁ stars",
+ "▁D ev",
+ "▁De v",
+ "▁ Dev",
+ "it chen",
+ "itch en",
+ "itc hen",
+ "▁d rop",
+ "▁dr op",
+ "▁dro p",
+ "▁ drop",
+ "up s",
+ "u ps",
+ "▁sh ut",
+ "ip ped",
+ "ipp ed",
+ "i pped",
+ "ens ions",
+ "ension s",
+ "▁f ailure",
+ "▁fail ure",
+ "▁pie ces",
+ "▁piece s",
+ "▁ pieces",
+ "ig en",
+ "ige n",
+ "i gen",
+ "ar ks",
+ "ark s",
+ "▁b rings",
+ "▁br ings",
+ "▁bring s",
+ "▁neg ative",
+ "▁ negative",
+ "▁Char l",
+ "▁Cha rl",
+ "▁w inning",
+ "▁win ning",
+ "▁ winning",
+ "▁ev ening",
+ "▁even ing",
+ "▁eve ning",
+ "▁c lasses",
+ "▁cl asses",
+ "▁class es",
+ "▁ classes",
+ "▁out put",
+ "▁ output",
+ "▁Child ren",
+ "▁ Children",
+ "os ton",
+ "ost on",
+ "o ston",
+ "as ks",
+ "ask s",
+ "▁K en",
+ "▁Ke n",
+ "▁circum st",
+ "▁de cre",
+ "▁dec re",
+ "il er",
+ "ile r",
+ "i ler",
+ "▁/ *",
+ "▁ /*",
+ "▁vol unte",
+ "▁volunt e",
+ "▁ann ounce",
+ "▁announ ce",
+ "S e",
+ "▁exper ts",
+ "▁exp erts",
+ "▁expert s",
+ "oot h",
+ "oo th",
+ "o oth",
+ "▁k id",
+ "ow l",
+ "▁Stud ies",
+ "▁j oint",
+ "▁jo int",
+ "▁join t",
+ "erv ice",
+ "▁con fig",
+ "▁conf ig",
+ "▁ config",
+ "▁P ak",
+ "▁Pa k",
+ "▁P hot",
+ "▁Ph ot",
+ "▁ Phot",
+ "▁ra pid",
+ "▁rap id",
+ "▁ad ding",
+ "▁add ing",
+ "▁ adding",
+ "▁s ounds",
+ "▁sound s",
+ "▁relations hips",
+ "▁relationship s",
+ "▁relation ships",
+ "▁u til",
+ "▁ut il",
+ "▁ util",
+ "▁academ ic",
+ "▁n ine",
+ "▁nin e",
+ "▁ni ne",
+ "▁ nine",
+ "st ream",
+ "stre am",
+ "▁en force",
+ "or a",
+ "o ra",
+ "▁M ax",
+ "▁Ma x",
+ "▁ Max",
+ "ol a",
+ "o la",
+ "▁Che ck",
+ "▁ Check",
+ "▁four th",
+ "▁w illing",
+ "▁will ing",
+ "▁ar ray",
+ "▁arr ay",
+ "▁ array",
+ "▁un its",
+ "▁unit s",
+ "ff ee",
+ "ffe e",
+ "▁s port",
+ "▁sp ort",
+ "▁spo rt",
+ "▁ex change",
+ "▁exch ange",
+ "b i",
+ "▁U k",
+ "ac hel",
+ "ach el",
+ "ache l",
+ "a chel",
+ "se cut",
+ "sec ut",
+ "s ecut",
+ "re nce",
+ "ren ce",
+ "r ence",
+ "▁dist ribut",
+ "▁wa iting",
+ "▁wait ing",
+ "amb da",
+ "cr ipt",
+ "c ript",
+ "al le",
+ "all e",
+ "▁reve aled",
+ "▁reveal ed",
+ "D F",
+ "▁cent re",
+ "▁centr e",
+ "og rap",
+ "▁cl assic",
+ "▁class ic",
+ "A l",
+ "bu r",
+ "b ur",
+ "▁R o",
+ "ploy ment",
+ "▁her self",
+ "▁hers elf",
+ "▁ д",
+ "▁On ly",
+ "▁ Only",
+ "th let",
+ "▁c alling",
+ "▁call ing",
+ "▁cal ling",
+ "▁Th ose",
+ "▁ Those",
+ "▁e state",
+ "▁est ate",
+ "b o",
+ "▁author ities",
+ "▁L im",
+ "▁Li m",
+ "▁ Lim",
+ "in gu",
+ "ing u",
+ "ag ged",
+ "agg ed",
+ "▁k ill",
+ "▁kil l",
+ "▁ kill",
+ "▁fun ctions",
+ "▁function s",
+ "▁ex plain",
+ "▁expl ain",
+ "▁e at",
+ "▁bel ief",
+ "▁belie f",
+ "▁ belief",
+ "▁H or",
+ "▁Ho r",
+ "am ma",
+ "amm a",
+ "a mma",
+ "ly mp",
+ "▁ra ise",
+ "com es",
+ "co mes",
+ "come s",
+ "c omes",
+ "▁pay ment",
+ "un ning",
+ "unn ing",
+ "am m",
+ "a mm",
+ "▁E ll",
+ "▁El l",
+ "▁ind ex",
+ "▁ index",
+ "▁build ings",
+ "▁building s",
+ "wh ich",
+ "▁D om",
+ "▁Do m",
+ "▁ Dom",
+ "▁Col or",
+ "▁Co lor",
+ "▁ Color",
+ "т а",
+ "Val ue",
+ "ans ion",
+ "▁eval u",
+ "▁sh ape",
+ "▁shap e",
+ "▁ shape",
+ "▁W ild",
+ "▁Wil d",
+ "▁Wi ld",
+ "▁mar riage",
+ "▁trans l",
+ "▁tran sl",
+ "▁ad vent",
+ "▁adv ent",
+ "▁sp ending",
+ "▁spend ing",
+ "▁N ig",
+ "▁Ni g",
+ "▁int ended",
+ "▁intend ed",
+ "ó n",
+ "ens ity",
+ "de n",
+ "d en",
+ "▁l abel",
+ "▁la bel",
+ "▁lab el",
+ "▁ label",
+ "id ential",
+ "ident ial",
+ "▁re form",
+ "▁ref orm",
+ "▁W al",
+ "▁Wa l",
+ "▁ Wal",
+ "▁sh ares",
+ "▁share s",
+ "▁shar es",
+ "▁C A",
+ "▁ CA",
+ "▁d ial",
+ "▁di al",
+ "▁dia l",
+ "▁adv anced",
+ "▁advance d",
+ "▁de bt",
+ "▁deb t",
+ "ip les",
+ "iple s",
+ "ipl es",
+ "i ples",
+ "▁M aster",
+ "▁Ma ster",
+ "▁Mas ter",
+ "▁Mast er",
+ "▁ Master",
+ "▁f actor",
+ "▁fact or",
+ "▁fac tor",
+ "▁fa ctor",
+ "▁facto r",
+ "▁ factor",
+ "▁supp osed",
+ "▁sup posed",
+ "▁suppose d",
+ "▁e qual",
+ "▁equ al",
+ "▁eq ual",
+ "▁ equal",
+ "ob e",
+ "o be",
+ "▁le ads",
+ "▁lead s",
+ "ri cal",
+ "ric al",
+ "rica l",
+ "r ical",
+ "P l",
+ "▁sec ure",
+ "▁ secure",
+ "▁E xt",
+ "▁Ex t",
+ "▁ Ext",
+ "as tern",
+ "ast ern",
+ "aster n",
+ "▁E qu",
+ "▁Eq u",
+ "▁ Equ",
+ "▁m etal",
+ "▁me tal",
+ "▁met al",
+ "▁meta l",
+ "fo l",
+ "f ol",
+ "ge ry",
+ "ger y",
+ "g ery",
+ "ag ement",
+ "age ment",
+ "a gement",
+ "▁i ce",
+ "▁ ice",
+ "r c",
+ "▁inf rastructure",
+ "an cer",
+ "ance r",
+ "anc er",
+ "▁it em",
+ "▁i tem",
+ "▁ item",
+ "▁C ard",
+ "▁Car d",
+ "▁Ca rd",
+ "▁ Card",
+ "u i",
+ "Bu t",
+ "B ut",
+ "▁g ain",
+ "▁ga in",
+ "▁William s",
+ ". '",
+ "▁music al",
+ "▁mus ical",
+ "▁man ner",
+ "ak s",
+ "a ks",
+ "▁t ells",
+ "▁tell s",
+ "▁tel ls",
+ "▁miss ing",
+ "pr et",
+ "pre t",
+ "p ret",
+ "pa ce",
+ "p ace",
+ "▁Des pite",
+ "▁co ord",
+ "▁Cath olic",
+ "▁m ale",
+ "▁mal e",
+ "▁ma le",
+ "▁T ri",
+ "▁Tr i",
+ "▁ins pir",
+ "▁insp ir",
+ "▁A T",
+ "▁ AT",
+ "▁L td",
+ "▁Lt d",
+ "▁Ch air",
+ "▁Cha ir",
+ "▁It aly",
+ "▁Ital y",
+ "▁vol ume",
+ "▁ volume",
+ "▁supp orting",
+ "▁support ing",
+ "▁fac ility",
+ "▁facilit y",
+ "ab in",
+ "abi n",
+ "a bin",
+ "M L",
+ "ra nt",
+ "ran t",
+ "r ant",
+ "▁dest roy",
+ "▁destro y",
+ "▁Ch ampions",
+ "▁Champion s",
+ "▁I P",
+ "▁ IP",
+ "▁g rad",
+ "▁gr ad",
+ "▁gra d",
+ "▁ grad",
+ "▁t ele",
+ "▁te le",
+ "▁tel e",
+ "▁aff ected",
+ "▁affect ed",
+ "▁ affected",
+ "el ines",
+ "eline s",
+ "eli nes",
+ "elin es",
+ "e lines",
+ "▁en em",
+ "▁st arts",
+ "▁start s",
+ "▁star ts",
+ "▁de but",
+ "▁deb ut",
+ "▁m ort",
+ "▁mor t",
+ "▁mo rt",
+ "▁ mort",
+ "▁approx imately",
+ "▁approximate ly",
+ "I m",
+ "▁H ospital",
+ "▁s an",
+ "▁sa n",
+ "▁ san",
+ "▁T rust",
+ "▁Tr ust",
+ "▁Tru st",
+ "▁ Trust",
+ "▁s ched",
+ "▁sc hed",
+ "▁sche d",
+ "▁sch ed",
+ "ag on",
+ "ago n",
+ "a gon",
+ "▁L o",
+ "▁reg ul",
+ "▁m ent",
+ "▁me nt",
+ "▁men t",
+ "▁ ment",
+ "▁Con ference",
+ "▁Conf erence",
+ "▁expl ained",
+ "▁explain ed",
+ "▁G ar",
+ "▁Ga r",
+ "▁On line",
+ "▁ Online",
+ "▁dis cl",
+ "▁disc l",
+ "▁field s",
+ "▁ fields",
+ "x i",
+ "▁D ie",
+ "▁Di e",
+ "▁s hop",
+ "▁sh op",
+ "▁sho p",
+ "▁ shop",
+ "ck now",
+ "c know",
+ "us hed",
+ "ush ed",
+ "▁h olds",
+ "▁hold s",
+ "▁hol ds",
+ "▁in g",
+ "▁i ng",
+ "▁ ing",
+ "▁scient ific",
+ "G B",
+ "▁l it",
+ "▁li t",
+ "▁ lit",
+ "▁W alk",
+ "▁Wal k",
+ "▁ Walk",
+ "’ .",
+ "▁ke eping",
+ "▁keep ing",
+ "▁ keeping",
+ "▁ob tained",
+ "▁obtain ed",
+ "▁con clud",
+ "▁b elong",
+ "▁be long",
+ "▁bel ong",
+ "The re",
+ "Th ere",
+ "T here",
+ "▁de part",
+ "▁dep art",
+ "it age",
+ "ita ge",
+ "▁ ·",
+ "we st",
+ "w est",
+ ". ;",
+ "oss ible",
+ "▁V an",
+ "▁Va n",
+ "▁comb ination",
+ "con st",
+ "cons t",
+ "▁concern ed",
+ "▁man age",
+ "▁manag e",
+ "EC T",
+ "E CT",
+ "▁H ave",
+ "▁Ha ve",
+ "▁Hav e",
+ "▁ Have",
+ "▁Republic an",
+ "▁sh aring",
+ "▁shar ing",
+ "▁ sharing",
+ "▁appro ved",
+ "▁approve d",
+ "▁ approved",
+ "▁b aby",
+ "▁bab y",
+ "▁ba by",
+ "▁research ers",
+ "▁researc hers",
+ "▁researcher s",
+ "▁resear chers",
+ "▁Hen ry",
+ "▁S et",
+ "▁Se t",
+ "▁ Set",
+ "or ters",
+ "ort ers",
+ "orter s",
+ "▁J un",
+ "▁Ju n",
+ "▁h olding",
+ "▁hold ing",
+ "▁hol ding",
+ "▁ holding",
+ "▁C re",
+ "▁Cr e",
+ "▁ Cre",
+ "▁conf lict",
+ "▁conflic t",
+ "▁S ign",
+ "▁Si gn",
+ "▁Sig n",
+ "▁ Sign",
+ "▁te acher",
+ "▁teac her",
+ "▁teach er",
+ "▁tea cher",
+ "is ters",
+ "ist ers",
+ "ister s",
+ "iste rs",
+ "i sters",
+ "ly wood",
+ "▁conduct ed",
+ "▁co verage",
+ "▁cover age",
+ "▁mat ters",
+ "▁matter s",
+ "▁matt ers",
+ "an ish",
+ "ani sh",
+ "▁l ose",
+ "▁lo se",
+ "▁los e",
+ "▁H on",
+ "▁Ho n",
+ "▁att acks",
+ "▁attack s",
+ "▁pl ants",
+ "▁plan ts",
+ "▁plant s",
+ "i h",
+ "▁& &",
+ "▁ &&",
+ "lin k",
+ "l ink",
+ "▁l ots",
+ "▁lot s",
+ "▁lo ts",
+ "▁Brit ain",
+ "▁Bri tain",
+ "Ma n",
+ "M an",
+ "▁fe els",
+ "▁feel s",
+ "▁fee ls",
+ "▁veh icles",
+ "▁vehicle s",
+ "▁Ex ecutive",
+ "▁l isted",
+ "▁li sted",
+ "▁list ed",
+ "▁ listed",
+ "▁t on",
+ "▁to n",
+ "▁ ton",
+ "▁under st",
+ "▁unders t",
+ "▁sp ring",
+ "▁spr ing",
+ "▁ spring",
+ "▁F ort",
+ "▁For t",
+ "▁Fo rt",
+ "▁F our",
+ "▁Fo ur",
+ "▁Fou r",
+ "▁or g",
+ "▁ org",
+ "▁a part",
+ "▁ap art",
+ "▁mass ive",
+ "am in",
+ "ami n",
+ "a min",
+ "▁n one",
+ "▁no ne",
+ "▁non e",
+ "▁ none",
+ "▁B oston",
+ "▁Bo ston",
+ "▁Bos ton",
+ "gy pt",
+ "▁M ic",
+ "▁Mi c",
+ "▁re sol",
+ "▁res ol",
+ "л ь",
+ "▁T ay",
+ "▁Ta y",
+ "▁Ste ve",
+ "▁Carol ina",
+ "H S",
+ "ca n",
+ "c an",
+ "▁we alth",
+ "▁ wealth",
+ "▁process ing",
+ "▁com mission",
+ "▁comm ission",
+ "▁Th ree",
+ "▁Thr ee",
+ "▁ Three",
+ "▁te achers",
+ "▁teac hers",
+ "▁teacher s",
+ "▁teach ers",
+ "▁tea chers",
+ "▁signific antly",
+ "▁significant ly",
+ "▁\\ \\",
+ "▁ \\\\",
+ "ograph ic",
+ "▁re move",
+ "▁rem ove",
+ "▁ remove",
+ "▁p air",
+ "▁pa ir",
+ "▁K ar",
+ "▁Ka r",
+ "oc racy",
+ "ocr acy",
+ "▁St ring",
+ "▁Str ing",
+ "▁Stri ng",
+ "▁ String",
+ "▁I ss",
+ "▁Is s",
+ "os ter",
+ "ost er",
+ "o ster",
+ "▁S pace",
+ "▁Sp ace",
+ "▁Spa ce",
+ "▁ Space",
+ "▁reg ional",
+ "▁region al",
+ "▁j ump",
+ "▁ju mp",
+ "▁L iber",
+ "▁Li ber",
+ "▁Lib er",
+ "il it",
+ "ili t",
+ "i lit",
+ "л а",
+ "▁A wards",
+ "▁Award s",
+ "▁Aw ards",
+ "si ze",
+ "s ize",
+ "▁min imum",
+ "▁minim um",
+ "▁satis f",
+ "▁hon est",
+ "▁hone st",
+ "== ==",
+ "=== =",
+ "= ===",
+ "▁re ject",
+ "▁emer gency",
+ "▁exerc ise",
+ "▁ph ase",
+ "▁ phase",
+ "▁( $",
+ "▁ ($",
+ "▁P op",
+ "▁Po p",
+ "▁ Pop",
+ "▁arg ument",
+ "▁argu ment",
+ "ol it",
+ "oli t",
+ "o lit",
+ "el ler",
+ "ell er",
+ "elle r",
+ "e ller",
+ "d f",
+ "▁p od",
+ "▁po d",
+ "▁ pod",
+ "ic ial",
+ "ici al",
+ "icia l",
+ "i cial",
+ "▁for est",
+ "▁fore st",
+ "▁fo rest",
+ "▁ forest",
+ "▁S cot",
+ "▁Sc ot",
+ "▁Ag ain",
+ "le gal",
+ "leg al",
+ "l egal",
+ "▁Col umb",
+ "▁Sup reme",
+ "TE R",
+ "T ER",
+ "▁f amiliar",
+ "▁fam iliar",
+ "▁famil iar",
+ "▁O lymp",
+ "▁Ret rieved",
+ "▁pers pective",
+ "el led",
+ "ell ed",
+ "elle d",
+ "▁v ac",
+ "▁va c",
+ "▁mot or",
+ "▁mo tor",
+ "▁all owing",
+ "▁allow ing",
+ "▁great est",
+ "S C",
+ "pa t",
+ "p at",
+ "Al l",
+ "A ll",
+ "▁is land",
+ "om y",
+ "o my",
+ "▁Supp ort",
+ "▁Sup port",
+ "ai d",
+ "a id",
+ "▁disc overed",
+ "▁discover ed",
+ "▁disco vered",
+ "▁A R",
+ "▁ AR",
+ "▁C ivil",
+ "▁Civ il",
+ "▁regist ered",
+ "▁register ed",
+ ". _",
+ "f e",
+ "▁L ive",
+ "▁Li ve",
+ "▁Liv e",
+ "▁ Live",
+ "▁hand le",
+ "▁ handle",
+ "▁prot ected",
+ "▁protect ed",
+ "▁ protected",
+ "▁Go vern",
+ "▁Gov ern",
+ "▁b ond",
+ "▁bo nd",
+ "▁bon d",
+ "▁d ance",
+ "▁da nce",
+ "▁em phas",
+ "▁emp has",
+ "▁d ry",
+ "▁dr y",
+ "▁w elcome",
+ "▁wel come",
+ "la w",
+ "l aw",
+ "re qu",
+ "req u",
+ "r equ",
+ "ia na",
+ "ian a",
+ "i ana",
+ "te st",
+ "tes t",
+ "t est",
+ "▁A ri",
+ "▁Ar i",
+ "▁pack age",
+ "▁ package",
+ ") \\",
+ "▁techn ologies",
+ "▁br inging",
+ "▁bring ing",
+ "ress ive",
+ "▁pict ures",
+ "▁picture s",
+ "▁pa nel",
+ "▁pan el",
+ "▁ panel",
+ "▁Don ald",
+ "▁ Donald",
+ "iv eness",
+ "ive ness",
+ "iven ess",
+ "▁convers ation",
+ "ic ious",
+ "ici ous",
+ "i cious",
+ "▁s ac",
+ "▁sa c",
+ "▁Pak istan",
+ "▁d raft",
+ "▁dra ft",
+ "▁dr aft",
+ "ip ping",
+ "ipp ing",
+ "ippi ng",
+ "i pping",
+ "▁dis cover",
+ "▁disc over",
+ "▁disco ver",
+ "▁S qu",
+ "ri x",
+ "r ix",
+ "fr ee",
+ "fre e",
+ "f ree",
+ "▁v ent",
+ "▁ve nt",
+ "▁ven t",
+ "▁ vent",
+ "▁sub sc",
+ "▁subs c",
+ "dd en",
+ "d den",
+ "▁spec ifically",
+ "▁specific ally",
+ "▁subst ant",
+ "▁b ird",
+ "▁bi rd",
+ "▁bir d",
+ "▁ bird",
+ "cl es",
+ "cle s",
+ "c les",
+ "▁do ctor",
+ "▁doc tor",
+ "▁doct or",
+ "▁e fficient",
+ "▁eff icient",
+ "▁effic ient",
+ "▁ efficient",
+ "wid th",
+ "w idth",
+ "▁p il",
+ "▁pi l",
+ "▁b atter",
+ "▁batt er",
+ "▁bat ter",
+ "▁P roduct",
+ "▁Pro duct",
+ "▁Produ ct",
+ "▁ Product",
+ "▁p ool",
+ "▁po ol",
+ "▁ pool",
+ "▁g ender",
+ "▁gen der",
+ "▁ge nder",
+ "▁ gender",
+ "▁h yp",
+ "▁hy p",
+ "ot es",
+ "ote s",
+ "o tes",
+ "ivers e",
+ "iver se",
+ "i verse",
+ "▁dom estic",
+ "▁domest ic",
+ "ke r",
+ "k er",
+ "▁King dom",
+ "▁A p",
+ "▁ Ap",
+ "▁c arbon",
+ "▁car bon",
+ "▁carb on",
+ "▁ carbon",
+ "▁ab use",
+ "’ ,",
+ "▁aspect s",
+ "go r",
+ "g or",
+ "▁comm ittee",
+ "▁ committee",
+ "en ced",
+ "ence d",
+ "enc ed",
+ "▁own ers",
+ "▁owner s",
+ "▁ow ners",
+ "▁ owners",
+ "an don",
+ "and on",
+ "ando n",
+ "ion e",
+ "io ne",
+ "i one",
+ "at us",
+ "atu s",
+ "▁C opy",
+ "▁Co py",
+ "▁Cop y",
+ "▁ Copy",
+ "▁t ests",
+ "▁test s",
+ "▁F ar",
+ "▁Fa r",
+ "▁ Far",
+ "AT ION",
+ "us ter",
+ "ust er",
+ "u ster",
+ "▁ed ge",
+ "▁ edge",
+ "om pl",
+ "omp l",
+ "T R",
+ "▁St art",
+ "▁Star t",
+ "▁Sta rt",
+ "▁ Start",
+ "▁administ r",
+ "▁a gent",
+ "▁ag ent",
+ "▁age nt",
+ "▁ agent",
+ "▁op tim",
+ "▁opt im",
+ "▁e ra",
+ "▁er a",
+ "▁ era",
+ "iv ered",
+ "ive red",
+ "iver ed",
+ "i vered",
+ "▁f light",
+ "▁fl ight",
+ "▁ flight",
+ "▁re source",
+ "▁res ource",
+ "▁ resource",
+ "▁L og",
+ "▁Lo g",
+ "▁ Log",
+ "▁in n",
+ "▁i nn",
+ "▁ inn",
+ "ri te",
+ "rit e",
+ "r ite",
+ "▁char ges",
+ "▁charge s",
+ "▁as king",
+ "▁ask ing",
+ "▁Franc isco",
+ "▁Francis co",
+ "▁do ct",
+ "▁doc t",
+ "▁f ish",
+ "▁fi sh",
+ "▁ fish",
+ "▁J ac",
+ "▁Ja c",
+ "▁K im",
+ "▁Ki m",
+ "og en",
+ "o gen",
+ "▁d ivid",
+ "▁di vid",
+ "▁div id",
+ "▁redu ced",
+ "▁red uced",
+ "▁reduce d",
+ "▁indust rial",
+ "▁C ode",
+ "▁Co de",
+ "▁Cod e",
+ "▁ Code",
+ "▁def ault",
+ "▁ default",
+ "he nt",
+ "hen t",
+ "h ent",
+ "▁f le",
+ "▁fl e",
+ "▁ fle",
+ "pr ene",
+ "pre ne",
+ "p rene",
+ "▁L ar",
+ "▁La r",
+ "in ton",
+ "int on",
+ "into n",
+ "i nton",
+ "co h",
+ "c oh",
+ "▁deb ate",
+ "▁put ting",
+ "▁pu tting",
+ "B y",
+ "▁Th us",
+ "▁Thu s",
+ "A A",
+ "▁comb ined",
+ "▁combine d",
+ "ke s",
+ "k es",
+ "( $",
+ "▁c ere",
+ "▁ce re",
+ "▁cer e",
+ "▁P o",
+ "▁ Po",
+ "▁Sp ring",
+ "▁Spr ing",
+ "▁ Spring",
+ "se n",
+ "s en",
+ "▁ass ert",
+ "▁ assert",
+ "▁mur der",
+ "▁murd er",
+ "O n",
+ "▁trad ition",
+ "li nes",
+ "line s",
+ "lin es",
+ "l ines",
+ "▁dec ade",
+ "▁F orce",
+ "▁For ce",
+ "▁ Force",
+ "b a",
+ "▁E th",
+ "▁Et h",
+ "bu ild",
+ "▁s ubs",
+ "▁su bs",
+ "▁sub s",
+ "▁Ph ys",
+ "▁circumst ances",
+ "▁circumstance s",
+ "is er",
+ "ise r",
+ "i ser",
+ "▁max imum",
+ "▁maxim um",
+ "▁alle ged",
+ "▁alleg ed",
+ "ak ed",
+ "ake d",
+ "a ked",
+ "▁Jack son",
+ "re prene",
+ "rep rene",
+ "▁exc ited",
+ "▁excit ed",
+ "▁commit ment",
+ "ni c",
+ "n ic",
+ "▁E gypt",
+ "re es",
+ "ree s",
+ "r ees",
+ "▁A D",
+ "▁ AD",
+ "mon d",
+ "mo nd",
+ "m ond",
+ "ta ble",
+ "tab le",
+ "t able",
+ "▁vill age",
+ "▁villa ge",
+ "▁s udden",
+ "▁su dden",
+ "▁anc ient",
+ "▁r andom",
+ "▁ran dom",
+ "▁ random",
+ "B I",
+ "к и",
+ "▁s oul",
+ "▁so ul",
+ "▁sou l",
+ "el ly",
+ "ell y",
+ "ir ty",
+ "irt y",
+ "mo sp",
+ "mos p",
+ "m osp",
+ "▁cre ation",
+ "▁creat ion",
+ "▁ creation",
+ "▁rem oved",
+ "▁remove d",
+ "▁an imal",
+ "▁anim al",
+ "Cl ass",
+ "C lass",
+ "▁fin ish",
+ "▁S outhern",
+ "▁South ern",
+ "▁Sout hern",
+ "▁w inter",
+ "▁win ter",
+ "▁se vere",
+ "▁sever e",
+ "▁chem ical",
+ "▁ chemical",
+ "т е",
+ "gr eg",
+ "gre g",
+ "g reg",
+ "▁H a",
+ "▁ Ha",
+ "▁B each",
+ "▁Be ach",
+ "▁Bea ch",
+ "pl oad",
+ "p load",
+ "me s",
+ "m es",
+ "▁hundred s",
+ "he tic",
+ "het ic",
+ "h etic",
+ "▁p aint",
+ "▁pa int",
+ "▁pain t",
+ "▁a cknow",
+ "▁ac know",
+ "▁though ts",
+ "▁thought s",
+ "ra n",
+ "r an",
+ "▁Micro soft",
+ "▁re new",
+ "▁ren ew",
+ "▁for mat",
+ "▁form at",
+ "▁ format",
+ "ind ex",
+ "inde x",
+ "▁t reated",
+ "▁treat ed",
+ "▁tre ated",
+ "▁r ain",
+ "▁ra in",
+ "▁ rain",
+ "ar p",
+ "▁mechan ism",
+ "▁h eight",
+ "▁he ight",
+ "▁ height",
+ "▁m ere",
+ "▁me re",
+ "▁mer e",
+ "▁M ake",
+ "▁Ma ke",
+ "▁Mak e",
+ "▁ Make",
+ "▁r om",
+ "▁ro m",
+ "▁ rom",
+ "▁r an",
+ "▁ra n",
+ "▁ ran",
+ "▁a gencies",
+ "▁ag encies",
+ "▁s erving",
+ "▁serv ing",
+ "▁ser ving",
+ "▁cand idate",
+ "▁candid ate",
+ "▁g rew",
+ "▁gr ew",
+ "▁gre w",
+ "▁f at",
+ "▁fa t",
+ "▁ fat",
+ "oc ument",
+ "or ders",
+ "ord ers",
+ "order s",
+ "orde rs",
+ "▁for med",
+ "▁form ed",
+ "▁ formed",
+ "= \\",
+ "▁c raft",
+ "▁cr aft",
+ "▁cra ft",
+ "▁ craft",
+ "▁f ort",
+ "▁for t",
+ "▁fo rt",
+ "▁ fort",
+ "▁D igital",
+ "▁Dig ital",
+ "▁r ail",
+ "▁ra il",
+ "▁belie ved",
+ "▁believe d",
+ "▁f ix",
+ "▁fi x",
+ "▁ fix",
+ "im ents",
+ "iment s",
+ "imen ts",
+ "i ments",
+ "▁r id",
+ "▁ri d",
+ "▁ rid",
+ "▁d a",
+ "▁ da",
+ "▁se eking",
+ "▁see king",
+ "▁seek ing",
+ "▁p al",
+ "▁pa l",
+ "▁ pal",
+ "▁a uthors",
+ "▁author s",
+ "▁a u",
+ "▁ au",
+ "▁п о",
+ "▁ по",
+ "▁k ing",
+ "▁kin g",
+ "▁ king",
+ "▁re aders",
+ "▁read ers",
+ "▁reader s",
+ "ir ms",
+ "irm s",
+ "et ime",
+ "eti me",
+ "e time",
+ "▁cor ner",
+ "▁corn er",
+ "▁f iled",
+ "▁fil ed",
+ "▁file d",
+ "▁fi led",
+ "par ent",
+ "pa rent",
+ "paren t",
+ "p arent",
+ "▁b ath",
+ "▁bat h",
+ "▁ba th",
+ "▁we ak",
+ "j s",
+ "▁Di vision",
+ "▁Div ision",
+ "▁L ight",
+ "▁ Light",
+ "▁k ick",
+ "▁ kick",
+ "▁Ex pl",
+ "▁Exp l",
+ "ic ian",
+ "ici an",
+ "icia n",
+ "▁high light",
+ "▁f ighting",
+ "▁fight ing",
+ "▁acc ident",
+ "▁Med icine",
+ "▁Medic ine",
+ "▁a st",
+ "▁as t",
+ "▁ ast",
+ "▁{ \\",
+ "▁ {\\",
+ "▁Y et",
+ "▁Ye t",
+ "▁co oper",
+ "▁D C",
+ "▁ DC",
+ "fun ction",
+ "f unction",
+ "▁In stead",
+ "▁Inst ead",
+ "▁w aste",
+ "▁was te",
+ "▁wa ste",
+ "▁wast e",
+ "▁le aves",
+ "▁leave s",
+ "▁re venue",
+ "▁reven ue",
+ "▁the me",
+ "▁th eme",
+ "▁them e",
+ "▁ theme",
+ "ol ec",
+ "ole c",
+ "▁A ccess",
+ "▁Acc ess",
+ "▁Ac cess",
+ "▁ Access",
+ "ip al",
+ "i pal",
+ "▁N on",
+ "▁No n",
+ "▁ Non",
+ "▁obs erved",
+ "▁observ ed",
+ "▁observe d",
+ "▁particip ants",
+ "▁participant s",
+ "Ex ception",
+ "▁re views",
+ "▁review s",
+ "▁Georg ia",
+ "▁S us",
+ "▁Su s",
+ "▁entire ly",
+ "E P",
+ "▁T ake",
+ "▁Ta ke",
+ "▁Tak e",
+ "▁ Take",
+ "▁c aught",
+ "▁ca ught",
+ "▁st anding",
+ "▁stand ing",
+ "▁ standing",
+ "▁inv olve",
+ "▁invol ve",
+ "at han",
+ "ath an",
+ "atha n",
+ "a than",
+ "__ __",
+ "___ _",
+ "_ ___",
+ "▁prom ote",
+ "▁promot e",
+ "▁promo te",
+ "▁ed ition",
+ "▁edit ion",
+ "▁s cript",
+ "▁sc ript",
+ "▁scr ipt",
+ "▁ script",
+ "▁ar rived",
+ "▁arriv ed",
+ "▁arrive d",
+ "▁arr ived",
+ "an che",
+ "anc he",
+ "anch e",
+ "▁conf irmed",
+ "▁confirm ed",
+ "▁sym pt",
+ "▁ad op",
+ "re al",
+ "rea l",
+ "r eal",
+ "raz il",
+ "▁det ect",
+ "▁N ight",
+ "▁Nig ht",
+ "é s",
+ "B e",
+ "▁slight ly",
+ "▁F ull",
+ "▁Fu ll",
+ "▁Ful l",
+ "▁ Full",
+ "▁dec ide",
+ "po wer",
+ "p ower",
+ "▁ad ults",
+ "▁adult s",
+ "▁adul ts",
+ "▁l es",
+ "▁le s",
+ "▁ les",
+ "c d",
+ "▁l ibrary",
+ "▁lib rary",
+ "▁libr ary",
+ "▁ library",
+ "▁inc orpor",
+ "▁incor por",
+ "ol es",
+ "ole s",
+ "o les",
+ "as er",
+ "ase r",
+ "a ser",
+ "▁G ames",
+ "▁Game s",
+ "▁Ga mes",
+ "▁Gam es",
+ "▁c rew",
+ "▁cre w",
+ "▁cr ew",
+ "pr ise",
+ "pri se",
+ "p rise",
+ "▁O l",
+ "▁w orse",
+ "▁wor se",
+ "▁wors e",
+ "ip l",
+ "i pl",
+ "▁s ymbol",
+ "▁sym bol",
+ "▁ symbol",
+ "▁R ight",
+ "▁Rig ht",
+ "▁ Right",
+ "▁be gins",
+ "▁begin s",
+ "▁beg ins",
+ "▁d efe",
+ "▁de fe",
+ "▁def e",
+ "▁em ployment",
+ "▁employ ment",
+ "▁ employment",
+ "ri ch",
+ "ric h",
+ "r ich",
+ "▁f lex",
+ "▁fl ex",
+ "▁fle x",
+ "▁ flex",
+ "▁int elligence",
+ "▁dr ugs",
+ "▁drug s",
+ ")) ;",
+ ") );",
+ "▁ass istance",
+ "▁assist ance",
+ "▁ter rit",
+ "▁terr it",
+ "pa ck",
+ "p ack",
+ "▁O N",
+ "▁ ON",
+ "ui ng",
+ "u ing",
+ "on av",
+ "ona v",
+ "o nav",
+ "▁f lat",
+ "▁fl at",
+ "▁ flat",
+ "ad or",
+ "ado r",
+ "osoph y",
+ "oso phy",
+ "▁acc ompl",
+ "▁ac compl",
+ "▁accomp l",
+ "ho p",
+ "h op",
+ "▁trans ition",
+ "▁transit ion",
+ "▁ins pired",
+ "▁insp ired",
+ "▁inspir ed",
+ "▁inspire d",
+ "▁ inspired",
+ "▁W in",
+ "▁Wi n",
+ "▁rel atively",
+ "▁relative ly",
+ "ir craft",
+ "irc raft",
+ "fr a",
+ "f ra",
+ "gh an",
+ "g han",
+ "ki ng",
+ "kin g",
+ "k ing",
+ "▁ind eed",
+ "s l",
+ "ES T",
+ "E ST",
+ "▁diff erences",
+ "▁differe nces",
+ "▁difference s",
+ "▁differ ences",
+ "el er",
+ "ele r",
+ "e ler",
+ "▁new sp",
+ "▁news p",
+ "▁as sets",
+ "▁ass ets",
+ "▁asset s",
+ "▁ assets",
+ "▁con cert",
+ "▁conc ert",
+ "▁conce rt",
+ "} \r",
+ "▁P ay",
+ "▁Pa y",
+ "▁ Pay",
+ "▁pl enty",
+ "cont ent",
+ "▁v eter",
+ "▁ve ter",
+ "▁vet er",
+ "▁squ are",
+ "▁ square",
+ "▁sp ons",
+ "▁spo ns",
+ "▁ spons",
+ "▁E st",
+ "▁Es t",
+ "▁sub sequ",
+ "▁subs equ",
+ "▁s yn",
+ "▁sy n",
+ "▁It alian",
+ "▁Ital ian",
+ "▁f illed",
+ "▁fil led",
+ "▁fill ed",
+ "▁ filled",
+ "▁doll ars",
+ "▁dollar s",
+ "▁i deal",
+ "▁ide al",
+ "▁idea l",
+ "▁id eal",
+ "ap ping",
+ "app ing",
+ "a pping",
+ "▁cons umer",
+ "▁consum er",
+ "▁consume r",
+ "▁Dem ocratic",
+ "▁Democr atic",
+ "▁Democrat ic",
+ "▁f orget",
+ "▁for get",
+ "▁forg et",
+ "▁ forget",
+ "os c",
+ "o sc",
+ "▁return s",
+ "▁ returns",
+ "C R",
+ "▁d iss",
+ "▁dis s",
+ "▁di ss",
+ "▁example s",
+ "▁exam ples",
+ "▁L ittle",
+ "▁Li ttle",
+ "▁Lit tle",
+ "▁ Little",
+ "▁absol utely",
+ "▁absolute ly",
+ "p o",
+ "ki n",
+ "k in",
+ "▁Art icle",
+ "▁ Article",
+ "▁Kore a",
+ "▁Ko rea",
+ "▁Kor ea",
+ "ia no",
+ "ian o",
+ "i ano",
+ "▁Wind ows",
+ "▁Window s",
+ "▁ Windows",
+ "In t",
+ "I nt",
+ "pt y",
+ "p ty",
+ "▁/ //",
+ "▁// /",
+ "▁ ///",
+ "▁F air",
+ "▁Fa ir",
+ "▁a id",
+ "▁ aid",
+ "▁categ ory",
+ "▁categor y",
+ "▁ category",
+ "per son",
+ "pers on",
+ "p erson",
+ "at i",
+ "a ti",
+ "te s",
+ "t es",
+ "▁Pa lest",
+ "▁Pal est",
+ "▁Pale st",
+ "▁H om",
+ "▁Ho m",
+ "▁T erm",
+ "▁Te rm",
+ "▁Ter m",
+ "▁ Term",
+ "▁D oes",
+ "▁Do es",
+ "ot al",
+ "ota l",
+ "o tal",
+ "el lect",
+ "ell ect",
+ "elle ct",
+ "▁ob tain",
+ "ot hes",
+ "oth es",
+ "othe s",
+ "▁account s",
+ "▁M att",
+ "▁Mat t",
+ "▁Ma tt",
+ "▁s erver",
+ "▁serv er",
+ "▁ser ver",
+ "▁serve r",
+ "▁ server",
+ "ar ts",
+ "art s",
+ "ep s",
+ "e ps",
+ "▁v ul",
+ "or al",
+ "ora l",
+ "o ral",
+ "▁P ass",
+ "▁Pa ss",
+ "▁Pas s",
+ "▁ Pass",
+ "▁St ory",
+ "Mo d",
+ "M od",
+ "▁Pre vious",
+ "▁Prev ious",
+ "▁pos itions",
+ "▁position s",
+ "▁se at",
+ "▁sea t",
+ "▁ seat",
+ "▁M id",
+ "▁Mi d",
+ "▁D id",
+ "▁Di d",
+ "▁ Did",
+ "▁I rish",
+ "▁Ir ish",
+ "math bb",
+ "▁P R",
+ "▁ PR",
+ "up p",
+ "u pp",
+ "▁s and",
+ "▁sa nd",
+ "▁san d",
+ "▁K enn",
+ "▁Ke nn",
+ "▁Ken n",
+ "▁reg ulations",
+ "▁regul ations",
+ "▁regulation s",
+ "▁s olar",
+ "▁so lar",
+ "▁sol ar",
+ "▁ «",
+ "ul f",
+ "▁m otion",
+ "▁mot ion",
+ "st ra",
+ "str a",
+ "s tra",
+ "wa r",
+ "w ar",
+ "▁Sp anish",
+ "▁g ather",
+ "▁ga ther",
+ "ab eth",
+ "abet h",
+ "abe th",
+ "▁stat ements",
+ "▁state ments",
+ "▁statement s",
+ "▁figure s",
+ "▁fig ures",
+ "▁figur es",
+ "▁techn iques",
+ "▁technique s",
+ "▁D ar",
+ "▁Da r",
+ "pir e",
+ "pi re",
+ "p ire",
+ "▁exc iting",
+ "▁excit ing",
+ "D e",
+ "E F",
+ "▁t om",
+ "▁to m",
+ "▁{ \r",
+ "ess ions",
+ "ession s",
+ "▁V ideo",
+ "▁ Video",
+ "▁F ed",
+ "▁Fe d",
+ "▁C reat",
+ "▁Cre at",
+ "▁ Creat",
+ "▁restaur ant",
+ "▁vis itors",
+ "▁visit ors",
+ "▁visitor s",
+ "▁rem aining",
+ "▁remain ing",
+ "▁leg islation",
+ "▁legis lation",
+ "▁legisl ation",
+ "▁pur su",
+ "▁purs u",
+ "▁His tor",
+ "▁Hist or",
+ "E n",
+ "▁p erman",
+ "▁per man",
+ "▁perm an",
+ "Q u",
+ "al ysis",
+ "aly sis",
+ "rehens ive",
+ "▁C ross",
+ "▁Cr oss",
+ "▁Cro ss",
+ "▁Cros s",
+ "▁ Cross",
+ "▁mot iv",
+ "▁f org",
+ "▁for g",
+ "▁Pr ime",
+ "▁Pri me",
+ "▁Prim e",
+ "▁b right",
+ "▁br ight",
+ "▁brig ht",
+ "▁ bright",
+ "▁c e",
+ "▁ ce",
+ "▁t rees",
+ "▁tr ees",
+ "▁tre es",
+ "▁tree s",
+ "▁del ivered",
+ "▁deliver ed",
+ "▁The atre",
+ "ou ts",
+ "out s",
+ "o uts",
+ "ans as",
+ "as ters",
+ "ast ers",
+ "aster s",
+ "aste rs",
+ "a sters",
+ "ro me",
+ "rom e",
+ "r ome",
+ "▁st ick",
+ "▁ stick",
+ "▁C lick",
+ "▁Cl ick",
+ "▁Cli ck",
+ "▁ Click",
+ "▁go ods",
+ "▁good s",
+ "lo ng",
+ "lon g",
+ "l ong",
+ "▁s we",
+ "▁sw e",
+ "▁Tay lor",
+ "wa ter",
+ "w ater",
+ "▁Mich igan",
+ "▁ca uses",
+ "▁cause s",
+ "▁caus es",
+ "▁M ov",
+ "▁Mo v",
+ "▁ Mov",
+ "▁h un",
+ "▁ hun",
+ "▁M ean",
+ "▁Me an",
+ "▁comp onents",
+ "▁component s",
+ "▁j udge",
+ "▁jud ge",
+ "▁lic ense",
+ "▁licens e",
+ "m u",
+ "▁det ailed",
+ "▁detail ed",
+ "▁e lim",
+ "▁el im",
+ "yer s",
+ "ye rs",
+ "y ers",
+ "j o",
+ "▁S on",
+ "▁So n",
+ "▁loc ations",
+ "▁location s",
+ "▁Engine ering",
+ "▁Engineer ing",
+ "j a",
+ "▁m ir",
+ "▁mi r",
+ "▁ mir",
+ "▁u ns",
+ "▁un s",
+ "▁ uns",
+ "▁Br ook",
+ "▁Bro ok",
+ "▁v ideos",
+ "▁video s",
+ "▁vide os",
+ "▁employ ee",
+ "▁rel igion",
+ "▁relig ion",
+ "▁vict ory",
+ "ER S",
+ "E RS",
+ "ten ance",
+ "▁educ ational",
+ "▁education al",
+ "▁m useum",
+ "dra w",
+ "dr aw",
+ "d raw",
+ "▁C irc",
+ "▁Cir c",
+ "▁Ci rc",
+ "▁danger ous",
+ "▁W at",
+ "▁Wa t",
+ "▁ref erred",
+ "▁refer red",
+ "▁cand idates",
+ "▁candid ates",
+ "▁candidate s",
+ "▁disc ussed",
+ "▁discuss ed",
+ "▁enjoy ed",
+ "pe t",
+ "p et",
+ "▁R am",
+ "▁Ra m",
+ "▁Sc iences",
+ "▁Science s",
+ "▁Sci ences",
+ "▁sh ock",
+ "▁sho ck",
+ "if ications",
+ "ific ations",
+ "ification s",
+ "▁E nt",
+ "▁En t",
+ "▁ Ent",
+ "▁n ative",
+ "▁ native",
+ "▁recogn ized",
+ "▁recognize d",
+ "▁r oute",
+ "▁ro ute",
+ "▁rout e",
+ "▁rou te",
+ "▁ route",
+ "▁ur ban",
+ "▁ urban",
+ "▁neg oti",
+ "ua ble",
+ "u able",
+ "▁i ron",
+ "▁ir on",
+ "▁ iron",
+ "▁Cont act",
+ "▁ Contact",
+ "y e",
+ "▁t ow",
+ "▁to w",
+ "ad ed",
+ "ade d",
+ "a ded",
+ "▁pro ve",
+ "▁prov e",
+ "▁pr ove",
+ "it ure",
+ "itu re",
+ "A Y",
+ "▁w ear",
+ "▁we ar",
+ "▁ wear",
+ "D S",
+ "▁turn s",
+ "▁tur ns",
+ "▁W H",
+ "▁ WH",
+ "▁f lo",
+ "▁fl o",
+ "▁spe aking",
+ "▁speak ing",
+ "▁ speaking",
+ "ke t",
+ "k et",
+ "▁person s",
+ "▁pers ons",
+ "Ap p",
+ "A pp",
+ "br idge",
+ "brid ge",
+ "b ridge",
+ "▁b rows",
+ "▁br ows",
+ "▁bro ws",
+ "av en",
+ "ave n",
+ "a ven",
+ "▁P acific",
+ "▁Pac ific",
+ "▁ Pacific",
+ "iss ions",
+ "ission s",
+ "▁accept ed",
+ "▁o dd",
+ "▁od d",
+ "▁ odd",
+ "▁rep orting",
+ "▁report ing",
+ "▁K ey",
+ "▁Ke y",
+ "▁ Key",
+ "Ob ject",
+ "Obj ect",
+ "▁ch ain",
+ "▁cha in",
+ "▁ chain",
+ "▁K h",
+ "yl v",
+ "▁char ged",
+ "▁charge d",
+ "▁ charged",
+ "▁ch annel",
+ "▁ channel",
+ "▁st opped",
+ "▁stop ped",
+ "ot he",
+ "oth e",
+ "o the",
+ "▁stud io",
+ "in ding",
+ "ind ing",
+ "▁s ides",
+ "▁side s",
+ "▁sid es",
+ "▁si des",
+ "▁en tered",
+ "▁ent ered",
+ "▁enter ed",
+ "▁f ill",
+ "▁fil l",
+ "▁fi ll",
+ "▁ fill",
+ "le m",
+ "l em",
+ "ru ption",
+ "rupt ion",
+ "▁invest ors",
+ "▁investor s",
+ "ur rent",
+ "er ves",
+ "erv es",
+ "erve s",
+ "▁med ium",
+ "▁medi um",
+ "▁ medium",
+ "▁S P",
+ "▁ SP",
+ "▁y es",
+ "▁ye s",
+ "▁ yes",
+ "▁El iz",
+ "▁Eli z",
+ "▁J r",
+ "ep er",
+ "e per",
+ "▁object s",
+ "A meric",
+ "▁con ver",
+ "▁conv er",
+ "▁conve r",
+ "▁s poke",
+ "▁sp oke",
+ "▁spo ke",
+ "▁s ister",
+ "▁si ster",
+ "onav irus",
+ "F C",
+ "▁K now",
+ "▁Kn ow",
+ "▁s now",
+ "▁sn ow",
+ "▁walk ing",
+ "▁wal king",
+ "▁m and",
+ "▁man d",
+ "▁ma nd",
+ "▁ mand",
+ "▁million s",
+ "▁mill ions",
+ "E r",
+ "▁poss ibly",
+ "▁M P",
+ "▁ MP",
+ "res ents",
+ "resent s",
+ "▁B razil",
+ "▁O rig",
+ "▁Or ig",
+ "▁Ori g",
+ "▁ Orig",
+ "▁con ven",
+ "▁conv en",
+ "▁conve n",
+ "ar ian",
+ "ari an",
+ "aria n",
+ "a rian",
+ "▁C ustom",
+ "▁ Custom",
+ "▁Th ough",
+ "▁P rem",
+ "▁Pr em",
+ "▁Pre m",
+ "▁t un",
+ "▁tu n",
+ "▁ tun",
+ "tain ing",
+ "ta ining",
+ "t aining",
+ "▁m ode",
+ "▁mod e",
+ "▁mo de",
+ "▁ mode",
+ "▁s ample",
+ "▁sam ple",
+ "▁ sample",
+ "▁beaut y",
+ "▁f ellow",
+ "▁fell ow",
+ "▁fel low",
+ "▁v en",
+ "▁ve n",
+ "▁ ven",
+ "▁plan et",
+ "▁plane t",
+ "▁pla net",
+ "▁f ab",
+ "▁fa b",
+ "▁hon or",
+ "▁ho nor",
+ "▁res olution",
+ "▁resol ution",
+ "▁ resolution",
+ "om mod",
+ "omm od",
+ "▁fact s",
+ "▁fac ts",
+ "▁ facts",
+ "▁orig inally",
+ "▁original ly",
+ "▁origin ally",
+ "pa ge",
+ "p age",
+ "▁t elling",
+ "▁tell ing",
+ "▁tel ling",
+ "▁ telling",
+ "▁p ref",
+ "▁pre f",
+ "▁pr ef",
+ "▁ pref",
+ "ph i",
+ "p hi",
+ "▁N ick",
+ "▁Nic k",
+ "▁Ni ck",
+ "▁g ift",
+ "▁gi ft",
+ "▁up dated",
+ "▁upd ated",
+ "▁update d",
+ "▁k m",
+ "▁ km",
+ "▁pl anned",
+ "▁plan ned",
+ "mer ce",
+ "▁t opic",
+ "▁to pic",
+ "▁top ic",
+ "▁ topic",
+ "sc ript",
+ "scr ipt",
+ "s cript",
+ "al ign",
+ "ali gn",
+ "▁cont rast",
+ "▁contra st",
+ "▁fav our",
+ "▁R est",
+ "▁Re st",
+ "▁Res t",
+ "▁ Rest",
+ "ow nt",
+ "own t",
+ "ra ine",
+ "rain e",
+ "r aine",
+ "▁des ire",
+ "le vel",
+ "lev el",
+ "▁on going",
+ "▁house hold",
+ "▁world wide",
+ "▁t it",
+ "▁rece iving",
+ "▁N orthern",
+ "▁North ern",
+ "▁Nort hern",
+ "▁professional s",
+ "▁profession als",
+ "▁May be",
+ "▁ Maybe",
+ "▁St ill",
+ "yl es",
+ "yle s",
+ "y les",
+ "▁s hel",
+ "▁sh el",
+ "▁she l",
+ "▁sche dule",
+ "▁sched ule",
+ "▁sign s",
+ "▁sig ns",
+ "il ly",
+ "ill y",
+ "T C",
+ "▁dist inct",
+ "▁engine ering",
+ "▁engineer ing",
+ "▁Qu een",
+ "▁Que en",
+ "▁ Queen",
+ "an ges",
+ "ang es",
+ "ange s",
+ "▁ext ended",
+ "▁extend ed",
+ "ed ding",
+ "edd ing",
+ "ar ray",
+ "arr ay",
+ "▁typ ically",
+ "▁typical ly",
+ "▁direct ed",
+ "▁dir ected",
+ "▁ directed",
+ "in ity",
+ "ini ty",
+ "init y",
+ "▁min ute",
+ "▁ minute",
+ "▁R on",
+ "▁Ro n",
+ "▁S ea",
+ "▁Se a",
+ "ge nt",
+ "gen t",
+ "g ent",
+ "no on",
+ "n oon",
+ "in st",
+ "ins t",
+ "▁ad m",
+ "▁ext ent",
+ "▁F oot",
+ "▁Fo ot",
+ "▁ Foot",
+ "▁ris ks",
+ "▁risk s",
+ "% )",
+ "▁Me et",
+ "▁gu itar",
+ "p i",
+ "is k",
+ "i sk",
+ "▁v irtual",
+ "▁virt ual",
+ "▁ virtual",
+ "▁R om",
+ "▁Ro m",
+ "▁L ocal",
+ "▁Lo cal",
+ "▁Loc al",
+ "▁ Local",
+ "_ \\",
+ "▁M u",
+ "▁i con",
+ "▁ icon",
+ "▁Gu ide",
+ "▁Guid e",
+ "▁respect ively",
+ "▁respective ly",
+ "! \"",
+ "▁inter pret",
+ "▁interpre t",
+ "▁program me",
+ "▁implement ation",
+ "▁B ooks",
+ "▁Book s",
+ "▁Bo oks",
+ "▁ Books",
+ "▁G irl",
+ "▁Gi rl",
+ "▁Gir l",
+ "▁ Girl",
+ "ens us",
+ "▁sch olars",
+ "▁scholar s",
+ "▁neighbor hood",
+ "▁ex ec",
+ "▁ exec",
+ "▁inc ident",
+ "Do n",
+ "D on",
+ "▁est imated",
+ "▁estim ated",
+ "▁estimate d",
+ "▁K n",
+ "ester day",
+ "▁Re sp",
+ "▁Res p",
+ "▁ Resp",
+ "▁s weet",
+ "▁swe et",
+ "▁There fore",
+ "▁T urn",
+ "▁Tur n",
+ "▁conf idence",
+ "▁own ed",
+ "▁ow ned",
+ "▁ owned",
+ "▁p lot",
+ "▁pl ot",
+ "▁ plot",
+ "▁F inally",
+ "▁Fin ally",
+ "▁Final ly",
+ "▁post s",
+ "▁pos ts",
+ "▁ posts",
+ "▁sw itch",
+ "▁ switch",
+ "▁F red",
+ "▁Fr ed",
+ "▁Fre d",
+ "it i",
+ "i ti",
+ "▁re con",
+ "▁rec on",
+ "▁Z eal",
+ "▁Ze al",
+ "math bf",
+ "oc ket",
+ "ock et",
+ "▁s ad",
+ "▁sa d",
+ "▁C urrent",
+ "▁Cur rent",
+ "▁ Current",
+ "▁em otional",
+ "▁emot ional",
+ "▁emotion al",
+ "fil e",
+ "fi le",
+ "f ile",
+ "▁c ouncil",
+ "▁coun cil",
+ "▁R en",
+ "▁Re n",
+ "▁s elling",
+ "▁sell ing",
+ "▁sel ling",
+ "▁ selling",
+ "ap h",
+ "a ph",
+ "▁app earance",
+ "▁appear ance",
+ "▁H ard",
+ "▁Har d",
+ "▁Ha rd",
+ "▁ Hard",
+ "▁T em",
+ "▁Te m",
+ "▁p hen",
+ "▁ph en",
+ "▁T able",
+ "▁Ta ble",
+ "▁Tab le",
+ "▁ Table",
+ "▁qu iet",
+ "▁qui et",
+ "▁exp ressed",
+ "▁express ed",
+ "▁at mosp",
+ "cript ion",
+ "c ription",
+ "▁assess ment",
+ "▁claim ed",
+ "▁ claimed",
+ "▁priv acy",
+ "▁ privacy",
+ "▁acc ord",
+ "▁w est",
+ "▁we st",
+ "▁ west",
+ "▁I II",
+ "▁II I",
+ "▁ III",
+ "▁Fin ancial",
+ "▁M ult",
+ "▁Mu lt",
+ "▁Mul t",
+ "▁ Mult",
+ "▁ex ecut",
+ "▁exec ut",
+ "▁w arn",
+ "▁war n",
+ "() .",
+ "( ).",
+ "▁feat ured",
+ "▁feature d",
+ "▁Co ast",
+ "▁ch apter",
+ "▁chap ter",
+ "▁r ac",
+ "▁ra c",
+ "▁ rac",
+ "▁f ixed",
+ "▁fix ed",
+ "▁vict ims",
+ "▁victim s",
+ "▁cons umers",
+ "▁consum ers",
+ "▁consumer s",
+ "▁consume rs",
+ "gor ith",
+ "▁beh avi",
+ "▁behav i",
+ "▁d ress",
+ "▁dr ess",
+ "▁impro ved",
+ "▁improve d",
+ "▁improv ed",
+ "▁Se ason",
+ "▁Sea son",
+ "▁Seas on",
+ "▁co al",
+ "▁ coal",
+ "end ment",
+ "re c",
+ "r ec",
+ "▁P sych",
+ "ge ly",
+ "gel y",
+ "g ely",
+ "▁T al",
+ "▁Ta l",
+ "▁Car l",
+ "▁Ca rl",
+ "▁c ounty",
+ "▁count y",
+ "▁coun ty",
+ "▁cont emporary",
+ "▁contempor ary",
+ "▁f urn",
+ "▁fur n",
+ "▁instr ument",
+ "▁L ind",
+ "▁Li nd",
+ "▁Lin d",
+ "▁d iverse",
+ "▁di verse",
+ "▁divers e",
+ "▁diver se",
+ "▁F ox",
+ "▁Fo x",
+ "st ract",
+ "str act",
+ "stra ct",
+ "▁st ream",
+ "▁stre am",
+ "▁ stream",
+ "▁weap ons",
+ "▁weapon s",
+ "ad ow",
+ "ado w",
+ "▁en ds",
+ "▁end s",
+ "▁ ends",
+ "▁B ra",
+ "▁Br a",
+ "▁close r",
+ "▁clos er",
+ "▁clo ser",
+ "▁liter ature",
+ "os ite",
+ "osit e",
+ "osi te",
+ "o site",
+ "▁Sp ain",
+ "▁Spa in",
+ "▁T ax",
+ "▁Ta x",
+ "▁S tan",
+ "▁St an",
+ "▁Sta n",
+ "▁s itting",
+ "▁sit ting",
+ "▁si tting",
+ "▁the rapy",
+ "▁therap y",
+ "▁E ric",
+ "▁Er ic",
+ "▁S at",
+ "▁Sa t",
+ "▁ Sat",
+ "▁P age",
+ "▁Pa ge",
+ "▁Pag e",
+ "▁ Page",
+ "▁pro file",
+ "▁prof ile",
+ "▁ profile",
+ "▁B ern",
+ "▁Ber n",
+ "▁ з",
+ "▁f orth",
+ "▁for th",
+ "▁fort h",
+ "▁ forth",
+ "▁D aily",
+ "▁Da ily",
+ "▁f rame",
+ "▁fr ame",
+ "▁fram e",
+ "▁fra me",
+ "▁ frame",
+ "▁happ ening",
+ "▁happen ing",
+ "T A",
+ "▁C ost",
+ "▁Co st",
+ "▁Cos t",
+ "▁b ought",
+ "▁bo ught",
+ "cre te",
+ "cret e",
+ "cr ete",
+ "▁our selves",
+ "▁S ir",
+ "▁Si r",
+ "▁rep resents",
+ "▁represent s",
+ "▁r ide",
+ "▁ri de",
+ "▁rid e",
+ "▁ ride",
+ "▁sugg ested",
+ "▁suggest ed",
+ "▁tal ent",
+ "▁tale nt",
+ "ul s",
+ "u ls",
+ "▁su fficient",
+ "▁suff icient",
+ "ia ry",
+ "iar y",
+ "i ary",
+ "▁comp onent",
+ "▁ component",
+ "st yle",
+ "▁R ay",
+ "▁Ra y",
+ "▁ Ray",
+ "▁N OT",
+ "▁NO T",
+ "▁ NOT",
+ "▁def inition",
+ "▁defin ition",
+ "▁ definition",
+ "▁strateg ies",
+ "▁M S",
+ "▁ MS",
+ "▁f asc",
+ "▁fa sc",
+ "wa n",
+ "w an",
+ "▁const ant",
+ "▁R od",
+ "▁Ro d",
+ "▁de lay",
+ "▁del ay",
+ "▁_ _",
+ "▁ __",
+ "▁S her",
+ "▁Sh er",
+ "▁She r",
+ "en ger",
+ "eng er",
+ "enge r",
+ "▁b odies",
+ "▁bod ies",
+ "ru n",
+ "r un",
+ "▁Oh io",
+ "Th at",
+ "T hat",
+ "ne ws",
+ "new s",
+ "n ews",
+ "▁ м",
+ "os it",
+ "osi t",
+ "▁ ;",
+ "▁phot ograph",
+ "▁photo graph",
+ "▁photograp h",
+ "ure au",
+ "ik i",
+ "i ki",
+ "▁rem ained",
+ "▁remain ed",
+ "ount er",
+ "oun ter",
+ "en th",
+ "ent h",
+ "▁App lic",
+ "▁Appl ic",
+ "▁v ast",
+ "▁va st",
+ "▁H u",
+ "▁re asonable",
+ "▁reason able",
+ "do or",
+ "d oor",
+ "▁Per form",
+ "pos ition",
+ "p osition",
+ "▁A sh",
+ "▁As h",
+ "z y",
+ "▁v irus",
+ "▁vir us",
+ "▁vi rus",
+ "▁talk s",
+ "▁tal ks",
+ "▁A S",
+ "▁ AS",
+ "▁com fortable",
+ "▁comfort able",
+ "fr om",
+ "f rom",
+ "co hol",
+ "coh ol",
+ "▁Us ing",
+ "л о",
+ "C S",
+ "ul ing",
+ "ulin g",
+ "uli ng",
+ "u ling",
+ "▁Zeal and",
+ "▁sh ooting",
+ "▁shoot ing",
+ "▁sho oting",
+ "▁H un",
+ "▁Hu n",
+ "л е",
+ "▁! =",
+ "▁r oles",
+ "▁ro les",
+ "▁role s",
+ "▁de scription",
+ "▁des cription",
+ "▁desc ription",
+ "▁descript ion",
+ "▁ description",
+ "▁L abor",
+ "▁La bor",
+ "▁Lab or",
+ "▁l iqu",
+ "▁li qu",
+ "▁st orm",
+ "▁ storm",
+ "ut ch",
+ "▁H and",
+ "▁Ha nd",
+ "▁Han d",
+ "▁ Hand",
+ "▁co ffee",
+ "▁coff ee",
+ "▁reg ions",
+ "▁region s",
+ "▁t een",
+ "▁te en",
+ "▁tee n",
+ "▁ teen",
+ "in son",
+ "ins on",
+ "▁b utton",
+ "▁but ton",
+ "▁butt on",
+ "▁ button",
+ "▁Administ ration",
+ "▁c art",
+ "▁car t",
+ "▁ca rt",
+ "▁ cart",
+ "▁ar ts",
+ "▁art s",
+ "▁ arts",
+ "W ith",
+ "erv ative",
+ "et her",
+ "eth er",
+ "ethe r",
+ "e ther",
+ "▁Cont rol",
+ "▁ Control",
+ "▁t each",
+ "▁te ach",
+ "▁teac h",
+ "▁tea ch",
+ "on to",
+ "ont o",
+ "fi l",
+ "f il",
+ "▁Copy right",
+ "um s",
+ "u ms",
+ "ual ity",
+ "u ality",
+ "); \r",
+ ") ;\r",
+ "▁tw ice",
+ "▁p ed",
+ "▁pe d",
+ "▁ ped",
+ "▁cons idering",
+ "▁consider ing",
+ "▁consid ering",
+ "▁L i",
+ "re dit",
+ "red it",
+ "r edit",
+ "▁scient ists",
+ "▁scientist s",
+ "▁g od",
+ "▁go d",
+ "▁ god",
+ "ib ilities",
+ "if ts",
+ "ift s",
+ "i fts",
+ "▁e lected",
+ "▁el ected",
+ "▁elect ed",
+ "▁ elected",
+ "▁s erves",
+ "▁serv es",
+ "▁ser ves",
+ "▁serve s",
+ "▁mom ents",
+ "▁moment s",
+ "▁mo ments",
+ "fo ot",
+ "foo t",
+ "f oot",
+ "▁occ asion",
+ "▁occas ion",
+ "hold ers",
+ "holder s",
+ "hol ders",
+ "co ver",
+ "cov er",
+ "c over",
+ "▁S earch",
+ "▁Se arch",
+ "▁ Search",
+ "▁f ees",
+ "▁fe es",
+ "▁fee s",
+ "AT E",
+ "A TE",
+ "▁p ure",
+ "▁pur e",
+ "▁pu re",
+ "▁gu ard",
+ "▁ guard",
+ "▁sugg ests",
+ "▁suggest s",
+ "▁r ough",
+ "▁ro ugh",
+ "▁rou gh",
+ "▁ rough",
+ "▁wor st",
+ "▁wors t",
+ "ad s",
+ "a ds",
+ "▁R yan",
+ "▁Ry an",
+ "igh ter",
+ "ight er",
+ "▁ar ms",
+ "▁arm s",
+ "▁ arms",
+ "▁sign al",
+ "▁acc omp",
+ "▁ac comp",
+ "▁is ol",
+ "▁i sol",
+ "▁F ield",
+ "▁Fi eld",
+ "▁ Field",
+ "▁L ew",
+ "▁Le w",
+ "▁B al",
+ "▁Ba l",
+ "in ent",
+ "ine nt",
+ "inen t",
+ "▁vul ner",
+ "gr oup",
+ "gro up",
+ "g roup",
+ "▁exp ensive",
+ "▁ expensive",
+ "▁en able",
+ "▁p ortion",
+ "▁port ion",
+ "▁ portion",
+ "\" ;",
+ "▁Wh ich",
+ "▁rec ip",
+ "▁E s",
+ "▁ Es",
+ "us er",
+ "use r",
+ "u ser",
+ "▁Dis ney",
+ "▁f ounded",
+ "▁found ed",
+ "▁ founded",
+ "▁L y",
+ "▁ch osen",
+ "▁cho sen",
+ "▁chose n",
+ "▁J enn",
+ "▁Je nn",
+ "▁Jen n",
+ "▁elect ronic",
+ "▁electron ic",
+ "▁electro nic",
+ "▁electr onic",
+ "ir o",
+ "i ro",
+ "ro vers",
+ "rov ers",
+ "r overs",
+ "▁act ing",
+ "▁ac ting",
+ "▁ acting",
+ "▁pro of",
+ "▁ proof",
+ "▁c ards",
+ "▁car ds",
+ "▁card s",
+ "▁ cards",
+ "e z",
+ "▁lar gely",
+ "▁large ly",
+ "▁r iver",
+ "▁ri ver",
+ "▁riv er",
+ "▁ river",
+ "▁leg isl",
+ "▁legis l",
+ "▁C lin",
+ "▁Cl in",
+ "▁Cli n",
+ "^{ -",
+ "^ {-",
+ "▁sche me",
+ "▁sch eme",
+ "▁schem e",
+ "▁br oken",
+ "▁bro ken",
+ "▁broke n",
+ "▁ broken",
+ "▁Step hen",
+ "ly n",
+ "l yn",
+ "D P",
+ "ad ium",
+ "adi um",
+ "▁net works",
+ "▁network s",
+ "▁f acing",
+ "▁fac ing",
+ "▁fa cing",
+ "▁ facing",
+ "▁ear ned",
+ "▁earn ed",
+ "▁ad ult",
+ "▁adul t",
+ "bor n",
+ "b orn",
+ "pa n",
+ "p an",
+ "▁b anks",
+ "▁bank s",
+ "▁ban ks",
+ "▁re mark",
+ "▁rem ark",
+ "▁ remark",
+ "▁k itchen",
+ "▁kit chen",
+ "▁An th",
+ "▁Ant h",
+ "▁innov ation",
+ "▁M rs",
+ "▁Mr s",
+ "▁C ov",
+ "▁Co v",
+ "▁hol iday",
+ "▁ag ric",
+ "tr a",
+ "t ra",
+ "▁st ands",
+ "▁stand s",
+ "os a",
+ "o sa",
+ "▁P oint",
+ "▁Po int",
+ "▁ Point",
+ "▁C N",
+ "▁ CN",
+ "on ym",
+ "ony m",
+ "▁ev olution",
+ "▁evol ution",
+ "ro g",
+ "r og",
+ "ca se",
+ "cas e",
+ "c ase",
+ "▁r ot",
+ "▁ro t",
+ "▁ rot",
+ "▁A dam",
+ "▁Ad am",
+ "] [",
+ "opt ion",
+ "o ption",
+ "▁imp ossible",
+ "▁t aught",
+ "▁ta ught",
+ "▁camp us",
+ "▁h ouses",
+ "▁house s",
+ "▁hous es",
+ "▁ho uses",
+ "▁ houses",
+ "a o",
+ "▁Ass ist",
+ "▁A ction",
+ "▁Act ion",
+ "▁ Action",
+ "con n",
+ "co nn",
+ "▁s av",
+ "▁sa v",
+ "Tim e",
+ "T ime",
+ "▁collabor ation",
+ "▁obs erv",
+ "▁le ague",
+ "▁ league",
+ "▁F act",
+ "▁Fac t",
+ "▁Fa ct",
+ "▁ Fact",
+ "ivers ary",
+ "Pa r",
+ "P ar",
+ "ag ues",
+ "ague s",
+ "agu es",
+ "▁imag ine",
+ "▁imagin e",
+ "or ough",
+ "oro ugh",
+ "o rough",
+ "▁b oys",
+ "▁bo ys",
+ "▁boy s",
+ "▁ boys",
+ "▁profess or",
+ "ba l",
+ "b al",
+ "ad el",
+ "ade l",
+ "a del",
+ "▁B ush",
+ "▁Bu sh",
+ "▁Bus h",
+ "▁S ource",
+ "▁ Source",
+ "▁acc ommod",
+ "▁enc ourage",
+ "▁encoura ge",
+ "▁increasing ly",
+ "▁Eliz abeth",
+ "am ental",
+ "ament al",
+ "amen tal",
+ "▁s uit",
+ "▁su it",
+ "▁ suit",
+ "ob s",
+ "o bs",
+ "▁B road",
+ "▁Br oad",
+ "▁Bro ad",
+ "▁de scribe",
+ "▁desc ribe",
+ "▁describ e",
+ "▁ult imately",
+ "▁ultimate ly",
+ "M y",
+ "or ry",
+ "▁innov ative",
+ "▁sur prise",
+ "▁surpr ise",
+ "▁t ough",
+ "▁to ugh",
+ "▁tou gh",
+ "▁toug h",
+ "▁m el",
+ "▁me l",
+ "▁ mel",
+ "▁a ircraft",
+ "▁air craft",
+ "▁act s",
+ "▁ac ts",
+ "▁a ctor",
+ "▁act or",
+ "▁ac tor",
+ "▁ actor",
+ "▁Rad io",
+ "▁ Radio",
+ "pt ions",
+ "ption s",
+ "ic an",
+ "ica n",
+ "i can",
+ "▁health care",
+ "▁human s",
+ "▁hum ans",
+ "▁col lected",
+ "▁coll ected",
+ "▁collect ed",
+ "▁C ook",
+ "▁Co ok",
+ "▁P ut",
+ "▁Pu t",
+ "▁st ores",
+ "▁store s",
+ "l ambda",
+ "н е",
+ "▁rel ative",
+ "▁T ags",
+ "▁Ta gs",
+ "▁Tag s",
+ "▁ Tags",
+ "St ate",
+ "Stat e",
+ "co lor",
+ "col or",
+ "▁en forcement",
+ "▁enforce ment",
+ "▁F ac",
+ "▁Fa c",
+ "▁M s",
+ "▁ Ms",
+ "if ies",
+ "ifi es",
+ "▁m outh",
+ "▁mo uth",
+ "▁ mouth",
+ "▁hist oric",
+ "▁histor ic",
+ "▁ historic",
+ "▁rev olution",
+ "▁revol ution",
+ "▁or ders",
+ "▁order s",
+ "▁ord ers",
+ "▁ orders",
+ "ol ds",
+ "old s",
+ "▁fin ds",
+ "▁find s",
+ "▁M ah",
+ "▁Ma h",
+ "▁ à",
+ "fa st",
+ "f ast",
+ "▁w orry",
+ "▁wor ry",
+ "ES S",
+ "E SS",
+ "▁O R",
+ "▁ OR",
+ "в о",
+ "l ength",
+ "▁st ret",
+ "▁str et",
+ "▁stre t",
+ "U M",
+ "cre en",
+ "cr een",
+ "c reen",
+ "con s",
+ "co ns",
+ "c ons",
+ "ra s",
+ "r as",
+ "▁> >",
+ "▁ >>",
+ "▁col le",
+ "▁coll e",
+ "▁in fo",
+ "▁inf o",
+ "▁ info",
+ "▁int ent",
+ "ud i",
+ "u di",
+ "▁B log",
+ "▁Bl og",
+ "▁ Blog",
+ "in der",
+ "ind er",
+ "inde r",
+ "i nder",
+ "▁sec onds",
+ "▁second s",
+ "lo cation",
+ "loc ation",
+ "l ocation",
+ "▁As ian",
+ "▁Asia n",
+ "ic ted",
+ "ict ed",
+ "ch o",
+ "c ho",
+ "▁rec ording",
+ "▁record ing",
+ "▁poss ibility",
+ "an na",
+ "ann a",
+ "▁result ing",
+ "▁ext ensive",
+ "▁comp ens",
+ "ma t",
+ "m at",
+ "▁C ateg",
+ "▁Cat eg",
+ "▁ Categ",
+ "▁L uc",
+ "▁Lu c",
+ "▁ Luc",
+ "▁f ee",
+ "▁fe e",
+ "▁re covery",
+ "▁rec overy",
+ "▁recover y",
+ "▁ex istence",
+ "▁exist ence",
+ "og y",
+ "o gy",
+ "▁F OR",
+ "▁FO R",
+ "▁ FOR",
+ "' :",
+ "▁effect ively",
+ "▁effective ly",
+ "ain e",
+ "ai ne",
+ "a ine",
+ "ra ge",
+ "rag e",
+ "r age",
+ "▁s oc",
+ "▁so c",
+ "▁pract ical",
+ "E X",
+ "▁w ine",
+ "▁win e",
+ "ed u",
+ "e du",
+ "▁after noon",
+ "▁T enn",
+ "▁Te nn",
+ "▁Ten n",
+ "ir al",
+ "ira l",
+ "i ral",
+ "ne d",
+ "n ed",
+ "B l",
+ "Te xt",
+ "Tex t",
+ "T ext",
+ "▁F ord",
+ "▁For d",
+ "▁Fo rd",
+ "E d",
+ "▁Jer sey",
+ "▁bel ieves",
+ "▁belie ves",
+ "▁believe s",
+ "▁e vol",
+ "▁ev ol",
+ "▁c ro",
+ "▁cr o",
+ "▁ cro",
+ "▁S uch",
+ "▁Su ch",
+ "▁U r",
+ "▁Office r",
+ "▁Offic er",
+ "or dan",
+ "ord an",
+ "av or",
+ "a vor",
+ "▁I mp",
+ "▁Im p",
+ "ies t",
+ "ie st",
+ "i est",
+ "um a",
+ "u ma",
+ "▁O x",
+ "▁ Ox",
+ "▁s impl",
+ "▁sim pl",
+ "ang le",
+ "▁strateg ic",
+ "▁surround ing",
+ "▁C L",
+ "▁ CL",
+ "fi n",
+ "f in",
+ "▁award ed",
+ "▁aw arded",
+ "ap ore",
+ "apor e",
+ "▁occ urred",
+ "▁occur red",
+ "us al",
+ "usa l",
+ "u sal",
+ "▁ex ternal",
+ "▁extern al",
+ "▁ external",
+ "iz er",
+ "ize r",
+ "i zer",
+ "▁Hol lywood",
+ "▁Holly wood",
+ "▁conf irm",
+ "▁Or der",
+ "▁Ord er",
+ "▁ Order",
+ "bs p",
+ "b sp",
+ "▁w inner",
+ "▁win ner",
+ "▁p owers",
+ "▁power s",
+ "▁pow ers",
+ "▁D isc",
+ "▁Dis c",
+ "▁Di sc",
+ "▁t ight",
+ "ad uate",
+ "adu ate",
+ "▁stre ets",
+ "▁street s",
+ "bu ry",
+ "bur y",
+ "b ury",
+ "un icip",
+ "ren cy",
+ "r ency",
+ "pro fit",
+ "prof it",
+ "▁manufact uring",
+ "▁cons istent",
+ "▁consist ent",
+ "▁advert ising",
+ "▁advertis ing",
+ "▁sympt oms",
+ "▁symptom s",
+ "ellect ual",
+ "^{ \\",
+ "^ {\\",
+ "Se t",
+ "S et",
+ "▁e ast",
+ "▁eas t",
+ "▁ east",
+ "▁e lig",
+ "▁el ig",
+ "▁sustain able",
+ "▁s uc",
+ "▁su c",
+ "▁St aff",
+ "▁Sta ff",
+ "▁w ire",
+ "▁ wire",
+ "▁particip ate",
+ "ac ter",
+ "act er",
+ "light s",
+ "l ights",
+ "▁min ister",
+ "▁mini ster",
+ "▁V iet",
+ "▁Vi et",
+ "▁Vie t",
+ "▁dep th",
+ "▁ depth",
+ "th at",
+ "tha t",
+ "t hat",
+ "▁B rian",
+ "▁Br ian",
+ "▁Bri an",
+ "▁wide ly",
+ "▁wid ely",
+ "▁att orney",
+ "er man",
+ "erm an",
+ "▁sh ift",
+ "▁ shift",
+ "er ies",
+ "erie s",
+ "eri es",
+ "e ries",
+ "ca r",
+ "c ar",
+ "ic ide",
+ "ici de",
+ "▁close ly",
+ "▁clos ely",
+ "▁Ch apter",
+ "▁Chap ter",
+ "if er",
+ "ife r",
+ "i fer",
+ "▁B ul",
+ "▁Bu l",
+ "▁Com mon",
+ "▁Comm on",
+ "▁ Common",
+ "▁p regn",
+ "▁pre gn",
+ "en da",
+ "end a",
+ "▁mag azine",
+ "▁ magazine",
+ "▁m ine",
+ "▁min e",
+ "▁mi ne",
+ "▁M ir",
+ "▁Mi r",
+ "▁M A",
+ "▁ MA",
+ "oi r",
+ "o ir",
+ "▁stru ggle",
+ "▁strugg le",
+ "▁m it",
+ "▁mi t",
+ "▁ mit",
+ "▁a lt",
+ "▁al t",
+ "▁ alt",
+ "▁data base",
+ "▁dat abase",
+ "е р",
+ "▁r ing",
+ "▁ri ng",
+ "▁ ring",
+ "▁C as",
+ "▁Ca s",
+ "▁proper ly",
+ "▁Econom ic",
+ "▁g rown",
+ "▁gr own",
+ "▁grow n",
+ "▁gro wn",
+ "▁ grown",
+ "▁bo ost",
+ "▁boo st",
+ "▁ boost",
+ "▁C at",
+ "▁Ca t",
+ "▁ Cat",
+ "▁comp rehensive",
+ "▁comprehens ive",
+ "▁b igger",
+ "▁big ger",
+ "▁Conn ect",
+ "▁ Connect",
+ "▁real ize",
+ "el lo",
+ "ell o",
+ "▁ro oms",
+ "▁room s",
+ "▁ rooms",
+ "▁do main",
+ "▁dom ain",
+ "▁ domain",
+ "▁l atter",
+ "▁lat ter",
+ "ur l",
+ "u rl",
+ "▁exp ansion",
+ "▁expans ion",
+ "if orm",
+ "i form",
+ "▁M ill",
+ "▁Mil l",
+ "▁Mi ll",
+ "▁ Mill",
+ "▁I mm",
+ "▁Im m",
+ "') ;",
+ "' );",
+ "▁D am",
+ "▁Da m",
+ "▁enh ance",
+ "▁L atin",
+ "▁Lat in",
+ "le ts",
+ "let s",
+ "l ets",
+ "▁w ave",
+ "▁wa ve",
+ "▁ wave",
+ "▁repe ated",
+ "▁repeat ed",
+ "▁vacc ine",
+ "▁re action",
+ "▁react ion",
+ "% ,",
+ "▁b es",
+ "▁be s",
+ "▁ bes",
+ "▁tot ally",
+ "▁total ly",
+ "Fi le",
+ "Fil e",
+ "F ile",
+ "▁C hem",
+ "▁Ch em",
+ "▁Che m",
+ "▁m ail",
+ "▁ma il",
+ "▁ mail",
+ "▁us ual",
+ "pa ss",
+ "p ass",
+ "er ry",
+ "err y",
+ "▁cy cle",
+ "▁cycl e",
+ "▁ cycle",
+ "▁re put",
+ "▁rep ut",
+ "▁co lon",
+ "▁col on",
+ "▁ colon",
+ "▁ag ents",
+ "▁agent s",
+ "▁prote in",
+ "▁equ ival",
+ "▁C a",
+ "▁princ iples",
+ "▁principle s",
+ "▁princip les",
+ "▁a wards",
+ "▁award s",
+ "▁aw ards",
+ "т и",
+ "Com p",
+ "Co mp",
+ "C omp",
+ "▁Hot el",
+ "▁Ho tel",
+ "pub lic",
+ "publ ic",
+ "pu blic",
+ "p ublic",
+ "P M",
+ "▁D ate",
+ "▁Da te",
+ "▁Dat e",
+ "▁ Date",
+ "om et",
+ "ome t",
+ "o met",
+ "▁fl ood",
+ "▁flo od",
+ "ok ing",
+ "oki ng",
+ "o king",
+ "▁st ructures",
+ "▁struct ures",
+ "▁structure s",
+ "▁hy dro",
+ "▁hyd ro",
+ "▁ hydro",
+ "▁med icine",
+ "▁medic ine",
+ "gr ade",
+ "grad e",
+ "gra de",
+ "g rade",
+ "▁u pper",
+ "▁up per",
+ "ar on",
+ "aro n",
+ "a ron",
+ "▁A gency",
+ "▁Ag ency",
+ "▁f ramework",
+ "▁fram ework",
+ "▁frame work",
+ "▁ framework",
+ "▁success fully",
+ "▁successful ly",
+ "▁C ase",
+ "▁Cas e",
+ "▁Ca se",
+ "▁ Case",
+ "▁B ru",
+ "▁Br u",
+ "▁Wil son",
+ "▁P ublished",
+ "▁Publ ished",
+ "▁Pub lished",
+ "▁enter tainment",
+ "▁entertain ment",
+ "▁f ly",
+ "▁fl y",
+ "▁ fly",
+ "The y",
+ "Th ey",
+ "T hey",
+ "▁g arden",
+ "▁gar den",
+ "▁gard en",
+ "▁B iden",
+ "▁Bi den",
+ "▁Bid en",
+ "▁S ym",
+ "▁Sy m",
+ "▁ Sym",
+ "or mal",
+ "orm al",
+ "▁m ixed",
+ "▁mix ed",
+ "▁t ech",
+ "▁te ch",
+ "▁ tech",
+ "▁Min istry",
+ "▁sp aces",
+ "▁space s",
+ "▁spa ces",
+ "es ome",
+ "e some",
+ "▁n ob",
+ "▁no b",
+ "▁ nob",
+ "▁t rig",
+ "▁tr ig",
+ "▁tri g",
+ "T ube",
+ "au g",
+ "a ug",
+ "ag raph",
+ "agra ph",
+ "a graph",
+ "st one",
+ "ston e",
+ "sto ne",
+ "▁e lections",
+ "▁elect ions",
+ "▁election s",
+ "▁ele ctions",
+ "▁} ,",
+ "▁ },",
+ "ch ild",
+ "chi ld",
+ "ee n",
+ "e en",
+ "▁ret ire",
+ "th ew",
+ "the w",
+ "t hew",
+ "is a",
+ "i sa",
+ "▁Mod ern",
+ "et ary",
+ "eta ry",
+ "▁V ice",
+ "▁Vic e",
+ "▁Vi ce",
+ "▁d uty",
+ "▁du ty",
+ "▁ duty",
+ "▁Inst agram",
+ "▁ste el",
+ "▁expl ains",
+ "▁explain s",
+ "▁H arry",
+ "▁Har ry",
+ "▁Sa rah",
+ "▁Sar ah",
+ "▁Sara h",
+ "te en",
+ "t een",
+ "▁P ract",
+ "▁Pr act",
+ "▁Pra ct",
+ "A d",
+ "▁S wed",
+ "▁Sw ed",
+ "▁Swe d",
+ "ph y",
+ "p hy",
+ "▁supp orts",
+ "▁support s",
+ "▁sup ports",
+ "ess ed",
+ "esse d",
+ "▁p assing",
+ "▁pass ing",
+ "▁Cap ital",
+ "▁Stud ents",
+ "▁Student s",
+ "▁ac id",
+ "▁su spect",
+ "▁sus pect",
+ "▁susp ect",
+ "ow ered",
+ "ower ed",
+ "owe red",
+ "o wered",
+ "▁Count ry",
+ "▁Coun try",
+ "▁ Country",
+ "▁aud io",
+ "▁audi o",
+ "ri ble",
+ "rib le",
+ "r ible",
+ "▁Cont in",
+ "▁ Contin",
+ "▁N ic",
+ "▁Ni c",
+ "▁represent ed",
+ "▁ represented",
+ "▁find ings",
+ "▁finding s",
+ "over ty",
+ "amp ion",
+ "▁c ourses",
+ "▁cour ses",
+ "▁course s",
+ "▁main tenance",
+ "Te st",
+ "T est",
+ "▁sh ap",
+ "▁Qu est",
+ "▁Que st",
+ "▁writ ers",
+ "▁write rs",
+ "▁writer s",
+ "▁ writers",
+ "▁Gu ard",
+ "▁ Guard",
+ "▁meet ings",
+ "▁meeting s",
+ "}_ {",
+ "} _{",
+ "▁D un",
+ "▁Du n",
+ "▁un able",
+ "▁una ble",
+ "▁let ters",
+ "▁letter s",
+ "▁lett ers",
+ "▁ letters",
+ "ort ion",
+ "in ois",
+ "ino is",
+ "sp ec",
+ "spe c",
+ "s pec",
+ "Ke y",
+ "K ey",
+ "▁Cl inton",
+ "▁Clin ton",
+ "▁Cli nton",
+ "▁Clint on",
+ "▁integ r",
+ "▁achie ved",
+ "▁achieve d",
+ "▁J ews",
+ "▁Je ws",
+ "▁Jew s",
+ "▁ill egal",
+ "▁il legal",
+ "▁illeg al",
+ "▁p aying",
+ "▁pay ing",
+ "▁pa ying",
+ "▁tr ading",
+ "▁tra ding",
+ "▁trad ing",
+ "▁j oy",
+ "▁jo y",
+ "▁ joy",
+ "ri de",
+ "rid e",
+ "r ide",
+ "El ement",
+ "E lement",
+ "▁pro test",
+ "▁prot est",
+ "▁prote st",
+ "n bsp",
+ "▁S ong",
+ "▁So ng",
+ "▁Son g",
+ "▁R og",
+ "▁Ro g",
+ "ul ous",
+ "ulo us",
+ "du ction",
+ "duct ion",
+ "d uction",
+ "▁K ong",
+ "▁Ko ng",
+ "▁Kon g",
+ "▁un ion",
+ "▁ union",
+ "▁recomm ended",
+ "▁recommend ed",
+ "sh e",
+ "s he",
+ "ain ts",
+ "aint s",
+ "a ints",
+ "▁link ed",
+ "▁lin ked",
+ "▁ linked",
+ "▁young er",
+ "▁j ur",
+ "▁ju r",
+ "▁T ravel",
+ "▁Tr avel",
+ "▁Tra vel",
+ "▁Trav el",
+ "▁al leg",
+ "▁all eg",
+ "▁alle g",
+ "am ber",
+ "amb er",
+ "a mber",
+ "▁h all",
+ "▁ha ll",
+ "▁hal l",
+ "▁ hall",
+ "▁Man ager",
+ "▁Manag er",
+ "▁ Manager",
+ "▁Color ado",
+ "▁turn ing",
+ "▁tur ning",
+ "▁Ke vin",
+ "▁exper iment",
+ "ze r",
+ "z er",
+ "uz z",
+ "u zz",
+ "▁arrest ed",
+ "▁arr ested",
+ "▁suc ceed",
+ "▁succ eed",
+ "il ton",
+ "ilt on",
+ "E A",
+ "▁l ie",
+ "▁li e",
+ "▁ lie",
+ "▁G reek",
+ "▁Gree k",
+ "▁Gre ek",
+ "▁W as",
+ "▁Wa s",
+ "k o",
+ "hi re",
+ "h ire",
+ "▁Priv acy",
+ "▁N ever",
+ "▁Ne ver",
+ "▁Nev er",
+ "▁ Never",
+ "pi ng",
+ "pin g",
+ "p ing",
+ "▁proced ures",
+ "▁procedure s",
+ "se m",
+ "s em",
+ "▁M ember",
+ "▁Me mber",
+ "▁Mem ber",
+ "▁ Member",
+ "\\ \\",
+ "▁cap able",
+ "B O",
+ "▁Wh ether",
+ "▁Whe ther",
+ "▁# #",
+ "▁ ##",
+ "el a",
+ "e la",
+ "▁di vision",
+ "▁div ision",
+ "▁ division",
+ "▁appro val",
+ "▁recogn ition",
+ "▁tw enty",
+ "▁ar my",
+ "▁arm y",
+ "▁Democr ats",
+ "▁Democrat s",
+ "it als",
+ "ital s",
+ "ita ls",
+ "▁Sen ior",
+ "▁v o",
+ "▁ vo",
+ "▁gu ests",
+ "▁guest s",
+ "▁Phil ipp",
+ "▁Philip p",
+ "▁C apt",
+ "▁Cap t",
+ "▁Ca pt",
+ "▁ Capt",
+ "im a",
+ "i ma",
+ "▁government s",
+ "▁govern ments",
+ "el ls",
+ "ell s",
+ "▁rel ax",
+ "▁top ics",
+ "▁topic s",
+ "▁cook ies",
+ "▁cookie s",
+ "▁c overs",
+ "▁co vers",
+ "▁cover s",
+ "▁cov ers",
+ "---- ------------",
+ "-------- --------",
+ "------------ ----",
+ "▁st one",
+ "▁ stone",
+ "il a",
+ "i la",
+ "▁re lation",
+ "▁rel ation",
+ "▁ relation",
+ "▁ad vis",
+ "▁adv is",
+ "E G",
+ "▁Af ghan",
+ "▁public ation",
+ "▁publ ication",
+ "▁pub lication",
+ "C D",
+ "as hed",
+ "ash ed",
+ "▁aware ness",
+ "li k",
+ "l ik",
+ "▁A ge",
+ "▁Ag e",
+ "▁S H",
+ "▁ SH",
+ "t w",
+ "▁Build ing",
+ "▁B on",
+ "▁Bo n",
+ "▁prim arily",
+ "▁Corpor ation",
+ "▁Corp oration",
+ "▁l oan",
+ "▁lo an",
+ "▁P ot",
+ "▁Po t",
+ "▁ref uge",
+ "▁incre ases",
+ "▁increase s",
+ "ourn ament",
+ "T V",
+ "▁be half",
+ "▁beh alf",
+ "▁W el",
+ "▁We l",
+ "= '",
+ "▁E astern",
+ "▁East ern",
+ "▁Easter n",
+ "▁Eas tern",
+ "▁s ole",
+ "▁so le",
+ "▁sol e",
+ "▁ sole",
+ "▁app ointed",
+ "▁appoint ed",
+ "▁z ero",
+ "▁ze ro",
+ "▁ zero",
+ "д а",
+ "}^ {",
+ "} ^{",
+ "▁st ood",
+ "▁ stood",
+ "▁E mer",
+ "▁Em er",
+ "th en",
+ "the n",
+ "t hen",
+ "▁B rad",
+ "▁Br ad",
+ "▁Bra d",
+ "▁Com put",
+ "▁Comp ut",
+ "▁m o",
+ "▁ mo",
+ "▁D ead",
+ "▁De ad",
+ "▁prov ider",
+ "▁provid er",
+ "▁provide r",
+ "▁b ag",
+ "▁ba g",
+ "▁ bag",
+ "ar ters",
+ "art ers",
+ "arter s",
+ "arte rs",
+ "▁re act",
+ "▁R ose",
+ "▁Ro se",
+ "▁Ros e",
+ "▁prov iders",
+ "▁provid ers",
+ "▁provide rs",
+ "▁provider s",
+ "▁tr ouble",
+ "▁trou ble",
+ "▁tro uble",
+ "▁death s",
+ "▁p oly",
+ "▁pol y",
+ "▁po ly",
+ "▁ poly",
+ "aw a",
+ "a wa",
+ "▁De ath",
+ "▁dr opped",
+ "▁dro pped",
+ "▁drop ped",
+ "▁fac ilit",
+ "ur ities",
+ "uri ties",
+ "u rities",
+ "▁incred ible",
+ "da ted",
+ "date d",
+ "dat ed",
+ "d ated",
+ "▁N AS",
+ "▁NA S",
+ "▁ NAS",
+ "▁in formed",
+ "▁inform ed",
+ "▁ informed",
+ "▁prep are",
+ "▁prepar e",
+ "▁H ou",
+ "▁Ho u",
+ "▁ex ceed",
+ "▁exc eed",
+ "▁exp osure",
+ "▁l ies",
+ "▁li es",
+ "▁lie s",
+ "▁ lies",
+ "ic ity",
+ "icit y",
+ "ici ty",
+ "i city",
+ "qu ir",
+ "▁f old",
+ "▁fol d",
+ "▁fo ld",
+ "▁ fold",
+ "▁rem ote",
+ "▁remot e",
+ "▁L ow",
+ "▁Lo w",
+ "▁P en",
+ "▁Pe n",
+ "▁ §",
+ "▁h ate",
+ "▁ha te",
+ "▁hat e",
+ "▁en th",
+ "▁ent h",
+ "▁ enth",
+ "▁frequ ently",
+ "▁frequent ly",
+ "▁d iversity",
+ "▁divers ity",
+ "▁V ill",
+ "▁Vi ll",
+ "▁Vil l",
+ "▁F igure",
+ "▁Fig ure",
+ "▁ Figure",
+ "▁D a",
+ "▁ Da",
+ "▁Sing apore",
+ "▁ex hibition",
+ "▁exhib ition",
+ "▁exhibit ion",
+ "▁op position",
+ "▁opp osition",
+ "▁a thlet",
+ "▁b asket",
+ "▁bas ket",
+ "▁bask et",
+ "ra zy",
+ "raz y",
+ "r azy",
+ "▁Un ivers",
+ "▁ Univers",
+ "▁miss ed",
+ "▁gener ated",
+ "▁generate d",
+ "▁gene rated",
+ "▁ generated",
+ "▁B ol",
+ "▁Bo l",
+ "▁att ended",
+ "▁attend ed",
+ "▁re le",
+ "▁r ele",
+ "▁rel e",
+ "▁t racks",
+ "▁tr acks",
+ "▁tra cks",
+ "▁track s",
+ "Co m",
+ "C om",
+ "▁Pr ince",
+ "▁Pri nce",
+ "▁Princ e",
+ "▁H ong",
+ "▁Hon g",
+ "▁Ho ng",
+ "▁Par liament",
+ "H T",
+ "ig rants",
+ "igr ants",
+ "igrant s",
+ "▁up coming",
+ "▁Scot land",
+ "▁m al",
+ "▁ma l",
+ "▁ mal",
+ "▁f ormal",
+ "▁for mal",
+ "▁form al",
+ "ap ped",
+ "app ed",
+ "a pped",
+ "▁Tor onto",
+ "▁K at",
+ "▁Ka t",
+ "be l",
+ "b el",
+ "▁s tim",
+ "▁st im",
+ "▁Ed itor",
+ "▁Edit or",
+ "▁ Editor",
+ "▁System s",
+ "▁N FL",
+ "▁NF L",
+ "▁sm ooth",
+ "▁smo oth",
+ "Er ror",
+ "▁ent reprene",
+ "▁entre prene",
+ "▁S ite",
+ "▁Si te",
+ "▁Sit e",
+ "▁ Site",
+ "▁A mong",
+ "▁Am ong",
+ "▁sched uled",
+ "▁schedule d",
+ "▁M ach",
+ "▁Mac h",
+ "▁Ma ch",
+ "▁W ars",
+ "▁War s",
+ "▁Wa rs",
+ "ylv ania",
+ "▁A rea",
+ "▁Ar ea",
+ "▁Are a",
+ "▁ Area",
+ "▁f aster",
+ "▁fast er",
+ "▁fa ster",
+ "▁as sign",
+ "▁ass ign",
+ "R C",
+ "angu ages",
+ "anguage s",
+ "▁Un f",
+ "it zer",
+ "itz er",
+ "▁bu sy",
+ "▁bus y",
+ "▁A I",
+ "▁ AI",
+ "▁l osing",
+ "▁los ing",
+ "v y",
+ "▁ex ists",
+ "▁exist s",
+ "▁ exists",
+ "▁p or",
+ "▁po r",
+ "▁ por",
+ "▁de cor",
+ "▁dec or",
+ "▁eng aged",
+ "▁engage d",
+ "▁t ack",
+ "▁ta ck",
+ "▁im mediate",
+ "▁immedi ate",
+ "s igma",
+ "▁g ro",
+ "▁gr o",
+ "▁ gro",
+ "ma p",
+ "m ap",
+ "▁deg rees",
+ "▁degree s",
+ "▁degr ees",
+ "▁P ers",
+ "▁Per s",
+ "▁Pe rs",
+ "▁ex ception",
+ "▁except ion",
+ "▁ exception",
+ "as ts",
+ "ast s",
+ "▁gr aduate",
+ "▁gradu ate",
+ "▁grad uate",
+ "▁ graduate",
+ "▁C ru",
+ "▁Cr u",
+ "▁B ang",
+ "▁Ba ng",
+ "▁Ban g",
+ "▁up dates",
+ "▁upd ates",
+ "▁update s",
+ "eg a",
+ "e ga",
+ "▁w edding",
+ "▁wed ding",
+ "olog ist",
+ "▁expert ise",
+ "R I",
+ "▁main ly",
+ "br o",
+ "b ro",
+ "epend ent",
+ "▁re duction",
+ "▁redu ction",
+ "▁red uction",
+ "▁reduct ion",
+ "▁You Tube",
+ "▁cont rovers",
+ "▁any where",
+ "pos t",
+ "po st",
+ "p ost",
+ "▁dis cipl",
+ "▁disc ipl",
+ "if est",
+ "ife st",
+ "i fest",
+ "▁sur gery",
+ "▁surge ry",
+ "▁surg ery",
+ "▁p harm",
+ "▁ph arm",
+ "▁reg ister",
+ "▁regist er",
+ "▁ register",
+ "▁L ink",
+ "▁Lin k",
+ "▁ Link",
+ "▁rel ief",
+ "▁reli ef",
+ "▁relie f",
+ "▁y ield",
+ "▁th ick",
+ "▁gr anted",
+ "▁grant ed",
+ "▁gran ted",
+ "ut s",
+ "u ts",
+ "▁ch ampions",
+ "▁champion s",
+ "ak a",
+ "a ka",
+ "▁unc ertain",
+ "ul ating",
+ "ula ting",
+ "▁f iction",
+ "▁fi ction",
+ "▁ fiction",
+ "A F",
+ "▁S anta",
+ "▁San ta",
+ "▁Sant a",
+ "on ic",
+ "oni c",
+ "o nic",
+ "▁s take",
+ "▁st ake",
+ "▁sta ke",
+ "▁in spect",
+ "▁ins pect",
+ "▁insp ect",
+ "ep ing",
+ "e ping",
+ "▁Ill inois",
+ "▁Ch ange",
+ "▁Chan ge",
+ "▁Chang e",
+ "▁ Change",
+ "▁along side",
+ "Ev ent",
+ "Even t",
+ "E vent",
+ "▁K ent",
+ "▁Ke nt",
+ "▁Ken t",
+ "▁en gage",
+ "▁eng age",
+ "▁M ajor",
+ "▁Maj or",
+ "Ad d",
+ "A dd",
+ "▁Islam ic",
+ "de s",
+ "d es",
+ "▁Re turn",
+ "▁Ret urn",
+ "▁ Return",
+ "▁broad cast",
+ "um es",
+ "ume s",
+ "u mes",
+ "▁proced ure",
+ "op her",
+ "oph er",
+ "o pher",
+ "▁sett ings",
+ "▁setting s",
+ "▁ settings",
+ "▁C ub",
+ "▁Cu b",
+ "ers ion",
+ "wor th",
+ "w orth",
+ "▁F riend",
+ "▁Fri end",
+ "▁ Friend",
+ "▁D O",
+ "▁ DO",
+ "▁P rom",
+ "▁Pro m",
+ "▁Pr om",
+ "▁ Prom",
+ "▁kn owing",
+ "▁know ing",
+ "▁coun sel",
+ "▁D avis",
+ "▁Dav is",
+ "▁Da vis",
+ "▁order ed",
+ "▁ord ered",
+ "▁ ordered",
+ "ce ived",
+ "ceive d",
+ "▁imp ressive",
+ "▁impress ive",
+ "▁challeng ing",
+ "im ental",
+ "iment al",
+ "imen tal",
+ "an es",
+ "ane s",
+ "a nes",
+ "▁r ural",
+ "▁ru ral",
+ "▁Per haps",
+ "ab et",
+ "abe t",
+ "a bet",
+ "er g",
+ "▁th read",
+ "▁thr ead",
+ "▁ thread",
+ "▁S elect",
+ "▁Se lect",
+ "▁Sel ect",
+ "▁ Select",
+ "▁bu ying",
+ "▁buy ing",
+ "▁s ight",
+ "▁sig ht",
+ "▁sigh t",
+ "▁ sight",
+ "▁present ation",
+ "() );",
+ "()) ;",
+ "( ));",
+ "▁pro fit",
+ "▁prof it",
+ "▁ profit",
+ "▁t ested",
+ "▁te sted",
+ "▁test ed",
+ "burg h",
+ "bur gh",
+ "▁( \\",
+ "▁ (\\",
+ "al i",
+ "a li",
+ "▁c lar",
+ "▁cl ar",
+ "▁cla r",
+ "▁architect ure",
+ "▁ob viously",
+ "▁obvious ly",
+ "▁ne ither",
+ "▁J ordan",
+ "▁val uable",
+ "▁l augh",
+ "▁la ugh",
+ "▁compet itive",
+ "G o",
+ "▁dep ending",
+ "▁depend ing",
+ "▁const it",
+ "▁cho ices",
+ "▁choice s",
+ "um in",
+ "umi n",
+ "u min",
+ "V D",
+ "▁A riz",
+ "▁Ar iz",
+ "▁Ari z",
+ "▁e gg",
+ "▁eg g",
+ "en dar",
+ "end ar",
+ "enda r",
+ "▁Stud y",
+ "▁Stu dy",
+ "[ '",
+ "▁fund amental",
+ "▁fundament al",
+ "er en",
+ "ere n",
+ "e ren",
+ "▁pro vision",
+ "▁prov ision",
+ "▁s cr",
+ "▁sc r",
+ "▁ scr",
+ "▁S n",
+ "▁ Sn",
+ "▁M ethod",
+ "▁Me thod",
+ "▁Meth od",
+ "▁ Method",
+ "▁land scape",
+ "▁lands cape",
+ "▁landscap e",
+ "▁b omb",
+ "▁bo mb",
+ "▁bom b",
+ "▁A h",
+ "▁ Ah",
+ "▁sh opping",
+ "▁shop ping",
+ "▁sho pping",
+ "▁o k",
+ "▁ ok",
+ "▁v ary",
+ "▁var y",
+ "▁va ry",
+ "▁n urs",
+ "▁nu rs",
+ "▁kind s",
+ "▁kin ds",
+ "▁under t",
+ "▁und ert",
+ "ir a",
+ "i ra",
+ "▁guid ance",
+ "▁m essages",
+ "▁message s",
+ "▁mess ages",
+ "▁s ynt",
+ "▁sy nt",
+ "▁syn t",
+ "▁s ick",
+ "▁si ck",
+ "▁n a",
+ "▁ na",
+ "▁P lace",
+ "▁Pl ace",
+ "is hop",
+ "ish op",
+ "i shop",
+ "▁res istance",
+ "▁resist ance",
+ "ri p",
+ "r ip",
+ "or ne",
+ "orn e",
+ "% .",
+ "▁Uk raine",
+ "▁Ukrain e",
+ "▁D NA",
+ "▁DN A",
+ "▁ DNA",
+ "br a",
+ "b ra",
+ "▁pl astic",
+ "▁compar ison",
+ "▁typ ical",
+ "▁adop ted",
+ "▁adopt ed",
+ "▁N ations",
+ "▁Nation s",
+ "▁Nat ions",
+ "▁l in",
+ "▁li n",
+ "▁ lin",
+ "r t",
+ "▁Sy ria",
+ "▁ass ault",
+ "▁ser iously",
+ "▁serious ly",
+ "os m",
+ "o sm",
+ "▁l ux",
+ "▁ lux",
+ "▁Ed ward",
+ "▁feat uring",
+ "▁m ob",
+ "▁mo b",
+ "▁H as",
+ "▁Ha s",
+ "▁ Has",
+ "▁stud ied",
+ "▁R h",
+ "▁disapp oint",
+ "+ +",
+ "▁Fore ign",
+ "▁k illing",
+ "▁kill ing",
+ "▁kil ling",
+ "▁per forming",
+ "▁perform ing",
+ "▁pot entially",
+ "▁potential ly",
+ "▁potent ially",
+ "N S",
+ "I O",
+ "▁( “",
+ "▁recogn ize",
+ "▁prom pt",
+ "▁S aint",
+ "▁Sa int",
+ "▁lic ens",
+ "▁al gorith",
+ "▁v ital",
+ "▁vit al",
+ "▁vi tal",
+ "st ar",
+ "sta r",
+ "s tar",
+ "▁R a",
+ "▁ Ra",
+ "▁L ic",
+ "▁Li c",
+ "▁Im age",
+ "▁Imag e",
+ "▁ Image",
+ "▁B ad",
+ "▁Ba d",
+ "▁ Bad",
+ "ac ks",
+ "ack s",
+ "a cks",
+ "at ics",
+ "atic s",
+ "ati cs",
+ "a tics",
+ "▁S oft",
+ "▁So ft",
+ "▁Sof t",
+ "▁ Soft",
+ "▁l ayer",
+ "▁la yer",
+ "▁lay er",
+ "▁ layer",
+ "▁d inner",
+ "▁din ner",
+ "og ether",
+ "o gether",
+ "▁Person al",
+ "▁Pers onal",
+ "- \\",
+ "▁A gre",
+ "▁Ag re",
+ "▁ass ume",
+ "▁assum e",
+ "▁e fficiency",
+ "▁eff iciency",
+ "▁effic iency",
+ "il ty",
+ "ilt y",
+ "▁R un",
+ "▁Ru n",
+ "▁ Run",
+ "▁regular ly",
+ "▁list ening",
+ "▁listen ing",
+ "▁un known",
+ "▁contin uing",
+ "▁continu ing",
+ "No t",
+ "N ot",
+ "▁sc enes",
+ "▁scene s",
+ "▁scen es",
+ "▁ scenes",
+ "ear ing",
+ "ea ring",
+ "e aring",
+ "fo und",
+ "f ound",
+ "▁t aste",
+ "▁tast e",
+ "▁ta ste",
+ "▁comp ris",
+ "▁acc used",
+ "▁accus ed",
+ "▁C ro",
+ "▁Cr o",
+ "▁E D",
+ "▁ ED",
+ "▁cour ts",
+ "▁court s",
+ "▁propos al",
+ "▁M D",
+ "▁ MD",
+ "R S",
+ "c m",
+ "▁accord ance",
+ "▁E vent",
+ "▁Ev ent",
+ "▁Even t",
+ "▁Eve nt",
+ "▁ Event",
+ "▁r ub",
+ "▁ru b",
+ "▁ rub",
+ "▁ex plan",
+ "▁exp lan",
+ "▁expl an",
+ "ia ble",
+ "i able",
+ "▁op erate",
+ "▁oper ate",
+ "▁opera te",
+ "▁H app",
+ "▁Ha pp",
+ "▁f aces",
+ "▁fac es",
+ "▁face s",
+ "▁fa ces",
+ "▁ faces",
+ "O r",
+ "▁b on",
+ "▁bo n",
+ "▁ bon",
+ "▁acc urate",
+ "▁accur ate",
+ "▁tax es",
+ "go v",
+ "g ov",
+ "▁necess arily",
+ "Re qu",
+ "R equ",
+ "if ier",
+ "ifi er",
+ "▁B BC",
+ "▁BB C",
+ "▁inv olving",
+ "▁invol ving",
+ "▁en ding",
+ "▁end ing",
+ "▁ ending",
+ "▁St ock",
+ "▁pat terns",
+ "▁pattern s",
+ "▁s ky",
+ "▁sk y",
+ "▁ sky",
+ "▁friend ly",
+ "▁ friendly",
+ "cl aim",
+ "c laim",
+ "▁spirit ual",
+ "▁spir itual",
+ "▁che ap",
+ "▁M iller",
+ "▁Mil ler",
+ "▁Mill er",
+ "▁Mi ller",
+ "ra v",
+ "r av",
+ "ne ver",
+ "n ever",
+ "▁r oot",
+ "▁ro ot",
+ "▁ root",
+ "▁Tur key",
+ "▁Turk ey",
+ "▁B all",
+ "▁Bal l",
+ "▁Ba ll",
+ "▁And roid",
+ "▁ant icip",
+ "▁h orse",
+ "▁hor se",
+ "▁ horse",
+ "▁br ands",
+ "▁brand s",
+ "▁re sc",
+ "▁r esc",
+ "▁res c",
+ "▁answ ers",
+ "▁answer s",
+ "ph p",
+ "p hp",
+ "U P",
+ "▁M arc",
+ "▁Mar c",
+ "▁Ma rc",
+ "▁C ON",
+ "▁CO N",
+ "▁ CON",
+ "AL L",
+ "A LL",
+ "▁Columb ia",
+ "▁Con c",
+ "▁Co nc",
+ "▁s oci",
+ "▁so ci",
+ "▁soc i",
+ "▁W ord",
+ "▁Wor d",
+ "▁Wo rd",
+ "▁Sh ort",
+ "▁Sho rt",
+ "▁ Short",
+ "▁Mat thew",
+ "▁Matt hew",
+ "ma king",
+ "m aking",
+ "U p",
+ "man n",
+ "ma nn",
+ "m ann",
+ "AN D",
+ "A ND",
+ "() ,",
+ "( ),",
+ "▁gu est",
+ "▁B a",
+ "........ ........",
+ "▁ С",
+ "▁F uture",
+ "▁Fut ure",
+ "an ged",
+ "ang ed",
+ "ange d",
+ "▁y esterday",
+ "▁w alls",
+ "▁wall s",
+ "▁wal ls",
+ "▁W orks",
+ "▁Wor ks",
+ "▁Work s",
+ "▁ Works",
+ "ro oms",
+ "room s",
+ "▁V en",
+ "▁Ve n",
+ "▁Pr inc",
+ "▁Pri nc",
+ "▁s inger",
+ "▁sing er",
+ "▁sin ger",
+ "▁cont rolled",
+ "▁control led",
+ "▁controll ed",
+ "▁ controlled",
+ "▁ve get",
+ "▁consequ ences",
+ "▁consequence s",
+ "▁param eters",
+ "▁parameter s",
+ "▁ parameters",
+ "▁b each",
+ "▁be ach",
+ "AR T",
+ "A RT",
+ "if icate",
+ "ific ate",
+ "Ph one",
+ "cer ning",
+ "▁h ell",
+ "▁he ll",
+ "▁hel l",
+ "▁ hell",
+ "adel ph",
+ "▁leg end",
+ "▁fr aud",
+ "▁fra ud",
+ "co re",
+ "cor e",
+ "c ore",
+ "▁M embers",
+ "▁Mem bers",
+ "▁Member s",
+ "▁b ridge",
+ "▁br idge",
+ "▁brid ge",
+ "▁ bridge",
+ "s ylvania",
+ "▁Down load",
+ "▁T ony",
+ "▁To ny",
+ "▁Ton y",
+ "▁p apers",
+ "▁pa pers",
+ "▁paper s",
+ "▁pap ers",
+ "▁p icked",
+ "▁pick ed",
+ "▁pic ked",
+ "▁Israel i",
+ "▁ob lig",
+ "▁obl ig",
+ "▁sold iers",
+ "▁soldier s",
+ "▁cont ribute",
+ "▁contribut e",
+ "▁w earing",
+ "▁we aring",
+ "▁wear ing",
+ "' .",
+ "▁s ought",
+ "▁so ught",
+ "▁associ ation",
+ "▁m oves",
+ "▁mov es",
+ "▁move s",
+ "▁mo ves",
+ "▁applic able",
+ "▁appl icable",
+ "ia c",
+ "i ac",
+ "▁disc rim",
+ "▁spec ified",
+ "▁j u",
+ "▁ ju",
+ "▁S C",
+ "▁ SC",
+ "od ing",
+ "odi ng",
+ "o ding",
+ "▁A li",
+ "▁Al i",
+ "▁ Ali",
+ "▁aut hent",
+ "▁L in",
+ "▁Li n",
+ "▁ Lin",
+ "▁T rade",
+ "▁Tr ade",
+ "▁Tra de",
+ "▁Trad e",
+ "ro nt",
+ "ron t",
+ "r ont",
+ "▁b oat",
+ "▁bo at",
+ "▁ boat",
+ "▁ у",
+ "re ll",
+ "rel l",
+ "r ell",
+ "▁real ized",
+ "▁realize d",
+ "air e",
+ "ai re",
+ "a ire",
+ "▁d rivers",
+ "▁dri vers",
+ "▁dr ivers",
+ "▁driv ers",
+ "▁drive rs",
+ "▁driver s",
+ "▁r iv",
+ "▁ri v",
+ "▁ riv",
+ "own town",
+ "ownt own",
+ "▁Palest in",
+ "▁n ations",
+ "▁nation s",
+ "▁commun ications",
+ "▁communication s",
+ "▁ communications",
+ "▁L es",
+ "▁Le s",
+ "▁} );",
+ "▁}) ;",
+ "▁ });",
+ "▁inter face",
+ "▁interf ace",
+ "▁ interface",
+ "▁Acc ount",
+ "▁Ac count",
+ "▁ Account",
+ "▁Aff airs",
+ "tr ue",
+ "E E",
+ "▁some what",
+ "▁somew hat",
+ "ar et",
+ "are t",
+ "a ret",
+ "}{ \\",
+ "} {\\",
+ "O V",
+ "il on",
+ "ilo n",
+ "i lon",
+ "▁str ike",
+ "▁stri ke",
+ "▁vis ited",
+ "▁visit ed",
+ "▁con test",
+ "▁cont est",
+ "▁sur prising",
+ "▁surpr ising",
+ "▁a live",
+ "▁al ive",
+ "▁f estival",
+ "▁fest ival",
+ "▁p urs",
+ "▁pur s",
+ "▁pu rs",
+ "▁p ra",
+ "▁pr a",
+ "ge ner",
+ "gen er",
+ "g ener",
+ "uo us",
+ "u ous",
+ "▁con sent",
+ "▁cons ent",
+ "▁F arm",
+ "▁Far m",
+ "▁Fa rm",
+ "▁app arently",
+ "▁apparent ly",
+ "▁appar ently",
+ "▁en tr",
+ "▁ent r",
+ "re ens",
+ "ree ns",
+ "reen s",
+ "? ?",
+ "▁Sc ient",
+ "▁Sci ent",
+ "▁p ray",
+ "▁pr ay",
+ "▁pra y",
+ "▁e lev",
+ "▁el ev",
+ "▁ele v",
+ "A V",
+ "ab s",
+ "a bs",
+ "is ition",
+ "l s",
+ "▁F all",
+ "▁Fal l",
+ "▁Fa ll",
+ "▁monitor ing",
+ "ail ed",
+ "ai led",
+ "a iled",
+ "adelph ia",
+ "▁v oters",
+ "▁vot ers",
+ "▁vote rs",
+ "▁vo ters",
+ "▁voter s",
+ "▁t ickets",
+ "▁tick ets",
+ "▁ticket s",
+ "la y",
+ "l ay",
+ "aw ay",
+ "awa y",
+ "a way",
+ "in ts",
+ "int s",
+ "▁al cohol",
+ "▁under stood",
+ "▁underst ood",
+ "▁ б",
+ "▁ent itled",
+ "▁G reg",
+ "▁Gr eg",
+ "▁Gre g",
+ "▁F un",
+ "▁Fu n",
+ "▁ Fun",
+ "▁Mag azine",
+ "▁re ader",
+ "▁read er",
+ "▁organ ized",
+ "▁organiz ed",
+ "▁organize d",
+ "O f",
+ "▁st rict",
+ "▁str ict",
+ "▁stri ct",
+ "▁pay ments",
+ "▁payment s",
+ "▁att ribut",
+ "▁percent age",
+ "Wh en",
+ "Whe n",
+ "W hen",
+ "▁prom ise",
+ "be c",
+ "b ec",
+ "at he",
+ "ath e",
+ "a the",
+ "▁ro of",
+ "▁v on",
+ "▁vo n",
+ "▁ von",
+ "▁P S",
+ "▁ PS",
+ "▁S ummer",
+ "▁Sum mer",
+ "▁Follow ing",
+ "▁em pty",
+ "▁emp ty",
+ "▁empt y",
+ "▁ empty",
+ "▁S ep",
+ "▁Se p",
+ "▁ Sep",
+ "▁ex cess",
+ "▁exc ess",
+ "\"> ",
+ "\">< /",
+ "\" >",
+ "▁perform ances",
+ "▁performance s",
+ "▁found ation",
+ "o z",
+ "▁z one",
+ "▁ zone",
+ "▁perman ent",
+ "▁eng agement",
+ "▁engage ment",
+ "ió n",
+ "i ón",
+ "▁in vent",
+ "▁inv ent",
+ "▁re placed",
+ "▁repl aced",
+ "▁replace d",
+ "▁rep air",
+ "fr ont",
+ "f ront",
+ "▁d ynamic",
+ "▁dynam ic",
+ "▁dra wn",
+ "▁draw n",
+ "▁ drawn",
+ "pr ot",
+ "pro t",
+ "p rot",
+ "▁pull ed",
+ "▁pul led",
+ "▁vis iting",
+ "▁visit ing",
+ "▁t rained",
+ "▁tr ained",
+ "▁tra ined",
+ "▁train ed",
+ "▁ trained",
+ "▁sc ored",
+ "▁score d",
+ "▁me asured",
+ "▁meas ured",
+ "▁measure d",
+ "▁de light",
+ "▁del ight",
+ "▁C ulture",
+ "▁Cult ure",
+ "co unt",
+ "c ount",
+ "▁cont ribution",
+ "▁contribut ion",
+ "▁Lew is",
+ "▁feed back",
+ "ps on",
+ "p son",
+ "is d",
+ "i sd",
+ "▁prov isions",
+ "▁provision s",
+ "▁platform s",
+ "▁plat forms",
+ "▁d eals",
+ "▁de als",
+ "▁deal s",
+ "▁Sh ould",
+ "▁Sho uld",
+ "▁Mc G",
+ "ow a",
+ "o wa",
+ "▁B at",
+ "▁Ba t",
+ "▁ext reme",
+ "▁extrem e",
+ "▁extr eme",
+ "▁inst alled",
+ "▁install ed",
+ "▁narr ative",
+ "▁nar rative",
+ "▁ext ension",
+ "▁p lane",
+ "▁pl ane",
+ "▁plan e",
+ "▁pla ne",
+ "▁ plane",
+ "an ny",
+ "ann y",
+ "▁s outhern",
+ "▁south ern",
+ "▁sout hern",
+ "▁contribut ions",
+ "▁contribution s",
+ "it arian",
+ "itar ian",
+ "ita rian",
+ "ia mi",
+ "iam i",
+ "i ami",
+ "▁m olec",
+ "▁mol ec",
+ "▁surpr ised",
+ "▁surprise d",
+ "▁h at",
+ "▁ha t",
+ "▁ hat",
+ "ob by",
+ "obb y",
+ "▁n arrow",
+ "▁narr ow",
+ "▁nar row",
+ "ot ype",
+ "otyp e",
+ "o type",
+ "et ts",
+ "ett s",
+ "▁ad ds",
+ "▁add s",
+ "▁g rade",
+ "▁gr ade",
+ "▁gra de",
+ "▁grad e",
+ "▁ grade",
+ "▁fant astic",
+ "▁fantas tic",
+ "az a",
+ "a za",
+ "De f",
+ "D ef",
+ "▁ha bit",
+ "▁hab it",
+ "▁par king",
+ "▁park ing",
+ "▁C ond",
+ "▁Con d",
+ "▁Co nd",
+ "▁ Cond",
+ "▁Penn sylvania",
+ "▁new ly",
+ "▁J osh",
+ "▁Jo sh",
+ "▁Jos h",
+ "▁pro hib",
+ "▁R ome",
+ "▁Ro me",
+ "▁Rom e",
+ "op en",
+ "ope n",
+ "o pen",
+ "▁ev il",
+ "▁ evil",
+ "ill iant",
+ "▁b attery",
+ "▁batter y",
+ "▁batt ery",
+ "▁bat tery",
+ "▁l iked",
+ "▁li ked",
+ "▁like d",
+ "▁lik ed",
+ "ar g",
+ "▁subject s",
+ "P L",
+ "ma kers",
+ "maker s",
+ "make rs",
+ "m akers",
+ "wor ld",
+ "w orld",
+ "▁sc ope",
+ "▁ scope",
+ "▁B and",
+ "▁Ba nd",
+ "▁Ban d",
+ "▁tr ail",
+ "▁tra il",
+ "▁gener ate",
+ "▁gen erate",
+ "▁gene rate",
+ "win g",
+ "wi ng",
+ "w ing",
+ "w a",
+ "▁H ay",
+ "▁Ha y",
+ "na v",
+ "n av",
+ "▁Ear ly",
+ "▁Earl y",
+ "▁E X",
+ "▁ EX",
+ "he im",
+ "he ast",
+ "hea st",
+ "h east",
+ "▁produ cer",
+ "▁produce r",
+ "ce rs",
+ "cer s",
+ "c ers",
+ "▁H ope",
+ "▁Ho pe",
+ "▁Hop e",
+ "▁a uto",
+ "▁aut o",
+ "▁au to",
+ "▁ auto",
+ "Re f",
+ "R ef",
+ "▁H aving",
+ "▁Ha ving",
+ "▁Hav ing",
+ "do i",
+ "d oi",
+ "▁f inance",
+ "▁fin ance",
+ "▁financ e",
+ "▁B ox",
+ "▁Bo x",
+ "▁ Box",
+ "▁T en",
+ "▁Te n",
+ "▁J ean",
+ "▁Je an",
+ "▁opp osite",
+ "▁phen omen",
+ "▁cele b",
+ "▁cel eb",
+ "▁L A",
+ "▁ LA",
+ "▁L ady",
+ "▁La dy",
+ "▁Lad y",
+ "▁ha sn",
+ "▁has n",
+ "▁li mits",
+ "▁lim its",
+ "▁limit s",
+ "▁ limits",
+ "F F",
+ "yo u",
+ "y ou",
+ "▁walk ed",
+ "▁wal ked",
+ "cl ing",
+ "clin g",
+ "c ling",
+ "▁near by",
+ "▁w al",
+ "▁wa l",
+ "▁ wal",
+ "▁h opes",
+ "▁hope s",
+ "▁hop es",
+ "▁ho pes",
+ "▁suff ering",
+ "▁suffer ing",
+ "as p",
+ "a sp",
+ "▁T ech",
+ "▁Te ch",
+ "▁ Tech",
+ "▁writ es",
+ "▁wr ites",
+ "▁write s",
+ "▁t ail",
+ "▁ta il",
+ "▁ tail",
+ "▁sub mitted",
+ "▁submit ted",
+ "▁R equ",
+ "▁Re qu",
+ "▁ Requ",
+ "н ы",
+ "▁cl imb",
+ "▁clim b",
+ "▁de aling",
+ "▁deal ing",
+ "▁Ariz ona",
+ "an th",
+ "ant h",
+ "se x",
+ "s ex",
+ "ach us",
+ "ol is",
+ "oli s",
+ "o lis",
+ "co r",
+ "c or",
+ "▁transport ation",
+ "▁sam ples",
+ "▁sample s",
+ "Con text",
+ "Cont ext",
+ "▁cons cious",
+ "▁consc ious",
+ "▁ conscious",
+ "▁B ible",
+ "▁Bi ble",
+ "▁H oly",
+ "▁Hol y",
+ "▁Ho ly",
+ "▁a ctors",
+ "▁act ors",
+ "▁actor s",
+ "▁atmosp here",
+ "▁sent ence",
+ "Americ an",
+ "America n",
+ "li x",
+ "l ix",
+ "▁y ards",
+ "▁yard s",
+ "▁ yards",
+ "▁Sm all",
+ "▁sit uations",
+ "▁situation s",
+ "▁situ ations",
+ "… .",
+ "▁G M",
+ "▁ GM",
+ "▁n ode",
+ "▁no de",
+ "▁nod e",
+ "▁ node",
+ "' ]",
+ "▁Th ings",
+ "▁Thing s",
+ "▁Pat rick",
+ "▁Patri ck",
+ "▁access ible",
+ "ial s",
+ "ia ls",
+ "i als",
+ "▁ é",
+ "▁expect ations",
+ "▁expectation s",
+ "p g",
+ "▁d rama",
+ "▁dra ma",
+ "▁dr ama",
+ "▁dram a",
+ "▁b are",
+ "▁bar e",
+ "▁ba re",
+ "▁Hou ston",
+ "▁Hous ton",
+ "▁e missions",
+ "▁em issions",
+ "▁emission s",
+ "▁m yst",
+ "▁my st",
+ "▁comp liance",
+ "▁compl iance",
+ "▁m oral",
+ "▁mor al",
+ "▁mo ral",
+ "▁T reat",
+ "▁Tre at",
+ "▁fac ulty",
+ "P C",
+ "▁A venue",
+ "▁Aven ue",
+ "▁con tained",
+ "▁cont ained",
+ "▁contain ed",
+ "we ight",
+ "w eight",
+ "▁mod ule",
+ "▁mo dule",
+ "▁ module",
+ "▁f irms",
+ "▁firm s",
+ "▁Trans port",
+ "▁princ ipal",
+ "▁princip al",
+ "vers ion",
+ "v ersion",
+ "▁appro aches",
+ "▁approach es",
+ "▁integ rated",
+ "▁integr ated",
+ "▁integrate d",
+ "▁appreci ate",
+ "ov al",
+ "ova l",
+ "o val",
+ "▁ ’",
+ "▁sub sid",
+ "▁subs id",
+ "▁pain ting",
+ "▁paint ing",
+ "▁out comes",
+ "▁outcome s",
+ "▁r ising",
+ "▁ris ing",
+ "▁ rising",
+ "Con n",
+ "Co nn",
+ "▁ill ness",
+ "▁inv ited",
+ "▁invite d",
+ "▁) ;",
+ "▁ );",
+ "▁P ack",
+ "▁Pa ck",
+ "▁Pac k",
+ "▁ Pack",
+ "H ow",
+ "▁inj uries",
+ "▁ ~",
+ "pr ess",
+ "pre ss",
+ "pres s",
+ "p ress",
+ "▁C ancer",
+ "▁Can cer",
+ "▁dis miss",
+ "ac le",
+ "a cle",
+ "▁b ear",
+ "▁be ar",
+ "▁com pos",
+ "▁comp os",
+ "sc ale",
+ "▁partic ipation",
+ "▁particip ation",
+ "▁Rec ords",
+ "▁Record s",
+ "ition ally",
+ "itional ly",
+ "▁Mean while",
+ "as ka",
+ "ask a",
+ "mission s",
+ "miss ions",
+ "m issions",
+ "fa ll",
+ "f all",
+ "▁help ful",
+ "▁} ;",
+ "▁ };",
+ "▁initi ative",
+ "▁col our",
+ "▁R oll",
+ "▁Ro ll",
+ "▁Rol l",
+ "▁sw im",
+ "▁d riven",
+ "▁dri ven",
+ "▁dr iven",
+ "▁driv en",
+ "▁drive n",
+ "▁ driven",
+ "li ent",
+ "lie nt",
+ "l ient",
+ "▁B ell",
+ "▁Be ll",
+ "▁Bel l",
+ "▁Environment al",
+ "Re ad",
+ "R ead",
+ "al o",
+ "a lo",
+ "▁E ss",
+ "▁Es s",
+ "in als",
+ "inal s",
+ "ina ls",
+ "▁autom atically",
+ "▁automatic ally",
+ "▁out standing",
+ "fo lio",
+ "fol io",
+ "bs ite",
+ "b site",
+ "▁s ees",
+ "▁se es",
+ "▁see s",
+ "▁S av",
+ "▁Sa v",
+ "▁t ruck",
+ "▁tr uck",
+ "▁tru ck",
+ "▁he ads",
+ "▁head s",
+ "▁ heads",
+ "▁do ors",
+ "▁door s",
+ "▁ doors",
+ "▁$ (",
+ "▁ $(",
+ "▁ П",
+ "▁ab andon",
+ "▁Mod el",
+ "▁Mo del",
+ "▁Mode l",
+ "▁ Model",
+ "▁D ark",
+ "▁Dar k",
+ "▁Da rk",
+ "▁B eh",
+ "▁Be h",
+ "▁out come",
+ "▁def ine",
+ "▁defin e",
+ "▁ define",
+ "▁ag gress",
+ "▁com bat",
+ "▁comb at",
+ "be ta",
+ "bet a",
+ "b eta",
+ "▁l os",
+ "▁lo s",
+ "▁ los",
+ "▁w atched",
+ "▁watch ed",
+ "▁wat ched",
+ "▁impro vement",
+ "▁improve ment",
+ "▁improv ement",
+ "bre ak",
+ "B N",
+ "▁capt ure",
+ "▁C rit",
+ "▁Cr it",
+ "▁ Crit",
+ "▁S ov",
+ "▁So v",
+ "▁c up",
+ "▁cu p",
+ "▁ cup",
+ "▁F ather",
+ "▁Fat her",
+ "▁Fa ther",
+ "▁Att orney",
+ "▁n euro",
+ "▁ne uro",
+ "▁neur o",
+ "▁d ates",
+ "▁date s",
+ "▁dat es",
+ "▁da tes",
+ "▁ dates",
+ "▁regist ration",
+ "▁pl ug",
+ "▁ plug",
+ "▁f aced",
+ "▁fac ed",
+ "▁face d",
+ "▁fa ced",
+ "▁ faced",
+ "▁pro spect",
+ "▁pros pect",
+ "▁celebr ate",
+ "▁celeb rate",
+ "io t",
+ "i ot",
+ "▁G rant",
+ "▁Gr ant",
+ "▁Gra nt",
+ "▁Gran t",
+ "in cluding",
+ "includ ing",
+ "▁bas ically",
+ "▁basic ally",
+ "p a",
+ "▁S che",
+ "▁Sc he",
+ "▁Sch e",
+ "▁ Sche",
+ "v o",
+ "▁p ip",
+ "▁pi p",
+ "▁b roke",
+ "▁br oke",
+ "▁bro ke",
+ "▁Com ments",
+ "▁Comm ents",
+ "▁Comment s",
+ "mon y",
+ "mo ny",
+ "m ony",
+ "▁p late",
+ "▁pl ate",
+ "▁plat e",
+ "▁pla te",
+ "▁ plate",
+ "▁A k",
+ "▁restaur ants",
+ "▁restaurant s",
+ "an gers",
+ "ang ers",
+ "ange rs",
+ "anger s",
+ "O ver",
+ "er ate",
+ "era te",
+ "e rate",
+ "▁perfect ly",
+ "ve ly",
+ "vel y",
+ "v ely",
+ "el d",
+ "e ld",
+ "▁talk ed",
+ "▁tal ked",
+ "ti tle",
+ "t itle",
+ "▁m ountain",
+ "▁mount ain",
+ "iz z",
+ "i zz",
+ "L O",
+ "▁L ine",
+ "▁Li ne",
+ "▁Lin e",
+ "▁ Line",
+ "▁t empl",
+ "▁tem pl",
+ "▁temp l",
+ "▁S afety",
+ "▁Saf ety",
+ "▁Safe ty",
+ "▁consider ation",
+ "▁consid eration",
+ "▁cru cial",
+ "▁cruc ial",
+ "▁l ect",
+ "▁le ct",
+ "▁ lect",
+ "▁e scape",
+ "▁es cape",
+ "▁escap e",
+ "▁esc ape",
+ "▁G allery",
+ "▁Gall ery",
+ "▁An ne",
+ "▁Ann e",
+ "▁fun ny",
+ "▁enth us",
+ "ex pected",
+ "exp ected",
+ "B u",
+ "▁person ally",
+ "▁personal ly",
+ "▁R os",
+ "▁Ro s",
+ "▁organ is",
+ "ri ent",
+ "rie nt",
+ "rien t",
+ "r ient",
+ "▁Unf ortunately",
+ "▁t um",
+ "▁tu m",
+ "br id",
+ "b rid",
+ "▁int roduction",
+ "▁introdu ction",
+ "▁introduct ion",
+ "▁intro duction",
+ "▁s in",
+ "▁si n",
+ "▁ sin",
+ "▁en emy",
+ "▁enem y",
+ "▁found er",
+ "▁fo under",
+ "▁ founder",
+ "▁ke eps",
+ "▁keep s",
+ "ri ers",
+ "rie rs",
+ "rier s",
+ "r iers",
+ "▁h idden",
+ "▁hi dden",
+ "▁hid den",
+ "▁ hidden",
+ "▁re in",
+ "so le",
+ "sol e",
+ "s ole",
+ "▁con taining",
+ "▁cont aining",
+ "▁contain ing",
+ "G A",
+ "ow ing",
+ "o wing",
+ "▁represent ation",
+ "▁fair ly",
+ "▁D ream",
+ "▁Dre am",
+ "▁Al bert",
+ "▁Alb ert",
+ "▁Alber t",
+ "▁Pl us",
+ "▁ Plus",
+ "ov en",
+ "ove n",
+ "o ven",
+ "▁H old",
+ "▁Hol d",
+ "▁Ho ld",
+ "ov a",
+ "o va",
+ "t le",
+ "▁jo ining",
+ "▁join ing",
+ "▁ joining",
+ "In st",
+ "Ins t",
+ "▁f ruit",
+ "▁fr uit",
+ "▁fru it",
+ "▁deep ly",
+ "▁h its",
+ "▁hit s",
+ "▁hi ts",
+ "ration s",
+ "rat ions",
+ "r ations",
+ "▁e ating",
+ "▁eat ing",
+ "ious ly",
+ "i ously",
+ "▁liqu id",
+ "▁law yer",
+ "▁w estern",
+ "▁west ern",
+ "▁ western",
+ "W h",
+ "al ty",
+ "alt y",
+ "▁mark ed",
+ "▁mar ked",
+ "▁ marked",
+ "let ter",
+ "lett er",
+ "lette r",
+ "▁dise ases",
+ "▁disease s",
+ "ga ge",
+ "g age",
+ "▁p resents",
+ "▁pres ents",
+ "▁present s",
+ "▁al ign",
+ "▁ align",
+ "an nels",
+ "ann els",
+ "annel s",
+ "anne ls",
+ "▁E ffect",
+ "▁Eff ect",
+ "▁ Effect",
+ "de t",
+ "d et",
+ "▁s plit",
+ "▁sp lit",
+ "▁spl it",
+ "▁ split",
+ "vo l",
+ "v ol",
+ "▁l y",
+ "▁ ly",
+ "▁d rag",
+ "▁dra g",
+ "▁dr ag",
+ "▁J ay",
+ "▁Ja y",
+ "▁N S",
+ "▁ NS",
+ "po ol",
+ "p ool",
+ "▁For est",
+ "▁Fore st",
+ "▁Fo rest",
+ "▁K ir",
+ "▁Ki r",
+ "▁v ess",
+ "▁ve ss",
+ "▁ing red",
+ "ik ip",
+ "iki p",
+ "▁w eren",
+ "▁we ren",
+ "▁were n",
+ "▁wer en",
+ "▁ext ract",
+ "▁extra ct",
+ "▁extr act",
+ "▁} \r",
+ "▁ }\r",
+ "▁cut ting",
+ "▁cu tting",
+ "▁const antly",
+ "▁constant ly",
+ "nes ota",
+ "▁N ame",
+ "▁Na me",
+ "▁Nam e",
+ "▁ Name",
+ "▁cor onavirus",
+ "vent ional",
+ "vention al",
+ "▁p ointed",
+ "▁point ed",
+ "pl ete",
+ "ple te",
+ "p lete",
+ "▁G i",
+ "▁g ene",
+ "▁gen e",
+ "▁ge ne",
+ "P D",
+ "A t",
+ "ul pt",
+ "▁Vict oria",
+ "▁Victor ia",
+ "▁off ices",
+ "▁offic es",
+ "▁office s",
+ "▁r ig",
+ "▁ri g",
+ "▁ rig",
+ "▁adv enture",
+ "▁advent ure",
+ "▁ex clusive",
+ "▁exclus ive",
+ "▁form ation",
+ "▁format ion",
+ "▁ formation",
+ "R L",
+ "▁P ict",
+ "▁Pic t",
+ "▁Pi ct",
+ "it o",
+ "i to",
+ "▁equ ivalent",
+ "▁equival ent",
+ "▁F ig",
+ "▁Fi g",
+ "▁ Fig",
+ "▁ne ut",
+ "ograph er",
+ "ograp her",
+ "cr ib",
+ "c rib",
+ "▁O s",
+ "▁ Os",
+ "▁f rust",
+ "▁fr ust",
+ "▁fru st",
+ "az e",
+ "a ze",
+ "▁Def ense",
+ "▁control s",
+ "▁Res ources",
+ "▁Resource s",
+ "ic ing",
+ "ici ng",
+ "i cing",
+ "j i",
+ "ra ry",
+ "rar y",
+ "r ary",
+ "▁acknow led",
+ "▁cre ates",
+ "▁creat es",
+ "▁create s",
+ "▁f ulf",
+ "▁ful f",
+ "▁Int erest",
+ "▁Inter est",
+ "▁Phil adelphia",
+ "▁suff ered",
+ "▁suffer ed",
+ "▁vers ions",
+ "▁version s",
+ "▁g ay",
+ "▁ga y",
+ "U D",
+ "▁design s",
+ "▁Govern or",
+ "▁O nt",
+ "▁On t",
+ "be ll",
+ "bel l",
+ "b ell",
+ "▁air port",
+ "**** ****",
+ "▁Ox ford",
+ "▁Le arn",
+ "▁Lear n",
+ "▁s olo",
+ "▁so lo",
+ "▁sol o",
+ "▁s pin",
+ "▁sp in",
+ "▁con cerning",
+ "▁concern ing",
+ "bi g",
+ "b ig",
+ "No de",
+ "N ode",
+ "▁Gold en",
+ "▁Gol den",
+ "▁K elly",
+ "▁Kel ly",
+ "▁Kell y",
+ "▁L iter",
+ "▁Li ter",
+ "▁Lit er",
+ "▁Cl imate",
+ "▁Cli mate",
+ "▁h urt",
+ "▁hur t",
+ ", ’",
+ "▁N avy",
+ "▁Nav y",
+ "▁Na vy",
+ "▁st range",
+ "▁str ange",
+ "▁strang e",
+ "▁s oil",
+ "▁so il",
+ "▁Im ages",
+ "▁Image s",
+ "▁Imag es",
+ "ig ious",
+ "igi ous",
+ "▁w ins",
+ "▁win s",
+ "▁c atal",
+ "▁ca tal",
+ "▁cat al",
+ "▁attempt s",
+ "el le",
+ "ell e",
+ "ol n",
+ "o ln",
+ "▁A st",
+ "▁As t",
+ "▁w idth",
+ "▁wid th",
+ "▁ width",
+ "' ;",
+ "ha r",
+ "h ar",
+ "▁g iant",
+ "▁gi ant",
+ "▁not iced",
+ "▁notice d",
+ "▁M iami",
+ "▁Mi ami",
+ "▁Mia mi",
+ "▁reg ime",
+ "() )",
+ "( ))",
+ "▁news paper",
+ "▁newsp aper",
+ "achus etts",
+ "▁mag ic",
+ "▁ma gic",
+ "▁decl ared",
+ "▁declare d",
+ "▁slow ly",
+ "▁He art",
+ "▁Hear t",
+ "▁ Heart",
+ "▁n orthern",
+ "▁north ern",
+ "▁nort hern",
+ "▁me nu",
+ "▁men u",
+ "▁ menu",
+ "▁v ice",
+ "▁vi ce",
+ "▁vic e",
+ "il ey",
+ "ile y",
+ "i ley",
+ "y o",
+ "math rm",
+ "▁init ially",
+ "▁initi ally",
+ "▁initial ly",
+ "▁Air port",
+ "in king",
+ "ink ing",
+ "inki ng",
+ "ot ten",
+ "ott en",
+ "otte n",
+ "o tten",
+ "▁col ors",
+ "▁color s",
+ "▁purch ased",
+ "▁purchase d",
+ "▁app s",
+ "▁ap ps",
+ "▁W ales",
+ "▁Wal es",
+ "▁Wa les",
+ "▁B arb",
+ "▁Bar b",
+ "▁Ba rb",
+ "▁M arg",
+ "▁Mar g",
+ "▁represent ative",
+ "ect or",
+ "ec tor",
+ "e ctor",
+ "▁b att",
+ "▁bat t",
+ "▁ba tt",
+ "▁de sk",
+ "▁des k",
+ "▁S ky",
+ "▁Sk y",
+ "pl om",
+ "▁categ ories",
+ "▁categor ies",
+ "▁in fect",
+ "▁inf ect",
+ "▁webs ites",
+ "▁website s",
+ "▁web sites",
+ "▁t iss",
+ "pt on",
+ "p ton",
+ "▁Br other",
+ "▁Bro ther",
+ "▁desc ribes",
+ "▁describ es",
+ "▁describe s",
+ "▁int ellectual",
+ "▁intellect ual",
+ "oc ated",
+ "oca ted",
+ "ocate d",
+ "an te",
+ "ant e",
+ "▁inter f",
+ "ikip edia",
+ "▁care fully",
+ "▁careful ly",
+ "▁ В",
+ "er ent",
+ "ere nt",
+ "eren t",
+ "e rent",
+ "▁d ogs",
+ "▁do gs",
+ "▁dog s",
+ "ag an",
+ "aga n",
+ "a gan",
+ "▁ind icate",
+ "▁indic ate",
+ "▁Y O",
+ "▁j e",
+ "▁ je",
+ "▁v oting",
+ "▁vot ing",
+ "▁vo ting",
+ "▁C redit",
+ "▁Cr edit",
+ "▁Cre dit",
+ "▁Cred it",
+ "▁ Credit",
+ "▁S ix",
+ "▁Si x",
+ "▁car rying",
+ "▁carry ing",
+ "ro duction",
+ "rodu ction",
+ "roduct ion",
+ "rod uction",
+ "yn c",
+ "y nc",
+ "▁priv ile",
+ "▁t rav",
+ "▁tr av",
+ "▁tra v",
+ "im age",
+ "ima ge",
+ "imag e",
+ "▁t icket",
+ "▁tick et",
+ "▁amount s",
+ "▁restrict ions",
+ "▁restriction s",
+ "▁D ave",
+ "▁Dav e",
+ "▁Da ve",
+ "wh el",
+ "whe l",
+ "w hel",
+ "T O",
+ "ta u",
+ "t au",
+ "tic al",
+ "ti cal",
+ "t ical",
+ "▁J udge",
+ "▁Jud ge",
+ "▁un us",
+ "▁sequ ence",
+ "▁f lag",
+ "▁fl ag",
+ "▁ flag",
+ "▁p overty",
+ "af ter",
+ "aft er",
+ "a fter",
+ "▁cons umption",
+ "▁consum ption",
+ "ic ken",
+ "ick en",
+ "ud es",
+ "ude s",
+ "u des",
+ "bo y",
+ "b oy",
+ "▁im per",
+ "▁imp er",
+ "▁impe r",
+ "on der",
+ "ond er",
+ "onde r",
+ "o nder",
+ "fig ure",
+ "f igure",
+ "we b",
+ "w eb",
+ "p y",
+ "▁R oom",
+ "▁Ro om",
+ "▁u na",
+ "▁un a",
+ "▁ una",
+ "▁R ail",
+ "▁Ra il",
+ "▁Col lection",
+ "▁Coll ection",
+ "▁Collect ion",
+ "▁ Collection",
+ "M M",
+ "▁impro ving",
+ "▁improv ing",
+ "Pat h",
+ "Pa th",
+ "P ath",
+ "▁ex posed",
+ "▁exp osed",
+ "▁expose d",
+ "▁Co oper",
+ "pi e",
+ "p ie",
+ "▁An alysis",
+ "▁Analy sis",
+ "▁Anal ysis",
+ "▁U t",
+ "▁J am",
+ "▁Ja m",
+ "▁ind icated",
+ "▁indic ated",
+ "▁indicate d",
+ "▁dem ocracy",
+ "▁democr acy",
+ "▁h ur",
+ "▁fil ter",
+ "▁ filter",
+ "▁l ikes",
+ "▁li kes",
+ "▁like s",
+ "▁lik es",
+ "▁sub mit",
+ "▁ submit",
+ "▁ex port",
+ "▁exp ort",
+ "▁F ive",
+ "▁Fi ve",
+ "▁pr ime",
+ "▁pri me",
+ "▁prim e",
+ "▁ prime",
+ "▁N a",
+ "▁ Na",
+ "▁Re present",
+ "▁Rep resent",
+ "et ies",
+ "eti es",
+ "e ties",
+ "▁pro port",
+ "▁prop ort",
+ "▁Alex ander",
+ "▁Alexand er",
+ "▁Alexa nder",
+ "osp itals",
+ "ospital s",
+ "S ervice",
+ "▁sp okes",
+ "▁spoke s",
+ "▁spo kes",
+ "▁J ason",
+ "▁Ja son",
+ "▁Jas on",
+ "ut ies",
+ "uti es",
+ "u ties",
+ "▁re liable",
+ "▁rel iable",
+ "▁reli able",
+ "▁Republic ans",
+ "▁Republican s",
+ "▁Sp irit",
+ "▁Min nesota",
+ "▁hy per",
+ "▁hyp er",
+ "▁hype r",
+ "▁Ber lin",
+ "▁in ner",
+ "▁inn er",
+ "▁ inner",
+ "▁P rior",
+ "▁Pr ior",
+ "▁Pri or",
+ "▁With out",
+ "▁con clusion",
+ "▁whe el",
+ "▁ wheel",
+ "▁s olve",
+ "▁sol ve",
+ "on na",
+ "▁do ctors",
+ "▁doctor s",
+ "▁doct ors",
+ "▁un iverse",
+ "▁univers e",
+ "▁thous and",
+ "hi st",
+ "his t",
+ "h ist",
+ "▁r u",
+ "▁ ru",
+ "▁Wor king",
+ "▁Work ing",
+ "igen ous",
+ "▁strong ly",
+ "▁indust ries",
+ "▁inst itution",
+ "▁instit ution",
+ "▁r ose",
+ "▁ro se",
+ "▁ rose",
+ "v i",
+ "▁Le on",
+ "▁Leo n",
+ "▁J ane",
+ "▁Jan e",
+ "▁Ja ne",
+ "▁d iam",
+ "▁di am",
+ "▁dia m",
+ "▁Stud ent",
+ "▁a ims",
+ "▁aim s",
+ "vis ion",
+ "v ision",
+ "▁exp lo",
+ "▁expl o",
+ "▁tr ends",
+ "▁trend s",
+ "va s",
+ "v as",
+ "▁sudden ly",
+ "For m",
+ "F orm",
+ "▁inj ured",
+ "▁P RO",
+ "▁PR O",
+ "▁ PRO",
+ "▁M ap",
+ "▁Ma p",
+ "▁ Map",
+ "▁d omin",
+ "▁do min",
+ "▁dom in",
+ "▁t or",
+ "▁to r",
+ "▁ tor",
+ "▁S em",
+ "▁Se m",
+ "ar ation",
+ "arat ion",
+ "a ration",
+ "▁Foot ball",
+ "ac her",
+ "ach er",
+ "ache r",
+ "a cher",
+ "time s",
+ "ti mes",
+ "tim es",
+ "t imes",
+ "▁Ann ual",
+ "▁prot ocol",
+ "▁V eg",
+ "▁Ve g",
+ "▁and roid",
+ "▁ android",
+ "▁return ing",
+ "▁St ation",
+ "▁Stat ion",
+ "▁ Station",
+ "es y",
+ "e sy",
+ "S o",
+ "▁rep utation",
+ "▁reput ation",
+ "ap i",
+ "a pi",
+ "en nis",
+ "enn is",
+ "▁a side",
+ "▁as ide",
+ "▁per mission",
+ "▁perm ission",
+ "▁el igible",
+ "▁elig ible",
+ "▁my th",
+ "▁members hip",
+ "▁member ship",
+ "▁l ights",
+ "▁light s",
+ "▁ lights",
+ "▁t itles",
+ "▁title s",
+ "▁tit les",
+ "▁man aging",
+ "▁manag ing",
+ "▁g ap",
+ "▁ga p",
+ "▁war rant",
+ "ap se",
+ "aps e",
+ "▁Author ity",
+ "il de",
+ "ild e",
+ "▁L egal",
+ "▁Le gal",
+ "▁Leg al",
+ "▁pres idential",
+ "▁president ial",
+ "▁fol ks",
+ "▁folk s",
+ "▁c hart",
+ "▁ch art",
+ "▁char t",
+ "▁cha rt",
+ "▁ chart",
+ "▁t ips",
+ "▁tip s",
+ "▁b rowser",
+ "▁brows er",
+ "▁browse r",
+ "▁ browser",
+ "# #",
+ "▁tro ops",
+ "▁month ly",
+ "▁wind ows",
+ "▁window s",
+ "ou red",
+ "our ed",
+ "o ured",
+ "▁fr anch",
+ "▁franc h",
+ "ow ed",
+ "owe d",
+ "o wed",
+ "▁de ploy",
+ "▁character istics",
+ "▁characteristic s",
+ "▁colle agues",
+ "▁colleague s",
+ "ba se",
+ "bas e",
+ "b ase",
+ "▁guid elines",
+ "▁guide lines",
+ "▁guideline s",
+ "om ic",
+ "omi c",
+ "o mic",
+ "▁i Phone",
+ "▁Mass achusetts",
+ "il st",
+ "ils t",
+ "▁A rm",
+ "▁Ar m",
+ "ra ction",
+ "ract ion",
+ "r action",
+ "▁su itable",
+ "▁suit able",
+ "▁ch ose",
+ "▁cho se",
+ "▁cr ash",
+ "▁cra sh",
+ "▁p erm",
+ "▁per m",
+ "▁pe rm",
+ "▁ perm",
+ "ia h",
+ "i ah",
+ "▁Prot ection",
+ "▁Protect ion",
+ "▁Prote ction",
+ "it is",
+ "iti s",
+ "▁st ations",
+ "▁stat ions",
+ "▁station s",
+ "dn ey",
+ "d ney",
+ "▁electric ity",
+ "▁electr icity",
+ "▁child hood",
+ "▁C ry",
+ "▁Cr y",
+ "an chester",
+ "anc hester",
+ "anch ester",
+ "anche ster",
+ "anches ter",
+ "▁r atio",
+ "▁rat io",
+ "ab b",
+ "a bb",
+ "▁aff ordable",
+ "▁afford able",
+ "▁B ase",
+ "▁Bas e",
+ "▁Ba se",
+ "▁ Base",
+ "▁v isible",
+ "▁vis ible",
+ "▁ visible",
+ "▁G ro",
+ "▁Gr o",
+ "al las",
+ "all as",
+ "alla s",
+ "▁L iving",
+ "▁Li ving",
+ "▁Liv ing",
+ "▁n oise",
+ "▁no ise",
+ "▁Y eah",
+ "▁Ye ah",
+ "▁ Yeah",
+ "▁res erved",
+ "▁reserve d",
+ "▁reserv ed",
+ "▁cons ists",
+ "▁consist s",
+ "em an",
+ "ema n",
+ "e man",
+ "▁Be ing",
+ "▁ Being",
+ "ur se",
+ "urs e",
+ "Com m",
+ "Co mm",
+ "C omm",
+ "st art",
+ "star t",
+ "sta rt",
+ "▁S imon",
+ "▁Sim on",
+ "▁Si mon",
+ "▁P rop",
+ "▁Pro p",
+ "▁Pr op",
+ "▁ Prop",
+ "▁R oss",
+ "▁Ro ss",
+ "▁Ros s",
+ "L A",
+ "▁G ree",
+ "▁Gr ee",
+ "▁Gre e",
+ "▁co vering",
+ "▁cover ing",
+ "▁cov ering",
+ "▁w arning",
+ "▁war ning",
+ "▁warn ing",
+ "▁gu ilty",
+ "▁guilt y",
+ "▁pri ority",
+ "▁prior ity",
+ "▁priorit y",
+ "▁A nton",
+ "▁An ton",
+ "▁Ant on",
+ "is ted",
+ "ist ed",
+ "iste d",
+ "i sted",
+ "▁a ges",
+ "▁ag es",
+ "▁age s",
+ "▁ ages",
+ "▁feel ings",
+ "▁feeling s",
+ "▁fee lings",
+ "▁su rf",
+ "▁sur f",
+ "▁s kill",
+ "▁sk ill",
+ "▁ski ll",
+ "C P",
+ "▁re ward",
+ "▁S ound",
+ "▁So und",
+ "▁Sou nd",
+ "▁c rack",
+ "▁cr ack",
+ "▁cra ck",
+ "if icial",
+ "ific ial",
+ "ifi cial",
+ "▁F inal",
+ "▁Fin al",
+ "▁ Final",
+ "▁sil ver",
+ "che ck",
+ "▁cr imes",
+ "▁crim es",
+ "▁crime s",
+ "▁p itch",
+ "▁pit ch",
+ "▁mer ely",
+ "▁mere ly",
+ "в и",
+ "▁ad mitted",
+ "▁adm itted",
+ "▁admit ted",
+ "▁T ype",
+ "▁Ty pe",
+ "▁Typ e",
+ "▁ Type",
+ "ache lor",
+ "achel or",
+ "▁t all",
+ "▁tal l",
+ "▁ta ll",
+ "ok ed",
+ "oke d",
+ "o ked",
+ "n i",
+ "▁se asons",
+ "▁season s",
+ "▁seas ons",
+ "▁object ive",
+ "in ator",
+ "ina tor",
+ "▁Const itution",
+ "▁arg uments",
+ "▁argument s",
+ "▁argu ments",
+ "▁In nov",
+ "▁Inn ov",
+ "▁l anguages",
+ "▁language s",
+ "ft y",
+ "f ty",
+ "▁N eed",
+ "▁Ne ed",
+ "▁More over",
+ "▁second ary",
+ "▁ secondary",
+ "▁Le arning",
+ "▁Lear ning",
+ "▁Learn ing",
+ "▁connect ions",
+ "▁connection s",
+ "▁techn ique",
+ "▁phil osophy",
+ "▁philosoph y",
+ "on sin",
+ "ons in",
+ "▁p hr",
+ "▁ph r",
+ "▁dis count",
+ "▁disc ount",
+ "▁disco unt",
+ "▁Anth ony",
+ "▁s up",
+ "▁su p",
+ "▁ sup",
+ "▁g lad",
+ "▁gl ad",
+ "▁v oc",
+ "▁vo c",
+ "▁ voc",
+ "▁far mers",
+ "▁farm ers",
+ "▁farmer s",
+ "▁inf ection",
+ "▁infect ion",
+ "▁O ak",
+ "▁c abin",
+ "▁ca bin",
+ "▁cab in",
+ "▁acqu ired",
+ "▁acquire d",
+ "▁fif th",
+ "ol ean",
+ "ole an",
+ "o lean",
+ "▁S O",
+ "▁ SO",
+ "I B",
+ "F A",
+ "rol led",
+ "roll ed",
+ "▁Re cent",
+ "▁Rec ent",
+ "▁Rece nt",
+ "▁some where",
+ "▁somew here",
+ "st ruct",
+ "str uct",
+ "stru ct",
+ "▁E N",
+ "▁ EN",
+ "▁crit eria",
+ "ol y",
+ "o ly",
+ "▁C orn",
+ "▁Cor n",
+ "bl ock",
+ "b lock",
+ "▁Sa udi",
+ "▁Sau di",
+ "▁ca using",
+ "▁caus ing",
+ "▁Some times",
+ "▁Som etimes",
+ "▁C ert",
+ "▁Ce rt",
+ "▁Cer t",
+ "▁ Cert",
+ "isc onsin",
+ "▁par agraph",
+ "▁para graph",
+ "▁ paragraph",
+ "▁dra wing",
+ "▁draw ing",
+ "▁jud gment",
+ "▁in terior",
+ "▁int erior",
+ "▁inter ior",
+ "ol id",
+ "oli d",
+ "tain ment",
+ "is ode",
+ "iso de",
+ "▁sur ve",
+ "▁surv e",
+ "▁S S",
+ "▁ SS",
+ "at urally",
+ "atural ly",
+ "atur ally",
+ "▁pro ved",
+ "▁prov ed",
+ "▁pr oved",
+ "▁prove d",
+ ".< /",
+ ". ",
+ "ja va",
+ "jav a",
+ "j ava",
+ "ut ed",
+ "ute d",
+ "u ted",
+ "▁br illiant",
+ "▁ad j",
+ "▁Ad vis",
+ "▁Adv is",
+ "E V",
+ "▁As sembly",
+ "ri ne",
+ "rin e",
+ "r ine",
+ "sp e",
+ "s pe",
+ "▁ann iversary",
+ "di ng",
+ "d ing",
+ "▁produ cing",
+ "▁M oh",
+ "▁Mo h",
+ "▁princ iple",
+ "▁princip le",
+ "▁U lt",
+ "▁Ul t",
+ "la r",
+ "l ar",
+ "▁F inance",
+ "▁Fin ance",
+ "no n",
+ "n on",
+ "▁implement ed",
+ "cal led",
+ "call ed",
+ "c alled",
+ "^ \\",
+ "un a",
+ "u na",
+ "S ystem",
+ "lo w",
+ "l ow",
+ "▁reg ulatory",
+ "▁regul atory",
+ "▁regulator y",
+ "▁o cean",
+ "▁f requency",
+ "▁frequ ency",
+ "▁ frequency",
+ "▁Rel ations",
+ "▁C S",
+ "▁ CS",
+ "▁E T",
+ "▁ ET",
+ "▁N umber",
+ "▁Nu mber",
+ "▁ Number",
+ "▁l aid",
+ "▁la id",
+ "▁requ irement",
+ "▁require ment",
+ "▁= ==",
+ "▁== =",
+ "▁ ===",
+ "▁ins ert",
+ "▁ insert",
+ "p df",
+ "▁K ansas",
+ "▁t iny",
+ "▁tin y",
+ "▁recommend ations",
+ "▁recommendation s",
+ "la st",
+ "las t",
+ "l ast",
+ "le rs",
+ "ler s",
+ "l ers",
+ "▁W W",
+ "▁ WW",
+ "▁g rab",
+ "▁gr ab",
+ "▁gra b",
+ "con fig",
+ "conf ig",
+ "ish ment",
+ "▁liter ally",
+ "▁literal ly",
+ "▁bl ind",
+ "▁ blind",
+ "▁P A",
+ "▁ PA",
+ "▁Mich el",
+ "▁Mic hel",
+ "▁Mi chel",
+ "▁Miche l",
+ "▁P H",
+ "▁ PH",
+ "▁Har ris",
+ "▁Harri s",
+ "ixt ure",
+ "d s",
+ "▁ar bit",
+ "▁Agre ement",
+ "▁B ry",
+ "▁Br y",
+ "ga mma",
+ "g amma",
+ "▁B ased",
+ "▁Bas ed",
+ "▁Base d",
+ "▁ Based",
+ "▁law su",
+ "▁laws u",
+ "▁contract s",
+ "ist ent",
+ "iste nt",
+ "▁h oping",
+ "▁hop ing",
+ "▁ho ping",
+ "▁me at",
+ "▁t act",
+ "▁ta ct",
+ "▁D er",
+ "▁De r",
+ "y r",
+ "win d",
+ "wi nd",
+ "w ind",
+ "▁dep ends",
+ "▁depend s",
+ "▁At lantic",
+ "▁Atl antic",
+ "▁P rice",
+ "▁Pr ice",
+ "▁Pri ce",
+ "in put",
+ "▁any way",
+ "▁th inks",
+ "▁think s",
+ "▁thin ks",
+ "em b",
+ "e mb",
+ ", '",
+ "▁T am",
+ "▁Ta m",
+ "ro it",
+ "▁dist ributed",
+ "▁distribut ed",
+ "▁distribute d",
+ "ain er",
+ "ai ner",
+ "aine r",
+ "a iner",
+ "▁le git",
+ "▁leg it",
+ "▁l unch",
+ "▁lun ch",
+ "▁Th ird",
+ "! --",
+ "▁se ats",
+ "▁sea ts",
+ "▁seat s",
+ "ype s",
+ "yp es",
+ "y pes",
+ "se ct",
+ "sec t",
+ "s ect",
+ "▁C R",
+ "▁ CR",
+ "▁bre aking",
+ "▁break ing",
+ "▁ breaking",
+ "▁g ent",
+ "▁gen t",
+ "▁ge nt",
+ "▁ gent",
+ "▁m atches",
+ "▁mat ches",
+ "▁match es",
+ "ya rd",
+ "y ard",
+ "rang e",
+ "ran ge",
+ "r ange",
+ "▁respons es",
+ "▁response s",
+ "▁install ation",
+ "▁Indust ry",
+ "▁reg ulation",
+ "▁regul ation",
+ "▁ regulation",
+ "▁Mark eting",
+ "▁Market ing",
+ "▁R oy",
+ "▁Ro y",
+ "▁c inem",
+ "▁gen u",
+ "▁ge nu",
+ "▁se ctions",
+ "▁section s",
+ "▁sect ions",
+ "▁ sections",
+ "▁ne ck",
+ "▁ neck",
+ "▁T R",
+ "▁ TR",
+ "▁Nig eria",
+ "▁Niger ia",
+ "▁N EW",
+ "▁NE W",
+ "▁ NEW",
+ "tic s",
+ "ti cs",
+ "t ics",
+ "▁O S",
+ "▁ OS",
+ "ug h",
+ "u gh",
+ "▁G row",
+ "▁Gr ow",
+ "▁Gro w",
+ "▁pod cast",
+ "▁com edy",
+ "▁come dy",
+ "▁comed y",
+ "+ \\",
+ "L S",
+ "▁op posed",
+ "▁opp osed",
+ "▁oppose d",
+ "▁v it",
+ "▁vi t",
+ "▁ vit",
+ "▁G h",
+ "ch ing",
+ "chi ng",
+ "chin g",
+ "c hing",
+ "▁att ached",
+ "▁attach ed",
+ "▁L as",
+ "▁La s",
+ "rit ion",
+ "r ition",
+ "▁correspond ing",
+ "▁Mem orial",
+ "▁Memor ial",
+ "og a",
+ "o ga",
+ "▁t ea",
+ "▁te a",
+ "cr aft",
+ "c raft",
+ "st ers",
+ "ster s",
+ "ste rs",
+ "s ters",
+ "▁t ox",
+ "▁to x",
+ "▁st ead",
+ "▁ste ad",
+ "▁ stead",
+ "oc ratic",
+ "ocr atic",
+ "▁We bsite",
+ "▁Web site",
+ "At t",
+ "A tt",
+ "▁inter act",
+ "▁requ ests",
+ "▁request s",
+ "be ing",
+ "▁insp iration",
+ "▁inspir ation",
+ "▁B udd",
+ "▁Bu dd",
+ "▁Bud d",
+ "▁dest ination",
+ "pe n",
+ "p en",
+ "an z",
+ "a nz",
+ "▁N az",
+ "▁Na z",
+ "▁m ac",
+ "▁ma c",
+ "▁ mac",
+ "▁N ob",
+ "▁No b",
+ "▁F ront",
+ "▁Fr ont",
+ "▁Fro nt",
+ "Sh e",
+ "S he",
+ "Con fig",
+ "Conf ig",
+ "▁equ ity",
+ "▁eq uity",
+ "j e",
+ "▁pro ven",
+ "▁prov en",
+ "▁pr oven",
+ "▁prove n",
+ "▁St one",
+ "inc oln",
+ "▁guarant ee",
+ "] {",
+ "ik a",
+ "i ka",
+ "▁Squ are",
+ "▁Viet nam",
+ "▁ap artment",
+ "▁apart ment",
+ "▁Do ctor",
+ "▁Doc tor",
+ "▁redu cing",
+ "▁red ucing",
+ "▁v otes",
+ "▁vot es",
+ "▁vote s",
+ "▁vo tes",
+ "▁Reg ional",
+ "▁Region al",
+ "▁G a",
+ "▁cent ers",
+ "▁center s",
+ "▁gr ass",
+ "▁gra ss",
+ "▁gras s",
+ "▁ grass",
+ "▁H D",
+ "▁ HD",
+ "▁Di ego",
+ "▁Die go",
+ "▁L ib",
+ "▁Li b",
+ "sh ire",
+ "shi re",
+ "s hire",
+ "C o",
+ "Fi eld",
+ "F ield",
+ "▁p leased",
+ "▁please d",
+ "▁ple ased",
+ "▁pleas ed",
+ "▁ab sor",
+ "▁abs or",
+ "▁/ >",
+ "▁ />",
+ "AS S",
+ "A SS",
+ "▁result ed",
+ "▁s aved",
+ "▁sa ved",
+ "▁save d",
+ "▁sav ed",
+ "▁H o",
+ "=\" ../../",
+ "=\"../ ../",
+ "▁inter action",
+ "▁interact ion",
+ "▁dec line",
+ "▁decl ine",
+ "lect ed",
+ "l ected",
+ "▁M arsh",
+ "▁Mar sh",
+ "▁Mars h",
+ "▁P olitics",
+ "▁Polit ics",
+ "▁Rev olution",
+ "▁G un",
+ "▁Gu n",
+ "▁Pro cess",
+ "▁Proc ess",
+ "▁ Process",
+ "▁ex clud",
+ "▁inv olves",
+ "▁invol ves",
+ "▁involve s",
+ "▁L LC",
+ "▁LL C",
+ "▁dist ingu",
+ "▁I l",
+ "▁ Il",
+ "oc key",
+ "ock ey",
+ "▁N atural",
+ "▁Nat ural",
+ "in fo",
+ "inf o",
+ "▁im mun",
+ "▁imm un",
+ "▁f rag",
+ "▁fr ag",
+ "▁fra g",
+ "▁in sight",
+ "▁ins ight",
+ "▁N ature",
+ "▁Nat ure",
+ "ch i",
+ "c hi",
+ "▁dem ands",
+ "▁demand s",
+ "ound ed",
+ "oun ded",
+ "▁jur isd",
+ "▁b uff",
+ "▁bu ff",
+ "▁Ed ition",
+ "▁Edit ion",
+ "▁organ ic",
+ "▁org anic",
+ "▁ organic",
+ "▁cap abilities",
+ "▁territ ory",
+ "▁terr itory",
+ "▁M anchester",
+ "▁Man chester",
+ "th m",
+ "t hm",
+ "el fare",
+ "elf are",
+ "ed ge",
+ "▁Tr aining",
+ "▁Tra ining",
+ "▁Train ing",
+ "▁br anch",
+ "uc e",
+ "u ce",
+ "▁M other",
+ "▁Mo ther",
+ "▁Mot her",
+ "ay a",
+ "a ya",
+ "▁Sov iet",
+ "s q",
+ "▁imm igration",
+ "$ \\",
+ "▁person nel",
+ "▁b rown",
+ "▁br own",
+ "▁bro wn",
+ "▁em ployed",
+ "▁employ ed",
+ "▁ employed",
+ "▁eval uation",
+ "▁evalu ation",
+ "es h",
+ "e sh",
+ "▁M oon",
+ "▁Mo on",
+ "Ind ex",
+ "ail ability",
+ "▁mem ories",
+ "▁memor ies",
+ "▁memo ries",
+ "▁assist ant",
+ "▁p ilot",
+ "▁pil ot",
+ "▁pi lot",
+ "▁k il",
+ "▁ kil",
+ "cu l",
+ "c ul",
+ "▁Champions hip",
+ "▁Champion ship",
+ "▁f alling",
+ "▁fall ing",
+ "▁fal ling",
+ "▁G il",
+ "▁Gi l",
+ "an do",
+ "and o",
+ "sp ace",
+ "s pace",
+ "▁g ained",
+ "▁gain ed",
+ "▁ga ined",
+ "▁b oot",
+ "▁bo ot",
+ "▁boo t",
+ "▁ boot",
+ "▁s table",
+ "▁st able",
+ "▁sta ble",
+ "▁stab le",
+ "▁ stable",
+ "▁absol ute",
+ "ma x",
+ "m ax",
+ "▁D rug",
+ "▁Dr ug",
+ "▁Dru g",
+ "▁C ele",
+ "▁Ce le",
+ "▁Cel e",
+ "It em",
+ "I tem",
+ "▁O cean",
+ "▁Com ment",
+ "▁Comm ent",
+ "▁ Comment",
+ ") }",
+ "▁ent ity",
+ "▁ entity",
+ "▁inter views",
+ "▁interview s",
+ "ax y",
+ "a xy",
+ "▁Afghan istan",
+ "▁s essions",
+ "▁session s",
+ "▁int ention",
+ "▁intent ion",
+ "ra t",
+ "r at",
+ "▁sett lement",
+ "▁settle ment",
+ "▁Se attle",
+ "▁Sea ttle",
+ "▁Seat tle",
+ "▁exp los",
+ "▁expl os",
+ "▁explo s",
+ "U B",
+ "▁regard less",
+ "▁Pe ace",
+ "▁P ast",
+ "▁Pa st",
+ "▁Pas t",
+ "▁b le",
+ "▁bl e",
+ "▁ ble",
+ "▁substant ial",
+ "▁trans action",
+ "▁Sy dney",
+ "▁su gar",
+ "▁Enter tainment",
+ "▁m arks",
+ "▁mark s",
+ "▁mar ks",
+ "▁ marks",
+ "▁ch annels",
+ "▁channel s",
+ "▁Inter view",
+ "▁C hall",
+ "▁Ch all",
+ "▁Cha ll",
+ "▁Chal l",
+ "▁comp ensation",
+ "▁compens ation",
+ "▁supp lies",
+ "▁Y ears",
+ "▁Year s",
+ "▁Ye ars",
+ "▁re cover",
+ "▁rec over",
+ "é e",
+ "▁t rib",
+ "▁tr ib",
+ "▁tri b",
+ "▁g al",
+ "▁ga l",
+ "▁ gal",
+ "▁d iet",
+ "▁di et",
+ "▁die t",
+ "▁con crete",
+ "▁v ert",
+ "▁ve rt",
+ "▁ver t",
+ "▁ vert",
+ "▁c razy",
+ "▁cr azy",
+ "▁cra zy",
+ "OR E",
+ "O RE",
+ "▁Em pire",
+ "▁L yn",
+ "▁Ly n",
+ "▁m g",
+ "▁ mg",
+ "▁R ick",
+ "▁Ric k",
+ "▁Ri ck",
+ "▁Sh are",
+ "▁Sha re",
+ "▁Shar e",
+ "▁ Share",
+ "▁exp anded",
+ "▁expand ed",
+ "ig e",
+ "i ge",
+ "▁hor ror",
+ "▁horr or",
+ "S p",
+ "en ders",
+ "end ers",
+ "ender s",
+ "ende rs",
+ "▁d ating",
+ "▁dat ing",
+ "▁da ting",
+ "▁H ig",
+ "▁Hi g",
+ "an dy",
+ "and y",
+ "▁al ert",
+ "▁ale rt",
+ "▁for ever",
+ "▁fore ver",
+ "▁target s",
+ "▁tar gets",
+ "▁over whel",
+ "var d",
+ "va rd",
+ "v ard",
+ "▁c orn",
+ "▁cor n",
