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Module 3 - Develop and deploy Custom Object Detection Models with IoT Edge DeepStream SDK

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Module 3 : Develop and deploy Custom Object Detection Models with IoT Edge DeepStream SDK Module

At this point, you should have deployed a custom DeepStream Configuration that is able to consume input from your desired sources. We will now look into ways to customize the object detection model that is employed in that configuration to enable to you to create a fully customized Intelligent Video Analytics Pipeline.

This section will assume that you might be brand new to the world of Computer Vision / Artificial Intelligence and that you are interested in the end goal of using a Custom Object Detection model that detects objects that you train it to detect. If you are interested in obtaining accurate detection of common objects immediately, without the need to train up a custom model, we will also demonstrate how to employ an academic-grade pre-trained object detection model (YoloV3) which has been trained on 80 common objects.

If you wish to follow along with the steps in this module, we have recorded a livestream presentation titled "Develop and deploy Custom Object Detection Models with IoT Edge DeepSteam SDK Module" that walks through the steps below in great detail.

Develop and deploy Custom Object Detection Models with IoT Edge DeepSteam SDK Module

Module 3.1 : Training a custom object detection model using Custom Vision AI

Note: These steps assume that the NVIDIADeepStreamSDK module is configured to reference the DSConfig-CustomVisionAI.txt DeepStream configuration

Microsoft provides a Custom Vision service as part of Cognitive Services which allows you to very easily train and export custom object detection models. To get started, create an account at then begin a new project with the following options:

New Custom Vision AI Project

Once created, upload at least 15 images per tag (object) that you are interested in detecting. Here is an example using 15 images of myself to train a "person" detector:

Upload Samples

Ensure that each image in the training set is tagged appropriately with an associated bounding box around the intended object:

Tag Samples

With your images tagged, select "Train" and then "Quick Training":

Train Samples

Next, select "Performance", and then "Export":

Export Model

Select ONNX and then right-click the "Download" button to copy the link to download your resulting model:

Download Model

Take note of this value as we will use it in the next section. The copied text should look similar to the following:

Module 3.2 : Using a Custom Vision AI Object Detection Model with NVIDIA DeepStream

If we wish to use our new model with our existing application, all we have to do is update the model present in /data/misc/storage/Intelligent-Video-Analytics-with-NVIDIA-Jetson-and-Microsoft-Azure/services/CUSTOM_VISION_AI.

This can be done on your Jetson device using the commands below, just replace the link in the wget command to point to your exported Custom Vision AI model from the previous step.

#Delete the contents of the CUSTOM_VISION_AI directory to remove existing model and TensorRT engine
rm -rf /data/misc/storage/Intelligent-Video-Analytics-with-NVIDIA-Jetson-and-Microsoft-Azure/services/CUSTOM_VISION_AI/*

#Navigate to CUSTOM_VISION_AI directory
cd /data/misc/storage/Intelligent-Video-Analytics-with-NVIDIA-Jetson-and-Microsoft-Azure/services/CUSTOM_VISION_AI

#Download the exported model from CustomVision.AI
#Note: It is important that the link to your model is quoted when running this command!
sudo wget -O ""

#Unzip the that we just downloaded

#Install dos2unix
sudo apt install -y dos2unix

#Convert labels.txt to Unix format (otherwise DeepStream will append '/r' to object value)
dos2unix labels.txt

It is important that you follow this process every time that you update the model (including removing the contents of the CUSTOM_VISON_AI directory) as DeepStream will generate a TensorRT engine file on next run if one does not exist. If this file already exists, you may unintentionally end up referencing an engine that was generated by an older model when what you really want to do is regenerate a new engine for the new model!

The directory contents of /data/misc/storage/Intelligent-Video-Analytics-with-NVIDIA-Jetson-and-Microsoft-Azure/services/CUSTOM_VISION_AI should now contain the following:


Technically, our DeepStream configuration only needs access to the labels.txt and model.onnx files. The labels.txt file contains the object detection classes that are supported by your model. This will consist of the tags used to train your model in CustomVision.AI. The model.onnx file is an ONNX based YoloV2Tiny type object detector model.

