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FMJ Studios - Paperless-NGX Helm Chart Paperless-NGX Logo

Paperless-ngx is a community-supported open-source document management system that transforms your physical documents into a searchable online archive so you can keep, well, less paper. Paperless-NGX is the official successor to the original Paperless & Paperless-ng projects and is designed to distribute the responsibility of advancing and supporting the project among a team of people. The application organizes and indexes your documents with tags, correspondents, types and more, performs OCR on your documents, making their text searchable and selectable and due its' use of the Tesseract engine - recognizes more than 100 languages. On top of all that it features a beautiful modern web application and is accompanied by a plethora of mobile applications for iOS and Android, provided by the open-source community around the project. It delivers all of these features within a single Docker image available on GitHub Container Registry.

Head to the Paperless-NGX GitHub Repository or their Website for in-depth documentation and configuration guides.


Helm Repository Installation

helm repo add fmjstudios
helm install paperless-ngx fmjstudios/paperless-ngx --version X.Y.Z

OCI Installation

helm install oci://


This chart bootstraps a Paperless-NGX StatefulSet on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager. For cluster networking a Service and Ingress manifest is also created, whereas the Ingress needs to be explicitly enabled. Lastly the chart configures a PodDisruptionBudget if enabled. RBAC manifests are enabled by default.

The chart supports the configuration of all Paperless-NGX environment variables via the paperless key in Helm's values and makes use of the official Docker Hub container image, although this is configurable via the Image Parameters.


Image parameters

Name Description Value
image.registry The Docker registry to pull the image from
image.repository The registry repository to pull the image from paperless-ngx/paperless-ngx
image.tag The image tag to pull 2.10.1
image.digest The image digest to pull ""
image.pullPolicy The Kubernetes image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.pullSecrets A list of secrets to use for pulling images from private registries []

Name overrides

Name Description Value
nameOverride String to partially override paperless.fullname ""
fullnameOverride String to fully override paperless.fullname ""