+ "▁ corn",
+ "is cal",
+ "isc al",
+ "▁collect ive",
+ "▁colle ctive",
+ "▁cy ber",
+ "de p",
+ "d ep",
+ "▁S ex",
+ "▁Se x",
+ "▁ Sex",
+ "ig ate",
+ "iga te",
+ "i gate",
+ "▁S ant",
+ "▁San t",
+ "▁Sa nt",
+ "▁cere mony",
+ "▁ceremon y",
+ "▁re ar",
+ "▁r ear",
+ "▁A C",
+ "▁ AC",
+ "▁d ies",
+ "▁di es",
+ "▁die s",
+ "▁emer ging",
+ "▁appoint ment",
+ "▁rapid ly",
+ "or gan",
+ "org an",
+ "e h",
+ "▁in ject",
+ "▁inj ect",
+ "▁basket ball",
+ "▁every body",
+ "▁t ables",
+ "▁table s",
+ "▁tab les",
+ "▁ta bles",
+ "▁And erson",
+ "▁Anders on",
+ "if fs",
+ "iff s",
+ "▁p uts",
+ "▁put s",
+ "▁pu ts",
+ "si m",
+ "s im",
+ "no de",
+ "n ode",
+ "Ha nd",
+ "H and",
+ "oe n",
+ "o en",
+ "▁rel ating",
+ "▁behav iour",
+ "▁behavi our",
+ "▁subsequ ent",
+ "am i",
+ "a mi",
+ "▁t asks",
+ "▁task s",
+ "▁W isconsin",
+ "▁s oph",
+ "▁so ph",
+ "▁op ens",
+ "▁open s",
+ "▁ opens",
+ "д и",
+ "▁P olitical",
+ "▁Polit ical",
+ "ro ller",
+ "rol ler",
+ "roll er",
+ "▁should n",
+ "pa y",
+ "p ay",
+ "▁s ending",
+ "▁sen ding",
+ "▁send ing",
+ "he rent",
+ "her ent",
+ "here nt",
+ "h erent",
+ "part ial",
+ "ol ly",
+ "oll y",
+ "▁D iff",
+ "▁Di ff",
+ "▁ Diff",
+ "re gon",
+ "reg on",
+ "▁qual ified",
+ "▁ qualified",
+ "ord inary",
+ "▁conf ident",
+ "▁Ont ario",
+ "▁equ ally",
+ "▁equal ly",
+ "▁eq ually",
+ "ab il",
+ "abi l",
+ "a bil",
+ "ri ving",
+ "riv ing",
+ "r iving",
+ "▁M ountain",
+ "▁Mount ain",
+ "▁instruct ions",
+ "▁instruction s",
+ "ro ke",
+ "r oke",
+ "▁b ike",
+ "▁bi ke",
+ "▁Christ ians",
+ "▁Christian s",
+ "le n",
+ "l en",
+ "▁ext end",
+ "▁H T",
+ "▁ HT",
+ "▁ess entially",
+ "▁essential ly",
+ "▁less ons",
+ "▁lesson s",
+ "na b",
+ "n ab",
+ "▁M ess",
+ "▁Me ss",
+ "▁Mes s",
+ "re ction",
+ "rect ion",
+ "r ection",
+ "▁Further more",
+ "▁b ands",
+ "▁band s",
+ "▁ban ds",
+ "▁ bands",
+ "▁acc eler",
+ "▁S ales",
+ "▁Sal es",
+ "▁Sa les",
+ "▁Sale s",
+ "▁w aters",
+ "▁water s",
+ "▁wa ters",
+ "▁wat ers",
+ "se a",
+ "s ea",
+ "▁B urn",
+ "▁Bur n",
+ "▁es say",
+ "▁ess ay",
+ "co very",
+ "cover y",
+ "cov ery",
+ "c overy",
+ "en gers",
+ "eng ers",
+ "enge rs",
+ "enger s",
+ "▁sa cr",
+ "▁sac r",
+ "▁destroy ed",
+ "P E",
+ "M C",
+ "F r",
+ "▁abs ence",
+ "ro ph",
+ "rop h",
+ "r oph",
+ "▁A z",
+ "▁ Az",
+ "ot ted",
+ "ott ed",
+ "otte d",
+ "▁Sil ver",
+ "▁tr ials",
+ "▁tri als",
+ "▁trial s",
+ "▁vulner able",
+ "on ds",
+ "ond s",
+ "▁st ages",
+ "▁stage s",
+ "▁sta ges",
+ "▁H ind",
+ "▁Hi nd",
+ "▁Add itionally",
+ "▁Additional ly",
+ "▁er rors",
+ "▁error s",
+ "▁err ors",
+ "▁occ urs",
+ "▁occur s",
+ "” )",
+ "▁ref used",
+ "▁refuse d",
+ "in ch",
+ "inc h",
+ "▁T ai",
+ "▁Ta i",
+ "▁p ace",
+ "▁pa ce",
+ "▁pac e",
+ "▁ pace",
+ "▁aw esome",
+ "▁awe some",
+ "▁Arch itect",
+ "re tt",
+ "ret t",
+ "r ett",
+ "T D",
+ "m o",
+ "O ut",
+ "▁copy right",
+ "▁oper ator",
+ "▁opera tor",
+ "▁c rypt",
+ "▁cry pt",
+ "UL L",
+ "U LL",
+ "▁h ole",
+ "▁hol e",
+ "▁ho le",
+ "▁ hole",
+ "▁mil k",
+ "▁H IV",
+ "ed ing",
+ "edi ng",
+ "e ding",
+ "▁a x",
+ "▁ ax",
+ "▁univers ities",
+ "▁in hib",
+ "▁inh ib",
+ "th ur",
+ "▁con front",
+ "▁conf ront",
+ "fl ix",
+ "f lix",
+ "or i",
+ "o ri",
+ "▁develop ers",
+ "▁developer s",
+ "ni e",
+ "n ie",
+ "in ar",
+ "ina r",
+ "i nar",
+ "Re quest",
+ "Requ est",
+ "▁occ as",
+ "▁st ored",
+ "▁store d",
+ "ict ions",
+ "iction s",
+ "i ctions",
+ "▁t ournament",
+ "▁tourn ament",
+ "▁c m",
+ "▁ cm",
+ "▁strong er",
+ "▁E V",
+ "▁ EV",
+ "▁M it",
+ "▁Mi t",
+ "ag en",
+ "age n",
+ "a gen",
+ "▁r oy",
+ "▁ro y",
+ "▁ roy",
+ "f irst",
+ "▁sc ores",
+ "▁score s",
+ "▁aff ili",
+ "▁rev eal",
+ "▁reve al",
+ "▁focus es",
+ "▁foc uses",
+ "▁ad equ",
+ "▁ adequ",
+ "On e",
+ "O ne",
+ "at ern",
+ "ater n",
+ "a tern",
+ "▁week ly",
+ "▁Aust in",
+ "ob ject",
+ "obj ect",
+ "▁I V",
+ "▁ IV",
+ "ex p",
+ "▁r uling",
+ "▁ru ling",
+ "▁rul ing",
+ "▁mach ines",
+ "▁machine s",
+ "▁r um",
+ "▁ru m",
+ "▁ rum",
+ "IS T",
+ "I ST",
+ "▁with draw",
+ "м а",
+ "▁O pp",
+ "▁Op p",
+ "os ystem",
+ "o system",
+ "P s",
+ "▁Mon th",
+ "▁Mont h",
+ "▁b at",
+ "▁ba t",
+ "▁ bat",
+ "▁epis odes",
+ "▁episode s",
+ "▁document ary",
+ "▁Vis it",
+ "like ly",
+ "lik ely",
+ "▁School s",
+ "▁Sch ools",
+ "es see",
+ "ess ee",
+ "esse e",
+ "▁G ene",
+ "▁Ge ne",
+ "▁Gen e",
+ "▁cont ributed",
+ "▁contribut ed",
+ "▁contribute d",
+ "ch a",
+ "c ha",
+ "▁heav ily",
+ "ra it",
+ "r ait",
+ "▁T alk",
+ "▁Tal k",
+ "▁ Talk",
+ "* }",
+ "▁sat ell",
+ "Ma p",
+ "M ap",
+ "▁p it",
+ "▁pi t",
+ "▁ pit",
+ "▁encoura ged",
+ "▁encourage d",
+ "▁c ha",
+ "▁ch a",
+ "▁ cha",
+ "▁F ile",
+ "▁Fil e",
+ "▁Fi le",
+ "▁ File",
+ "el son",
+ "els on",
+ "or able",
+ "ora ble",
+ "M E",
+ "▁ro ads",
+ "▁road s",
+ "▁ roads",
+ "▁v oted",
+ "▁vot ed",
+ "▁vote d",
+ "▁vo ted",
+ "▁l ifest",
+ "▁li fest",
+ "▁life st",
+ "▁lif est",
+ "▁lifes t",
+ "▁th orough",
+ "▁Cam bridge",
+ "▁Camb ridge",
+ "el and",
+ "ela nd",
+ "e land",
+ "▁y ellow",
+ "int end",
+ "ã o",
+ "as ty",
+ "ast y",
+ "▁comp are",
+ "▁compar e",
+ "▁st ruck",
+ "▁str uck",
+ "▁stru ck",
+ "▁La ure",
+ "▁Laur e",
+ "▁Lau re",
+ "▁Int eg",
+ "en ter",
+ "ent er",
+ "ente r",
+ "▁t ag",
+ "▁ta g",
+ "▁ tag",
+ "▁B alt",
+ "▁Bal t",
+ "▁Ba lt",
+ "▁prem ium",
+ "In fo",
+ "Inf o",
+ "▁var iable",
+ "▁vari able",
+ "▁eth nic",
+ "▁ethn ic",
+ "le q",
+ "l eq",
+ "▁Lim ited",
+ "▁Y outh",
+ "▁You th",
+ "▁Yo uth",
+ "i y",
+ "del ta",
+ "d elta",
+ "▁function al",
+ "Ar ray",
+ "▁B ridge",
+ "▁Br idge",
+ "▁Brid ge",
+ "▁out door",
+ "▁r aw",
+ "▁ra w",
+ "▁ raw",
+ "▁Ob ject",
+ "▁ Object",
+ "▁dream s",
+ "▁initi atives",
+ "▁initiative s",
+ "▁every where",
+ "▁b urd",
+ "▁bu rd",
+ "▁bur d",
+ "▁mov ements",
+ "▁move ments",
+ "▁movement s",
+ "Tab le",
+ "T able",
+ "▁b oss",
+ "▁bo ss",
+ "▁bos s",
+ "er k",
+ "e rk",
+ "▁dis covery",
+ "▁disc overy",
+ "▁discover y",
+ "▁disco very",
+ "▁ass igned",
+ "▁assign ed",
+ "▁surv ive",
+ "▁surviv e",
+ "// //",
+ "/// /",
+ "/ ///",
+ "O K",
+ "▁b ench",
+ "▁ben ch",
+ "▁fab ric",
+ "▁D og",
+ "▁Do g",
+ "▁surv ival",
+ "▁surviv al",
+ "n u",
+ "▁G ard",
+ "▁Gar d",
+ "▁Ga rd",
+ "Fr om",
+ "F rom",
+ "ool s",
+ "oo ls",
+ "o ols",
+ "Re g",
+ "R eg",
+ "▁( !",
+ "▁ (!",
+ "▁N ether",
+ "▁Ne ther",
+ "▁Net her",
+ "w atch",
+ "en cing",
+ "enc ing",
+ "▁un iform",
+ "▁dis pl",
+ "▁di spl",
+ "▁disp l",
+ "▁M organ",
+ "▁Mor gan",
+ "ha s",
+ "h as",
+ "▁L incoln",
+ "▁announce ment",
+ "▁c uts",
+ "▁cut s",
+ "▁cu ts",
+ "▁ cuts",
+ "▁Ke ep",
+ "od ge",
+ "▁add ressed",
+ "▁address ed",
+ "▁represent ing",
+ "ul um",
+ "ulu m",
+ "▁Priv ate",
+ "▁sh ots",
+ "▁shot s",
+ "▁sho ts",
+ "▁ shots",
+ "▁V ery",
+ "▁Ver y",
+ "▁Ve ry",
+ "▁G arden",
+ "▁Gar den",
+ "▁Gard en",
+ "▁co operation",
+ "▁cooper ation",
+ "▁res idential",
+ "▁resid ential",
+ "▁resident ial",
+ "▁trans mission",
+ "▁birth day",
+ "G E",
+ "cu t",
+ "c ut",
+ "ing ham",
+ "is ms",
+ "ism s",
+ "fi re",
+ "f ire",
+ "▁B it",
+ "▁Bi t",
+ "▁ Bit",
+ "or ted",
+ "ort ed",
+ "▁t ort",
+ "▁to rt",
+ "▁tor t",
+ "▁b reath",
+ "▁bre ath",
+ "▁breat h",
+ "▁ar gue",
+ "▁arg ue",
+ "▁argu e",
+ "▁rad ical",
+ "▁radi cal",
+ "xi ety",
+ "be n",
+ "b en",
+ "▁l oves",
+ "▁love s",
+ "▁lo ves",
+ "▁fe wer",
+ "▁few er",
+ "all el",
+ "alle l",
+ "unicip al",
+ "▁threat s",
+ "ba ss",
+ "bas s",
+ "b ass",
+ "co in",
+ "c oin",
+ "▁viol ent",
+ "▁ violent",
+ "d t",
+ "▁f lying",
+ "▁fl ying",
+ "▁fly ing",
+ "▁Mo ore",
+ "▁Moor e",
+ "▁G iven",
+ "▁Gi ven",
+ "▁Give n",
+ "iat ric",
+ "▁cl osing",
+ "▁clos ing",
+ "im p",
+ "i mp",
+ "▁N orm",
+ "▁No rm",
+ "▁Nor m",
+ "▁t rick",
+ "▁tr ick",
+ "▁tri ck",
+ "▁N one",
+ "▁No ne",
+ "▁Non e",
+ "▁ None",
+ "▁pre ced",
+ "▁prec ed",
+ "▁comm only",
+ "▁common ly",
+ "▁invest ments",
+ "▁investment s",
+ "▁n ic",
+ "▁ni c",
+ "▁ nic",
+ "▁T ok",
+ "▁To k",
+ "▁ Tok",
+ "▁sh arp",
+ "▁shar p",
+ "▁f ault",
+ "▁fa ult",
+ "re p",
+ "r ep",
+ "▁I de",
+ "▁Id e",
+ "▁offic ially",
+ "▁official ly",
+ "Ge ner",
+ "Gen er",
+ "G ener",
+ "▁compl icated",
+ "▁div ided",
+ "▁divid ed",
+ "▁divide d",
+ "▁ ]",
+ "▁leg acy",
+ "ou ch",
+ "o uch",
+ "an dal",
+ "and al",
+ "anda l",
+ "▁Al len",
+ "▁All en",
+ "▁Alle n",
+ "▁demonstr ated",
+ "▁demonstrate d",
+ "st rong",
+ "str ong",
+ "▁the atre",
+ "▁theat re",
+ "▁Haw ai",
+ "▁T ext",
+ "▁Te xt",
+ "▁Tex t",
+ "▁ Text",
+ "▁ret irement",
+ "▁retire ment",
+ "▁me ets",
+ "▁meet s",
+ "▁B ow",
+ "▁Bo w",
+ "▁ant ib",
+ "▁anti b",
+ "▁La bour",
+ "▁Lab our",
+ "el i",
+ "e li",
+ "▁ra ising",
+ "▁ raising",
+ "▁integ ration",
+ "▁integr ation",
+ "cre ate",
+ "creat e",
+ "qu ot",
+ "▁P harm",
+ "▁Ph arm",
+ "ace ut",
+ "▁s pr",
+ "▁sp r",
+ "í a",
+ "▁m a",
+ "▁ ma",
+ "onym ous",
+ "as ant",
+ "asa nt",
+ "▁B ruce",
+ "▁Br uce",
+ "▁Bru ce",
+ "▁D rag",
+ "▁Dr ag",
+ "▁Dra g",
+ "▁host ed",
+ "▁ho sted",
+ "do n",
+ "d on",
+ "▁administ rative",
+ "▁administr ative",
+ "▁o verse",
+ "▁over se",
+ "▁overs e",
+ "▁Ph D",
+ "▁est imates",
+ "▁estim ates",
+ "▁estimate s",
+ "▁br east",
+ "▁bre ast",
+ "▁aim ed",
+ "▁j un",
+ "▁ju n",
+ "▁ jun",
+ "pl ing",
+ "p ling",
+ "▁program ming",
+ "▁F L",
+ "▁ FL",
+ "▁Atl anta",
+ "▁capt ured",
+ "▁capture d",
+ "▁O regon",
+ "▁Ore gon",
+ "▁e le",
+ "▁el e",
+ "▁ ele",
+ "▁port folio",
+ "em ed",
+ "eme d",
+ "e med",
+ "▁Sim ilar",
+ "less ly",
+ "▁Co vid",
+ "▁Cov id",
+ "or ship",
+ "ors hip",
+ "us tain",
+ "ust ain",
+ "hold er",
+ "hol der",
+ "h older",
+ "▁ar med",
+ "▁arm ed",
+ "▁ armed",
+ "▁R ub",
+ "▁Ru b",
+ "ye s",
+ "y es",
+ "H L",
+ "▁emb od",
+ "▁Mo vie",
+ "▁Mov ie",
+ "▁demonstr ate",
+ "def ine",
+ "▁к о",
+ "▁ ко",
+ "▁re sid",
+ "▁res id",
+ "▁gr ounds",
+ "▁ground s",
+ "ter y",
+ "te ry",
+ "t ery",
+ "▁H art",
+ "▁Har t",
+ "▁Ha rt",
+ "▁p ushed",
+ "▁push ed",
+ "▁Kore an",
+ "▁Korea n",
+ "▁Kor ean",
+ "▁gener ations",
+ "▁generation s",
+ "▁gene rations",
+ "st al",
+ "sta l",
+ "s tal",
+ "м и",
+ "▁Plan ning",
+ "sec urity",
+ "olog ists",
+ "ologist s",
+ "ic king",
+ "ick ing",
+ "▁exp enses",
+ "▁expense s",
+ "▁D or",
+ "▁Do r",
+ "ER E",
+ "E RE",
+ "▁d ust",
+ "▁du st",
+ "sum mary",
+ ". -",
+ "▁D ise",
+ "▁Dis e",
+ "▁Di se",
+ "▁D allas",
+ "▁Dal las",
+ "▁` `",
+ "▁ ``",
+ "▁own ership",
+ "▁owner ship",
+ "▁owners hip",
+ "▁ow nership",
+ "▁W ould",
+ "▁Wo uld",
+ "ap ache",
+ "apa che",
+ "um ps",
+ "ump s",
+ "▁N ation",
+ "▁Nat ion",
+ "▁B ureau",
+ "▁trans formation",
+ "▁transform ation",
+ "fr aid",
+ "fra id",
+ "▁s event",
+ "▁se vent",
+ "▁seven t",
+ "▁O tt",
+ "▁Ot t",
+ "▁ag enda",
+ "oy d",
+ "o yd",
+ "▁c ream",
+ "▁cre am",
+ "In ter",
+ "Int er",
+ "▁B arn",
+ "▁Bar n",
+ "▁incred ibly",
+ "▁tom orrow",
+ "▁B C",
+ "▁ BC",
+ "▁S port",
+ "▁Sp ort",
+ "▁Veg as",
+ "▁Ve gas",
+ "er on",
+ "ero n",
+ "e ron",
+ "S ize",
+ "▁b read",
+ "▁br ead",
+ "▁bre ad",
+ "▁ bread",
+ "va n",
+ "v an",
+ "▁P rim",
+ "▁Pr im",
+ "▁Pri m",
+ "▁ Prim",
+ "▁s eed",
+ "▁se ed",
+ "▁see d",
+ "▁ seed",
+ "ia te",
+ "iat e",
+ "i ate",
+ "▁p rev",
+ "▁pre v",
+ "▁pr ev",
+ "▁den ied",
+ "▁s alt",
+ "▁sa lt",
+ "▁sal t",
+ "▁def endant",
+ "▁defend ant",
+ "go ogle",
+ "im ens",
+ "ime ns",
+ "imen s",
+ "$ -",
+ "▁a fraid",
+ "▁Chair man",
+ "se ason",
+ "sea son",
+ "▁norm ally",
+ "▁normal ly",
+ "▁gen re",
+ "▁requ ested",
+ "▁request ed",
+ "Co de",
+ "C ode",
+ "ag a",
+ "a ga",
+ "▁Week ly",
+ "▁Cap tain",
+ "▁Capt ain",
+ "ou ri",
+ "our i",
+ "o uri",
+ "▁base ball",
+ "▁N O",
+ "▁ NO",
+ "▁kn ock",
+ "▁some how",
+ "▁be er",
+ "▁bee r",
+ "▁t emporary",
+ "▁tem porary",
+ "▁tempor ary",
+ "▁tempo rary",
+ "▁c hat",
+ "▁ch at",
+ "▁cha t",
+ "▁ chat",
+ "▁bl ocks",
+ "▁block s",
+ "▁bloc ks",
+ "▁organ isation",
+ "▁organis ation",
+ "▁dr inking",
+ "▁drink ing",
+ "▁ch ampion",
+ "pl ed",
+ "ple d",
+ "p led",
+ "U E",
+ "ad er",
+ "ade r",
+ "a der",
+ "▁Mil itary",
+ "▁main tained",
+ "▁maintain ed",
+ "▁u ne",
+ "▁un e",
+ "▁ une",
+ "▁m ask",
+ "▁ma sk",
+ "▁mas k",
+ "▁ mask",
+ "as m",
+ "a sm",
+ "▁de cent",
+ "▁dec ent",
+ "▁dece nt",
+ "▁supp orters",
+ "▁support ers",
+ "▁supporter s",
+ "it ative",
+ "itat ive",
+ "▁f alls",
+ "▁fall s",
+ "▁fal ls",
+ "▁ falls",
+ "▁P ur",
+ "▁Pu r",
+ "oc a",
+ "o ca",
+ "▁T ro",
+ "▁Tr o",
+ "ib l",
+ "i bl",
+ "▁s inging",
+ "▁sing ing",
+ "▁sin ging",
+ "▁O pt",
+ "▁Op t",
+ "▁ Opt",
+ "ig er",
+ "ige r",
+ "i ger",
+ "▁ а",
+ "▁ult imate",
+ "▁r ating",
+ "▁ra ting",
+ "▁rat ing",
+ "▁ rating",
+ "iol ogy",
+ "i ology",
+ "▁ha dn",
+ "▁had n",
+ "▁P L",
+ "▁ PL",
+ "▁D ub",
+ "▁Du b",
+ "▁Ind eed",
+ "▁B es",
+ "▁Be s",
+ "▁dis aster",
+ "▁expl icit",
+ "or ig",
+ "ori g",
+ "o rig",
+ "is ta",
+ "ist a",
+ "i sta",
+ "▁stat istics",
+ "▁statistic s",
+ "▁Ag ric",
+ "us hing",
+ "ush ing",
+ "ushi ng",
+ "▁O bs",
+ "▁Ob s",
+ "▁ Obs",
+ "▁Tur k",
+ "▁Tu rk",
+ "af e",
+ "a fe",
+ "▁B attle",
+ "▁Ba ttle",
+ "▁Bat tle",
+ "▁Batt le",
+ "▁s ensitive",
+ "▁sens itive",
+ "▁ sensitive",
+ "▁furn iture",
+ "ch ers",
+ "che rs",
+ "cher s",
+ "c hers",
+ "▁w ra",
+ "▁wr a",
+ "▁H ur",
+ "▁Hu r",
+ "▁Kenn edy",
+ "ur ches",
+ "urch es",
+ "li b",
+ "l ib",
+ "aw are",
+ "awa re",
+ "a ware",
+ "▁ €",
+ "▁W inter",
+ "▁Win ter",
+ "▁p ul",
+ "▁pu l",
+ "if ting",
+ "ift ing",
+ "▁ple asure",
+ "▁pleas ure",
+ "ate ful",
+ "▁li ability",
+ "▁D ean",
+ "▁De an",
+ "▁s mile",
+ "▁sm ile",
+ "▁m urd",
+ "▁mur d",
+ "▁mu rd",
+ "an gel",
+ "ang el",
+ "ange l",
+ "▁Det roit",
+ "ie re",
+ "ier e",
+ "i ere",
+ "▁pe ak",
+ "▁ peak",
+ "▁t ill",
+ "▁til l",
+ "▁target ed",
+ "▁Christ opher",
+ "▁se gment",
+ "▁seg ment",
+ "▁m ining",
+ "▁min ing",
+ "▁mini ng",
+ "▁mi ning",
+ "▁public ly",
+ "▁C ould",
+ "▁Co uld",
+ "▁Cou ld",
+ "▁Coul d",
+ "▁P itt",
+ "▁Pi tt",
+ "▁Pit t",
+ "▁t ank",
+ "▁tan k",
+ "▁st uck",
+ "▁E ver",
+ "▁Ev er",
+ "▁Eve r",
+ "▁D eb",
+ "▁De b",
+ "▁ Deb",
+ "▁C B",
+ "▁I M",
+ "▁ IM",
+ "▁Tenn essee",
+ "▁N ich",
+ "▁Nic h",
+ "▁Ni ch",
+ "se arch",
+ "s earch",
+ "▁P y",
+ "▁ Py",
+ "▁M ove",
+ "▁Mo ve",
+ "▁Mov e",
+ "▁ Move",
+ "ak h",
+ "a kh",
+ "▁Av ailable",
+ "▁m m",
+ "▁ mm",
+ "▁unus ual",
+ "▁Assist ant",
+ "▁acqu isition",
+ "▁acquis ition",
+ "▁employ er",
+ "ol k",
+ "▁I owa",
+ "▁res ident",
+ "▁resid ent",
+ "▁reside nt",
+ "▁For mer",
+ "▁Form er",
+ "▁loss es",
+ "▁los ses",
+ "▁person ality",
+ "▁personal ity",
+ "▁t ap",
+ "▁ta p",
+ "▁f ro",
+ "▁fr o",
+ "▁stud ying",
+ "▁study ing",
+ "▁sc ulpt",
+ "▁polit icians",
+ "▁politician s",
+ "d i",
+ "ta g",
+ "t ag",
+ "ab ama",
+ "aba ma",
+ "▁re ly",
+ "▁r ely",
+ "▁rel y",
+ "▁Ep isode",
+ "▁est imate",
+ "▁estim ate",
+ "▁re aching",
+ "▁reach ing",
+ "▁S D",
+ "▁ SD",
+ "▁Rec ord",
+ "▁ Record",
+ "▁S mart",
+ "▁Sm art",
+ "▁brother s",
+ "▁explan ation",
+ "▁Nether lands",
+ "oi s",
+ "o is",
+ "▁every day",
+ "▁else where",
+ "▁t hin",
+ "▁th in",
+ "mon th",
+ "mont h",
+ "▁C F",
+ "▁ CF",
+ "▁p ump",
+ "▁pu mp",
+ "▁C ra",
+ "▁Cr a",
+ "▁liber al",
+ "▁lib eral",
+ "▁P ed",
+ "▁Pe d",
+ "▁cent uries",
+ "▁May or",
+ "▁Mayo r",
+ "▁de leg",
+ "▁del eg",
+ "▁P aper",
+ "▁Pa per",
+ "▁Pap er",
+ "qu arters",
+ "quart ers",
+ "quarter s",
+ "▁D ur",
+ "▁Du r",
+ "▁Ind ones",
+ "▁Indo nes",
+ "▁pro minent",
+ "▁prom inent",
+ "▁g ate",
+ "▁ga te",
+ "▁ gate",
+ "▁C ome",
+ "▁Com e",
+ "▁Co me",
+ "▁ Come",
+ "def ault",
+ "▁mar gin",
+ "▁marg in",
+ "▁ margin",
+ "▁elect ron",
+ "▁electro n",
+ "▁electr on",
+ "pro of",
+ "D o",
+ "▁wor ker",
+ "▁work er",
+ "▁ worker",
+ "▁T itle",
+ "▁Tit le",
+ "▁Ti tle",
+ "▁ Title",
+ "▁organ isations",
+ "▁organis ations",
+ "▁organisation s",
+ "▁bird s",
+ "▁bir ds",
+ "▁ birds",
+ "or ce",
+ "▁H al",
+ "▁Ha l",
+ "▁lux ury",
+ "▁St ore",
+ "▁ Store",
+ "au d",
+ "a ud",
+ "▁D rive",
+ "▁Dr ive",
+ "▁Tr ue",
+ "▁Tru e",
+ "▁ True",
+ "GB T",
+ "G BT",
+ "▁cl othes",
+ "▁cloth es",
+ "▁Ad vent",
+ "▁Adv ent",
+ "▁the ore",
+ "▁theor e",
+ "▁po etry",
+ "▁poet ry",
+ "▁Be aut",
+ "▁Bea ut",
+ "▁Beau t",
+ "▁P u",
+ "or ph",
+ "orp h",
+ "▁Pr ize",
+ "▁Pri ze",
+ "▁f lash",
+ "▁fl ash",
+ "if ted",
+ "ift ed",
+ "▁favour ite",
+ "▁en tering",
+ "▁ent ering",
+ "▁enter ing",
+ "▁g olf",
+ "▁W olf",
+ "▁Wol f",
+ "▁Wal ker",
+ "▁Walk er",
+ "▁w et",
+ "▁we t",
+ "▁Jac ob",
+ "▁t one",
+ "▁to ne",
+ "▁ton e",
+ "su pp",
+ "sup p",
+ "s upp",
+ "Co unt",
+ "C ount",
+ "er ver",
+ "erv er",
+ "erve r",
+ "▁concept s",
+ "fl ow",
+ "f low",
+ "▁E c",
+ "in th",
+ "int h",
+ "T P",
+ "do c",
+ "d oc",
+ "▁cons ervative",
+ "▁conserv ative",
+ "▁al ter",
+ "▁alt er",
+ "▁M ars",
+ "▁Mar s",
+ "▁Ma rs",
+ "io rs",
+ "ior s",
+ "i ors",
+ "in f",
+ "▁eng aging",
+ "win ning",
+ "w inning",
+ "Re p",
+ "R ep",
+ "▁j ava",
+ "▁jav a",
+ "▁ja va",
+ "▁ java",
+ "▁analy z",
+ "▁l ists",
+ "▁list s",
+ "▁ lists",
+ "▁o vers",
+ "▁over s",
+ "▁ov ers",
+ "▁ overs",
+ "▁Hel p",
+ "▁ Help",
+ "▁disc ussions",
+ "▁discuss ions",
+ "▁discussion s",
+ "▁L ess",
+ "▁Le ss",
+ "▁Les s",
+ "▁g ang",
+ "▁ga ng",
+ "▁ gang",
+ "▁com position",
+ "▁comp osition",
+ "▁compos ition",
+ "▁h ospitals",
+ "▁hospital s",
+ "er d",
+ "e rd",
+ "▁Jon athan",
+ "id ays",
+ "iday s",
+ "ida ys",
+ "i days",
+ "ut her",
+ "uth er",
+ "u ther",
+ "▁з а",
+ "▁ за",
+ "▁Cl ark",
+ "▁Clar k",
+ "▁Cla rk",
+ "▁hand ling",
+ "at hered",
+ "ath ered",
+ "ather ed",
+ "athe red",
+ "is tical",
+ "ist ical",
+ "istic al",
+ "▁s heet",
+ "▁she et",
+ "▁ sheet",
+ "▁inter vention",
+ "▁re call",
+ "▁rec all",
+ "▁as ks",
+ "▁ask s",
+ "▁ asks",
+ "ar ia",
+ "ari a",
+ "a ria",
+ "▁d ensity",
+ "▁dens ity",
+ "▁love ly",
+ "▁lo vely",
+ "▁Olymp ic",
+ "▁How ard",
+ "▁Ho ward",
+ "▁Cl oud",
+ "▁ Cloud",
+ "▁Be at",
+ "▁Bea t",
+ "▁direct ors",
+ "▁director s",
+ "▁dire ctors",
+ "▁P od",
+ "▁Po d",
+ "▁ Pod",
+ "▁vers us",
+ "▁Stand ard",
+ "▁anal yst",
+ "▁analy st",
+ "▁analys t",
+ "▁l uck",
+ "▁luc k",
+ "aceut ical",
+ "T Y",
+ "▁Cons ult",
+ "▁her itage",
+ "▁compl aint",
+ "▁complain t",
+ "▁hor iz",
+ "▁ho riz",
+ "▁di plom",
+ "or don",
+ "ord on",
+ "▁t ab",
+ "▁ta b",
+ "▁ tab",
+ "▁as set",
+ "▁ass et",
+ "▁c able",
+ "▁ca ble",
+ "▁cab le",
+ "▁per mit",
+ "▁perm it",
+ "▁concent ration",
+ "▁O m",
+ "▁ Om",
+ "▁H op",
+ "▁Ho p",
+ "▁ Hop",
+ "ra pe",
+ "rap e",
+ "r ape",
+ "▁h ook",
+ "▁ho ok",
+ "▁s hips",
+ "▁sh ips",
+ "▁ship s",
+ "▁ ships",
+ "▁re ven",
+ "▁r even",
+ "▁rev en",
+ "▁reve n",
+ "▁Mary land",
+ "▁H ous",
+ "▁Hou s",
+ "▁Ho us",
+ "▁j ack",
+ "▁ja ck",
+ "▁ jack",
+ "▁Mar ine",
+ "▁Ma rine",
+ "▁Marin e",
+ "▁Mari ne",
+ "▁O wn",
+ "▁Ow n",
+ "▁ Own",
+ "▁Col lect",
+ "▁Coll ect",
+ "▁design er",
+ "▁Be lg",
+ "▁Bel g",
+ "▁Look ing",
+ "▁Lo oking",
+ "▁D VD",
+ "▁DV D",
+ "▁J ess",
+ "▁Je ss",
+ "▁Jes s",
+ "▁inn oc",
+ "ut en",
+ "ute n",
+ "u ten",
+ "▁G ab",
+ "▁Ga b",
+ "▁Net flix",
+ "▁supp lement",
+ "▁Perform ance",
+ "▁( @",
+ "▁A F",
+ "▁ AF",
+ "▁B h",
+ "▁t oler",
+ "▁to ler",
+ "▁P ier",
+ "▁Pie r",
+ "▁Pi er",
+ "ach ment",
+ "▁cop ies",
+ "c s",
+ "▁min im",
+ "▁mini m",
+ "▁app lies",
+ "▁appl ies",
+ "▁des per",
+ "▁desp er",
+ "is l",
+ "i sl",
+ "ble s",
+ "bl es",
+ "b les",
+ "▁V in",
+ "▁Vi n",
+ "▁F orum",
+ "▁For um",
+ "▁Fo rum",
+ "▁( \"",
+ "▁ (\"",
+ "▁focus ing",
+ "▁foc using",
+ "▁Mal ays",
+ "▁dial ogue",
+ "▁dialog ue",
+ "▁a ged",
+ "▁ag ed",
+ "▁age d",
+ "▁ aged",
+ "▁ord inary",
+ "▁ ordinary",
+ "▁Ham ilton",
+ "▁Soft ware",
+ "▁fact ory",
+ "▁factor y",
+ "▁facto ry",
+ "▁ factory",
+ "▁Arch ives",
+ "▁Archive s",
+ "▁F BI",
+ "▁FB I",
+ "▁A lan",
+ "▁Al an",
+ "▁rev eals",
+ "▁reve als",
+ "▁reveal s",
+ "▁ret ired",
+ "▁retire d",
+ "▁O sc",
+ "▁Os c",
+ "▁Be ck",
+ "▁invol vement",
+ "▁involve ment",
+ "▁introdu ce",
+ "up id",
+ "u pid",
+ "im m",
+ "i mm",
+ "▁un expected",
+ "▁human ity",
+ "▁hum anity",
+ "▁s emi",
+ "▁se mi",
+ "▁sem i",
+ "▁Re views",
+ "▁Review s",
+ "▁h ang",
+ "▁ha ng",
+ "▁han g",
+ "▁ hang",
+ "▁F A",
+ "▁ FA",
+ "ag ger",
+ "agg er",
+ "ma tes",
+ "mat es",
+ "mate s",
+ "m ates",
+ "Tr ans",
+ "Tra ns",
+ "T rans",
+ "▁s rc",
+ "▁ src",
+ "▁re placement",
+ "▁replace ment",
+ "▁O il",
+ "tr ack",
+ "tra ck",
+ "t rack",
+ "H A",
+ "▁f inger",
+ "▁fin ger",
+ "▁fing er",
+ "▁dis ag",
+ "▁d owntown",
+ "▁down town",
+ "▁downt own",
+ "▁act ress",
+ "▁any more",
+ "h r",
+ "▁phot ographs",
+ "▁photograph s",
+ "▁photograp hs",
+ "▁Port ug",
+ "▁M ind",
+ "▁Min d",
+ "▁Mi nd",
+ "▁sum mary",
+ "▁summar y",
+ "▁summ ary",
+ "▁ summary",
+ "ult ane",
+ "ultan e",
+ "▁D utch",
+ "▁pet ition",
+ "hi gh",
+ "hig h",
+ "h igh",
+ "▁C ore",
+ "▁Co re",
+ "▁Cor e",
+ "▁ Core",
+ "at eral",
+ "ate ral",
+ "ater al",
+ "wor ds",
+ "word s",
+ "w ords",
+ "▁T ry",
+ "▁Tr y",
+ "an ted",
+ "ant ed",
+ "ante d",
+ "▁b id",
+ "▁bi d",
+ "▁ bid",
+ "▁he aded",
+ "▁head ed",
+ "▁ headed",
+ "▁Ex am",
+ "▁C P",
+ "▁ CP",
+ "▁impact s",
+ "▁pro secut",
+ "▁pros ecut",
+ "▁prose cut",
+ "▁prosec ut",
+ "▁cle aning",
+ "▁clean ing",
+ "▁( )",
+ "▁ ()",
+ "▁t rem",
+ "▁tr em",
+ "▁tre m",
+ "▁re sort",
+ "▁res ort",
+ "IL L",
+ "I LL",
+ "▁inter pretation",
+ "▁interpret ation",
+ "▁d ict",
+ "▁di ct",
+ "▁ dict",
+ "▁un likely",
+ "▁unlike ly",
+ "▁con cluded",
+ "▁conclud ed",
+ "▁conclude d",
+ "▁B uff",
+ "▁Bu ff",
+ "▁p ara",
+ "▁par a",
+ "▁pa ra",
+ "▁ para",
+ "▁T rib",
+ "▁Tr ib",
+ "▁Tri b",
+ "▁M aria",
+ "▁Mar ia",
+ "▁Ma ria",
+ "▁Mari a",
+ "ha ust",
+ "haus t",
+ "▁Ins urance",
+ "▁A G",
+ "▁ AG",
+ "et ch",
+ "etc h",
+ "▁R aj",
+ "▁Ra j",
+ "abet es",
+ "abe tes",
+ "▁C rim",
+ "▁Cr im",
+ "g t",
+ "▁m aps",
+ "▁map s",
+ "▁ma ps",
+ "▁ maps",
+ "▁ens uring",
+ "▁ch ronic",
+ "▁chron ic",
+ "▁Ex change",
+ "▁H ad",
+ "▁Ha d",
+ "▁j ew",
+ "▁je w",
+ "▁Ev ents",
+ "▁Even ts",
+ "▁Event s",
+ "▁ Events",
+ "▁G all",
+ "▁Gal l",
+ "▁Ga ll",
+ "▁arg ued",
+ "▁argue d",
+ "▁argu ed",
+ "▁weap on",
+ "irt ual",
+ "ou nce",
+ "oun ce",
+ "pe s",
+ "p es",
+ "▁d ad",
+ "▁da d",
+ "▁ dad",
+ "▁T it",
+ "▁Ti t",
+ "IT Y",
+ "I TY",
+ "lo oking",
+ "look ing",
+ "loo king",
+ "oc olate",
+ "ocol ate",
+ "oco late",
+ "av ed",
+ "ave d",
+ "a ved",
+ "▁period s",
+ "▁t ur",
+ "▁tu r",
+ "▁prep aration",
+ "▁prepar ation",
+ "▁g aming",
+ "▁gam ing",
+ "▁ga ming",
+ "▁super ior",
+ "▁sup erior",
+ "▁gen etic",
+ "▁gene tic",
+ "▁man agers",
+ "▁manag ers",
+ "▁manager s",
+ "▁manage rs",
+ "▁de eper",
+ "▁deep er",
+ "▁law yers",
+ "▁lawyer s",
+ "▁journal ist",
+ "at ar",
+ "ata r",
+ "a tar",
+ "▁N BA",
+ "▁contin uous",
+ "▁continu ous",
+ "ik es",
+ "ike s",
+ "i kes",
+ "▁M aterial",
+ "▁Mat erial",
+ "▁Mate rial",
+ "▁C ho",
+ "▁Ch o",
+ "re a",
+ "r ea",
+ "on ia",
+ "oni a",
+ "o nia",
+ "Bu ild",
+ "▁ar rive",
+ "▁arriv e",
+ "▁arr ive",
+ "▁develop ments",
+ "▁development s",
+ "▁add resses",
+ "▁address es",
+ "▁v ocal",
+ "▁vo cal",
+ "▁voc al",
+ "IN E",
+ "I NE",
+ "on ly",
+ "▁com prom",
+ "▁comp rom",
+ "▁r oots",
+ "▁ro ots",
+ "▁root s",
+ "▁ roots",
+ "▁Is lands",
+ "▁Island s",
+ "em plate",
+ "empl ate",
+ "emp late",
+ "▁l oud",
+ "▁lo ud",
+ "▁lou d",
+ "▁elect rical",
+ "▁electric al",
+ "▁electr ical",
+ "▁fore cast",
+ "bl og",
+ "b log",
+ "▁instr uments",
+ "▁instrument s",
+ "ip t",
+ "i pt",
+ "Qu ery",
+ "Que ry",
+ "bo tt",
+ "bot t",
+ "b ott",
+ "▁: =",
+ "writ er",
+ "write r",
+ "▁man ip",
+ "▁mis take",
+ "▁mist ake",
+ "▁O K",
+ "▁ OK",
+ "ki nd",
+ "kin d",
+ "k ind",
+ "▁res pective",
+ "▁respect ive",
+ "▁ respective",
+ "wh o",
+ "w ho",
+ "si te",
+ "s ite",
+ "▁Every thing",
+ "▁hard ware",
+ "▁Mc K",
+ "▁volunte ers",
+ "▁volunteer s",
+ "▁s aving",
+ "▁sa ving",
+ "▁sav ing",
+ "▁ saving",
+ "our se",
+ "ours e",
+ "o urse",
+ "am ps",
+ "amp s",
+ "▁h ack",
+ "▁ha ck",
+ "L og",
+ "▁b ass",
+ "▁bas s",
+ "▁ba ss",
+ "▁ bass",
+ "=\" +",
+ "gr aduate",
+ "grad uate",
+ "c r",
+ "th eta",
+ "the ta",
+ "] )",
+ "▁establish ment",
+ "de m",
+ "d em",
+ "▁opin ions",
+ "▁opinion s",
+ "▁invest igate",
+ "▁investig ate",
+ "▁re n",
+ "▁r en",
+ "▁ ren",
+ "▁subst ance",
+ "▁U ser",
+ "▁Us er",
+ "▁Use r",
+ "▁ User",
+ "▁S elf",
+ "▁Sel f",
+ "▁ Self",
+ "▁prov ince",
+ "ч е",
+ "Di s",
+ "D is",
+ "▁in du",
+ "▁ind u",
+ "▁dis played",
+ "▁display ed",
+ "▁displ ayed",
+ "▁K a",
+ "▁ext ends",
+ "▁extend s",
+ "bour ne",
+ "▁p our",
+ "▁po ur",
+ "▁ К",
+ "is dom",
+ "isd om",
+ "▁view ed",
+ "▁m yster",
+ "▁my ster",
+ "▁myst er",
+ "▁f ishing",
+ "▁fish ing",
+ "▁franch ise",
+ "▁trans actions",
+ "▁transaction s",
+ "or ous",
+ "oro us",
+ "o rous",
+ "▁lo ans",
+ "▁loan s",
+ "ok er",
+ "oke r",
+ "o ker",
+ "▁l ucky",
+ "▁luck y",
+ "▁luc ky",
+ "▁ q",
+ "▁d ining",
+ "▁di ning",
+ "▁din ing",
+ "▁Al abama",
+ "▁s park",
+ "▁sp ark",
+ "▁spa rk",
+ "▁Al f",
+ "▁H an",
+ "▁Ha n",
+ "at in",
+ "ati n",
+ "▁E mail",
+ "▁Em ail",
+ "▁ Email",
+ "u f",
+ "ho l",
+ "h ol",
+ "es is",
+ "e sis",
+ "D E",
+ "!! !",
+ "! !!",
+ "▁V iol",
+ "▁Vi ol",
+ "▁d oi",
+ "▁do i",
+ "▁ doi",
+ "▁And y",
+ "▁An dy",
+ "el ing",
+ "eli ng",
+ "elin g",
+ "e ling",
+ "▁in ches",
+ "▁inc hes",
+ "▁inch es",
+ "▁T otal",
+ "▁To tal",
+ "▁Tot al",
+ "▁ Total",
+ "▁high lights",
+ "▁highlight s",
+ "▁un cle",
+ "▁unc le",
+ "▁M ission",
+ "▁Miss ion",
+ "ric ts",
+ "rict s",
+ "▁K ath",
+ "▁Kat h",
+ "▁Ka th",
+ "ad esh",
+ "ade sh",
+ "ades h",
+ "in ction",
+ "inct ion",
+ "en z",
+ "e nz",
+ "▁hard er",
+ "▁har der",
+ "▁us age",
+ "▁ usage",
+ "da m",
+ "d am",
+ "▁T ick",
+ "▁Ti ck",
+ "▁under lying",
+ "er as",
+ "era s",
+ "e ras",
+ "O h",
+ "▁fl owers",
+ "▁flow ers",
+ "▁flower s",
+ "an ing",
+ "ani ng",
+ "a ning",
+ "▁satis fact",
+ "▁satisf act",
+ "▁Ter ms",
+ "▁Term s",
+ "ak i",
+ "a ki",
+ "▁o bl",
+ "▁ob l",
+ "▁ obl",
+ "▁Se veral",
+ "▁represent atives",
+ "▁representative s",
+ "▁ab road",
+ "▁Id ent",
+ "▁Ide nt",
+ "▁ Ident",
+ "▁B an",
+ "▁Ba n",
+ "▁enter prise",
+ "j pg",
+ "w p",
+ "▁ind icates",
+ "▁indic ates",
+ "▁indicate s",
+ "▁Free dom",
+ "▁Fre edom",
+ "quir y",
+ "O ur",
+ "▁qu ote",
+ "▁quot e",
+ "▁quo te",
+ "▁ quote",
+ "▁cons ervation",
+ "▁conserv ation",
+ "et e",
+ "e te",
+ "▁print ed",
+ "▁mod ified",
+ "▁st ability",
+ "▁stabil ity",
+ "▁stab ility",
+ "id ers",
+ "ide rs",
+ "ider s",
+ "i ders",
+ "▁prom oting",
+ "▁promot ing",
+ "▁promo ting",
+ "▁w ake",
+ "▁wa ke",
+ "ti c",
+ "t ic",
+ "▁Econom ics",
+ "▁Economic s",
+ "▁ch arity",
+ "▁char ity",
+ "▁cha rity",
+ "im ore",
+ "imo re",
+ "i more",
+ "▁off ense",
+ "▁remark able",
+ "E qu",
+ "▁pop ulations",
+ "▁population s",
+ "▁popul ations",
+ "K E",
+ "▁Commun ications",
+ "▁Communication s",
+ "ut il",
+ "uti l",
+ "u til",
+ "▁pursu e",
+ "▁purs ue",
+ "▁f est",
+ "▁fe st",
+ "▁ fest",
+ "▁v end",
+ "▁ve nd",
+ "▁ven d",
+ "▁l ad",
+ "▁la d",
+ "▁ lad",
+ "▁l oyal",
+ "po p",
+ "p op",
+ "▁cl ubs",
+ "▁club s",
+ "▁Ind iana",
+ "▁India na",
+ "▁Indian a",
+ "ст а",
+ "с та",
+ "eq ref",
+ "▁the mes",
+ "▁them es",
+ "▁theme s",
+ "▁m eal",
+ "▁me al",
+ "▁ingred ients",
+ "▁ingredient s",
+ "ua na",
+ "uan a",
+ "u ana",
+ "▁P hill",
+ "▁Ph ill",
+ "▁Phil l",
+ "▁respond ed",
+ "▁Up date",
+ "▁ Update",
+ "▁B Y",
+ "▁ BY",
+ "bo und",
+ "b ound",
+ "▁Har vard",
+ "▁w ider",
+ "▁wide r",
+ "▁wid er",
+ "▁con stra",
+ "▁cons tra",
+ "▁const ra",
+ "Im age",
+ "th eless",
+ "the less",
+ "thel ess",
+ "d b",
+ "▁t emplate",
+ "▁tem plate",
+ "▁templ ate",
+ "▁temp late",
+ "▁ template",
+ "or ks",
+ "ork s",
+ "we red",
+ "wer ed",
+ "were d",
+ "w ered",
+ "cat eg",
+ "c ateg",
+ "▁great ly",
+ "im s",
+ "i ms",
+ "▁E P",
+ "▁ EP",
+ "▁S pr",
+ "▁Sp r",
+ "▁a ns",
+ "▁an s",
+ "▁ ans",
+ "▁we ird",
+ "▁L ater",
+ "▁La ter",
+ "▁Lat er",
+ "▁Late r",
+ "▁str uggling",
+ "▁strugg ling",
+ "th on",
+ "t hon",
+ "▁arriv al",
+ "▁arr ival",
+ "F i",
+ "▁f ired",
+ "▁fire d",
+ "▁fi red",
+ "▁ fired",
+ "ne xt",
+ "nex t",
+ "n ext",
+ "igh ters",
+ "ight ers",
+ "ighter s",
+ "vent ions",
+ "vention s",
+ "▁App ro",
+ "▁Ap pro",
+ "▁Z h",
+ "▁P ath",
+ "▁Pa th",
+ "▁Pat h",
+ "▁ Path",
+ "▁min ds",
+ "▁mind s",
+ "▁Organ ization",
+ "▁Scott ish",
+ "▁prop ag",
+ "' '",
+ "▁S ab",
+ "▁Sa b",
+ "▁s hell",
+ "▁sh ell",
+ "▁she ll",
+ "▁shel l",
+ "▁ shell",
+ "▁T agged",
+ "▁Tag ged",
+ "le ges",
+ "leg es",
+ "lege s",
+ "▁comp ete",
+ "▁compet e",
+ "▁int ense",
+ "▁intens e",
+ "▁Her itage",
+ "▁st unning",
+ "▁stun ning",
+ "om ega",
+ "ome ga",
+ "▁J oin",
+ "▁Jo in",
+ "▁fant asy",
+ "▁fantas y",
+ "ua n",
+ "u an",
+ "… ]",
+ "▁b unch",
+ "▁bun ch",
+ "▁d ose",
+ "▁do se",
+ "▁dos e",
+ "▁b orrow",
+ "aw s",
+ "a ws",
+ "th rough",
+ "thro ugh",
+ "la h",
+ "l ah",
+ "▁the rm",
+ "▁th erm",
+ "▁S A",
+ "▁ SA",
+ "▁att itude",
+ "or ses",
+ "ors es",
+ "orse s",
+ "ho ur",
+ "hou r",
+ "h our",
+ "▁spect rum",
+ "▁re leases",
+ "▁release s",
+ "▁rele ases",
+ "▁improve ments",
+ "▁improvement s",
+ "▁improv ements",
+ "ol as",
+ "ola s",
+ "o las",
+ "cent er",
+ "c enter",
+ "uc le",
+ "u cle",
+ "▁dest ruction",
+ "▁l ifestyle",
+ "▁life style",
+ "▁lifest yle",
+ "la ng",
+ "lan g",
+ "l ang",
+ "▁dep ression",
+ "ga me",
+ "g ame",
+ "is ely",
+ "ise ly",
+ "▁M uch",
+ "▁Mu ch",
+ "▁t ied",
+ "▁tie d",
+ "▁main taining",
+ "▁maintain ing",
+ "▁prefer red",
+ "▁pref erred",
+ "▁se ctors",
+ "▁sect ors",
+ "▁sector s",
+ "ma de",
+ "mad e",
+ "m ade",
+ "▁e ase",
+ "▁eas e",
+ "▁mer ch",
+ "▁merc h",
+ "▁he ading",
+ "▁head ing",
+ "▁C C",
+ "▁ CC",
+ "▁dra matic",
+ "▁dram atic",
+ "▁drama tic",
+ "▁H ung",
+ "▁Hu ng",
+ "▁Hun g",
+ "uc t",
+ "u ct",
+ "ather ine",
+ "athe rine",
+ "▁accur acy",
+ "ot te",
+ "ott e",
+ "o tte",
+ "▁B owl",
+ "▁Bow l",
+ "▁Le ave",
+ "▁ Leave",
+ "▁c ul",
+ "▁cu l",
+ "▁ cul",
+ "▁sh ipping",
+ "▁ship ping",
+ "▁vis its",
+ "▁visit s",
+ "eal s",
+ "ea ls",
+ "e als",
+ "▁employ ers",
+ "▁employer s",
+ "▁Cent ury",
+ "com mun",
+ "comm un",
+ "▁W hit",
+ "▁Wh it",
+ "iv a",
+ "i va",
+ "▁govern or",
+ "▁w aves",
+ "▁wa ves",
+ "▁wave s",
+ "! )",
+ "▁H it",
+ "▁Hi t",
+ "▁d ollar",
+ "▁doll ar",
+ "▁dol lar",
+ "▁ dollar",
+ "▁re nd",
+ "▁r end",
+ "▁ren d",
+ "▁ rend",
+ "iz ations",
+ "ization s",
+ "▁I C",
+ "▁ IC",
+ "▁NAS A",
+ "▁NA SA",
+ "▁s uffer",
+ "▁su ffer",
+ "▁suff er",
+ "▁B ab",
+ "▁Ba b",
+ "▁myst ery",
+ "▁myster y",
+ "▁mat hem",
+ "▁ma them",
+ "▁math em",
+ "wic h",
+ "wi ch",
+ "w ich",
+ "ц и",
+ "▁m ad",
+ "▁ma d",
+ "▁ mad",
+ "U C",
+ "▁where as",
+ "▁voice s",
+ "▁vo ices",
+ "▁test im",
+ "au x",
+ "a ux",
+ "▁L GBT",
+ "▁LG BT",
+ "▁Rober ts",
+ "▁Rob erts",
+ "▁Robert s",
+ "▁ter rible",
+ "▁terr ible",
+ "▁j ury",
+ "▁jur y",
+ "▁ju ry",
+ "▁re cy",
+ "▁rec y",
+ "▁m oon",
+ "▁mo on",
+ "▁P rint",
+ "▁Pr int",
+ "▁Pri nt",
+ "▁ Print",
+ "▁un em",
+ "▁une m",
+ "io p",
+ "i op",
+ "▁Cr ime",
+ "▁Crim e",
+ "▁g all",
+ "▁gal l",
+ "▁ga ll",
+ "▁spe aker",
+ "▁speak er",
+ "▁ins ights",
+ "▁insight s",
+ "▁W y",
+ "▁con ventional",
+ "▁convention al",
+ "▁con j",
+ "▁rem oval",
+ "cur rent",
+ "c urrent",
+ "IV E",
+ "I VE",
+ "▁fe min",
+ "▁fem in",
+ "de v",
+ "d ev",
+ "▁streng then",
+ "▁strength en",
+ "▁d uties",
+ "▁du ties",
+ "▁pr ize",
+ "▁pri ze",
+ "▁ob st",
+ "▁obs t",
+ "▁< <",
+ "▁extra ordinary",
+ "▁extraord inary",
+ "Par t",
+ "Pa rt",
+ "P art",
+ "▁. .",
+ "▁ ..",
+ "▁I ron",
+ "▁Ir on",
+ "▁L anguage",
+ "▁ Language",
+ "▁B rand",
+ "▁Br and",
+ "▁Bra nd",
+ "в е",
+ "nd rome",
+ "Me d",
+ "M ed",
+ "ik ing",
+ "iki ng",
+ "i king",
+ "▁spe aks",
+ "▁speak s",
+ "▁f o",
+ "▁ fo",
+ "▁oper ational",
+ "▁operation al",
+ "▁S ac",
+ "▁Sa c",
+ "▁r acing",
+ "▁ra cing",
+ "▁rac ing",
+ "Ne t",
+ "N et",
+ "▁S E",
+ "▁ SE",
+ "▁music ians",
+ "▁mus icians",
+ "▁musician s",
+ "▁Reg ist",
+ "ra ting",
+ "rat ing",
+ "r ating",
+ "р у",
+ "▁Al liance",
+ "▁All iance",
+ "}$ ,",
+ "} $,",
+ "▁h ide",
+ "▁hi de",
+ "▁hid e",
+ "▁ hide",
+ "▁commun icate",
+ "ig s",
+ "i gs",
+ "▁st yles",
+ "▁style s",
+ "▁sty les",
+ "▁styl es",
+ "▁ styles",
+ "▁cor ruption",
+ "▁corrupt ion",
+ "▁care ful",
+ "▁R ound",
+ "▁Ro und",
+ "▁Rou nd",
+ "▁a ds",
+ "▁ad s",
+ "▁ ads",
+ "▁m ini",
+ "▁min i",
+ "▁mi ni",
+ "▁V eter",
+ "▁Ve ter",
+ "▁n aturally",
+ "▁natural ly",
+ "▁M om",
+ "▁Mo m",
+ "▁pl ain",
+ "▁pla in",
+ "▁ plain",
+ "▁b one",
+ "▁bo ne",
+ "▁bon e",
+ "▁ bone",
+ "▁e norm",
+ "▁en orm",
+ "ar th",
+ "art h",
+ "as hes",
+ "ash es",
+ "fa ther",
+ "fat her",
+ "f ather",
+ "in cess",
+ "ince ss",
+ "inc ess",
+ "inces s",
+ "▁I L",
+ "▁ IL",
+ "▁de feat",
+ "▁defe at",
+ "▁Gree ce",
+ "▁aff airs",
+ "▁affair s",
+ "▁G ary",
+ "▁Gar y",
+ "▁Ga ry",
+ "ta b",
+ "t ab",
+ "US T",
+ "U ST",
+ "▁D uke",
+ "▁Du ke",
+ "▁Mo tor",
+ "▁Mot or",
+ "▁Moto r",
+ "u z",
+ "▁em otion",
+ "▁emot ion",
+ "na mes",
+ "name s",
+ "nam es",
+ "n ames",
+ "▁exper imental",
+ "▁experiment al",
+ "od ed",
+ "ode d",
+ "o ded",
+ "OS T",
+ "O ST",
+ "▁Up dated",
+ "▁Update d",
+ "or se",
+ "ors e",
+ "cal l",
+ "ca ll",
+ "c all",
+ "▁Tr ail",
+ "▁Tra il",
+ "▁F ant",
+ "▁Fan t",
+ "▁Fa nt",
+ "▁b ars",
+ "▁bar s",
+ "▁ba rs",
+ "▁Prof essional",
+ "▁Profess ional",
+ "▁Profession al",
+ "u v",
+ "▁line ar",
+ "▁lin ear",
+ "▁ linear",
+ "▁P DF",
+ "▁PD F",
+ "▁ PDF",
+ "▁re cept",
+ "▁rec ept",
+ "▁rece pt",
+ "▁an xiety",
+ "▁B M",
+ "▁ BM",
+ "▁le gs",
+ "▁leg s",
+ "crib ed",
+ "c ribed",
+ "▁Ch annel",
+ "▁Chan nel",
+ "▁ Channel",
+ "▁publ ishing",
+ "▁publish ing",
+ "▁ent rance",
+ "▁entr ance",
+ "▁dist urb",
+ "▁stre aming",
+ "▁stream ing",
+ "Bo ok",
+ "B ook",
+ "▁H im",
+ "▁Hi m",
+ "}$ .",
+ "} $.",
+ "▁pen alty",
+ "▁penal ty",
+ "▁c omic",
+ "▁com ic",
+ "▁co mic",
+ "▁Cont ent",
+ "▁ Content",
+ "ig rant",
+ "igr ant",
+ "ü r",
+ "▁Em ploy",
+ "▁C omb",
+ "▁Com b",
+ "▁Co mb",
+ "ro us",
+ "rou s",
+ "r ous",
+ "▁B ah",
+ "▁Ba h",
+ "▁St adium",
+ "▁Stad ium",
+ "▁agre ements",
+ "▁agreement s",
+ "▁agree ments",
+ "▁M un",
+ "▁Mu n",
+ "ma ker",
+ "make r",
+ "m aker",
+ "D C",
+ "En t",
+ "E nt",
+ "▁Pro perty",
+ "▁ Property",
+ "▁accomp an",
+ "▁prep aring",
+ "▁prepar ing",
+ "▁p asses",
+ "▁pass es",
+ "▁pas ses",
+ "▁St even",
+ "▁Ste ven",
+ "▁Steve n",
+ "▁su icide",
+ "▁fun ded",
+ "▁fund ed",
+ "▁ funded",
+ "▁b ills",
+ "▁bill s",
+ "▁bil ls",
+ "▁ch ap",
+ "▁cha p",
+ "▁st ayed",
+ "▁stay ed",
+ "▁de rived",
+ "▁der ived",
+ "▁deriv ed",
+ "▁derive d",
+ "▁ derived",
+ "▁ind ependence",
+ "▁independ ence",
+ "ol itan",
+ "olit an",
+ "oli tan",
+ "▁M obile",
+ "▁Mob ile",
+ "▁ Mobile",
+ "▁cl othing",
+ "▁cloth ing",
+ "▁clo thing",
+ "▁Re lease",
+ "▁av ailability",
+ "▁avail ability",
+ "▁Char lie",
+ "▁Charl ie",
+ "ot ion",
+ "oti on",
+ "▁t racking",
+ "▁tr acking",
+ "▁track ing",
+ "▁ref erences",
+ "▁refer ences",
+ "▁reference s",
+ "▁refere nces",
+ "▁referen ces",
+ "be an",
+ "b ean",
+ "▁comp letion",
+ "▁complet ion",
+ "▁oper ated",
+ "▁operate d",
+ "▁opera ted",
+ "▁Com pet",
+ "▁Comp et",
+ "▁Every one",
+ "▁whe never",
+ "▁when ever",
+ "▁s orry",
+ "▁sor ry",
+ "ju d",
+ "j ud",
+ "▁scen ario",
+ "▁Le vel",
+ "▁Lev el",
+ "▁ Level",
+ "▁des ired",
+ "▁desire d",
+ "▁celebr ation",
+ "▁celeb ration",
+ "▁g uns",
+ "▁gu ns",
+ "▁gun s",
+ "▁Re ading",
+ "▁Read ing",
+ "▁class ical",
+ "▁classic al",
+ "di e",
+ "d ie",
+ "▁temper atures",
+ "▁temperature s",
+ "▁phot ography",
+ "▁photograph y",
+ "▁photograp hy",
+ "▁break fast",
+ "▁N ear",
+ "▁Ne ar",
+ "▁E ag",
+ "▁r acial",
+ "▁ra cial",
+ "▁rac ial",
+ "▁L am",
+ "▁La m",
+ "in gers",
+ "ing ers",
+ "inger s",
+ "inge rs",
+ "_ .",
+ "is an",
+ "isa n",
+ "i san",
+ "▁poss ess",
+ "▁*/ \r",
+ "▁D ue",
+ "▁Du e",
+ "▁exper iments",
+ "▁experiment s",
+ "if act",
+ "ifa ct",
+ "i fact",
+ "▁ec osystem",
+ "▁eco system",
+ "▁sett led",
+ "▁settle d",
+ "▁- ->",
+ "▁-- >",
+ "▁ -->",
+ "▁conven ient",
+ "▁D ick",
+ "▁Di ck",
+ "▁Tem ple",
+ "▁T y",
+ "▁c lock",
+ "▁cl ock",
+ "▁clo ck",
+ "▁ clock",
+ "▁pat ent",
+ "▁ad mit",
+ "▁adm it",
+ "▁Swed en",
+ "▁Swe den",
+ "▁con vert",
+ "▁conv ert",
+ "▁conver t",
+ "▁conve rt",
+ "▁construct ed",
+ "ac on",
+ "aco n",
+ "a con",
+ "с ко",
+ "uss ion",
+ "▁Muslim s",
+ "tt ing",
+ "t ting",
+ "▁ ",
+ "rh o",
+ "r ho",
+ "▁to night",
+ "▁ton ight",
+ "▁res idence",
+ "▁resid ence",
+ "▁reside nce",
+ "▁s can",
+ "▁sc an",
+ "▁Ch ap",
+ "▁Cha p",
+ "▁P arent",
+ "▁Par ent",
+ "▁Pa rent",
+ "▁ Parent",
+ "ci es",
+ "cie s",
+ "c ies",
+ "▁manufact urer",
+ "▁manufacture r",
+ "om in",
+ "omi n",
+ "o min",
+ "▁St ew",
+ "▁Ste w",
+ "con f",
+ "▁ref ers",
+ "▁refer s",
+ "▁Sch olar",
+ "▁re porter",
+ "▁rep orter",
+ "▁report er",
+ "▁off ensive",
+ "▁g otten",
+ "▁go tten",
+ "▁got ten",
+ "▁crit icism",
+ "▁critic ism",
+ "▁man ual",
+ "▁proceed ings",
+ "▁proceeding s",
+ "▁\" \"",
+ "▁ \"\"",
+ "▁T rack",
+ "▁Tr ack",
+ "▁Tra ck",
+ "▁ Track",
+ "▁param eter",
+ "▁para meter",
+ "▁ parameter",
+ "▁M agn",
+ "▁Mag n",
+ "▁Ma gn",
+ "is hers",
+ "ish ers",
+ "isher s",
+ "ishe rs",
+ "▁sim ultane",
+ "pr iv",
+ "pri v",
+ "p riv",
+ "▁univers al",
+ "▁Palest inian",
+ "▁Palestin ian",
+ "▁H um",
+ "▁Hu m",
+ "▁p ill",
+ "▁pil l",
+ "▁pi ll",
+ "▁ pill",
+ "▁Ar gent",
+ "▁Arg ent",
+ "▁art istic",
+ "▁artist ic",
+ "▁a er",
+ "▁Re member",
+ "▁Rem ember",
+ "▁cur rency",
+ "▁C reek",
+ "▁Cre ek",
+ "▁el der",
+ "▁disc rimination",
+ "▁discrim ination",
+ "As s",
+ "A ss",
+ "au s",
+ "a us",
+ "id o",
+ "i do",
+ "▁al arm",
+ "ma d",
+ "m ad",
+ "OR T",
+ "O RT",
+ "ou ver",
+ "▁d ish",
+ "▁dis h",
+ "▁di sh",
+ "▁Just in",
+ "▁ab stract",
+ "bi ng",
+ "bin g",
+ "b ing",
+ "▁t issue",
+ "▁tiss ue",
+ "▁p ret",
+ "▁pre t",
+ "▁pr et",
+ "▁ pret",
+ "▁among st",
+ "▁m ood",
+ "▁mo od",
+ "▁man ifest",
+ "▁manif est",
+ "ge nce",
+ "gen ce",
+ "g ence",
+ "la n",
+ "l an",
+ "▁An na",
+ "▁Ann a",
+ "▁h ire",
+ "▁hi re",
+ "▁ hire",
+ "▁Am endment",
+ "res hold",
+ "resh old",
+ "▁ex amine",
+ "▁exam ine",
+ "▁circ le",
+ "▁cir cle",
+ "▁ circle",
+ "▁p ounds",
+ "▁pound s",
+ "▁rare ly",
+ "in fty",
+ "inf ty",
+ "▁High way",
+ "▁diagn osis",
+ "\") .",
+ "\" ).",
+ "▁some body",
+ "▁C ell",
+ "▁Ce ll",
+ "▁Cel l",
+ "▁ Cell",
+ "▁ ”",
+ "▁poss ession",
+ "▁pos session",
+ "▁possess ion",
+ "▁p ushing",
+ "▁push ing",
+ "▁r ational",
+ "▁rat ional",
+ "▁l ighting",
+ "▁light ing",
+ "▁Comp uter",
+ "▁Comput er",
+ "▁T ele",
+ "▁Te le",
+ "▁Tel e",
+ "▁aud iences",
+ "▁audience s",
+ "▁audi ences",
+ "▁$ $",
+ "▁ $$",
+ "▁W elcome",
+ "▁Wel come",
+ "▁E lectric",
+ "▁Elect ric",
+ "▁pass engers",
+ "▁passenger s",
+ "▁celebr ated",
+ "▁celeb rated",
+ "▁celebrate d",
+ "▁fasc inating",
+ "▁h az",
+ "▁ha z",
+ "▁Miss ouri",
+ "▁[ …]",
+ "ibr aries",
+ "M e",
+ "▁Bl ood",
+ "Del ta",
+ "D elta",
+ "Po int",
+ "P oint",
+ "▁Stud io",
+ "▁b owl",
+ "▁bow l",
+ "par ty",
+ "part y",
+ "p arty",
+ "Ac t",
+ "A ct",
+ "ho me",
+ "hom e",
+ "h ome",
+ "itzer land",
+ "▁Russ ell",
+ "▁Rus sell",
+ "▁B lock",
+ "▁Bl ock",
+ "▁ Block",
+ "▁Con vention",
+ "▁Conv ention",
+ "M essage",
+ "che stra",
+ "ches tra",
+ "▁attempt ed",
+ "▁g rid",
+ "▁gr id",
+ "▁gri d",
+ "▁ grid",
+ "er ving",
+ "erv ing",
+ "▁in cent",
+ "▁inc ent",
+ "lo cal",
+ "loc al",
+ "l ocal",
+ "▁co oking",
+ "▁cook ing",
+ "▁Res ults",
+ "▁Result s",
+ "▁ Results",
+ "▁O cc",
+ "bu l",
+ "b ul",
+ "▁food s",
+ "▁fo ods",
+ "▁g ear",
+ "▁ge ar",
+ "igh th",
+ "ight h",
+ "▁< !--",
+ "▁",
+ "▁ ->",
+ "▁dam ages",
+ "▁damage s",
+ "▁th irty",
+ "dro p",
+ "dr op",
+ "d rop",
+ "mer s",
+ "me rs",
+ "m ers",
+ "▁Circ uit",
+ "ca rd",
+ "car d",
+ "c ard",
+ "al g",
+ "a lg",
+ "qu ality",
+ "qual ity",
+ "q uality",
+ "▁C ann",
+ "▁Can n",
+ "▁Ca nn",
+ "▁J ere",
+ "▁Je re",
+ "▁Jer e",
+ "▁b ab",
+ "▁ba b",
+ "he sis",
+ "hes is",
+ "h esis",
+ "▁pl aint",
+ "▁plain t",
+ "▁pla int",
+ "▁inter pre",
+ "▁Pract ice",
+ "▁t ie",
+ "▁C hel",
+ "▁Ch el",
+ "▁Che l",
+ "▁re peat",
+ "▁repe at",
+ "▁IS BN",
+ "▁champions hip",
+ "▁champion ship",
+ "▁G ib",
+ "▁Gi b",
+ "▁ke ys",
+ "▁key s",
+ "▁ keys",
+ "er to",
+ "ert o",
+ "▁e uro",
+ "▁eu ro",
+ "▁ euro",
+ "п о",
+ "▁Ro ger",
+ "▁Rog er",
+ "▁def ensive",
+ "pr ead",
+ "pre ad",
+ "p read",
+ "▁B E",
+ "▁ BE",
+ "▁c ow",
+ "▁co w",
+ "ub lin",
+ "ubl in",
+ "▁Le ft",
+ "▁ Left",
+ "▁c ancel",
+ "▁can cel",
+ "k t",
+ "▁imp ression",
+ "▁impress ion",
+ "ail and",
+ "ai land",
+ "a iland",
+ "▁min istry",
+ "▁In dependent",
+ "▁Ind ependent",
+ "be s",
+ "b es",
+ "st ep",
+ "ste p",
+ "et ics",
+ "etic s",
+ "eti cs",
+ "e tics",
+ "ho ps",
+ "hop s",
+ "h ops",
+ "▁ident ification",
+ "▁R u",
+ "▁Ut ah",
+ "▁sp ots",
+ "▁spot s",
+ "▁spo ts",
+ "▁ch icken",
+ "▁chick en",
+ "▁chic ken",
+ "▁min ority",
+ "▁minor ity",
+ "▁Arab ia",
+ "▁Ara bia",
+ "▁Again st",
+ "▁Friend s",
+ "▁Fri ends",
+ "A b",
+ "▁com ply",
+ "▁comp ly",
+ "▁compl y",
+ "▁st ack",
+ "▁sta ck",
+ "▁ stack",
+ "▁G er",
+ "▁Ge r",
+ "ass ment",
+ "▁s td",
+ "▁st d",
+ "▁ std",
+ "▁Ok lahoma",
+ "la d",
+ "l ad",
+ "▁cons pir",
+ "▁imm igrants",
+ "▁immigrant s",
+ "▁passion ate",
+ "▁jud ges",
+ "▁judge s",
+ "▁progress ive",
+ "▁jurisd iction",
+ "▁m atrix",
+ "▁mat rix",
+ "▁ matrix",
+ "▁secret ary",
+ "▁S ud",
+ "▁Su d",
+ "▁de ck",
+ "▁dec k",
+ "▁S ha",
+ "▁Sh a",
+ "▁th rown",
+ "▁throw n",
+ "▁thr own",
+ "▁thro wn",
+ "▁virt ually",
+ "▁virtual ly",
+ "cs s",
+ "c ss",
+ "▁accompl ish",
+ "▁accomp lish",
+ "▁rad iation",
+ "▁radi ation",
+ "▁tour ism",
+ "▁t itled",
+ "▁title d",
+ "▁tit led",
+ "▁sm oke",
+ "▁smok e",
+ "▁smo ke",
+ "▁r uled",
+ "▁rule d",
+ "▁ru led",
+ "▁rul ed",
+ "▁com posed",
+ "▁comp osed",
+ "▁compos ed",
+ "▁bar ely",
+ "▁bare ly",
+ "▁G re",
+ "▁Gr e",
+ "▁U RL",
+ "▁ URL",
+ "writ e",
+ "w rite",
+ "▁h ip",
+ "▁hi p",
+ "▁ hip",
+ "▁Lab els",
+ "▁Label s",
+ "▁resc ue",
+ "Us er",
+ "Use r",
+ "U ser",
+ "in ally",
+ "inal ly",
+ "par ency",
+ "pa rency",
+ "paren cy",
+ "▁J oy",
+ "▁Jo y",
+ "▁t ons",
+ "▁to ns",
+ "▁ton s",
+ "▁wild life",
+ "▁terror ist",
+ "▁che ese",
+ "▁chees e",
+ "▁T rad",
+ "▁Tr ad",
+ "▁Tra d",
+ "▁b ool",
+ "▁bo ol",
+ "▁boo l",
+ "▁ bool",
+ "▁arrang ements",
+ "▁arrangement s",
+ "▁arrange ments",
+ "▁Cre ate",
+ "▁Creat e",
+ "▁ Create",
+ "▁correct ly",
+ "sh ow",
+ "s how",
+ "ue r",
+ "u er",
+ "▁V ancouver",
+ "▁D ra",
+ "▁Dr a",
+ "ol en",
+ "ole n",
+ "o len",
+ "▁o m",
+ "▁ om",
+ "od a",
+ "o da",
+ "st an",
+ "sta n",
+ "s tan",
+ "▁C hen",
+ "▁Ch en",
+ "▁Che n",
+ "AN T",
+ "A NT",
+ "▁activ ists",
+ "▁activist s",
+ "▁C and",
+ "▁Can d",
+ "▁Ca nd",
+ "▁con vin",
+ "▁conv in",
+ "▁class room",
+ "▁Mex ican",
+ "ac ent",
+ "ace nt",
+ "a cent",
+ "▁e pid",
+ "▁ep id",
+ "▁Str ateg",
+ "▁Strat eg",
+ "Ch e",
+ "C he",
+ "▁f ake",
+ "▁fa ke",
+ "▁reported ly",
+ "л я",
+ "rat ive",
+ "r ative",
+ "W S",
+ "▁p uzz",
+ "▁pu zz",
+ "tw itter",
+ "ann ah",
+ "anna h",
+ "▁g onna",
+ "▁surv iv",
+ "▁dem ocratic",
+ "▁democr atic",
+ "ge ment",
+ "gem ent",
+ "g ement",
+ "ve c",
+ "v ec",
+ "F O",
+ "S ource",
+ "rop ical",
+ "ropic al",
+ "lement ary",
+ "▁in hab",
+ "▁inh ab",
+ "tain s",
+ "ta ins",
+ "t ains",
+ "▁O rd",
+ "▁Or d",
+ "▁g ifts",
+ "▁gift s",
+ "▁gi fts",
+ "▁ign ore",
+ "▁ignor e",
+ "▁gl ob",
+ "▁m agnetic",
+ "▁magn etic",
+ "▁magnet ic",
+ "▁work place",
+ "▁J ob",
+ "▁Jo b",
+ "▁ Job",
+ "▁g enes",
+ "▁gen es",
+ "▁ge nes",
+ "▁gene s",
+ "▁art ificial",
+ "▁ к",
+ "▁C atal",
+ "▁Cat al",
+ "▁Ca tal",
+ "ev ent",
+ "even t",
+ "e vent",
+ "▁T ru",
+ "▁Tr u",
+ "▁G ill",
+ "▁Gi ll",
+ "▁Gil l",
+ "▁fl ags",
+ "▁flag s",
+ "▁ flags",
+ "▁C op",
+ "▁Co p",
+ "▁s quad",
+ "▁squ ad",
+ "▁psych ological",
+ "▁d ur",
+ "▁du r",
+ "▁col lections",
+ "▁collect ions",
+ "▁collection s",
+ "▁colle ctions",
+ "▁str etch",
+ "▁stret ch",
+ "ma in",
+ "m ain",
+ "he ight",
+ "h eight",
+ "▁f lav",
+ "▁fl av",
+ "▁p ron",
+ "▁pro n",
+ "▁pr on",
+ "ides pread",
+ "н і",
+ "friend ly",
+ "▁h ired",
+ "▁hire d",
+ "▁hi red",
+ "▁sc oring",
+ "▁frequ ent",
+ "▁Fac ulty",
+ "Mod el",
+ "Mode l",
+ "Mo del",
+ "▁ph rase",
+ "▁phr ase",
+ "▁surround ed",
+ "z o",
+ "▁ad option",
+ "▁adopt ion",
+ "▁Current ly",
+ "es ted",
+ "est ed",
+ "este d",
+ "e sted",
+ "V I",
+ "AR D",
+ "oen ix",
+ "el li",
+ "ell i",
+ "e lli",
+ "▁Bre ak",
+ "SO N",
+ "S ON",
+ "ad ding",
+ "add ing",
+ "▁L em",
+ "▁Le m",
+ "▁E le",
+ "▁El e",
+ "▁bon us",
+ "▁war ned",
+ "▁warn ed",
+ "▁host s",
+ "ug g",
+ "u gg",
+ "um ni",
+ "umn i",
+ "▁K ings",
+ "▁King s",
+ "▁Kin gs",
+ "b n",
+ "▁W orth",
+ "▁Wor th",
+ "ie val",
+ "iev al",
+ "i eval",
+ "▁C old",
+ "▁Col d",
+ "▁Co ld",
+ "____ ____",
+ "▁Phil ip",
+ "but ton",
+ "b utton",
+ "▁G P",
+ "▁ GP",
+ "op ic",
+ "o pic",
+ "til de",
+ "t ilde",
+ "▁accompan ied",
+ "▁Sch olars",
+ "▁Scholar s",
+ "▁sur ely",
+ "▁sure ly",
+ "▁M eg",
+ "▁Me g",
+ "an ches",
+ "anc hes",
+ "anch es",
+ "anche s",
+ "ot ton",
+ "ott on",
+ "▁b less",
+ "▁bl ess",
+ "▁ble ss",
+ "▁Ex cell",
+ "▁Exc ell",
+ "▁Excel l",
+ "P e",
+ "▁W ant",
+ "▁Wa nt",
+ "▁Wan t",
+ "▁threat ened",
+ "▁threaten ed",
+ "▁Ste el",
+ "▁Commission er",
+ "▁R ule",
+ "▁Ru le",
+ "▁ Rule",
+ "▁e xit",
+ "▁ex it",
+ "▁fall en",
+ "▁fal len",
+ "▁K al",
+ "▁Ka l",
+ "▁w ars",
+ "▁war s",
+ "▁wa rs",
+ "▁enjoy ing",
+ "ö r",
+ "▁p rest",
+ "▁pre st",
+ "▁pr est",
+ "▁pres t",
+ "▁Const ruction",
+ "▁Construct ion",
+ "▁f itness",
+ "▁fit ness",
+ "su r",
+ "s ur",
+ "▁en abled",
+ "▁enable d",
+ "▁ enabled",
+ "▁e quality",
+ "▁equ ality",
+ "▁equal ity",
+ "▁eq uality",
+ "▁rece ives",
+ "▁receive s",
+ "▁up gr",
+ "ro t",
+ "r ot",
+ "▁f orum",
+ "▁for um",
+ "▁fo rum",
+ "▁ forum",
+ "▁c oc",
+ "▁co c",
+ "▁h al",
+ "▁ha l",
+ "▁ hal",
+ "▁tr adem",
+ "▁tra dem",
+ "▁trad em",
+ "▁trade m",
+ "pect ives",
+ "pective s",
+ "▁le sson",
+ "▁less on",
+ "▁les son",
+ "▁l oving",
+ "▁lo ving",
+ "▁answ ered",
+ "▁answer ed",
+ "▁ans wered",
+ "▁B art",
+ "▁Bar t",
+ "▁Ba rt",
+ "▁cal m",
+ "▁N eg",
+ "▁Ne g",
+ "ER T",
+ "E RT",
+ "em et",
+ "eme t",
+ "e met",
+ "▁hot els",
+ "▁hotel s",
+ "▁rom antic",
+ "▁enem ies",
+ "▁C itiz",
+ "▁Cit iz",
+ "▁m ixture",
+ "▁c ourage",
+ "▁cour age",
+ "▁cou rage",
+ "dr a",
+ "d ra",
+ "ab out",
+ "▁paint ings",
+ "▁painting s",
+ "ar ity",
+ "ari ty",
+ "a rity",
+ "▁Turk ish",
+ "▁govern ance",
+ "▁enh anced",
+ "▁enhance d",
+ "▁S W",
+ "▁ SW",
+ "fa re",
+ "far e",
+ "f are",
+ "▁Re lated",
+ "▁Rel ated",
+ "▁A long",
+ "▁Al ong",
+ "▁ang ry",
+ "▁In clud",
+ "an ne",
+ "ann e",
+ "▁H ost",
+ "▁Ho st",
+ "▁Hos t",
+ "▁ Host",
+ "ra tor",
+ "rat or",
+ "r ator",
+ "▁g ross",
+ "▁gr oss",
+ "▁gro ss",
+ "▁con vey",
+ "▁conv ey",
+ "▁conve y",
+ "▁Su ccess",
+ "▁ Success",
+ "▁g race",
+ "▁gr ace",
+ "▁gra ce",
+ "▁grac e",
+ "▁tele phone",
+ "ith ub",
+ "▁O P",
+ "▁ OP",
+ "▁a ver",
+ "▁av er",
+ "▁ aver",
+ "▁ag greg",
+ "ia ng",
+ "ian g",
+ "i ang",
+ "▁inter section",
+ "▁intersect ion",
+ "▁M L",
+ "▁ ML",
+ "▁ear nings",
+ "▁earn ings",
+ "▁earning s",
+ "▁oblig ations",
+ "▁obligation s",
+ "Ma r",
+ "M ar",
+ "▁War ren",
+ "▁satis fied",
+ "▁satisf ied",
+ "U I",
+ "pie ce",
+ "O G",
+ "ot ive",
+ "oti ve",
+ "▁R at",
+ "▁Ra t",
+ "▁d é",
+ "▁Res erve",
+ "▁Reserv e",
+ "mo ther",
+ "mot her",
+ "m other",
+ "▁tra iler",
+ "▁trail er",
+ "▁Be ijing",
+ "▁refuge es",
+ "▁refugee s",
+ "en ame",
+ "ena me",
+ "e name",
+ "▁dynam ics",
+ "▁dynamic s",
+ "▁consult ation",
+ "| \\",
+ "L Y",
+ "▁A lb",
+ "▁Al b",
+ "▁Vol ume",
+ "▁re verse",
+ "▁revers e",
+ "▁Mississ ippi",
+ "ro ck",
+ "roc k",
+ "r ock",
+ "am er",
+ "ame r",
+ "a mer",
+ "if ice",
+ "ific e",
+ "ifi ce",
+ "and roid",
+ "andro id",
+ "N Y",
+ "▁F ast",
+ "▁Fa st",
+ "▁Anton io",
+ "▁reflect s",
+ "s ervice",
+ "ams ung",
+ "▁con version",
+ "▁convers ion",
+ "▁conv ersion",
+ "▁T ogether",
+ "▁To gether",
+ "ram ework",
+ "rame work",
+ "▁author ized",
+ "▁authorize d",
+ "po l",
+ "p ol",
+ "em ption",
+ "empt ion",
+ "▁C arter",
+ "▁Car ter",
+ "▁Cart er",
+ "▁S tre",
+ "▁St re",
+ "▁Str e",
+ "▁dist ricts",
+ "▁district s",
+ "▁Indust rial",
+ "en try",
+ "ent ry",
+ "▁expl oration",
+ "▁explo ration",
+ "▁explor ation",
+ "▁E sc",
+ "▁Es c",
+ "eth yl",
+ "▁Act iv",
+ "▁L l",
+ "▁p in",
+ "▁pi n",
+ "▁ pin",
+ "▁l ip",
+ "▁li p",
+ "New s",
+ "Ne ws",
+ "N ews",
+ "Fi l",
+ "F il",
+ "▁novel s",
+ "▁nov els",
+ "▁cont roller",
+ "▁control ler",
+ "▁controll er",
+ "▁ controller",
+ "] (",
+ "▁l ogo",
+ "▁lo go",
+ "▁log o",
+ "▁ logo",
+ "▁enorm ous",
+ "▁G as",
+ "▁Ga s",
+ "▁pe er",
+ "▁ peer",
+ "▁rac ism",
+ "▁p up",
+ "▁pu p",
+ "▁cont ents",
+ "▁content s",
+ "▁ contents",
+ "▁Q uality",
+ "▁Qu ality",
+ "▁Qual ity",
+ "▁disp ute",
+ "▁disput e",
+ "▁I an",
+ "st ore",
+ "sto re",
+ "▁t ast",
+ "▁ta st",
+ "▁l as",
+ "▁la s",
+ "▁ las",
+ "▁Louis iana",
+ "▁B ishop",
+ "▁Bi shop",
+ "ag h",
+ "a gh",
+ "Cl ient",
+ "C lient",
+ "▁L ocation",
+ "▁Lo cation",
+ "▁Loc ation",
+ "▁ Location",
+ "▁alleg ations",
+ "▁allegation s",
+ "min ute",
+ "Par am",
+ "Pa ram",
+ "P aram",
+ "▁B achelor",
+ "▁agric ulture",
+ "▁S ean",
+ "▁Se an",
+ "▁Sea n",
+ "▁d ependent",
+ "▁depend ent",
+ "▁ dependent",
+ "▁document ation",
+ "ra ma",
+ "ram a",
+ "r ama",
+ "▁R ules",
+ "▁Ru les",
+ "▁Rule s",
+ "wh ite",
+ "▁A uto",
+ "▁Aut o",
+ "▁Au to",
+ "▁ Auto",
+ "St ream",
+ "▁M os",
+ "▁Mo s",
+ "re r",
+ "r er",
+ "F S",
+ "oc y",
+ "o cy",
+ "as ma",
+ "asm a",
+ "th od",
+ "▁Hist orical",
+ "▁Histor ical",
+ "▁Historic al",
+ "▁b inding",
+ "▁bin ding",
+ "▁bind ing",
+ "▁ binding",
+ "▁b reach",
+ "▁br each",
+ "▁bre ach",
+ "ip er",
+ "ipe r",
+ "i per",
+ "▁w isdom",
+ "ur i",
+ "u ri",
+ "▁In iti",
+ "▁Init i",
+ "▁T ower",
+ "▁To wer",
+ "▁Tow er",
+ "li ers",
+ "lier s",
+ "lie rs",
+ "l iers",
+ "cy cle",
+ "cycl e",
+ "eli hood",
+ "▁Den ver",
+ "x ml",
+ "▁s ons",
+ "▁so ns",
+ "▁son s",
+ "▁produ ces",
+ "▁produce s",
+ "▁A aron",
+ "ble d",
+ "bl ed",
+ "b led",
+ "▁poll ution",
+ "▁pollut ion",
+ "▁de emed",
+ "▁Dep uty",
+ "▁Kent ucky",
+ "▁S olar",
+ "▁So lar",
+ "▁Sol ar",
+ "▁home less",
+ "▁hom eless",
+ "ga te",
+ "g ate",
+ "▁M ath",
+ "▁Mat h",
+ "▁Ma th",
+ "▁ Math",
+ "Over ride",
+ "ri se",
+ "ris e",
+ "r ise",
+ "▁ut ility",
+ "▁util ity",
+ "T ask",
+ "▁pro portion",
+ "▁prop ortion",
+ "▁proport ion",
+ "is p",
+ "i sp",
+ "▁b ene",
+ "▁be ne",
+ "▁ben e",
+ "▁P atri",
+ "▁Pa tri",
+ "▁Pat ri",
+ "▁al ien",
+ "▁fle et",
+ "▁flee t",
+ "▁t ired",
+ "▁tire d",
+ "P r",
+ "Re c",
+ "R ec",
+ "ID S",
+ "I DS",
+ "▁box es",
+ "▁Barb ara",
+ "▁as pir",
+ "▁la bour",
+ "▁lab our",
+ "▁Rob inson",
+ "▁Robin son",
+ "▁att acked",
+ "▁attack ed",
+ "▁pass enger",
+ "▁came ras",
+ "▁cam eras",
+ "▁camera s",
+ "▁gather ing",
+ "▁E M",
+ "▁ EM",
+ "bre aking",
+ "break ing",
+ "=\"../../ ../../",
+ "=\"../../../ ../",
+ "▁H R",
+ "▁ HR",
+ "▁effect iveness",
+ "▁effective ness",
+ "▁f ur",
+ "▁fu r",
+ "▁ fur",
+ "pr es",
+ "pre s",
+ "p res",
+ "▁P as",
+ "▁Pa s",
+ "ac co",
+ "acc o",
+ "th ere",
+ "ther e",
+ "the re",
+ "t here",
+ "ric ket",
+ "rick et",
+ "r icket",
+ "Pro perty",
+ "▁per f",
+ "▁pe rf",
+ "▁Connect icut",
+ "De sc",
+ "Des c",
+ "D esc",
+ "▁A le",
+ "▁Al e",
+ "▁Techn ical",
+ "AS T",
+ "A ST",
+ "▁inter active",
+ "▁interact ive",
+ "id al",
+ "ida l",
+ "i dal",
+ "▁pa nels",
+ "▁pan els",
+ "▁panel s",
+ "▁V ent",
+ "▁Ven t",
+ "▁Ve nt",
+ "▁r ival",
+ "▁ri val",
+ "▁riv al",
+ "▁A nc",
+ "▁An c",
+ "▁c osm",
+ "▁co sm",
+ "▁cos m",
+ "build ing",
+ "ke e",
+ "k ee",
+ "sh ot",
+ "s hot",
+ "ul ator",
+ "ula tor",
+ "spec ific",
+ "▁b uck",
+ "▁bu ck",
+ "▁c once",
+ "▁con ce",
+ "▁co nce",
+ "▁conc e",
+ "▁controvers ial",
+ "▁ly rics",
+ "▁lyric s",
+ "▁Malays ia",
+ "▁propos als",
+ "▁proposal s",
+ "▁K u",
+ "▁ast ron",
+ "▁fl uid",
+ "▁flu id",
+ "int age",
+ "▁Cle veland",
+ "á s",
+ "▁Sy rian",
+ "▁Syria n",
+ "not e",
+ "no te",
+ "n ote",
+ "▁B lu",
+ "▁Bl u",
+ "▁trem end",
+ "li ver",
+ "live r",
+ "l iver",
+ "▁exp ense",
+ "▁H em",
+ "▁He m",
+ "▁pro fits",
+ "▁prof its",
+ "▁profit s",
+ "▁ profits",
+ "▁h ence",
+ "▁he nce",
+ "▁hen ce",
+ "▁R s",
+ "▁ Rs",
+ "in ates",
+ "ina tes",
+ "inate s",
+ "ja n",
+ "j an",
+ "▁direct ions",
+ "▁direction s",
+ "▁dire ctions",
+ "othe rapy",
+ "▁Add ress",
+ "▁ Address",
+ "▁a est",
+ "ze s",
+ "z es",
+ "▁F ell",
+ "▁Fe ll",
+ "▁Fel l",
+ "▁view ers",
+ "▁viewer s",
+ "as hing",
+ "ash ing",
+ "ashi ng",
+ "li est",
+ "lies t",
+ "lie st",
+ "l iest",
+ "▁abandon ed",
+ "E m",
+ "ot hy",
+ "oth y",
+ "o thy",
+ "▁dis put",
+ "▁disp ut",
+ "hat t",
+ "ha tt",
+ "h att",
+ "▁bound aries",
+ "▁eng ines",
+ "▁engine s",
+ "ad os",
+ "ado s",
+ "le ting",
+ "let ing",
+ "l eting",
+ "н я",
+ "Of f",
+ "O ff",
+ "▁H appy",
+ "▁Ha ppy",
+ "▁Happ y",
+ "ra ms",
+ "ram s",
+ "r ams",
+ "▁Sam uel",
+ "ga l",
+ "g al",
+ "ed a",
+ "e da",
+ "▁B uck",
+ "▁Bu ck",
+ "▁Buc k",
+ "▁Mel bourne",
+ "path y",
+ "pat hy",
+ "pa thy",
+ "p athy",
+ "▁d ying",
+ "▁dy ing",
+ "out heast",
+ "outh east",
+ "▁Dise ase",
+ "un ct",
+ "unc t",
+ "wa ll",
+ "wal l",
+ "w all",
+ "▁em ails",
+ "▁email s",
+ "▁Corpor ate",
+ "▁Corp orate",
+ "▁Reg ister",
+ "▁Regist er",
+ "▁ Register",
+ "▁Th ailand",
+ "▁Thai land",
+ "▁l obby",
+ "▁lob by",
+ "▁es cap",
+ "▁esc ap",
+ "▁M achine",
+ "▁Mach ine",
+ "or ized",
+ "ori zed",
+ "qu est",
+ "que st",
+ "ques t",
+ "▁develop er",
+ "on da",
+ "ond a",
+ "▁negoti ations",
+ "▁negotiation s",
+ "▁Os car",
+ "▁Osc ar",
+ "▁P il",
+ "▁Pi l",
+ "▁e pic",
+ "▁ep ic",
+ "▁mar ine",
+ "▁ma rine",
+ "▁ marine",
+ "▁mist akes",
+ "▁mistake s",
+ "▁Indones ia",
+ "▁r iding",
+ "▁ri ding",
+ "▁rid ing",
+ "▁D est",
+ "▁De st",
+ "▁Des t",
+ "▁ Dest",
+ "▁em power",
+ "▁emp ower",
+ "▁Ch amber",
+ "▁Cha mber",
+ "▁Cham ber",
+ "▁C M",
+ "▁ CM",
+ "▁S U",
+ "▁ SU",
+ "▁Cra ig",
+ "fun d",
+ "fu nd",
+ "f und",
+ "is sa",
+ "iss a",
+ "▁w ing",
+ "▁win g",
+ "▁ wing",
+ "▁sal ary",
+ "▁particip ated",
+ "▁participate d",
+ "▁( +",
+ "▁l ady",
+ "▁la dy",
+ "▁lad y",
+ "▁o rient",
+ "▁or ient",
+ "▁ori ent",
+ "▁ orient",
+ "▁G ive",
+ "▁Gi ve",
+ "▁inf lation",
+ "▁infl ation",
+ "t n",
+ "Ph oto",
+ "Phot o",
+ "▁h ill",
+ "▁hi ll",
+ "▁ hill",
+ "▁he aling",
+ "▁heal ing",
+ "an ka",
+ "ank a",
+ "▁mechan ical",
+ "▁mechanic al",
+ "Ex t",
+ "E xt",
+ "▁Oper ations",
+ "▁Operation s",
+ "▁bu ried",
+ "▁bur ied",
+ "min d",
+ "mi nd",
+ "m ind",
+ "ro ns",
+ "ron s",
+ "r ons",
+ "▁r ice",
+ "▁ri ce",
+ "▁ric e",
+ "▁ rice",
+ "▁engine er",
+ "▁f u",
+ "▁ fu",
+ "▁la yers",
+ "▁lay ers",
+ "▁layer s",
+ "▁legisl ative",
+ "▁del icious",
+ "▁C ultural",
+ "▁Cult ural",
+ "▁inst itutional",
+ "▁institution al",
+ "▁w idespread",
+ "▁b in",
+ "▁bi n",
+ "▁ bin",
+ "▁g est",
+ "▁ge st",
+ "▁ gest",
+ "▁soph istic",
+ "ik h",
+ "i kh",
+ "▁F DA",
+ "▁FD A",
+ "▁In side",
+ "▁Ins ide",
+ "▁S N",
+ "▁ SN",
+ "▁r ally",
+ "▁rall y",
+ "di rect",
+ "dir ect",
+ "d irect",
+ "in ely",
+ "ine ly",
+ "inel y",
+ "▁E S",
+ "▁ ES",
+ "con text",
+ "cont ext",
+ "▁le ather",
+ "▁Product s",
+ "▁dis orders",
+ "▁disorder s",
+ "▁facilit ate",
+ "▁R isk",
+ "▁Ris k",
+ "▁Ri sk",
+ "▁requ iring",
+ "er red",
+ "err ed",
+ "▁achie vement",
+ "▁achieve ment",
+ "▁pre sum",
+ "▁pres um",
+ "▁M C",
+ "▁ MC",
+ "▁elect ro",
+ "▁electr o",
+ "to wn",
+ "t own",
+ "▁Ass ess",
+ "▁n erv",
+ "▁bo ards",
+ "▁board s",
+ "▁ boards",
+ "▁K y",
+ "▁in her",
+ "▁inh er",
+ "▁ inher",
+ "▁six th",
+ "▁ex ch",
+ "▁exc h",
+ "We ll",
+ "W ell",
+ "▁Wal ter",
+ "▁Walt er",
+ "▁wond ering",
+ "▁wonder ing",
+ "▁M yst",
+ "▁My st",
+ "▁Mys t",
+ "▁popular ity",
+ "▁popul arity",
+ "▁tr ips",
+ "▁tri ps",
+ "▁trip s",
+ "▁P resent",
+ "▁Pres ent",
+ "▁Pre sent",
+ "▁K am",
+ "▁Ka m",
+ "▁claim ing",
+ "co s",
+ "c os",
+ "▁N ev",
+ "▁Ne v",
+ "se lect",
+ "sel ect",
+ "s elect",
+ "▁Girl s",
+ "▁Gir ls",
+ "▁B R",
+ "▁ BR",
+ "? )",
+ "▁P oll",
+ "▁Pol l",
+ "▁Po ll",
+ "▁n ights",
+ "▁night s",
+ "an eous",
+ "ane ous",
+ "ne g",
+ "n eg",
+ "▁import antly",
+ "▁important ly",
+ "▁che cks",
+ "▁check s",
+ "▁def ence",
+ "▁defe nce",
+ "▁Fed eration",
+ "▁Feder ation",
+ "ir ates",
+ "ira tes",
+ "i rates",
+ "▁A w",
+ "▁D al",
+ "▁Da l",
+ "▁R achel",
+ "▁Ra chel",
+ "▁Rac hel",
+ "en ny",
+ "enn y",
+ "▁J en",
+ "▁Je n",
+ "▁Frank lin",
+ "F l",
+ "▁Off icial",
+ "▁Offic ial",
+ "▁convin ced",
+ "▁convince d",
+ "▁convinc ed",
+ "▁bur ning",
+ "▁burn ing",
+ "▁Pro gress",
+ "▁ Progress",
+ "▁N ort",
+ "▁No rt",
+ "▁Nor t",
+ "▁Ste wart",
+ "▁Stew art",
+ "EN D",
+ "E ND",
+ "▁S oc",
+ "▁So c",
+ "ember ed",
+ "emb ered",
+ "▁encoura ging",
+ "iss ance",
+ "issa nce",
+ "issan ce",
+ "▁c oup",
+ "▁co up",
+ "▁cou p",
+ "▁c urious",
+ "▁cur ious",
+ "▁egg s",
+ "▁eg gs",
+ "▁genu ine",
+ "em en",
+ "eme n",
+ "e men",
+ "▁sc ream",
+ "▁dam aged",
+ "▁damage d",
+ "ar o",
+ "a ro",
+ "el ect",
+ "ele ct",
+ "e lect",
+ "▁S ony",
+ "▁So ny",
+ "▁Son y",
+ "▁equ ation",
+ "▁eq uation",
+ "▁ equation",
+ "▁re sil",
+ "▁res il",
+ "om etry",
+ "ome try",
+ "omet ry",
+ "o metry",
+ "emet ery",
+ "eme tery",
+ "▁f ails",
+ "▁fail s",
+ "▁fa ils",
+ "▁invest ing",
+ "▁Up on",
+ "▁S ide",
+ "▁Si de",
+ "▁Sid e",
+ "▁Mor ris",
+ "▁N at",
+ "▁Na t",
+ "▁cas ino",
+ "▁check ed",
+ "▁ checked",
+ "▁oper ates",
+ "▁operate s",
+ "▁opera tes",
+ "I X",
+ "▁cons olid",
+ "▁overse as",
+ "▁overs eas",
+ "▁Le ban",
+ "ol o",
+ "o lo",
+ "mi d",
+ "m id",
+ "▁Exp lore",
+ "▁Expl ore",
+ "he alth",
+ "▁cre ativity",
+ "▁creat ivity",
+ "▁La test",
+ "▁Lat est",
+ "▁Late st",
+ "▁bro ader",
+ "▁broad er",
+ "▁Co al",
+ "sel ling",
+ "sell ing",
+ "s elling",
+ "or ts",
+ "ort s",
+ "▁o vert",
+ "▁over t",
+ "▁ov ert",
+ "▁Un like",
+ "rop olitan",
+ "▁th reshold",
+ "ah a",
+ "a ha",
+ "▁C ompl",
+ "▁Com pl",
+ "▁Comp l",
+ "▁publ ish",
+ "▁pub lish",
+ "} ;",
+ "▁Le ader",
+ "▁Lead er",
+ "Pe r",
+ "P er",
+ "O m",
+ "▁N ep",
+ "▁Ne p",
+ "▁H i",
+ "▁l ens",
+ "▁le ns",
+ "▁len s",
+ "G M",
+ "▁c odes",
+ "▁co des",
+ "▁code s",
+ "▁cod es",
+ "▁cult iv",
+ "▁aggress ive",
+ "( {",
+ "▁Dougl as",
+ "▁Doug las",
+ "▁St ars",
+ "▁Star s",
+ "▁Sta rs",
+ "▁reg arded",
+ "▁regard ed",
+ "▁seem ingly",
+ "▁test imony",
+ "▁testim ony",
+ "▁p ension",
+ "▁pens ion",
+ "▁n an",
+ "▁na n",
+ "▁ nan",
+ "▁re vol",
+ "▁rev ol",
+ "▁const itutional",
+ "▁constitution al",
+ "▁ constitutional",
+ "▁u nt",
+ "▁un t",
+ "▁ unt",
+ "м е",
+ "▁Z e",
+ "bi d",
+ "b id",
+ "▁Car ib",
+ "▁Ca rib",
+ "▁t ens",
+ "▁te ns",
+ "▁ten s",
+ "▁d rives",
+ "▁dri ves",
+ "▁dr ives",
+ "▁driv es",
+ "▁drive s",
+ "▁am endment",
+ "▁amend ment",
+ "▁b ias",
+ "▁bi as",
+ "ä r",
+ "▁Coll ins",
+ "▁R ap",
+ "▁Ra p",
+ "ro nes",
+ "ron es",
+ "r ones",
+ "▁pregn ant",
+ "▁l ets",
+ "▁le ts",
+ "▁let s",
+ "▁ lets",
+ "▁in val",
+ "▁inv al",
+ "▁adequ ate",
+ "▁de script",
+ "▁des cript",
+ "▁desc ript",
+ "▁crit ics",
+ "▁critic s",
+ "ter ior",
+ "te rior",
+ "t erior",
+ "wi ll",
+ "w ill",
+ "sc reen",
+ "scr een",
+ "scre en",
+ "s creen",
+ "on ed",
+ "one d",
+ "o ned",
+ "ja min",
+ "j amin",
+ "▁B ody",
+ "▁Bo dy",
+ "▁Bod y",
+ "▁ Body",
+ "▁advert is",
+ "Th read",
+ "▁m igration",
+ "▁migr ation",
+ "▁mig ration",
+ "D B",
+ "▁Mur ray",
+ ". :",
+ "▁Art icles",
+ "▁Article s",
+ "act eria",
+ "acter ia",
+ "▁ac res",
+ "▁acre s",
+ "▁sh adow",
+ "▁ shadow",
+ "per form",
+ "▁g ig",
+ "▁gi g",
+ "op ath",
+ "opa th",
+ "o path",
+ "▁the rap",
+ "▁trad itions",
+ "▁tradition s",
+ "▁overwhel ming",
+ "▁wire less",
+ "▁O d",
+ "▁im posed",
+ "▁imp osed",
+ "▁impose d",
+ "▁m ath",
+ "▁mat h",
+ "▁ma th",
+ "▁ math",
+ "▁S ale",
+ "▁Sal e",
+ "▁Sa le",
+ "▁m ild",
+ "▁mil d",
+ "▁mi ld",
+ "▁r ental",
+ "▁rent al",
+ "▁ren tal",
+ "ry pt",
+ "▁re son",
+ "▁r eson",
+ "▁res on",
+ "▁Bet ter",
+ "▁Cl assic",
+ "▁Class ic",
+ "▁prom ises",
+ "▁promise s",
+ "▁D ublin",
+ "▁Dub lin",
+ "▁Comp anies",
+ "▁Compan ies",
+ "▁P red",
+ "▁Pr ed",
+ "▁Pre d",
+ "▁f ert",
+ "▁fe rt",
+ "▁fer t",
+ "G u",
+ "▁The ory",
+ "▁Theo ry",
+ "▁W onder",
+ "▁Won der",
+ "▁Wo nder",
+ "▁accept ance",
+ "▁V ar",
+ "▁Va r",
+ "▁ Var",
+ "▁Cap itol",
+ "ed ded",
+ "edd ed",
+ "▁man uscript",
+ "▁prec isely",
+ "▁precise ly",
+ "▁re vers",
+ "▁rev ers",
+ "▁reve rs",
+ "▁m eters",
+ "▁me ters",
+ "▁met ers",
+ "▁meter s",
+ ". ]",
+ "an cell",
+ "ance ll",
+ "anc ell",
+ "ancel l",
+ "▁Marg aret",
+ "Resp onse",
+ "▁sil ence",
+ "ri ven",
+ "riv en",
+ "rive n",
+ "r iven",
+ "▁h orses",
+ "▁hor ses",
+ "▁horse s",
+ "ograph ical",
+ "ographic al",
+ "▁S olutions",
+ "▁Sol utions",
+ "▁Solution s",
+ "▁sol ely",
+ "▁sole ly",
+ "▁Direct ors",
+ "▁Director s",
+ "▁mir ror",
+ "▁Port land",
+ "▁l ift",
+ "▁li ft",
+ "▁lif t",
+ "gr ad",
+ "gra d",
+ "g rad",
+ "ar est",
+ "are st",
+ "ares t",
+ "a rest",
+ "▁vacc ines",
+ "▁vaccine s",
+ "▁c rown",
+ "▁cr own",
+ "▁cro wn",
+ "▁E li",
+ "▁El i",
+ "▁work force",
+ "▁F C",
+ "▁ FC",
+ "▁Over all",
+ "▁G uy",
+ "▁Gu y",
+ "al ties",
+ "alt ies",
+ "▁sub sequently",
+ "▁subsequ ently",
+ "▁subsequent ly",
+ "ap pa",
+ "app a",
+ "▁P roduction",
+ "▁Pro duction",
+ "▁Product ion",
+ "▁Produ ction",
+ "▁an ch",
+ "▁anc h",
+ "▁ anch",
+ "▁dec lined",
+ "▁decl ined",
+ "▁decline d",
+ "▁view ing",
+ "▁w arming",
+ "▁war ming",
+ "▁warm ing",
+ "▁he arts",
+ "▁heart s",
+ "▁hear ts",
+ "▁K ind",
+ "▁Kin d",
+ "▁Ki nd",
+ "▁ Kind",
+ "▁d ivers",
+ "▁di vers",
+ "▁div ers",
+ "▁diver s",
+ "▁dive rs",
+ "▁Camp aign",
+ "▁terror ism",
+ "▁ terrorism",
+ "▁ab ilities",
+ "▁ abilities",
+ "▁N BC",
+ "▁ NBC",
+ "▁sh ame",
+ "▁sham e",
+ "▁Jim my",
+ "au c",
+ "a uc",
+ "▁Med ic",
+ "▁f iling",
+ "▁fil ing",
+ "▁fi ling",
+ "pr ises",
+ "pri ses",
+ "prise s",
+ "▁bo ttle",
+ "▁bott le",
+ "▁bot tle",
+ "▁s ear",
+ "▁se ar",
+ "▁sea r",
+ "▁Orig inal",
+ "▁Origin al",
+ "▁Part ners",
+ "▁Partner s",
+ "pl an",
+ "p lan",
+ "▁fin ancing",
+ "▁financ ing",
+ "be st",
+ "bes t",
+ "b est",
+ "▁st eal",
+ "▁ste al",
+ "▁arrang ement",
+ "▁arrange ment",
+ "Don ald",
+ "▁ch ocolate",
+ "on tal",
+ "ont al",
+ "pro cess",
+ "ho t",
+ "h ot",
+ "f i",
+ "cu p",
+ "c up",
+ "rid ge",
+ "r idge",
+ "▁T on",
+ "▁To n",
+ "▁Adv anced",
+ "▁Advance d",
+ "ble m",
+ "bl em",
+ "b lem",
+ "▁isol ated",
+ "▁isolate d",
+ "est one",
+ "eston e",
+ "e stone",
+ "▁R ather",
+ "▁Ra ther",
+ "▁Rat her",
+ "ym bol",
+ "Lin e",
+ "L ine",
+ "▁g ains",
+ "▁gain s",
+ "▁ga ins",
+ "с и",
+ "▁Cele br",
+ "▁Celeb r",
+ "▁S amsung",
+ "ic ating",
+ "ica ting",
+ "▁un p",
+ "▁labor atory",
+ "▁I ce",
+ "▁Pitt s",
+ "▁Pit ts",
+ "▁n am",
+ "▁na m",
+ "▁ nam",
+ "▁Sing h",
+ "▁Sin gh",
+ "it ual",
+ "itu al",
+ "▁am end",
+ "▁amen d",
+ "▁be ings",
+ "▁being s",
+ "Pa ge",
+ "P age",
+ "▁ad mission",
+ "▁adm ission",
+ "▁compl aints",
+ "▁complaint s",
+ "▁complain ts",
+ "▁A LL",
+ "▁AL L",
+ "▁ ALL",
+ "▁Com merce",
+ "▁ Commerce",
+ "▁Liver pool",
+ "▁Christian ity",
+ "tar get",
+ "t arget",
+ "▁re nov",
+ "▁ren ov",
+ "▁com pan",
+ "▁comp an",
+ "▁v ector",
+ "▁ve ctor",
+ "▁ vector",
+ "▁N AT",
+ "▁NA T",
+ "wa s",
+ "w as",
+ "▁rec ipe",
+ "▁recip e",
+ "▁L arry",
+ "▁Lar ry",
+ "▁ г",
+ "▁pract ition",
+ "▁C riminal",
+ "▁Crim inal",
+ "▁different ly",
+ "▁differ ently",
+ "▁Str ategy",
+ "▁Strateg y",
+ "▁add ressing",
+ "▁address ing",
+ "ie ve",
+ "iev e",
+ "▁d rew",
+ "▁dr ew",
+ "▁ drew",
+ "or em",
+ "ore m",
+ "o rem",
+ "▁I sa",
+ "▁Is a",
+ "▁R O",
+ "▁ RO",
+ "▁an ger",
+ "▁ang er",
+ "▁ anger",
+ "▁de fect",
+ "▁def ect",
+ "▁defe ct",
+ "vi t",
+ "v it",
+ "▁St ay",
+ "▁Sta y",
+ "▁Col on",
+ "▁Co lon",
+ "▁f ounding",
+ "▁found ing",
+ "im ensional",
+ "imens ional",
+ "▁poss ibilities",
+ "▁s tops",
+ "▁st ops",
+ "▁stop s",
+ "▁court esy",
+ "▁T es",
+ "▁Te s",
+ "I Z",
+ "▁D at",
+ "▁Da t",
+ "▁ Dat",
+ "▁M aine",
+ "▁Ma ine",
+ "▁Main e",
+ "▁Mai ne",
+ "▁C ut",
+ "▁Cu t",
+ "▁corpor ations",
+ "▁corporation s",
+ "▁ver tical",
+ "▁vert ical",
+ "uct ion",
+ "u ction",
+ "child ren",
+ "▁f oss",
+ "▁fo ss",
+ "д о",
+ "▁O range",
+ "▁Or ange",
+ "▁s hr",
+ "▁sh r",
+ "▁ shr",
+ "▁l anding",
+ "▁land ing",
+ "▁lan ding",
+ "ra ham",
+ "rah am",
+ "▁t ower",
+ "▁to wer",
+ "▁tow er",
+ "▁J erry",
+ "▁Jer ry",
+ "▁F u",
+ "▁comb ine",
+ "▁Ken ya",
+ "▁g host",
+ "ar ma",
+ "arm a",
+ "▁T s",
+ "▁ Ts",
+ "opt ions",
+ "option s",
+ "o ptions",
+ "▁meas urement",
+ "▁measure ment",
+ "wh at",
+ "w hat",
+ "▁oblig ation",
+ "▁obl igation",
+ "▁Val ue",
+ "▁ Value",
+ "▁B aker",
+ "▁Ba ker",
+ "▁Bak er",
+ "cl ient",
+ "c lient",
+ "▁Bre xit",
+ "T e",
+ "S U",
+ "▁exclusive ly",
+ "▁exclus ively",
+ "▁tem ple",
+ "▁templ e",
+ "▁temp le",
+ "▁Marsh all",
+ "▁Mars hall",
+ "▁pres erve",
+ "▁uncertain ty",
+ "▁s i",
+ "▁ si",
+ "ma ster",
+ "mas ter",
+ "m aster",
+ "▁Ex hib",
+ "▁dis plays",
+ "▁display s",
+ "▁displ ays",
+ "▁co inc",
+ "▁coin c",
+ "▁forg otten",
+ "▁forgot ten",
+ "▁department s",
+ "▁depart ments",
+ "▁he aven",
+ "▁heav en",
+ "▁max im",
+ "▁S ingle",
+ "▁Sing le",
+ "▁ Single",
+ "▁le tting",
+ "▁let ting",
+ "▁lett ing",
+ "sc ribe",
+ "scr ibe",
+ "▁Hawai i",
+ "▁r anks",
+ "▁rank s",
+ "▁ran ks",
+ "▁adv ocate",
+ "▁advoc ate",
+ "▁P ra",
+ "▁Pr a",
+ "▁S el",
+ "▁Se l",
+ "▁ro utes",
+ "▁rout es",
+ "▁route s",
+ "▁rou tes",
+ "St ar",
+ "S tar",
+ "Me thod",
+ "M ethod",
+ "an dra",
+ "and ra",
+ "a ndra",
+ "▁Com mand",
+ "▁Comm and",
+ "▁ Command",
+ "ic ked",
+ "ick ed",
+ "▁C ass",
+ "▁Cas s",
+ "▁Ca ss",
+ "is ons",
+ "ison s",
+ "iso ns",
+ "▁o xygen",
+ "▁supp ose",
+ "▁sup pose",
+ "re ach",
+ "rea ch",
+ "r each",
+ "▁ref lected",
+ "▁reflect ed",
+ "ec onom",
+ "e conom",
+ "▁pregn ancy",
+ "▁vac ation",
+ "▁va cation",
+ "ix el",
+ "sc he",
+ "sch e",
+ "s che",
+ "▁de pos",
+ "▁dep os",
+ "▁Re gard",
+ "▁Reg ard",
+ "▁alleged ly",
+ "▁loc ally",
+ "▁local ly",
+ "▁surv ived",
+ "▁survive d",
+ "▁surviv ed",
+ "▁set up",
+ "▁rid ic",
+ "▁sec urities",
+ "▁f ailing",
+ "▁fail ing",
+ "▁fa iling",
+ "▁Em ily",
+ "▁Emil y",
+ "▁pro found",
+ "▁prof ound",
+ "▁l apt",
+ "▁la pt",
+ "▁lap t",
+ "▁Al bum",
+ "▁Alb um",
+ "ound ing",
+ "oun ding",
+ "▁п ро",
+ "▁dis pos",
+ "▁disp os",
+ "▁repeated ly",
+ "▁sub section",
+ "▁subs ection",
+ "▁ subsection",
+ "me thod",
+ "m ethod",
+ "▁separ ated",
+ "▁separate d",
+ "▁Bes ides",
+ "▁sc reens",
+ "▁screen s",
+ "▁h anging",
+ "▁hang ing",
+ "▁han ging",
+ "Cr e",
+ "C re",
+ "▁p ainted",
+ "▁pain ted",
+ "▁paint ed",
+ "fin d",
+ "fi nd",
+ "f ind",
+ "▁J azz",
+ "▁Ja zz",
+ ".) .",
+ ". ).",
+ "▁l on",
+ "▁lo n",
+ "▁ lon",
+ "▁di abetes",
+ "▁s po",
+ "▁sp o",
+ "▁head quarters",
+ "▁off set",
+ "▁ offset",
+ "▁h itting",
+ "▁hit ting",
+ "▁hi tting",
+ "▁Ph oenix",
+ "▁( (",
+ "▁ ((",
+ "▁roll ing",
+ "▁ rolling",
+ "▁vol unt",
+ "fl y",
+ "f ly",
+ "▁Al aska",
+ "secut ive",
+ "s ecutive",
+ "▁Way ne",
+ "▁An aly",
+ "▁Anal y",
+ "▁Ana ly",
+ "▁aut omatic",
+ "▁autom atic",
+ "▁auto matic",
+ "om ing",
+ "omin g",
+ "omi ng",
+ "o ming",
+ "▁YO U",
+ "▁st ere",
+ "▁ste re",
+ "▁ster e",
+ "ft en",
+ "f ten",
+ "▁Add itional",
+ "II I",
+ "I II",
+ "}_ {\\",
+ "}_{ \\",
+ "} _{\\",
+ "st ory",
+ "sto ry",
+ "▁B run",
+ "▁Br un",
+ "▁Bru n",
+ "He ad",
+ "H ead",
+ "▁re ads",
+ "▁read s",
+ "▁ reads",
+ "▁G race",
+ "▁Gr ace",
+ "▁Gra ce",
+ "IN T",
+ "I NT",
+ "с ки",
+ "▁h ub",
+ "il itation",
+ "ilit ation",
+ "▁F O",
+ "▁ FO",
+ "yl er",
+ "yle r",
+ "y ler",
+ "▁k iss",
+ "▁rep lied",
+ "▁repl ied",
+ "Gr oup",
+ "G roup",
+ "▁th ro",
+ "▁thr o",
+ "▁ thro",
+ "▁F R",
+ "▁ FR",
+ "▁E R",
+ "▁ ER",
+ "▁dr ove",
+ "▁dro ve",
+ "▁B illy",
+ "▁Bill y",
+ "▁Bil ly",
+ "▁P ain",
+ "▁Pa in",
+ "▁corpor ation",
+ "▁corp oration",
+ "dis t",
+ "di st",
+ "d ist",
+ "▁T ree",
+ "▁Tr ee",
+ "▁Tre e",
+ "▁ Tree",
+ "▁follow ers",
+ "▁phys ically",
+ "▁physical ly",
+ "▁physic ally",
+ "fi sh",
+ "f ish",
+ "su ch",
+ "s uch",
+ "▁post ing",
+ "▁pos ting",
+ "▁the ories",
+ "▁theor ies",
+ "hu man",
+ "hum an",
+ "h uman",
+ "▁accept able",
+ "▁ acceptable",
+ "▁Broad way",
+ "▁Camp bell",
+ "Act ion",
+ "A ction",
+ "▁int rig",
+ "▁intr ig",
+ "▁ir re",
+ "▁irr e",
+ "▁up grade",
+ "▁upgr ade",
+ "▁C art",
+ "▁Car t",
+ "▁Ca rt",
+ "ow ship",
+ "ows hip",
+ "▁veter ans",
+ "▁veteran s",
+ "▁P ros",
+ "▁Pro s",
+ "▁Pr os",
+ "▁Com mons",
+ "▁Comm ons",
+ "▁Common s",
+ "▁B os",
+ "▁Bo s",
+ "▁engine ers",
+ "▁engineer s",
+ "▁Ben ef",
+ "▁med ic",
+ "▁medi c",
+ "▁exhib it",
+ "S u",
+ "▁F al",
+ "▁Fa l",
+ "▁Ir anian",
+ "▁Iran ian",
+ "▁legend ary",
+ "▁B L",
+ "▁ BL",
+ "Wh y",
+ "W hy",
+ "▁simultane ously",
+ "▁simultaneous ly",
+ "▁measure ments",
+ "▁measurement s",
+ "▁K r",
+ "▁s chem",
+ "▁sc hem",
+ "▁sche m",
+ "▁sch em",
+ "▁difficult ies",
+ "▁R ab",
+ "▁Ra b",
+ "▁ac quire",
+ "▁acqu ire",
+ "▁Al ice",
+ "▁Ali ce",
+ "▁Alic e",
+ "▁refer ring",
+ "▁inst ances",
+ "▁instance s",
+ "▁Col omb",
+ "ut o",
+ "u to",
+ "▁Nor way",
+ "▁Publ ishing",
+ "z i",
+ "▁m ic",
+ "▁mi c",
+ "▁ mic",
+ "▁pre val",
+ "▁pr eval",
+ "▁prev al",
+ "▁G ram",
+ "▁Gr am",
+ "▁Gra m",
+ "Y es",
+ "▁Cor ps",
+ "▁Corp s",
+ "me m",
+ "m em",
+ "m i",
+ "▁exec uted",
+ "▁execut ed",
+ "▁execute d",
+ "▁E lection",
+ "▁El ection",
+ "▁Elect ion",
+ "▁Ele ction",
+ "▁W ikipedia",
+ "▁T ob",
+ "▁To b",
+ "es ty",
+ "est y",
+ "▁F if",
+ "▁Fi f",
+ "▁check ing",
+ "▁el ite",
+ "▁ident ifying",
+ "▁identify ing",
+ "▁aud it",
+ "▁au dit",
+ "▁audi t",
+ "▁Art ist",
+ "En g",
+ "E ng",
+ "▁con trad",
+ "▁cont rad",
+ "▁contra d",
+ "▁s wing",
+ "▁sw ing",
+ "▁sil ent",
+ "▁complex ity",
+ "de velop",
+ "gl y",
+ "g ly",
+ "▁D iam",
+ "▁Di am",
+ "▁Leg isl",
+ "▁T ar",
+ "▁Ta r",
+ "▁p arks",
+ "▁par ks",
+ "▁park s",
+ "▁experien cing",
+ "oid s",
+ "oi ds",
+ "o ids",
+ "▁h o",
+ "▁ ho",
+ "os ex",
+ "ose x",
+ "o sex",
+ "▁jun ior",
+ "▁walk s",
+ "▁wal ks",
+ "▁h oles",
+ "▁hol es",
+ "▁hole s",
+ "▁ho les",
+ "▁m unicipal",
+ "▁affect s",
+ "▁bel oved",
+ "▁scholars hip",
+ "▁scholar ship",
+ "▁b ags",
+ "▁bag s",
+ "▁ba gs",
+ "▁ bags",
+ "writ ing",
+ "▁ign ored",
+ "▁ignore d",
+ "▁ignor ed",
+ "au l",
+ "a ul",
+ "▁odd s",
+ "▁od ds",
+ "▁legit imate",
+ "▁legitim ate",
+ "he art",
+ "hea rt",
+ "hed ral",
+ "▁p acked",
+ "▁pack ed",
+ "▁pac ked",
+ "▁ packed",
+ "th ey",
+ "the y",
+ "t hey",
+ "▁tack le",
+ "▁comp elling",
+ "h u",
+ "▁Emer gency",
+ "▁P el",
+ "▁Pe l",
+ "AS E",
+ "A SE",
+ "▁me tab",
+ "▁met ab",
+ "▁meta b",
+ "▁dev oted",
+ "▁devote d",
+ "▁inf lam",
+ "▁infl am",
+ "▁coll apse",
+ "▁collaps e",
+ "sk i",
+ "s ki",
+ "▁str iking",
+ "▁stri king",
+ "▁news letter",
+ "▁exam ined",
+ "▁examine d",
+ "Pos t",
+ "Po st",
+ "P ost",
+ "▁wood en",
+ "▁any body",
+ "▁connect ing",
+ "▁flex ibility",
+ "augh ters",
+ "aughter s",
+ "aught ers",
+ "ad i",
+ "a di",
+ "▁res erve",
+ "▁reserv e",
+ "▁re actions",
+ "▁reaction s",
+ "▁react ions",
+ "▁Writ ten",
+ "▁I nn",
+ "▁In n",
+ "▁can nab",
+ "▁cann ab",
+ "art icle",
+ "as i",
+ "a si",
+ "▁F ab",
+ "▁Fa b",
+ "▁Pa lace",
+ "▁Pal ace",
+ "▁re hab",
+ "G L",
+ "▁t ub",
+ "▁tu b",
+ "▁ tub",
+ "▁int ensity",
+ "▁intens ity",
+ "ef ined",
+ "▁ann ually",
+ "▁annual ly",
+ "io x",
+ "i ox",
+ "es ters",
+ "est ers",
+ "ester s",
+ "este rs",
+ "e sters",
+ "▁G olf",
+ "▁Gol f",
+ "▁des erve",
+ "▁b ol",
+ "▁bo l",
+ "▁ bol",
+ "▁n ose",
+ "▁no se",
+ "▁Man ufact",
+ "ci rc",
+ "c irc",
+ "var e",
+ "va re",
+ "v are",
+ "▁C rown",
+ "▁Cr own",
+ "▁Cro wn",
+ "▁Crow n",
+ "west ern",
+ "w estern",
+ "▁U SD",
+ "▁US D",
+ "▁ USD",
+ "ric ane",
+ "rica ne",
+ "rican e",
+ "Hand ler",
+ "Handle r",
+ "▁print ing",
+ "nat ural",
+ "n atural",
+ "▁f ingers",
+ "▁fin gers",
+ "▁finger s",
+ "▁fing ers",
+ "ag ers",
+ "age rs",
+ "ager s",
+ "a gers",
+ "▁cy cl",
+ "▁ cycl",
+ "▁nurs ing",
+ "st op",
+ "sto p",
+ "s top",
+ "▁t we",
+ "▁tw e",
+ "▁satis faction",
+ "▁satisf action",
+ "▁satisfact ion",
+ "▁P ant",
+ "▁Pa nt",
+ "▁Pan t",
+ "▁we igh",
+ "▁p ocket",
+ "▁b utt",
+ "▁but t",
+ "▁bu tt",
+ "▁t ension",
+ "▁tens ion",
+ "▁g raphics",
+ "▁graph ics",
+ "▁graphic s",
+ "▁not able",
+ "▁no table",
+ "▁susp ended",
+ "▁suspend ed",
+ "▁sh ower",
+ "▁show er",
+ "▁sho wer",
+ "ch ron",
+ "▁y eah",
+ "▁ye ah",
+ "▁cont rary",
+ "▁contra ry",
+ "▁c ir",
+ "▁ci r",
+ "g ithub",
+ "▁Ben jamin",
+ "▁pass word",
+ "▁ password",
+ "^ *",
+ "▁Re form",
+ "▁Ref orm",
+ "▁do zens",
+ "▁dozen s",
+ "cl usions",
+ "clus ions",
+ "clusion s",
+ "▁E ve",
+ "▁Ev e",
+ "lic ation",
+ "li cation",
+ "l ication",
+ "up loads",
+ "upload s",
+ "▁Categ ory",
+ "▁ Category",
+ "▁s hed",
+ "▁sh ed",
+ "▁she d",
+ "▁re store",
+ "▁rest ore",
+ "▁Custom er",
+ "enez uel",
+ "▁fun dra",
+ "▁fund ra",
+ "▁fu ndra",
+ "▁co aching",
+ "▁coach ing",
+ "▁soc cer",
+ "Bo x",
+ "B ox",
+ "ON T",
+ "O NT",
+ "V P",
+ "▁Hun ter",
+ "▁Hunt er",
+ "▁con gress",
+ "▁congr ess",
+ "de d",
+ "d ed",
+ "te ch",
+ "tec h",
+ "t ech",
+ "▁D oc",
+ "▁Do c",
+ "▁ Doc",
+ "at ial",
+ "ati al",
+ "▁T oo",
+ "▁To o",
+ "▁ Too",
+ "▁H illary",
+ "▁Hill ary",
+ "▁b orders",
+ "▁border s",
+ "▁Com mercial",
+ "▁text s",
+ "▁there by",
+ "▁establish ing",
+ "▁cur riculum",
+ "▁M arie",
+ "▁Mar ie",
+ "▁Ma rie",
+ "▁Mari e",
+ "▁P ick",
+ "▁Pic k",
+ "▁Pi ck",
+ "▁infect ions",
+ "▁infection s",
+ "▁st ir",
+ "av y",
+ "a vy",
+ "EL L",
+ "E LL",
+ "▁s orts",
+ "▁sort s",
+ "▁sor ts",
+ "F irst",
+ "mo uth",
+ "m outh",
+ "▁H ousing",
+ "▁Ho using",
+ "▁Hous ing",
+ "ja v",
+ "j av",
+ "it ches",
+ "itch es",
+ "itc hes",
+ "▁N iger",
+ "▁Nig er",
+ "▁Ni ger",
+ "Res ult",
+ "▁The ater",
+ "▁h es",
+ "▁he s",
+ "▁ hes",
+ "▁dis abled",
+ "▁disable d",
+ "▁ disabled",
+ "▁em bra",
+ "▁emb ra",
+ "for ward",
+ "▁w ishes",
+ "▁wish es",
+ "▁det ected",
+ "▁detect ed",
+ "▁publ isher",
+ "▁publish er",
+ "▁suggest ing",
+ "N C",
+ "iz za",
+ "izz a",
+ "i zza",
+ "▁bound ary",
+ "▁D R",
+ "▁ DR",
+ "▁met res",
+ "▁P ap",
+ "▁Pa p",
+ "▁C ars",
+ "▁Car s",
+ "▁Ca rs",
+ "▁St atement",
+ "▁State ment",
+ "▁Stat ement",
+ "▁ Statement",
+ "▁ ра",
+ "▁L oc",
+ "▁Lo c",
+ "▁ Loc",
+ "▁l isting",
+ "▁list ing",
+ "▁key board",
+ "▁po em",
+ "▁Univers al",
+ "ce ptions",
+ "cept ions",
+ "ception s",
+ "▁B aby",
+ "▁Ba by",
+ "▁Bab y",
+ "▁R and",
+ "▁Ra nd",
+ "▁Ran d",
+ "Lin k",
+ "L ink",
+ "▁po et",
+ "▁sch olar",
+ "▁h anded",
+ "▁hand ed",
+ "▁han ded",
+ "▁ handed",
+ "in ery",
+ "ine ry",
+ "iner y",
+ "▁s its",
+ "▁sit s",
+ "▁si ts",
+ "▁Cy ber",
+ "▁Mit chell",
+ "▁Mitch ell",
+ "▁r ug",
+ "▁ru g",
+ "▁ rug",
+ "im g",
+ "i mg",
+ "▁graph ic",
+ "OR D",
+ "▁saf ely",
+ "▁safe ly",
+ "▁C av",
+ "▁Ca v",
+ "▁up set",
+ "▁ups et",
+ "▁di agram",
+ "▁dia gram",
+ "▁p articles",
+ "▁part icles",
+ "▁partic les",
+ "▁particle s",
+ "as ury",
+ "▁spect acular",
+ "Q U",
+ "▁f ool",
+ "▁fo ol",
+ "▁conscious ness",
+ "re lation",
+ "rel ation",
+ "▁f ears",
+ "▁fe ars",
+ "▁fear s",
+ "▁re tain",
+ "▁ret ain",
+ "B R",
+ "▁char ging",
+ "▁benef icial",
+ "▁s ensor",
+ "▁sens or",
+ "▁sen sor",
+ "▁C IA",
+ "▁CI A",
+ "▁ex cit",
+ "▁exc it",
+ "he ro",
+ "her o",
+ "h ero",
+ "▁f ut",
+ "▁fu t",
+ "▁adv ised",
+ "▁advis ed",
+ "▁advise d",
+ "s a",
+ "▁s ew",
+ "▁se w",
+ "js on",
+ "j son",
+ "▁d ans",
+ "▁da ns",
+ "ze ch",
+ "z ech",
+ "In put",
+ "▁Fe at",
+ "de c",
+ "d ec",
+ "▁part ial",
+ "▁ partial",
+ "▁For ces",
+ "▁Force s",
+ "ment ation",
+ "▁pr iest",
+ "▁pri est",
+ "sh ore",
+ "▁C lar",
+ "▁Cl ar",
+ "▁Cla r",
+ "▁stake holders",
+ "▁ph ysics",
+ "▁phys ics",
+ "▁physic s",
+ "▁W ang",
+ "▁Wa ng",
+ "▁Wan g",
+ "int erest",
+ "inter est",
+ "▁U C",
+ "▁ UC",
+ "▁program mes",
+ "▁programme s",
+ "▁step ped",
+ "▁ste pped",
+ "▁moment um",
+ "L D",
+ "fo ld",
+ "fol d",
+ "f old",
+ "na n",
+ "n an",
+ "▁A y",
+ "▁phenomen on",
+ ")$ .",
+ ") $.",
+ "▁in flamm",
+ "▁inflam m",
+ "▁infl amm",
+ "▁ inflamm",
+ "▁obs ervation",
+ "▁observ ation",
+ "AR S",
+ "A RS",
+ "▁mar ijuana",
+ "▁determ ining",
+ "▁determin ing",
+ "> &",
+ "▁s ty",
+ "▁st y",
+ "▁gold en",
+ "▁surve illance",
+ "▁imp ressed",
+ "▁impress ed",
+ "▁dom inant",
+ "▁domin ant",
+ "ma g",
+ "m ag",
+ "ri n",
+ "r in",
+ "▁sw imming",
+ "▁swim ming",
+ "▁C BS",
+ "▁CB S",
+ "▁M O",
+ "▁ MO",
+ "▁product ivity",
+ "▁M E",
+ "▁ ME",
+ "ul us",
+ "ulu s",
+ "▁S oul",
+ "▁So ul",
+ "▁Sou l",
+ "▁s erial",
+ "▁se rial",
+ "▁ser ial",
+ "▁ serial",
+ "ma te",
+ "mat e",
+ "m ate",
+ "in ition",
+ "init ion",
+ "Re t",
+ "R et",
+ "к у",
+ "▁d ated",
+ "▁date d",
+ "▁dat ed",
+ "▁da ted",
+ "▁ dated",
+ "▁u m",
+ "▁ um",
+ "▁ А",
+ "▁F el",
+ "▁Fe l",
+ "▁s pir",
+ "▁sp ir",
+ "▁C laim",
+ "▁Cl aim",
+ "▁Cla im",
+ "▁A U",
+ "▁' '",
+ "▁ ''",
+ "▁st ocks",
+ "▁stock s",
+ "▁ent ries",
+ "▁entr ies",
+ "▁H ub",
+ "▁Hu b",
+ "▁ Hub",
+ "em ail",
+ "ema il",
+ "e mail",
+ "▁ex ports",
+ "▁exp orts",
+ "▁export s",
+ "▁ exports",
+ "▁h unting",
+ "▁hun ting",
+ "▁hunt ing",
+ "oc ity",
+ "oci ty",
+ "o city",
+ "▁C ou",
+ "▁Co u",
+ "▁t ours",
+ "▁to urs",
+ "▁tour s",
+ "▁tou rs",
+ "hi ll",
+ "h ill",
+ "▁accompl ished",
+ "▁accomp lished",
+ "▁accomplish ed",
+ "med ia",
+ "me dia",
+ "medi a",
+ "m edia",
+ "▁F aith",
+ "▁Fa ith",
+ "▁Carib bean",
+ "G R",
+ "▁A ve",
+ "▁Av e",
+ "▁P ent",
+ "▁Pe nt",
+ "▁Pen t",
+ "▁m arch",
+ "▁mar ch",
+ "▁T an",
+ "▁Ta n",
+ "orig inal",
+ "é t",
+ "▁k een",
+ "▁ke en",
+ "re quest",
+ "requ est",
+ "ac re",
+ "a cre",
+ "▁conv icted",
+ "▁convict ed",
+ "▁discuss ing",
+ "ge dy",
+ "ged y",
+ "g edy",
+ "▁prom ising",
+ "=\" ../",
+ "▁pred icted",
+ "▁predict ed",
+ "▁Part icip",
+ "▁san ctions",
+ "▁sanct ions",
+ "▁sanction s",
+ "▁quant um",
+ "A E",
+ "▁S ug",
+ "▁Su g",
+ "be at",
+ "▁Spe aker",
+ "▁Speak er",
+ "▁a like",
+ "▁al ike",
+ "▁D eal",
+ "▁De al",
+ "zy m",
+ "z ym",
+ "▁W a",
+ "oc hem",
+ "och em",
+ "oche m",
+ "o chem",
+ "hat tan",
+ "hatt an",
+ "▁implement ing",
+ "sm all",
+ "▁Put in",
+ "▁may or",
+ "▁elim inate",
+ "Op er",
+ "O per",
+ "ourn als",
+ "ournal s",
+ "g i",
+ "▁const itu",
+ "▁constit u",
+ "▁attempt ing",
+ "cret ion",
+ "▁techn ological",
+ "▁dis closure",
+ "▁discl osure",
+ "qu er",
+ "que r",
+ "q uer",
+ "▁A bs",
+ "▁Ab s",
+ "▁Cons ider",
+ "▁L ad",
+ "▁La d",
+ "ow ski",
+ "ows ki",
+ "▁t ape",
+ "▁tap e",
+ "▁ta pe",
+ "▁Gal axy",
+ "▁Gala xy",
+ "▁c lim",
+ "▁cl im",
+ "▁S ave",
+ "▁Sa ve",
+ "▁Sav e",
+ "▁ Save",
+ "▁hol idays",
+ "▁holiday s",
+ "▁p ricing",
+ "▁pr icing",
+ "▁pri cing",
+ "▁pric ing",
+ "ar er",
+ "are r",
+ "a rer",
+ "▁m eals",
+ "▁me als",
+ "▁meal s",
+ "▁v oter",
+ "▁vot er",
+ "▁vote r",
+ "▁vo ter",
+ "▁R y",
+ "▁comp eting",
+ "▁compet ing",
+ "▁o uter",
+ "▁out er",
+ "▁ou ter",
+ "▁ outer",
+ "CA A",
+ "C AA",
+ "Ch ild",
+ "G amma",
+ "▁imag ination",
+ "▁imagin ation",
+ "▁H end",
+ "▁He nd",
+ "▁Hen d",
+ "we alth",
+ "AR Y",
+ "A RY",
+ "▁Im port",
+ "▁Imp ort",
+ "▁ Import",
+ "en ged",
+ "eng ed",
+ "enge d",
+ "▁G uid",
+ "▁Gu id",
+ "▁works hops",
+ "▁workshop s",
+ "▁b ub",
+ "▁bu b",
+ "▁Eth iop",
+ "▁car ries",
+ "go od",
+ "g ood",
+ "iv an",
+ "iva n",
+ "i van",
+ "li ve",
+ "l ive",
+ "▁co unts",
+ "▁count s",
+ "▁coun ts",
+ "id ency",
+ "iden cy",
+ "▁Par ker",
+ "▁Park er",
+ "▁G R",
+ "▁ GR",
+ "▁lit igation",
+ "▁Dak ota",
+ "el ement",
+ "ele ment",
+ "e lement",
+ "▁A ren",
+ "▁Ar en",
+ "▁Are n",
+ "▁rem embered",
+ "▁remember ed",
+ "▁\\ ,",
+ "▁ \\,",
+ "im mer",
+ "imm er",
+ "at ile",
+ "ati le",
+ "▁don ations",
+ "▁donation s",
+ "▁Vis ual",
+ "▁De cl",
+ "▁Dec l",
+ "▁ Decl",
+ "▁Charl otte",
+ "▁Academ ic",
+ "▁in aug",
+ "it ime",
+ "iti me",
+ "i time",
+ "▁un ve",
+ "Me n",
+ "M en",
+ "ma y",
+ "m ay",
+ "▁cap tain",
+ "▁capt ain",
+ "с е",
+ "▁data s",
+ "▁dat as",
+ "б о",
+ "Om ega",
+ "▁cannab is",
+ "▁cann abis",
+ "at hon",
+ "ath on",
+ "a thon",
+ "▁P ow",
+ "▁Po w",
+ "▁L ux",
+ "▁Lu x",
+ "▁d ancing",
+ "▁comp act",
+ "▁journal ism",
+ "▁Ke ith",
+ "lim inary",
+ "; &",
+ "IA L",
+ "I AL",
+ "pro ject",
+ "▁econom ics",
+ "▁economic s",
+ "mu lt",
+ "m ult",
+ "▁ut ter",
+ "▁ utter",
+ "▁prote ins",
+ "▁protein s",
+ "▁T ell",
+ "▁Te ll",
+ "▁Tel l",
+ "▁A lt",
+ "▁Al t",
+ "he ld",
+ "hel d",
+ "h eld",
+ "▁insp ection",
+ "▁inspect ion",
+ "^{ (",
+ "^ {(",
+ "▁J oint",
+ "▁Jo int",
+ "▁Join t",
+ "an go",
+ "ang o",
+ "é n",
+ "F R",
+ "lo n",
+ "l on",
+ "iv als",
+ "ival s",
+ "iva ls",
+ "i vals",
+ "▁Other s",
+ "▁Ot hers",
+ "▁prob ability",
+ "▁m art",
+ "▁mar t",
+ "▁ma rt",
+ "▁ mart",
+ "▁mort gage",
+ "▁mortg age",
+ "▁f ru",
+ "▁fr u",
+ "G e",
+ "▁over view",
+ "▁eth ical",
+ "▁ethic al",
+ "▁a sc",
+ "▁as c",
+ "▁ asc",
+ ") -",
+ "▁B arry",
+ "▁Bar ry",
+ "▁Barr y",
+ "▁occasion ally",
+ "▁occasional ly",
+ "ph ony",
+ "en cer",
+ "ence r",
+ "enc er",
+ "ac ión",
+ "▁Jun ior",
+ "▁b om",
+ "▁bo m",
+ "st age",
+ "sta ge",
+ "B ack",
+ "▁Iss ue",
+ "▁un employment",
+ "▁unem ployment",
+ "pl it",
+ "p lit",
+ "▁care ers",
+ "▁career s",
+ "▁sec ured",
+ "▁secure d",
+ "▁L uther",
+ "▁Lu ther",
+ "▁W ard",
+ "▁War d",
+ "▁Wa rd",
+ "▁div orce",
+ "▁divor ce",
+ "▁un pre",
+ "▁unp re",
+ "▁De scription",
+ "▁Des cription",
+ "▁Desc ription",
+ "▁ Description",
+ "▁var iation",
+ "▁vari ation",
+ "a a",
+ "▁S tra",
+ "▁St ra",
+ "▁Str a",
+ "▁Mag ic",
+ "▁Ma gic",
+ "itt ees",
+ "itte es",
+ "ittee s",
+ "▁B ond",
+ "▁Bo nd",
+ "▁Bon d",
+ "ro le",
+ "rol e",
+ "r ole",
+ "▁n in",
+ "▁ni n",
+ "▁privile ge",
+ "▁P D",
+ "▁ PD",
+ "▁g ym",
+ "▁gy m",
+ "List ener",
+ "et al",
+ "eta l",
+ "e tal",
+ "▁B oys",
+ "▁Bo ys",
+ "▁Boy s",
+ "▁Mov ies",
+ "▁Movie s",
+ "▁susp ension",
+ "ca ption",
+ "capt ion",
+ "▁Mich elle",
+ "▁Michel le",
+ "▁con secutive",
+ "▁cons ecutive",
+ "Se c",
+ "S ec",
+ "ic ular",
+ "i cular",
+ "▁Pod cast",
+ "▁V P",
+ "▁ VP",
+ "▁l ayout",
+ "▁lay out",
+ "▁ layout",
+ "▁a rc",
+ "▁ar c",
+ "▁ arc",
+ "▁t oxic",
+ "▁tox ic",
+ "▁comp uting",
+ "▁comput ing",
+ "U K",
+ "… …",
+ "▁occup ied",
+ "▁ occupied",
+ "▁Tr uth",
+ "▁Tru th",
+ "▁foot age",
+ "▁loc ked",
+ "▁lock ed",
+ "▁In it",
+ "▁ Init",
+ "▁Spe aking",
+ "▁Speak ing",
+ "▁nerv ous",
+ "Le t",
+ "L et",
+ "▁S oph",
+ "▁So ph",
+ "▁L ang",
+ "▁La ng",
+ "▁Lan g",
+ "med iate",
+ "medi ate",
+ "media te",
+ "▁ed iting",
+ "▁edit ing",
+ "▁se eds",
+ "▁see ds",
+ "▁seed s",
+ "▁con verted",
+ "▁conver ted",
+ "▁convert ed",
+ "ap ed",
+ "ape d",
+ "a ped",
+ "▁v ig",
+ "▁vi g",
+ "wo man",
+ "w oman",
+ "▁Stat istics",
+ "▁f lower",
+ "▁fl ower",
+ "▁flow er",
+ "▁flo wer",
+ "▁ flower",
+ "▁L ost",
+ "▁Los t",
+ "▁Lo st",
+ "▁har vest",
+ "▁rom ance",
+ "▁cert ification",
+ "▁L ock",
+ "▁Lo ck",
+ "▁Loc k",
+ "▁ Lock",
+ "We b",
+ "W eb",
+ "▁happ iness",
+ "▁H P",
+ "▁ HP",
+ "ne cess",
+ "▁Associ ated",
+ "▁Associate d",
+ "▁J O",
+ "▁per ception",
+ "▁f ate",
+ "▁fat e",
+ "▁fa te",
+ "▁p roc",
+ "▁pro c",
+ "▁pr oc",
+ "▁co aches",
+ "▁coach es",
+ "uc ed",
+ "uce d",
+ "u ced",
+ "▁advant ages",
+ "▁advantage s",
+ "▁D ragon",
+ "▁Dr agon",
+ "▁Drag on",
+ "▁Dra gon",
+ "▁al lies",
+ "▁all ies",
+ "▁acknow ledge",
+ "▁acknowled ge",
+ "▁per su",
+ "▁pers u",
+ "ake spe",
+ "akes pe",
+ "▁cur ve",
+ "▁c ake",
+ "▁ca ke",
+ "ou ses",
+ "ous es",
+ "ouse s",
+ "o uses",
+ "in cial",
+ "inc ial",
+ "▁suggest ions",
+ "▁suggestion s",
+ "▁renew able",
+ "▁p olar",
+ "▁pol ar",
+ "▁po lar",
+ "▁S top",
+ "▁St op",
+ "▁ Stop",
+ "▁Bar cel",
+ "E l",
+ "at tered",
+ "att ered",
+ "atter ed",
+ "▁o ught",
+ "▁ ought",
+ "▁phot ographer",
+ "▁photograph er",
+ "▁photograp her",
+ "▁C her",
+ "▁Ch er",
+ "▁Che r",
+ "▁R obin",
+ "▁Rob in",
+ "▁Ro bin",
+ "▁sk illed",
+ "▁skill ed",
+ "▁A bu",
+ "▁Ab u",
+ "▁An imal",
+ "▁Anim al",
+ "▁tw elve",
+ "▁guarant eed",
+ "▁guarantee d",
+ "▁h iring",
+ "▁hi ring",
+ "▁Ne il",
+ "▁H eb",
+ "▁He b",
+ "▁Part nership",
+ "▁Partners hip",
+ "▁Partner ship",
+ "org eous",
+ "orge ous",
+ "▁class ified",
+ "▁S han",
+ "▁Sh an",
+ "▁Sha n",
+ "▁s lot",
+ "▁sl ot",
+ "ri k",
+ "r ik",
+ "lim ited",
+ "limit ed",
+ "da le",
+ "dal e",
+ "d ale",
+ "▁G A",
+ "▁ GA",
+ "▁f ract",
+ "▁fr act",
+ "▁fra ct",
+ "▁shel ter",
+ "▁sy ndrome",
+ "▁synd rome",
+ "▁re vel",
+ "▁rev el",
+ "▁reve l",
+ "▁int elligent",
+ "▁incorpor ated",
+ "▁incorporate d",
+ "▁Re ports",
+ "▁Rep orts",
+ "▁Report s",
+ "=\" #",
+ "▁K night",
+ "▁Kn ight",
+ "as ket",
+ "ask et",
+ "▁myster ious",
+ "▁Transport ation",
+ "ma rt",
+ "mar t",
+ "m art",
+ "sc h",
+ "s ch",
+ "▁f unc",
+ "▁fun c",
+ "▁fu nc",
+ "▁ func",
+ "ip her",
+ "iph er",
+ "i pher",
+ "▁att ribute",
+ "▁attribut e",
+ "▁ attribute",
+ "▁Un til",
+ "▁Unt il",
+ "▁G ay",
+ "▁Ga y",
+ "▁v essel",
+ "▁vess el",
+ "▁G ate",
+ "▁Ga te",
+ "▁Gat e",
+ "▁e ager",
+ "▁A thlet",
+ "▁lo ose",
+ "▁loos e",
+ "▁N urs",
+ "▁Nu rs",
+ "thod ox",
+ "▁is lands",
+ "▁island s",
+ "di ct",
+ "d ict",
+ "wh e",
+ "w he",
+ "▁f er",
+ "▁fe r",
+ "▁ fer",
+ "▁h oped",
+ "▁hope d",
+ "▁hop ed",
+ "▁ho ped",
+ "▁de pict",
+ "▁dep ict",
+ "▁H amp",
+ "▁Ham p",
+ "▁Ha mp",
+ "le tt",
+ "let t",
+ "l ett",
+ "▁hum or",
+ "▁S even",
+ "▁Se ven",
+ "▁m ouse",
+ "▁mo use",
+ "▁ mouse",
+ "id ation",
+ "▁W ol",
+ "▁Wo l",
+ "ac cess",
+ "acc ess",
+ "a ccess",
+ "▁arrang ed",
+ "▁arrange d",
+ "▁arr anged",
+ "akespe are",
+ "▁Mor ning",
+ "ab a",
+ "a ba",
+ "▁M erc",
+ "▁Me rc",
+ "▁Mer c",
+ "▁In cre",
+ "▁Inc re",
+ "Fi g",
+ "F ig",
+ "▁ref ere",
+ "▁refer e",
+ "▁д о",
+ "▁ до",
+ "▁re ception",
+ "▁rece ption",
+ "▁recept ion",
+ "▁H ence",
+ "▁He nce",
+ "▁Hen ce",
+ "or ient",
+ "ori ent",
+ "orie nt",
+ "o rient",
+ "▁global ly",
+ "▁glob ally",
+ "pr op",
+ "pro p",
+ "p rop",
+ "▁b onds",
+ "▁bond s",
+ "▁bon ds",
+ "▁Ge tting",
+ "▁Get ting",
+ "▁sub scription",
+ "▁subsc ription",
+ "▁subs cription",
+ "▁subscript ion",
+ "▁S pect",
+ "▁Sp ect",
+ "▁Spec t",
+ "▁Spe ct",
+ "▁V enezuel",
+ "▁M asters",
+ "▁Ma sters",
+ "▁Master s",
+ "▁Mas ters",
+ "▁Mast ers",
+ "▁innoc ent",
+ "▁investig ations",
+ "▁investigation s",
+ "▁hope fully",
+ "▁hopeful ly",
+ "▁N ULL",
+ "▁F ish",
+ "▁Fi sh",
+ "▁bar riers",
+ "▁barrier s",
+ "▁conf used",
+ "▁anticip ated",
+ "▁anticipate d",
+ "▁phys ician",
+ "▁physic ian",
+ "pe ror",
+ "per or",
+ "▁F ried",
+ "▁Fr ied",
+ "▁Fri ed",
+ "▁ex ped",
+ "▁exp ed",
+ "▁supp lied",
+ "▁$ {\\",
+ "▁${ \\",
+ "▁M aj",
+ "▁Ma j",
+ "Ev ery",
+ "E very",
+ "▁L inda",
+ "▁Lind a",
+ "▁Lin da",
+ "S D",
+ "▁re nown",
+ "▁ren own",
+ "▁prom oted",
+ "▁promot ed",
+ "▁promote d",
+ "▁promo ted",
+ "ma l",
+ "m al",
+ "▁R ot",
+ "▁Ro t",
+ "▁y ard",
+ "▁ya rd",
+ "▁ yard",
+ "▁rest ricted",
+ "▁restrict ed",
+ "▁rep orters",
+ "▁report ers",
+ "▁reporter s",
+ "▁Gab ri",
+ "▁prec ise",
+ "▁pursu ant",
+ "▁discipl ine",
+ "Cont ent",
+ "▁b acked",
+ "▁back ed",
+ "▁ backed",
+ "▁A round",
+ "▁Ar ound",
+ "▁Al lah",
+ "▁All ah",
+ "Ar t",
+ "A rt",
+ "▁re late",
+ "▁rel ate",
+ "▁dead line",
+ "is tically",
+ "ist ically",
+ "istic ally",
+ "istical ly",
+ "ст и",
+ "с ти",
+ "▁h ug",
+ "K e",
+ "▁r oyal",
+ "▁roy al",
+ "▁H E",
+ "▁ HE",
+ "at oes",
+ "ato es",
+ "▁de sp",
+ "▁des p",
+ "▁Cons umer",
+ "▁peace ful",
+ "▁N eb",
+ "▁Ne b",
+ "ct ors",
+ "ctor s",
+ "gi c",
+ "g ic",
+ "▁in herent",
+ "▁inher ent",
+ "▁inh erent",
+ "▁per ceived",
+ "▁perceive d",
+ "rang le",
+ "r angle",
+ "Inst ance",
+ "▁t ears",
+ "▁te ars",
+ "▁tea rs",
+ "▁tear s",
+ "▁inv ested",
+ "▁invest ed",
+ "um ph",
+ "ump h",
+ "u mph",
+ "di r",
+ "d ir",
+ "▁tr usted",
+ "▁tru sted",
+ "▁trust ed",
+ "▁op tical",
+ "▁opt ical",
+ "fr ame",
+ "fra me",
+ "f rame",
+ "ist ence",
+ "iste nce",
+ "oc ate",
+ "oca te",
+ "am bling",
+ "amb ling",
+ "▁under ground",
+ "Pr ess",
+ "Pre ss",
+ "Pres s",
+ "P ress",
+ "ap os",
+ "a pos",
+ "▁G ot",
+ "▁Go t",
+ "el lers",
+ "ell ers",
+ "eller s",
+ "elle rs",
+ "▁Belg ium",
+ "ст о",
+ "с то",
+ "▁emb race",
+ "▁embra ce",
+ "▁be neath",
+ "▁bene ath",
+ "▁lo aded",
+ "▁load ed",
+ "▁ loaded",
+ "▁cap ability",
+ "▁tim ing",
+ "▁T ed",
+ "▁Te d",
+ "▁Reg ulation",
+ "as ures",
+ "asure s",
+ "\") ,",
+ "\" ),",
+ "St art",
+ "Star t",
+ "▁hyp othes",
+ "▁hypot hes",
+ "▁sm oking",
+ "▁smok ing",
+ "▁smo king",
+ "▁Some thing",
+ "▁Som ething",
+ "▁t agged",
+ "▁tag ged",
+ "▁ad verse",
+ "▁advers e",
+ "▁cl uster",
+ "▁clust er",
+ "▁F ine",
+ "▁Fin e",
+ "▁Fi ne",
+ "▁Du bai",
+ "▁Dub ai",
+ "▁V A",
+ "▁ VA",
+ "▁a uction",
+ "▁au ction",
+ "▁ste ady",
+ "▁stead y",
+ "▁F er",
+ "▁Fe r",
+ "ar ios",
+ "ari os",
+ "ario s",
+ "eps ilon",
+ "e psilon",
+ "▁in tim",
+ "▁int im",
+ "▁P eters",
+ "▁Pe ters",
+ "▁Peter s",
+ "▁Pet ers",
+ "▁Pete rs",
+ "▁de ce",
+ "▁dec e",
+ "▁Bl ues",
+ "▁Blue s",
+ "▁Blu es",
+ "▁m atching",
+ "▁mat ching",
+ "▁match ing",
+ "bi rd",
+ "b ird",
+ "A K",
+ "right arrow",
+ "▁o uts",
+ "▁out s",
+ "▁ou ts",
+ "▁ outs",
+ "▁fun eral",
+ "ж е",
+ "▁dis abilities",
+ "▁B rew",
+ "▁Br ew",
+ "▁Bre w",
+ "H D",
+ "ou b",
+ "o ub",
+ "▁trans f",
+ "▁tran sf",
+ "▁Brother s",
+ "▁C ab",
+ "▁Ca b",
+ "vious ly",
+ "vi ously",
+ "v iously",
+ "Build er",
+ "▁NY C",
+ "cu r",
+ "c ur",
+ "▁L ag",
+ "▁La g",
+ "H R",
+ "de g",
+ "d eg",
+ "}} \\",
+ "} }\\",
+ "▁re ct",
+ "▁r ect",
+ "▁rec t",
+ "▁ rect",
+ "▁tour ist",
+ "▁tou rist",
+ "▁defe ated",
+ "▁defeat ed",
+ "or us",
+ "o rus",
+ "▁mut ual",
+ "▁m os",
+ "▁mo s",
+ "▁ mos",
+ "▁Man hattan",
+ "▁t ar",
+ "▁ta r",
+ "▁ tar",
+ "▁N ap",
+ "▁Na p",
+ "▁de riv",
+ "▁der iv",
+ "▁dr inks",
+ "▁drink s",
+ "▁non profit",
+ "W ind",
+ "▁sh out",
+ "▁sho ut",
+ "▁neigh bour",
+ "▁neighb our",
+ "▁T un",
+ "▁Tu n",
+ "▁f its",
+ "▁fit s",
+ "▁fi ts",
+ "▁ fits",
+ "▁car rier",
+ "▁strugg les",
+ "▁struggle s",
+ "▁St orm",
+ "▁Chall enge",
+ "▁Challeng e",
+ "▁B apt",
+ "▁Ba pt",
+ "▁achie ving",
+ ") =",
+ "▁G OP",
+ "▁GO P",
+ "▁p icking",
+ "▁pick ing",
+ "▁pic king",
+ "▁process ed",
+ "▁proc essed",
+ "cipl inary",
+ "▁Ev ans",
+ "▁Evan s",
+ "▁Eva ns",
+ "v ation",
+ "▁c ous",
+ "▁co us",
+ "▁cou s",
+ "gi ving",
+ "g iving",
+ "▁obs erve",
+ "▁observ e",
+ "▁Sw iss",
+ "▁P oly",
+ "▁Pol y",
+ "▁Po ly",
+ "▁Sub ject",
+ "▁nav igation",
+ "▁w his",
+ "▁wh is",
+ "▁s ter",
+ "▁st er",
+ "▁ste r",
+ "▁ ster",
+ "▁cinem a",
+ "el lar",
+ "ell ar",
+ "ella r",
+ "▁Barcel ona",
+ "ow een",
+ "owe en",
+ "o ween",
+ "conn ect",
+ "or ld",
+ "▁pip eline",
+ "▁pipe line",
+ "as ses",
+ "ass es",
+ "asse s",
+ "▁function ality",
+ "▁functional ity",
+ "▁p rol",
+ "▁pro l",
+ "▁pr ol",
+ "he ader",
+ "head er",
+ "hea der",
+ "▁viol ations",
+ "▁violation s",
+ "▁H ud",
+ "▁Hu d",
+ "▁P erm",
+ "▁Per m",
+ "▁Pe rm",
+ "▁ Perm",
+ "▁t ent",
+ "▁te nt",
+ "▁ten t",
+ "▁const itution",
+ "▁constit ution",
+ "▁f atal",
+ "▁fat al",
+ "▁fa tal",
+ "▁ro bot",
+ "▁rob ot",
+ "▁M etal",
+ "▁Me tal",
+ "▁Met al",
+ "▁Meta l",
+ "▁M ason",
+ "▁Ma son",
+ "▁Mas on",
+ "St y",
+ "S ty",
+ "▁del ivers",
+ "▁deliver s",
+ "om er",
+ "ome r",
+ "o mer",
+ "in ite",
+ "ini te",
+ "init e",
+ "▁C uba",
+ "▁Cub a",
+ "▁Cu ba",
+ "ro rs",
+ "ror s",
+ "r ors",
+ "▁hand ful",
+ "rapeut ic",
+ "▁K ay",
+ "▁Ka y",
+ "▁opp onents",
+ "▁opponent s",
+ "▁R ic",
+ "▁Ri c",
+ "em ph",
+ "emp h",
+ "e mph",
+ "▁international ly",
+ "▁intern ationally",
+ "▁Olymp ics",
+ "▁Olympic s",
+ "▁depart ure",
+ "▁s ervers",
+ "▁serv ers",
+ "▁ser vers",
+ "▁serve rs",
+ "▁server s",
+ "▁br anches",
+ "▁branch es",
+ "▁conflic ts",
+ "▁conflict s",
+ "▁bu yers",
+ "▁buy ers",
+ "▁buyer s",
+ "▁entreprene ur",
+ "▁bo olean",
+ "▁bool ean",
+ "▁boo lean",
+ "▁ boolean",
+ "▁att ributes",
+ "▁attribut es",
+ "▁attribute s",
+ "st atus",
+ "stat us",
+ "▁ac company",
+ "▁accomp any",
+ "▁accompan y",
+ "th al",
+ "tha l",
+ "t hal",
+ "▁re sign",
+ "▁res ign",
+ "ar ser",
+ "ars er",
+ "arse r",
+ "м о",
+ "ke ley",
+ "kel ey",
+ "▁K l",
+ "le ading",
+ "lead ing",
+ "▁w rest",
+ "▁wr est",
+ "gr een",
+ "gre en",
+ "g reen",
+ "▁T hor",
+ "▁Th or",
+ "ad ata",
+ "ada ta",
+ "a data",
+ "▁pack ages",
+ "▁package s",
+ "▁I mag",
+ "▁Im ag",
+ "Bas e",
+ "B ase",
+ "▁prison ers",
+ "▁prisoner s",
+ "▁le af",
+ "▁ leaf",
+ "AB LE",
+ "A BLE",
+ "ha l",
+ "h al",
+ "▁L ot",
+ "▁Lo t",
+ "▁dep osit",
+ "▁depos it",
+ "▁N HS",
+ "▁NH S",
+ "▁Agric ulture",
+ "ps ilon",
+ "psi lon",
+ "▁ins pire",
+ "▁insp ire",
+ "▁inspir e",
+ "▁def ic",
+ "Go ogle",
+ "▁John ny",
+ "ur u",
+ "u ru",
+ "▁St age",
+ "▁Sta ge",
+ "▁term inal",
+ "▁B right",
+ "▁Br ight",
+ "▁Brig ht",
+ "▁Mur phy",
+ "▁Enter prise",
+ "No w",
+ "N ow",
+ "▁l aser",
+ "▁la ser",
+ "▁las er",
+ "▁m olecular",
+ "▁molec ular",
+ "▁A A",
+ "▁ AA",
+ "▁rat ings",
+ "▁rating s",
+ "si gn",
+ "s ign",
+ "mi r",
+ "m ir",
+ "▁F resh",
+ "▁Fr esh",
+ "▁Fre sh",
+ "▁Fres h",
+ "▁cross ing",
+ "▁influ ential",
+ "▁Qu estion",
+ "▁Quest ion",
+ "▁mort ality",
+ "▁mortal ity",
+ "▁Pl atform",
+ "▁Plat form",
+ "▁b ulk",
+ "▁bul k",
+ "▁M all",
+ "▁Mal l",
+ "▁Ma ll",
+ "▁V erm",
+ "▁Ver m",
+ "▁Ve rm",
+ "▁st roke",
+ "▁str oke",
+ "▁stro ke",
+ "▁ stroke",
+ "k g",
+ "▁her oes",
+ "▁hero es",
+ "▁qu otes",
+ "▁quote s",
+ "▁quot es",
+ "▁quo tes",
+ "▁trans parent",
+ "ens ure",
+ "UR E",
+ "U RE",
+ "sq rt",
+ "▁w ise",
+ "▁ wise",
+ "▁Fr eder",
+ "▁Fre der",
+ "▁Fred er",
+ "▁adapt ation",
+ "▁tra uma",
+ "▁u rl",
+ "▁ur l",
+ "▁ url",
+ "▁ob sc",
+ "▁obs c",
+ "▁ref lection",
+ "▁reflect ion",
+ "▁gradu ally",
+ "▁grad ually",
+ "▁gradual ly",
+ "ve t",
+ "v et",
+ "▁Ch ron",
+ "▁M illion",
+ "▁Mill ion",
+ "▁Ph one",
+ "▁ Phone",
+ "sub section",
+ "▁neigh bors",
+ "▁neighbor s",
+ "▁neighb ors",
+ "▁accommod ation",
+ "ced ented",
+ "▁en abling",
+ "▁p ink",
+ "▁pin k",
+ "ew ise",
+ "e wise",
+ "▁n ick",
+ "▁nic k",
+ "▁ni ck",
+ "▁ nick",
+ "ay out",
+ "com ed",
+ "co med",
+ "come d",
+ "c omed",
+ "▁s li",
+ "▁sl i",
+ "▁str ikes",
+ "▁stri kes",
+ "▁strike s",
+ "S M",
+ "▁s car",
+ "▁sc ar",
+ "▁Democr at",
+ "▁pro x",
+ "▁pr ox",
+ "▁col leges",
+ "▁college s",
+ "▁colle ges",
+ "▁Similar ly",
+ "d l",
+ "sch ool",
+ "s chool",
+ "▁D im",
+ "▁Di m",
+ "▁Argent ina",
+ "▁sophistic ated",
+ "H C",
+ "Num ber",
+ "N umber",
+ "▁nation wide",
+ "▁re moving",
+ "▁rem oving",
+ "/ .",
+ "▁C inem",
+ "▁F ight",
+ "▁Fig ht",
+ "▁authent ic",
+ "▁Ind ians",
+ "▁India ns",
+ "▁Indian s",
+ "ac o",
+ "a co",
+ "▁affect ing",
+ "▁f t",
+ "▁ ft",
+ "ri ors",
+ "rior s",
+ "rio rs",
+ "r iors",
+ "▁F alls",
+ "▁Fall s",
+ "▁Fal ls",
+ "og an",
+ "oga n",
+ "o gan",
+ "op es",
+ "ope s",
+ "o pes",
+ "▁n it",
+ "▁ni t",
+ "▁En joy",
+ "am med",
+ "amm ed",
+ "▁a qu",
+ "▁Chel sea",
+ "▁elder ly",
+ "▁collect ing",
+ "om etric",
+ "omet ric",
+ "o metric",
+ "▁Not ice",
+ "▁dead ly",
+ "AT H",
+ "A TH",
+ "▁att orneys",
+ "▁attorney s",
+ "un ting",
+ "unt ing",
+ "▁Mo vement",
+ "▁Mov ement",
+ "▁Move ment",
+ "▁d ys",
+ "▁dy s",
+ "▁K aren",
+ "▁Kar en",
+ "▁Ka ren",
+ "us ters",
+ "ust ers",
+ "uster s",
+ "u sters",
+ "C ar",
+ "▁S ett",
+ "▁Se tt",
+ "▁Set t",
+ "▁ Sett",
+ "▁integ ral",
+ "▁integr al",
+ "ent ials",
+ "ential s",
+ "enti als",
+ "▁Op era",
+ "▁Oper a",
+ "▁tour ists",
+ "▁tourist s",
+ "▁weak ness",
+ "▁rece ipt",
+ "▁to ile",
+ "▁G round",
+ "▁Gr ound",
+ "▁Gro und",
+ "▁tr ains",
+ "▁tra ins",
+ "▁train s",
+ "Re m",
+ "R em",
+ "▁highlight ed",
+ "de st",
+ "des t",
+ "d est",
+ "at ical",
+ "atic al",
+ "ati cal",
+ "a tical",
+ "lic t",
+ "li ct",
+ "l ict",
+ "ur red",
+ "power ed",
+ "po wered",
+ "p owered",
+ "▁a f",
+ "▁ af",
+ "oo p",
+ "o op",
+ "▁Gr iff",
+ "▁Gri ff",
+ "▁tremend ous",
+ "ul u",
+ "u lu",
+ "▁G ray",
+ "▁Gr ay",
+ "▁Gra y",
+ "▁B udget",
+ "▁Bud get",
+ "▁T u",
+ "il ateral",
+ "▁design ers",
+ "▁designer s",
+ "▁Pitts burgh",
+ "Se e",
+ "S ee",
+ "▁Nev ada",
+ "▁B egin",
+ "▁Be gin",
+ "▁Beg in",
+ "▁b last",
+ "▁bl ast",
+ ")$ ,",
+ ") $,",
+ "▁O liver",
+ "▁Ol iver",
+ "▁Olive r",
+ "▁Oliv er",
+ "so r",
+ "s or",
+ "ни я",
+ "▁ful fill",
+ "▁fulf ill",
+ "▁fulfil l",
+ ";< /",
+ "; ",
+ "▁kn ife",
+ "▁ex isted",
+ "▁exist ed",
+ "▁Pr incess",
+ "▁Prince ss",
+ "▁Princ ess",
+ "▁sub tle",
+ "▁subt le",
+ "▁Cam eron",
+ "▁Camer on",
+ "▁C u",
+ "id ad",
+ "ida d",
+ "i dad",
+ "▁re produ",
+ "▁rep rodu",
+ "▁repro du",
+ "▁Sh akespeare",
+ "▁D ouble",
+ "▁Do uble",
+ "▁Dou ble",
+ "▁ Double",
+ "> (",
+ "▁Part ner",
+ "▁Invest ig",
+ "▁F iled",
+ "▁Fil ed",
+ "▁File d",
+ "▁Fi led",
+ "▁appreci ated",
+ "▁appreciate d",
+ "▁B eth",
+ "▁Be th",
+ "▁Bet h",
+ "▁HT ML",
+ "▁ HTML",
+ "▁Im per",
+ "▁Imp er",
+ "▁B oe",
+ "▁Bo e",
+ "▁c oat",
+ "▁co at",
+ "AG E",
+ "A GE",
+ "▁s overe",
+ "▁so vere",
+ "▁F ern",
+ "▁Fer n",
+ "▁trans it",
+ "▁i OS",
+ "▁contribut ing",
+ "▁F ame",
+ "▁Fam e",
+ "▁Fa me",
+ "▁th rew",
+ "▁thr ew",
+ "og s",
+ "o gs",
+ "▁de lete",
+ "▁del ete",
+ "▁ delete",
+ "▁activ ist",
