Have you heard about Multipass? Multipass is a Canonical project that offers a lightweight VM manager for Linux, Windows, and macOS. With Multipass, you can deploy Project Fonos in a local environment in a single command. This deployment method is by far the fasted way to get started with PF.
This method will not automatically enable TLS for you. You will also need to deactivate TLS on the client-side by setting the environment variable
to true.
Deploy PF to Multipass with the following steps. First, download the cloud-config.txt file into a local directory with:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fonoster/fonos/main/operator/cloud-config.txt -o cloud-config.txt
Be sure to update the environment variables to meet your requirements. Then, from the same directory, fire up Multipass:
multipass launch --name fonos --disk 10G --cpus 2 --mem 4G --cloud-init cloud-config.txt
You might see a "timed out waiting for initialization to complete", especially in a slow Internet connection. Don't worry. The process will continue in the background. You can access your VM and continue to follow the installation process with:
multipass shell fonos
tail -f /var/log/cloud-init-output.log
Once you see "Cloud init is done!" the process is complete. If everything went well, you will be able to log in to your PF deployment. To log in for the first time to your deployment, first, get your user credentials with:
cat /opt/fonos/config/user_credentials
Your output will look like the one bellow.
Next, obtain your VM's IP with:
multipass info fonos
Look for the entry starting with IPv4.
Name: fonos
State: Running
With the accessKeyId
, accessKeySecret
, and your VM's IP address, you can now login using the command-line tool or access your server with the SDK.