Paperless Configuration parameters

Name Description Value
paperless.domain Define the domain name for Paperless - will be re-used in Ingress ""
paperless.appTitle If set, overrides the default name "Paperless-ngx" ""
paperless.appLogo Path to an image file in the /media/logo directory, must include 'logo', e.g. /logo/Atari_logo.svg ""
paperless.secretKey.value Define a custom secret key for Paperless "" Define the name of an existing Secret containing the secret key ""
paperless.secretKey.existingSecret.key Define the key within the existing Secret containing the secret key ""
paperless.address The address Paperless should bind to "::"
paperless.port The port Paperless should bind to 8000
paperless.uid The user ID Paperless should use 1000
paperless.gid The group ID Paperless should use 1000
paperless.enableFlower Enable the 'Flower' monitoring tool for 'Celery' (Paperless' task queue) false
paperless.webserverWorkers The amount of Nginx worker processes to spawn for the server within the container 1
paperless.taskWorkers The amount for task worker processes to spawn within the container ""
paperless.threadsPerWorker The amount of threads to assign each task worker process within the container ""
paperless.workerTimeout The amount of threads to assign each task worker process within the container ""
paperless.timeZone Set the time zone here UTC
paperless.enableNLTK Enables or disables the advanced natural language processing used during ""
paperless.enableAuditLog Enables the audit trail for documents, document types, correspondents, and tags true
paperless.enableCompression Enables compression of the responses from the webserver. Defaults to 1, enabling compression. "1"
paperless.apps A comma-separated list of Django apps to be included in Django's INSTALLED_APPS ""
paperless.maxImagePixels Configures the maximum size of an image PIL will allow to load without warning or error ""
paperless.emptyTrashDelay Sets how long in days documents remain in the 'trash' before they are permanently deleted 30
paperless.auth.autoLoginUsername Specify a username so that paperless will automatically perform login with the selected user ""
paperless.auth.adminUser If this environment variable is specified, Paperless automatically creates a superuser with the provided username at start ""
paperless.auth.adminPassword Only used when PAPERLESS_ADMIN_USER is set. This will be the password of the automatically created superuser ""
paperless.auth.existingSecret Specify an existing secret with a username and password key ""
paperless.auth.adminMail Specify superuser email address. Only used when PAPERLESS_ADMIN_USER is set ""
paperless.auth.allowSignups Allow users to sign up for a new Paperless-ngx account ""
paperless.auth.disableRegularLogin Disables the regular frontend username / password login, i.e. once you have setup SSO false
paperless.auth.sessionRemember Controls the lifetime of the session. None, False or True ""
paperless.auth.defaultHTTPProtocol The protocol used when generating URLs, e.g. login callback URLs ""
paperless.auth.emailVerification Determines whether email addresses are verified during signup (as performed by Django allauth) "" This variable is used to set up login and signup via social account providers which are compatible with django-allauth. "" The name of existing secret containing a accountProviders key to configure Django AllAuth "" Allow users to signup for a new Paperless-ngx account using any setup third party authentication systems false Attempt to sign up the user using retrieved email, username etc from the third party authentication system false A list of trusted origins for unsafe requests (e.g. POST). As of Django 4.0 this is required to access the Django admin via the web "" If you're planning on putting Paperless on the open internet, then you really should set this value to the domain name you're using "" You need to add your servers to the list of allowed hosts that can do CORS calls. Set this to your public domain name "" This may be needed to prevent IP address spoofing if you are using e.g. fail2ban with log entries for failed authorization attempts "" To host paperless under a subpath URL like you set this value to /paperless. No trailing slash! "" Unless you're hosting Paperless off a subdomain like /paperless/, you probably don't need to change this "" Specify a prefix that is added to the cookies used by paperless to identify the currently logged in user "" Allows authentication via HTTP_REMOTE_USER which is used by some SSO applications false AAllows authentication via HTTP_REMOTE_USER directly against the API false If "PAPERLESS_ENABLE_HTTP_REMOTE_USER" or PAPERLESS_ENABLE_HTTP_REMOTE_USER_API are enabled, this property allows to customize the name of the HTTP header from which the authenticated username is extracted "" URL to redirect the user to after a logout "" Configures the Django setting USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST which may be needed for hosting behind a proxy false Configures the Django setting USE_X_FORWARDED_PORT which may be needed for hosting behind a proxy false Configures the Django setting SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER which may be needed for hosting behind a proxy ""
paperless.cron.emailTask Configures the scheduled email fetching frequency. The value should be a valid crontab(5) expression describing when to run. "*/10 * * * *"
paperless.cron.trainTask Configures the scheduled automatic classifier training frequency. May also be "disabled". "5 */1 * * *"
paperless.cron.indexTask Configures the scheduled search index update frequency. May also be "disabled". "0 0 * * *"
paperless.cron.sanityTask Configures the scheduled sanity checker frequency. May also be "disabled". "30 0 * *"
paperless.cron.emptyTrashTask Configures the schedule to empty the trash of expired deleted documents "0 1 * * *" Specify a custom hostname for the Redis instance. ""
paperless.redis.port The port for the Redis instance 6379
paperless.redis.username The username for the Redis instance ""
paperless.redis.password The password for the Redis instance ""
paperless.redis.existingSecret The name of an existing Secret with a uri key containing the full Redis URI ""
paperless.redis.prefix "" Specify a custom hostname for the PostgreSQL database ""
paperless.postgresql.port The port for the PostgreSQL database 5432 The database name for the PostgreSQL database ""
paperless.postgresql.user The username for the PostgreSQL database ""
paperless.postgresql.password The password for the PostgreSQL database ""
paperless.postgresql.existingSecret An existing BasicAuth secret containing the PostgreSQL credentials ""
paperless.postgresql.sslMode The SSL Mode for the PostgreSQL database prefer
paperless.postgresql.timeout Define a timeout for the database connection ""
paperless.postgresql.certs.rootCert The path to a mounted TLS root certificate ""
paperless.postgresql.certs.cert The path to a mounted TLS certificate ""
paperless.postgresql.certs.key The path to a mounted TLS certificate key ""
paperless.tika.enabled Enable or disable the Apache® Tika integration true
paperless.tika.endpoint Define the Apache Tika endpoint ""
paperless.gotenberg.endpoint Define the Apache Gotenberg endpoint "" The host to an SMTP server ""
paperless.smtp.port The port for an SMTP server ""
paperless.smtp.user An SMTP username ""
paperless.smtp.password The password for an SMTP user ""