+ "▁nom inated",
+ "▁f a",
+ "▁ fa",
+ "AC E",
+ "A CE",
+ "▁var ied",
+ "▁vari ed",
+ "▁va ried",
+ "▁direct ory",
+ "▁director y",
+ "▁sus tained",
+ "▁sust ained",
+ "▁sustain ed",
+ "▁cons piracy",
+ "▁conspir acy",
+ "▁T ib",
+ "▁Ti b",
+ "L L",
+ "▁s train",
+ "▁st rain",
+ "▁str ain",
+ "▁stra in",
+ "▁b acteria",
+ "▁P rodu",
+ "▁Pro du",
+ "▁m es",
+ "▁me s",
+ "▁ mes",
+ "▁Psych ology",
+ "▁B enn",
+ "▁Be nn",
+ "▁Ben n",
+ "bi an",
+ "bia n",
+ "b ian",
+ "de l",
+ "d el",
+ "▁decre ased",
+ "▁decrease d",
+ "▁k it",
+ "▁ kit",
+ "▁st olen",
+ "▁stole n",
+ "▁Ar n",
+ "▁Qu ick",
+ "▁inv asion",
+ "▁household s",
+ "▁sus pected",
+ "▁susp ected",
+ "▁suspect ed",
+ "am ine",
+ "amin e",
+ "ami ne",
+ "re nder",
+ "ren der",
+ "rend er",
+ "r ender",
+ "▁T erry",
+ "▁Ter ry",
+ "▁Terr y",
+ "▁s isters",
+ "▁sister s",
+ "▁si sters",
+ "dis play",
+ "Sc ript",
+ "S cript",
+ "▁mod erate",
+ "▁mode rate",
+ "▁moder ate",
+ "gu n",
+ "g un",
+ "io v",
+ "i ov",
+ "▁part ly",
+ "▁C lean",
+ "▁Cl ean",
+ "▁Cle an",
+ "▁f raction",
+ "▁fr action",
+ "▁fra ction",
+ "▁fract ion",
+ "eg u",
+ "e gu",
+ "zo ne",
+ "zon e",
+ "z one",
+ "▁g rat",
+ "▁gr at",
+ "▁gra t",
+ "▁ident ical",
+ "▁friend ship",
+ "▁friends hip",
+ "ah n",
+ "a hn",
+ "▁t ribute",
+ "▁trib ute",
+ "▁cust ody",
+ "▁custod y",
+ "▁revenue s",
+ "▁reven ues",
+ "▁V oice",
+ "▁Vo ice",
+ "▁sa uce",
+ "▁o range",
+ "▁or ange",
+ "▁ac ute",
+ "▁occasion s",
+ "▁occas ions",
+ "▁pat hs",
+ "▁pa ths",
+ "▁path s",
+ "ver ning",
+ "vern ing",
+ "▁Tur ner",
+ "▁Turn er",
+ "▁conv iction",
+ "▁convict ion",
+ "in burgh",
+ "DA Y",
+ "D AY",
+ "▁b its",
+ "▁bit s",
+ "▁bi ts",
+ "▁ bits",
+ "▁diagn osed",
+ "▁diagnose d",
+ "wal k",
+ "w alk",
+ "▁separ ation",
+ "▁N J",
+ "▁appro ached",
+ "▁approach ed",
+ "ap pend",
+ "app end",
+ "▁Sp eed",
+ "▁Spe ed",
+ "d r",
+ "iv o",
+ "i vo",
+ "') .",
+ "' ).",
+ "cl osure",
+ "▁Resp onse",
+ "▁Respons e",
+ "▁ Response",
+ "ч и",
+ "cl ick",
+ "c lick",
+ "ol lar",
+ "oll ar",
+ "olla r",
+ "▁ann oy",
+ "▁jud icial",
+ "▁trans formed",
+ "▁transform ed",
+ "▁C AR",
+ "▁CA R",
+ "▁ CAR",
+ "▁s ettle",
+ "▁se ttle",
+ "▁set tle",
+ "▁sett le",
+ "▁Rest aur",
+ "U til",
+ "▁E ST",
+ "▁ES T",
+ "▁ EST",
+ "▁c amps",
+ "▁camp s",
+ "▁cam ps",
+ "▁F iction",
+ "▁Fi ction",
+ "▁G host",
+ "▁Gh ost",
+ "▁Be low",
+ "▁Bel ow",
+ "▁Sum mit",
+ "▁trans parency",
+ "ap pro",
+ "app ro",
+ "▁r ib",
+ "▁ri b",
+ "▁ rib",
+ "▁I R",
+ "▁ IR",
+ "▁k iller",
+ "▁kill er",
+ "▁kil ler",
+ "▁s ail",
+ "▁sa il",
+ "▁stat istical",
+ "▁statistic al",
+ "uit y",
+ "ui ty",
+ "u ity",
+ "IG N",
+ "I GN",
+ "ia ted",
+ "iat ed",
+ "iate d",
+ "i ated",
+ "▁en act",
+ "w s",
+ "Ch ar",
+ "C har",
+ "▁Ab raham",
+ "at on",
+ "ato n",
+ "a ton",
+ "ki t",
+ "k it",
+ "▁cor rupt",
+ "To ken",
+ "Tok en",
+ "T oken",
+ "▁Sp rings",
+ "▁Spring s",
+ "▁Spr ings",
+ "▁c aps",
+ "▁ca ps",
+ "▁cap s",
+ "S L",
+ "▁w ages",
+ "▁wa ges",
+ "▁wage s",
+ "▁wag es",
+ "ra f",
+ "r af",
+ "M D",
+ "▁hand led",
+ "▁handle d",
+ "▁Te levision",
+ "▁Tele vision",
+ "▁sh aped",
+ "▁shape d",
+ "▁shap ed",
+ "▁ shaped",
+ "▁own s",
+ "▁ow ns",
+ "▁ owns",
+ "ck er",
+ "cke r",
+ "c ker",
+ "▁f iber",
+ "▁fib er",
+ "▁fi ber",
+ "pt ic",
+ "p tic",
+ "▁en de",
+ "▁end e",
+ "▁ ende",
+ "▁ev olved",
+ "▁evol ved",
+ "▁evolve d",
+ "▁h em",
+ "▁he m",
+ "▁ hem",
+ "an ean",
+ "ane an",
+ "▁Pr ograms",
+ "▁Program s",
+ "IG HT",
+ "IGH T",
+ "▁D eg",
+ "▁De g",
+ "▁M ORE",
+ "▁MO RE",
+ "▁\" \"\"",
+ "▁\"\" \"",
+ "▁Aust ria",
+ "▁Mad ison",
+ "▁d ear",
+ "▁de ar",
+ "▁king dom",
+ "▁insp iring",
+ "▁inspir ing",
+ "▁p ub",
+ "▁pu b",
+ "▁ pub",
+ "iv ic",
+ "i vic",
+ "▁in direct",
+ "▁ind irect",
+ "▁t une",
+ "▁tun e",
+ "▁tu ne",
+ "▁Re spons",
+ "▁Resp ons",
+ "▁Commun ication",
+ "▁dim ensions",
+ "▁dimension s",
+ "ba s",
+ "b as",
+ "th a",
+ "t ha",
+ "ir k",
+ "i rk",
+ "▁In sp",
+ "▁Ins p",
+ "▁rest oration",
+ "▁Com par",
+ "▁Comp ar",
+ "▁delight ed",
+ "ie v",
+ "i ev",
+ "▁R ank",
+ "▁Ran k",
+ "oa t",
+ "o at",
+ "▁C ourse",
+ "▁Co urse",
+ "▁Cour se",
+ "▁ap olog",
+ "▁ch amber",
+ "▁cha mber",
+ "▁N ancy",
+ "▁Nan cy",
+ "al ling",
+ "all ing",
+ "alli ng",
+ "sp ring",
+ "j u",
+ "▁r ic",
+ "▁ri c",
+ "▁ ric",
+ "ta il",
+ "t ail",
+ "▁M es",
+ "▁Me s",
+ "▁inv ite",
+ "▁c ig",
+ "▁ci g",
+ "irm ingham",
+ "ig ion",
+ "igi on",
+ "▁des cribing",
+ "▁describ ing",
+ "▁purch asing",
+ "▁excell ence",
+ "▁dem anding",
+ "▁demand ing",
+ "ol ved",
+ "olve d",
+ ") \r",
+ "ing le",
+ "▁mag ical",
+ "▁magic al",
+ "▁o d",
+ "▁ od",
+ "▁De tails",
+ "▁Det ails",
+ "▁ Details",
+ "am an",
+ "ama n",
+ "a man",
+ "pl ug",
+ "▁bank rupt",
+ "▁L en",
+ "▁Le n",
+ "▁rac ist",
+ "▁ не",
+ "ul er",
+ "ule r",
+ "u ler",
+ "▁cogn itive",
+ "St atus",
+ "Stat us",
+ "be t",
+ "b et",
+ "ic iary",
+ "ici ary",
+ "icia ry",
+ "s rc",
+ "se ud",
+ "J an",
+ "▁Jer emy",
+ "▁Jere my",
+ "▁Jerem y",
+ "▁scient ist",
+ "▁editor ial",
+ "▁edit orial",
+ "ym ph",
+ "y mph",
+ "▁r ape",
+ "▁ra pe",
+ "▁rap e",
+ "▁ rape",
+ "▁st adium",
+ "▁Phil osophy",
+ "▁Philosoph y",
+ "▁Stud ios",
+ "▁Studio s",
+ "▁pros per",
+ "▁L anc",
+ "▁La nc",
+ "▁Lan c",
+ "▁f illing",
+ "▁fil ling",
+ "▁fill ing",
+ "▁dim ension",
+ "▁A V",
+ "▁ AV",
+ "as cript",
+ "asc ript",
+ "a script",
+ "▁target ing",
+ "▁F ROM",
+ "▁FR OM",
+ "▁lab els",
+ "▁label s",
+ "c f",
+ "▁l ean",
+ "▁le an",
+ "▁ lean",
+ "▁qu oted",
+ "▁quote d",
+ "▁quot ed",
+ "▁quo ted",
+ "ke ys",
+ "key s",
+ "air y",
+ "ai ry",
+ "tw o",
+ "t wo",
+ "▁Co ach",
+ "▁appear ances",
+ "▁appearance s",
+ "▁inc idents",
+ "▁incident s",
+ "for ced",
+ "force d",
+ "▁Aud io",
+ "▁Audi o",
+ "▁St ream",
+ "▁Stre am",
+ "▁ Stream",
+ "▁am ended",
+ "▁amend ed",
+ "▁amen ded",
+ "ass ing",
+ "▁C zech",
+ "▁t race",
+ "▁tr ace",
+ "▁tra ce",
+ "▁comp assion",
+ "▁conduct ing",
+ "▁f el",
+ "▁fe l",
+ "▁M ail",
+ "▁Ma il",
+ "▁Mai l",
+ "▁ Mail",
+ "Def ault",
+ "▁vol umes",
+ "▁volume s",
+ "▁K az",
+ "▁Ka z",
+ "▁n ucle",
+ "▁nu cle",
+ "la im",
+ "l aim",
+ "▁c ris",
+ "▁cr is",
+ "▁ass ass",
+ "▁s ne",
+ "▁sn e",
+ "▁A ld",
+ "▁Al d",
+ "▁Hist oric",
+ "▁Histor ic",
+ "▁music ian",
+ "▁mus ician",
+ "т у",
+ "ob b",
+ "o bb",
+ "Fact ory",
+ "▁Material s",
+ "▁ren owned",
+ "▁renown ed",
+ "ci n",
+ "c in",
+ "▁newsp apers",
+ "▁newspaper s",
+ "S N",
+ "▁don ation",
+ "▁T X",
+ "▁ TX",
+ "▁Jess ica",
+ "vi a",
+ "v ia",
+ "▁V ari",
+ "▁Var i",
+ "▁Va ri",
+ "▁ Vari",
+ "ac ious",
+ "a cious",
+ "ens ively",
+ "ensive ly",
+ "▁in cl",
+ "▁inc l",
+ "= >",
+ "▁B ath",
+ "▁Ba th",
+ "▁Bat h",
+ "se cond",
+ "sec ond",
+ "▁real istic",
+ "▁m ice",
+ "▁mic e",
+ "▁mi ce",
+ "▁res ume",
+ "▁gar age",
+ "▁ga rage",
+ "▁fin ishing",
+ "▁finish ing",
+ "▁e dit",
+ "▁ed it",
+ "▁ edit",
+ "▁partner ships",
+ "▁partnership s",
+ "▁partners hips",
+ "▁l iver",
+ "▁li ver",
+ "▁live r",
+ "▁liv er",
+ "▁ liver",
+ "ve ment",
+ "v ement",
+ "▁vess els",
+ "▁vessel s",
+ "Jo hn",
+ "J ohn",
+ "▁Initi ative",
+ "ff icking",
+ "ffic king",
+ "an im",
+ "ani m",
+ "▁rec overed",
+ "▁recover ed",
+ "in ee",
+ "ine e",
+ "i nee",
+ "▁D ig",
+ "▁Di g",
+ "▁emb arr",
+ "▁po ison",
+ "Mo n",
+ "M on",
+ "ev en",
+ "e ven",
+ "▁sit uated",
+ "▁situ ated",
+ "▁situate d",
+ "▁Uk rain",
+ "▁le ase",
+ "▁ lease",
+ "id ges",
+ "idge s",
+ "▁cru ise",
+ "▁V irtual",
+ "▁Virt ual",
+ "▁H ey",
+ "▁He y",
+ "▁ Hey",
+ "▁quant ity",
+ "▁V ision",
+ "▁Vis ion",
+ "▁out break",
+ "th ird",
+ "im edia",
+ "ime dia",
+ "i media",
+ "eqn array",
+ "he ric",
+ "her ic",
+ "▁Pre vention",
+ "▁Prevent ion",
+ "▁Prev ention",
+ "▁diff er",
+ "▁di ffer",
+ "om es",
+ "ome s",
+ "o mes",
+ "▁H alf",
+ "▁Hal f",
+ "▁ref use",
+ "▁K id",
+ "▁Ki d",
+ "cl ose",
+ "▁he ating",
+ "▁heat ing",
+ "▁pe oples",
+ "▁people s",
+ "▁P erry",
+ "▁Per ry",
+ "▁dra ws",
+ "▁dr aws",
+ "▁draw s",
+ "▁class ification",
+ "dim ensional",
+ "d imensional",
+ "▁excit ement",
+ "▁cou ples",
+ "▁couple s",
+ "▁coup les",
+ "▁count ies",
+ "▁coun ties",
+ "▁world s",
+ "▁cons ensus",
+ "▁C over",
+ "▁Co ver",
+ "▁Cov er",
+ "▁Cove r",
+ "▁chall enged",
+ "▁challeng ed",
+ "▁challenge d",
+ "il lo",
+ "ill o",
+ "bott om",
+ "▁T ickets",
+ "▁Tick ets",
+ "▁Ticket s",
+ "▁invest igated",
+ "▁investig ated",
+ "▁investigate d",
+ "▁smart phone",
+ "▁Guard ian",
+ "▁met aph",
+ "▁meta ph",
+ "▁in clusive",
+ "▁incl usive",
+ "▁r itual",
+ ".. ...",
+ "... ..",
+ ".... .",
+ ". ....",
+ "iz able",
+ "iza ble",
+ "▁sc rew",
+ "▁scr ew",
+ "▁reason ably",
+ "u um",
+ "▁Met ro",
+ "▁where in",
+ "▁T reatment",
+ "▁Treat ment",
+ "ment ed",
+ "men ted",
+ "mente d",
+ "m ented",
+ "▁conf usion",
+ "▁vill ages",
+ "▁village s",
+ "▁villa ges",
+ "av an",
+ "ava n",
+ "a van",
+ "▁Grow th",
+ "▁coal ition",
+ "▁invest igating",
+ "▁investig ating",
+ "▁Arch ive",
+ "ab e",
+ "a be",
+ "▁K el",
+ "▁Ke l",
+ "▁am bit",
+ "▁amb it",
+ "▁P rob",
+ "▁Pro b",
+ "▁Pr ob",
+ "▁under m",
+ "▁und erm",
+ "Pr e",
+ "P re",
+ "▁ex pend",
+ "▁exp end",
+ "▁sc iences",
+ "▁science s",
+ "▁sci ences",
+ "int endo",
+ "intend o",
+ "▁b urst",
+ "▁bur st",
+ "▁ burst",
+ "▁comp leting",
+ "▁complet ing",
+ "▁compl eting",
+ "▁W ITH",
+ "▁WI TH",
+ "ul ates",
+ "ulate s",
+ "ula tes",
+ "▁Qu arter",
+ "▁Quart er",
+ "H z",
+ "sc ope",
+ "da t",
+ "d at",
+ "ber y",
+ "be ry",
+ "b ery",
+ "b m",
+ "▁W E",
+ "▁ WE",
+ "▁Stan ley",
+ "▁K irk",
+ "▁Kir k",
+ "▁Ki rk",
+ "▁qual ify",
+ "▁enter taining",
+ "▁entertain ing",
+ "nu ll",
+ "n ull",
+ "▁J obs",
+ "▁Jo bs",
+ "▁Job s",
+ "▁Great er",
+ "▁Gre ater",
+ "▁supp liers",
+ "▁supplier s",
+ "▁Sec urities",
+ "▁r ounds",
+ "▁round s",
+ "ul in",
+ "uli n",
+ "u lin",
+ "▁name ly",
+ "▁nam ely",
+ "▁F an",
+ "▁Fa n",
+ "▁chem icals",
+ "▁chemical s",
+ "▁T arget",
+ "▁Tar get",
+ "▁ Target",
+ "▁m akers",
+ "▁make rs",
+ "▁ma kers",
+ "▁maker s",
+ "▁ makers",
+ "▁expect ing",
+ "om my",
+ "omm y",
+ "r l",
+ "▁expl ores",
+ "▁explore s",
+ "▁explo res",
+ "▁explor es",
+ "av el",
+ "ave l",
+ "a vel",
+ "▁vari ations",
+ "▁variation s",
+ "( (",
+ "s f",
+ "▁S ie",
+ "▁Si e",
+ "▁Liter ature",
+ "▁c her",
+ "▁ch er",
+ "▁che r",
+ "▁ cher",
+ "▁voc als",
+ "▁vocal s",
+ "▁consult ing",
+ "ar ms",
+ "arm s",
+ "▁b ureau",
+ "▁eth ics",
+ "▁ethic s",
+ "▁j oke",
+ "▁jo ke",
+ "▁s hit",
+ "▁sh it",
+ "▁ shit",
+ "ro gen",
+ "rog en",
+ "r ogen",
+ "▁fl ows",
+ "▁flow s",
+ "▁flo ws",
+ "▁ flows",
+ "ot ation",
+ "▁influ ences",
+ "▁influence s",
+ "▁in quiry",
+ "row se",
+ "rows e",
+ "▁l ib",
+ "▁li b",
+ "▁ lib",
+ "▁acknowled ged",
+ "▁acknowledge d",
+ "▁Co ord",
+ "▁T odd",
+ "▁To dd",
+ "▁Tod d",
+ "▁de ny",
+ "▁den y",
+ "▁vis itor",
+ "▁visit or",
+ "▁inf ected",
+ "▁infect ed",
+ "▁re marks",
+ "▁rem arks",
+ "▁remark s",
+ "▁Techn ologies",
+ "ge nder",
+ "gen der",
+ "g ender",
+ "▁R io",
+ "▁Ri o",
+ "su ccess",
+ "▁Pri mary",
+ "▁Prim ary",
+ "BE R",
+ "B ER",
+ "▁dom inated",
+ "▁domin ated",
+ "▁dominate d",
+ "ed it",
+ "edi t",
+ "e dit",
+ "▁gener ous",
+ "▁gene rous",
+ "▁con vention",
+ "▁conv ention",
+ "▁leg ally",
+ "▁legal ly",
+ "am ents",
+ "ament s",
+ "amen ts",
+ "a ments",
+ "ix on",
+ "ah l",
+ "a hl",
+ "ON E",
+ "O NE",
+ "▁ign or",
+ "▁ig nor",
+ "▁th rowing",
+ "▁throw ing",
+ "▁thr owing",
+ "▁thro wing",
+ "B L",
+ "▁Photo s",
+ "▁Phot os",
+ "▁re minded",
+ "▁remind ed",
+ "▁p roductive",
+ "▁produ ctive",
+ "▁product ive",
+ "bl ack",
+ "▁Ad vert",
+ "▁Adv ert",
+ "▁p atri",
+ "▁pat ri",
+ "▁pa tri",
+ "▁enjoy s",
+ "▁Architect ure",
+ "▁gu ided",
+ "▁guid ed",
+ "▁guide d",
+ "▁ guided",
+ "▁Through out",
+ "C al",
+ "▁v olt",
+ "▁vol t",
+ "▁vo lt",
+ "▁m aj",
+ "▁ma j",
+ "▁V ersion",
+ "▁Vers ion",
+ "▁ Version",
+ "▁p atch",
+ "▁pat ch",
+ "▁ patch",
+ "W A",
+ "▁trans lated",
+ "▁transl ated",
+ "▁translate d",
+ "▁S yn",
+ "▁Sy n",
+ "pp ers",
+ "pper s",
+ "ppe rs",
+ "p pers",
+ "▁h ier",
+ "▁hi er",
+ "so me",
+ "som e",
+ "s ome",
+ "▁Cons ervation",
+ "▁Conserv ation",
+ "sen al",
+ "▁S oon",
+ "▁So on",
+ "▁L it",
+ "▁Li t",
+ "dep th",
+ "▁re ign",
+ "▁F ocus",
+ "▁Fo cus",
+ "▁prior ities",
+ "▁priorit ies",
+ "▁s ake",
+ "▁sa ke",
+ "▁cons iders",
+ "▁consider s",
+ "▁consid ers",
+ "▁en roll",
+ "ri ces",
+ "ric es",
+ "rice s",
+ "r ices",
+ "he imer",
+ "heim er",
+ "po t",
+ "p ot",
+ "▁V I",
+ "▁ VI",
+ "▁wel comed",
+ "▁welcome d",
+ "▁theore tical",
+ "▁t oll",
+ "▁to ll",
+ "▁t ong",
+ "▁to ng",
+ "▁ton g",
+ "▁F ro",
+ "▁Fr o",
+ "we ar",
+ "w ear",
+ "▁att racted",
+ "▁attract ed",
+ "▁C ash",
+ "▁Cas h",
+ "▁Ca sh",
+ "▁in ch",
+ "▁inc h",
+ "▁ inch",
+ "▁chem istry",
+ "▁r hythm",
+ "▁analy ze",
+ "▁analyz e",
+ "dr iven",
+ "drive n",
+ "d riven",
+ "▁earth qu",
+ "▁b anned",
+ "▁ban ned",
+ "] ]",
+ "▁collabor ative",
+ "go n",
+ "g on",
+ "▁N i",
+ "▁fl avor",
+ "▁flav or",
+ "ch t",
+ "c ht",
+ "▁fin est",
+ "▁fine st",
+ "▁fines t",
+ "▁sh ore",
+ "▁sho re",
+ "▁ shore",
+ "а н",
+ "▁War ner",
+ "▁Warn er",
+ "▁advoc acy",
+ "▁B ou",
+ "▁Bo u",
+ "▁cross ed",
+ "▁spons ored",
+ "▁sponsor ed",
+ "▁ sponsored",
+ "ut t",
+ "u tt",
+ "you tube",
+ "y outube",
+ "▁occup ation",
+ "▁invest or",
+ "▁Ll oyd",
+ "▁L P",
+ "▁ LP",
+ "▁over night",
+ "He l",
+ "H el",
+ "▁N ag",
+ "▁Na g",
+ "ut ory",
+ "uto ry",
+ "▁E SP",
+ "▁ES P",
+ "▁B rig",
+ "▁Br ig",
+ "▁Bri g",
+ "▁t oken",
+ "▁to ken",
+ "▁ token",
+ "ac ht",
+ "ach t",
+ "a cht",
+ "it ate",
+ "ita te",
+ "itat e",
+ "h l",
+ "ni k",
+ "n ik",
+ "▁re un",
+ "▁G lass",
+ "▁Gl ass",
+ "▁Glas s",
+ "▁Ind ividual",
+ "Opt ions",
+ "Option s",
+ "O ptions",
+ "os itory",
+ "osit ory",
+ "▁re aches",
+ "▁reach es",
+ "ni a",
+ "n ia",
+ "▁E mma",
+ "▁Em ma",
+ "▁Cont emporary",
+ "port ed",
+ "por ted",
+ "p orted",
+ "st atic",
+ "stat ic",
+ "sta tic",
+ "▁im aging",
+ "▁imag ing",
+ "▁imagin g",
+ "at eur",
+ "ate ur",
+ "▁time ly",
+ "▁tim ely",
+ "Sp ec",
+ "Spe c",
+ "S pec",
+ "▁Re source",
+ "▁Res ource",
+ "▁ Resource",
+ "▁V o",
+ "▁res erv",
+ "▁h oly",
+ "▁hol y",
+ "▁ho ly",
+ "pr ov",
+ "pro v",
+ "p rov",
+ "д у",
+ "▁g ran",
+ "▁gr an",
+ "▁gra n",
+ "▁Den mark",
+ "▁M aur",
+ "▁Ma ur",
+ "▁Mau r",
+ "▁Ind igenous",
+ "ia nces",
+ "ian ces",
+ "iance s",
+ "i ances",
+ "▁Ed inburgh",
+ "v s",
+ "ME NT",
+ "M ENT",
+ "con d",
+ "co nd",
+ "c ond",
+ "ir able",
+ "ira ble",
+ "▁recip ient",
+ "▁sub mission",
+ "Ex p",
+ "▁N athan",
+ "▁Na than",
+ "▁Nat han",
+ "▁Health care",
+ "▁Res erved",
+ "▁Reserve d",
+ "▁Reserv ed",
+ "▁m arry",
+ "▁mar ry",
+ "▁art work",
+ "ge red",
+ "ger ed",
+ "g ered",
+ "▁L ands",
+ "▁Land s",
+ "▁Lan ds",
+ "▁g reet",
+ "▁gre et",
+ "ul ent",
+ "ule nt",
+ "▁celebr ating",
+ "▁celeb rating",
+ "it err",
+ "ite rr",
+ "iter r",
+ "▁N ord",
+ "▁No rd",
+ "▁Nor d",
+ "▁part ially",
+ "▁partial ly",
+ "▁attend ance",
+ "ri or",
+ "rio r",
+ "r ior",
+ "lay out",
+ "l ayout",
+ "▁treat ing",
+ "▁tre ating",
+ "S H",
+ "an ded",
+ "and ed",
+ "ande d",
+ "▁Pol ish",
+ "▁Po lish",
+ "▁High er",
+ "▁Hig her",
+ "▁prest igious",
+ "▁unpre cedented",
+ "▁mem orable",
+ "▁memor able",
+ "▁S F",
+ "▁ SF",
+ "▁t ennis",
+ "▁ten nis",
+ "▁Never theless",
+ "▁pl asma",
+ "▁NAT O",
+ "▁NA TO",
+ "▁Com plete",
+ "▁Comp lete",
+ "▁Compl ete",
+ "is ible",
+ "isi ble",
+ "▁ear liest",
+ "▁c hip",
+ "▁ch ip",
+ "▁chi p",
+ "▁Co hen",
+ "▁G on",
+ "▁Go n",
+ "▁compos er",
+ "▁l ibraries",
+ "▁libr aries",
+ "am ic",
+ "ami c",
+ "a mic",
+ "yl um",
+ "▁T rend",
+ "▁Tr end",
+ "▁Tre nd",
+ "▁consult ant",
+ "▁I F",
+ "▁ IF",
+ "cont rol",
+ "▁Nash ville",
+ "▁Inst it",
+ "▁Liber ty",
+ "▁Libert y",
+ "▁point ing",
+ "▁t ang",
+ "▁ta ng",
+ "▁tan g",
+ "ib li",
+ "ibl i",
+ "▁w orthy",
+ "▁wor thy",
+ "▁worth y",
+ "▁ worthy",
+ "point s",
+ "po ints",
+ "▁close st",
+ "▁clos est",
+ "▁closes t",
+ "▁present ing",
+ "▁prevent ing",
+ "ce des",
+ "ced es",
+ "▁f ier",
+ "▁fi er",
+ "▁unf ortunately",
+ "▁unfortunate ly",
+ "▁sur faces",
+ "▁surface s",
+ "▁surf aces",
+ "ER V",
+ "▁bl end",
+ "▁ble nd",
+ "tel ling",
+ "t elling",
+ "▁g orgeous",
+ "▁count less",
+ "qu is",
+ "q uis",
+ "▁Ron ald",
+ "R un",
+ "▁P P",
+ "▁ PP",
+ "▁inf ant",
+ "▁Advis ory",
+ "▁Advisor y",
+ "▁brief ly",
+ "▁Chem ical",
+ "▁N am",
+ "▁Na m",
+ "▁l anded",
+ "▁land ed",
+ "▁lan ded",
+ "ed er",
+ "ede r",
+ "e der",
+ "▁F ashion",
+ "▁an imation",
+ "▁anim ation",
+ "text bf",
+ "▁colon ial",
+ "▁hon ored",
+ "▁honor ed",
+ "▁D od",
+ "▁Do d",
+ "▁b elt",
+ "▁be lt",
+ "▁bel t",
+ "▁reg ards",
+ "▁regard s",
+ "▁Hall oween",
+ "it ched",
+ "itch ed",
+ "itc hed",
+ "▁executive s",
+ "▁execut ives",
+ "▁comment ary",
+ "S R",
+ "▁dis cretion",
+ "AS H",
+ "A SH",
+ "▁coast al",
+ "▁touch down",
+ "▁d ign",
+ "▁di gn",
+ "▁dig n",
+ "▁in tr",
+ "▁int r",
+ "▁orient ation",
+ "▁analy ses",
+ "▁analys es",
+ "▁analyse s",
+ "▁m ock",
+ "▁mo ck",
+ "▁ mock",
+ "▁se am",
+ "▁sea m",
+ "▁D ynam",
+ "▁Dy nam",
+ "▁Wor kers",
+ "▁Work ers",
+ "▁Worker s",
+ "-- -",
+ "- --",
+ "▁st amp",
+ "▁sta mp",
+ "▁Lar ge",
+ "vo id",
+ "v oid",
+ "ud a",
+ "u da",
+ "op ter",
+ "opt er",
+ "▁el abor",
+ "▁p ropri",
+ "▁pro pri",
+ "▁prop ri",
+ "▁psych ology",
+ "▁se crets",
+ "▁sec rets",
+ "▁secret s",
+ "▁secre ts",
+ "re ck",
+ "rec k",
+ "▁roll ed",
+ "▁ rolled",
+ "▁T aking",
+ "▁Ta king",
+ "▁Tak ing",
+ "M s",
+ "▁T ask",
+ "▁Ta sk",
+ "▁Tas k",
+ "▁ Task",
+ "eth eless",
+ "ethe less",
+ "e theless",
+ "▁d aughters",
+ "▁daughter s",
+ "▁pharm aceutical",
+ "▁r amp",
+ "▁ra mp",
+ "▁ram p",
+ "en to",
+ "ent o",
+ "▁X box",
+ "▁res olved",
+ "▁resol ved",
+ "▁resolve d",
+ "▁ resolved",
+ "▁R T",
+ "▁ RT",
+ "▁y ours",
+ "▁you rs",
+ "▁your s",
+ "▁name space",
+ "▁names pace",
+ "▁ namespace",
+ "▁advoc ates",
+ "▁advocate s",
+ "▁S cript",
+ "▁Sc ript",
+ "▁ Script",
+ "▁disapp ointed",
+ "▁disappoint ed",
+ "▁foss il",
+ "go w",
+ "g ow",
+ "er ness",
+ "ern ess",
+ "▁recommend ation",
+ "ua ted",
+ "uate d",
+ "u ated",
+ "▁con form",
+ "▁conf orm",
+ "▁del ayed",
+ "▁delay ed",
+ "▁r ocks",
+ "▁ro cks",
+ "▁rock s",
+ "▁R ing",
+ "▁Ri ng",
+ "▁inequ ality",
+ "▁b ug",
+ "▁bu g",
+ "▁un necess",
+ "▁In v",
+ "▁ Inv",
+ "om ach",
+ "oma ch",
+ "▁Fant asy",
+ "▁m issions",
+ "▁miss ions",
+ "▁mission s",
+ "▁ missions",
+ "▁ce iling",
+ "▁ceil ing",
+ "▁sacr ifice",
+ "▁sacrific e",
+ "eu r",
+ "e ur",
+ "end ant",
+ "enda nt",
+ "▁imp rison",
+ "te x",
+ "t ex",
+ "al ph",
+ "▁column s",
+ "▁Int roduction",
+ "▁Introdu ction",
+ "▁Care er",
+ "file s",
+ "fil es",
+ "fi les",
+ "f iles",
+ "ab ad",
+ "aba d",
+ "a bad",
+ "▁Econom y",
+ "▁Ec onomy",
+ "fin ished",
+ "f inished",
+ "▁cl ause",
+ "▁cla use",
+ "▁dist inction",
+ "▁distinct ion",
+ "▁B irmingham",
+ "ad dy",
+ "add y",
+ "▁J uan",
+ "▁Ju an",
+ "▁C atherine",
+ "[ \\",
+ "G l",
+ "▁f oster",
+ "▁fo ster",
+ "▁fost er",
+ "on i",
+ "o ni",
+ "▁P layer",
+ "▁Pl ayer",
+ "▁Play er",
+ "▁ Player",
+ "▁sn ap",
+ "▁n urse",
+ "▁nurs e",
+ "▁pre cious",
+ "▁prec ious",
+ "▁sh irt",
+ "▁ shirt",
+ "▁pull ing",
+ "▁pul ling",
+ "▁con clude",
+ "▁conc lude",
+ "▁conclud e",
+ "▁res erves",
+ "▁reserve s",
+ "▁reserv es",
+ "▁consequ ence",
+ "▁there of",
+ "▁med ication",
+ "▁medic ation",
+ "▁medi cation",
+ "ac hers",
+ "ach ers",
+ "ache rs",
+ "acher s",
+ "a chers",
+ "▁Mat hem",
+ "▁Ma them",
+ "▁Math em",
+ "▁Mad rid",
+ ". }",
+ "▁mo ist",
+ "▁satis fy",
+ "▁satisf y",
+ "▁jew el",
+ "▁+ =",
+ "▁cl ip",
+ "▁ clip",
+ "▁pro files",
+ "▁prof iles",
+ "▁profile s",
+ "▁Portug al",
+ "▁Re ally",
+ "▁Real ly",
+ "▁pres cribed",
+ "▁presc ribed",
+ "▁[ [",
+ "▁mot hers",
+ "▁mother s",
+ "▁soci eties",
+ "▁B iology",
+ "▁Bi ology",
+ "▁Biol ogy",
+ "▁d ub",
+ "▁du b",
+ "▁adapt ed",
+ "▁N CAA",
+ "▁NC AA",
+ "▁sh orter",
+ "▁short er",
+ "▁Gr aduate",
+ "▁Grad uate",
+ "▁mem orial",
+ "▁memor ial",
+ "▁memo rial",
+ "or en",
+ "ore n",
+ "o ren",
+ "▁b und",
+ "▁bu nd",
+ "▁bun d",
+ "▁battle s",
+ "▁batt les",
+ "▁Beh av",
+ "▁su ite",
+ "▁suit e",
+ "▁sc andal",
+ "▁scan dal",
+ "▁t orn",
+ "▁tor n",
+ "▁nut rition",
+ "▁Any one",
+ "▁pun ishment",
+ "▁punish ment",
+ "▁in sect",
+ "▁ins ect",
+ "▁expl aining",
+ "▁explain ing",
+ "▁n u",
+ "▁ nu",
+ "ps y",
+ "p sy",
+ "▁D elta",
+ "▁Del ta",
+ "▁ Delta",
+ "an non",
+ "ann on",
+ "▁A irl",
+ "▁Air l",
+ "▁Camp us",
+ "▁bab ies",
+ "▁j et",
+ "▁je t",
+ "▁ jet",
+ "▁F ellow",
+ "▁Fell ow",
+ "▁Fel low",
+ "▁v i",
+ "▁ vi",
+ "▁imp lies",
+ "▁impl ies",
+ "▁p owered",
+ "▁power ed",
+ "▁po wered",
+ "▁pow ered",
+ "▁ powered",
+ "▁k nee",
+ "▁kn ee",
+ "▁s team",
+ "▁ste am",
+ "onom ous",
+ "▁amb itious",
+ "▁ambit ious",
+ "ip h",
+ "i ph",
+ "ar ded",
+ "ard ed",
+ "▁ess ence",
+ "ot er",
+ "ote r",
+ "o ter",
+ "▁ne west",
+ "▁new est",
+ "▁l asting",
+ "▁last ing",
+ "▁las ting",
+ "▁ lasting",
+ "▁Common wealth",
+ "▁ass ignment",
+ "▁assign ment",
+ "▁h arsh",
+ "▁har sh",
+ "▁T N",
+ "\" ]",
+ "tm l",
+ "t ml",
+ "▁P un",
+ "▁Pu n",
+ "priv ate",
+ "▁ind icating",
+ "▁indic ating",
+ "ig m",
+ "bor ough",
+ "bo rough",
+ "boro ugh",
+ "b orough",
+ "▁counter part",
+ "▁gener ic",
+ "▁gene ric",
+ "is tle",
+ "ist le",
+ "▁e tern",
+ "▁et ern",
+ "▁tra gedy",
+ "▁Har rison",
+ "▁Harris on",
+ "▁Harri son",
+ "ch em",
+ "che m",
+ "c hem",
+ "▁cont rolling",
+ "▁control ling",
+ "▁controll ing",
+ "k h",
+ "erv atives",
+ "ervative s",
+ "▁adj acent",
+ "et o",
+ "e to",
+ "ling ton",
+ "l ington",
+ "le sh",
+ "les h",
+ "l esh",
+ "▁Jeff erson",
+ "pe rs",
+ "per s",
+ "p ers",
+ "▁L ev",
+ "▁Le v",
+ "mit h",
+ "mi th",
+ "m ith",
+ "▁s la",
+ "▁sl a",
+ "▁M ental",
+ "▁Men tal",
+ "▁Ment al",
+ "▁arg ues",
+ "▁argue s",
+ "▁argu es",
+ "▁S tu",
+ "▁St u",
+ "▁un re",
+ "▁mand atory",
+ "▁thorough ly",
+ "og ene",
+ "ogen e",
+ "▁Ber keley",
+ "De t",
+ "D et",
+ "▁h eter",
+ "▁he ter",
+ "▁het er",
+ "▁ heter",
+ "▁San ders",
+ "▁Sand ers",
+ "▁opt imal",
+ "▁optim al",
+ "▁res pected",
+ "▁resp ected",
+ "▁respect ed",
+ "▁с о",
+ "▁ со",
+ "▁h ockey",
+ "doc ument",
+ "d ocument",
+ "▁acc laim",
+ "▁ac claim",
+ "▁win ds",
+ "▁wind s",
+ "▁d in",
+ "▁di n",
+ "▁sum mit",
+ "▁summ it",
+ "OR K",
+ "▁Q ual",
+ "▁Qu al",
+ "▁dark ness",
+ "▁P arks",
+ "▁Par ks",
+ "▁Park s",
+ "AT ED",
+ "ATE D",
+ "▁In j",
+ "▁t empt",
+ "▁tem pt",
+ "▁temp t",
+ "▁st opping",
+ "▁stop ping",
+ "ne red",
+ "ner ed",
+ "n ered",
+ "▁Scient ific",
+ "▁mot ivation",
+ "▁motiv ation",
+ "▁B rain",
+ "▁Br ain",
+ "▁Bra in",
+ "UR L",
+ "U RL",
+ "▁o h",
+ "▁ oh",
+ "▁rece iver",
+ "▁receive r",
+ "▁A part",
+ "▁Ap art",
+ "ue z",
+ "u ez",
+ "ca m",
+ "c am",
+ "▁n eur",
+ "▁ne ur",
+ "▁disapp ear",
+ "con duct",
+ "cond uct",
+ "c onduct",
+ "vis or",
+ "vi sor",
+ "▁pe ers",
+ "▁peer s",
+ "▁Mont real",
+ "▁wealth y",
+ "az ines",
+ "azine s",
+ "azi nes",
+ "▁offer ings",
+ "▁offering s",
+ "▁P ic",
+ "▁Pi c",
+ "▁conf idential",
+ "▁confident ial",
+ "▁pl acing",
+ "▁plac ing",
+ "▁pla cing",
+ "è re",
+ "UL T",
+ "U LT",
+ "▁sp ray",
+ "▁spr ay",
+ "▁Bar ack",
+ "▁Ba rack",
+ "▁acc essed",
+ "▁access ed",
+ "▁ra ises",
+ "▁raise s",
+ "▁S i",
+ "▁pow der",
+ "▁Kar l",
+ "▁Ka rl",
+ "▁e ars",
+ "▁ear s",
+ "▁ ears",
+ "ii i",
+ "i ii",
+ "me mber",
+ "mem ber",
+ "m ember",
+ "ad ows",
+ "ado ws",
+ "adow s",
+ "▁cre atures",
+ "▁creat ures",
+ "▁creature s",
+ "M in",
+ "id el",
+ "ide l",
+ "i del",
+ "▁W ire",
+ "▁Wi re",
+ "▁ Wire",
+ "▁n ort",
+ "▁no rt",
+ "▁nor t",
+ "▁He len",
+ "▁Hel en",
+ "▁C ertain",
+ "▁Cert ain",
+ "▁Cer tain",
+ "▁re forms",
+ "▁reform s",
+ "epend ence",
+ "▁Min or",
+ "▁Mi nor",
+ "▁pers pectives",
+ "▁perspective s",
+ "▁G T",
+ "▁ GT",
+ "▁E L",
+ "▁ EL",
+ "▁travel ed",
+ "▁trav eled",
+ "▁S ent",
+ "▁Se nt",
+ "▁Sen t",
+ "▁Ph ysics",
+ "▁Phys ics",
+ "olog ically",
+ "ological ly",
+ "ologic ally",
+ "▁g am",
+ "▁ga m",
+ "k u",
+ "▁C osta",
+ "▁Co sta",
+ "▁Cost a",
+ "▁Cos ta",
+ "▁C lay",
+ "▁Cl ay",
+ "▁Cla y",
+ "▁L ED",
+ "▁LE D",
+ "▁ LED",
+ "▁m embr",
+ "▁mem br",
+ "it ively",
+ "itive ly",
+ "iti vely",
+ "▁al umin",
+ "chn ology",
+ "▁C amb",
+ "▁Cam b",
+ "▁Ca mb",
+ "▁Pa nel",
+ "▁Pan el",
+ "▁ Panel",
+ "▁sp ell",
+ "▁spe ll",
+ "p c",
+ "▁Quest ions",
+ "▁Question s",
+ "▁G las",
+ "▁Gl as",
+ "▁d ressed",
+ "▁dr essed",
+ "▁dress ed",
+ "▁invent ory",
+ "▁inventor y",
+ "▁Mar x",
+ "▁b ron",
+ "▁br on",
+ "▁bro n",
+ "▁ph osph",
+ "▁ind igenous",
+ "▁analy zed",
+ "▁analyz ed",
+ "▁analyze d",
+ "▁Stand ards",
+ "▁Standard s",
+ "▁T ig",
+ "▁Ti g",
+ "st ration",
+ "str ation",
+ "▁Link ed",
+ "▁Lin ked",
+ "▁P ad",
+ "▁Pa d",
+ "x x",
+ "▁n oting",
+ "▁not ing",
+ "▁no ting",
+ "uc ker",
+ "uck er",
+ "u cker",
+ "▁Pict ure",
+ "▁process or",
+ "▁ed ges",
+ "▁edge s",
+ "▁compet itors",
+ "▁competitor s",
+ "adv ant",
+ "▁sens itivity",
+ "▁achieve ments",
+ "▁achievement s",
+ "▁for ming",
+ "▁form ing",
+ "▁ forming",
+ "▁C oming",
+ "▁Com ing",
+ "▁Co ming",
+ "e u",
+ "▁contact s",
+ "▁special ized",
+ "▁specialize d",
+ "▁G O",
+ "▁ GO",
+ "▁m i",
+ "▁ mi",
+ "▁f loat",
+ "▁fl oat",
+ "▁flo at",
+ "▁ float",
+ "▁rank ing",
+ "▁ran king",
+ "nu t",
+ "n ut",
+ "▁c ave",
+ "▁ca ve",
+ "▁cav e",
+ "▁Ch ile",
+ "▁Chi le",
+ "▁witness es",
+ "▁altern atives",
+ "▁alternative s",
+ "▁F itz",
+ "▁Fit z",
+ "▁Fi tz",
+ "▁int imate",
+ "▁intim ate",
+ "▁hydro gen",
+ "▁hyd rogen",
+ "▁var iant",
+ "▁vari ant",
+ "▁illust rated",
+ "▁illustrate d",
+ "▁r ush",
+ "▁ru sh",
+ "▁bad ly",
+ "▁inhab it",
+ "▁Tre asury",
+ "▁Coun sel",
+ "▁opp onent",
+ "G C",
+ "▁b uffer",
+ "▁bu ffer",
+ "▁buff er",
+ "▁ buffer",
+ "▁D raw",
+ "▁Dr aw",
+ "▁Dra w",
+ "▁ Draw",
+ "▁p oster",
+ "▁post er",
+ "▁pos ter",
+ "▁po ster",
+ "G S",
+ "▁c rop",
+ "▁cr op",
+ "▁cro p",
+ "▁bar rel",
+ "▁We ather",
+ "iz ar",
+ "iza r",
+ "▁Bang l",
+ "▁Ban gl",
+ "… ”",
+ "claim ed",
+ "fi ve",
+ "f ive",
+ "▁de ployed",
+ "▁deploy ed",
+ "▁M B",
+ "▁ MB",
+ "▁N om",
+ "▁No m",
+ "em a",
+ "e ma",
+ "ra ys",
+ "ray s",
+ "r ays",
+ "resp onse",
+ "respons e",
+ "land o",
+ "lan do",
+ "l ando",
+ "pu r",
+ "p ur",
+ "▁dismiss ed",
+ "it ations",
+ "itation s",
+ "itat ions",
+ "PR O",
+ "P RO",
+ "▁Compet ition",
+ "▁bal anced",
+ "▁balance d",
+ "▁E ld",
+ "▁El d",
+ "sp eed",
+ "spe ed",
+ "▁T yler",
+ "▁Ty ler",
+ "▁Labor atory",
+ "ier ra",
+ "▁fast est",
+ "▁sac red",
+ "▁sacr ed",
+ "▁S old",
+ "▁So ld",
+ "▁Sol d",
+ "▁under graduate",
+ "▁C abin",
+ "▁Ca bin",
+ "▁Cab in",
+ "******** ********",
+ "▁inst antly",
+ "▁instant ly",
+ "▁Val ent",
+ "▁Vale nt",
+ "is ure",
+ "▁Me chan",
+ "▁Ar men",
+ "▁Arm en",
+ "ob i",
+ "o bi",
+ "fr ak",
+ "fra k",
+ "f rak",
+ "ea n",
+ "e an",
+ "am pa",
+ "amp a",
+ "greg ation",
+ "g regation",
+ "▁U g",
+ "▁for ests",
+ "▁forest s",
+ "▁mob ility",
+ "▁mobil ity",
+ "▁eval uated",
+ "▁evalu ated",
+ "▁evaluate d",
+ "ul ative",
+ "▁L ate",
+ "▁La te",
+ "▁Lat e",
+ "▁Iss ues",
+ "▁Issue s",
+ "▁S ci",
+ "▁Sc i",
+ "▁clin ic",
+ "▁Am bass",
+ "▁Amb ass",
+ "ja r",
+ "j ar",
+ "▁s lavery",
+ "▁sla very",
+ "▁slave ry",
+ "IT E",
+ "I TE",
+ "▁end less",
+ "▁accommod ate",
+ "▁Res ear",
+ "ig o",
+ "i go",
+ "▁Stan ford",
+ "▁d ent",
+ "▁de nt",
+ "▁den t",
+ "effic ient",
+ "eff icient",
+ "e fficient",
+ "pi n",
+ "p in",
+ "▁t hesis",
+ "▁the sis",
+ "▁th esis",
+ "▁motiv ated",
+ "▁motivate d",
+ "▁chapter s",
+ "▁chap ters",
+ "▁N E",
+ "▁ NE",
+ "But ton",
+ "B utton",
+ "▁S alt",
+ "▁Sal t",
+ "▁Sa lt",
+ "▁sle eping",
+ "▁sleep ing",
+ "▁slee ping",
+ "▁applic ant",
+ "▁S ens",
+ "▁Se ns",
+ "▁Sen s",
+ "▁w ash",
+ "▁was h",
+ "▁wa sh",
+ "is ch",
+ "isc h",
+ "i sch",
+ "ot ta",
+ "ott a",
+ "o tta",
+ "atern al",
+ "a ternal",
+ "▁Sum mary",
+ "▁c omed",
+ "▁com ed",
+ "▁co med",
+ "▁come d",
+ "▁ comed",
+ "▁ass umption",
+ "▁assum ption",
+ "▁ch rom",
+ "▁Bat man",
+ "▁d ishes",
+ "▁dis hes",
+ "▁dish es",
+ "▁veget ables",
+ "▁vegetable s",
+ "bl ing",
+ "b ling",
+ "▁C ool",
+ "▁Co ol",
+ "c z",
+ "▁f law",
+ "▁fl aw",
+ "Gener al",
+ "Gen eral",
+ "▁Ark ansas",
+ "▁ball ot",
+ "▁bal lot",
+ "op l",
+ "o pl",
+ "er gy",
+ "erg y",
+ "▁net working",
+ "▁network ing",
+ "▁Egypt ian",
+ "▁c ute",
+ "▁cut e",
+ "▁cu te",
+ "▁Contin ue",
+ "▁N intendo",
+ "▁inter rupt",
+ "mar ks",
+ "mark s",
+ "m arks",
+ "▁tum or",
+ "▁tu mor",
+ "r h",
+ "is en",
+ "ise n",
+ "i sen",
+ "▁conven ience",
+ "az y",
+ "a zy",
+ "bo t",
+ "b ot",
+ "ri en",
+ "rie n",
+ "r ien",
+ "▁Sur v",
+ "▁Nich olas",
+ "▁v iral",
+ "▁vir al",
+ "▁vi ral",
+ "▁rest ored",
+ "▁restore d",
+ "▁Cr uz",
+ "▁Cru z",
+ "▁ ро",
+ "il ies",
+ "ili es",
+ "i lies",
+ "▁pack aging",
+ "▁controvers y",
+ "im port",
+ "imp ort",
+ "▁d ocumented",
+ "▁document ed",
+ "▁sche mes",
+ "▁scheme s",
+ "▁schem es",
+ "▁spokes man",
+ "▁a rise",
+ "▁ar ise",
+ "ra cks",
+ "rac ks",
+ "rack s",
+ "r acks",
+ "▁Or chestra",
+ "▁Vin cent",
+ "▁Vinc ent",
+ "▁Vince nt",
+ "▁o w",
+ "▁ ow",
+ "▁r h",
+ "▁ rh",
+ "▁S L",
+ "▁ SL",
+ "ce ry",
+ "cer y",
+ "c ery",
+ "▁long est",
+ "▁lon gest",
+ "mon s",
+ "mo ns",
+ "m ons",
+ "▁K um",
+ "▁Ku m",
+ "▁se venth",
+ "▁seven th",
+ "▁sevent h",
+ "ch en",
+ "che n",
+ "c hen",
+ "bor ne",
+ "born e",
+ "b orne",
+ "▁w are",
+ "▁war e",
+ "▁wa re",
+ "▁ ware",
+ "▁Rec ently",
+ "▁Recent ly",
+ "▁c ommod",
+ "▁com mod",
+ "▁comm od",
+ "▁witness ed",
+ "it ty",
+ "itt y",
+ "i tty",
+ "▁K yle",
+ "▁Ky le",
+ "▁Kyl e",
+ "▁h elic",
+ "▁he lic",
+ "▁hel ic",
+ "▁Gh ana",
+ "ru st",
+ "rus t",
+ "r ust",
+ "Mar k",
+ "Ma rk",
+ "M ark",
+ "▁J a",
+ "Pro v",
+ "Pr ov",
+ "P rov",
+ "▁F isher",
+ "▁Fish er",
+ "▁recogn ised",
+ "▁recognise d",
+ "▁embod iment",
+ "а р",
+ "▁o ch",
+ "▁ och",
+ "P H",
+ "un ted",
+ "unt ed",
+ "unte d",
+ "red ited",
+ "redit ed",
+ "oc ur",
+ "o cur",
+ "▁T error",
+ "▁Ter ror",
+ "▁Terr or",
+ "iterr anean",
+ "▁ur ged",
+ "▁urg ed",
+ "▁urge d",
+ "▁prefer ences",
+ "▁pref erences",
+ "▁preference s",
+ "▁Em ployment",
+ "▁Employ ment",
+ "▁app earing",
+ "▁appear ing",
+ "ro se",
+ "ros e",
+ "r ose",
+ "▁C arm",
+ "▁Car m",
+ "▁Ca rm",
+ "▁sum mar",
+ "▁summ ar",
+ "ah u",
+ "a hu",
+ "▁Ph ase",
+ "▁me dal",
+ "▁med al",
+ "▁B eng",
+ "▁Be ng",
+ "▁Ben g",
+ "ap py",
+ "app y",
+ "a ppy",
+ "▁subsc rib",
+ "▁subs crib",
+ "▁re fund",
+ "▁ref und",
+ "▁gener ating",
+ "▁gene rating",
+ "La st",
+ "L ast",
+ "▁R uth",
+ "▁Ru th",
+ "▁Rut h",
+ "▁m aker",
+ "▁make r",
+ "▁ma ker",
+ "▁ maker",
+ "ic he",
+ "ich e",
+ "i che",
+ "▁v ib",
+ "▁vi b",
+ "▁Writ er",
+ "▁Write r",
+ "▁ Writer",
+ "▁dep uty",
+ "▁P ub",
+ "▁Pu b",
+ "▁ Pub",
+ "▁s our",
+ "▁so ur",
+ "▁sou r",
+ "▁rev ised",
+ "▁revis ed",
+ "▁revise d",
+ "▁te aches",
+ "▁teac hes",
+ "▁teach es",
+ "▁tea ches",
+ "▁M ack",
+ "▁Mac k",
+ "▁Ma ck",
+ "▁f ifty",
+ "▁fif ty",
+ "▁fi fty",
+ "▁Oak land",
+ "▁r é",
+ "▁ ré",
+ "iv ia",
+ "i via",
+ "▁R ES",
+ "▁RE S",
+ "▁ RES",
+ "▁m odes",
+ "▁mod es",
+ "▁mode s",
+ "▁mo des",
+ "▁dist ant",
+ "ic i",
+ "i ci",
+ "▁bar rier",
+ "▁accept ing",
+ "▁add iction",
+ "▁addict ion",
+ "▁character ized",
+ "▁characterize d",
+ "fin al",
+ "f inal",
+ "▁Man aging",
+ "▁Manag ing",
+ "▁sp are",
+ "▁spa re",
+ "fo under",
+ "found er",
+ "et on",
+ "eto n",
+ "e ton",
+ "us ive",
+ "▁b arg",
+ "▁bar g",
+ "▁r ated",
+ "▁ra ted",
+ "▁rate d",
+ "▁rat ed",
+ "▁ rated",
+ "um bled",
+ "umb led",
+ "umble d",
+ "▁l ogical",
+ "▁log ical",
+ "▁logic al",
+ "▁Tes la",
+ "▁sm ell",
+ "▁vibr ant",
+ "▁vib rant",
+ "▁har assment",
+ "▁U l",
+ "▁g au",
+ "▁ga u",
+ "im er",
+ "ime r",
+ "i mer",
+ "▁s cal",
+ "▁sc al",
+ ".~ \\",
+ ". ~\\",
+ "▁Liber al",
+ "▁Lib eral",
+ "▁adv ances",
+ "▁advance s",
+ "▁ad vers",
+ "▁adv ers",
+ "AC H",
+ "A CH",
+ "▁Wat son",
+ "▁retail ers",
+ "▁retailer s",
+ "▁h orm",
+ "▁hor m",
+ "▁ho rm",
+ "ro wing",
+ "row ing",
+ "r owing",
+ "▁ven ues",
+ "▁venue s",
+ "▁pain ful",
+ "▁qu alities",
+ "▁qual ities",
+ "cer pt",
+ "▁s urg",
+ "▁sur g",
+ "Ch rist",
+ "W orld",
+ "▁b ust",
+ "▁bu st",
+ "▁bus t",
+ "um bers",
+ "umb ers",
+ "umber s",
+ "▁Program me",
+ "▁s ki",
+ "▁sk i",
+ "▁ ski",
+ "▁P apers",
+ "▁Pa pers",
+ "▁Paper s",
+ "▁Pap ers",
+ "Co r",
+ "C or",
+ "▁Diff erent",
+ "▁co pper",
+ "▁cop per",
+ "▁G DP",
+ "▁GD P",
+ "▁act ed",
+ "▁ac ted",
+ "▁ acted",
+ "▁ret reat",
+ "▁port rait",
+ "▁Ear lier",
+ "▁Earl ier",
+ "▁celebr ity",
+ "▁celeb rity",
+ "us hes",
+ "ush es",
+ "▁nav igate",
+ "▁F light",
+ "▁Fl ight",
+ "ke rs",
+ "ker s",
+ "k ers",
+ "▁tou ched",
+ "▁touch ed",
+ "▁H ab",
+ "▁Ha b",
+ "▁sold ier",
+ "▁And re",
+ "▁c ookie",
+ "▁cook ie",
+ "▁D oug",
+ "▁Do ug",
+ "▁Dou g",
+ "▁n odes",
+ "▁no des",
+ "▁node s",
+ "▁nod es",
+ "▁ nodes",
+ "▁J os",
+ "▁Jo s",
+ "▁start up",
+ "▁t ear",
+ "▁te ar",
+ "▁tea r",
+ "▁c ra",
+ "▁cr a",
+ "em or",
+ "e mor",
+ "in stein",
+ "▁D ennis",
+ "▁Den nis",
+ "▁Pu erto",
+ "▁Arch ived",
+ "▁Archive d",
+ "▁substant ially",
+ "▁substantial ly",
+ "▁Fin land",
+ "val s",
+ "va ls",
+ "v als",
+ "▁N A",
+ "▁ NA",
+ "at ching",
+ "atch ing",
+ "▁Hud son",
+ "▁op era",
+ "▁oper a",
+ "et ed",
+ "ete d",
+ "e ted",
+ "▁Opp ortun",
+ "▁research er",
+ "▁researc her",
+ "▁resear cher",
+ "ge q",
+ "g eq",
+ "yl an",
+ "y lan",
+ "▁Ter rit",
+ "▁Terr it",
+ "om on",
+ "omo n",
+ "o mon",
+ "Af ter",
+ "A fter",
+ "▁man ages",
+ "▁manag es",
+ "▁manage s",
+ "▁s que",
+ "▁squ e",
+ "▁sq ue",
+ "▁ ф",
+ "▁show c",
+ "▁f arming",
+ "▁far ming",
+ "▁farm ing",
+ "▁Leban on",
+ "▁high way",
+ "▁strugg led",
+ "▁struggle d",
+ "▁V eh",
+ "▁Ve h",
+ "▁D A",
+ "▁ DA",
+ "▁bo ats",
+ "▁boat s",
+ "P T",
+ "▁ch ains",
+ "▁chain s",
+ "▁cha ins",
+ "M B",
+ "cycl op",
+ "▁prospect s",
+ "▁record ings",
+ "▁recording s",
+ "▁( -",
+ "▁ (-",
+ "▁un fair",
+ "▁unf air",
+ "▁block ed",
+ "▁bloc ked",
+ "▁he ader",
+ "▁head er",
+ "▁ header",
+ "pro perty",
+ "▁O pin",
+ "▁Op in",
+ "ru p",
+ "r up",
+ "▁G L",
+ "▁ GL",
+ "as ia",
+ "asi a",
+ "FO R",
+ "F OR",
+ "in come",
+ "inc ome",
+ "▁applic ants",
+ "▁applicant s",
+ "▁exec ute",
+ "▁execut e",
+ "▁ execute",
+ "writ ten",
+ "▁civil ian",
+ "▁lect ure",
+ "▁cont am",
+ "▁Base ball",
+ "▁d os",
+ "▁do s",
+ "id ate",
+ "ida te",
+ "i date",
+ "▁R ud",
+ "▁Ru d",
+ "▁emb edded",
+ "▁eleg ant",
+ "▁is olation",
+ "▁isol ation",
+ "ass ed",
+ "asse d",
+ "▁m amm",
+ "▁ma mm",
+ "▁an imated",
+ "▁anim ated",
+ "▁Diam ond",
+ "▁educ ated",
+ "▁educate d",
+ "ous tic",
+ "oust ic",
+ "force ment",
+ "▁Bit coin",
+ "un it",
+ "uni t",
+ "▁ass essed",
+ "▁assess ed",
+ "ig a",
+ "i ga",
+ "▁explicit ly",
+ "▁g ly",
+ "▁gl y",
+ "▁ gly",
+ "we g",
+ "w eg",
+ "▁g rows",
+ "▁gr ows",
+ "▁grow s",
+ "▁gro ws",
+ "▁T han",
+ "▁Th an",
+ "D O",
+ "▁R ou",
+ "▁Ro u",
+ "▁US B",
+ "▁Swed ish",
+ "▁S har",
+ "▁Sh ar",
+ "▁Sha r",
+ "ac er",
+ "ace r",
+ "a cer",
+ "▁sl ave",
+ "▁sla ve",
+ ") ]",
+ "pu sh",
+ "p ush",
+ "▁R av",
+ "▁Ra v",
+ "▁phil osoph",
+ "▁philos oph",
+ "nat ional",
+ "n ational",
+ "▁ab sent",
+ "▁abs ent",
+ "▁B att",
+ "▁Ba tt",
+ "▁Bat t",
+ "▁w orn",
+ "▁wor n",
+ "▁p ending",
+ "▁pen ding",
+ "▁M I",
+ "▁ MI",
+ "▁pro jected",
+ "▁project ed",
+ "ge l",
+ "g el",
+ "▁r if",
+ "▁ri f",
+ "form at",
+ "for mat",
+ "▁p ays",
+ "▁pay s",
+ "▁pa ys",
+ "Comp onent",
+ "IC K",
+ "▁G arc",
+ "▁Gar c",
+ "▁Ga rc",
+ "iz on",
+ "i zon",
+ "▁sh apes",
+ "▁shape s",
+ "▁shap es",
+ "▁analy tics",
+ "▁c ats",
+ "▁ca ts",
+ "▁cat s",
+ "▁ cats",
+ "h n",
+ "▁Anc ient",
+ "▁desper ate",
+ "▁desp erate",
+ "? ’",
+ "▁th ermal",
+ "▁therm al",
+ "▁E aster",
+ "▁East er",
+ "▁Eas ter",
+ "au er",
+ "a uer",
+ "▁r adi",
+ "▁ra di",
+ "▁rad i",
+ "▁ е",
+ "Ne xt",
+ "N ext",
+ "Dir ect",
+ "Di rect",
+ "D irect",
+ "▁a ging",
+ "▁ag ing",
+ "▁ aging",
+ "tt p",
+ "}^ {\\",
+ "}^{ \\",
+ "} ^{\\",
+ "▁p ose",
+ "▁pos e",
+ "▁po se",
+ "▁ pose",
+ "L a",
+ "▁p airs",
+ "▁pa irs",
+ "▁pair s",
+ "▁qu i",
+ "▁q ui",
+ "▁man date",
+ "▁mand ate",
+ "▁st rip",
+ "▁str ip",
+ "▁stri p",
+ "▁whe els",
+ "▁wheel s",
+ "▁comp ounds",
+ "▁compound s",
+ "▁dis par",
+ "▁disp ar",
+ "en ti",
+ "ent i",
+ "um m",
+ "u mm",
+ "un al",
+ "una l",
+ "pl ayer",
+ "play er",
+ "p layer",
+ "▁Un iverse",
+ "▁Univers e",
+ "▁assum ptions",
+ "▁assumption s",
+ "▁H orn",
+ "▁Hor n",
+ "▁cons isting",
+ "▁consist ing",
+ "if iable",
+ "ifi able",
+ "▁cent res",
+ "▁centre s",
+ "▁centr es",
+ "▁N uclear",
+ "▁Nu clear",
+ "▁lock down",
+ "▁girl friend",
+ "с о",
+ "▁Su dan",
+ "▁Sud an",
+ "▁tw ist",
+ "▁launch ing",
+ "▁laun ching",
+ "▁N an",
+ "▁Na n",
+ "▁contract ors",
+ "▁contractor s",
+ "▁contra ctors",
+ "▁Al most",
+ "▁S creen",
+ "▁Sc reen",
+ "▁Scre en",
+ "▁ Screen",
+ "▁L anka",
+ "▁Lan ka",
+ "▁Lank a",
+ "▁c argo",
+ "▁car go",
+ "▁symbol s",
+ "▁Pict ures",
+ "▁Picture s",
+ "} =",
+ "az ed",
+ "aze d",
+ "a zed",
+ "▁D M",
+ "▁ DM",
+ "▁dr ops",
+ "▁dro ps",
+ "▁drop s",
+ "▁discuss es",
+ "▁po ems",
+ "▁poem s",
+ "▁Fil ms",
+ "▁Film s",
+ "▁f ires",
+ "▁fire s",
+ "▁fi res",
+ "▁ fires",
+ "▁bur ned",
+ "▁burn ed",
+ "▁nom ination",
+ "▁d isk",
+ "▁dis k",
+ "▁di sk",
+ "▁st abil",
+ "▁sta bil",
+ "▁stab il",
+ "▁cabin et",
+ "▁cab inet",
+ "av id",
+ "avi d",
+ "a vid",
+ "ер е",
+ "е ре",
+ "OC K",
+ "▁be ating",
+ "▁beat ing",
+ "ba d",
+ "b ad",
+ "▁Lu cas",
+ "▁Luc as",
+ "▁G oing",
+ "▁Go ing",
+ "▁dr unk",
+ "so m",
+ "s om",
+ "work ing",
+ "wor king",
+ "▁don ated",
+ "▁donate d",
+ "▁haz ard",
+ "▁app reciation",
+ "▁appreci ation",
+ "ir ation",
+ "i ration",
+ "▁hon estly",
+ "▁honest ly",
+ "▁jo ins",
+ "▁join s",
+ "J ust",
+ "ress ing",
+ "for table",
+ "fort able",
+ "▁redu ces",
+ "▁reduce s",
+ "▁M ut",
+ "▁Mu t",
+ "th lete",
+ "thlet e",
+ "▁H az",
+ "▁Ha z",
+ "▁che aper",
+ "▁cheap er",
+ "▁e arning",
+ "▁ear ning",
+ "▁earn ing",
+ "▁st ating",
+ "▁stat ing",
+ "▁sta ting",
+ "▁Hon or",
+ "▁Ho nor",
+ "▁Bern ard",
+ "▁lands cap",
+ "▁med ian",
+ "▁media n",
+ "▁medi an",
+ "▁Ste vens",
+ "▁Steve ns",
+ "▁Steven s",
+ "▁S haw",
+ "▁Sh aw",
+ "▁Sha w",
+ "▁Y ellow",
+ "▁dist ract",
+ "▁di stract",
+ "▁prem iere",
+ "▁premier e",
+ "▁premie re",
+ "▁cont inent",
+ "▁contin ent",
+ "▁p ig",
+ "▁pi g",
+ "▁arch ae",
+ "▁adjust ed",
+ "▁adj usted",
+ "▁un ions",
+ "▁union s",
+ "▁quarter back",
+ "▁K o",
+ "as se",
+ "ass e",
+ "as a",
+ "a sa",
+ "▁autom ated",
+ "▁c ub",
+ "▁cu b",
+ "▁t ube",
+ "▁tu be",
+ "▁tub e",
+ "▁ tube",
+ "▁ch arts",
+ "▁char ts",
+ "▁chart s",
+ "var epsilon",
+ "vare psilon",
+ "▁G ran",
+ "▁Gr an",
+ "▁Gra n",
+ "▁p orn",
+ "▁por n",
+ "х о",
+ "size d",
+ "si zed",
+ "s ized",
+ "▁sh ield",
+ "▁g ut",
+ "▁gu t",
+ "▁iP ad",
+ "over line",
+ "▁un clear",
+ "▁unc lear",
+ "▁uncle ar",
+ "▁P ete",
+ "▁Pe te",
+ "▁Pet e",
+ "▁cou pled",
+ "▁couple d",
+ "▁coup led",
+ "▁Hit ler",
+ "▁bel ongs",
+ "▁belong s",
+ "▁com pound",
+ "▁comp ound",
+ "▁V e",
+ "▁Air lines",
+ "▁Airl ines",
+ "п и",
+ "IN D",
+ "I ND",
+ "eg er",
+ "e ger",
+ "▁interview ed",
+ "ex pl",
+ "exp l",
+ "▁dis g",
+ "▁associ ations",
+ "▁association s",
+ "▁cha os",
+ "▁S erver",
+ "▁Serv er",
+ "▁Ser ver",
+ "▁Serve r",
+ "▁ Server",
+ "▁Assess ment",
+ "▁An sw",
+ "▁Ans w",
+ "▁e in",
+ "▁ver ify",
+ "▁rail way",
+ "▁S id",
+ "▁Si d",
+ "▁v isa",
+ "▁vis a",
+ "▁vi sa",
+ "▁im pe",
+ "▁imp e",
+ "Se lect",
+ "S elect",
+ "▁mount ed",
+ "▁mo unted",
+ "▁independ ently",
+ "▁independent ly",
+ "ster dam",
+ "▁Ph ysical",
+ "▁Phys ical",
+ "▁cl osure",
+ "▁clos ure",
+ "▁ closure",
+ "▁orig ins",
+ "▁origin s",
+ "▁ori gins",
+ "▁t ob",
+ "▁to b",
+ "▁ha bits",
+ "▁hab its",
+ "▁habit s",
+ "ro c",
+ "r oc",
+ "▁P in",
+ "▁Pi n",
+ "▁d irty",
+ "▁dirt y",
+ "▁dir ty",
+ "▁un ity",
+ "▁unit y",
+ "▁ unity",
+ "▁ext ending",
+ "▁extend ing",
+ "▁An al",
+ "▁Ana l",
+ "▁E val",
+ "▁Ev al",
+ "▁Eva l",
+ "▁e sc",
+ "▁es c",
+ "▁ esc",
+ "▁Beaut iful",
+ "▁no where",
+ "▁now here",
+ "▁st omach",
+ "ensure math",
+ "▁instrument al",
+ "be cca",
+ "bec ca",
+ "▁c ab",
+ "▁ca b",
+ "▁b other",
+ "▁both er",
+ "▁bo ther",
+ "▁bot her",
+ "ha w",
+ "h aw",
+ "ER R",
+ "▁de alt",
+ "▁deal t",
+ "▁Hind u",
+ "▁out lets",
+ "▁outlet s",
+ "um ing",
+ "umin g",
+ "umi ng",
+ "u ming",
+ "▁c ord",
+ "▁co rd",
+ "▁cor d",
+ "▁m orph",
+ "▁mor ph",
+ "ull ivan",
+ "▁tr ucks",
+ "▁tru cks",
+ "▁truck s",
+ "▁go verning",
+ "▁govern ing",
+ "▁pursu ing",
+ "▁purs uing",
+ "om o",
+ "o mo",
+ "em p",
+ "e mp",
+ "ens ed",
+ "ense d",
+ "▁comp atible",
+ "▁compat ible",
+ "▁gl ory",
+ "▁glor y",
+ "▁cl ever",
+ "▁cle ver",
+ "on al",
+ "ona l",
+ "im ages",
+ "ima ges",
+ "image s",
+ "imag es",
+ "▁b iology",
+ "▁bi ology",
+ "▁ biology",
+ "▁B ring",
+ "▁Br ing",
+ "▁Bri ng",
+ "▁Pro ceed",
+ "▁Proc eed",
+ "▁W ells",
+ "▁Well s",
+ "▁Wel ls",
+ "▁St rong",
+ "▁Str ong",
+ "▁place ment",
+ "▁plac ement",
+ "▁ placement",
+ "▁Tib et",
+ "▁Ti bet",
+ "▁di vine",
+ "▁div ine",
+ "▁w ounded",
+ "▁wound ed",
+ "le ton",
+ "let on",
+ "l eton",
+ "▁S cre",
+ "▁Sc re",
+ "▁R ivers",
+ "▁River s",
+ "▁Riv ers",
+ "▁Ri vers",
+ "▁dec ides",
+ "▁decide s",
+ "▁Hamp shire",
+ "at ement",
+ "ate ment",
+ "atem ent",
+ "▁Har vey",
+ "▁Play ers",
+ "▁Player s",
+ "▁Phill ips",
+ "▁Phillip s",
+ "▁law makers",
+ "▁Ed wards",
+ "▁Edward s",
+ "form ed",
+ "for med",
+ "▁neg lig",
+ "▁per mits",
+ "▁perm its",
+ "▁permit s",
+ "▁incor rect",
+ "fe ed",
+ "f eed",
+ "▁Lin ux",
+ "we r",
+ "w er",
+ "▁ste ep",
+ "sp ot",
+ "s pot",
+ "▁stat ute",
+ "▁lapt op",
+ "▁lap top",
+ "▁over look",
+ "▁overl ook",
+ "▁g rey",
+ "▁gr ey",
+ "▁gre y",
+ "ни е",
+ "▁disag ree",
+ "▁disagre e",
+ "▁where ver",
+ "▁di min",
+ "▁dim in",
+ "▁Ukrain ian",
+ "▁L ion",
+ "▁Li on",
+ "▁Pal m",
+ "▁free ly",
+ "▁fre ely",
+ "▁freel y",
+ "▁h older",
+ "▁hold er",
+ "▁hol der",
+ "▁ holder",
+ "F e",
+ "▁Pop ular",
+ "▁cor relation",
+ "▁correl ation",
+ "▁Med iterranean",
+ "▁W es",
+ "▁We s",
+ "bu ilt",
+ "▁F lore",
+ "▁Fl ore",
+ "▁Flor e",
+ "▁Flo re",
+ "▁Occ up",
+ "▁do ctrine",
+ "▁doct rine",
+ "▁doctr ine",
+ "▁character istic",
+ "▁s q",
+ "▁ sq",
+ "▁qu it",
+ "▁q uit",
+ "▁qui t",
+ "▁Cond itions",
+ "▁Condition s",
+ "▁B ear",
+ "▁Be ar",
+ "▁Bea r",
+ ") ",
+ "▁over l",
+ "ial og",
+ "ia log",
+ "▁C ities",
+ "▁Cit ies",
+ "▁Ci ties",
+ "ud ge",
+ "▁Ju lia",
+ "▁Jul ia",
+ "er als",
+ "eral s",
+ "era ls",
+ "▁demonstr ates",
+ "▁demonstrate s",
+ "L oad",
+ "▁introdu cing",
+ "▁share holders",
+ "▁shareholder s",
+ "Cont roller",
+ "Control ler",
+ "▁jump ed",
+ "▁end orse",
+ "▁endors e",
+ "▁expect s",
+ "▁tact ics",
+ "▁tactic s",
+ "To p",
+ "T op",
+ "▁bul let",
+ "▁bull et",
+ "▁ bullet",
+ "▁vacc ination",
+ "ag g",
+ "a gg",
+ "▁Sh ah",
+ "▁Sha h",
+ "IL E",
+ "I LE",
+ "▁f ortun",
+ "▁for tun",
+ "▁fort un",
+ "▁Us ers",
+ "▁Use rs",
+ "▁User s",
+ "▁ Users",
+ "▁travel ling",
+ "▁trav elling",
+ "▁beautiful ly",
+ "▁Tr ek",
+ "▁Tre k",
+ "▁decl are",
+ "und le",
+ "▁Del aware",
+ "op ped",
+ "opp ed",
+ "o pped",
+ "▁U P",
+ "▁ UP",
+ "anth rop",
+ "t i",
+ "▁M i",
+ "▁M AR",
+ "▁MA R",
+ "▁coll aps",
+ "▁surviv ors",
+ "▁survivor s",
+ "▁Hol iday",
+ "▁Wh atever",
+ "▁What ever",
+ "Ar g",
+ "▁propag anda",
+ "war t",
+ "wa rt",
+ "w art",
+ "▁grand father",
+ "Na v",
+ "N av",
+ "▁H at",
+ "▁Ha t",
+ "▁P ref",
+ "▁Pr ef",
+ "▁Pre f",
+ "▁ Pref",
+ "ful l",
+ "fu ll",
+ "f ull",
+ "▁M is",
+ "▁Mi s",
+ "▁pra ise",
+ "▁F REE",
+ "▁FR EE",
+ "▁med ieval",
+ "▁medi eval",
+ "ov o",
+ "o vo",
+ "▁in door",
+ "▁ind oor",
+ "▁indo or",
+ "la t",
+ "l at",
+ "▁F lash",
+ "▁Fl ash",
+ "▁Fla sh",
+ "▁G aza",
+ "▁Ga za",
+ "▁Gaz a",
+ "▁Mult i",
+ "▁Mul ti",
+ "ibl ical",
+ "ibli cal",
+ "st orm",
+ "sto rm",
+ "▁wr apped",
+ "▁wra pped",
+ "▁wrap ped",
+ "▁for cing",
+ "▁ forcing",
+ "▁vend ors",
+ "▁vendor s",
+ "▁star ring",
+ "▁const itute",
+ "▁constit ute",
+ "▁constitu te",
+ "econom ic",
+ "li sted",
+ "list ed",
+ "lis ted",
+ "l isted",
+ "▁purch ases",
+ "▁purchase s",
+ "▁decl aration",
+ "▁system atic",
+ "▁L ex",
+ "▁Le x",
+ "l n",
+ "▁t ender",
+ "▁te nder",
+ "▁ten der",
+ "▁tend er",
+ "on de",
+ "ond e",
+ "og enic",
+ "ogen ic",
+ "▁inf ring",
+ "▁p review",
+ "▁pre view",
+ "▁prev iew",
+ "L ayout",
+ "▁just ify",
+ "▁A CT",
+ "▁AC T",
+ "▁ ACT",
+ "▁Su ite",
+ "▁sent enced",
+ "▁sentence d",
+ "▁W rite",
+ "▁Writ e",
+ "▁ Write",
+ "▁ass ured",
+ "▁assure d",
+ "▁des erves",
+ "▁deserve s",
+ "ot ypes",
+ "otype s",
+ "otyp es",
+ "o types",
+ "▁gr ave",
+ "▁gra ve",
+ "▁ grave",
+ "▁A id",
+ "▁pre liminary",
+ "ER Y",
+ "E RY",
+ "▁D anny",
+ "▁Dan ny",
+ "▁garden s",
+ "▁gard ens",
+ "▁Mon itor",
+ "▁d rain",
+ "▁dra in",
+ "▁dr ain",
+ "▁val ued",
+ "▁value d",
+ "US A",
+ "U SA",
+ "iz ard",
+ "izar d",
+ "iza rd",
+ "▁List en",
+ "▁Li sten",
+ "▁Lis ten",
+ "▁R ice",
+ "▁Ric e",
+ "▁Ri ce",
+ "▁scen arios",
+ "▁scenario s",
+ "▁g rain",
+ "▁gr ain",
+ "▁gra in",
+ "▁Ar ray",
+ "▁ Array",
+ "▁ens ures",
+ "▁ensure s",
+ "▁sim ulation",
+ "Tr ue",
+ "The se",
+ "Th ese",
+ "▁un ders",
+ "▁under s",
+ "▁und ers",
+ "▁ unders",
+ "Ma t",
+ "M at",
+ "wh en",
+ "whe n",
+ "w hen",
+ "▁su bt",
+ "▁sub t",
+ "em it",
+ "emi t",
+ "e mit",
+ "re present",
+ "rep resent",
+ "um ble",
+ "umb le",
+ "▁S tri",
+ "▁St ri",
+ "▁Str i",
+ "St yle",
+ "Sty le",
+ "▁def ending",
+ "▁defend ing",
+ "▁compar able",
+ "▁Ch uck",
+ "//// ////",
+ "▁ple asant",
+ "▁pleas ant",
+ "▁ pleasant",
+ "ed e",
+ "e de",
+ "▁exc use",
+ "fo cus",
+ "f ocus",
+ "ic ons",
+ "ico ns",
+ "icon s",
+ "i cons",
+ "▁c aring",
+ "▁car ing",
+ "▁ca ring",
+ "▁N aval",
+ "▁Nav al",
+ "▁Na val",
+ "▁Or lando",
+ "▁sc roll",
+ "▁scr oll",
+ "▁ scroll",
+ "▁trans cript",
+ "▁transc ript",
+ "▁tran script",
+ "▁be ef",
+ "▁bee f",
+ "▁prem ier",
+ "▁premie r",
+ "▁rel atives",
+ "▁relative s",
+ "th an",
+ "tha n",
+ "t han",
+ "▁L ect",
+ "▁Le ct",
+ "▁che er",
+ "▁w ore",
+ "▁wor e",
+ "ze l",
+ "z el",
+ "▁p icks",
+ "▁pick s",
+ "▁pic ks",
+ "▁pi cks",
+ "sc ience",
+ "▁inter ventions",
+ "▁intervention s",
+ "▁G rey",
+ "▁Gr ey",
+ "▁Gre y",
+ "▁Al ways",
+ "▁l iable",
+ "▁li able",
+ "▁ liable",
+ "ancell or",
+ "ancel lor",
+ "ION S",
+ "IO NS",
+ "I ONS",
+ "▁sl ide",
+ "▁sli de",
+ "▁P rep",
+ "▁Pr ep",
+ "▁Pre p",
+ "▁B rief",
+ "▁Br ief",
+ "▁Bri ef",
+ "▁S weet",
+ "▁Swe et",
+ "▁margin al",
+ "▁marg inal",
+ "wi ki",
+ "w iki",
+ "▁protect ive",
+ "▁prote ctive",
+ "▁int ens",
+ "an ti",
+ "ant i",
+ "er ial",
+ "eria l",
+ "eri al",
+ "e rial",
+ "▁similar ly",
+ "▁s el",
+ "▁se l",
+ "▁ sel",
+ "▁o s",
+ "▁ os",
+ "N ull",
+ "air ed",
+ "ai red",
+ "aire d",
+ "a ired",
+ "oca ust",
+ "▁E ight",
+ "y d",
+ "▁N azi",
+ "▁Na zi",
+ "▁Naz i",
+ "▁Pat ients",
+ "▁Patient s",
+ "▁b earing",
+ "▁be aring",
+ "▁bear ing",
+ "▁ bearing",
+ "▁algorith ms",
+ "▁algorithm s",
+ "▁architect ural",
+ "math frak",
+ "▁J ake",
+ "▁Ja ke",
+ "▁Jak e",
+ "▁s pa",
+ "▁sp a",
+ "е т",
+ "includ eg",
+ "include g",
+ "▁dram atically",
+ "▁drama tically",
+ "▁dramatic ally",
+ "▁as semb",
+ "▁ass emb",
+ "includeg raphics",
+ "▁phys icians",
+ "▁physician s",
+ "▁physic ians",
+ "▁en zym",
+ "▁di git",
+ "▁dig it",
+ "▁ digit",
+ "▁contract or",
+ "▁contra ctor",
+ "▁ind ication",
+ "▁indic ation",
+ "es sa",
+ "ess a",
+ "▁prem ises",
+ "▁premise s",
+ "▁cl icking",
+ "▁click ing",
+ "▁econom ies",
+ "▁Pro test",
+ "▁Prot est",
+ "▁Prote st",
+ "▁com mented",
+ "▁comm ented",
+ "▁comment ed",
+ "▁F ra",
+ "▁Fr a",
+ "en gu",
+ "eng u",
+ "▁Buff alo",
+ "ie ne",
+ "ien e",
+ "i ene",
+ "▁p upp",
+ "▁pup p",
+ "▁pu pp",
+ "▁Plan et",
+ "▁sing les",
+ "▁single s",
+ "ro ot",
+ "r oot",
+ "▁Ar ena",
+ "▁Are na",
+ "▁Aren a",
+ "▁Imm igration",
+ "▁f ame",
+ "▁fam e",
+ "▁fa me",
+ "▁Wood s",
+ "▁Wo ods",
+ "▁ch ron",
+ "▁ chron",
+ "▁exerc ises",
+ "▁exercise s",
+ "ce ive",
+ "▁Jam ie",
+ "uss ian",
+ "ussia n",
+ "▁f older",
+ "▁fol der",
+ "▁fold er",
+ "▁ch arter",
+ "▁char ter",
+ "▁chart er",
+ "▁Mu ham",
+ "▁Wild life",
+ "▁W A",
+ "▁ WA",
+ "▁sur prisingly",
+ "▁surprising ly",
+ "Re l",
+ "R el",
+ "▁h int",
+ "▁hi nt",
+ "ol ine",
+ "oli ne",
+ "olin e",
+ "o line",
+ "▁B obby",
+ "▁Bob by",
+ "app ropri",
+ "appro pri",
+ "▁ass ists",
+ "▁assist s",
+ "▁о т",
+ "conn ected",
+ "connect ed",
+ "▁human itarian",
+ "St r",
+ "S tr",
+ "▁f itting",
+ "▁fit ting",
+ "▁fi tting",
+ "ur ring",
+ "ien na",
+ "i enna",
+ "▁show case",
+ "▁showc ase",
+ "ow ner",
+ "own er",
+ "▁b ones",
+ "▁bo nes",
+ "▁bon es",
+ "▁bone s",
+ "▁trade mark",
+ "▁tradem ark",
+ "R NA",
+ "nu mber",
+ "num ber",
+ "n umber",
+ "▁b alls",
+ "▁ball s",
+ "▁bal ls",
+ "▁ balls",
+ "am ation",
+ "▁gr aduates",
+ "▁gradu ates",
+ "▁graduate s",
+ "Da y",
+ "D ay",
+ "▁revolution ary",
+ "▁read ily",
+ "▁Ev idence",
+ "▁manufact ured",
+ "▁manufacture d",
+ "▁D IS",
+ "▁DI S",
+ "▁ DIS",
+ "O ct",
+ "▁conf erences",
+ "▁conference s",
+ "▁constra ints",
+ "▁constraint s",
+ "▁E t",
+ "▁d ental",
+ "▁den tal",
+ "▁dent al",
+ "▁C risis",
+ "▁Cris is",
+ "▁An im",
+ "▁proceed s",
+ "de b",
+ "d eb",
+ "▁civil ians",
+ "▁civilian s",
+ "as hi",
+ "ash i",
+ "a shi",
+ "▁Er n",
+ "▁Op eration",
+ "▁Oper ation",
+ "▁ Operation",
+ "▁St yle",
+ "▁Sty le",
+ "▁ Style",
+ "▁sent ences",
+ "▁sentence s",
+ "IA N",
+ "I AN",
+ "л і",
+ "▁support ive",
+ "▁f are",
+ "▁far e",
+ "▁fa re",
+ "▁ fare",
+ "▁Bangl adesh",
+ "col umn",
+ "▁ed itors",
+ "▁editor s",
+ "▁edit ors",
+ "▁L ower",
+ "▁Lo wer",
+ "▁Low er",
+ "▁Lowe r",
+ "▁b ail",
+ "▁ba il",
+ "▁l en",
+ "▁le n",
+ "▁ len",
+ "▁Cl ose",
+ "▁Clos e",
+ "▁ Close",
+ "▁l un",
+ "▁sp reading",
+ "▁spread ing",
+ "▁t rim",
+ "▁tr im",
+ "▁tri m",
+ "▁b ases",
+ "▁bas es",
+ "▁base s",
+ "▁ba ses",
+ "▁gu ides",
+ "▁guid es",
+ "▁guide s",
+ "Te ch",
+ "T ech",
+ "ul atory",
+ "ulator y",
+ "▁Per iod",
+ "▁Mer cedes",
+ "▁opt ional",
+ "▁option al",
+ "▁ optional",
+ "▁E ye",
+ "▁Ey e",
+ "lang le",
+ "l angle",
+ "N O",
+ "ac ies",
+ "a cies",
+ "De s",
+ "D es",
+ "▁Z one",
+ "▁Ch oice",
+ "▁Cho ice",
+ "▁Rich mond",
+ "▁expl ored",
+ "▁explore d",
+ "▁explo red",
+ "▁explor ed",
+ "▁build s",
+ "▁cr uel",
+ "▁cru el",
+ "▁Y e",
+ "ch ant",
+ "chan t",
+ "cha nt",
+ "▁scr ut",
+ "▁Glas gow",
+ "▁l ap",
+ "▁la p",
+ "an cers",
+ "ance rs",
+ "anc ers",
+ "ancer s",
+ "▁es cal",
+ "▁esc al",
+ "▁Leg end",
+ "▁M R",
+ "▁ MR",
+ "▁s ever",
+ "▁se ver",
+ "▁g ray",
+ "▁gr ay",
+ "▁gra y",
+ "ow ners",
+ "own ers",
+ "owner s",
+ "{ {",
+ "▁B B",
+ "▁ BB",
+ "▁cre ator",
+ "▁creat or",
+ "▁K il",
+ "▁Ki l",
+ "ou ble",
+ "oub le",
+ "o uble",
+ "us her",
+ "ush er",
+ "▁sens ors",
+ "▁sensor s",
+ "▁W ag",
+ "▁Wa g",
+ "▁t ends",
+ "▁ten ds",
+ "▁tend s",
+ "▁Adv enture",
+ "▁Advent ure",
+ "ot imes",
+ "oti mes",
+ "o times",
+ "▁not ification",
+ "ne x",
+ "n ex",
+ "▁K le",
+ "▁Kl e",
+ "ful ness",
+ "fam ily",
+ "f amily",
+ "go vernment",
+ "▁sequ ences",
+ "▁sequence s",
+ "ban k",
+ "b ank",
+ "▁ca ution",
+ "▁caut ion",
+ "▁dist inguished",
+ "▁distingu ished",
+ "▁distinguish ed",
+ "▁` ``",
+ "▁`` `",
+ "▁acc us",
+ "▁ac cus",
+ "▁Def ence",
+ "▁Medic are",
+ "▁k in",
+ "▁ kin",
+ "▁sl ip",
+ "▁sli p",
+ "o qu",
+ "m t",
+ "▁Te aching",
+ "▁Tea ching",
+ "▁Teach ing",
+ "▁t win",
+ "▁tw in",
+ "▁un lock",
+ "▁ex empt",
+ "▁c omics",
+ "▁com ics",
+ "▁comic s",
+ "Bl ack",
+ "Po s",
+ "P os",
+ "▁cr ops",
+ "▁cro ps",
+ "▁crop s",
+ "▁p reference",
+ "▁pre ference",
+ "▁prefer ence",
+ "▁pref erence",
+ "re move",
+ "rem ove",
+ "▁C ensus",
+ "at is",
+ "ati s",
+ "oon s",
+ "oo ns",
+ "o ons",
+ "▁brut al",
+ "▁bru tal",
+ "be y",
+ "b ey",
+ "▁F ri",
+ "▁Fr i",
+ "▁Ro gers",
+ "▁Rog ers",
+ "▁Roger s",
+ "▁p rost",
+ "▁pro st",
+ "▁pr ost",
+ "▁pros t",
+ "tr e",
+ "t re",
+ "▁z ones",
+ "▁zone s",
+ "▁strict ly",
+ "▁prec ision",
+ "▁d iver",
+ "▁di ver",
+ "▁div er",
+ "▁dive r",
+ "fil l",
+ "fi ll",
+ "f ill",
+ "ew s",
+ "e ws",
+ "▁Re ply",
+ "▁Rep ly",
+ "▁Repl y",
+ "▁meas uring",
+ "▁п ри",
+ "▁pre scription",
+ "▁pres cription",
+ "▁presc ription",
+ "re sa",
+ "res a",
+ ") ^",
+ "▁conv ince",
+ "▁convin ce",
+ "▁convinc e",
+ "▁Rel igion",
+ "il ia",
+ "ili a",
+ "i lia",
+ "▁acc idents",
+ "▁accident s",
+ "▁Y u",
+ "De c",
+ "D ec",
+ "▁disapp eared",
+ "▁disappear ed",
+ "os ity",
+ "osit y",
+ "osi ty",
+ "▁Heb rew",
+ "▁g aining",
+ "▁gain ing",
+ "▁ga ining",
+ "PD F",
+ "P DF",
+ "▁Return s",
+ "▁design ing",
+ "pa yers",
+ "pay ers",
+ "payer s",
+ "▁b acking",
+ "▁back ing",
+ "▁A x",
+ "▁A ctive",
+ "▁Act ive",
+ "▁Activ e",
+ "▁ Active",
+ "▁v intage",
+ "▁de ployment",
+ "▁deploy ment",
+ "ic ht",
+ "ich t",
+ "i cht",
+ "▁H unt",
+ "▁Hu nt",
+ "▁Hun t",
+ "▁harm ful",
+ "▁Cl are",
+ "▁Clar e",
+ "▁Cla re",
+ "CO N",
+ "C ON",
+ "▁p orts",
+ "▁port s",
+ "▁por ts",
+ "▁ ports",
+ "RE F",
+ "R EF",
+ "▁H ait",
+ "▁Ha it",
+ "Cre ate",
+ "Creat e",
+ "▁for ty",
+ "▁fort y",
+ "▁t oss",
+ "▁to ss",
+ "▁aff air",
+ "▁af fair",
+ "Att ribute",
+ "er ts",
+ "ert s",
+ "▁C ha",
+ "▁Ch a",
+ "▁r ows",
+ "▁ro ws",
+ "▁row s",
+ "▁ rows",
+ "~ ~",
+ "▁F at",
+ "▁Fa t",
+ "▁Imp erial",
+ "▁Imper ial",
+ "▁t el",
+ "▁te l",
+ "▁ tel",
+ "▁E nc",
+ "▁En c",
+ "▁ Enc",
+ "er ie",
+ "eri e",
+ "e rie",
+ "▁Dis cover",
+ "▁Disc over",
+ "▁L ik",
+ "▁Li k",
+ "▁R ac",
+ "▁Ra c",
+ "en te",
+ "ent e",
+ "▁m elt",
+ "▁me lt",
+ "▁mel t",
+ "▁ â",
+ "▁m ature",
+ "▁mat ure",
+ "▁r ivers",
+ "▁ri vers",
+ "▁river s",
+ "▁riv ers",
+ "▁ rivers",
+ "up date",
+ "▁Sche dule",
+ "▁Sched ule",
+ "ab ul",
+ "a bul",
+ "▁app ar",
+ "▁ap par",
+ "ion ed",
+ "io ned",
+ "ione d",
+ "i oned",
+ "▁V ik",
+ "▁Vi k",
+ "▁Veter ans",
+ "▁Veteran s",
+ "▁P le",
+ "▁Pl e",
+ "▁threat ening",
+ "▁threaten ing",
+ "▁ threatening",
+ "▁inev itable",
+ "▁the rapeutic",
+ "▁Bas ic",
+ "▁Ba sic",
+ "▁ult ra",
+ "▁ul tra",
+ "▁par ish",
+ "▁pa rish",
+ "▁L E",
+ "▁ LE",
+ "▁Fe atures",
+ "▁Feat ures",
+ "▁Feature s",
+ "▁a men",
+ "▁am en",
+ "▁ amen",
+ "▁figure d",
+ "▁fig ured",
+ "▁figur ed",
+ "▁comprom ise",
+ "▁K ill",
+ "▁Kil l",
+ "▁Ki ll",
+ "▁pe dest",
+ "▁ped est",
+ "uk i",
+ "u ki",
+ "▁т а",
+ "▁ та",
+ "um my",
+ "umm y",
+ "▁M ix",
+ "▁Mi x",
+ "▁h iding",
+ "▁hi ding",
+ "▁hid ing",
+ "▁comp lement",
+ "▁compl ement",
+ "▁book ing",
+ "▁bo oking",
+ "▁boo king",
+ "▁r het",
+ "▁rh et",
+ "▁rhe t",
+ "▁ju ice",
+ "▁Jeff rey",
+ "fo nt",
+ "f ont",
+ "▁l ifted",
+ "▁lif ted",
+ "▁lift ed",
+ "▁Strateg ic",
+ "▁t ags",
+ "▁tag s",
+ "▁ta gs",
+ "▁ tags",
+ "▁bre athing",
+ "▁breat hing",
+ "▁breath ing",
+ "▁c otton",
+ "▁H us",
+ "▁Hu s",
+ "▁f ond",
+ "▁fo nd",
+ "▁Re uters",
+ "▁ Reuters",
+ "▁N orman",
+ "▁Nor man",
+ "▁Norm an",
+ "▁dis advant",
+ "ah o",
+ "a ho",
+ "ob j",
+ "ount ered",
+ "oun tered",
+ "ounter ed",
+ "▁distinct ive",
+ "if icent",
+ "ific ent",
+ "ifice nt",
+ "ifi cent",
+ "▁accur ately",
+ "▁accurate ly",
+ "▁line up",
+ "▁p ipe",
+ "▁pip e",
+ "▁pi pe",
+ "▁Per fect",
+ "olit ical",
+ "oli tical",
+ "▁In spect",
+ "▁Ins pect",
+ "▁Insp ect",
+ "▁Qu ant",
+ "▁be aches",
+ "▁beach es",
+ "R ight",
+ "▁W ere",
+ "▁We re",
+ "▁Wer e",
+ "ll a",
+ "l la",
+ "▁In tel",
+ "▁Int el",
+ "gh ai",
+ "e i",
+ "▁G len",
+ "▁Gl en",
+ "▁Gle n",
+ "▁Applic ations",
+ "▁Application s",
+ "▁Appl ications",
+ "▁Cas ino",
+ "▁S outheast",
+ "▁South east",
+ "▁Sout heast",
+ "▁b icy",
+ "▁bi cy",
+ "▁C ant",
+ "▁Can t",
+ "▁Ca nt",
+ "ho u",
+ "h ou",
+ "ur ious",
+ "uri ous",
+ "bi e",
+ "b ie",
+ "▁var ying",
+ "▁vary ing",
+ "▁va rying",
+ "▁phot ograp",
+ "i w",
+ "▁W HO",
+ "▁WH O",
+ "cl osed",
+ "close d",
+ "Bl ock",
+ "B lock",
+ "▁b rick",
+ "▁br ick",
+ "▁bri ck",
+ "▁Gi ants",
+ "▁Giant s",
+ "▁Gian ts",
+ "▁Re becca",
+ "▁catal og",
+ "bu s",
+ "b us",
+ "om i",
+ "o mi",
+ "▁s urgical",
+ "▁surg ical",
+ "▁pro secution",
+ "▁prosecut ion",
+ "▁prosec ution",
+ "N E",
+ "▁cont acted",
+ "▁contact ed",
+ "▁Phot ography",
+ "▁Photograph y",
+ "be it",
+ "▁fe eding",
+ "▁feed ing",
+ "▁fee ding",
+ "▁ feeding",
+ "▁cool ing",
+ "▁Act ually",
+ "Acc ess",
+ "Ac cess",
+ "A ccess",
+ "▁enc ountered",
+ "▁encounter ed",
+ "▁Four th",
+ "▁w ings",
+ "▁win gs",
+ "▁wing s",
+ "▁S imple",
+ "▁Sim ple",
+ "▁Orig inally",
+ "▁Original ly",
+ "▁Origin ally",
+ "▁b ay",
+ "▁ba y",
+ "▁ bay",
+ "▁B rist",
+ "▁Br ist",
+ "▁Bris t",
+ "▁Bri st",
+ "of t",
+ "o ft",
+ "▁g ods",
+ "▁go ds",
+ "▁god s",
+ "▁contin uously",
+ "▁continu ously",
+ "▁continuous ly",
+ "▁Albert a",
+ "▁Alber ta",
+ "▁B ud",
+ "▁Bu d",
+ "▁terror ists",
+ "▁terrorist s",
+ "▁M ann",
+ "▁Man n",
+ "▁Ma nn",
+ "▁pre jud",
+ "▁air line",
+ "place ment",
+ "▁B lake",
+ "▁Bl ake",
+ "▁tob acco",
+ "▁Tour ism",
+ "▁function ing",
+ "▁Sustain able",
+ "▁wond ered",
+ "▁wonder ed",
+ "▁reli ability",
+ "se tt",
+ "set t",
+ "s ett",
+ "al ink",
+ "alin k",
+ "a link",
+ "▁m eth",
+ "▁me th",
+ "▁met h",
+ "▁C urt",
+ "▁Cur t",
+ "▁Cu rt",
+ "▁Ju lie",
+ "▁Jul ie",
+ "▁grand mother",
+ "▁d oses",
+ "▁do ses",
+ "▁dose s",
+ "▁dos es",
+ "▁vel ocity",
+ "▁mon ument",
+ "▁pre de",
+ "▁pr ede",
+ "▁pred e",
+ "▁im press",
+ "▁imp ress",
+ "▁recruit ment",
+ "▁D rama",
+ "▁Dr ama",
+ "▁Dra ma",
+ "▁Dram a",
+ "▁c omo",
+ "▁com o",
+ "▁co mo",
+ "▁re ck",
+ "▁rec k",
+ "▁ reck",
+ "▁the ft",
+ "in ces",
+ "ince s",
+ "inc es",
+ "i nces",
+ "IM E",
+ "I ME",
+ "▁imp acted",
+ "▁impact ed",
+ "▁tal ents",
+ "▁talent s",
+ "categ orized",
+ "▁fin anc",
+ "▁repl acing",
+ "▁former ly",
+ "▁ formerly",
+ "V ersion",
+ "▁Cons ervative",
+ "▁Conserv ative",
+ "▁ded ication",
+ "▁pl ates",
+ "▁plate s",
+ "▁plat es",
+ "▁pla tes",
+ "▁P ink",
+ "▁Pin k",
+ "▁mod ify",
+ "ri ction",
+ "rict ion",
+ "r iction",
+ "um bai",
+ "umb ai",
+ "M I",
+ "la te",
+ "lat e",
+ "l ate",
+ "▁mod est",
+ "▁mode st",
+ "▁mo dest",
+ "▁modes t",
+ "let ion",
+ "▁t ropical",
+ "▁trop ical",
+ "▁cast le",
+ "▁cas tle",
+ "▁ castle",
+ "▁back up",
+ "▁K itchen",
+ "▁Kit chen",
+ "pe red",
+ "per ed",
+ "p ered",
+ "ed ed",
+ "ede d",
+ "e ded",
+ "om eter",
+ "ome ter",
+ "omet er",
+ "o meter",
+ "▁f rames",
+ "▁fr ames",
+ "▁fram es",
+ "▁fra mes",
+ "▁frame s",
+ "▁ frames",
+ "▁j ournals",
+ "▁journal s",
+ "▁pe net",
+ "▁pen et",
+ "▁histor ically",
+ "▁historical ly",
+ "▁historic ally",
+ "▁b ind",
+ "▁bi nd",
+ "▁bin d",
+ "▁ bind",
+ "ri ties",
+ "rit ies",
+ "r ities",
+ "▁K an",
+ "▁Ka n",
+ "Fil ter",
+ "uten ant",
+ "mit ting",
+ "mi tting",
+ "mitt ing",
+ "m itting",
+ "▁list ened",
+ "▁listen ed",
+ "▁C V",
+ "▁ CV",
+ "au kee",
+ "▁ass uming",
+ "▁assum ing",
+ "▁b eds",
+ "▁be ds",
+ "▁bed s",
+ "▁col ours",
+ "▁colour s",
+ "▁analyst s",
+ "▁analys ts",
+ "▁h unt",
+ "▁hun t",
+ "▁D ad",
+ "▁Da d",
+ "▁B asket",
+ "▁Bas ket",
+ "▁table t",
+ "▁tab let",
+ "ic ion",
+ "ici on",
+ "ins ula",
+ "▁l ips",
+ "▁li ps",
+ "▁lip s",
+ "▁con clusions",
+ "▁conclusion s",
+ "▁respond ents",
+ "▁respondent s",
+ "he ster",
+ "hes ter",
+ "hest er",
+ "h ester",
+ "▁F unction",
+ "▁Fun ction",
+ "▁ Function",
+ "▁U T",
+ "▁ UT",
+ "▁ob taining",
+ "▁obtain ing",
+ "ho r",
+ "h or",
+ "as is",
+ "asi s",
+ "a sis",
+ "▁T ol",
+ "▁To l",
+ "▁mag azines",
+ "▁magazine s",
+ "▁account ability",
+ "▁G B",
+ "▁ GB",
+ "▁incorpor ate",
+ "\"> \r",
+ "\" >\r",
+ "am bers",
+ "amb ers",
+ "amber s",
+ "▁excess ive",
+ "▁m asks",
+ "▁mask s",
+ "▁mas ks",
+ "pa per",
+ "p aper",
+ "▁J ar",
+ "▁Ja r",
+ "▁Re yn",
+ "▁Rey n",
+ "pro file",
+ "prof ile",
+ "▁Sher iff",
+ "▁com prises",
+ "▁compris es",
+ "▁comprise s",
+ "▁y e",
+ "▁ ye",
+ "▁K ash",
+ "▁Ka sh",
+ "▁Kas h",
+ "▁att itudes",
+ "▁attitude s",
+ "п а",
+ "sa l",
+ "s al",
+ "▁BM W",
+ "▁V acc",
+ "▁Vac c",
+ "▁Va cc",
+ "▁Chem istry",
+ "▁E asy",
+ "▁Eas y",
+ "▁polit ically",
+ "▁political ly",
+ "▁V el",
+ "▁Ve l",
+ "▁devast ating",
+ "▁sym met",
+ "bon e",
+ "bo ne",
+ "b one",
+ "st ud",
+ "▁w ound",
+ "co tt",
+ "cot t",
+ "c ott",
+ "▁en rolled",
+ "▁enroll ed",
+ "▁sp atial",
+ "▁spat ial",
+ "> >",
+ "▁bu yer",
+ "▁buy er",
+ "▁Car los",
+ "▁Carl os",
+ "▁Carlo s",
+ "▁Art ists",
+ "▁Artist s",
+ "▁Am sterdam",
+ "N G",
+ "▁Star ting",
+ "▁Start ing",
+ "▁tre asure",
+ "Su pp",
+ "S upp",
+ "▁floor s",
+ "▁flo ors",
+ "▁s ends",
+ "▁sen ds",
+ "▁send s",
+ "▁r otation",
+ "▁rot ation",
+ "ge bra",
+ "geb ra",
+ "▁ag rees",
+ "▁agre es",
+ "▁agree s",
+ "}, \\",
+ "} ,\\",
+ "mod ule",
+ "mo dule",
+ "▁t heat",
+ "▁the at",
+ "▁w ard",
+ "▁war d",
+ "▁wa rd",
+ "▁ ward",
+ "UN D",
+ "U ND",
+ "▁unnecess ary",
+ "ka r",
+ "k ar",
+ "▁hab itat",
+ "▁habit at",
+ "▁b iod",
+ "▁bi od",
+ "▁bio d",
+ "▁p unch",
+ "▁pun ch",
+ "H O",
+ "oot s",
+ "oo ts",
+ "o ots",
+ "▁ob j",
+ "▁ obj",
+ "com plete",
+ "comp lete",
+ "compl ete",
+ "[ \"",
+ "un finished",
+ "▁B A",
+ "▁ BA",
+ "▁R alph",
+ "▁D ylan",
+ "▁Dy lan",
+ "▁loc als",
+ "▁local s",
+ "P P",
+ "▁access ories",
+ "var phi",
+ "▁B ott",
+ "▁Bo tt",
+ "▁Bot t",
+ "▁Ed ge",
+ "sys tem",
+ "s ystem",
+ "▁B ald",
+ "▁Bal d",
+ "▁Ba ld",
+ "▁tra gic",
+ "od er",
+ "ode r",
+ "o der",
+ "▁F oster",
+ "▁Fo ster",
+ "if iers",
+ "ifier s",
+ "ifi ers",
+ "▁e ru",
+ "▁er u",
+ "▁circ les",
+ "▁circle s",
+ "▁cir cles",
+ "s i",
+ "MA N",
+ "M AN",
+ "ah oo",
+ "aho o",
+ "▁Arab ic",
+ "ser ver",
+ "s erver",
+ "rib utes",
+ "ribut es",
+ "ribute s",
+ "▁re med",
+ "▁r emed",
+ "▁rem ed",
+ "▁murder ed",
+ "▁murd ered",
+ "▁Dis covery",
+ "▁Disc overy",
+ "▁Discover y",
+ "▁sugg estion",
+ "▁suggest ion",
+ "▁M ans",
+ "▁Man s",
+ "▁Ma ns",
+ "▁B anks",
+ "▁Bank s",
+ "▁Ban ks",
+ "▁hon our",
+ "▁att ributed",
+ "▁attribut ed",
+ "▁attribute d",
+ "qu al",
+ "q ual",
+ "am y",
+ "a my",
+ "▁r oster",
+ "▁ro ster",
+ "▁о б",
+ "is chen",
+ "isc hen",
+ "isch en",
+ "ische n",
+ "▁init iated",
+ "▁initi ated",
+ "▁initiate d",
+ "▁EX P",
+ "▁Top ics",
+ "▁Topic s",
+ "▁L inks",
+ "▁Link s",
+ "▁Lin ks",
+ "▁prohib ited",
+ "▁prohibit ed",
+ "ph ant",
+ "pha nt",
+ "phan t",
+ "▁E PA",
+ "▁EP A",
+ "▁a wa",
+ "▁aw a",
+ "▁ awa",
+ "▁val ley",
+ "effect ive",
+ "$ $",
+ "Bu ffer",
+ "B uffer",
+ "ac tic",
+ "act ic",
+ "a ctic",
+ "▁organ ised",
+ "▁organis ed",
+ "▁organise d",
+ "ld ots",
+ "l dots",
+ "▁He at",
+ "▁b ears",
+ "▁be ars",
+ "▁bear s",
+ "▁shock ed",
+ "man s",
+ "ma ns",
+ "m ans",
+ "▁Citiz ens",
+ "▁Citizen s",
+ "▁Ok ay",
+ "▁ Okay",
+ "▁k icked",
+ "▁kick ed",
+ "▁H ack",
+ "▁Ha ck",
+ "▁r ack",
+ "▁ra ck",
+ "▁rac k",
+ "▁ rack",
+ "▁br oker",
+ "▁bro ker",
+ "▁broke r",
+ "cl ip",
+ "▁Rod rig",
+ "▁stat utory",
+ "▁f led",
+ "▁fl ed",
+ "▁fle d",
+ "▁min eral",
+ "▁mine ral",
+ "▁spe eds",
+ "▁speed s",
+ "▁pur suit",
+ "▁pursu it",
+ "▁purs uit",
+ "▁в о",
+ "▁ во",
+ "▁m asses",
+ "▁mass es",
+ "▁mas ses",
+ "▁enjoy able",
+ "▁K on",
+ "▁Ko n",
+ "id ity",
+ "idi ty",
+ "▁Publ isher",
+ "ro d",
+ "r od",
+ "▁ex empl",
+ "▁/* !",
+ "▁occ urring",
+ "▁occur ring",
+ "▁Hol land",
+ "▁Holl and",
+ "do ors",
+ "door s",
+ "▁remind s",
+ "sk y",
+ "s ky",
+ "ra nd",
+ "ran d",
+ "r and",
+ "▁r ings",
+ "▁ring s",
+ "▁ rings",
+ "!! !!",
+ "!!! !",
+ "! !!!",
+ "▁Mc Donald",
+ "▁comp aring",
+ "▁compar ing",
+ "ia sm",
+ "ias m",
+ "i asm",
+ "▁Method s",
+ "▁Meth ods",
+ "▁supp lier",
+ "▁advent ures",
+ "▁adventure s",
+ "▁Sp ons",
+ "▁Ab stract",
+ "▁ Abstract",
+ "Get ty",
+ "Ge tty",
+ "ock ets",
+ "ocket s",
+ "▁Par ad",
+ "▁Pa rad",
+ "▁Columb us",
+ "▁T ab",
+ "▁Ta b",
+ "▁ Tab",
+ "▁Con vers",
+ "▁Conv ers",
+ "▁in k",
+ "▁ ink",
+ "em ia",
+ "emi a",
+ "e mia",
+ "an cies",
+ "anc ies",
+ "▁emer ge",
+ "he et",
+ "hee t",
+ "▁st rings",
+ "▁str ings",
+ "▁string s",
+ "yl l",
+ "y ll",
+ "▁rem inder",
+ "▁remind er",
+ "▁ur gent",
+ "▁urg ent",
+ "▁urge nt",
+ "▁m ales",
+ "▁male s",
+ "▁mal es",
+ "▁ma les",
+ "▁b uzz",
+ "▁bu zz",
+ "▁f ür",
+ "▁rel uct",
+ "mi ll",
+ "mil l",
+ "m ill",
+ "▁Bapt ist",
+ "▁bes ides",
+ "▁beside s",
+ "F P",
+ "▁m eta",
+ "▁me ta",
+ "▁met a",
+ "▁ meta",
+ "▁F eed",
+ "▁Fe ed",
+ "▁Fee d",
+ "▁ Feed",
+ "▁p el",
+ "▁pe l",
+ "▁ pel",
+ "▁a us",
+ "▁au s",
+ "▁ aus",
+ "▁real m",
+ "Do wn",
+ "D own",
+ "▁Al fred",
+ "▁Alf red",
+ "▁Coal ition",
+ "zi ng",
+ "z ing",
+ "et own",
+ "eto wn",
+ "e town",
+ "▁con tra",
+ "▁cont ra",
+ "▁saf egu",
+ "▁safe gu",
+ "E U",
+ "▁ill um",
+ "▁Pot ter",
+ "▁mon ster",
+ "▁administ ered",
+ "▁administer ed",
+ "o j",
+ "Cl ick",
+ "C lick",
+ "▁d uo",
+ "▁du o",
+ "▁flo ating",
+ "▁float ing",
+ "▁Under standing",
+ "▁Understand ing",
+ "▁over d",
+ "▁ov erd",
+ "Fun ction",
+ "F unction",
+ "▁Har per",
+ "▁ret ro",
+ "▁Ambass ador",
+ "▁Am anda",
+ "▁ton gue",
+ "▁tong ue",
+ "▁N HL",
+ "▁NH L",
+ "bor der",
+ "b order",
+ "▁R acing",
+ "▁Ra cing",
+ "▁Rac ing",
+ "▁b inary",
+ "▁bin ary",
+ "▁att ractions",
+ "▁attract ions",
+ "▁attraction s",
+ "▁Represent atives",
+ "▁Representative s",
+ "▁plaint iff",
+ "ib an",
+ "iba n",
+ "i ban",
+ "ou rt",
+ "our t",
+ "o urt",
+ "▁S ays",
+ "▁Sa ys",
+ "▁Say s",
+ "▁Leon ard",
+ "▁Josh ua",
+ "▁Jos hua",
+ "▁mix ing",
+ "▁s word",
+ "▁sw ord",
+ "▁swo rd",
+ "Qu e",
+ "Q ue",
+ "▁с е",
+ "▁ се",
+ "▁re ass",
+ "li t",
+ "l it",
+ "▁Jo el",
+ "▁Joe l",
+ "▁C lient",
+ "▁Cl ient",
+ "▁Cli ent",
+ "▁ Client",
+ "▁C hart",
+ "▁Ch art",
+ "▁Char t",
+ "▁Cha rt",
+ "act iv",
+ "▁capital ism",
+ "in yl",
+ "iny l",
+ "▁In to",
+ "▁Int o",
+ "г а",
+ "▁ar tic",
+ "▁art ic",
+ "▁Beh ind",
+ "▁Brazil ian",
+ "ch air",
+ "cha ir",
+ "R ow",
+ "▁Fr ances",
+ "▁Franc es",
+ "▁France s",
+ "▁Fra nces",
+ "▁Fran ces",
+ "▁cl arity",
+ "▁clar ity",
+ "▁cla rity",
+ "▁efficient ly",
+ "▁m apping",
+ "▁map ping",
+ "▁ma pping",
+ "▁L uck",
+ "▁Lu ck",
+ "▁Luc k",
+ "ce land",
+ "cel and",
+ "c eland",
+ "▁pen alties",
+ "▁penal ties",
+ "▁R A",
+ "▁ RA",
+ "▁H ERE",
+ "▁HE RE",
+ "▁HER E",
+ "Ac c",
+ "A cc",
+ "as ted",
+ "ast ed",
+ "aste d",
+ "a sted",
+ "et ta",
+ "ett a",
+ "e tta",
+ "▁h orn",
+ "▁hor n",
+ "▁ horn",
+ "oot ing",
+ "oo ting",
+ "o oting",
+ "▁tr ump",
+ "▁tru mp",
+ "▁ess ays",
+ "▁essay s",
+ "▁Know ledge",
+ "▁C olin",
+ "▁Col in",
+ "▁Co lin",
+ "▁tr illion",
+ "uit s",
+ "ui ts",
+ "u its",
+ "▁cloud s",
+ "▁clo uds",
+ "▁ill eg",
+ "▁il leg",
+ "▁tri umph",
+ "▁vit amin",
+ "▁ch airs",
+ "▁chair s",
+ "▁cha irs",
+ "cast le",
+ "cas tle",
+ "▁TH IS",
+ "▁Viol ence",
+ "▁am bass",
+ "▁amb ass",
+ "▁R idge",
+ "▁Rid ge",
+ "▁se gments",
+ "▁segment s",
+ "▁seg ments",
+ "TO N",
+ "T ON",
+ "▁Prot ect",
+ "▁Prote ct",
+ "▁ESP N",
+ "ke es",
+ "kee s",
+ "k ees",
+ "▁c oin",
+ "▁co in",
+ "▁ coin",
+ "▁Venezuel a",
+ "ub lished",
+ "ubl ished",
+ "▁ev ac",
+ "▁ex cluded",
+ "▁exclud ed",
+ "▁exclude d",
+ "he nd",
+ "hen d",
+ "h end",
+ "▁Re venue",
+ "▁Reven ue",
+ "uss els",
+ "Pa l",
+ "P al",
+ "▁en comp",
+ "▁enc omp",
+ "▁n erve",
+ "▁nerv e",
+ "in ance",
+ "ina nce",
+ "▁be side",
+ "▁bes ide",
+ "▁ret rie",
+ "▁s heets",
+ "▁she ets",
+ "▁sheet s",
+ "▁s olving",
+ "▁sol ving",
+ "Ap r",
+ "A pr",
+ "▁d as",
+ "▁da s",
+ "▁S oci",
+ "▁So ci",
+ "▁Soc i",
+ "▁d irt",
+ "▁di rt",
+ "▁dir t",
+ "▁Pres idential",
+ "▁President ial",
+ "▁withdraw al",
+ "su per",
+ "sup er",
+ "▁lad ies",
+ "▁a esthetic",
+ "▁aest hetic",
+ "▁should ers",
+ "▁shoulder s",
+ "▁H orse",
+ "▁Hor se",
+ "pr ef",
+ "pre f",
+ "p ref",
+ "w aukee",
+ "▁Com edy",
+ "▁Come dy",
+ "▁stre ams",
+ "▁stream s",
+ "▁O t",
+ "▁fro zen",
+ "▁La uren",
+ "▁Laure n",
+ "▁Laur en",
+ "▁Lau ren",
+ "▁p ortal",
+ "▁port al",
+ "▁por tal",
+ "▁det ention",
+ "▁is t",
+ "▁i st",
+ "▁ ist",
+ "Che ck",
+ "▁st ones",
+ "▁stone s",
+ "▁ stones",
+ "▁in cons",
+ "▁inc ons",
+ "▁incon s",
+ "▁p iv",
+ "▁pi v",
+ "▁G ender",
+ "▁Ge nder",
+ "▁Gen der",
+ "▁F ul",
+ "▁Fu l",
+ "▁separ ately",
+ "▁separate ly",
+ "▁s eal",
+ "▁se al",
+ "▁sea l",
+ "▁Gu est",
+ "pro du",
+ "prod u",
+ "p rodu",
+ "▁concent rations",
+ "▁concentration s",
+ "▁M oz",
+ "▁Mo z",
+ "▁t anks",
+ "▁tank s",
+ "▁tan ks",
+ "▁B order",
+ "▁Bor der",
+ "▁ Border",
+ "S W",
+ "▁Eth ics",
+ "▁tun nel",
+ "▁rel ates",
+ "▁relate s",
+ "▁f ighters",
+ "▁fight ers",
+ "▁fighter s",
+ "▁M ario",
+ "▁Mar io",
+ "▁Ma rio",
+ "▁Mari o",
+ "in ned",
+ "inn ed",
+ "oun ge",
+ "o unge",
+ "▁comm ander",
+ "▁command er",
+ "▁integ rate",
+ "▁integr ate",
+ "▁ridic ulous",
+ "▁dis cont",
+ "▁disc ont",
+ "▁disco nt",
+ "▁ass isted",
+ "▁assist ed",
+ "▁em pire",
+ "▁empir e",
+ "▁emp ire",
+ "▁T rain",
+ "▁Tr ain",
+ "▁Tra in",
+ "ie ns",
+ "ien s",
+ "i ens",
+ "prot otype",
+ "le en",
+ "lee n",
+ "l een",
+ "▁U pper",
+ "▁Up per",
+ "▁magn itude",
+ "am ous",
+ "amo us",
+ "%) ,",
+ "% ),",
+ "▁t ooth",
+ "▁to oth",
+ "▁too th",
+ "▁A rc",
+ "▁Ar c",
+ "▁S end",
+ "▁Se nd",
+ "▁Sen d",
+ "▁ Send",
+ "▁In ternal",
+ "▁Intern al",
+ "▁ Internal",
+ "vo r",
+ "v or",
+ "▁dam n",
+ "▁N as",
+ "▁Na s",
+ "▁D raft",
+ "▁Dr aft",
+ "▁Dra ft",
+ "out put",
+ "▁Ar ctic",
+ "▁Arc tic",
+ "▁Toy ota",
+ "▁se quel",
+ "▁sequ el",
+ "▁imp erial",
+ "▁imper ial",
+ "▁impe rial",
+ "he astern",
+ "heast ern",
+ "▁Any way",
+ "▁St atus",
+ "▁Stat us",
+ "▁ Status",
+ "Me t",
+ "M et",
+ "▁museum s",
+ "▁M ak",
+ "▁Ma k",
+ "al low",
+ "all ow",
+ "▁m erc",
+ "▁me rc",
+ "▁mer c",
+ "at ories",
+ "ator ies",
+ "ato ries",
+ "▁Regist ration",
+ "і в",
+ "cess ion",
+ "c ession",
+ "▁c attle",
+ "▁ca ttle",
+ "▁cat tle",
+ "▁lo ading",
+ "▁load ing",
+ "▁ loading",
+ "cont ainer",
+ "▁C AN",
+ "▁CA N",
+ "▁r anges",
+ "▁range s",
+ "▁ran ges",
+ "▁rang es",
+ "▁conj unction",
+ "▁n est",
+ "▁ne st",
+ "▁M ob",
+ "▁Mo b",
+ "▁H ero",
+ "▁He ro",
+ "▁Her o",
+ "st able",
+ "sta ble",
+ "s table",
+ "▁Ste phan",
+ "▁Step han",
+ "▁S ongs",
+ "▁Son gs",
+ "▁Song s",
+ "▁def ines",
+ "▁defin es",
+ "▁define s",
+ "▁Bul gar",
+ "▁special ists",
+ "▁specialist s",
+ "om eters",
+ "ome ters",
+ "omet ers",
+ "ometer s",
+ "▁appro aching",
+ "▁approach ing",
+ "▁super b",
+ "▁correspond ence",
+ "end ants",
+ "endant s",
+ "▁att raction",
+ "▁attract ion",
+ "▁commission ed",
+ "▁ar riving",
+ "▁arriv ing",
+ "▁arr iving",
+ "is y",
+ "i sy",
+ "tr ee",
+ "tre e",
+ "t ree",
+ "▁cry stal",
+ "▁cryst al",
+ "▁Iraq i",
+ "▁sh ifts",
+ "▁shift s",
+ "e or",
+ "▁fr uits",
+ "▁fruit s",
+ "▁fru its",
+ "▁festival s",
+ "▁fest ivals",
+ "▁mod ules",
+ "▁module s",
+ "▁ modules",
+ "▁trans late",
+ "▁transl ate",
+ "▁f eas",
+ "▁fe as",
+ "▁ref res",
+ "▁te ens",
+ "▁teen s",
+ "▁tee ns",
+ "▁r ou",
+ "▁ro u",
+ "▁ rou",
+ "▁M ol",
+ "▁Mo l",
+ "in itely",
+ "init ely",
+ "inite ly",
+ "em bers",
+ "ember s",
+ "emb ers",
+ "▁dis closed",
+ "▁discl osed",
+ "▁disclose d",
+ "▁g aps",
+ "▁gap s",
+ "▁ga ps",
+ "▁car pet",
+ "▁carp et",
+ "▁du pl",
+ "▁util ize",
+ "▁calc ulate",
+ "AT A",
+ "A TA",
+ "▁launch es",
+ "▁laun ches",
+ "▁enter prises",
+ "▁enterprise s",
+ "}) .",
+ "} ).",
+ "▁Y ang",
+ "▁Yan g",
+ "▁Ya ng",
+ "н у",
+ "▁c ure",
+ "▁cur e",
+ "▁cu re",
+ "▁b uses",
+ "▁bu ses",
+ "▁bus es",
+ "hi s",
+ "h is",
+ "it cher",
+ "itch er",
+ "itc her",
+ "F I",
+ "▁p ressing",
+ "▁press ing",
+ "▁succeed ed",
+ "▁Br yan",
+ "▁Bry an",
+ "▁dis charge",
+ "ph er",
+ "phe r",
+ "p her",
+ "fo ur",
+ "f our",
+ "▁draw ings",
+ "▁drawing s",
+ "▁prot agon",
+ "sh ould",
+ "▁en velop",
+ "E uro",
+ "▁Hun gary",
+ "▁Hung ary",
+ "▁confirm ation",
+ "A ug",
+ "▁g em",
+ "▁ge m",
+ "▁ gem",
+ "▁mod eling",
+ "▁model ing",
+ "▁mode ling",
+ "▁a ls",
+ "▁al s",
+ "▁ als",
+ "▁p robe",
+ "▁pro be",
+ "▁pr obe",
+ "▁prob e",
+ "▁un ited",
+ "▁unit ed",
+ "▁unite d",
+ "| |",
+ "ov ic",
+ "ovi c",
+ "o vic",
+ "▁Id eas",
+ "▁Ide as",
+ "▁Idea s",
+ "Po rt",
+ "P ort",
+ "▁s pite",
+ "▁sp ite",
+ "▁prot esters",
+ "▁prote sters",
+ "▁protest ers",
+ "▁W u",
+ "▁respond ing",
+ "▁nurs es",
+ "▁nurse s",
+ "▁comb ines",
+ "▁combine s",
+ "▁neighborhood s",
+ "▁Coll abor",
+ "▁S ize",
+ "▁Si ze",
+ "▁ Size",
+ "▁ar rives",
+ "▁arriv es",
+ "▁arrive s",
+ "▁arr ives",
+ "▁f lesh",
+ "▁fl esh",
+ "▁fle sh",
+ "▁rele asing",
+ "▁pro pose",
+ "▁prop ose",
+ "▁propos e",
+ "▁belong ing",
+ "▁G em",
+ "▁Ge m",
+ "ir i",
+ "i ri",
+ "ra h",
+ "r ah",
+ "▁tr iple",
+ "▁tri ple",
+ "▁trip le",
+ "▁pred omin",
+ "▁s lee",
+ "▁sl ee",
+ "▁sle e",
+ "▁t ire",
+ "▁she ep",
+ "di g",
+ "d ig",
+ "▁f lee",
+ "▁fl ee",
+ "▁fle e",
+ "▁Ste in",
+ "▁Char acter",
+ "st d",
+ "s td",
+ "▁S uz",
+ "▁Su z",
+ "▁Gl enn",
+ "▁Glen n",
+ "▁Gle nn",
+ "▁R osen",
+ "▁Ro sen",
+ "▁Rose n",
+ "▁Ros en",
+ "▁inter val",
+ "us c",
+ "u sc",
+ "▁le verage",
+ "▁lever age",
+ "▁express ions",
+ "▁expression s",
+ "re view",
+ "rev iew",
+ "▁C row",
+ "▁Cr ow",
+ "▁Cro w",
+ "pr ising",
+ "p rising",
+ "▁c oh",
+ "▁co h",
+ "▁ coh",
+ "com mon",
+ "comm on",
+ "▁h oney",
+ "▁hon ey",
+ "▁ho ney",
+ "▁hone y",
+ "ras ka",
+ "r aska",
+ "▁qu ad",
+ "▁ quad",
+ "▁f right",
+ "▁fr ight",
+ "▁Cent ers",
+ "▁Center s",
+ "▁diam eter",
+ "▁dia meter",
+ "▁F M",
+ "▁ FM",
+ "fil ter",
+ "▁occasion al",
+ "▁occas ional",
+ "W ill",
+ "▁f arms",
+ "▁far ms",
+ "▁farm s",
+ "”) .",
+ "” ).",
+ "▁g ram",
+ "▁gr am",
+ "▁gra m",
+ "▁ gram",
+ "▁reg ulated",
+ "▁regul ated",
+ "▁regulate d",
+ "▁ regulated",
+ "▁K it",
+ "▁Ki t",
+ "▁ Kit",
+ "▁S or",
+ "▁So r",
+ "▁expl osion",
+ "▁explos ion",
+ "▁c av",
+ "▁ca v",
+ "ph e",
+ "p he",
+ "▁L ives",
+ "▁Live s",
+ "▁Li ves",
+ "▁Liv es",
+ "▁Hol mes",
+ "▁Mar cus",
+ "▁Marc us",
+ "▁dr opping",
+ "▁dro pping",
+ "▁drop ping",
+ "fa r",
+ "f ar",
+ "▁P rison",
+ "▁Pr ison",
+ "▁Pri son",
+ "▁ex terior",
+ "▁ext erior",
+ "ca mp",
+ "cam p",
+ "c amp",
+ "▁text ure",
+ "▁## ##",
+ "▁### #",
+ "▁ ####",
+ "▁main tains",
+ "▁maintain s",
+ "▁F a",
+ "▁RE AD",
+ "▁ READ",
+ "▁B ak",
+ "▁Ba k",
+ "▁E DT",
+ "▁ED T",
+ "▁Or thodox",
+ "▁ind uced",
+ "▁indu ced",
+ "▁induce d",
+ "▁ induced",
+ "▁practition ers",
+ "▁practitioner s",
+ "is che",
+ "isc he",
+ "isch e",
+ "i sche",
+ "▁Mont ana",
+ "EX T",
+ "▁M umbai",
+ "▁Mum bai",
+ "▁L iz",
+ "▁Li z",
+ "▁a ug",
+ "▁au g",
+ "▁ aug",
+ "at tering",
+ "att ering",
+ "atter ing",
+ "sh ine",
+ "shi ne",
+ "▁T rip",
+ "▁Tr ip",
+ "▁Tri p",
+ "▁act ivation",
+ "▁activ ation",
+ "pa yer",
+ "pay er",
+ "p ayer",
+ "▁le ak",
+ "▁w rap",
+ "▁wr ap",
+ "▁wra p",
+ "▁ wrap",
+ "▁tort ure",
+ "▁wa ited",
+ "▁wait ed",
+ "▁[ ]",
+ "▁ []",
+ "▁Re comm",
+ "▁Rec omm",
+ "▁R oth",
+ "▁Ro th",
+ "▁Rot h",
+ "▁Vict orian",
+ "▁Victor ian",
+ "▁Victoria n",
+ "▁M end",
+ "▁Me nd",
+ "▁Men d",
+ "th ening",
+ "the ning",
+ "then ing",
+ "▁can vas",
+ "▁Town ship",
+ "▁t ales",
+ "▁tal es",
+ "▁tale s",
+ "▁ta les",
+ "▁survey s",
+ "▁surve ys",
+ "▁after wards",
+ "▁afterward s",
+ "u h",
+ "▁ra dar",
+ "▁rad ar",
+ "▁F ly",
+ "▁Fl y",
+ "▁s uits",
+ "▁su its",
+ "▁suit s",
+ "W ork",
+ "ma re",
+ "mar e",
+ "m are",
+ ", \r",
+ "▁T ips",
+ "▁Ti ps",
+ "▁Tip s",
+ "▁Dem ocracy",
+ "▁Democr acy",
+ "▁a rising",
+ "▁ar ising",
+ "supp ort",
+ "sup port",
+ "OR Y",
+ "O RY",
+ "▁D ol",
+ "▁Do l",
+ "▁dem anded",
+ "▁demand ed",
+ "▁per forms",
+ "▁perform s",
+ "▁ і",
+ "▁ann ounces",
+ "▁announ ces",
+ "▁announce s",
+ "al so",
+ "als o",
+ "id ding",
+ "idd ing",
+ "▁H erm",
+ "▁He rm",
+ "▁Her m",
+ "▁vol untary",
+ "▁volunt ary",
+ "▁mon etary",
+ "▁N ar",
+ "▁Na r",
+ "▁c ov",
+ "▁co v",
+ "▁ cov",
+ "▁compl ications",
+ "role um",
+ "L ife",
+ "▁M onte",
+ "▁Mon te",
+ "▁Mont e",
+ "▁bl essed",
+ "▁bless ed",
+ ". /",
+ "м у",
+ "▁Brist ol",
+ "▁He aven",
+ "▁necess ity",
+ "C ell",
+ "ua te",
+ "u ate",
+ "▁Ne pal",
+ "▁Nep al",
+ "▁cl eared",
+ "▁cle ared",
+ "▁clear ed",
+ "▁travel s",
+ "▁trav els",
+ "r é",
+ "IS H",
+ "I SH",
+ "▁conc erts",
+ "▁concert s",
+ "▁h et",
+ "▁he t",
+ "▁ het",
+ "ar ently",
+ "arent ly",
+ "▁Br andon",
+ "▁Brand on",
+ "hl ine",
+ "h line",
+ "▁Scholar ship",
+ "▁Scholars hip",
+ "ict ional",
+ "iction al",
+ "▁fund ament",
+ "? !",
+ "ac cept",
+ "acc ept",
+ "ios ity",
+ "i osity",
+ "▁re stra",
+ "▁res tra",
+ "▁rest ra",
+ "▁thr illed",
+ "▁thrill ed",
+ "▁Al z",
+ "▁P os",
+ "▁Po s",
+ "▁ Pos",
+ "▁g ri",
+ "▁gr i",
+ "as ive",
+ "asi ve",
+ "er name",
+ "ern ame",
+ "▁im pose",
+ "▁imp ose",
+ "▁Ne igh",
+ "▁Circ le",
+ "▁Cir cle",
+ "▁Com plex",
+ "▁Comp lex",
+ "▁Compl ex",
+ "▁open ly",
+ "▁Th under",
+ "▁Thu nder",
+ "▁disp utes",
+ "▁dispute s",
+ "▁disput es",
+ "▁n ationally",
+ "▁national ly",
+ "▁nation ally",
+ "▁S eb",
+ "▁Se b",
+ "▁prede cess",
+ "▁a uf",
+ "▁au f",
+ "▁ auf",
+ "▁The rapy",
+ "▁J ur",
+ "▁Ju r",
+ "▁uncom fortable",
+ "▁climb ing",
+ "▁clim bing",
+ "▁N ice",
+ "▁Nic e",
+ "▁Ni ce",
+ "▁No vel",
+ "▁Nov el",
+ "▁tr ash",
+ "▁tra sh",
+ "▁Elect ronic",
+ "▁Electro nic",
+ "▁harm on",
+ "▁har mon",
+ "▁Re ference",
+ "▁Ref erence",
+ "▁Refer ence",
+ "▁ Reference",
+ "▁f rank",
+ "▁fr ank",
+ "▁In terior",
+ "▁Int erior",
+ "▁Inter ior",
+ "▁B ot",
+ "▁Bo t",
+ "▁firm ly",
+ "▁ind ivid",
+ "ist ance",
+ "istan ce",
+ "ista nce",
+ "▁dest ro",
+ "ul y",
+ "u ly",
+ "▁Ethiop ia",
+ "▁encoura ges",
+ "▁encourage s",
+ "▁rec ipes",
+ "▁recip es",
+ "▁recipe s",
+ "▁st ays",
+ "▁stay s",
+ "▁sta ys",
+ "or f",
+ "o rf",
+ "▁com plain",
+ "▁compl ain",
+ "▁Est ab",
+ "▁Es tab",
+ "ap per",
+ "app er",
+ "a pper",
+ "▁I celand",
+ "▁Ice land",
+ "▁re called",
+ "▁rec alled",
+ "▁recall ed",
+ "▁batter ies",
+ "▁batt eries",
+ "▁R ole",
+ "▁Ro le",
+ "▁Rol e",
+ "▁T yp",
+ "▁Ty p",
+ "▁pros pective",
+ "▁prospect ive",
+ "▁Mc M",
+ "▁But ler",
+ "wa it",
+ "w ait",
+ "▁Gard ens",
+ "▁Garden s",
+ "▁M ul",
+ "▁Mu l",
+ "▁not ably",
+ "▁Palestin ians",
+ "▁Palestinian s",
+ "▁R eed",
+ "▁Re ed",
+ "▁Ree d",
+ "▁mus cles",
+ "▁muscle s",
+ "▁App eals",
+ "▁Appeal s",
+ "▁tra fficking",
+ "▁traffic king",
+ "▁Br anch",
+ "▁Un less",
+ "▁L ocated",
+ "▁Loc ated",
+ "▁spons or",
+ "▁E sp",
+ "▁Es p",
+ "▁aff irm",
+ "▁C ad",
+ "▁Ca d",
+ "▁D ere",
+ "▁De re",
+ "▁Der e",
+ "in go",
+ "ing o",
+ "▁F inn",
+ "▁Fin n",
+ "▁Fi nn",
+ "▁T rial",
+ "▁Tr ial",
+ "▁Tri al",
+ "▁def ining",
+ "▁defin ing",
+ "▁Educ ational",
+ "▁Education al",
+ "ic ker",
+ "ick er",
+ "i cker",
+ "▁an onymous",
+ "▁anonym ous",
+ "▁Reg ulations",
+ "▁Regulation s",
+ "▁i on",
+ "▁io n",
+ "▁ ion",
+ "▁V lad",
+ "▁Trans fer",
+ "? '",
+ "▁Q atar",
+ "▁P T",
+ "▁ PT",
+ "▁reve aling",
+ "▁reveal ing",
+ "▁S afe",
+ "▁Sa fe",
+ "▁Saf e",
+ "▁W alt",
+ "▁Wal t",
+ "▁Wa lt",
+ "▁pol ls",
+ "▁poll s",
+ "▁f ighter",
+ "▁fight er",
+ "ge ts",
+ "get s",
+ "g ets",
+ "▁sc ared",
+ "▁scar ed",
+ "▁scare d",
+ "▁p article",
+ "▁part icle",
+ "▁partic le",
+ "air es",
+ "ai res",
+ "aire s",
+ "a ires",
+ "W rit",
+ "EE E",
+ "E EE",
+ "▁c af",
+ "▁ca f",
+ "yo n",
+ "y on",
+ "Tr ee",
+ "T ree",
+ "▁l ever",
+ "▁le ver",
+ "▁lev er",
+ "▁Us ed",
+ "▁Use d",
+ "▁publ ishers",
+ "▁publish ers",
+ "▁publisher s",
+ "▁sam pling",
+ "ud ed",
+ "ude d",
+ "u ded",
+ "▁tr ails",
+ "▁tra ils",
+ "▁trail s",
+ "Po l",
+ "P ol",
+ "▁h ills",
+ "▁hill s",
+ "▁citizens hip",
+ "▁citizen ship",
+ "▁br ush",
+ "▁bru sh",
+ "pe ople",
+ "quir ies",
+ "la v",
+ "l av",
+ "▁Un categorized",
+ "v d",
+ "ri um",
+ "r ium",
+ "▁ad visor",
+ "▁advis or",
+ "▁s ink",
+ "▁sin k",
+ "▁IS IS",
+ "▁s afer",
+ "▁sa fer",
+ "▁saf er",
+ "▁safe r",
+ "pl ane",
+ "plan e",
+ "p lane",
+ "M O",
+ "z b",
+ "▁loyal ty",
+ "▁elev ated",
+ "tr y",
+ "t ry",
+ "B E",
+ "▁bl ues",
+ "▁blue s",
+ "ne ys",
+ "ney s",
+ "▁protocol s",
+ "▁progress ion",
+ "▁ur ge",
+ "▁urg e",
+ "ar ound",
+ "aro und",
+ "a round",
+ "▁Rail way",
+ "▁G ent",
+ "▁Ge nt",
+ "▁Gen t",
+ "▁here in",
+ "▁art ifact",
+ "▁ artifact",
+ "▁Ob viously",
+ "gi e",
+ "g ie",
+ "on omy",
+ "onom y",
+ "ono my",
+ "▁gradu ation",
+ "▁grad uation",
+ "▁aw ful",
+ "▁l overs",
+ "▁love rs",
+ "▁lo vers",
+ "▁lover s",
+ "ho le",
+ "hol e",
+ "h ole",
+ "▁app eals",
+ "▁appeal s",
+ "end ix",
+ "▁LGBT Q",
+ "▁m old",
+ "▁mo ld",
+ "▁mol d",
+ "▁D I",
+ "▁ DI",
+ "▁к а",
+ "▁ ка",
+ "ol esc",
+ "ole sc",
+ "oles c",
+ "}} $",
+ "} }$",
+ "▁san ct",
+ "▁c ater",
+ "▁ca ter",
+ "▁cat er",
+ "▁cate r",
+ "▁C ox",
+ "▁Co x",
+ "▁Champions hips",
+ "▁Championship s",
+ "▁Champion ships",
+ "▁M ini",
+ "▁Min i",
+ "▁Mi ni",
+ "▁in tu",
+ "▁int u",
+ "▁liber ty",
+ "▁libert y",
+ "▁pred ictions",
+ "▁predict ions",
+ "▁prediction s",
+ "ou nces",
+ "oun ces",
+ "ounce s",
+ "▁div ide",
+ "▁divid e",
+ "▁behav iors",
+ "▁behavior s",
+ "▁behavi ors",
+ "▁Represent ative",
+ "ori ented",
+ "orient ed",
+ "▁Stu art",
+ "▁I BM",
+ "▁IB M",
+ "▁sacr ific",
+ "▁Sub scribe",
+ "▁S it",
+ "▁Si t",
+ "▁al liance",
+ "▁all iance",
+ "IS S",
+ "I SS",
+ "▁button s",
+ "▁butt ons",
+ "▁v iable",
+ "▁via ble",
+ "▁vi able",
+ "▁com prising",
+ "▁comp rising",
+ "▁compris ing",
+ "▁Ar senal",
+ "▁def icit",
+ "▁defic it",
+ "▁Joh ann",
+ "So me",
+ "Som e",
+ "S ome",
+ "▁New ton",
+ "▁Commun ist",
+ "▁R oute",
+ "▁Ro ute",
+ "▁Rou te",
+ "▁Rout e",
+ "ic aid",
+ "ica id",
+ "▁Boe ing",
+ "▁Alex and",
+ "▁Alexa nd",
+ "▁c ort",
+ "▁co rt",
+ "▁cor t",
+ "▁quiet ly",
+ "▁D ear",
+ "▁De ar",
+ "▁dec iding",
+ "▁A gent",
+ "▁Ag ent",
+ "▁Age nt",
+ "▁ Agent",
+ "th ink",
+ "▁pred iction",
+ "▁predict ion",
+ "oc ker",
+ "ock er",
+ "o cker",
+ "▁C hi",
+ "▁Ch i",
+ "▁J ama",
+ "▁Jam a",
+ "▁Ja ma",
+ "è s",
+ "le ctions",
+ "lect ions",
+ "lection s",
+ "▁P ere",
+ "▁Per e",
+ "▁Pe re",
+ "Col umn",
+ "▁no ble",
+ "▁nob le",
+ "ri sk",
+ "ris k",
+ "r isk",
+ "▁Const ant",
+ "▁g ambling",
+ "▁gam bling",
+ "mat ch",
+ "m atch",
+ "▁Beaut y",
+ "▁Bea uty",
+ "▁Beau ty",
+ "▁b udd",
+ "▁bu dd",
+ "▁S ierra",
+ "mo unt",
+ "m ount",
+ "▁bl ogs",
+ "▁blog s",
+ "pan ic",
+ "pa nic",
+ "p anic",
+ "▁ex ceptions",
+ "▁except ions",
+ "▁exception s",
+ "▁C e",
+ "k ward",
+ "▁Pal estine",
+ "▁Palest ine",
+ "▁Palestin e",
+ "▁dem ol",
+ "▁demo l",
+ "We st",
+ "W est",
+ "▁less er",
+ "▁les ser",
+ "▁anal og",
+ "▁ana log",
+ ") /",
+ "▁V R",
+ "▁ VR",
+ "▁b itter",
+ "▁bit ter",
+ "▁f iring",
+ "▁fi ring",
+ "▁A na",
+ "▁An a",
+ "da tes",
+ "date s",
+ "dat es",
+ "d ates",
+ "▁Neb raska",
+ "▁Ge tty",
+ "▁Get ty",
+ "▁ Getty",
+ "▁Shan ghai",
+ "▁be am",
+ "as ha",
+ "ash a",
+ "a sha",
+ "ug s",
+ "u gs",
+ "▁m oder",
+ "▁mod er",
+ "▁mode r",
+ "▁mo der",
+ "W idth",
+ "▁W end",
+ "▁We nd",
+ "▁Wen d",
+ "▁st ressed",
+ "▁str essed",
+ "▁stress ed",
+ "t z",
+ "Pe ople",
+ "▁renew ed",
+ "Op en",
+ "O pen",
+ "▁Ed die",
+ "▁mid st",
+ "▁G eneration",
+ "▁Gener ation",
+ "▁Gen eration",
+ "▁Gene ration",
+ "▁T ow",
+ "▁To w",
+ "▁f inite",
+ "▁fin ite",
+ "▁hor r",
+ "▁ho rr",
+ "▁Sw itch",
+ "▁att acking",
+ "▁attack ing",
+ "▁appro ve",
+ "T arget",
+ "▁cat ast",
+ "▁m igrants",
+ "▁migr ants",
+ "▁mig rants",
+ "▁migrant s",
+ "ud s",
+ "u ds",
+ "▁Princ ipal",
+ "an ga",
+ "ang a",
+ "▁Vol unte",
+ "▁dest inations",
+ "▁destination s",
+ "▁H ob",
+ "▁Ho b",
+ "▁North west",
+ "▁C han",
+ "▁Ch an",
+ "▁Cha n",
+ "▁qu een",
+ "▁que en",
+ "▁Br ooks",
+ "▁Bro oks",
+ "▁Brook s",
+ "▁j er",
+ "▁je r",
+ "▁ jer",
+ "▁Eag les",
+ "▁Eagle s",
+ "▁l acking",
+ "▁lack ing",
+ "▁lac king",
+ "▁sh ifted",
+ "▁shift ed",
+ "▁enthus iasm",
+ "▁enthusi asm",
+ "▁C I",
+ "▁ CI",
+ "▁a xis",
+ "▁ax is",
+ "▁ axis",
+ "es te",
+ "est e",
+ "e ste",
+ "▁# ##",
+ "▁## #",
+ "▁Met ropolitan",
+ "n c",
+ "el sh",
+ "els h",
+ "gg ing",
+ "g ging",
+ "▁connect ivity",
+ "▁C el",
+ "▁Ce l",
+ "▁investig ators",
+ "▁investigator s",
+ "▁T ommy",
+ "▁Tom my",
+ "ut ing",
+ "uti ng",
+ "u ting",
+ "▁Z ero",
+ "▁Ze ro",
+ "▁rub ber",
+ "▁Y ale",
+ "▁Ya le",
+ "is ha",
+ "ish a",
+ "i sha",
+ "hm a",
+ "h ma",
+ "▁r ust",
+ "▁ru st",
+ "▁ rust",
+ "min ded",
+ "mind ed",
+ "▁S orry",
+ "▁Sor ry",
+ "▁L ith",
+ "▁Li th",
+ "▁Lit h",
+ "▁n ons",
+ "▁no ns",
+ "▁non s",
+ "▁re public",
+ "▁rep ublic",
+ "ig ue",
+ "i gue",
+ "▁pro xy",
+ "▁pr oxy",
+ "▁prox y",
+ "D I",
+ "▁c os",
+ "▁co s",
+ "▁ cos",
+ "▁are na",
+ "▁ar ena",
+ "▁aren a",
+ "▁ ا",
+ "bol ic",
+ "bo lic",
+ "b olic",
+ "▁e mission",
+ "▁em ission",
+ "S w",
+ "St ation",
+ "Stat ion",
+ "= {",
+ "л у",
+ "k appa",
+ "ring e",
+ "rin ge",
+ "r inge",
+ "inc inn",
+ "▁Re sort",
+ "▁Res ort",
+ "▁Re quest",
+ "▁Requ est",
+ "▁ Request",
+ "▁advis ory",
+ "▁advisor y",
+ "▁p led",
+ "▁pl ed",
+ "▁ple d",
+ "▁ pled",
+ "▁Mil an",
+ "▁Mi lan",
+ "▁arg uing",
+ "▁argu ing",
+ "P O",
+ "▁A CC",
+ "▁AC C",
+ "▁ ACC",
+ "ar ians",
+ "ari ans",
+ "arian s",
+ "aria ns",
+ "a rians",
+ "▁e lementary",
+ "▁element ary",
+ "▁Colomb ia",
+ "▁amendment s",
+ "▁amend ments",
+ "▁M essage",
+ "▁Mess age",
+ "▁ Message",
+ "or o",
+ "o ro",
+ "▁Fact s",
+ "▁Fac ts",
+ "erv ices",
+ "ervice s",
+ "▁b ot",
+ "▁bo t",
+ "▁ bot",
+ "▁spec ify",
+ "▁Re tail",
+ "▁Ret ail",
+ "▁def endants",
+ "▁defend ants",
+ "▁defendant s",
+ "▁h ed",
+ "▁he d",
+ "▁ hed",
+ "▁Music al",
+ "▁Mus ical",
+ "▁spirit s",
+ "▁spir its",
+ "▁N in",
+ "▁Ni n",
+ "▁straight forward",
+ "▁b ell",
+ "▁be ll",
+ "▁bel l",
+ "▁ bell",
+ "▁background s",
+ "ploy ed",
+ "um bling",
+ "umb ling",
+ "▁Cho ose",
+ "▁Par ents",
+ "▁Parent s",
+ "li a",
+ "l ia",
+ "▁B ass",
+ "▁Bas s",
+ "▁Ba ss",
+ "▁al umni",
+ "▁H omes",
+ "▁Home s",
+ "▁Hom es",
+ "▁Ho mes",
+ "▁met abol",
+ "▁metab ol",
+ "▁meta bol",
+ "▁c ensus",
+ "▁cens us",
+ ". \\",
+ "op ed",
+ "ope d",
+ "o ped",
+ "▁in jection",
+ "▁inj ection",
+ "▁inject ion",
+ "lo c",
+ "l oc",
+ "▁Jul ian",
+ "▁Julia n",
+ "▁organ ize",
+ "▁organiz e",
+ "▁L ed",
+ "▁Le d",
+ "▁s uck",
+ "▁su ck",
+ "▁suc k",
+ "is ive",
+ "isi ve",
+ "▁gra vity",
+ "▁gravit y",
+ "▁se cular",
+ "▁sec ular",
+ "Fig ure",
+ "F igure",
+ "▁subst ances",
+ "▁substance s",
+ "▁favor ites",
+ "▁favorite s",
+ "▁refuge e",
+ "sequ ently",
+ "▁list ener",
+ "▁listen er",
+ "▁N GO",
+ "▁O ften",
+ "▁Of ten",
+ "▁T ampa",
+ "▁Tam pa",
+ "▁imag ined",
+ "▁imagine d",
+ "▁imagin ed",
+ "▁elect ronics",
+ "▁electronic s",
+ "▁electron ics",
+ "▁electr onics",
+ "ox ic",
+ "▁D aw",
+ "▁Da w",
+ "es ton",
+ "est on",
+ "e ston",
+ "az i",
+ "a zi",
+ "▁subsid iary",
+ "▁N ine",
+ "▁Ni ne",
+ "▁Nin e",
+ "▁и з",
+ "▁cor ners",
+ "▁corner s",
+ "▁corn ers",
+ "le ases",
+ "lease s",
+ "▁m obil",
+ "▁mo bil",
+ "▁mob il",
+ "▁s tain",
+ "▁st ain",
+ "▁sta in",
+ "▁crypt ocur",
+ "▁crypto cur",
+ "id i",
+ "i di",
+ "▁miss ile",
+ "▁circ ular",
+ "▁cir cular",
+ "▁app l",
+ "▁ap pl",
+ "▁volt age",
+ "▁Deg ree",
+ "java script",
+ "jav ascript",
+ "▁Er ror",
+ "▁ Error",
+ "▁dr one",
+ "▁dro ne",
+ "▁In come",
+ "▁Inc ome",
+ "▁tr aded",
+ "▁tra ded",
+ "▁trad ed",
+ "▁trade d",
+ "it é",
+ "▁Que bec",
+ "Ma x",
+ "M ax",
+ "Com mand",
+ "Comm and",
+ "▁trans mit",
+ "▁Sym phony",
+ "▁b oring",
+ "▁bo ring",
+ "▁hom osex",
+ "▁adv ise",
+ "▁advis e",
+ "▁S car",
+ "▁Sc ar",
+ "▁del ays",
+ "▁delay s",
+ "▁toile t",
+ "com merce",
+ "▁Har bor",
+ "▁market place",
+ "▁fem ales",
+ "▁female s",
+ "▁an x",
+ "▁b eta",
+ "▁be ta",
+ "▁bet a",
+ "▁ beta",
+ "▁f ence",
+ "▁fe nce",
+ "▁athlet ic",
+ "▁S r",
+ "▁Rec ogn",
+ "▁Pl ans",
+ "▁Plan s",
+ "▁G ospel",
+ "▁Gos pel",
+ "olog ic",
+ "olo gic",
+ "▁avoid ed",
+ "▁understand s",
+ "▁underst ands",
+ "air o",
+ "ai ro",
+ "a iro",
+ "▁compan ion",
+ "▁lik elihood",
+ "▁D iana",
+ "▁Di ana",
+ "▁Dian a",
+ "An y",
+ "A ny",
+ "Go od",
+ "G ood",
+ "op ard",
+ "opa rd",
+ "▁co ins",
+ "▁coin s",
+ "▁hor rible",
+ "▁horr ible",
+ "▁V it",
+ "▁Vi t",
+ "▁Sp encer",
+ "▁e en",
+ "▁ een",
+ "▁kid n",
+ "or ical",
+ "ori cal",
+ "oric al",
+ "o rical",
+ "▁l over",
+ "▁love r",
+ "▁lo ver",
+ "▁s ie",
+ "▁si e",
+ "um atic",
+ "uma tic",
+ "umat ic",
+ "u matic",
+ "EN S",
+ "E NS",
+ "▁C DC",
+ "▁CD C",
+ "▁S hip",
+ "▁Sh ip",
+ "▁Shi p",
+ "▁ne arest",
+ "▁near est",
+ "AR E",
+ "A RE",
+ "me ta",
+ "met a",
+ "m eta",
+ "▁M ine",
+ "▁Min e",
+ "▁Mi ne",
+ "▁sc ary",
+ "▁scar y",
+ "▁C ir",
+ "▁Ci r",
+ "VE R",
+ "V ER",
+ "▁be tting",
+ "▁bet ting",
+ "incinn ati",
+ "▁struct ured",
+ "▁structure d",
+ "an ners",
+ "ann ers",
+ "anne rs",
+ "▁C E",
+ "▁ CE",
+ "▁P am",
+ "▁Pa m",
+ "▁method ology",
+ "▁M atter",
+ "▁Mat ter",
+ "▁Matt er",
+ "C ase",
+ "▁comb ining",
+ "▁present ations",
+ "▁presentation s",
+ "In s",
+ "I ns",
+ "sa y",
+ "s ay",
+ "fi ction",
+ "f iction",
+ "▁V ienna",
+ "▁Vi enna",
+ "▁celebr ates",
+ "▁celeb rates",
+ "▁celebrate s",
+ "▁H annah",
+ "▁Hann ah",
+ "yl on",
+ "y lon",
+ "Re d",
+ "R ed",
+ "▁gen ius",
+ "▁Isa ac",
+ "▁soc io",
+ "▁soci o",
+ "▁m atched",
+ "▁mat ched",
+ "▁match ed",
+ "▁ matched",
+ "▁O z",
+ "▁Go nz",
+ "▁Gon z",
+ "$ {",
+ "▁B our",
+ "▁Bo ur",
+ "▁Bou r",
+ "▁Project s",
+ "▁h eal",
+ "▁he al",
+ "lev ance",
+ "▁prior it",
+ "▁int ensive",
+ "▁intens ive",
+ "Wh o",
+ "W ho",
+ "▁Pro ced",
+ "▁Proc ed",
+ "▁Ill ust",
+ "De v",
+ "D ev",
+ "▁K ra",
+ "▁Kr a",
+ "++ )",
+ "+ +)",
+ "▁Obs erv",
+ "▁J oan",
+ "▁Jo an",
+ "▁res pir",
+ "▁resp ir",
+ "▁sub str",
+ "▁subst r",
+ "▁subs tr",
+ "in formation",
+ "inform ation",
+ "▁dis close",
+ "▁discl ose",
+ "OM E",
+ "O ME",
+ "▁desk top",
+ "de scription",
+ "des cription",
+ "desc ription",
+ "em pty",
+ "empt y",
+ "emp ty",
+ "as tics",
+ "ast ics",
+ "astic s",
+ "ys ical",
+ "oub ted",
+ "▁Hug hes",
+ "▁Hugh es",
+ "▁fif teen",
+ "od ay",
+ "oda y",
+ "o day",
+ "▁int end",
+ "▁ intend",
+ "▁Ind ependence",
+ "\", \"",
+ "\" ,\"",
+ "me nu",
+ "men u",
+ "▁co unting",
+ "▁count ing",
+ "▁coun ting",
+ "ar ea",
+ "are a",
+ "a rea",
+ "▁M BA",
+ "▁MB A",
+ "▁inv itation",
+ "▁: :",
+ "▁ ::",
+ "▁recept or",
+ "▁civil ization",
+ "▁vac uum",
+ "▁Ch ase",
+ "▁Cha se",
+ "▁Hol ocaust",
+ "▁organ izing",
+ "▁organiz ing",
+ "▁{ @",
+ "▁m edi",
+ "▁me di",
+ "▁med i",
+ "▁ medi",
+ "▁Some one",
+ "bor o",
+ "bo ro",
+ "b oro",
+ "▁M iles",
+ "▁Mil es",
+ "▁Mi les",
+ "▁Mile s",
+ "▁Ser ge",
+ "▁rail road",
+ "▁sh ifting",
+ "▁shift ing",
+ "▁Al pha",
+ "▁d ive",
+ "▁di ve",
+ "▁div e",
+ "Pr es",
+ "Pre s",
+ "P res",
+ "gr id",
+ "g rid",
+ "ke eper",
+ "kee per",
+ "keep er",
+ "▁Wall ace",
+ "▁Wal lace",
+ "X X",
+ "▁Th ai",
+ "▁Ar med",
+ "▁Arm ed",
+ "s d",
+ "▁r ocket",
+ "▁rock et",
+ "V C",
+ "nu m",
+ "n um",
+ "▁Z ion",
+ "▁s illy",
+ "▁sil ly",
+ "▁al tered",
+ "▁alt ered",
+ "▁alter ed",
+ "ur as",
+ "ura s",
+ "u ras",
+ "▁billion s",
+ "▁bill ions",
+ "▁pres erved",
+ "▁preserve d",
+ "▁ch arming",
+ "▁char ming",
+ "▁charm ing",
+ "▁diagn ostic",
+ "▁it er",
+ "▁i ter",
+ "▁ iter",
+ "qu et",
+ "que t",
+ "▁c ens",
+ "▁ce ns",
+ "▁M oving",
+ "▁Mo ving",
+ "▁Mov ing",
+ "▁un iqu",
+ "Res ource",
+ "Re source",
+ "▁In flu",
+ "▁Inf lu",
+ "▁boy friend",
+ ".. .\"",
+ "... \"",
+ "▁out lined",
+ "▁outline d",
+ "▁tempor arily",
+ "fol k",
+ "f olk",
+ "▁v ine",
+ "▁vi ne",
+ "▁ vine",
+ "is co",
+ "isc o",
+ "▁W ine",
+ "▁Win e",
+ "▁Wi ne",
+ "weg ian",
+ "ement ia",
+ "▁bankrupt cy",
+ "ar an",
+ "ara n",
+ "a ran",
+ "▁c hips",
+ "▁ch ips",
+ "▁chip s",
+ "▁chi ps",
+ "For mat",
+ "Form at",
+ "▁perform ers",
+ "▁performer s",
+ "▁Ch ampion",
+ "▁ide ology",
+ "▁compl iment",
+ "board s",
+ "bo ards",
+ "▁Z hang",
+ "▁Zh ang",
+ "reg ular",
+ "equ al",
+ "eq ual",
+ "e qual",
+ "▁p seud",
+ "▁block chain",
+ "▁Ver mont",
+ "▁Verm ont",
+ "ind uced",
+ "▁rend ered",
+ "▁render ed",
+ "▁ rendered",
+ "▁Te acher",
+ "▁Tea cher",
+ "▁Teach er",
+ "izar re",
+ "ma tic",
+ "mat ic",
+ "m atic",
+ "▁F err",
+ "▁Fe rr",
+ "▁Fer r",
+ "ik o",
+ "i ko",
+ "▁P O",
+ "▁ PO",
+ "▁in nings",
+ "▁inn ings",
+ "▁inning s",
+ "▁R C",
+ "▁ RC",
+ "▁f ever",
+ "▁fe ver",
+ "in da",
+ "ind a",
+ "▁ten ure",
+ "ir s",
+ "i rs",
+ "uation s",
+ "u ations",
+ "▁U AE",
+ "Wh ere",
+ "Whe re",
+ "W here",
+ "ar gs",
+ "arg s",
+ "▁W ords",
+ "▁Wor ds",
+ "▁Word s",
+ "▁App lied",
+ "▁Appl ied",
+ "▁green house",
+ "wa l",
+ "w al",
+ "Re turn",
+ "Ret urn",
+ "w ikipedia",
+ "bo ys",
+ "boy s",
+ "b oys",
+ "▁P urch",
+ "▁Pur ch",
+ "al ey",
+ "ale y",
+ "a ley",
+ "▁molec ules",
+ "▁molecule s",
+ "▁E lementary",
+ "▁Element ary",
+ "▁particip ant",
+ "▁poor ly",
+ "O p",
+ "▁Ex cept",
+ "▁Exc ept",
+ "▁be aten",
+ "▁beat en",
+ "▁w and",
+ "▁wa nd",
+ "▁ wand",
+ "▁sp otted",
+ "▁spot ted",
+ "▁t oys",
+ "▁to ys",
+ "▁toy s",
+ "▁Alz heimer",
+ "▁hist orian",
+ "▁histor ian",
+ "▁streng ths",
+ "▁strength s",
+ "▁s od",
+ "▁so d",
+ "▁g rades",
+ "▁gr ades",
+ "▁gra des",
+ "▁grad es",
+ "▁grade s",
+ "▁Effect s",
+ "row ser",
+ "rows er",
+ "rowse r",
+ "▁Equ ity",
+ "▁Eq uity",
+ "▁abund ance",
+ "by e",
+ "b ye",
+ "l anguage",
+ "▁M atch",
+ "▁Mat ch",
+ "▁ Match",
+ "▁avoid ing",
+ "▁E ug",
+ "▁Eu g",
+ "▁S R",
+ "▁ SR",
+ "▁D h",
+ "ail ure",
+ "▁Med icaid",
+ "▁Medic aid",
+ "k n",
+ "▁l ymph",
+ "▁ly mph",
+ "▁pur ely",
+ "▁pure ly",
+ "▁inter ference",
+ "▁interf erence",
+ "▁interfere nce",
+ "▁Cr oat",
+ "▁Cro at",
+ "ç ão",
+ "an ic",
+ "ani c",
+ "a nic",
+ "▁wood s",
+ "▁C raft",
+ "▁Cr aft",
+ "▁Cra ft",
+ "▁appeal ing",
+ "▁R S",
+ "▁ RS",
+ "▁C omics",
+ "▁Com ics",
+ "▁Comic s",
+ "▁lic ensing",
+ "▁licens ing",
+ "▁organization al",
+ "▁organiz ational",
+ "▁C emetery",
+ "os ures",
+ "osure s",
+ "par ams",
+ "param s",
+ "pa rams",
+ "para ms",
+ "▁prevent ed",
+ "▁prev ented",
+ "▁c ant",
+ "▁can t",
+ "▁ca nt",
+ "▁sp orting",
+ "▁sport ing",
+ "▁Mil waukee",
+ "▁under way",
+ "os i",
+ "o si",
+ "▁ev olving",
+ "▁evol ving",
+ "iov ascular",
+ "▁C arbon",
+ "▁Car bon",
+ "▁demon stration",
+ "▁demonstr ation",
+ "▁R ena",
+ "▁Re na",
+ "▁Ren a",
+ "▁Cl aire",
+ "▁Cla ire",
+ "▁sl aves",
+ "▁sla ves",
+ "▁slave s",
+ ") ?",
+ "ro ng",
+ "ron g",
+ "r ong",
+ "▁men tor",
+ "▁ment or",
+ "▁Benn ett",
+ "▁quest ioned",
+ "▁question ed",
+ "▁Ne ither",
+ "▁inter ven",
+ "▁Cat hedral",
+ "▁gu ards",
+ "▁guard s",
+ "▁H S",
+ "▁ HS",
+ "▁W AR",
+ "▁WA R",
+ "ag ne",
+ "agn e",
+ "▁faith ful",
+ "▁J ourney",
+ "▁lim itation",
+ "▁limit ation",
+ "face book",
+ "но го",
+ "▁cre ature",
+ "▁creat ure",
+ "▁b rew",
+ "▁br ew",
+ "▁bre w",
+ "act erial",
+ "acter ial",
+ "acteria l",
+ "▁satisf ying",
+ "▁satisfy ing",
+ "rec ord",
+ "▁vers e",
+ "▁ver se",
+ "▁ verse",
+ "▁educ ate",
+ "▁tend ency",
+ "▁P ing",
+ "▁Pin g",
+ "▁Pi ng",
+ "▁y oga",
+ "▁yog a",
+ "un ge",
+ "ung e",
+ "▁L an",
+ "▁La n",
+ "▁w ashing",
+ "▁was hing",
+ "▁wash ing",
+ "fe ld",
+ "f eld",
+ "▁R EL",
+ "▁RE L",
+ "▁T ool",
+ "▁To ol",
+ "▁Too l",
+ "▁ Tool",
+ "▁Cry stal",
+ "gr aph",
+ "gra ph",
+ "g raph",
+ "fore st",
+ "for est",
+ "fo rest",
+ "ul i",
+ "u li",
+ "▁arch ive",
+ "▁ archive",
+ "▁M alt",
+ "▁Mal t",
+ "▁Ma lt",
+ "▁Fred erick",
+ "▁Freder ick",
+ "▁Ad m",
+ "B o",
+ "Pa t",
+ "P at",
+ "▁Re agan",
+ "▁alt ogether",
+ "▁R ange",
+ "▁Ran ge",
+ "▁ Range",
+ "▁m etric",
+ "▁met ric",
+ "▁ metric",
+ "unicip ality",
+ "unicipal ity",
+ "▁Le o",
+ "▁out look",
+ "▁ins isted",
+ "▁insist ed",
+ "AN S",
+ "A NS",
+ "▁altern ate",
+ "em on",
+ "e mon",
+ "▁app ell",
+ "▁d ash",
+ "▁da sh",
+ "▁das h",
+ "▁S aints",
+ "▁Sa ints",
+ "▁Saint s",
+ "▁di gest",
+ "▁dig est",
+ "▁M IT",
+ "▁MI T",
+ "in is",
+ "ini s",
+ "i nis",
+ "E v",
+ "to r",
+ "t or",
+ "▁compris ed",
+ "▁comprise d",
+ "▁p ad",
+ "▁pa d",
+ "▁ pad",
+ "”) ,",
+ "” ),",
+ "ol lo",
+ "oll o",
+ "oc ese",
+ "▁fund raising",
+ "▁fundra ising",
+ "▁don ors",
+ "▁donor s",
+ "ip per",
+ "ipp er",
+ "i pper",
+ "v ideo",
+ "sq u",
+ "s qu",
+ "▁sc ales",
+ "▁scale s",
+ "▁scal es",
+ "▁equ ations",
+ "▁equation s",
+ "▁eq uations",
+ "▁X X",
+ "▁ XX",
+ "▁B ach",
+ "▁Ba ch",
+ "▁Bac h",
+ "з а",
+ "an ium",
+ "ani um",
+ "pack age",
+ "▁Gabri el",
+ "ap or",
+ "a por",
+ "▁prompt ed",
+ "▁V ers",
+ "▁Ver s",
+ "▁Ve rs",
+ "▁dist ribute",
+ "▁distribut e",
+ "▁bi om",
+ "▁bio m",
+ "▁form ats",
+ "▁format s",
+ "▁T hr",
+ "▁Th r",
+ "▁Restaur ant",
+ "▁pup ils",
+ "▁pupil s",
+ "▁c yt",
+ "▁cy t",
+ "▁Lu cy",
+ "▁Luc y",
+ "▁out rage",
+ "oph ob",
+ "▁em pir",
+ "▁emp ir",
+ "ill ery",
+ "ille ry",
+ "iller y",
+ "▁Yan kees",
+ "▁Excell ence",
+ "sub set",
+ "▁Ent reprene",
+ "ih ad",
+ "i had",
+ "▁develop s",
+ "ut er",
+ "ute r",
+ "u ter",
+ "▁F ran",
+ "▁Fr an",
+ "▁Fra n",
+ "▁b out",
+ "▁bo ut",
+ "▁bou t",
+ "Add ress",
+ "▁ch ef",
+ "▁che f",
+ "▁con gr",
+ "▁young est",
+ "▁contin ually",
+ "▁continu ally",
+ "M R",
+ "▁con sc",
+ "▁cons c",
+ "▁or bit",
+ "▁orb it",
+ "▁Muham mad",
+ "▁D iet",
+ "▁Di et",
+ "▁Die t",
+ "V er",
+ "oc ide",
+ "oci de",
+ "▁p ressed",
+ "▁pr essed",
+ "▁press ed",
+ "▁u pt",
+ "▁up t",
+ "▁story telling",
+ "▁p ale",
+ "▁pa le",
+ "▁pal e",
+ "▁table ts",
+ "▁tab lets",
+ "▁tablet s",
+ "▁c asting",
+ "▁cast ing",
+ "▁cas ting",
+ "▁C elt",
+ "▁Ce lt",
+ "▁Cel t",
+ "ma ke",
+ "m ake",
+ "▁A ra",
+ "▁Ar a",
+ "▁Gl obe",
+ "▁Glob e",
+ "▁mult ip",
+ "▁multi p",
+ "dis ciplinary",
+ "ro e",
+ "r oe",
+ "iol ogical",
+ "i ological",
+ "In it",
+ "▁pract ically",
+ "▁practical ly",
+ "▁un h",