After the model has been downloaded and extracted, restart the DeepStreamSDK module so that it can begin using your new model with:

docker rm -f NVIDIADeepStreamSDK

Wait a few moments for the NVIDIADeepStreamSDK module to restart, then run the following to view the logs of the NVIDIADeepStreamSDK module:

docker logs -f NVIDIADeepStreamSDK

You should receive output similar to the following:

2020-06-10 19:39:48.485400: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library

 *** DeepStream: Launched RTSP Streaming at rtsp://localhost:8555/ds-test ***

(deepstream-test5-app:1): GLib-CRITICAL **: 19:39:49.193: g_strrstr: assertion 'haystack != NULL' failed
nvds_msgapi_connect : connect success

Using winsys: x11
ERROR: Deserialize engine failed because file path: /data/misc/storage/Intelligent-Video-Analytics-with-NVIDIA-Jetson-and-Microsoft-Azure/services/DEEPSTREAM/configs/../../CUSTOM_VISION_AI/model.onnx_b1_gpu0_fp32.engine open error
0:00:03.779721457     1     0x21e4b4d0 WARN                 nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:599:gst_nvinfer_logger:<primary_gie> NvDsInferContext[UID 1]: Warning from NvDsInferContextImpl::deserializeEngineAndBackend() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:1566> [UID = 1]: deserialize engine from file :/data/misc/storage/Intelligent-Video-Analytics-with-NVIDIA-Jetson-and-Microsoft-Azure/services/DEEPSTREAM/configs/../../CUSTOM_VISION_AI/model.onnx_b1_gpu0_fp32.engine failed
0:00:03.779815000     1     0x21e4b4d0 WARN                 nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:599:gst_nvinfer_logger:<primary_gie> NvDsInferContext[UID 1]: Warning from NvDsInferContextImpl::generateBackendContext() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:1673> [UID = 1]: deserialize backend context from engine from file :/data/misc/storage/Intelligent-Video-Analytics-with-NVIDIA-Jetson-and-Microsoft-Azure/services/DEEPSTREAM/configs/../../CUSTOM_VISION_AI/model.onnx_b1_gpu0_fp32.engine failed, try rebuild
0:00:03.779842136     1     0x21e4b4d0 INFO                 nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:602:gst_nvinfer_logger:<primary_gie> NvDsInferContext[UID 1]: Info from NvDsInferContextImpl::buildModel() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:1591> [UID = 1]: Trying to create engine from model files
Input filename:   /data/misc/storage/Intelligent-Video-Analytics-with-NVIDIA-Jetson-and-Microsoft-Azure/services/CUSTOM_VISION_AI/model.onnx
ONNX IR version:  0.0.3
Opset version:    7
Producer name:
Producer version:
Domain:           onnxml
Model version:    0
Doc string:

The error messages indicate that a TensorRT engine does not yet exist for the referenced model.onnx. As mentioned earlier, DeepStream will attempt to regenerate the engine if one is not present. The first execution will take some extra time to start as the TensorRT engine is generated, but will use the newly generated engine on subsequent executions.

After the TensorRT engine is regenerated, the directory contents of /data/misc/storage/Intelligent-Video-Analytics-with-NVIDIA-Jetson-and-Microsoft-Azure/services/CUSTOM_VISION_AI should now contain the following (Note: model.onnx_b1_gpu0_fp32.engine is now present):


Module 3.3 : Using the Deployed CameraTaggingModule to gather Training Samples

The Intelligent Video Analytics deployment ships with a Camera Tagging Module that can assist in gathering Training Samples for use with CustomVision.AI.


The Azure IoT Edge Camera Tagging Module can assist by providing automated methods for capturing and uploading training samples from accessible RTSP streams in open and air-gapped networks, with ability to upload samples directly to CustomVision.AI or employ the azureblobstorageoniotedge module to store and forward to an Azure Storage container. This enables solution builders to produce varied and precise AI models using data gathered from a module running on any IoT Edge capable device.

For detailed instructions on how to use the features of the CameraTaggingModule, consult this article.

Module 3.4 : The CustomVisionAI YoloParser

The onnx formatted model that we exported from CustomVision.AI is a YoloV2Tiny based object detector. Yolo is an umbrella naming convention of object detectors created by Joseph Redmon. The "Tiny" denotes that we are using a version of Yolov2* which targets resource constrained devices. The "Tiny" version favors speed in exchange for the accuracy present in it's "non-Tiny" variant. This type of model is suitable for the Jetson Nano, but could be exceeded on more powerful hardware like the Jetson Xavier family of devices.

In this section, we will discuss Custom Yolo Parser used by DeepStream to parse the .onnx formatted CustomVision.AI model into a TensorRT engine via ( This shared object is referred to in the Primary Inference Engine configuration file in the value of custom-lib-path. This file also mentions a parse-bbox-func-name which corresponds to a function originating in nvdsparsebbox_Yolo.cpp

The CustomVisionAI YoloParser can be found at:


Within this folder, you will find the pre-built Custom Yolo Parser itself,, and a Makefile along with instructions on how to build the parser from source. This source and instructions correspond to building the parser against DeepStream5.0 running on JetPack 4.4 (The Jetson device OS / libraries version). If you intend to run on against different versions of either, you will likely need to recompile this from source.

