This quick guide will assist you in rapidly deploying PF to a Digital Ocean droplet.
To deploy to Digital Ocean, you first need to signup for an account. You will also need to download and setup the doctl
, using the guide from the doctl's repo.
Then, download the cloud-config.txt with:
curl -o cloud-config.txt
You must replace the public key with your own public keys from
, in the cloud-config.txt
Next, export your DO token and deploy your droplet with the following command:
doctl compute droplet create myserver \
--region nyc3 \
--access-token $DOTOKEN \
--size s-2vcpu-4gb \
--user-data-file cloud-config.txt \
--image debian-10-x64
💡 TIP: You could also add the
to ease future access your droplet
You can access your VM and follow the installation process. From within the VM, run the next command:
tail -f /var/log/cloud-init-output.log
Once you see "Cloud init is done!" the process is complete. If everything went well, you will be able to log in to your PF deployment.
To log in for the first time to your deployment, first, get your user credentials with:
cat /opt/fonos/config/user_credentials
Your output will look like the one bellow.
Finally, obtain your VM's IP from the DO's dashboard. With the accessKeyId
, accessKeySecret
, and your VM's IP address, you can now login with the command-line tool or access the deployment with the SDK.