paperless.smtp.existingSecret A secret containing username and password key SMTP authentication ""
paperless.smtp.from The from address for emails sent by Paperless ""
paperless.smtp.useTLS Whether to use TLS for contacting the SMTP server false
paperless.smtp.useSSL Whether to use SSL for contacting the SMTP server false Define a custom consumption directory "" Define a custom data directory "" Define a custom trash directory "" Define a custom trash directory "" Define a custom media directory "" Define a custom static directory "" Define a custom filename format "" Omit placeholders that would resolve to 'none' in filenameFormat false Define a custom logging directory "" Define a custom NLTK processing directory "" Define a path to a certificate (chain) for TLS verification for mail servers "" This is where paperless will store the classification model. Default is PAPERLESS_DATA_DIR/classification_model.pickle "" If this environment variable is defined, the supervisord.log and file will be created under the specified path "" The size given to PVCs created from the above data 10Gi The storageClass given to PVCs created from the above data standard The resourcePolicy given to PVCs created from the above data Retain Provide the name to an existing PVC ""
paperless.logging.logrotateMaxSize Maximum file size for log files before they're rotated ""
paperless.logging.logrotateMaxBackups The number of rotated log files to keep ""
paperless.ocr.language Customize the language that paperless will attempt to use when parsing documents eng
paperless.ocr.additionalLanguages Additional languages that paperless will attempt to use when parsing documents ""
paperless.ocr.mode Tell paperless when and how to perform ocr on your documents: skip, redo and force skip
paperless.ocr.skipArchiveFile Specify when you would like paperless to skip creating an archived version of your documents never
paperless.ocr.clean Tells paperless to use unpaper to clean any input document before sending it to tesseract true
paperless.ocr.deskew Tells paperless to correct skewing (slight rotation of input images mainly due to improper scanning) true
paperless.ocr.rotatePages Tells paperless to correct page rotation (90°, 180° and 270° rotation) true
paperless.ocr.rotatePagesThreshold Adjust the threshold for automatic page rotation by paperless.ocr.rotatePages 12
paperless.ocr.outputType Specify the type of PDF documents that paperless should produce pdfa
paperless.ocr.pages Tells paperless to use only the specified amount of pages for OCR. Documents with less than the specified amount of pages get OCR'ed completely ""
paperless.ocr.imageDPI Paperless will OCR any images you put into the system and convert them into PDF documents ""
paperless.ocr.maxImagePixels Paperless will raise a warning when OCRing images which are over this limit and will not OCR images which are more than twice this limit ""
paperless.ocr.colorConversionStrategy Controls the Ghostscript color conversion strategy when creating the archive file ""
paperless.ocr.userArgs OCRmyPDF offers many more options. Use this parameter to specify any additional arguments you wish to pass to OCRmyPDF ""
paperless.conversion.memoryLimit On smaller systems, or even in the case of Very Large Documents, the consumer may explode, complaining about how it's "unable to extend pixel cache" ""
paperless.conversion.tmpDir Similar to the memory limit, if you've got a small system and your OS mounts /tmp as tmpfs, you should set this to a path that's on a physical disk ""
paperless.consume.deleteDuplicates When the consumer detects a duplicate document, it will not touch the original document false
paperless.consume.recursive Enable recursive watching of the consumption directory false
paperless.consume.subdirsAsTags Set the names of subdirectories as tags for consumed files. E.g. <CONSUMPTION_DIR>/foo/bar/file.pdf will add the tags "foo" false
paperless.consume.ignorePatterns By default, paperless ignores certain files and folders in the consumption directory ""
paperless.consume.barcodeScanner Sets the barcode scanner used for barcode functionality PYZBAR
paperless.consume.preConsumeScript After some initial validation, Paperless can trigger an arbitrary script if you like before beginning consumption ""
paperless.consume.postConsumeScript After a document is consumed, Paperless can trigger an arbitrary script if you like ""
paperless.consume.filenameDateOrder Paperless will check the document text for document date information ""
paperless.consume.numberOfSuggestedDates Paperless searches an entire document for dates. The first date found will be used as the initial value for the created date 3
paperless.consume.thumbnailFontName Paperless creates thumbnails for plain text files by rendering the content of the file on an image ""
paperless.consume.ignoreDates Paperless parses a document's creation date from filename and file content. You may specify a comma separated list of dates that should be ignored during this process ""
paperless.consume.dateOrder Paperless will try to determine the document creation date from its contents. Specify the date format Paperless should expect to see within your documents ""
paperless.consume.polling.enabled If paperless won't find documents added to your consume folder, it might not be able to automatically detect filesystem changes 0
paperless.consume.polling.retryCount If consumer polling is enabled, sets the maximum number of times paperless will check for a file to remain unmodified 5
paperless.consume.polling.delay If consumer polling is enabled, sets the delay in seconds between each check (above) paperless will do while waiting for a file to remain unmodified 5
paperless.consume.iNotify.delay Sets the time in seconds the consumer will wait for additional events from inotify before the consumer will consider a file ready and begin consumption 0.5
paperless.consume.barcodes.enabled Enables the scanning and page separation based on detected barcodes false
paperless.consume.barcodes.tiffSupport Whether TIFF image files should be scanned for barcodes false
paperless.consume.barcodes.string Defines the string to be detected as a separator barcode PATCHT
paperless.consume.barcodes.enableASNBarcode Enables the detection of barcodes in the scanned document and setting the ASN (archive serial number) if a properly formatted barcode is detected false
paperless.consume.barcodes.ASNBarcodePrefix Defines the prefix that is used to identify a barcode as an ASN barcode ASN
paperless.consume.barcodes.upscale Defines the upscale factor used in barcode detection 0.0
paperless.consume.barcodes.dpi During barcode detection every page from a PDF document needs to be converted to an image 300
paperless.consume.barcodes.enableTagBarcode Enables the detection of barcodes in the scanned document and assigns or creates tags if a properly formatted barcode is detected 300
paperless.consume.barcodes.tagBarcodeMapping Override the default dictionary of filter regular expression and substitute expressions ""
paperless.consume.collate.enableDoubleSided Enables automatic collation of two single-sided scans into a double-sided document false
paperless.consume.collate.doubleSidedSubdirName The name of the subdirectory that the collate feature expects documents to arrive double-sided
paperless.consume.collate.doubleSidedTiffSupport Whether TIFF image files should be supported when collating documents false
paperless.binaries.convert The binary name for convert convert The binary name for gs convert

