**雿�� Aisha Javed**��
1. 靚瑟�蝵�摰霂髡 - 敹恍���亦�蝏��刻�銝�瘨胯��
2. 靚瑟��唳��銝�霂髡 - ��雿��唳������
3. 靚瑟�IT�舀�銝�霂髡 - �舀�雿�蝏��T
��隞亙�����恥��隞撘�憪�撘��渡�韐��! 蝚�1�典�????銝哨����曇圾�蝝��嗆嚗B嚗�典郎銋�瘜�撌乩���嚗��摰�蝞�瘣�嚗�銋�摰��餈葵蝞��詨�蝞���餈��恥銝哨��賑撠祕蝏挈閫�摰��郊Python摰嚗�雿輻�箇�Python嚗�撟嗡�隡�撣豢���隞撘�憪��B��銋���嚗��NB�典�蝐颱�撟嗡����憭拍�嚗�
��蝣� # 1:��唳憸����
��蝣� # 2嚗�摰 NaiveBayes 蝐領���銋悌蝏�瘚��賣
��蝣� # 3嚗��刻悌蝏�桅�銝悌蝏� NB 璅∪�
��蝣� # 4嚗�雿輻霈剔�憟賜� NB 璅∪�餈�瘚�
��蝣� # 5嚗�霂� NaiveBayes 蝐餌�隞��蝏笆�嚗�
�冽�隞砍�憪��� Naive Bayes �� Python 隞��銋�嚗��挽雿歇蝏���
Python �”
Numpy 隞亙�銝��孵���隞��
霈拇�隞砍�憪� Pythonic ���啣嚗�
霈拇�隞砌��葵�典��� Naive Bayes �園�閬�撖澆撘�憪�
��蝣� # 1 颲暹� �予
���典�嚗�隞砍�銝� NB �掩�函���銝芸��券��誨���捏霈剔��唳�葉��撠掩嚗誑��摰�銋��祆�桅����隞�賢�霈剔�銝�銝芸��冽���璅∪� �� �� ��
NaiveBayes �誨��� 蝔凝憭�����賑�芷�閬韐寞�憭� 10-15 ��撠梯�摰�銋�嚗�蝏笆�臭誑�芰妍銝算�B 憭批��� ��
NaiveBayes 蝐颱葉�餃摰�鈭�銝芸�堆�
1\. def addToBow(self,example,dict_index)
2\. def train(self,dataset,labels)
3\. def getExampleProb(self,test_example)
4\. def test(self,test_set)
1\. Training function that trains NB Model :
def train(self,dataset,labels)
2\. Testing function that is used to predict class labels
for the given test examples :
def test(self,test_set)
1\. BoW function that supplements training function
It is called by the train function.
It simply splits the given example using space as a tokenizer
and adds every tokenized word to its corresponding BoW :
def addToBow(self,example,dict_index)
2\. Probability function that supplements test function.
It is called by the test function.
It estimates probability of the given test example so that
it can be classified for a class label :
def getExampleProb(self,test_example)
雿��臭誑�刻�銝� Jupyter Notebook 銝剜��餈唬誨��
憒��賑摰�銝�銝� NB 蝐鳴����臭蝙�其�蝏�蝏���蝔瘜�蝏����其誨��摰寞�敺���撠望摰�銝�銝� NB 蝐餃��嗥�喳�啁�����
��蝣� # 2 颲暹� �� ��
Chip Huyen �澈摰ML蝟餌����嗅�獢��弦 澈鈭��� ML 蝟餌����嗅�獢��弦](https://www.kdnuggets.com/2023/02/sphere-chip-huyen-shares-frameworks-case-studies-implementing-ml-systems.html)