You may be interested in modifying the nvdsparsebbox_Yolo.cpp. For example, you can uncomment lines 432-437 to output the confidence of detected objects. You can also modify the Non-Maximal Suppression Threshold (kNMS_THRESH) and Confidence Threshold (kPROB_THRESH) to tune your model for better accuracy. These parameters are explained in detail in the following article.

Module 3.5 : The CustomYolo YoloParser

DeepStream 5.0 ships with a parser capable of working with the stock YoloV3 weights and configurations. For details on how this parser works, you can consult the DeepStream 4.0 documentation for "Custom YOLO Model in the DeepStream YOLO App".

The CustomYolo YoloParser can be found at:


Within this folder, you will find the pre-built Custom Yolo Parser itself,, and a Makefile along with instructions on how to build the parser from source. This source and instructions correspond to building the parser against DeepStream5.0 running on JetPack 4.4 (The Jetson device OS / libraries version) and requires that DeepStream 5.0 has been installed onto the host. If you intend to run on against different versions of either, you will likely need to recompile this from source.

You may be interested in modifying in /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-5.0/sources/objectDetector_Yolo/nvdsinfer_custom_impl_Yolonvdsparsebbox_Yolo.cpp. Note that this file will only exist if you have installed DeepStream 5.0 on the host system. It is important to note that if you plan on using a custom YoloV3* model with this parser, you will need to modify line 33 of this file to reflect the number of object detection classes present in your Yolo model:

static const int NUM_CLASSES_YOLO = 80

You can also modify the Non-Maximal Suppression Threshold (nms-iou-threshold) and Confidence Threshold (pre-cluster-threshold) to tune your model for better accuracy, these are available in config_infer_primary_yoloV3_tiny.txt and config_infer_primary_yoloV3.txt. These parameters are explained in detail in the following article.

Module 3.6 : Using a YoloV3* Object Detection Model with NVIDIA DeepStream

This section will walk through steps to employ YoloV3 or YoloV3Tiny in a DeepStream configuration.

Yolo requires that .weights and .cfg files are present and this project does not ship with them. They can be obtained by running:

cd /data/misc/storage/Intelligent-Video-Analytics-with-NVIDIA-Jetson-and-Microsoft-Azure/services/YOLOV3


Once the script has finished, you should see the following files in the /data/misc/storage/Intelligent-Video-Analytics-with-NVIDIA-Jetson-and-Microsoft-Azure/services/YOLOV3 directory:  

To use YoloV3 or YoloV3Tiny with the NVIDIADeepStreamSDK module, you must update the Entrypoint of the NVIDIADeepStreamSDK module in deployment.template.json to reference DSConfig-YoloV3.txt or DSConfig-YoloV3Tiny.txt then follow the steps in Module 2.5 to recreate and apply the deployment. You will also likely need to update the newly referenced config (DSConfig-YoloV3.txt or DSConfig-YoloV3Tiny.txt) to reference any of the customizations explained previously in Module 2.6.

On first execution, by default, DeepStream will create a TensorRT engine file for the Yolo model in it's current working directory at:


The YOLOV3* configurations for config_infer_primary_yoloV3.txt and config_infer_primary_yoloV3_tiny.txt can be sped up by copying and renaming the resulting model file that is generated by DeepStream (model_b*_gpu0_fp16.engine) to the path:


By default, the YOLOV3 configuration expects the engine to be named yolov3_model_b1_gpu0_fp16.engine whereas YOLOV3 expects the name yolov3_tiny_model_b1_gpu0_fp16.engine.

If DeepStream is able to reference an existing engine, (see config_infer_primary_yoloV3.txt for YoloV3 or config_infer_primary_yoloV3_tiny.txt for YoloV3Tiny), it will not need to re-build the TensorRT engine on subsequent executions which can vastly speed up the start time of your DeepStream workload.

If you notice low framerates or laggy performance, particularly when running YoloV3* inference with multiple video sources on a Jetson Nano. You may be able to improve performance by increasing the value of [primary-gie] interval in your DeepStream configuration. This will set the number of consecutive frame batches to skip before performing inference execution, improving the ability to process inference results closer to real-time by running inference less often.

Module 3.6: Next Steps

You should now have a working DeepStream Configuration that references a CustomVision.AI model or YoloV3*. We are now ready to begin pushing object detection telemetry from our custom Intelligent Video Analytics solution into Microsoft Azure Services.