ConfigMap parameters

Name Description Value
configMap.annotations Annotations for the ConfigMap resource {}
configMap.labels Extra Labels for the ConfigMap resource {}

Common Secret parameters

Name Description Value
secret.annotations Common annotations for the SMTP, HIBP, Admin and Database secrets {}
secret.labels Common extra labels for the SMTP, HIBP, Admin and Database secrets {}

Ingress parameters

Name Description Value
ingress.enabled Whether to enable Ingress false
ingress.className The IngressClass to use for the pod's ingress ""
ingress.whitelist A comma-separated list of IP addresses to whitelist ""
ingress.annotations Annotations for the Ingress resource {}
ingress.tls A list of hostnames and secret names to use for TLS []
ingress.extraHosts A list of extra hosts for the Ingress resource (with vaultwarden.domain) []

Service parameters

Name Description Value
service.type The type of service to create ClusterIP
service.port The port to use on the service 8000
service.nodePort The Node port to use on the service 30080
service.extraPorts Extra ports to add to the service []
service.annotations Annotations for the service resource {}
service.labels Labels for the service resource {}
service.externalTrafficPolicy The external traffic policy for the service Cluster
service.internalTrafficPolicy The internal traffic policy for the service Cluster
service.clusterIP Define a static cluster IP for the service ""
service.loadBalancerIP Set the Load Balancer IP ""
service.loadBalancerClass Define Load Balancer class if service type is LoadBalancer (optional, cloud specific) ""
service.loadBalancerSourceRanges Service Load Balancer source ranges []
service.externalIPs Service External IPs []
service.sessionAffinity Session Affinity for Kubernetes service, can be "None" or "ClientIP" None
service.sessionAffinityConfig Additional settings for the sessionAffinity {}
service.ipFamilyPolicy The ipFamilyPolicy {}

RBAC parameters

Name Description Value
rbac.create Whether to create RBAC resources true
rbac.rules Extra rules to add to the Role []

Service Account parameters

Name Description Value
serviceAccount.create Whether a service account should be created true
serviceAccount.automount Whether to automount the service account token false
serviceAccount.annotations Annotations to add to the service account {} A custom name for the service account, otherwise paperless.fullname is used ""
serviceAccount.secrets A list of secrets mountable by this service account []