+ "▁form ally",
+ "▁formal ly",
+ "▁prov incial",
+ "▁E agle",
+ "▁Eag le",
+ "▁H ello",
+ "▁Hel lo",
+ "▁Hell o",
+ "▁ Hello",
+ "▁Mor oc",
+ "▁Mo roc",
+ "▁thr oat",
+ "▁thro at",
+ "▁cou sin",
+ "▁cous in",
+ "▁T W",
+ "he ll",
+ "hel l",
+ "h ell",
+ "▁crit ically",
+ "▁critical ly",
+ "▁critic ally",
+ "th ood",
+ "t hood",
+ "▁c er",
+ "▁ce r",
+ "▁ cer",
+ "▁mult ipl",
+ "▁multi pl",
+ "▁multip l",
+ "▁subst itute",
+ "▁substit ute",
+ "ur ement",
+ "ure ment",
+ "ig hed",
+ "igh ed",
+ "▁Cont ribut",
+ "pos ium",
+ "▁trans mitted",
+ "▁transmit ted",
+ "▁comm emor",
+ "▁comme mor",
+ "ш и",
+ "▁diplom atic",
+ "▁diploma tic",
+ "ze d",
+ "z ed",
+ "▁M T",
+ "▁ MT",
+ "se nd",
+ "sen d",
+ "s end",
+ "▁port able",
+ "▁por table",
+ "▁earthqu ake",
+ "▁trad itionally",
+ "▁traditional ly",
+ "▁tradition ally",
+ "eng ine",
+ "▁e ighth",
+ "▁eight h",
+ "▁br ave",
+ "▁bra ve",
+ "M T",
+ "▁deb ates",
+ "▁debate s",
+ "▁re cycling",
+ "▁recy cling",
+ "▁T C",
+ "▁ TC",
+ "▁abs urd",
+ "nd um",
+ "er nel",
+ "ern el",
+ "▁Greg ory",
+ "▁Crit ical",
+ "▁fl ew",
+ "▁fle w",
+ "▁Other wise",
+ "rodu ctive",
+ "roduct ive",
+ "bi al",
+ "bia l",
+ "b ial",
+ "▁wh oles",
+ "▁who les",
+ "▁whole s",
+ "en sen",
+ "ens en",
+ "ense n",
+ "om orph",
+ "▁as ylum",
+ "▁D j",
+ "ha ll",
+ "hal l",
+ "h all",
+ "▁In fo",
+ "▁Inf o",
+ "▁ Info",
+ "bus iness",
+ "b usiness",
+ "▁comp iled",
+ "▁compile d",
+ "▁A ctor",
+ "▁Act or",
+ "▁Ac tor",
+ "▁Ug anda",
+ "▁K os",
+ "▁Ko s",
+ "an cel",
+ "ance l",
+ "anc el",
+ ". (",
+ "le tte",
+ "let te",
+ "lett e",
+ "l ette",
+ ") |",
+ "▁l ane",
+ "▁la ne",
+ "▁lan e",
+ "▁ lane",
+ "▁vis ibility",
+ "ortun ate",
+ "▁jewel ry",
+ "▁S QL",
+ "▁ SQL",
+ "enti eth",
+ "▁elect oral",
+ "▁ele ctoral",
+ "▁bott les",
+ "▁bottle s",
+ "▁G ates",
+ "▁Ga tes",
+ "▁Gate s",
+ "▁Gat es",
+ "▁Med al",
+ "▁Me dal",
+ "▁b atch",
+ "▁bat ch",
+ "▁hypothes is",
+ "▁hypot hesis",
+ "▁su ited",
+ "▁suit ed",
+ "▁suite d",
+ "▁Event ually",
+ "▁Sh adow",
+ "▁Mult iple",
+ "▁Multi ple",
+ "▁{ {",
+ "▁ {{",
+ "▁K in",
+ "▁Ki n",
+ "▁S ame",
+ "▁Sam e",
+ "▁Sa me",
+ "▁imp air",
+ "▁Ex ample",
+ "▁Exam ple",
+ "▁so oner",
+ "▁soon er",
+ "▁hold ers",
+ "▁hol ders",
+ "▁holder s",
+ "▁ holders",
+ "▁Sac ram",
+ "▁Flor ence",
+ "▁Flore nce",
+ "▁Flo rence",
+ "▁K urd",
+ "▁Ku rd",
+ "▁Kur d",
+ "▁L ud",
+ "▁Lu d",
+ "▁G rade",
+ "▁Gr ade",
+ "▁Gra de",
+ "▁Grad e",
+ "▁dign ity",
+ "ar se",
+ "ars e",
+ "▁J ah",
+ "▁Ja h",
+ "off ic",
+ "o ffic",
+ "m g",
+ "ar ten",
+ "art en",
+ "arte n",
+ "▁lo ads",
+ "▁load s",
+ "▁ loads",
+ "▁Word Press",
+ "▁reason ing",
+ "▁F ans",
+ "▁Fan s",
+ "▁Fa ns",
+ "▁Nurs ing",
+ "L ength",
+ "▁Ev olution",
+ "▁incent ives",
+ "▁incentive s",
+ "ig g",
+ "i gg",
+ "▁Pier re",
+ "ba ge",
+ "bag e",
+ "b age",
+ "▁Mc L",
+ "im en",
+ "ime n",
+ "i men",
+ "▁R ush",
+ "▁Ru sh",
+ "▁Rus h",
+ "op pers",
+ "opp ers",
+ "o ppers",
+ "▁f itted",
+ "▁fit ted",
+ "▁sp ouse",
+ "▁spo use",
+ "▁indic ators",
+ "▁indicator s",
+ "▁Hop kins",
+ "▁S ullivan",
+ "go m",
+ "g om",
+ ".. .]",
+ "... ]",
+ "▁r od",
+ "▁ro d",
+ "▁ rod",
+ "▁o ven",
+ "▁ov en",
+ "▁ oven",
+ "U rl",
+ "se min",
+ "sem in",
+ "▁Let ters",
+ "▁Letter s",
+ "▁Lett ers",
+ "▁inst inct",
+ "▁T D",
+ "▁ TD",
+ "▁B ent",
+ "▁Be nt",
+ "▁Ben t",
+ "▁Br ady",
+ "▁Bra dy",
+ "▁Brad y",
+ "▁d ella",
+ "▁de lla",
+ "▁del la",
+ "▁dell a",
+ "▁fuel s",
+ "▁fu els",
+ "▁fue ls",
+ "▁dispos al",
+ "▁season al",
+ "▁seas onal",
+ "▁Thanks giving",
+ "▁Test ament",
+ "hal f",
+ "h alf",
+ "▁magn ificent",
+ "▁a bol",
+ "▁ab ol",
+ "▁ abol",
+ "▁A chie",
+ "▁Ach ie",
+ "▁imp lied",
+ "▁impl ied",
+ "▁F est",
+ "▁Fe st",
+ "▁p ole",
+ "▁pol e",
+ "▁po le",
+ "▁div isions",
+ "▁division s",
+ "▁membr ane",
+ "De p",
+ "D ep",
+ "▁Basket ball",
+ "▁I RS",
+ "▁IR S",
+ "lor d",
+ "lo rd",
+ "l ord",
+ "▁trou bles",
+ "▁trouble s",
+ "▁G PS",
+ "▁GP S",
+ "▁pra yers",
+ "▁pray ers",
+ "▁prayer s",
+ "▁inhabit ants",
+ "ц і",
+ "add le",
+ "▁S K",
+ "am as",
+ "ama s",
+ "a mas",
+ "▁pro ves",
+ "▁prov es",
+ "▁pr oves",
+ "▁prove s",
+ "▁re wards",
+ "▁reward s",
+ "ET H",
+ "E TH",
+ "el ong",
+ "elo ng",
+ "e long",
+ "▁El len",
+ "▁Ell en",
+ "▁Elle n",
+ "▁cy cles",
+ "▁cycle s",
+ "▁cycl es",
+ "▁ cycles",
+ "oubted ly",
+ "▁cost ly",
+ "ri ved",
+ "riv ed",
+ "rive d",
+ "r ived",
+ "av ier",
+ "avi er",
+ "a vier",
+ "▁path way",
+ "▁T ak",
+ "▁Ta k",
+ "▁Ash ley",
+ "▁sing ular",
+ "ph is",
+ "phi s",
+ "p his",
+ "▁T ea",
+ "▁Te a",
+ "▁head lines",
+ "▁headline s",
+ "▁Lib ya",
+ "▁ne at",
+ "▁C hand",
+ "▁Ch and",
+ "▁Cha nd",
+ "▁Chan d",
+ "count ry",
+ "▁undert aken",
+ "▁undertake n",
+ "▁polit ician",
+ "▁she er",
+ "ty pes",
+ "type s",
+ "typ es",
+ "t ypes",
+ "▁super v",
+ "▁sup erv",
+ "▁Imag ine",
+ "iz ers",
+ "ize rs",
+ "izer s",
+ "ri cks",
+ "ric ks",
+ "rick s",
+ "r icks",
+ "▁p ist",
+ "▁pi st",
+ "▁g rief",
+ "▁gr ief",
+ "▁gri ef",
+ "▁grie f",
+ "г и",
+ "ou ting",
+ "out ing",
+ "o uting",
+ "▁A NY",
+ "▁AN Y",
+ "op ing",
+ "opin g",
+ "o ping",
+ "an yon",
+ "any on",
+ "▁Comm ander",
+ "▁Command er",
+ "it us",
+ "itu s",
+ "▁account able",
+ "▁bas eline",
+ "▁base line",
+ "ba ch",
+ "b ach",
+ "▁P owell",
+ "▁Po well",
+ "▁Pow ell",
+ "wi ld",
+ "w ild",
+ "ad equ",
+ "ade qu",
+ "as ting",
+ "ast ing",
+ "▁f ights",
+ "▁fight s",
+ "▁S ession",
+ "▁ Session",
+ "Ge n",
+ "G en",
+ "▁o rb",
+ "▁or b",
+ "▁ orb",
+ "ment ioned",
+ "ub a",
+ "u ba",
+ "ca no",
+ "can o",
+ "c ano",
+ "▁Ex pert",
+ "▁Exp ert",
+ "▁Exper t",
+ "ole cular",
+ "olec ular",
+ "▁Law yers",
+ "▁Lawyer s",
+ "▁inv ented",
+ "▁invent ed",
+ "▁F erg",
+ "▁Fer g",
+ "▁Analy tics",
+ "▁ ре",
+ "▁Ch anges",
+ "▁Change s",
+ "▁Chan ges",
+ "▁Chang es",
+ "▁re const",
+ "▁recon st",
+ "▁recons t",
+ "ast ro",
+ "▁Arn old",
+ "re ference",
+ "ref erence",
+ "ha ve",
+ "h ave",
+ "▁en ters",
+ "▁ent ers",
+ "▁enter s",
+ "▁C incinnati",
+ "▁consider ations",
+ "▁consideration s",
+ "▁prom otes",
+ "▁promot es",
+ "▁promote s",
+ "▁promo tes",
+ "pir ed",
+ "pire d",
+ "pi red",
+ "p ired",
+ "▁Ad ult",
+ "▁f ortunate",
+ "▁fortun ate",
+ "▁min isters",
+ "▁minister s",
+ "▁mini sters",
+ "G P",
+ "▁play off",
+ "▁A IDS",
+ "▁AI DS",
+ "▁ AIDS",
+ "▁Ref erences",
+ "▁Reference s",
+ "▁Refer ences",
+ "▁re tained",
+ "▁ret ained",
+ "▁retain ed",
+ "▁adjust ment",
+ "▁spons ors",
+ "▁sponsor s",
+ "im ir",
+ "imi r",
+ "i mir",
+ "mill ion",
+ "m illion",
+ "aq ue",
+ "a que",
+ "▁cor rection",
+ "▁correct ion",
+ "ook s",
+ "oo ks",
+ "o oks",
+ "▁H arm",
+ "▁Har m",
+ "▁Ha rm",
+ "▁wel coming",
+ "rit is",
+ "r itis",
+ "▁L akes",
+ "▁La kes",
+ "▁Lake s",
+ "▁Lak es",
+ "▁sh ake",
+ "▁P ie",
+ "▁Pi e",
+ "wor thy",
+ "worth y",
+ "w orthy",
+ "ur ers",
+ "ure rs",
+ "urer s",
+ "ra cle",
+ "rac le",
+ "r acle",
+ "ru ctive",
+ "ruct ive",
+ "▁break down",
+ "▁strong est",
+ "▁in take",
+ "▁int ake",
+ "▁Pear l",
+ "▁mac ro",
+ "▁ma cro",
+ "His t",
+ "H ist",
+ "▁g lasses",
+ "▁gl asses",
+ "▁glass es",
+ "▁gro cery",
+ "▁g i",
+ "▁ gi",
+ "▁Ann iversary",
+ "pi c",
+ "p ic",
+ "▁intent ions",
+ "▁intention s",
+ "▁s ounded",
+ "▁sound ed",
+ "Mo re",
+ "Mor e",
+ "M ore",
+ "▁found ations",
+ "▁foundation s",
+ "' >",
+ "ex ample",
+ "exam ple",
+ "▁f orb",
+ "▁for b",
+ "▁fo rb",
+ "▁G raph",
+ "▁Gr aph",
+ "▁Gra ph",
+ "▁ Graph",
+ "▁select ing",
+ "▁lim iting",
+ "▁limit ing",
+ "▁make up",
+ "▁Ang ela",
+ "▁Angel a",
+ "▁autom ation",
+ "▁ir rit",
+ "▁irr it",
+ "al in",
+ "ali n",
+ "a lin",
+ "▁assess ments",
+ "▁assessment s",
+ "▁med ications",
+ "▁medic ations",
+ "▁medication s",
+ "ew ay",
+ "e way",
+ "▁) ,",
+ "▁ ),",
+ "▁Opin ion",
+ "▁R ah",
+ "▁Ra h",
+ "▁dec ay",
+ "▁c um",
+ "▁cu m",
+ "▁trans plant",
+ "IC S",
+ "I CS",
+ "do g",
+ "d og",
+ "in sky",
+ "ins ky",
+ "▁A W",
+ "▁ AW",
+ "▁St ef",
+ "▁Ste f",
+ "▁e nerg",
+ "▁en erg",
+ "▁ener g",
+ "ss on",
+ "s son",
+ "id ae",
+ "ida e",
+ "▁K ap",
+ "▁Ka p",
+ "▁A ven",
+ "▁Av en",
+ "▁Ave n",
+ "me l",
+ "m el",
+ "▁short age",
+ "▁des criptions",
+ "▁description s",
+ "▁descript ions",
+ "▁c ement",
+ "▁ce ment",
+ "▁Im mun",
+ "▁Imm un",
+ "▁b oom",
+ "▁bo om",
+ "▁boo m",
+ "() ;\r",
+ "(); \r",
+ "( );\r",
+ "▁S ara",
+ "▁Sa ra",
+ "▁Sar a",
+ "▁aw kward",
+ "▁g rip",
+ "▁gr ip",
+ "▁gri p",
+ "▁Y emen",
+ "▁Ye men",
+ "▁territ ories",
+ "▁D ian",
+ "▁Di an",
+ "ti m",
+ "t im",
+ "▁M otion",
+ "▁Mot ion",
+ "▁im mers",
+ "▁imm ers",
+ "si n",
+ "s in",
+ "ou rage",
+ "our age",
+ "oura ge",
+ "▁t raits",
+ "▁tra its",
+ "▁trait s",
+ "▁b ite",
+ "▁bit e",
+ "▁bi te",
+ "▁Ear l",
+ "( [",
+ "mu nd",
+ "mun d",
+ "m und",
+ "▁D ame",
+ "▁Dam e",
+ "▁Da me",
+ "▁distingu ish",
+ "ab ases",
+ "abase s",
+ "aba ses",
+ "▁M ull",
+ "▁Mu ll",
+ "▁Mul l",
+ "▁pl anes",
+ "▁plan es",
+ "▁plane s",
+ "▁pla nes",
+ "▁ planes",
+ "▁R F",
+ "▁c harm",
+ "▁ch arm",
+ "▁char m",
+ "▁cha rm",
+ "▁de aler",
+ "▁deal er",
+ "▁Mount ains",
+ "▁Mountain s",
+ "▁R d",
+ "▁anth rop",
+ "▁ anthrop",
+ "▁resil ience",
+ "Ph i",
+ "P hi",
+ "▁G ross",
+ "▁Gr oss",
+ "▁Gro ss",
+ "▁H ours",
+ "▁Hou rs",
+ "▁Ho urs",
+ "▁Hour s",
+ "▁comm ands",
+ "▁command s",
+ "▁diam ond",
+ "▁dia mond",
+ "з и",
+ "▁Y am",
+ "▁Ya m",
+ "ount ers",
+ "oun ters",
+ "ounter s",
+ "lo v",
+ "l ov",
+ "▁individual ly",
+ "▁individ ually",
+ "▁f ancy",
+ "▁fan cy",
+ "▁n ost",
+ "▁no st",
+ "▁calc ulation",
+ "▁! ==",
+ "▁!= =",
+ "▁st raw",
+ "▁str aw",
+ "▁stra w",
+ "gl obal",
+ "▁Sur gery",
+ "▁tr apped",
+ "▁tra pped",
+ "▁trap ped",
+ "form er",
+ "for mer",
+ "▁fail ures",
+ "▁failure s",
+ "▁Co ffee",
+ "cyclop edia",
+ "om atic",
+ "oma tic",
+ "o matic",
+ "▁S B",
+ "mi le",
+ "mil e",
+ "m ile",
+ "se en",
+ "see n",
+ "s een",
+ "о р",
+ "el se",
+ "els e",
+ "▁effic acy",
+ "▁consider ably",
+ "▁& =",
+ "▁C BD",
+ "▁CB D",
+ "▁Sp ider",
+ "▁ref eren",
+ "▁refer en",
+ "▁refere n",
+ "▁h ind",
+ "▁hi nd",
+ "* /",
+ "▁N ad",
+ "▁Na d",
+ "▁Feat ured",
+ "▁Feature d",
+ "▁w heat",
+ "▁whe at",
+ "▁M AN",
+ "▁MA N",
+ "▁ MAN",
+ "▁ac claimed",
+ "▁acclaim ed",
+ "▁H O",
+ "▁ HO",
+ "ol der",
+ "old er",
+ "Con s",
+ "Co ns",
+ "C ons",
+ "▁Bi ography",
+ "▁crim inals",
+ "▁criminal s",
+ "▁mechan ics",
+ "▁mechanic s",
+ "▁Cert ificate",
+ "▁s olved",
+ "▁sol ved",
+ "▁solve d",
+ "▁Gil bert",
+ "▁Wal king",
+ "▁Walk ing",
+ "▁a pi",
+ "▁ap i",
+ "▁ api",
+ "▁Sal v",
+ "ign ment",
+ "▁av iation",
+ "▁perman ently",
+ "▁permanent ly",
+ "▁super vision",
+ "▁superv ision",
+ "▁supervis ion",
+ "ol ia",
+ "oli a",
+ "o lia",
+ "▁compet ent",
+ "▁compete nt",
+ "▁S olid",
+ "▁Sol id",
+ "▁Av iation",
+ "▁Prov ince",
+ "es ity",
+ "▁re sur",
+ "▁res ur",
+ "▁util ized",
+ "▁utilize d",
+ "▁review ing",
+ "▁post p",
+ "▁l asted",
+ "▁last ed",
+ "▁la sted",
+ "▁las ted",
+ ": \"",
+ "ib lings",
+ "ibl ings",
+ "ibling s",
+ "▁L uis",
+ "▁Lu is",
+ "▁p izza",
+ "▁pi zza",
+ "▁La unch",
+ "▁Laun ch",
+ "▁interpret ed",
+ "▁interpre ted",
+ "▁re pet",
+ "▁rep et",
+ "▁repe t",
+ "▁c u",
+ "▁ cu",
+ "▁pl ural",
+ "▁c ellular",
+ "▁cell ular",
+ "augh ed",
+ "aug hed",
+ "▁phil os",
+ "▁I SO",
+ "▁IS O",
+ "▁relax ed",
+ "▁Found er",
+ "▁Fo under",
+ "▁Fou nder",
+ "▁Tal iban",
+ "H N",
+ "▁H erald",
+ "▁Her ald",
+ "▁Hor ror",
+ "▁W elsh",
+ "▁Wel sh",
+ "▁bet ray",
+ "▁Gene va",
+ "▁preval ence",
+ "▁h ilar",
+ "▁hi lar",
+ "CO M",
+ "C OM",
+ "A ut",
+ "Cont rol",
+ "▁CL ASS",
+ "▁trans c",
+ "▁tran sc",
+ "co st",
+ "cos t",
+ "c ost",
+ "\" =>",
+ "▁qu art",
+ "▁quar t",
+ "▁ quart",
+ "▁Reyn olds",
+ "S ign",
+ "▁Re id",
+ "▁s eller",
+ "▁se ller",
+ "▁sell er",
+ "▁sel ler",
+ "▁ seller",
+ "▁we aken",
+ "▁weak en",
+ "▁p ert",
+ "▁per t",
+ "▁pe rt",
+ "▁ pert",
+ "▁Brad ley",
+ "▁rep airs",
+ "▁repair s",
+ "▁sculpt ure",
+ "ron ics",
+ "ronic s",
+ "r onics",
+ "pt r",
+ "p tr",
+ "ew ater",
+ "e water",
+ "▁comm ittees",
+ "▁committee s",
+ "▁consist ency",
+ "Se pt",
+ "Sep t",
+ "S ept",
+ "▁cart oon",
+ "▁Work shop",
+ "▁Works hop",
+ "im o",
+ "i mo",
+ "▁j am",
+ "▁ja m",
+ "La bel",
+ "Lab el",
+ "L abel",
+ "ж и",
+ "Le vel",
+ "▁An nie",
+ "▁Ann ie",
+ "if icates",
+ "ific ates",
+ "ificate s",
+ "▁determ ines",
+ "▁determine s",
+ "▁determin es",
+ "▁C G",
+ "▁instruct or",
+ "▁A verage",
+ "▁Ave rage",
+ "V A",
+ "▁B ert",
+ "▁Be rt",
+ "▁Ber t",
+ "ran k",
+ "r ank",
+ "▁t hy",
+ "▁th y",
+ "▁ thy",
+ "et ing",
+ "eti ng",
+ "e ting",
+ "▁g rie",
+ "▁gr ie",
+ "▁gri e",
+ "▁Mar riage",
+ "▁Marri age",
+ "▁Proceed ings",
+ "Mar ch",
+ "M arch",
+ "▁J esse",
+ "▁Jes se",
+ "▁Jess e",
+ "▁land mark",
+ "ur able",
+ "ura ble",
+ "Un it",
+ "▁L amb",
+ "▁La mb",
+ "▁Lam b",
+ "▁gu ilt",
+ "ID E",
+ "I DE",
+ "Tr a",
+ "T ra",
+ "▁yield s",
+ "Equ al",
+ "E qual",
+ "▁Out side",
+ "s n",
+ "▁hor izon",
+ "▁horiz on",
+ "ich ael",
+ "in ea",
+ "ine a",
+ "i nea",
+ "▁en v",
+ "▁ env",
+ "▁G and",
+ "▁Ga nd",
+ "▁Gan d",
+ "▁severe ly",
+ "▁sever ely",
+ "▁defin itions",
+ "▁definition s",
+ "at ched",
+ "atch ed",
+ "atche d",
+ "▁scr atch",
+ "▁Cor onavirus",
+ "▁v inyl",
+ "▁stat ue",
+ "▁G az",
+ "▁Ga z",
+ "▁L iu",
+ "▁Li u",
+ "▁pr ints",
+ "▁print s",
+ "na med",
+ "name d",
+ "nam ed",
+ "n amed",
+ "▁c od",
+ "▁co d",
+ "▁ cod",
+ "▁F ortunately",
+ "▁sex ually",
+ "▁sexual ly",
+ "▁de leted",
+ "▁del eted",
+ "▁delete d",
+ "ar ming",
+ "arm ing",
+ "▁A er",
+ "am pire",
+ "amp ire",
+ "▁s olic",
+ "▁so lic",
+ "▁sol ic",
+ "Name s",
+ "Na mes",
+ "N ames",
+ "▁ve rb",
+ "▁ver b",
+ "▁ verb",
+ "▁l ocate",
+ "▁loc ate",
+ "▁S uff",
+ "▁Su ff",
+ "Pro ject",
+ "man uel",
+ "ja ck",
+ "j ack",
+ "▁virt ue",
+ "▁obst acles",
+ "▁obstacle s",
+ "▁tax payers",
+ "▁taxpayer s",
+ "▁Ar g",
+ "▁ Arg",
+ "▁Tw enty",
+ "▁c ricket",
+ "▁cr icket",
+ "с а",
+ "▁B rend",
+ "▁Br end",
+ "▁Bre nd",
+ "▁Bren d",
+ "▁free l",
+ "▁fre el",
+ "▁Nic ole",
+ "▁fl uct",
+ "▁flu ct",
+ "▁according ly",
+ "▁accord ingly",
+ "You r",
+ "Y our",
+ "en za",
+ "enz a",
+ "▁st rive",
+ "▁str ive",
+ "▁stri ve",
+ "bour g",
+ "bo urg",
+ "eff ic",
+ "e ffic",
+ "▁a pple",
+ "▁app le",
+ "▁ap ple",
+ "▁appl e",
+ "▁ apple",
+ "st en",
+ "ste n",
+ "s ten",
+ "▁R ico",
+ "▁Ric o",
+ "▁Ri co",
+ "in ters",
+ "int ers",
+ "inter s",
+ "▁off shore",
+ "ar us",
+ "aru s",
+ "a rus",
+ "▁st ance",
+ "▁sta nce",
+ "▁foot print",
+ "us on",
+ "u son",
+ "▁car riers",
+ "▁carrier s",
+ "ap ing",
+ "api ng",
+ "a ping",
+ "▁z u",
+ "▁ zu",
+ "▁Ott awa",
+ "▁St orage",
+ "▁ Storage",
+ "▁custom s",
+ "▁cust oms",
+ "S im",
+ ",. ..",
+ ", ...",
+ "in ars",
+ "ina rs",
+ "inar s",
+ "▁El se",
+ "▁cont empl",
+ "es tab",
+ "est ab",
+ "esta b",
+ "ixt ures",
+ "ixture s",
+ "R ange",
+ "▁in comp",
+ "▁inc omp",
+ "nav bar",
+ "▁cancell ed",
+ "▁cancel led",
+ "og ical",
+ "ogi cal",
+ "▁T een",
+ "▁Te en",
+ "at ility",
+ "Mod e",
+ "Mo de",
+ "M ode",
+ "▁P ages",
+ "▁Pa ges",
+ "▁Page s",
+ "▁Pag es",
+ "ue se",
+ "ues e",
+ "u ese",
+ "▁Da wn",
+ "▁Daw n",
+ "▁Hur ricane",
+ "▁Clark e",
+ "▁Clar ke",
+ "▁m ph",
+ "▁mp h",
+ "▁ mph",
+ "▁s ucc",
+ "▁su cc",
+ "▁suc c",
+ "▁cl oth",
+ "▁clo th",
+ "') ,",
+ "' ),",
+ "bol ds",
+ "bold s",
+ "b olds",
+ "▁crowd s",
+ "do t",
+ "d ot",
+ "Y ear",
+ "▁jack et",
+ "▁surv iving",
+ "▁surviv ing",
+ "o T",
+ "▁hon ors",
+ "▁honor s",
+ "▁Mark ets",
+ "▁Market s",
+ "co ll",
+ "col l",
+ "c oll",
+ "▁M oses",
+ "▁Mo ses",
+ "▁Mos es",
+ "▁color ful",
+ "▁l aughed",
+ "▁laugh ed",
+ "▁f acial",
+ "▁fac ial",
+ "▁fa cial",
+ "▁R af",
+ "▁Ra f",
+ "▁hung ry",
+ "▁Resp ond",
+ "( _",
+ "ry ing",
+ "r ying",
+ "▁alumin um",
+ "▁commit ments",
+ "▁commitment s",
+ "ic ates",
+ "ica tes",
+ "icate s",
+ "▁Rel igious",
+ "▁Research ers",
+ "▁Resear chers",
+ "▁O NE",
+ "▁ON E",
+ "▁ ONE",
+ "▁Fund ing",
+ "▁Fun ding",
+ "▁Re move",
+ "▁Rem ove",
+ "▁ Remove",
+ "▁emb ark",
+ "NE T",
+ "N ET",
+ "▁Queens land",
+ "Fe b",
+ "F eb",
+ "L ambda",
+ "▁op io",
+ "▁Par ish",
+ "▁Pa rish",
+ "▁Paris h",
+ "bolds ymbol",
+ "bold symbol",
+ "▁innov ations",
+ "▁innovation s",
+ "UT H",
+ "U TH",
+ "▁s ells",
+ "▁sell s",
+ "▁sel ls",
+ "it ably",
+ "▁sc rap",
+ "▁scr ap",
+ "▁scra p",
+ "oa n",
+ "o an",
+ "▁qu arters",
+ "▁quarter s",
+ "▁quart ers",
+ "▁quar ters",
+ "▁ quarters",
+ "▁Nor wegian",
+ "▁I gn",
+ "▁Ig n",
+ "▁b acks",
+ "▁back s",
+ "▁ba cks",
+ "▁ backs",
+ "▁teen ager",
+ "▁teenage r",
+ "w y",
+ "▁G y",
+ "um en",
+ "ume n",
+ "u men",
+ "▁a sh",
+ "▁as h",
+ "▁ ash",
+ "▁gau ge",
+ "▁ga uge",
+ "▁App arently",
+ "( &",
+ "▁mem oir",
+ "▁memo ir",
+ "J une",
+ "▁m emor",
+ "▁me mor",
+ "▁mem or",
+ "▁memo r",
+ "▁Behav ior",
+ "us ted",
+ "ust ed",
+ "u sted",
+ "▁Roman ia",
+ "▁Rom ania",
+ "▁Roma nia",
+ "lic h",
+ "li ch",
+ "l ich",
+ "sh aped",
+ "sha ped",
+ "shape d",
+ "▁warrant y",
+ "cl ed",
+ "cle d",
+ "c led",
+ "▁Op ening",
+ "▁Open ing",
+ "il les",
+ "ill es",
+ "ille s",
+ "▁A ub",
+ "▁Au b",
+ "▁Camb od",
+ "▁fort une",
+ "▁fortun e",
+ "▁P i",
+ "▁ Pi",
+ "▁m igr",
+ "▁mi gr",
+ "▁mig r",
+ "▁Sim ply",
+ "▁g ospel",
+ "ex ec",
+ "▁reg ret",
+ "▁p anic",
+ "▁pa nic",
+ "▁pan ic",
+ "▁ panic",
+ "▁pres idency",
+ "і д",
+ "pr im",
+ "pri m",
+ "p rim",
+ "▁F alse",
+ "▁Fal se",
+ "▁ False",
+ "ve lt",
+ "vel t",
+ "v elt",
+ "om al",
+ "oma l",
+ "o mal",
+ "dis c",
+ "di sc",
+ "d isc",
+ "] :",
+ "▁C onduct",
+ "▁Con duct",
+ "▁Cond uct",
+ "▁prec ip",
+ "▁un fold",
+ "▁unf old",
+ "ol ve",
+ "▁Sw ift",
+ "▁W ow",
+ "▁Wo w",
+ "▁m asc",
+ "▁ma sc",
+ "▁mas c",
+ "ry ption",
+ "rypt ion",
+ "▁C anyon",
+ "▁Can yon",
+ "▁N I",
+ "▁ NI",
+ "▁sub scribe",
+ "▁subsc ribe",
+ "▁subscrib e",
+ "▁ subscribe",
+ "an gered",
+ "ang ered",
+ "ange red",
+ "anger ed",
+ "▁Cab inet",
+ "▁Cabin et",
+ "is i",
+ "i si",
+ "gom ery",
+ "▁P av",
+ "▁Pa v",
+ "st airs",
+ "sta irs",
+ "▁W aters",
+ "▁Water s",
+ "▁Wat ers",
+ "▁Wa ters",
+ "▁log istics",
+ "gi rl",
+ "g irl",
+ "▁sem ester",
+ "ro v",
+ "r ov",
+ "▁cy cling",
+ "▁cycl ing",
+ "▁ cycling",
+ "▁transfer s",
+ "▁transf ers",
+ "▁I g",
+ "▁Re ve",
+ "▁Rev e",
+ "▁behavior al",
+ "▁behavi oral",
+ "▁And rea",
+ "▁Andre a",
+ "▁Linked In",
+ "▁Christ ine",
+ "▁L aws",
+ "▁La ws",
+ "▁Law s",
+ "A f",
+ "de tail",
+ "det ail",
+ "▁D rew",
+ "▁Dr ew",
+ "▁Dre w",
+ "▁T iger",
+ "▁Tig er",
+ "▁Ti ger",
+ "▁swe at",
+ "▁just ified",
+ "▁sent iment",
+ "▁R ug",
+ "▁Ru g",
+ "▁ce ase",
+ "▁Cinem a",
+ "▁toler ance",
+ "▁Ly nn",
+ "▁Lyn n",
+ "▁mill enn",
+ "▁pract icing",
+ "▁W R",
+ "▁ WR",
+ "an try",
+ "ant ry",
+ "▁Es pecially",
+ "▁rehab ilitation",
+ "▁pe pper",
+ "▁Br ussels",
+ "▁R ise",
+ "▁Ris e",
+ "▁Ri se",
+ "▁Con cert",
+ "▁Conc ert",
+ "▁met rics",
+ "▁metric s",
+ "▁Nigeria n",
+ "▁Niger ian",
+ "ar thy",
+ "art hy",
+ "arth y",
+ "▁App eal",
+ "ens ation",
+ "▁B omb",
+ "▁Bo mb",
+ "▁Bom b",
+ "▁u gly",
+ "▁cor rid",
+ "▁Associ ates",
+ "▁Associate s",
+ "▁- --",
+ "▁-- -",
+ "▁ ---",
+ "ne apolis",
+ "EN CE",
+ "ENC E",
+ "▁b er",
+ "▁be r",
+ "▁ ber",
+ "▁Mem phis",
+ "s v",
+ "▁m eg",
+ "▁me g",
+ "▁ meg",
+ "▁s py",
+ "▁sp y",
+ "Out put",
+ "▁E ither",
+ "▁position ed",
+ "▁t oy",
+ "▁to y",
+ "▁B erg",
+ "▁Ber g",
+ "▁respir atory",
+ "mi c",
+ "m ic",
+ "P I",
+ "▁/*! <",
+ "▁ac ids",
+ "▁acid s",
+ "▁cap ac",
+ "▁Pl aces",
+ "▁Place s",
+ "it ated",
+ "ita ted",
+ "itate d",
+ "itat ed",
+ "▁a thlete",
+ "▁athlet e",
+ "▁aggreg ate",
+ "▁hor izontal",
+ "▁horiz ontal",
+ "▁horizon tal",
+ "▁ horizontal",
+ "you r",
+ "yo ur",
+ "y our",
+ "▁c yl",
+ "▁cy l",
+ "▁ cyl",
+ "cr it",
+ "c rit",
+ "t x",
+ "▁Em peror",
+ "▁ret ention",
+ "▁inter im",
+ "▁imm igrant",
+ "▁se ized",
+ "▁seiz ed",
+ "▁seize d",
+ "▁g el",
+ "▁ge l",
+ "▁ gel",
+ "▁tou ching",
+ "▁touch ing",
+ "hel p",
+ "uis ine",
+ "▁cr yst",
+ "▁cry st",
+ "▁synt hetic",
+ "▁synth etic",
+ "is se",
+ "iss e",
+ "e ous",
+ "▁st iff",
+ "▁pro long",
+ "▁prol ong",
+ "? :",
+ "ad ays",
+ "ada ys",
+ "a days",
+ "▁Sex ual",
+ "▁call back",
+ "▁ callback",
+ "▁C rypt",
+ "▁Cry pt",
+ "oo s",
+ "o os",
+ "el ection",
+ "ele ction",
+ "elect ion",
+ "e lection",
+ "▁N SW",
+ "▁NS W",
+ "is he",
+ "ish e",
+ "i she",
+ "▁Ch arter",
+ "▁Char ter",
+ "▁Chart er",
+ "br and",
+ "bra nd",
+ "b rand",
+ "EF A",
+ "E FA",
+ "DE R",
+ "D ER",
+ "▁appar atus",
+ "▁aut onomous",
+ "is cher",
+ "isc her",
+ "isch er",
+ "ische r",
+ "▁Z ach",
+ "▁opp osing",
+ "▁B ag",
+ "▁Ba g",
+ "iel der",
+ "ield er",
+ "▁M ills",
+ "▁Mil ls",
+ "▁Mill s",
+ "▁a board",
+ "▁ab oard",
+ "▁Mem ory",
+ "▁Memor y",
+ "▁ Memory",
+ "▁pres ervation",
+ "cont in",
+ "bi nd",
+ "bin d",
+ "b ind",
+ "AN G",
+ "A NG",
+ "▁Tim othy",
+ "cont rolled",
+ "control led",
+ "▁S V",
+ "▁can on",
+ "▁ca non",
+ "▁Th ous",
+ "▁Dis cussion",
+ "▁Disc ussion",
+ "▁Discuss ion",
+ "▁M ong",
+ "▁Mon g",
+ "▁Mo ng",
+ "▁E q",
+ "im ag",
+ "ima g",
+ "i mag",
+ "▁produ ctions",
+ "▁product ions",
+ "▁production s",
+ "P o",
+ "▁R aw",
+ "▁Ra w",
+ "ig ating",
+ "iga ting",
+ "▁Bloom berg",
+ "▁ind icator",
+ "▁indic ator",
+ "▁a ux",
+ "▁au x",
+ "▁ aux",
+ "▁arbit ration",
+ "og ram",
+ "o gram",
+ "▁P aram",
+ "▁Par am",
+ "▁Pa ram",
+ "▁ Param",
+ "▁Pr adesh",
+ "▁g ently",
+ "▁gent ly",
+ "▁recip ients",
+ "▁recipient s",
+ "▁m ant",
+ "▁man t",
+ "▁ma nt",
+ "▁ mant",
+ "▁L ions",
+ "▁Li ons",
+ "▁Lion s",
+ "▁& \\",
+ "▁ &\\",
+ "field s",
+ "ne ll",
+ "nel l",
+ "n ell",
+ "ri cia",
+ "ric ia",
+ "r icia",
+ "▁P osition",
+ "▁Pos ition",
+ "▁ Position",
+ "▁N H",
+ "sp lit",
+ "spl it",
+ "s plit",
+ "▁des ires",
+ "▁desire s",
+ "▁pers istent",
+ "▁persist ent",
+ "is hops",
+ "ish ops",
+ "ishop s",
+ "ung le",
+ "im ated",
+ "imate d",
+ "ima ted",
+ "▁far mer",
+ "▁farm er",
+ "▁ac oustic",
+ "▁frust ration",
+ "▁fru stration",
+ "line ar",
+ "lin ear",
+ "▁Clin ic",
+ "▁Cli nic",
+ "cl ock",
+ "c lock",
+ "▁Le aders",
+ "▁Lead ers",
+ "▁Leader s",
+ "▁coord ination",
+ "▁C ounter",
+ "▁Count er",
+ "▁Coun ter",
+ "▁spokes person",
+ "▁p uzzle",
+ "▁puzz le",
+ "▁pu zzle",
+ "bl ue",
+ "▁connect s",
+ "▁not ified",
+ "▁special ty",
+ "▁ch lor",
+ "▁ chlor",
+ "▁out reach",
+ "▁congr at",
+ "▁B S",
+ "▁ BS",
+ "▁re he",
+ "▁B ir",
+ "▁Bi r",
+ "▁concept ual",
+ "gar y",
+ "ga ry",
+ "g ary",
+ "Up date",
+ "▁G w",
+ "ati num",
+ "atin um",
+ "y t",
+ "cl oud",
+ "▁C raw",
+ "▁Cr aw",
+ "▁Cra w",
+ "uls ion",
+ "res ses",
+ "ress es",
+ "text it",
+ "▁ref rig",
+ "appropri ate",
+ "▁C had",
+ "▁Ch ad",
+ "▁Cha d",
+ "ur ally",
+ "ural ly",
+ "▁sm iled",
+ "▁smile d",
+ "intend ent",
+ "▁p ortions",
+ "▁port ions",
+ "▁portion s",
+ "▁R NA",
+ "▁RN A",
+ "▁ RNA",
+ "ning s",
+ "n ings",
+ "▁sen iors",
+ "▁senior s",
+ "▁vari eties",
+ "▁a z",
+ "▁ az",
+ "▁h ike",
+ "▁hi ke",
+ "▁c ache",
+ "▁ca che",
+ "▁ cache",
+ "g mail",
+ "il iation",
+ "ili ation",
+ "▁Fam ilies",
+ "▁ph ases",
+ "▁phase s",
+ "▁J P",
+ "▁ JP",
+ "▁F inding",
+ "▁Fin ding",
+ "▁Find ing",
+ "▁data set",
+ "▁datas et",
+ "J P",
+ "▁co unted",
+ "▁count ed",
+ "▁coun ted",
+ "il ogy",
+ "ilo gy",
+ "▁b aking",
+ "▁ba king",
+ "▁bak ing",
+ "▁Writ ers",
+ "▁Writer s",
+ "▁Write rs",
+ "cil iation",
+ "c iliation",
+ "Ch ange",
+ "▁Fell owship",
+ "▁Fellow ship",
+ "▁Fellows hip",
+ "▁Pro blem",
+ "▁Prob lem",
+ "▁Public ations",
+ "▁Publ ications",
+ "▁Publication s",
+ "▁e rect",
+ "▁er ect",
+ "ri ves",
+ "riv es",
+ "rive s",
+ "r ives",
+ "▁image ry",
+ "▁imag ery",
+ "▁an ten",
+ "▁ant en",
+ "▁ante n",
+ "▁writ ings",
+ "▁writing s",
+ "Equ als",
+ "Equal s",
+ "ust ral",
+ "▁M t",
+ "min ster",
+ "▁en rich",
+ "▁Indust ries",
+ "▁A K",
+ "▁ AK",
+ "▁co ordinate",
+ "▁coord inate",
+ "▁bl ocking",
+ "▁block ing",
+ "▁bloc king",
+ "▁calc ulations",
+ "▁calculation s",
+ "▁H aven",
+ "▁Have n",
+ "▁Ha ven",
+ "▁Hav en",
+ "▁medicine s",
+ "▁medic ines",
+ "▁mathem atics",
+ "de ss",
+ "des s",
+ "d ess",
+ "▁qual ifying",
+ "▁qualify ing",
+ "▁ver dict",
+ "▁or che",
+ "▁n aked",
+ "▁na ked",
+ "▁anc hor",
+ "▁anch or",
+ "▁inf ormal",
+ "▁inform al",
+ "▁sk ip",
+ "▁ski p",
+ "▁ skip",
+ "Pa ck",
+ "P ack",
+ "▁K end",
+ "▁Ke nd",
+ "▁Ken d",
+ "▁dis course",
+ "▁disc ourse",
+ "▁disco urse",
+ "▁p ond",
+ "▁po nd",
+ "▁t rap",
+ "▁tr ap",
+ "▁tra p",
+ "▁teen age",
+ "▁lic ence",
+ "▁spot light",
+ "He alth",
+ "▁cor rel",
+ "▁introdu ces",
+ "▁introduce s",
+ "▁R angers",
+ "▁Range rs",
+ "▁Ran gers",
+ "▁Ranger s",
+ "▁Benef its",
+ "▁Benefit s",
+ "Pro cess",
+ "▁G ift",
+ "▁Gi ft",
+ "st ack",
+ "sta ck",
+ "an to",
+ "ant o",
+ "ne ath",
+ "nea th",
+ "ren cies",
+ "r encies",
+ "▁at tain",
+ "▁att ain",
+ "IF A",
+ "I FA",
+ "▁W eight",
+ "▁We ight",
+ "▁mod ification",
+ "ob a",
+ "o ba",
+ "▁a sym",
+ "▁as ym",
+ "▁cul min",
+ "▁de nial",
+ "▁den ial",
+ "▁travel ers",
+ "▁don ate",
+ "B D",
+ "ON G",
+ "O NG",
+ "▁over sight",
+ "▁overs ight",
+ "▁treat y",
+ "▁Po etry",
+ "▁Poe try",
+ "▁Prot ocol",
+ "en son",
+ "ens on",
+ "Le ave",
+ "▁off ence",
+ "▁CO MM",
+ "▁COM M",
+ "▁reflect ing",
+ "▁b ip",
+ "▁bi p",
+ "▁K erry",
+ "▁Ker ry",
+ "▁Kerr y",
+ "bi a",
+ "b ia",
+ "▁mean time",
+ "▁meant ime",
+ "▁Scient ists",
+ "▁Scientist s",
+ "▁G oth",
+ "▁Go th",
+ "▁Got h",
+ "▁r iders",
+ "▁ri ders",
+ "▁rid ers",
+ "▁ride rs",
+ "▁rider s",
+ "▁Sn ap",
+ "▁P ok",
+ "▁Po k",
+ "CL A",
+ "C LA",
+ "▁S quad",
+ "▁Squ ad",
+ "▁sufficient ly",
+ "at ican",
+ "atic an",
+ "ati can",
+ "▁exhib itions",
+ "▁exhibition s",
+ "▁exhibit ions",
+ "▁discipl ines",
+ "▁discipline s",
+ "▁C it",
+ "▁Ci t",
+ "▁Der ek",
+ "▁Dere k",
+ "▁M ist",
+ "▁Mi st",
+ "▁Mis t",
+ "▁apart ments",
+ "▁apartment s",
+ "ia z",
+ "i az",
+ "▁S andy",
+ "▁San dy",
+ "▁Sand y",
+ "Se arch",
+ "S earch",
+ "▁fin ale",
+ "▁final e",
+ "▁par ade",
+ "▁pa rade",
+ "▁para de",
+ "▁parad e",
+ "▁\\ [",
+ "▁At hens",
+ "▁Athen s",
+ "▁b ump",
+ "▁bu mp",
+ "▁t riv",
+ "▁tr iv",
+ "▁tri v",
+ "▁Man ual",
+ "▁att ach",
+ "▁conv inc",
+ "▁convin c",
+ "▁D iversity",
+ "ke eping",
+ "kee ping",
+ "keep ing",
+ "jo in",
+ "j oin",
+ "in ees",
+ "ine es",
+ "inee s",
+ "▁Re covery",
+ "▁Rec overy",
+ "cre ation",
+ "creat ion",
+ "do ts",
+ "dot s",
+ "d ots",
+ "▁educ ators",
+ "▁educator s",
+ "▁bas ement",
+ "▁base ment",
+ "▁ar gu",
+ "▁arg u",
+ "▁out line",
+ "▁Tr inity",
+ "▁Trin ity",
+ "▁p ier",
+ "▁pie r",
+ "▁pi er",
+ "EN TS",
+ "ENT S",
+ "▁Ah med",
+ "▁ch ore",
+ "▁cho re",
+ "st rap",
+ "str ap",
+ "stra p",
+ "c ustom",
+ "▁H ear",
+ "▁He ar",
+ "▁conf using",
+ "▁mer ger",
+ "▁merge r",
+ "Fr ee",
+ "Fre e",
+ "F ree",
+ "▁fuck ing",
+ "▁Bul let",
+ "▁Bull et",
+ "C ent",
+ "▁le isure",
+ "▁x ml",
+ "▁ xml",
+ "Go d",
+ "G od",
+ "▁m eter",
+ "▁me ter",
+ "▁met er",
+ "▁ meter",
+ "ru le",
+ "r ule",
+ "▁un cons",
+ "▁unc ons",
+ "▁uncon s",
+ "▁so cially",
+ "▁social ly",
+ "▁soc ially",
+ "▁soci ally",
+ "▁m ud",
+ "▁mu d",
+ "▁ mud",
+ "▁di lig",
+ "▁dil ig",
+ "▁v ic",
+ "▁vi c",
+ "▁ vic",
+ "▁proceed ing",
+ "Mod ule",
+ "Mo dule",
+ "▁ar range",
+ "▁arrang e",
+ "▁arr ange",
+ "/ *",
+ "▁ende av",
+ "▁out let",
+ "th ree",
+ "▁dem ographic",
+ "commun ications",
+ "communication s",
+ "▁t ribes",
+ "▁tri bes",
+ "▁trib es",
+ "▁tribe s",
+ "ic ism",
+ "ici sm",
+ "▁flo oding",
+ "▁flood ing",
+ "▁arbit rary",
+ ")) ,",
+ ") ),",
+ "Base d",
+ "Bas ed",
+ "B ased",
+ "Cr oss",
+ "C ross",
+ "▁Con cept",
+ "▁Conc ept",
+ "ed uc",
+ "edu c",
+ "e duc",
+ "}) $",
+ "} )$",
+ "rant s",
+ "ran ts",
+ "r ants",
+ "▁W inn",
+ "▁Win n",
+ "▁Wi nn",
+ "▁Congress ional",
+ "▁autom otive",
+ "▁an ime",
+ "▁anim e",
+ "▁se iz",
+ "▁th umb",
+ "▁mach inery",
+ "▁machine ry",
+ "S l",
+ "▁V ic",
+ "▁Vi c",
+ "pr ime",
+ "pri me",
+ "prim e",
+ "co ck",
+ "c ock",
+ ", [",
+ "ha us",
+ "h aus",
+ "▁S ox",
+ "▁So x",
+ "▁side w",
+ "▁sid ew",
+ "pat ient",
+ "▁pat ience",
+ "▁laugh ing",
+ "▁c iting",
+ "▁cit ing",
+ "▁ci ting",
+ "▁real ise",
+ "▁d ense",
+ "▁den se",
+ "▁dens e",
+ "ph an",
+ "pha n",
+ "p han",
+ "▁Acc ept",
+ "▁Ac cept",
+ "▁del icate",
+ "▁m att",
+ "▁mat t",
+ "▁ma tt",
+ "▁Re new",
+ "▁Ren ew",
+ "▁Rene w",
+ "▁sh ook",
+ "▁sho ok",
+ "▁War riors",
+ "▁Warrior s",
+ "▁be ats",
+ "▁beat s",
+ "qu ire",
+ "quir e",
+ "q uire",
+ "▁sw ift",
+ "be cause",
+ "bec ause",
+ "▁h iking",
+ "▁hi king",
+ "▁br idges",
+ "▁bridge s",
+ "▁brid ges",
+ "▁S aw",
+ "▁Sa w",
+ "▁kid ney",
+ "▁kidn ey",
+ "▁Office rs",
+ "▁Offic ers",
+ "▁Officer s",
+ "▁over ride",
+ "▁overr ide",
+ "▁Inf rastructure",
+ "▁C arn",
+ "▁Car n",
+ "S igma",
+ "Euro pe",
+ "▁supposed ly",
+ "imp se",
+ "imps e",
+ "▁h ash",
+ "▁ha sh",
+ "▁has h",
+ "▁ hash",
+ "ri l",
+ "r il",
+ "▁f et",
+ "▁fe t",
+ "▁Ven ice",
+ "back ground",
+ "▁inflamm ation",
+ "▁aff iliated",
+ "▁affili ated",
+ "▁affiliate d",
+ "▁ affiliated",
+ "▁rob ots",
+ "▁robot s",
+ "▁Lyn ch",
+ "( -",
+ "ig nt",
+ "ign t",
+ "▁since re",
+ "depend ent",
+ "d ependent",
+ "▁a ston",
+ "▁as ton",
+ "▁ast on",
+ "▁ aston",
+ "▁col ored",
+ "▁color ed",
+ "▁ colored",
+ "▁all ocated",
+ "▁alloc ated",
+ "▁allocate d",
+ "▁circ ulation",
+ "▁config ured",
+ "▁configure d",
+ "H E",
+ "▁nice ly",
+ "▁nic ely",
+ "ri ca",
+ "ric a",
+ "r ica",
+ "▁N PR",
+ "▁NP R",
+ "▁t ensions",
+ "▁tens ions",
+ "▁tension s",
+ ". $",
+ "im ity",
+ "imi ty",
+ "▁Bl air",
+ "▁H ockey",
+ "▁Leg acy",
+ "st at",
+ "sta t",
+ "▁Re naissance",
+ "▁Rena issance",
+ "bo th",
+ "bot h",
+ "b oth",
+ "br ook",
+ "bro ok",
+ "▁exp ressing",
+ "▁express ing",
+ "▁Test ing",
+ "▁Tes ting",
+ "▁A RE",
+ "▁AR E",
+ "▁ ARE",
+ "▁fil ters",
+ "▁filter s",
+ "▁suspect s",
+ "O s",
+ "pa l",
+ "p al",
+ "ose velt",
+ "▁tu ition",
+ "▁contain ers",
+ "▁container s",
+ "▁t ouring",
+ "▁to uring",
+ "▁tour ing",
+ "▁tou ring",
+ "ST R",
+ "S TR",
+ "om as",
+ "oma s",
+ "o mas",
+ "▁str anger",
+ "▁strange r",
+ "▁strang er",
+ "▁Sh ows",
+ "▁Show s",
+ "▁Sho ws",
+ "▁l ingu",
+ "▁lin gu",
+ "▁ling u",
+ "▁prof itable",
+ "▁profit able",
+ "▁val idation",
+ "▁valid ation",
+ "fl oat",
+ "f loat",
+ "clip se",
+ "▁unf ortunate",
+ "▁F ew",
+ "▁Fe w",
+ "▁Fif th",
+ "▁com merce",
+ "▁ commerce",
+ "▁p ets",
+ "▁pe ts",
+ "▁pet s",
+ "ak y",
+ "a ky",
+ "ja h",
+ "j ah",
+ "▁imm ense",
+ "▁{ }",
+ "▁ {}",
+ "kn ow",
+ "k now",
+ "▁l ear",
+ "▁le ar",
+ "▁ lear",
+ "▁l ately",
+ "▁lat ely",
+ "▁late ly",
+ "▁W als",
+ "▁Wal s",
+ "▁Wa ls",
+ "▁philosoph ical",
+ "ca s",
+ "c as",
+ "ae da",
+ "a eda",
+ "▁i rr",
+ "▁ir r",
+ "▁B urg",
+ "▁Bur g",
+ "▁R ate",
+ "▁Ra te",
+ "▁Rat e",
+ "▁No bel",
+ "▁Nob el",
+ "atern ity",
+ "▁minim ize",
+ "▁an gel",
+ "▁ang el",
+ "▁ angel",
+ "▁past or",
+ "▁pas tor",
+ "▁П о",
+ "re quire",
+ "requ ire",
+ "req uire",
+ "▁Tig ers",
+ "▁Tiger s",
+ "▁Ti gers",
+ "so ng",
+ "son g",
+ "s ong",
+ "▁Soc cer",
+ "▁list eners",
+ "▁listen ers",
+ "▁listener s",
+ "▁e pit",
+ "▁ep it",
+ "▁do nor",
+ "▁don or",
+ "▁im ported",
+ "▁imp orted",
+ "▁import ed",
+ "▁bron ze",
+ "▁genu inely",
+ "▁genuine ly",
+ "▁s ulf",
+ "▁sul f",
+ "▁t att",
+ "▁ta tt",
+ "▁Id aho",
+ "▁ext ensively",
+ "▁extensive ly",
+ "ol er",
+ "ole r",
+ "o ler",
+ "par se",
+ "p arse",
+ "▁assemb led",
+ "▁assembl ed",
+ "▁assemble d",
+ "▁N early",
+ "▁Near ly",
+ "A c",
+ "▁O H",
+ "▁ OH",
+ "▁illust rations",
+ "▁illustration s",
+ "▁ec ological",
+ "▁pat ron",
+ "▁en semble",
+ "▁p ap",
+ "▁pa p",
+ "▁hun ger",
+ "▁hung er",
+ "ox y",
+ "o xy",
+ "pr us",
+ "p rus",
+ "Ha r",
+ "H ar",
+ "es ar",
+ "▁Kat ie",
+ "Apr il",
+ "Ap ril",
+ "▁L av",
+ "▁La v",
+ "▁B T",
+ "▁ BT",
+ "▁п ре",
+ "▁B ros",
+ "▁Br os",
+ "▁Bro s",
+ "▁Dec ision",
+ "st ad",
+ "sta d",
+ "▁in su",
+ "▁ins u",
+ "▁M W",
+ "▁m s",
+ "▁ ms",
+ "Fr ame",
+ "F rame",
+ "▁Gar cia",
+ "▁Garc ia",
+ "Cont ainer",
+ "▁N atal",
+ "▁Na tal",
+ "▁Nat al",
+ "▁M ale",
+ "▁Mal e",
+ "▁Ma le",
+ "▁bomb s",
+ "▁bom bs",
+ "▁ev angel",
+ "▁Pop ulation",
+ "▁n ov",
+ "▁no v",
+ "▁ nov",
+ "▁S ter",
+ "▁St er",
+ "▁Ste r",
+ "K S",
+ "▁gal axy",
+ "▁time line",
+ "▁tim eline",
+ "▁D river",
+ "▁Dr iver",
+ "▁Drive r",
+ "▁ Driver",
+ "▁thr iller",
+ "▁thrill er",
+ "ur ate",
+ "ura te",
+ "u rate",
+ "rol ogy",
+ "rolog y",
+ "r ology",
+ "▁r ides",
+ "▁ri des",
+ "▁rid es",
+ "▁ride s",
+ "▁b achelor",
+ "▁wall et",
+ "▁wal let",
+ "▁in valid",
+ "▁inval id",
+ "▁A SS",
+ "▁AS S",
+ "▁ ASS",
+ "▁view er",
+ "▁fab ulous",
+ "▁M ig",
+ "▁Mi g",
+ "▁D ow",
+ "▁Do w",
+ "▁recogn ise",
+ "▁L il",
+ "▁Li l",
+ "▁Kash mir",
+ "▁Patri ots",
+ "▁col league",
+ "▁colle ague",
+ "▁access ibility",
+ "bo ot",
+ "b oot",
+ "ub er",
+ "ube r",
+ "u ber",
+ "▁L on",
+ "▁Lo n",
+ "▁s lic",
+ "▁sl ic",
+ "▁sli c",
+ "Con st",
+ "Cons t",
+ "▁T all",
+ "▁Tal l",
+ "▁Ta ll",
+ "▁bo asts",
+ "▁boast s",
+ "▁Mot ors",
+ "▁Motor s",
+ "▁Moto rs",
+ "▁pri ests",
+ "▁priest s",
+ "▁lic enses",
+ "▁license s",
+ "▁licens es",
+ "▁ licenses",
+ "pl ess",
+ "ple ss",
+ "ples s",
+ "p less",
+ "▁st ew",
+ "▁ste w",
+ "agn etic",
+ "agne tic",
+ "▁Prop het",
+ "▁a pt",
+ "▁ap t",
+ "▁ apt",
+ "de sign",
+ "des ign",
+ "▁H onda",
+ "▁Hon da",
+ "▁Hond a",
+ "▁remain der",
+ "▁epid emic",
+ "▁epidem ic",
+ "▁dr ums",
+ "▁drum s",
+ "▁c rying",
+ "▁cr ying",
+ "▁cry ing",
+ "▁exam ining",
+ "▁d ont",
+ "▁do nt",
+ "▁don t",
+ "▁order ing",
+ "▁ord ering",
+ "et eenth",
+ "ete enth",
+ "e teenth",
+ "▁acc ent",
+ "▁ac cent",
+ "▁in just",
+ "▁inj ust",
+ "▁illust rate",
+ "gr a",
+ "g ra",
+ "▁depos its",
+ "▁deposit s",
+ "es pecially",
+ "▁exchange s",
+ "▁exch anges",
+ "ort ium",
+ "▁Prince ton",
+ "▁Princ eton",
+ "▁Myst ery",
+ "▁Mys tery",
+ "▁long time",
+ "en es",
+ "ene s",
+ "e nes",
+ "al one",
+ "alo ne",
+ "▁sus cept",
+ "▁Min neapolis",
+ "▁val idity",
+ "▁valid ity",
+ "▁S ue",
+ "▁Su e",
+ "▁th rive",
+ "▁thr ive",
+ "▁out doors",
+ "▁outdoor s",
+ "▁de terior",
+ "▁det erior",
+ "▁deter ior",
+ "at z",
+ "a tz",
+ "he tt",
+ "het t",
+ "h ett",
+ "so cial",
+ "s ocial",
+ "▁app et",
+ "▁ap pet",
+ "▁he ated",
+ "▁heat ed",
+ "▁Ba iley",
+ "▁Supp ly",
+ "▁Sup ply",
+ "▁escape d",
+ "▁escap ed",
+ "▁esc aped",
+ "▁synt hesis",
+ "▁synthes is",
+ "▁synth esis",
+ "▁t rio",
+ "▁tr io",
+ "▁tri o",
+ "ab we",
+ "▁ne wer",
+ "▁new er",
+ "▁Det ect",
+ "▁elim inated",
+ "▁eliminate d",
+ "▁Fil ip",
+ "▁not ify",
+ "▁Te achers",
+ "▁Teacher s",
+ "▁Tea chers",
+ "▁Teach ers",
+ "▁dece ased",
+ "▁c hol",
+ "▁ch ol",
+ "▁cho l",
+ "gen eration",
+ "gener ation",
+ "g eneration",
+ "▁u l",
+ "▁ ul",
+ "ke ep",
+ "kee p",
+ "▁b izarre",
+ "▁sh ocking",
+ "▁shock ing",
+ "▁trig gered",
+ "▁trigger ed",
+ "▁dis contin",
+ "▁discont in",
+ "▁recru iting",
+ "▁recruit ing",
+ "▁O wen",
+ "▁Ow en",
+ "▁Mont gomery",
+ "▁Fem ale",
+ "▁V ideos",
+ "▁Video s",
+ "▁W ing",
+ "▁Win g",
+ "▁Wi ng",
+ "our ses",
+ "ours es",
+ "ourse s",
+ "▁tra ject",
+ "▁B rett",
+ "▁Br ett",
+ "▁Bre tt",
+ "}) ,",
+ "} ),",
+ "▁TH AT",
+ "▁d airy",
+ "” :",
+ "▁d ess",
+ "▁de ss",
+ "▁des s",
+ "▁ dess",
+ "▁mark er",
+ "▁mar ker",
+ "ke l",
+ "k el",
+ "▁br eed",
+ "▁bre ed",
+ "▁bree d",
+ "▁P review",
+ "▁Pre view",
+ "▁Prev iew",
+ "▁met als",
+ "▁metal s",
+ "▁meta ls",
+ "▁run ner",
+ "▁ runner",
+ "▁Me asure",
+ "▁gen res",
+ "▁genre s",
+ "▁re semb",
+ "▁res emb",
+ "▁rese mb",
+ "▁resem b",
+ "▁sh elf",
+ "▁shel f",
+ "▁Pro file",
+ "▁Prof ile",
+ "▁emotional ly",
+ "▁emotion ally",
+ "bt n",
+ "b tn",
+ "▁b oots",
+ "▁bo ots",
+ "▁boot s",
+ "▁boo ts",
+ "▁pharm ac",
+ "▁vari ants",
+ "▁variant s",
+ "/* *",
+ "/ **",
+ "▁Ex tra",
+ "▁Ext ra",
+ "▁t ribe",
+ "▁tr ibe",
+ "▁tri be",
+ "▁trib e",
+ "▁v ivid",
+ "▁vi vid",
+ "▁argu ably",
+ "▁cons umed",
+ "▁consum ed",
+ "▁consume d",
+ "▁F ear",
+ "▁Fe ar",
+ "M r",
+ "▁al location",
+ "▁all ocation",
+ "▁alloc ation",
+ "▁expect ation",
+ "▁techn ically",
+ "▁technical ly",
+ "▁concent rated",
+ "▁concentrate d",
+ "gu ard",
+ "▁d read",
+ "▁dr ead",
+ "▁s hy",
+ "▁sh y",
+ "▁over see",
+ "▁overse e",
+ "▁overs ee",
+ "▁exam ines",
+ "▁examine s",
+ "▁P or",
+ "▁Po r",
+ "▁hat red",
+ "▁coord inator",
+ "▁tax payer",
+ "CA R",
+ "C AR",
+ "col ogy",
+ "c ology",
+ "▁st ellar",
+ "▁C os",
+ "▁Co s",
+ "▁Ku mar",
+ "▁Kum ar",
+ "vi ol",
+ "v iol",
+ "te enth",
+ "teen th",
+ "t eenth",
+ "▁l ined",
+ "▁li ned",
+ "▁line d",
+ "▁lin ed",
+ "▁ lined",
+ "▁R an",
+ "▁Ra n",
+ "▁No ah",
+ "ex per",
+ "exp er",
+ "CO L",
+ "C OL",
+ "▁lo gin",
+ "▁log in",
+ "▁ login",
+ "▁ad mits",
+ "▁adm its",
+ "▁admit s",
+ "be fore",
+ "ce rt",
+ "cer t",
+ "c ert",
+ "ui d",
+ "u id",
+ "ix els",
+ "ixel s",
+ "▁W ait",
+ "▁Wa it",
+ "▁ Wait",
+ "▁play offs",
+ "▁playoff s",
+ "Ar e",
+ "A re",
+ "▁unve iled",
+ "▁belie ving",
+ "▁term ination",
+ "▁in adequ",
+ "▁un defined",
+ "▁und efined",
+ "▁appoint ments",
+ "▁appointment s",
+ "▁B und",
+ "▁Bu nd",
+ "▁Bun d",
+ "▁cont ributes",
+ "▁contribut es",
+ "▁contribute s",
+ "▁administ rator",
+ "▁administr ator",
+ "▁susp icious",
+ "su n",
+ "s un",
+ "var i",
+ "va ri",
+ "v ari",
+ "au f",
+ "a uf",
+ "Jul y",
+ "J uly",
+ "▁be ans",
+ "▁bean s",
+ "▁Administ rative",
+ "▁pl anted",
+ "▁plan ted",
+ "▁plant ed",
+ "ta sk",
+ "t ask",
+ "▁F avor",
+ "▁Fa vor",
+ "▁Fav or",
+ "▁legisl ature",
+ "at tr",
+ "att r",
+ "▁fl ip",
+ "▁fli p",
+ "▁out fit",
+ "▁s oup",
+ "▁so up",
+ "▁sou p",
+ "▁st ats",
+ "▁stat s",
+ "▁sta ts",
+ "▁ stats",
+ "▁compet itions",
+ "▁competition s",
+ "▁ °",
+ "PO RT",
+ "POR T",
+ "P ORT",
+ "val ues",
+ "value s",
+ "w right",
+ "ur de",
+ "urd e",
+ "▁pil ots",
+ "▁pilot s",
+ "▁well ness",
+ "▁Res olution",
+ "o i",
+ "et ti",
+ "ett i",
+ "ib les",
+ "ible s",
+ "ibl es",
+ "i bles",
+ "ific ant",
+ "▁R unning",
+ "▁Run ning",
+ "T T",
+ "▁| -",
+ "▁Pl aza",
+ "▁i i",
+ "▁ ii",
+ "ar ett",
+ "are tt",
+ "aret t",
+ "a rett",
+ "▁Portug uese",
+ "▁Net works",
+ "▁Network s",
+ "▁t v",
+ "▁ tv",
+ "▁d rought",
+ "▁dr ought",
+ "▁dro ught",
+ "xt on",
+ "x ton",
+ "▁game play",
+ "▁He avy",
+ "▁sh ine",
+ "▁ shine",
+ "▁elabor ate",
+ "TY PE",
+ "▁Seb ast",
+ "▁F E",
+ "▁ FE",
+ "▁j okes",
+ "▁jo kes",
+ "▁joke s",
+ "▁Ex ternal",
+ "▁norm s",
+ "▁nor ms",
+ "Sh ow",
+ "S how",
+ "▁refere ndum",
+ "▁Im ple",
+ "▁Imp le",
+ "▁Impl e",
+ "}} {",
+ "} }{",
+ "▁i T",
+ "▁n urt",
+ "▁nu rt",
+ "▁w ines",
+ "▁win es",
+ "▁wine s",
+ "▁pur ple",
+ "▁Mel issa",
+ "Ra d",
+ "R ad",
+ "▁V illa",
+ "▁Vill a",
+ "▁Vi lla",
+ "▁Vil la",
+ "▁question ing",
+ "▁Hy dro",
+ "▁in tra",
+ "▁int ra",
+ "▁intr a",
+ "Prov ider",
+ "▁mid night",
+ "le graph",
+ "leg raph",
+ "▁tut orial",
+ "ay ed",
+ "▁re vision",
+ "▁rev ision",
+ "▁revis ion",
+ "▁activ ated",
+ "▁activate d",
+ "An g",
+ "A ng",
+ "ra its",
+ "rait s",
+ "▁S ah",
+ "▁Sa h",
+ "▁ Sah",
+ "imb abwe",
+ "▁Ast ron",
+ "ar di",
+ "ard i",
+ "▁W ik",
+ "▁Wi k",
+ "▁d eter",
+ "▁de ter",
+ "▁det er",
+ "▁ev olve",
+ "▁evol ve",
+ "ork shire",
+ "orks hire",
+ "▁New castle",
+ "ri na",
+ "rin a",
+ "r ina",
+ "▁H ugh",
+ "▁Hu gh",
+ "▁Hug h",
+ "▁M Y",
+ "▁ MY",
+ "▁Fe el",
+ "▁Fee l",
+ "▁P f",
+ "▁T ours",
+ "▁To urs",
+ "▁Tour s",
+ "▁Tou rs",
+ "ec hes",
+ "ech es",
+ "e ches",
+ "cl asses",
+ "class es",
+ "c lasses",
+ "▁Ro osevelt",
+ "▁deliber ately",
+ "▁deliberate ly",
+ "▁Re quire",
+ "▁Requ ire",
+ "▁scrut iny",
+ "▁mention s",
+ "▁ment ions",
+ "▁Mathem atics",
+ "▁l oses",
+ "▁lo ses",
+ "▁lose s",
+ "▁los es",
+ "▁celebr ities",
+ "▁celeb rities",
+ "L ook",
+ "▁co oked",
+ "▁cook ed",
+ "г ра",
+ "▁Fl oor",
+ "▁Flo or",
+ "▁adm ire",
+ "v m",
+ "▁re lies",
+ "▁rel ies",
+ "▁reli es",
+ "▁relie s",
+ "▁j umping",
+ "▁jump ing",
+ "▁system ic",
+ "▁Post s",
+ "▁Pos ts",
+ "ik er",
+ "ike r",
+ "i ker",
+ "▁cr ude",
+ "▁cru de",
+ "ie u",
+ "i eu",
+ "ne um",
+ "q l",
+ "▁YO UR",
+ "▁YOU R",
+ "▁R esc",
+ "▁Re sc",
+ "▁Res c",
+ "▁) .",
+ "▁ ).",
+ "ang ular",
+ "angu lar",
+ "▁plan ets",
+ "▁planet s",
+ "▁plane ts",
+ "▁und oubtedly",
+ "▁M ining",
+ "▁Min ing",
+ "▁Mi ning",
+ "▁Mini ng",
+ "name space",
+ "names pace",
+ "▁viol ated",
+ "▁violate d",
+ "▁li vest",
+ "▁live st",
+ "▁lives t",
+ "▁liv est",
+ "▁L O",
+ "▁ LO",
+ "art icles",
+ "article s",
+ "▁spec ifications",
+ "▁specific ations",
+ "▁specification s",
+ "▁ML B",
+ "▁F irm",
+ "▁Fi rm",
+ "▁V ac",
+ "▁Va c",
+ "▁St ruct",
+ "▁Str uct",
+ "▁Stru ct",
+ "▁input s",
+ "▁rad ius",
+ "▁radi us",
+ "▁ radius",
+ "▁h ij",
+ "▁hi j",
+ "uth ored",
+ "uthor ed",
+ "▁per ipher",
+ "▁un limited",
+ "▁h andy",
+ "▁hand y",
+ "▁han dy",
+ "inst ance",
+ "ht m",
+ "h tm",
+ "▁wh olly",
+ "▁Mor rison",
+ "▁Morris on",
+ "▁Broad cast",
+ "▁Gr ove",
+ "▁Gro ve",
+ "wi d",
+ "w id",
+ "rol ling",
+ "roll ing",
+ "▁Dun can",
+ "th s",
+ "t hs",
+ "▁Inst all",
+ "▁G E",
+ "▁ GE",
+ "▁C osm",
+ "▁Co sm",
+ "▁Cos m",
+ "▁Ex hibition",
+ "▁Exhib ition",
+ "▁Exhibit ion",
+ "▁J in",
+ "▁Ji n",
+ "Task s",
+ "T asks",
+ "iox ide",
+ "ioxid e",
+ "i oxide",
+ "ha rt",
+ "har t",
+ "h art",
+ "▁frust rated",
+ "ign ty",
+ "ignt y",
+ "▁hand les",
+ "▁handle s",
+ "▁G MT",
+ "▁GM T",
+ "▁ GMT",
+ "▁Em bass",
+ "▁Emb ass",
+ "▁exhib its",
+ "▁exhibit s",
+ "com mand",
+ "comm and",
+ "▁die sel",
+ "▁dies el",
+ "▁un law",
+ "▁re levance",
+ "▁Car oline",
+ "▁Carol ine",
+ "▁financial ly",
+ "▁financ ially",
+ "▁El lis",
+ "▁Ell is",
+ "▁Sh aron",
+ "▁Sha ron",
+ "▁Shar on",
+ "n n",
+ "ook ie",
+ "oo kie",
+ "▁fil ming",
+ "▁film ing",
+ "▁Chap el",
+ "▁Cha pel",
+ "▁in visible",
+ "▁inv isible",
+ "▁V a",
+ "▁p adding",
+ "▁pad ding",
+ "▁padd ing",
+ "▁ padding",
+ "▁under go",
+ ": (",
+ "▁w ip",
+ "▁s ang",
+ "▁sa ng",
+ "▁san g",
+ "▁personal ized",
+ "▁m asters",
+ "▁master s",
+ "▁ma sters",
+ "▁mast ers",
+ "▁mas ters",
+ "▁n oon",
+ "▁no on",
+ "▁ noon",
+ "▁length y",
+ "lar ge",
+ "▁b apt",
+ "▁ba pt",
+ "hand le",
+ "▁Ab ove",
+ "▁D ale",
+ "▁Da le",
+ "▁Dal e",
+ "ven ile",
+ "▁Le eds",
+ "▁Lee ds",
+ "▁pr izes",
+ "▁pri zes",
+ "▁prize s",
+ "▁e ternal",
+ "▁etern al",
+ "ok o",
+ "o ko",
+ "▁c ares",
+ "▁car es",
+ "▁care s",
+ "▁ca res",
+ "id y",
+ "i dy",
+ "So uth",
+ "S outh",
+ "▁so uls",
+ "▁soul s",
+ "▁sou ls",
+ "▁h umble",
+ "▁hum ble",
+ "▁harm ony",
+ "▁har mony",
+ "▁harmon y",
+ "▁Spe ech",
+ "▁da wn",
+ "ri ages",
+ "ria ges",
+ "riage s",
+ "▁rhet oric",
+ "fo x",
+ "f ox",
+ "▁c ents",
+ "▁cent s",
+ "▁accompan ying",
+ "▁accompany ing",
+ "▁represent ations",
+ "▁representation s",
+ "▁reg ulate",
+ "▁regul ate",
+ "▁M az",
+ "▁Ma z",
+ "▁d umb",
+ "▁du mb",
+ "▁intrig uing",
+ "▁Trad itional",
+ "▁Tradition al",
+ "▁( *",
+ "▁ (*",
+ "▁d angers",
+ "▁danger s",
+ "▁F ut",
+ "▁Fu t",
+ "▁disag re",
+ "se ns",
+ "sen s",
+ "s ens",
+ "▁break through",
+ "▁r ushed",
+ "▁rush ed",
+ "▁Dis play",
+ "▁Disp lay",
+ "▁ Display",
+ "ri o",
+ "r io",
+ "▁B uch",
+ "▁Bu ch",
+ "▁Buc h",
+ "▁ter rain",
+ "▁terr ain",
+ "▁terra in",
+ "▁N W",
+ "▁search es",
+ "▁sear ches",
+ "} /",
+ "▁p rophe",
+ "▁pro phe",
+ "▁prop he",
+ "▁Manufact uring",
+ "AT CH",
+ "cil l",
+ "ci ll",
+ "c ill",
+ "▁ins ult",
+ "▁insu lt",
+ "▁cre ators",
+ "▁creat ors",
+ "▁creator s",
+ "on line",
+ "▁Guide lines",
+ "▁Guid elines",
+ "L ong",
+ "▁o urs",
+ "▁our s",
+ "▁ou rs",
+ "▁ ours",
+ "▁Decl aration",
+ "▁ Declaration",
+ "▁Bar nes",
+ "▁Barn es",
+ "▁Court esy",
+ "▁R ams",
+ "▁Ram s",
+ "▁Ra ms",
+ "▁p ants",
+ "▁pan ts",
+ "▁pant s",
+ "▁re mot",
+ "▁rem ot",
+ "▁inter mediate",
+ "▁intermedi ate",
+ ", -",
+ "▁sh ade",
+ "▁hospital ity",
+ "▁down loaded",
+ "▁download ed",
+ "▁dep icted",
+ "▁depict ed",
+ "um i",
+ "u mi",
+ "ay an",
+ "aya n",
+ "a yan",
+ "▁p osed",
+ "▁pos ed",
+ "▁pose d",
+ "▁ posed",
+ "▁prosecut ors",
+ "▁prosecutor s",
+ "st yles",
+ "style s",
+ "▁Fl oyd",
+ "▁Flo yd",
+ "▁No body",
+ "▁Nob ody",
+ "NA S",
+ "N AS",
+ "▁S EO",
+ "▁SE O",
+ "en ery",
+ "ener y",
+ "ene ry",
+ "▁bub ble",
+ "▁w ished",
+ "▁wish ed",
+ "▁amen ities",
+ "▁de mo",
+ "▁dem o",
+ "▁B in",
+ "▁Bi n",
+ "res ist",
+ "▁blood y",
+ "▁L odge",
+ "▁r am",
+ "▁ra m",
+ "▁ ram",
+ "▁b ush",
+ "▁bu sh",
+ "▁bus h",
+ "▁Exam ples",
+ "▁Example s",
+ "é d",
+ "▁infect ious",
+ "Do c",
+ "D oc",
+ "V is",
+ "▁K urt",
+ "▁Ku rt",
+ "▁Kur t",
+ "▁re lie",
+ "▁rel ie",
+ "▁reli e",
+ "▁f usion",
+ "▁McC arthy",
+ "▁McCart hy",
+ "▁ancest ors",
+ "▁c el",
+ "▁ce l",
+ "▁ cel",
+ "▁pro ving",
+ "▁prov ing",
+ "▁pr oving",
+ "▁SU V",
+ "▁U nd",
+ "▁Un d",
+ "FO NT",
+ "F ONT",
+ "▁sp here",
+ "▁F ramework",
+ "▁Fram ework",
+ "▁Frame work",
+ "▁s iblings",
+ "▁C ord",
+ "▁Co rd",
+ "▁Cor d",
+ "▁w urde",
+ "▁recogn izes",
+ "▁recognize s",
+ "▁Lou ise",
+ "▁Louis e",
+ "in ternal",
+ "▁k g",
+ "▁ kg",
+ "ax is",
+ "a xis",
+ "▁willing ness",
+ "▁CO MP",
+ "▁COM P",
+ "▁ COMP",
+ "▁c raw",
+ "▁cr aw",
+ "▁cra w",
+ "▁p ile",
+ "▁pil e",
+ "▁pi le",
+ "▁un ch",
+ "▁unc h",
+ "▁ unch",
+ "▁stre ak",
+ "▁h ood",
+ "▁ho od",
+ "▁ hood",
+ "▁Fact ory",
+ "▁Factor y",
+ "▁ Factory",
+ "oy le",
+ "o yle",
+ "▁C li",
+ "▁Cl i",
+ "▁An tar",
+ "▁Ant ar",
+ "aw i",
+ "a wi",
+ "▁s har",
+ "▁sh ar",
+ "▁quant ities",
+ "▁med itation",
+ "▁sound track",
+ "▁ т",
+ "▁all erg",
+ "▁head line",
+ "je t",
+ "j et",
+ "▁s ir",
+ "▁si r",
+ "▁inc idence",
+ "▁For ward",
+ "▁lect ures",
+ "▁lecture s",
+ "▁Canad ians",
+ "▁Canadian s",
+ "▁A uthors",
+ "▁Author s",
+ "▁cere mon",
+ "▁cer emon",
+ "▁H BO",
+ "▁HB O",
+ "it ten",
+ "itt en",
+ "itte n",
+ "i tten",
+ "▁E arn",
+ "▁Ear n",
+ "▁small est",
+ "%) .",
+ "% ).",
+ "Un ited",
+ "Unit ed",
+ "▁v endor",
+ "▁vend or",
+ "ain ted",
+ "aint ed",
+ "ring ton",
+ "r ington",
+ "▁qu eries",
+ "▁que ries",
+ "▁Stephan ie",
+ "▁st yl",
+ "▁sty l",
+ "▁Altern ative",
+ "▁S hell",
+ "▁Sh ell",
+ "▁She ll",
+ "▁Shel l",
+ "▁grab bed",
+ "▁path ways",
+ "▁pathway s",
+ "▁c ad",
+ "▁ca d",
+ "▁war fare",
+ "▁He ights",
+ "▁Height s",
+ "▁subst it",
+ "VI EW",
+ "▁N ova",
+ "▁No va",
+ "▁Nov a",
+ "ó w",
+ "end if",
+ "▁inf inite",
+ "▁Q ur",
+ "▁Qu r",
+ "to ken",
+ "tok en",
+ "t oken",
+ "▁se ating",
+ "▁sea ting",
+ "▁seat ing",
+ "▁U PD",
+ "▁UP D",
+ "ry s",
+ "r ys",
+ "▁gl impse",
+ "▁U ber",
+ "▁Ub er",
+ "▁T ools",
+ "▁To ols",
+ "▁Too ls",
+ "▁Tool s",
+ "▁rank ings",
+ "▁ranking s",
+ "▁acceler ate",
+ "vo c",
+ "v oc",
+ "▁Des ert",
+ "▁Pal mer",
+ "▁Palm er",
+ "▁hope ful",
+ "▁vacc inated",
+ "di ff",
+ "d iff",
+ "▁S core",
+ "▁Sc ore",
+ "▁Beat les",
+ "▁critic ized",
+ "▁bi ography",
+ "yn asty",
+ "▁Am azing",
+ "▁ex cerpt",
+ "op ez",
+ "ope z",
+ "o pez",
+ "▁a fore",
+ "▁af ore",
+ "▁Dist ribution",
+ "▁G D",
+ "▁t ract",
+ "▁tr act",
+ "▁tra ct",
+ "▁un to",
+ "▁unt o",
+ "▁ver ified",
+ "▁E mb",
+ "▁Em b",
+ "▁cred entials",
+ "▁re lied",
+ "▁rel ied",
+ "▁reli ed",
+ "▁relie d",
+ "▁Arm strong",
+ "OR S",
+ "O RS",
+ "▁su prem",
+ "▁sup rem",
+ "as tically",
+ "ast ically",
+ "astic ally",
+ "astical ly",
+ "▁op pose",
+ "▁opp ose",
+ "▁re cession",
+ "▁rec ession",
+ "▁kil ometers",
+ "▁kilomet ers",
+ ". *",
+ "▁real ised",
+ "▁realise d",
+ "ni s",
+ "n is",
+ "int eg",
+ "▁Photo graph",
+ "▁Phot ograph",
+ "▁Con fed",
+ "▁Conf ed",
+ "roph ic",
+ "Writ e",
+ "W rite",
+ "▁ex pose",
+ "▁exp ose",
+ "▁Pro perties",
+ "▁ Properties",
+ "ble ms",
+ "bl ems",
+ "blem s",
+ "▁law n",
+ "▁la wn",
+ "▁Ray mond",
+ "Oper ation",
+ "Op eration",
+ "ce ans",
+ "cean s",
+ "▁ident ifies",
+ "▁Ab sol",
+ "▁Abs ol",
+ "▁l ighter",
+ "▁light er",
+ "▁IN TER",
+ "▁INT ER",
+ "us a",
+ "u sa",
+ "▁} )",
+ "▁ })",
+ "▁bre eding",
+ "▁breed ing",
+ "▁bree ding",
+ "▁optim ization",
+ "▁t a",
+ "▁ ta",
+ "an ol",
+ "ano l",
+ "▁attend ees",
+ "▁incent ive",
+ "▁gl ac",
+ "▁con ting",
+ "▁cont ing",
+ "▁contin g",
+ "▁arch ives",
+ "▁archive s",
+ "urg ical",
+ "in as",
+ "ina s",
+ "i nas",
+ "▁ident ities",
+ "ix ty",
+ "ixt y",
+ "▁in con",
+ "▁inc on",
+ "▁super hero",
+ "ab i",
+ "a bi",
+ "ote chnology",
+ "======== ========",
+ "▁gr asp",
+ "▁gra sp",
+ "▁gras p",
+ "▁rec alls",
+ "▁recall s",
+ "cl ear",
+ "cle ar",
+ "c lear",
+ "▁par as",
+ "▁pa ras",
+ "▁para s",
+ "▁merch and",
+ "▁merc hand",
+ "ci ty",
+ "cit y",
+ "c ity",
+ "gr av",
+ "gra v",
+ "g rav",
+ "C ap",
+ "▁crypt o",
+ "▁helic opter",
+ "▁c ope",
+ "▁co pe",
+ "▁cop e",
+ "▁B ever",
+ "▁Be ver",
+ "▁streng thening",
+ "▁strength ening",
+ "▁strengthen ing",
+ "▁b ooth",
+ "▁bo oth",
+ "▁boot h",
+ "▁boo th",
+ "▁Py thon",
+ "re port",
+ "rep ort",
+ "▁lab eled",
+ "▁label ed",
+ "▁s aves",
+ "▁sa ves",
+ "▁save s",
+ "▁sav es",
+ "▁c atching",
+ "▁cat ching",
+ "▁catch ing",
+ "▁imm unity",
+ "▁immun ity",
+ "▁d ock",
+ "▁do ck",
+ "▁doc k",
+ "cc i",
+ "c ci",
+ "ri ents",
+ "rient s",
+ "rien ts",
+ "r ients",
+ "▁J et",
+ "▁Je t",
+ "ac hi",
+ "ach i",
+ "a chi",
+ "▁so ap",
+ "ma rine",
+ "mar ine",
+ "▁V atican",
+ "▁S Y",
+ "▁D rop",
+ "▁Dr op",
+ "▁Dro p",
+ "T M",
+ "▁e sp",
+ "▁es p",
+ "co py",
+ "cop y",
+ "c opy",
+ "om ore",
+ "omo re",
+ "o more",
+ "▁S wan",
+ "▁Sw an",
+ "▁disturb ing",
+ "▁Att ack",
+ "▁L ay",
+ "▁La y",
+ "▁S ynt",
+ "▁Sy nt",
+ "▁Syn t",
+ "▁ Synt",
+ "▁decor ated",
+ "▁Sol omon",
+ "▁Solo mon",
+ "▁H off",
+ "▁Ho ff",
+ "▁Hof f",
+ "▁b urg",
+ "▁bur g",
+ "▁ burg",
+ "tem plate",
+ "temp late",
+ "t emplate",
+ "▁ambass ador",
+ "Be st",
+ "B est",
+ "yn t",
+ "y nt",
+ "▁pal m",
+ "▁R andom",
+ "▁Rand om",
+ "▁Ran dom",
+ "wid get",
+ "w idget",
+ "▁B ened",
+ "▁Be ned",
+ "▁Ben ed",
+ "A g",
+ "▁P AR",
+ "▁PA R",
+ "▁ PAR",
+ "ek ing",
+ "e king",
+ "equ iv",
+ "▁R ural",
+ "▁Ru ral",
+ "- $",
+ "▁cre ep",
+ "▁p oker",
+ "▁po ker",
+ "▁Ex pect",
+ "▁Exp ect",
+ "▁administ rators",
+ "▁administr ators",
+ "▁administrator s",
+ "▁/ >\r",
+ "▁/> \r",
+ "▁j av",
+ "▁ja v",
+ "▁ jav",
+ "▁forg ot",
+ "▁subscrib ers",
+ "▁subscribe rs",
+ "▁subscriber s",
+ "il ib",
+ "ili b",
+ "i lib",
+ "and ez",
+ "ande z",
+ "▁p unk",
+ "▁pun k",
+ "▁ punk",
+ "▁B og",
+ "▁Bo g",
+ "▁e ste",
+ "▁est e",
+ "▁es te",
+ "▁ este",
+ "▁in vari",
+ "▁inv ari",
+ "▁rev enge",
+ "▁reven ge",
+ "▁perfect ion",
+ "▁perf ection",
+ "▁A RT",
+ "▁AR T",
+ "▁ ART",
+ "▁B ark",
+ "▁Bar k",
+ "▁Ba rk",
+ "▁Ber nie",
+ "▁Bern ie",
+ "▁sub jected",
+ "▁subject ed",
+ "Le ft",
+ "▁app rent",
+ "▁s lower",
+ "▁sl ower",
+ "▁slow er",
+ "▁C hang",
+ "▁Ch ang",
+ "▁Cha ng",
+ "▁Chan g",
+ "▁Ap ollo",
+ "▁P ride",
+ "▁Pr ide",
+ "▁Pri de",
+ "▁v aries",
+ "▁var ies",
+ "▁vari es",
+ "▁va ries",
+ "▁En forcement",
+ "▁Merc ury",
+ "▁cent ered",
+ "▁center ed",
+ "▁ centered",
+ "▁comm ence",
+ "▁comme nce",
+ "C N",
+ "ol ves",
+ "olve s",
+ "Loc al",
+ "L ocal",
+ "▁comb inations",
+ "▁combination s",
+ "AN CE",
+ "ANC E",
+ "▁J SON",
+ "▁JS ON",
+ "▁ JSON",
+ "und ry",
+ "house s",
+ "ho uses",
+ "hou ses",
+ "h ouses",
+ "▁al igned",
+ "▁align ed",
+ "▁ aligned",
+ "▁Y orkshire",
+ "▁York shire",
+ "ar el",
+ "are l",
+ "a rel",
+ "▁adv iser",
+ "▁advis er",
+ "▁advise r",
+ "▁st airs",
+ "▁stair s",
+ "▁sta irs",
+ "▁ stairs",
+ "▁l akes",
+ "▁la kes",
+ "▁lake s",
+ "▁eval uating",
+ "▁evalu ating",
+ "C am",
+ "▁ste ering",
+ "▁steer ing",
+ "▁affili ate",
+ "▁Ev il",
+ "▁r ises",
+ "▁ris es",
+ "▁ri ses",
+ "▁rise s",
+ "▁Ref uge",
+ "if i",
+ "i fi",
+ "▁solid arity",
+ "▁в и",
+ "▁ ви",
+ "ic able",
+ "ica ble",
+ "▁Tra iler",
+ "▁Trail er",
+ "Ent ity",
+ "▁Per u",
+ "▁Pe ru",
+ "▁s hoe",
+ "▁sh oe",
+ "▁sho e",
+ "▁dom ains",
+ "▁domain s",
+ "oc o",
+ "o co",
+ "▁end ors",
+ "ri pp",
+ "rip p",
+ "r ipp",
+ "ad ers",
+ "ade rs",
+ "ader s",
+ "a ders",
+ "he res",
+ "her es",
+ "here s",
+ "▁Equ ipment",
+ "▁am big",
+ "▁amb ig",
+ "▁ ambig",
+ "▁el even",
+ "▁elev en",
+ "▁ele ven",
+ "▁D ictionary",
+ "ra r",
+ "r ar",
+ "pr om",
+ "pro m",
+ "p rom",
+ "cite p",
+ "cit ep",
+ "▁P rices",
+ "▁Pr ices",
+ "▁Pri ces",
+ "▁Price s",
+ "▁util izing",
+ "▁constit utes",
+ "▁constitu tes",
+ "▁constitute s",
+ "▁pl ugin",
+ "▁plug in",
+ "▁ plugin",
+ "▁adv ancing",
+ "▁Richard son",
+ "▁Richards on",
+ "▁p ound",
+ "▁po und",
+ "▁ pound",
+ "▁pun ish",
+ "av ailable",
+ "▁Data base",
+ "▁Dat abase",
+ "▁liter acy",
+ "▁direct ing",
+ "▁im ports",
+ "▁imp orts",
+ "▁import s",
+ "▁forth coming",
+ "ter ns",
+ "tern s",
+ "▁Cub an",
+ "▁Cuba n",
+ "▁Cu ban",
+ "▁p ause",
+ "▁pa use",
+ "▁r ook",
+ "▁ro ok",
+ "▁pra ised",
+ "▁praise d",
+ "ope rative",
+ "oper ative",
+ "operat ive",
+ "▁gl uc",
+ "so ever",
+ "▁me rit",
+ "▁mer it",
+ "▁exhib ited",
+ "▁exhibit ed",
+ "▁cost ume",
+ "▁stud ios",
+ "▁studio s",
+ "▁Prob ably",
+ "pi t",
+ "p it",
+ "st ick",
+ "▁wh ites",
+ "▁white s",
+ "▁whit es",
+ "IR E",
+ "I RE",
+ "▁Sh ore",
+ "▁Sho re",
+ "he y",
+ "h ey",
+ "Jan uary",
+ "▁dat abases",
+ "▁database s",
+ "▁d ried",
+ "▁dri ed",
+ "▁dr ied",
+ "▁coll ision",
+ "US E",
+ "U SE",
+ "AP I",
+ "A PI",
+ "com b",
+ "co mb",
+ "c omb",
+ "▁p riced",
+ "▁pr iced",
+ "▁pri ced",
+ "▁price d",
+ "▁pric ed",
+ "▁cred ibility",
+ "▁s atur",
+ "▁sat ur",
+ "▁l ending",
+ "▁len ding",
+ "▁lend ing",
+ "▁optim istic",
+ "re spons",
+ "resp ons",
+ "▁t oug",
+ "▁to ug",
+ "▁tou g",
+ "▁u int",
+ "▁ uint",
+ "char ged",
+ "charge d",
+ "▁sh ipped",
+ "▁ship ped",
+ "app lication",
+ "▁C ort",
+ "▁Co rt",
+ "▁Cor t",
+ "▁Hope fully",
+ "▁s eas",
+ "▁se as",
+ "▁sea s",
+ "▁L ac",
+ "▁La c",
+ "▁neg lect",
+ "Pa ss",
+ "P ass",
+ "▁prem ise",
+ "▁des irable",
+ "▁Cy prus",
+ "▁G aming",
+ "▁Ga ming",
+ "▁Gam ing",
+ "Pro t",
+ "Pr ot",
+ "P rot",
+ "▁I van",
+ "▁Iv an",
+ "▁spec ulation",
+ "▁f ost",
+ "▁fo st",
+ "▁char itable",
+ "▁d ependence",
+ "▁depend ence",
+ "St e",
+ "S te",
+ "▁W edding",
+ "▁Wed ding",
+ "но й",
+ "▁D B",
+ "▁ DB",
+ "ko v",
+ "k ov",
+ "▁o ri",
+ "▁or i",
+ "▁ ori",
+ "os pace",
+ "osp ace",
+ "o space",
+ "▁Over view",
+ "▁mathem atical",
+ "▁l uc",
+ "so l",
+ "s ol",
+ "▁R ent",
+ "▁Re nt",
+ "▁Ren t",
+ "▁in ability",
+ "rat ors",
+ "rator s",
+ "r ators",
+ "▁cons ume",
+ "▁consum e",
+ "▁ne ural",
+ "▁neur al",
+ "▁? ?",
+ "▁ ??",
+ "▁Re ady",
+ "▁Read y",
+ "el eration",
+ "ele ration",
+ "eler ation",
+ "im eter",
+ "ime ter",
+ "i meter",
+ "▁al ignment",
+ "▁align ment",
+ "▁G ets",
+ "▁Ge ts",
+ "▁Get s",
+ "▁Act s",
+ "▁Ac ts",
+ "▁n uts",
+ "▁nut s",
+ "▁nu ts",
+ "▁ nuts",
+ "IC T",
+ "I CT",
+ "▁D as",
+ "▁Da s",
+ "▁H av",
+ "▁Ha v",
+ "▁treat s",
+ "▁tre ats",
+ "sh irt",
+ "shi rt",
+ "▁L oss",
+ "▁Los s",
+ "▁Lo ss",
+ "▁sex uality",
+ "▁sexual ity",
+ "▁Spec ifically",
+ "▁Specific ally",
+ "▁ne eding",
+ "▁need ing",
+ "▁vulner ability",
+ "▁hard est",
+ "▁har dest",
+ "▁DO I",
+ "in ology",
+ "▁r ivals",
+ "▁ri vals",
+ "▁riv als",
+ "▁rival s",
+ "▁sl ots",
+ "▁slot s",
+ "▁fl owing",
+ "▁flow ing",
+ "▁flo wing",
+ "He ight",
+ "H eight",
+ "▁Ch ef",
+ "▁Che f",
+ "ac ific",
+ "▁build er",
+ "▁ builder",
+ "▁K er",
+ "▁Ke r",
+ "▁tou ches",
+ "▁touch es",
+ ". ~",
+ "at ra",
+ "a tra",
+ "▁o ct",
+ "▁Arch ae",
+ "▁Treat y",
+ "▁fel ony",
+ "▁pa inter",
+ "▁pain ter",
+ "▁paint er",
+ "▁sur pass",
+ "Un iversity",
+ "Univers ity",
+ "cons cious",
+ "▁ �",
+ "F ound",
+ "▁Embass y",
+ "▁Emb assy",
+ "▁vill ain",
+ "▁villa in",
+ "▁landscape s",
+ "▁landscap es",
+ "▁prot otype",
+ "▁ prototype",
+ "H ttp",
+ "▁C omic",
+ "▁Com ic",
+ "▁Co mic",
+ "▁pass ive",
+ "▁press ures",
+ "▁pressure s",
+ "▁resist ant",
+ "▁ resistant",
+ "u y",
+ "▁occ urrence",
+ "▁occur rence",
+ "t v",
+ "▁Fle et",
+ "▁sp ends",
+ "▁spend s",
+ "▁S leep",
+ "▁Sle ep",
+ "▁Commun ities",
+ "mu n",
+ "m un",
+ "▁illust rates",
+ "▁illustrate s",
+ "▁O ri",
+ "▁Or i",
+ "▁B ren",
+ "▁Br en",
+ "▁Bre n",
+ "▁pat rol",
+ "▁under neath",
+ "▁Mc D",
+ "▁C ult",
+ "▁Cu lt",
+ "▁Cul t",
+ "▁Week end",
+ "▁host ile",
+ "fu n",
+ "f un",
+ "▁M ead",
+ "▁Me ad",
+ "▁T ournament",
+ "▁prosper ity",
+ "▁Nut rition",
+ "▁Regard less",
+ "▁Z imbabwe",
+ "▁Tra ffic",
+ "▁ad olesc",
+ "fr e",
+ "f re",
+ "ur st",
+ "urs t",
+ "▁P orter",
+ "▁Port er",
+ "▁Por ter",
+ "▁nom inee",
+ "▁recre ational",
+ "▁recreation al",
+ "▁negoti ate",
+ "▁L is",
+ "▁Li s",
+ "uss ia",
+ "▁sec uring",
+ "▁prox imity",
+ "c p",
+ "▁A j",
+ "in to",
+ "int o",
+ "hi story",
+ "hist ory",
+ "▁re jection",
+ "▁reject ion",
+ "▁mod ifications",
+ "▁modification s",
+ "pat ch",
+ "p atch",
+ "fil m",
+ "um mer",
+ "umm er",
+ "▁m all",
+ "▁mal l",
+ "▁ma ll",
+ "▁Mill enn",
+ "▁sc attered",
+ "▁FA Q",
+ "▁Ad rian",
+ "▁gl ance",
+ "▁rem edy",
+ "▁remed y",
+ "▁C er",
+ "▁Ce r",
+ "▁m ast",
+ "▁ma st",
+ "▁mas t",
+ "con struct",
+ "const ruct",
+ "▁mind set",
+ "▁minds et",
+ "▁Sim pson",
+ "▁T roy",
+ "▁Tr oy",
+ "▁Tro y",
+ "▁rest riction",
+ "▁restrict ion",
+ "▁D anish",
+ "▁Dan ish",
+ "▁Germ ans",
+ "▁German s",
+ "▁Ger mans",
+ "▁Gu ild",
+ "▁b rack",
+ "▁br ack",
+ "▁bra ck",
+ "▁Tr avis",
+ "▁Tra vis",
+ "▁Trav is",
+ "▁s ynchron",
+ "▁syn chron",
+ "▁gradu ating",
+ "▁grad uating",
+ "▁presum ably",
+ "uk a",
+ "u ka",
+ "ver ted",
+ "vert ed",
+ "▁Su gar",
+ "▁Sug ar",
+ "tr i",
+ "t ri",
+ "▁Wag ner",
+ "cl er",
+ "cle r",
+ "c ler",
+ "▁Re leases",
+ "▁Release s",
+ "Pl ay",
+ "P lay",
+ "▁utter ly",
+ "af t",
+ "a ft",
+ "cial ly",
+ "ci ally",
+ "c ially",
+ "▁T win",
+ "▁Tw in",
+ "ar in",
+ "ari n",
+ "a rin",
+ "▁H il",
+ "▁Hi l",
+ "▁G reens",
+ "▁Green s",
+ "▁Gree ns",
+ "▁Gre ens",
+ "▁dou bled",
+ "▁doub led",
+ "▁double d",
+ "▁G RE",
+ "▁GR E",
+ "▁won ders",
+ "▁wond ers",
+ "▁wonder s",
+ "▁R andy",
+ "▁Rand y",
+ "▁Ran dy",
+ ") \"",
+ "Cur rent",
+ "C urrent",
+ "▁deb ris",
+ "▁bless ing",
+ "▁l od",
+ "▁lo d",
+ "▁Cert ified",
+ "▁Z en",
+ "▁Ze n",
+ "▁inher it",
+ "▁impro ves",
+ "▁improve s",
+ "▁improv es",
+ "} -",
+ "▁T E",
+ "▁ TE",
+ "▁G ru",
+ "▁Gr u",
+ "▁Russ ians",
+ "▁Russia ns",
+ "▁Russian s",
+ "▁step ping",
+ "▁ste pping",
+ "en eration",
+ "ener ation",
+ "ene ration",
+ "par ents",
+ "parent s",
+ "paren ts",
+ "▁pos itively",
+ "▁positive ly",
+ "ar ium",
+ "ari um",
+ "a rium",
+ "am pton",
+ "amp ton",
+ "▁amb ition",
+ "▁ambit ion",
+ "mag azine",
+ "▁Play Station",
+ "ly nn",
+ "lyn n",
+ "▁aut ism",
+ "▁any time",
+ "▁dis semin",
+ "▁qual ifications",
+ "▁qualification s",
+ "▁S inger",
+ "▁Sing er",
+ "▁Sin ger",
+ "CO DE",
+ "C ODE",
+ "la ted",
+ "lat ed",
+ "late d",
+ "l ated",
+ "▁d ip",
+ "▁di p",
+ "ac a",
+ "a ca",
+ "ш е",
+ "▁s her",
+ "▁sh er",
+ "▁she r",
+ "▁Advert ising",
+ "OW N",
+ "O WN",
+ "she et",
+ "s heet",
+ "▁L ogan",
+ "▁Lo gan",
+ "▁Log an",
+ "▁tr ibal",
+ "▁tri bal",
+ "▁trib al",
+ "▁Re ality",
+ "▁Real ity",
+ "▁The od",
+ "▁Theo d",
+ "Ed it",
+ "E dit",
+ "▁B eg",
+ "▁Be g",
+ "▁fe minist",
+ "▁fem inist",
+ "▁femin ist",
+ "▁trans gender",
+ "ion es",
+ "io nes",
+ "ione s",
+ "i ones",
+ "▁D evil",
+ "▁Dev il",
+ "h s",
+ "▁R ut",
+ "▁Ru t",
+ "▁Ge off",
+ "▁Geo ff",
+ "▁Ang els",
+ "▁Angel s",
+ "▁gar bage",
+ "EL ECT",
+ "▁Qu inn",
+ "▁Quin n",
+ "Th reading",
+ "Thread ing",
+ "▁R AM",
+ "▁RA M",
+ "ok a",
+ "o ka",
+ "▁C ob",
+ "▁Co b",
+ "ol ics",
+ "olic s",
+ "oli cs",
+ "▁E van",
+ "▁Ev an",
+ "▁Eva n",
+ "▁R anch",
+ "▁Ran ch",
+ "▁never theless",
+ "pl oma",
+ "plom a",
+ "▁f ictional",
+ "▁fiction al",
+ "▁I ng",
+ "▁In g",
+ "▁broad ly",
+ "ov an",
+ "ova n",
+ "o van",
+ "▁I tem",
+ "▁It em",
+ "▁ Item",
+ "▁Pent agon",
+ "▁A ur",
+ "▁Au r",
+ "▁am ateur",
+ "▁Sacram ento",
+ "▁W ays",
+ "▁Way s",
+ "▁Wa ys",
+ "▁No tre",
+ "▁Not re",
+ "% ;",
+ "▁Kenn eth",
+ "▁sw itched",
+ "▁switch ed",
+ "▁Oper ating",
+ "▁Opera ting",
+ "▁after math",
+ "▁He ather",
+ "▁Heat her",
+ "▁Heath er",
+ "▁R oh",
+ "▁Ro h",
+ "he rence",
+ "her ence",
+ "here nce",
+ "h erence",
+ "en do",
+ "end o",
+ "▁T ut",
+ "▁Tu t",
+ "B undle",
+ "▁sim ulations",
+ "▁simulation s",
+ "eal ous",
+ "▁Fun eral",
+ "z t",
+ "ot on",
+ "oto n",
+ "o ton",
+ "Config uration",
+ "v t",
+ "Ser ver",
+ "S erver",
+ "▁adjust ments",
+ "▁adjustment s",
+ "re dict",
+ "red ict",
+ "]) ;",
+ "] );",
+ "or p",
+ "▁K oh",
+ "▁Ko h",
+ "▁H C",
+ "▁ HC",
+ "▁re bell",
+ "▁reb ell",
+ "▁rebel l",
+ "mod ern",
+ "der s",
+ "de rs",
+ "d ers",
+ "▁Ch ev",
+ "▁Che v",
+ "▁sever ity",
+ "▁priv ately",
+ "▁private ly",
+ "▁privat ely",
+ "▁diff erential",
+ "▁different ial",
+ "▁differ ential",
+ "▁se rum",
+ "▁ser um",
+ "▁aut umn",
+ "▁M N",
+ "▁in die",
+ "▁ind ie",
+ "OV E",
+ "O VE",
+ "▁gener ator",
+ "▁gene rator",
+ "T ag",
+ "▁A us",
+ "▁Au s",
+ "▁tax i",
+ "▁ta xi",
+ "▁Re act",
+ "▁dist ress",
+ "▁App ly",
+ "▁Ap ply",
+ "▁Appl y",
+ "▁fert il",
+ "▁fer til",
+ "▁Ha iti",
+ "▁Hait i",
+ "io tics",
+ "iot ics",
+ "iotic s",
+ "i otics",
+ "▁r ats",
+ "▁ra ts",
+ "▁rat s",
+ "re z",
+ "r ez",
+ "▁n g",
+ "▁ ng",
+ "▁McC ain",
+ "▁proble matic",
+ "▁problem atic",
+ "b c",
+ "▁S CH",
+ "▁SC H",
+ "▁S ta",
+ "▁St a",
+ "▁S ister",
+ "▁Si ster",
+ "▁cur iosity",
+ "▁I ND",
+ "▁IN D",
+ "▁ IND",
+ "▁w atches",
+ "▁watch es",
+ "▁wat ches",
+ "▁ware house",
+ "▁dis pro",
+ "▁disp ro",
+ "col m",
+ "▁The orem",
+ "▁Theo rem",
+ "▁J ill",
+ "▁Ji ll",
+ "▁card iac",
+ "▁A way",
+ "▁Aw ay",
+ "▁f art",
+ "▁far t",
+ "▁fa rt",
+ "▁mark ing",
+ "▁mar king",
+ "▁K ick",
+ "▁Ki ck",
+ "al though",
+ "alth ough",
+ "Med ia",
+ "Me dia",
+ "M edia",
+ "▁t ile",
+ "▁til e",
+ "▁l inking",
+ "▁link ing",
+ "▁lin king",
+ "▁thought ful",
+ "ic ol",
+ "ico l",
+ "i col",
+ "wind ow",
+ "▁war nings",
+ "▁warn ings",
+ "▁warning s",
+ "▁nod ded",
+ "▁His panic",
+ "▁s pecially",
+ "▁spec ially",
+ "▁spe cially",
+ "▁special ly",
+ "▁Eval uation",
+ "” ?",
+ "▁d urable",
+ "▁dur able",
+ "▁P and",
+ "▁Pa nd",
+ "▁Pan d",
+ "▁pa lace",
+ "▁pal ace",
+ "▁Pul itzer",
+ "▁some time",
+ "▁som etime",
+ "id ering",
+ "ide ring",
+ "ider ing",
+ "▁se aled",
+ "▁sea led",
+ "▁seal ed",
+ "▁hilar ious",
+ "▁ver ification",
+ "▁D uc",
+ "▁Du c",
+ "▁Agric ultural",
+ "▁O g",
+ "▁F lag",
+ "▁Fl ag",
+ "▁Fla g",
+ "▁bomb ing",
+ "▁bom bing",
+ "han ded",
+ "hand ed",
+ "h anded",
+ "▁sw itching",
+ "▁switch ing",
+ "Inter face",
+ "▁cons isted",
+ "▁consist ed",
+ "▁explo itation",
+ "▁exploit ation",
+ "▁d ragon",
+ "▁dra gon",
+ "▁dr agon",
+ "▁drag on",
+ "am o",
+ "a mo",
+ "t urn",
+ "▁iT unes",
+ "▁South west",
+ "▁tun ed",
+ "▁tu ned",
+ "▁tune d",
+ "▁D eterm",
+ "▁De term",
+ "▁Det erm",
+ "▁Rom ney",
+ "▁Prem ium",
+ "▁collabor ate",
+ "▁atmosp heric",
+ "▁D ies",
+ "▁Di es",
+ "▁Die s",
+ "▁Invest igation",
+ "▁Investig ation",
+ "mm a",
+ "m ma",
+ "▁D ust",
+ "▁Du st",
+ "▁Har old",
+ "▁congress ional",
+ "▁congr essional",
+ "▁U I",
+ "▁ UI",
+ "▁minor ities",
+ "ia o",
+ "i ao",
+ "▁Re ce",
+ "▁Rec e",
+ "▁B utter",
+ "▁But ter",
+ "▁Butt er",
+ "▁Bank ing",
+ "▁Ban king",
+ "▁Ann ounces",
+ "▁Announce s",
+ "bi shop",
+ "bish op",
+ "b ishop",
+ "▁pr events",
+ "▁prevent s",
+ "▁prev ents",
+ "No n",
+ "N on",
+ "UB L",
+ "U BL",
+ "▁D owntown",
+ "▁Down town",
+ "▁home town",
+ "▁hom etown",
+ "▁C rist",
+ "▁Cr ist",
+ "▁Cris t",
+ "▁T ouch",
+ "▁To uch",
+ "▁Tou ch",
+ "Tag s",
+ "T ags",
+ "▁W iki",
+ "▁Wi ki",
+ "▁Wik i",
+ "▁des cent",
+ "▁desc ent",
+ "▁success or",
+ "▁La un",
+ "▁Lau n",
+ "▁Tr ends",
+ "▁Trend s",
+ "ze ta",
+ "z eta",
+ "▁P om",
+ "▁Po m",
+ "ac ked",
+ "ack ed",
+ "▁C W",
+ "ri ans",
+ "rian s",
+ "ria ns",
+ "r ians",
+ "▁ro oted",
+ "▁root ed",
+ "▁s enses",
+ "▁sense s",
+ "▁sens es",
+ "▁sen ses",
+ "▁crowd ed",
+ "▁fire f",
+ "▁fi ref",
+ "▁guarant ees",
+ "▁guarantee s",
+ "mu t",
+ "m ut",
+ "ul lah",
+ "ull ah",
+ "ulla h",
+ "▁V ern",
+ "▁Ver n",
+ "▁Roll ing",
+ "▁Rol ling",
+ "▁surround ings",
+ "▁surrounding s",
+ "▁Journal ism",
+ "▁pro jection",
+ "▁project ion",
+ "▁M aps",
+ "▁Ma ps",
+ "▁Map s",
+ "▁D oor",
+ "▁Do or",
+ "▁o re",
+ "▁or e",
+ "▁ ore",
+ "▁propri etary",
+ "▁M ight",
+ "▁Mig ht",
+ "L R",
+ "i u",
+ "▁p ine",
+ "▁pin e",
+ "▁pi ne",
+ "▁ pine",
+ "▁re construction",
+ "▁reconst ruction",
+ "▁reconstruct ion",
+ "▁O racle",
+ "▁Or acle",
+ "▁que ue",
+ "▁ queue",
+ "Ch ina",
+ "▁c ups",
+ "▁cup s",
+ "▁cu ps",
+ "pi ct",
+ "pic t",
+ "p ict",
+ "▁C ere",
+ "▁Ce re",
+ "▁Cer e",
+ "▁k ills",
+ "▁kill s",
+ "▁kil ls",
+ "▁W on",
+ "▁Wo n",
+ "▁c ivic",
+ "▁ci vic",
+ "▁s ou",
+ "▁so u",
+ "▁K un",
+ "▁Ku n",
+ "▁a post",
+ "▁ap ost",
+ "▁sp ont",
+ "▁spo nt",
+ "▁start ups",
+ "▁startup s",
+ "▁bench mark",
+ "▁mag net",
+ "▁magn et",
+ ")) .",
+ ") ).",
+ "St ep",
+ "Ste p",
+ "Type s",
+ "T ypes",
+ "▁go ogle",
+ "▁ google",
+ "▁mental ly",
+ "▁ment ally",
+ "▁F o",
+ "▁d ot",
+ "▁do t",
+ "▁ dot",
+ "nab la",
+ "=\" \"",
+ "= \"\"",
+ ".. ....",
+ "... ...",
+ ".... ..",
+ "..... .",
+ ". .....",
+ "▁M ik",
+ "▁Mi k",
+ "H ome",
+ "um at",
+ "uma t",
+ "u mat",
+ "▁R ising",
+ "▁Ris ing",
+ "▁int act",
+ "j ournal",
+ "▁Ferg uson",
+ "▁govern ed",
+ "ed itor",
+ "edit or",
+ "edi tor",
+ "▁m ush",
+ "▁mus h",
+ "▁mu sh",
+ "▁d ire",
+ "▁di re",
+ "▁dir e",
+ "▁Cele b",
+ "▁Cel eb",
+ "▁insert ed",
+ "▁m ate",
+ "▁mat e",
+ "▁ma te",
+ "▁ mate",
+ "ott age",
+ "otta ge",
+ "▁p oses",
+ "▁pos es",
+ "▁po ses",
+ "▁pose s",
+ "▁ poses",
+ "▁renew al",
+ "▁R N",
+ "▁h tml",
+ "▁ html",
+ "▁Valent ine",
+ "▁trans ported",
+ "▁transport ed",
+ "▁highlight ing",
+ "am on",
+ "amo n",
+ "a mon",
+ "▁mar itime",
+ "▁De sk",
+ "▁Des k",
+ "d x",
+ "he tics",
+ "het ics",
+ "hetic s",
+ "h etics",
+ "D D",
+ "B ay",
+ "od ynam",
+ "ody nam",
+ "▁ex otic",
+ "_ ,",
+ "AV E",
+ "A VE",
+ "▁s ung",
+ "▁su ng",
+ "▁sun g",
+ "▁un anim",
+ "▁under take",
+ "▁undert ake",
+ "▁H our",
+ "▁Hou r",
+ "▁Ho ur",
+ "▁B G",
+ "▁He ath",
+ "▁Heat h",
+ "▁knock ed",
+ "ur bs",
+ "urb s",
+ "en na",
+ "enn a",
+ "▁Law yer",
+ "▁Col lections",
+ "▁Collection s",
+ "▁Collect ions",
+ "` `",
+ "▁S ally",
+ "▁Sal ly",
+ "▁P ool",
+ "▁Po ol",
+ "▁ Pool",
+ "▁Di agn",
+ "Par ent",
+ "Pa rent",
+ "P arent",
+ "▁search ed",
+ "▁sear ched",
+ "é r",
+ "▁contrad ict",
+ "▁contra dict",
+ "draw n",
+ "dra wn",
+ "un gen",
+ "ung en",
+ "unge n",
+ "▁a wait",
+ "▁aw ait",
+ "▁awa it",
+ "▁P oor",
+ "▁Po or",
+ "▁found ers",
+ "▁founder s",
+ "▁fo unders",
+ "▁academ ics",
+ "▁academic s",
+ "▁re per",
+ "▁r eper",
+ "▁rep er",
+ "▁repe r",
+ "▁mark ers",
+ "▁mar kers",
+ "▁marker s",
+ "▁Ex ception",
+ "▁Except ion",
+ "▁ Exception",
+ "▁cl usters",
+ "▁cluster s",
+ "▁clust ers",
+ "▁Ult imately",
+ "▁Ultimate ly",
+ "De l",
+ "D el",
+ "▁I G",
+ "▁ IG",
+ "▁Hot els",
+ "▁Hotel s",
+ "▁ex tern",
+ "▁ext ern",
+ "▁fav orable",
+ "▁favor able",
+ "▁mess aging",
+ "ic z",
+ "i cz",
+ "▁re count",
+ "▁rec ount",
+ "▁elig ibility",
+ "et ric",
+ "▁A cross",
+ "▁Ac ross",
+ "▁reward ing",
+ "▁destroy ing",
+ "▁destro ying",
+ "ven th",
+ "vent h",
+ "v enth",
+ "ym e",
+ "y me",
+ "▁g ru",
+ "▁gr u",
+ "▁part ition",
+ "il ers",
+ "ile rs",
+ "iler s",
+ "i lers",
+ "▁in ning",
+ "▁inn ing",
+ "▁ inning",
+ "A v",
+ "▁Americ as",
+ "▁America s",
+ "▁Amer icas",
+ "▁dis ruption",
+ "▁disrupt ion",
+ "▁fil med",
+ "▁film ed",
+ "hi m",
+ "h im",
+ "▁Pat ient",
+ "▁Super man",
+ "▁Sup erman",
+ "B B",
+ "par k",
+ "pa rk",
+ "p ark",
+ "on ut",
+ "o nut",
+ "He ader",
+ "Head er",
+ "▁Ult imate",
+ "▁phil anthrop",
+ "en ergy",
+ "ener gy",
+ "e nergy",
+ "▁c lay",
+ "▁cl ay",
+ "▁cla y",
+ "▁Cru ise",
+ "S I",
+ "▁I O",
+ "▁ IO",
+ "▁prom otional",
+ "▁promot ional",
+ "▁promotion al",
+ "pl er",
+ "ple r",
+ "p ler",
+ "▁Indian apolis",
+ "en cia",
+ "enc ia",
+ "▁M unicipal",
+ "▁capt ures",
+ "▁capture s",
+ "ok u",
+ "o ku",
+ "io tt",
+ "iot t",
+ "i ott",
+ "▁ind ul",
+ "▁indu l",
+ "▁Rodrig uez",
+ "▁conclud es",
+ "▁conclude s",
+ "▁counsel ing",
+ "fl u",
+ "f lu",
+ "ogg le",
+ "o ggle",
+ "ot yp",
+ "o typ",
+ "Aug ust",
+ "et tes",
+ "ett es",
+ "ette s",
+ "▁Hy per",
+ "▁Hyp er",
+ "▁ad dict",
+ "▁add ict",
+ "▁t ricks",
+ "▁tr icks",
+ "▁tri cks",
+ "▁trick s",
+ "▁P E",
+ "▁ PE",
+ "▁Dom estic",
+ "od s",
+ "o ds",
+ "il iar",
+ "ili ar",
+ "ilia r",
+ "▁l aying",
+ "▁la ying",
+ "▁lay ing",
+ "ct x",
+ "c tx",
+ "▁B rent",
+ "▁Br ent",
+ "▁Bre nt",
+ "▁Bren t",
+ "▁G roups",
+ "▁Group s",
+ "▁Gro ups",
+ "п е",
+ "▁reg ulators",
+ "▁regul ators",
+ "▁regulator s",
+ "▁Re porter",
+ "▁Rep orter",
+ "▁Report er",
+ "▁att achment",
+ "▁attach ment",
+ "▁Sh ir",
+ "▁Shi r",
+ "▁Ad voc",
+ "▁Adv oc",
+ "▁re set",
+ "▁res et",
+ "▁rese t",
+ "▁ reset",
+ "▁Ab bey",
+ "ch aft",
+ "cha ft",
+ "▁Bo ris",
+ "▁Bor is",
+ "▁G ang",
+ "▁Ga ng",
+ "▁Gan g",
+ "▁f ines",
+ "▁fin es",
+ "▁fine s",
+ "▁fi nes",
+ "▁organ s",
+ "▁org ans",
+ "▁moist ure",
+ "▁dys function",
+ "st eps",
+ "ste ps",
+ "step s",
+ "▁p ulse",
+ "▁pul se",
+ "▁puls e",
+ "as sy",
+ "ass y",
+ "cr o",
+ "c ro",
+ "▁teen agers",
+ "▁teenager s",
+ "▁teenage rs",
+ "abul ary",
+ "▁Pat ent",
+ "Ps i",
+ "P si",
+ "▁L if",
+ "▁Li f",
+ "▁Inj ury",
+ "▁Ch ancellor",
+ "▁f lux",
+ "▁fl ux",
+ "▁flu x",
+ "▁protect ions",
+ "▁protection s",
+ "▁prote ctions",
+ "ph abet",
+ "pha bet",
+ "▁d ough",
+ "▁do ugh",
+ "▁dou gh",
+ "▁Gib son",
+ "▁Mun ich",
+ "▁O ptions",
+ "▁Opt ions",
+ "▁Option s",
+ "▁ Options",
+ "▁d ioxide",
+ "▁di oxide",
+ "▁happ ily",
+ "▁j aw",
+ "▁ja w",
+ "gre at",
+ "g reat",
+ "▁Vlad imir",
+ "▁analy tical",
+ "з о",
+ "▁H REF",
+ "▁HR EF",
+ "▁Christ ie",
+ "▁per former",
+ "▁perform er",
+ "▁H M",
+ "▁Curt is",
+ "▁coord inates",
+ "▁coordinate s",
+ "▁poly mer",
+ "▁polym er",
+ "▁a rom",
+ "▁ar om",
+ "▁N OW",
+ "▁NO W",
+ "▁K iss",
+ "▁Ki ss",
+ "▁re lying",
+ "▁rel ying",
+ "▁rely ing",
+ "▁phenomen a",
+ "▁country side",
+ "▁B erry",
+ "▁Ber ry",
+ "▁u mb",
+ "▁um b",
+ "▁ umb",
+ "▁c orp",
+ "▁cor p",
+ "al ities",
+ "ali ties",
+ "▁inform ative",
+ "▁L iv",
+ "▁Li v",
+ "▁p arse",
+ "▁par se",
+ "▁pars e",
+ "▁ parse",
+ "▁West minster",
+ "▁Ab use",
+ "▁Abu se",
+ "▁F Y",
+ "▁Cour ts",
+ "▁Court s",
+ "la s",
+ "l as",
+ "an som",
+ "ans om",
+ "▁fil ename",
+ "▁file name",
+ "▁ filename",
+ "▁un conscious",
+ "▁uncons cious",
+ "▁G am",
+ "▁Ga m",
+ "▁virus es",
+ "▁vir uses",
+ "▁guitar ist",
+ "el ed",
+ "ele d",
+ "e led",
+ "er ton",
+ "ert on",
+ "erto n",
+ "▁H ass",
+ "▁Ha ss",
+ "▁Has s",
+ "▁Can on",
+ "▁Ca non",
+ "▁p ockets",
+ "▁pocket s",
+ "▁N arr",
+ "▁Na rr",
+ "▁Nar r",
+ "▁c arb",
+ "▁car b",
+ "▁ca rb",
+ "▁re duct",
+ "▁redu ct",
+ "▁red uct",
+ "▁princ ip",
+ "▁Legisl ature",
+ "▁B un",
+ "▁Bu n",
+ "▁w reck",
+ "ro ots",
+ "root s",
+ "r oots",
+ "▁relig ions",
+ "▁religion s",
+ "▁ я",
+ "▁H ood",
+ "▁Ho od",
+ "Gr id",
+ "G rid",
+ "Doc ument",
+ "D ocument",
+ "▁a te",
+ "▁at e",
+ "▁ ate",
+ "ic als",
+ "ical s",
+ "ica ls",
+ "spec ial",
+ "spe cial",
+ "▁prosecut or",
+ "▁v oy",
+ "▁vo y",
+ "▁M add",
+ "▁Mad d",
+ "▁Ma dd",
+ "▁t ires",
+ "▁tire s",
+ "IG H",
+ "I GH",
+ "▁d well",
+ "▁dw ell",
+ "▁ang les",
+ "▁angle s",
+ "▁ angles",
+ "te chn",
+ "tech n",
+ "tec hn",
+ "▁dist ances",
+ "▁distance s",
+ "▁what soever",
+ "▁tail ored",
+ "▁tailor ed",
+ "▁F olk",
+ "▁Fol k",
+ "To k",
+ "T ok",
+ "▁s tip",
+ "▁st ip",
+ "▁inv oke",
+ "▁Ass istance",
+ "▁Assist ance",
+ "▁Sub st",
+ "▁N u",
+ "Br e",
+ "B re",
+ "▁r ul",
+ "▁ru l",
+ "mit t",
+ "mi tt",
+ "m itt",
+ "▁Jan et",
+ "▁Jane t",
+ "▁Ja net",
+ "▁Hold ings",
+ "▁Holding s",
+ "▁prov inces",
+ "▁province s",
+ "▁empir ical",
+ "▁O UT",
+ "▁ OUT",
+ "ut ton",
+ "utt on",
+ "▁F ix",
+ "▁Fi x",
+ "▁n inth",
+ "▁nin th",
+ "ch anging",
+ "chan ging",
+ "▁P olic",
+ "▁Pol ic",
+ "▁Po lic",
+ "▁ch ase",
+ "▁cha se",
+ "▁met all",
+ "▁metal l",
+ "▁meta ll",
+ "▁Th reat",
+ "▁Can al",
+ "▁Bu ilt",
+ "▁Ac qu",
+ "▁neighbor ing",
+ "▁neighb oring",
+ "▁mis under",
+ "}) ;",
+ "} );",
+ "▁N Z",
+ "▁emer gence",
+ "▁emerge nce",
+ "▁p ir",
+ "▁pi r",
+ "▁ pir",
+ "he aded",
+ "head ed",
+ "hea ded",
+ "▁c uisine",
+ "▁l ifting",
+ "▁lif ting",
+ "▁lift ing",
+ "▁enc ounters",
+ "▁encounter s",
+ "▁e cc",
+ "▁ec c",
+ "Sp ace",
+ "S pace",
+ "▁s ailing",
+ "▁sa iling",
+ "▁sail ing",
+ "C ache",
+ "Wind ow",
+ "an ie",
+ "ani e",
+ "a nie",
+ "ig ger",
+ "igg er",
+ "▁tweet ed",
+ "▁twe eted",
+ "f n",
+ "▁R um",
+ "▁Ru m",
+ "ount ain",
+ "oun tain",
+ "▁Ad apt",
+ "▁Mur der",
+ "▁Murd er",
+ "▁Trib une",
+ "▁W ake",
+ "▁Wa ke",
+ "▁b ree",
+ "▁br ee",
+ "▁bre e",
+ "path etic",
+ "pat hetic",
+ "▁cont ributor",
+ "▁contribut or",
+ "fall s",
+ "f alls",
+ "▁g ates",
+ "▁gate s",
+ "▁ga tes",
+ "▁d ementia",
+ "ée s",
+ "é es",
+ "▁P ine",
+ "▁Pin e",
+ "▁Pi ne",
+ "▁pl ea",
+ "▁ple a",
+ "▁M onica",
+ "▁Mon ica",
+ "▁Direct ory",
+ "▁Director y",
+ "▁ Directory",
+ "ot ics",
+ "otic s",
+ "oti cs",
+ "o tics",
+ "it ored",
+ "itor ed",
+ "ito red",
+ "act ivity",
+ "activ ity",
+ "▁R us",
+ "▁Ru s",
+ "Off set",
+ "▁t rades",
+ "▁tr ades",
+ "▁tra des",
+ "▁trad es",
+ "▁trade s",
+ "▁qu arant",
+ "▁quar ant",
+ "ij i",
+ "i ji",
+ "▁frust rating",
+ "et ooth",
+ "eto oth",
+ "▁bl oom",
+ "tab ular",
+ "▁serv ants",
+ "▁servant s",
+ "▁week ends",
+ "▁weekend s",
+ "▁ge ographic",
+ "▁n aval",
+ "▁nav al",
+ "▁na val",
+ "▁in coming",
+ "▁inc oming",
+ "▁inst alling",
+ "▁install ing",
+ "▁t issues",
+ "▁tiss ues",
+ "▁tissue s",
+ "H P",
+ "▁P ip",
+ "▁Pi p",
+ "▁rum ors",
+ "▁f riction",
+ "▁fr iction",
+ "▁Dur ham",
+ "▁book ed",
+ "▁bo oked",
+ "▁boo ked",
+ "▁w ounds",
+ "▁wound s",
+ ". ",
+ "▁Budd hist",
+ "▁Buddh ist",
+ "▁motor cycle",
+ "▁Engine er",
+ "▁maxim ize",
+ "▁ar gs",
+ "▁arg s",
+ "▁ args",
+ "▁pron ounced",
+ "▁pronounce d",
+ "▁y a",
+ "▁ ya",
+ "▁l ag",
+ "▁la g",
+ "▁ lag",
+ "▁L or",
+ "▁Lo r",
+ "ish eries",
+ "isher ies",
+ "ishe ries",
+ "▁g y",
+ "▁ gy",
+ "▁collect ively",
+ "▁collective ly",
+ "lo ss",
+ "los s",
+ "l oss",
+ "em por",
+ "emp or",
+ "▁R SS",
+ "▁RS S",
+ "▁Car roll",
+ "▁Carr oll",
+ "} ]",
+ "▁N y",
+ "▁B ris",
+ "▁Br is",
+ "▁Bri s",
+ "▁H undred",
+ "▁ext raction",
+ "▁extra ction",
+ "▁extract ion",
+ "▁extr action",
+ "▁C red",
+ "▁Cr ed",
+ "▁Cre d",
+ "▁Mar tha",
+ "▁Mart ha",
+ "▁de tained",
+ "▁det ained",
+ "▁detain ed",
+ "▁H unting",
+ "▁Hun ting",
+ "▁Hunt ing",
+ "▁de er",
+ "▁inst itute",
+ "▁instit ute",
+ "St ore",
+ "av in",
+ "avi n",
+ "a vin",
+ "▁In str",
+ "▁Inst r",
+ "▁Ins tr",
+ "ed ar",
+ "eda r",
+ "e dar",
+ "▁p ars",
+ "▁par s",
+ "▁pa rs",
+ "deg ree",
+ "▁bl ade",
+ "com ment",
+ "comm ent",
+ "▁explos ive",
+ "▁Coord inator",
+ "ze ro",
+ "zer o",
+ "z ero",
+ "▁de com",
+ "▁dec om",
+ "if eration",
+ "ife ration",
+ "ifer ation",
+ "▁recomm ends",
+ "▁recommend s",
+ "right s",
+ "r ights",
+ "▁Com pos",
+ "▁Comp os",
+ "▁f isher",
+ "▁fish er",
+ "▁Bre aking",
+ "▁Break ing",
+ "▁illust ration",
+ "▁roll s",
+ "▁ rolls",
+ "rat ulations",
+ "▁Dep ression",
+ "▁abs orb",
+ "▁absor b",
+ "▁d ressing",
+ "▁dress ing",
+ "▁aff ection",
+ "▁affect ion",
+ "▁under taking",
+ "▁undert aking",
+ "ON D",
+ "O ND",
+ "hy dro",
+ "hyd ro",
+ "▁F IFA",
+ "▁FI FA",
+ "▁d rown",
+ "▁dr own",
+ "▁dro wn",
+ "▁H ip",
+ "▁Hi p",
+ "▁Lie utenant",
+ "S QL",
+ "▁b ikes",
+ "▁bi kes",
+ "▁bike s",
+ "▁a the",
+ "▁at he",
+ "▁ athe",
+ "Us e",
+ "U se",
+ "▁ann ouncing",
+ "▁announ cing",
+ "nic k",
+ "ni ck",
+ "n ick",
+ "▁Cas ey",
+ "▁Ca sey",
+ "▁Case y",
+ "\\ |",
+ "▁quant itative",
+ "fo o",
+ "f oo",
+ "▁E gg",
+ "▁Eg g",
+ "▁т о",
+ "▁ то",
+ "▁o ils",
+ "▁oil s",
+ "▁un rest",
+ "▁unre st",
+ "í n",
+ "▁L ars",
+ "▁La rs",
+ "▁Lar s",
+ "▁K i",
+ "at ta",
+ "att a",
+ "a tta",
+ "▁ex clusion",
+ "▁exclus ion",
+ "▁convin cing",
+ "▁convinc ing",
+ "re source",
+ "res ource",
+ "▁sym bolic",
+ "▁symbol ic",
+ "▁б ы",
+ "re lla",
+ "rel la",
+ "rell a",
+ "r ella",
+ "▁le ap",
+ "▁clar ify",
+ "▁l emon",
+ "▁le mon",
+ "▁b od",
+ "▁bo d",
+ "▁Col umn",
+ "▁ Column",
+ "Br ien",
+ "B rien",
+ "▁str ains",
+ "▁stra ins",
+ "▁strain s",
+ "▁Em irates",
+ "▁calc ium",
+ "▁re build",
+ "▁sty lish",
+ "▁styl ish",
+ "▁Adv ance",
+ "▁Product ions",
+ "▁Production s",
+ "▁Produ ctions",
+ "▁remote ly",
+ "▁remot ely",
+ "▁st ro",
+ "▁str o",
+ "An t",
+ "A nt",
+ "▁< ?",
+ "▁ ",
+ "kl e",
+ "k le",
+ "▁mil estone",
+ "▁mile stone",
+ "▁En cyclopedia",
+ "▁insu fficient",
+ "▁T A",
+ "▁ TA",
+ "▁portray ed",
+ "▁Pers ian",
+ "▁ab normal",
+ "▁M akes",
+ "▁Ma kes",
+ "▁Make s",
+ "▁Mak es",
+ "▁sh allow",
+ "▁shall ow",
+ "▁c redited",
+ "▁cred ited",
+ "▁credit ed",
+ "an mar",
+ "▁aim ing",
+ "▁a meric",
+ "in ge",
+ "ing e",
+ "▁G or",
+ "▁Go r",
+ "▁E B",
+ "Me nu",
+ "Men u",
+ "▁craft s",
+ "▁cra fts",
+ "▁over head",
+ "▁m ol",
+ "▁mo l",
+ "cent ering",
+ "center ing",
+ "inst all",
+ "▁s pine",
+ "▁sp ine",
+ "▁spin e",
+ "▁ten ants",
+ "▁tenant s",
+ "▁en light",
+ "▁ab used",
+ "▁abuse d",
+ "▁appropri ately",
+ "▁appropriate ly",
+ "▁ret ros",
+ "▁retro s",
+ "▁U V",
+ "qu art",
+ "▁cl ue",
+ "▁sign aling",
+ "▁signal ing",
+ "am ped",
+ "amp ed",
+ "ber ger",
+ "berg er",
+ "▁Hend erson",
+ "qu in",
+ "ge tic",
+ "get ic",
+ "g etic",
+ "st own",
+ "sto wn",
+ "s town",
+ "▁L oad",
+ "▁Lo ad",
+ "▁ Load",
+ "▁n iche",
+ "▁nic he",
+ "▁ni che",
+ "\") )",
+ "\" ))",
+ "at tery",
+ "att ery",
+ "atter y",
+ "▁Cl iff",
+ "▁Cli ff",
+ "▁card iovascular",
+ "ys ics",
+ "▁S ach",
+ "▁Sa ch",
+ "▁Sac h",
+ "ien cies",
+ "i encies",
+ "io tic",
+ "iot ic",
+ "i otic",
+ "▁W ool",
+ "▁Wo ol",
+ "▁by tes",
+ "▁byte s",
+ "▁ bytes",
+ "▁Initi al",
+ "▁Init ial",
+ "▁ Initial",
+ "En try",
+ "Ent ry",
+ "▁C ind",
+ "▁Ci nd",
+ "er vers",
+ "erv ers",
+ "erve rs",
+ "erver s",
+ "op ening",
+ "ope ning",
+ "open ing",
+ "▁int ric",
+ "▁intr ic",
+ "no rm",
+ "nor m",
+ "n orm",
+ "▁Ma har",
+ "▁Mah ar",
+ "▁inv iting",
+ "▁P rote",
+ "▁Pro te",
+ "▁Pr ote",
+ "▁Prot e",
+ "▁L opez",
+ "▁Lo pez",
+ "ul ously",
+ "ulous ly",
+ "▁Fe ature",
+ "▁Feat ure",
+ "▁ Feature",
+ "▁Ab original",
+ "▁с та",
+ "▁ст а",
+ "▁ ста",
+ "ol an",
+ "ola n",
+ "o lan",
+ "▁V i",
+ "ES CO",
+ "al ion",
+ "ali on",
+ "▁“ [",
+ "um bing",
+ "umb ing",
+ "▁Super ior",
+ "▁Sup erior",
+ "▁gener ates",
+ "▁generate s",
+ "▁gene rates",
+ "appro x",
+ "De cember",
+ "Dec ember",
+ "▁A nat",
+ "▁An at",
+ "▁Ana t",
+ "▁nost alg",
+ "ah an",
+ "aha n",
+ "a han",
+ "st ed",
+ "ste d",
+ "s ted",
+ "▁c oding",
+ "▁co ding",
+ "▁cod ing",
+ "▁V arious",
+ "▁Var ious",
+ "▁Vari ous",
+ "squ are",
+ "▁Mal colm",
+ "▁T ap",
+ "▁Ta p",
+ "sh ort",
+ "▁at omic",
+ "▁atom ic",
+ "▁Govern ance",
+ "▁re sem",
+ "▁res em",
+ "▁rese m",
+ "▁grand children",
+ "k l",
+ "▁D oll",
+ "▁Do ll",
+ "▁Dol l",
+ "ц е",
+ "in ist",
+ "ini st",
+ "inis t",
+ "> .",
+ "On ly",
+ "▁C ec",
+ "▁Ce c",
+ "sk ip",
+ "ski p",
+ "▁P eg",
+ "▁Pe g",
+ "▁co ron",
+ "▁cor on",
+ "▁pr inter",
+ "▁print er",
+ "Im pl",
+ "▁R out",
+ "▁Ro ut",
+ "▁Rou t",
+ "▁mon op",
+ ": \\",
+ "IC A",
+ "I CA",
+ "▁R eb",
+ "▁Re b",
+ "sc opy",
+ "s copy",
+ "▁ignor ance",
+ "▁demonstr ating",
+ "ta r",
+ "t ar",
+ "No ne",
+ "Non e",
+ "N one",
+ "sh op",
+ "s hop",
+ "▁budget s",
+ "ge m",
+ "g em",
+ "ot ional",
+ "oti onal",
+ "otion al",
+ "▁Her bert",
+ "▁Herb ert",
+ "▁vers atile",
+ "▁m im",
+ "▁mi m",
+ "▁Gen esis",
+ "▁Gene sis",
+ "▁Pat ricia",
+ "▁Patri cia",
+ "▁man ually",
+ "▁manual ly",
+ "▁ped iatric",
+ "▁S eth",
+ "▁Se th",
+ "▁Set h",
+ "▁John s",
+ "▁Joh ns",
+ "▁d ialog",
+ "▁dial og",
+ "▁dia log",
+ "▁Cal gary",
+ "fil led",
+ "fill ed",
+ "f illed",
+ "▁Sh ield",
+ "▁Shi eld",
+ "▁protect s",
+ "▁Ex c",
+ "Util s",
+ "ter ror",
+ "t error",
+ "▁col ony",
+ "▁colon y",
+ "▁comp osite",
+ "▁compos ite",
+ "P ub",
+ "▁C rew",
+ "▁Cr ew",
+ "▁Cre w",
+ "▁Tr ading",
+ "▁Tra ding",
+ "▁Trad ing",
+ "▁T rent",
+ "▁Tr ent",
+ "▁Tre nt",
+ "▁kn ees",
+ "▁knee s",
+ "▁sit uate",
+ "▁situ ate",
+ "▁p sy",
+ "▁ps y",
+ "▁ psy",
+ "▁s ights",
+ "▁sight s",
+ "▁sigh ts",
+ "at able",
+ "ata ble",
+ "a table",
+ "▁Form ula",
+ "is le",
+ "isl e",
+ "i sle",
+ "▁News letter",
+ "H ost",
+ "▁cond emn",
+ "▁condem n",
+ "▁D ent",
+ "▁De nt",
+ "▁Den t",
+ "Oct ober",
+ "▁Bur ton",
+ "▁J ak",
+ "▁Ja k",
+ "wi g",
+ "w ig",
+ "▁S ounds",
+ "▁Sound s",
+ "▁D S",
+ "▁ DS",
+ "il ion",
+ "ili on",
+ "ou x",
+ "o ux",
+ "V ol",
+ "▁a ired",
+ "▁air ed",
+ "▁ aired",
+ "▁C hester",
+ "▁Ch ester",
+ "▁Che ster",
+ "▁Ches ter",
+ "▁Chest er",
+ "▁Us ually",
+ "▁enh ancing",
+ "ag ra",
+ "a gra",
+ "▁har ness",
+ "us ions",
+ "usion s",
+ "▁miss iles",
+ "▁missile s",
+ "▁D W",
+ "▁prec eding",
+ "▁preced ing",
+ "▁rep roductive",
+ "▁reprodu ctive",
+ "▁P G",
+ "▁ PG",
+ "▁emb ry",
+ "▁embod iments",
+ "▁embodiment s",
+ "om bie",
+ "omb ie",
+ "▁star red",
+ "ka n",
+ "k an",
+ "▁G C",
+ "▁ GC",
+ "▁mer cy",
+ "▁merc y",
+ "▁Mart ine",
+ "▁Martin e",
+ "▁accept s",
+ "▁pract iced",
+ "▁practice d",
+ "▁pat ents",
+ "▁patent s",
+ "▁o u",
+ "▁ ou",
+ "▁craft ed",
+ "▁us eless",
+ "▁use less",
+ "▁A u",
+ "▁h ey",
+ "▁he y",
+ "▁ hey",
+ "▁My anmar",
+ "▁def ended",
+ "▁defend ed",
+ "▁rend ering",
+ "▁render ing",
+ "categ ory",
+ "▁Z el",
+ "▁Ze l",
+ "▁broad band",
+ "▁b is",
+ "▁bi s",
+ "ert ation",
+ "He y",
+ "H ey",
+ "▁prompt ly",
+ "▁S z",
+ "▁there after",
+ "▁h ated",
+ "▁ha ted",
+ "▁hate d",
+ "▁hat ed",
+ "▁m ines",
+ "▁min es",
+ "▁mine s",
+ "▁mi nes",
+ "▁access ing",
+ "▁dis asters",
+ "▁disaster s",
+ "▁refres hing",
+ "▁refresh ing",
+ "sh ips",
+ "ship s",
+ "shi ps",
+ "s hips",
+ "ar ding",
+ "ard ing",
+ "ardi ng",
+ "ме н",
+ "м ен",
+ "▁( '",
+ "▁ ('",
+ "▁hear ings",
+ "▁hearing s",
+ "▁P ars",
+ "▁Par s",
+ "▁Pa rs",
+ "▁P ont",
+ "▁Po nt",
+ "▁Pon t",
+ "▁nom inations",
+ "▁nomination s",
+ "▁Sustain ability",
+ "▁c it",
+ "▁ci t",
+ "▁ cit",
+ "os ion",
+ "osi on",
+ "▁T hu",
+ "▁Th u",
+ "▁celebr ations",
+ "▁celeb rations",
+ "▁celebration s",
+ "▁n ail",
+ "▁na il",
+ "▁con ve",
+ "▁conv e",
+ "▁enroll ment",
+ "ba i",
+ "b ai",
+ "hol m",
+ "op sis",
+ "ops is",
+ "р ы",
+ "K ind",
+ "▁mis conduct",
+ "▁miscon duct",
+ "tx t",
+ "t xt",
+ "am ente",
+ "ament e",
+ "amen te",
+ "a mente",
+ "▁re imb",
+ "▁br ains",
+ "▁brain s",
+ "▁bra ins",
+ "▁cancell ation",
+ "▁cancel lation",
+ "▁De ut",
+ "▁In struct",
+ "▁Inst ruct",
+ "▁Instr uct",
+ "▁flag ship",
+ "▁flags hip",
+ "▁life long",
+ "▁lif elong",
+ "un ks",
+ "unk s",
+ "▁Veh icle",
+ "▁For bes",
+ "▁Pharm aceutical",
+ "F M",
+ "▁smart phones",
+ "▁smartphone s",
+ "ester ol",
+ "este rol",
+ "cre at",
+ "c reat",
+ "▁S ched",
+ "▁Sc hed",
+ "▁Sch ed",
+ "▁Sche d",
+ "ER N",
+ "▁M odi",
+ "▁Mod i",
+ "▁Mo di",
+ "▁B ears",
+ "▁Be ars",
+ "▁Bear s",
+ "▁Bea rs",
+ "▁b ored",
+ "▁bo red",
+ "▁bore d",
+ "re lease",
+ "▁Le ading",
+ "▁Lead ing",
+ "▁D ana",
+ "▁Dan a",
+ "▁Da na",
+ "▁disappoint ing",
+ "▁N D",
+ "▁ ND",
+ "se ries",
+ "ser ies",
+ "s eries",
+ "▁fresh man",
+ "▁compl ained",
+ "▁complain ed",
+ "ka l",
+ "k al",
+ "H igh",
+ "▁t owers",
+ "▁tow ers",
+ "▁tower s",
+ "ot iation",
+ "oti ation",
+ "▁Cal endar",
+ "▁protagon ist",
+ "▁Act ivity",
+ "▁Activ ity",
+ "▁ Activity",
+ "▁Es say",
+ "▁Ess ay",
+ "▁discount s",
+ "▁disco unts",
+ "▁A udi",
+ "▁Aud i",
+ "▁Au di",
+ "▁S ources",
+ "▁Source s",
+ "▁Rep orting",
+ "▁Report ing",
+ "be h",
+ "b eh",
+ "ban e",
+ "ba ne",
+ "b ane",
+ "▁parliament ary",
+ "▁biod iversity",
+ "▁draft ed",
+ "▁u pl",
+ "▁up l",
+ "▁sur render",
+ "h m",
+ "ar med",
+ "arm ed",
+ "▁K or",
+ "▁Ko r",
+ "▁on set",
+ "\\ %",
+ "▁F ounded",
+ "▁Found ed",
+ "▁Back ground",
+ "▁ Background",
+ "ex cept",
+ "▁pot ent",
+ "▁U TC",
+ "▁UT C",
+ "▁ UTC",
+ "▁W ade",
+ "▁Wa de",
+ "re hend",
+ "▁mar vel",
+ "▁Cl early",
+ "▁Clear ly",
+ "▁prison er",
+ "▁L ak",
+ "▁La k",
+ "heart ed",
+ "▁se af",
+ "▁sea f",
+ "▁ri fle",
+ "▁rif le",
+ "▁Z immer",
+ "▁embra ced",
+ "▁embrace d",
+ "▁sub missions",
+ "▁submission s",
+ "▁д е",
+ "▁ де",
+ "▁U til",
+ "▁Ut il",
+ "▁ Util",
+ "▁Answ er",
+ "▁Ans wer",
+ "▁Cor nell",
+ "▁Corn ell",
+ "▁u ps",
+ "▁up s",
+ "▁ ups",
+ "cast er",
+ "ca ster",
+ "cas ter",
+ "c aster",
+ "▁Q U",
+ "▁ QU",
+ "▁Bur ke",
+ "▁Burk e",
+ "▁concent rate",
+ "▁M Ps",
+ "▁MP s",
+ "▁W WE",
+ "▁WW E",
+ "Sept ember",
+ "▁reb ounds",
+ "▁rebound s",
+ "develop ment",
+ "▁B od",
+ "▁Bo d",
+ "▁an onym",
+ "▁St anding",
+ "▁Stand ing",
+ "▁Stan ding",
+ "▁J ets",
+ "▁Je ts",
+ "▁Jet s",
+ "▁air lines",
+ "▁airline s",
+ "▁dam aging",
+ "▁coll apsed",
+ "▁collapse d",
+ "▁collaps ed",
+ "▁light weight",
+ "ri ce",
+ "ric e",
+ "r ice",
+ "▁H ilton",
+ "▁Hil ton",
+ "▁[ '",
+ "▁ ['",
+ "▁Dar win",
+ "▁sk etch",
+ "▁sket ch",
+ "▁Cre ating",
+ "▁Creat ing",
+ "▁thick ness",
+ "▁Spring field",
+ "▁A ber",
+ "▁Ab er",
+ "▁Abe r",
+ "▁P engu",
+ "▁Pen gu",
+ "▁b arn",
+ "▁bar n",
+ "oy s",
+ "o ys",
+ "Mar t",
+ "Ma rt",
+ "M art",
+ "▁histor ians",
+ "▁historian s",
+ "▁d w",
+ "▁r age",
+ "▁ra ge",
+ "▁rag e",
+ "▁ rage",
+ "▁wh istle",
+ "▁whis tle",
+ "▁mist aken",
+ "▁mistake n",
+ "▁ex emption",
+ "▁exempt ion",
+ "ar ette",
+ "are tte",
+ "aret te",
+ "arett e",
+ "▁coh ort",
+ "▁s ci",
+ "▁sc i",
+ "▁grat itude",
+ "▁Abd ul",
+ "▁Ch rome",
+ "▁Chrom e",
+ "vin e",
+ "vi ne",
+ "v ine",
+ "▁assess ing",
+ "▁counterpart s",
+ "▁st arter",
+ "▁start er",
+ "▁star ter",
+ "▁ starter",
+ "▁int ends",
+ "▁intend s",
+ "▁ref usal",
+ "▁film maker",
+ "mod al",
+ "mo dal",
+ "▁explo it",
+ "▁profess ors",
+ "▁professor s",
+ "▁D emon",
+ "▁De mon",
+ "▁Dem on",
+ "▁Claim s",
+ "▁Cla ims",
+ "▁evolution ary",
+ "▁U SS",
+ "▁US S",
+ "▁s ingers",
+ "▁sing ers",
+ "▁singer s",
+ "▁sin gers",
+ "▁inf amous",
+ "▁R M",
+ "▁ RM",
+ "▁H ern",
+ "▁Her n",
+ "▁l acks",
+ "▁la cks",
+ "▁lack s",
+ "▁lac ks",
+ "▁sad ly",
+ "Exp ression",
+ "▁d ens",
+ "▁de ns",
+ "▁den s",
+ "▁ble eding",
+ "Te rm",
+ "T erm",
+ "▁numer ical",
+ "▁C able",
+ "▁Ca ble",
+ "▁Cab le",
+ "▁conf irms",
+ "▁confirm s",
+ "▁mis leading",
+ "▁k its",
+ "▁kit s",
+ "O ld",
+ "▁X ML",
+ "▁ XML",
+ "iss ue",
+ "▁b undle",
+ "▁bund le",
+ "▁Pen insula",
+ "or sche",
+ "ors che",
+ "ust ion",
+ "ph erd",
+ "pher d",
+ "phe rd",
+ "AT IONS",
+ "ATION S",
+ "▁Tre asure",
+ "▁exp ans",
+ "▁м о",
+ "▁ мо",
+ "▁Sad ly",
+ "▁Gram my",
+ "cl amation",
+ "▁trou bled",
+ "▁trouble d",
+ "N P",
+ "▁S ector",
+ "▁Se ctor",
+ "▁Sec tor",
+ "▁Sect or",
+ "el ia",
+ "eli a",
+ "e lia",
+ "▁demonstr ations",
+ "▁demonstration s",
+ "▁tw itter",
+ "▁ twitter",
+ "▁inev itably",
+ "▁f eared",
+ "▁fe ared",
+ "▁fear ed",
+ "▁N ixon",
+ "▁sal aries",
+ "▁R V",
+ "le an",
+ "l ean",
+ "IN S",
+ "I NS",
+ "gr o",
+ "g ro",
+ "▁s tun",
+ "▁st un",
+ "▁fore most",
+ "▁Bur ns",
+ "▁Burn s",
+ "▁detect ive",
+ "▁C ricket",
+ "▁Cr icket",
+ "▁Tam il",
+ "▁Ta mil",
+ "▁as leep",
+ "ye n",
+ "y en",
+ "pre sent",
+ "pres ent",
+ "p resent",
+ "▁swe eping",
+ "▁sweep ing",
+ "▁A ges",
+ "▁Ag es",
+ "▁Age s",
+ "ak u",
+ "a ku",
+ "in el",
+ "ine l",
+ "i nel",
+ "▁tr aces",
+ "▁tra ces",
+ "▁trace s",
+ "▁un bel",
+ "▁unb el",
+ "▁Andrew s",
+ "▁Andre ws",
+ "▁т е",
+ "▁ те",
+ "▁Colon el",
+ "▁def ender",
+ "▁defend er",
+ "▁defe nder",
+ "fit s",
+ "fi ts",
+ "f its",
+ "▁S ites",
+ "▁Site s",
+ "▁Si tes",
+ "▁Sit es",
+ "▁Tom orrow",
+ "▁administ er",
+ "▁admin ister",
+ "▁Th read",
+ "▁Thr ead",
+ "▁ Thread",
+ "ic ultural",
+ "icult ural",
+ "i cultural",
+ "▁bl own",
+ "▁blow n",
+ "dev ice",
+ "▁En try",
+ "▁Ent ry",
+ "▁ Entry",
+ "▁Sil icon",
+ "▁res igned",
+ "▁resign ed",
+ "▁condem ned",
+ "▁condemn ed",
+ "▁P rec",
+ "▁Pr ec",
+ "▁Pre c",
+ "la b",
+ "l ab",
+ "E ach",
+ "▁ge ometry",
+ "▁min erals",
+ "▁mineral s",
+ "▁clin ics",
+ "▁clinic s",
+ "do cs",
+ "doc s",
+ "ro b",
+ "r ob",
+ "sq l",
+ "s ql",
+ "on duct",
+ "ond uct",
+ "W R",
+ "▁n as",
+ "▁na s",
+ "▁ nas",
+ "▁desper ately",
+ "▁desperate ly",
+ "▁K as",
+ "▁Ka s",
+ "▁l ocks",
+ "▁loc ks",
+ "▁lo cks",
+ "▁lock s",
+ "pl aces",
+ "place s",
+ "de pend",
+ "dep end",
+ "d epend",
+ "▁the aters",
+ "▁theater s",
+ "▁theat ers",
+ "ia try",
+ "iat ry",
+ "▁p ian",
+ "▁pi an",
+ "in ence",
+ "ine nce",
+ "inen ce",
+ "re v",
+ "r ev",
+ "▁bre athe",
+ "▁breat he",
+ "▁breath e",
+ "▁Me gan",
+ "▁Meg an",
+ "▁Mega n",
+ "▁> =",
+ "FO RM",
+ "FOR M",
+ "▁b ore",
+ "▁bo re",
+ "▁susp icion",
+ "it ud",
+ "itu d",
+ "i ó",
+ "ys on",
+ "y son",
+ "▁or chestra",
+ "▁orche stra",
+ "▁orchestr a",
+ "▁O dd",
+ "▁Od d",
+ "ord able",
+ "▁Bry ant",
+ "▁Bryan t",
+ "er mat",
+ "erm at",
+ "▁Consult ing",
+ "ns ic",
+ "n sic",
+ "▁or th",
+ "▁ orth",
+ "▁Cook ies",
+ "▁Cookie s",
+ "▁W ald",
+ "▁Wal d",
+ "▁Wa ld",
+ "▁al gebra",
+ "▁Pre viously",
+ "▁Previous ly",
+ "▁Prev iously",
+ "▁respons ive",
+ "ha rm",
+ "har m",
+ "h arm",
+ "▁P OL",
+ "▁PO L",
+ "▁B aron",
+ "▁Bar on",
+ "▁Ba ron",
+ "▁G rowing",
+ "▁Gr owing",
+ "▁Gro wing",
+ "▁Grow ing",
+ "▁Moroc co",
+ "▁annoy ing",
+ "▁inter vals",
+ "▁interval s",
+ "▁subst rate",
+ "▁substr ate",
+ "▁o sc",
+ "▁os c",
+ "▁ osc",
+ "▁c andy",
+ "▁can dy",
+ "▁cand y",
+ "▁artifact s",
+ "▁narr atives",
+ "▁narrative s",
+ "▁U b",
+ "▁re de",
+ "▁r ede",
+ "▁red e",
+ "uck land",
+ "▁h yd",
+ "▁hy d",
+ "▁ hyd",
+ "▁kind ness",
+ "▁discover ing",
+ "▁disco vering",
+ "▁G lad",
+ "▁Gl ad",
+ "hold ing",
+ "hol ding",
+ "h olding",
+ "▁reve lation",
+ "▁revel ation",
+ "▁dr illing",
+ "▁drill ing",
+ "▁inaug ural",
+ "▁inaugur al",
+ "da d",
+ "d ad",
+ "hu m",
+ "h um",
+ "▁Dr ake",
+ "▁Dra ke",
+ "▁exc av",
+ "▁coord inated",
+ "▁coordinate d",
+ "▁sovere ignty",
+ "▁sovereign ty",
+ "▁p ept",
+ "▁pe pt",
+ "▁W ILL",
+ "▁WI LL",
+ "at orial",
+ "ator ial",
+ "ato rial",
+ "ke ns",
+ "ken s",
+ "k ens",
+ "W N",
+ "▁p as",
+ "▁pa s",
+ "▁in line",
+ "ar cer",
+ "arc er",
+ "▁j unk",
+ "▁jun k",
+ "▁b ucket",
+ "▁buck et",
+ "man d",
+ "ma nd",
+ "m and",
+ "▁Part ies",
+ "▁Par ties",
+ "▁br ass",
+ "▁bra ss",
+ "▁father s",
+ "▁fat hers",
+ "▁contin uity",
+ "▁continu ity",
+ "▁simpl icity",
+ "li ning",
+ "lin ing",
+ "l ining",
+ "▁anx ious",
+ "ha d",
+ "h ad",
+ "▁d rill",
+ "▁dri ll",
+ "▁dr ill",
+ "▁teaching s",
+ "▁teach ings",
+ "Bo dy",
+ "B ody",
+ "▁B il",
+ "▁Bi l",
+ "▁ref uses",
+ "▁refuse s",
+ "▁th under",
+ "O k",
+ "▁back drop",
+ "on ies",
+ "oni es",
+ "▁E z",
+ "▁C ul",
+ "▁Cu l",
+ "▁B elt",
+ "▁Be lt",
+ "▁Bel t",
+ "osp here",
+ "osph ere",
+ "▁p df",
+ "▁ pdf",
+ "▁c ouch",
+ "▁co uch",
+ "▁cou ch",
+ "fund ed",
+ "fun ded",
+ "pa d",
+ "p ad",
+ "▁Cor ner",
+ "▁Corn er",
+ "▁Les lie",
+ "ch ief",
+ "chie f",
+ "chi ef",
+ "▁o live",
+ "▁ol ive",
+ "N ational",
+ "▁pil gr",
+ "Conn ection",
+ "Connect ion",
+ "fl amm",
+ "og raf",
+ "▁TO DAY",
+ "▁rehe ars",
+ "▁O FF",
+ "▁OF F",
+ "▁The me",
+ "▁Th eme",
+ "▁Them e",
+ "▁Id entity",
+ "▁Ident ity",
+ "▁inher ited",
+ "▁inherit ed",
+ "ab lo",
+ "abl o",
+ "▁p i",
+ "▁ pi",
+ "▁l av",
+ "▁la v",
+ "▁ lav",
+ "io let",
+ "iol et",
+ "▁Moh ammed",
+ "▁T S",
+ "▁ TS",
+ "▁T anz",
+ "▁Ta nz",
+ "▁Tan z",
+ "▁Ser bia",
+ "mod e",
+ "mo de",
+ "m ode",
+ "▁capt uring",
+ "ug in",
+ "u gin",
+ "yst er",
+ "ys ter",
+ "y ster",
+ "▁w ashed",
+ "▁was hed",
+ "▁wash ed",
+ "▁cl earance",
+ "▁clear ance",
+ "▁mon itored",
+ "▁monitor ed",
+ "▁k icks",
+ "▁kick s",
+ "▁pursu ed",
+ "▁purs ued",
+ "▁pursue d",
+ "est inal",
+ "▁Mu eller",
+ "▁T hing",
+ "▁Th ing",
+ "port ion",
+ "p ortion",
+ "▁Gener ally",
+ "▁General ly",
+ "Sc he",
+ "Sch e",
+ "S che",
+ "▁S hi",
+ "▁Sh i",
+ "gi ene",
+ "gie ne",
+ "g iene",
+ "▁Exp erts",
+ "▁Exper ts",
+ "▁Expert s",
+ "PE R",
+ "P ER",
+ "▁C arr",
+ "▁Car r",
+ "▁Ca rr",
+ "▁sl ice",
+ "▁sli ce",
+ "▁slic e",
+ "▁custom ized",
+ "▁customize d",
+ "▁G RO",
+ "▁GR O",
+ "▁A zer",
+ "▁Az er",
+ "▁At las",
+ "▁Atl as",
+ "▁fore front",
+ "▁overlook ed",
+ "ch at",
+ "cha t",
+ "c hat",
+ "▁M oss",
+ "▁Mo ss",
+ "▁Mos s",
+ "▁g aze",
+ "▁ga ze",
+ "▁run ners",
+ "▁runner s",
+ "▁emphas ized",
+ "▁emphasize d",
+ "▁cert ificates",
+ "▁certificate s",
+ "▁U m",
+ "▁f lick",
+ "▁fl ick",
+ "▁fli ck",
+ "ed i",
+ "e di",
+ "op a",
+ "o pa",
+ "un ci",
+ "unc i",
+ "▁e co",
+ "▁ec o",
+ "▁J uda",
+ "▁Ju da",
+ "▁Jud a",
+ "▁F ay",
+ "▁Fa y",
+ "▁C hin",
+ "▁Ch in",
+ "▁Chi n",
+ "▁upd ating",
+ "C I",
+ "▁T eh",
+ "▁Te h",
+ "▁Pe terson",
+ "▁Peter son",
+ "▁Pet erson",
+ "▁Peters on",
+ "▁Ult ra",
+ "▁Ul tra",
+ "▁Po ints",
+ "▁Point s",
+ "▁H ands",
+ "▁Hand s",
+ "▁Han ds",
+ "at em",
+ "ate m",
+ "a tem",
+ "sm ith",
+ "s mith",
+ "▁W inner",
+ "▁Win ner",
+ "▁Winn er",
+ "▁E lections",
+ "▁Elect ions",
+ "▁Ele ctions",
+ "▁Election s",
+ "GE T",
+ "G ET",
+ "▁lo gging",
+ "▁log ging",
+ "▁Di vine",
+ "▁Div ine",
+ "▁d ancers",
+ "▁dance rs",
+ "▁dancer s",
+ "▁in dict",
+ "▁ind ict",
+ "▁indic t",
+ "▁Mar co",
+ "▁Marc o",
+ "▁Mon ster",
+ "▁Mons ter",
+ "▁H MS",
+ "▁HM S",
+ "or por",
+ "orp or",
+ "▁d orm",
+ "▁do rm",
+ "▁ref using",
+ "▁Rock y",
+ "▁Roc ky",
+ "▁light ly",
+ "▁Cor respond",
+ "▁I v",
+ "el in",
+ "eli n",
+ "e lin",
+ "▁l amp",
+ "▁la mp",
+ "▁lam p",
+ "▁Me yer",
+ "▁air ports",
+ "▁airport s",
+ "ag ar",
+ "aga r",
+ "a gar",
+ "▁L LP",
+ "▁LL P",
+ "▁El der",
+ "▁Eld er",
+ "▁Liter ary",
+ "▁condition ing",
+ "▁D w",
+ "▁Dav ies",
+ "ны й",
+ "▁b ugs",
+ "▁bu gs",
+ "▁bug s",
+ "▁Reg arding",
+ "▁Regard ing",
+ "▁sw ept",
+ "▁swe pt",
+ "▁re production",
+ "▁rep roduction",
+ "▁reprodu ction",
+ "▁repro duction",
+ "pe nt",
+ "pen t",
+ "p ent",
+ "um ption",
+ "▁Re ason",
+ "▁fat igue",
+ "▁Dep ending",
+ "ir ie",
+ "iri e",
+ "i rie",
+ "▁C ONT",
+ "▁CO NT",
+ "▁CON T",
+ "▁D ial",
+ "▁Di al",
+ "▁Ex erc",
+ "c ultural",
+ "▁stain less",
+ "▁Te ams",
+ "▁Team s",
+ "▁Tea ms",
+ "▁post ers",
+ "▁pos ters",
+ "▁po sters",
+ "▁poster s",
+ "▁like wise",
+ "▁lik ewise",
+ "D L",
+ "▁sh adows",
+ "▁shadow s",
+ "▁ext racted",
+ "▁extract ed",
+ "▁extr acted",
+ "D r",
+ "▁cur ves",
+ "▁curve s",
+ "▁ob esity",
+ "▁Disc uss",
+ "▁re vis",
+ "▁rev is",
+ "Con f",
+ "▁l ug",
+ "As ync",
+ "A sync",
+ "▁frequ encies",
+ "▁Al umni",
+ "▁answ ering",
+ "▁answer ing",
+ ": ",
+ "ar ta",
+ "art a",
+ "▁b ent",
+ "▁be nt",
+ "▁ben t",
+ "ir teen",
+ "irt een",
+ "▁cl earing",
+ "▁cle aring",
+ "▁clear ing",
+ "mo ve",
+ "mov e",
+ "m ove",
+ "Pos ition",
+ "P osition",
+ "▁Pay ment",
+ "at ti",
+ "att i",
+ "IZ E",
+ "▁U SC",
+ "▁US C",
+ "▁ar th",
+ "▁art h",
+ "▁ arth",
+ "▁J enny",
+ "▁Jenn y",
+ "▁Jen ny",
+ "▁W ave",
+ "▁Wa ve",
+ "▁im ply",
+ "▁imp ly",
+ "▁impl y",
+ "▁phr ases",
+ "▁phrase s",
+ "б и",
+ "off set",
+ "offs et",
+ "Sc h",
+ "S ch",
+ "Re ader",
+ "Read er",
+ "ge on",
+ "▁T rou",
+ "▁Tr ou",
+ "▁Tro u",
+ "▁N ak",
+ "▁Na k",
+ "▁R aid",
+ "▁Ra id",
+ "▁c ops",
+ "▁co ps",
+ "▁cop s",
+ "▁Wal sh",
+ "▁Wals h",
+ "▁ins ane",
+ "▁Advent ures",
+ "▁Adventure s",
+ "▁res idency",
+ "▁resid ency",
+ ". —",
+ "▁ är",
+ "▁Griff in",
+ "▁tw entieth",
+ "▁threat en",
+ "en v",
+ "▁not ices",
+ "▁notice s",
+ "▁research ing",
+ "▁researc hing",
+ "▁resear ching",
+ "rit ional",
+ "rition al",
+ "r itional",
+ "▁relax ing",
+ "▁Engine ers",
+ "▁Engineer s",
+ "▁Univers ities",
+ "▁Ar bit",
+ "Eng lish",
+ "▁Adm iral",
+ "▁prejud ice",
+ "uc ked",
+ "uck ed",
+ "▁development al",
+ "in ski",
+ "ins ki",
+ "▁Re ader",
+ "▁Read er",
+ "▁ Reader",
+ "▁I EEE",
+ "▁IE EE",
+ "▁M M",
+ "▁ MM",
+ "▁Op tim",
+ "▁Opt im",
+ "▁Jack ie",
+ "▁Jac kie",
+ "▁Reg ular",
+ "▁ è",
+ "▁l ively",
+ "▁li vely",
+ "▁live ly",
+ "▁liv ely",
+ "ie g",
+ "i eg",
+ "Loc ation",
+ "L ocation",
+ "cont ract",
+ "▁kil omet",
+ "Em pty",
+ "▁taste s",
+ "▁tast es",
+ "▁Const itutional",
+ "▁Constitution al",
+ "▁non etheless",
+ "▁none theless",
+ "mid t",
+ "mi dt",
+ "mon ary",
+ "ogen eous",
+ "ogene ous",
+ "▁pione er",
+ "▁crit ique",
+ "▁by te",
+ "▁ byte",
+ "C ustom",
+ "▁fin ishes",
+ "▁finish es",
+ "▁K atherine",
+ "▁t opped",
+ "▁to pped",
+ "▁top ped",
+ "▁M IN",
+ "▁MI N",
+ "▁ MIN",
+ "▁e ine",
+ "▁ein e",
+ "▁rig orous",
+ "iz a",
+ "i za",
+ "▁N ames",
+ "▁Name s",
+ "▁Na mes",
+ "▁Nam es",
+ "▁ Names",
+ "▁Class ical",
+ "▁Classic al",
+ "oc cup",
+ "▁C ongo",
+ "▁Con go",
+ "▁Cong o",
+ "▁r efined",
+ "▁ref ined",
+ "▁P oss",
+ "▁Po ss",
+ "▁Pos s",
+ "en berg",
+ "▁sl ides",
+ "▁sli des",
+ "▁slide s",
+ "▁bi cycle",
+ "▁bicy cle",
+ "cr oss",
+ "cro ss",
+ "c ross",
+ "▁B rock",
+ "▁Br ock",
+ "▁Bro ck",
+ "▁Jud ith",
+ "ar u",
+ "a ru",
+ "▁K ol",
+ "▁Ko l",
+ "Aut hor",
+ "A uthor",
+ "▁D onna",
+ "▁Don na",
+ "HT ML",
+ "▁He in",
+ "▁ed itions",
+ "▁edition s",
+ "▁edit ions",
+ "▁ ч",
+ "▁in appropriate",
+ "▁respect s",
+ "▁analy zing",
+ "▁analyz ing",
+ "▁well being",
+ "▁\\ ]",
+ "an ton",
+ "ant on",
+ "anto n",
+ "a nton",
+ "▁thr one",
+ "▁thro ne",
+ "▁impl icit",
+ "}^ \\",
+ "} ^\\",
+ "il lon",
+ "ill on",
+ "illo n",
+ "▁r ushing",
+ "▁rush ing",
+ "▁ext ensions",
+ "▁extension s",
+ "▁Con sequently",
+ "▁ar row",
+ "▁arr ow",
+ "▁ arrow",
+ "▁therap ies",
+ "is ers",
+ "ise rs",
+ "iser s",
+ "▁pass port",
+ "▁person alities",
+ "▁personal ities",
+ "▁M usk",
+ "▁Mus k",
+ "▁Mu sk",
+ "▁travel led",
+ "▁trav elled",
+ "▁c ared",
+ "▁car ed",
+ "▁care d",
+ "▁ca red",
+ "▁pro position",
+ "▁prop osition",
+ "▁propos ition",
+ "▁T B",
+ "▁ TB",
