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FMJ Studios - ntfy Helm Chart ntfy Logo

ntfy (pronounced notify) is a simple HTTP-based pub-sub notification service. It allows you to send notifications to your phone or desktop via scripts from any computer, and/or using a REST API. It's infinitely flexible, and 100% free software. It delivers all of these features within a single Docker image available on Docker Hub.

Head to the ntfy GitHub Repository or their Website for in-depth documentation and configuration guides.


Helm Repository Installation

helm repo add fmjstudios
helm install ntfy fmjstudios/ntfy --version X.Y.Z

OCI Installation

helm install oci://


This chart bootstraps a ntfy StatefulSet or Deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager. For cluster networking a Service and Ingress manifest is also created, whereas the Ingress needs to be explicitly enabled. Lastly the chart configures a PodDisruptionBudget if enabled. RBAC manifests are enabled by default.

The chart supports the configuration of all ntfy environment variables via the ntfy key in Helm's values and makes use of the official Docker Hub container image, although this is configurable via the Image Parameters.


ntfy Image parameters

Name Description Value
image.registry The Docker registry to pull the image from
image.repository The registry repository to pull the image from binwiederhier/ntfy
image.tag The image tag to pull v2.11.0
image.digest The image digest to pull ""
image.pullPolicy The Kubernetes image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.pullSecrets A list of secrets to use for pulling images from private registries []

Name overrides

Name Description Value
nameOverride String to partially override ntfy.fullname ""
fullnameOverride String to fully override ntfy.fullname ""

Workload overrides

Name Description Value
kind The kind of workload to deploy ntfy as (StatefulSet or Deployment) StatefulSet

