Sysflux transforms RFC3164 syslog messages sent via UDP into influxdb data points. Any log message can be parsed by defining a custom regular expression.
All named capture groups of the regex are ether parsed to a datapoint value or a datapoint tag. To parse a tag, add the "tag_" prefix to the name of the capture group. Values are parsed as floats if the "val_" prefix is configured in the name of the capture group.
Configure custom access log format in NGINX and send to a remote syslog server.
log_format metric '$host $uri $upstream_status $upstream_connect_time $upstream_header_time $upstream_response_time $request_time';
access_log syslog:server=<sysfluxip>:5014,facility=local7,tag=nginx,severity=info metric;
user: test
password: test
database: test
- measurement: http_proxy
batch_size: 25
batch_timeout: 1s
regex: "(?P<tag_host>.+)\\s+(?P<tag_url>.+)\\s+(?P<tag_status>.+)\\s+(?P<val_upstream_connect>.+)\\s+(?P<val_upstream_header>.+)\\s+(?P<val_upstream_response>.+)\\s+(?P<val_request_time>.+)"
This software has not yet been tested in production. Please be carefull!