+ "▁ingred ient",
+ "def ined",
+ "define d",
+ "d efined",
+ "▁inc urred",
+ "or ate",
+ "ora te",
+ "o rate",
+ "▁organ isms",
+ "▁organis ms",
+ "▁organism s",
+ "ax ies",
+ "Param eter",
+ "Nov ember",
+ "N ovember",
+ "no number",
+ "non umber",
+ "▁context s",
+ "▁wrest ling",
+ "oint ed",
+ "oin ted",
+ "▁Ell iott",
+ "▁Elliot t",
+ "▁V ote",
+ "▁Vo te",
+ "ar ettes",
+ "aret tes",
+ "arett es",
+ "arette s",
+ "▁public ity",
+ "▁publ icity",
+ "▁R EC",
+ "▁RE C",
+ "vas ive",
+ "v asive",
+ "▁Resc ue",
+ "▁read ings",
+ "▁reading s",
+ "od ic",
+ "odi c",
+ "▁proc urement",
+ "▁NEW S",
+ "▁NE WS",
+ "▁Ping back",
+ "▁м а",
+ "▁ ма",
+ "▁government al",
+ "▁ governmental",
+ "▁l ou",
+ "▁lo u",
+ "▁al pha",
+ "▁ alpha",
+ "▁correspond s",
+ "▁un le",
+ "B r",
+ "ст ь",
+ "с ть",
+ "us ers",
+ "use rs",
+ "user s",
+ "▁Wy oming",
+ "us k",
+ "u sk",
+ "▁S equ",
+ "▁Se qu",
+ "▁unique ly",
+ "▁uniqu ely",
+ "▁En h",
+ "в і",
+ "an ey",
+ "ane y",
+ "a ney",
+ "▁G erald",
+ "▁Ger ald",
+ "▁re alities",
+ "▁real ities",
+ "▁enthusi astic",
+ "Or der",
+ "▁M ood",
+ "▁Mo od",
+ "▁sub mitting",
+ "▁submit ting",
+ "/ ?",
+ "▁c arn",
+ "▁car n",
+ "art ifact",
+ "▁Gu inea",
+ "▁distribution s",
+ "▁distribut ions",
+ "▁al beit",
+ "▁Her oes",
+ "▁Hero es",
+ "▁storm s",
+ "▁To night",
+ "▁Ton ight",
+ "▁T ik",
+ "▁Ti k",
+ "▁Cath olics",
+ "▁Catholic s",
+ "▁val uation",
+ "▁serv ant",
+ "▁L G",
+ "▁deb ug",
+ "▁ debug",
+ "▁Gen re",
+ "▁health ier",
+ "ever y",
+ "ev ery",
+ "e very",
+ "▁N est",
+ "▁Ne st",
+ "▁d are",
+ "▁da re",
+ "▁dar e",
+ "▁l anes",
+ "▁la nes",
+ "▁lane s",
+ "▁lan es",
+ "▁m ankind",
+ "▁man kind",
+ "▁h edge",
+ "▁hed ge",
+ "en de",
+ "end e",
+ "▁t emp",
+ "▁te mp",
+ "▁tem p",
+ "▁ temp",
+ "▁Cam era",
+ "▁Camer a",
+ "▁st icks",
+ "▁stick s",
+ "▁laws uits",
+ "▁lawsu its",
+ "▁lawsuit s",
+ "▁social ist",
+ "__ (",
+ "_ _(",
+ "ce ster",
+ "ces ter",
+ "c ester",
+ "▁joint ly",
+ "▁sh aping",
+ "▁shap ing",
+ "▁sett lements",
+ "▁settlement s",
+ "▁settle ments",
+ "▁fin ances",
+ "▁finance s",
+ "▁financ es",
+ "▁orig inated",
+ "▁origin ated",
+ "▁gall eries",
+ "na s",
+ "n as",
+ "▁Car son",
+ "▁Cars on",
+ "fo od",
+ "foo d",
+ "f ood",
+ "▁C la",
+ "▁Cl a",
+ "ens ing",
+ "▁vis ually",
+ "▁visual ly",
+ "S k",
+ "▁qu ot",
+ "▁quo t",
+ "▁ quot",
+ "▁en acted",
+ "▁enact ed",
+ "IN GS",
+ "ING S",
+ "▁> >>",
+ "▁>> >",
+ "emic onduct",
+ "emi conduct",
+ "▁n ie",
+ "▁ni e",
+ "▁ nie",
+ "▁Trans form",
+ "V E",
+ "V R",
+ "!) .",
+ "! ).",
+ "▁t unes",
+ "▁tun es",
+ "▁tu nes",
+ "▁tune s",
+ "▁tr aders",
+ "▁tra ders",
+ "▁trad ers",
+ "▁trade rs",
+ "Ma c",
+ "M ac",
+ "▁re members",
+ "▁rem embers",
+ "▁remember s",
+ "▁sem inar",
+ "▁semi nar",
+ "▁mut ations",
+ "▁mutation s",
+ "▁Mon roe",
+ "▁Birth day",
+ "En c",
+ "E nc",
+ "▁A post",
+ "▁Ap ost",
+ "▁Sk ills",
+ "▁de termin",
+ "▁determ in",
+ "▁deter min",
+ "▁M olecular",
+ "mi l",
+ "m il",
+ "eg al",
+ "ega l",
+ "e gal",
+ "▁St range",
+ "▁Str ange",
+ "▁Strang e",
+ "al la",
+ "all a",
+ "a lla",
+ "▁ass ure",
+ "ur sor",
+ "urs or",
+ "le vard",
+ "lev ard",
+ "▁Cl aud",
+ "▁Cla ud",
+ "▁int eger",
+ "▁integ er",
+ "▁deleg ation",
+ "A I",
+ "▁reg ression",
+ "th row",
+ "thro w",
+ "▁e go",
+ "▁eg o",
+ "▁ ego",
+ "▁scholars hips",
+ "▁scholarship s",
+ "▁scholar ships",
+ "▁H yp",
+ "▁Hy p",
+ "cd ots",
+ "cdot s",
+ "c dots",
+ "pl ain",
+ "▁Pl aying",
+ "▁Play ing",
+ "▁App endix",
+ "▁M ent",
+ "▁Me nt",
+ "▁Men t",
+ "Y S",
+ "OL D",
+ "O LD",
+ "Pa n",
+ "P an",
+ "## ##",
+ "▁Import ant",
+ "an son",
+ "ans on",
+ "semb l",
+ "sem bl",
+ "▁stim ulus",
+ "▁trans forming",
+ "▁transform ing",
+ "▁E dit",
+ "▁Ed it",
+ "▁ Edit",
+ "import ant",
+ "N orth",
+ "▁B oat",
+ "▁Bo at",
+ "▁pl ots",
+ "▁plot s",
+ "▁Del ivery",
+ "▁Deliver y",
+ "▁refrig er",
+ "W ar",
+ "▁Begin ning",
+ "▁Beg inning",
+ "▁Act ivities",
+ "▁Activ ities",
+ "▁Lat ino",
+ "▁Latin o",
+ "less ness",
+ "▁con gregation",
+ "▁congreg ation",
+ "▁c amping",
+ "▁camp ing",
+ "▁cam ping",
+ "▁A mb",
+ "▁Am b",
+ "ant om",
+ "anto m",
+ "▁C SS",
+ "▁CS S",
+ "▁VP N",
+ "▁Cond ition",
+ "▁defin itive",
+ "no m",
+ "n om",
+ "▁Ern est",
+ "▁Rel ief",
+ "▁th reads",
+ "▁thread s",
+ "▁Philipp ine",
+ "▁Philip pine",
+ "▁A uckland",
+ "▁Hand book",
+ "▁fact ories",
+ "▁factor ies",
+ "▁facto ries",
+ "▁Gu ys",
+ "▁Guy s",
+ "n l",
+ "un ity",
+ "unit y",
+ "uni ty",
+ "sw orth",
+ "s worth",
+ "an alysis",
+ "analy sis",
+ "esc ope",
+ "e scope",
+ "▁gen ome",
+ "▁authent ication",
+ "▁authentic ation",
+ "▁N R",
+ "▁ NR",
+ "▁c ried",
+ "▁cr ied",
+ "▁architect s",
+ "▁Bill board",
+ "▁E W",
+ "▁ EW",
+ "wide t",
+ "wid et",
+ "wi det",
+ "▁W ins",
+ "▁Win s",
+ "▁Wi ns",
+ "▁Chief s",
+ "▁ins ulin",
+ "▁insu lin",
+ "▁cryptocur rency",
+ "▁f og",
+ "▁fo g",
+ "▁ref resh",
+ "▁refres h",
+ "▁pret end",
+ "▁shut down",
+ "▁veget able",
+ "De m",
+ "D em",
+ "pi ne",
+ "pin e",
+ "p ine",
+ "▁inv ites",
+ "▁invite s",
+ "▁inter rog",
+ "▁ass isting",
+ "▁assist ing",
+ "▁exped ition",
+ "Ma in",
+ "M ain",
+ "ment e",
+ "men te",
+ "m ente",
+ "▁Kaz akh",
+ "▁Qu art",
+ "▁R id",
+ "▁Ri d",
+ "▁gl orious",
+ "▁glor ious",
+ "▁A ch",
+ "▁Ac h",
+ "at ted",
+ "att ed",
+ "▁Roman s",
+ "▁Ro mans",
+ "▁Rom ans",
+ "▁Roma ns",
+ "▁sim pler",
+ "▁simple r",
+ "▁simpl er",
+ "▁good ness",
+ "▁F ont",
+ "▁Fo nt",
+ "▁ Font",
+ "▁pot atoes",
+ "▁potato es",
+ "▁author ization",
+ "Wh ile",
+ "rypt ed",
+ "▁Rh ode",
+ "▁expend iture",
+ "D M",
+ "ag ain",
+ "aga in",
+ "▁cost umes",
+ "▁costume s",
+ "▁Count ries",
+ "▁s ensation",
+ "▁sens ation",
+ "▁accus ations",
+ "ci a",
+ "c ia",
+ "▁Y ahoo",
+ "▁Yah oo",
+ "▁ban ner",
+ "▁the ology",
+ "▁cyber security",
+ "▁B uzz",
+ "▁Bu zz",
+ "▁em pathy",
+ "▁emp athy",
+ "▁dom inate",
+ "▁domin ate",
+ "▁st air",
+ "▁sta ir",
+ "▁defect s",
+ "▁co operative",
+ "▁cooper ative",
+ "▁P ART",
+ "▁PA RT",
+ "▁PAR T",
+ "▁associ ates",
+ "▁associate s",
+ "▁p unct",
+ "▁pun ct",
+ "▁Cambod ia",
+ "ov ich",
+ "ovic h",
+ "ovi ch",
+ "▁[ ...]",
+ "off icial",
+ "offic ial",
+ "▁R ew",
+ "▁Re w",
+ "▁by pass",
+ "/ \\",
+ "▁Wh ats",
+ "▁What s",
+ "▁rem inis",
+ "▁M ick",
+ "▁Mic k",
+ "▁Mi ck",
+ "▁j son",
+ "▁js on",
+ "▁ json",
+ "▁bl amed",
+ "▁blame d",
+ "pu b",
+ "p ub",
+ "at ivity",
+ "ati vity",
+ "ativ ity",
+ "IC AL",
+ "ICA L",
+ "▁Chall eng",
+ "▁enc oding",
+ "▁ac quis",
+ "▁acqu is",
+ "▁Athlet ic",
+ "▁conf ined",
+ "▁C hes",
+ "▁Ch es",
+ "▁Che s",
+ "rib ly",
+ "r ibly",
+ "▁n umb",
+ "▁num b",
+ "▁nu mb",
+ "▁S team",
+ "▁Ste am",
+ "▁ign oring",
+ "▁ignor ing",
+ "VA L",
+ "V AL",
+ "▁catal ogue",
+ "▁catalog ue",
+ "▁R ating",
+ "▁Ra ting",
+ "▁Rat ing",
+ "▁ch rist",
+ "it u",
+ "i tu",
+ "M ult",
+ "▁z oom",
+ "▁zoo m",
+ "▁liter al",
+ "▁lit eral",
+ "▁V as",
+ "▁Va s",
+ "▁imprison ment",
+ "▁J ump",
+ "▁Ju mp",
+ "▁Up dates",
+ "▁Update s",
+ "▁random ly",
+ "Re v",
+ "R ev",
+ "▁for ums",
+ "▁forum s",
+ "> ,",
+ "▁c emetery",
+ "▁rout inely",
+ "▁routine ly",
+ "▁r isen",
+ "▁ris en",
+ "▁ri sen",
+ "▁rise n",
+ "mu sic",
+ "mus ic",
+ "m usic",
+ "▁F lex",
+ "▁Fl ex",
+ "▁Fle x",
+ "▁Re in",
+ "▁deal ers",
+ "▁dealer s",
+ "▁sm iling",
+ "▁wor ries",
+ "▁night mare",
+ "▁supp orter",
+ "▁support er",
+ "▁sup porter",
+ "▁econom ically",
+ "▁economic ally",
+ "▁economical ly",
+ "▁compos itions",
+ "▁composition s",
+ "et z",
+ "e tz",
+ "▁L enn",
+ "▁Le nn",
+ "▁Len n",
+ "▁Sh annon",
+ "▁Shan non",
+ "en sor",
+ "ens or",
+ "▁t ide",
+ "▁tid e",
+ "re place",
+ "rep lace",
+ "te am",
+ "za nt",
+ "zan t",
+ "z ant",
+ "in kle",
+ "ink le",
+ "si nce",
+ "sin ce",
+ "s ince",
+ "▁ass urance",
+ "M c",
+ "ud den",
+ "udd en",
+ "u dden",
+ "▁t ourn",
+ "▁to urn",
+ "▁tour n",
+ "wi re",
+ "w ire",
+ "▁under going",
+ "▁undergo ing",
+ "▁supp lements",
+ "▁supplement s",
+ "id is",
+ "idi s",
+ "i dis",
+ "ar don",
+ "ard on",
+ "ardo n",
+ "ent ric",
+ "▁con qu",
+ "or ie",
+ "ori e",
+ "o rie",
+ "▁re creation",
+ "▁recre ation",
+ "re ne",
+ "ren e",
+ "r ene",
+ "▁climb ed",
+ "▁clim bed",
+ "la ws",
+ "law s",
+ "l aws",
+ "▁po ore",
+ "▁poor e",
+ "▁ex agger",
+ "olit ics",
+ "oli tics",
+ "▁Bulgar ia",
+ "…. .",
+ "… ..",
+ "▁t ops",
+ "▁to ps",
+ "▁top s",
+ "▁ tops",
+ "▁Food s",
+ "▁Fo ods",
+ "▁C auc",
+ "▁Ca uc",
+ "▁Fund s",
+ "▁Fun ds",
+ "▁al ly",
+ "▁all y",
+ "▁ ally",
+ "▁mer chant",
+ "▁merch ant",
+ "▁Cong ratulations",
+ "he ads",
+ "head s",
+ "hea ds",
+ "▁c ush",
+ "▁cu sh",
+ "ne ls",
+ "nel s",
+ "n els",
+ "▁over turn",
+ "▁overt urn",
+ "▁u b",
+ "▁ ub",
+ "▁bas ics",
+ "▁basic s",
+ "aj a",
+ "a ja",
+ "▁car ved",
+ "Re port",
+ "Rep ort",
+ "▁T ales",
+ "▁Tal es",
+ "▁Ta les",
+ "▁Tale s",
+ "▁mon sters",
+ "▁monster s",
+ "N R",
+ "▁F lat",
+ "▁Fl at",
+ "▁Fla t",
+ "▁ex clude",
+ "▁exc lude",
+ "▁exclud e",
+ "▁Mar itime",
+ "▁Mari time",
+ "▁en tre",
+ "▁ent re",
+ "▁entr e",
+ "▁K w",
+ "▁mart ial",
+ "ca che",
+ "c ache",
+ "▁vig il",
+ "▁vi gil",
+ "▁H amb",
+ "▁Ham b",
+ "▁Ha mb",
+ "Is rael",
+ "▁re pay",
+ "▁rep ay",
+ "ist ries",
+ "▁Sh ipping",
+ "▁Ship ping",
+ "▁Shi pping",
+ "▁tim ber",
+ "▁com prise",
+ "▁comp rise",
+ "▁compris e",
+ "ting ham",
+ "t ingham",
+ "ни й",
+ "▁A void",
+ "▁Av oid",
+ "▁quarter ly",
+ "▁elim inating",
+ "return s",
+ "▁Int rodu",
+ "▁cred ible",
+ "▁team mates",
+ "▁teammate s",
+ "▁tweet s",
+ "▁twe ets",
+ "en ary",
+ "ena ry",
+ "▁Pre tty",
+ "▁Pret ty",
+ "C ity",
+ "▁re direct",
+ "▁red irect",
+ "▁con science",
+ "▁consc ience",
+ "ha sh",
+ "has h",
+ "h ash",
+ "▁d evil",
+ "▁dev il",
+ "▁T at",
+ "▁Ta t",
+ "▁pay able",
+ "}= \\",
+ "} =\\",
+ "▁c aut",
+ "▁ca ut",
+ "▁F urn",
+ "▁Fur n",
+ "▁n arc",
+ "▁na rc",
+ "▁nar c",
+ "▁bl acks",
+ "▁black s",
+ "▁den ying",
+ "▁deny ing",
+ "▁script s",
+ "ru ed",
+ "r ued",
+ "▁insect s",
+ "er ion",
+ "eri on",
+ "ow itz",
+ "o witz",
+ "ic ator",
+ "ica tor",
+ "▁inc ub",
+ "▁mar gins",
+ "▁margin s",
+ "▁marg ins",
+ "name se",
+ "nam ese",
+ "names e",
+ "▁pop ul",
+ "▁sched ules",
+ "▁schedule s",
+ "но в",
+ "▁V iv",
+ "▁Vi v",
+ "▁Produ cer",
+ "▁Wood stock",
+ "▁sovere ign",
+ "\" ?",
+ "F E",
+ "▁reverse d",
+ "▁revers ed",
+ "▁i v",
+ "▁ iv",
+ "▁E yes",
+ "▁Eye s",
+ "▁Ey es",
+ "▁s tub",
+ "▁st ub",
+ "▁Health y",
+ "▁install ations",
+ "▁installation s",
+ "▁upgr ades",
+ "▁upgrade s",
+ "▁Y esterday",
+ "omed ical",
+ "▁nons ense",
+ "▁re construct",
+ "▁recon struct",
+ "▁reconst ruct",
+ "▁\\ |",
+ "▁ \\|",
+ "▁H od",
+ "▁Ho d",
+ "▁v et",
+ "▁ve t",
+ "▁ vet",
+ "▁f als",
+ "▁fa ls",
+ "▁fal s",
+ "focus ed",
+ "▁bu rial",
+ "▁bur ial",
+ "He re",
+ "Her e",
+ "H ere",
+ "Pres ident",
+ "▁unlaw ful",
+ "▁instruct ed",
+ "st ead",
+ "ste ad",
+ "as tery",
+ "ast ery",
+ "aster y",
+ "aste ry",
+ "▁bed rooms",
+ "▁bedroom s",
+ "Se tt",
+ "Set t",
+ "S ett",
+ "▁P ure",
+ "▁Pur e",
+ "▁Pu re",
+ "writ ers",
+ "writer s",
+ "write rs",
+ "person al",
+ "pers onal",
+ "grad ation",
+ "re gn",
+ "reg n",
+ "’ :",
+ "▁Ch ain",
+ "▁Cha in",
+ "▁predecess or",
+ "▁b east",
+ "▁be ast",
+ "▁mit igate",
+ "▁G ren",
+ "▁Gr en",
+ "▁Gre n",
+ "▁W S",
+ "▁ WS",
+ "Pa ul",
+ "P aul",
+ "▁t il",
+ "▁ til",
+ "▁resign ation",
+ "▁T ale",
+ "▁Tal e",
+ "▁Ta le",
+ "▁Re fer",
+ "▁Ref er",
+ "▁neuro log",
+ "▁neur olog",
+ "▁Account ing",
+ "▁knowledge able",
+ "L ondon",
+ "ant is",
+ "anti s",
+ "G r",
+ "ar ius",
+ "ari us",
+ "▁val ve",
+ "d c",
+ "▁ru ins",
+ "▁ruin s",
+ "▁Interest ingly",
+ "▁Interesting ly",
+ "og o",
+ "o go",
+ "▁tr ainer",
+ "▁tra iner",
+ "▁train er",
+ "ol ation",
+ "o lation",
+ "▁sod ium",
+ "▁W OR",
+ "▁WO R",
+ "▁Ol ivia",
+ "▁Oliv ia",
+ "▁char ities",
+ "▁cha rities",
+ "▁inf ants",
+ "▁infant s",
+ "▁t urt",
+ "▁tur t",
+ "▁tu rt",
+ "en o",
+ "e no",
+ "▁pull s",
+ "▁pul ls",
+ "▁Editor ial",
+ "▁Edit orial",
+ "▁dis placed",
+ "▁displ aced",
+ "to tal",
+ "t otal",
+ "ra gment",
+ "rag ment",
+ "▁u k",
+ "▁ uk",
+ "▁C hip",
+ "▁Ch ip",
+ "▁Chi p",
+ "▁Custom s",
+ "▁design ation",
+ "▁м е",
+ "▁ ме",
+ "▁gar lic",
+ "▁p aired",
+ "▁pa ired",
+ "▁pair ed",
+ "▁C AP",
+ "▁CA P",
+ "▁is su",
+ "▁iss u",
+ "▁re mod",
+ "▁rem od",
+ "▁Con test",
+ "▁Cont est",
+ "▁H ash",
+ "▁Ha sh",
+ "▁Has h",
+ "▁ Hash",
+ "pr ogram",
+ "pro gram",
+ "▁Eug ene",
+ "▁Green e",
+ "▁Gree ne",
+ "▁Gre ene",
+ "▁catal yst",
+ "▁B end",
+ "▁Be nd",
+ "▁Ben d",
+ "▁stead ily",
+ "▁neighbour hood",
+ "am bia",
+ "amb ia",
+ "▁rel ent",
+ "▁rele nt",
+ "▁envelop e",
+ "▁disappoint ment",
+ "The n",
+ "Th en",
+ "T hen",
+ "▁w olf",
+ "▁ wolf",
+ "it ives",
+ "itive s",
+ "iti ves",
+ "▁list ings",
+ "▁listing s",
+ "IN K",
+ "W E",
+ "ea ch",
+ "e ach",
+ "▁Gr ass",
+ "▁Gra ss",
+ "▁inadequ ate",
+ "ic us",
+ "i cus",
+ "▁v est",
+ "▁ve st",
+ "▁ vest",
+ "ur ations",
+ "uration s",
+ "u rations",
+ "▁Jen kins",
+ "▁r ounded",
+ "▁round ed",
+ "▁o un",
+ "▁ou n",
+ "▁ oun",
+ "do uble",
+ "d ouble",
+ "к е",
+ "▁Tun is",
+ "▁Tu nis",
+ "▁comp ute",
+ "▁comput e",
+ "si x",
+ "s ix",
+ "▁part nered",
+ "▁partner ed",
+ "▁Mc N",
+ "▁recogn izing",
+ "▁p H",
+ "▁m aternal",
+ "▁ma ternal",
+ "ag le",
+ "EM ENT",
+ "E MENT",
+ "▁fo am",
+ "▁l azy",
+ "▁la zy",
+ "▁W rest",
+ "yn om",
+ "y nom",
+ "▁f oul",
+ "▁fo ul",
+ "▁injust ice",
+ "▁l ith",
+ "▁li th",
+ "▁lit h",
+ "▁di etary",
+ "▁diet ary",
+ "▁S kin",
+ "▁Sk in",
+ "▁Ski n",
+ "ling s",
+ "lin gs",
+ "l ings",
+ "for cing",
+ "ev al",
+ "e val",
+ "▁E ns",
+ "▁En s",
+ "▁theat rical",
+ "▁c oven",
+ "▁co ven",
+ "▁cov en",
+ "▁house d",
+ "▁hous ed",
+ "▁ho used",
+ "▁r ookie",
+ "▁rook ie",
+ "wide tilde",
+ "widet ilde",
+ "▁bo arding",
+ "▁board ing",
+ "▁ boarding",
+ "ul se",
+ "uls e",
+ "Su per",
+ "▁Jama ica",
+ "us ting",
+ "ust ing",
+ "▁Ben gal",
+ "▁Beng al",
+ "N D",
+ "an ya",
+ "any a",
+ "▁K ane",
+ "▁Ka ne",
+ "▁Kan e",
+ "Rec ord",
+ "ir ement",
+ "ire ment",
+ "▁Employ ees",
+ "▁Employee s",
+ "▁L ip",
+ "▁Li p",
+ "Pub lic",
+ "P ublic",
+ "▁merchand ise",
+ "Wh ite",
+ "▁m ater",
+ "▁mat er",
+ "▁ma ter",
+ "▁mate r",
+ "▁retail er",
+ "De cl",
+ "Dec l",
+ "▁st rang",
+ "▁str ang",
+ "▁stra ng",
+ "▁Joy ce",
+ "▁In form",
+ "▁Inf orm",
+ "▁Info rm",
+ "▁nut rients",
+ "▁nutrient s",
+ "n í",
+ "▁fr eight",
+ "▁fre ight",
+ "▁spec ification",
+ "▁specific ation",
+ "oy a",
+ "o ya",
+ "▁res ear",
+ "▁rese ar",
+ "▁privile ged",
+ "▁privilege d",
+ "een th",
+ "e enth",
+ "▁rig id",
+ "\\ \"",
+ "Ph il",
+ "Phi l",
+ "▁g erm",
+ "▁ge rm",
+ "▁im part",
+ "▁imp art",
+ "ri z",
+ "r iz",
+ "▁ad ul",
+ "▁class ics",
+ "▁classic s",
+ "▁fire arms",
+ "▁firearm s",
+ "id as",
+ "ida s",
+ "co urt",
+ "c ourt",
+ "▁S hin",
+ "▁Sh in",
+ "▁Shi n",
+ "▁mer ge",
+ "▁l aughter",
+ "▁laugh ter",
+ "▁P orsche",
+ "▁Por sche",
+ "ra pper",
+ "rap per",
+ "r apper",
+ "▁In vent",
+ "▁Inv ent",
+ "op eration",
+ "ope ration",
+ "oper ation",
+ "operat ion",
+ "▁Nor folk",
+ "▁sur prises",
+ "▁surpr ises",
+ "▁surprise s",
+ "▁M urd",
+ "▁Mur d",
+ "▁Mu rd",
+ "▁de port",
+ "▁dep ort",
+ "▁fell owship",
+ "▁fellow ship",
+ "▁fellows hip",
+ "▁T as",
+ "▁Ta s",
+ "▁Di ane",
+ "▁Dian e",
+ "▁Roman ce",
+ "▁Rom ance",
+ "▁Roma nce",
+ "AM P",
+ "A MP",
+ "▁B oss",
+ "▁Bo ss",
+ "▁Bos s",
+ "▁d ull",
+ "▁du ll",
+ "ны х",
+ "▁r all",
+ "▁ra ll",
+ "▁re des",
+ "▁red es",
+ "▁rede s",
+ "er ers",
+ "ere rs",
+ "erer s",
+ "▁Ad obe",
+ "▁sal mon",
+ "▁upgr aded",
+ "▁upgrade d",
+ "▁scream ing",
+ "▁Analy st",
+ "▁Anal yst",
+ "▁doub ts",
+ "▁doubt s",
+ "By Id",
+ "▁h ast",
+ "▁ha st",
+ "▁has t",
+ "▁h alt",
+ "▁ha lt",
+ "▁hal t",
+ "▁Free man",
+ "▁Fre eman",
+ "▁predomin antly",
+ "▁L aur",
+ "▁La ur",
+ "▁Lau r",
+ "▁in duct",
+ "▁ind uct",
+ "▁indu ct",
+ "▁compar ative",
+ "▁H ir",
+ "▁Hi r",
+ "an tha",
+ "ant ha",
+ "anth a",
+ "\": \"",
+ "\" :\"",
+ "▁Past or",
+ "▁Pas tor",
+ "▁fier ce",
+ "▁acc redited",
+ "▁A side",
+ "▁As ide",
+ "▁C hat",
+ "▁Ch at",
+ "▁Cha t",
+ "▁w rist",
+ "▁wr ist",
+ "▁Le ices",
+ "▁we ights",
+ "▁weight s",
+ "▁weigh ts",
+ "▁test ified",
+ "be ck",
+ "bec k",
+ "▁Parad ise",
+ "▁con ceived",
+ "▁conce ived",
+ "▁fundamental ly",
+ "▁fundament ally",
+ "▁I E",
+ "▁ IE",
+ "▁over time",
+ "▁overt ime",
+ "NA ME",
+ "N AME",
+ "▁M orm",
+ "▁Mor m",
+ "▁Mo rm",
+ "▁opio id",
+ "▁T i",
+ "re ading",
+ "read ing",
+ "rea ding",
+ "▁Bald win",
+ "▁H ook",
+ "▁Ho ok",
+ "▁R ol",
+ "▁Ro l",
+ "▁Animal s",
+ "▁Anim als",
+ "Cap t",
+ "C apt",
+ "Car e",
+ "C are",
+ "go ne",
+ "gon e",
+ "g one",
+ "▁Bright on",
+ "is hi",
+ "ish i",
+ "i shi",
+ "ass oci",
+ "asso ci",
+ "▁Spot ify",
+ "л ю",
+ "it an",
+ "ita n",
+ "i tan",
+ "▁shel ves",
+ "▁Pakistan i",
+ "▁Conf lict",
+ "▁autom obile",
+ "▁auto mobile",
+ "▁! !",
+ "▁ !!",
+ "▁A rist",
+ "▁Ar ist",
+ "▁Ari st",
+ "▁D riving",
+ "▁Dr iving",
+ "ad min",
+ "▁L iqu",
+ "▁Li qu",
+ "▁l ogs",
+ "▁lo gs",
+ "▁log s",
+ "is san",
+ "iss an",
+ "issa n",
+ "L ove",
+ "▁H ep",
+ "▁He p",
+ "▁in def",
+ "▁ind ef",
+ "▁Rem ote",
+ "▁accident ally",
+ "▁accidental ly",
+ "▁up side",
+ "▁ups ide",
+ "() :",
+ "( ):",
+ "▁c hess",
+ "▁ch ess",
+ "▁che ss",
+ "on o",
+ "o no",
+ "R ule",
+ "▁P roc",
+ "▁Pro c",
+ "▁Pr oc",
+ "▁re actor",
+ "▁react or",
+ "Di d",
+ "D id",
+ "▁v a",
+ "▁ va",
+ "▁T ue",
+ "▁Tu e",
+ "▁Be tty",
+ "▁Bet ty",
+ "▁Kn ights",
+ "▁Knight s",
+ "whe el",
+ "ü n",
+ "Y eah",
+ "mb ox",
+ "m box",
+ "▁warm th",
+ "▁employ s",
+ "▁St rat",
+ "▁Str at",
+ "▁Stra t",
+ "▁sk ull",
+ "▁terr ific",
+ "▁am ino",
+ "▁par ams",
+ "▁pa rams",
+ "▁param s",
+ "▁para ms",
+ "▁ params",
+ "br al",
+ "bra l",
+ "b ral",
+ "▁illegal ly",
+ "▁illeg ally",
+ "▁ir regular",
+ "Do m",
+ "D om",
+ "▁Like wise",
+ "▁Lik ewise",
+ "▁Card inals",
+ "▁Cardinal s",
+ "co urse",
+ "c ourse",
+ "▁l am",
+ "▁la m",
+ "▁ lam",
+ "na ire",
+ "nai re",
+ "n aire",
+ "▁in duction",
+ "▁ind uction",
+ "▁indu ction",
+ "▁induct ion",
+ "NY SE",
+ "▁sc ram",
+ "▁scr am",
+ "▁scra m",
+ "▁Cons erv",
+ "▁Bened ict",
+ "▁o l",
+ "▁ ol",
+ "la yer",
+ "lay er",
+ "l ayer",
+ "▁Rail road",
+ "▁prob able",
+ "▁d ictionary",
+ "▁capital ist",
+ "▁capita list",
+ "ны е",
+ "▁L t",
+ "not es",
+ "no tes",
+ "note s",
+ "n otes",
+ "▁H olly",
+ "▁Hol ly",
+ "▁Holl y",
+ "▁View s",
+ "▁Vi ews",
+ "▁Vie ws",
+ "▁state wide",
+ "▁l ev",
+ "▁le v",
+ "▁ lev",
+ "▁E ston",
+ "▁Est on",
+ "▁Es ton",
+ "▁assign ments",
+ "▁assignment s",
+ "\\ '",
+ "oot er",
+ "oo ter",
+ "o oter",
+ "▁success es",
+ "▁certain ty",
+ "▁manip ulation",
+ "▁F ol",
+ "▁Fo l",
+ "▁S lov",
+ "▁Sl ov",
+ "▁pe cul",
+ "▁Neigh bor",
+ "▁F IN",
+ "▁FI N",
+ "▁mur ders",
+ "▁murder s",
+ "▁murd ers",
+ "▁Trib unal",
+ "▁i p",
+ "▁ ip",
+ "ap ple",
+ "app le",
+ "a pple",
+ "▁l enses",
+ "▁lens es",
+ "▁len ses",
+ "frame work",
+ "f ramework",
+ "▁I A",
+ "▁ IA",
+ "▁abund ant",
+ "▁eas iest",
+ "▁t emplates",
+ "▁templ ates",
+ "▁template s",
+ "▁$ .",
+ "▁ $.",
+ "щ е",
+ "▁F lying",
+ "▁Fl ying",
+ "▁Fly ing",
+ "▁Martin ez",
+ "▁Martine z",
+ "stan bul",
+ "▁over ly",
+ "▁overl y",
+ "▁Cons idering",
+ "▁Consider ing",
+ "et ically",
+ "etic ally",
+ "e tically",
+ "▁Croat ia",
+ "av i",
+ "a vi",
+ "ex am",
+ "Id ent",
+ "end or",
+ "endo r",
+ "▁EXP ECT",
+ "▁acceler ated",
+ "▁accelerate d",
+ "en zie",
+ "enz ie",
+ "▁P rix",
+ "▁Pr ix",
+ "▁Pri x",
+ "▁f airy",
+ "▁fair y",
+ "▁Cal vin",
+ "▁in acc",
+ "▁Chron icle",
+ "▁Chronic le",
+ "ma ss",
+ "mas s",
+ "m ass",
+ "▁prem ie",
+ "▁d iving",
+ "▁di ving",
+ "▁div ing",
+ "▁in vasive",
+ "▁inv asive",
+ "▁Method ist",
+ "ec a",
+ "e ca",
+ "▁trick y",
+ "________ ________",
+ "▁r ab",
+ "▁ra b",
+ "▁ rab",
+ "▁Citiz en",
+ "P lease",
+ "s ight",
+ "▁pro ne",
+ "▁pr one",
+ "▁pron e",
+ "▁ten ant",
+ "stand ard",
+ "year s",
+ "ye ars",
+ "y ears",
+ "▁Le af",
+ "oi n",
+ "o in",
+ "▁ins ist",
+ "▁Particip ants",
+ "▁m ig",
+ "▁mi g",
+ "▁R ide",
+ "▁Rid e",
+ "▁Ri de",
+ "▁N amed",
+ "▁Name d",
+ "▁Na med",
+ "▁Nam ed",
+ "▁th riving",
+ "▁thr iving",
+ "IS A",
+ "I SA",
+ "▁G ir",
+ "▁Gi r",
+ "▁W id",
+ "▁Wi d",
+ "gi o",
+ "g io",
+ "▁Sch eme",
+ "▁Sche me",
+ "▁parad igm",
+ "▁sun light",
+ "▁account ed",
+ "▁p ork",
+ "▁po rk",
+ "▁por k",
+ "▁p ools",
+ "▁po ols",
+ "▁pool s",
+ "▁( #",
+ "So m",
+ "S om",
+ "▁Re ich",
+ "▁Soph ie",
+ "▁Inst itution",
+ "▁Instit ution",
+ "▁commun icating",
+ "St ud",
+ "▁imag in",
+ "▁neglig ence",
+ "▁L ily",
+ "▁Li ly",
+ "▁Lil y",
+ "▁d amp",
+ "▁dam p",
+ "▁da mp",
+ "▁Ch arity",
+ "▁Char ity",
+ "▁Cha rity",
+ "▁divid end",
+ "▁divide nd",
+ "▁Ab bott",
+ "\\ {",
+ "▁S we",
+ "▁Sw e",
+ "▁Kle in",
+ "▁M yers",
+ "▁My ers",
+ "▁al iens",
+ "▁alien s",
+ "▁st aring",
+ "▁star ing",
+ "▁sta ring",
+ "▁pecul iar",
+ "& &",
+ "le ne",
+ "len e",
+ "l ene",
+ "▁K re",
+ "▁Kr e",
+ "▁M arin",
+ "▁Mar in",
+ "▁Ma rin",
+ "▁Mari n",
+ "co lon",
+ "col on",
+ "▁H uff",
+ "▁Hu ff",
+ "▁ST AT",
+ "▁ STAT",
+ "▁f inals",
+ "▁fin als",
+ "▁final s",
+ "▁ finals",
+ "▁é t",
+ "▁ ét",
+ "va ble",
+ "v able",
+ "▁R B",
+ "▁incorpor ating",
+ "▁S ons",
+ "▁So ns",
+ "▁Son s",
+ "au to",
+ "aut o",
+ "a uto",
+ "▁E ra",
+ "▁Er a",
+ "▁V II",
+ "▁VI I",
+ "▁v ague",
+ "▁va gue",
+ "▁vag ue",
+ "▁P owers",
+ "▁Power s",
+ "▁Pow ers",
+ "▁belong ed",
+ "F ont",
+ "▁sun ny",
+ "▁A gg",
+ "▁Ag g",
+ "▁S ed",
+ "▁Se d",
+ "▁Ad just",
+ "▁Adj ust",
+ "▁S pa",
+ "▁Sp a",
+ "▁B ibli",
+ "▁s ized",
+ "▁size d",
+ "▁si zed",
+ "▁ sized",
+ "▁Con fig",
+ "▁Conf ig",
+ "▁ Config",
+ "Pro perties",
+ "▁R iv",
+ "▁Ri v",
+ "▁P ione",
+ "▁Pi one",
+ "ilib rium",
+ "▁Ev angel",
+ "▁Evan gel",
+ "▁deleg ates",
+ "▁delegate s",
+ "▁S hot",
+ "▁Sh ot",
+ "▁Sho t",
+ "▁Fort une",
+ "▁ener getic",
+ "▁energ etic",
+ "▁appl iances",
+ "▁S ou",
+ "▁So u",
+ "▁learn s",
+ "▁lear ns",
+ "▁des erved",
+ "▁deserve d",
+ "Gr een",
+ "G reen",
+ "to String",
+ "▁“ …",
+ "il iary",
+ "ili ary",
+ "ilia ry",
+ "iliar y",
+ "▁Col eman",
+ "▁Co leman",
+ "▁Cole man",
+ "▁V oter",
+ "▁Vo ter",
+ "▁Vote r",
+ "V ideo",
+ "▁UN ESCO",
+ "▁Territ ory",
+ "▁Terr itory",
+ "▁film makers",
+ "▁filmmaker s",
+ "▁sa lad",
+ "▁sal ad",
+ "Me m",
+ "M em",
+ "be e",
+ "b ee",
+ "▁c rap",
+ "▁cr ap",
+ "▁cra p",
+ "▁R iley",
+ "▁Ri ley",
+ "▁Mat ters",
+ "▁Matt ers",
+ "▁Matter s",
+ "▁synt hes",
+ "▁synth es",
+ "it ures",
+ "iture s",
+ "itu res",
+ "accept able",
+ "▁We ap",
+ "▁Rug by",
+ "▁W itness",
+ "& #",
+ "▁D in",
+ "▁Di n",
+ "rim ination",
+ "▁plaint iffs",
+ "▁plaintiff s",
+ "▁pick up",
+ "▁p itcher",
+ "▁pitch er",
+ "▁pit cher",
+ "▁m esh",
+ "▁me sh",
+ "▁mes h",
+ "▁w itch",
+ "▁wit ch",
+ "▁B illion",
+ "▁Bill ion",
+ "▁mean while",
+ "Col lection",
+ "Coll ection",
+ "▁Sebast ian",
+ "▁finger print",
+ "ri nt",
+ "rin t",
+ "r int",
+ "▁G ear",
+ "▁Ge ar",
+ "▁spe eches",
+ "▁speech es",
+ "ig ator",
+ "iga tor",
+ "up le",
+ "u ple",
+ "▁be have",
+ "▁beh ave",
+ "▁behav e",
+ "▁opp ression",
+ "▁st ark",
+ "▁star k",
+ "▁sta rk",
+ "▁Gu itar",
+ "▁De part",
+ "▁Dep art",
+ "▁ham mer",
+ "▁hamm er",
+ "▁tum ors",
+ "▁tumor s",
+ "en i",
+ "e ni",
+ "▁T we",
+ "▁Tw e",
+ "▁L ots",
+ "▁Lo ts",
+ "▁Lot s",
+ "▁he ights",
+ "▁height s",
+ "▁ide ological",
+ "▁Gr ande",
+ "▁Grand e",
+ "▁Gran de",
+ "▁soph omore",
+ "EC K",
+ "ind ent",
+ "inde nt",
+ "▁Home land",
+ "▁Hom eland",
+ "▁S ak",
+ "▁Sa k",
+ "ross o",
+ "ros so",
+ "▁com mitting",
+ "▁comm itting",
+ "▁commit ting",
+ "▁ge ographical",
+ "▁geographic al",
+ "f u",
+ "▁ast hma",
+ "▁z ip",
+ "▁ zip",
+ "pr act",
+ "p ract",
+ "▁Al lan",
+ "▁All an",
+ "▁similar ities",
+ "No te",
+ "Not e",
+ "N ote",
+ "▁b ounds",
+ "▁bound s",
+ "▁hier archy",
+ "▁hierarch y",
+ "▁Member ship",
+ "▁Members hip",
+ "▁ecosystem s",
+ "▁epid em",
+ "▁Un cle",
+ "▁Unc le",
+ "▁add itions",
+ "▁addition s",
+ "▁ut ilities",
+ "▁util ities",
+ "St ack",
+ "F ull",
+ "▁afore mentioned",
+ "op al",
+ "opa l",
+ "o pal",
+ "▁S aid",
+ "▁Sa id",
+ "c ussion",
+ "▁* )",
+ "▁ *)",
+ "ad as",
+ "ada s",
+ "I K",
+ "▁H amas",
+ "▁Ham as",
+ "▁Ha mas",
+ "▁K rish",
+ "▁Kr ish",
+ "▁Kris h",
+ "▁Pun j",
+ "▁dest ructive",
+ "▁light ning",
+ "▁pres erving",
+ "th em",
+ "the m",
+ "t hem",
+ "▁sl ope",
+ "▁Pan ama",
+ "ra mes",
+ "ram es",
+ "rame s",
+ "r ames",
+ "▁irre levant",
+ "L ive",
+ "ri ft",
+ "r ift",
+ "▁T ate",
+ "▁Ta te",
+ "▁Tat e",
+ "▁W ong",
+ "▁Won g",
+ "▁Wo ng",
+ "▁Alexand ria",
+ "} +",
+ "la g",
+ "l ag",
+ "▁T ank",
+ "▁Tan k",
+ "▁v ide",
+ "▁vi de",
+ "▁gest ure",
+ "▁Th inking",
+ "▁Think ing",
+ "uk e",
+ "u ke",
+ "▁compar isons",
+ "▁comparison s",
+ "rom agnetic",
+ "▁Offic ials",
+ "▁Official s",
+ "▁C ogn",
+ "▁Co gn",
+ "▁euro s",
+ "▁eu ros",
+ "▁rain fall",
+ "** *",
+ "* **",
+ "O UT",
+ "▁deliber ate",
+ "▁b ees",
+ "▁be es",
+ "▁bee s",
+ "▁overwhel med",
+ "▁R w",
+ "▁ST EM",
+ "▁ STEM",
+ ")= \\",
+ ") =\\",
+ "P acific",
+ "▁comp uted",
+ "▁comput ed",
+ "▁compute d",
+ "▁N T",
+ "▁ NT",
+ "▁L ooks",
+ "▁Look s",
+ "▁Lo oks",
+ "▁ob jection",
+ "▁object ion",
+ "▁obj ection",
+ "▁rep ository",
+ "▁S ect",
+ "▁Se ct",
+ "▁Sec t",
+ "▁act ivism",
+ "▁activ ism",
+ "▁S hen",
+ "▁Sh en",
+ "▁She n",
+ "▁acquisition s",
+ "▁acquis itions",
+ "▁cons ervatives",
+ "▁conservative s",
+ "▁conserv atives",
+ "▁Ass ert",
+ "▁ Assert",
+ "▁Special ist",
+ "▁request ing",
+ "im an",
+ "ima n",
+ "i man",
+ "▁Rab bi",
+ "▁T ong",
+ "▁To ng",
+ "▁Ton g",
+ "ct oral",
+ "ctor al",
+ "▁Princ iples",
+ "▁sk ept",
+ "▁ske pt",
+ "▁Kind le",
+ "▁hist ories",
+ "▁histor ies",
+ "▁com eb",
+ "▁come b",
+ "▁Viet namese",
+ "▁Vietnam ese",
+ "?? ?",
+ "? ??",
+ "▁New man",
+ "▁ass umes",
+ "▁assum es",
+ "▁assume s",
+ "▁F T",
+ "▁ FT",
+ "▁t in",
+ "▁Budd h",
+ "▁commission er",
+ "J S",
+ "▁B P",
+ "▁ BP",
+ "▁X i",
+ "um per",
+ "ump er",
+ "▁acqu iring",
+ "▁Bullet in",
+ "▁Ro chester",
+ "▁Roc hester",
+ "ä t",
+ "▁\\ {",
+ "▁ \\{",
+ "▁Ju dy",
+ "▁Jud y",
+ "▁Sh ares",
+ "▁Share s",
+ "▁Sha res",
+ "▁Shar es",
+ "р і",
+ "UC T",
+ "U CT",
+ "ga e",
+ "g ae",
+ "▁proud ly",
+ "in v",
+ "▁un cover",
+ "▁unc over",
+ "▁dis cre",
+ "▁disc re",
+ "▁di scre",
+ "▁consult ants",
+ "▁consultant s",
+ "on do",
+ "ond o",
+ "aw ays",
+ "awa ys",
+ "away s",
+ "a ways",
+ "▁D esc",
+ "▁De sc",
+ "▁Des c",
+ "▁ Desc",
+ "▁d ownt",
+ "▁down t",
+ "im i",
+ "i mi",
+ "dom ain",
+ "do main",
+ "▁Wh ilst",
+ "▁cr usher",
+ "▁crush er",
+ "▁crus her",
+ "▁Johann es",
+ "▁aut onomy",
+ "▁dec lining",
+ "▁decl ining",
+ "▁s z",
+ "▁ sz",
+ "ph al",
+ "pha l",
+ "p hal",
+ "▁P rag",
+ "▁Pr ag",
+ "▁Pra g",
+ "▁C ases",
+ "▁Cas es",
+ "▁Ca ses",
+ "▁Case s",
+ "▁G iving",
+ "▁Gi ving",
+ "▁lot tery",
+ "▁Rep air",
+ "it ars",
+ "itar s",
+ "ita rs",
+ "sh are",
+ "sha re",
+ "▁p ledge",
+ "▁pl edge",
+ "▁pled ge",
+ "▁man if",
+ "▁Break fast",
+ "▁a vec",
+ "▁av ec",
+ "▁Des igned",
+ "▁Design ed",
+ "ut ils",
+ "util s",
+ "uti ls",
+ "▁b ride",
+ "▁br ide",
+ "▁bri de",
+ "▁brid e",
+ "▁brows ing",
+ "▁anticip ate",
+ "▁inflamm atory",
+ "▁ inflammatory",
+ "▁J D",
+ "▁at oms",
+ "▁atom s",
+ "▁st akes",
+ "▁stake s",
+ "▁sta kes",
+ "gar d",
+ "ga rd",
+ "g ard",
+ "▁Z oo",
+ "▁p ixels",
+ "▁pixel s",
+ "▁gluc ose",
+ "▁can al",
+ "▁Elect ronics",
+ "▁Electronic s",
+ "▁C ay",
+ "▁Ca y",
+ "▁Effect ive",
+ "▁Azer bai",
+ "ochem istry",
+ "▁E rin",
+ "▁Er in",
+ "▁D y",
+ "LI NE",
+ "L INE",
+ "yn ote",
+ "y note",
+ "▁j Query",
+ "▁flav ors",
+ "▁flavor s",
+ "▁L un",
+ "▁Lu n",
+ "ro wave",
+ "row ave",
+ "▁Explore r",
+ "um ed",
+ "ume d",
+ "u med",
+ "▁inc umb",
+ "▁m ism",
+ "▁mis m",
+ "▁mi sm",
+ "▁D anger",
+ "▁Dan ger",
+ "▁thank ful",
+ "▁Administ rator",
+ "▁* **",
+ "▁** *",
+ "▁ ***",
+ "fl oor",
+ "▁H ann",
+ "▁Ha nn",
+ "▁Han n",
+ "▁f lies",
+ "▁fl ies",
+ "▁fli es",
+ "▁ flies",
+ "T itle",
+ "▁Certain ly",
+ "▁e aten",
+ "▁eat en",
+ "▁length s",
+ "▁recru ited",
+ "▁recruit ed",
+ "▁qual ification",
+ "e a",
+ "▁N ike",
+ "▁Nik e",
+ "▁Ni ke",
+ "Cont in",
+ "▁Own er",
+ "▁Ow ner",
+ "; \\",
+ "OS E",
+ "O SE",
+ "AR CH",
+ "ARC H",
+ "▁scholar ly",
+ "▁P ER",
+ "▁PE R",
+ "▁ PER",
+ "▁H air",
+ "▁Ha ir",
+ "ff ield",
+ "f field",
+ "▁ru in",
+ "() ->",
+ "AA AA",
+ "▁W hole",
+ "▁Wh ole",
+ "▁Who le",
+ "▁sal vation",
+ "▁salv ation",
+ "De b",
+ "D eb",
+ "▁D ry",
+ "▁Dr y",
+ "▁kn ives",
+ "▁o ak",
+ "▁lon ely",
+ "▁lone ly",
+ "vo n",
+ "v on",
+ ".. .)",
+ "... )",
+ "▁intention ally",
+ "▁intentional ly",
+ "▁V ia",
+ "▁Vi a",
+ "▁Wend y",
+ "▁Wen dy",
+ "div ision",
+ "di vision",
+ "▁Gand hi",
+ "▁N ormal",
+ "▁Nor mal",
+ "▁Norm al",
+ "Da vid",
+ "D avid",
+ "▁r abb",
+ "▁ra bb",
+ "▁rab b",
+ "▁G es",
+ "▁Ge s",
+ "▁con ced",
+ "▁conc ed",
+ "▁conce d",
+ "▁S olution",
+ "▁Sol ution",
+ "wa ve",
+ "w ave",
+ "▁Organ isation",
+ "() {",
+ "( ){",
+ "ia ni",
+ "ian i",
+ "i ani",
+ "▁tempor al",
+ "▁temp oral",
+ "▁tempo ral",
+ "▁Human ities",
+ "ta x",
+ "t ax",
+ "page s",
+ "pa ges",
+ "p ages",
+ "▁B east",
+ "▁Be ast",
+ "▁Bea st",
+ "▁Trans it",
+ "▁v ag",
+ "▁va g",
+ "▁la undry",
+ "el o",
+ "e lo",
+ "▁cl oses",
+ "▁close s",
+ "▁clos es",
+ "▁clo ses",
+ "▁need le",
+ "▁tw isted",
+ "▁twist ed",
+ "▁exceed ed",
+ "é l",
+ "Co py",
+ "C opy",
+ "▁p rey",
+ "▁pre y",
+ "▁pr ey",
+ "▁F iles",
+ "▁Fil es",
+ "▁File s",
+ "▁Fi les",
+ "▁ Files",
+ "▁cr ashed",
+ "▁crash ed",
+ "▁v om",
+ "▁vo m",
+ "at ible",
+ "ati ble",
+ "▁Excell ent",
+ "best os",
+ "ле н",
+ "л ен",
+ "Co re",
+ "Cor e",
+ "C ore",
+ "▁sur geon",
+ "▁surge on",
+ "AN K",
+ "▁Lux em",
+ "▁ch ick",
+ "▁chi ck",
+ "▁chic k",
+ "H is",
+ "▁p ipes",
+ "▁pip es",
+ "▁pipe s",
+ "▁pi pes",
+ "▁swe ep",
+ "▁Mid west",
+ "av ement",
+ "ave ment",
+ "a vement",
+ "▁St ructure",
+ "▁Struct ure",
+ "▁Comp liance",
+ "▁Compl iance",
+ "▁dis playing",
+ "▁display ing",
+ "▁displ aying",
+ "▁Pre par",
+ "▁Prep ar",
+ "▁legit im",
+ "▁indirect ly",
+ "▁D uty",
+ "▁Du ty",
+ "bu ffer",
+ "buf fer",
+ "b uffer",
+ "▁Pl aint",
+ "▁Plain t",
+ "▁wel comes",
+ "▁welcome s",
+ "▁ful filled",
+ "▁fulf illed",
+ "▁fulfill ed",
+ "▁fulfil led",
+ "▁} }",
+ "▁ }}",
+ "▁P erman",
+ "▁Per man",
+ "▁Perm an",
+ "▁not orious",
+ "▁preval ent",
+ "▁Reg ulatory",
+ "▁Tal king",
+ "▁Talk ing",
+ "▁M itch",
+ "▁Mit ch",
+ "▁cle aned",
+ "▁clean ed",
+ "▁mor ality",
+ "▁moral ity",
+ "▁impe achment",
+ "▁P iano",
+ "▁Pi ano",
+ "▁Pia no",
+ "▁ar ises",
+ "▁arise s",
+ "for get",
+ "f orget",
+ "▁Mal ta",
+ "▁Malt a",
+ "▁gal axies",
+ "▁Public ation",
+ "▁Publ ication",
+ "▁Pub lication",
+ "▁s ins",
+ "▁sin s",
+ "▁si ns",
+ "▁fe ather",
+ "▁feat her",
+ "de al",
+ "d eal",
+ "▁CP U",
+ "▁un ified",
+ "▁cou pling",
+ "▁coup ling",
+ "▁Bl ind",
+ "▁ne phe",
+ "▁Hung arian",
+ "if fe",
+ "iff e",
+ "i ffe",
+ "es ian",
+ "cl ub",
+ "▁qu o",
+ "▁q uo",
+ "▁adop ting",
+ "▁adopt ing",
+ "▁absor ption",
+ "▁K nown",
+ "▁Know n",
+ "▁Kn own",
+ "▁Day ton",
+ "▁Pro blems",
+ "▁Problem s",
+ "bo at",
+ "b oat",
+ "é g",
+ "▁I CC",
+ "▁IC C",
+ "▁o lig",
+ "▁ol ig",
+ "▁he els",
+ "▁heel s",
+ "▁pr ince",
+ "▁pri nce",
+ "▁princ e",
+ "▁renov ation",
+ "we nt",
+ "wen t",
+ "w ent",
+ "om ical",
+ "omic al",
+ "omi cal",
+ "▁Min utes",
+ "▁i cons",
+ "▁icon s",
+ "▁ icons",
+ "▁r ope",
+ "▁ro pe",
+ "▁O ffer",
+ "▁Of fer",
+ "▁Off er",
+ "uff y",
+ "uf fy",
+ "ING TON",
+ "▁g loss",
+ "▁gl oss",
+ "T emplate",
+ "▁p acking",
+ "▁pack ing",
+ "▁pac king",
+ "▁gr ounded",
+ "▁ground ed",
+ "▁Eng agement",
+ "▁professional ly",
+ "▁profession ally",
+ "▁di vor",
+ "▁div or",
+ "▁Tal ent",
+ "▁Tale nt",
+ "▁ro ller",
+ "▁roll er",
+ "▁ roller",
+ "▁ver bal",
+ "▁verb al",
+ "ad h",
+ "▁U CLA",
+ "▁UC LA",
+ "▁F uel",
+ "▁Fu el",
+ "▁Kn ox",
+ "▁car cin",
+ "▁w ishing",
+ "▁wish ing",
+ "▁underm ine",
+ "ak o",
+ "a ko",
+ "na r",
+ "n ar",
+ "▁Re hab",
+ "▁explan ations",
+ "▁explanation s",
+ "▁j ar",
+ "▁ja r",
+ "▁ jar",
+ "ch annel",
+ "chan nel",
+ "co d",
+ "c od",
+ "Gr aph",
+ "G raph",
+ "os lav",
+ "▁close t",
+ "▁clos et",
+ "▁clo set",
+ "▁g rit",
+ "▁gr it",
+ "▁gri t",
+ "oc ative",
+ "▁Fr aser",
+ "▁Fra ser",
+ "▁A BO",
+ "▁AB O",
+ "▁L ines",
+ "▁Li nes",
+ "▁Lin es",
+ "▁Line s",
+ "▁Str eng",
+ "▁Stre ng",
+ "▁where by",
+ "Tw o",
+ "T wo",
+ "▁un int",
+ "with standing",
+ "▁contribut ors",
+ "▁contributor s",
+ "▁Pe dro",
+ "▁Ped ro",
+ "▁sp acious",
+ "▁spa cious",
+ "▁in complete",
+ "▁incomp lete",
+ "de lete",
+ "del ete",
+ "▁ch orus",
+ "▁cho rus",
+ "▁de duct",
+ "▁ded uct",
+ "red itation",
+ "redit ation",
+ "▁V ick",
+ "▁Vic k",
+ "▁Vi ck",
+ "▁B elle",
+ "▁Bel le",
+ "▁Bell e",
+ "▁neuro ns",
+ "▁neur ons",
+ "▁inter cept",
+ "De scription",
+ "Desc ription",
+ "Des cription",
+ "▁a nat",
+ "▁an at",
+ "▁ana t",
+ "▁phot ographers",
+ "▁photograph ers",
+ "▁photographer s",
+ "▁photograp hers",
+ "ve rb",
+ "ver b",
+ "▁G ust",
+ "▁Gu st",
+ "▁Protest ant",
+ "Val id",
+ "▁an arch",
+ "о н",
+ "▁L ore",
+ "▁Lo re",
+ "▁Lor e",
+ "os tics",
+ "ost ics",
+ "ostic s",
+ "▁un aware",
+ "▁una ware",
+ "A H",
+ "▁K hal",
+ "▁Kh al",
+ "▁H oney",
+ "▁Hon ey",
+ "▁Ho ney",
+ "▁resp onds",
+ "▁respond s",
+ "▁anti body",
+ "▁antib ody",
+ "App lication",
+ "▁According ly",
+ "▁a erial",
+ "▁aer ial",
+ "▁un author",
+ "▁una uthor",
+ "he red",
+ "her ed",
+ "here d",
+ "h ered",
+ "ew orks",
+ "ework s",
+ "e works",
+ "▁p neum",
+ "arch ive",
+ "mu s",
+ "m us",
+ "▁A ware",
+ "▁Aw are",
+ "IT S",
+ "I TS",
+ "▁ex ams",
+ "▁exam s",
+ "▁Mod els",
+ "▁Model s",
+ "▁Mode ls",
+ "▁d rones",
+ "▁dr ones",
+ "▁dro nes",
+ "▁drone s",
+ "ins pired",
+ "▁f laws",
+ "▁fl aws",
+ "▁flaw s",
+ "▁period ic",
+ "▁out right",
+ "▁san ction",
+ "▁sanct ion",
+ "▁sens ible",
+ "ul k",
+ "▁B rid",
+ "▁Br id",
+ "▁Bri d",
+ "▁I sn",
+ "▁Is n",
+ "▁s ich",
+ "▁si ch",
+ "▁correct ed",
+ "▁emphas ize",
+ "▁r ode",
+ "▁ro de",
+ "▁rod e",
+ "▁D ell",
+ "▁De ll",
+ "▁Del l",
+ "▁Col leges",
+ "▁College s",
+ "en os",
+ "eno s",
+ "e nos",
+ "ri sh",
+ "ris h",
+ "r ish",
+ "▁G U",
+ "▁L abel",
+ "▁La bel",
+ "▁Lab el",
+ "▁ Label",
+ "▁hand ler",
+ "▁handle r",
+ "▁ handler",
+ "▁disc overs",
+ "▁discover s",
+ "▁disco vers",
+ "Po p",
+ "P op",
+ "▁inc lined",
+ "▁incl ined",
+ "it at",
+ "ita t",
+ "▁Legisl ative",
+ "J ECT",
+ "▁pro poses",
+ "▁prop oses",
+ "▁propos es",
+ "▁propose s",
+ "▁wild erness",
+ "▁live stock",
+ "▁livest ock",
+ "▁в ы",
+ "▁ вы",
+ "▁rev ival",
+ "▁sh ooter",
+ "▁shoot er",
+ "▁sho oter",
+ "▁o t",
+ "▁ ot",
+ "u ador",
+ "tal k",
+ "t alk",
+ "▁b acterial",
+ "▁bacteria l",
+ "le ys",
+ "ley s",
+ "▁col onies",
+ "▁colon ies",
+ "▁mount ing",
+ "▁mo unting",
+ "▁Ven us",
+ "▁antib odies",
+ "▁imper ative",
+ "▁impe rative",
+ "▁re start",
+ "▁rest art",
+ "Cl oud",
+ "Be c",
+ "B ec",
+ "ki ll",
+ "kil l",
+ "k ill",
+ "▁intr ins",
+ "▁Art ificial",
+ "▁Salv ador",
+ "▁recover ing",
+ "▁accomplish ments",
+ "▁accomplishment s",
+ "▁B oom",
+ "▁Bo om",
+ "▁r iot",
+ "▁ri ot",
+ "▁Aust rian",
+ "▁Austria n",
+ "▁turn over",
+ "▁M ED",
+ "▁ME D",
+ "▁frag ile",
+ "▁g rap",
+ "▁gr ap",
+ "▁gra p",
+ "▁Th ought",
+ "▁Though t",
+ "▁Christ ina",
+ "▁O ral",
+ "▁Or al",
+ "di m",
+ "d im",
+ "ok ia",
+ "oki a",
+ "est amp",
+ "esta mp",
+ "▁cl ips",
+ "▁clip s",
+ "Call back",
+ "▁mass age",
+ "▁brief ing",
+ "▁cons uming",
+ "▁consum ing",
+ "ins ert",
+ "▁sc aling",
+ "▁scal ing",
+ "▁Direct ive",
+ "A Z",
+ "▁Ha yes",
+ "▁Hay es",
+ "▁ste aling",
+ "▁steal ing",
+ "▁Organ izations",
+ "▁Organization s",
+ "Su r",
+ "S ur",
+ "▁B elf",
+ "▁Bel f",
+ "с ка",
+ "LO G",
+ "L OG",
+ "mo v",
+ "m ov",
+ "▁B U",
+ "▁ BU",
+ "op py",
+ "opp y",
+ "o ppy",
+ "▁s ab",
+ "▁sa b",
+ "un ders",
+ "und ers",
+ "under s",
+ "▁dr ummer",
+ "▁drum mer",
+ "ograph ies",
+ "▁enc ryption",
+ "net work",
+ "р я",
+ "so rt",
+ "sor t",
+ "s ort",
+ "▁de nom",
+ "▁den om",
+ "▁iss uing",
+ "▁issu ing",
+ "▁Fac ility",
+ "▁cancel ed",
+ "ri tz",
+ "rit z",
+ "r itz",
+ "▁gra vit",
+ "▁ide als",
+ "▁idea ls",
+ "▁id eals",
+ "▁ideal s",
+ "▁My th",
+ "▁d ile",
+ "▁di le",
+ "▁dil e",
+ "S ession",
+ "ruct uring",
+ "▁Vis itors",
+ "▁Visit ors",
+ "▁Visitor s",
+ "▁Peters burg",
+ "AN C",
+ "A NC",
+ "▁right eous",
+ "▁Elect rical",
+ "▁Electric al",
+ "▁refer enced",
+ "▁reference d",
+ "▁referen ced",
+ "▁Sym posium",
+ "▁< =",
+ "▁T ang",
+ "▁Ta ng",
+ "▁Tan g",
+ "▁As set",
+ "▁Ass et",
+ "▁am ple",
+ "▁ampl e",
+ "▁amp le",
+ "▁ ample",
+ "▁A J",
+ "se ys",
+ "sey s",
+ "ter ing",
+ "te ring",
+ "t ering",
+ "ould er",
+ "oul der",
+ "d p",
+ "▁c f",
+ "▁ cf",
+ "st ru",
+ "str u",
+ "gr ass",
+ "gra ss",
+ "ff e",
+ "f fe",
+ "ab is",
+ "abi s",
+ "ra ns",
+ "ran s",
+ "r ans",
+ "▁g lam",
+ "▁gl am",
+ "▁belie vers",
+ "▁believe rs",
+ "▁believer s",
+ "▁Field s",
+ "▁ Fields",
+ "▁freel ance",
+ "=\" -",
+ "\") );",
+ "\")) ;",
+ "\" ));",
+ "▁E co",
+ "▁Ec o",
+ "▁l ig",
+ "▁li g",
+ "▁ lig",
+ "▁pen cil",
+ "Writ er",
+ "Write r",
+ "Sett ings",
+ "▁Per th",
+ "▁Integ rated",
+ "▁comp ression",
+ "▁compress ion",
+ "í t",
+ "gr and",
+ "gra nd",
+ "g rand",
+ "▁os cill",
+ "▁osc ill",
+ "▁per ceptions",
+ "▁perception s",
+ "▁e ll",
+ "▁el l",
+ "▁ ell",
+ "▁clean er",
+ "▁in mates",
+ "▁off line",
+ "é m",
+ "ol in",
+ "oli n",
+ "o lin",
+ "▁s ued",
+ "▁su ed",
+ "▁sue d",
+ "math sf",
+ "▁W aste",
+ "▁Was te",
+ "▁Wa ste",
+ "an ding",
+ "and ing",
+ "andi ng",
+ "▁endorse d",
+ "▁endors ed",
+ "▁M ode",
+ "▁Mod e",
+ "▁Mo de",
+ "▁ Mode",
+ "▁cons erv",
+ "▁end angered",
+ "▁New sp",
+ "▁News p",
+ "▁sc enery",
+ "▁scene ry",
+ "▁scen ery",
+ "▁play ground",
+ "▁E UR",
+ "▁EU R",
+ "ua ting",
+ "u ating",
+ "▁en vision",
+ "▁env ision",
+ "DI R",
+ "D IR",
+ "ul ators",
+ "ulator s",
+ "▁Cel tic",
+ "▁Celt ic",
+ "▁gu iding",
+ "▁guid ing",
+ "▁D ollar",
+ "▁Dol lar",
+ "▁Doll ar",
+ "▁D ES",
+ "▁DE S",
+ "▁Whe el",
+ "Act ivity",
+ "▁reserv oir",
+ "▁S low",
+ "▁Sl ow",
+ "▁L ords",
+ "▁Lord s",
+ "▁Lor ds",
+ "▁g ifted",
+ "▁gift ed",
+ "▁R ee",
+ "▁Re e",
+ "▁feas ible",
+ "ch el",
+ "che l",
+ "c hel",
+ "▁impair ment",
+ "$ )",
+ "back ed",
+ "b acked",
+ "▁reb els",
+ "▁rebel s",
+ "▁frank ly",
+ "▁select ive",
+ "cu s",
+ "c us",
+ "▁p lag",
+ "▁pl ag",
+ "▁pla g",
+ "il iated",
+ "ili ated",
+ "ilia ted",
+ "▁jurisd ictions",
+ "▁jurisdiction s",
+ "▁E ff",
+ "▁Be er",
+ "▁Bee r",
+ "▁reluct ant",
+ "▁advance ment",
+ "no ne",
+ "non e",
+ "n one",
+ "ff iciency",
+ "ffic iency",
+ "▁special izes",
+ "▁specialize s",
+ "ko k",
+ "k ok",
+ "▁m ins",
+ "▁min s",
+ "▁mi ns",
+ "▁k inda",
+ "▁kind a",
+ "▁kin da",
+ "ñ a",
+ "ace rb",
+ "acer b",
+ "▁V ander",
+ "▁Van der",
+ "▁Va nder",
+ "▁Vand er",
+ "ut able",
+ "uta ble",
+ "u table",
+ "▁i b",
+ "▁ ib",
+ "lib rary",
+ "l ibrary",
+ "▁decre ases",
+ "▁decrease s",
+ "▁w ax",
+ "▁wa x",
+ "▁l owered",
+ "▁low ered",
+ "▁lo wered",
+ "▁lower ed",
+ "▁cl erk",
+ "▁cle rk",
+ "▁cler k",
+ "▁nine teenth",
+ "▁nin eteenth",
+ "▁E ur",
+ "▁Eu r",
+ "▁L oan",
+ "▁Lo an",
+ "▁he rb",
+ "▁her b",
+ "▁го да",
+ "▁For mat",
+ "▁Form at",
+ "▁ Format",
+ "▁Card inal",
+ "▁project ions",
+ "▁projection s",
+ "▁Qu otes",
+ "▁Quote s",
+ "▁negoti ating",
+ "li ter",
+ "lit er",
+ "l iter",
+ "▁E pic",
+ "▁Ep ic",
+ "▁S andra",
+ "▁San dra",
+ "▁Sa ndra",
+ "▁Sand ra",
+ "▁B oot",
+ "▁Bo ot",
+ "▁s cam",
+ "▁sc am",
+ "▁imp osing",
+ "▁I oT",
+ "▁c him",
+ "▁ch im",
+ "▁chi m",
+ "Op t",
+ "O pt",
+ "ri ber",
+ "rib er",
+ "ribe r",
+ "r iber",
+ "▁Pro pos",
+ "▁Prop os",
+ "▁inc arcer",
+ "al li",
+ "all i",
+ "a lli",
+ "IT ION",
+ "ind ust",
+ "▁traject ory",
+ "our able",
+ "oura ble",
+ "o urable",
+ "ey ed",
+ "eye d",
+ "▁S pl",
+ "▁Sp l",
+ "olph ins",
+ "olphin s",
+ "▁learn ers",
+ "▁lear ners",
+ "▁smooth ly",
+ "▁elev ation",
+ "▁ele vation",
+ "▁Ext ension",
+ "▁ Extension",
+ "▁Robert son",
+ "▁Roberts on",
+ "▁Per forming",
+ "▁Perform ing",
+ "▁car eg",
+ "▁care g",
+ "▁ca reg",
+ "▁wa ist",
+ "▁metaph or",
+ "UR N",
+ "our neys",
+ "ourney s",
+ "ph oto",
+ "phot o",
+ "st rom",
+ "str om",
+ "▁G ore",
+ "▁Go re",
+ "▁Gor e",
+ "▁C reated",
+ "▁Cre ated",
+ "▁Creat ed",
+ "▁Create d",
+ "▁ant agon",
+ "Re ference",
+ "Ref erence",
+ "sc ription",
+ "script ion",
+ "s cription",
+ "▁Dise ases",
+ "▁Disease s",
+ "▁k ings",
+ "▁king s",
+ "▁kin gs",
+ "▁D ental",
+ "▁Den tal",
+ "▁Dent al",
+ "im pl",
+ "imp l",
+ "▁C oc",
+ "▁Co c",
+ "▁r ider",
+ "▁ri der",
+ "▁rid er",
+ "▁ride r",
+ "▁sh aft",
+ "▁Tre vor",
+ "▁с а",
+ "▁ са",
+ "▁hand some",
+ "▁hands ome",
+ "▁met adata",
+ "▁meta data",
+ "unt itled",
+ "▁Bel arus",
+ "comp onent",
+ "▁R ica",
+ "▁Ric a",
+ "▁Ri ca",
+ "▁N SA",
+ "▁NS A",
+ "▁jud ged",
+ "▁judge d",
+ "▁High lights",
+ "▁cre ws",
+ "▁cr ews",
+ "▁crew s",
+ "▁w asted",
+ "▁was ted",
+ "▁wa sted",
+ "▁waste d",
+ "▁wast ed",
+ "▁adequ ately",
+ "▁adequate ly",
+ "▁hes itate",
+ "EL D",
+ "E LD",
+ "en nial",
+ "enn ial",
+ "▁Ad ela",
+ "▁P ir",
+ "▁Pi r",
+ "▁V AT",
+ "▁VA T",
+ "▁Mar athon",
+ "▁Ch anging",
+ "▁Chan ging",
+ "▁Chang ing",
+ "▁Not tingham",
+ "▁imp lements",
+ "▁implement s",
+ "▁impl ements",
+ "W C",
+ "L ike",
+ "at ri",
+ "a tri",
+ "▁g ases",
+ "▁gas es",
+ "▁ga ses",
+ "▁Second ary",
+ "▁port raits",
+ "▁portrait s",
+ "ien ne",
+ "▁G rants",
+ "▁Gr ants",
+ "▁Grant s",
+ "▁Gran ts",
+ "▁W elfare",
+ "▁Wel fare",
+ "ort ions",
+ "ortion s",
+ "▁end uring",
+ "▁average d",
+ "▁aver aged",
+ "▁therap ist",
+ "▁ped estrian",
+ "▁pedest rian",
+ "ba g",
+ "b ag",
+ "▁real izing",
+ "▁broadcast ing",
+ "in vest",
+ "inv est",
+ "▁n asty",
+ "▁nas ty",
+ "▁Tr iple",
+ "▁Tri ple",
+ "▁Trip le",
+ "▁dis reg",
+ "we n",
+ "w en",
+ "▁r aid",
+ "▁ra id",
+ "▁al lev",
+ "▁all ev",
+ "▁alle v",
+ "▁arrest s",
+ "▁arr ests",
+ "▁de gradation",
+ "DA Q",
+ "}\\ \\",
+ "} \\\\",
+ "ak ia",
+ "aki a",
+ "▁bul lying",
+ "▁bull ying",
+ "up iter",
+ "b t",
+ "▁St alin",
+ "▁Sta lin",
+ "ac king",
+ "ack ing",
+ "▁Craw ford",
+ "▁absor bed",
+ "▁absorb ed",
+ "perform ance",
+ "op athy",
+ "opath y",
+ "opa thy",
+ "o pathy",
+ "▁Sh opping",
+ "▁Shop ping",
+ "▁Sho pping",
+ "▁just ification",
+ "▁b race",
+ "▁br ace",
+ "▁bra ce",
+ "▁discover ies",
+ "por a",
+ "po ra",
+ "p ora",
+ "▁S ask",
+ "▁Sa sk",
+ "▁share holder",
+ "if a",
+ "i fa",
+ "ac count",
+ "acc ount",
+ "acco unt",
+ "▁bal con",
+ "▁D oing",
+ "▁Do ing",
+ "▁K enny",
+ "▁Ken ny",
+ "▁Kenn y",
+ "rac king",
+ "rack ing",
+ "r acking",
+ "▁l oos",
+ "▁lo os",
+ "▁T ruck",
+ "▁Tr uck",
+ "▁Tru ck",
+ "ux e",
+ "fa ir",
+ "f air",
+ "▁Em my",
+ "▁optim ize",
+ "const ruction",
+ "construct ion",
+ "▁w it",
+ "▁fr amed",
+ "▁fram ed",
+ "▁fra med",
+ "▁frame d",
+ "▁obsc ure",
+ "▁Pract ices",
+ "▁Practice s",
+ "▁Wal mart",
+ "un ion",
+ "uni on",
+ "▁desp air",
+ "▁road way",
+ "av ia",
+ "avi a",
+ "a via",
+ "▁ne o",
+ "car bon",
+ "c arbon",
+ "ject ion",
+ "je ction",
+ "j ection",
+ "▁Res istance",
+ "▁Process ing",
+ "T w",
+ "\\ !",
+ "▁T M",
+ "▁ TM",
+ "▁a in",
+ "▁ ain",
+ "ru b",
+ "r ub",
+ "Se rial",
+ "Ser ial",
+ "S erial",
+ "Hist ory",
+ "v irtual",
+ "▁back yard",
+ "▁hazard ous",
+ "▁redu nd",
+ "▁red und",
+ "▁ant enna",
+ "▁anten na",
+ "Gl obal",
+ "▁ad missions",
+ "▁adm issions",
+ "▁admission s",
+ "▁exhaust ed",
+ "▁met ro",
+ "▁main land",
+ "▁ad hes",
+ "▁up ward",
+ "▁sh aking",
+ "▁wor rying",
+ "▁worry ing",
+ "▁Dr ugs",
+ "▁Drug s",
+ "▁Dru gs",
+ "▁Bas ically",
+ "▁Basic ally",
+ "▁Church ill",
+ "wi fe",
+ "w ife",
+ "▁fe eds",
+ "▁feed s",
+ "▁fee ds",
+ "mon ton",
+ "mo nton",
+ "mont on",
+ "▁les bian",
+ "▁When ever",
+ "▁Whe never",
+ "et erm",
+ "eter m",
+ "ete rm",
+ "e term",
+ "▁Ar ms",
+ "▁Arm s",
+ "G reat",
+ "and um",
+ "a ndum",
+ "▁P ull",
+ "▁Pu ll",
+ "▁Pul l",
+ "ley ball",
+ "▁un success",
+ "any ahu",
+ "anya hu",
+ "group s",
+ "gro ups",
+ "g roups",
+ "▁ang ular",
+ "▁ angular",
+ "▁pl anting",
+ "▁plan ting",
+ "▁plant ing",
+ "IS E",
+ "I SE",
+ "▁O M",
+ "▁ OM",
+ "▁Teh ran",
+ "▁lux urious",
+ "ez e",
+ "e ze",
+ "M us",
+ "▁d ir",
+ "▁di r",
+ "▁ dir",
+ "▁C afe",
+ "▁Ca fe",
+ "▁Caf e",
+ "▁Wind sor",
+ "A h",
+ "▁P HP",
+ "▁PH P",
+ "▁L ights",
+ "▁Light s",
+ "▁Al cohol",
+ "▁confront ed",
+ "▁ex h",
+ "▁W ife",
+ "▁Wi fe",
+ "▁spark ed",
+ "▁: )",
+ "▁E G",
+ "▁ EG",
+ "▁N ode",
+ "▁No de",
+ "▁ Node",
+ "re ated",
+ "reat ed",
+ "rea ted",
+ "aw ei",
+ "a wei",
+ "▁Sl oven",
+ "▁Slov en",
+ "▁Favor ite",
+ "H ub",
+ "▁B iological",
+ "▁Bi ological",
+ "▁Biol ogical",
+ "▁stret ched",
+ "▁stretch ed",
+ "▁R osa",
+ "▁Ro sa",
+ "▁Ros a",
+ "▁WH ERE",
+ "▁ur ging",
+ "▁urg ing",
+ "our cing",
+ "▁Custom ers",
+ "▁Customer s",
+ "B U",
+ "▁redu ctions",
+ "▁reduction s",
+ "▁reduct ions",
+ "▁acc eleration",
+ "▁acceler ation",
+ "▁Out door",
+ "jo b",
+ "j ob",
+ "▁pe aks",
+ "▁peak s",
+ "ain es",
+ "ai nes",
+ "aine s",
+ "a ines",
+ "field er",
+ "f ielder",
+ "▁res ervation",
+ "▁reserv ation",
+ "▁f ragment",
+ "▁fra gment",
+ "▁frag ment",
+ "▁D iss",
+ "▁Dis s",
+ "▁Di ss",
+ "▁Es sex",
+ "▁Ess ex",
+ "▁im plant",
+ "▁impl ant",
+ "▁Java Script",
+ "▁uncertain ties",
+ "▁WW II",
+ "▁Do ctors",
+ "▁Doctor s",
+ "▁orient ed",
+ "▁ori ented",
+ "▁ oriented",
+ "▁dist ancing",
+ "un tu",
+ "unt u",
+ "▁O mar",
+ "▁Om ar",
+ "▁vict ories",
+ "▁V on",
+ "▁Vo n",
+ "File s",
+ "Fi les",
+ "Fil es",
+ "F iles",
+ "▁Rub y",
+ "▁Ru by",
+ "▁sen ator",
+ "▁sup reme",
+ "▁suprem e",
+ "fe st",
+ "f est",
+ "qu ez",
+ "que z",
+ "q uez",
+ "▁a ka",
+ "▁ aka",
+ "▁Polic ies",
+ "▁terr ifying",
+ "▁position ing",
+ "▁w hit",
+ "▁wh it",
+ "▁Z oom",
+ "▁Zoo m",
+ "▁sl ipped",
+ "▁sli pped",
+ "▁slip ped",
+ "▁S essions",
+ "▁Session s",
+ "kins on",
+ "kin son",
+ "k inson",
+ "▁free ze",
+ "▁fre eze",
+ "▁Sc and",
+ "▁Scan d",
+ "▁prolong ed",
+ "▁elect r",
+ "▁l ion",
+ "▁li on",
+ "▁P arts",
+ "▁Part s",
+ "▁Par ts",
+ "▁tact ical",
+ "▁tactic al",
+ "▁O ption",
+ "▁Opt ion",
+ "▁ Option",
+ "▁sl iding",
+ "▁sli ding",
+ "MA X",
+ "M AX",
+ "ui nt",
+ "u int",
+ "▁El ite",
+ "▁Eli te",
+ "▁R he",
+ "▁Rh e",
+ "▁l id",
+ "▁li d",
+ "▁M ang",
+ "▁Man g",
+ "▁Ma ng",
+ "ave length",
+ "avel ength",
+ "▁con gest",
+ "▁come back",
+ "▁comeb ack",
+ "▁par ental",
+ "▁parent al",
+ "▁recy cled",
+ "▁P it",
+ "▁Pi t",
+ "ol lah",
+ "oll ah",
+ "olla h",
+ "w x",
+ "▁commod ity",
+ "og h",
+ "o gh",
+ "▁R ib",
+ "▁Ri b",
+ "▁k ernel",
+ "pe at",
+ "▁C OL",
+ "▁CO L",
+ "▁ COL",
+ "ans ing",
+ "▁Prof ession",
+ "▁Profess ion",
+ "ö n",
+ "an co",
+ "anc o",
+ "com pl",
+ "comp l",
+ "c ompl",
+ "▁Bever ly",
+ "▁trade marks",
+ "▁tradem arks",
+ "▁trademark s",
+ "Res t",
+ "Re st",
+ "R est",
+ "▁B ee",
+ "▁Be e",
+ "▁box ing",
+ "▁predict able",
+ "▁te lev",
+ "▁tele v",
+ "▁tel ev",
+ "yn amic",
+ "ynam ic",
+ "yna mic",
+ "▁Dream s",
+ "▁Dre ams",
+ "▁Ferr ari",
+ "▁capt iv",
+ "▁ball oon",
+ "▁Juda ism",
+ "▁ty ped",
+ "▁type d",
+ "▁typ ed",
+ "▁Wes ley",
+ "▁in ception",
+ "L in",
+ "▁B ri",
+ "▁Br i",
+ "▁sn ake",
+ "▁C astro",
+ "▁Cast ro",
+ "▁Man uel",
+ "▁Opportun ity",
+ "▁Jos é",
+ "▁sub set",
+ "▁subs et",
+ "▁ subset",
+ "▁H B",
+ "▁G ul",
+ "▁Gu l",
+ "▁G ur",
+ "▁Gu r",
+ "F s",
+ "▁G S",
+ "▁ GS",
+ "per ature",
+ "▁North east",
+ "▁Nort heast",
+ "ij n",
+ "man t",
+ "ma nt",
+ "m ant",
+ "▁encoura gement",
+ "▁encourage ment",
+ "fa c",
+ "f ac",
+ "▁p ear",
+ "▁pe ar",
+ "artifact Id",
+ "▁Ad visor",
+ "▁Advis or",
+ "▁amb itions",
+ "▁ambit ions",
+ "▁ambition s",
+ "re spect",
+ "res pect",
+ "resp ect",
+ "▁Hu go",
+ "▁Hug o",
+ "▁pol ling",
+ "▁poll ing",
+ "▁We bb",
+ "▁Web b",
+ "gin s",
+ "gi ns",
+ "g ins",
+ "est hes",
+ "▁Great est",
+ "▁W er",
+ "▁We r",
+ "▁H earing",
+ "▁He aring",
+ "▁Hear ing",
+ ") [",
+ "▁ch oir",
+ "▁cho ir",
+ "▁I stanbul",
+ "▁World wide",
+ "▁wholes ale",
+ "▁F requ",
+ "▁Fr equ",
+ "▁Fre qu",
+ "ant age",
+ "anta ge",
+ "▁Cl ara",
+ "▁Clar a",
+ "▁Cla ra",
+ "▁sign atures",
+ "▁signature s",
+ "▁D ogs",
+ "▁Do gs",
+ "▁Dog s",
+ "▁All ison",
+ "▁intu itive",
+ "ol ith",
+ "olit h",
+ "oli th",
+ "il ight",
+ "i light",
+ "▁de note",
+ "▁den ote",
+ "▁who ever",
+ "▁st icking",
+ "▁stick ing",
+ "▁Europe ans",
+ "▁European s",
+ "▁north east",
+ "▁nort heast",
+ "iox id",
+ "▁rat ios",
+ "▁ratio s",
+ "▁Anth rop",
+ "▁Ke eping",
+ "▁Keep ing",
+ "ж а",
+ "▁metabol ism",
+ "ho f",
+ "h of",
+ "▁E in",
+ "▁ab rupt",
+ "os hi",
+ "osh i",
+ "o shi",
+ "▁T ah",
+ "▁Ta h",
+ "▁success ion",
+ "▁suc cession",
+ "▁succ ession",
+ "re ads",
+ "read s",
+ "rea ds",
+ "▁B ash",
+ "▁Bas h",
+ "▁Ba sh",
+ "▁dev ote",
+ "▁obs erving",
+ "▁observ ing",
+ "ECT ION",
+ "add ress",
+ "addr ess",
+ "▁dub bed",
+ "▁incre ment",
+ "▁Re creation",
+ "▁Require ments",
+ "or de",
+ "ord e",
+ "▁work out",
+ "▁Employ ee",
+ "▁Wire less",
+ "▁exceed ing",
+ "▁Th rones",
+ "▁Thr ones",
+ "▁Bou levard",
+ "▁Monitor ing",
+ "▁soci etal",
+ "▁f li",
+ "▁fl i",
+ "Con nell",
+ "Conn ell",
+ "▁sun set",
+ "mat rix",
+ "m atrix",
+ "▁Ar eas",
+ "▁Are as",
+ "▁Area s",
+ "se lected",
+ "sel ected",
+ "select ed",
+ "s elected",
+ "▁Act ress",
+ "▁que er",
+ "▁p anc",
+ "▁pa nc",
+ "▁pan c",
+ "▁cr ore",
+ "▁cro re",
+ "▁dark er",
+ "▁dar ker",
+ "▁Out standing",
+ "Ma l",
+ "M al",
+ "▁I Q",
+ "▁ IQ",
+ "in ational",
+ "ination al",
+ "i national",
+ "▁tournament s",
+ "▁tourn aments",
+ "ess ional",
+ "ession al",
+ "▁vol cano",
+ "▁H idden",
+ "▁Hi dden",
+ "▁Blu etooth",
+ "▁S le",
+ "▁Sl e",
+ "▁am bul",
+ "▁amb ul",
+ "▁Be come",
+ "▁Mar ion",
+ "▁Mario n",
+ "▁Mari on",
+ "▁Av engers",
+ "▁Aven gers",
+ "^ +",
+ "▁Aud it",
+ "▁Au dit",
+ "▁Audi t",
+ "▁Sa tan",
+ "▁Sat an",
+ "▁jud gement",
+ "▁judge ment",
+ "Sa n",
+ "S an",
+ "▁d ug",
+ "▁du g",
+ "▁pol ym",
+ "▁poly m",
+ "▁s ore",
+ "▁so re",
+ "▁sor e",
+ "▁impro per",
+ "iz ontal",
+ "izon tal",
+ "▁Altern atively",
+ "▁Alternative ly",
+ "▁Go ods",
+ "▁Good s",
+ "▁sum mon",
+ "▁summ on",
+ "Mo st",
+ "M ost",
+ "▁F IR",
+ "▁FI R",
+ "▁p laus",
+ "▁pl aus",
+ "▁pla us",
+ "iv ities",
+ "▁th rust",
+ "▁thr ust",
+ "▁thru st",
+ "▁S isters",
+ "▁Si sters",
+ "▁Sister s",
+ "ñ o",
+ "▁ey eb",
+ "▁eye b",
+ "▁Def ault",
+ "▁ Default",
+ "▁mir acle",
+ "▁mi racle",
+ "▁mirac le",
+ "▁p ixel",
+ "gr owing",
+ "gro wing",
+ "grow ing",
+ "g rowing",
+ "▁Will ie",
+ "▁Wil lie",
+ "▁Pro spect",
+ "▁Pros pect",
+ "▁sub urban",
+ "▁suburb an",
+ "▁M igration",
+ "▁Mig ration",
+ "▁re iter",
+ "▁accum ulated",
+ "▁P BS",
+ "▁PB S",
+ "▁S au",
+ "▁Sa u",
+ "Par ams",
+ "Param s",
+ "Pa rams",
+ "▁c lash",
+ "▁cl ash",
+ "▁cla sh",
+ "▁sp inal",
+ "▁spin al",
+ "▁ge ography",
+ "▁class rooms",
+ "▁classroom s",
+ "▁Mig uel",
+ "▁half way",
+ "▁Arch bishop",
+ "is ite",
+ "isi te",
+ "i site",
+ "▁home owners",
+ "Le ar",
+ "L ear",
+ "ion a",
+ "io na",
+ "i ona",
+ "▁K ur",
+ "▁Ku r",
+ "cl ude",
+ "clud e",
+ "c lude",
+ "▁G rad",
+ "▁Gr ad",
+ "▁Gra d",
+ "T im",
+ "▁p acks",
+ "▁pa cks",
+ "▁pack s",
+ "▁pac ks",
+ "▁R PG",
+ "▁RP G",
+ "▁deb ts",
+ "▁debt s",
+ "▁dis sent",
+ "▁diss ent",
+ "▁V M",
+ "▁ VM",
+ "▁C od",
+ "▁Co d",
+ "▁threat ens",
+ "▁threaten s",
+ "▁P RE",
+ "▁PR E",
+ "▁a rr",
+ "▁ar r",
+ "▁ arr",
+ "▁back wards",
+ "▁backward s",
+ "▁Interest ing",
+ "▁Nor ton",
+ "▁Nort on",
+ "▁Win ston",
+ "▁Wins ton",
+ "my s",
+ "m ys",
+ "vi d",
+ "v id",
+ "ad oop",
+ "ado op",
+ "▁cho oses",
+ "▁choose s",
+ "▁enthusi asts",
+ "▁A mer",
+ "▁Am er",
+ "ic hi",
+ "ich i",
+ "i chi",
+ "▁As ked",
+ "▁Ask ed",
+ "те ль",
+ "▁t am",
+ "▁ta m",
+ "▁Purch ase",
+ "▁I con",
+ "▁ Icon",
+ "▁h ints",
+ "▁hint s",
+ "▁dial ect",
+ "▁dia lect",
+ "▁Includ es",
+ "▁Include s",
+ "▁She ffield",
+ "▁Wind ow",
+ "▁ Window",
+ "▁b rowse",
+ "▁brows e",
+ "▁pol ynom",
+ "▁poly nom",
+ "ha ul",
+ "h aul",
+ "▁h obby",
+ "▁sym pathy",
+ "▁sympath y",
+ "▁B ug",
+ "▁Bu g",
+ "ter son",
+ "ters on",
+ "t erson",
+ "▁gen ocide",
+ "▁random ized",
+ "op sy",
+ "ops y",
+ "o psy",
+ "▁E rik",
+ "▁Er ik",
+ "ot hered",
+ "oth ered",
+ "other ed",
+ "othe red",
+ "iling ual",
+ "▁aggress ion",
+ "▁fulf illing",
+ "▁fulfill ing",
+ "▁fulfil ling",
+ "▁sc ra",
+ "▁scr a",
+ "▁B rowse",
+ "▁Brow se",
+ "▁coll ector",
+ "▁collect or",
+ "▁colle ctor",
+ "▁delight ful",
+ "▁M aya",
+ "▁May a",
+ "▁Ma ya",
+ "▁F ailure",
+ "▁F itness",
+ "▁Fit ness",
+ "▁CO UN",
+ "pro fits",
+ "prof its",
+ "profit s",
+ "RE S",
+ "R ES",
+ "ri ad",
+ "ria d",
+ "pen ter",
+ "pent er",
+ "p enter",
+ "▁mo squ",
+ "▁mos qu",
+ "▁subsid ies",
+ "sp ons",
+ "▁man eu",
+ "Int eger",
+ "▁cont empt",
+ "▁o ste",
+ "▁os te",
+ "▁ost e",
+ "min ent",
+ "m inent",
+ "▁Ex cel",
+ "▁Exc el",
+ "ed ience",
+ "edi ence",
+ "▁en forced",
+ "▁enforce d",
+ "▁val idate",
+ "▁valid ate",
+ "ha ri",
+ "har i",
+ "h ari",
+ "▁cock tail",
+ "▁li abilities",
+ "▁El vis",
+ "▁St rip",
+ "▁Str ip",
+ "▁Stri p",
+ "pro gress",
+ "▁Ch icken",
+ "▁Chic ken",
+ "▁Chick en",
+ "▁nit rogen",
+ "os ta",
+ "ost a",
+ "o sta",
+ "▁Ch ambers",
+ "▁Chamber s",
+ "▁Cham bers",
+ "C F",
+ "ill ary",
+ "illa ry",
+ "ba y",
+ "b ay",
+ "▁L az",
+ "▁La z",
+ "▁Gold man",
+ "▁Document s",
+ "▁Doc uments",
+ "▁incons istent",
+ "▁inconsist ent",
+ "oles cent",
+ "olesc ent",
+ "▁key words",
+ "▁keyword s",
+ "ic iency",
+ "ici ency",
+ "▁proceed ed",
+ "he id",
+ "▁deriv ative",
+ "ne e",
+ "n ee",
+ "it as",
+ "ita s",
+ "ch ester",
+ "che ster",
+ "ches ter",
+ "c hester",
+ "▁n aming",
+ "▁na ming",
+ "▁nam ing",
+ "▁Bar rett",
+ "▁Barr ett",
+ "▁Louis ville",
+ "ско го",
+ "▁Al leg",
+ "▁All eg",
+ "▁Alle g",
+ "▁po ets",
+ "▁poet s",
+ "▁might y",
+ "▁bl owing",
+ "▁blow ing",
+ "▁dis pers",
+ "▁disp ers",
+ "▁integ rating",
+ "▁integr ating",
+ "▁horm one",
+ "▁w ast",
+ "▁was t",
+ "▁wa st",
+ "▁blank et",
+ "sa n",
+ "s an",
+ ")^ {",
+ ") ^{",
+ "le gate",
+ "leg ate",
+ "sa ve",
+ "s ave",
+ "▁I NC",
+ "▁IN C",
+ "ad ian",
+ "adi an",
+ "adia n",
+ "▁entire ty",
+ "▁str angers",
+ "▁strange rs",
+ "▁stranger s",
+ "▁strang ers",
+ "an dro",
+ "and ro",
+ "ar iat",
+ "ari at",
+ "aria t",
+ "reg ist",
+ "▁ex acerb",
+ "Or ig",
+ "O rig",
+ "▁F low",
+ "▁Fl ow",
+ "▁Flo w",
+ "▁mon itors",
+ "▁monitor s",
+ "▁intern ally",
+ "▁internal ly",
+ "▁ar rog",
+ "▁arr og",
+ "▁w ives",
+ "▁ wives",
+ "▁Alb any",
+ "▁Alban y",
+ "B Y",
+ "as so",
+ "ass o",
+ "▁mar ble",
+ "▁g rim",
+ "▁gr im",
+ "▁gri m",
+ "▁in cap",
+ "▁inc ap",
+ "▁Car rie",
+ "▁Carr ie",
+ "▁re liance",
+ "▁rel iance",
+ "▁reli ance",
+ "▁Invest ors",
+ "▁Investor s",
+ "▁Ang lo",
+ "▁leg ends",
+ "▁legend s",
+ "UT C",
+ "U TC",
+ "Cat eg",
+ "C ateg",
+ "▁F lynn",
+ "▁Fly nn",
+ "▁M eta",
+ "▁Me ta",
+ "▁Met a",
+ "▁ Meta",
+ "▁in box",
+ "▁Mar ina",
+ "▁Ma rina",
+ "▁Marin a",
+ "▁Mari na",
+ "▁organ izers",
+ "▁organiz ers",
+ "▁organize rs",
+ "▁organizer s",
+ "▁W rong",
+ "▁Conn ection",
+ "▁Connect ion",
+ "▁ Connection",
+ "▁Cow boys",
+ "▁Gard ner",
+ "▁rein force",
+ "▁add itionally",
+ "▁addition ally",
+ "▁additional ly",
+ "▁dump ster",
+ "▁giant s",
+ "▁gi ants",
+ "▁chol esterol",
+ "mun ition",
+ "▁un common",
+ "▁uncom mon",
+ "▁tight ly",
+ "▁chem otherapy",
+ "▁And ers",
+ "▁An ders",
+ "third s",
+ "▁p rose",
+ "▁pro se",
+ "▁pr ose",
+ "▁pros e",
+ "ht aking",
+ "h taking",
+ "▁home work",
+ "▁hom ework",
+ "▁V AL",
+ "▁VA L",
+ "▁ VAL",
+ "▁br anding",
+ "▁brand ing",
+ "▁future s",
+ "▁fut ures",
+ "▁stim ulation",
+ "in ging",
+ "ing ing",
+ "▁Ah mad",
+ "▁c rust",
+ "▁cr ust",
+ "▁cru st",
+ "▁crus t",
+ "▁t rophy",
+ "▁tro phy",
+ "▁trop hy",
+ "▁viol ate",
+ "▁vi olate",
+ "▁Jud icial",
+ "▁prep ares",
+ "▁prepar es",
+ "▁prepare s",
+ "u j",
+ "▁not eb",
+ "▁note b",
+ "▁subject ive",
+ "▁Mir ror",
+ "▁Con text",
+ "▁Cont ext",
+ "▁ Context",
+ "▁Dra wing",
+ "▁Draw ing",
+ "em er",
+ "eme r",
+ "e mer",
+ "▁Month ly",
+ "▁hon esty",
+ "▁honest y",
+ "▁ho nesty",
+ "cript ions",
+ "cription s",
+ "▁fl ame",
+ "▁s ta",
+ "▁st a",
+ "▁ sta",
+ "as ser",
+ "ass er",
+ "asse r",
+ "▁in do",
+ "▁ind o",
+ "let ters",
+ "letter s",
+ "lett ers",
+ "lette rs",
+ "▁c atches",
+ "▁cat ches",
+ "▁catch es",
+ "▁b ilateral",
+ "▁bil ateral",
+ "D T",
+ "▁e rupt",
+ "▁eru pt",
+ "▁Under ground",
+ "ef f",
+ "e ff",
+ "an ni",
+ "ann i",
+ "th reat",
+ "▁S UP",
+ "▁SU P",
+ "▁t ran",
+ "▁tr an",
+ "▁tra n",
+ "▁Rh odes",
+ "▁Rhode s",
+ "ogen esis",
+ "ogene sis",
+ "▁Organ ic",
+ "com put",
+ "comp ut",
+ "▁dis gu",
+ "▁disg u",
+ "in ement",
+ "ine ment",
+ "inem ent",
+ "▁ind uce",
+ "▁indu ce",
+ "▁advertis ements",
+ "▁advertisement s",
+ "▁advertise ments",
+ "V M",
+ "▁c ancers",
+ "▁can cers",
+ "▁cancer s",
+ "▁j ealous",
+ "▁spect ral",
+ "▁spectra l",
+ "▁Naz is",
+ "▁Nazi s",
+ "▁he pat",
+ "▁tr ilogy",
+ "▁Se oul",
+ "▁learn t",
+ "▁lear nt",
+ "▁Gu atem",
+ "▁b ishop",
+ "▁bi shop",
+ "▁bis hop",
+ "▁ bishop",
+ "▁obs essed",
+ "▁obsess ed",
+ "▁M aced",
+ "▁Mac ed",
+ "▁Ma ced",
+ "▁T ennis",
+ "▁Tenn is",
+ "▁Ten nis",
+ "miss ible",
+ "ms g",
+ "bon s",
+ "bo ns",
+ "b ons",
+ "N T",
+ "▁B ills",
+ "▁Bill s",
+ "▁Bil ls",
+ "Feb ruary",
+ "mer cially",
+ "mercial ly",
+ "im ming",
+ "imm ing",
+ "▁cl ues",
+ "▁clue s",
+ "▁Less ons",
+ "▁astron aut",
+ "S m",
+ "st a",
+ "s ta",
+ "▁b ru",
+ "▁br u",
+ "▁e ch",
+ "▁ec h",
+ "▁ ech",
+ "ord ered",
+ "order ed",
+ "orde red",
+ "▁consolid ated",
+ "ar ag",
+ "ara g",
+ "a rag",
+ "▁super visor",
+ "▁supervis or",
+ "▁P ly",
+ "▁Pl y",
+ "▁B arr",
+ "▁Bar r",
+ "▁Ba rr",
+ "▁WH AT",
+ "▁so fa",
+ "▁Natal ie",
+ "▁unp redict",
+ "▁unpre dict",
+ "& \\",
+ "” ;",
+ "▁S ax",
+ "▁Sa x",
+ "▁Adela ide",
+ "▁N F",
+ "▁ NF",
+ "▁d b",
+ "▁ db",
+ "▁huge ly",
+ "▁hug ely",
+ "ap est",
+ "ape st",
+ "apes t",
+ "est ly",
+ "oc king",
+ "ock ing",
+ "▁l ining",
+ "▁li ning",
+ "▁lin ing",
+ "▁ lining",
+ "▁contin uation",
+ "▁continu ation",
+ "ar is",
+ "ari s",
+ "a ris",
+ "▁P aint",
+ "▁Pa int",
+ "▁Pain t",
+ "▁M arian",
+ "▁Mar ian",
+ "▁Ma rian",
+ "▁Maria n",
+ "▁Mari an",
+ "▁met ast",
+ "▁meta st",
+ "▁environment ally",
+ "▁environmental ly",
+ "ir ling",
+ "irl ing",
+ "▁g room",
+ "▁gr oom",
+ "▁gro om",
+ "▁voc abulary",
+ "ha gen",
+ "h agen",
+ "▁bl ew",
+ "▁ble w",
+ "▁m unicipality",
+ "▁municipal ity",
+ "▁T racy",
+ "▁Tr acy",
+ "▁Tra cy",
+ "Arg ument",
+ "W atch",
+ "▁elim ination",
+ "▁tr ek",
+ "▁tre k",
+ "de tails",
+ "det ails",
+ "detail s",
+ "▁prem ature",
+ "▁P ET",
+ "▁PE T",
+ "▁The rm",
+ "▁Th erm",
+ "▁Aff ordable",
+ "▁b ang",
+ "▁ban g",
+ "▁ba ng",
+ "w rap",
+ "▁By zant",
+ "▁compan ions",
+ "▁companion s",
+ "og l",
+ "o gl",
+ "▁Pro secut",
+ "▁Pros ecut",
+ "B s",
+ "▁R ey",
+ "▁Re y",
+ "▁De bor",
+ "▁Deb or",
+ "▁ris ky",
+ "▁risk y",
+ "▁ri sky",
+ "▁Lit igation",
+ "▁y early",
+ "▁year ly",
+ "▁decre asing",
+ "▁sched uling",
+ "em n",
+ "▁NOT E",
+ "▁NO TE",
+ "igh ting",
+ "ight ing",
+ "▁G ig",
+ "▁Gi g",
+ "▁m arsh",
+ "▁mar sh",
+ "▁aw aken",
+ "▁awa ken",
+ "▁awake n",
+ "Param eters",
+ "Parameter s",
+ "▁commun ist",
+ "▁Int ellectual",
+ "▁R ash",
+ "▁Ra sh",
+ "▁Ras h",
+ "on ce",
+ "o nce",
+ "ra gon",
+ "rag on",
+ "r agon",
+ "▁depict s",
+ "▁enjoy ment",
+ "▁comp ilation",
+ "R Y",
+ "▁c ler",
+ "▁cl er",
+ "▁cle r",
+ "▁ cler",
+ "▁T ypes",
+ "▁Type s",
+ "▁Ty pes",
+ "▁Typ es",
+ "▁ Types",
+ "▁reg istry",
+ "▁regist ry",
+ "at iv",
+ "ati v",
+ "▁V isa",
+ "▁Vis a",
+ "▁Vi sa",
+ "▁affili ates",
+ "▁affiliate s",
+ "▁hur ricane",
+ "▁ ü",
+ "run ning",
+ "r unning",
+ "▁academ y",
+ "▁intent ional",
+ "▁intention al",
+ "Be fore",
+ "▁con ception",
+ "▁concept ion",
+ "▁conce ption",
+ "pp e",
+ "p pe",
+ "▁endorse ment",
+ "▁endors ement",
+ "▁E y",
+ "it ems",
+ "ite ms",
+ "item s",
+ "work ers",
+ "wor kers",
+ "worker s",
+ "▁Supp orting",
+ "▁Support ing",
+ "om ics",
+ "omic s",
+ "omi cs",
+ "▁op ener",
+ "▁open er",
+ "▁Sur face",
+ "▁Surf ace",
+ "▁super vis",
+ "▁superv is",
+ "▁reserv ations",
+ "▁reservation s",
+ "am el",
+ "ame l",
+ "a mel",
+ "an tes",
+ "ant es",
+ "ante s",
+ "an ting",
+ "ant ing",
+ "anti ng",
+ "og raphics",
+ "ograph ics",
+ "ographic s",
+ "▁tang ible",
+ "▁Sh ane",
+ "▁Sha ne",
+ "▁Shan e",
+ "▁M au",
+ "▁Ma u",
+ "▁al loc",
+ "▁all oc",
+ "▁ve gan",
+ "com fort",
+ "emit ism",
+ "▁dep ths",
+ "▁depth s",
+ "▁appeal ed",
+ "conn ection",
+ "connect ion",
+ "'] ,",
+ "' ],",
+ "▁S ic",
+ "▁Si c",
+ "▁war ns",
+ "▁warn s",
+ "▁assass ination",
+ "ur ry",
+ "▁C ards",
+ "▁Car ds",
+ "▁Card s",
+ "▁C orb",
+ "▁Co rb",
+ "▁Cor b",
+ "mar gin",
+ "▁G iant",
+ "▁Gi ant",
+ "▁Gian t",
+ "▁cr ises",
+ "▁cris es",
+ "▁event ual",
+ "Be cause",
+ "Bec ause",
+ "▁fix ing",
+ "▁ple aded",
+ "▁plea ded",
+ "▁comb ustion",
+ "an as",
+ "ana s",
+ "a nas",
+ "le mma",
+ "lem ma",
+ "ri cular",
+ "ric ular",
+ "r icular",
+ "▁co ating",
+ "▁coat ing",
+ "▁supp ress",
+ "▁sup press",
+ "▁Net anyahu",
+ "ason able",
+ "icular ly",
+ "▁scan ning",
+ "▁cont racted",
+ "▁contract ed",
+ "su p",
+ "s up",
+ "or thy",
+ "ort hy",
+ "orth y",
+ "▁s ellers",
+ "▁sell ers",
+ "▁sel lers",
+ "▁seller s",
+ "▁prep arations",
+ "▁prepar ations",
+ "▁preparation s",
+ "▁point er",
+ "▁po inter",
+ "▁kilomet res",
+ "▁announce ments",
+ "▁announcement s",
+ "▁l ounge",
+ "▁lo unge",
+ "ob ic",
+ "obi c",
+ "▁her bal",
+ "▁herb al",
+ "▁J S",
+ "▁ JS",
+ "▁s ixty",
+ "▁six ty",
+ "▁st ole",
+ "▁contam ination",
+ "▁contamin ation",
+ "to o",
+ "t oo",
+ "▁S AP",
+ "▁SA P",
+ "▁est imation",
+ "▁estim ation",
+ "vi er",
+ "vie r",
+ "v ier",
+ "oss ip",
+ "▁cal ories",
+ "RE AD",
+ "vi e",
+ "v ie",
+ "▁F uk",
+ "▁Fu k",
+ "▁sil k",
+ "▁aud itor",
+ "▁audit or",
+ "▁audi tor",
+ "▁Acc essed",
+ "▁Access ed",
+ "▁Non etheless",
+ "▁None theless",
+ "se in",
+ "Val ues",
+ "Value s",
+ "pl ugin",
+ "plug in",
+ "os o",
+ "o so",
+ "mat erial",
+ "mate rial",
+ "m aterial",
+ "▁con ventions",
+ "▁convention s",
+ "▁Sus sex",
+ "▁north west",
+ "c n",
+ "▁+ +",
+ "▁ ++",
+ "▁App s",
+ "▁Ap ps",
+ "▁super natural",
+ "fu rt",
+ "fur t",
+ "f urt",
+ "▁mat urity",
+ "re ra",
+ "rer a",
+ "r era",
+ "▁T ill",
+ "▁Ti ll",
+ "▁Til l",
+ "á l",
+ "op ia",
+ "▁A CL",
+ "▁AC L",
+ "▁n ach",
+ "▁na ch",
+ "▁place bo",
+ "us p",
+ "u sp",
+ "▁de af",
+ "▁pro ps",
+ "▁pr ops",
+ "▁prop s",
+ "▁ props",
+ "▁t iles",
+ "▁tile s",
+ "▁til es",
+ "▁territ orial",
+ "{ -",
+ "€ ™",
+ "▁Man ning",
+ "▁Mann ing",
+ "▁h urd",
+ "▁hur d",
+ "▁s ums",
+ "▁su ms",
+ "▁sum s",
+ "R T",
+ "▁w oke",
+ "▁gl oves",
+ "ochem ical",
+ "o chemical",
+ "▁neg lected",
+ "▁neglect ed",
+ "▁tar iffs",
+ "▁tariff s",
+ "▁satell ites",
+ "▁satellite s",
+ "J son",
+ "▁V ert",
+ "▁Ver t",
+ "▁Ve rt",
+ "▁ Vert",
+ "▁Al ison",
+ "▁Ali son",
+ "▁Pr ayer",
+ "▁Pra yer",
+ "▁Pray er",
+ "▁A Z",
+ "▁ AZ",
+ "ar ry",
+ "arr y",
+ "▁Ex po",
+ "▁Exp o",
+ "▁b iblical",
+ "▁bibli cal",
+ "▁M ilton",
+ "▁Mil ton",
+ "▁Co operation",
+ "▁Cooper ation",
+ "▁prol iferation",
+ "▁S G",
+ "▁G rid",
+ "▁Gr id",
+ "▁Gri d",
+ "▁ Grid",
+ "▁ill usion",
+ "▁s umm",
+ "▁su mm",
+ "▁sum m",
+ "▁v ibe",
+ "▁vi be",
+ "▁vib e",
+ "▁liv elihood",
+ "{ }",
+ "ma sk",
+ "mas k",
+ "m ask",
+ "▁m ailing",
+ "▁mail ing",
+ "▁ma iling",
+ "▁equ als",
+ "▁equal s",
+ "▁ equals",
+ "▁l acked",
+ "▁lack ed",
+ "▁lac ked",
+ "▁Leg ends",
+ "▁Legend s",
+ "▁appet ite",
+ "▁pharm acy",
+ "▁pharmac y",
+ "Ma g",
+ "M ag",
+ "O wn",
+ "on er",
+ "one r",
+ "o ner",
+ "▁c yn",
+ "▁cy n",
+ "▁l adder",
+ "▁lad der",
+ "▁tr acked",
+ "▁track ed",
+ "▁s ync",
+ "▁sy nc",
+ "▁syn c",
+ "▁ sync",
+ "▁Ed gar",
+ "▁dom inance",
+ "▁domin ance",
+ "▁o nt",
+ "▁on t",
+ "▁ ont",
+ "▁I sle",
+ "▁Is le",
+ "W idget",
+ "▁p oured",
+ "▁po ured",
+ "▁pour ed",
+ "▁aston ishing",
+ "Var i",
+ "V ari",
+ "▁w ool",
+ "ve ctor",
+ "vec tor",
+ "v ector",
+ "style sheet",
+ "styles heet",
+ "▁inval uable",
+ "▁hel m",
+ "▁ helm",
+ "▁rug by",
+ "▁sur plus",
+ "▁Direct ed",
+ "▁Dir ected",
+ "▁molec ule",
+ "▁B le",
+ "▁Bl e",
+ "rib uted",
+ "ribut ed",
+ "ribute d",
+ "▁In fect",
+ "▁Inf ect",
+ "B it",
+ "▁s oy",
+ "▁so y",
+ "or get",
+ "org et",
+ "orge t",
+ "▁J ared",
+ "▁Ja red",
+ "▁Jar ed",
+ "N I",
+ "▁R are",
+ "▁Ra re",
+ "group Id",
+ "om ers",
+ "ome rs",
+ "omer s",
+ "o mers",
+ "od i",
+ "o di",
+ "▁I MP",
+ "▁IM P",
+ "▁b ee",
+ "▁be e",
+ "▁ bee",
+ "▁am azed",
+ "▁log ged",
+ "▁mal icious",
+ "▁real ization",
+ "▁ α",
+ "La w",
+ "L aw",
+ "▁Al ger",
+ "▁V IP",
+ "▁VI P",
+ "▁mir rors",
+ "▁mirror s",
+ "▁interf ere",
+ "▁res olutions",
+ "▁resol utions",
+ "▁resolution s",
+ "▁res ting",
+ "▁rest ing",
+ "▁Bris bane",
+ "▁di gging",
+ "▁dig ging",
+ "▁Opportun ities",
+ "▁I NT",
+ "▁IN T",
+ "▁ INT",
+ "▁Pier ce",
+ "▁le agues",
+ "▁league s",
+ "▁stat istically",
+ "▁statistical ly",
+ "▁statistic ally",
+ "▁\" /",
+ "▁ \"/",
+ "▁attract ing",
+ "▁S ere",
+ "▁Se re",
+ "▁Ser e",
+ "▁Fl ood",
+ "▁Flo od",
+ "oun cing",
+ "▁o we",
+ "▁ow e",
+ "▁ owe",
+ "ca nic",
+ "can ic",
+ "c anic",
+ "▁Pack age",
+ "▁ Package",
+ "▁dr agged",
+ "▁drag ged",
+ "▁def inite",
+ "▁defin ite",
+ "▁story line",
+ "Da t",
+ "D at",
+ "ry n",
+ "r yn",
+ "AL LY",
+ "ALL Y",
+ "▁re bel",
+ "▁reb el",
+ "▁pack et",
+ "▁pac ket",
+ "▁m utation",
+ "▁mut ation",
+ "AM A",
+ "A MA",
+ "▁Dod gers",
+ "▁Dodge rs",
+ "▁dou bles",
+ "▁doub les",
+ "▁double s",
+ "▁obs ervers",
+ "▁observ ers",
+ "▁observe rs",
+ "▁observer s",
+ "▁st rat",
+ "▁str at",
+ "▁stra t",
+ "▁S udden",
+ "▁Su dden",
+ "▁Sud den",
+ "▁corrid or",
+ "O H",
+ "NO T",
+ "N OT",
+ "or tal",
+ "ort al",
+ "▁Pat rol",
+ "▁comprom ised",
+ "▁compromise d",
+ "ot test",
+ "ott est",
+ "otte st",
+ "for th",
+ "fort h",
+ "f orth",
+ "▁f ork",
+ "▁for k",
+ "▁fo rk",
+ "▁Act ing",
+ "▁Ac ting",
+ "▁K E",
+ "▁ KE",
+ "Bl ue",
+ "an de",
+ "and e",
+ "▁e g",
+ "▁ eg",
+ "in qu",
+ "▁T ot",
+ "▁To t",
+ "▁Comp ensation",
+ "▁C ream",
+ "▁Cre am",
+ "▁mult itude",
+ "▁s out",
+ "▁so ut",
+ "▁sou t",
+ "▁N issan",
+ "IT ED",
+ "ITE D",
+ "▁m iser",
+ "▁mis er",
+ "▁mi ser",
+ "▁sp inning",
+ "▁spin ning",
+ "▁De von",
+ "▁Dev on",
+ "lic ted",
+ "lict ed",
+ "l icted",
+ "form s",
+ "for ms",
+ "▁flaw ed",
+ "▁test ament",
+ "▁F en",
+ "▁Fe n",
+ "ocy tes",
+ "ocyte s",
+ "▁sh ades",
+ "▁shade s",
+ "▁Tanz ania",
+ "R ock",
+ "▁Ne eds",
+ "▁Need s",
+ "▁Cor inth",
+ "ym n",
+ "▁C af",
+ "▁Ca f",
+ "land er",
+ "la nder",
+ "lan der",
+ "l ander",
+ "▁S ERV",
+ "▁SER V",
+ "▁ SERV",
+ "▁Der by",
+ "▁k icking",
+ "▁kick ing",
+ "▁W ide",
+ "▁Wi de",
+ "▁Wid e",
+ "▁met eor",
+ "▁tem ples",
+ "▁templ es",
+ "▁temple s",
+ "▁temp les",
+ "▁m um",
+ "▁mu m",
+ "▁gate way",
+ "▁J F",
+ "▁my ths",
+ "▁myth s",
+ "ash ington",
+ "ashing ton",
+ "▁Conc ern",
+ "▁Cre ation",
+ "▁Creat ion",
+ "▁ca ption",
+ "▁capt ion",
+ "▁ caption",
+ "м і",
+ "▁t omb",
+ "▁to mb",
+ "▁tom b",
+ "▁p aste",
+ "▁past e",
+ "▁pa ste",
+ "▁pas te",
+ "▁ton nes",
+ "▁Al ready",
+ "▁camp uses",
+ "▁campus es",
+ "▁Comp uting",
+ "▁Comput ing",
+ "▁pop ulated",
+ "▁popul ated",
+ "C M",
+ "pol icy",
+ "▁Luck ily",
+ "▁pass ages",
+ "▁passage s",
+ "il ee",
+ "ile e",
+ "i lee",
+ "▁C OR",
+ "▁CO R",
+ "▁Bah rain",
+ "▁p itched",
+ "▁pitch ed",
+ "▁pit ched",
+ "ra mid",
+ "ram id",
+ "um erate",
+ "ume rate",
+ "umer ate",
+ "O B",
+ "▁dispro portion",
+ "▁B agh",
+ "▁Ba gh",
+ "▁Bag h",
+ "▁W itch",
+ "am ily",
+ "ami ly",
+ "ric ted",
+ "rict ed",
+ "r icted",
+ "▁enzym e",
+ "▁L EG",
+ "▁LE G",
+ "▁Voice s",
+ "▁Vo ices",
+ "▁Design er",
+ "▁Charles ton",
+ "▁Charl eston",
+ "▁Bird s",
+ "▁Bir ds",
+ "▁up loaded",
+ "▁upload ed",
+ "▁D inner",
+ "▁Din ner",
+ "▁exceed s",
+ "▁l ateral",
+ "▁later al",
+ "▁lat eral",
+ "▁late ral",
+ "▁Inter active",
+ "▁Estab lish",
+ "▁Spot light",
+ "▁See ing",
+ "▁Ev ening",
+ "▁Even ing",
+ "▁Eve ning",
+ "▁illness es",
+ "▁F ighting",
+ "▁Fight ing",
+ "em ade",
+ "ema de",
+ "e made",
+ "mi cro",
+ "mic ro",
+ "m icro",
+ "▁Y oga",
+ "▁Yo ga",
+ "▁init iate",
+ "▁initi ate",
+ "п у",
+ "▁Every body",
+ "Un der",
+ "U nder",
+ "▁r apper",
+ "▁ra pper",
+ "▁rap per",
+ "▁rapp er",
+ "▁ rapper",
+ "▁str ipped",
+ "▁stri pped",
+ "▁strip ped",
+ "▁fra gments",
+ "▁frag ments",
+ "▁fragment s",
+ "▁ab uses",
+ "▁abuse s",
+ "inter face",
+ "▁quarant ine",
+ "ar te",
+ "art e",
+ "▁L akers",
+ "▁La kers",
+ "▁Lake rs",
+ "▁Lak ers",
+ "▁c ables",
+ "▁ca bles",
+ "▁cable s",
+ "▁cab les",
+ "▁Appro ach",
+ "▁S election",
+ "▁Se lection",
+ "▁Select ion",
+ "▁Sel ection",
+ "▁ Selection",
+ "▁n ap",
+ "▁na p",
+ "▁HT TP",
+ "Hel per",
+ "Help er",
+ "▁accum ulation",
+ "▁ch unk",
+ "▁f erry",
+ "▁fer ry",
+ "▁contract ing",
+ "▁comp uls",
+ "IC H",
+ "I CH",
+ "▁cor ps",
+ "▁corp s",
+ "▁resc ued",
+ "▁rescue d",
+ "il o",
+ "i lo",
+ "▁investig ative",
+ "ef e",
+ "e fe",
+ "ut z",
+ "u tz",
+ "▁T um",
+ "▁Tu m",
+ "en stein",
+ "▁resil ient",
+ "▁correspond ent",
+ "G s",
+ "▁é s",
+ "▁ és",
+ "▁Pharm ac",
+ "▁Pharma c",
+ "▁invest igator",
+ "▁investig ator",
+ "▁F CC",
+ "▁FC C",
+ "lin ked",
+ "link ed",
+ "▁dem ocr",
+ "▁demo cr",
+ "▁employ ing",
+ "▁poss essed",
+ "▁possess ed",
+ "▁M ile",
+ "▁Mil e",
+ "▁Mi le",
+ "▁l ungs",
+ "▁lung s",
+ "▁lun gs",
+ "▁hum our",
+ "▁Ec uador",
+ "▁M ons",
+ "▁Mon s",
+ "▁Mo ns",
+ "▁spa wn",
+ "fire s",
+ "fi res",
+ "f ires",
+ "▁op ted",
+ "▁opt ed",
+ "▁Entreprene urs",
+ "▁Entrepreneur s",
+ "tt a",
+ "t ta",
+ "▁Qu ote",
+ "▁Person ally",
+ "▁Personal ly",
+ "▁Vik ings",
+ "▁Viking s",
+ "▁sanct uary",
+ "la ss",
+ "las s",
+ "l ass",
+ "▁Mag gie",
+ "▁S ample",
+ "▁Sam ple",
+ "▁dis able",
+ "pr ob",
+ "pro b",
+ "p rob",
+ "▁G ian",
+ "▁Gi an",
+ "▁Book mark",
+ "▁out lines",
+ "▁outline s",
+ "▁liber ation",
+ "▁lib eration",
+ "se ctions",
+ "section s",
+ "sect ions",
+ "ber ries",
+ "▁categ or",
+ "▁cate gor",
+ "Ev en",
+ "E ven",
+ "▁m ás",
+ "▁c hill",
+ "▁ch ill",
+ "▁chi ll",
+ "B T",
+ "▁l ob",
+ "▁lo b",
+ "▁sp ear",
+ "▁spe ar",
+ "▁ins ured",
+ "▁insu red",
+ "▁F lu",
+ "▁Fl u",
+ "lor ds",
+ "lord s",
+ "l ords",
+ "▁che ek",
+ "ut a",
+ "u ta",
+ "ch urch",
+ "fa n",
+ "f an",
+ "▁K och",
+ "▁Ko ch",
+ "▁F amous",
+ "▁Fam ous",
+ "▁infring ement",
+ "ni al",
+ "nia l",
+ "n ial",
+ "sh ell",
+ "she ll",
+ "s hell",
+ "▁C atch",
+ "▁Cat ch",
+ "reg ister",
+ "regist er",
+ "some thing",
+ "som ething",
+ "▁N g",
+ "▁triv ial",
+ "▁cl iff",
+ "▁to kens",
+ "▁token s",
+ "▁S ag",
+ "▁Sa g",
+ "id ates",
+ "ida tes",
+ "idate s",
+ "i dates",
+ "▁Dev ice",
+ "▁ Device",
+ "▁J as",
+ "▁Ja s",
+ "Per son",
+ "P erson",
+ "▁N M",
+ "▁narr ator",
+ "▁nar rator",
+ "} |",
+ "▁K N",
+ "▁N umer",
+ "▁Nu mer",
+ "▁Sch ne",
+ "▁h alls",
+ "▁hall s",
+ "▁hal ls",
+ "▁casual ties",
+ "C s",
+ "▁E isen",
+ "▁ren al",
+ "▁ renal",
+ "▁haz ards",
+ "▁hazard s",
+ "deb ug",
+ "▁T urb",
+ "▁Tur b",
+ "▁Tu rb",
+ "re nces",
+ "ren ces",
+ "rence s",
+ "r ences",
+ "pad ding",
+ "p adding",
+ "▁Belg ian",
+ "▁Satur n",
+ "▁Sa turn",
+ "▁Sat urn",
+ "▁pr incess",
+ "▁princ ess",
+ "▁prince ss",
+ "EM A",
+ "E MA",
+ "nes ty",
+ "n esty",
+ "▁p enn",
+ "▁pe nn",
+ "▁pen n",
+ "▁practition er",
+ "▁S AN",
+ "▁SA N",
+ "▁s or",
+ "▁so r",
+ "▁ sor",
+ "Th ank",
+ "▁Dor othy",
+ "Has h",
+ "Ha sh",
+ "H ash",
+ "▁dec ree",
+ "▁decre e",
+ "▁Res idents",
+ "▁Resident s",
+ "▁sw ap",
+ "▁compl aining",
+ "▁complain ing",
+ "ophob ia",
+ "Pr iv",
+ "P riv",
+ "▁far ther",
+ "▁fart her",
+ "▁tax ation",
+ "▁per taining",
+ "▁pert aining",
+ "L T",
+ "▁s tab",
+ "▁st ab",
+ "▁sta b",
+ "▁Ann ounce",
+ "▁unw anted",
+ "ro be",
+ "rob e",
+ "r obe",
+ "▁G ET",
+ "▁GE T",
+ "▁ GET",
+ "mod els",
+ "model s",
+ "mode ls",
+ "▁vit ro",
+ "lo ve",
+ "lov e",
+ "l ove",
+ "▁C yn",
+ "▁Cy n",
+ "▁tatt oo",
+ "▁Ins ider",
+ "▁Inside r",
+ "▁term inate",
+ "▁question able",
+ "I con",
+ "▁S of",
+ "▁So f",
+ "▁v ou",
+ "▁vo u",
+ "D ialog",
+ "edd ings",
+ "edding s",
+ "▁An imation",
+ "▁Anim ation",
+ "NI NG",
+ "N ING",
+ "de ep",
+ "▁re ef",
+ "▁M olly",
+ "▁Mol ly",
+ "▁R EG",
+ "▁RE G",
+ "▁ REG",
+ "▁S heet",
+ "▁She et",
+ "pos itive",
+ "▁Spec ies",
+ "▁Spe cies",
+ "▁install ment",
+ ")} \\",
+ ") }\\",
+ "▁deriv atives",
+ "▁derivative s",
+ "=\" @",
+ "▁Dis ability",
+ "▁self ish",
+ "▁sel fish",
+ "lo op",
+ "loo p",
+ "l oop",
+ "run ner",
+ "▁hol istic",
+ "▁business man",
+ "▁recon ciliation",
+ "ф и",
+ "al ism",
+ "ali sm",
+ "alis m",
+ "ag onal",
+ "agon al",
+ "▁hyp oc",
+ "▁S ul",
+ "▁Su l",
+ "▁Sy ndrome",
+ "▁comput ational",
+ "▁computation al",
+ "lo wer",
+ "low er",
+ "l ower",
+ "▁har bor",
+ "▁Ed monton",
+ "▁E instein",
+ "▁Ein stein",
+ "▁Med ium",
+ "▁$ ('",
+ "▁$( '",
+ "met ric",
+ "m etric",
+ "▁Hu awei",
+ "▁cr ashes",
+ "▁crash es",
+ "▁int roduct",
+ "▁introdu ct",
+ "▁intro duct",
+ "▁f ör",
+ "▁span ning",
+ "▁compet itor",
+ "▁No ble",
+ "▁Nob le",
+ "amp agne",
+ "▁on board",
+ "▁red emption",
+ "▁K ell",
+ "▁Ke ll",
+ "▁Kel l",
+ "▁o ath",
+ "▁Hen ri",
+ "▁cl ergy",
+ "▁cler gy",
+ "▁stret ching",
+ "▁stretch ing",
+ "▁D ew",
+ "▁De w",
+ "▁d ar",
+ "▁da r",
+ "▁ dar",
+ "▁De mand",
+ "▁Dem and",
+ "F ar",
+ "Pl an",
+ "P lan",
+ "En abled",
+ "▁Pot ential",
+ "ra de",
+ "rad e",
+ "r ade",
+ "▁Ex clusive",
+ "▁tr unk",
+ "▁aspir ations",
+ "▁E den",
+ "▁Ed en",
+ "▁S ylv",
+ "▁Syl v",
+ "▁Rich ards",
+ "▁Richard s",
+ "▁mer its",
+ "▁merit s",
+ "▁now adays",
+ "forget table",
+ "▁l ing",
+ "▁li ng",
+ "▁lin g",
+ "▁ ling",
+ "ell ular",
+ "▁P ortal",
+ "▁Port al",
+ "▁Por tal",
+ "▁N umbers",
+ "▁Number s",
+ "▁vari ability",
+ "dra ul",
+ "dr aul",
+ "▁privile ges",
+ "▁privilege s",
+ "ell ite",
+ "elli te",
+ "with out",
+ "▁Sac red",
+ "cul ar",
+ "cu lar",
+ "c ular",
+ "▁rec urring",
+ "pl aying",
+ "play ing",
+ "fe m",
+ "f em",
+ "▁Man it",
+ "da n",
+ "d an",
+ "▁cent r",
+ "▁L ibraries",
+ "▁space craft",
+ "▁enhance ment",
+ "▁spons orship",
+ "▁sponsor ship",
+ "▁sponsors hip",
+ "ge x",
+ "g ex",
+ "Pr ef",
+ "Pre f",
+ "P ref",
+ "▁b ats",
+ "▁bat s",
+ "▁ba ts",
+ "▁Al low",
+ "▁All ow",
+ "▁Sch midt",
+ "▁S tern",
+ "▁St ern",
+ "▁Ster n",
+ "vis ible",
+ "v isible",
+ "▁suff ers",
+ "▁suffer s",
+ "c u",
+ "AM S",
+ "A MS",
+ "▁с т",
+ "▁ ст",
+ "▁ag grav",
+ "▁David son",
+ "▁master piece",
+ "ba um",
+ "uff le",
+ "uf fle",
+ "▁D ating",
+ "▁Da ting",
+ "▁Dat ing",
+ "▁Challenge s",
+ "▁Challeng es",
+ "▁Well ington",
+ "▁Wel lington",
+ "▁Re aders",
+ "▁Read ers",
+ "▁Reader s",
+ "ho n",
+ "h on",
+ "or um",
+ "o rum",
+ "▁w ears",
+ "▁we ars",
+ "▁wear s",
+ "▁sher iff",
+ "▁T hem",
+ "▁The m",
+ "▁Th em",
+ "▁Pe ak",
+ "▁ex ert",
+ "▁al erts",
+ "▁alert s",
+ "▁blog ger",
+ "▁neg atively",
+ "▁negative ly",
+ "▁g ad",
+ "▁ga d",
+ "▁Ra iders",
+ "▁Raid ers",
+ "TH ER",
+ "THE R",
+ "▁c ough",
+ "▁co ugh",
+ "▁cou gh",
+ "▁be verage",
+ "▁Luxem bourg",
+ "}_ \\",
+ "} _\\",
+ "web pack",
+ "ap es",
+ "ape s",
+ "a pes",
+ "ip es",
+ "ipe s",
+ "i pes",
+ "▁Leg ion",
+ "▁coc onut",
+ "▁sub urbs",
+ "▁suburb s",
+ "▁at om",
+ "▁Vacc ine",
+ "▁techn icians",
+ "▁technician s",
+ "▁mean ings",
+ "▁meaning s",
+ "▁per secution",
+ "▁ox id",
+ "▁H A",
+ "▁ HA",
+ "▁Cor rect",
+ "yard s",
+ "y ards",
+ "▁Ed mund",
+ "▁Confed erate",
+ "▁L I",
+ "▁ LI",
+ "▁pres idents",
+ "▁president s",
+ "▁o g",
+ "▁ og",
+ "Br it",
+ "B rit",
+ "▁Bl vd",
+ "le ctic",
+ "lect ic",
+ "▁se ated",
+ "▁sea ted",
+ "▁seat ed",
+ "▁pione ering",
+ "▁pioneer ing",
+ "Di r",
+ "D ir",
+ "▁F ah",
+ "▁Fa h",
+ "li ance",
+ "lia nce",
+ "l iance",
+ "▁adapt ive",
+ "▁Leices ter",
+ "▁met ropolitan",
+ "▁Lind say",
+ "product s",
+ "▁in quiries",
+ "- )",
+ "▁t rop",
+ "▁tr op",
+ "▁tro p",
+ "▁Me ghan",
+ "▁Meg han",
+ "▁ball ots",
+ "▁ballot s",
+ "▁pay roll",
+ "G ame",
+ "▁ball et",
+ "▁bal let",
+ "▁Celebr ity",
+ "▁Celeb rity",
+ "▁antib iotics",
+ "▁antibiotic s",
+ "▁J upiter",
+ "▁equ itable",
+ "load s",
+ "lo ads",
+ "▁H ank",
+ "▁Han k",
+ "▁Or ders",
+ "▁Order s",
+ "▁Ord ers",
+ "▁fair ness",
+ "▁Sur ve",
+ "▁Surv e",
+ "He r",
+ "H er",
+ "▁coc aine",
+ "▁D one",
+ "▁Do ne",
+ "▁Don e",
+ "▁P ush",
+ "▁Pu sh",
+ "reg ion",
+ "▁st ems",
+ "▁ste ms",
+ "▁stem s",
+ "▁t ones",
+ "▁to nes",
+ "▁ton es",
+ "▁tone s",
+ "ic iaries",
+ "ici aries",
+ "icia ries",
+ "▁ha unted",
+ ">( );",
+ "> ();",
+ "▁F it",
+ "▁Fi t",
+ "ev ents",
+ "event s",
+ "even ts",
+ "▁imp aired",
+ "▁impair ed",
+ "ie ves",
+ "ieve s",
+ "iev es",
+ "▁P ilot",
+ "▁Pil ot",
+ "▁Pi lot",
+ "▁reson ance",
+ "▁t ier",
+ "▁tie r",
+ "▁ tier",
+ "▁ar mor",
+ "▁arm or",
+ "▁m igrant",
+ "▁migr ant",
+ "▁mig rant",
+ "mo t",
+ "m ot",
+ "fact ory",
+ "factor y",
+ "▁reflect ive",
+ "pe x",
+ "p ex",
+ "▁Bas in",
+ "▁Ba sin",
+ "▁occup y",
+ "▁retrie ve",
+ "▁nut ritional",
+ "▁nutrition al",
+ "st ation",
+ "stat ion",
+ "▁X avier",
+ "▁gl uten",
+ "▁legisl ators",
+ "▁neg otiation",
+ "▁negoti ation",
+ "ho m",
+ "h om",
+ "ве р",
+ "в ер",
+ "▁Pf izer",
+ "▁P UBL",
+ "▁se xy",
+ "▁sex y",
+ "Pa y",
+ "P ay",
+ "▁vir gin",
+ "▁e rad",
+ "▁er ad",
+ "▁era d",
+ "▁Ad ded",
+ "▁Add ed",
+ "▁t ense",
+ "▁ten se",
+ "▁tens e",
+ "▁UPD ATE",
+ "ea st",
+ "eas t",
+ "e ast",
+ "▁unbel iev",
+ "▁south west",
+ "', '",
+ "' ,'",
+ "▁Al ert",
+ "▁Ale rt",
+ "▁Short ly",
+ "▁comm enced",
+ "▁commence d",
+ "▁ele phant",
+ "A p",
+ "ed o",
+ "e do",
+ "▁C airo",
+ "▁Ca iro",
+ "▁sp ike",
+ "Cross Ref",
+ "text width",
+ "▁Quarter ly",
+ "iy a",
+ "i ya",
+ "ско й",
+ "rac use",
+ "▁a rose",
+ "▁ar ose",
+ "▁hy pert",
+ "▁hyp ert",
+ "▁hyper t",
+ "▁hype rt",
+ "▁Dis aster",
+ "▁Ess ential",
+ "is al",
+ "isa l",
+ "i sal",
+ "▁o st",
+ "▁os t",
+ "▁ ost",
+ "▁Prov ide",
+ "▁To rah",
+ "▁Tor ah",
+ "▁mer ged",
+ "▁merge d",
+ "▁st aged",
+ "▁stage d",
+ "▁sta ged",
+ "▁thr illing",
+ "▁thrill ing",
+ "▁song writer",
+ "▁ songwriter",
+ "~ $",
+ "pe rm",
+ "per m",
+ "p erm",
+ "▁Fell ows",
+ "▁Fellow s",
+ "▁J ude",
+ "▁Ju de",
+ "▁Jud e",
+ "if s",
+ "i fs",
+ "▁U FC",
+ "▁E pid",
+ "▁Ep id",
+ "he e",
+ "h ee",
+ "▁GDP R",
+ "▁GD PR",
+ "▁d ancer",
+ "▁dance r",
+ "L I",
+ "▁Al ien",
+ "▁Ali en",
+ "sett ings",
+ "setting s",
+ "▁De bt",
+ "▁Deb t",
+ "▁inter faces",
+ "▁interface s",
+ "▁interf aces",
+ "▁co efficient",
+ "▁Debor ah",
+ "co t",
+ "c ot",
+ "▁reimb urse",
+ "▁relax ation",
+ "▁d war",
+ "▁dw ar",
+ "▁conv ictions",
+ "▁conviction s",
+ "▁convict ions",
+ "▁A ly",
+ "▁Al y",
+ "al ong",
+ "alo ng",
+ "a long",
+ "en abled",
+ "ena bled",
+ "▁p å",
+ "To day",
+ "T oday",
+ "▁s ket",
+ "▁sk et",
+ "▁ske t",
+ "▁v icious",
+ "▁vi cious",
+ "▁vic ious",
+ "▁gr anting",
+ "▁grant ing",
+ "▁gran ting",
+ "▁Cal c",
+ "▁bal ancing",
+ "or ns",
+ "orn s",
+ "▁pre fix",
+ "▁pref ix",
+ "▁ prefix",
+ "▁veget ation",
+ "Sp e",
+ "S pe",
+ "ha bi",
+ "hab i",
+ "h abi",
+ "ul tan",
+ "ult an",
+ "▁S usp",
+ "▁Su sp",
+ "▁Sus p",
+ "▁optim ism",
+ "cp p",
+ "c pp",
+ "▁un con",
+ "▁unc on",
+ "au rus",
+ "aur us",
+ "anch ez",
+ "anche z",
+ "▁E quality",
+ "▁Equ ality",
+ "▁Eq uality",
+ "▁Equal ity",
+ "F ace",
+ "▁B een",
+ "▁Be en",
+ "▁Bee n",
+ "▁ins ists",
+ "▁insist s",
+ "▁Initi ally",
+ "▁Init ially",
+ "▁Initial ly",
+ "▁P V",
+ "▁sett lers",
+ "▁settle rs",
+ "▁M idd",
+ "▁Mid d",
+ "▁Mi dd",
+ "▁L oren",
+ "▁Lo ren",
+ "▁Lor en",
+ "▁Lore n",
+ "▁ex quis",
+ "Mus ic",
+ "M usic",
+ "▁Max well",
+ "▁Any thing",
+ "▁orche str",
+ "▁worth while",
+ "▁Jackson ville",
+ "te m",
+ "t em",
+ "gr ow",
+ "gro w",
+ "g row",
+ "▁An ch",
+ "▁Anc h",
+ "▁C ork",
+ "▁Co rk",
+ "▁Cor k",
+ "mod ules",
+ "module s",
+ "▁wa iver",
+ "quart ered",
+ "quarter ed",
+ "▁S IM",
+ "▁SI M",
+ "▁W are",
+ "▁War e",
+ "▁Wa re",
+ "▁t out",
+ "▁to ut",
+ "▁tou t",
+ "Net work",
+ "▁P ill",
+ "▁Pil l",
+ "▁Pi ll",
+ "▁St ru",
+ "▁Str u",
+ "▁c urb",
+ "▁cur b",
+ "▁cu rb",
+ "ac ional",
+ "acion al",
+ "art isan",
+ "▁th rill",
+ "▁thr ill",
+ "▁Recomm end",
+ "▁m as",
+ "▁ma s",
+ "▁ mas",
+ "▁B row",
+ "▁Br ow",
+ "▁Bro w",
+ "▁S olo",
+ "▁So lo",
+ "▁Sol o",
+ "▁S park",
+ "▁Sp ark",
+ "▁Spa rk",
+ "▁w icked",
+ "F alse",
+ "▁NGO s",
+ "Americ a",
+ "▁E lement",
+ "▁El ement",
+ "▁Ele ment",
+ "▁ Element",
+ "▁Re leased",
+ "▁Release d",
+ "q quad",
+ "▁P iper",
+ "▁Pi per",
+ "▁Pip er",
+ "▁f aint",
+ "▁fa int",
+ "▁disc iples",
+ "▁discipl es",
+ "▁Me aning",
+ "▁Mean ing",
+ "▁qu icker",
+ "▁quick er",
+ "▁qui cker",
+ "at ha",
+ "ath a",
+ "a tha",
+ "▁piv otal",
+ "▁pivot al",
+ "▁mon uments",
+ "▁monument s",
+ "▁incorpor ates",
+ "▁incorporate s",
+ "▁Detect ive",
+ "▁prom otions",
+ "▁promot ions",
+ "▁promotion s",
+ "▁E at",
+ "▁L ok",
+ "▁Lo k",
+ "▁dict ators",
+ "▁ob session",
+ "▁obs ession",
+ "▁obsess ion",
+ "ON S",
+ "O NS",
+ "pt a",
+ "p ta",
+ "Ar gs",
+ "Arg s",
+ "uff s",
+ "uf fs",
+ "at che",
+ "atch e",
+ "▁Ham mer",
+ "▁cr ushed",
+ "▁crush ed",
+ "▁crus hed",
+ "▁E k",
+ "▁F org",
+ "▁For g",
+ "▁cont acting",
+ "▁contact ing",
+ "▁J agu",
+ "▁Ja gu",
+ "▁Jag u",
+ "ia ries",
+ "iar ies",
+ "i aries",
+ "▁Comp are",
+ "▁Compar e",
+ "ç a",
+ "▁war rior",
+ "▁Emer ging",
+ "▁gent leman",
+ "▁gentle man",
+ "▁com mercially",
+ "▁commercial ly",
+ "▁C aval",
+ "▁Ca val",
+ "▁Cav al",
+ "▁co hes",
+ "▁coh es",
+ "▁T ier",
+ "▁Ti er",
+ "▁w ells",
+ "▁well s",
+ "▁wel ls",
+ "▁gr ands",
+ "▁grand s",
+ "▁gran ds",
+ "▁ext inction",
+ "▁extinct ion",
+ "▁grand parents",
+ "▁per ceive",
+ "ia go",
+ "i ago",
+ "▁l ac",
+ "▁la c",
+ "Ed itor",
+ "Edit or",
+ "▁g rams",
+ "▁gr ams",
+ "▁gra ms",
+ "▁gram s",
+ "idel ity",
+ "de ad",
+ "d ead",
+ "▁Ir ving",
+ "▁not ifications",
+ "▁notification s",
+ ") +",
+ "F W",
+ "La b",
+ "L ab",
+ "sh ift",
+ "shi ft",
+ "▁T race",
+ "▁Tr ace",
+ "▁Tra ce",
+ "▁M ets",
+ "▁Me ts",
+ "▁Met s",
+ "▁Ca esar",
+ "▁Feat uring",
+ "▁Proced ure",
+ "▁int ellect",
+ "▁peripher al",
+ "▁negoti ated",
+ "▁negotiate d",
+ "ol t",
+ "o lt",
+ "▁a ster",
+ "▁as ter",
+ "▁ast er",
+ "▁ aster",
+ "▁T ucker",
+ "▁Tu cker",
+ "▁Tuc ker",
+ "▁ang els",
+ "▁angel s",
+ "▁pr isons",
+ "▁prison s",
+ "▁un acceptable",
+ "ord inate",
+ "▁mit igation",
+ "au nder",
+ "a under",
+ "▁adolesc ents",
+ "▁adolescent s",
+ "ois e",
+ "oi se",
+ "o ise",
+ "▁priv at",
+ "▁p itching",
+ "▁pitch ing",
+ "▁pit ching",
+ "▁Te legraph",
+ "▁Tele graph",
+ "yp se",
+ "▁Sc ale",
+ "▁ Scale",
+ "▁syn tax",
+ "▁synt ax",
+ "▁DI Y",
+ "ger ald",
+ "g erald",
+ "ib ration",
+ "ibr ation",
+ "▁comp elled",
+ "▁Kazakh stan",
+ "▁j s",
+ "▁ js",
+ "▁sharp ly",
+ "▁shar ply",
+ "▁time less",
+ "▁tim eless",
+ "▁parent ing",
+ "▁Exper imental",
+ "▁Experiment al",
+ "ch in",
+ "chi n",
+ "c hin",
+ "un ts",
+ "unt s",
+ "▁sp am",
+ "▁spa m",
+ "щ и",
+ "i q",
+ "it ory",
+ "itor y",
+ "ito ry",
+ "▁st ared",
+ "▁star ed",
+ "▁sta red",
+ "▁stare d",
+ "word press",
+ "Col l",
+ "Co ll",
+ "C oll",
+ "COL OR",
+ "O ther",
+ "▁app ra",
+ "▁u rine",
+ "▁ur ine",
+ "▁forb idden",
+ "▁Contin ental",
+ "last ing",
+ "las ting",
+ "l asting",
+ "▁Do main",
+ "▁Dom ain",
+ "▁best selling",
+ "▁b our",
+ "▁bo ur",
+ "▁bou r",
+ "▁ bour",
+ "▁Man ila",
+ "▁Progress ive",
+ "Pol icy",
+ "▁Ch erry",
+ "▁Cher ry",
+ "▁s ounding",
+ "▁sound ing",
+ "od us",
+ "▁a ven",
+ "▁av en",
+ "▁ aven",
+ "▁Gar rett",
+ "▁ignor ant",
+ "▁fat ty",
+ "▁fa tty",
+ "▁sh orts",
+ "▁short s",
+ "▁Ch rom",
+ "▁Whit ney",
+ "▁reg imes",
+ "▁regime s",
+ "▁perm alink",
+ "▁c off",
+ "▁co ff",
+ "cond ition",
+ "▁preced ent",
+ "ud dy",
+ "udd y",
+ "▁H ers",
+ "▁He rs",
+ "▁Her s",
+ "lan tic",
+ "l antic",
+ "▁acknowled ges",
+ "▁acknowledge s",
+ "▁assert ion",
+ "▁V oy",
+ "▁Vo y",
+ "▁ab usive",
+ "▁Thous ands",
+ "▁Thousand s",
+ "▁municipal ities",
+ "▁h ect",
+ "▁he ct",
+ "▁B ritt",
+ "▁Br itt",
+ "▁Brit t",
+ "▁Bri tt",
+ "is te",
+ "ist e",
+ "i ste",
+ "▁or phan",
+ "▁express ly",
+ "▁touchdown s",
+ "▁fra gr",
+ "▁frag r",
+ "▁fl ames",
+ "▁flame s",
+ "{ (",
+ "uch i",
+ "uc hi",
+ "u chi",
+ "▁sp elling",
+ "▁spell ing",
+ "▁qual itative",
+ "▁breat htaking",
+ "▁breath taking",
+ "▁champions hips",
+ "▁champion ships",
+ "▁championship s",
+ "Ma d",
+ "M ad",
+ "▁G one",
+ "▁Go ne",
+ "▁Gon e",
+ "▁P urd",
+ "▁Pur d",
+ "▁Pu rd",
+ "▁unw illing",
+ "pass word",
+ "▁An onymous",
+ "▁pol ished",
+ "▁po lished",
+ "ra se",
+ "ras e",
+ "r ase",
+ "▁S ew",
+ "▁Se w",
+ "▁Crit ics",
+ "▁remark ably",
+ "▁exception ally",
+ "▁exceptional ly",
+ "view s",
+ "vi ews",
+ "vie ws",
+ "M iss",
+ "▁FO X",
+ "exp ensive",
+ "▁h ipp",
+ "▁hip p",
+ "▁hi pp",
+ "▁Sha wn",
+ "▁Shaw n",
+ "▁W o",
+ "▁en gra",
+ "▁eng ra",
+ "▁psych iatric",
+ "▁psychiat ric",
+ "▁constitu ents",
+ "et ra",
+ "e tra",
+ "▁pup il",
+ "▁def iciency",
+ "▁defic iency",
+ "▁C hal",
+ "▁Ch al",
+ "▁Cha l",
+ "▁Budd ha",
+ "▁Buddh a",
+ "▁p estic",
+ "▁pest ic",
+ "▁pes tic",
+ "▁pot ato",
+ "▁sc enic",
+ "▁scen ic",
+ "▁{ \"",
+ "▁ {\"",
+ "▁l umin",
+ "▁Bang kok",
+ "▁c ann",
+ "▁can n",
+ "▁ca nn",
+ "rest rial",
+ "▁exp ands",
+ "▁expand s",
+ "▁sculpt ures",
+ "▁sculpture s",
+ "▁. ...",
+ "▁... .",
+ "▁.. ..",
+ "▁ ....",
+ "▁sy nd",
+ "▁syn d",
+ "▁Script ure",
+ "▁N urse",
+ "▁Nurs e",
+ "▁weakness es",
+ "z h",
+ "}} {\\",
+ "}}{ \\",
+ "} }{\\",
+ "▁a we",
+ "▁aw e",
+ "▁s lim",
+ "▁sl im",
+ "▁sli m",
+ "▁T icket",
+ "▁Tick et",
+ "do ctoral",
+ "ch ard",
+ "char d",
+ "cha rd",
+ "c hard",
+ "▁cr ush",
+ "▁cru sh",
+ "▁crus h",
+ "▁s pill",
+ "▁sp ill",
+ "▁D ee",
+ "▁De e",
+ "▁P late",
+ "▁Pl ate",
+ "▁Plat e",
+ "supp orted",
+ "support ed",
+ "sup ported",
+ "th ouse",
+ "t house",
+ "▁config urations",
+ "▁configuration s",
+ "▁NAS CAR",
+ "▁home land",
+ "▁hom eland",
+ "▁Inter views",
+ "▁Interview s",
+ "▁mention ing",
+ "se ts",
+ "set s",
+ "s ets",
+ "▁back pack",
+ "el iness",
+ "eline ss",
+ "elines s",
+ "eli ness",
+ "elin ess",
+ "e liness",
+ "ul as",
+ "ula s",
+ "u las",
+ "}^ {(",
+ "}^{ (",
+ "} ^{(",
+ "Cre at",
+ "C reat",
+ "▁me mo",
+ "▁mem o",
+ "▁D ro",
+ "▁Dr o",
+ "▁S ets",
+ "▁Se ts",
+ "▁Set s",
+ "▁co oler",
+ "▁cool er",
+ "Pl us",
+ "▁W et",
+ "▁We t",
+ "cept ive",
+ "▁Pac kers",
+ "▁Pack ers",
+ "▁forg ive",
+ "▁unh appy",
+ "LE S",
+ "L ES",
+ "▁Prov idence",
+ "▁Provide nce",
+ "▁B alk",
+ "▁Bal k",
+ "▁G ret",
+ "▁Gr et",
+ "▁Gre t",
+ "▁am munition",
+ "pro duction",
+ "product ion",
+ "produ ction",
+ "prod uction",
+ "p roduction",
+ "▁Min isters",
+ "▁Minister s",
+ "▁Mini sters",
+ "▁K ant",
+ "▁Ka nt",
+ "▁Kan t",
+ "▁b loss",
+ "▁bl oss",
+ "▁Sh erman",
+ "▁Sher man",
+ "▁occup ational",
+ "▁occupation al",
+ "▁C J",
+ "ocal ypse",
+ "_ ;",
+ "pr ice",
+ "pri ce",
+ "p rice",
+ "r b",
+ "as cus",
+ "asc us",
+ "ros ion",
+ "r osion",
+ "reat ment",
+ "▁R ig",
+ "▁Ri g",
+ "▁Pr event",
+ "▁Pre vent",
+ "▁Prev ent",
+ "▁sad ness",
+ "under line",
+ "ro phe",
+ "rop he",
+ "roph e",
+ "▁s care",
+ "▁sc are",
+ "▁scar e",
+ "▁suscept ible",
+ "▁Vict ory",
+ "▁Victor y",
+ "▁G W",
+ "▁Ku wait",
+ "log o",
+ "lo go",
+ "l ogo",
+ "▁var iance",
+ "▁vari ance",
+ "im il",
+ "imi l",
+ "i mil",
+ "▁C OP",
+ "▁CO P",
+ "▁C rus",
+ "▁Cr us",
+ "▁Cru s",
+ "▁Pres ton",
+ "▁Pr eston",
+ "▁Pre ston",
+ "▁cul inary",
+ "▁Aware ness",
+ "▁Insp ector",
+ "▁Inspect or",
+ "▁conver gence",
+ "ap le",
+ "a ple",
+ "on go",
+ "ong o",
+ "▁I NS",
+ "▁IN S",
+ "▁ INS",
+ "▁B ast",
+ "▁Bas t",
+ "▁Ba st",
+ "▁Key words",
+ "▁grad ient",
+ "Post ed",
+ "Pos ted",
+ "Po sted",
+ "est ine",
+ "▁med als",
+ "▁medal s",
+ "ustral ia",
+ "▁output s",
+ "▁O ber",
+ "▁Ob er",
+ "▁surv eyed",
+ "▁survey ed",
+ ": -",
+ "▁L af",
+ "▁La f",
+ "▁Volunte er",
+ "K A",
+ "▁Le mma",
+ "▁Lem ma",
+ "▁C OM",
+ "▁CO M",
+ "▁ COM",
+ "in ning",
+ "inn ing",
+ "ract ed",
+ "rac ted",
+ "r acted",
+ "▁ground breaking",
+ "▁Y ug",
+ "▁Yu g",
+ "ut ral",
+ "▁horr ific",
+ "▁Collect ive",
+ "us hi",
+ "ush i",
+ "u shi",
+ "▁$ (\\",
+ "▁$( \\",
+ "ro ads",
+ "road s",
+ "▁K athy",
+ "▁Kat hy",
+ "▁Ka thy",
+ "▁Kath y",
+ "▁N ina",
+ "▁Ni na",
+ "▁Nin a",
+ "▁term inated",
+ "▁terminate d",
+ "M o",
+ "▁free zing",
+ "bol a",
+ "bo la",
+ "b ola",
+ "pub l",
+ "pu bl",
+ "p ubl",
+ "▁energ ies",
+ "▁Al lied",
+ "▁All ied",
+ "▁Rod gers",
+ "▁M G",
+ "▁D AY",
+ "▁DA Y",
+ "▁ DAY",
+ "▁d uck",
+ "▁du ck",
+ "ic ides",
+ "icide s",
+ "ici des",
+ "▁Sh arp",
+ "▁Shar p",
+ "▁l end",
+ "▁le nd",
+ "▁len d",
+ "▁per me",
+ "▁perm e",
+ "▁de rive",
+ "▁der ive",
+ "▁deriv e",
+ "▁end ure",
+ "spe aking",
+ "▁vol atile",
+ "\"=> \"",
+ "▁met abolic",
+ "▁metab olic",
+ "▁meta bolic",
+ "▁metabol ic",
+ "- ,",
+ "For e",
+ "F ore",
+ "lish es",
+ "lis hes",
+ "l ishes",
+ "▁Pl astic",
+ "▁amb ient",
+ "th ia",
+ "▁p atio",
+ "▁pat io",
+ "▁mar athon",
+ "?? ??",
+ "??? ?",
+ "? ???",
+ "▁s ue",
+ "▁su e",
+ "▁parad ox",
+ "in de",
+ "ind e",
+ "▁G ut",
+ "▁Gu t",
+ "▁def enders",
+ "▁defend ers",
+ "▁defender s",
+ "▁sl aughter",
+ "wh y",
+ "w hy",
+ "al is",
+ "ali s",
+ "a lis",
+ "coh olic",
+ "cohol ic",
+ "▁H eight",
+ "▁He ight",
+ "▁ Height",
+ "▁consolid ation",
+ "▁U M",
+ "▁ UM",
+ "▁A ce",
+ "▁Ac e",
+ "▁n ar",
+ "▁na r",
+ "▁ nar",
+ "▁o ceans",
+ "▁ocean s",
+ "▁Brad ford",
+ "AC C",
+ "A CC",
+ "ad der",
+ "add er",
+ "▁game rs",
+ "▁gam ers",
+ "▁ga mers",
+ "▁ob server",
+ "▁obs erver",
+ "▁observ er",
+ "▁observe r",
+ "▁form ulation",
+ "▁Vol ks",
+ "▁hom osexual",
+ "▁homosex ual",
+ "▁Author ities",
+ "▁Ply mouth",
+ "▁Mess enger",
+ "▁Publ ishers",
+ "▁Publisher s",
+ "▁T akes",
+ "▁Take s",
+ "▁Ta kes",
+ "▁Tak es",
+ "▁we aker",
+ "▁weak er",
+ "▁interpret ations",
+ "▁interpretation s",
+ "▁K ab",
+ "▁Ka b",
+ "▁b ark",
+ "▁bar k",
+ "▁ba rk",
+ "▁cop ied",
+ "▁Arm enia",
+ "▁Armen ia",
+ "▁Sim mons",
+ "▁or n",
+ "▁ orn",
+ "▁Nap ole",
+ "▁re dist",
+ "▁red ist",
+ "▁there in",
+ "▁gas oline",
+ "ov able",
+ "ova ble",
+ "o vable",
+ "ot ti",
+ "ott i",
+ "▁Relations hip",
+ "▁re taining",
+ "▁ret aining",
+ "▁retain ing",
+ "▁decor ative",
+ "▁T ip",
+ "▁Ti p",
+ "▁overl ap",
+ "▁under water",
+ "▁vers es",
+ "▁ver ses",
+ "▁verse s",
+ "▁remed ies",
+ "in et",
+ "ine t",
+ "i net",
+ "Ra y",
+ "R ay",
+ "▁S elected",
+ "▁Se lected",
+ "▁Select ed",
+ "▁Sel ected",
+ "▁ Selected",
+ "▁barg aining",
+ "▁bargain ing",
+ "▁un employed",
+ "▁unem ployed",
+ "▁H ang",
+ "▁Ha ng",
+ "▁Han g",
+ "▁S can",
+ "▁Sc an",
+ "▁policy m",
+ "▁polic ym",
+ "na issance",
+ "hi t",
+ "h it",
+ "ta ke",
+ "t ake",
+ "gen eral",
+ "gener al",
+ "▁ch asing",
+ "▁A mber",
+ "▁Am ber",
+ "▁Amb er",
+ "▁h ats",
+ "▁ha ts",
+ "▁hat s",
+ "▁Cre ator",
+ "▁Creat or",
+ "▁t odd",
+ "▁to dd",
+ "▁comp ile",
+ "▁diss ertation",
+ "▁t an",
+ "▁ta n",
+ "▁ tan",
+ "▁inter acting",
+ "▁interact ing",
+ "▁F ur",
+ "▁Fu r",
+ "▁L abs",
+ "▁La bs",
+ "▁Lab s",
+ "▁Bol lywood",
+ "▁authent icity",
+ "▁authentic ity",
+ "bar d",
+ "ba rd",
+ "b ard",
+ "▁b unk",
+ "▁bun k",
+ "▁birth s",
+ "▁bir ths",
+ "▁Pur pose",
+ "▁cr ushing",
+ "▁crush ing",
+ "▁crus hing",
+ "by te",
+ "▁W ASH",
+ "▁WA SH",
+ "▁WAS H",
+ "▁Ra pid",
+ "▁Rap id",
+ "▁tri angle",
+ "Man y",
+ "Ma ny",
+ "M any",
+ "▁F la",
+ "▁Fl a",
+ "ric ting",
+ "rict ing",
+ "▁Chap man",
+ "en ch",
+ "enc h",
+ "▁tu bes",
+ "▁tub es",
+ "▁tube s",
+ "▁K arn",
+ "▁Kar n",
+ "ingu ished",
+ "ga s",
+ "g as",
+ "▁Impro ve",
+ "Christ ian",
+ "▁educ ator",
+ "▁prec eded",
+ "▁preced ed",
+ "▁Tal ks",
+ "▁Talk s",
+ "▁inf erior",
+ "▁Business es",
+ "N U",
+ "nt on",
+ "n ton",
+ "Car d",
+ "C ard",
+ "▁D uck",
+ "▁Du ck",
+ "▁Duc k",
+ "▁Un its",
+ "▁Unit s",
+ "▁re named",
+ "▁ren amed",
+ "▁det ector",
+ "▁detect or",
+ "aff e",
+ "af fe",
+ "a ffe",
+ "▁Re pl",
+ "▁Rep l",
+ "▁Pa ula",
+ "▁Paul a",
+ "▁Mar ines",
+ "▁Marine s",
+ "▁Marin es",
+ "▁Mari nes",
+ "▁ethnic ity",
+ "▁ethn icity",
+ "▁We ber",
+ "▁Web er",
+ "▁le aked",
+ "▁leak ed",
+ "▁gram mar",
+ "▁H ER",
+ "▁HE R",
+ "▁We alth",
+ "▁f east",
+ "▁fe ast",
+ "▁feas t",
+ "▁c urs",
+ "▁cur s",
+ "▁cu rs",
+ "▁pat rons",
+ "▁patron s",
+ "J apan",
+ "equ als",
+ "equal s",
+ "▁decl aring",
+ "▁recept ors",
+ "▁receptor s",
+ "=\" _",
+ "▁H ag",
+ "▁Ha g",
+ "list s",
+ "lis ts",
+ "l ists",
+ "▁floor ing",
+ "▁flo oring",
+ "▁pro state",
+ "▁prost ate",
+ "▁prim itive",
+ "') )",
+ "' ))",
+ "▁In put",
+ "▁ Input",
+ "* ,",
+ "; ->",
+ "it ous",
+ "ito us",
+ "lin ks",
+ "link s",
+ "l inks",
+ "▁Har dy",
+ "▁Hard y",
+ "__ _",
+ "_ __",
+ "al ez",
+ "ale z",
+ "▁C ave",
+ "▁Ca ve",
+ "▁Cav e",
+ "▁Daniel s",
+ "▁dest iny",
+ "▁Kath leen",
+ "▁unc overed",
+ "▁uncover ed",
+ "emiconduct or",
+ "▁Pro position",
+ "▁Prop osition",
+ "▁Propos ition",
+ "Fi n",
+ "F in",
+ "gg le",
+ "▁L uk",
+ "▁Lu k",
+ "▁F asc",
+ "▁Fa sc",
+ "▁pres ently",
+ "▁present ly",
+ "▁Qu ad",
+ "▁comp rehens",
+ "To ol",
+ "Too l",
+ "T ool",
+ "▁awa iting",
+ "▁await ing",
+ "▁cig arette",
+ "▁se lections",
+ "▁select ions",
+ "▁selection s",
+ "▁s ul",
+ "▁su l",
+ "▁Che ap",
+ "in arily",
+ "inar ily",
+ "▁contract ual",
+ "▁d owns",
+ "▁down s",
+ "▁sk ies",
+ "▁ski es",
+ "▁Fal con",
+ "▁dis mant",
+ "▁under est",
+ "▁und erest",
+ "▁con current",
+ "▁conc urrent",
+ "load ed",
+ "lo aded",
+ "▁Bru no",
+ "▁Brun o",
+ "▁mel ody",
+ "▁pled ged",
+ "▁pledge d",
+ "D i",
+ "▁L iam",
+ "▁Li am",
+ "Dev ice",
+ "ars ity",
+ "▁Main tenance",
+ "//////// ////////",
+ "▁O B",
+ "▁ OB",
+ "▁W ear",
+ "▁We ar",
+ "▁AB OUT",
+ "▁ABO UT",
+ "▁j umps",
+ "▁jump s",
+ "▁h ollow",
+ "▁hol low",
+ "▁Fr aud",
+ "▁Fra ud",
+ "▁trans itions",
+ "▁transition s",
+ "▁transit ions",
+ "* )",
+ "oqu e",
+ "o que",
+ "▁re side",
+ "▁res ide",
+ "▁resid e",
+ "▁w avelength",
+ "▁wave length",
+ "ст в",
+ "ac ey",
+ "ace y",
+ "▁V ul",
+ "▁Vu l",
+ "▁Reg iment",
+ "▁B IG",
+ "▁BI G",
+ "▁Mc Cl",
+ "▁McC l",
+ "Sc ope",
+ "br ing",
+ "b ring",
+ "ch lor",
+ "▁Her z",
+ "Element s",
+ "El ements",
+ "E lements",
+ "blog spot",
+ "▁Where as",
+ "▁d resses",
+ "▁dress es",
+ "▁T iff",
+ "▁Ti ff",
+ "▁Sil va",
+ "▁Brig ade",
+ "▁Gaz ette",
+ "▁understand able",
+ "hy d",
+ "h yd",
+ "▁i di",
+ "▁id i",
+ "▁ idi",
+ "▁N iel",
+ "▁Ni el",
+ "▁Lanc aster",
+ "▁Lan caster",
+ "▁conver ting",
+ "▁convert ing",
+ "band s",
+ "ban ds",
+ "b ands",
+ "gr own",
+ "gro wn",
+ "grow n",
+ "g rown",
+ "▁M ell",
+ "▁Me ll",
+ "▁Mel l",
+ "▁ar che",
+ "▁arch e",
+ "▁arc he",
+ "▁Orig in",
+ "▁Ori gin",
+ "▁Se tting",
+ "▁Set ting",
+ "▁Sett ing",
+ "▁expend itures",
+ "▁expenditure s",
+ "Work s",
+ "W orks",
+ "▁e lem",
+ "▁el em",
+ "▁ele m",
+ "itud inal",
+ "at ches",
+ "atch es",
+ "atche s",
+ "cont act",
+ "RE G",
+ "R EG",
+ "Dr aw",
+ "D raw",
+ "▁Ret irement",
+ "▁Res ult",
+ "▁ Result",
+ "▁Hor izon",
+ "▁merch ants",
+ "▁merchant s",
+ "▁Supp lement",
+ "▁H omer",
+ "▁Home r",
+ "▁Hom er",
+ "▁Ho mer",
+ "▁desc endants",
+ "▁descend ants",
+ "с у",
+ "▁Trust ees",
+ "▁Trustee s",
+ "т ы",
+ "gan g",
+ "ga ng",
+ "g ang",
+ "▁B one",
+ "▁Bo ne",
+ "▁Bon e",
+ "▁Is abel",
+ "▁Isa bel",
+ "▁B UT",
+ "▁BU T",
+ "▁L eh",
+ "▁Le h",
+ "▁Al ber",
+ "▁Alb er",
+ "▁St ones",
+ "▁Stone s",
+ "▁Far mers",
+ "▁Farm ers",
+ "▁Farmer s",
+ "▁band width",
+ "Ex ec",
+ "▁o wed",
+ "▁ow ed",
+ "▁owe d",
+ "▁ owed",
+ "▁v ault",
+ "▁va ult",
+ "▁Ad ding",
+ "▁Add ing",
+ "prot ected",
+ "▁activ ate",
+ "▁repe ating",
+ "▁repeat ing",
+ "re q",
+ "r eq",
+ "In dia",
+ "Ind ia",
+ "▁C ause",
+ "▁Ca use",
+ "▁co herent",
+ "▁coh erent",
+ "re x",
+ "r ex",
+ "▁V ista",
+ "▁Vis ta",
+ "▁Vi sta",
+ "▁' /",
+ "▁viol in",
+ "▁vi olin",
+ "Ha s",
+ "H as",
+ "▁K B",
+ "▁M VP",
+ "▁MV P",
+ "▁Sc ene",
+ "▁T opic",
+ "▁To pic",
+ "▁Top ic",
+ "▁hel met",
+ "▁helm et",
+ "▁Matthew s",
+ "▁back ward",
+ "OD E",
+ "O DE",
+ "az ione",
+ "azi one",
+ "▁chrom os",
+ "Ar ch",
+ "ous ing",
+ "o using",
+ "▁Ge orget",
+ "▁George t",
+ "▁Georg et",
+ "▁h i",
+ "▁ hi",
+ "▁P owered",
+ "▁Power ed",
+ "▁Po wered",
+ "▁Pow ered",
+ "▁Sam antha",
+ "▁D EC",
+ "▁DE C",
+ "▁t ended",
+ "▁ten ded",
+ "▁tend ed",
+ "▁entrepreneur ial",
+ "▁B iol",
+ "▁Bi ol",
+ "▁Bio l",
+ "▁C lasses",
+ "▁Cl asses",
+ "▁Class es",
+ "▁ Classes",
+ "ски й",
+ "lo t",
+ "l ot",
+ "▁G oes",
+ "▁Go es",
+ "▁Fr anz",
+ "▁Fra nz",
+ "▁Fran z",
+ "▁resid ual",
+ "▁advert isers",
+ "▁advertis ers",
+ "▁advertise rs",
+ "St orage",
+ "▁con sequently",
+ "▁consequ ently",
+ "! ’",
+ "▁L L",
+ "▁ LL",
+ "▁Griff ith",
+ "▁inher ently",
+ "▁inherent ly",
+ "▁flo ods",
+ "▁flood s",
+ "▁st oring",
+ "trans form",
+ "▁c la",
+ "▁cl a",
+ "sc opic",
+ "▁seam less",
+ "▁A FP",
+ "▁AF P",
+ "▁ AFP",
+ "▁b elly",
+ "▁bel ly",
+ "▁bell y",
+ "▁Fitz gerald",
+ "O O",
+ "ta ils",
+ "tail s",
+ "t ails",
+ "ne gie",
+ "neg ie",
+ "▁Ag enda",
+ "▁my riad",
+ "▁Y a",
+ "is ans",
+ "isa ns",
+ "isan s",
+ "▁R ust",
+ "▁Ru st",
+ "▁Rus t",
+ "▁an nex",
+ "▁ann ex",
+ "ast rous",
+ "astro us",
+ "▁reprodu ce",
+ "▁right ly",
+ "▁P enny",
+ "▁Penn y",
+ "▁Pen ny",
+ "ife style",
+ "ifest yle",
+ "▁archae ological",
+ "LE D",
+ "L ED",
+ "ph ot",
+ "p hot",
+ "ub le",
+ "ubl e",