ntfy Configuration parameters

Name Description Value
ntfy.baseURL The public facing URL for the service (e.g. ""
ntfy.listenHTTP The listen address for the HTTP server (e.g. ":80", "") ""
ntfy.listenHTTPS The listen address for the HTTPS server (e.g. ":443", "") - ""
ntfy.listenUnix The path to a Unix socket to listen on (e.g. "/var/run/ntfy/ntfy.sock") ""
ntfy.listenUnixMode The Linux permissions for the Unix socket (e.g. "0700") ""
ntfy.keyFile The path to a certificate key file (e.g. "/var/lib/ntfy/tls.key") ""
ntfy.certFile The path to a certificate file (e.g. "/var/lib/ntfy/tls.crt") ""
ntfy.firebaseKeyFile The path to a Firebase key file (e.g. "/var/lib/ntfy/key.json") ""
ntfy.behindProxy Whether or not ntfy is hosted behind a proxy false
ntfy.keepaliveInterval Interval in which keepalive messages are sent to the client ""
ntfy.managerInterval Interval in which the manager prunes old messages ""
ntfy.disallowedTopics Define topic names that are not allowed []
ntfy.webRoot Define topic names that are not allowed ""
ntfy.enableSignup Allow users to sign up via the web app or API false
ntfy.enableLogin Allow users to sign in via the web app or API false
ntfy.enableReservations Allow users to reserve topics false
ntfy.globalTopicLimit The total number of topics before the server rejects new topics 15000 The root path for ntfy to store its' files /var/lib/ntfy The size given to the new PVC 5Gi The storageClass given to the new PVC standard The resourcePolicy given to the new PVC Retain Provide the name to an existing PVC ""
ntfy.cache.file The path where to create the SQLite cache database, beginning at (e.g. "cache.db") cache.db
ntfy.cache.duration The duration for which messages will be buffered before they are deleted (e.g. "12h") ""
ntfy.cache.startupQueries SQLite queries to run on database initialization (e.g. to enable WAL mode) ""
ntfy.cache.batchSize The amount of messages within a single batch (e.g. 32) 0
ntfy.cache.batchTimeout The timeout after which to write the batched messages to the DB (e.g. "0ms") ""
ntfy.auth.file The path where to create the SQLite user database (e.g. "auth.db") ""
ntfy.auth.defaultAccess The default access level for new users. Can be deny-all, read-only or write-only. ""
ntfy.auth.startupQueries SQLite queries to run on database initialization (e.g. to enable WAL mode) ""
ntfy.attachment.cacheDir The directory for attached files (e.g. "attachments") ""
ntfy.attachment.totalSizeLimit The maximum total size of cacheDir (e.g. "5G") ""
ntfy.attachment.fileSizeLimit The maximum size of a single attachment (e.g. "15M") ""
ntfy.attachment.expiryDuration The duration after which uploaded attachments are deleted (e.g. "3h") ""
ntfy.smtp.senderAddr The hostname:port of the SMTP server (e.g. "") ""
ntfy.smtp.senderFrom The e-=mail address of the sender (e.g. "[email protected]") ""
ntfy.smtp.senderUser The username of the SMTP user (e.g. "[email protected]") ""
ntfy.smtp.senderPass The password of the SMTP user (e.g. "[email protected]") ""
ntfy.smtp.existingSecret An existing secret with a username and password key ""
ntfy.smtp.incoming.listen The IP address and port the SMTP server will listen on (e.g. ":25" or "") ""
ntfy.smtp.incoming.domain The email domain (e.g. "") ""
ntfy.smtp.incoming.addrPrefix Optional prefix to prevent spam. If set to "ntfy-" for example, ""
ntfy.web.publicKey is the generated VAPID public key, (e.g. "AA...") ""
ntfy.web.privateKey is the generated VAPID private key, (e.g. "AA...") ""
ntfy.web.existingSecret An existing secret with a privateKey and publicKey a ""
ntfy.web.file is a database file to keep track of browser subscription endpoints (e.g. "/var/cache/ntfy/webpush.db") ""
ntfy.web.emailAddress is the admin email address send to the push provider, (e.g. "[email protected]") ""
ntfy.web.startupQueries SQLite queries to run on database initialization (e.g. to enable WAL mode) ""
ntfy.twilio.accountSID is the Twilio account SID, (e.g. "AC12345beefbeef67890beefbeef122586") ""
ntfy.twilio.token is the Twilio authentication token, (e.g. "ThisIsAnAuthenticationToken") ""
ntfy.twilio.existingSecret An existing secret containing a accountSID and token key ""
ntfy.twilio.phoneNumber The outgoing Twilio phone number (e.g. "+18775132586") ""
ntfy.twilio.verifyService Twilio verify service SID (e.g. "VA12345beefbeef67890beefbeef122586") ""
ntfy.upstream.baseURL The base URL of the upstream server, should be "" ""
ntfy.upstream.accessToken the token used to authenticate with the upstream APNS server ""
ntfy.upstream.existingSecret A existing Secret containing a token key ""
ntfy.message.sizeLimit The maximum size of a message body (e.g. "4k") ""
ntfy.message.delayLimit The maximum delay of a message when using the "Delay" header (e.g. "12h") ""
ntfy.visitor.subscriptionLimit The number of subscriptions per visitor (IP address) 30
ntfy.visitor.requestLimitBurst The initial bucket of requests each visitor has (e.g. "60") 60
ntfy.visitor.requestLimitReplenish The rate at which the bucket is refilled (e.g. "5s") 5s
ntfy.visitor.requestLimitExemptHosts A comma-separated list of hostnames, IPs or CIDRs to be ""
ntfy.visitor.messageDailyLimit Hard daily limit of messages per visitor and day. The limit is reset 15000
ntfy.visitor.emailLimitBurst The initial bucket of emails each visitor has (e.g. "60") 16
ntfy.visitor.emailLimitReplenish The rate at which the bucket is refilled (e.g. "5s") 1h
ntfy.visitor.attachmentTotalSizeLimit The total storage limit used for attachments per visitor 100M
ntfy.visitor.attachmentDailyBandwidthLimit The total daily attachment download/upload traffic limit per visitor 500M
ntfy.visitor.subscriberRateLimiting Whether to enable subscriber-based rate limiting false
ntfy.stripe.secretKey The key used for the Stripe API communication ""
ntfy.stripe.webhookKey The webhook key used for the Stripe API communication ""
ntfy.stripe.existingSecret An existing secret containing a secretKey and weboohKey keys ""
ntfy.stripe.billingContact is an email address or site displayed in the "Upgrade tier" dialog to let people reach ""
ntfy.metrics.enabled enables the /metrics endpoint for the ntfy server false
ntfy.metrics.listenHTTP exposes the metrics endpoint via a dedicated [IP]:port. If set, this option ""
ntfy.metrics.profileListenHTTP If enabled, ntfy will listen on a dedicated listen IP/port ""
ntfy.log.level One of "trace", "debug", "info" (default), "warn" or "error" info
ntfy.log.levelOverrides lets you override the log level if certain fields match ""
ntfy.log.format One of "text" (default) or "json" text
ntfy.log.file The filename to write logs to. If this is not set, ntfy logs to stderr ""

ConfigMap parameters

Name Description Value
configMap.annotations Annotations for the ConfigMap resource {}
configMap.labels Extra Labels for the ConfigMap resource {}