Liveness Probe parameters

Name Description Value
livenessProbe.enabled Enable or disable the use of liveness probes false
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Configure the initial delay seconds for the liveness probe 5
livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds Configure the initial delay seconds for the liveness probe 1
livenessProbe.periodSeconds Configure the seconds for each period of the liveness probe 10
livenessProbe.successThreshold Configure the success threshold for the liveness probe 1
livenessProbe.failureThreshold Configure the failure threshold for the liveness probe 10

Readiness Probe parameters

Name Description Value
readinessProbe.enabled Enable or disable the use of readiness probes false
readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Configure the initial delay seconds for the readiness probe 5
readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds Configure the initial delay seconds for the readiness probe 1
readinessProbe.periodSeconds Configure the seconds for each period of the readiness probe 10
readinessProbe.successThreshold Configure the success threshold for the readiness probe 1
readinessProbe.failureThreshold Configure the failure threshold for the readiness probe 3

Startup Probe parameters

Name Description Value
startupProbe.enabled Enable or disable the use of readiness probes false
startupProbe.initialDelaySeconds Configure the initial delay seconds for the startup probe 5
startupProbe.timeoutSeconds Configure the initial delay seconds for the startup probe 1
startupProbe.periodSeconds Configure the seconds for each period of the startup probe 10
startupProbe.successThreshold Configure the success threshold for the startup probe 1
startupProbe.failureThreshold Configure the failure threshold for the startup probe 10

PodDisruptionBudget parameters

Name Description Value
podDisruptionBudget.enabled Enable the pod disruption budget true
podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable The minimum amount of pods which need to be available 1

Pod settings

Name Description Value
resources The resource limits/requests for the Paperless pod {}
volumes Define volumes for the Paperless pod []
volumeMounts Define volumeMounts for the Paperless pod []
initContainers Define initContainers for the main Paperless server []
nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
tolerations Tolerations for pod assignment []
affinity Affinity for pod assignment {}
strategy Specify a deployment strategy for the Paperless pod {}
podAnnotations Extra annotations for the Paperless pod {}
podLabels Extra labels for the Paperless pod {}
priorityClassName The name of an existing PriorityClass ""

Security context settings

Name Description Value
podSecurityContext Security context settings for the Paperless pod {}
securityContext General security context settings for {}

Bitnami® PostgreSQL parameters

Name Description Value
postgresql.enabled Enable or disable the PostgreSQL subchart true
postgresql.auth.enablePostgresUser Assign a password to the "postgres" admin user. Otherwise, remote access will be blocked for this user true
postgresql.auth.postgresPassword Password for the "postgres" admin user. Ignored if auth.existingSecret is provided postgres
postgresql.auth.username Name for a custom user to create paperless
postgresql.auth.password Password for the custom user to create. Ignored if auth.existingSecret is provided paperless
postgresql.auth.database Name for a custom database to create paperless
postgresql.auth.usePasswordFiles Mount credentials as a files instead of using an environment variable false Name of the primary database (eg primary, master, leader, ...) primary
postgresql.primary.persistence.enabled Enable PostgreSQL Primary data persistence using PVC true
postgresql.primary.persistence.existingClaim Name of an existing PVC to use ""
postgresql.primary.persistence.storageClass PVC Storage Class for PostgreSQL Primary data volume ""
postgresql.primary.persistence.accessModes PVC Access Mode for PostgreSQL volume ["ReadWriteOnce"]
postgresql.primary.persistence.size PVC Storage Request for PostgreSQL volume 5Gi

Bitnami® Redis parameters

Name Description Value
redis.enabled Enable or disable the Redis® subchart true
redis.architecture Redis® architecture. Allowed values: standalone or replication standalone
redis.auth.password Redis® password paperless

Apache® Tika parameters

Name Description Value
tika.enabled Enable or disable the Apache Tika subchart true

FMJ Studios Gotenberg parameters

Name Description Value
gotenberg.enabled Enable or disable the Gotenberg subchart true
gotenberg.gotenberg.chromium.disableJavaScript Disable JavaScript false
gotenberg.gotenberg.chromium.allowList Set the allowed URLs for Chromium using a regular expression - defaults to 'All' ""
gotenberg.gotenberg.logging.level Choose the level of logging detail info