+ "u ble",
+ "ra nce",
+ "ran ce",
+ "r ance",
+ "ä n",
+ "ot le",
+ "o tle",
+ "▁S TR",
+ "▁ST R",
+ "▁ STR",
+ "▁fr eed",
+ "▁free d",
+ "▁fre ed",
+ "▁rem oves",
+ "▁remove s",
+ "▁face book",
+ "▁ facebook",
+ "▁Go als",
+ "▁Goal s",
+ "▁Ed ited",
+ "▁Edit ed",
+ "▁P I",
+ "▁ PI",
+ "▁tack les",
+ "▁tackle s",
+ "▁Typ ically",
+ "▁correct ions",
+ "▁correction s",
+ "ap ply",
+ "app ly",
+ "▁M int",
+ "▁Min t",
+ "▁Mi nt",
+ "▁advis ors",
+ "▁advisor s",
+ "▁app end",
+ "▁ap pend",
+ "▁ append",
+ "▁par ked",
+ "▁park ed",
+ "▁Med ieval",
+ "▁air plane",
+ "sc roll",
+ "scr oll",
+ "▁H utch",
+ "▁Hut ch",
+ "d aughter",
+ "▁Quant um",
+ "▁secret ly",
+ "na i",
+ "n ai",
+ "▁M old",
+ "▁Mo ld",
+ "▁Mol d",
+ "▁Armen ian",
+ "▁Armenia n",
+ "▁philosoph er",
+ "▁philos opher",
+ "un do",
+ "und o",
+ "▁gr iev",
+ "▁gri ev",
+ "▁grie v",
+ "▁ir ony",
+ "▁iron y",
+ "▁s urn",
+ "▁sur n",
+ "▁je ans",
+ "▁unch anged",
+ "({ \\",
+ "( {\\",
+ "▁Light ning",
+ "en ment",
+ "▁s cent",
+ "▁sc ent",
+ "▁scen t",
+ "▁cross es",
+ "▁comed ian",
+ "▁off enders",
+ "▁offender s",
+ "▁D il",
+ "▁Di l",
+ "ny der",
+ "▁dev otion",
+ "▁sett ling",
+ "▁ne on",
+ "▁neo n",
+ "bal ance",
+ "▁B orough",
+ "▁Bo rough",
+ "▁Bor ough",
+ "▁gre eted",
+ "▁greet ed",
+ "▁matt ress",
+ "to ol",
+ "too l",
+ "t ool",
+ "▁T OP",
+ "▁TO P",
+ "ident ified",
+ "▁rebell ion",
+ "▁Azerbai jan",
+ "▁s orted",
+ "▁sort ed",
+ "▁sor ted",
+ "c b",
+ "ap a",
+ "a pa",
+ "ec d",
+ "e cd",
+ "gu e",
+ "g ue",
+ "▁Appro x",
+ "▁comp ares",
+ "▁compar es",
+ "▁compare s",
+ "je e",
+ "j ee",
+ "▁X ia",
+ "▁Xi a",
+ "▁wid ow",
+ "▁ch erry",
+ "▁cher ry",
+ "▁rob bery",
+ "▁robb ery",
+ "=\" /",
+ "= \"/",
+ "▁g otta",
+ "▁go tta",
+ "▁got ta",
+ "▁cer amic",
+ "á t",
+ "il yn",
+ "ily n",
+ "i lyn",
+ "▁V otes",
+ "▁Vo tes",
+ "▁Vote s",
+ "▁l itter",
+ "▁lit ter",
+ "▁dismiss al",
+ "▁mod elling",
+ "▁model ling",
+ "ra th",
+ "rat h",
+ "r ath",
+ "Par ser",
+ "Parse r",
+ "P arser",
+ "efficient s",
+ "effic ients",
+ "▁Comp rehensive",
+ "▁b end",
+ "▁be nd",
+ "▁ben d",
+ "▁Domin ic",
+ "▁sub marine",
+ "▁Q B",
+ "▁J al",
+ "▁Ja l",
+ "L oc",
+ "▁m u",
+ "▁ mu",
+ "▁Out look",
+ "▁util ization",
+ "fa x",
+ "f ax",
+ "}) \\",
+ "} )\\",
+ "in us",
+ "▁R as",
+ "▁Ra s",
+ "ca ses",
+ "case s",
+ "cas es",
+ "c ases",
+ "▁p rag",
+ "▁pr ag",
+ "▁pra g",
+ "▁Fr anco",
+ "▁Franc o",
+ "▁Fran co",
+ "Jo b",
+ "J ob",
+ "▁L ub",
+ "▁Lu b",
+ "▁Strateg ies",
+ "AD E",
+ "A DE",
+ "▁mal ware",
+ "▁council s",
+ "B as",
+ "da rk",
+ "dar k",
+ "d ark",
+ "um bs",
+ "umb s",
+ "se par",
+ "▁g ravel",
+ "▁gr avel",
+ "▁gra vel",
+ "▁grave l",
+ "▁R is",
+ "▁Ri s",
+ "▁w iring",
+ "▁uns igned",
+ "▁ unsigned",
+ "сь ко",
+ "service s",
+ "s ervices",
+ "▁here by",
+ "▁B ike",
+ "▁Bi ke",
+ "▁conf ess",
+ "▁myth ology",
+ "▁viol ating",
+ "da q",
+ "d aq",
+ "▁wh ale",
+ "▁slee ve",
+ "▁P irates",
+ "▁Pi rates",
+ "▁Pir ates",
+ "▁un just",
+ "▁dec isive",
+ "▁depart ed",
+ "▁reward ed",
+ "▁n m",
+ "▁ nm",
+ "▁D ob",
+ "▁Do b",
+ "▁new born",
+ "▁Def inition",
+ "▁ Definition",
+ "▁B ench",
+ "▁Ben ch",
+ "▁sp iral",
+ "▁spir al",
+ "▁hy giene",
+ "pl ot",
+ "p lot",
+ "Tr ump",
+ "rad ius",
+ "▁app la",
+ "▁appl a",
+ "▁Un known",
+ "E Q",
+ "▁Ins pired",
+ "▁Insp ired",
+ "▁M use",
+ "▁Mus e",
+ "▁Mu se",
+ "▁s ensing",
+ "▁sens ing",
+ "▁ob struct",
+ "▁obst ruct",
+ "E ast",
+ "▁un stable",
+ "▁uns table",
+ "▁ex cluding",
+ "▁exclud ing",
+ "▁Super intendent",
+ "is son",
+ "iss on",
+ "i sson",
+ "▁B ound",
+ "▁Bo und",
+ "▁Bou nd",
+ "▁happ ier",
+ "▁remember ing",
+ "ст во",
+ "ств о",
+ "or man",
+ "orm an",
+ "▁Pa ulo",
+ "▁Paul o",
+ "▁deb uted",
+ "▁debut ed",
+ "▁f ixture",
+ "▁p atches",
+ "▁pat ches",
+ "▁patch es",
+ "▁with drawn",
+ "▁withdraw n",
+ "am ins",
+ "amin s",
+ "ami ns",
+ "war tz",
+ "wart z",
+ "found ed",
+ "f ounded",
+ "▁Tor res",
+ "al ore",
+ "alo re",
+ "a lore",
+ "▁Regist ered",
+ "▁Register ed",
+ "ver ter",
+ "vert er",
+ "▁C ivic",
+ "▁Civ ic",
+ "▁Ci vic",
+ "Ne ill",
+ "pl atform",
+ "▁br anded",
+ "▁brand ed",
+ "▁W I",
+ "▁E va",
+ "▁Ev a",
+ "▁F ou",
+ "▁Fo u",
+ "▁L OVE",
+ "▁LO VE",
+ "C r",
+ "St op",
+ "S top",
+ "▁S py",
+ "▁Sp y",
+ "▁shut tle",
+ "▁Di abetes",
+ "▁collect ors",
+ "▁colle ctors",
+ "▁collector s",
+ "wa gen",
+ "w agen",
+ "▁hun ters",
+ "▁hunt ers",
+ "▁hunter s",
+ "open hagen",
+ "▁Hy brid",
+ "ra mer",
+ "ram er",
+ "rame r",
+ "r amer",
+ "▁c ite",
+ "▁cit e",
+ "▁ci te",
+ "▁ cite",
+ "▁Str ike",
+ "▁Stri ke",
+ "▁King ston",
+ "▁Kings ton",
+ "▁indict ment",
+ "J ava",
+ "ya ng",
+ "yan g",
+ "y ang",
+ "▁S AT",
+ "▁SA T",
+ "▁Y ard",
+ "▁Ya rd",
+ "▁Aub urn",
+ "▁Au burn",
+ "▁L C",
+ "▁ LC",
+ "▁IM F",
+ "▁ur gency",
+ "▁urg ency",
+ "▁pl eas",
+ "▁ple as",
+ "▁plea s",
+ "▁Mor mon",
+ "▁Morm on",
+ "▁micro bi",
+ "▁C AS",
+ "▁CA S",
+ "▁Lag os",
+ "▁blog ging",
+ "oh yd",
+ "o hyd",
+ "▁Exp ression",
+ "▁Express ion",
+ "▁ Expression",
+ "▁E A",
+ "▁ EA",
+ "ca ts",
+ "cat s",
+ "c ats",
+ "▁Tibet an",
+ "▁a top",
+ "▁at op",
+ "▁ceremon ies",
+ "PL E",
+ "P LE",
+ "▁L ov",
+ "▁Lo v",
+ "▁ar ter",
+ "▁art er",
+ "▁ arter",
+ "▁The resa",
+ "▁There sa",
+ "▁Lad ies",
+ "á r",
+ "bird s",
+ "▁e cology",
+ "▁ec ology",
+ "▁res ides",
+ "▁resid es",
+ "▁reside s",
+ "ro py",
+ "rop y",
+ "r opy",
+ "▁p ills",
+ "▁pil ls",
+ "▁pill s",
+ "▁tor que",
+ "▁G H",
+ "▁ GH",
+ "▁e mp",
+ "▁em p",
+ "▁ emp",
+ "▁sp rings",
+ "▁spring s",
+ "▁spr ings",
+ "R oot",
+ "se cret",
+ "sec ret",
+ "▁Ass ad",
+ "▁A ston",
+ "▁As ton",
+ "▁Ast on",
+ "▁S omers",
+ "▁So mers",
+ "▁Some rs",
+ "▁Som ers",
+ "▁It ems",
+ "▁Item s",
+ "▁ Items",
+ "▁a vid",
+ "▁av id",
+ "▁ avid",
+ "▁p ushes",
+ "▁push es",
+ "▁W arning",
+ "▁War ning",
+ "▁Warn ing",
+ "▁Sy racuse",
+ "▁alt itude",
+ "▁Person s",
+ "▁Pers ons",
+ "▁sh ining",
+ "▁prob ation",
+ "at en",
+ "ate n",
+ "a ten",
+ "le tal",
+ "let al",
+ "l etal",
+ "▁V III",
+ "▁VI II",
+ "▁VII I",
+ "▁p iss",
+ "▁pi ss",
+ "oc oc",
+ "oco c",
+ "ot ech",
+ "ote ch",
+ "o tech",
+ "▁Lect ure",
+ "▁Ar row",
+ "▁Social ist",
+ "▁S I",
+ "▁ SI",
+ "▁h ex",
+ "▁he x",
+ "▁ hex",
+ "ff iti",
+ "▁jo ints",
+ "▁join ts",
+ "▁joint s",
+ "▁fool ish",
+ "▁Comp ared",
+ "▁Compar ed",
+ "▁Compare d",
+ "” —",
+ "em br",
+ "emb r",
+ "aj o",
+ "a jo",
+ "as sis",
+ "ass is",
+ "▁McK in",
+ "▁ad here",
+ "▁masc ul",
+ "▁mas cul",
+ "▁Jac ques",
+ "▁Jacqu es",
+ "▁Class ics",
+ "▁Classic s",
+ "▁Spring er",
+ "▁Spr inger",
+ "▁R ex",
+ "▁Re x",
+ "▁Exerc ise",
+ "ay ing",
+ "a ying",
+ "son ian",
+ "s onian",
+ "▁Bas il",
+ "▁Ba sil",
+ "cent ric",
+ "c entric",
+ "▁== ====",
+ "▁=== ===",
+ "▁forecast s",
+ "fi x",
+ "f ix",
+ "▁M ouse",
+ "▁Mo use",
+ "▁de central",
+ "▁decent ral",
+ "he a",
+ "h ea",
+ "Is lam",
+ "▁pun ished",
+ "▁punish ed",
+ "▁tom atoes",
+ "▁tomato es",
+ "▁imprison ed",
+ "▁inst ability",
+ "▁Par ade",
+ "▁Pa rade",
+ "▁Parad e",
+ "▁Indones ian",
+ "▁Indonesia n",
+ "▁ve in",
+ "▁collabor ations",
+ "▁collaboration s",
+ "AL E",
+ "A LE",
+ "th y",
+ "t hy",
+ "▁her bs",
+ "▁herb s",
+ "Sec urity",
+ "▁ant ioxid",
+ "▁dep ressed",
+ "▁national ism",
+ "▁nation alism",
+ "▁supp ression",
+ "▁suppress ion",
+ "ner g",
+ "n erg",
+ "bl ood",
+ "le man",
+ "lem an",
+ "l eman",
+ "▁cor related",
+ "▁correl ated",
+ "▁rein forced",
+ "▁reinforce d",
+ "▁de tain",
+ "▁det ain",
+ "It er",
+ "I ter",
+ "▁I CE",
+ "▁IC E",
+ "▁ ICE",
+ "▁ub iqu",
+ "▁new com",
+ "▁May o",
+ "▁Ma yo",
+ "▁Pl anned",
+ "▁Plan ned",
+ "▁data sets",
+ "▁datas ets",
+ "▁dataset s",
+ "Su n",
+ "S un",
+ "▁qu ir",
+ "▁qui r",
+ "▁ quir",
+ "▁tru ths",
+ "▁truth s",
+ "▁l enders",
+ "▁len ders",
+ "▁lend ers",
+ "▁lender s",
+ "▁pet roleum",
+ "▁inter rupted",
+ "▁interrupt ed",
+ "ign ant",
+ "▁B uc",
+ "▁Bu c",
+ "▁Un ity",
+ "▁Unit y",
+ "▁allow ance",
+ "▁n el",
+ "▁ne l",
+ "▁ nel",
+ "▁Sign s",
+ "▁Sig ns",
+ "▁Ham burg",
+ "▁Hamb urg",
+ "▁New port",
+ "▁depend ency",
+ "▁ dependency",
+ "▁fasc inated",
+ "F D",
+ "▁P urs",
+ "▁Pur s",
+ "▁Pu rs",
+ "Pub Med",
+ "▁spec imens",
+ "▁specimen s",
+ "▁Document ary",
+ "ro sis",
+ "ros is",
+ "r osis",
+ "▁Wi Fi",
+ "▁similar ity",
+ "▁B attery",
+ "▁Bat tery",
+ "▁Batt ery",
+ "By tes",
+ "Byte s",
+ "▁sp ans",
+ "▁span s",
+ "▁spa ns",
+ "▁C otton",
+ "▁Cot ton",
+ "un gs",
+ "ung s",
+ "▁E RA",
+ "▁ER A",
+ "▁Br east",
+ "▁Bre ast",
+ "▁N V",
+ "▁d ia",
+ "▁di a",
+ "▁ dia",
+ "▁l ush",
+ "▁war mer",
+ "▁warm er",
+ "▁m ansion",
+ "▁mans ion",
+ "in ian",
+ "ini an",
+ "inia n",
+ "▁T IME",
+ "▁TIM E",
+ "▁M iche",
+ "▁Mich e",
+ "▁Mic he",
+ "▁Mi che",
+ "▁the or",
+ "▁th eor",
+ "▁int oler",
+ "▁into ler",
+ "fo oter",
+ "foot er",
+ "foo ter",
+ "f ooter",
+ "▁D oyle",
+ "▁Do yle",
+ "▁F rost",
+ "▁Fr ost",
+ "▁Fro st",
+ "Cl asses",
+ "Class es",
+ "C lasses",
+ "leg iate",
+ "rop olis",
+ "▁H ampton",
+ "▁Ham pton",
+ "▁Hamp ton",
+ "▁Par kinson",
+ "▁Park inson",
+ "OS S",
+ "O SS",
+ "▁M arty",
+ "▁Mar ty",
+ "▁Mart y",
+ "▁For ever",
+ "▁Fore ver",
+ "resist ant",
+ "▁D rum",
+ "▁Dr um",
+ "▁Dru m",
+ "wide hat",
+ "▁oblig ed",
+ "▁V ine",
+ "▁Vin e",
+ "▁Vi ne",
+ "▁v ivo",
+ "▁vi vo",
+ "po d",
+ "p od",
+ "▁ant it",
+ "▁anti t",
+ "▁Di plom",
+ "▁Ins ights",
+ "▁Insight s",
+ "at hy",
+ "ath y",
+ "a thy",
+ "er os",
+ "ero s",
+ "e ros",
+ "de mand",
+ "dem and",
+ "▁po etic",
+ "▁poet ic",
+ "▁O T",
+ "▁ OT",
+ "▁St eps",
+ "▁Ste ps",
+ "▁Step s",
+ "▁Whats App",
+ "▁K W",
+ "▁t oe",
+ "▁to e",
+ "▁D ept",
+ "▁De pt",
+ "▁Dep t",
+ "▁cooper ate",
+ "▁supp lying",
+ "▁supply ing",
+ "▁Integ ration",
+ "op hers",
+ "oph ers",
+ "opher s",
+ "▁c ollar",
+ "▁col lar",
+ "▁coll ar",
+ "▁paragraph s",
+ "▁manuscript s",
+ "▁s ig",
+ "▁si g",
+ "▁Ster ling",
+ "AL S",
+ "A LS",
+ "▁Com bat",
+ "▁Comb at",
+ "▁Fore cast",
+ "att ice",
+ "atti ce",
+ "da r",
+ "d ar",
+ "▁M ald",
+ "▁Mal d",
+ "▁Ma ld",
+ "▁Lux ury",
+ "▁app les",
+ "▁ap ples",
+ "▁appl es",
+ "▁apple s",
+ "▁mar riages",
+ "▁marriage s",
+ "h urst",
+ "▁over looking",
+ "▁overlook ing",
+ "la sh",
+ "las h",
+ "l ash",
+ "Con nor",
+ "Conn or",
+ "am iliar",
+ "▁comp lementary",
+ "▁complement ary",
+ "▁equ ip",
+ "▁b ounce",
+ "▁bou nce",
+ "▁V enture",
+ "▁Vent ure",
+ "▁em peror",
+ "▁Absol utely",
+ "▁Achie vement",
+ "▁\" [",
+ "▁E cho",
+ "▁Ec ho",
+ "▁N okia",
+ "▁gather ings",
+ "▁gathering s",
+ "wi c",
+ "w ic",
+ "▁u h",
+ "▁ uh",
+ "c ulture",
+ "▁down ward",
+ "ed dy",
+ "edd y",
+ "▁п ере",
+ "▁engine ered",
+ "▁engineer ed",
+ "▁C ros",
+ "▁Cr os",
+ "▁Cro s",
+ "▁Vent ures",
+ "▁Venture s",
+ "▁myst eries",
+ "▁myster ies",
+ "▁inspir ational",
+ "▁inspiration al",
+ "▁] ,",
+ "▁ ],",
+ "is ex",
+ "ise x",
+ "i sex",
+ "f ashion",
+ "▁embra cing",
+ "▁respond ent",
+ "id os",
+ "ido s",
+ "Sm ith",
+ "S mith",
+ "ra red",
+ "rar ed",
+ "r ared",
+ "▁h ype",
+ "▁hy pe",
+ "▁hyp e",
+ "▁str ips",
+ "▁stri ps",
+ "▁strip s",
+ "▁rot ating",
+ "▁sun shine",
+ "▁Sett lement",
+ "/ -",
+ "▁Aut hent",
+ "har dt",
+ "hard t",
+ "▁m ethyl",
+ "▁meth yl",
+ "act ly",
+ "▁John ston",
+ "▁Johns ton",
+ "ia ting",
+ "iat ing",
+ "i ating",
+ "▁br ake",
+ "▁bra ke",
+ "▁Gu ests",
+ "▁Guest s",
+ "▁s outheast",
+ "▁south east",
+ "▁sout heast",
+ "sw ick",
+ "s wick",
+ "▁anticip ation",
+ "as pora",
+ "asp ora",
+ "oph one",
+ "o phone",
+ "▁Fe lix",
+ "▁Fel ix",
+ "▁incon ven",
+ "▁M itt",
+ "▁Mit t",
+ "▁Mi tt",
+ "H I",
+ "in j",
+ "by ter",
+ "byte r",
+ "qu arter",
+ "quart er",
+ "▁ex pired",
+ "▁exp ired",
+ "▁expire d",
+ ") _",
+ "▁L eah",
+ "▁Le ah",
+ "▁H erman",
+ "▁Her man",
+ "▁Herm an",
+ "▁F S",
+ "▁ FS",
+ "▁Ex ped",
+ "▁Exp ed",
+ "▁We iss",
+ "▁Wei ss",
+ "▁A ircraft",
+ "▁Air craft",
+ "▁T ul",
+ "▁Tu l",
+ "man ship",
+ "mans hip",
+ "m anship",
+ "▁Mir anda",
+ "▁P interest",
+ "▁H ort",
+ "▁Hor t",
+ "▁Ho rt",
+ "▁l ibr",
+ "▁li br",
+ "▁lib r",
+ "Europe an",
+ "ar ial",
+ "ari al",
+ "aria l",
+ "a rial",
+ "ell ery",
+ "eller y",
+ "elle ry",
+ "ri vers",
+ "riv ers",
+ "rive rs",
+ "river s",
+ "r ivers",
+ "it ching",
+ "itch ing",
+ "itc hing",
+ "▁Jul iet",
+ "▁Julie t",
+ "IL D",
+ "I LD",
+ "ag i",
+ "a gi",
+ "▁N OR",
+ "▁NO R",
+ "▁brows ers",
+ "▁browser s",
+ "▁browse rs",
+ "Be t",
+ "B et",
+ "▁l aps",
+ "▁la ps",
+ "▁lap s",
+ "erv ical",
+ "in flamm",
+ "▁Rw anda",
+ "▁cum ulative",
+ "▁B ea",
+ "▁Be a",
+ "▁O tto",
+ "▁Ott o",
+ "▁Ot to",
+ "▁c ows",
+ "▁co ws",
+ "▁cow s",
+ "se at",
+ "sea t",
+ "▁Miss ing",
+ "▁neighb ours",
+ "▁neighbour s",
+ "▁Fern ando",
+ "▁$ {",
+ "▁ ${",
+ "▁s erm",
+ "▁se rm",
+ "▁ser m",
+ "▁t enth",
+ "▁ten th",
+ "▁tent h",
+ "▁Athlet ics",
+ "▁Athletic s",
+ "▁l asts",
+ "▁last s",
+ "▁las ts",
+ "▁Sur rey",
+ "▁stret ches",
+ "▁stretch es",
+ "▁Qu ite",
+ "▁O st",
+ "▁Os t",
+ "▁d iary",
+ "▁di ary",
+ "▁dia ry",
+ "▁tw ins",
+ "▁twin s",
+ "▁Second ly",
+ "` ,",
+ "▁ox ide",
+ "▁oxid e",
+ "▁ oxide",
+ "▁dis hon",
+ "▁dish on",
+ "▁grass roots",
+ "▁Bel fast",
+ "▁Belf ast",
+ "▁sem inars",
+ "▁seminar s",
+ "▁Austral ians",
+ "▁Australia ns",
+ "▁Australian s",
+ "▁E u",
+ "▁stim ulate",
+ "▁H iro",
+ "▁Hi ro",
+ "▁Hir o",
+ "▁Maur ice",
+ "▁Mau rice",
+ "▁jud ging",
+ "is o",
+ "i so",
+ "vi c",
+ "v ic",
+ "da l",
+ "d al",
+ "ta l",
+ "t al",
+ "hi dden",
+ "h idden",
+ "▁H olding",
+ "▁Hol ding",
+ "▁Hold ing",
+ "ad vert",
+ "adv ert",
+ "▁foreign ers",
+ "▁E rd",
+ "▁Er d",
+ "▁Ste fan",
+ "▁Stef an",
+ "elect ric",
+ "e lectric",
+ "▁P overty",
+ "▁sand wich",
+ "▁sandwic h",
+ "An n",
+ "A nn",
+ "▁s talk",
+ "▁st alk",
+ "▁stal k",
+ "▁w ires",
+ "▁wire s",
+ "▁el astic",
+ "}\\ ,",
+ "} \\,",
+ "▁cr isp",
+ "▁cris p",
+ "▁char ism",
+ "fl ower",
+ "flow er",
+ "f lower",
+ "Ma ke",
+ "M ake",
+ "▁assert ed",
+ "▁col oring",
+ "▁color ing",
+ "▁r anch",
+ "▁ran ch",
+ "zz a",
+ "z za",
+ "▁De bb",
+ "▁Deb b",
+ "▁F ill",
+ "▁Fil l",
+ "▁Fi ll",
+ "▁rep lies",
+ "▁repl ies",
+ "▁advertis ement",
+ "▁advertise ment",
+ "= (",
+ "bre aks",
+ "break s",
+ "al igned",
+ "align ed",
+ "ip ation",
+ "▁d rift",
+ "▁dri ft",
+ "▁dr ift",
+ "▁Ag ents",
+ "▁Agent s",
+ "▁conduct or",
+ "▁f ixtures",
+ "▁fixture s",
+ "NB C",
+ "N BC",
+ "br ight",
+ "b right",
+ "▁Car lo",
+ "▁Carl o",
+ "▁c urse",
+ "▁cur se",
+ "▁curs e",
+ "it ant",
+ "ita nt",
+ "itan t",
+ "ua nia",
+ "uan ia",
+ "u ania",
+ "▁Ar abs",
+ "▁Arab s",
+ "▁Ara bs",
+ "▁obst acle",
+ "J ack",
+ "▁con greg",
+ "▁congr eg",
+ "▁Car negie",
+ "▁Stock holm",
+ "▁sym pathetic",
+ "▁sympath etic",
+ "▁Jac obs",
+ "▁Jacob s",
+ "▁Sh arma",
+ "▁Shar ma",
+ "▁Ver non",
+ "▁Vern on",
+ "▁disc oura",
+ "▁disco ura",
+ "Ob j",
+ "el ic",
+ "eli c",
+ "e lic",
+ "▁K ang",
+ "▁Ka ng",
+ "▁Kan g",
+ "▁p est",
+ "▁pe st",
+ "▁pes t",
+ "▁collect s",
+ "▁R az",
+ "▁Ra z",
+ "▁sh irts",
+ "▁shirt s",
+ "▁ shirts",
+ "▁barrel s",
+ "▁depict ing",
+ "▁under went",
+ "▁I X",
+ "▁ IX",
+ "▁Ke ys",
+ "▁Key s",
+ "▁ Keys",
+ "ar ations",
+ "aration s",
+ "arat ions",
+ "a rations",
+ "▁sus pend",
+ "▁susp end",
+ "» ,",
+ "ad ic",
+ "adi c",
+ "an dem",
+ "and em",
+ "ande m",
+ "▁Val ues",
+ "▁Value s",
+ "▁ Values",
+ "▁th irteen",
+ "en ic",
+ "eni c",
+ "e nic",
+ "▁mental ity",
+ "▁ment ality",
+ "▁V il",
+ "▁Vi l",
+ "▁dis crete",
+ "▁discre te",
+ "▁Land scape",
+ "▁Lands cape",
+ "▁forg iveness",
+ "▁forgive ness",
+ "AP P",
+ "A PP",
+ "co ol",
+ "c ool",
+ "▁Im pl",
+ "▁Imp l",
+ "▁ Impl",
+ "▁Bal let",
+ "▁Ball et",
+ "▁Ep stein",
+ "lor e",
+ "lo re",
+ "l ore",
+ "▁Cy cl",
+ "▁G avin",
+ "▁Ga vin",
+ "▁ru ined",
+ "▁ruin ed",
+ "▁su pers",
+ "▁super s",
+ "▁sup ers",
+ "▁sen ators",
+ "▁senator s",
+ "▁tra umatic",
+ "▁trauma tic",
+ "ij a",
+ "i ja",
+ "▁K aw",
+ "▁Ka w",
+ "▁C ock",
+ "▁Co ck",
+ "▁Coc k",
+ "▁C razy",
+ "▁Cr azy",
+ "▁Cra zy",
+ "▁diff ers",
+ "▁differ s",
+ "li o",
+ "l io",
+ "ob uf",
+ "o buf",
+ "uff ed",
+ "uf fed",
+ "▁dis charged",
+ "▁discharge d",
+ "▁J ong",
+ "▁Jo ng",
+ "▁Jon g",
+ "Se ction",
+ "S ection",
+ "▁borrow ed",
+ "▁proport ional",
+ "▁proportion al",
+ "OT H",
+ "O TH",
+ "es try",
+ "est ry",
+ "▁Aw esome",
+ "▁sl owing",
+ "▁slow ing",
+ "DO C",
+ "D OC",
+ "ow e",
+ "o we",
+ "Tr ack",
+ "Tra ck",
+ "T rack",
+ "▁Prom ise",
+ "▁Afric ans",
+ "▁Africa ns",
+ "▁African s",
+ "▁com missions",
+ "▁comm issions",
+ "▁commission s",
+ "▁reminis cent",
+ "▁dis placement",
+ "▁mult inational",
+ "▁multi national",
+ "▁G it",
+ "▁Gi t",
+ "▁J ung",
+ "▁Ju ng",
+ "▁Jun g",
+ "▁t hou",
+ "▁th ou",
+ "▁sens ory",
+ "▁sensor y",
+ "▁batt ling",
+ "▁M err",
+ "▁Me rr",
+ "▁Mer r",
+ "st reet",
+ "stre et",
+ "▁Car ey",
+ "▁Care y",
+ "▁Ca rey",
+ "▁hun ter",
+ "▁hunt er",
+ "▁empower ing",
+ "Me ta",
+ "Met a",
+ "M eta",
+ "▁ve ctors",
+ "▁vector s",
+ "▁un forgettable",
+ "▁W T",
+ "▁ WT",
+ "iv able",
+ "iva ble",
+ "i vable",
+ "▁b othered",
+ "▁both ered",
+ "▁bother ed",
+ "▁bot hered",
+ "▁constra int",
+ "op ened",
+ "ope ned",
+ "open ed",
+ "▁sm iles",
+ "▁smile s",
+ "▁reg ulator",
+ "▁regul ator",
+ ".’ ”",
+ "sp oken",
+ "▁S anchez",
+ "▁coinc idence",
+ "▁Sh ut",
+ "cent ral",
+ "▁Mic key",
+ "▁Mick ey",
+ "▁re cons",
+ "▁rec ons",
+ "▁recon s",
+ "▁s ocket",
+ "▁soc ket",
+ "▁M am",
+ "▁Ma m",
+ "▁M ao",
+ "▁Ma o",
+ "IF E",
+ "I FE",
+ "ri ka",
+ "rik a",
+ "r ika",
+ "▁Adv ice",
+ "▁T T",
+ "▁ TT",
+ "▁Br ands",
+ "▁Brand s",
+ "▁Car diff",
+ "▁Card iff",
+ "▁b ishops",
+ "▁bis hops",
+ "▁bishop s",
+ "▁p umps",
+ "▁pump s",
+ "▁Punj ab",
+ "▁mass acre",
+ "he ss",
+ "hes s",
+ "h ess",
+ "▁ins urg",
+ "el les",
+ "ell es",
+ "elle s",
+ "▁C oin",
+ "▁Co in",
+ "▁gu itars",
+ "▁guitar s",
+ "▁Pant hers",
+ "▁Panther s",
+ "cd n",
+ "c dn",
+ "st ars",
+ "star s",
+ "sta rs",
+ "▁hook ed",
+ "▁ho oked",
+ "▁le thal",
+ "▁let hal",
+ "▁Know ing",
+ "▁Kn owing",
+ "pub lished",
+ "publ ished",
+ "p ublished",
+ "▁sw itches",
+ "▁switch es",
+ "EN C",
+ "E NC",
+ "Be nz",
+ "Ben z",
+ "B enz",
+ "cor n",
+ "c orn",
+ "▁s way",
+ "▁sw ay",
+ "▁s ings",
+ "▁sing s",
+ "▁sin gs",
+ "Ad apter",
+ "▁F inals",
+ "▁Fin als",
+ "▁Final s",
+ "▁own ing",
+ "▁ow ning",
+ "▁ins urer",
+ "▁insu rer",
+ "▁al phabet",
+ "▁alpha bet",
+ "▁M AT",
+ "▁MA T",
+ "lick r",
+ "sh adow",
+ "▁de mons",
+ "▁dem ons",
+ "▁demon s",
+ "▁demo ns",
+ "▁pro hibition",
+ "▁prohib ition",
+ "▁prohibit ion",
+ "S n",
+ "ee le",
+ "e ele",
+ "▁G ods",
+ "▁Go ds",
+ "▁God s",
+ "▁f ocal",
+ "▁fo cal",
+ "▁foc al",
+ "▁prol ific",
+ "▁g low",
+ "▁gl ow",
+ "▁gr inding",
+ "▁grind ing",
+ "▁E ther",
+ "▁Eth er",
+ "▁Et her",
+ "▁ch uck",
+ "▁vac ant",
+ "Po wer",
+ "P ower",
+ "▁V augh",
+ "▁Va ugh",
+ "▁R BI",
+ "▁RB I",
+ "▁fire arm",
+ "aunder ing",
+ "▁comp eted",
+ "▁compet ed",
+ "▁compete d",
+ "▁gen etics",
+ "▁gene tics",
+ "▁genetic s",
+ "▁strength ened",
+ "▁strengthen ed",
+ "N um",
+ "▁cur tain",
+ "▁Pos itive",
+ "▁contin ental",
+ "▁continent al",
+ "▁fib ers",
+ "▁fiber s",
+ "▁fi bers",
+ "no indent",
+ "▁Finn ish",
+ "▁rest ructuring",
+ "▁T ou",
+ "▁To u",
+ "▁pers ist",
+ "▁transc end",
+ "sy m",
+ "s ym",
+ "ad ded",
+ "add ed",
+ "ge ois",
+ "▁tack ling",
+ "Key s",
+ "Ke ys",
+ "an ca",
+ "anc a",
+ "▁r ansom",
+ "▁ran som",
+ "comm ittee",
+ "▁dis comfort",
+ "▁catast rophic",
+ "▁e igen",
+ "▁aut obi",
+ "▁auto bi",
+ "f y",
+ "IT T",
+ "I TT",
+ "▁K S",
+ "▁ KS",
+ "▁F av",
+ "▁Fa v",
+ "ig ated",
+ "igate d",
+ "iga ted",
+ "ver ages",
+ "verage s",
+ "▁S part",
+ "▁Sp art",
+ "▁Spa rt",
+ "▁fire place",
+ "▁fi replace",
+ "▁M ate",
+ "▁Mat e",
+ "▁Ma te",
+ "▁a cre",
+ "▁ac re",
+ "▁ acre",
+ "▁r ented",
+ "▁rent ed",
+ "▁ren ted",
+ "res ources",
+ "resource s",
+ "Sa m",
+ "S am",
+ "▁sw orn",
+ "ugg ling",
+ "▁it iner",
+ "prising ly",
+ "▁Cert ification",
+ "ie ra",
+ "ier a",
+ "i era",
+ "▁W ish",
+ "▁Wi sh",
+ "▁Wis h",
+ "Acc ount",
+ "Ac count",
+ "▁s ax",
+ "▁sa x",
+ "▁m int",
+ "▁min t",
+ "▁mi nt",
+ "▁cult urally",
+ "▁cultural ly",
+ "sl e",
+ "s le",
+ "ox ide",
+ "▁L aud",
+ "▁La ud",
+ "▁Lau d",
+ "ac ters",
+ "act ers",
+ "acter s",
+ "▁F actor",
+ "▁Fact or",
+ "▁Fac tor",
+ "▁Fa ctor",
+ "p olitical",
+ "▁real izes",
+ "▁realize s",
+ "▁Pat terson",
+ "в ы",
+ "▁B iblical",
+ "▁Bibli cal",
+ "▁benef iciaries",
+ "ak in",
+ "aki n",
+ "a kin",
+ "▁contam inated",
+ "▁contamin ated",
+ "▁standard ized",
+ "ean or",
+ "ea nor",
+ "e anor",
+ "▁Coast al",
+ "▁Win ners",
+ "▁Winn ers",
+ "▁Winner s",
+ "▁De cor",
+ "▁Dec or",
+ "ut sch",
+ "uts ch",
+ "▁prop ortions",
+ "▁proport ions",
+ "▁proportion s",
+ "aj i",
+ "a ji",
+ "const itutional",
+ "Re al",
+ "R eal",
+ "▁furn ish",
+ "arent hood",
+ "aren thood",
+ "uc ing",
+ "u cing",
+ "ash tra",
+ "▁Ad min",
+ "▁Adm in",
+ "▁D habi",
+ "▁Dh abi",
+ "▁f lock",
+ "▁fl ock",
+ "▁flo ck",
+ "▁por ch",
+ "▁sh ark",
+ "▁shar k",
+ "▁disc ern",
+ "▁Revolution ary",
+ "a q",
+ "amb oo",
+ "ambo o",
+ "▁Ch rys",
+ "▁object ions",
+ "▁objection s",
+ "▁$ $\\",
+ "▁$$ \\",
+ "▁f ox",
+ "▁fo x",
+ "▁ fox",
+ "ol ate",
+ "ola te",
+ "o late",
+ "▁T ory",
+ "▁To ry",
+ "▁Tor y",
+ "▁mot ors",
+ "▁motor s",
+ "ur rection",
+ "▁Cann abis",
+ "ion i",
+ "io ni",
+ "i oni",
+ "▁T ort",
+ "▁To rt",
+ "▁Tor t",
+ "▁pro active",
+ "ew orthy",
+ "e worthy",
+ "▁Kim ber",
+ "▁Ki mber",
+ "▁trust ee",
+ "qual ified",
+ "▁Corn wall",
+ "▁t asting",
+ "▁tast ing",
+ "▁ju venile",
+ "or ian",
+ "ori an",
+ "oria n",
+ "o rian",
+ "pan el",
+ "pa nel",
+ "▁C och",
+ "▁Co ch",
+ "▁Coc h",
+ "▁f ist",
+ "▁fi st",
+ "ag ent",
+ "age nt",
+ "agen t",
+ "a gent",
+ "▁ant ique",
+ "▁anti que",
+ "▁antiqu e",
+ "▁Guatem ala",
+ "W D",
+ "▁E qual",
+ "▁Equ al",
+ "▁Eq ual",
+ "▁ Equal",
+ "ross over",
+ "rosso ver",
+ "▁ч е",
+ "▁ че",
+ "▁t ant",
+ "▁ta nt",
+ "▁tan t",
+ "▁Hind i",
+ "▁San ct",
+ "fe ature",
+ "feat ure",
+ "▁sh oppers",
+ "▁shop pers",
+ "▁sho ppers",
+ "▁Neighbor hood",
+ "▁surviv or",
+ "▁phot ographic",
+ "▁photograph ic",
+ "Br o",
+ "B ro",
+ "le ad",
+ "l ead",
+ "▁Aud itor",
+ "▁Audi tor",
+ "▁Audit or",
+ "▁Theod ore",
+ "▁M K",
+ "ri bed",
+ "rib ed",
+ "ribe d",
+ "» .",
+ "▁T rophy",
+ "▁Tro phy",
+ "▁Leon ardo",
+ "▁Leonard o",
+ "▁l ur",
+ "▁Bron x",
+ "▁j ourneys",
+ "▁journey s",
+ "ph ase",
+ "pha se",
+ "phas e",
+ "ud ing",
+ "udi ng",
+ "u ding",
+ "▁Fire fox",
+ "▁equ ilibrium",
+ "▁Clay ton",
+ "▁Nic arag",
+ "▁six teen",
+ "▁dis ciplinary",
+ "▁discipl inary",
+ "▁ disciplinary",
+ "zi e",
+ "z ie",
+ "▁B oyd",
+ "▁Bo yd",
+ "▁Boy d",
+ "▁l aughs",
+ "▁laugh s",
+ "▁as sembl",
+ "▁assemb l",
+ "▁fraud ulent",
+ "▁intern ship",
+ "▁Individual s",
+ "▁trans cription",
+ "▁transcript ion",
+ "▁transc ription",
+ "▁tran scription",
+ "▁F ry",
+ "▁Fr y",
+ "▁Mo ment",
+ "▁Mom ent",
+ "es ium",
+ "estab lished",
+ "establish ed",
+ "▁volunt arily",
+ "▁Ex ec",
+ "▁ Exec",
+ "ra ined",
+ "rain ed",
+ "raine d",
+ "r ained",
+ "▁Pom pe",
+ "▁mon arch",
+ "▁Di dn",
+ "▁Did n",
+ "▁Sen ators",
+ "▁Senator s",
+ "p u",
+ "▁D ual",
+ "▁Du al",
+ "▁C isco",
+ "▁an kle",
+ "▁bi ased",
+ "▁bias ed",
+ "▁inhib itor",
+ "▁o wing",
+ "▁ow ing",
+ "▁ owing",
+ "re search",
+ "res earch",
+ "▁P izza",
+ "▁Pi zza",
+ "▁Re vel",
+ "▁Rev el",
+ "▁Reve l",
+ "▁paper work",
+ "▁C openhagen",
+ "▁Mechan ical",
+ "▁b aked",
+ "▁ba ked",
+ "▁bak ed",
+ "▁bake d",
+ "▁H ouses",
+ "▁House s",
+ "▁Hou ses",
+ "▁Ho uses",
+ "▁Hous es",
+ "▁dis astrous",
+ "▁Stat istical",
+ "▁apprent ices",
+ "▁P on",
+ "▁Po n",
+ "▁un b",
+ "▁mamm als",
+ "count er",
+ "c ounter",
+ "▁sn acks",
+ "▁snack s",
+ "represent ed",
+ "▁Le vi",
+ "▁Lev i",
+ "▁T RA",
+ "▁TR A",
+ "▁D unn",
+ "▁Du nn",
+ "▁Dun n",
+ "▁up hold",
+ "▁the orem",
+ "▁theore m",
+ "▁theor em",
+ "▁ theorem",
+ "▁parad ise",
+ "▁compet ence",
+ "▁compete nce",
+ "▁int ro",
+ "▁intr o",
+ "isp here",
+ "▁task ed",
+ "rol ls",
+ "roll s",
+ "s ession",
+ "▁Ch ocolate",
+ "zo n",
+ "z on",
+ "Loc k",
+ "L ock",
+ "▁circ a",
+ "▁cir ca",
+ "Pro duct",
+ "P roduct",
+ "▁Pel osi",
+ "ad al",
+ "ada l",
+ "a dal",
+ "ri cing",
+ "ric ing",
+ "r icing",
+ "▁C heng",
+ "▁Ch eng",
+ "▁Che ng",
+ "▁Chen g",
+ "sh irts",
+ "shirt s",
+ "▁Pur ple",
+ "▁im minent",
+ "▁imm inent",
+ "▁emb assy",
+ "ad ia",
+ "adi a",
+ "a dia",
+ "▁M uk",
+ "▁Mu k",
+ "▁voy age",
+ "▁A ctions",
+ "▁Act ions",
+ "▁Action s",
+ "▁re union",
+ "▁reun ion",
+ "▁aver aging",
+ "▁H ond",
+ "▁Hon d",
+ "▁Ho nd",
+ "▁Mer cy",
+ "▁Merc y",
+ "▁ord inance",
+ "] $",
+ "EC D",
+ "E CD",
+ "ma c",
+ "m ac",
+ "ience d",
+ "ien ced",
+ "i enced",
+ "▁ful fil",
+ "▁fulf il",
+ "▁Hern andez",
+ "▁it eration",
+ "▁iter ation",
+ "▁s ho",
+ "▁sh o",
+ "▁pr aying",
+ "▁pra ying",
+ "▁pray ing",
+ "▁fam ously",
+ "▁famous ly",
+ "vol ume",
+ "we ather",
+ "▁stere otypes",
+ "▁stereo types",
+ "▁m ega",
+ "▁me ga",
+ "▁meg a",
+ "▁kind ly",
+ "au th",
+ "aut h",
+ "a uth",
+ "▁W ent",
+ "▁We nt",
+ "▁Wen t",
+ "ge vity",
+ "ur rence",
+ "▁t raction",
+ "▁tr action",
+ "▁tra ction",
+ "▁tract ion",
+ "Fi nd",
+ "Fin d",
+ "F ind",
+ "▁intr icate",
+ "▁intric ate",
+ "▁M ON",
+ "▁MO N",
+ "▁flu or",
+ "▁pro sec",
+ "▁pros ec",
+ "▁prose c",
+ "d n",
+ "▁a mp",
+ "▁am p",
+ "▁ amp",
+ "▁a unt",
+ "▁au nt",
+ "Act ive",
+ "A ctive",
+ "▁sh oots",
+ "▁shoot s",
+ "▁sho ots",
+ "▁sea food",
+ "▁seaf ood",
+ "▁exp osing",
+ "▁incumb ent",
+ "▁success ive",
+ "▁empower ment",
+ "aa n",
+ "a an",
+ "▁B ac",
+ "▁Ba c",
+ "▁Last ly",
+ "R P",
+ "▁r emn",
+ "▁rem n",
+ "st ones",
+ "ston es",
+ "stone s",
+ "sto nes",
+ "▁Conc ord",
+ "▁Phill ip",
+ "▁ende avor",
+ "▁endeav or",
+ "он а",
+ "о на",
+ "ll i",
+ "l li",
+ "▁m align",
+ "▁mal ign",
+ "▁collabor ated",
+ "▁collaborate d",
+ "▁M ask",
+ "▁Ma sk",
+ "▁Mas k",
+ "▁sl owed",
+ "▁slow ed",
+ "? ,",
+ "ERR OR",
+ "▁arm ies",
+ "▁E cology",
+ "▁Ec ology",
+ "cl in",
+ "c lin",
+ "A ir",
+ "▁H ollow",
+ "▁Hol low",
+ "▁Holl ow",
+ "▁C ourses",
+ "▁Cour ses",
+ "▁Course s",
+ "▁st arters",
+ "▁start ers",
+ "▁star ters",
+ "▁starter s",
+ "face s",
+ "fa ces",
+ "fac es",
+ "f aces",
+ "▁optim ized",
+ "▁optimize d",
+ "▁B I",
+ "▁ BI",
+ "De le",
+ "Del e",
+ "D ele",
+ "Pro p",
+ "Pr op",
+ "P rop",
+ "Book s",
+ "Bo oks",
+ "B ooks",
+ "let cher",
+ "▁Colon ial",
+ "▁capac ities",
+ "ri mp",
+ "rim p",
+ "r imp",
+ "gu ided",
+ "guide d",
+ "▁b ounded",
+ "▁bound ed",
+ "▁P K",
+ "an sk",
+ "ans k",
+ "▁sn ack",
+ "pri mary",
+ "prim ary",
+ "▁susp ense",
+ "▁umb rella",
+ "▁fram eworks",
+ "▁frame works",
+ "▁framework s",
+ "▁M b",
+ "an ut",
+ "anu t",
+ "a nut",
+ "min us",
+ "m inus",
+ "▁Aur ora",
+ "▁det ailing",
+ "▁detail ing",
+ "▁un related",
+ "▁unre lated",
+ "lu x",
+ "l ux",
+ "▁r ip",
+ "▁ri p",
+ "▁ rip",
+ "▁cosm ic",
+ "▁cos mic",
+ "▁do ctoral",
+ "▁doctor al",
+ "▁doct oral",
+ "▁ doctoral",
+ "▁sim ulated",
+ "▁gener osity",
+ "▁X L",
+ "▁L yon",
+ "▁Ly on",
+ "▁Fl owers",
+ "▁Flow ers",
+ "▁Flower s",
+ "▁co efficients",
+ "▁coefficient s",
+ "▁Ch ance",
+ "▁Cha nce",
+ "▁Chan ce",
+ "▁tox icity",
+ "▁toxic ity",
+ "▁Jo ey",
+ "▁Joe y",
+ "▁Som alia",
+ "▁barg ain",
+ "og ens",
+ "ogen s",
+ "▁n otions",
+ "▁not ions",
+ "▁notion s",
+ "ob o",
+ "o bo",
+ "Ch anged",
+ "Change d",
+ "▁cand le",
+ "▁D odge",
+ "▁Dod ge",
+ "▁Dev ices",
+ "▁Device s",
+ "▁Inter state",
+ "ul d",
+ "u ld",
+ "sec ure",
+ "▁sh rug",
+ "▁shr ug",
+ "▁w anna",
+ "▁Har bour",
+ "▁land lord",
+ "▁innoc ence",
+ "▁b illing",
+ "▁bill ing",
+ "▁bil ling",
+ "▁off enses",
+ "▁offense s",
+ "▁adjust ing",
+ "▁adj usting",
+ "▁K err",
+ "▁Ke rr",
+ "▁Ker r",
+ "▁sp raw",
+ "▁spr aw",
+ "▁confront ation",
+ "▁E scape",
+ "▁Es cape",
+ "▁Esc ape",
+ "requ ired",
+ "require d",
+ "▁G uer",
+ "▁Gu er",
+ "On line",
+ "▁Term inal",
+ "▁Child hood",
+ "▁hum idity",
+ "ke d",
+ "k ed",
+ "health y",
+ "▁Perman ent",
+ "▁exempl ary",
+ "▁William son",
+ "▁Williams on",
+ "pa id",
+ "p aid",
+ "▁b rit",
+ "▁br it",
+ "▁bri t",
+ "▁l ord",
+ "▁lo rd",
+ "▁ lord",
+ "▁Ess ays",
+ "▁Essay s",
+ "▁S nyder",
+ "▁we ighed",
+ "▁weigh ed",
+ "▁Dynam ics",
+ "▁Dynamic s",
+ "▁Invest or",
+ "▁ter race",
+ "▁terr ace",
+ "▁terra ce",
+ "▁Ad mission",
+ "▁Adm ission",
+ "- (",
+ "▁ex ile",
+ "▁f ills",
+ "▁fil ls",
+ "▁fill s",
+ "▁cur ated",
+ "▁cu rated",
+ "▁sym metry",
+ "▁symmet ry",
+ "▁p am",
+ "▁pa m",
+ "▁\" ...",
+ "▁\". ..",
+ "rec ogn",
+ "di t",
+ "d it",
+ "▁super f",
+ "Ob s",
+ "O bs",
+ "pp y",
+ "p py",
+ "▁Staff ord",
+ "▁apolog ize",
+ "▁George town",
+ "▁Georg etown",
+ "▁Georget own",
+ "▁transl ations",
+ "▁translation s",
+ "▁b ets",
+ "▁be ts",
+ "▁bet s",
+ "pop ular",
+ "▁adv ising",
+ "▁advis ing",
+ "sm art",
+ "s mart",
+ "▁Me nu",
+ "▁Men u",
+ "▁ Menu",
+ "▁good bye",
+ "▁elev ator",
+ "▁vic inity",
+ "her ty",
+ "▁B ras",
+ "▁Br as",
+ "▁Bra s",
+ "mar ked",
+ "mark ed",
+ "aut ions",
+ "a utions",
+ "▁postp oned",
+ "▁e mit",
+ "▁em it",
+ "▁ emit",
+ "▁an ecd",
+ "an or",
+ "ano r",
+ "a nor",
+ "▁pict ured",
+ "▁picture d",
+ "▁Domin ican",
+ "▁Dominic an",
+ "▁s ont",
+ "▁so nt",
+ "▁son t",
+ "▁fol ded",
+ "▁fold ed",
+ "▁W P",
+ "▁ WP",
+ "ab etic",
+ "abet ic",
+ "abe tic",
+ "ens ional",
+ "ension al",
+ "▁e rosion",
+ "▁er osion",
+ "▁benef ited",
+ "▁benefit ed",
+ "▁Develop ing",
+ "▁sur real",
+ "▁s ar",
+ "▁sa r",
+ "▁Sal em",
+ "▁Sa lem",
+ "▁Sale m",
+ "▁Min imum",
+ "▁micro wave",
+ "▁mic rowave",
+ "▁unpredict able",
+ "▁B JP",
+ "▁D um",
+ "▁Du m",
+ "▁diplom acy",
+ "▁diploma cy",
+ "hi n",
+ "h in",
+ "si l",
+ "s il",
+ "▁cig arettes",
+ "▁cigarette s",
+ "ist as",
+ "ista s",
+ "▁Pro of",
+ "▁Th irty",
+ "cle rosis",
+ "cler osis",
+ "▁Invest ments",
+ "▁Investment s",
+ "▁h ers",
+ "▁he rs",
+ "▁her s",
+ "▁ hers",
+ "▁J acqu",
+ "▁Jac qu",
+ "/ >",
+ "On ce",
+ "O nce",
+ "▁different iation",
+ "▁V ed",
+ "▁Ve d",
+ "ic ket",
+ "ick et",
+ "▁Pain ting",
+ "▁Paint ing",
+ "▁med iation",
+ "▁medi ation",
+ "▁ambul ance",
+ "▁compat ibility",
+ "S il",
+ "JS ON",
+ "J SON",
+ "ag ogue",
+ "ago gue",
+ "▁Hu ang",
+ "▁fav ored",
+ "▁favor ed",
+ "▁She pherd",
+ "sa fe",
+ "s afe",
+ "▁hy pot",
+ "▁hyp ot",
+ "▁F lower",
+ "▁Fl ower",
+ "▁Flow er",
+ "▁Flo wer",
+ "▁creep y",
+ "▁ap ology",
+ "▁apolog y",
+ "▁weigh ing",
+ "▁econom ist",
+ "▁notice able",
+ "} :",
+ "▁P ix",
+ "▁Pi x",
+ "▁S ho",
+ "▁Sh o",
+ "▁r outer",
+ "▁ro uter",
+ "▁rout er",
+ "▁route r",
+ "▁rou ter",
+ "▁Bel ieve",
+ "▁simpl ified",
+ "if ax",
+ "ifa x",
+ "i fax",
+ "el man",
+ "▁Acc ident",
+ "▁cle arer",
+ "▁clear er",
+ "bu cks",
+ "b ucks",
+ "▁Ap ache",
+ "▁intim id",
+ "▁ref urb",
+ "▁v ampire",
+ "▁manip ulate",
+ "▁transl ates",
+ "▁translate s",
+ "ip eg",
+ "ipe g",
+ "i peg",
+ "oc he",
+ "och e",
+ "o che",
+ "▁four teen",
+ "▁advoc ating",
+ "▁S ell",
+ "▁Se ll",
+ "▁Sel l",
+ "▁mos que",
+ "▁mosqu e",
+ "▁test ify",
+ "▁mult imedia",
+ "▁multi media",
+ "sc ape",
+ "s cape",
+ "' $",
+ "W H",
+ "е м",
+ "▁S add",
+ "▁Sa dd",
+ "▁Sad d",
+ "▁d ots",
+ "▁do ts",
+ "▁dot s",
+ "▁ dots",
+ "Hand le",
+ "iat rics",
+ "iatric s",
+ "▁D ynamic",
+ "▁Dynam ic",
+ "w i",
+ "▁O rt",
+ "▁Or t",
+ "▁c racks",
+ "▁cr acks",
+ "▁crack s",
+ "▁cra cks",
+ "re ath",
+ "reat h",
+ "rea th",
+ "▁ant is",
+ "▁anti s",
+ "▁ antis",
+ "▁G EN",
+ "▁GE N",
+ "▁S UN",
+ "▁SU N",
+ "▁hero ic",
+ "▁P andemic",
+ "▁Pand emic",
+ "ни х",
+ "▁p aran",
+ "▁par an",
+ "▁pa ran",
+ "▁para n",
+ "col lect",
+ "coll ect",
+ "▁st agger",
+ "▁Alex andra",
+ "▁Alexand ra",
+ "▁Alexa ndra",
+ "▁Impro vement",
+ "▁Improve ment",
+ "PO ST",
+ "P OST",
+ "▁sc arc",
+ "▁scar c",
+ "▁Ar rest",
+ "▁Br owns",
+ "▁Brown s",
+ "▁Brow ns",
+ "▁Pear son",
+ "▁than ked",
+ "▁thank ed",
+ "▁liqu idity",
+ "▁liquid ity",
+ "▁G rab",
+ "▁Gr ab",
+ "▁Gra b",
+ "▁he avier",
+ "▁heav ier",
+ "▁Buddh ism",
+ "▁S ki",
+ "▁Sk i",
+ "▁bureau c",
+ "▁war riors",
+ "▁warrior s",
+ "ch et",
+ "che t",
+ "c het",
+ "urs ion",
+ "▁Batt alion",
+ "▁unf amiliar",
+ "▁precip itation",
+ "od o",
+ "o do",
+ "▁Trans ition",
+ "▁Transit ion",
+ "had oop",
+ "h adoop",
+ "▁in gen",
+ "▁ing en",
+ "▁ ingen",
+ "▁Re asons",
+ "▁Reason s",
+ "▁Sudden ly",
+ "▁nick name",
+ "▁short ages",
+ "▁shortage s",
+ "▁stress ful",
+ "▁High land",
+ "ra me",
+ "ram e",
+ "r ame",
+ "▁b ou",
+ "▁bo u",
+ "▁skept ical",
+ "▁skeptic al",
+ "TH E",
+ "T HE",
+ "▁K ot",
+ "▁Ko t",
+ "▁Gu arant",
+ "▁arth ritis",
+ "bor g",
+ "b org",
+ "▁M AC",
+ "▁MA C",
+ "▁Con struct",
+ "▁Const ruct",
+ "it ious",
+ "iti ous",
+ "▁caut ious",
+ "lo o",
+ "l oo",
+ "ра н",
+ "р ан",
+ "ra no",
+ "ran o",
+ "r ano",
+ "ty ard",
+ "t yard",
+ "ou ring",
+ "our ing",
+ "ouri ng",
+ "o uring",
+ "crib ing",
+ "▁wild ly",
+ "Sa l",
+ "S al",
+ "▁Nic olas",
+ "▁Nicola s",
+ "▁de legate",
+ "▁deleg ate",
+ "ow ment",
+ "pl aced",
+ "place d",
+ "ul ence",
+ "ule nce",
+ "▁ant iqu",
+ "▁anti qu",
+ "▁exchange d",
+ "▁exch anged",
+ "▁home lessness",
+ "▁homeless ness",
+ "▁author itarian",
+ "ys sey",
+ "yss ey",
+ "ig ible",
+ "igi ble",
+ "▁River side",
+ "▁Rivers ide",
+ "▁Compar ison",
+ "▁H ast",
+ "▁Ha st",
+ "▁Has t",
+ "▁St ick",
+ "▁Sant os",
+ "▁nom inees",
+ "▁nominee s",
+ "▁Dist inguished",
+ "je n",
+ "j en",
+ "▁E ND",
+ "▁EN D",
+ "▁ END",
+ "▁H els",
+ "▁He ls",
+ "▁Hel s",
+ "▁dest ined",
+ "▁refer ral",
+ "▁season ed",
+ "▁seas oned",
+ "▁Develop er",
+ "ti p",
+ "t ip",
+ "▁Comm ittees",
+ "▁Committee s",
+ "▁subsid iaries",
+ "Go ld",
+ "G old",
+ "▁A mid",
+ "▁Am id",
+ "▁sm ok",
+ "▁smo k",
+ "pl ayed",
+ "play ed",
+ "▁Pr ague",
+ "▁Pra gue",
+ "▁Prag ue",
+ "▁estab lishes",
+ "▁establish es",
+ "▁compliment ary",
+ "▁G ri",
+ "▁Gr i",
+ "▁Frank furt",
+ "б а",
+ ".\" ,",
+ ". \",",
+ "pe ace",
+ "M obile",
+ "▁sk ate",
+ "▁Tas man",
+ "▁b ast",
+ "▁bas t",
+ "▁ba st",
+ "▁mot ives",
+ "▁motiv es",
+ "▁motive s",
+ "▁screen ed",
+ "▁social ism",
+ "▁soci alism",
+ "▁Comment ary",
+ "P tr",
+ "▁guard ian",
+ "G F",
+ "Ap i",
+ "A pi",
+ "▁Ex pos",
+ "▁Exp os",
+ "▁Expo s",
+ "▁f ertility",
+ "▁fert ility",
+ "▁fertil ity",
+ "▁D H",
+ "fl ies",
+ "f lies",
+ "▁the irs",
+ "▁their s",
+ "▁tr aced",
+ "▁tra ced",
+ "▁trace d",
+ "▁Hoff man",
+ "( !",
+ "la ke",
+ "l ake",
+ "▁compos ers",
+ "▁composer s",
+ "lo e",
+ "l oe",
+ "▁j ets",
+ "▁je ts",
+ "▁jet s",
+ "▁Ill egal",
+ "▁Il legal",
+ "side d",
+ "si ded",
+ "sid ed",
+ "s ided",
+ "ach ine",
+ "achi ne",
+ "▁t asty",
+ "▁tast y",
+ "Wind ows",
+ "Window s",
+ "▁Ge ographic",
+ "It ems",
+ "Item s",
+ "▁C urry",
+ "▁Cur ry",
+ "▁cub ic",
+ "▁f amed",
+ "▁fam ed",
+ "▁fa med",
+ "▁fame d",
+ "Be l",
+ "B el",
+ "cl ean",
+ "cle an",
+ "c lean",
+ "ra vel",
+ "rav el",
+ "r avel",
+ "▁v isions",
+ "▁vis ions",
+ "▁vision s",
+ "▁Program ming",
+ "▁R oma",
+ "▁Ro ma",
+ "▁Rom a",
+ "▁gr ains",
+ "▁gra ins",
+ "▁grain s",
+ "▁plaus ible",
+ "▁North western",
+ "▁Northwest ern",
+ "B P",
+ "[ :",
+ "li ved",
+ "live d",
+ "l ived",
+ "▁wh ales",
+ "▁whale s",
+ "ob l",
+ "o bl",
+ "▁life s",
+ "▁lif es",
+ "▁P ST",
+ "▁PS T",
+ "▁V intage",
+ "▁past a",
+ "▁pa sta",
+ "▁pas ta",
+ "▁liber als",
+ "▁liberal s",
+ "▁lib erals",
+ "▁establish ments",
+ "▁establishment s",
+ "IF I",
+ "I FI",
+ "Conn ect",
+ "▁Ver izon",
+ "▁Cy cle",
+ "▁Cycl e",
+ "▁so ils",
+ "▁soil s",
+ "▁Sign al",
+ "▁Ge ography",
+ "her ly",
+ "▁pian ist",
+ "▁Sec ure",
+ "▁Em manuel",
+ "▁S ET",
+ "▁SE T",
+ "▁ SET",
+ "▁Pr iest",
+ "▁Pri est",
+ "▁D ul",
+ "▁Du l",
+ "an ity",
+ "ani ty",
+ "▁Fried man",
+ "▁j unction",
+ "▁jun ction",
+ "▁divid ends",
+ "▁dividend s",
+ "on so",
+ "ons o",
+ "▁C los",
+ "▁Cl os",
+ "▁jer sey",
+ "▁econom ists",
+ "▁economist s",
+ "▁m otive",
+ "▁mot ive",
+ "▁motiv e",
+ "▁satisf ies",
+ "ro pic",
+ "rop ic",
+ "r opic",
+ "▁p ent",
+ "▁pe nt",
+ "▁pen t",
+ "▁ pent",
+ "▁P assion",
+ "▁Pass ion",
+ "▁Rat ings",
+ "▁Rating s",
+ "▁US DA",
+ "▁USD A",
+ "bin ding",
+ "bind ing",
+ "b inding",
+ "▁Sch wartz",
+ "▁Schwar tz",
+ "g b",
+ "fu el",
+ "f uel",
+ "▁s late",
+ "▁sl ate",
+ "▁sla te",
+ "check ed",
+ "dis abled",
+ "▁freedom s",
+ "▁freed oms",
+ "▁Brun swick",
+ "▁E than",
+ "▁Eth an",
+ "▁Et han",
+ "▁d eed",
+ "▁de ed",
+ "ph ants",
+ "phant s",
+ "phan ts",
+ "▁dev iation",
+ "▁sent encing",
+ "▁law ful",
+ "▁roy alty",
+ "▁royal ty",
+ "▁Sant iago",
+ "▁facilit ating",
+ "` .",
+ "▁hope less",
+ "▁hop eless",
+ "an an",
+ "ana n",
+ "a nan",
+ "▁R each",
+ "▁Re ach",
+ "In valid",
+ "gener ated",
+ "▁Spec ific",
+ "di a",
+ "d ia",
+ "Sa ve",
+ "S ave",
+ "▁L aser",
+ "▁La ser",
+ "▁Las er",
+ "▁dr astically",
+ "▁drastic ally",
+ "▁V oting",
+ "▁Vo ting",
+ "▁pul monary",
+ "▁Be au",
+ "▁Bea u",
+ "▁She ikh",
+ "ograph ers",
+ "ograp hers",
+ "ographer s",
+ "▁disp uted",
+ "▁dispute d",
+ "▁disput ed",
+ "▁South ampton",
+ "me try",
+ "met ry",
+ "m etry",
+ "▁s tal",
+ "▁st al",
+ "▁sta l",
+ "▁ stal",
+ "pe ring",
+ "per ing",
+ "p ering",
+ "▁Wat ts",
+ "▁W is",
+ "▁Wi s",
+ "▁inhib itors",
+ "▁inhibitor s",
+ "ak t",
+ "a kt",
+ "▁const ructive",
+ "▁construct ive",
+ "▁L S",
+ "▁ LS",
+ "▁Deb bie",
+ "▁Debb ie",
+ "bra him",
+ "fe lt",
+ "f elt",
+ "ript or",
+ "rip tor",
+ "▁de eds",
+ "▁deed s",
+ "▁sub way",
+ "▁Hawai ian",
+ "▁Hawaii an",
+ "▁divorce d",
+ "▁divor ced",
+ "▁f res",
+ "▁fr es",
+ "▁fre s",
+ "▁mel ting",
+ "▁melt ing",
+ "▁vol atility",
+ "▁per missions",
+ "▁permission s",
+ "▁perm issions",
+ "ps ych",
+ "psy ch",
+ "p sych",
+ "▁C alls",
+ "▁Cal ls",
+ "▁Call s",
+ "▁Ott oman",
+ "▁Otto man",
+ "▁an alogy",
+ "▁anal ogy",
+ "▁analog y",
+ "Will iam",
+ "▁S avage",
+ "▁Sav age",
+ "▁pic nic",
+ "▁bread th",
+ "id av",
+ "ida v",
+ "en sis",
+ "ens is",
+ "▁H ull",
+ "▁Hu ll",
+ "▁P ump",
+ "▁Pu mp",
+ "▁S ense",
+ "▁Sen se",
+ "▁Sens e",
+ "z n",
+ "ha o",
+ "h ao",
+ "▁O re",
+ "▁Or e",
+ "▁H itch",
+ "▁Hit ch",
+ "▁che apest",
+ "▁cheap est",
+ "PA R",
+ "P AR",
+ "st o",
+ "s to",
+ "▁Does n",
+ "▁bit coin",
+ "▁Trans lation",
+ "▁Transl ation",
+ "man y",
+ "ma ny",
+ "m any",
+ "▁P OW",
+ "▁PO W",
+ "▁s edu",
+ "▁se du",
+ "▁sed u",
+ "▁Per ez",
+ "▁Pe rez",
+ "▁Pere z",
+ "▁sh red",
+ "▁shr ed",
+ "▁deep est",
+ "sp l",
+ "s pl",
+ "ale igh",
+ "a leigh",
+ "▁S onic",
+ "▁So nic",
+ "▁Son ic",
+ "▁qu asi",
+ "sa m",
+ "s am",
+ "aw ks",
+ "awk s",
+ "▁re make",
+ "▁rem ake",
+ "▁trig gers",
+ "▁trigger s",
+ "ed ay",
+ "eda y",
+ "e day",
+ "▁Observ atory",
+ "▁fluct uations",
+ "ro let",
+ "rol et",
+ "role t",
+ "▁un ite",
+ "▁unit e",
+ "▁Luther an",
+ "▁Res idential",
+ "▁Resident ial",
+ "In v",
+ "▁S ig",
+ "▁Si g",
+ "▁Sc out",
+ "▁m otions",
+ "▁mot ions",
+ "▁motion s",
+ "▁vent ures",
+ "▁venture s",
+ "at ography",
+ "▁per cussion",
+ "▁unauthor ized",
+ "▁Six th",
+ "▁Zimmer man",
+ "▁cont ested",
+ "▁contest ed",
+ "▁plural ity",
+ "▁D NS",
+ "▁DN S",
+ "En ter",
+ "Ent er",
+ "▁Greek s",
+ "▁Gree ks",
+ "▁Gre eks",
+ "▁W his",
+ "▁Wh is",
+ "▁l one",
+ "▁lo ne",
+ "▁lon e",
+ "ent ure",
+ "▁D ress",
+ "▁Dr ess",
+ "▁Dre ss",
+ "▁C lement",
+ "▁Cl ement",
+ "▁Cle ment",
+ "$ (",
+ "▁[ \"",
+ "▁ [\"",
+ "By te",
+ "▁A ns",
+ "▁An s",
+ "▁s es",
+ "▁se s",
+ "▁ ses",
+ "▁Street s",
+ "▁Stre ets",
+ "▁Vis iting",
+ "▁Visit ing",
+ "▁down loads",
+ "▁download s",
+ "im on",
+ "imo n",
+ "i mon",
+ "▁Han sen",
+ "▁Hans en",
+ "▁Filip ino",
+ "sub st",
+ "▁ но",
+ "ad ors",
+ "ado rs",
+ "ador s",
+ "▁K ris",
+ "▁Kr is",
+ "▁Ad ults",
+ "▁Adult s",
+ "▁stir ring",
+ "us sy",
+ "uss y",
+ "hel ial",
+ "ren ched",
+ "rench ed",
+ "▁graph s",
+ "▁grap hs",
+ "▁s lated",
+ "▁sl ated",
+ "▁sla ted",
+ "▁slate d",
+ "▁ident ifiable",
+ "▁б у",
+ "▁ бу",
+ "b irth",
+ "▁comfort ably",
+ "ar eth",
+ "are th",
+ "aret h",
+ "▁C omes",
+ "▁Com es",
+ "▁Co mes",
+ "▁Come s",
+ "▁er ected",
+ "▁erect ed",
+ "▁B har",
+ "▁Bh ar",
+ "▁low ering",
+ "▁lower ing",
+ "▁process ors",
+ "▁processor s",
+ "yn es",
+ "y nes",
+ "▁Bol ton",
+ "▁Rain bow",
+ "mo s",
+ "m os",
+ "▁- \\",
+ "▁ -\\",
+ "▁Gate way",
+ "▁Gat eway",
+ "▁P ag",
+ "▁Pa g",
+ "ot ations",
+ "otation s",
+ "▁sympt om",
+ "an u",
+ "a nu",
+ "▁dwell ing",
+ "▁dw elling",
+ "▁_ {",
+ "▁ _{",
+ "▁C MS",
+ "▁CM S",
+ "▁Mil k",
+ "G T",
+ "is ations",
+ "isation s",
+ "▁cas inos",
+ "▁casino s",
+ "▁A gu",
+ "▁Ag u",
+ "▁transfer ring",
+ "af i",
+ "a fi",
+ "arn ation",
+ "▁hack ers",
+ "▁Bud apest",
+ "▁kill ings",
+ "▁killing s",
+ "▁kil lings",
+ "▁custom ize",
+ "▁ment oring",
+ "▁mentor ing",
+ "us age",
+ "usa ge",
+ "▁Air ways",
+ "▁irr igation",
+ "▁b og",
+ "▁bo g",
+ "▁ind ices",
+ "▁indic es",
+ "H ouse",
+ "▁h ears",
+ "▁he ars",
+ "▁hear s",
+ "▁uns ure",
+ "j query",
+ "▁Scand in",
+ "▁H og",
+ "▁Ho g",
+ "▁p artisan",
+ "▁part isan",
+ "▁sed iment",
+ "▁ritual s",
+ "▁aud ition",
+ "▁audit ion",
+ "▁Kir by",
+ "▁collabor ating",
+ "am mad",
+ "amma d",
+ "amm ad",
+ "▁T ara",
+ "▁Ta ra",
+ "▁Tar a",
+ "▁Br oken",
+ "▁Bro ken",
+ "▁re sent",
+ "▁res ent",
+ "▁rese nt",
+ "▁ resent",
+ "▁approx imation",
+ "ad en",
+ "ade n",
+ "a den",
+ "go ld",
+ "g old",
+ "Qu een",
+ "Que en",
+ "res ults",
+ "result s",
+ "▁home made",
+ "▁hom emade",
+ "d k",
+ "▁G ol",
+ "▁Go l",
+ "th read",
+ "▁E bola",
+ "▁Eb ola",
+ "▁academ ia",
+ "▁phot ographed",
+ "▁photograph ed",
+ "▁photograp hed",
+ "▁id ol",
+ "▁Ex port",
+ "▁Exp ort",
+ "▁Expo rt",
+ "▁un real",
+ "▁unre al",
+ "▁research ed",
+ "▁researc hed",
+ "▁resear ched",
+ "▁immers ive",
+ "▁D ash",
+ "▁Da sh",
+ "▁Das h",
+ "▁ST UD",
+ "▁diam onds",
+ "▁diamond s",
+ "▁dia monds",
+ "▁out dated",
+ "va cc",
+ "v acc",
+ "▁ur ges",
+ "▁urg es",
+ "▁urge s",
+ "▁rest oring",
+ "▁Celebr ation",
+ "▁Celeb ration",
+ "}} (",
+ "} }(",
+ "d ollar",
+ "▁cinem atic",
+ "▁cinema tic",
+ "ep t",
+ "e pt",
+ "mi st",
+ "mis t",
+ "m ist",
+ "ry lic",
+ "to ire",
+ "t oire",
+ "▁java x",
+ "▁jav ax",
+ "▁M atrix",
+ "▁Mat rix",
+ "▁ Matrix",
+ "▁bad ge",
+ "▁Tik Tok",
+ "le arning",
+ "lear ning",
+ "▁comm unal",
+ "▁commun al",
+ "▁prop osing",
+ "▁propos ing",
+ "il las",
+ "ill as",
+ "illa s",
+ "▁l ump",
+ "▁p anor",
+ "▁pa nor",
+ "▁pan or",
+ "▁Un ique",
+ "▁Cont roller",
+ "▁Control ler",
+ "▁ Controller",
+ "▁T ina",
+ "▁Ti na",
+ "▁Tin a",
+ "▁f ade",
+ "▁fa de",
+ "▁p igs",
+ "▁pig s",
+ "▁pi gs",
+ "▁vol canic",
+ "▁author ised",
+ "O A",
+ "re ts",
+ "ret s",
+ "r ets",
+ "▁T rin",
+ "▁Tr in",
+ "▁Tri n",
+ "▁Surv iv",
+ "▁habit ats",
+ "▁habitat s",
+ "▁exec uting",
+ "▁execut ing",
+ "▁Y o",
+ "pract ice",
+ "▁C amer",
+ "▁Cam er",
+ "▁Ca mer",
+ "▁B ooth",
+ "▁Bo oth",
+ "▁Boot h",
+ "ric anes",
+ "ricane s",
+ "rica nes",
+ "rican es",
+ "tical ly",
+ "tic ally",
+ "t ically",
+ "▁Mar cel",
+ "▁Marc el",
+ "▁Though ts",
+ "▁Thought s",
+ "af ia",
+ "afi a",
+ "▁w eed",
+ "▁we ed",
+ "ij k",
+ "do ne",
+ "don e",
+ "d one",
+ "el len",
+ "ell en",
+ "elle n",
+ "▁se cre",
+ "▁sec re",
+ "▁s wall",
+ "▁sw all",
+ "▁pod ium",
+ "▁inspect ions",
+ "▁inspection s",
+ "▁special izing",
+ "▁A WS",
+ "▁AW S",
+ "ren al",
+ "▁n erves",
+ "▁nerv es",
+ "▁nerve s",
+ "▁comp rehend",
+ "▁U FO",
+ "▁a uch",
+ "▁au ch",
+ "▁run way",
+ "▁fell ows",
+ "▁fellow s",
+ "▁c itation",
+ "▁cit ation",
+ "Event s",
+ "Ev ents",
+ "Even ts",
+ "▁spl end",
+ "▁bureau cr",
+ "▁bureauc r",
+ "▁Ar lington",
+ "EV ER",
+ "E VER",
+ "it he",
+ "ith e",
+ "i the",
+ "▁h aw",
+ "▁ha w",
+ "▁ haw",
+ "Cl ose",
+ "os aic",
+ "osa ic",
+ "▁C ubs",
+ "▁Cub s",
+ "▁Cu bs",
+ "och ond",
+ "▁Tit ans",
+ "▁Titan s",
+ "▁us ername",
+ "▁user name",
+ "▁ username",
+ "ib a",
+ "i ba",
+ "▁d uct",
+ "▁du ct",
+ "▁ duct",
+ "gi t",
+ "g it",
+ "▁V C",
+ "▁ VC",
+ "ew idth",
+ "e width",
+ "▁R ally",
+ "def inition",
+ "rec ated",
+ "▁c ottage",
+ "▁agree ing",
+ "▁in compet",
+ "▁incomp et",
+ "▁diss olved",
+ "Child ren",
+ "▁Well ness",
+ "▁ch ambers",
+ "▁chamber s",
+ "▁M ega",
+ "▁Me ga",
+ "▁Meg a",
+ "▁balcon y",
+ "▁down loading",
+ "▁download ing",
+ "▁j ungle",
+ "▁spont aneous",
+ "▁R ED",
+ "▁RE D",
+ "id ian",
+ "idi an",
+ "▁r ays",
+ "▁ra ys",
+ "▁ray s",
+ "▁ rays",
+ "▁M aple",
+ "▁Ma ple",
+ "▁Map le",
+ "▁on ion",
+ "▁crystal l",
+ "▁cryst all",
+ "▁S MS",
+ "▁SM S",
+ "▁S ke",
+ "▁Sk e",
+ "Ab out",
+ "cite t",
+ "cit et",
+ "ic ron",
+ "icro n",
+ "▁F eder",
+ "▁Fe der",
+ "▁Fed er",
+ "▁po ised",
+ "▁App oint",
+ "▁Ap point",
+ "▁expl oded",
+ "▁explo ded",
+ "▁war rants",
+ "▁warrant s",
+ "depend ency",
+ "▁jud gments",
+ "▁judgment s",
+ "▁M TV",
+ "▁MT V",
+ "▁Mand ela",
+ "igh thouse",
+ "ight house",
+ "ighth ouse",
+ "▁r uler",
+ "▁rule r",
+ "▁ru ler",
+ "▁rul er",
+ "▁sl ept",
+ "▁sle pt",
+ "▁W atching",
+ "▁Watch ing",
+ "▁Wat ching",
+ "▁Yug oslav",
+ "! ,",
+ "Com e",
+ "Co me",
+ "C ome",
+ "▁end ured",
+ "▁endure d",
+ "▁shel ters",
+ "▁shelter s",
+ "▁W C",
+ "▁ WC",
+ "K ing",
+ "ic ago",
+ "ica go",
+ "co ok",
+ "c ook",
+ "ogen ous",
+ "▁national s",
+ "▁nation als",
+ "rad io",
+ "▁f ried",
+ "▁fr ied",
+ "▁ fried",
+ "▁prop het",
+ "▁prophe t",
+ "KE Y",
+ "hi de",
+ "h ide",
+ "▁St ur",
+ "▁Stu r",
+ "▁van illa",
+ "▁Pri ority",
+ "▁Prior ity",
+ "▁aspir ing",
+ "Wh e",
+ "W he",
+ "▁( [",
+ "▁ ([",
+ "▁s yll",
+ "▁sy ll",
+ "▁Sur ely",
+ "▁Sure ly",
+ "▁Te resa",
+ "▁Thom son",
+ "е к",
+ "sh it",
+ "shi t",
+ "s hit",
+ "bet ween",
+ "▁Autom otive",
+ "▁E F",
+ "▁ EF",
+ "▁furn ished",
+ "▁furnish ed",
+ "ET A",
+ "E TA",
+ "at ham",
+ "ath am",
+ "atha m",
+ "an ical",
+ "ani cal",
+ "anic al",
+ "▁le aks",
+ "▁leak s",
+ "▁rock y",
+ "▁Inc orpor",
+ "▁coven ant",
+ "▁Arbit ration",
+ "▁L ah",
+ "▁La h",
+ "▁P sal",
+ "▁sm arter",
+ "▁smart er",
+ "▁Ne o",
+ "▁Bron ze",
+ "▁drain age",
+ "▁medic inal",
+ "▁cont ention",
+ "▁content ion",
+ "▁re produced",
+ "▁rep roduced",
+ "▁reprodu ced",
+ "▁reproduce d",
+ "am ac",
+ "ama c",
+ "a mac",
+ "▁b ei",
+ "▁be i",
+ "▁is ot",
+ "▁c oral",
+ "▁co ral",
+ "▁cor al",
+ "▁Sh aring",
+ "▁Sha ring",
+ "▁Shar ing",
+ "NE R",
+ "N ER",
+ "la us",
+ "l aus",
+ "ear th",
+ "e arth",
+ "▁Sp iel",
+ "▁n avy",
+ "▁nav y",
+ "▁na vy",
+ "draul ic",
+ "▁embarr assing",
+ "▁J i",
+ "▁R i",
+ "f c",
+ "su it",
+ "s uit",
+ "▁R ita",
+ "▁Ri ta",
+ "▁Rit a",
+ ", .",
+ "A ud",
+ "as px",
+ "asp x",
+ "en ia",
+ "eni a",
+ "e nia",
+ "▁commod ities",
+ "cl air",
+ "▁g ast",
+ "▁gas t",
+ "▁ga st",
+ "▁sh ores",
+ "▁shore s",
+ "▁sho res",
+ "▁Mar ilyn",
+ "▁Mari lyn",
+ "▁out ward",
+ "lo s",
+ "l os",
+ "▁b orough",
+ "▁bo rough",
+ "▁ borough",
+ "▁sn apped",
+ "▁snap ped",
+ "Me r",
+ "M er",
+ "ch y",
+ "c hy",
+ "Eng ine",
+ "s ingle",
+ "cl uding",
+ "clud ing",
+ "▁bod ily",
+ "▁emer ges",
+ "▁emerge s",
+ "D b",
+ "▁h ay",
+ "▁ha y",
+ "▁Cind y",
+ "▁pro gn",
+ "▁pr ogn",
+ "▁dilig ence",
+ "▁Mahar ashtra",
+ "em e",
+ "e me",
+ "load ing",
+ "lo ading",
+ "▁as bestos",
+ "▁res iding",
+ "▁resid ing",
+ "▁in expensive",
+ "▁B ub",
+ "▁Bu b",
+ "▁D art",
+ "▁Dar t",
+ "▁Da rt",
+ "▁cul p",
+ "▁ad orable",
+ "▁battle field",
+ "▁puzz les",
+ "▁puzzle s",
+ "▁ret iring",
+ "▁foot steps",
+ "▁constit uted",
+ "▁constitu ted",
+ "▁constitute d",
+ "▁I CT",
+ "▁IC T",
+ "▁ ICT",
+ "▁T uc",
+ "▁Tu c",
+ "▁A head",
+ "▁Ah ead",
+ "▁bon uses",
+ "▁bonus es",
+ "( :",
+ "gl ass",
+ "g lass",
+ "▁App ell",
+ "▁Institute s",
+ "▁Instit utes",
+ "▁K om",
+ "▁Ko m",
+ "▁L aden",
+ "▁La den",
+ "▁Lad en",
+ "▁bul lets",
+ "▁bull ets",
+ "▁bullet s",
+ "▁shout ed",
+ "▁sho uted",
+ "▁off ender",
+ "▁period ically",
+ "▁periodic ally",
+ "▁I B",
+ "▁ IB",
+ "▁C ly",
+ "▁Cl y",
+ "▁cyl inder",
+ "▁Terror ism",
+ "▁elect rons",
+ "▁electron s",
+ "▁electro ns",
+ "▁electr ons",
+ "▁intrins ic",
+ "▁inherit ance",
+ "▁PH OT",
+ "▁mad ness",
+ "Ms g",
+ "}+ \\",
+ "} +\\",
+ "▁rule rs",
+ "▁ru lers",
+ "▁rul ers",
+ "▁ruler s",
+ "▁Shir ley",
+ "▁issu ance",
+ "▁S ang",
+ "▁San g",
+ "▁Sa ng",
+ "cil lor",
+ "cill or",
+ "▁D ixon",
+ "▁Dix on",
+ "▁see kers",
+ "▁seek ers",
+ "▁Prem iere",
+ "▁Premier e",
+ "▁H OW",
+ "▁HO W",
+ "un n",
+ "u nn",
+ "▁den ies",
+ "▁com press",
+ "▁comp ress",
+ "▁Lith uania",
+ "▁down stream",
+ "▁ex tr",
+ "▁ext r",
+ "▁column ist",
+ "▁C ris",
+ "▁Cr is",
+ "▁Bagh dad",
+ "▁hier arch",
+ "▁enc rypted",
+ "ur den",
+ "urd en",
+ "urde n",
+ "Init ial",
+ "st arter",
+ "star ter",
+ "start er",
+ "qu estion",
+ "quest ion",
+ "▁les ions",
+ "di d",
+ "d id",
+ "Can ada",
+ "bu ster",
+ "bus ter",
+ "b uster",
+ "is cell",
+ "isc ell",
+ "▁Sav annah",
+ "▁l ub",
+ "▁T yr",
+ "▁Ty r",
+ "▁B eta",
+ "▁Be ta",
+ "▁Bet a",
+ "NAS DAQ",
+ "▁micro phone",
+ "▁possess es",
+ "▁Con v",
+ "▁Fun ny",
+ "Direct ory",
+ "▁prohib it",
+ "▁satis factory",
+ "▁satisfact ory",
+ "▁C RE",
+ "▁CR E",
+ "▁bre eze",
+ "▁bree ze",
+ "▁Benef it",
+ "sc r",
+ "s cr",
+ "▁J A",
+ "▁N it",
+ "▁Ni t",
+ "▁instruct ors",
+ "▁instructor s",
+ "S ince",
+ "pie ces",
+ "piece s",
+ "▁St ark",
+ "▁Star k",
+ "▁Sta rk",
+ "▁Dam ascus",
+ "▁prev ailing",
+ "▁prevail ing",
+ "IF F",
+ "I FF",
+ "▁U tt",
+ "▁Ut t",
+ "ter net",
+ "tern et",
+ "fe eding",
+ "feed ing",
+ "de term",
+ "det erm",
+ "d eterm",
+ "▁fact ual",
+ "▁Fant astic",
+ "ude au",
+ "um ers",
+ "ume rs",
+ "umer s",
+ "u mers",
+ "▁a mph",
+ "▁am ph",
+ "▁amp h",
+ "ran dom",
+ "rand om",
+ "r andom",
+ "▁l ang",
+ "▁la ng",
+ "▁lan g",
+ "▁ lang",
+ "▁n ails",
+ "▁na ils",
+ "▁nail s",
+ "▁res orts",
+ "▁resort s",
+ "▁Winn ipeg",
+ "oh a",
+ "o ha",
+ "▁W IN",
+ "▁WI N",
+ "▁imag inary",
+ "▁imagin ary",
+ "▁t yr",
+ "▁ty r",
+ "▁w inding",
+ "▁win ding",
+ "▁wind ing",
+ "▁Smith sonian",
+ "er ala",
+ "eral a",
+ "era la",
+ "< ?",
+ "▁N ex",
+ "▁Ne x",
+ "▁b rig",
+ "▁br ig",
+ "▁bri g",
+ "▁M arks",
+ "▁Mar ks",
+ "▁Mark s",
+ "▁hand ic",
+ "▁h ottest",
+ "▁hot test",
+ "init ial",
+ "▁Gonz alez",
+ "ł a",
+ "▁In dy",
+ "▁Ind y",
+ "▁Bow ie",
+ "▁d elta",
+ "▁del ta",
+ "▁ delta",
+ "▁gr ind",
+ "▁gri nd",
+ "▁volunte ering",
+ "▁volunteer ing",
+ "▁C iv",
+ "▁Ci v",
+ "▁I RA",
+ "▁IR A",
+ "▁b ibli",
+ "▁gradu al",
+ "▁grad ual",
+ "▁Spirit ual",
+ "▁F B",
+ "osp ice",
+ "▁major s",
+ "▁maj ors",
+ "ener ative",
+ "ene rative",
+ "▁z ur",
+ "▁zu r",
+ "▁S pin",
+ "▁Sp in",
+ "▁Rec ording",
+ "▁Record ing",
+ "▁Co pper",
+ "▁Cop per",
+ "▁in diff",
+ "▁ind iff",
+ "ple asant",
+ "▁guess ing",
+ "bu f",
+ "b uf",
+ "▁conce aled",
+ "▁conceal ed",
+ "▁C Y",
+ "▁J R",
+ "▁N L",
+ "▁ NL",
+ "inos aur",
+ "▁Spons or",
+ "en h",
+ "Re ct",
+ "Rec t",
+ "R ect",
+ "av ian",
+ "avi an",
+ "avia n",
+ "us tle",
+ "ust le",
+ "sc ient",
+ "▁im prov",
+ "▁imp rov",
+ "▁impro v",
+ "▁H olt",
+ "▁Hol t",
+ "▁Ho lt",
+ "▁bas in",
+ "▁ba sin",
+ "▁cr acked",
+ "▁crack ed",
+ "▁em powered",
+ "▁empower ed",
+ "▁emp owered",
+ "▁d imensional",
+ "▁dim ensional",
+ "▁dimension al",
+ "▁ dimensional",
+ "▁ü ber",
+ "▁L ucky",
+ "▁Luc ky",
+ "▁Luck y",
+ "wo men",
+ "w omen",
+ ", …",
+ "ak is",
+ "aki s",
+ "▁H ew",
+ "▁He w",
+ "an iel",
+ "ani el",
+ "anie l",
+ "▁S ARS",
+ "▁SA RS",
+ "▁sh ells",
+ "▁shel ls",
+ "▁shell s",
+ "▁un safe",
+ "▁uns afe",
+ "▁relie ved",
+ "▁relieve d",
+ "▁P OST",
+ "▁PO ST",
+ "▁ POST",
+ "▁Con nor",
+ "▁Conn or",
+ "▁ Connor",
+ "▁Saf ari",
+ "▁ca tering",
+ "▁cat ering",
+ "▁cater ing",
+ "▁cate ring",
+ "▁h aul",
+ "▁ha ul",
+ "▁ haul",
+ "▁wip ed",
+ "▁wipe d",
+ "plug ins",
+ "plugin s",
+ "▁bio mass",
+ "▁biom ass",
+ "▁e Bay",
+ "st ates",
+ "state s",
+ "stat es",
+ "sta tes",
+ "▁Pl ain",
+ "▁podcast s",
+ "ur dy",
+ "urd y",
+ "▁om n",
+ "Time out",
+ "▁flo oded",
+ "▁flood ed",
+ "▁milit ia",
+ "st ood",
+ "sto od",
+ "▁p ant",
+ "▁pa nt",
+ "▁pan t",
+ "M ichael",
+ "▁Perm alink",
+ "▁a sync",
+ "▁as ync",
+ "▁Wars aw",
+ "▁st igma",
+ "▁b a",
+ "▁ ba",
+ "▁v oor",
+ "▁vo or",
+ "▁Jud iciary",
+ "▁explo ited",
+ "▁exploit ed",
+ "▁commun icated",
+ "▁communicate d",
+ "U A",
+ "w d",
+ "▁S erial",
+ "▁Se rial",
+ "▁Ser ial",
+ "▁ Serial",
+ "▁Bab ylon",
+ "▁Baby lon",
+ "ov i",
+ "o vi",
+ "▁m inus",
+ "▁min us",
+ "▁ minus",
+ "▁sie ge",
+ "▁M OD",
+ "▁MO D",
+ "▁re sin",
+ "▁res in",
+ "▁Mon ument",
+ "▁milit ants",
+ "▁militant s",
+ "ic ia",
+ "ici a",
+ "i cia",
+ "▁Dar ren",
+ "▁visual s",
+ "▁attract s",
+ "▁Trans formation",
+ "▁Transform ation",
+ "mo r",
+ "m or",
+ "e ight",
+ "ov sky",
+ "▁d ude",
+ "▁du de",
+ "▁mut ually",
+ "▁mutual ly",
+ "▁m ont",
+ "▁mon t",
+ "▁mo nt",
+ "▁ mont",
+ "EFA ULT",
+ "Bo olean",
+ "ur istic",
+ "▁dem ise",
+ "▁deliver ies",
+ "D s",
+ "▁he aders",
+ "▁head ers",
+ "▁header s",
+ "▁ headers",
+ "▁compens ate",
+ "um bo",
+ "umb o",
+ "▁key word",
+ "▁unsuccess ful",
+ "▁Fl int",
+ "▁co upon",
+ "▁coup on",
+ "▁Hundred s",
+ "▁open ings",
+ "▁opening s",
+ "Su m",
+ "S um",
+ "▁C rowd",
+ "▁Cro wd",
+ "▁Crow d",
+ "▁sque ez",
+ "▁W O",
+ "▁pol icing",
+ "▁polic ing",
+ "▁asc ertain",
+ "▁Z ur",
+ "lect ric",
+ "▁d ell",
+ "▁de ll",
+ "▁del l",
+ "ta king",
+ "t aking",
+ "Def inition",
+ "▁be verages",
+ "▁beverage s",
+ "omb ies",
+ "ombie s",
+ "▁T ests",
+ "▁Test s",
+ "▁Tes ts",
+ "▁ Tests",
+ "▁st aple",
+ "▁sta ple",
+ "@ \"",
+ "▁Hus sein",
+ "▁y arn",
+ "▁z inc",
+ "▁B utton",
+ "▁But ton",
+ "▁Butt on",
+ "▁ Button",
+ "▁Web ster",
+ "sh aw",
+ "sha w",
+ "s haw",
+ "▁Nig el",
+ "▁Ni gel",
+ "+ ,",
+ "▁O le",
+ "▁Ol e",
+ "port er",
+ "por ter",
+ "p orter",
+ "Ver t",
+ "V ert",
+ "ess ential",
+ "▁influ enza",
+ "E s",
+ "▁W ings",
+ "▁Win gs",
+ "▁Wing s",
+ "▁A ctors",
+ "▁Act ors",
+ "▁Actor s",
+ "▁St rait",
+ "▁Str ait",
+ "▁Stra it",
+ "▁World s",
+ "▁persu ade",
+ "▁bath rooms",
+ "▁bathroom s",
+ "▁s v",
+ "▁ sv",
+ "i ère",
+ "▁r az",
+ "▁ra z",
+ "▁ raz",
+ "▁sh iny",
+ "en umerate",
+ "enum erate",
+ "▁Ser iously",
+ "▁Serious ly",
+ "am us",
+ "a mus",
+ "▁mod ular",
+ "unc iation",
+ "unci ation",
+ "▁snap shot",
+ "▁radio active",
+ "▁К а",
+ "▁g inger",
+ "▁Bott om",
+ "▁borrow ing",
+ "government al",
+ "Event Listener",
+ "▁Aut umn",
+ "ki e",
+ "k ie",
+ "▁Sil ent",
+ "▁Good man",
+ "▁st uffed",
+ "▁stuff ed",
+ "▁Res ident",
+ "▁Re marks",
+ "▁Rem arks",
+ "get Element",
+ "song writer",
+ "▁direct ive",
+ "▁dire ctive",
+ "▁f n",
+ "▁ fn",
+ "ho ver",
+ "hov er",
+ "h over",
+ "on ian",
+ "onia n",
+ "oni an",
+ "ur ous",
+ "uro us",
+ "u rous",
+ "▁Gl ob",
+ "▁Bal ance",
+ "▁dess ert",
+ "▁per se",
+ "▁pers e",
+ "man ager",
+ "▁rib bon",
+ "bo ol",
+ "b ool",
+ "ear ly",
+ "▁bre aches",
+ "▁breach es",
+ "▁Sales force",
+ "▁Sch w",
+ "m obile",
+ "▁bip artisan",
+ "▁approx imate",
+ "UN T",
+ "U NT",
+ "▁accommod ations",
+ "▁accommodation s",
+ "▁f al",
+ "▁fa l",
+ "id able",
+ "ida ble",
+ "mem bers",
+ "member s",
+ "m embers",
+ "▁phys ic",
+ "▁tom ato",
+ "▁Prov ider",
+ "▁Provide r",
+ "▁ Provider",
+ "si c",
+ "s ic",
+ "▁st all",
+ "▁sta ll",
+ "▁stal l",
+ "▁Ra vens",
+ "▁Rav ens",
+ "▁Raven s",
+ "Fun c",
+ "F unc",
+ "Opt ion",
+ "O ption",
+ "▁Convers ation",
+ "y g",
+ "ро в",
+ "AI DS",
+ "A IDS",
+ "▁Veter an",
+ "▁adm ired",
+ "▁admire d",
+ "*} \r",
+ "* }\r",
+ "AD A",
+ "A DA",
+ "ver ts",
+ "vert s",
+ "v erts",
+ "▁J edi",
+ "▁Je di",
+ "▁c ass",
+ "▁ca ss",
+ "▁cas s",
+ "▁ cass",
+ "▁Pet roleum",
+ "▁compassion ate",
+ "▁R if",
+ "▁Ri f",
+ "it iveness",
+ "itive ness",
+ "reg ulated",
+ "ib ling",
+ "ibl ing",
+ "ibli ng",
+ "i bling",
+ "fund ing",
+ "fun ding",
+ "▁Broadcast ing",
+ "MI N",
+ "M IN",
+ "▁h over",
+ "▁ho ver",
+ "▁ hover",
+ "B usiness",
+ "us r",
+ "fe d",
+ "f ed",
+ "▁Tim ber",
+ "▁Ti mber",
+ "▁l ament",
+ "▁la ment",
+ "▁lam ent",
+ "▁Y outube",
+ "▁You tube",
+ "▁trust ees",
+ "▁trustee s",
+ "▁Cand idates",
+ "▁Candidate s",
+ "B ank",
+ "▁bur ns",
+ "▁burn s",
+ "iz ards",
+ "izar ds",
+ "izard s",
+ "osa urs",
+ "▁Fr anch",
+ "▁Franc h",
+ "▁Fran ch",
+ "la ne",
+ "lan e",
+ "l ane",
+ "▁Ro of",
+ "▁je opard",
+ "▁en closed",
+ "▁encl osed",
+ "▁superv ised",
+ "▁supervis ed",
+ "▁G iov",
+ "▁Gi ov",
+ "▁Om aha",
+ "em ployment",
+ "▁Thank fully",
+ "▁McC art",
+ "▁Su icide",
+ "▁M RI",
+ "▁MR I",
+ "▁W ise",
+ "▁Wi se",
+ "▁Wis e",
+ "▁R ings",
+ "▁Ring s",
+ "▁o mitted",
+ "▁om itted",
+ "▁z e",
+ "▁ ze",
+ "pp le",
+ "p ple",
+ "▁B ard",
+ "▁Bar d",
+ "▁Ba rd",
+ "▁tw ists",
+ "▁twist s",
+ "▁depos ited",
+ "▁deposit ed",
+ "du e",
+ "d ue",
+ "▁D ed",
+ "▁De d",
+ "ct rine",
+ "▁fest ive",
+ "▁decl ares",
+ "▁declare s",
+ "▁M ae",
+ "▁Ma e",
+ "▁P lot",
+ "▁Pl ot",
+ "▁sh owers",
+ "▁show ers",
+ "▁shower s",
+ "▁s tained",
+ "▁st ained",
+ "▁stain ed",
+ "▁sta ined",
+ "▁s ober",
+ "▁so ber",
+ "er ville",
+ "erv ille",
+ "▁compl iant",
+ "▁dec oration",
+ "▁decor ation",
+ "▁profit ability",
+ "pr ep",
+ "pre p",
+ "p rep",
+ "▁O UR",
+ "▁ro oft",
+ "▁roof t",
+ "▁s aint",
+ "▁sa int",
+ "▁t rait",
+ "▁tr ait",
+ "▁tra it",
+ "▁exerc ising",
+ ". <",
+ "] \\",
+ "} \"",
+ "ex isting",
+ "▁F letcher",
+ "In ternational",
+ "Inter national",
+ "▁Y E",
+ "▁D EL",
+ "▁DE L",
+ "▁ce ased",
+ "▁cease d",
+ "▁tur key",
+ "▁question naire",
+ "er i",
+ "e ri",
+ "▁D T",
+ "▁ DT",
+ "es se",
+ "ess e",
+ "▁Ext ended",
+ "▁bless ings",
+ "▁blessing s",
+ "▁P ale",
+ "▁Pa le",
+ "▁Pal e",
+ "isc opal",
+ "isco pal",
+ "▁phenomen al",
+ "▁phenomena l",
+ "en um",
+ "e num",
+ "▁ms g",
+ "▁ msg",
+ "▁Le igh",
+ "is lation",
+ "isl ation",
+ "▁Bed ford",
+ " =",
+ "wa ld",
+ "wal d",
+ "w ald",
+ "▁d ei",
+ "▁de i",
+ "▁p aved",
+ "▁pa ved",
+ "▁pav ed",
+ "▁Pur due",
+ "▁Purd ue",
+ "▁sub urb",
+ "▁elect romagnetic",
+ "▁P CR",
+ "▁PC R",
+ "fl ight",
+ "f light",
+ "hs pace",
+ "h space",
+ "est ones",
+ "estone s",
+ "eston es",
+ "e stones",
+ "▁Chev rolet",
+ "▁partner ing",
+ "ob il",
+ "obi l",
+ "o bil",
+ "▁Mar l",
+ "▁Ma rl",
+ "▁Az ure",
+ "▁B rick",
+ "▁Br ick",
+ "▁Bri ck",
+ "▁Jew el",
+ "hr a",
+ "h ra",
+ "ic ans",
+ "ica ns",
+ "ican s",
+ "cast ers",
+ "ca sters",
+ "cas ters",
+ "caster s",
+ "c asters",
+ "do ing",
+ "doi ng",
+ "d oing",
+ "og rams",
+ "ogram s",
+ "op ters",
+ "opt ers",
+ "opter s",
+ "gor ithm",
+ "gorith m",
+ "ribut or",
+ "▁off ences",
+ "▁offence s",
+ "▁instance of",
+ "TS D",
+ "T SD",
+ "▁ра з",
+ "▁m ourn",
+ "▁mo urn",
+ "▁pneum onia",
+ "ct ica",
+ "ctic a",
+ "▁W AS",
+ "▁WA S",
+ "is mic",
+ "ism ic",
+ "▁Tiff any",
+ "▁dis posed",
+ "▁disp osed",
+ "▁dispos ed",
+ "▁dist ributor",
+ "▁distribut or",
+ "▁T aj",
+ "▁Ta j",
+ "▁K ard",
+ "▁Kar d",
+ "▁Ka rd",
+ "▁Sett ings",
+ "▁Setting s",
+ "▁ Settings",
+ "▁ins urers",
+ "▁insurer s",
+ "▁safe guard",
+ "▁safegu ard",
+ "▁contin gent",
+ "▁conting ent",
+ "▁firef ighters",
+ "h p",
+ "cm d",
+ "c md",
+ "▁S ME",
+ "▁SM E",
+ "▁S eg",
+ "▁Se g",
+ "Sh are",
+ "▁S aul",
+ "▁Sa ul",
+ "▁Sau l",
+ "▁aw ake",
+ "▁awa ke",
+ "item ize",
+ "▁Incre ase",
+ "▁lingu istic",
+ "▁D N",
+ "▁Rap ids",
+ "▁Rapid s",
+ "▁r ipped",
+ "▁ri pped",
+ "▁rip ped",
+ "▁ke ynote",
+ "▁key note",
+ "▁L ap",
+ "▁La p",
+ "▁Mo hamed",
+ "▁Moh amed",
+ "▁front ier",
+ "m ight",
+ "wh ether",
+ "whe ther",
+ "▁Ang lic",
+ "▁show cases",
+ "▁showc ases",
+ "▁showcase s",
+ "▁re cap",
+ "▁rec ap",
+ "▁Fac ilities",
+ "▁? >",
+ "▁c ob",
+ "▁co b",
+ "▁C ommod",
+ "▁Com mod",
+ "▁Comm od",
+ "▁Nich ols",
+ "▁L anguages",
+ "▁Language s",
+ "AR C",
+ "A RC",
+ "bit s",
+ "bi ts",
+ "b its",
+ "▁Y ORK",
+ "▁sne ak",
+ "▁her oin",
+ "▁hero in",
+ "▁st aging",
+ "▁sta ging",
+ "▁T emplate",
+ "▁Tem plate",
+ "▁ Template",
+ "▁sequ encing",
+ "c é",
+ "▁A CE",
+ "▁AC E",
+ "▁ ACE",
+ "▁comm anded",
+ "▁command ed",
+ "▁r uth",
+ "▁ru th",
+ "Po ol",
+ "P ool",
+ "▁F ram",
+ "▁Fr am",
+ "▁Fra m",
+ "▁a ids",
+ "▁aid s",
+ "pace d",
+ "pa ced",
+ "p aced",
+ "cl uded",
+ "clud ed",
+ "clude d",
+ "sub ject",
+ "▁fore see",
+ "▁cre ations",
+ "▁creat ions",
+ "▁creation s",
+ "▁Prov incial",
+ "ne a",
+ "n ea",
+ "un i",
+ "u ni",
+ "▁\" <",
+ "▁Daw son",
+ "▁ver tex",
+ "▁vert ex",
+ "▁Vit amin",
+ "em i",
+ "e mi",
+ "▁A TP",
+ "▁AT P",
+ "▁V ID",
+ "▁VI D",
+ "▁ VID",
+ "▁lobby ing",
+ "▁psych ologist",
+ "▁U W",
+ "▁em pt",
+ "▁emp t",
+ "▁ empt",
+ "▁Re con",
+ "▁Rec on",
+ "ich ever",
+ "iche ver",
+ "▁god dess",
+ "▁D P",
+ "▁ DP",
+ "op us",
+ "▁P ossible",
+ "▁Poss ible",
+ "▁ter ribly",
+ "▁terr ibly",
+ "▁confirm ing",
+ "▁b lat",
+ "▁bl at",
+ "De lete",
+ "Del ete",
+ "Dele te",
+ "▁rep eal",
+ "▁repe al",
+ "cess ions",
+ "cession s",
+ "c essions",
+ "▁eight een",
+ "▁M J",
+ "gen cies",
+ "g encies",
+ "ab ol",
+ "a bol",
+ "ru gu",
+ "rug u",
+ "r ugu",
+ "▁l abs",
+ "▁la bs",
+ "▁lab s",
+ "web kit",
+ "▁Nord ic",
+ "▁pl ague",
+ "▁plag ue",
+ "▁pla gue",
+ "▁Build ings",
+ "▁Building s",
+ "▁predict ing",
+ "▁Rest oration",
+ "el come",
+ "▁br akes",
+ "▁bra kes",
+ "▁brake s",
+ "▁re organ",
+ "▁Israel is",
+ "▁Israeli s",
+ "▁Architect s",
+ "▁legitim acy",
+ "▁over r",
+ "▁ov err",
+ "▁f ridge",
+ "▁fr idge",
+ "▁ens ured",
+ "▁ensure d",
+ "AM ES",
+ "AME S",
+ "um ab",
+ "uma b",
+ "Sch ool",
+ "S chool",
+ "oul try",
+ "▁l odge",
+ "▁lod ge",
+ "▁Est her",
+ "▁Es ther",
+ "Ab stract",
+ "▁facilit ated",
+ "▁facilitate d",
+ "▁l bs",
+ "▁lb s",
+ "le tes",
+ "let es",
+ "lete s",
+ "▁Est onia",
+ "▁Eston ia",
+ "▁H ath",
+ "▁Ha th",
+ "▁Hat h",
+ "▁Advoc acy",
+ "▁prefer ably",
+ "on ica",
+ "onic a",
+ "oni ca",
+ "▁t amb",
+ "▁ta mb",
+ "▁tam b",
+ "▁hel pless",
+ "▁help less",
+ "▁predict ive",
+ "▁K C",
+ "▁F res",
+ "▁Fr es",
+ "▁Fre s",
+ "▁c age",
+ "▁ca ge",
+ "▁rich est",
+ "▁ric hest",
+ "am l",
+ "a ml",
+ "▁D ining",
+ "▁Di ning",
+ "▁Din ing",
+ "▁li bert",
+ "▁liber t",
+ "▁lib ert",
+ ")} {",
+ ") }{",
+ "fun c",
+ "fu nc",
+ "f unc",
+ "is mo",
+ "ism o",
+ "▁H ale",
+ "▁Ha le",
+ "▁Hal e",
+ "▁cap ita",
+ "▁hom age",
+ "crit ical",
+ "▁ur anium",
+ "pe l",
+ "p el",
+ "il da",
+ "ild a",
+ "CO VID",
+ "▁W arn",
+ "▁War n",
+ "ist ine",
+ "▁Prom otion",
+ "▁A MD",
+ "▁AM D",
+ "▁A lic",
+ "▁Al ic",
+ "▁Ali c",
+ "▁re lay",
+ "▁rel ay",
+ "но м",
+ "id an",
+ "ida n",
+ "i dan",
+ "ter min",
+ "term in",
+ "▁BG COLOR",
+ "▁sp reads",
+ "▁spread s",
+ "p n",
+ "▁r ay",
+ "▁ra y",
+ "▁ ray",
+ "▁T ropical",
+ "▁educ ating",
+ "▁C oven",
+ "▁Co ven",
+ "▁Cov en",
+ "▁Cove n",
+ "▁squ ares",
+ "▁square s",
+ "▁exquis ite",
+ "▁cens orship",
+ "sa ving",
+ "s aving",
+ "▁lo ops",
+ "▁loop s",
+ "C y",
+ "▁l ied",
+ "▁li ed",
+ "▁lie d",
+ "▁ lied",
+ "ut ation",
+ "▁flav our",
+ "he w",
+ "h ew",
+ "▁H ate",
+ "▁Ha te",
+ "▁Hat e",
+ "▁Cr ash",
+ "▁Cra sh",
+ "▁se ize",
+ "▁seiz e",
+ "▁batt ing",
+ "▁bat ting",
+ "▁ba tting",
+ "l b",
+ "▁M ant",
+ "▁Man t",
+ "▁Ma nt",
+ "m iddle",
+ "▁D ates",
+ "▁Date s",
+ "▁Da tes",
+ "▁Dat es",
+ "▁in comes",
+ "▁inc omes",
+ "▁income s",
+ "▁Congress man",
+ "▁N ate",
+ "▁Na te",
+ "▁Nat e",
+ "▁V inc",
+ "▁Vin c",
+ "▁Vi nc",
+ "▁as say",
+ "▁ass ay",
+ "IN A",
+ "I NA",
+ "▁R ates",
+ "▁Ra tes",
+ "▁Rat es",
+ "▁Rate s",
+ "▁exerc ised",
+ "▁exercise d",
+ "▁travel lers",
+ "▁trav ellers",
+ "▁C ookie",
+ "▁Cook ie",
+ "▁confidential ity",
+ " = ",
+ "▁le uk",
+ "▁p urity",
+ "▁pur ity",
+ "▁pu rity",
+ "▁consult ed",
+ "▁rel ocated",
+ "▁respect ful",
+ "▁Instit utions",
+ "▁Institution s",
+ "J ew",
+ "wi tz",
+ "w itz",
+ "u o",
+ "zi p",
+ "z ip",
+ "aj ax",
+ "aja x",
+ "ri ty",
+ "rit y",
+ "r ity",
+ "▁V irt",
+ "▁Vir t",
+ "▁Vi rt",
+ "▁Inf antry",
+ "▁pl umbing",
+ "▁plum bing",
+ "▁con figure",
+ "▁conf igure",
+ "▁config ure",
+ "ip ur",
+ "i pur",
+ "▁web inar",
+ "▁Guid ance",
+ "▁Inc ident",
+ "▁exp onent",
+ "Se nd",
+ "Sen d",
+ "S end",
+ "▁D ot",
+ "▁Do t",
+ "▁O live",
+ "▁Ol ive",
+ "▁Oliv e",
+ "▁con quer",
+ "▁conqu er",
+ "▁F CR",
+ "▁FC R",
+ "▁Le one",
+ "▁Leon e",
+ "▁Leo ne",
+ "▁C edar",
+ "▁Ce dar",
+ "sh aring",
+ "sha ring",
+ "▁cond itional",
+ "▁condition al",
+ "▁R D",
+ "▁A AA",
+ "▁AA A",
+ "▁c aus",
+ "▁ca us",
+ "▁s add",
+ "▁sa dd",
+ "▁sad d",
+ "▁rel ieve",
+ "▁relie ve",
+ "▁u ma",
+ "▁um a",
+ "▁ uma",
+ "or esc",
+ "ore sc",
+ "ores c",
+ "▁sk ew",
+ "▁ske w",
+ "▁cur rencies",
+ "▁sacrifice s",
+ "▁sacrific es",
+ "▁b idding",
+ "▁bid ding",
+ "▁ec centric",
+ "▁ecc entric",
+ "ph il",
+ "phi l",
+ "▁P DT",
+ "▁PD T",
+ "▁a pr",
+ "▁ap r",
+ "▁b ean",
+ "▁be an",
+ "▁ bean",
+ "▁simple st",
+ "▁simpl est",
+ "▁stat utes",
+ "▁statute s",
+ "▁G mb",
+ "▁Cr imes",
+ "▁Crim es",
+ "▁Crime s",
+ "▁head phones",
+ "hu a",
+ "h ua",
+ "▁m anga",
+ "▁man ga",
+ "▁min ers",
+ "▁mine rs",
+ "▁mi ners",
+ "▁stand point",
+ "▁b tn",
+ "▁ btn",
+ "▁Furn iture",
+ "▁Pres byter",
+ "▁P ablo",
+ "ch art",
+ "char t",
+ "cha rt",
+ "c hart",
+ "▁pl ac",
+ "▁pla c",
+ "▁ind ications",
+ "▁indic ations",
+ "▁indication s",
+ "▁S age",
+ "▁Sa ge",
+ "▁Sag e",
+ ": \r",
+ "▁P B",
+ "▁r obb",
+ "▁ro bb",
+ "▁rob b",
+ "Pl ayer",
+ "Play er",
+ "P layer",
+ "▁a rist",
+ "▁ar ist",
+ "▁Contin uing",
+ "▁the ological",
+ "na t",
+ "n at",
+ "hor n",
+ "h orn",
+ "que ue",
+ "ri ched",
+ "ric hed",
+ "rich ed",
+ "▁Sund ays",
+ "▁Sunday s",
+ "▁Sun days",
+ "▁cha otic",
+ "ob in",
+ "obi n",
+ "o bin",
+ "▁P ig",
+ "▁Pi g",
+ "▁York er",
+ "▁ref lections",
+ "▁reflect ions",
+ "▁reflection s",
+ "▁L IVE",
+ "▁LI VE",
+ "▁Bon us",
+ "▁Drag ons",
+ "▁Dragon s",
+ "▁Consult ant",
+ "▁J ail",
+ "▁Ja il",
+ "▁pet rol",
+ "IC ES",
+ "ICE S",
+ "▁M UST",
+ "▁MUS T",
+ "▁MU ST",
+ "nat ive",
+ "n ative",
+ "▁fl ank",
+ "▁cont ests",
+ "▁contest s",
+ "~~ ~~",
+ "▁c ath",
+ "▁ca th",
+ "▁cat h",
+ "ex ports",
+ "exp orts",
+ "▁n umbered",
+ "▁number ed",
+ "▁numb ered",
+ "xt er",
+ "x ter",
+ "▁uniform s",
+ "▁N eal",
+ "▁Ne al",
+ "▁benef iciary",
+ "et c",
+ "ow ns",
+ "own s",
+ "▁s print",
+ "▁sp rint",
+ "▁spr int",
+ "▁di lemma",
+ "▁dile mma",
+ "▁Co verage",
+ "▁Cover age",
+ "▁Cove rage",
+ "▁phys iological",
+ "▁bout ique",
+ "▁staff ing",
+ "▁spokes woman",
+ "yn chron",
+ "▁draft ing",
+ "▁Scient ist",
+ "▁b oil",
+ "▁bo il",
+ "▁wonder fully",
+ "▁wonderful ly",
+ "sh a",
+ "s ha",
+ "is ton",
+ "ist on",
+ "i ston",
+ "▁Le vy",
+ "▁Lev y",
+ "▁m RNA",
+ "▁inacc urate",
+ "UG H",
+ "U GH",
+ "si d",
+ "s id",
+ "▁B ere",
+ "▁Be re",
+ "▁Ber e",
+ "▁Bar ber",
+ "▁Barb er",
+ "▁sh outing",
+ "▁shout ing",
+ "▁sho uting",
+ "▁p arte",
+ "▁part e",
+ "▁par te",
+ "▁Will is",
+ "▁Wil lis",
+ "▁ins ulation",
+ "▁insu lation",
+ "es que",
+ "._ _",
+ ". __",
+ "▁R oot",
+ "▁Ro ot",
+ "▁ Root",
+ "Ma ster",
+ "M aster",
+ "▁Off ers",
+ "▁Offer s",
+ "▁fright ening",
+ "▁national ist",
+ "it les",
+ "itle s",
+ "▁Gl ou",
+ "▁pro claim",
+ "▁proc laim",
+ "▁detect ing",
+ "▁L T",
+ "▁ LT",
+ "▁un paid",
+ "▁unp aid",
+ "▁Fact ors",
+ "▁Fa ctors",
+ "▁Factor s",
+ "L im",
+ "▁P AC",
+ "▁PA C",
+ "ac tor",
+ "act or",
+ "a ctor",
+ "br ain",
+ "bra in",
+ "b rain",
+ "▁sal v",
+ "sp orts",
+ "s ports",
+ "▁weight ed",
+ "▁weigh ted",
+ "▁c afe",
+ "▁ca fe",
+ "▁caf e",
+ "▁gener ators",
+ "▁gene rators",
+ "▁generator s",
+ "Te x",
+ "T ex",
+ "▁A FC",
+ "▁AF C",
+ "▁bur nt",
+ "▁burn t",
+ "▁enzym es",
+ "▁enzyme s",
+ "▁mal aria",
+ "▁cat hedral",
+ "M icro",
+ "st ill",
+ "he tical",
+ "het ical",
+ "hetic al",
+ "▁wall paper",
+ "▁Present ation",
+ "▁L oop",
+ "▁Lo op",
+ "▁c lo",
+ "▁cl o",
+ "▁w ag",
+ "▁wa g",
+ "▁L ance",
+ "▁La nce",
+ "▁Lanc e",
+ "▁Lan ce",
+ "▁St ack",
+ "▁Sta ck",
+ "▁ Stack",
+ "▁Raf ael",
+ "▁construct ing",
+ "▁F ors",
+ "▁For s",
+ "▁Fo rs",
+ "eth oven",
+ "▁Port rait",
+ "▁exp resses",
+ "▁express es",
+ "▁ge ometric",
+ "po ke",
+ "p oke",
+ "ris ing",
+ "r ising",
+ "▁M ixed",
+ "▁Mix ed",
+ "▁ski ing",
+ "▁labor atories",
+ "▁M ing",
+ "▁Min g",
+ "▁Mi ng",
+ "▁f ing",
+ "▁fin g",
+ "▁fi ng",
+ "Select or",
+ "▁B oulder",
+ "▁wheel chair",
+ "Ha ve",
+ "H ave",
+ "▁S ail",
+ "▁Sa il",
+ "▁S ikh",
+ "▁Si kh",
+ "▁fore nsic",
+ "▁S out",
+ "▁So ut",
+ "▁Sou t",
+ "▁g reens",
+ "▁green s",
+ "▁gre ens",
+ "▁fil tering",
+ "▁filter ing",
+ "▁mark eters",
+ "▁market ers",
+ "▁rece ivers",
+ "▁receive rs",
+ "▁receiver s",
+ "▁emphas izes",
+ "▁emphasize s",
+ "ab l",
+ "a bl",
+ "ut an",
+ "uta n",
+ "u tan",
+ "▁s igh",
+ "▁si gh",
+ "▁sig h",
+ "▁premiere d",
+ "▁premier ed",
+ "▁premie red",
+ "▁C Ds",
+ "▁CD s",
+ "▁Ro uge",
+ "▁Rou ge",
+ "▁Se crets",
+ "▁Sec rets",
+ "▁Secret s",
+ "▁circ uits",
+ "▁circuit s",
+ "▁ident ifier",
+ "▁V iking",
+ "▁Vik ing",
+ "▁Vi king",
+ "▁up wards",
+ "▁upward s",
+ "▁aff inity",
+ "Con d",
+ "Co nd",
+ "C ond",
+ "▁Cost s",
+ "▁Cos ts",
+ "▁lab eling",
+ "▁label ing",
+ "W ashington",
+ "▁art illery",
+ "▁expans ive",
+ "▁impression s",
+ "▁impress ions",
+ "▁disapp earance",
+ "▁disappear ance",
+ "unt ary",
+ "▁ch opped",
+ "▁cho pped",
+ "▁progress ed",
+ "eg o",
+ "e go",
+ "mo m",
+ "m om",
+ "▁l b",
+ "▁ lb",
+ "▁F ee",
+ "▁Fe e",
+ "to ggle",
+ "t oggle",
+ "if ornia",
+ "▁for ged",
+ "▁forg ed",
+ "▁pill ars",
+ "▁pillar s",
+ "▁publ ishes",
+ "▁publish es",
+ "▁pub lishes",
+ "rapeut ics",
+ "rapeutic s",
+ "▁reper toire",
+ "▁Cons ervatives",
+ "▁Conservative s",
+ "▁Conserv atives",
+ "IL ITY",
+ "ag ara",
+ "aga ra",
+ "agar a",
+ "▁Tunis ia",
+ "ü h",
+ "ham ed",
+ "ha med",
+ "h amed",
+ "▁Att end",
+ "ra ctions",
+ "ract ions",
+ "raction s",
+ "r actions",
+ "▁encomp asses",
+ "▁t uber",
+ "▁tu ber",
+ "▁tub er",
+ "▁tube r",
+ "▁che ating",
+ "▁lect urer",
+ "▁lecture r",
+ "Ar ea",
+ "Are a",
+ "A rea",
+ "ross e",
+ "ros se",
+ "▁Fred die",
+ "▁re marked",
+ "▁remark ed",
+ "▁H V",
+ "▁h r",
+ "▁ hr",
+ "ust omed",
+ "ustom ed",
+ "▁Pl ains",
+ "▁Plain s",
+ "▁liqu or",
+ "fl at",
+ "f lat",
+ "▁Pa tel",
+ "▁Pat el",
+ "▁seiz ure",
+ "▁begin nings",
+ "▁beginning s",
+ "▁off spring",
+ "▁aest hetics",
+ "▁aesthetic s",
+ "ne q",
+ "n eq",
+ "▁B av",
+ "▁Ba v",
+ "▁et hn",
+ "▁eth n",
+ "test ing",
+ "tes ting",
+ "▁par cel",
+ "▁interven e",
+ "▁M ama",
+ "▁Ma ma",
+ "▁Mam a",
+ "circ le",
+ "▁High ly",
+ "▁calc ulating",
+ "▁t actic",
+ "▁tact ic",
+ "▁ta ctic",
+ "▁H ospitals",
+ "▁Hospital s",
+ "▁dist racted",
+ "▁distract ed",
+ "Sy m",
+ "S ym",
+ "ci e",
+ "c ie",
+ "к ра",
+ "Dis t",
+ "Di st",
+ "D ist",
+ "▁ghost s",
+ "▁femin ine",
+ "▁head ache",
+ "▁insp ires",
+ "▁inspir es",
+ "▁inspire s",
+ "▁height ened",
+ "▁Old er",
+ "▁Ol der",
+ "▁al tar",
+ "▁alt ar",
+ "IC O",
+ "I CO",
+ "▁August ine",
+ "▁system atically",
+ "▁systematic ally",
+ "za n",
+ "z an",
+ "▁ad jud",
+ "▁adj ud",
+ "▁Par king",
+ "▁Park ing",
+ "▁B utt",
+ "▁But t",
+ "▁Bu tt",
+ "▁Je rome",
+ "▁Jer ome",
+ "▁Tr udeau",
+ "EN G",
+ "E NG",
+ "tu be",
+ "tub e",
+ "t ube",
+ "ve ring",
+ "ver ing",
+ "v ering",
+ "▁Fre ud",
+ "▁V ince",
+ "▁Vin ce",
+ "▁Vi nce",
+ "▁Vinc e",
+ "▁m etic",
+ "▁me tic",
+ "▁met ic",
+ "C ast",
+ "▁ins ider",
+ "▁inside r",
+ "am ba",
+ "amb a",
+ "▁Leban ese",
+ "▁Mon etary",
+ "▁F ixed",
+ "▁Fix ed",
+ ")} $",
+ ") }$",
+ "▁Diff erence",
+ "! '",
+ "gar s",
+ "ga rs",
+ "g ars",
+ "▁H ed",
+ "▁He d",
+ "▁Graph ic",
+ "▁t hee",
+ "▁the e",
+ "▁th ee",
+ "▁K iller",
+ "▁Kil ler",
+ "▁Kill er",
+ "▁Ki ller",
+ "li ner",
+ "line r",
+ "lin er",
+ "l iner",
+ "▁dos age",
+ "man agement",
+ "▁shoot ings",
+ "▁shooting s",
+ "st ri",
+ "str i",
+ "s tri",
+ "▁nic kel",
+ "▁nick el",
+ "M Y",
+ "на я",
+ "▁gran ite",
+ "▁l imb",
+ "▁li mb",
+ "▁lim b",
+ "emb rance",
+ "embr ance",
+ "th inking",
+ "think ing",
+ "ва н",
+ "в ан",
+ "▁Cyn thia",
+ "▁Account s",
+ "_ *",
+ "▁H awk",
+ "▁Haw k",
+ "▁Ol iv",
+ "▁p eas",
+ "▁pe as",
+ "pl anes",
+ "plan es",
+ "plane s",
+ "▁le aning",
+ "▁lean ing",
+ "line width",
+ "lin ewidth",
+ "▁Recogn ition",
+ "▁a kin",
+ "▁ akin",
+ "ne eded",
+ "nee ded",
+ "need ed",
+ "▁Tur ning",
+ "▁Turn ing",
+ "▁toler ate",
+ "bl ank",
+ "▁L ies",
+ "▁Li es",
+ "▁Lie s",
+ "▁c one",
+ "▁con e",
+ "▁co ne",
+ "▁G ap",
+ "▁Ga p",
+ "ia ison",
+ "г у",
+ "la ce",
+ "l ace",
+ "ra ctive",
+ "ract ive",
+ "r active",
+ "▁complex es",
+ "▁luc rative",
+ "en burg",
+ "▁Bos nia",
+ "▁an them",
+ "▁ant hem",
+ "▁anth em",
+ "▁car riage",
+ "▁Def endant",
+ "( *",
+ "▁St ress",
+ "▁Str ess",
+ "▁Stre ss",
+ "▁Mill ions",
+ "▁Million s",
+ "▁D OM",
+ "▁DO M",
+ "▁ DOM",
+ "▁T in",
+ "▁Ti n",
+ "▁n em",
+ "▁ne m",
+ "▁gen us",
+ "▁genu s",
+ "cre ated",
+ "create d",
+ "creat ed",
+ "c reated",
+ "▁Daniel le",
+ "SE T",
+ "S ET",
+ "▁enh ances",
+ "▁enhance s",
+ "▁construct or",
+ "▁dis position",
+ "▁disp osition",
+ "▁dispos ition",
+ "▁с и",
+ "▁ си",
+ "he ed",
+ "hee d",
+ "h eed",
+ "▁Av iv",
+ "▁en sl",
+ "▁ens l",
+ "▁He arts",
+ "▁Heart s",
+ "▁Hear ts",
+ "▁Brend an",
+ "▁Bren dan",
+ "▁Brenda n",
+ "▁cruel ty",
+ "▁Byzant ine",
+ "mo il",
+ "m oil",
+ "th emed",
+ "the med",
+ "them ed",
+ "theme d",
+ "▁K erala",
+ "▁Ker ala",
+ "▁dupl icate",
+ "▁v ow",
+ "▁vo w",
+ "Mus lim",
+ "as onic",
+ "ason ic",
+ "aso nic",
+ "▁Lam bert",
+ "▁Lamb ert",
+ "▁cous ins",
+ "▁cousin s",
+ "▁spec tra",
+ "▁spect ra",
+ "▁Space X",
+ "▁le aned",
+ "▁lean ed",
+ "par agraph",
+ "para graph",
+ "▁D L",
+ "▁ DL",
+ "▁P ole",
+ "▁Pol e",
+ "▁Po le",
+ "▁S ELECT",
+ "hi g",
+ "h ig",
+ "▁Or th",
+ "▁Ort h",
+ "▁l amb",
+ "▁la mb",
+ "▁lam b",
+ "▁M emor",
+ "▁Me mor",
+ "▁Mem or",
+ "VER S",
+ "VE RS",
+ "V ERS",
+ "May be",
+ "gu ide",
+ "▁R ocket",
+ "▁Rock et",
+ "▁Roc ket",
+ "▁Bang alore",
+ "▁B AS",
+ "▁BA S",
+ "▁M LS",
+ "▁ML S",
+ "uc ket",
+ "uck et",
+ "▁p ads",
+ "▁pa ds",
+ "▁pad s",
+ "li ness",
+ "line ss",
+ "lin ess",
+ "lines s",
+ "l iness",
+ "▁For ms",
+ "▁Form s",
+ "▁s wear",
+ "▁sw ear",
+ "▁swe ar",
+ "▁work flow",
+ "▁comp utation",
+ "▁comput ation",
+ "▁p lat",
+ "▁pl at",
+ "▁pla t",
+ "itch ens",
+ "itc hens",
+ "itchen s",
+ "▁pass ions",
+ "▁passion s",
+ "▁Wik imedia",
+ "▁Wiki media",
+ "en vironment",
+ "▁tail or",
+ "▁V oc",
+ "▁Vo c",
+ "▁f ue",
+ "▁fu e",
+ "▁loc om",
+ "▁lo com",
+ "umer able",
+ "ea s",
+ "e as",
+ "▁fl own",
+ "▁flow n",
+ "▁flo wn",
+ "▁R anger",
+ "▁Range r",
+ "▁Ran ger",
+ "cent ered",
+ "center ed",
+ "▁metal lic",
+ "▁metall ic",
+ ".* *",
+ ". **",
+ "site s",
+ "si tes",
+ "s ites",
+ "f b",
+ "▁r im",
+ "▁ri m",
+ "▁ rim",
+ "▁H umph",
+ "▁Hu mph",
+ "▁Hum ph",
+ "▁Gl oria",
+ "▁h acking",
+ "▁hack ing",
+ "in ki",
+ "ink i",
+ "om ez",
+ "ome z",
+ "▁In ner",
+ "▁Inn er",
+ "▁Mo ody",
+ "▁Mood y",
+ "cont roller",
+ "control ler",
+ "▁appell ant",
+ "▁G le",
+ "▁Gl e",
+ "▁s oda",
+ "▁so da",
+ "▁sod a",
+ "▁vers a",
+ "▁ver sa",
+ "cul osis",
+ "St and",
+ "in atory",
+ "inator y",
+ "▁bl ades",
+ "▁blade s",
+ "Hel p",
+ "▁C BC",
+ "▁CB C",
+ "▁min ors",
+ "▁minor s",
+ "▁grand son",
+ "▁grands on",
+ "▁Wrest ling",
+ "▁se gregation",
+ "▁seg regation",
+ "▁N ET",
+ "▁NE T",
+ "▁ NET",
+ "▁D aughter",
+ "▁fig uring",
+ "▁figur ing",
+ ". ",
+ "Nav Bar",
+ "▁N olan",
+ "▁No lan",
+ "ro pract",
+ "rop ract",
+ "▁d ances",
+ "▁dance s",
+ "▁da nces",
+ "▁C asa",
+ "▁Cas a",
+ "▁Ca sa",
+ "▁cha pel",
+ "▁chap el",
+ "▁l ol",
+ "▁lo l",
+ "ID ENT",
+ "IDE NT",
+ "▁insight ful",
+ "Se ries",
+ "Ser ies",
+ "S eries",
+ "Sp orts",
+ "S ports",
+ "T ab",
+ "▁Z oe",
+ "▁par alle",
+ "▁ paralle",
+ "▁C ull",
+ "▁Cu ll",
+ "▁Cul l",
+ "ens ely",
+ "ense ly",
+ "▁N aturally",
+ "▁Natural ly",
+ "▁Nat urally",
+ "ir rel",
+ "asp oon",
+ "▁Do ors",
+ "▁Door s",
+ "▁has ht",
+ "▁hash t",
+ "▁Pe oples",
+ "▁People s",
+ "▁Suff olk",
+ "char acter",
+ "▁v ascular",
+ "▁B org",
+ "▁Bor g",
+ "▁R aven",
+ "▁Ra ven",
+ "▁Rav en",
+ "Don nell",
+ "▁C alling",
+ "▁Cal ling",
+ "▁Call ing",
+ "▁ste wards",
+ "▁stew ards",
+ "▁R obb",
+ "▁Rob b",
+ "▁Ro bb",
+ "▁Isa iah",
+ "▁Th ames",
+ "od ynamic",
+ "odynam ic",
+ "▁Dis closure",
+ "lu ent",
+ "▁g rape",
+ "▁gr ape",
+ "▁gra pe",
+ "▁grap e",
+ "▁sup ra",
+ "▁torn ado",
+ "▁def erred",
+ "▁defer red",
+ "▁man dates",
+ "▁mand ates",
+ "▁mandate s",
+ "ol ving",
+ "▁Head quarters",
+ "▁E g",
+ "▁I vy",
+ "▁Iv y",
+ "▁WOR LD",
+ "an ye",
+ "any e",
+ "Deb ug",
+ "▁s aga",
+ "▁sa ga",
+ "▁f i",
+ "▁ fi",
+ "ur ai",
+ "ura i",
+ "▁{ };",
+ "▁{} ;",
+ "▁bu ys",
+ "▁buy s",
+ "▁coll ateral",
+ "▁vast ly",
+ "▁Bron cos",
+ "▁bal ances",
+ "▁balance s",
+ "am en",
+ "ame n",
+ "a men",
+ "on ge",
+ "ong e",
+ "▁at roc",
+ "▁Laur ie",
+ "▁Lau rie",
+ "▁mult if",
+ "▁multi f",
+ "sub scribe",
+ "▁femin ism",
+ "▁Gmb H",
+ "▁ty ping",
+ "▁typ ing",
+ "tr l",
+ "t rl",
+ "▁L IM",
+ "▁LI M",
+ "wo uld",
+ "w ould",
+ "▁pr ud",
+ "▁py thon",
+ "▁ python",
+ "▁O THER",
+ "▁Van essa",
+ "▁ban ning",
+ "▁A be",
+ "▁Ab e",
+ "▁W ii",
+ "▁Wi i",
+ "al ogy",
+ "alo gy",
+ "▁t abs",
+ "▁tab s",
+ "▁ta bs",
+ "▁ tabs",
+ "call back",
+ "▁text ile",
+ "▁n otation",
+ "▁not ation",
+ "▁ notation",
+ "or b",
+ "o rb",
+ "▁H ole",
+ "▁Hol e",
+ "▁Ho le",
+ "▁the med",
+ "▁th emed",
+ "▁them ed",
+ "▁theme d",
+ "▁ themed",
+ "▁Somers et",
+ "py thon",
+ "▁R even",
+ "▁Re ven",
+ "▁Rev en",
+ "▁Reve n",
+ "▁w eddings",
+ "▁wedding s",
+ "▁neighb ouring",
+ "▁neighbour ing",
+ "hel m",
+ "▁H ert",
+ "▁He rt",
+ "▁Her t",
+ "▁Sh ap",
+ "▁Sha p",
+ "Pro gram",
+ "Pr ogram",
+ "▁Rober to",
+ "▁Rob erto",
+ "▁Robert o",
+ "param eter",
+ "para meter",
+ "▁pro mo",
+ "▁pr omo",
+ "▁prom o",
+ "▁novel ist",
+ "▁ret rieved",
+ "▁retrie ved",
+ "▁retrieve d",
+ "ft s",
+ "f ts",
+ "io ur",
+ "i our",
+ "▁even ings",
+ "▁evening s",
+ "▁eve nings",
+ "▁Car penter",
+ "no r",
+ "n or",
+ "▁an te",
+ "▁ant e",
+ "▁ ante",
+ "▁Kurd ish",
+ "▁lith ium",
+ "▁up stairs",
+ "ци и",
+ "▁Bul ld",
+ "▁Bull d",
+ "▁Supp ose",
+ "▁Sup pose",
+ "▁Manit oba",
+ "spring framework",
+ "▁h one",
+ "▁hon e",
+ "▁ho ne",
+ "▁T ac",
+ "▁Ta c",
+ "▁C ory",
+ "▁Co ry",
+ "▁Cor y",
+ "im ates",
+ "imate s",
+ "ima tes",
+ "i mates",
+ "m ajor",
+ "▁g astro",
+ "▁gast ro",
+ "▁Pan ther",
+ "▁Pant her",
+ "Fr ank",
+ "F rank",
+ "▁T rav",
+ "▁Tr av",
+ "▁Tra v",
+ "▁he ck",
+ "▁h ull",
+ "ra ising",
+ "▁asym pt",
+ "▁reg ain",
+ "▁Hun ger",
+ "▁Hung er",
+ "▁el ites",
+ "▁elite s",
+ "an del",
+ "and el",
+ "ande l",
+ "▁N ach",
+ "▁Na ch",
+ "▁Q uint",
+ "▁Qu int",
+ "▁Quin t",
+ "opt ional",
+ "option al",
+ "prot obuf",
+ "▁Veh icles",
+ "▁Vehicle s",
+ "▁sp ells",
+ "▁spell s",
+ "▁Sat ellite",
+ "ul o",
+ "u lo",
+ "▁I b",
+ "he ng",
+ "hen g",
+ "h eng",
+ "Be an",
+ "B ean",
+ "ol ver",
+ "olve r",
+ "stad t",
+ "sta dt",
+ "▁Soph ia",
+ "▁Build er",
+ "▁ Builder",
+ "▁blog gers",
+ "▁blogger s",
+ "Pl ugin",
+ "kee pers",
+ "keeper s",
+ "keep ers",
+ "▁mon key",
+ "▁vent ilation",
+ "he ard",
+ "hea rd",
+ "▁g rac",
+ "▁gr ac",
+ "▁gra c",
+ "▁fire works",
+ "▁ped ag",
+ "▁end point",
+ "▁disadvant age",
+ "Ch ief",
+ "und ai",
+ "unda i",
+ "ang led",
+ "angle d",
+ "▁gen etically",
+ "▁gene tically",
+ "▁genetic ally",
+ "▁Imple mentation",
+ "ic ient",
+ "ici ent",
+ "St atement",
+ "State ment",
+ "Stat ement",
+ "▁Pharm acy",
+ "▁Pharmac y",
+ "▁Pharma cy",
+ "S ite",
+ "▁cr unch",
+ "▁portray al",
+ "▁for fe",
+ "Ch annel",
+ "Re uters",
+ "▁fil tered",
+ "▁filter ed",
+ "▁indic ative",
+ "▁Rehab ilitation",
+ "▁G os",
+ "▁Go s",
+ "en ers",
+ "ener s",
+ "ene rs",
+ "e ners",
+ "▁Id ea",
+ "▁Ide a",
+ "en cers",
+ "ence rs",
+ "enc ers",
+ "encer s",
+ "▁Re vere",
+ "▁Rev ere",
+ "▁Reve re",
+ "▁deal ership",
+ "▁dealer ship",
+ "▁dealers hip",
+ "▁term inology",
+ "▁д ля",
+ "▁G ad",
+ "▁Ga d",
+ "▁M US",
+ "▁MU S",
+ "▁d ynasty",
+ "▁st resses",
+ "▁stress es",
+ "▁unbeliev able",
+ "op in",
+ "o pin",
+ "▁j ohn",
+ "▁jo hn",
+ "▁ john",
+ "▁s lam",
+ "▁sl am",
+ "▁sla m",
+ "▁P ixel",
+ "▁Pix el",
+ "▁re built",
+ "▁valid ated",
+ "▁validate d",
+ "De st",
+ "Des t",
+ "D est",
+ "ar set",
+ "ars et",
+ "arse t",
+ "Cent er",
+ "C enter",
+ "▁f etch",
+ "▁fet ch",
+ "the orem",
+ "▁Kat rina",
+ "▁build ers",
+ "▁builder s",
+ "▁Sch war",
+ "▁Schw ar",
+ "▁re building",
+ "▁rebuild ing",
+ "▁qu iz",
+ "▁qui z",
+ "▁showc asing",
+ ". “",
+ "zi g",
+ "z ig",
+ "▁c lan",
+ "▁cl an",
+ "▁cla n",
+ "▁Mor ton",
+ "▁Mort on",
+ "▁D ancing",
+ "▁Dan cing",
+ "Fe ed",
+ "F eed",
+ "R ich",
+ "▁Ir vine",
+ "▁rug ged",
+ "▁w aking",
+ "▁wa king",
+ "ck e",
+ "c ke",
+ "bi lt",
+ "bil t",
+ "b ilt",
+ "▁De er",
+ "▁Dee r",
+ "▁l ust",
+ "our ced",
+ "ource d",
+ "▁ar tery",
+ "▁art ery",
+ "▁arter y",
+ "▁pseud o",
+ "▁Log istics",
+ "um ann",
+ "uman n",
+ "uma nn",
+ "u mann",
+ "▁p oles",
+ "▁pol es",
+ "▁po les",
+ "▁pole s",
+ "▁sick ness",
+ ")) )",
+ ") ))",
+ "he it",
+ "▁h erd",
+ "▁he rd",
+ "▁her d",
+ "ent ity",
+ "enti ty",
+ "ama care",
+ "amac are",
+ "▁b ans",
+ "▁ban s",
+ "▁ba ns",
+ "▁f rown",
+ "▁fr own",
+ "▁fro wn",
+ "▁j ihad",
+ "▁rational e",
+ "▁congest ion",
+ "▁Pres ervation",
+ "Di v",
+ "D iv",
+ "gr e",
+ "g re",
+ "с ле",
+ "▁d azz",
+ "▁da zz",
+ "▁n our",
+ "▁no ur",
+ "Al ex",
+ "A lex",
+ "▁R ip",
+ "▁Ri p",
+ "▁H AVE",
+ "▁HA VE",
+ "▁In do",
+ "▁Ind o",
+ "▁Op position",
+ "▁Opp osition",
+ "▁super market",
+ "▁retros pective",
+ "▁Qu in",
+ "▁pl um",
+ "▁P regn",
+ "▁Pre gn",
+ "▁Pengu in",
+ "▁Ro land",
+ "▁Rol and",
+ "▁pl aque",
+ "▁pla que",
+ "▁Incre asing",
+ "▁Psych iatry",
+ "▁Government s",
+ "▁Govern ments",
+ "х а",
+ "hy th",
+ "▁rab bit",
+ "▁rabb it",
+ "▁re open",
+ "▁dream ed",
+ "▁c rus",
+ "▁cr us",
+ "▁cru s",
+ "▁r aped",
+ "▁ra ped",
+ "▁rap ed",
+ "▁rape d",
+ "▁stub born",
+ "▁Elect oral",
+ "▁Ele ctoral",
+ "▁V S",
+ "st re",
+ "str e",
+ "s tre",
+ "▁D ir",
+ "▁Di r",
+ "▁ Dir",
+ "▁Y ES",
+ "▁YE S",
+ "zy n",
+ "z yn",
+ "Cr it",
+ "C rit",
+ "T ake",
+ "Pan el",
+ "Pa nel",
+ "▁L und",
+ "▁Lu nd",
+ "▁Lun d",
+ "▁M ats",
+ "▁Mat s",
+ "▁Ma ts",
+ "▁Mid night",
+ "▁te aspoon",
+ "▁Att orneys",
+ "▁Attorney s",
+ "▁spirit uality",
+ "▁spiritual ity",
+ "fr ed",
+ "fre d",
+ "f red",
+ "▁be ers",
+ "▁beer s",
+ "▁bee rs",
+ "▁after ward",
+ "▁Success ful",
+ "ount y",
+ "oun ty",
+ "▁s ourced",
+ "▁source d",
+ "▁sour ced",
+ "p unk",
+ "▁Caf é",
+ "dr iver",
+ "drive r",
+ "d river",
+ "▁f rost",
+ "▁fr ost",
+ "▁fro st",
+ "▁high s",
+ "▁hig hs",
+ "▁Jud ges",
+ "▁Judge s",
+ "▁Schne ider",
+ "▁Q aeda",
+ "▁ Qaeda",
+ "Res ults",
+ "Result s",
+ "▁rev ital",
+ "▁advert ised",
+ "▁advertis ed",
+ "▁advertise d",
+ "lo at",
+ "l oat",
+ "▁cl icks",
+ "▁click s",
+ "▁Mer chant",
+ "▁Merch ant",
+ "= -",
+ "ge ons",
+ "geon s",
+ "ar ious",
+ "ari ous",
+ "ario us",
+ "rem lin",
+ "▁qu int",
+ "▁q uint",
+ "▁qui nt",
+ "▁Res idence",
+ "▁substant ive",
+ "▁vulner abilities",
+ "▁pen al",
+ "▁Crypt o",
+ "▁En ough",
+ "▁S igned",
+ "▁Sign ed",
+ "▁Sig ned",
+ "se ll",
+ "sel l",
+ "s ell",
+ "iv ari",
+ "iva ri",
+ "i vari",
+ "▁C ITY",
+ "▁CI TY",
+ "▁Hy de",
+ "▁sem if",
+ "▁semi f",
+ "▁r anged",
+ "▁range d",
+ "▁ran ged",
+ "▁rang ed",
+ "▁. .......",
+ "▁... .....",
+ "▁.. ......",
+ "▁.... ....",
+ "▁ ........",
+ "▁Slov enia",
+ "▁Sloven ia",
+ "▁wand ering",
+ "▁wander ing",
+ "AN N",
+ "A NN",
+ "▁C ody",
+ "▁Co dy",
+ "▁Cod y",
+ "▁Roman tic",
+ "▁Rom antic",
+ "▁N em",
+ "▁Ne m",
+ "ush ima",
+ "ushi ma",
+ "▁even ly",
+ "▁flee ing",
+ "▁f olding",
+ "▁fol ding",
+ "▁fold ing",
+ "▁int ox",
+ "▁into x",
+ "▁restrict ive",
+ "▁convenient ly",
+ "▁cur ved",
+ "▁curve d",
+ "▁ut most",
+ "▁C unning",
+ "▁REL ATED",
+ "▁Surv ival",
+ "▁Surviv al",
+ "▁hect ares",
+ "he ne",
+ "hen e",
+ "h ene",
+ "▁NI H",
+ "▁W ei",
+ "▁We i",
+ "Me mber",
+ "Mem ber",
+ "M ember",
+ "ph thal",
+ "▁pol ite",
+ "▁polit e",
+ "▁sc attering",
+ "V ector",
+ "▁bro kers",
+ "▁broke rs",
+ "▁broker s",
+ "▁Court ney",
+ "▁dur ability",
+ "▁circumst ance",
+ "▁B yr",
+ "▁By r",
+ "▁g ems",
+ "▁ge ms",
+ "▁gem s",
+ "▁ex cel",
+ "▁exc el",
+ "▁pay load",
+ "▁Pers pectives",
+ "▁Perspective s",
+ "▁O man",
+ "▁Om an",
+ "▁B ella",
+ "▁Be lla",
+ "▁Bel la",
+ "▁Bell a",
+ "▁Psych ological",
+ "▁re sh",
+ "▁r esh",
+ "▁res h",
+ "▁ resh",
+ "▁Goth ic",
+ "▁d aring",
+ "▁da ring",
+ "▁dar ing",
+ "ty p",
+ "t yp",
+ "▁J C",
+ "us ement",
+ "use ment",
+ "former ly",
+ "▁War rior",
+ "Pr int",
+ "P rint",
+ "the ir",
+ "▁B ien",
+ "▁Bi en",
+ "▁Bie n",
+ "▁Lo gin",
+ "▁Log in",
+ "▁de duction",
+ "▁ded uction",
+ "▁deduct ion",
+ "▁b ios",
+ "▁bi os",
+ "▁bio s",
+ "▁Char ge",
+ "chem ical",
+ "▁L ifestyle",
+ "▁Life style",
+ "▁Brother hood",
+ "è me",
+ "▁< -",
+ "▁D UI",
+ "▁G in",
+ "▁Gi n",
+ "▁unexpected ly",
+ "▁First ly",
+ "od d",
+ "o dd",
+ "▁stat ues",
+ "▁statue s",
+ "▁re tains",
+ "▁ret ains",
+ "▁retain s",
+ "▁Li ability",
+ "▁Volks wagen",
+ "!) ,",
+ "! ),",
+ "▁' <",
+ "▁k not",
+ "▁kn ot",
+ "du cers",
+ "duc ers",
+ "▁Hart ford",
+ "▁policy makers",
+ "▁policym akers",
+ "op ian",
+ "opia n",
+ "ri que",
+ "r ique",
+ "▁v eto",
+ "▁ve to",
+ "▁vet o",
+ "bl ance",
+ "▁RE VIEW",
+ "▁El eanor",
+ "▁Ele anor",
+ "▁Rand all",
+ "▁analy se",
+ "▁analys e",
+ "▁str iker",
+ "▁stri ker",
+ "▁strike r",
+ "▁al arming",
+ "▁alarm ing",
+ "▁Jul ius",
+ "▁Krish na",
+ "umber land",
+ "▁contin ents",
+ "▁continent s",
+ "▁Ident ification",
+ "▁FIR ST",
+ "▁Sun set",
+ "on ential",
+ "onent ial",
+ "▁h us",
+ "▁b acon",
+ "▁ba con",
+ "▁cl utch",
+ "▁ha unting",
+ "---- --------",
+ "-------- ----",
+ "t m",
+ "▁K ens",
+ "▁Ke ns",
+ "▁Ken s",
+ "Se cond",
+ "Sec ond",
+ "▁organ ism",
+ "▁organis m",
+ "▁conflic ting",
+ "▁conflict ing",
+ "▁fulfill ment",
+ "▁Per kins",
+ "▁mar ched",
+ "▁march ed",
+ "ts d",
+ "t sd",
+ "ar na",
+ "arn a",
+ "▁C rack",
+ "▁Cr ack",
+ "▁Cra ck",
+ "esthes ia",
+ "▁dis claim",
+ "▁disc laim",
+ "▁discl aim",
+ "▁Star bucks",
+ "▁cult ivation",
+ "▁cultiv ation",
+ "de en",
+ "d een",
+ "▁de gr",
+ "▁deg r",
+ "▁g a",
+ "▁ ga",
+ "▁W olver",
+ "▁Wol ver",
+ "▁Reg istry",
+ "▁Regist ry",
+ "▁in jected",
+ "▁inj ected",
+ "▁inject ed",
+ "▁per mitting",
+ "▁perm itting",
+ "▁permit ting",
+ "▁N ile",
+ "▁Ni le",
+ "▁bl unt",
+ "▁fab rics",
+ "▁fabric s",
+ "▁sand wic",
+ "▁high ways",
+ "▁highway s",
+ "▁Cle aning",
+ "▁Clean ing",
+ "▁P F",
+ "iv ation",
+ "i vation",
+ "▁su ites",
+ "▁suit es",
+ "▁suite s",
+ "▁A uction",
+ "▁Au ction",
+ "▁C hess",
+ "▁Ch ess",
+ "▁Che ss",
+ "▁Ches s",
+ "▁boss es",
+ "▁bos ses",
+ "▁ampl itude",
+ "LA ND",
+ "LAN D",
+ "L AND",
+ "▁Cl int",
+ "▁Clin t",
+ "▁Cli nt",
+ "▁up held",
+ "▁en listed",
+ "▁aggress ively",
+ "▁aggressive ly",
+ "…… ……",
+ "▁l ays",
+ "▁la ys",
+ "▁lay s",
+ "▁i ronic",
+ "▁ir onic",
+ "▁iron ic",
+ "requ ency",
+ "▁Dead line",
+ "▁school ing",
+ "ib us",
+ "ibu s",
+ "i bus",
+ "▁Cl erk",
+ "▁Cle rk",
+ "▁h urry",
+ "▁hur ry",
+ "▁n ause",
+ "▁na use",
+ "▁Expl oring",
+ "inflamm atory",
+ "▁b uddy",
+ "▁budd y",
+ "it ating",
+ "ita ting",
+ "itat ing",
+ "▁Re sil",
+ "▁Res il",
+ "▁dig its",
+ "▁digit s",
+ "▁proced ural",
+ "▁place holder",
+ "UT F",
+ "▁l ieu",
+ "▁li eu",
+ "▁lie u",
+ "▁Napole on",
+ "▁repl icate",
+ "▁replica te",
+ "AN A",
+ "A NA",
+ "}- \\",
+ "} -\\",
+ "▁ly ric",
+ "▁r ests",
+ "▁res ts",
+ "▁rest s",
+ "▁River a",
+ "▁Riv era",
+ "▁ev iden",
+ "ETH OD",
+ "▁ri ots",
+ "▁riot s",
+ "▁Len non",
+ "▁Lenn on",
+ "▁in hibition",
+ "▁inhib ition",
+ "▁S art",
+ "▁Sa rt",
+ "▁Sar t",
+ "▁Ob server",
+ "▁Obs erver",
+ "▁Observ er",
+ "ko n",
+ "k on",
+ "me g",
+ "m eg",
+ "▁al ley",
+ "▁all ey",
+ "▁alle y",
+ "lar gest",
+ "large st",
+ "▁shr ink",
+ "▁pre aching",
+ "▁ ш",
+ "en ta",
+ "ent a",
+ "oph ys",
+ "▁Inc red",
+ "▁Incre d",
+ "oi l",
+ "o il",
+ "Time s",
+ "Tim es",
+ "T imes",
+ "▁Out put",
+ "▁ Output",
+ "▁l attice",
+ "▁Ch urches",
+ "▁Church es",
+ "▁Acqu isition",
+ "▁I z",
+ "▁sp ice",
+ "▁Har ley",
+ "▁H os",
+ "▁Ho s",
+ "in cre",
+ "inc re",
+ "▁toss ed",
+ "▁Br idges",
+ "▁Bridge s",
+ "▁Brid ges",
+ "▁cosm etic",
+ "h h",
+ "IP S",
+ "I PS",
+ "▁\" '",
+ "Sc roll",
+ "▁s ocks",
+ "▁so cks",
+ "▁soc ks",
+ "ator ium",
+ "ato rium",
+ "▁Div orce",
+ "So cial",
+ "S ocial",
+ "▁Sun shine",
+ "▁cl one",
+ "▁clo ne",
+ "▁is olate",
+ "▁isol ate",
+ "▁pro claimed",
+ "▁proclaim ed",
+ "t u",
+ "▁z um",
+ "▁zu m",
+ "▁fl oral",
+ "▁flo ral",
+ "▁flor al",
+ "▁te amed",
+ "▁team ed",
+ "▁tea med",
+ "▁Lind sey",
+ "spons ored",
+ "▁premium s",
+ "Be n",
+ "B en",
+ "▁E b",
+ "▁k ay",
+ "▁ka y",
+ "▁un pleasant",
+ "б у",
+ "▁Pe er",
+ "Re view",
+ "Rev iew",
+ "▁Bo ost",
+ "▁id iot",
+ "▁idi ot",
+ "▁different iate",
+ "▁accompl ishment",
+ "▁accomplish ment",
+ "t f",
+ "}} _",
+ "} }_",
+ "in ders",
+ "ind ers",
+ "inder s",
+ "inde rs",
+ "▁P roud",
+ "▁Pro ud",
+ "▁Pr oud",
+ "▁L ounge",
+ "▁Lo unge",
+ "▁con jug",
+ "▁conj ug",
+ "▁Sem inar",
+ "▁Semi nar",
+ "▁Comb ined",
+ "tt e",
+ "t te",
+ "me ter",
+ "met er",
+ "m eter",
+ "▁Pione er",
+ "ess ages",
+ "essage s",
+ "essa ges",
+ "▁Max imum",
+ "▁Maxim um",
+ "▁a uthored",
+ "▁author ed",
+ "▁w er",
+ "▁we r",
+ "▁ wer",
+ "▁F D",
+ "▁ FD",
+ "▁t ray",
+ "▁tr ay",
+ "▁tra y",
+ "▁bl ows",
+ "▁blow s",
+ "▁ment ors",
+ "▁mentor s",
+ "▁Be ethoven",
+ "▁Pers pective",
+ "▁C ham",
+ "▁Ch am",
+ "▁Cha m",
+ "ject ed",
+ "j ected",
+ "▁v apor",
+ "▁va por",
+ "▁friend ships",
+ "▁friends hips",
+ "▁friendship s",
+ "en den",
+ "end en",
+ "ende n",
+ "or ting",
+ "ort ing",
+ "▁ter ra",
+ "▁terr a",
+ "▁F X",
+ "▁d y",
+ "▁ dy",
+ "▁c akes",
+ "▁ca kes",
+ "▁cake s",
+ "att ribute",
+ "ic idal",
+ "ici dal",
+ "neg ative",
+ "N N",
+ "▁W ick",
+ "▁Wi ck",
+ "▁h emp",
+ "▁he mp",
+ "▁hem p",
+ "in ently",
+ "inent ly",
+ "▁one self",
+ "▁ones elf",
+ "▁def enses",
+ "▁defense s",
+ "reg ulation",
+ "▁in security",
+ "aly tic",
+ "▁I brahim",
+ "▁sub division",
+ "ll er",
+ "l ler",
+ "▁c hin",
+ "▁ch in",
+ "▁chi n",
+ "▁ chin",
+ "hythm s",
+ "hyth ms",
+ "er ential",
+ "erent ial",
+ "▁rad ically",
+ "▁radical ly",
+ "▁Enter prises",
+ "▁Enterprise s",
+ "-- >",
+ "- ->",
+ "mi a",
+ "m ia",
+ "▁re print",
+ "▁rep rint",
+ "IP T",
+ "I PT",
+ "ar f",
+ "a rf",
+ "▁D isp",
+ "▁Dis p",
+ "▁Di sp",
+ "▁R ene",
+ "▁Re ne",
+ "▁Ren e",
+ "▁Instr ument",
+ "bi sh",
+ "b ish",
+ "▁O rient",
+ "▁Or ient",
+ "▁Ori ent",
+ "▁amid st",
+ "rac ellular",
+ "Ge rm",
+ "G erm",
+ "▁D ru",
+ "▁Dr u",
+ "le igh",
+ "▁го ду",
+ "▁un dis",
+ "▁und is",
+ "▁Can ter",
+ "▁Cant er",
+ "▁Ext reme",
+ "▁Extrem e",
+ "▁mon astery",
+ "dr ive",
+ "d rive",
+ "erv let",
+ "▁t ensor",
+ "▁ten sor",
+ "▁tens or",
+ "▁homosex uality",
+ "▁homosexual ity",
+ "▁B RO",
+ "▁BR O",
+ "▁br ighter",
+ "▁bright er",
+ "; \"",
+ "ц а",
+ "▁о д",
+ "▁K ub",
+ "▁Ku b",
+ "▁E lon",
+ "▁El on",
+ "▁he ir",
+ "▁Com pan",
+ "▁Comp an",
+ "▁adv isers",
+ "▁advis ers",
+ "▁advise rs",
+ "▁adviser s",
+ "▁Collabor ation",
+ "FI G",
+ "F IG",
+ "al eb",
+ "ale b",
+ "Sche ma",
+ "Sch ema",
+ "▁assist ants",
+ "▁assistant s",
+ "▁com menting",
+ "▁comment ing",
+ "| ^",
+ "▁F I",
+ "▁ FI",
+ "ve red",
+ "ver ed",
+ "vere d",
+ "v ered",
+ "▁G uns",
+ "▁Gu ns",
+ "▁Gun s",
+ "▁overse es",
+ "▁overs ees",
+ "▁oversee s",
+ "▁adjust able",
+ "▁eval uations",
+ "▁evalu ations",
+ "▁evaluation s",
+ "▁In die",
+ "▁Ind ie",
+ "▁Sc ulpt",
+ "▁miser able",
+ "▁T us",
+ "▁Tu s",
+ "▁pl astics",
+ "▁plastic s",
+ "▁vocal ist",
+ "▁F F",
+ "▁ FF",
+ "▁F orget",
+ "▁For get",
+ "▁Forg et",
+ "▁l ender",
+ "▁le nder",
+ "▁len der",
+ "▁lend er",
+ "▁M AY",
+ "▁MA Y",
+ "AR K",
+ "▁hurt s",
+ "▁hur ts",
+ "▁fract ure",
+ "ad just",
+ "▁seam lessly",
+ "▁seamless ly",
+ "▁y east",
+ "▁ye ast",
+ "Americ ans",
+ "American s",
+ "America ns",
+ "▁pa used",
+ "▁pause d",
+ "res olution",
+ "▁accident al",
+ "al ach",
+ "ala ch",
+ "▁M its",
+ "▁Mit s",
+ "▁Mi ts",
+ "▁f ren",
+ "▁fr en",
+ "▁fre n",
+ "▁Fran ç",
+ "▁L unch",
+ "▁Lun ch",
+ "▁on ions",
+ "▁onion s",
+ "board ing",
+ "bo arding",
+ "▁Figure s",
+ "▁Fig ures",
+ "▁\\ (",
+ "▁f ibre",
+ "▁fib re",
+ "▁fi bre",
+ "▁st amps",
+ "▁stamp s",
+ "▁trust s",
+ "▁C AM",
+ "▁CA M",
+ "▁L er",
+ "▁Le r",
+ "ag her",
+ "agh er",
+ "he ter",
+ "het er",
+ "h eter",
+ "▁K Y",
+ "▁ KY",
+ "ou los",
+ "oul os",
+ "▁p ope",
+ "▁pop e",
+ "▁po pe",
+ "▁tr acing",
+ "▁tra cing",
+ "▁desc ended",
+ "▁descend ed",
+ "UC K",
+ "▁gr aves",
+ "▁gra ves",
+ "▁grave s",
+ "▁th irst",
+ "▁control lers",
+ "▁controll ers",
+ "▁controller s",
+ "’ )",
+ "wy n",
+ "w yn",
+ "▁Wor st",
+ "▁Maj esty",
+ "▁be ams",
+ "▁beam s",
+ "▁over c",
+ "▁ov erc",
+ "▁Sold ier",
+ "▁relent less",
+ "gar t",
+ "ga rt",
+ "g art",
+ "▁l ocker",
+ "▁loc ker",
+ "▁lo cker",
+ "▁lock er",
+ "▁post ure",
+ "▁inter medi",
+ "▁F uj",
+ "▁Fu j",
+ "▁p itches",
+ "▁pitch es",
+ "▁pit ches",
+ "▁restra int",
+ "▁co zy",
+ "▁s unk",
+ "▁sun k",
+ "▁S ymbol",
+ "▁Sym bol",
+ "▁ Symbol",
+ "▁im perfect",
+ "▁imper fect",
+ "re b",
+ "r eb",
+ "▁o v",
+ "▁ ov",
+ "par a",
+ "pa ra",
+ "p ara",
+ "▁d uly",
+ "▁du ly",
+ "▁nephe w",
+ "▁Happ ened",
+ "▁nostalg ia",
+ "▁organ izer",
+ "▁organiz er",
+ "▁organize r",
+ "▁read iness",
+ "car ds",
+ "card s",
+ "c ards",
+ "▁re leg",
+ "▁rel eg",
+ "▁rele g",
+ "▁Full er",
+ "▁Fu ller",
+ "▁Ful ler",
+ "▁inv aded",
+ "boot strap",
+ "▁disturb ed",
+ "▁lon gevity",
+ "▁Liber ation",
+ "▁Lib eration",
+ "▁devast ated",
+ "▁hold ings",
+ "▁holding s",
+ "▁tre asures",
+ "▁treasure s",
+ "▁stagger ing",
+ "▁m ans",
+ "▁man s",
+ "▁ma ns",
+ "▁ mans",
+ "▁L um",
+ "▁Lu m",
+ "▁Will ow",
+ "▁Wil low",
+ "pack ed",
+ "p acked",
+ "▁ste er",
+ "▁t oured",
+ "▁to ured",
+ "▁tour ed",
+ "▁tou red",
+ "▁resemb les",
+ "▁resem bles",
+ "▁resemble s",
+ "▁M um",
+ "▁Mu m",
+ "▁d rying",
+ "▁dr ying",
+ "▁dry ing",
+ "▁Inst ruction",
+ "▁Instr uction",
+ "▁Instruct ion",
+ "Pro m",
+ "Pr om",
+ "P rom",
+ "sh ots",
+ "shot s",
+ "oster one",
+ "▁Mort gage",
+ "▁day light",
+ "▁B EST",
+ "▁BE ST",
+ "▁Ly nd",
+ "▁Lyn d",
+ "▁K ai",
+ "▁Ka i",
+ "▁Dr ink",
+ "▁Ed win",
+ "▁Scot ia",
+ "atche wan",
+ "▁penet ration",
+ "az er",
+ "aze r",
+ "a zer",
+ "▁' ''",
+ "▁'' '",
+ "▁ '''",
+ "▁eng ages",
+ "▁engage s",
+ "▁crystal s",
+ "▁cryst als",
+ "▁end urance",
+ "it ic",
+ "iti c",
+ "i tic",
+ "▁h ello",
+ "▁hel lo",
+ "▁hell o",
+ "▁Di ploma",
+ "▁Diplom a",
+ "associ ated",
+ "▁inter sect",
+ "▁reg ulating",
+ "▁regul ating",
+ "▁М а",
+ "▁L al",
+ "▁La l",
+ "▁Cl osed",
+ "▁Close d",
+ "▁Clos ed",
+ "▁C oca",
+ "▁Co ca",
+ "▁Coc a",
+ "▁re bound",
+ "▁reb ound",
+ "▁prom oter",
+ "▁promot er",
+ "▁promote r",
+ "▁promo ter",
+ "▁distribut ors",
+ "▁distributor s",
+ "bu ll",
+ "bul l",
+ "b ull",
+ "▁De nis",
+ "▁Den is",
+ "▁weigh s",
+ "▁Ad j",
+ "▁Th ur",
+ "▁Thu r",
+ "▁sche ma",
+ "▁sch ema",
+ "▁schem a",
+ "▁ schema",
+ "▁sel dom",
+ "medi ately",
+ "mediate ly",
+ "BL E",
+ "B LE",
+ "aw k",
+ "an za",
+ "anz a",
+ "▁tort ured",
+ "▁torture d",
+ "▁Road s",
+ "▁Ro ads",
+ "▁Dis orders",
+ "▁Disorder s",
+ "▁commercial s",
+ "ja s",
+ "j as",
+ "bol d",
+ "bo ld",
+ "b old",
+ "▁ON LY",
+ "▁C alled",
+ "▁Cal led",
+ "▁Call ed",
+ "▁conn ector",
+ "▁connect or",
+ "▁S J",
+ "▁xml ns",
+ "▁Ass ass",
+ "▁diff usion",
+ "▁Cons ortium",
+ "T ur",
+ "ar at",
+ "ara t",
+ "a rat",
+ "▁C ran",
+ "▁Cr an",
+ "▁Cra n",
+ "dom inal",
+ "us ually",
+ "▁acqu aint",
+ "▁up stream",
+ "ar b",
+ "a rb",
+ "co al",
+ "▁Al to",
+ "▁Alt o",
+ "em y",
+ "e my",
+ "▁C i",
+ "▁К о",
+ "Sc ale",
+ "pl ate",
+ "p late",
+ "olog ie",
+ "olo gie",
+ "▁inter change",
+ "We ek",
+ "▁J ub",
+ "▁Ju b",
+ "op ers",
+ "ope rs",
+ "oper s",
+ "o pers",
+ "▁t ram",
+ "▁tr am",
+ "▁tra m",
+ "Ass ert",
+ "osex ual",
+ "o sexual",
+ "▁an omal",
+ "▁z a",
+ "▁ za",
+ "▁ ли",
+ "wan a",
+ "wa na",
+ "w ana",
+ "▁C umm",
+ "▁Cu mm",
+ "▁ab bre",
+ "▁circ us",
+ "▁cir cus",
+ "▁Moh ammad",
+ "op o",
+ "o po",
+ "st orage",
+ "sto rage",
+ "me tics",
+ "met ics",
+ "m etics",
+ "▁T aken",
+ "▁Take n",
+ "▁Ta ken",
+ "▁Tak en",
+ "▁t apes",
+ "▁tap es",
+ "▁tape s",
+ "▁ta pes",
+ "▁Sal mon",
+ "▁Si dney",
+ "▁Sid ney",
+ "el lation",
+ "ell ation",
+ "▁lapt ops",
+ "▁laptop s",
+ "▁lap tops",
+ "▁P ist",
+ "▁Pi st",
+ "▁Museum s",
+ "▁Muse ums",
+ "ot ers",
+ "ote rs",
+ "oter s",
+ "o ters",
+ "li ving",
+ "l iving",
+ "▁c ites",
+ "▁cit es",
+ "▁cite s",
+ "▁ci tes",
+ "ac iones",
+ "acion es",
+ "our ning",
+ "ourn ing",
+ "▁P redict",
+ "▁Pre dict",
+ "▁Pred ict",
+ "▁aff irmed",
+ "▁affirm ed",
+ "▁init iation",
+ "▁initi ation",
+ "O F",
+ "fe at",
+ "▁bl ended",
+ "▁blend ed",
+ "▁re semble",
+ "▁resemb le",
+ "▁resem ble",
+ "ti er",
+ "t ier",
+ "▁Z ambia",
+ "UL D",
+ "U LD",
+ "to ols",
+ "too ls",
+ "tool s",
+ "t ools",
+ "▁M anor",
+ "▁Man or",
+ "▁Ma nor",
+ "▁up right",
+ "GM T",
+ "G MT",
+ "▁RE AL",
+ "ge ries",
+ "ger ies",
+ "g eries",
+ "▁renov ated",
+ "D NA",
+ "st aff",
+ "sta ff",
+ "▁ge op",
+ "▁Na omi",
+ "▁Has san",
+ "▁Hass an",
+ "▁R aleigh",
+ "▁Ra leigh",
+ "_ ->",
+ "▁m uc",
+ "▁mu c",
+ "in gen",
+ "ing en",
+ "inge n",
+ "F amily",
+ "▁S ultan",
+ "▁Sul tan",
+ "In ternal",
+ "▁L SU",
+ "▁LS U",
+ "▁P ence",
+ "▁Pe nce",
+ "▁Pen ce",
+ "▁el ders",
+ "▁elder s",
+ "▁Acc eler",
+ "▁P lat",
+ "▁Pl at",
+ "zb ollah",
+ "▁Tr ials",
+ "▁Tri als",
+ "▁Trial s",
+ "▁War wick",
+ "▁R R",
+ "oc on",
+ "oco n",
+ "o con",
+ "▁pert urb",
+ "▁hard ship",
+ "type of",
+ "▁J orge",
+ "▁Me ans",
+ "▁Mean s",
+ "▁Bren nan",
+ "▁gr eed",
+ "▁gre ed",
+ "▁Ka iser",
+ "▁Kai ser",
+ "▁aff idav",