Common Secret parameters

Name Description Value
secret.annotations Common annotations for the SMTP, HIBP, Admin and Database secrets {}
secret.labels Common extra labels for the SMTP, HIBP, Admin and Database secrets {}

Ingress parameters

Name Description Value
ingress.enabled Whether to enable Ingress false
ingress.className The IngressClass to use for the pod's ingress ""
ingress.whitelist A comma-separated list of IP addresses to whitelist ""
ingress.annotations Annotations for the Ingress resource {}
ingress.tls A list of hostnames and secret names to use for TLS []
ingress.extraHosts A list of extra hosts for the Ingress resource (with ntfy.baseURL) []

Service parameters

Name Description Value
service.type The type of service to create ClusterIP
service.nodePort The Node port to use on the service 30080
service.extraPorts Extra ports to add to the service []
service.annotations Annotations for the service resource {}
service.labels Labels for the service resource {}
service.externalTrafficPolicy The external traffic policy for the service Cluster
service.internalTrafficPolicy The internal traffic policy for the service Cluster
service.clusterIP Define a static cluster IP for the service ""
service.loadBalancerIP Set the Load Balancer IP ""
service.loadBalancerClass Define Load Balancer class if service type is LoadBalancer (optional, cloud specific) ""
service.loadBalancerSourceRanges Service Load Balancer source ranges []
service.externalIPs Service External IPs []
service.sessionAffinity Session Affinity for Kubernetes service, can be "None" or "ClientIP" None
service.sessionAffinityConfig Additional settings for the sessionAffinity {}
service.ipFamilyPolicy The ipFamilyPolicy {}
service.ports.http The port to use on the service for HTTP traffic 8080
service.ports.https The port to use on the service for HTTPS traffic in case ntfy.listenHTTPS is active. 8443

RBAC parameters

Name Description Value
rbac.create Whether to create RBAC resources true
rbac.rules Extra rules to add to the Role []

Service Account parameters

Name Description Value
serviceAccount.create Whether a service account should be created true
serviceAccount.automount Whether to automount the service account token false
serviceAccount.annotations Annotations to add to the service account {} A custom name for the service account, otherwise ntfy.fullname is used ""
serviceAccount.secrets A list of secrets mountable by this service account []

Liveness Probe parameters

Name Description Value
livenessProbe.enabled Enable or disable the use of liveness probes false
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Configure the initial delay seconds for the liveness probe 5
livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds Configure the initial delay seconds for the liveness probe 1
livenessProbe.periodSeconds Configure the seconds for each period of the liveness probe 10
livenessProbe.successThreshold Configure the success threshold for the liveness probe 1
livenessProbe.failureThreshold Configure the failure threshold for the liveness probe 10

Readiness Probe parameters

Name Description Value
readinessProbe.enabled Enable or disable the use of readiness probes false
readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Configure the initial delay seconds for the readiness probe 5
readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds Configure the initial delay seconds for the readiness probe 1
readinessProbe.periodSeconds Configure the seconds for each period of the readiness probe 10
readinessProbe.successThreshold Configure the success threshold for the readiness probe 1
readinessProbe.failureThreshold Configure the failure threshold for the readiness probe 3

Startup Probe parameters

Name Description Value
startupProbe.enabled Enable or disable the use of readiness probes false
startupProbe.initialDelaySeconds Configure the initial delay seconds for the startup probe 5
startupProbe.timeoutSeconds Configure the initial delay seconds for the startup probe 1
startupProbe.periodSeconds Configure the seconds for each period of the startup probe 10
startupProbe.successThreshold Configure the success threshold for the startup probe 1
startupProbe.failureThreshold Configure the failure threshold for the startup probe 10

PodDisruptionBudget parameters

Name Description Value
podDisruptionBudget.enabled Enable the pod disruption budget true
podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable The minimum amount of pods which need to be available 1

Pod settings

Name Description Value
resources The resource limits/requests for the ntfy pod {}
volumes Define volumes for the ntfy pod []
volumeMounts Define volumeMounts for the ntfy pod []
initContainers Define initContainers for the main ntfy server []
nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
tolerations Tolerations for pod assignment []
affinity Affinity for pod assignment {}
strategy Specify a deployment strategy for the ntfy pod {}
podAnnotations Extra annotations for the ntfy pod {}
podLabels Extra labels for the ntfy pod {}
priorityClassName The name of an existing PriorityClass ""

Security context settings

Name Description Value
podSecurityContext Security context settings for the ntfy pod {}
securityContext General security context settings for {}