+ "H ot",
+ "la very",
+ "lav ery",
+ "▁sp oon",
+ "▁spo on",
+ "pict ure",
+ "▁Malays ian",
+ "▁Malaysia n",
+ "▁L anding",
+ "▁Land ing",
+ "▁Lan ding",
+ "▁Pet ition",
+ "▁man dated",
+ "▁mand ated",
+ "▁mandate d",
+ "ou g",
+ "o ug",
+ "F oot",
+ "av is",
+ "avi s",
+ "a vis",
+ "fin als",
+ "final s",
+ "f inals",
+ "▁E du",
+ "▁Ed u",
+ "po und",
+ "p ound",
+ "▁w ipe",
+ "▁wip e",
+ "▁Pl ants",
+ "▁Plan ts",
+ "▁Plant s",
+ "▁back lash",
+ "▁In clusion",
+ "▁brut ality",
+ "▁brutal ity",
+ "▁inj unction",
+ "Br on",
+ "Bro n",
+ "B ron",
+ "do es",
+ "d oes",
+ "▁Sc ots",
+ "▁Scot s",
+ "▁gro ove",
+ "▁play ful",
+ "▁st umbled",
+ "▁enter tained",
+ "▁entertain ed",
+ ") ”",
+ "; }",
+ "tu n",
+ "t un",
+ "▁N ay",
+ "▁Na y",
+ "▁mess y",
+ "▁mes sy",
+ "▁Carol yn",
+ "▁pa lette",
+ "▁pal ette",
+ "▁pale tte",
+ "for ces",
+ "force s",
+ "▁pist ol",
+ "▁App ropri",
+ "▁Appro pri",
+ "▁D OC",
+ "▁DO C",
+ "▁ DOC",
+ "▁K avan",
+ "▁Ka van",
+ "tr ained",
+ "tra ined",
+ "train ed",
+ "t rained",
+ "▁view point",
+ "▁decor ations",
+ "▁decoration s",
+ "X ML",
+ "res cent",
+ "▁in land",
+ "direct or",
+ "dir ector",
+ "▁Whe eler",
+ "▁Wheel er",
+ "▁ple asing",
+ "▁pleas ing",
+ "▁cred itors",
+ "▁credit ors",
+ "Se n",
+ "S en",
+ "▁IS SN",
+ "▁R apt",
+ "▁Ra pt",
+ "▁Rap t",
+ "develop ed",
+ "än d",
+ "ä nd",
+ "▁BO OK",
+ "▁w ander",
+ "▁wa nder",
+ "▁wand er",
+ "▁as hamed",
+ "▁ash amed",
+ "▁h anding",
+ "▁hand ing",
+ "▁han ding",
+ "oresc ence",
+ "Pro xy",
+ "Pr oxy",
+ "▁al lied",
+ "▁all ied",
+ "▁scar ce",
+ "▁scarc e",
+ "▁dream ing",
+ "▁M oy",
+ "▁Mo y",
+ "col lection",
+ "coll ection",
+ "collect ion",
+ "▁simultane ous",
+ "▁X V",
+ "tr ad",
+ "tra d",
+ "t rad",
+ "▁П ри",
+ "▁M U",
+ "Hel lo",
+ "H ello",
+ "dig ital",
+ "digit al",
+ "d igital",
+ "▁disc rep",
+ "▁discre p",
+ "▁acknowled ging",
+ "▁Trust ee",
+ "▁horm ones",
+ "▁hormone s",
+ "▁billion aire",
+ "L M",
+ "de ath",
+ "▁c arp",
+ "▁car p",
+ "▁pre sc",
+ "▁pr esc",
+ "▁pres c",
+ "▁l ocking",
+ "▁loc king",
+ "▁lock ing",
+ "▁Hol idays",
+ "▁Holiday s",
+ "▁W yn",
+ "▁Wy n",
+ "ac ial",
+ "a cial",
+ "mon ey",
+ "mo ney",
+ "m oney",
+ "▁C ait",
+ "▁Ca it",
+ "▁Ro oms",
+ "▁Room s",
+ "▁fl ush",
+ "▁flu sh",
+ "▁S oil",
+ "▁So il",
+ "▁en cl",
+ "▁enc l",
+ "in form",
+ "info rm",
+ "inf orm",
+ "▁Co rey",
+ "▁Cor ey",
+ "▁Core y",
+ "▁che fs",
+ "▁chef s",
+ "▁th rom",
+ "▁thr om",
+ "▁thro m",
+ "▁Eth nic",
+ "▁Occup ational",
+ "n m",
+ "▁B om",
+ "▁Bo m",
+ "▁S od",
+ "▁So d",
+ "▁Lo gic",
+ "▁Log ic",
+ "▁garden ing",
+ "▁gard ening",
+ "▁в е",
+ "▁ ве",
+ "To tal",
+ "T otal",
+ "iz oph",
+ "▁sc ans",
+ "▁scan s",
+ "▁tem po",
+ "▁temp o",
+ "▁dom est",
+ "▁dome st",
+ "▁rot ate",
+ "▁tran qu",
+ "ex ception",
+ "except ion",
+ "▁current s",
+ "▁super star",
+ "▁supers tar",
+ "▁in effective",
+ "M a",
+ "Har d",
+ "Ha rd",
+ "H ard",
+ "uch ar",
+ "uc har",
+ "u char",
+ "▁s ham",
+ "▁sh am",
+ "com pet",
+ "comp et",
+ "++ ;",
+ "▁G el",
+ "▁Ge l",
+ "▁Euro pa",
+ "▁Eur opa",
+ "▁Met eor",
+ "▁regist ering",
+ "▁register ing",
+ "(- -",
+ "( --",
+ "▁B erm",
+ "▁Be rm",
+ "▁Ber m",
+ "▁Sk ip",
+ "▁Ski p",
+ "▁log os",
+ "▁logo s",
+ "ear ance",
+ "ea rance",
+ "▁w olves",
+ "▁poison ing",
+ "▁poss essions",
+ "▁possess ions",
+ "▁possession s",
+ "▁Hon ors",
+ "▁Honor s",
+ "▁ec lectic",
+ "▁Green land",
+ "▁A SC",
+ "▁AS C",
+ "▁O bl",
+ "▁Ob l",
+ "▁k on",
+ "▁ko n",
+ "▁ kon",
+ "▁Af ro",
+ "▁am using",
+ "▁J ag",
+ "▁Ja g",
+ "J ames",
+ "▁Krist en",
+ "▁Kris ten",
+ "▁tur moil",
+ "To m",
+ "T om",
+ "▁H Q",
+ "▁L D",
+ "▁ LD",
+ "▁V ector",
+ "▁Ve ctor",
+ "▁ Vector",
+ "▁time out",
+ "▁ č",
+ "oc aly",
+ "ocal y",
+ "oca ly",
+ "▁sque eze",
+ "▁squeez e",
+ "osc ope",
+ "o scope",
+ "▁R oots",
+ "▁Ro ots",
+ "▁Root s",
+ "▁l iking",
+ "▁li king",
+ "▁lik ing",
+ "▁spl itting",
+ "▁split ting",
+ "▁with stand",
+ "po ons",
+ "p oons",
+ "Field s",
+ "▁Hy undai",
+ "▁Leg islation",
+ "▁Legisl ation",
+ "sh ape",
+ "sha pe",
+ "▁careg ivers",
+ "▁Recomm ended",
+ "▁Recommend ed",
+ "\\ }$",
+ "▁b il",
+ "▁bi l",
+ "▁ bil",
+ "▁Dev ils",
+ "▁Devil s",
+ "▁Rec ruit",
+ "▁Cand idate",
+ "ad an",
+ "ada n",
+ "a dan",
+ "▁[ ],",
+ "▁[] ,",
+ "▁v ain",
+ "▁va in",
+ "▁Mad onna",
+ "▁material ly",
+ "▁mater ially",
+ "▁M H",
+ "▁d ice",
+ "▁di ce",
+ "▁In sight",
+ "▁Ins ight",
+ "▁Stra ight",
+ "▁predict s",
+ "▁think ers",
+ "▁thin kers",
+ "▁circ ulating",
+ "▁X P",
+ "▁T yson",
+ "▁Ty son",
+ "▁copy ing",
+ "▁cop ying",
+ "▁Archae ology",
+ "▁J M",
+ "▁Go al",
+ "▁L ill",
+ "▁Li ll",
+ "▁Lil l",
+ "▁st int",
+ "▁He aling",
+ "▁inf rared",
+ "▁F i",
+ "▁ Fi",
+ "wo rm",
+ "wor m",
+ "w orm",
+ "▁Pay ne",
+ "or ously",
+ "orous ly",
+ "terror ism",
+ "▁dep rived",
+ "no b",
+ "n ob",
+ "qu ote",
+ "quot e",
+ "▁Veter inary",
+ "▁cons ortium",
+ "o S",
+ "}} ,",
+ "} },",
+ "il tr",
+ "ilt r",
+ "mit s",
+ "mi ts",
+ "m its",
+ "ra ged",
+ "rag ed",
+ "rage d",
+ "r aged",
+ "▁av ant",
+ "bi ology",
+ "b iology",
+ "fact ion",
+ "fa ction",
+ "f action",
+ "ograph s",
+ "ograp hs",
+ "appro ved",
+ "in formed",
+ "inform ed",
+ "▁lim bs",
+ "▁limb s",
+ "▁Nicarag ua",
+ "▁separ ating",
+ "I l",
+ "▁w ed",
+ "▁we d",
+ "▁ wed",
+ "▁av ail",
+ "▁( ‘",
+ "▁t high",
+ "▁th igh",
+ "▁Cl osing",
+ "▁Clos ing",
+ "ob y",
+ "o by",
+ "▁N AME",
+ "▁NA ME",
+ "▁ NAME",
+ "le ader",
+ "lead er",
+ "review ed",
+ "▁feas ibility",
+ "ip ro",
+ "i pro",
+ "▁P olar",
+ "▁Pol ar",
+ "▁Po lar",
+ "cy cling",
+ "cycl ing",
+ "▁s orrow",
+ "▁sor row",
+ "▁term ed",
+ "▁ter med",
+ "{{ \\",
+ "{ {\\",
+ "▁L owe",
+ "▁Lo we",
+ "▁Low e",
+ "▁P ret",
+ "▁Pr et",
+ "▁Pre t",
+ "▁De but",
+ "▁Deb ut",
+ "▁F iscal",
+ "▁Pra irie",
+ "v c",
+ "▁d ean",
+ "▁de an",
+ "▁Prov iding",
+ "▁pass words",
+ "▁password s",
+ "▁Far mer",
+ "▁Farm er",
+ "▁take over",
+ "S y",
+ "Tr ust",
+ "T rust",
+ "® ,",
+ "in en",
+ "ine n",
+ "▁M AX",
+ "▁MA X",
+ "▁ MAX",
+ "▁T urt",
+ "▁Tur t",
+ "▁Tu rt",
+ "▁B ates",
+ "▁Ba tes",
+ "▁Bat es",
+ "▁sp lash",
+ "▁spl ash",
+ "▁p ouring",
+ "▁po uring",
+ "▁pour ing",
+ "▁Professional s",
+ "▁Profession als",
+ "at u",
+ "a tu",
+ "▁M aker",
+ "▁Ma ker",
+ "▁Make r",
+ "▁Mak er",
+ "▁VID EO",
+ "▁hurt ing",
+ "▁hur ting",
+ "▁Roman ian",
+ "▁Rom anian",
+ "▁Romania n",
+ "▁cere bral",
+ "▁play list",
+ "▁c itations",
+ "▁cit ations",
+ "▁citation s",
+ "vi r",
+ "v ir",
+ "th rows",
+ "throw s",
+ "thro ws",
+ "▁New ark",
+ "▁gest ures",
+ "▁gesture s",
+ "▁b un",
+ "▁bu n",
+ "▁w ow",
+ "▁Trans l",
+ "▁Sof ia",
+ "▁br och",
+ "▁bro ch",
+ "▁pictures que",
+ "▁C AL",
+ "▁CA L",
+ "ib ern",
+ "iber n",
+ "ass ium",
+ "▁re use",
+ "▁To wards",
+ "▁Tow ards",
+ "▁o z",
+ "▁ oz",
+ "\") ;\r",
+ "\"); \r",
+ "\" );\r",
+ "▁f ined",
+ "▁fin ed",
+ "▁fine d",
+ "▁fi ned",
+ "▁bowl ing",
+ "▁bow ling",
+ "▁cont end",
+ "▁S UM",
+ "▁SU M",
+ "▁fuel ed",
+ "▁fu eled",
+ "▁fue led",
+ "▁psych ed",
+ "▁psy ched",
+ "eterm ined",
+ "▁P arenthood",
+ "▁Parent hood",
+ "ug u",
+ "u gu",
+ "▁N FC",
+ "▁NF C",
+ "Load er",
+ "um ping",
+ "ump ing",
+ "▁Deb ate",
+ "▁Ell iot",
+ "▁Ch ronic",
+ "▁Chron ic",
+ "е й",
+ "== =",
+ "= ==",
+ "▁B ios",
+ "▁Bi os",
+ "▁Bio s",
+ "▁l akh",
+ "▁la kh",
+ "uss ions",
+ "ussion s",
+ "▁tax able",
+ "▁as semble",
+ "▁assemb le",
+ "▁assembl e",
+ "\" `",
+ "▁clause s",
+ "▁cla uses",
+ "▁disrupt ive",
+ "ju n",
+ "j un",
+ "C ert",
+ "^{ -\\",
+ "^{- \\",
+ "▁t oes",
+ "▁to es",
+ "▁toe s",
+ "▁Ber ger",
+ "▁Berg er",
+ "▁Off ices",
+ "▁Office s",
+ "▁Offic es",
+ "▁In k",
+ "▁P aso",
+ "▁Pa so",
+ "▁Pas o",
+ "▁nut rient",
+ "▁text book",
+ "▁acc ustomed",
+ "ut f",
+ "u tf",
+ "cr ime",
+ "▁T itan",
+ "▁Tit an",
+ "▁Ti tan",
+ "▁head quartered",
+ "▁C hest",
+ "▁Ch est",
+ "▁Che st",
+ "▁Ches t",
+ "▁fol ders",
+ "▁fold ers",
+ "▁folder s",
+ "▁term inals",
+ "▁terminal s",
+ "up on",
+ "▁fe ud",
+ "L ittle",
+ "ick ets",
+ "icket s",
+ "▁Cla ude",
+ "▁Claud e",
+ "▁W en",
+ "▁We n",
+ "▁g raz",
+ "▁gr az",
+ "▁gra z",
+ "▁Chen nai",
+ "▁cur ator",
+ "▁cu rator",
+ "{ \"",
+ "ol son",
+ "ols on",
+ "▁S him",
+ "▁Sh im",
+ "▁Shi m",
+ "▁W arm",
+ "▁War m",
+ "▁Wa rm",
+ "▁direct s",
+ "▁cont empor",
+ "▁Compar ative",
+ "▁U SE",
+ "▁US E",
+ "▁ USE",
+ "▁poll ut",
+ "▁form idable",
+ "ring s",
+ "rin gs",
+ "r ings",
+ "der ived",
+ "de rived",
+ "▁imm ensely",
+ "▁immense ly",
+ "▁ad olescent",
+ "▁adolesc ent",
+ "▁Su rf",
+ "▁Sur f",
+ "▁L B",
+ "▁по д",
+ "zb ek",
+ "▁M ai",
+ "▁Ma i",
+ "▁T ub",
+ "▁Tu b",
+ "see ing",
+ "rang ing",
+ "ran ging",
+ "r anging",
+ "▁C ats",
+ "▁Cat s",
+ "▁Ca ts",
+ "▁Bro oke",
+ "▁Brook e",
+ "▁app arel",
+ "▁appar el",
+ "▁Adv ocate",
+ "▁Advoc ate",
+ "▁cr uc",
+ "▁cru c",
+ "▁Consult ation",
+ "▁Phot ographer",
+ "▁Photograph er",
+ "▁disadvant aged",
+ "▁disadvantage d",
+ "ta gs",
+ "tag s",
+ "t ags",
+ "br ead",
+ "bre ad",
+ "b read",
+ "▁f eder",
+ "▁fe der",
+ "▁fed er",
+ "▁At omic",
+ "▁clin icians",
+ "▁clinic ians",
+ "▁receipt s",
+ "AT T",
+ "A TT",
+ "Mil l",
+ "M ill",
+ "▁Mod ule",
+ "▁Mo dule",
+ "▁ Module",
+ "▁dash board",
+ "▁Me at",
+ "▁tun ing",
+ "▁tu ning",
+ "▁div iding",
+ "▁divid ing",
+ "▁Influ ence",
+ "▁crit erion",
+ "af a",
+ "a fa",
+ "▁S ER",
+ "▁SE R",
+ "▁Pr att",
+ "▁Pra tt",
+ "▁f aded",
+ "▁fa ded",
+ "▁fade d",
+ "▁c ursor",
+ "▁cur sor",
+ "▁curs or",
+ "▁s emiconductor",
+ "ri can",
+ "ric an",
+ "rica n",
+ "r ican",
+ "▁w ield",
+ "▁Wor ker",
+ "▁Work er",
+ "produ ced",
+ "prod uced",
+ "p roduced",
+ "▁B ie",
+ "▁Bi e",
+ "Fl ags",
+ "cl iffe",
+ "▁d isco",
+ "▁dis co",
+ "▁disc o",
+ "▁st rives",
+ "▁str ives",
+ "▁stri ves",
+ "▁strive s",
+ "▁Pav ilion",
+ "▁sub script",
+ "▁subsc ript",
+ "▁subs cript",
+ "▁A SE",
+ "▁AS E",
+ "▁ ASE",
+ "▁att ent",
+ "▁C handler",
+ "▁Chand ler",
+ "▁b ids",
+ "▁bi ds",
+ "▁bid s",
+ "▁C ells",
+ "▁Cell s",
+ "▁Cel ls",
+ "▁sl ices",
+ "▁sli ces",
+ "▁slic es",
+ "▁slice s",
+ "ph alt",
+ "pha lt",
+ "phal t",
+ "▁B ram",
+ "▁Br am",
+ "▁Bra m",
+ "▁o bey",
+ "▁ob ey",
+ "▁Bl ade",
+ "▁Estab lished",
+ "▁Establish ed",
+ "co p",
+ "c op",
+ "▁T ud",
+ "▁Tu d",
+ "▁s eg",
+ "▁se g",
+ "▁s aints",
+ "▁sa ints",
+ "▁saint s",
+ "▁z ombie",
+ "reci ation",
+ "rec iation",
+ "▁H K",
+ "pos ts",
+ "post s",
+ "iss ues",
+ "issue s",
+ "▁F ruit",
+ "▁Fr uit",
+ "▁sk irt",
+ "▁ski rt",
+ "I Q",
+ "▁m ug",
+ "▁mu g",
+ "▁rem ix",
+ "▁J ensen",
+ "▁Jen sen",
+ "▁tough er",
+ "▁toug her",
+ "H ol",
+ "Se lected",
+ "Select ed",
+ "S elected",
+ "▁W inning",
+ "▁Win ning",
+ "▁Winn ing",
+ "pres ident",
+ "▁The ology",
+ "▁Chron icles",
+ "▁Chronicle s",
+ "▁Chronic les",
+ "▁dim inished",
+ "▁dimin ished",
+ "▁screen play",
+ "▁campaign ing",
+ "▁p s",
+ "▁ ps",
+ "dr ew",
+ "d rew",
+ "▁r ag",
+ "▁ra g",
+ "▁ rag",
+ "th ren",
+ "▁Rob ot",
+ "▁Ro bot",
+ "▁sc oop",
+ "Dis play",
+ "claim er",
+ "▁K illing",
+ "▁Kil ling",
+ "▁Kill ing",
+ "▁mor ally",
+ "▁moral ly",
+ "▁Y uk",
+ "▁Yu k",
+ "▁l amps",
+ "▁lamp s",
+ "▁lam ps",
+ "▁Andre as",
+ "▁Andrea s",
+ "▁diff ering",
+ "▁differ ing",
+ "US D",
+ "U SD",
+ "▁P aw",
+ "▁Pa w",
+ "▁L ength",
+ "▁ Length",
+ "▁C ove",
+ "▁Co ve",
+ "▁Cov e",
+ "▁H its",
+ "▁Hit s",
+ "▁Hi ts",
+ "▁T rees",
+ "▁Tr ees",
+ "▁Tre es",
+ "▁Tree s",
+ "▁U rugu",
+ "▁Ur ugu",
+ "▁c ripp",
+ "▁cr ipp",
+ "cont ents",
+ "content s",
+ "▁fr aming",
+ "▁fram ing",
+ "▁fra ming",
+ "▁on wards",
+ "C at",
+ "wo n",
+ "w on",
+ "▁O C",
+ "▁ OC",
+ "▁s mo",
+ "▁sm o",
+ "subset eq",
+ "▁F ees",
+ "▁Fe es",
+ "▁Fee s",
+ "▁S ims",
+ "▁Sim s",
+ "▁Si ms",
+ "il lation",
+ "ill ation",
+ "▁tun nels",
+ "▁tunnel s",
+ "▁Steel ers",
+ "▁Steele rs",
+ "▁ab ortions",
+ "▁abortion s",
+ "▁B RE",
+ "▁BR E",
+ "▁CH AR",
+ "▁H ipp",
+ "▁Hi pp",
+ "▁Hip p",
+ "▁R over",
+ "▁Ro ver",
+ "▁cl ust",
+ "▁ult ras",
+ "▁ultra s",
+ "al iation",
+ "ali ation",
+ "▁in forms",
+ "▁inform s",
+ "▁st acked",
+ "▁stack ed",
+ "▁comp letes",
+ "▁complet es",
+ "▁complete s",
+ "▁con cessions",
+ "▁conc essions",
+ "▁p row",
+ "▁pro w",
+ "▁pr ow",
+ "▁cabin ets",
+ "▁cabinet s",
+ "? .",
+ "ca ss",
+ "cas s",
+ "c ass",
+ "est ion",
+ "▁p ains",
+ "▁pa ins",
+ "▁pain s",
+ "▁T rying",
+ "▁Tr ying",
+ "▁Try ing",
+ "▁Spect rum",
+ "▁S OC",
+ "▁SO C",
+ "▁nurs ery",
+ "▁nurse ry",
+ "▁Dis order",
+ "▁z oo",
+ "▁C oral",
+ "▁Co ral",
+ "▁Cor al",
+ "▁Mar vin",
+ "ex ternal",
+ "▁Ham mond",
+ "ich te",
+ "icht e",
+ "▁outrage ous",
+ "es sel",
+ "ess el",
+ "esse l",
+ "work er",
+ "wor ker",
+ "▁W iley",
+ "▁Wil ey",
+ "▁Wi ley",
+ "▁P ension",
+ "▁Pens ion",
+ "▁repl ica",
+ "il ot",
+ "ilo t",
+ "i lot",
+ "sw itch",
+ "tm p",
+ "t mp",
+ "Fi re",
+ "F ire",
+ "com be",
+ "comb e",
+ "▁Gi ul",
+ "▁tr aps",
+ "▁tra ps",
+ "▁trap s",
+ "▁Plaint iff",
+ "▁res urrection",
+ "▁resur rection",
+ "▁б о",
+ "▁ бо",
+ "▁Pars ons",
+ "▁deb ated",
+ "▁debate d",
+ "For ce",
+ "F orce",
+ "in her",
+ "▁P ond",
+ "▁Po nd",
+ "▁Pon d",
+ "▁sil icon",
+ "▁colour ful",
+ "▁di arr",
+ "▁dia rr",
+ "▁obs ess",
+ "▁sty ling",
+ "▁styl ing",
+ "▁court room",
+ "▁trou bling",
+ "▁over seeing",
+ "▁oversee ing",
+ "mo ck",
+ "m ock",
+ "▁D ong",
+ "▁Do ng",
+ "▁Don g",
+ "▁L amp",
+ "▁La mp",
+ "▁Lam p",
+ "▁Hast ings",
+ "ib i",
+ "i bi",
+ "▁w ors",
+ "▁wor s",
+ "▁Ber ks",
+ "▁Berk s",
+ "▁Antar ctica",
+ "▁Antarctic a",
+ "å r",
+ "▁r app",
+ "▁ra pp",
+ "▁rap p",
+ "▁C andy",
+ "▁Can dy",
+ "▁Cand y",
+ "▁Th row",
+ "▁Thr ow",
+ "▁sl opes",
+ "▁slope s",
+ "▁Ph antom",
+ "▁post erior",
+ "▁pos terior",
+ "▁poster ior",
+ "ко в",
+ "▁mot to",
+ "▁mo tto",
+ "mat ched",
+ "match ed",
+ "m atched",
+ "▁Le ather",
+ "▁Mess iah",
+ "▁Suz anne",
+ "▁Sask atchewan",
+ "FI LE",
+ "F ILE",
+ "▁y og",
+ "▁g lor",
+ "▁gl or",
+ "▁Gu jar",
+ "▁Mc Connell",
+ "▁dead lines",
+ "▁deadline s",
+ "Test s",
+ "T ests",
+ "ient o",
+ "ien to",
+ "i ento",
+ "li ber",
+ "lib er",
+ "l iber",
+ "▁b loc",
+ "▁bl oc",
+ "▁consult ancy",
+ "Co V",
+ "▁C annon",
+ "▁Can non",
+ "▁Cann on",
+ "To String",
+ "▁Review ed",
+ "▁constitu ency",
+ "▁transform ations",
+ "▁transformation s",
+ "ra k",
+ "r ak",
+ "lem n",
+ "l emn",
+ "▁D ix",
+ "▁Di x",
+ "build er",
+ "▁M V",
+ "am azon",
+ "ama zon",
+ "▁seven ty",
+ "▁sevent y",
+ "▁dis patch",
+ "▁disp atch",
+ "▁repet itive",
+ "▁Ut tar",
+ "▁Utt ar",
+ "▁Prote in",
+ "▁embarr assed",
+ "▁unre asonable",
+ "es ta",
+ "est a",
+ "e sta",
+ "▁col oured",
+ "▁colour ed",
+ "▁Antar ctic",
+ "iscell aneous",
+ "// /",
+ "/ //",
+ "ci as",
+ "cia s",
+ "c ias",
+ "La yer",
+ "L ayer",
+ "hist oric",
+ "ER AL",
+ "▁K ad",
+ "▁Ka d",
+ "▁S eah",
+ "▁Se ah",
+ "▁Sea h",
+ "▁c asc",
+ "▁ca sc",
+ "▁cas c",
+ "▁p ens",
+ "▁pe ns",
+ "▁pen s",
+ "es an",
+ "e san",
+ "▁O ECD",
+ "▁h ooks",
+ "▁hook s",
+ "▁ho oks",
+ "▁tele com",
+ "▁trib unal",
+ "▁Cur riculum",
+ "▁Ch oir",
+ "▁Cho ir",
+ "▁Ent ity",
+ "▁ Entity",
+ "▁Con sole",
+ "▁Cons ole",
+ "▁comp iler",
+ "▁compile r",
+ "▁Fried rich",
+ "▁c hi",
+ "▁ch i",
+ "▁ chi",
+ "▁gar nered",
+ "▁demol ition",
+ "viol ent",
+ "▁gl anced",
+ "▁glance d",
+ "▁Pres idents",
+ "▁President s",
+ "P i",
+ "ber ra",
+ "▁H uss",
+ "▁Hu ss",
+ "▁Hus s",
+ "▁compuls ory",
+ "▁monument al",
+ "▁inaug uration",
+ "▁inaugur ation",
+ "To o",
+ "T oo",
+ "ac s",
+ "a cs",
+ "▁( _",
+ "▁ (_",
+ "Un ivers",
+ "▁W izard",
+ "▁F ishing",
+ "▁Fish ing",
+ "▁govern ors",
+ "▁governor s",
+ "▁sle ek",
+ "▁slee k",
+ "▁p aints",
+ "▁pa ints",
+ "▁pain ts",
+ "▁paint s",
+ "▁s inking",
+ "▁sin king",
+ "▁sink ing",
+ "▁Parliament ary",
+ "▁r ang",
+ "▁ra ng",
+ "▁ran g",
+ "▁ rang",
+ "▁S peak",
+ "▁Spe ak",
+ "▁Must ang",
+ "▁de notes",
+ "▁den otes",
+ "▁denote s",
+ "▁Presbyter ian",
+ "▁fant as",
+ "▁mel ted",
+ "▁melt ed",
+ "▁st roll",
+ "▁str oll",
+ "▁stro ll",
+ "▁re alism",
+ "▁real ism",
+ "threat ening",
+ "at io",
+ "ati o",
+ "▁U nc",
+ "▁Un c",
+ "Mat ch",
+ "M atch",
+ "▁fresh ly",
+ "▁tempt ed",
+ "▁temp ted",
+ "▁thy roid",
+ "b d",
+ "▁L OG",
+ "▁LO G",
+ "▁ LOG",
+ "▁T IM",
+ "▁h en",
+ "▁he n",
+ "▁ hen",
+ "se ven",
+ "s even",
+ "rend ered",
+ "render ed",
+ "▁adv ocated",
+ "▁advoc ated",
+ "▁advocate d",
+ "▁e book",
+ "Pack age",
+ "▁Tw elve",
+ "▁voice d",
+ "▁vo iced",
+ "▁Credit s",
+ "▁Cred its",
+ "▁Weap ons",
+ "▁sym path",
+ "▁at tained",
+ "▁att ained",
+ "▁attain ed",
+ "we re",
+ "wer e",
+ "w ere",
+ "▁Launch es",
+ "▁Laun ches",
+ "le af",
+ "▁N ass",
+ "▁Na ss",
+ "▁Nas s",
+ "off ice",
+ "offic e",
+ "ival ent",
+ "} '",
+ "▁X u",
+ "fe ll",
+ "f ell",
+ "▁pe ek",
+ "▁Cl ause",
+ "▁Cla use",
+ "▁Claus e",
+ "▁Har vest",
+ "▁Im aging",
+ "▁Imag ing",
+ "▁text ures",
+ "▁texture s",
+ "▁anth ology",
+ "y ch",
+ "up unct",
+ "▁adv ises",
+ "▁advis es",
+ "▁advise s",
+ "pret ation",
+ "▁Pro posed",
+ "▁Prop osed",
+ "▁Propos ed",
+ "fo ny",
+ "f ony",
+ "▁[ ];",
+ "▁[] ;",
+ "ot ide",
+ "oti de",
+ "th eme",
+ "the me",
+ "them e",
+ "to pic",
+ "top ic",
+ "t opic",
+ "▁T ian",
+ "▁Ti an",
+ "▁Ex actly",
+ "▁Major ity",
+ "▁Maj ority",
+ "EN SE",
+ "ENS E",
+ "▁Hy der",
+ "▁Hyde r",
+ "▁conduct s",
+ "▁Govern ors",
+ "▁Governor s",
+ "▁aff iliation",
+ "▁affili ation",
+ "▁A BS",
+ "▁AB S",
+ "ph asis",
+ "pha sis",
+ "phas is",
+ "▁da unting",
+ "T s",
+ "▁Nas daq",
+ "ie ri",
+ "ier i",
+ "i eri",
+ "▁p enny",
+ "▁pen ny",
+ "▁penn y",
+ "is man",
+ "ism an",
+ "▁T ail",
+ "▁Tai l",
+ "▁Ta il",
+ "▁An nex",
+ "▁Ann ex",
+ "▁Anne x",
+ "▁in sign",
+ "▁ins ign",
+ "izoph ren",
+ "▁Ed itors",
+ "▁Editor s",
+ "▁Edit ors",
+ "L ight",
+ "▁L omb",
+ "▁Lo mb",
+ "▁Alex a",
+ "L ou",
+ "ро д",
+ "▁IP v",
+ "▁N FT",
+ "▁NF T",
+ "▁Tex ans",
+ "▁a verages",
+ "▁average s",
+ "▁aver ages",
+ "z u",
+ "é c",
+ "▁J UST",
+ "▁jew ellery",
+ "St at",
+ "▁Sub mit",
+ "▁Con crete",
+ "▁spect acle",
+ "}} }",
+ "} }}",
+ "▁H AR",
+ "▁HA R",
+ "to uch",
+ "t ouch",
+ "ens able",
+ "▁ex pire",
+ "▁exp ire",
+ "▁National s",
+ "▁Nation als",
+ "▁N P",
+ "▁ NP",
+ "▁Rick y",
+ "▁Ric ky",
+ "▁Sh ooting",
+ "▁Sho oting",
+ "▁c ervical",
+ "▁bright ness",
+ "tr ade",
+ "tra de",
+ "trad e",
+ "t rade",
+ "▁Duc hess",
+ "cy cles",
+ "cycl es",
+ "cycle s",
+ "▁Ram sey",
+ "▁Rams ey",
+ "▁kind erg",
+ "▁Port folio",
+ "▁ ú",
+ "ja y",
+ "j ay",
+ "fl ows",
+ "flow s",
+ "rupt ed",
+ "rup ted",
+ "▁e iner",
+ "▁ein er",
+ "▁eine r",
+ "▁Abd ullah",
+ "▁Abdul lah",
+ "▁S eed",
+ "▁Se ed",
+ "▁See d",
+ "▁sp ins",
+ "▁spin s",
+ "▁recons ider",
+ "▁comp artment",
+ "▁St uff",
+ "▁Stu ff",
+ "▁spr ink",
+ "▁kn ocking",
+ "▁knock ing",
+ "▁Cunning ham",
+ "ca pt",
+ "cap t",
+ "c apt",
+ "Reg ion",
+ "▁s tern",
+ "▁st ern",
+ "▁ster n",
+ "▁Design s",
+ "▁Haw kins",
+ "▁Hawk ins",
+ "▁Front ier",
+ "▁Pl atinum",
+ "▁vit amins",
+ "▁vitamin s",
+ "▁Inst itutional",
+ "▁Institution al",
+ "▁C lock",
+ "▁Cl ock",
+ "▁D istance",
+ "▁Dist ance",
+ "▁deport ation",
+ "▁professional ism",
+ "▁profession alism",
+ "▁Mc Le",
+ "▁McL e",
+ "▁An gie",
+ "▁Ang ie",
+ "▁D amon",
+ "▁Dam on",
+ "▁Da mon",
+ "▁Fil ter",
+ "▁ Filter",
+ "▁stun ned",
+ "▁Lic ensed",
+ "▁License d",
+ "▁pred ators",
+ "OT T",
+ "O TT",
+ "ни к",
+ "ay ette",
+ "▁Cu omo",
+ "▁lun ar",
+ "bo olean",
+ "bool ean",
+ "▁dump ed",
+ "▁Vander bilt",
+ "▁cultiv ated",
+ "▁cultivate d",
+ "▁form ulated",
+ "▁formula ted",
+ "W ait",
+ "augh s",
+ "aug hs",
+ "▁M ali",
+ "▁Mal i",
+ "▁Ma li",
+ "▁unanim ously",
+ "▁Che ney",
+ "▁Chen ey",
+ "▁Mich ele",
+ "▁Michel e",
+ "▁Miche le",
+ "▁Work place",
+ "ri tt",
+ "rit t",
+ "r itt",
+ "il lin",
+ "ill in",
+ "▁Bul ls",
+ "▁Bull s",
+ "▁g raft",
+ "▁gr aft",
+ "▁gra ft",
+ "▁document aries",
+ "▁I PO",
+ "▁IP O",
+ "EM BER",
+ "▁L ing",
+ "▁Li ng",
+ "▁Lin g",
+ "▁sail ors",
+ "▁G ST",
+ "▁GS T",
+ "br ief",
+ "b rief",
+ "▁ad apter",
+ "▁adapt er",
+ "▁brack et",
+ "Mo r",
+ "M or",
+ "log in",
+ "lo gin",
+ "▁P iet",
+ "▁Pie t",
+ "▁Pi et",
+ "ac ting",
+ "act ing",
+ "ang les",
+ "angle s",
+ "br oken",
+ "bro ken",
+ "▁Ne gro",
+ "▁Neg ro",
+ "▁Cap acity",
+ "▁mid fielder",
+ "▁midfield er",
+ "▁prec autions",
+ "on gs",
+ "ong s",
+ "▁re q",
+ "▁r eq",
+ "▁ req",
+ "▁C oul",
+ "▁Co ul",
+ "▁Cou l",
+ "▁Pe pper",
+ "▁stick y",
+ "▁merc ury",
+ "Q aeda",
+ "▁D iaz",
+ "▁Di az",
+ "▁ad orn",
+ "▁co ated",
+ "▁coat ed",
+ "▁rob otic",
+ "▁robot ic",
+ "▁$ \\{",
+ "▁$\\ {",
+ "bl ower",
+ "b lower",
+ "▁Mon aco",
+ "▁mis use",
+ "▁nom inal",
+ "▁ко н",
+ "▁к он",
+ "so lete",
+ "sole te",
+ "sol ete",
+ "▁Moz art",
+ "▁N ights",
+ "▁Night s",
+ "Met adata",
+ "Meta data",
+ "▁defe ating",
+ "▁defeat ing",
+ "▁B D",
+ "▁ BD",
+ "li mit",
+ "lim it",
+ "▁St am",
+ "▁Sta m",
+ "▁T each",
+ "▁Te ach",
+ "▁Tea ch",
+ "▁Book er",
+ "▁Bo oker",
+ "Ext ension",
+ "▁tra ilers",
+ "▁trail ers",
+ "▁trailer s",
+ "▁l an",
+ "▁la n",
+ "▁ lan",
+ "▁E mil",
+ "▁Em il",
+ "▁c oil",
+ "▁co il",
+ "▁c yst",
+ "▁cy st",
+ "▁Sp urs",
+ "▁pil low",
+ "▁pill ow",
+ "▁dis like",
+ "▁mil itant",
+ "▁milit ant",
+ "▁Millenn ium",
+ "▁S ick",
+ "▁Si ck",
+ "▁Sic k",
+ "▁miss es",
+ "▁mis ses",
+ "▁belie ver",
+ "▁believe r",
+ "▁diagram s",
+ "▁note book",
+ "▁noteb ook",
+ "▁m p",
+ "▁ mp",
+ "▁S abb",
+ "▁Sa bb",
+ "▁Sab b",
+ "▁att acker",
+ "▁attack er",
+ "▁supp ressed",
+ "▁suppress ed",
+ "▁Trans actions",
+ "▁A val",
+ "▁Av al",
+ "▁F argo",
+ "▁Far go",
+ "▁Prov ides",
+ "▁Provide s",
+ "▁cour tyard",
+ "▁court yard",
+ "H y",
+ "▁m und",
+ "▁mu nd",
+ "▁ mund",
+ "▁V ital",
+ "▁Vit al",
+ "▁Vi tal",
+ "▁W ATCH",
+ "not ation",
+ "n otation",
+ "▁Per cent",
+ "fa t",
+ "f at",
+ "▁i o",
+ "▁ io",
+ "▁Sac hs",
+ "▁Sach s",
+ "Su ccess",
+ "▁Ass ault",
+ "▁Kard ash",
+ "WA Y",
+ "W AY",
+ "▁P all",
+ "▁Pa ll",
+ "▁Pal l",
+ "olith ic",
+ "▁lug gage",
+ "▁In cluding",
+ "▁Includ ing",
+ "▁allev iate",
+ "▁influ encing",
+ "▁b ury",
+ "▁bu ry",
+ "▁bur y",
+ "▁ bury",
+ "▁sc rub",
+ "▁scr ub",
+ "▁rival ry",
+ "▁Chrys ler",
+ "▁polynom ial",
+ "▁I ST",
+ "▁IS T",
+ "▁ IST",
+ "at rix",
+ "atri x",
+ "▁Met all",
+ "▁Metal l",
+ "▁Meta ll",
+ "Fin al",
+ "F inal",
+ "▁to ast",
+ "▁sh ines",
+ "▁shine s",
+ "▁line back",
+ "pre fix",
+ "pref ix",
+ "▁com bo",
+ "▁comb o",
+ "▁tele scope",
+ "▁tel escope",
+ "▁favour ites",
+ "▁favourite s",
+ "ab olic",
+ "abol ic",
+ "a bolic",
+ "le ague",
+ "sche ma",
+ "sch ema",
+ "▁st agn",
+ "▁sta gn",
+ "▁Sad dam",
+ "▁Sadd am",
+ "▁ch assis",
+ "▁F alk",
+ "▁Fal k",
+ "col ored",
+ "color ed",
+ "▁quir ky",
+ "▁simpl ify",
+ "▁in forming",
+ "▁inform ing",
+ "▁S emi",
+ "▁Se mi",
+ "▁Sem i",
+ "obb ies",
+ "▁r ains",
+ "▁ra ins",
+ "▁rain s",
+ "▁Ar cher",
+ "▁Arch er",
+ "▁Arc her",
+ "Com merce",
+ "▁Orig ins",
+ "▁Ori gins",
+ "▁Origin s",
+ "xi s",
+ "x is",
+ "▁ch ord",
+ "▁cho rd",
+ "▁K eller",
+ "▁Ke ller",
+ "▁Kel ler",
+ "▁Kell er",
+ "ar am",
+ "ara m",
+ "a ram",
+ "▁B ean",
+ "▁Be an",
+ "▁Bea n",
+ "▁ Bean",
+ "▁P hen",
+ "▁Ph en",
+ "▁seiz ures",
+ "▁seizure s",
+ "ul tz",
+ "ult z",
+ "▁fix es",
+ "▁evac uation",
+ "S a",
+ "▁spect ro",
+ "▁Cogn itive",
+ "к і",
+ "ic as",
+ "ica s",
+ "i cas",
+ "▁a udi",
+ "▁aud i",
+ "▁au di",
+ "▁D iary",
+ "▁Di ary",
+ "▁Bu yer",
+ "▁Buy er",
+ "Att ributes",
+ "Attribute s",
+ "ма н",
+ "м ан",
+ "▁P GA",
+ "▁PG A",
+ "▁Nor wich",
+ ".\" [",
+ "▁B j",
+ "▁д а",
+ "▁ да",
+ "omorph ic",
+ "Se lection",
+ "Select ion",
+ "S election",
+ "In f",
+ "ig i",
+ "i gi",
+ "Rob er",
+ "R ober",
+ "▁syn th",
+ "▁synt h",
+ "▁Rot ary",
+ "▁p opped",
+ "▁pop ped",
+ "▁po pped",
+ "▁de position",
+ "▁dep osition",
+ "▁depos ition",
+ "▁deposit ion",
+ "▁F erry",
+ "▁Fer ry",
+ "▁Ferr y",
+ "as tered",
+ "ast ered",
+ "aster ed",
+ "aste red",
+ "▁re inst",
+ "▁rein st",
+ "trans fer",
+ "▁weak ened",
+ "▁weaken ed",
+ "▁contrad iction",
+ "▁contradict ion",
+ "cf g",
+ "▁g eared",
+ "▁ge ared",
+ "▁gear ed",
+ "▁mush rooms",
+ "in dependent",
+ "ind ependent",
+ "▁distribut ing",
+ "▁No el",
+ "▁Don ovan",
+ "▁ad herence",
+ "▁adhere nce",
+ "▁revel ations",
+ "▁revelation s",
+ "▁M é",
+ "▁Rome o",
+ "▁some day",
+ "▁som eday",
+ "▁gra ffiti",
+ "▁pack aged",
+ "▁package d",
+ "▁v or",
+ "▁vo r",
+ "▁ vor",
+ "ro log",
+ "rol og",
+ "r olog",
+ "▁p ics",
+ "▁pic s",
+ "▁pi cs",
+ "▁Con rad",
+ "pir acy",
+ "pi racy",
+ "▁be hold",
+ "▁beh old",
+ "▁Me asures",
+ "▁Measure s",
+ "▁over haul",
+ "▁stat ioned",
+ "▁station ed",
+ "ga mes",
+ "game s",
+ "g ames",
+ "▁A unt",
+ "▁Au nt",
+ ") —",
+ "uzz y",
+ "uz zy",
+ "▁H anc",
+ "▁Ha nc",
+ "▁Han c",
+ "▁l ett",
+ "▁le tt",
+ "▁let t",
+ "▁ lett",
+ "▁El ena",
+ "▁Ele na",
+ "▁Press ure",
+ "▁dist raction",
+ "▁distract ion",
+ "ER C",
+ "E RC",
+ "av al",
+ "ava l",
+ "a val",
+ "▁D IR",
+ "▁DI R",
+ "▁ DIR",
+ "▁Sil k",
+ "▁V and",
+ "▁Van d",
+ "▁Va nd",
+ "▁p hon",
+ "▁ph on",
+ "estab lish",
+ "Mo v",
+ "M ov",
+ "▁se wer",
+ "▁sew er",
+ "or nings",
+ "orn ings",
+ "par alle",
+ "▁Cam den",
+ "▁discount ed",
+ "▁disco unted",
+ "▁techn ician",
+ "▁B AR",
+ "▁BA R",
+ "▁ BAR",
+ "ent in",
+ "enti n",
+ "▁ra iny",
+ "▁rain y",
+ "▁Bu hari",
+ "▁Catal ogue",
+ "▁Catalog ue",
+ "▁Y as",
+ "▁Ya s",
+ "▁Y osh",
+ "▁Yo sh",
+ "▁sur name",
+ "▁surn ame",
+ "Fr e",
+ "F re",
+ "▁recogn izable",
+ "▁S iem",
+ "▁Sie m",
+ "▁Si em",
+ "▁B ucks",
+ "▁Bu cks",
+ "▁Buck s",
+ "▁Buc ks",
+ "▁g ossip",
+ "▁dec lines",
+ "▁decl ines",
+ "▁decline s",
+ "▁p ensions",
+ "▁pension s",
+ "▁pens ions",
+ "о с",
+ "▁п ра",
+ "▁Nic ola",
+ "▁mel odies",
+ "Po d",
+ "P od",
+ "▁V s",
+ "▁ Vs",
+ "ib ia",
+ "ibi a",
+ "i bia",
+ "co uld",
+ "c ould",
+ "uss ed",
+ "▁m ais",
+ "▁ma is",
+ "▁s eals",
+ "▁se als",
+ "▁sea ls",
+ "▁seal s",
+ "▁B arton",
+ "▁Bar ton",
+ "▁Bart on",
+ "▁al coholic",
+ "▁alcohol ic",
+ "▁in verse",
+ "▁Ep iscopal",
+ "▁Har ri",
+ "▁descript ive",
+ "▁hospital ized",
+ "as o",
+ "a so",
+ "▁D ion",
+ "▁Di on",
+ "priv acy",
+ "umb ered",
+ "umber ed",
+ "▁At mosp",
+ "▁prefer s",
+ "▁pref ers",
+ "▁afford ed",
+ "▁extract s",
+ "▁W an",
+ "▁Wa n",
+ "hib ition",
+ "▁De liver",
+ "▁Del iver",
+ "▁Carn ival",
+ "▁Sub mitted",
+ "▁Submit ted",
+ "ob iles",
+ "obile s",
+ "obi les",
+ "obil es",
+ "▁In vol",
+ "▁Inv ol",
+ "▁terr ified",
+ "LE Y",
+ "▁Bu rk",
+ "▁Bur k",
+ "▁G ather",
+ "▁Ga ther",
+ "▁Gat her",
+ "▁Sug gest",
+ "▁context ual",
+ "▁S gt",
+ "▁P TSD",
+ "▁PT SD",
+ "▁Cl ubs",
+ "▁Club s",
+ "▁El aine",
+ "▁sp ices",
+ "▁spice s",
+ "▁Off ering",
+ "▁Offer ing",
+ "Il l",
+ "I ll",
+ "▁Sold iers",
+ "▁Soldier s",
+ "▁mini ature",
+ "▁coord inating",
+ "wan d",
+ "wa nd",
+ "w and",
+ "ik ers",
+ "ike rs",
+ "iker s",
+ "i kers",
+ "izz ard",
+ "izza rd",
+ "▁De pot",
+ "▁Dep ot",
+ "▁do omed",
+ "▁In clude",
+ "▁Inc lude",
+ "▁Includ e",
+ "▁hum orous",
+ "▁humor ous",
+ "▁under gone",
+ "▁undergo ne",
+ "Ok ay",
+ "▁T ir",
+ "▁Ti r",
+ "▁B rom",
+ "▁Br om",
+ "▁Bro m",
+ "▁ambig uous",
+ "▁( £",
+ "as sets",
+ "ass ets",
+ "asse ts",
+ "▁T racking",
+ "▁Tr acking",
+ "▁Track ing",
+ "▁pl atinum",
+ "▁not eworthy",
+ "▁note worthy",
+ "mon g",
+ "mo ng",
+ "m ong",
+ "▁r ude",
+ "▁ru de",
+ "▁rud e",
+ "des igned",
+ "design ed",
+ "▁E lla",
+ "▁El la",
+ "▁Ell a",
+ "▁T EST",
+ "▁TE ST",
+ "us ername",
+ "user name",
+ "▁He zbollah",
+ "Me x",
+ "M ex",
+ "ba t",
+ "b at",
+ "▁Bent ley",
+ "▁swift ly",
+ "▁Pract ical",
+ "N F",
+ "{ $",
+ "▁M IC",
+ "▁MI C",
+ "B order",
+ "▁w oven",
+ "▁vill ains",
+ "▁villain s",
+ "▁villa ins",
+ "ve z",
+ "v ez",
+ "T alk",
+ "pr od",
+ "pro d",
+ "p rod",
+ "or ity",
+ "ori ty",
+ "o rity",
+ "▁sn ipp",
+ "▁long itudinal",
+ "C ur",
+ "or rh",
+ "ow ell",
+ "owe ll",
+ "o well",
+ "▁B erk",
+ "▁Be rk",
+ "▁Ber k",
+ "▁W ORK",
+ "▁WOR K",
+ "▁ WORK",
+ "▁satur ated",
+ "ol iber",
+ "oli ber",
+ "o liber",
+ "▁de fer",
+ "▁def er",
+ "▁defe r",
+ "▁Har lem",
+ "▁Soc iology",
+ "▁Soci ology",
+ "▁transform ative",
+ "▁Y un",
+ "▁Yu n",
+ "▁An ime",
+ "▁Anim e",
+ "▁b link",
+ "▁bl ink",
+ "▁fig ur",
+ "▁mis dem",
+ "▁Mid lands",
+ "▁document ing",
+ "▁t id",
+ "▁ч то",
+ "et tle",
+ "ett le",
+ "e ttle",
+ "▁F ighter",
+ "▁Fight er",
+ "▁vill agers",
+ "▁village rs",
+ "▁villa gers",
+ "in ia",
+ "ini a",
+ "i nia",
+ "▁g oat",
+ "▁go at",
+ "▁Osc ars",
+ "▁Oscar s",
+ "▁im print",
+ "▁imp rint",
+ "▁% }",
+ "▁F ILE",
+ "▁FI LE",
+ "▁FIL E",
+ "▁ FILE",
+ "▁Install ation",
+ "av ez",
+ "ave z",
+ "a vez",
+ "▁A ires",
+ "▁Air es",
+ "▁re lic",
+ "▁r elic",
+ "▁rel ic",
+ "▁reli c",
+ "▁Kos ovo",
+ "▁In quiry",
+ "▁Life time",
+ "▁Lif etime",
+ "▁re design",
+ "▁rede sign",
+ "▁redes ign",
+ "▁splend id",
+ "▁out breaks",
+ "▁outbreak s",
+ "▁pa iring",
+ "▁pair ing",
+ "▁Serge ant",
+ "se rial",
+ "ser ial",
+ "s erial",
+ "▁G omez",
+ "Russia n",
+ "R ussian",
+ "▁Lat via",
+ "▁hepat itis",
+ "▁Restaur ants",
+ "▁Restaurant s",
+ "▁Ph arma",
+ "▁Pharm a",
+ "▁Class ification",
+ "ar ton",
+ "art on",
+ "aff ected",
+ "▁coron ary",
+ "▁Ethiop ian",
+ "▁Ethiopia n",
+ "▁rev isions",
+ "▁revision s",
+ "▁revis ions",
+ "as ers",
+ "ase rs",
+ "aser s",
+ "▁lub ric",
+ "empl ates",
+ "emplate s",
+ "comm unity",
+ "commun ity",
+ "▁liber ties",
+ "▁libert ies",
+ "▁X I",
+ "ad dr",
+ "add r",
+ "▁H of",
+ "▁Ho f",
+ "▁L ori",
+ "▁Lo ri",
+ "▁Lor i",
+ "▁Di ocese",
+ "▁b ob",
+ "▁bo b",
+ "op ens",
+ "ope ns",
+ "open s",
+ "▁Gl ory",
+ "print ln",
+ "▁Quart et",
+ "▁R ao",
+ "▁Ra o",
+ "▁l ent",
+ "▁le nt",
+ "▁len t",
+ "▁mis ery",
+ "▁miser y",
+ "▁ref rain",
+ "▁monop oly",
+ "▁Entreprene ur",
+ "▁marginal ized",
+ "▁K ro",
+ "▁Kr o",
+ "▁Sun ny",
+ "▁Nick el",
+ "▁Nic kel",
+ "▁Mar ried",
+ "▁Marri ed",
+ "▁depend encies",
+ "▁electronic ally",
+ "▁electron ically",
+ "▁L M",
+ "▁ LM",
+ "oir e",
+ "oi re",
+ "o ire",
+ "▁gl ue",
+ "▁exist ential",
+ "▁t ed",
+ "▁te d",
+ "▁ ted",
+ "▁c ate",
+ "▁ca te",
+ "▁cat e",
+ "▁b ucks",
+ "▁bu cks",
+ "▁buck s",
+ "▁ bucks",
+ "▁boost ing",
+ "hand ler",
+ "handle r",
+ "▁Air bus",
+ "▁Hels inki",
+ "▁spect ators",
+ ", ,",
+ "in ho",
+ "▁in sol",
+ "▁ins ol",
+ "▁per il",
+ "▁pe ril",
+ "▁dent ist",
+ "▁narc iss",
+ "▁Cons olid",
+ "▁$ |",
+ "he at",
+ "hea t",
+ "ri sy",
+ "ris y",
+ "r isy",
+ "▁B id",
+ "▁Bi d",
+ "▁disc arded",
+ "▁p ins",
+ "▁pin s",
+ "▁pi ns",
+ "▁bo iling",
+ "▁boil ing",
+ "▁gall ons",
+ "▁imp ulse",
+ "▁det ached",
+ "▁Nav igation",
+ "W omen",
+ "▁Res ume",
+ "▁clean up",
+ "at su",
+ "ats u",
+ "▁By ron",
+ "▁Byr on",
+ "▁re boot",
+ "▁reb oot",
+ "▁mark eted",
+ "▁market ed",
+ "▁waste water",
+ "▁wast ewater",
+ "▁un available",
+ "Se r",
+ "S er",
+ "▁AM ER",
+ "▁C ain",
+ "▁Ca in",
+ "▁Se ctions",
+ "▁Section s",
+ "▁Sect ions",
+ "▁class mates",
+ "▁neur ological",
+ "▁neurolog ical",
+ "▁acc reditation",
+ "Mo ck",
+ "M ock",
+ "▁Vol vo",
+ "ores cent",
+ "oresc ent",
+ "o rescent",
+ "▁w asting",
+ "▁was ting",
+ "▁wast ing",
+ "▁artic ulate",
+ "▁exp iration",
+ "y u",
+ "▁p ity",
+ "▁pit y",
+ "▁pi ty",
+ "▁Se par",
+ "▁Sep ar",
+ "▁Ni agara",
+ "▁for each",
+ "▁fore ach",
+ "▁fo reach",
+ "▁motiv ate",
+ "C t",
+ "li s",
+ "l is",
+ "▁ST AR",
+ "rim inal",
+ "▁We aver",
+ "▁cand les",
+ "▁candle s",
+ "▁caps ule",
+ "▁inf iltr",
+ "▁cl osures",
+ "▁clos ures",
+ "▁closure s",
+ "▁rem inding",
+ "▁remind ing",
+ ".” [",
+ "▁A H",
+ "▁ AH",
+ "▁echo ed",
+ "▁digital ly",
+ "▁digit ally",
+ "▁Sh ock",
+ "▁Sho ck",
+ "д і",
+ "F un",
+ "▁d od",
+ "▁do d",
+ "▁in doors",
+ "▁indoor s",
+ "▁indo ors",
+ "▁Deut sche",
+ "▁Deutsch e",
+ "▁land lords",
+ "▁landlord s",
+ "it hm",
+ "ith m",
+ "i thm",
+ "▁F AA",
+ "▁FA A",
+ "grow th",
+ "qu ette",
+ "que tte",
+ "quet te",
+ "▁D ivid",
+ "▁Di vid",
+ "▁Div id",
+ "▁re def",
+ "▁red ef",
+ "▁rede f",
+ "▁rent als",
+ "▁rental s",
+ "▁vol leyball",
+ "oi ng",
+ "oin g",
+ "o ing",
+ "▁Ern st",
+ "▁Cross ing",
+ "▁secure ly",
+ "▁evidence d",
+ "▁eviden ced",
+ "▁nav igating",
+ "▁T weet",
+ "▁Twe et",
+ "▁Ree ves",
+ "lu de",
+ "l ude",
+ "▁Qu ran",
+ "▁Qur an",
+ "▁Res erv",
+ "▁h ailed",
+ "▁ha iled",
+ "▁Sent inel",
+ "▁fore head",
+ "▁F P",
+ "▁ FP",
+ "ms on",
+ "m son",
+ "▁P alin",
+ "▁Pa lin",
+ "▁Pal in",
+ "De tails",
+ "Det ails",
+ "▁ind emn",
+ "▁j ailed",
+ "▁jail ed",
+ "▁ja iled",
+ "▁R I",
+ "▁ RI",
+ "as us",
+ "con g",
+ "co ng",
+ "c ong",
+ "qu el",
+ "que l",
+ "q uel",
+ "▁M eh",
+ "▁Me h",
+ "▁so bre",
+ "▁St rang",
+ "▁Str ang",
+ "▁Stra ng",
+ "▁experiment ation",
+ "UR CE",
+ "▁ch ina",
+ "▁chin a",
+ "▁chi na",
+ "▁acc using",
+ "▁accus ing",
+ "▁rep lication",
+ "▁repl ication",
+ "▁commence ment",
+ "▁O D",
+ "▁ OD",
+ "sc ore",
+ "s core",
+ "▁T uls",
+ "▁Tu ls",
+ "▁Tul s",
+ "▁An ita",
+ "▁F iona",
+ "▁Fi ona",
+ "▁Pay Pal",
+ "▁Rut gers",
+ "▁Requ ired",
+ "▁Require d",
+ "▁ward robe",
+ "▁ad mitting",
+ "▁adm itting",
+ "▁admit ting",
+ "▁extrem ist",
+ "inn amon",
+ "▁Respons ibility",
+ "▁PM ID",
+ "bul let",
+ "bull et",
+ "ot ions",
+ "oti ons",
+ "otion s",
+ "▁cart oons",
+ "▁cartoon s",
+ "▁station ary",
+ "▁T il",
+ "▁Ti l",
+ "fol low",
+ "f ollow",
+ "▁L emon",
+ "▁Le mon",
+ "▁Lem on",
+ "▁ar rows",
+ "▁arrow s",
+ "▁arr ows",
+ "▁ide ally",
+ "▁ideal ly",
+ "▁c racking",
+ "▁cr acking",
+ "▁crack ing",
+ "▁custom ary",
+ "▁profound ly",
+ "▁be ads",
+ "▁flour ish",
+ "B ad",
+ "et us",
+ "ew ood",
+ "e wood",
+ "▁c oping",
+ "▁co ping",
+ "▁cop ing",
+ "▁vi ability",
+ "▁antib iotic",
+ "▁Commission ers",
+ "▁Commissioner s",
+ "che on",
+ "▁Human s",
+ "▁Hu mans",
+ "▁Hum ans",
+ "▁St eele",
+ "▁Ste ele",
+ "▁Steel e",
+ "Categ ory",
+ "▁conf isc",
+ "▁inv oked",
+ "▁invoke d",
+ "▁Geoff rey",
+ "▁arch ival",
+ "▁general ized",
+ "ST AT",
+ "▁G eb",
+ "▁Ge b",
+ "▁F ritz",
+ "▁Fr itz",
+ "▁Fri tz",
+ "med iated",
+ "medi ated",
+ "media ted",
+ "mediate d",
+ "▁refriger ator",
+ "R s",
+ "▁K anye",
+ "▁Kan ye",
+ "▁H older",
+ "▁Hol der",
+ "▁Hold er",
+ "▁sp ider",
+ "▁mod eled",
+ "▁model ed",
+ "▁mode led",
+ "▁fundra iser",
+ "Th ree",
+ "▁back bone",
+ "▁Canter bury",
+ "eur o",
+ "eu ro",
+ "e uro",
+ "▁di ets",
+ "▁die ts",
+ "▁diet s",
+ "ve rance",
+ "ver ance",
+ "▁assault ed",
+ "M il",
+ "▁D ON",
+ "▁DO N",
+ "▁N AV",
+ "▁NA V",
+ "▁H awks",
+ "▁Haw ks",
+ "▁Hawk s",
+ "▁Prep are",
+ "▁Prepar e",
+ "▁K R",
+ "▁P RES",
+ "▁PR ES",
+ "▁PRE S",
+ "sc enes",
+ "▁bo ast",
+ "▁tow el",
+ "▁sc aled",
+ "▁scale d",
+ "▁scal ed",
+ "▁Gen etics",
+ "▁Gene tics",
+ "▁Genetic s",
+ "▁res olving",
+ "▁resol ving",
+ "▁m ould",
+ "▁mo uld",
+ "▁s ender",
+ "▁se nder",
+ "▁sen der",
+ "▁send er",
+ "Cam p",
+ "C amp",
+ "ol la",
+ "oll a",
+ "o lla",
+ "ui re",
+ "u ire",
+ "▁t imer",
+ "▁time r",
+ "▁tim er",
+ "▁t apped",
+ "▁tap ped",
+ "▁ta pped",
+ "ro ts",
+ "rot s",
+ "r ots",
+ "▁r idge",
+ "▁rid ge",
+ "▁ ridge",
+ "▁S print",
+ "▁Sp rint",
+ "▁Spr int",
+ "▁Him self",
+ "▁burd ens",
+ "▁burden s",
+ "▁Can berra",
+ "▁rep aired",
+ "▁repair ed",
+ "im ony",
+ "imo ny",
+ "imon y",
+ "i mony",
+ "▁Sal on",
+ "▁Sa lon",
+ "▁Pat terns",
+ "▁O A",
+ "▁ OA",
+ "at ism",
+ "ati sm",
+ "atis m",
+ "▁stand alone",
+ "im ple",
+ "imp le",
+ "impl e",
+ "▁post al",
+ "▁pos tal",
+ "▁po stal",
+ "▁re acted",
+ "▁react ed",
+ "te br",
+ "▁l act",
+ "▁la ct",
+ "▁lac t",
+ "▁Sie ge",
+ "▁dis cs",
+ "▁disc s",
+ "▁Hel ena",
+ "▁Helen a",
+ "▁Vict ims",
+ "▁team mate",
+ "Sa t",
+ "S at",
+ "▁Bur ma",
+ "▁Pil gr",
+ "▁na ive",
+ "per cent",
+ "▁Aut ism",
+ "▁bl ends",
+ "▁blend s",
+ "▁pret ending",
+ "▁pretend ing",
+ "▁c i",
+ "▁ ci",
+ "le st",
+ "les t",
+ "l est",
+ "▁y acht",
+ "▁ya cht",
+ "▁hom icide",
+ "▁N gu",
+ "▁Ng u",
+ "Que ue",
+ "en ium",
+ "eni um",
+ "▁b ells",
+ "▁bel ls",
+ "▁bell s",
+ "cr y",
+ "c ry",
+ "▁L OL",
+ "▁LO L",
+ "▁c ans",
+ "▁can s",
+ "▁ca ns",
+ "▁S iber",
+ "▁Si ber",
+ "▁conf ession",
+ "▁confess ion",
+ "▁human ities",
+ "▁sent iments",
+ "▁sentiment s",
+ "La t",
+ "L at",
+ "be g",
+ "b eg",
+ "Cl ear",
+ "C lear",
+ "▁B ing",
+ "▁Bi ng",
+ "▁Bin g",
+ "▁men us",
+ "▁menu s",
+ "▁mon ks",
+ "▁enc aps",
+ "▁cr ashing",
+ "▁crash ing",
+ "▁jud iciary",
+ "▁Behavior al",
+ "▁emer gencies",
+ "… )",
+ "▁V u",
+ "al an",
+ "ala n",
+ "a lan",
+ "▁De ck",
+ "▁Dec k",
+ "▁all oy",
+ "▁bar bar",
+ "▁decor ating",
+ "▁Illust rated",
+ "▁с у",
+ "▁ су",
+ "▁/** \r",
+ "▁Gar age",
+ "▁Ga rage",
+ "▁vert ices",
+ "ch oice",
+ "cho ice",
+ "▁R ough",
+ "▁Ro ugh",
+ "▁Rou gh",
+ "▁Wonder ful",
+ "k k",
+ "bl ic",
+ "b lic",
+ "▁D ud",
+ "▁Du d",
+ "▁tur f",
+ "▁tu rf",
+ "▁under sc",
+ "▁unders c",
+ "▁c rossover",
+ "▁cross over",
+ "▁En semble",
+ "▁train ers",
+ "▁trainer s",
+ "▁demol ished",
+ "▁demo lished",
+ "▁witness ing",
+ "▁cons trained",
+ "▁const rained",
+ "▁constra ined",
+ "S ERV",
+ "▁b ak",
+ "▁ba k",
+ "bur st",
+ "b urst",
+ "▁H imal",
+ "▁Him al",
+ "▁Hi mal",
+ "▁Ow ens",
+ "▁Owen s",
+ "▁ch ees",
+ "▁che es",
+ "Cont act",
+ "au tical",
+ "aut ical",
+ "▁Se venth",
+ "▁Seven th",
+ "▁Sevent h",
+ "▁turn out",
+ "▁sh ipment",
+ "▁ship ment",
+ "▁imp acting",
+ "▁impact ing",
+ "▁hypert ension",
+ "ju g",
+ "j ug",
+ "pat rick",
+ "▁ext rav",
+ "▁extra v",
+ "▁extr av",
+ "▁un used",
+ "▁unus ed",
+ "▁Exhib it",
+ "▁upgr ading",
+ "he x",
+ "h ex",
+ "▁d f",
+ "▁ df",
+ "▁V ig",
+ "▁Vi g",
+ "▁Squad ron",
+ "▁sin ister",
+ "▁counsel or",
+ "▁broad caster",
+ "▁broadcast er",
+ "▁sl ogan",
+ "▁Char acters",
+ "▁Character s",
+ "▁program med",
+ "▁programme d",
+ "▁veget arian",
+ "▁pack ets",
+ "▁packet s",
+ "▁attribut able",
+ "▁stat istic",
+ "To r",
+ "T or",
+ "▁E as",
+ "▁M AG",
+ "▁MA G",
+ "Ne ver",
+ "N ever",
+ "▁introduct ory",
+ "wi ves",
+ "w ives",
+ "▁N ets",
+ "▁Ne ts",
+ "▁Net s",
+ "F riend",
+ "▁kidn apped",
+ "▁alter ations",
+ "▁catast rophe",
+ "bi ll",
+ "bil l",
+ "b ill",
+ "mu st",
+ "mus t",
+ "m ust",
+ "▁ch ic",
+ "▁chi c",
+ "Do uble",
+ "D ouble",
+ "▁War fare",
+ "▁p umping",
+ "▁pump ing",
+ "▁psych iat",
+ "/ #",
+ "▁e q",
+ "▁ eq",
+ "ur ia",
+ "uri a",
+ "u ria",
+ "as sic",
+ "ass ic",
+ "▁pept ide",
+ "▁cor rosion",
+ "▁pers istence",
+ "▁persist ence",
+ "RO W",
+ "R OW",
+ "Wal k",
+ "W alk",
+ "▁gl owing",
+ "▁glow ing",
+ "▁whis pered",
+ "▁P our",
+ "▁Po ur",
+ "▁T att",
+ "▁Ta tt",
+ "▁Tat t",
+ "▁a ided",
+ "▁aid ed",
+ "▁aide d",
+ "▁be ard",
+ "▁bear d",
+ "▁bo oster",
+ "▁boost er",
+ "▁boo ster",
+ "[ $",
+ "▁N ah",
+ "▁Na h",
+ "as ian",
+ "asi an",
+ "asia n",
+ "▁CH AP",
+ "▁caf é",
+ "▁Fe min",
+ "▁Fem in",
+ "▁allerg ic",
+ "▁harm less",
+ "▁в ід",
+ "▁C ron",
+ "▁Cr on",
+ "▁Cro n",
+ "▁Car men",
+ "▁Carm en",
+ "▁d ye",
+ "▁dy e",
+ "▁Ac id",
+ "▁W inc",
+ "▁Win c",
+ "▁Wi nc",
+ "▁attack ers",
+ "▁attacker s",
+ "▁e u",
+ "▁ eu",
+ "az ar",
+ "aza r",
+ "▁J ury",
+ "▁Ju ry",
+ "▁Jur y",
+ "с по",
+ "te mp",
+ "tem p",
+ "t emp",
+ "oph ag",
+ "▁A ging",
+ "▁Ag ing",
+ "as tical",
+ "ast ical",
+ "astic al",
+ "▁sh arks",
+ "▁shar ks",
+ "▁shark s",
+ "▁revers al",
+ "▁in ert",
+ "org anic",
+ "organ ic",
+ "▁person a",
+ "▁pers ona",
+ "ur en",
+ "ure n",
+ "u ren",
+ "▁B rah",
+ "▁Br ah",
+ "▁Bra h",
+ "Fr ance",
+ "F rance",
+ "fa cing",
+ "fac ing",
+ "f acing",
+ "▁L ighting",
+ "▁Light ing",
+ "▁comm anding",
+ "▁command ing",
+ "▁acceler ating",
+ "(_ _",
+ "( __",
+ "fl ag",
+ "f lag",
+ "nu mer",
+ "num er",
+ "n umer",
+ "pr ops",
+ "pro ps",
+ "prop s",
+ "▁rall ies",
+ "▁Aer ospace",
+ "▁Con vert",
+ "▁Conv ert",
+ "▁coup ons",
+ "▁coupon s",
+ "▁R ental",
+ "▁Ren tal",
+ "▁Rent al",
+ "▁earn est",
+ "▁gu essed",
+ "▁guess ed",
+ "▁j a",
+ "▁ ja",
+ "▁B ax",
+ "▁Ba x",
+ "Rad io",
+ "▁D D",
+ "▁ DD",
+ "pu ll",
+ "p ull",
+ "▁Bon nie",
+ "▁side walk",
+ "▁sidew alk",
+ "▁ca vity",
+ "▁cav ity",
+ "▁Star ted",
+ "▁Start ed",
+ "=\" \">",
+ "=\"\" >",
+ "▁N ed",
+ "▁Ne d",
+ "ac ted",
+ "act ed",
+ "it one",
+ "ito ne",
+ "file name",
+ "fil ename",
+ "▁lever aging",
+ "▁sh rimp",
+ "▁shr imp",
+ "▁V ampire",
+ "▁cl icked",
+ "▁click ed",
+ "▁Cont ents",
+ "▁Content s",
+ "▁\" ,",
+ "▁ \",",
+ "Mo ve",
+ "Mov e",
+ "M ove",
+ "mo use",
+ "m ouse",
+ "▁in fl",
+ "▁inf l",
+ "▁C itation",
+ "▁Cit ation",
+ "▁E lements",
+ "▁El ements",
+ "▁Ele ments",
+ "▁Element s",
+ "▁ Elements",
+ "▁Ob amacare",
+ "▁Obama care",
+ "▁B ali",
+ "▁Bal i",
+ "▁Ba li",
+ "paralle led",
+ "▁Volunte ers",
+ "▁Volunteer s",
+ "▁adm iration",
+ "▁univers ally",
+ "▁universal ly",
+ "og ly",
+ "ogl y",
+ "o gly",
+ "▁C FR",
+ "▁CF R",
+ "▁I tal",
+ "▁It al",
+ "an guard",
+ "angu ard",
+ "▁Lud wig",
+ "▁ant igen",
+ "▁anti gen",
+ "▁cost ing",
+ "▁cos ting",
+ "Pe rm",
+ "Per m",
+ "P erm",
+ "▁T err",
+ "▁Te rr",
+ "▁Ter r",
+ "▁D addy",
+ "▁Dad dy",
+ "▁Alex is",
+ "▁Ale xis",
+ "▁Advis ors",
+ "▁Advisor s",
+ "▁Hunt ington",
+ "▁Hunting ton",
+ "▁ED IT",
+ "▁sl ap",
+ "▁sla p",
+ "▁G erry",
+ "▁Ger ry",
+ "ag ements",
+ "age ments",
+ "agement s",
+ "▁Bah amas",
+ "▁mar ching",
+ "▁march ing",
+ "▁out going",
+ "am ar",
+ "ama r",
+ "a mar",
+ "bl ind",
+ "▁me lan",
+ "▁mel an",
+ "▁pur ported",
+ "may be",
+ "▁i Pod",
+ "▁iP od",
+ "▁con tag",
+ "▁cont ag",
+ "▁Answ ers",
+ "▁Answer s",
+ "▁com post",
+ "▁comp ost",
+ "▁compos t",
+ "▁P oker",
+ "▁Po ker",
+ "▁Pok er",
+ "▁T oxic",
+ "▁strateg ically",
+ "▁strategic ally",
+ "Al i",
+ "A li",
+ "же н",
+ "ж ен",
+ "▁el oqu",
+ "J ournal",
+ "▁Star ring",
+ "▁Array List",
+ "▁ ö",
+ "▁open ness",
+ "▁Approx imately",
+ "▁T act",
+ "▁Ta ct",
+ "▁Tac t",
+ "▁Veg et",
+ "▁Ve get",
+ "▁B enson",
+ "▁Ben son",
+ "▁Alger ia",
+ "Pr im",
+ "P rim",
+ "▁L amar",
+ "▁La mar",
+ "▁Lam ar",
+ "▁Lama r",
+ "▁ra ids",
+ "▁raid s",
+ "▁Tw ilight",
+ "V ar",
+ "▁( .",
+ "▁S eal",
+ "▁Se al",
+ "▁Sea l",
+ "isex ual",
+ "i sexual",
+ "▁o uting",
+ "▁out ing",
+ "▁ou ting",
+ "▁ outing",
+ "▁hon oured",
+ "▁honour ed",
+ "▁intrig ued",
+ "▁land marks",
+ "▁landmark s",
+ "▁national ity",
+ "▁nation ality",
+ "uous ly",
+ "u ously",
+ "▁Gu ides",
+ "▁Guide s",
+ "▁Guid es",
+ "▁sol itary",
+ "▁Danger ous",
+ "▁Respond ent",
+ "▁overwhelming ly",
+ "Sa h",
+ "S ah",
+ "▁Run ner",
+ "▁se wing",
+ "▁sew ing",
+ "▁Gen etic",
+ "▁Gene tic",
+ "▁Anglic an",
+ "▁review ers",
+ "▁reviewer s",
+ "▁S AL",
+ "▁SA L",
+ "um bles",
+ "umb les",
+ "umble s",
+ "CO MP",
+ "COM P",
+ "▁S pread",
+ "▁Sp read",
+ "▁Spr ead",
+ "uns igned",
+ "▁S EE",
+ "▁SE E",
+ "est ial",
+ "▁r hythms",
+ "▁rhythm s",
+ "í s",
+ "▁F ury",
+ "▁Fu ry",
+ "▁Fur y",
+ "▁m ural",
+ "▁mur al",
+ "▁mu ral",
+ "▁Royal s",
+ "▁Roy als",
+ "▁Tuc son",
+ "▁Dick ens",
+ "▁Camer oon",
+ "▁embod ied",
+ "▁Pam ela",
+ "▁Twe ets",
+ "▁Tweet s",
+ "▁rede em",
+ "second ary",
+ "▁Buck ingham",
+ "am bo",
+ "amb o",
+ "mark ets",
+ "market s",
+ "▁Tr adem",
+ "▁Tra dem",
+ "▁Trade m",
+ "▁Trad em",
+ "▁re claim",
+ "▁rec laim",
+ "▁IO Exception",
+ "▁F IL",
+ "▁FI L",
+ "▁Ab bas",
+ "▁has sle",
+ "▁Exper iment",
+ "te c",
+ "t ec",
+ "▁St ad",
+ "▁Sta d",
+ "dr iving",
+ "d riving",
+ "▁conc eal",
+ "▁conce al",
+ "gr ave",
+ "gra ve",
+ "grav e",
+ "adu ates",
+ "aduate s",
+ "▁Renew able",
+ "▁bour geois",
+ "▁character ize",
+ "▁J ab",
+ "▁Ja b",
+ "▁Hal ifax",
+ "▁ex ported",
+ "▁exp orted",
+ "▁export ed",
+ "▁information al",
+ "▁inform ational",
+ "▁Le aving",
+ "▁r outing",
+ "▁ro uting",
+ "▁rout ing",
+ "▁rou ting",
+ "б е",
+ "be aring",
+ "b earing",
+ "▁Bol ivia",
+ "▁Inf inity",
+ "▁DO J",
+ "▁B iod",
+ "▁Bi od",
+ "▁Bio d",
+ "▁L ack",
+ "▁La ck",
+ "▁Lac k",
+ "▁pup py",
+ "▁pupp y",
+ "▁pu ppy",
+ "▁Niel sen",
+ "▁Invest ing",
+ "▁adult hood",
+ "▁adul thood",
+ "▁in ference",
+ "▁inf erence",
+ "▁un usually",
+ "▁unus ually",
+ "▁unusual ly",
+ "▁L CD",
+ "▁LC D",
+ "▁Sh ared",
+ "▁Share d",
+ "▁Sha red",
+ "▁Shar ed",
+ "▁intim acy",
+ "▁F isheries",
+ "▁Fish eries",
+ "▁Fisher ies",
+ "▁l ifts",
+ "▁li fts",
+ "▁lif ts",
+ "▁lift s",
+ "▁st urdy",
+ "▁Em power",
+ "▁Fle ming",
+ "▁adapt ing",
+ "K O",
+ "ie der",
+ "ied er",
+ "i eder",
+ "▁sp un",
+ "▁S erve",
+ "▁Serv e",
+ "▁Ser ve",
+ "AC P",
+ "A CP",
+ "od iac",
+ "odi ac",
+ "▁re places",
+ "▁repl aces",
+ "▁replace s",
+ "▁C HR",
+ "▁CH R",
+ "▁p arser",
+ "▁par ser",
+ "▁parse r",
+ "▁pars er",
+ "▁ parser",
+ "▁ele phants",
+ "▁elephant s",
+ "G H",
+ "b g",
+ "▁\" \\",
+ "▁A ds",
+ "▁Ad s",
+ "opl us",
+ "o plus",
+ "▁im ped",
+ "▁imp ed",
+ "▁impe d",
+ "▁Meet ings",
+ "▁Meeting s",
+ "ji n",
+ "j in",
+ "▁g ras",
+ "▁gr as",
+ "▁gra s",
+ "▁eth ic",
+ "▁Kel ley",
+ "▁Kell ey",
+ "▁psych ic",
+ "▁Surve illance",
+ "▁C U",
+ "an ed",
+ "ane d",
+ "a ned",
+ "it en",
+ "ite n",
+ "i ten",
+ "▁A uss",
+ "▁Aus s",
+ "▁Au ss",
+ "▁Ro dney",
+ "▁Rod ney",
+ "▁Ed iting",
+ "▁Edit ing",
+ "▁young sters",
+ "▁interview ing",
+ "Mat h",
+ "Ma th",
+ "M ath",
+ "Com mon",
+ "Comm on",
+ "Th anks",
+ "Thank s",
+ "it uary",
+ "itu ary",
+ "▁F usion",
+ "▁Lis bon",
+ "▁web page",
+ "▁impl ants",
+ "▁implant s",
+ "▁trans forms",
+ "▁transform s",
+ "▁imp lication",
+ "▁impl ication",
+ "Le g",
+ "L eg",
+ "▁mort g",
+ "▁dist orted",
+ "▁| \\",
+ "▁ |\\",
+ "ar ers",
+ "are rs",
+ "arer s",
+ "▁Be yon",
+ "▁stere o",
+ "▁extrem ists",
+ "▁extremist s",
+ "▁Hond uras",
+ "▁con cluding",
+ "▁conclud ing",
+ "G N",
+ "_ (",
+ "at ro",
+ "▁Je ep",
+ "▁f oil",
+ "▁fo il",
+ "▁you ths",
+ "▁youth s",
+ "▁Aber deen",
+ "▁pres umed",
+ "▁presum ed",
+ "LA N",
+ "L AN",
+ "▁M AS",
+ "▁MA S",
+ "at aka",
+ "ata ka",
+ "▁E lim",
+ "▁El im",
+ "▁Eli m",
+ "est ead",
+ "este ad",
+ "e stead",
+ "er no",
+ "ern o",
+ "me an",
+ "m ean",
+ "▁m ills",
+ "▁mil ls",
+ "▁mill s",
+ "▁Ru pert",
+ "▁insp ector",
+ "▁inspect or",
+ "▁B oh",
+ "▁Bo h",
+ "▁T oby",
+ "▁To by",
+ "▁Tob y",
+ "▁doc tr",
+ "▁doct r",
+ "▁pert inent",
+ "▁stim ulating",
+ "▁Config uration",
+ "▁ Configuration",
+ "hu n",
+ "h un",
+ "▁c c",
+ "▁ cc",
+ "▁pre school",
+ "▁pres chool",
+ "▁R é",
+ "Sy nt",
+ "S ynt",
+ "▁Os lo",
+ "▁K irst",
+ "▁Kir st",
+ "comp any",
+ "▁mut ant",
+ "▁Arab ian",
+ "▁Arabia n",
+ "▁Ara bian",
+ "▁fin anced",
+ "▁finance d",
+ "▁financ ed",
+ "▁C AD",
+ "▁CA D",
+ "▁El m",
+ "re mark",
+ "rem ark",
+ "▁vis as",
+ "▁visa s",
+ "▁Suz uki",
+ "▁up take",
+ "▁upt ake",
+ "▁with drew",
+ "▁a na",
+ "▁an a",
+ "▁ ana",
+ "▁El le",
+ "▁Ell e",
+ "ен т",
+ "▁opt imum",
+ "▁optim um",
+ "▁g um",
+ "▁gu m",
+ "▁Ar bor",
+ "▁C laus",
+ "▁Cl aus",
+ "▁Cla us",
+ "▁sy rup",
+ "▁Han cock",
+ "▁Hanc ock",
+ "ocaly ptic",
+ "▁cons oles",
+ "▁console s",
+ "▁Incre ased",
+ "▁Increase d",
+ "pos ed",
+ "pose d",
+ "p osed",
+ "▁Co ron",
+ "▁Cor on",
+ "▁T Y",
+ "▁ TY",
+ "▁M ug",
+ "▁Mu g",
+ "Sh ort",
+ "▁t sun",
+ "las ses",
+ "lass es",
+ "l asses",
+ "▁Out reach",
+ "▁multi player",
+ "▁multip layer",
+ "▁multipl ayer",
+ "en eg",
+ "ene g",
+ "e neg",
+ "ro gate",
+ "rog ate",
+ "Be r",
+ "B er",
+ "▁m l",
+ "▁ ml",
+ "fact s",
+ "fac ts",
+ "S ocket",
+ "▁st riving",
+ "▁str iving",
+ "▁stri ving",
+ "▁inequ alities",
+ "▁JO HN",
+ "L ibrary",
+ "▁Z ucker",
+ "▁Future s",
+ "▁Fut ures",
+ "▁un ravel",
+ "▁f ountain",
+ "▁great ness",
+ "V s",
+ "we d",
+ "w ed",
+ "▁Ge o",
+ "ol ding",
+ "old ing",
+ "▁Ter ra",
+ "▁Terr a",
+ "▁ri cher",
+ "▁rich er",
+ "▁ric her",
+ "drop down",
+ "▁past oral",
+ "▁pastor al",
+ "▁be et",
+ "▁bee t",
+ "▁Ens ure",
+ "y y",
+ "om bre",
+ "omb re",
+ "▁re col",
+ "▁rec ol",
+ "▁ar rays",
+ "▁array s",
+ "▁arr ays",
+ "▁res umed",
+ "▁resume d",
+ "▁Min ority",
+ "▁Minor ity",
+ "▁mission ary",
+ "f x",
+ "▁Dark ness",
+ "ть ся",
+ "▁B ET",
+ "▁BE T",
+ "▁S plit",
+ "▁Sp lit",
+ "▁Spl it",
+ "▁recru its",
+ "▁recruit s",
+ "so on",
+ "s oon",
+ "▁D und",
+ "▁Du nd",
+ "▁Dun d",
+ "▁ill icit",
+ "▁reject s",
+ "▁disreg ard",
+ "▁G at",
+ "▁Ga t",
+ "os hop",
+ "osh op",
+ "o shop",
+ "ra cies",
+ "rac ies",
+ "r acies",
+ "dist ance",
+ "d istance",
+ "▁off season",
+ "al sa",
+ "als a",
+ "ib al",
+ "iba l",
+ "i bal",
+ "fl ags",
+ "flag s",
+ "Germ an",
+ "G erman",
+ "▁Se asons",
+ "▁Season s",
+ "▁Seas ons",
+ "▁out fits",
+ "▁outfit s",
+ "▁Norm ally",
+ "▁Normal ly",
+ "▁anc estry",
+ "▁ancest ry",
+ "Desc riptor",
+ "ue n",
+ "u en",
+ "fact or",
+ "fa ctor",
+ "fac tor",
+ "f actor",
+ "▁gr apes",
+ "▁gra pes",
+ "▁grap es",
+ "▁grape s",
+ "Pro gress",
+ "▁F ischer",
+ "▁Account ability",
+ "?) .",
+ "? ).",
+ "li um",
+ "l ium",
+ "▁M ET",
+ "▁ME T",
+ "▁st unt",
+ "▁stun t",
+ "▁Alb ums",
+ "▁Album s",
+ "▁Be cker",
+ "▁Beck er",
+ "▁out set",
+ "▁outs et",
+ "▁enrich ment",
+ "▁\" $",
+ "ST EM",
+ "tr ain",
+ "tra in",
+ "t rain",
+ "▁r ipe",
+ "▁ri pe",
+ "▁rip e",
+ "▁F ifty",
+ "▁Fif ty",
+ "▁Fi fty",
+ "▁Tw ins",
+ "▁Twin s",
+ "▁Bar ker",
+ "▁Bark er",
+ "im ps",
+ "imp s",
+ "▁b os",
+ "▁bo s",
+ "ve tte",
+ "vet te",
+ "v ette",
+ "▁Roll s",
+ "▁Rol ls",
+ "▁$ (\"",
+ "▁$( \"",
+ "▁r he",
+ "▁rh e",
+ "▁t ee",
+ "▁te e",
+ "ey e",
+ "e ye",
+ "th ose",
+ "▁Sal ary",
+ "▁yield ed",
+ "▁inf antry",
+ "▁infant ry",
+ "res pective",
+ "respect ive",
+ "▁repet ition",
+ "ca rt",
+ "car t",
+ "c art",
+ "▁Dest iny",
+ "▁nucle us",
+ "▁per imeter",
+ "▁respond ers",
+ "mo rt",
+ "mor t",
+ "m ort",
+ "Sc reen",
+ "S creen",
+ "▁Bal tic",
+ "▁Balt ic",
+ "▁Bu enos",
+ "▁bar red",
+ "▁Mel anie",
+ "fashion ed",
+ "ke f",
+ "k ef",
+ "▁K em",
+ "▁Ke m",
+ "▁h atch",
+ "▁hat ch",
+ "ocument ed",
+ "▁viol ates",
+ "▁violate s",
+ "▁persu aded",
+ "▁persuade d",
+ "▁tend encies",
+ "ни и",
+ "▁E lev",
+ "▁El ev",
+ "▁Ele v",
+ "▁C rane",
+ "▁Cr ane",
+ "▁Cra ne",
+ "▁Cran e",
+ "▁Wood y",
+ "▁Wo ody",
+ "▁analys ed",
+ "▁analyse d",
+ "int estinal",
+ "▁State ments",
+ "▁Stat ements",
+ "▁Statement s",
+ "▁dem ographics",
+ "▁demographic s",
+ "▁H ogan",
+ "▁Ho gan",
+ "▁Hog an",
+ "▁Rob bie",
+ "▁Robb ie",
+ "▁anonym ity",
+ "▁philosoph ers",
+ "▁philos ophers",
+ "▁philosopher s",
+ "= ”",
+ "▁ch alk",
+ "▁Neuro log",
+ "▁f actions",
+ "▁fact ions",
+ "▁fa ctions",
+ "▁S lav",
+ "▁Sl av",
+ "S ingle",
+ "▁W isdom",
+ "▁Wis dom",
+ "ut i",
+ "u ti",
+ "pe er",
+ "an tics",
+ "ant ics",
+ "antic s",
+ "anti cs",
+ "▁s andy",
+ "▁san dy",
+ "▁sand y",
+ "▁Att empt",
+ "▁prosecut ed",
+ "▁prosec uted",
+ "▁reimburse ment",
+ "UR I",
+ "U RI",
+ "▁с во",
+ "ic ent",
+ "ice nt",
+ "i cent",
+ "▁E vel",
+ "▁Ev el",
+ "▁Eve l",
+ "▁Sp ike",
+ "▁st ove",
+ "aff iliated",
+ "face d",
+ "fa ced",
+ "fac ed",
+ "f aced",
+ "▁L ung",
+ "▁Lu ng",
+ "▁Lun g",
+ "olk ien",
+ "▁Bar cl",
+ "form ing",
+ "for ming",
+ "▁wer den",
+ "▁F ake",
+ "▁Fa ke",
+ "id ences",
+ "ide nces",
+ "idence s",
+ "iden ces",
+ "▁post season",
+ "▁S ham",
+ "▁Sh am",
+ "▁Sha m",
+ "▁volunte ered",
+ "▁volunteer ed",
+ "▁visual ization",
+ "▁P oe",
+ "▁Po e",
+ "▁al gae",
+ "▁Co operative",
+ "▁Cooper ative",
+ "▁exam inations",
+ "▁examination s",
+ "▁H ttp",
+ "▁ Http",
+ "▁e num",
+ "▁en um",
+ "▁ enum",
+ "▁Dw ight",
+ "▁Laure nt",
+ "▁Lauren t",
+ "▁Laur ent",
+ "▁Lau rent",
+ "▁sketch es",
+ "▁sket ches",
+ "def ense",
+ "▁final ist",
+ "ur gy",
+ "urg y",
+ "▁K od",
+ "▁Ko d",
+ "▁p uls",
+ "▁pul s",
+ "▁pu ls",
+ "▁B uddy",
+ "▁Budd y",
+ "▁Bud dy",
+ "▁Maur it",
+ "▁Mau rit",
+ "▁p osing",
+ "▁pos ing",
+ "as sembly",
+ "▁App alach",
+ "▁sw elling",
+ "▁Un limited",
+ "▁C AT",
+ "▁CA T",
+ "fr ied",
+ "f ried",
+ "▁Pl ato",
+ "▁Plat o",
+ "▁fact o",
+ "▁fac to",
+ "▁R P",
+ "▁ RP",
+ "ment ing",
+ "men ting",
+ "▁Aff ili",
+ "▁Propos al",
+ "▁dis connect",
+ "Y N",
+ "ov ere",
+ "ove re",
+ "over e",
+ "o vere",
+ "▁w ary",
+ "▁war y",
+ "▁wa ry",
+ "▁Kath ryn",
+ "▁har bour",
+ "▁prohib its",
+ "▁prohibit s",
+ "▁An k",
+ "▁or nam",
+ "▁orn am",
+ "reg ation",
+ "▁P resents",
+ "▁Pres ents",
+ "▁Present s",
+ "▁en riched",
+ "▁enrich ed",
+ "▁sh attered",
+ "▁imagin ative",
+ "UI D",
+ "U ID",
+ "fi ed",
+ "f ied",
+ "ra tic",
+ "rat ic",
+ "r atic",
+ "fol ios",
+ "folio s",
+ "▁re conn",
+ "▁recon n",
+ "AB C",
+ "A BC",
+ "▁Reg ina",
+ "▁St ocks",
+ "▁Stock s",
+ "ter shire",
+ "ters hire",
+ "▁imp ending",
+ "mu d",
+ "m ud",
+ "▁r av",
+ "▁ra v",
+ "▁ rav",
+ "▁D irty",
+ "▁Dir ty",
+ "▁rub bish",
+ "▁Gold berg",
+ "▁Hyder abad",
+ "▁G rill",
+ "▁Gr ill",
+ "▁Gri ll",
+ "▁S event",
+ "▁Se vent",
+ "▁Seven t",
+ "▁escap ing",
+ "▁esc aping",
+ "ac ker",
+ "ack er",
+ "a cker",
+ "av age",
+ "ava ge",
+ "▁g ust",
+ "▁gu st",
+ "F ollow",
+ "▁gang s",
+ "▁Re ceive",
+ "▁Rece ive",
+ "▁mult icultural",
+ "▁multi cultural",
+ "▁G uru",
+ "▁Gu ru",
+ "▁Gur u",
+ "▁D uration",
+ "▁Du ration",
+ "▁Dur ation",
+ "▁summar ized",
+ "▁ubiqu itous",
+ "▁G ala",
+ "▁Gal a",
+ "▁Ga la",
+ "▁d yst",
+ "▁dys t",
+ "▁dy st",
+ "fer ence",
+ "fe rence",
+ "f erence",
+ "▁Tob acco",
+ "▁hand made",
+ "▁comp ressed",
+ "▁compress ed",
+ "▁econom ical",
+ "▁economic al",
+ "▁n p",
+ "▁d al",
+ "▁da l",
+ "▁ dal",
+ "ft ime",
+ "f time",
+ "Spec ial",
+ "Spe cial",
+ "▁Cl arks",
+ "▁Clark s",
+ "▁Clar ks",
+ "▁Put ting",
+ "▁Pu tting",
+ "▁meth ane",
+ "F ragment",
+ "▁cock tails",
+ "▁cocktail s",
+ "▁l aundering",
+ "B ill",
+ "▁A sc",
+ "▁As c",
+ "▁S yl",
+ "▁Sy l",
+ "sp ect",
+ "spec t",
+ "spe ct",
+ "s pect",
+ "▁S word",
+ "▁Sw ord",
+ "er ick",
+ "eri ck",
+ "e rick",
+ "sh ared",
+ "share d",
+ "sha red",
+ "▁desc end",
+ "▁hum ility",
+ "▁foster ing",
+ "▁fost ering",
+ "▁patri arch",
+ "W P",
+ "▁A ST",
+ "▁AS T",
+ "▁ AST",
+ "ot ism",
+ "oti sm",
+ "▁f urious",
+ "▁fur ious",
+ "▁Islam ist",
+ "▁mechan ic",
+ "▁respect ing",
+ "▁a bd",
+ "▁ab d",
+ "▁R app",
+ "▁Ra pp",
+ "▁Rap p",
+ "▁Ab rams",
+ "▁cor tex",
+ "▁cort ex",
+ "▁ind isp",
+ "▁G raphics",
+ "▁Graph ics",
+ "▁Graphic s",
+ "▁pat ented",
+ "▁patent ed",
+ "Se p",
+ "S ep",
+ "AT OR",
+ "▁G au",
+ "▁Ga u",
+ "▁b orne",
+ "▁born e",
+ "▁ borne",
+ "▁bapt ism",
+ "▁plan etary",
+ "▁planet ary",
+ "▁The o",
+ "▁D rivers",
+ "▁Dr ivers",
+ "▁Drive rs",
+ "▁Driver s",
+ "▁A gencies",
+ "▁Ag encies",
+ "▁reck less",
+ "▁News paper",
+ "▁Newsp aper",
+ "▁Ky oto",
+ "▁nan op",
+ "Back ground",
+ "▁const rued",
+ "T B",
+ "id uc",
+ "i duc",
+ "▁Bur ger",
+ "▁Burg er",
+ "▁incap able",
+ "▁prev ail",
+ "ni h",
+ "n ih",
+ "▁ч а",
+ "▁ ча",
+ "▁ET F",
+ "▁f oc",
+ "▁fo c",
+ "▁J iang",
+ "▁Ji ang",
+ "▁c aves",
+ "▁ca ves",
+ "▁cave s",
+ "▁cav es",
+ "Brit ish",
+ "▁s ailed",
+ "▁sa iled",
+ "▁sail ed",
+ "ruct ures",
+ "ructure s",
+ "▁comm ute",
+ "▁v ibration",
+ "▁vibr ation",
+ "▁vib ration",
+ "▁O rb",
+ "▁Or b",
+ "as car",
+ "asc ar",
+ "▁en lar",
+ "▁com mits",
+ "▁comm its",
+ "▁commit s",
+ "▁ske ptic",
+ "▁skept ic",
+ "▁s orting",
+ "▁sort ing",
+ "▁sor ting",
+ "PO R",
+ "P OR",
+ "▁D ing",
+ "▁Di ng",
+ "▁Din g",
+ "Sp ring",
+ "▁S aving",
+ "▁Sa ving",
+ "▁Sav ing",
+ "ère s",
+ "è res",
+ "▁s pur",
+ "▁sp ur",
+ "E ffect",
+ "fin der",
+ "fi nder",
+ "find er",
+ "f inder",
+ "▁m ates",
+ "▁mat es",
+ "▁ma tes",
+ "▁mate s",
+ "▁ mates",
+ "▁pr imer",
+ "▁pri mer",
+ "▁prim er",
+ "▁prime r",
+ "▁surf ing",
+ "▁po ignant",
+ "Us ers",
+ "User s",
+ "Use rs",
+ "in ness",
+ "inn ess",
+ "▁slee ves",
+ "▁sleeve s",
+ "▁Max im",
+ "▁clim ax",
+ "▁D V",
+ "ve rett",
+ "ver ett",
+ "vere tt",
+ "▁S utton",
+ "=\"../../ ../",
+ "=\"../ ../../",
+ "▁manip ulated",
+ "▁manipulate d",
+ "X ml",
+ "▁b ien",
+ "▁bi en",
+ "imm une",
+ "▁I rene",
+ "▁Ir ene",
+ "▁Ire ne",
+ "+ )",
+ "ra ne",
+ "ran e",
+ "r ane",
+ "end as",
+ "enda s",
+ "▁inn ate",
+ "co v",
+ "c ov",
+ "ye t",
+ "y et",
+ "▁H ut",
+ "▁Hu t",
+ "▁p es",
+ "▁pe s",
+ "▁ pes",
+ "▁p urse",
+ "▁pur se",
+ "▁purs e",
+ "▁Vari ety",
+ "▁el usive",
+ "commun ication",
+ "▁P ia",
+ "▁Pi a",
+ "▁b ere",
+ "▁be re",
+ "▁ber e",
+ "▁Tur ns",
+ "▁Turn s",
+ "▁spec s",
+ "▁spe cs",
+ "▁claim ant",
+ "▁Comp onent",
+ "▁ Component",
+ "▁suprem acy",
+ "▁transl ator",
+ "n z",
+ "G irl",
+ "pr em",
+ "pre m",
+ "p rem",
+ "▁boy cott",
+ "▁clin ically",
+ "▁clinical ly",
+ "▁clinic ally",
+ "W al",
+ "N ative",
+ "▁Min eral",
+ "▁Mine ral",
+ "▁prompt ing",
+ "ar yn",
+ "ary n",
+ "a ryn",
+ "▁toile ts",
+ "▁toilet s",
+ "▁Green wich",
+ "▁coast line",
+ "▁Re gg",
+ "▁Reg g",
+ "▁substitute d",
+ "▁substit uted",
+ "A X",
+ "ig raph",
+ "igr aph",
+ "i graph",
+ "down load",
+ "▁Rad ical",
+ "▁earthqu akes",
+ "▁earthquake s",
+ "s z",
+ "▁P Cs",
+ "▁PC s",
+ "▁Block chain",
+ "▁motiv ations",
+ "▁motivation s",
+ "▁M unicipality",
+ "▁Municipal ity",
+ "je r",
+ "j er",
+ "tt o",
+ "t to",
+ "▁M ia",
+ "▁Mi a",
+ "▁K ush",
+ "▁Ku sh",
+ "▁Ch ick",
+ "▁Chic k",
+ "▁Chi ck",
+ "▁str okes",
+ "▁stroke s",
+ "▁stro kes",
+ "id ine",
+ "idi ne",
+ "▁wor sh",
+ "▁wors h",
+ "▁m ortal",
+ "▁mor tal",
+ "▁mort al",
+ "▁Catal og",
+ "▁Q C",
+ "ue bl",
+ "iv ism",
+ "th ora",
+ "▁commemor ate",
+ "▁n oun",
+ "▁no un",
+ "an kind",
+ "ank ind",
+ "▁Bu ying",
+ "▁Buy ing",
+ "▁Le vine",
+ "▁Lev ine",
+ "▁Levi ne",
+ "▁Levin e",
+ "▁dis rupted",
+ "▁disrupt ed",
+ ") !",
+ "Re nder",
+ "R ender",
+ "▁ch rome",
+ "▁chrom e",
+ "▁Print ing",
+ "▁pen insula",
+ "▁V es",
+ "▁Ve s",
+ "▁Se at",
+ "▁Sea t",
+ "▁s ept",
+ "▁se pt",
+ "Ar thur",
+ "oph ile",
+ "▁Di gest",
+ "▁Dig est",
+ "▁bond ing",
+ "▁bon ding",
+ "▁Human ity",
+ "▁Hum anity",
+ "▁astron omy",
+ "▁dispar ities",
+ "▁prom inence",
+ "getElement ById",
+ "▁n i",
+ "▁ ni",
+ "oi ne",
+ "oin e",
+ "o ine",
+ "▁N os",
+ "▁No s",
+ "▁c rank",
+ "▁cr ank",
+ "▁en forcing",
+ "EF F",
+ "E FF",
+ "ст ва",
+ "ств а",
+ "▁x en",
+ "sens itive",
+ "s ensitive",
+ "go d",
+ "g od",
+ "r r",
+ "▁r att",
+ "▁ra tt",
+ "▁rat t",
+ "▁Bl ank",
+ "▁He ads",
+ "▁Head s",
+ "▁h erald",
+ "▁her ald",
+ "▁eth anol",
+ "▁L android",
+ "▁Land roid",
+ "an di",
+ "and i",
+ "cut s",
+ "cu ts",
+ "c uts",
+ "▁U zbek",
+ "▁Em erson",
+ "▁Emer son",
+ "▁Od yssey",
+ "pro perties",
+ "▁Relations hips",
+ "▁Relationship s",
+ "▁s é",
+ "re set",
+ "res et",
+ "▁Br inging",
+ "▁Bring ing",
+ "▁Inter face",
+ "▁ Interface",
+ "▁Re duction",
+ "▁Red uction",
+ "▁access ory",
+ "bec ue",
+ "▁imm ortal",
+ "▁un paralleled",
+ "▁Sun ni",
+ "▁un sett",
+ "▁uns ett",
+ "▁athlet ics",
+ "▁athletic s",
+ "▁Z ar",
+ "uls ive",
+ "ta bs",
+ "tab s",
+ "t abs",
+ "▁T ao",
+ "▁Ta o",
+ "▁Maced onia",
+ "▁Stre aming",
+ "▁Stream ing",
+ "tu b",
+ "t ub",
+ "▁D ock",
+ "▁Do ck",
+ "▁Doc k",
+ "▁H ulu",
+ "▁Hu lu",
+ "ex ists",
+ "▁Sym pt",
+ "▁inf lux",
+ "▁influ x",
+ "▁infl ux",
+ "▁mar ital",
+ "▁obst ruction",
+ "▁obstruct ion",
+ "og i",
+ "o gi",
+ "de cl",
+ "dec l",
+ "▁R eds",
+ "▁Re ds",
+ "▁Red s",
+ "▁Al icia",
+ "▁Ali cia",
+ "▁Alic ia",
+ "▁Gr aves",
+ "▁Gra ves",
+ "▁Sanct uary",
+ "▁Expl oration",
+ "in ker",
+ "ink er",
+ "▁P ray",
+ "▁Pr ay",
+ "▁Pra y",
+ "▁S eas",
+ "▁Se as",
+ "▁Sea s",
+ "▁h amm",
+ "▁ha mm",
+ "▁ham m",
+ "li mits",
+ "lim its",
+ "limit s",
+ "▁mix es",
+ "▁tr ailing",
+ "▁tra iling",
+ "▁trail ing",
+ "▁vision ary",
+ "▁harvest ing",
+ "bi l",
+ "b il",
+ "▁H U",
+ "▁S AM",
+ "▁SA M",
+ "ol utions",
+ "olution s",
+ "▁D olphins",
+ "r f",
+ "am oto",
+ "amo to",
+ "▁D ynasty",
+ "Col a",
+ "Co la",
+ "C ola",
+ "ad le",
+ "ста в",
+ "▁K yl",
+ "▁Ky l",
+ "▁Ob st",
+ "▁Obs t",
+ "vs pace",
+ "v space",
+ "▁Sil ence",
+ "th el",
+ "the l",
+ "t hel",
+ "hor se",
+ "h orse",
+ "jan go",
+ "j ango",
+ "▁dr astic",
+ "▁final ists",
+ "▁finalist s",
+ "▁Johannes burg",
+ "▁supplement al",
+ "W ire",
+ "▁I bid",
+ "▁Ib id",
+ "▁O vers",
+ "▁Over s",
+ "▁ste ak",
+ "▁gl itter",
+ "block List",
+ ". …",
+ "sh r",
+ "s hr",
+ "un dy",
+ "und y",
+ "▁Se ek",
+ "▁See k",
+ "▁T otten",
+ "▁To tten",
+ "▁Tot ten",
+ "▁prosper ous",
+ "PA TH",
+ "P ATH",
+ "▁h id",
+ "▁hi d",
+ "▁Gu pta",
+ "▁Up coming",
+ "▁prophe cy",
+ "as ton",
+ "ast on",
+ "a ston",
+ "▁C ENT",
+ "▁CE NT",
+ "▁C athy",
+ "▁Cath y",
+ "▁Cat hy",
+ "▁Ca thy",
+ "▁cy tok",
+ "▁cyt ok",
+ "rim ental",
+ "r imental",
+ "▁mel odic",
+ "▁mit ochond",
+ "jo ining",
+ "join ing",
+ "mult icol",
+ "multi col",
+ "▁fil ings",
+ "▁filing s",
+ "▁fi lings",
+ "▁re generation",
+ "▁reg eneration",
+ "▁ac et",
+ "sex ual",
+ "▁Jo nas",
+ "▁Jon as",
+ "▁Coven ant",
+ "Rep ository",
+ "▁Cons umers",
+ "▁Consumer s",
+ "▁central ized",
+ "pi d",
+ "p id",
+ "▁K olk",
+ "▁Kol k",
+ "▁Com mit",
+ "▁Comm it",
+ "▁el dest",
+ "▁Bur ning",
+ "▁Burn ing",
+ "▁aqu atic",
+ "▁di ploma",
+ "▁diplom a",
+ "▁Mob ility",
+ "▁assert Equals",
+ "▁ assertEquals",
+ "ab ella",
+ "abel la",
+ "abe lla",
+ "▁craft ing",
+ "▁Dis claimer",
+ "te l",
+ "t el",
+ "▁G I",
+ "▁ GI",
+ "ma ps",
+ "map s",
+ "m aps",
+ "▁M ish",
+ "▁Mi sh",
+ "▁Mis h",
+ "ort ment",
+ "▁m apped",
+ "▁map ped",
+ "▁ma pped",
+ "▁sk ating",
+ "▁down side",
+ "▁downs ide",
+ "▁Arist otle",
+ "▁ultra sound",
+ "▁ultras ound",
+ "▁commission ers",
+ "▁commissioner s",
+ "un da",
+ "und a",
+ "▁S ina",
+ "▁Sin a",
+ "▁Si na",
+ "▁Tur ks",
+ "▁Turk s",
+ "How ever",
+ "▁z oning",
+ "▁Aut omatic",
+ "▁Autom atic",
+ "▁Auto matic",
+ "?) ,",
+ "? ),",
+ "▁M ID",
+ "▁MI D",
+ "Re move",
+ "Rem ove",
+ "▁hall way",
+ "an notation",
+ "ann otation",
+ "▁M are",
+ "▁Mar e",
+ "▁Ma re",
+ "▁al ias",
+ "▁d urch",
+ "▁dur ch",
+ "▁el bow",
+ "▁rad ial",
+ "▁radi al",
+ "▁con verts",
+ "▁conv erts",
+ "▁conver ts",
+ "▁convert s",
+ "▁prevent ive",
+ "ia e",
+ "i ae",
+ "▁hy draulic",
+ "▁Applic ants",
+ "om aly",
+ "oma ly",
+ "omal y",
+ "▁b olt",
+ "▁bo lt",
+ "▁bol t",
+ "▁i ons",
+ "▁ion s",
+ "▁io ns",
+ "▁ ions",
+ "st roke",
+ "str oke",
+ "est hetic",
+ "idis ciplinary",
+ "i disciplinary",
+ "jo hn",
+ "j ohn",
+ "ul la",
+ "ull a",
+ "u lla",
+ "▁L NG",
+ "tr uth",
+ "Jew ish",
+ "lic enses",
+ "▁Ren ault",
+ "▁Rena ult",
+ "ys c",
+ "y sc",
+ "pr ed",
+ "pre d",
+ "p red",
+ "ab ove",
+ "▁L ama",
+ "▁La ma",
+ "▁Lam a",
+ "sm outh",
+ "s mouth",
+ "▁w agon",
+ "▁wa gon",
+ "▁wag on",
+ "ave rage",
+ "aver age",
+ "a verage",
+ "▁Own ers",
+ "▁Ow ners",
+ "▁Owner s",
+ "▁Hel ping",
+ "▁Help ing",
+ "▁alle ging",
+ "▁alleg ing",
+ "▁invent or",
+ "▁pro testing",
+ "▁protest ing",
+ "aps ed",
+ "apse d",
+ "SS L",
+ "S SL",
+ "es us",
+ "if ty",
+ "ift y",
+ "i fty",
+ "el ius",
+ "eli us",
+ "▁v owed",
+ "▁vo wed",
+ "▁vow ed",
+ "▁guid eline",
+ "▁guide line",
+ "▁prof essions",
+ "▁profess ions",
+ "▁profession s",
+ "ño s",
+ "ñ os",
+ "▁Y A",
+ "▁g igs",
+ "▁gig s",
+ "▁gi gs",
+ "▁pione ers",
+ "▁pioneer s",
+ "▁porn ography",
+ "No v",
+ "N ov",
+ "co e",
+ "c oe",
+ "▁consult ations",
+ "▁consultation s",
+ "▁C oy",
+ "▁Co y",
+ "av oid",
+ "a void",
+ "▁t iger",
+ "respons ible",
+ "▁Electric ity",
+ "▁Cr eed",
+ "▁Cre ed",
+ "▁no isy",
+ "occup ied",
+ "▁Giov anni",
+ "▁Rout ledge",
+ "▁collabor ators",
+ "▁C X",
+ "▁f ax",
+ "▁fa x",
+ "▁ fax",
+ "bo ost",
+ "▁Phil harm",
+ "▁aggrav ated",
+ "▁dist ortion",
+ "▁facilit ates",
+ "▁facilitate s",
+ "▁H mm",
+ "▁ко то",
+ "▁Alb ania",
+ "▁Alban ia",
+ "▁att ends",
+ "▁attend s",
+ "▁Ori ental",
+ "▁Orient al",
+ "▁san itation",
+ "▁predecess ors",
+ "▁predecessor s",
+ "UT E",
+ "U TE",
+ "tt en",
+ "tte n",
+ "t ten",
+ "▁Con clusion",
+ "▁Pres idency",
+ "▁Super vis",
+ "▁broadcast s",
+ "ic os",
+ "ico s",
+ "i cos",
+ "nd ra",
+ "n dra",
+ "mon ds",
+ "mond s",
+ "m onds",
+ "ra des",
+ "rad es",
+ "rade s",
+ "r ades",
+ "▁US SR",
+ "▁USS R",
+ "▁A live",
+ "▁Al ive",
+ "▁Ali ve",
+ "▁s lick",
+ "▁sl ick",
+ "▁sli ck",
+ "▁slic k",
+ "▁wr aps",
+ "▁wra ps",
+ "▁wrap s",
+ "▁normal ized",
+ "▁priorit ize",
+ "▁brilliant ly",
+ "▁Am nesty",
+ "▁e states",
+ "▁est ates",
+ "▁estate s",
+ "▁fare well",
+ "de hy",
+ "▁j an",
+ "▁ja n",
+ "▁ jan",
+ "Par se",
+ "P arse",
+ "urs ive",
+ "ff er",
+ "ffe r",
+ "f fer",
+ "▁l ime",
+ "▁li me",
+ "▁lim e",
+ "▁Treasure r",
+ "▁aug mented",
+ "▁disagree ment",
+ "▁disagre ement",
+ "▁c oli",
+ "▁co li",
+ "▁col i",
+ "FL AG",
+ "▁K ob",
+ "▁Ko b",
+ "▁S ty",
+ "▁St y",
+ "▁ Sty",
+ "Mem ory",
+ "▁sl ammed",
+ "▁slam med",
+ "▁Liber als",
+ "▁Lib erals",
+ "▁Liberal s",
+ "at ore",
+ "ator e",
+ "ato re",
+ "di git",
+ "dig it",
+ "▁M oor",
+ "▁Mo or",
+ "▁a den",
+ "▁ad en",
+ "▁ aden",
+ "▁not ch",
+ "▁Man agers",
+ "▁Manag ers",
+ "▁Manager s",
+ "▁irr ational",
+ "▁Exam ination",
+ "ek a",
+ "e ka",
+ "fl e",
+ "f le",
+ "ming ton",
+ "m ington",
+ "▁Albert o",
+ "▁Alb erto",
+ "▁Alber to",
+ "A z",
+ "ce ls",
+ "cel s",
+ "c els",
+ "ul ly",
+ "ull y",
+ "▁Ne ck",
+ "me aning",
+ "mean ing",
+ "▁tar iff",
+ "▁cush ion",
+ "▁ch illing",
+ "▁chill ing",
+ "▁Function al",
+ "config uration",
+ "▁\" -",
+ "▁u it",
+ "▁ uit",
+ "▁conv eyed",
+ "▁convey ed",
+ "▁pr istine",
+ "▁blue print",
+ "▁spec ifies",
+ "▁re location",
+ "▁rel ocation",
+ "UL E",
+ "U LE",
+ "pi ll",
+ "p ill",
+ "zz le",
+ "▁F lo",
+ "▁Fl o",
+ "▁T owers",
+ "▁Tower s",
+ "▁Tow ers",
+ "it lement",
+ "itle ment",
+ "N L",
+ "Di ff",
+ "D iff",
+ "kow ski",
+ "k owski",
+ "▁bl adder",
+ "G I",
+ "yn a",
+ "y na",
+ "Pro f",
+ "Pr of",
+ "ro st",
+ "ros t",
+ "r ost",
+ "▁U NC",
+ "▁UN C",
+ "▁in h",
+ "▁H ide",
+ "▁Hi de",
+ "▁J ays",
+ "▁Jay s",
+ "▁Ja ys",
+ "▁flu ids",
+ "▁fluid s",
+ "direct ed",
+ "dir ected",
+ "com mercial",
+ "▁veter inary",
+ "GE R",
+ "G ER",
+ "▁A IR",
+ "▁AI R",
+ "▁P unk",
+ "▁Pun k",
+ "▁W heat",
+ "▁Whe at",
+ "▁ep ile",
+ "ert ility",
+ "▁top ical",
+ "▁topic al",
+ "▁re active",
+ "▁react ive",
+ "▁select or",
+ "▁sel ector",
+ "▁Struct ural",
+ "▁B old",
+ "▁Bo ld",
+ "▁Bol d",
+ "ip pers",
+ "ipp ers",
+ "ipper s",
+ "i ppers",
+ "▁x x",
+ "▁ xx",
+ "▁Wal ton",
+ "▁Walt on",
+ "▁dou bling",
+ "▁doub ling",
+ "▁advert ise",
+ "▁advertis e",
+ "▁fundamental s",
+ "▁fundament als",
+ "so und",
+ "s ound",
+ "ric ally",
+ "rical ly",
+ "r ically",
+ "▁Georg ian",
+ "▁Georgia n",
+ "▁Gall agher",
+ "f d",
+ "RE T",
+ "R ET",
+ "ro ute",
+ "rou te",
+ "r oute",
+ "ni ne",
+ "n ine",
+ "to ps",
+ "top s",
+ "t ops",
+ "▁Z hou",
+ "▁Zh ou",
+ "▁dev ised",
+ "▁cycl ists",
+ "multicol umn",
+ "multi column",
+ "▁Super visor",
+ "▁Supervis or",
+ "▁decom position",
+ "ти в",
+ "▁G amb",
+ "▁Ga mb",
+ "▁Gam b",
+ "▁re comb",
+ "▁rec omb",
+ "ograph ed",
+ "ograp hed",
+ "/ \"",
+ "▁H au",
+ "▁Ha u",
+ "() ).",
+ "()) .",
+ "( )).",
+ "▁R oe",
+ "▁Ro e",
+ "▁r ud",
+ "▁ru d",
+ "LE ASE",
+ "for um",
+ "fo rum",
+ "f orum",
+ "oll ary",
+ "ollar y",
+ "olla ry",
+ "▁rout ines",
+ "▁routine s",
+ "▁Ped iatric",
+ "▁dep iction",
+ "▁depict ion",
+ "NE W",
+ "N EW",
+ "ho v",
+ "h ov",
+ "▁ex trad",
+ "▁ext rad",
+ "▁extra d",
+ "▁extr ad",
+ "▁In cluded",
+ "▁Includ ed",
+ "▁Include d",
+ "▁Thor nton",
+ "▁R it",
+ "▁Ri t",
+ "▁F ate",
+ "▁Fat e",
+ "▁Fa te",
+ "al lets",
+ "all ets",
+ "alle ts",
+ "▁c aval",
+ "▁ca val",
+ "▁cav al",
+ "Service s",
+ "S ervices",
+ "▁Carl son",
+ "▁perpet rators",
+ "▁gravit ational",
+ "▁Da isy",
+ "▁so lemn",
+ "▁sol emn",
+ "▁S elling",
+ "▁Sel ling",
+ "▁Sell ing",
+ "▁E h",
+ "▁F ow",
+ "▁Fo w",
+ "▁Ser ena",
+ "▁Sere na",
+ "Te am",
+ "▁L ob",
+ "▁Lo b",
+ "▁turb ine",
+ "▁Else vier",
+ "fl ex",
+ "fle x",
+ "f lex",
+ "ne ck",
+ "▁R ox",
+ "▁Ro x",
+ "▁Mar ri",
+ "▁ag ile",
+ "▁prov ocative",
+ "po ll",
+ "pol l",
+ "p oll",
+ "as aki",
+ "asa ki",
+ "un ique",
+ "uni que",
+ "▁Se ems",
+ "▁See ms",
+ "ered ith",
+ "▁p light",
+ "▁pl ight",
+ "▁diagn ose",
+ "l g",
+ "▁ ц",
+ "bu y",
+ "b uy",
+ "st ay",
+ "sta y",
+ "▁S igma",
+ "▁Sig ma",
+ "▁ Sigma",
+ "per fect",
+ "▁bi ases",
+ "▁bias es",
+ "▁inv oice",
+ "du ty",
+ "d uty",
+ "on te",
+ "ont e",
+ "▁P UR",
+ "▁AL SO",
+ "sam ple",
+ "s ample",
+ "▁ep ist",
+ "▁epis t",
+ "▁eager ly",
+ "▁Cere mony",
+ "▁Dis count",
+ "▁Disc ount",
+ "▁B acon",
+ "▁Ba con",
+ "▁Bac on",
+ "▁re app",
+ "▁type of",
+ "▁ typeof",
+ "▁extra ord",
+ "▁Corinth ians",
+ "án d",
+ "á nd",
+ "▁t art",
+ "▁tar t",
+ "▁ta rt",
+ "▁re aff",
+ "▁Father s",
+ "▁Fat hers",
+ "▁carb ohyd",
+ "gi l",
+ "g il",
+ "▁S olic",
+ "▁So lic",
+ "▁Sol ic",
+ "▁roof s",
+ "ous se",
+ "▁ce il",
+ "▁Cor rection",
+ "▁Correct ion",
+ "▁play wright",
+ "bor s",
+ "bo rs",
+ "b ors",
+ "▁K atz",
+ "▁Kat z",
+ "▁Ka tz",
+ "▁Ch avez",
+ "▁Cha vez",
+ "▁a while",
+ "▁bl onde",
+ "▁bureauc racy",
+ "▁bureaucr acy",
+ "r k",
+ "▁D EF",
+ "▁DE F",
+ "▁J ol",
+ "▁Jo l",
+ "▁R im",
+ "▁Ri m",
+ "▁e ve",
+ "▁ev e",
+ "oc ard",
+ "oca rd",
+ "o card",
+ "▁Kat y",
+ "▁Ka ty",
+ "▁r oku",
+ "▁ro ku",
+ "Aut o",
+ "A uto",
+ "▁orbit al",
+ "▁orb ital",
+ "▁courage ous",
+ "▁E ck",
+ "▁Ec k",
+ "▁C oup",
+ "▁Co up",
+ "▁Cou p",
+ "▁Byr ne",
+ "▁un des",
+ "▁und es",
+ "▁ban ana",
+ "▁ca usal",
+ "▁caus al",
+ "▁refer ee",
+ "▁refere e",
+ "▁voc ational",
+ "uc c",
+ "u cc",
+ "▁S ão",
+ "▁R ear",
+ "▁Re ar",
+ "x space",
+ "se tting",
+ "set ting",
+ "sett ing",
+ "▁Sav ings",
+ "▁Saving s",
+ "▁cur tains",
+ "▁curtain s",
+ "▁util izes",
+ "▁utilize s",
+ "▁j ed",
+ "▁je d",
+ "▁g rill",
+ "▁gr ill",
+ "▁gri ll",
+ "amp ires",
+ "ampire s",
+ "▁all iances",
+ "▁alliance s",
+ "▁butter fly",
+ "▁f isheries",
+ "▁fish eries",
+ "▁fisher ies",
+ "▁string ent",
+ "▁out perform",
+ "▁J aw",
+ "▁Ja w",
+ "▁F ool",
+ "▁Fo ol",
+ "▁SP EC",
+ "▁un even",
+ "▁une ven",
+ "ar time",
+ "art ime",
+ "▁gr abs",
+ "▁gra bs",
+ "▁grab s",
+ "▁out we",
+ "ik u",
+ "i ku",
+ "▁S ole",
+ "▁So le",
+ "▁Sol e",
+ "R ussia",
+ "our met",
+ "▁Col ts",
+ "▁Sh ark",
+ "▁Sha rk",
+ "▁Shar k",
+ "▁chicken s",
+ "▁chick ens",
+ "▁chic kens",
+ "sy nc",
+ "s ync",
+ "▁h ates",
+ "▁ha tes",
+ "▁hate s",
+ "▁hat es",
+ "▁Home less",
+ "▁Hom eless",
+ "Fun d",
+ "F und",
+ "sc re",
+ "scr e",
+ "s cre",
+ "▁b oo",
+ "▁bo o",
+ "▁PUBL IC",
+ "▁ext inct",
+ "▁Slov akia",
+ "▁Screen ing",
+ "▁Scre ening",
+ "ui sh",
+ "uis h",
+ "u ish",
+ "▁V ij",
+ "▁Vi j",
+ "▁r ails",
+ "▁ra ils",
+ "▁rail s",
+ "op oulos",
+ "▁Hand le",
+ "▁ Handle",
+ "▁sw inging",
+ "▁swing ing",
+ "▁news letters",
+ "▁newsletter s",
+ "\" \"",
+ "▁sub po",
+ "▁ou nces",
+ "▁oun ces",
+ "▁ ounces",
+ "upunct ure",
+ "ual a",
+ "ua la",
+ "u ala",
+ "▁P AT",
+ "▁PA T",
+ "▁Im am",
+ "▁M ayer",
+ "▁May er",
+ "▁Ma yer",
+ "▁Br aves",
+ "▁Bra ves",
+ "li able",
+ "lia ble",
+ "l iable",
+ "▁BL ACK",
+ "▁sm oked",
+ "▁smoke d",
+ "▁smok ed",
+ "▁smo ked",
+ "▁hon oring",
+ "▁honor ing",
+ "▁pl anners",
+ "▁plan ners",
+ "▁Param ount",
+ "▁inhab ited",
+ "▁inhabit ed",
+ "▁local ized",
+ "▁rep ression",
+ "am ics",
+ "ami cs",
+ "amic s",
+ "▁EV ERY",
+ "Com ment",
+ "Comm ent",
+ "▁sp ouses",
+ "▁spo uses",
+ "▁spouse s",
+ "▁a le",
+ "▁al e",
+ "▁ ale",
+ "d ream",
+ "▁a isle",
+ "▁Ron nie",
+ "▁Impro ving",
+ "▁meaning less",
+ "▁dictators hip",
+ "/ )",
+ "ad ena",
+ "ade na",
+ "aden a",
+ "▁Wolf e",
+ "▁Wol fe",
+ "▁acc ol",
+ "▁ac col",
+ "▁st are",
+ "▁star e",
+ "▁sta re",
+ "col lege",
+ "▁cultiv ate",
+ "▁b ask",
+ "▁bas k",
+ "▁ba sk",
+ "tr avel",
+ "tra vel",
+ "t ravel",
+ "▁incorpor ation",
+ "OL L",
+ "O LL",
+ "▁a ide",
+ "▁aid e",
+ "▁her oine",
+ "▁hero ine",
+ "▁heroin e",
+ "W W",
+ "▁Z hao",
+ "▁Zh ao",
+ "uster ity",
+ "▁run time",
+ "▁aux iliary",
+ "ne ed",
+ "nee d",
+ "n eed",
+ "w olf",
+ "▁s ind",
+ "▁sin d",
+ "▁si nd",
+ "▁p eren",
+ "▁per en",
+ "▁pe ren",
+ "▁rif les",
+ "▁rifle s",
+ "▁specific s",
+ "▁cal ibration",
+ "▁bl ur",
+ "▁t read",
+ "▁tr ead",
+ "▁tre ad",
+ "▁re pent",
+ "▁rep ent",
+ "▁repe nt",
+ "▁min istries",
+ "▁specific ity",
+ "cap ital",
+ "▁conc ise",
+ "▁embark ed",
+ "an aly",
+ "ana ly",
+ "var ian",
+ "va rian",
+ "vari an",
+ "v arian",
+ "▁V inyl",
+ "▁Vin yl",
+ "th ought",
+ "though t",
+ "▁Bund es",
+ "▁Bun des",
+ "▁lo oming",
+ "▁dis appro",
+ "▁disapp ro",
+ "▁home page",
+ "af ka",
+ "oc ene",
+ "▁L ists",
+ "▁List s",
+ "▁Lis ts",
+ "▁Liber t",
+ "▁Li bert",
+ "▁Lib ert",
+ "▁exc uses",
+ "▁excuse s",
+ "▁u nic",
+ "▁un ic",
+ "▁Den ise",
+ "▁Denis e",
+ "▁calc ulator",
+ "og el",
+ "o gel",
+ "▁S ort",
+ "▁So rt",
+ "▁Sor t",
+ "▁d ome",
+ "▁do me",
+ "▁dom e",
+ "▁th ru",
+ "▁thr u",
+ "▁Sh ape",
+ "▁Sha pe",
+ "▁Shap e",
+ "▁cont amin",
+ "▁contam in",
+ "▁Steven son",
+ "▁Stevens on",
+ "assert Equals",
+ "▁s ow",
+ "▁so w",
+ "re gor",
+ "reg or",
+ "▁TO DO",
+ "IL Y",
+ "I LY",
+ "ib e",
+ "i be",
+ "▁H ak",
+ "▁Ha k",
+ "st ats",
+ "stat s",
+ "sta ts",
+ "▁On cology",
+ "hor izontal",
+ "ok s",
+ "o ks",
+ "yr e",
+ "y re",
+ "▁G ould",
+ "▁Go uld",
+ "▁h orns",
+ "▁hor ns",
+ "▁horn s",
+ "in ished",
+ "inis hed",
+ "▁Rab bit",
+ "▁Rabbi t",
+ "▁Ub untu",
+ "▁manif old",
+ "▁not withstanding",
+ "He n",
+ "H en",
+ "oh an",
+ "oha n",
+ "o han",
+ "ri ll",
+ "ril l",
+ "r ill",
+ "▁R AF",
+ "▁RA F",
+ "ball s",
+ "bal ls",
+ "b alls",
+ "bel ief",
+ "cat ion",
+ "c ation",
+ "▁com me",
+ "▁comm e",
+ "▁t ents",
+ "▁ten ts",
+ "▁tent s",
+ "▁Mon key",
+ "BU G",
+ "B UG",
+ "ri bes",
+ "rib es",
+ "ribe s",
+ "▁Ind ies",
+ "▁Indie s",
+ "▁Nor ris",
+ "▁St ella",
+ "▁Ste lla",
+ "▁Sylv ia",
+ "▁Syl via",
+ "▁rain bow",
+ "▁comment ators",
+ "DO M",
+ "D OM",
+ "][ '",
+ "] ['",
+ "▁D ram",
+ "▁Dr am",
+ "▁Dra m",
+ "▁B less",
+ "▁Bl ess",
+ "▁Ble ss",
+ "▁s perm",
+ "▁sp erm",
+ "▁spe rm",
+ "▁Opt ional",
+ "▁Option al",
+ "▁Rand olph",
+ "m c",
+ "▁C ES",
+ "▁CE S",
+ "Em ail",
+ "E mail",
+ "▁Ger ard",
+ "▁spec imen",
+ "▁perpet ual",
+ "fore station",
+ "forest ation",
+ "з у",
+ "▁N ou",
+ "▁No u",
+ "Fl oat",
+ "F loat",
+ "as ured",
+ "asure d",
+ "B rowser",
+ "rodu ced",
+ "rod uced",
+ "▁Jo anna",
+ "▁Joan na",
+ "ig ne",
+ "ign e",
+ "▁b amboo",
+ "res olved",
+ "▁Start up",
+ "▁Spe akers",
+ "▁Speaker s",
+ "▁Speak ers",
+ "▁incons ist",
+ "ok i",
+ "o ki",
+ "vi k",
+ "v ik",
+ "ru ce",
+ "r uce",
+ "Th ose",
+ "▁s pat",
+ "▁sp at",
+ "▁spa t",
+ "▁redund ant",
+ "foot note",
+ "() ));",
+ "()) );",
+ "( )));",
+ "▁B ets",
+ "▁Be ts",
+ "▁Bet s",
+ "▁Dial ogue",
+ "▁Hon estly",
+ "▁Aust en",
+ "▁Aus ten",
+ "▁Au sten",
+ "▁waters hed",
+ "▁wh ichever",
+ "▁which ever",
+ "zh ou",
+ "z hou",
+ "▁overd ose",
+ "▁sur geries",
+ "▁surge ries",
+ "▁surg eries",
+ "Ag ent",
+ "A gent",
+ "W ater",
+ "▁F are",
+ "▁Far e",
+ "▁Fa re",
+ "▁al leges",
+ "▁alle ges",
+ "▁alleg es",
+ "▁qu oting",
+ "▁quot ing",
+ "▁quo ting",
+ "▁review er",
+ "▁sur geons",
+ "▁surge ons",
+ "▁surgeon s",
+ "ia sis",
+ "ias is",
+ "i asis",
+ "▁M amm",
+ "▁Ma mm",
+ "▁Mam m",
+ "▁M ast",
+ "▁Ma st",
+ "▁Mas t",
+ "▁N inth",
+ "▁Nin th",
+ "▁ab ide",
+ "▁Mem oir",
+ "▁pr ayed",
+ "▁pray ed",
+ "▁Constant in",
+ "k re",
+ "▁p u",
+ "▁ pu",
+ "▁f unk",
+ "▁fun k",
+ "▁W V",
+ "L java",
+ "▁narrow ly",
+ "▁P upp",
+ "▁Pu pp",
+ "▁U nic",
+ "▁Un ic",
+ "▁F rame",
+ "▁Fr ame",
+ "▁Fra me",
+ "▁Fram e",
+ "▁ Frame",
+ "▁M aver",
+ "▁Ma ver",
+ "▁text books",
+ "▁textbook s",
+ "an ian",
+ "ania n",
+ "ani an",
+ "ct ive",
+ "▁Al one",
+ "▁Beck y",
+ "ert iary",
+ "▁adverse ly",
+ "▁advers ely",
+ "▁dom ination",
+ "▁domin ation",
+ "▁fashion able",
+ "O x",
+ "▁L oud",
+ "▁Lou d",
+ "▁Lo ud",
+ "bill ion",
+ "b illion",
+ "▁fert ile",
+ "▁fertil e",
+ "AC A",
+ "A CA",
+ "▁p ots",
+ "▁pot s",
+ "▁po ts",
+ "▁Care ers",
+ "▁Career s",
+ "ol len",
+ "oll en",
+ "con tains",
+ "cont ains",
+ "▁avoid ance",
+ "▁fasc ination",
+ "ot hs",
+ "oth s",
+ "o ths",
+ "▁pe dal",
+ "▁ped al",
+ "▁Con way",
+ "▁fun nel",
+ "▁ret aliation",
+ "on ics",
+ "onic s",
+ "oni cs",
+ "par ser",
+ "parse r",
+ "p arser",
+ "▁Per cy",
+ "▁t ally",
+ "▁tal ly",
+ "▁tall y",
+ "pur pose",
+ "▁Sc outs",
+ "▁Scout s",
+ "▁Big gest",
+ "▁Re spect",
+ "▁Res pect",
+ "▁Resp ect",
+ "▁murder er",
+ "▁murd erer",
+ "ho e",
+ "h oe",
+ "gr ove",
+ "gro ve",
+ "▁B ACK",
+ "▁r oses",
+ "▁ro ses",
+ "▁rose s",
+ "▁rent ing",
+ "▁ren ting",
+ "▁program mer",
+ "▁programme r",
+ "AD D",
+ "A DD",
+ "ya h",
+ "y ah",
+ "ba gs",
+ "bag s",
+ "b ags",
+ "ha ni",
+ "han i",
+ "h ani",
+ "▁c affe",
+ "▁ca ffe",
+ "▁caf fe",
+ "▁p oultry",
+ "▁americ an",
+ "▁conqu ered",
+ "▁conquer ed",
+ "▁pres enter",
+ "▁present er",
+ "▁App l",
+ "▁Ap pl",
+ "▁Al ban",
+ "▁Alb an",
+ "▁Lo ans",
+ "▁Loan s",
+ "▁En able",
+ "▁ke eper",
+ "▁keep er",
+ "▁ keeper",
+ "▁Cle mson",
+ "▁franch ises",
+ "▁franchise s",
+ "▁Marx ist",
+ "▁Vis itor",
+ "▁Visit or",
+ "▁betray al",
+ "▁eleg ance",
+ "En vironment",
+ "T X",
+ "▁Br enda",
+ "▁Brend a",
+ "▁Bren da",
+ "▁Middle s",
+ "▁Midd les",
+ "▁day time",
+ "▁honor ary",
+ "▁Anthrop ology",
+ "ve e",
+ "v ee",
+ "ib re",
+ "ibr e",
+ "i bre",
+ "▁youth ful",
+ "▁Employ ers",
+ "▁Response s",
+ "▁Respons es",
+ "li f",
+ "l if",
+ "▁d rank",
+ "▁dr ank",
+ "▁mir ac",
+ "▁mi rac",
+ "▁t ucked",
+ "▁Person nel",
+ "▁insert ion",
+ "▁experiment ing",
+ "▁ve ins",
+ "▁vein s",
+ "▁Epid em",
+ "▁so aring",
+ "ni l",
+ "n il",
+ "▁M erry",
+ "▁Mer ry",
+ "▁Merr y",
+ "▁ear ns",
+ "▁earn s",
+ "▁re flex",
+ "▁ref lex",
+ "▁C age",
+ "▁Ca ge",
+ "▁Sc hu",
+ "▁Sch u",
+ "▁Bra un",
+ "▁diss atis",
+ "▁Inter ested",
+ "▁Interest ed",
+ "▁peace fully",
+ "▁peaceful ly",
+ "▁\" .",
+ "▁ \".",
+ "▁Id ol",
+ "▁Most ly",
+ "▁sym metric",
+ "▁symmet ric",
+ "▁super intendent",
+ "H op",
+ "▁H ire",
+ "▁Hi re",
+ "▁Hir e",
+ "▁K ara",
+ "▁Kar a",
+ "▁Ka ra",
+ "in tech",
+ "int ech",
+ "▁b ites",
+ "▁bit es",
+ "▁bi tes",
+ "▁bite s",
+ "Point er",
+ "Po inter",
+ "▁err one",
+ "▁Pay ments",
+ "▁Payment s",
+ "▁Reve rend",
+ "▁Revere nd",
+ "param eters",
+ "parameter s",
+ "▁McCart ney",
+ "gr en",
+ "gre n",
+ "g ren",
+ "▁loud ly",
+ "▁K remlin",
+ "▁petition er",
+ "▁B H",
+ "oot ers",
+ "oo ters",
+ "ooter s",
+ "o oters",
+ "el ected",
+ "elect ed",
+ "e lected",
+ "▁ple thora",
+ "▁B uk",
+ "▁Bu k",
+ "Gu ard",
+ "▁GO OD",
+ "ran ked",
+ "rank ed",
+ "▁Wil helm",
+ "▁ground water",
+ "▁subs criptions",
+ "▁subscription s",
+ "▁subscript ions",
+ "▁p ac",
+ "▁pa c",
+ "▁p la",
+ "▁pl a",
+ "▁defic its",
+ "▁deficit s",
+ "▁am usement",
+ "▁ship ments",
+ "▁shipment s",
+ "▁Def initely",
+ "▁W and",
+ "▁Wa nd",
+ "▁Wan d",
+ "▁re pro",
+ "▁rep ro",
+ "▁ver ge",
+ "▁exp lor",
+ "▁expl or",
+ "▁explo r",
+ "▁det rimental",
+ "we i",
+ "w ei",
+ "nu ts",
+ "nut s",
+ "n uts",
+ "ex tra",
+ "ext ra",
+ "▁he el",
+ "▁s ighed",
+ "▁sig hed",
+ "▁sigh ed",
+ "▁canon ical",
+ "P a",
+ "com a",
+ "co ma",
+ "c oma",
+ "▁F unk",
+ "▁Fun k",
+ "▁n ood",
+ "▁no od",
+ "▁sm ash",
+ "▁Rev ised",
+ "▁T olkien",
+ "▁Form ation",
+ "▁Format ion",
+ "▁fat alities",
+ "▁fatal ities",
+ "— \"",
+ "J ul",
+ "▁Box ing",
+ "▁Hig gins",
+ "▁Urugu ay",
+ "▁t apping",
+ "▁tap ping",
+ "▁ta pping",
+ "▁host ility",
+ "▁Che ese",
+ "AN GE",
+ "ANG E",
+ "ar go",
+ "arg o",
+ "br ed",
+ "bre d",
+ "b red",
+ "po ly",
+ "pol y",
+ "p oly",
+ "▁L ank",
+ "▁Lan k",
+ "▁Mer cer",
+ "▁Merc er",
+ "▁cust od",
+ "▁str anded",
+ "▁harvest ed",
+ "▁song writing",
+ "fire d",
+ "fi red",
+ "f ired",
+ "yl ene",
+ "yle ne",
+ "y lene",
+ ".. .....",
+ "... ....",
+ ".... ...",
+ "..... ..",
+ "...... .",
+ ". ......",
+ "amb ique",
+ "▁Liqu id",
+ "fr ames",
+ "fra mes",
+ "frame s",
+ "f rames",
+ "Art icle",
+ "▁C ancel",
+ "▁Can cel",
+ "err als",
+ "▁Jenn ings",
+ "▁Jen nings",
+ "▁mid field",
+ "▁form ations",
+ "▁format ions",
+ "▁formation s",
+ "▁Dis abilities",
+ "▁compet itiveness",
+ "▁competitive ness",
+ "DI S",
+ "D IS",
+ "SE C",
+ "S EC",
+ "th ro",
+ "▁U EFA",
+ "▁H icks",
+ "▁Hi cks",
+ "▁Subject s",
+ "air d",
+ "ai rd",
+ "a ird",
+ "▁L oy",
+ "▁Lo y",
+ "▁s ank",
+ "▁san k",
+ "ist rate",
+ "▁lav ish",
+ "▁D over",
+ "▁Do ver",
+ "▁as hes",
+ "▁ash es",
+ "▁ ashes",
+ "▁O verse",
+ "▁Over se",
+ "▁Overs e",
+ "▁Ser bian",
+ "▁Serbia n",
+ "▁correlation s",
+ "▁correl ations",
+ "ib u",
+ "i bu",
+ "▁H EL",
+ "▁HE L",
+ "▁K ru",
+ "▁Kr u",
+ "▁Be ir",
+ "▁E rit",
+ "▁Er it",
+ "▁flat ten",
+ "▁summon ed",
+ "▁summ oned",
+ "= &",
+ "ir ez",
+ "ire z",
+ "i rez",
+ "▁f lor",
+ "▁fl or",
+ "▁flo r",
+ "Sym bol",
+ "S ymbol",
+ "▁pir ate",
+ "▁pi rate",
+ "S emitism",
+ "ogene ity",
+ "▁tra vers",
+ "▁trav ers",
+ "▁c ues",
+ "▁cu es",
+ "olph in",
+ "or name",
+ "orn ame",
+ "ew are",
+ "e ware",
+ "▁sh ocks",
+ "▁shock s",
+ "▁sho cks",
+ "▁spe eding",
+ "▁speed ing",
+ "▁Laf ayette",
+ "▁reg isters",
+ "▁regist ers",
+ "▁register s",
+ "▁command ers",
+ "▁commander s",
+ "mo z",
+ "m oz",
+ "mu r",
+ "m ur",
+ "se ek",
+ "see k",
+ "▁c rem",
+ "▁cre m",
+ "▁cr em",
+ "▁L ingu",
+ "▁Lin gu",
+ "▁Ling u",
+ "opath ic",
+ "▁Laure l",
+ "▁Laur el",
+ "▁Lau rel",
+ "▁w idget",
+ "▁wid get",
+ "▁ widget",
+ "▁D eals",
+ "▁De als",
+ "▁Deal s",
+ "▁Corb yn",
+ "▁ex ting",
+ "▁ext ing",
+ "▁he ater",
+ "▁heat er",
+ "L anguage",
+ "▁carcin oma",
+ "▁M iy",
+ "▁Mi y",
+ "▁bl aming",
+ "▁lay ered",
+ "▁layer ed",
+ "▁form ulas",
+ "▁formula s",
+ "▁non linear",
+ "▁s und",
+ "▁su nd",
+ "▁sun d",
+ "R ob",
+ "ut on",
+ "uto n",
+ "u ton",
+ "▁s wo",
+ "▁sw o",
+ "▁M ash",
+ "▁Ma sh",
+ "▁Mas h",
+ "▁b ake",
+ "▁ba ke",
+ "▁bak e",
+ "med ium",
+ "medi um",
+ "▁De leg",
+ "▁Del eg",
+ "▁Ass uming",
+ "▁sandwich es",
+ "▁sandwic hes",
+ "▁loose ly",
+ "▁loos ely",
+ "▁roof top",
+ "▁rooft op",
+ "▁author ize",
+ "IS M",
+ "I SM",
+ "▁i g",
+ "▁ ig",
+ "▁ACL U",
+ "▁S lam",
+ "▁Sl am",
+ "an ship",
+ "ans hip",
+ "▁A very",
+ "▁Av ery",
+ "▁Ave ry",
+ "clin ical",
+ "▁cl ashes",
+ "▁clash es",
+ "▁M eredith",
+ "▁ske leton",
+ "l é",
+ "Be ing",
+ "▁bub bles",
+ "▁bubble s",
+ "▁impro vis",
+ "▁improv is",
+ "▁re current",
+ "▁rec urrent",
+ "▁trans itional",
+ "▁transition al",
+ "▁transit ional",
+ "▁mis information",
+ "▁W B",
+ "▁l ex",
+ "▁le x",
+ "▁ lex",
+ "▁Na ples",
+ "▁Nap les",
+ "act ively",
+ "active ly",
+ "activ ely",
+ "UE S",
+ "U ES",
+ "▁H AL",
+ "▁HA L",
+ "▁CEO s",
+ "▁CE Os",
+ "▁sm ells",
+ "▁smell s",
+ "▁Ref lect",
+ "▁endeav ors",
+ "▁endeavor s",
+ "\"] ,",
+ "\" ],",
+ "▁K yr",
+ "▁Ky r",
+ "▁b ri",
+ "▁br i",
+ "▁GP U",
+ "le don",
+ "led on",
+ "Mat rix",
+ "M atrix",
+ "▁s ucked",
+ "▁suc ked",
+ "▁suck ed",
+ "▁ad renal",
+ "▁town ship",
+ "▁towns hip",
+ "▁Citizens hip",
+ "▁Citizen ship",
+ "▁helic opters",
+ "▁helicopter s",
+ "▁superf icial",
+ "A W",
+ "K it",
+ "▁k o",
+ "▁ ko",
+ "▁Ch au",
+ "▁Cha u",
+ "▁S ard",
+ "▁Sa rd",
+ "▁Sar d",
+ "▁a gon",
+ "▁ag on",
+ "▁ago n",
+ "▁ agon",
+ "▁rev ise",
+ "▁revis e",
+ "▁micro bial",
+ "▁microbi al",
+ "pp o",
+ "p po",
+ "ar ie",
+ "ari e",
+ "a rie",
+ "▁B US",
+ "▁BU S",
+ "en sch",
+ "ens ch",
+ "▁co ached",
+ "▁coach ed",
+ "▁Philipp e",
+ "▁Philip pe",
+ "un til",
+ "unt il",
+ "▁id le",
+ "mo ving",
+ "mov ing",
+ "m oving",
+ "▁B read",
+ "▁Br ead",
+ "▁Bre ad",
+ "▁exp ires",
+ "▁expire s",
+ "▁e ruption",
+ "▁eru ption",
+ "▁erupt ion",
+ "H uman",
+ "ill ac",
+ "illa c",
+ "▁R eno",
+ "▁Re no",
+ "▁Ren o",
+ "▁qu ar",
+ "▁Je rem",
+ "▁Jer em",
+ "▁Jere m",
+ "No thing",
+ "Not hing",
+ "N othing",
+ "▁Cher yl",
+ "▁De utsch",
+ "▁Deut sch",
+ "▁R EM",
+ "▁RE M",
+ "▁T iny",
+ "▁Ti ny",
+ "▁Tin y",
+ "▁Phys icians",
+ "▁exp ressive",
+ "▁express ive",
+ "D a",
+ "af ety",
+ "afe ty",
+ "▁S eller",
+ "▁Se ller",
+ "▁Sel ler",
+ "▁Sell er",
+ "▁driv eway",
+ "▁drive way",
+ "Decl aration",
+ "▁sens ational",
+ "▁sensation al",
+ "▁{ %",
+ "pe ak",
+ "ol did",
+ "old id",
+ "▁F raz",
+ "▁Fr az",
+ "▁Fra z",
+ "▁co erc",
+ "▁Mut ual",
+ "▁v anity",
+ "▁van ity",
+ "▁gentle men",
+ "▁disturb ance",
+ "▁S OL",
+ "▁SO L",
+ "▁Z ak",
+ "▁L ump",
+ "▁Lu mp",
+ "▁Lum p",
+ "sub mit",
+ "▁El lie",
+ "▁Ell ie",
+ "▁Un ified",
+ "to k",
+ "t ok",
+ "▁secre cy",
+ "▁Pip eline",
+ "▁Pres ented",
+ "▁Present ed",
+ "prof essional",
+ "▁Respons ible",
+ "▁Collabor ative",
+ "* .",
+ "▁C K",
+ "dr ug",
+ "d rug",
+ "ab bing",
+ "abb ing",
+ "ester ly",
+ "▁E ating",
+ "▁Eat ing",
+ "▁b ricks",
+ "▁br icks",
+ "▁brick s",
+ "▁bri cks",
+ "▁H usband",
+ "▁Hus band",
+ "▁occup ying",
+ "▁occupy ing",
+ "▁turb ulent",
+ "pe z",
+ "p ez",
+ "▁M oto",
+ "▁Mo to",
+ "▁Mot o",
+ "▁En light",
+ "▁plug ins",
+ "▁plugin s",
+ "▁ plugins",
+ "▁treat ies",
+ "▁evident ly",
+ "sh i",
+ "s hi",
+ "▁E cc",
+ "▁Ec c",
+ "pl ays",
+ "play s",
+ "▁l iner",
+ "▁li ner",
+ "▁line r",
+ "▁lin er",
+ "▁ liner",
+ "▁pe tty",
+ "▁pet ty",
+ "▁virt ues",
+ "▁virtue s",
+ "▁art works",
+ "▁artwork s",
+ "▁He rb",
+ "▁Her b",
+ "▁complex ities",
+ "BA R",
+ "B AR",
+ "▁T P",
+ "▁ TP",
+ "▁st eals",
+ "▁ste als",
+ "▁steal s",
+ "ane ously",
+ "aneous ly",
+ "R M",
+ "ha ng",
+ "han g",
+ "h ang",
+ "▁resid ue",
+ "▁react ors",
+ "▁reactor s",
+ "▁ х",
+ "▁a lla",
+ "▁al la",
+ "▁all a",
+ "▁ alla",
+ "oph obic",
+ "ophob ic",
+ "▁As sets",
+ "▁Ass ets",
+ "▁Asset s",
+ "▁kill ers",
+ "▁kil lers",
+ "▁killer s",
+ "▁quart et",
+ "f requency",
+ "▁immers ed",
+ "N a",
+ "RI C",
+ "R IC",
+ "UA L",
+ "U AL",
+ "mi s",
+ "m is",
+ "▁ch urn",
+ "est rian",
+ "▁Ar rang",
+ "▁Ph illy",
+ "▁Phil ly",
+ "▁Phill y",
+ "▁via gra",
+ "▁vi agra",
+ "▁Wa iting",
+ "▁Wait ing",
+ "▁invari ant",
+ "▁trans ient",
+ "▁Proced ures",
+ "▁Procedure s",
+ "▁Journal ists",
+ "$ }",
+ "▁Val encia",
+ "FI ELD",
+ "▁tor ch",
+ "▁r ockets",
+ "▁rock ets",
+ "▁rocket s",
+ "▁Under stand",
+ "▁instruct ional",
+ "▁instruction al",
+ "▁W M",
+ "▁Totten ham",
+ "▁card board",
+ "▁pron ounce",
+ "em is",
+ "emi s",
+ "e mis",
+ "and als",
+ "anda ls",
+ "andal s",
+ "▁Ngu yen",
+ "▁Man ifest",
+ "▁Autom ation",
+ "▁< !",
+ "Le ad",
+ "L ead",
+ "OL OG",
+ "O LOG",
+ "▁M eth",
+ "▁Me th",
+ "▁Met h",
+ "▁echo es",
+ "▁ech oes",
+ "▁par ole",
+ "▁pa role",
+ "▁bes poke",
+ "▁Trin idad",
+ "Ph ot",
+ "P hot",
+ "im icro",
+ "imi cro",
+ "i micro",
+ "▁Peg gy",
+ "▁Fal cons",
+ "▁Falcon s",
+ "▁Integ rity",
+ "▁aer ospace",
+ "▁rehears al",
+ "▁advent urous",
+ "cat ch",
+ "c atch",
+ "▁P rev",
+ "▁Pr ev",
+ "▁Pre v",
+ "▁Qu iz",
+ "Fe ature",
+ "▁Mon ths",
+ "▁Mont hs",
+ "▁Month s",
+ "rel igious",
+ "▁subsc riber",
+ "▁subscrib er",
+ "▁subscribe r",
+ "EC H",
+ "E CH",
+ "fa il",
+ "f ail",
+ "▁B ian",
+ "▁Bi an",
+ "op rano",
+ "; <",
+ "H a",
+ "▁м и",
+ "▁ ми",
+ "▁p its",
+ "▁pit s",
+ "▁pi ts",
+ "▁b ingo",
+ "▁bin go",
+ "▁v enge",
+ "▁ven ge",
+ "▁Gujar at",
+ "▁Park way",
+ "▁fright ened",
+ "m L",
+ "▁D ied",
+ "▁Di ed",
+ "▁Die d",
+ "at hing",
+ "ath ing",
+ "a thing",
+ "▁A then",
+ "▁At hen",
+ "▁Ab ortion",
+ "▁Water loo",
+ "▁over coming",
+ "▁overc oming",
+ "De n",
+ "D en",
+ "_{ (",
+ "_ {(",
+ "▁f erv",
+ "▁fer v",
+ "▁Char tered",
+ "▁Chart ered",
+ "▁Charter ed",
+ "▁surpass ed",
+ "▁prost itution",
+ "▁p c",
+ "▁ pc",
+ "ak ov",
+ "ako v",
+ "a kov",
+ "▁IC U",
+ "ho urs",
+ "hour s",
+ "hou rs",
+ "h ours",
+ "▁F eng",
+ "▁Fe ng",
+ "▁Fen g",
+ "▁fl ats",
+ "▁flat s",
+ "▁bre wing",
+ "▁brew ing",
+ "▁dis respect",
+ "▁respect able",
+ "P y",
+ "ar bon",
+ "arb on",
+ "▁w izard",
+ "▁Mach ines",
+ "▁Machine s",
+ "▁p avement",
+ "▁pa vement",
+ "▁pav ement",
+ "pe g",
+ "p eg",
+ "ope rat",
+ "oper at",
+ "cl imate",
+ "▁Anat omy",
+ "▁poor est",
+ "▁poore st",
+ "▁K et",
+ "▁Ke t",
+ "▁se dan",
+ "▁sed an",
+ "▁cr owned",
+ "▁crown ed",
+ "edu cation",
+ "educ ation",
+ "▁Seah awks",
+ "il and",
+ "ila nd",
+ "i land",
+ "▁n icht",
+ "▁nic ht",
+ "▁ni cht",
+ "▁W olves",
+ "▁Wol ves",
+ "▁Kolk ata",
+ "▁ac rylic",
+ "▁gr abbing",
+ "▁grab bing",
+ "▁Bur lington",
+ "ä ll",
+ "▁$ [",
+ "▁li pid",
+ "▁lip id",
+ "▁Step hens",
+ "▁Stephen s",
+ "▁atroc ities",
+ "▁before hand",
+ "▁critic isms",
+ "▁criticism s",
+ "▁spec ulative",
+ "▁E lis",
+ "▁El is",
+ "▁Eli s",
+ "▁z eal",
+ "▁ze al",
+ "sym bol",
+ "s ymbol",
+ "▁Rock ef",
+ "▁Roc kef",
+ "▁cov eted",
+ "▁distinct ly",
+ "▁interpret ing",
+ "▁interpre ting",
+ "▁d ol",
+ "▁do l",
+ "▁se aw",
+ "▁sea w",
+ "▁F lickr",
+ "ens itive",
+ "Ass oci",
+ "print f",
+ "▁theatre s",
+ "▁theat res",
+ "AT ES",
+ "ATE S",
+ "ik ed",
+ "ike d",
+ "i ked",
+ "com par",
+ "comp ar",
+ "▁subs idy",
+ "▁subsid y",
+ "▁Tele phone",
+ "▁Go vt",
+ "▁Gov t",
+ "▁L ett",
+ "▁Le tt",
+ "▁Let t",
+ "▁Phil lies",
+ "▁Phill ies",
+ "▁water front",
+ "▁H aj",
+ "▁Ha j",
+ "▁L IFE",
+ "▁LI FE",
+ "▁Pl ays",
+ "▁Play s",
+ "▁T ribe",
+ "▁Tr ibe",
+ "▁Tri be",
+ "▁Trib e",
+ "▁L una",
+ "▁Lu na",
+ "▁Lun a",
+ "un less",
+ "▁Some w",
+ "▁Som ew",
+ "▁Wh itt",
+ "▁Whit t",
+ "▁bur gl",
+ "▁burg l",
+ "ig rated",
+ "igr ated",
+ "▁F ringe",
+ "▁Fr inge",
+ "▁wr apping",
+ "▁wra pping",
+ "▁wrap ping",
+ "▁Bern stein",
+ "no s",
+ "n os",
+ "sy s",
+ "s ys",
+ "▁BB Q",
+ "▁abrupt ly",
+ "▁con quest",
+ "▁conqu est",
+ "▁myst ical",
+ "H F",
+ "J o",
+ "tt le",
+ "t tle",
+ "▁ant iv",
+ "▁anti v",
+ "em ployed",
+ "se ed",
+ "see d",
+ "s eed",
+ "ro phy",
+ "rop hy",
+ "roph y",
+ "uzz le",
+ "u zzle",
+ "▁L ima",
+ "▁Lim a",
+ "▁Li ma",
+ "▁corp us",
+ "▁group ed",
+ "▁host age",
+ "▁ho stage",
+ "▁ob solete",
+ "R a",
+ "ug a",
+ "u ga",
+ "ys s",
+ "y ss",
+ "ve ll",
+ "vel l",
+ "v ell",
+ "no des",
+ "node s",
+ "n odes",
+ "▁F arms",
+ "▁Far ms",
+ "▁Farm s",
+ "omorph ism",
+ "ograph ically",
+ "ographic ally",
+ "ographical ly",
+ "Bl og",
+ "B log",
+ "ud er",
+ "ude r",
+ "u der",
+ "oid al",
+ "oi dal",
+ "o idal",
+ "▁C rom",
+ "▁Cr om",
+ "▁Cro m",
+ "▁d ich",
+ "▁di ch",
+ "▁Satur days",
+ "▁Saturday s",
+ "▁Cor ruption",
+ "▁clar ification",
+ "zz o",
+ "z zo",
+ "▁t ying",
+ "▁ty ing",
+ "▁mat rices",
+ "▁re opening",
+ "▁reopen ing",
+ "▁pestic ides",
+ "▁pest icides",
+ "▁K ah",
+ "▁Ka h",
+ "Run time",
+ "▁migr ate",
+ "▁mig rate",
+ "ac qu",
+ "se nt",
+ "sen t",
+ "s ent",
+ "▁AD V",
+ "cul us",
+ "c ulus",
+ "▁M ush",
+ "▁Mus h",
+ "▁Mu sh",
+ "▁V ale",
+ "▁Val e",
+ "▁Va le",
+ "▁Kap oor",
+ "▁pil lar",
+ "▁pill ar",
+ "▁sn akes",
+ "▁snake s",
+ "▁special ize",
+ "S F",
+ "f m",
+ "▁C ot",
+ "▁Co t",
+ "You ng",
+ "▁sp icy",
+ "▁fault s",
+ "▁fa ults",
+ "▁Pok emon",
+ "▁Thous and",
+ "W T",
+ "ri ced",
+ "ric ed",
+ "rice d",
+ "r iced",
+ "▁turb ines",
+ "▁turbine s",
+ "▁im partial",
+ "▁impart ial",
+ "K Y",
+ "▁U h",
+ "▁p g",
+ "▁ pg",
+ "▁M SC",
+ "▁MS C",
+ "▁C aleb",
+ "▁Cal eb",
+ "he aders",
+ "head ers",
+ "header s",
+ "hea ders",
+ "▁ass erts",
+ "▁assert s",
+ "▁aven ues",
+ "▁Exp ansion",
+ "▁Wor cester",
+ "▁opp ressed",
+ "ab h",
+ "▁conv ict",
+ "▁F iji",
+ "▁Fi ji",
+ "▁P atch",
+ "▁Pat ch",
+ "▁r aced",
+ "▁ra ced",
+ "▁race d",
+ "▁rac ed",
+ "▁fav ors",
+ "▁favor s",
+ "▁Friend ly",
+ "▁Ga ussian",
+ "▁don ating",
+ "▁stand out",
+ "▁Im mediately",
+ "W ORK",
+ "▁o ft",
+ "▁of t",
+ "▁ oft",
+ "▁Sch ul",
+ "▁Schu l",
+ "▁head aches",
+ "▁headache s",
+ "oh o",
+ "o ho",
+ "▁s ys",
+ "▁sy s",
+ "▁ sys",
+ "by tes",
+ "byte s",
+ "eb ted",
+ "mult i",
+ "▁V irus",
+ "▁Vir us",
+ "▁Vi rus",
+ "▁Att ention",
+ "▁Kavan augh",
+ "▁begin ners",
+ "▁p ag",
+ "▁pa g",
+ "▁F oss",
+ "▁Fo ss",
+ "▁ep och",
+ "▁piv ot",
+ "▁T ribute",
+ "▁Trib ute",
+ "et i",
+ "e ti",
+ "pe i",
+ "p ei",
+ "▁Cha os",
+ "▁J oker",
+ "▁Jo ker",
+ "▁bag gage",
+ "▁Count ies",
+ "▁Coun ties",
+ "▁alleg ation",
+ "▁discontin ued",
+ "ai c",
+ "a ic",
+ "So ft",
+ "S oft",
+ "em itic",
+ "emit ic",
+ "emi tic",
+ "▁Hab itat",
+ "▁disp ens",
+ "pi ck",
+ "pic k",
+ "p ick",
+ "▁C IO",
+ "▁CI O",
+ "ige on",
+ "i geon",
+ "ion ic",
+ "io nic",
+ "ioni c",
+ "i onic",
+ "ou ter",
+ "out er",
+ "oute r",
+ "o uter",
+ "▁J ans",
+ "▁Jan s",
+ "▁Ja ns",
+ "▁Ce cil",
+ "▁Cec il",
+ "▁ble ak",
+ "Gener ic",
+ "▁Sal man",
+ "▁Int eger",
+ "▁Integ er",
+ "▁ Integer",
+ "▁intu ition",
+ "▁lon eliness",
+ "▁lone liness",
+ "▁K K",
+ "▁ign ores",
+ "▁ignore s",
+ "▁ignor es",
+ "▁Pharmaceutical s",
+ "▁Ext rem",
+ "▁War rant",
+ "get Name",
+ "osc opic",
+ "o scopic",
+ "▁Inst ant",
+ "▁dub ious",
+ "▁enc oded",
+ "▁match up",
+ "af er",
+ "afe r",
+ "a fer",
+ "▁D re",
+ "▁Dr e",
+ "▁P ike",
+ "▁Pi ke",
+ "sim ple",
+ "s imple",
+ "▁B oyle",
+ "▁Bo yle",
+ "▁Boy le",
+ "▁revis it",
+ "▁cha tting",
+ "▁chat ting",
+ "▁hard core",
+ "▁abol ition",
+ "▁M n",
+ "IF IC",
+ "IFI C",
+ "es ville",
+ "▁T ables",
+ "▁Table s",
+ "▁Ta bles",
+ "▁Tab les",
+ "▁turt les",
+ "▁J unction",
+ "▁Jun ction",
+ "▁Speed way",
+ ")) );",
+ "))) ;",
+ ") ));",
+ "▁R ocks",
+ "▁Rock s",
+ "▁Ro cks",
+ "▁Roc ks",
+ "▁call er",
+ "▁ca ller",
+ "▁cal ler",
+ "▁check out",
+ "▁E xit",
+ "▁Ex it",
+ "in ators",
+ "inator s",
+ "zi lla",
+ "z illa",
+ "▁B ots",
+ "▁Bo ts",
+ "▁Bot s",
+ "▁an terior",
+ "▁ant erior",
+ "▁ante rior",
+ "▁eng agements",
+ "▁engage ments",
+ "▁engagement s",
+ "h box",
+ "▁s ack",
+ "▁sa ck",
+ "▁sac k",
+ "▁le asing",
+ "▁Hospital ity",
+ "▁mis represent",
+ "N B",
+ "AR P",
+ "A RP",
+ "am orph",
+ "▁e long",
+ "▁el ong",
+ "▁ elong",
+ "▁kn ots",
+ "▁knot s",
+ "▁Zion ist",
+ "▁manifest ation",
+ "oy er",
+ "o yer",
+ "▁h an",
+ "▁ha n",
+ "▁ han",
+ "▁v illa",
+ "▁vill a",
+ "▁vi lla",
+ "Reg ister",
+ "▁type def",
+ "▁typed ef",
+ "▁Paper back",
+ "▁explos ions",
+ "▁explosion s",
+ "C V",
+ "▁{ '",
+ "of ten",
+ "oft en",
+ "o ften",
+ "▁gl oom",
+ "▁mor bid",
+ "▁Celebr ate",
+ "▁Celeb rate",
+ "▁Trad ition",
+ "▁elect orate",
+ "E p",
+ "▁E ly",
+ "▁El y",
+ "▁Access ibility",
+ "▁author itative",
+ "ar ty",
+ "art y",
+ "▁M adh",
+ "▁Mad h",
+ "▁ab duct",
+ "▁abd uct",
+ "▁inaug ur",
+ "▁method ologies",
+ "pe nd",
+ "pen d",
+ "p end",
+ "▁A she",
+ "▁As he",
+ "▁Ash e",
+ "▁Elect ro",
+ "▁m L",
+ "▁ mL",
+ "▁Mer ch",
+ "▁Merc h",
+ "▁un expl",
+ "in ctions",
+ "inct ions",
+ "inction s",
+ "ite rator",
+ "iter ator",
+ "▁ramp ant",
+ "▁in advert",
+ "▁Phil osoph",
+ "▁Disney land",
+ "es on",
+ "e son",
+ "▁Gu ang",
+ "▁G illes",
+ "▁Gil les",
+ "▁Gill es",
+ "▁capt ive",
+ "▁captiv e",
+ "▁Phot ographs",
+ "▁Photograph s",
+ "cy l",
+ "c yl",
+ "▁T ED",
+ "▁TE D",
+ "▁t ug",
+ "▁tu g",
+ "▁b rid",
+ "▁br id",
+ "▁bri d",
+ "▁ brid",
+ "▁scan ner",
+ "▁y outube",
+ "▁you tube",
+ "▁ youtube",
+ "▁u prising",
+ "▁up rising",
+ "▁S SL",
+ "▁SS L",
+ "▁ SSL",
+ "▁P ens",
+ "▁Pe ns",
+ "▁Pen s",
+ "▁T rem",
+ "▁Tr em",
+ "▁Tre m",
+ "▁b isc",
+ "▁bi sc",
+ "▁bis c",
+ "asm ine",
+ "Sc ience",
+ "AL SE",
+ "ALS E",
+ "▁Qu iet",
+ "▁Sabb ath",
+ "▁We instein",
+ "al er",
+ "ale r",
+ "a ler",
+ "cal c",
+ "▁V od",
+ "▁Vo d",
+ "▁C asc",
+ "▁Cas c",
+ "▁Ca sc",
+ "▁M ari",
+ "▁Mar i",
+ "▁Ma ri",
+ "▁sa lon",
+ "▁sal on",
+ "▁rev ive",
+ "he tically",
+ "het ically",
+ "hetic ally",
+ "hetical ly",
+ "h etically",
+ "inst agram",
+ "▁sub group",
+ "▁Mar ijuana",
+ "▁deploy ing",
+ "▁R ag",
+ "▁Ra g",
+ "▁Y ah",
+ "▁Ya h",
+ "▁bl iss",
+ "L uc",
+ "ocy te",
+ "am ping",
+ "amp ing",
+ "d agger",
+ "▁S alis",
+ "▁Sal is",
+ "▁Sa lis",
+ "▁mind ful",
+ "▁k ö",
+ "▁co vert",
+ "▁cover t",
+ "▁cov ert",
+ "▁V ish",
+ "▁Vis h",
+ "▁Vi sh",
+ "Cre dit",
+ "Cr edit",
+ "C redit",
+ "▁Br ass",
+ "▁Bra ss",
+ "▁Bras s",
+ "▁C ater",
+ "▁Cat er",
+ "▁Ca ter",
+ "▁van ished",
+ "ET S",
+ "E TS",
+ "ki ck",
+ "k ick",
+ "air obi",
+ "airo bi",
+ "▁fr anc",
+ "▁fra nc",
+ "urs ions",
+ "ursion s",
+ "▁bol ster",
+ "▁de ception",
+ "▁dece ption",
+ "▁Investig ations",
+ "▁Investigation s",
+ "▁g it",
+ "▁gi t",
+ "▁ git",
+ "Im port",
+ "▁R ated",
+ "▁Ra ted",
+ "▁Rat ed",
+ "▁Rate d",
+ "exec ute",
+ "▁Be acon",
+ "▁Bea con",
+ "▁kinderg arten",
+ "ü ck",
+ "al am",
+ "ala m",
+ "a lam",
+ "He art",
+ "b rowser",
+ "▁Aud rey",
+ "▁Mer kel",
+ "▁front s",
+ "▁mis con",
+ "▁mus cular",
+ "ia tor",
+ "iat or",
+ "i ator",
+ "re atic",
+ "reat ic",
+ "rea tic",
+ "▁bre asts",
+ "▁breast s",
+ "▁transcript s",
+ "▁H OME",
+ "▁HO ME",
+ "▁l ions",
+ "▁li ons",
+ "▁lion s",
+ "▁Int ent",
+ "▁ass ortment",
+ "▁( $\\",
+ "▁($ \\",
+ "▁J ungle",
+ "▁Jung le",
+ "▁under p",
+ "Ma il",
+ "M ail",
+ "ev il",
+ "do cker",
+ "doc ker",
+ "d ocker",
+ "▁over flow",
+ "Se x",
+ "S ex",
+ "▁L ORD",
+ "▁p add",
+ "▁pa dd",
+ "▁pad d",
+ "se ller",
+ "sel ler",
+ "sell er",
+ "s eller",
+ "▁Ser ious",
+ "▁appl ause",
+ "▁appla use",
+ "▁trust worthy",
+ "▁WAR R",
+ "De sign",
+ "Des ign",
+ "▁Jess ie",
+ "▁Fe eling",
+ "▁Feel ing",
+ "▁Fee ling",
+ "▁se ismic",
+ "▁parallel s",
+ "▁paralle ls",
+ "▁inter connected",
+ "▁g ears",
+ "▁ge ars",
+ "▁gear s",
+ "▁kin ase",
+ "▁F ounding",
+ "▁Found ing",
+ "▁Dick inson",
+ "▁inter iors",
+ "▁interior s",
+ "▁Under graduate",
+ "ge b",
+ "g eb",
+ "am big",
+ "amb ig",
+ "▁in qu",
+ "▁ inqu",
+ "▁e rupted",
+ "▁erupt ed",
+ "▁recomm ending",
+ "▁recommend ing",
+ "]) .",
+ "] ).",
+ "mp h",
+ "m ph",
+ "▁U rs",
+ "▁Ur s",
+ "▁V ie",
+ "▁Vi e",
+ "▁SU MM",
+ "▁SUM M",
+ "▁Bl acks",
+ "▁Black s",
+ "▁p av",
+ "▁pa v",
+ "in ant",
+ "ina nt",
+ "▁itiner ary",
+ "▁screen ings",
+ "▁screening s",
+ "▁diss olution",
+ "Count ry",
+ "▁pump kin",
+ "AP H",
+ "A PH",
+ "▁ob edience",
+ "▁tempt ation",
+ "▁captiv ating",
+ "'' '",
+ "' ''",
+ "ko w",
+ "k ow",
+ "▁L au",
+ "▁La u",
+ "▁Sh ay",
+ "▁Sha y",
+ "ce phal",
+ "▁Arg ument",
+ "▁ Argument",
+ "▁fort ress",
+ "▁Neuro science",
+ "EN A",
+ "E NA",
+ "fu r",
+ "f ur",
+ "ta n",
+ "t an",
+ "ac ion",
+ "▁F eld",
+ "▁Fe ld",
+ "▁Fel d",
+ "▁R oses",
+ "▁Ro ses",
+ "▁Rose s",
+ "▁Ros es",
+ "▁b ir",
+ "▁bi r",
+ "Dr iver",
+ "D river",
+ "er dale",
+ "erd ale",
+ "▁D ante",
+ "▁Dan te",
+ "▁heart felt",
+ "▁D EV",
+ "▁DE V",
+ "▁G an",
+ "▁Ga n",
+ "urs ed",
+ "urse d",
+ "▁Nik ki",
+ "▁fre ak",
+ "▁cont ender",
+ "▁contend er",
+ "▁Celebr ating",
+ "▁Celeb rating",
+ "▁Person ality",
+ "▁Personal ity",
+ "fr ey",
+ "fre y",
+ "f rey",
+ "▁Le vin",
+ "▁Lev in",
+ "▁Levi n",
+ "▁un cond",
+ "▁unc ond",
+ "▁uncon d",
+ "▁ste alth",
+ "▁steal th",
+ "▁Qu ery",
+ "▁Que ry",
+ "▁ Query",
+ "▁bank ers",
+ "▁ban kers",
+ "▁Ge ological",
+ "▁… .",
+ "▁ ….",
+ "ru ck",
+ "r uck",
+ "och astic",
+ "▁CHAP TER",
+ "▁Ether net",
+ "▁S AF",
+ "▁SA F",
+ "er mal",
+ "erm al",
+ "▁R acial",
+ "▁Ra cial",
+ "▁Rac ial",
+ "▁Shel by",
+ "▁alumin ium",
+ "▁affirm ative",
+ "▁hypot hetical",
+ "▁s ua",
+ "▁su a",
+ "ion age",
+ "iona ge",
+ "▁S held",
+ "▁Sh eld",
+ "▁She ld",
+ "▁Shel d",
+ "▁Board s",
+ "▁Bo ards",
+ "▁fac ets",
+ "▁face ts",
+ "▁transport ing",
+ "▁M ys",
+ "▁My s",
+ "▁scal ar",
+ "▁achie ves",
+ "▁achieve s",
+ "▁Add iction",
+ "ki l",
+ "k il",
+ "▁k a",
+ "▁ ka",
+ "▁l l",
+ "▁ ll",
+ "▁A rd",
+ "▁Ar d",
+ "▁} ;\r",
+ "▁}; \r",
+ "wed ge",
+ "w edge",
+ "▁rust ic",
+ "▁mil itar",
+ "▁milit ar",
+ "▁all ocate",
+ "▁alloc ate",
+ "— —",
+ "▁R AD",
+ "▁RA D",
+ "on son",
+ "ons on",
+ "onso n",
+ "▁mi mic",
+ "▁mim ic",
+ "▁Circ us",
+ "▁Cir cus",
+ "Iter ator",
+ "▁Jud gment",
+ "▁List ening",
+ "▁Listen ing",
+ "S elf",
+ "▁Al le",
+ "▁All e",
+ "▁C ake",
+ "▁Ca ke",
+ "▁c ries",
+ "▁cr ies",
+ "▁cat chy",
+ "▁catch y",
+ "▁poor er",
+ "▁poore r",
+ "▁ab dominal",
+ "▁inter mitt",
+ "▁pilgr image",
+ "▁exp onential",
+ "▁exponent ial",
+ "▁indisp ensable",
+ "AF P",
+ "A FP",
+ "ст е",
+ "с те",
+ "▁B CE",
+ "▁BC E",
+ "▁M EM",
+ "▁ME M",
+ "▁Sh ak",
+ "▁Sha k",
+ "▁Bl essed",
+ "▁Bless ed",
+ "▁G n",
+ "vo us",
+ "v ous",
+ "▁Die sel",
+ "▁Dies el",
+ "в у",
+ "▁b aff",
+ "▁ba ff",
+ "▁Cros by",
+ "▁rep utable",
+ "▁reput able",
+ "▁spark ling",
+ "▁pedest rians",
+ "▁pedestrian s",
+ "G G",
+ "▁p inch",
+ "▁pin ch",
+ "operat orname",
+ "qu ist",
+ "quis t",
+ "▁Al ma",
+ "he rical",
+ "her ical",
+ "heric al",
+ "▁organ ise",
+ "▁organis e",
+ "▁occup ancy",
+ "▁reject ing",
+ "U X",
+ "he ets",
+ "heet s",
+ "hee ts",
+ "id ade",
+ "ida de",
+ "idad e",
+ "▁k night",
+ "▁kn ight",
+ "CL UD",
+ "▁T omb",
+ "▁To mb",
+ "▁Tom b",
+ "▁Re bel",
+ "▁Reb el",
+ "▁S ight",
+ "▁Sig ht",
+ "▁inter tw"
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/artifacts/tuned_llama_with_added_tokens/tokenizer_config.json b/tests/artifacts/tuned_llama_with_added_tokens/tokenizer_config.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dfbcfd682
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/artifacts/tuned_llama_with_added_tokens/tokenizer_config.json
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ "add_bos_token": true,
+ "add_eos_token": false,
+ "add_prefix_space": null,
+ "added_tokens_decoder": {
+ "0": {
+ "content": "",
+ "lstrip": false,
+ "normalized": false,
+ "rstrip": false,
+ "single_word": false,
+ "special": true
+ },
+ "1": {
+ "content": "",
+ "lstrip": false,
+ "normalized": false,
+ "rstrip": false,
+ "single_word": false,
+ "special": true
+ },
+ "2": {
+ "content": "",
+ "lstrip": false,
+ "normalized": false,
+ "rstrip": false,
+ "single_word": false,
+ "special": true
+ },
+ "32000": {
+ "content": "",
+ "lstrip": false,
+ "normalized": false,
+ "rstrip": false,
+ "single_word": false,
+ "special": true
+ }
+ },
+ "bos_token": "",
+ "clean_up_tokenization_spaces": false,
+ "eos_token": "",
+ "legacy": true,
+ "model_max_length": 2048,
+ "pad_token": "",
+ "sp_model_kwargs": {},
+ "tokenizer_class": "LlamaTokenizer",
+ "unk_token": "",
+ "use_default_system_prompt": false
diff --git a/tests/build/test_launch_script.py b/tests/build/test_launch_script.py
index 927af3165..e2c37950b 100644
--- a/tests/build/test_launch_script.py
+++ b/tests/build/test_launch_script.py
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
# First Party
from build.accelerate_launch import main
from build.utils import serialize_args, get_highest_checkpoint
-from tests.data import TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA
+from tests.data import TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA_JSONL
from tuning.utils.error_logging import (
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
MODEL_NAME = "Maykeye/TinyLLama-v0"
"model_name_or_path": MODEL_NAME,
- "training_data_path": TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA,
+ "training_data_path": TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA_JSONL,
"num_train_epochs": 5,
"per_device_train_batch_size": 4,
"per_device_eval_batch_size": 4,
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ def test_lora_save_model_dir_separate_dirs():
_validate_training_output(save_model_dir, "lora")
- assert len(os.listdir(output_dir)) == 3
+ # purpose here is to see if only one checkpoint is saved
checkpoints = glob.glob(os.path.join(output_dir, "checkpoint-*"))
assert len(checkpoints) == 1
@@ -214,6 +214,38 @@ def test_lora_save_model_dir_same_dir_as_output_dir_save_strategy_no():
assert len(checkpoints) == 0
+def test_lora_with_lora_post_process_for_vllm_set_to_true():
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
+ setup_env(tempdir)
+ **{
+ "output_dir": tempdir,
+ "save_model_dir": tempdir,
+ "lora_post_process_for_vllm": True,
+ },
+ }
+ serialized_args = serialize_args(TRAIN_KWARGS)
+ os.environ["SFT_TRAINER_CONFIG_JSON_ENV_VAR"] = serialized_args
+ assert main() == 0
+ # check that model and logs exists in output_dir
+ _validate_termination_files_when_tuning_succeeds(tempdir)
+ _validate_training_output(tempdir, "lora")
+ for _, dirs, _ in os.walk(tempdir, topdown=False):
+ for name in dirs:
+ if "checkpoint-" in name.lower():
+ new_embeddings_file_path = os.path.join(
+ tempdir, name, "new_embeddings.safetensors"
+ )
+ assert os.path.exists(new_embeddings_file_path)
+ # check for new_embeddings.safetensors
+ new_embeddings_file_path = os.path.join(tempdir, "new_embeddings.safetensors")
+ assert os.path.exists(new_embeddings_file_path)
def test_bad_script_path():
"""Check for appropriate error for an invalid training script location"""
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
diff --git a/tests/data/__init__.py b/tests/data/__init__.py
index c93187222..ac9d487bd 100644
--- a/tests/data/__init__.py
+++ b/tests/data/__init__.py
@@ -19,12 +19,18 @@
### Constants used for data
DATA_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__))
-TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "twitter_complaints_small.jsonl")
+TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA_JSON = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "twitter_complaints_small.json")
+TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA_JSONL = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "twitter_complaints_small.jsonl")
+ DATA_DIR, "twitter_complaints_input_output.json"
DATA_DIR, "twitter_complaints_input_output.jsonl"
-TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_JSON_FORMAT = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "twitter_complaints_json.json")
+ DATA_DIR, "twitter_complaints_tokenized_with_maykeye_tinyllama_v0.json"
DATA_DIR, "twitter_complaints_tokenized_with_maykeye_tinyllama_v0.jsonl"
EMPTY_DATA = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "empty_data.json")
diff --git a/tests/data/twitter_complaints_input_output.json b/tests/data/twitter_complaints_input_output.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c8e71c574
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/twitter_complaints_input_output.json
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+ {
+ "ID": 0,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "input": "@HMRCcustomers No this is my first job",
+ "output": "no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 1,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "input": "@KristaMariePark Thank you for your interest! If you decide to cancel, you can call Customer Care at 1-800-NYTIMES.",
+ "output": "no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 2,
+ "Label": 1,
+ "input": "If I can't get my 3rd pair of @beatsbydre powerbeats to work today I'm doneski man. This is a slap in my balls. Your next @Bose @BoseService",
+ "output": "complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 3,
+ "Label": 1,
+ "input": "@EE On Rosneath Arial having good upload and download speeds but terrible latency 200ms. Why is this.",
+ "output": "complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 4,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "input": "Couples wallpaper, so cute. :) #BrothersAtHome",
+ "output": "no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 5,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "input": "@mckelldogs This might just be me, but-- eyedrops? Artificial tears are so useful when you're sleep-deprived and sp\u2026 https://t.co/WRtNsokblG",
+ "output": "no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 6,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "input": "@Yelp can we get the exact calculations for a business rating (for example if its 4 stars but actually 4.2) or do we use a 3rd party site?",
+ "output": "no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 7,
+ "Label": 1,
+ "input": "@nationalgridus I have no water and the bill is current and paid. Can you do something about this?",
+ "output": "complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 8,
+ "Label": 1,
+ "input": "Never shopping at @MACcosmetics again. Every time I go in there, their employees are super rude/condescending. I'll take my $$ to @Sephora",
+ "output": "complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 9,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "input": "@JenniferTilly Merry Christmas to as well. You get more stunning every year \ufffd\ufffd",
+ "output": "no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 10,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "input": "@NortonSupport Thanks much.",
+ "output": "no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 11,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "input": "@VerizonSupport all of a sudden I can't connect to my primary wireless network but guest one works",
+ "output": "no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 12,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "input": "Aaaahhhhh!!!! My @Razer @PlayOverwatch d.va meka headset came in!!! I didn't even know it had shipped!!! So excited\u2026 https://t.co/4gXy9xED8d",
+ "output": "no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 13,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "input": "@Lin_Manuel @jmessinaphoto @VAMNit Omg a little squish!!!!! Enjoy and congrats!!!! I miss mine being so young! \ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd",
+ "output": "no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 14,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "input": "@IanJamesPoulter What's your secret to poaching eggs? Mine NEVER look that good.",
+ "output": "no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 15,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "input": "@AWSSupport When will be able Kinesis Firehose compatible with Elasticsearch 6.0? Thank you!",
+ "output": "no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 16,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "input": "@NCIS_CBS https://t.co/eeVL9Eu3bE",
+ "output": "no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 17,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "input": "@msetchell Via the settings? That\u2019s how I do it on master T\u2019s",
+ "output": "no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 18,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "input": "Today at work there was a low flying duck heading toward a crowd of people, and I yelled \"watch out! and I'm very disappointed with myself.",
+ "output": "no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 19,
+ "Label": 1,
+ "input": "@NortonSupport @NortonOnline What the hell is a dm 5-10 days to get money back bank account now overdrawn thanks guys",
+ "output": "complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 20,
+ "Label": 1,
+ "input": "@united not happy with this delay from Newark to Manchester tonight :( only 30 mins free Wi-fi sucks ...",
+ "output": "complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 21,
+ "Label": 1,
+ "input": "@ZARA_Care I've been waiting on a reply to my tweets and DMs for days now?",
+ "output": "complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 22,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "input": "New Listing! Large 2 Family Home for Sale in #Passaic Park, #NJ #realestate #homesforsale Great Location!\u2026 https://t.co/IV4OrLXkMk",
+ "output": "no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 23,
+ "Label": 1,
+ "input": "@SouthwestAir I love you but when sending me flight changes please don't use military time #ignoranceisbliss",
+ "output": "complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 24,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "input": "@JetBlue Completely understand but would prefer being on time to filling out forms....",
+ "output": "no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 25,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "input": "@nvidiacc I own two gtx 460 in sli. I want to try windows 8 dev preview. Which driver should I use. Can I use the windows 7 one.",
+ "output": "no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 26,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "input": "Just posted a photo https://t.co/RShFwCjPHu",
+ "output": "no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 27,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "input": "Love crescent rolls? Try adding pesto @PerdueChicken to them and you\u2019re going to love it! #Promotion #PerdueCrew -\u2026 https://t.co/KBHOfqCukH",
+ "output": "no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 28,
+ "Label": 1,
+ "input": "@TopmanAskUs please just give me my money back.",
+ "output": "complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 29,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "input": "I just gave 5 stars to Tracee at @neimanmarcus for the great service I received!",
+ "output": "no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 30,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "input": "@FitbitSupport when are you launching new clock faces for Indian market",
+ "output": "no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 31,
+ "Label": 1,
+ "input": "@HPSupport my printer will not allow me to choose color instead it only prints monochrome #hppsdr #ijkhelp",
+ "output": "complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 32,
+ "Label": 1,
+ "input": "@DIRECTV can I get a monthly charge double refund when it sprinkles outside and we lose reception? #IamEmbarrasedForYou",
+ "output": "complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 33,
+ "Label": 1,
+ "input": "@AlfaRomeoCares Hi thanks for replying, could be my internet but link doesn't seem to be working",
+ "output": "complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 34,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "input": "Looks tasty! Going to share with everyone I know #FebrezeONE #sponsored https://t.co/4AQI53npei",
+ "output": "no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 35,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "input": "@OnePlus_IN can OnePlus 5T do front camera portrait?",
+ "output": "no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 36,
+ "Label": 1,
+ "input": "@sho_help @showtime your arrive is terrible streaming is stop and start every couple mins. Get it together it's xmas",
+ "output": "complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 37,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "input": "@KandraKPTV I just witnessed a huge building fire in Santa Monica California",
+ "output": "no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 38,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "input": "@fernrocks most definitely the latter for me",
+ "output": "no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 39,
+ "Label": 1,
+ "input": "@greateranglia Could I ask why the Area in front of BIC Station was not gritted withh all the snow.",
+ "output": "complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 40,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "input": "I'm earning points with #CricketRewards https://t.co/GfpGhqqnhE",
+ "output": "no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 41,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "input": "@Schrapnel @comcast RIP me",
+ "output": "no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 42,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "input": "The wait is finally over, just joined @SquareUK, hope to get started real soon!",
+ "output": "no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 43,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "input": "@WholeFoods what's the best way to give feedback on a particular store to the regional/national office?",
+ "output": "no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 44,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "input": "@DanielNewman I honestly would believe anything. People are...too much sometimes.",
+ "output": "no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 45,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "input": "@asblough Yep! It should send you a notification with your driver\u2019s name and what time they\u2019ll be showing up!",
+ "output": "no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 46,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "input": "@Wavy2Timez for real",
+ "output": "no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 47,
+ "Label": 1,
+ "input": "@KenyaPower_Care no power in south b area... is it scheduled.",
+ "output": "complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 48,
+ "Label": 1,
+ "input": "Honda won't do anything about water leaking in brand new car. Frustrated! @HondaCustSvc @AmericanHonda",
+ "output": "complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "ID": 49,
+ "Label": 1,
+ "input": "@CBSNews @Dodge @ChryslerCares My driver side air bag has been recalled and replaced, but what about the passenger side?",
+ "output": "complaint"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/data/twitter_complaints_json.json b/tests/data/twitter_complaints_json.json
deleted file mode 100644
index fba22a9fd..000000000
--- a/tests/data/twitter_complaints_json.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
- {"Tweet text":"@HMRCcustomers No this is my first job","ID":0,"Label":2,"text_label":"no complaint","output":"### Text: @HMRCcustomers No this is my first job\n\n### Label: no complaint"},
- {"Tweet text":"@KristaMariePark Thank you for your interest! If you decide to cancel, you can call Customer Care at 1-800-NYTIMES.","ID":1,"Label":2,"text_label":"no complaint","output":"### Text: @KristaMariePark Thank you for your interest! If you decide to cancel, you can call Customer Care at 1-800-NYTIMES.\n\n### Label: no complaint"},
- {"Tweet text":"If I can't get my 3rd pair of @beatsbydre powerbeats to work today I'm doneski man. This is a slap in my balls. Your next @Bose @BoseService","ID":2,"Label":1,"text_label":"complaint","output":"### Text: If I can't get my 3rd pair of @beatsbydre powerbeats to work today I'm doneski man. This is a slap in my balls. Your next @Bose @BoseService\n\n### Label: complaint"},
- {"Tweet text":"@EE On Rosneath Arial having good upload and download speeds but terrible latency 200ms. Why is this.","ID":3,"Label":1,"text_label":"complaint","output":"### Text: @EE On Rosneath Arial having good upload and download speeds but terrible latency 200ms. Why is this.\n\n### Label: complaint"},
- {"Tweet text":"Couples wallpaper, so cute. :) #BrothersAtHome","ID":4,"Label":2,"text_label":"no complaint","output":"### Text: Couples wallpaper, so cute. :) #BrothersAtHome\n\n### Label: no complaint"},
- {"Tweet text":"@mckelldogs This might just be me, but-- eyedrops? Artificial tears are so useful when you're sleep-deprived and sp\u2026 https:\/\/t.co\/WRtNsokblG","ID":5,"Label":2,"text_label":"no complaint","output":"### Text: @mckelldogs This might just be me, but-- eyedrops? Artificial tears are so useful when you're sleep-deprived and sp\u2026 https:\/\/t.co\/WRtNsokblG\n\n### Label: no complaint"},
- {"Tweet text":"@Yelp can we get the exact calculations for a business rating (for example if its 4 stars but actually 4.2) or do we use a 3rd party site?","ID":6,"Label":2,"text_label":"no complaint","output":"### Text: @Yelp can we get the exact calculations for a business rating (for example if its 4 stars but actually 4.2) or do we use a 3rd party site?\n\n### Label: no complaint"},
- {"Tweet text":"@nationalgridus I have no water and the bill is current and paid. Can you do something about this?","ID":7,"Label":1,"text_label":"complaint","output":"### Text: @nationalgridus I have no water and the bill is current and paid. Can you do something about this?\n\n### Label: complaint"},
- {"Tweet text":"Never shopping at @MACcosmetics again. Every time I go in there, their employees are super rude\/condescending. I'll take my $$ to @Sephora","ID":8,"Label":1,"text_label":"complaint","output":"### Text: Never shopping at @MACcosmetics again. Every time I go in there, their employees are super rude\/condescending. I'll take my $$ to @Sephora\n\n### Label: complaint"},
- {"Tweet text":"@JenniferTilly Merry Christmas to as well. You get more stunning every year \ufffd\ufffd","ID":9,"Label":2,"text_label":"no complaint","output":"### Text: @JenniferTilly Merry Christmas to as well. You get more stunning every year \ufffd\ufffd\n\n### Label: no complaint"}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/data/twitter_complaints_small.json b/tests/data/twitter_complaints_small.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..01f06ea76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/twitter_complaints_small.json
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ {
+ "Tweet text": "@HMRCcustomers No this is my first job",
+ "ID": 0,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "text_label": "no complaint",
+ "output": "### Text: @HMRCcustomers No this is my first job\n\n### Label: no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "Tweet text": "@KristaMariePark Thank you for your interest! If you decide to cancel, you can call Customer Care at 1-800-NYTIMES.",
+ "ID": 1,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "text_label": "no complaint",
+ "output": "### Text: @KristaMariePark Thank you for your interest! If you decide to cancel, you can call Customer Care at 1-800-NYTIMES.\n\n### Label: no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "Tweet text": "If I can't get my 3rd pair of @beatsbydre powerbeats to work today I'm doneski man. This is a slap in my balls. Your next @Bose @BoseService",
+ "ID": 2,
+ "Label": 1,
+ "text_label": "complaint",
+ "output": "### Text: If I can't get my 3rd pair of @beatsbydre powerbeats to work today I'm doneski man. This is a slap in my balls. Your next @Bose @BoseService\n\n### Label: complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "Tweet text": "@EE On Rosneath Arial having good upload and download speeds but terrible latency 200ms. Why is this.",
+ "ID": 3,
+ "Label": 1,
+ "text_label": "complaint",
+ "output": "### Text: @EE On Rosneath Arial having good upload and download speeds but terrible latency 200ms. Why is this.\n\n### Label: complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "Tweet text": "Couples wallpaper, so cute. :) #BrothersAtHome",
+ "ID": 4,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "text_label": "no complaint",
+ "output": "### Text: Couples wallpaper, so cute. :) #BrothersAtHome\n\n### Label: no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "Tweet text": "@mckelldogs This might just be me, but-- eyedrops? Artificial tears are so useful when you're sleep-deprived and sp\u2026 https://t.co/WRtNsokblG",
+ "ID": 5,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "text_label": "no complaint",
+ "output": "### Text: @mckelldogs This might just be me, but-- eyedrops? Artificial tears are so useful when you're sleep-deprived and sp\u2026 https://t.co/WRtNsokblG\n\n### Label: no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "Tweet text": "@Yelp can we get the exact calculations for a business rating (for example if its 4 stars but actually 4.2) or do we use a 3rd party site?",
+ "ID": 6,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "text_label": "no complaint",
+ "output": "### Text: @Yelp can we get the exact calculations for a business rating (for example if its 4 stars but actually 4.2) or do we use a 3rd party site?\n\n### Label: no complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "Tweet text": "@nationalgridus I have no water and the bill is current and paid. Can you do something about this?",
+ "ID": 7,
+ "Label": 1,
+ "text_label": "complaint",
+ "output": "### Text: @nationalgridus I have no water and the bill is current and paid. Can you do something about this?\n\n### Label: complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "Tweet text": "Never shopping at @MACcosmetics again. Every time I go in there, their employees are super rude/condescending. I'll take my $$ to @Sephora",
+ "ID": 8,
+ "Label": 1,
+ "text_label": "complaint",
+ "output": "### Text: Never shopping at @MACcosmetics again. Every time I go in there, their employees are super rude/condescending. I'll take my $$ to @Sephora\n\n### Label: complaint"
+ },
+ {
+ "Tweet text": "@JenniferTilly Merry Christmas to as well. You get more stunning every year \ufffd\ufffd",
+ "ID": 9,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "text_label": "no complaint",
+ "output": "### Text: @JenniferTilly Merry Christmas to as well. You get more stunning every year \ufffd\ufffd\n\n### Label: no complaint"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/data/twitter_complaints_tokenized_with_maykeye_tinyllama_v0.json b/tests/data/twitter_complaints_tokenized_with_maykeye_tinyllama_v0.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ed86b496e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/twitter_complaints_tokenized_with_maykeye_tinyllama_v0.json
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+ {
+ "Tweet text": "@HMRCcustomers No this is my first job",
+ "ID": 0,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "text_label": "no complaint",
+ "output": "### Text: @HMRCcustomers No this is my first job\n\n### Label: no complaint",
+ "input_ids": [
+ 1, 16121, 9211, 31871, 1662, 31866, 31856, 7416, 17632, 369, 1398, 433, 322, 629, 712, 1784, 13, 13, 8458, 31922, 21597, 31871, 697, 9566
+ ],
+ "labels": [
+ 1, 16121, 9211, 31871, 1662, 31866, 31856, 7416, 17632, 369, 1398, 433, 322, 629, 712, 1784, 13, 13, 8458, 31922, 21597, 31871, 697, 9566
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Tweet text": "@KristaMariePark Thank you for your interest! If you decide to cancel, you can call Customer Care at 1-800-NYTIMES.",
+ "ID": 1,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "text_label": "no complaint",
+ "output": "### Text: @KristaMariePark Thank you for your interest! If you decide to cancel, you can call Customer Care at 1-800-NYTIMES.\n\n### Label: no complaint",
+ "input_ids": [
+ 1, 16121, 9211, 31871, 1662, 31892, 1260, 31825, 11273, 503, 31857, 632, 5284, 365, 329, 553, 1280, 31905, 960, 365, 6194, 289, 11025, 31844, 365, 473, 987, 12207, 4218, 389, 31822, 31853, 31854, 31886, 31852, 31852, 31854, 11300, 31847, 3873, 1507, 31843, 13, 13, 8458, 31922, 21597, 31871, 697, 9566
+ ],
+ "labels": [
+ 1, 16121, 9211, 31871, 1662, 31892, 1260, 31825, 11273, 503, 31857, 632, 5284, 365, 329, 553, 1280, 31905, 960, 365, 6194, 289, 11025, 31844, 365, 473, 987, 12207, 4218, 389, 31822, 31853, 31854, 31886, 31852, 31852, 31854, 11300, 31847, 3873, 1507, 31843, 13, 13, 8458, 31922, 21597, 31871, 697, 9566
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Tweet text": "If I can't get my 3rd pair of @beatsbydre powerbeats to work today I'm doneski man. This is a slap in my balls. Your next @Bose @BoseService",
+ "ID": 2,
+ "Label": 1,
+ "text_label": "complaint",
+ "output": "### Text: If I can't get my 3rd pair of @beatsbydre powerbeats to work today I'm doneski man. This is a slap in my balls. Your next @Bose @BoseService\n\n### Label: complaint",
+ "input_ids": [
+ 1, 16121, 9211, 31871, 960, 312, 473, 31876, 31824, 685, 629, 31822, 31878, 4449, 5861, 287, 1662, 1299, 1574, 1590, 31833, 263, 1360, 1299, 1574, 289, 623, 31822, 31824, 16346, 312, 31876, 31836, 994, 277, 3560, 567, 31843, 672, 322, 260, 29458, 288, 629, 14881, 31843, 2628, 1423, 1662, 31858, 601, 1662, 31858, 601, 8378, 13, 13, 8458, 31922, 21597, 31871, 9566
+ ],
+ "labels": [
+ 1, 16121, 9211, 31871, 960, 312, 473, 31876, 31824, 685, 629, 31822, 31878, 4449, 5861, 287, 1662, 1299, 1574, 1590, 31833, 263, 1360, 1299, 1574, 289, 623, 31822, 31824, 16346, 312, 31876, 31836, 994, 277, 3560, 567, 31843, 672, 322, 260, 29458, 288, 629, 14881, 31843, 2628, 1423, 1662, 31858, 601, 1662, 31858, 601, 8378, 13, 13, 8458, 31922, 21597, 31871, 9566
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Tweet text": "@EE On Rosneath Arial having good upload and download speeds but terrible latency 200ms. Why is this.",
+ "ID": 3,
+ "Label": 1,
+ "text_label": "complaint",
+ "output": "### Text: @EE On Rosneath Arial having good upload and download speeds but terrible latency 200ms. Why is this.\n\n### Label: complaint",
+ "input_ids": [
+ 1, 16121, 9211, 31871, 1662, 7766, 1078, 8123, 17561, 308, 3456, 1833, 975, 10849, 291, 4372, 15379, 504, 10011, 2368, 1512, 31822, 31855, 31852, 31852, 1243, 31843, 3007, 322, 433, 31843, 13, 13, 8458, 31922, 21597, 31871, 9566
+ ],
+ "labels": [
+ 1, 16121, 9211, 31871, 1662, 7766, 1078, 8123, 17561, 308, 3456, 1833, 975, 10849, 291, 4372, 15379, 504, 10011, 2368, 1512, 31822, 31855, 31852, 31852, 1243, 31843, 3007, 322, 433, 31843, 13, 13, 8458, 31922, 21597, 31871, 9566
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Tweet text": "Couples wallpaper, so cute. :) #BrothersAtHome",
+ "ID": 4,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "text_label": "no complaint",
+ "output": "### Text: Couples wallpaper, so cute. :) #BrothersAtHome\n\n### Label: no complaint",
+ "input_ids": [
+ 1, 16121, 9211, 31871, 12371, 2208, 26657, 31844, 560, 14138, 31843, 21994, 1257, 24870, 496, 31829, 8198, 19057, 13, 13, 8458, 31922, 21597, 31871, 697, 9566
+ ],
+ "labels": [
+ 1, 16121, 9211, 31871, 12371, 2208, 26657, 31844, 560, 14138, 31843, 21994, 1257, 24870, 496, 31829, 8198, 19057, 13, 13, 8458, 31922, 21597, 31871, 697, 9566
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Tweet text": "@mckelldogs This might just be me, but-- eyedrops? Artificial tears are so useful when you're sleep-deprived and sp\u2026 https://t.co/WRtNsokblG",
+ "ID": 5,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "text_label": "no complaint",
+ "output": "### Text: @mckelldogs This might just be me, but-- eyedrops? Artificial tears are so useful when you're sleep-deprived and sp\u2026 https://t.co/WRtNsokblG\n\n### Label: no complaint",
+ "input_ids": [
+ 1, 16121, 9211, 31871, 1662, 31836, 651, 307, 395, 13094, 672, 1467, 701, 333, 515, 31844, 504, 1097, 2266, 282, 305, 781, 31902, 21626, 31822, 31824, 5540, 397, 560, 5253, 662, 365, 31876, 263, 4985, 31854, 8903, 16801, 291, 612, 31925, 2011, 1129, 31824, 31843, 1358, 31873, 19919, 31824, 31865, 31829, 469, 2131, 31874, 13, 13, 8458, 31922, 21597, 31871, 697, 9566
+ ],
+ "labels": [
+ 1, 16121, 9211, 31871, 1662, 31836, 651, 307, 395, 13094, 672, 1467, 701, 333, 515, 31844, 504, 1097, 2266, 282, 305, 781, 31902, 21626, 31822, 31824, 5540, 397, 560, 5253, 662, 365, 31876, 263, 4985, 31854, 8903, 16801, 291, 612, 31925, 2011, 1129, 31824, 31843, 1358, 31873, 19919, 31824, 31865, 31829, 469, 2131, 31874, 13, 13, 8458, 31922, 21597, 31871, 697, 9566
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Tweet text": "@Yelp can we get the exact calculations for a business rating (for example if its 4 stars but actually 4.2) or do we use a 3rd party site?",
+ "ID": 6,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "text_label": "no complaint",
+ "output": "### Text: @Yelp can we get the exact calculations for a business rating (for example if its 4 stars but actually 4.2) or do we use a 3rd party site?\n\n### Label: no complaint",
+ "input_ids": [
+ 1, 16121, 9211, 31871, 1662, 31900, 307, 31837, 473, 382, 685, 266, 3195, 17532, 329, 260, 1173, 9363, 352, 1671, 1881, 646, 619, 31822, 31882, 5556, 504, 2091, 31822, 31882, 31843, 31855, 31861, 405, 499, 382, 863, 260, 31822, 31878, 4449, 2540, 2042, 31902, 13, 13, 8458, 31922, 21597, 31871, 697, 9566
+ ],
+ "labels": [
+ 1, 16121, 9211, 31871, 1662, 31900, 307, 31837, 473, 382, 685, 266, 3195, 17532, 329, 260, 1173, 9363, 352, 1671, 1881, 646, 619, 31822, 31882, 5556, 504, 2091, 31822, 31882, 31843, 31855, 31861, 405, 499, 382, 863, 260, 31822, 31878, 4449, 2540, 2042, 31902, 13, 13, 8458, 31922, 21597, 31871, 697, 9566
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Tweet text": "@nationalgridus I have no water and the bill is current and paid. Can you do something about this?",
+ "ID": 7,
+ "Label": 1,
+ "text_label": "complaint",
+ "output": "### Text: @nationalgridus I have no water and the bill is current and paid. Can you do something about this?\n\n### Label: complaint",
+ "input_ids": [
+ 1, 16121, 9211, 31871, 1662, 14390, 16373, 337, 312, 435, 697, 1579, 291, 266, 3925, 322, 1434, 291, 3877, 31843, 1456, 365, 499, 1419, 562, 433, 31902, 13, 13, 8458, 31922, 21597, 31871, 9566
+ ],
+ "labels": [
+ 1, 16121, 9211, 31871, 1662, 14390, 16373, 337, 312, 435, 697, 1579, 291, 266, 3925, 322, 1434, 291, 3877, 31843, 1456, 365, 499, 1419, 562, 433, 31902, 13, 13, 8458, 31922, 21597, 31871, 9566
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Tweet text": "Never shopping at @MACcosmetics again. Every time I go in there, their employees are super rude/condescending. I'll take my $$ to @Sephora",
+ "ID": 8,
+ "Label": 1,
+ "text_label": "complaint",
+ "output": "### Text: Never shopping at @MACcosmetics again. Every time I go in there, their employees are super rude/condescending. I'll take my $$ to @Sephora\n\n### Label: complaint",
+ "input_ids": [
+ 1, 16121, 9211, 31871, 7265, 7550, 389, 1662, 31856, 2226, 11596, 27771, 898, 31843, 3259, 647, 312, 498, 288, 635, 31844, 518, 3822, 397, 2168, 28910, 31873, 13627, 4107, 1708, 31843, 312, 31876, 608, 1090, 629, 10279, 289, 1662, 29966, 31831, 5605, 13, 13, 8458, 31922, 21597, 31871, 9566
+ ],
+ "labels": [
+ 1, 16121, 9211, 31871, 7265, 7550, 389, 1662, 31856, 2226, 11596, 27771, 898, 31843, 3259, 647, 312, 498, 288, 635, 31844, 518, 3822, 397, 2168, 28910, 31873, 13627, 4107, 1708, 31843, 312, 31876, 608, 1090, 629, 10279, 289, 1662, 29966, 31831, 5605, 13, 13, 8458, 31922, 21597, 31871, 9566
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Tweet text": "@JenniferTilly Merry Christmas to as well. You get more stunning every year \ufffd\ufffd",
+ "ID": 9,
+ "Label": 2,
+ "text_label": "no complaint",
+ "output": "### Text: @JenniferTilly Merry Christmas to as well. You get more stunning every year \ufffd\ufffd\n\n### Label: no complaint",
+ "input_ids": [
+ 1, 16121, 9211, 31871, 1662, 31884, 1450, 7064, 31847, 6538, 30894, 4472, 289, 362, 828, 31843, 864, 685, 541, 9932, 843, 584, 18694, 31986, 13, 13, 8458, 31922, 21597, 31871, 697, 9566
+ ],
+ "labels": [
+ 1, 16121, 9211, 31871, 1662, 31884, 1450, 7064, 31847, 6538, 30894, 4472, 289, 362, 828, 31843, 864, 685, 541, 9932, 843, 584, 18694, 31986, 13, 13, 8458, 31922, 21597, 31871, 697, 9566
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/test_sft_trainer.py b/tests/test_sft_trainer.py
index fc7ab144c..a800ed6f6 100644
--- a/tests/test_sft_trainer.py
+++ b/tests/test_sft_trainer.py
@@ -35,10 +35,11 @@
# Local
@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@
model_name_or_path=MODEL_NAME, use_flash_attn=False, torch_dtype="float32"
DATA_ARGS = configs.DataArguments(
- training_data_path=TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA,
response_template="\n### Label:",
@@ -79,6 +80,214 @@
PEFT_LORA_ARGS = peft_config.LoraConfig(r=8, lora_alpha=32, lora_dropout=0.05)
+def test_resume_training_from_checkpoint():
+ """
+ Test tuning resumes from the latest checkpoint, creating new checkpoints and the
+ checkpoints created before resuming tuning is not affected.
+ """
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
+ train_args = copy.deepcopy(TRAIN_ARGS)
+ train_args.output_dir = tempdir
+ sft_trainer.train(MODEL_ARGS, DATA_ARGS, train_args, None)
+ _validate_training(tempdir)
+ # Get trainer state of latest checkpoint
+ init_trainer_state, _ = _get_latest_checkpoint_trainer_state(tempdir)
+ assert init_trainer_state is not None
+ # Resume training with higher epoch and same output dir
+ train_args.num_train_epochs += 5
+ sft_trainer.train(MODEL_ARGS, DATA_ARGS, train_args, None)
+ _validate_training(tempdir)
+ # Get trainer state of latest checkpoint
+ final_trainer_state, _ = _get_latest_checkpoint_trainer_state(tempdir)
+ assert final_trainer_state is not None
+ assert final_trainer_state["epoch"] == init_trainer_state["epoch"] + 5
+ assert final_trainer_state["global_step"] > init_trainer_state["global_step"]
+ # Check if loss of 1st epoch after first tuning is same after
+ # resuming tuning and not overwritten
+ assert len(init_trainer_state["log_history"]) > 0
+ init_log_history = init_trainer_state["log_history"][0]
+ assert init_log_history["epoch"] == 1
+ final_log_history = final_trainer_state["log_history"][0]
+ assert final_log_history["epoch"] == 1
+ assert init_log_history["loss"] == final_log_history["loss"]
+def test_resume_training_from_checkpoint_with_flag_true():
+ """
+ Test tuning resumes from the latest checkpoint when flag is true,
+ creating new checkpoints and the checkpoints created before resuming
+ tuning is not affected.
+ """
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
+ train_args = copy.deepcopy(TRAIN_ARGS)
+ train_args.output_dir = tempdir
+ train_args.resume_from_checkpoint = "True"
+ sft_trainer.train(MODEL_ARGS, DATA_ARGS, train_args, None)
+ _validate_training(tempdir)
+ # Get trainer state of latest checkpoint
+ init_trainer_state, _ = _get_latest_checkpoint_trainer_state(tempdir)
+ assert init_trainer_state is not None
+ # Get Training logs
+ init_training_logs = _get_training_logs_by_epoch(tempdir)
+ # Resume training with higher epoch and same output dir
+ train_args.num_train_epochs += 5
+ sft_trainer.train(MODEL_ARGS, DATA_ARGS, train_args, None)
+ _validate_training(tempdir)
+ # Get trainer state of latest checkpoint
+ final_trainer_state, _ = _get_latest_checkpoint_trainer_state(tempdir)
+ assert final_trainer_state is not None
+ assert final_trainer_state["epoch"] == init_trainer_state["epoch"] + 5
+ assert final_trainer_state["global_step"] > init_trainer_state["global_step"]
+ final_training_logs = _get_training_logs_by_epoch(tempdir)
+ assert (
+ init_training_logs[0]["data"]["timestamp"]
+ == final_training_logs[0]["data"]["timestamp"]
+ )
+def test_resume_training_from_checkpoint_with_flag_false():
+ """
+ Test when setting resume_from_checkpoint=False that tuning will start from scratch.
+ """
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
+ train_args = copy.deepcopy(TRAIN_ARGS)
+ train_args.output_dir = tempdir
+ train_args.resume_from_checkpoint = "False"
+ sft_trainer.train(MODEL_ARGS, DATA_ARGS, train_args, None)
+ _validate_training(tempdir)
+ # Get trainer state of latest checkpoint
+ init_trainer_state, _ = _get_latest_checkpoint_trainer_state(tempdir)
+ assert init_trainer_state is not None
+ # Get Training log entry for epoch 1
+ init_training_logs = _get_training_logs_by_epoch(tempdir, epoch=1)
+ assert len(init_training_logs) == 1
+ # Training again with higher epoch and same output dir
+ train_args.num_train_epochs += 5
+ sft_trainer.train(MODEL_ARGS, DATA_ARGS, train_args, None)
+ _validate_training(tempdir)
+ # Get Training log entry for epoch 1
+ final_training_logs = _get_training_logs_by_epoch(tempdir, epoch=1)
+ assert len(final_training_logs) == 2
+def test_resume_training_from_checkpoint_with_flag_checkpoint_path_lora():
+ """
+ Test resume checkpoint from a specified checkpoint path for LoRA tuning.
+ """
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
+ train_args = copy.deepcopy(TRAIN_ARGS)
+ lora_config = copy.deepcopy(PEFT_LORA_ARGS)
+ train_args.output_dir = tempdir
+ sft_trainer.train(MODEL_ARGS, DATA_ARGS, train_args, lora_config)
+ _validate_training(tempdir)
+ # Get trainer state and checkpoint_path of second last checkpoint
+ init_trainer_state, checkpoint_path = _get_latest_checkpoint_trainer_state(
+ tempdir, checkpoint_index=-2
+ )
+ assert init_trainer_state is not None
+ # Resume training with higher epoch and same output dir
+ train_args.num_train_epochs += 5
+ train_args.resume_from_checkpoint = checkpoint_path
+ sft_trainer.train(MODEL_ARGS, DATA_ARGS, train_args, lora_config)
+ _validate_training(tempdir)
+ # Get total_flos from trainer state of checkpoint_path and check if its same
+ final_trainer_state = None
+ trainer_state_file = os.path.join(checkpoint_path, "trainer_state.json")
+ with open(trainer_state_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ final_trainer_state = json.load(f)
+ assert final_trainer_state["total_flos"] == init_trainer_state["total_flos"]
+def _get_latest_checkpoint_trainer_state(dir_path: str, checkpoint_index: int = -1):
+ """
+ Get the trainer state from the latest or specified checkpoint directory.
+ The trainer state is returned along with the path to the checkpoint.
+ Args:
+ dir_path (str): The directory path where checkpoint folders are located.
+ checkpoint_index (int, optional): The index of the checkpoint to retrieve,
+ based on the checkpoint number. The default
+ is -1, which returns the latest checkpoint.
+ Returns:
+ trainer_state: The trainer state loaded from `trainer_state.json` in the
+ checkpoint directory.
+ last_checkpoint: The path to the checkpoint directory.
+ """
+ trainer_state = None
+ last_checkpoint = None
+ checkpoints = [
+ os.path.join(dir_path, d)
+ for d in os.listdir(dir_path)
+ if d.startswith("checkpoint")
+ ]
+ if checkpoints:
+ last_checkpoint = sorted(checkpoints, key=lambda x: int(x.split("-")[-1]))[
+ checkpoint_index
+ ]
+ trainer_state_file = os.path.join(last_checkpoint, "trainer_state.json")
+ with open(trainer_state_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ trainer_state = json.load(f)
+ return trainer_state, last_checkpoint
+def _get_training_logs_by_epoch(dir_path: str, epoch: int = None):
+ """
+ Load and optionally filter training_logs.jsonl file.
+ If an epoch number is specified, the function filters the logs
+ and returns only the entries corresponding to the specified epoch.
+ Args:
+ dir_path (str): The directory path where the `training_logs.jsonl` file is located.
+ epoch (int, optional): The epoch number to filter logs by. If not specified,
+ all logs are returned.
+ Returns:
+ list: A list containing the training logs. If `epoch` is specified,
+ only logs from the specified epoch are returned; otherwise, all logs are returned.
+ """
+ data_list = []
+ with open(f"{dir_path}/training_logs.jsonl", "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
+ for line in file:
+ json_data = json.loads(line)
+ data_list.append(json_data)
+ if epoch:
+ mod_data_list = []
+ for value in data_list:
+ if value["data"]["epoch"] == epoch:
+ mod_data_list.append(value)
+ return mod_data_list
+ return data_list
def test_run_train_requires_output_dir():
"""Check fails when output dir not provided."""
updated_output_dir_train_args = copy.deepcopy(TRAIN_ARGS)
@@ -125,6 +334,7 @@ def test_parse_arguments(job_config):
+ _,
) = sft_trainer.parse_arguments(parser, job_config_copy)
assert str(model_args.torch_dtype) == "torch.bfloat16"
assert data_args.dataset_text_field == "output"
@@ -138,9 +348,19 @@ def test_parse_arguments_defaults(job_config):
assert "torch_dtype" not in job_config_defaults
assert job_config_defaults["use_flash_attn"] is False
assert "save_strategy" not in job_config_defaults
- model_args, _, training_args, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ = sft_trainer.parse_arguments(
- parser, job_config_defaults
- )
+ (
+ model_args,
+ _,
+ training_args,
+ _,
+ _,
+ _,
+ _,
+ _,
+ _,
+ _,
+ _,
+ ) = sft_trainer.parse_arguments(parser, job_config_defaults)
assert str(model_args.torch_dtype) == "torch.bfloat16"
assert model_args.use_flash_attn is False
assert training_args.save_strategy.value == "epoch"
@@ -150,14 +370,14 @@ def test_parse_arguments_peft_method(job_config):
parser = sft_trainer.get_parser()
job_config_pt = copy.deepcopy(job_config)
job_config_pt["peft_method"] = "pt"
- _, _, _, _, tune_config, _, _, _, _, _ = sft_trainer.parse_arguments(
+ _, _, _, _, tune_config, _, _, _, _, _, _ = sft_trainer.parse_arguments(
parser, job_config_pt
assert isinstance(tune_config, peft_config.PromptTuningConfig)
job_config_lora = copy.deepcopy(job_config)
job_config_lora["peft_method"] = "lora"
- _, _, _, _, tune_config, _, _, _, _, _ = sft_trainer.parse_arguments(
+ _, _, _, _, tune_config, _, _, _, _, _, _ = sft_trainer.parse_arguments(
parser, job_config_lora
assert isinstance(tune_config, peft_config.LoraConfig)
@@ -237,7 +457,7 @@ def test_run_causallm_pt_and_inference_JSON_file_formatter():
train_args = copy.deepcopy(TRAIN_ARGS)
train_args.output_dir = tempdir
data_args = copy.deepcopy(DATA_ARGS)
- data_args.training_data_path = TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_JSON_FORMAT
+ data_args.training_data_path = TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA_JSON
data_args.dataset_text_field = None
data_args.data_formatter_template = (
"### Text: {{Tweet text}} \n\n### Label: {{text_label}}"
@@ -312,27 +532,35 @@ def test_run_causallm_pt_invalid_train_params(param_name, param_val, exc_msg):
sft_trainer.train(MODEL_ARGS, DATA_ARGS, invalid_params, PEFT_PT_ARGS)
-def test_run_causallm_pt_with_validation():
+ "dataset_path",
+def test_run_causallm_pt_with_validation(dataset_path):
"""Check if we can bootstrap and peft tune causallm models with validation dataset"""
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
train_args = copy.deepcopy(TRAIN_ARGS)
train_args.output_dir = tempdir
train_args.eval_strategy = "epoch"
data_args = copy.deepcopy(DATA_ARGS)
- data_args.validation_data_path = TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA
+ data_args.validation_data_path = dataset_path
sft_trainer.train(MODEL_ARGS, data_args, train_args, PEFT_PT_ARGS)
_validate_training(tempdir, check_eval=True)
-def test_run_causallm_pt_with_validation_data_formatting():
+ "dataset_path",
+def test_run_causallm_pt_with_validation_data_formatting(dataset_path):
"""Check if we can bootstrap and peft tune causallm models with validation dataset"""
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
train_args = copy.deepcopy(TRAIN_ARGS)
train_args.output_dir = tempdir
train_args.eval_strategy = "epoch"
data_args = copy.deepcopy(DATA_ARGS)
- data_args.validation_data_path = TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA
+ data_args.validation_data_path = dataset_path
data_args.dataset_text_field = None
data_args.data_formatter_template = (
"### Text: {{Tweet text}} \n\n### Label: {{text_label}}"
@@ -342,7 +570,11 @@ def test_run_causallm_pt_with_validation_data_formatting():
_validate_training(tempdir, check_eval=True)
-def test_run_causallm_pt_with_custom_tokenizer():
+ "dataset_path",
+def test_run_causallm_pt_with_custom_tokenizer(dataset_path):
"""Check if we fail when custom tokenizer not having pad token is used in prompt tuning"""
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
train_args = copy.deepcopy(TRAIN_ARGS)
@@ -351,7 +583,7 @@ def test_run_causallm_pt_with_custom_tokenizer():
train_args.output_dir = tempdir
train_args.eval_strategy = "epoch"
data_args = copy.deepcopy(DATA_ARGS)
- data_args.validation_data_path = TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA
+ data_args.validation_data_path = dataset_path
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
sft_trainer.train(model_args, data_args, train_args, PEFT_PT_ARGS)
@@ -429,6 +661,8 @@ def test_successful_lora_target_modules_default_from_main():
+ # Calling LoRA tuning from the main results in 'added_tokens_info.json'
+ assert "added_tokens_info.json" in os.listdir(tempdir)
checkpoint_path = _get_checkpoint_path(tempdir)
adapter_config = _get_adapter_config(checkpoint_path)
_validate_adapter_config(adapter_config, "LORA")
@@ -444,10 +678,20 @@ def test_successful_lora_target_modules_default_from_main():
############################# Finetuning Tests #############################
-def test_run_causallm_ft_and_inference():
- """Check if we can bootstrap and finetune causallm models"""
+ "dataset_path",
+ [
+ ],
+def test_run_causallm_ft_and_inference(dataset_path):
+ """Check if we can bootstrap and finetune causallm models with different data formats"""
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
- _test_run_causallm_ft(TRAIN_ARGS, MODEL_ARGS, DATA_ARGS, tempdir)
+ data_args = copy.deepcopy(DATA_ARGS)
+ data_args.training_data_path = dataset_path
+ _test_run_causallm_ft(TRAIN_ARGS, MODEL_ARGS, data_args, tempdir)
@@ -460,7 +704,7 @@ def test_run_causallm_ft_save_with_save_model_dir_save_strategy_no():
save_model_args.save_strategy = "no"
save_model_args.output_dir = tempdir
- trainer = sft_trainer.train(MODEL_ARGS, DATA_ARGS, save_model_args, None)
+ trainer, _ = sft_trainer.train(MODEL_ARGS, DATA_ARGS, save_model_args, None)
logs_path = os.path.join(
tempdir, FileLoggingTrackerConfig.training_logs_filename
@@ -473,7 +717,11 @@ def test_run_causallm_ft_save_with_save_model_dir_save_strategy_no():
-def test_run_causallm_ft_pretokenized():
+ "dataset_path",
+def test_run_causallm_ft_pretokenized(dataset_path):
"""Check if we can bootstrap and finetune causallm models using pretokenized data"""
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
data_formatting_args = copy.deepcopy(DATA_ARGS)
@@ -484,7 +732,7 @@ def test_run_causallm_ft_pretokenized():
data_formatting_args.response_template = None
# update the training data path to tokenized data
- data_formatting_args.training_data_path = TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_TOKENIZED
+ data_formatting_args.training_data_path = dataset_path
train_args = copy.deepcopy(TRAIN_ARGS)
train_args.output_dir = tempdir
@@ -819,8 +1067,15 @@ def test_run_with_good_experimental_metadata():
+ "dataset_path",
+ [
+ ],
### Tests for pretokenized data
-def test_pretokenized_dataset():
+def test_pretokenized_dataset(dataset_path):
"""Ensure that we can provide a pretokenized dataset with input/output format."""
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
train_args = copy.deepcopy(TRAIN_ARGS)
@@ -828,7 +1083,7 @@ def test_pretokenized_dataset():
data_args = copy.deepcopy(DATA_ARGS)
data_args.dataset_text_field = None
data_args.response_template = None
- data_args.training_data_path = TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA_INPUT_OUTPUT
+ data_args.training_data_path = dataset_path
sft_trainer.train(MODEL_ARGS, data_args, train_args, PEFT_PT_ARGS)
@@ -849,7 +1104,7 @@ def test_pretokenized_dataset_bad_args(dataset_text_field, response_template):
data_args = copy.deepcopy(DATA_ARGS)
data_args.dataset_text_field = dataset_text_field
data_args.response_template = response_template
- data_args.training_data_path = TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA_INPUT_OUTPUT
+ data_args.training_data_path = TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA_INPUT_OUTPUT_JSONL
# We should raise an error since we should not have a dataset text
# field or a response template if we have pretokenized data
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
@@ -865,7 +1120,7 @@ def test_pretokenized_dataset_wrong_format():
data_args = copy.deepcopy(DATA_ARGS)
data_args.dataset_text_field = None
data_args.response_template = None
- data_args.training_data_path = TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA
+ data_args.training_data_path = TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA_JSONL
# It would be best to handle this in a way that is more understandable; we might
# need to directly add validation prior to the dataset generation since datasets
diff --git a/tests/utils/test_data_utils.py b/tests/utils/test_data_utils.py
index f027d9fdc..f89736657 100644
--- a/tests/utils/test_data_utils.py
+++ b/tests/utils/test_data_utils.py
@@ -20,14 +20,16 @@
import pytest
# First Party
-from tests.data import TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA
+from tests.data import TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA_JSONL
# Local
from tuning.utils import data_utils
def test_apply_custom_formatting_template():
- json_dataset = datasets.load_dataset("json", data_files=TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA)
+ json_dataset = datasets.load_dataset(
+ )
template = "### Input: {{Tweet text}} \n\n ### Response: {{text_label}}"
# First response from the data file that is read.
expected_response = (
@@ -44,7 +46,9 @@ def test_apply_custom_formatting_template():
def test_apply_custom_formatting_template_adds_eos_token():
- json_dataset = datasets.load_dataset("json", data_files=TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA)
+ json_dataset = datasets.load_dataset(
+ )
template = "### Input: {{Tweet text}} \n\n ### Response: {{text_label}}"
# First response from the data file that is read.
expected_response = (
@@ -62,7 +66,9 @@ def test_apply_custom_formatting_template_adds_eos_token():
def test_apply_custom_formatting_template_gives_error_with_wrong_keys():
"""Tests that the formatting function will throw error if wrong keys are passed to template"""
- json_dataset = datasets.load_dataset("json", data_files=TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA)
+ json_dataset = datasets.load_dataset(
+ )
template = "### Input: {{not found}} \n\n ### Response: {{text_label}}"
formatted_dataset_field = "formatted_data_field"
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
diff --git a/tests/utils/test_merge_model_utils.py b/tests/utils/test_merge_model_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3f879ab10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/utils/test_merge_model_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+# Copyright The FMS HF Tuning Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Unit Tests for SFT Trainer's merge_model_utils functions
+# Standard
+import os
+import shutil
+import tempfile
+# Third Party
+from safetensors import safe_open
+import pytest
+# Local
+from tuning.utils.merge_model_utils import post_process_vLLM_adapters_new_tokens
+dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+ dir_path, "../artifacts/tuned_llama_with_added_tokens"
+def test_post_process_vllm_adapters_new_tokens():
+ """Ensure that in post-process, we output the correct format supported by vLLM for added_tokens
+ - we should output a new_embeddings.safetensors
+ - we should not have lm_head.weight in adapter_model.safetensors
+ """
+ # first, double check dummy tuned llama has a lm_head.weight
+ found_lm_head = False
+ with safe_open(
+ os.path.join(DUMMY_TUNED_LLAMA_WITH_ADDED_TOKENS, "adapter_model.safetensors"),
+ framework="pt",
+ ) as f:
+ for k in f.keys():
+ if "lm_head.weight" in k:
+ found_lm_head = True
+ assert found_lm_head
+ # do the post processing
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
+ post_process_vLLM_adapters_new_tokens(
+ DUMMY_TUNED_LLAMA_WITH_ADDED_TOKENS, tempdir, num_added_tokens=1
+ )
+ # check that new_embeddings.safetensors exist
+ new_embeddings = os.path.join(tempdir, "new_embeddings.safetensors")
+ assert os.path.exists(new_embeddings)
+ # check that lm_head.weight NOT in the new outputted adapter_model.safetensors
+ adapter_model = os.path.join(tempdir, "adapter_model.safetensors")
+ assert os.path.exists(adapter_model)
+ found_lm_head = False
+ with safe_open(adapter_model, framework="pt") as f:
+ for k in f.keys():
+ if "lm_head.weight" in k:
+ found_lm_head = True
+ assert not found_lm_head
+def test_post_process_vllm_adapters_no_new_tokens():
+ """Ensure that an error is returned if no added tokens while tuning, \
+ but embeddings resized.
+ """
+ # first, double check dummy tuned llama has a lm_head.weight
+ found_lm_head = False
+ with safe_open(
+ os.path.join(DUMMY_TUNED_LLAMA_WITH_ADDED_TOKENS, "adapter_model.safetensors"),
+ framework="pt",
+ ) as f:
+ for k in f.keys():
+ if "lm_head.weight" in k:
+ found_lm_head = True
+ assert found_lm_head
+ # do the post processing
+ with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
+ post_process_vLLM_adapters_new_tokens(
+ DUMMY_TUNED_LLAMA_WITH_ADDED_TOKENS, None, num_added_tokens=0
+ )
+def test_post_process_in_place_vllm_adapters_new_tokens():
+ """Ensure that in post-process, we output the correct format supported by vLLM for added_tokens
+ - if output dir is not specified, it should modify files in place
+ - we should output a new_embeddings.safetensors
+ - we should not have lm_head.weight in adapter_model.safetensors
+ """
+ # first, double check dummy tuned llama has a lm_head.weight
+ found_lm_head = False
+ with safe_open(
+ os.path.join(DUMMY_TUNED_LLAMA_WITH_ADDED_TOKENS, "adapter_model.safetensors"),
+ framework="pt",
+ ) as f:
+ for k in f.keys():
+ if "lm_head.weight" in k:
+ found_lm_head = True
+ assert found_lm_head
+ # do the post processing
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
+ shutil.copytree(
+ DUMMY_TUNED_LLAMA_WITH_ADDED_TOKENS, tempdir, dirs_exist_ok=True
+ )
+ post_process_vLLM_adapters_new_tokens(tempdir, None, num_added_tokens=1)
+ # check that new_embeddings.safetensors exist
+ new_embeddings = os.path.join(tempdir, "new_embeddings.safetensors")
+ assert os.path.exists(new_embeddings)
+ # check that lm_head.weight NOT in the new outputted adapter_model.safetensors
+ adapter_model = os.path.join(tempdir, "adapter_model.safetensors")
+ assert os.path.exists(adapter_model)
+ found_lm_head = False
+ with safe_open(adapter_model, framework="pt") as f:
+ for k in f.keys():
+ if "lm_head.weight" in k:
+ found_lm_head = True
+ assert not found_lm_head
diff --git a/tests/utils/test_preprocessing_utils.py b/tests/utils/test_preprocessing_utils.py
index 770d999ce..2fbbc38ff 100644
--- a/tests/utils/test_preprocessing_utils.py
+++ b/tests/utils/test_preprocessing_utils.py
@@ -9,9 +9,12 @@
from tests.data import (
# Local
@@ -23,7 +26,7 @@
- load_hf_dataset_from_jsonl_file,
+ load_hf_dataset_from_file,
@@ -63,11 +66,15 @@ def test_combine_sequence_adds_eos(input_element, output_element, expected_res):
# Tests for loading the dataset from disk
-def test_load_hf_dataset_from_jsonl_file():
+ "dataset_path",
+def test_load_hf_dataset_from_file(dataset_path):
input_field_name = "Tweet text"
output_field_name = "text_label"
- data = load_hf_dataset_from_jsonl_file(
+ data = load_hf_dataset_from_file(
+ dataset_path,
@@ -80,8 +87,10 @@ def test_load_hf_dataset_from_jsonl_file():
def test_load_hf_dataset_from_jsonl_file_wrong_keys():
"""Ensure that we explode if the keys are not in the jsonl file."""
with pytest.raises(DatasetGenerationError):
- load_hf_dataset_from_jsonl_file(
- TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA, input_field_name="foo", output_field_name="bar"
+ load_hf_dataset_from_file(
+ input_field_name="foo",
+ output_field_name="bar",
@@ -89,7 +98,7 @@ def test_load_hf_dataset_from_malformatted_data():
"""Ensure that we explode if the data is not properly formatted."""
# NOTE: The actual keys don't matter here
with pytest.raises(DatasetGenerationError):
- load_hf_dataset_from_jsonl_file(
+ load_hf_dataset_from_file(
MALFORMATTED_DATA, input_field_name="foo", output_field_name="bar"
@@ -97,19 +106,34 @@ def test_load_hf_dataset_from_malformatted_data():
def test_load_hf_dataset_from_jsonl_file_duplicate_keys():
"""Ensure we cannot have the same key for input / output."""
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- load_hf_dataset_from_jsonl_file(
+ load_hf_dataset_from_file(
input_field_name="Tweet text",
output_field_name="Tweet text",
# Tests for custom masking / preprocessing logic
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("max_sequence_length", [1, 10, 100, 1000])
-def test_get_preprocessed_dataset(max_sequence_length):
+ "dataset_path, max_sequence_length",
+ [
+ ],
+def test_get_preprocessed_dataset(dataset_path, max_sequence_length):
+ """Ensure we can handle preprocessed datasets with different max_sequence_lengths
+ to ensure proper tokenization and truncation.
+ """
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(MODEL_NAME)
preprocessed_data = get_preprocessed_dataset(
+ data_path=dataset_path,
input_field_name="Tweet text",
@@ -134,8 +158,8 @@ def test_get_preprocessed_dataset(max_sequence_length):
"\n### Label:",
- load_hf_dataset_from_jsonl_file(
+ load_hf_dataset_from_file(
input_field_name="Tweet text",
@@ -180,7 +204,7 @@ def test_get_data_collator(
"data, result",
@@ -195,7 +219,7 @@ def test_get_data_collator(
-def test_is_pretokenized_dat(data, result):
+def test_is_pretokenized_data(data, result):
"""Ensure that the correct collator type is fetched based on the data args"""
assert is_pretokenized_dataset(data=data) == result
@@ -208,79 +232,79 @@ def test_is_pretokenized_dat(data, result):
# dataset_text_field with no response_template
- training_data_path=TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA,
- # data formatter with no response template
+ # Data formatter with no response template
- training_data_path=TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA,
data_formatter_template="### Input: {{input}} \n\n### Response: {{output}}",
- # response template with no dataset_text_field or formatter
+ # Response template with no dataset_text_field or formatter
- training_data_path=TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA,
response_template="\n### Label:",
- # JSON without input / output for no single sequence arguments
+ # JSONL without input / output for no single sequence arguments
- training_data_path=TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA,
- # pretokenized dataset with dataset_text_field
+ # Pretokenized dataset with dataset_text_field
- # pretokenized dataset with data formatter
+ # Pretokenized dataset with data formatter
data_formatter_template="### Input: {{input}} \n\n### Response: {{output}}",
- # pretokenized dataset with response template
+ # Pretokenized dataset with response template
response_template="\n### Label:",
- # pretokenized training dataset with validation data not pretokenized
+ # Pretokenized training dataset with validation data not pretokenized
- validation_data_path=TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA,
+ validation_data_path=TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA_JSONL,
- # pretokenized data with dataset_text_field and response template
+ # Pretokenized data with dataset_text_field and response template
response_template="\n### Label:",
- # pretokenized data with packing to True
+ # Pretokenized data with packing to True
@@ -298,15 +322,15 @@ def test_validate_args(data_args, packing):
# pretokenized train dataset and no validation dataset passed
# pretokenized train and validation datasets
- validation_data_path=TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_TOKENIZED,
@@ -320,9 +344,15 @@ def test_validate_args_pretokenized(data_args, packing):
"data_path, dataset_text_field, data_formatter_template",
- (TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA, "output", None),
+ (
+ "formatted_field",
+ "### Text:{{input}} \n\n### Label: {{output}}",
+ ),
"### Text:{{input}} \n\n### Label: {{output}}",
@@ -342,11 +372,20 @@ def test_get_formatted_dataset_with_single_sequence(
- # single sequence and response template
+ # single sequence JSON and response template
- training_data_path=TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA,
- validation_data_path=TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA,
+ training_data_path=TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA_JSON,
+ validation_data_path=TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA_JSON,
+ dataset_text_field="output",
+ response_template="\n### Label:",
+ )
+ ),
+ # single sequence JSONL and response template
+ (
+ configs.DataArguments(
+ validation_data_path=TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_DATA_JSONL,
response_template="\n### Label:",
@@ -354,8 +393,17 @@ def test_get_formatted_dataset_with_single_sequence(
# data formatter template with input/output JSON
+ dataset_text_field="formatted_field",
+ data_formatter_template="### Text:{{input}} \n\n### Label: {{output}}",
+ )
+ ),
+ # data formatter template with input/output JSONL
+ (
+ configs.DataArguments(
data_formatter_template="### Text:{{input}} \n\n### Label: {{output}}",
@@ -363,8 +411,15 @@ def test_get_formatted_dataset_with_single_sequence(
# input/output JSON with masking on input
+ )
+ ),
+ # input/output JSONL with masking on input
+ (
+ configs.DataArguments(
@@ -389,17 +444,30 @@ def test_format_dataset(data_args):
- # pretokenized train and validation datasets
+ # JSON pretokenized train and validation datasets
+ (
+ configs.DataArguments(
+ )
+ ),
+ # JSONL pretokenized train and validation datasets
+ (
+ configs.DataArguments(
+ )
+ ),
+ # JSON pretokenized train datasets
- validation_data_path=TWITTER_COMPLAINTS_TOKENIZED,
- # pretokenized train datasets
+ # JSONL pretokenized train datasets
diff --git a/tests/utils/test_tokenizer_data_utils.py b/tests/utils/test_tokenizer_data_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..118805100
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/utils/test_tokenizer_data_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Third party
+# Third Party
+from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer
+# First Party
+from tests.data import MODEL_NAME
+# Local
+# First party
+from tuning.data.tokenizer_data_utils import tokenizer_and_embedding_resize
+def test_tokenizer_and_embedding_resize_return_values():
+ """Test to ensure number of added tokens are returned correctly"""
+ special_tokens_dict = {"pad_token": ""}
+ tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(MODEL_NAME)
+ model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(MODEL_NAME)
+ metadata = tokenizer_and_embedding_resize(special_tokens_dict, tokenizer, model)
+ assert metadata["num_new_tokens"] == 1
+ assert "new_embedding_size" in metadata
diff --git a/tuning/config/acceleration_configs/__init__.py b/tuning/config/acceleration_configs/__init__.py
index f971e2108..4f20a0afe 100644
--- a/tuning/config/acceleration_configs/__init__.py
+++ b/tuning/config/acceleration_configs/__init__.py
@@ -14,5 +14,6 @@
# Local
from .acceleration_framework_config import AccelerationFrameworkConfig
+from .attention_and_distributed_packing import AttentionAndDistributedPackingConfig
from .fused_ops_and_kernels import FusedOpsAndKernelsConfig
from .quantized_lora_config import QuantizedLoraConfig
diff --git a/tuning/config/acceleration_configs/acceleration_framework_config.py b/tuning/config/acceleration_configs/acceleration_framework_config.py
index ed0f54d1e..76fef1a78 100644
--- a/tuning/config/acceleration_configs/acceleration_framework_config.py
+++ b/tuning/config/acceleration_configs/acceleration_framework_config.py
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
import yaml
# Local
+from .attention_and_distributed_packing import MultiPack, PaddingFree
from .fused_ops_and_kernels import FastKernelsConfig, FusedLoraConfig
from .quantized_lora_config import AutoGPTQLoraConfig, BNBQLoraConfig
from tuning.utils.import_utils import is_fms_accelerate_available
@@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ class AccelerationFrameworkConfig:
- experimental=True,
+ experimental=False,
] = None
@@ -91,13 +92,50 @@ class AccelerationFrameworkConfig:
fast_kernels: Annotated[
- path="peft.quantization",
+ path="training",
- experimental=True,
+ experimental=False,
] = None
+ padding_free: Annotated[
+ PaddingFree,
+ ConfigAnnotation(
+ path="training.attention",
+ experimental=False,
+ required_packages=["aadp"],
+ ),
+ ] = None
+ multipack: Annotated[
+ MultiPack,
+ ConfigAnnotation(
+ path="training.dataloader",
+ experimental=False,
+ required_packages=["aadp"],
+ ),
+ ] = None
+ def _verify_configured_dataclasses(self):
+ if self.multipack is not None:
+ # ensure if multipack is set, padding free is also turned on as well
+ # this also ensures that the attention implementation for multipack
+ # will be flash attention as sfttrainer will enforce flash attn to be
+ # set for padding free
+ if self.padding_free is None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "`--multipack` is currently only supported with `--padding_free`"
+ )
+ # Check that fused lora must be activated with either auto_gptq or bitsandbytes
+ if self.fused_lora is not None:
+ if self.bitsandbytes is None and self.auto_gptq is None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "`--fused_lora` must be accompanied by a quantized base layer"
+ " `--auto_gptq` or `--bitsandbytes`."
+ )
def from_dataclasses(*dataclasses: Type):
"Convert one or many FMS config dataclasses to a monolithic AccelerationConfig"
@@ -115,6 +153,7 @@ def from_dataclasses(*dataclasses: Type):
# first unroll all the dataclases into a single level
nested_dataclasses = []
for dc in dataclasses:
if dc is None:
@@ -159,10 +198,11 @@ def from_dataclasses(*dataclasses: Type):
setattr(config, fi.name, dc)
del rem_fields[fi.name] # remove the field
+ # perform some checks on dataclasse
+ config._verify_configured_dataclasses()
return config
def get_framework(self):
if is_fms_accelerate_available():
# to be eventually be made to be passed as a dict to Acceleration
diff --git a/tuning/config/acceleration_configs/attention_and_distributed_packing.py b/tuning/config/acceleration_configs/attention_and_distributed_packing.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e1ed83a58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tuning/config/acceleration_configs/attention_and_distributed_packing.py
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Standard
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+# Local
+from .utils import ensure_nested_dataclasses_initialized, parsable_dataclass
+class PaddingFree:
+ method: str = "huggingface"
+ def __post_init__(self):
+ if self.method != "huggingface":
+ raise ValueError("only 'huggingface' method currently supported.")
+class MultiPack:
+ num_processes: int = 16
+class AttentionAndDistributedPackingConfig:
+ padding_free: PaddingFree = None
+ multipack: MultiPack = None
+ def __post_init__(self):
+ # ensure nested dataclasses initialized
+ ensure_nested_dataclasses_initialized(self)
diff --git a/tuning/config/acceleration_configs/fused_ops_and_kernels.py b/tuning/config/acceleration_configs/fused_ops_and_kernels.py
index ded51415e..599d6b8cd 100644
--- a/tuning/config/acceleration_configs/fused_ops_and_kernels.py
+++ b/tuning/config/acceleration_configs/fused_ops_and_kernels.py
@@ -54,19 +54,11 @@ class FastKernelsConfig(List):
fast_loss: bool = False
# fast rms norm triton kernels
- fast_rsm_layernorm: bool = False
+ fast_rms_layernorm: bool = False
# fast RoPE embedding triton kernels
fast_rope_embeddings: bool = False
- def __post_init__(self):
- if not self.fast_loss == self.fast_rsm_layernorm == self.fast_rope_embeddings:
- raise ValueError(
- "fast_loss, fast_rms_layernorm and fast_rope_embedding must be enabled "
- "together. This restriction may be relaxed in the future."
- )
class FusedOpsAndKernelsConfig:
@@ -78,13 +70,6 @@ class FusedOpsAndKernelsConfig:
fast_kernels: FastKernelsConfig = None
def __post_init__(self):
- if (self.fused_lora is not None and self.fast_kernels is None) or (
- self.fused_lora is None and self.fast_kernels is not None
- ):
- raise ValueError(
- "fused lora and fast_kernels must be used together. "
- "This restriction may be relaxed in the future."
- )
# ensure nested dataclasses initialized
diff --git a/tuning/config/configs.py b/tuning/config/configs.py
index 0db5b518e..4bff99f19 100644
--- a/tuning/config/configs.py
+++ b/tuning/config/configs.py
@@ -42,10 +42,12 @@ class ModelArguments:
torch_dtype: Optional[Union[torch.dtype, str]] = torch.bfloat16
embedding_size_multiple_of: Optional[int] = field(
- default=8,
+ default=1,
"help": "Resize model embedding layer to the nearest multiple of \
- the given number after tokenizer modifications."
+ the given number after tokenizer modifications. \
+ NOTE: This involves extending \
+ the embedding layer without any corresponding real tokens."
tokenizer_name_or_path: Optional[str] = field(
diff --git a/tuning/data/tokenizer_data_utils.py b/tuning/data/tokenizer_data_utils.py
index 62a615ace..ef0662d59 100644
--- a/tuning/data/tokenizer_data_utils.py
+++ b/tuning/data/tokenizer_data_utils.py
@@ -24,9 +24,17 @@ def tokenizer_and_embedding_resize(
special_tokens_dict: Dict,
tokenizer: transformers.PreTrainedTokenizer,
model: transformers.PreTrainedModel,
- multiple_of: int = 8,
- """Resize tokenizer and embedding."""
+ multiple_of: int = 1,
+) -> dict:
+ """Resize tokenizer and embedding.
+ Args:
+ special_tokens_dict: Dict containing special tokens to be added.
+ tokenizer: transformers.PreTrainedTokenizer.
+ model: transformers.PreTrainedModel
+ multiple_of: int , embeddings are resized to multiple of this.
+ Return:
+ dict: Metadata on number of added tokens
+ """
num_new_tokens = tokenizer.add_special_tokens(special_tokens_dict)
embedding_size = int(multiple_of * math.ceil(len(tokenizer) / multiple_of))
num_new_tokens = num_new_tokens + embedding_size - len(tokenizer)
@@ -44,3 +52,4 @@ def tokenizer_and_embedding_resize(
input_embeddings[-num_new_tokens:] = input_embeddings_avg
output_embeddings[-num_new_tokens:] = output_embeddings_avg
+ return {"num_new_tokens": num_new_tokens, "new_embedding_size": embedding_size}
diff --git a/tuning/sft_trainer.py b/tuning/sft_trainer.py
index b9ea00270..767fea1b4 100644
--- a/tuning/sft_trainer.py
+++ b/tuning/sft_trainer.py
@@ -35,15 +35,16 @@
+from transformers.trainer_utils import get_last_checkpoint
from transformers.utils import is_accelerate_available
from trl import SFTConfig, SFTTrainer
-import fire
import transformers
# Local
from tuning.config import configs, peft_config
from tuning.config.acceleration_configs import (
+ AttentionAndDistributedPackingConfig,
@@ -66,6 +67,7 @@
from tuning.utils.preprocessing_utils import (
+ is_pretokenized_dataset,
@@ -85,7 +87,10 @@ def train(
exp_metadata: Optional[Dict] = None,
quantized_lora_config: Optional[QuantizedLoraConfig] = None,
fusedops_kernels_config: Optional[FusedOpsAndKernelsConfig] = None,
+ attention_and_distributed_packing_config: Optional[
+ AttentionAndDistributedPackingConfig
+ ] = None,
+) -> tuple[SFTTrainer, dict]:
"""Call the SFTTrainer
@@ -112,6 +117,11 @@ def train(
fusedops_kernels_config: tuning.config.acceleration_configs.FusedOpsAndKernelsConfig \
Should be used in combination with quantized_lora_config. Also currently
fused_lora and fast_kernels must used together (may change in future). \
+ attention_and_distributed_packing_config: Used for padding-free attention and multipack.
+ Returns:
+ Tuple: Instance of SFTTrainer , some metadata in a dict
+ Metadata contains information on number of added tokens while tuning.
train_args, logger = set_log_level(train_args, "sft_trainer_train")
@@ -126,6 +136,24 @@ def train(
raise ValueError("gradient_accumulation_steps has to be an integer >= 1")
+ if (
+ attention_and_distributed_packing_config is not None
+ and attention_and_distributed_packing_config.padding_free is not None
+ ):
+ if model_args.use_flash_attn is False:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "`--padding_free` argument was called without enabling flash attention, "
+ "ensure `use_flash_attn = True` to use padding-free flash attention"
+ )
+ if train_args.packing:
+ # We prevent Trainer from performing packing with padding_free.
+ # Since the plugin computes attention efficiently without padding.
+ raise ValueError(
+ "`--padding_free` argument was called with `packing=True`, "
+ "Trainer should not perform packing when using `--padding_free`"
+ )
task_type = "CAUSAL_LM"
additional_metrics = {}
@@ -177,7 +205,9 @@ def train(
framework = AccelerationFrameworkConfig.from_dataclasses(
- quantized_lora_config, fusedops_kernels_config
+ quantized_lora_config,
+ fusedops_kernels_config,
+ attention_and_distributed_packing_config,
model_loader = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained
@@ -215,24 +245,17 @@ def train(
- # add special tokens only when a custom tokenizer is not passed
+ # Add special tokens only when a custom tokenizer is not passed
+ special_tokens_dict = {}
if not model_args.tokenizer_name_or_path:
# TODO: understand if we need to hardcode these here or just use defaults in model
if isinstance(tokenizer, (LlamaTokenizer, LlamaTokenizerFast)):
- tokenizer.add_special_tokens(
- {
- "bos_token": "",
- "eos_token": "",
- "unk_token": "",
- "pad_token": "",
- }
- )
+ special_tokens_dict["bos_token"] = ""
+ special_tokens_dict["eos_token"] = ""
+ special_tokens_dict["unk_token"] = ""
+ special_tokens_dict["pad_token"] = ""
elif isinstance(tokenizer, (GPT2Tokenizer, GPTNeoXTokenizerFast)):
- tokenizer.add_special_tokens(
- {
- "pad_token": "",
- }
- )
+ special_tokens_dict["pad_token"] = ""
max_seq_length = min(train_args.max_seq_length, tokenizer.model_max_length)
logger.info("Max sequence length is %s", max_seq_length)
@@ -246,7 +269,6 @@ def train(
# add special tokens only when a custom tokenizer is not passed
- special_tokens_dict = {}
if not model_args.tokenizer_name_or_path:
# TODO: we need to change this, perhaps follow what open instruct does?
if tokenizer.pad_token is None:
@@ -261,10 +283,18 @@ def train(
if tokenizer.unk_token is None:
logger.warning("UNK token set to default, missing in tokenizer")
special_tokens_dict["unk_token"] = configs.DEFAULT_UNK_TOKEN
+ if tokenizer.pad_token == tokenizer.eos_token:
+ logger.warning(
+ "PAD token set to default, to make it different from eos token"
+ )
+ if tokenizer.eos_token != configs.DEFAULT_PAD_TOKEN:
+ tokenizer.pad_token = configs.DEFAULT_PAD_TOKEN
+ else:
+ tokenizer.eos_token = configs.DEFAULT_EOS_TOKEN
# TODO: lower priority but understand if resizing impacts inference quality and why its needed.
# It makes sense if we manipulate tokenizer that we also save it and provide it to inference.
- tokenizer_data_utils.tokenizer_and_embedding_resize(
+ added_tokens_dict = tokenizer_data_utils.tokenizer_and_embedding_resize(
@@ -318,6 +348,11 @@ def train(
training_args = SFTConfig(**transformer_kwargs)
+ dataset_kwargs = {}
+ if is_pretokenized_dataset(
+ data_args.training_data_path or data_args.validation_data_path
+ ):
+ dataset_kwargs["skip_prepare_dataset"] = True
trainer = SFTTrainer(
@@ -330,6 +365,7 @@ def train(
+ dataset_kwargs=dataset_kwargs,
# We track additional metrics and experiment metadata after trainer object creation
@@ -354,15 +390,33 @@ def train(
if framework is not None:
- accelerator = None if not is_accelerate_available else trainer.accelerator
+ accelerator = None if not is_accelerate_available() else trainer.accelerator
# ready for train may produce additional callbacks for the trainer
for x in framework.get_callbacks_and_ready_for_train(model, accelerator):
- trainer.train()
+ resume_from_checkpoint = None
+ # Check if resume flag is not passed (None), or if flag is true and
+ # output_dir has checkpoints then get last checkpoint from output_dir
+ if (
+ training_args.resume_from_checkpoint is None
+ or training_args.resume_from_checkpoint.lower() == "true"
+ ):
+ resume_from_checkpoint = get_last_checkpoint(training_args.output_dir)
+ else:
+ # `training_args.resume_from_checkpoint` gives string values
+ # Check if flag is false OR flag has checkpoint value for resuming tuning
+ resume_from_checkpoint = (
+ training_args.resume_from_checkpoint
+ if training_args.resume_from_checkpoint.lower() != "false"
+ else False
+ )
- return trainer
+ trainer.train(resume_from_checkpoint)
+ additional_metadata = {}
+ additional_metadata["added_tokens_info"] = added_tokens_dict
+ return trainer, additional_metadata
def save(path: str, trainer: SFTTrainer, log_level="WARNING"):
@@ -404,6 +458,7 @@ def get_parser():
+ AttentionAndDistributedPackingConfig,
@@ -412,6 +467,7 @@ def get_parser():
choices=["pt", "lora", None, "none"],
@@ -450,6 +506,8 @@ def parse_arguments(parser, json_config=None):
Configuration for quantized LoRA (a form of PEFT).
Configuration for fused operations and kernels.
+ AttentionAndDistributedPackingConfig
+ Configuration for padding free and packing.
dict[str, str]
Extra AIM metadata.
@@ -465,6 +523,7 @@ def parse_arguments(parser, json_config=None):
+ attention_and_distributed_packing_config,
) = parser.parse_dict(json_config, allow_extra_keys=True)
peft_method = json_config.get("peft_method")
exp_metadata = json_config.get("exp_metadata")
@@ -480,6 +539,7 @@ def parse_arguments(parser, json_config=None):
+ attention_and_distributed_packing_config,
) = parser.parse_args_into_dataclasses(return_remaining_strings=True)
@@ -504,12 +564,14 @@ def parse_arguments(parser, json_config=None):
+ attention_and_distributed_packing_config,
-def main(**kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+def main():
parser = get_parser()
+ logger = logging.getLogger()
job_config = get_json_config()
# accept arguments via command-line or JSON
@@ -523,6 +585,7 @@ def main(**kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+ attention_and_distributed_packing_config,
) = parse_arguments(parser, job_config)
@@ -534,7 +597,7 @@ def main(**kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
model_args %s, data_args %s, training_args %s, trainer_controller_args %s, \
tune_config %s, file_logger_config, %s aim_config %s, \
quantized_lora_config %s, fusedops_kernels_config %s, \
- exp_metadata %s",
+ attention_and_distributed_packing_config %s exp_metadata %s",
@@ -544,6 +607,7 @@ def main(**kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+ attention_and_distributed_packing_config,
except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
@@ -574,7 +638,7 @@ def main(**kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
combined_tracker_configs.aim_config = aim_config
- trainer = train(
+ trainer, additional_train_info = train(
@@ -585,6 +649,7 @@ def main(**kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+ attention_and_distributed_packing_config=attention_and_distributed_packing_config,
except (MemoryError, OutOfMemoryError) as e:
@@ -626,6 +691,33 @@ def main(**kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+ if isinstance(tune_config, peft_config.LoraConfig):
+ try:
+ if training_args.save_model_dir:
+ # Write number of added tokens to artifacts
+ with open(
+ os.path.join(
+ training_args.save_model_dir, "added_tokens_info.json"
+ ),
+ "w",
+ encoding="utf-8",
+ ) as f:
+ json.dump(additional_train_info["added_tokens_info"], f)
+ if training_args.output_dir:
+ # Write number of added tokens to artifacts
+ with open(
+ os.path.join(training_args.output_dir, "added_tokens_info.json"),
+ "w",
+ encoding="utf-8",
+ ) as f:
+ json.dump(additional_train_info["added_tokens_info"], f)
+ except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
+ logging.error(traceback.format_exc())
+ write_termination_log(
+ f"Exception encountered when saving metadata with model artifacts: {e}"
+ )
if __name__ == "__main__":
- fire.Fire(main)
+ main()
diff --git a/tuning/trainercontroller/callback.py b/tuning/trainercontroller/callback.py
index fad1bbf70..a1b3397d7 100644
--- a/tuning/trainercontroller/callback.py
+++ b/tuning/trainercontroller/callback.py
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
# Standard
from typing import Dict, List, Union
import inspect
+import logging
import os
import re
@@ -29,7 +30,6 @@
-from transformers.utils import logging
import yaml
# Local
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
from tuning.trainercontroller.patience import PatienceControl
from tuning.utils.evaluator import MetricUnavailableError, RuleEvaluator
-logger = logging.get_logger(__name__)
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Configuration keys
CONTROLLER_METRICS_KEY = "controller_metrics"
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
DEFAULT_OPERATIONS = {"operations": [{"name": "hfcontrols", "class": "HFControls"}]}
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
class TrainerControllerCallback(TrainerCallback):
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ def on_init_end(
kwargs["state"] = state
kwargs["control"] = control
- log_levels = logging.get_log_levels_dict()
+ log_levels = dict((value, key) for key, value in logging._levelToName.items())
# Check if there any metrics listed in the configuration
if (
CONTROLLER_METRICS_KEY not in self.trainer_controller_config
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ def on_init_end(
control.config = controller[CONTROLLER_CONFIG_KEY]
config_log_level_str = control.config.get(
- )
+ ).upper()
if config_log_level_str not in log_levels:
"Incorrect trigger log-level [%s] specified in the config."
diff --git a/tuning/trainercontroller/controllermetrics/trainingstate.py b/tuning/trainercontroller/controllermetrics/trainingstate.py
index 8dc276339..06da4035a 100644
--- a/tuning/trainercontroller/controllermetrics/trainingstate.py
+++ b/tuning/trainercontroller/controllermetrics/trainingstate.py
@@ -21,13 +21,10 @@
# Third Party
from transformers import TrainerState
-from transformers.utils import logging
# Local
from tuning.trainercontroller.controllermetrics.metricshandler import MetricHandler
-logger = logging.get_logger(__name__)
class TrainingState(MetricHandler):
"""Implements the controller metric which exposes the trainer state"""
diff --git a/tuning/trainercontroller/operations/hfcontrols.py b/tuning/trainercontroller/operations/hfcontrols.py
index 0548b4c12..90988c16a 100644
--- a/tuning/trainercontroller/operations/hfcontrols.py
+++ b/tuning/trainercontroller/operations/hfcontrols.py
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
# Local
from .operation import Operation
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class HFControls(Operation):
"""Implements the control actions for the HuggingFace controls in
@@ -37,7 +39,7 @@ def control_action(self, control: TrainerControl, **kwargs):
control: TrainerControl. Data class for controls.
kwargs: List of arguments (key, value)-pairs
- logging.debug("Arguments passed to control_action: %s", repr(kwargs))
+ logger.debug("Arguments passed to control_action: %s", repr(kwargs))
frame_info = inspect.currentframe().f_back
arg_values = inspect.getargvalues(frame_info)
setattr(control, arg_values.locals["action"], True)
diff --git a/tuning/trainercontroller/operations/logcontrol.py b/tuning/trainercontroller/operations/logcontrol.py
index 385de3b4d..eabb420c9 100644
--- a/tuning/trainercontroller/operations/logcontrol.py
+++ b/tuning/trainercontroller/operations/logcontrol.py
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
+# Standard
+import logging
# Third Party
from transformers import TrainingArguments
-from transformers.utils import logging
# Local
from .operation import Operation
-logger = logging.get_logger(__name__)
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class LogControl(Operation):
@@ -20,12 +21,11 @@ def __init__(self, log_format: str, log_level: str, **kwargs):
kwargs: List of arguments (key, value)-pairs
- log_levels = logging.get_log_levels_dict()
- if log_level not in log_levels:
+ self.log_level = getattr(logging, log_level.upper(), None)
+ if not isinstance(self.log_level, int):
raise ValueError(
"Specified log_level [%s] is invalid for LogControl" % (log_level)
- self.log_level = log_levels[log_level]
self.log_format = log_format
diff --git a/tuning/trainercontroller/operations/operation.py b/tuning/trainercontroller/operations/operation.py
index 70805a015..f6b4884fc 100644
--- a/tuning/trainercontroller/operations/operation.py
+++ b/tuning/trainercontroller/operations/operation.py
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
# Standard
import abc
import inspect
+import logging
import re
-# Third Party
-from transformers.utils import logging
-logger = logging.get_logger(__name__)
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Operation(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
diff --git a/tuning/trainercontroller/patience.py b/tuning/trainercontroller/patience.py
index ecdb0699a..bda91363c 100644
--- a/tuning/trainercontroller/patience.py
+++ b/tuning/trainercontroller/patience.py
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
# will be exceeded afer the fifth event.
MODE_NO_RESET_ON_FAILURE = "no_reset_on_failure"
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class PatienceControl:
"""Implements the patience control for every rule"""
@@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ def should_tolerate(
elif self._mode == MODE_RESET_ON_FAILURE:
self._patience_counter = 0
if self._patience_counter <= self._patience_threshold:
- logging.debug(
+ logger.debug(
"Control {} triggered on event {}: "
"Enforcing patience [patience_counter = {:.2f}, "
"patience_threshold = {:.2f}]".format(
@@ -60,7 +62,7 @@ def should_tolerate(
return True
- logging.debug(
+ logger.debug(
"Control {} triggered on event {}: "
"Exceeded patience [patience_counter = {:.2f}, "
"patience_threshold = {:.2f}]".format(
diff --git a/tuning/utils/merge_model_utils.py b/tuning/utils/merge_model_utils.py
index b5af0d0e9..c2078908a 100644
--- a/tuning/utils/merge_model_utils.py
+++ b/tuning/utils/merge_model_utils.py
@@ -16,9 +16,12 @@
from typing import Union
import json
import os
+import shutil
# Third Party
from peft import PeftModel
+from safetensors import safe_open
+from safetensors.torch import save_file
from tqdm import tqdm
from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer
@@ -102,3 +105,94 @@ def fetch_base_model_from_checkpoint(checkpoint_model: str) -> str:
"Base model adapter config exists, but has no base_model_name_or_path!"
return adapter_dict["base_model_name_or_path"]
+def copy_files_to_directory(src: str, dest: str, exclude_files: list[str] = None):
+ src_files = os.listdir(src)
+ if exclude_files is None:
+ exclude_files = []
+ for file_name in src_files:
+ if file_name in exclude_files:
+ continue
+ full_file_name = os.path.join(src, file_name)
+ if os.path.isfile(full_file_name):
+ shutil.copy(full_file_name, dest)
+def post_process_vLLM_adapters_new_tokens(
+ path_to_checkpoint: str,
+ modified_checkpoint_path: str = None,
+ num_added_tokens: int = 0,
+ """Post process LoRA adapters to allow inferencing on vLLM.
+ vLLM needs new token embedding weights added during tuning to be moved \
+ to a new file new_embeddings.safetensors . \
+ This function copies the embeddings weights for the added tokens from \
+ adapters.safetnsors to new_embeddings.safetensors.
+ Args:
+ path_to_checkpoint: Path to folder containing adapters.safetensors.
+ modified_checkpoint_path: Output path where to save modified artifacts \
+ after post-processing. If not provided, artifacts will be processed \
+ in place in same folder.
+ num_added_tokens: int. Number of tokens that were added during tuning.
+ """
+ # if not set, original checkpoint will be modified in place
+ if not modified_checkpoint_path:
+ modified_checkpoint_path = path_to_checkpoint
+ with safe_open(
+ os.path.join(path_to_checkpoint, "adapter_model.safetensors"), framework="pt"
+ ) as f:
+ new_embeddings = {}
+ adapters = {}
+ embeddings_weights_in_adapters = False
+ # Quickly check if post-processing is needed by checking adapters file for weights
+ for k in f.keys():
+ if "lm_head.weight" in k or "embed_tokens.weight" in k:
+ embeddings_weights_in_adapters = True
+ if num_added_tokens == 0:
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "Seems like embeddings are resized without adding new tokens. \
+ Cannot be post-processed to load on vLLM. Try setting \
+ parameter `embedding_size_multiple_of` to 1"
+ )
+ # Post-processing is needed to copy out new vectors
+ if embeddings_weights_in_adapters:
+ for k in f.keys():
+ if "lm_head.weight" in k:
+ lm_head = f.get_tensor(k)
+ # pull out tensor values of new tokens
+ new_output_embeddings = lm_head[-num_added_tokens:]
+ # vLLM requires renaming to output_embeddings
+ new_embeddings["output_embeddings"] = new_output_embeddings
+ elif "embed_tokens.weight" in k or "wte.weight" in k:
+ embed_tokens = f.get_tensor(k)
+ # pull out tensor values of new tokens
+ new_input_embeddings = embed_tokens[-num_added_tokens:]
+ # vLLM requires renaming to input_embeddings
+ new_embeddings["input_embeddings"] = new_input_embeddings
+ else:
+ # Retain all other weights in adapters.safetensors
+ adapters[k] = f.get_tensor(k)
+ os.makedirs(modified_checkpoint_path, exist_ok=True)
+ save_file(
+ new_embeddings,
+ os.path.join(modified_checkpoint_path, "new_embeddings.safetensors"),
+ )
+ save_file(
+ adapters,
+ os.path.join(modified_checkpoint_path, "adapter_model.safetensors"),
+ )
+ # copy out remaining files to desired path
+ if modified_checkpoint_path != path_to_checkpoint:
+ copy_files_to_directory(
+ path_to_checkpoint,
+ modified_checkpoint_path,
+ exclude_files=["adapter_model.safetensors"],
+ )
diff --git a/tuning/utils/preprocessing_utils.py b/tuning/utils/preprocessing_utils.py
index 68b2755d8..a07e99a4e 100644
--- a/tuning/utils/preprocessing_utils.py
+++ b/tuning/utils/preprocessing_utils.py
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Union
import json
import logging
+import os
# Third Party
from datasets import Dataset, IterableDataset
@@ -319,9 +320,7 @@ def get_preprocessed_dataset(
HF Dataset with the pretokenized data.
- dataset = load_hf_dataset_from_jsonl_file(
- data_path, input_field_name, output_field_name
- )
+ dataset = load_hf_dataset_from_file(data_path, input_field_name, output_field_name)
return dataset.map(
@@ -335,10 +334,10 @@ def get_preprocessed_dataset(
### Utils for loading the data from disk in supported formats [currently only jsonl]
-def load_hf_dataset_from_jsonl_file(
+def load_hf_dataset_from_file(
data_path: str, input_field_name: str, output_field_name: str
) -> Dataset:
- """Loads the huggingface datase as a generator.
+ """Loads the HuggingFace dataset from JSON or JSONL file.
data_path: str
@@ -355,16 +354,23 @@ def load_hf_dataset_from_jsonl_file(
if input_field_name == output_field_name:
raise ValueError("Input field name and output field name should not match!")
- def get_jsonl_object():
- with open(data_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as jsonl_file:
- data_stream = [json.loads(line) for line in jsonl_file]
+ def get_json_object():
+ with open(data_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as json_file:
+ file_extension = os.path.splitext(data_path)[-1].lower()
+ if file_extension == ".jsonl":
+ data_stream = (json.loads(line) for line in json_file)
+ elif file_extension == ".json":
+ data_stream = json.load(json_file)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unsupported file format! Use 'json' or 'jsonl'.")
for data in data_stream:
yield {
input_field_name: data[input_field_name],
output_field_name: data[output_field_name],
- return Dataset.from_generator(get_jsonl_object)
+ return Dataset.from_generator(get_json_object)
### Utils for custom masking / manipulating input / output strs, etc