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amiga-ros-bridge Docker Setup

WARNING: These are experimental instructions and that do NOT reflect the recommended workflow for running the amiga-ros-bridge.

Refer back to the main for the recommended amiga-ros-bridge workflow.

These instructions are for installing the amiga-ros-bridge directly on Amiga brains running the Amiga OS 2.0 inside of a docker container.

These instructions enable running the ROS bridge directly on the amiga robot, removing the remote gRPC connection between the amiga-ros-bridge and the device service running on the Amiga brain.

For Amiga brains running Amiga OS 1.0 - 1.3, please refer to

ssh into your robot

This requires having set up your user credentials.

See Access and Develop on the Brain for details / assistance gaining ssh user access.

ssh <your-robot>

The remaining setup steps assume you are ssh'd into the robot.

Pull the container

# Pull the container
# This may take ~20 minutes, depending on network connection.
docker pull dustynv/ros:noetic-pytorch-l4t-r35.2.1

# Check that the image exists
docker images

# You should see similar to:
# REPOSITORY            TAG                          IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
# dustynv/ros           noetic-pytorch-l4t-r35.2.1   1ccdc74cd9c6   6 months ago    13.6GB

Make a directory to bind mount

This will create a directory that you will bind mount when you run your ROS docker container. That means you will have shared access to the files as your ssh user and when in the ROS docker container. By creating this directory ahead of time, you will have more file permissions as your user than if you create the directory inside the ROS docker container.

# You can choose a different name for `catkin_ws` here
# But the remaining documentation assumes this is what you've used
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src

Clone the amiga-ros-bridge

cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
git clone --recursive

Start the container

See Details on docker run command below for more information.

docker run --runtime nvidia -it --rm --network=host -v ~/catkin_ws:/workspace/catkin_ws dustynv/ros:noetic-pytorch-l4t-r35.2.1

Setup your catkin workspace

These are based on related the ROS wiki docs.

# Navigate to the bind mount catkin_ws
cd /workspace/catkin_ws/

# Run catkin_make

Build the venv

# Navigate to the bind mount catkin_ws
cd /workspace/catkin_ws/

# Build the venv

Add venv to devel/setup.bash

# Navigate to the bind mount catkin_ws
cd /workspace/catkin_ws/

# Get the current directory
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"

# Add sourcing the amiga-ros-bridge to devel/setup.bash
echo "source $DIR/src/amiga-ros-bridge/" >> devel/setup.bash

So that when you source devel/setup.bash, the amiga-ros-bridge/venv/ will also be sourced.


apt or pip packages installed while inside the dustynv docker container will not persist when you exit / re-enter. The venv allows you to bypass this constraint to have persistent pip packages.

Run the amiga-ros-bridge

NOTE: Refer to the main for the up-to-date instructions for running the amiga-ros-bridge.

You can now launch one of the amiga-ros-bridge nodes. For example:

source /workspace/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch amiga_ros_bridge amiga_streams.launch

Extra details / context

The venv is sourced correctly where it is built

So if you setup / build the venv outside of the ROS docker container, it will not source properly for your rospy nodes.

Likewise, if you setup / build the venv inside of the ROS docker container, it will not source properly outside of the docker container.

There is likely a solution to this, but it is not a pressing issue currently.

Overall, this means if you are pip install-ing any packages, do so inside the ROS docker container with the venv sourced.

Details on docker run command

  • docker run: This is the basic command to run a Docker container.

  • --runtime nvidia: This flag specifies the use of the NVIDIA GPU runtime. It's typically used when you need GPU support within the container.

  • -it: These are combined flags that make the container run in interactive mode (-i) and allocate a pseudo-TTY (-t) for terminal interaction.

  • --rm: This flag indicates that the container should be removed (cleaned up) when it exits. Useful for temporary containers or for situations where you don't need to keep the container around after use.

  • --network=host: This flag instructs the container to share the host network namespace, allowing the container to access the network as if it were the host. It's often used when the container needs to interact with the host network.

  • -v ~/catkin_ws:/workspace/catkin_ws: This is a volume or bind mount configuration. It maps the ~/catkin_ws directory on your host machine to the /workspace/catkin_ws directory inside the container. Any changes made in the container's /workspace/catkin_ws directory will be reflected in the ~/catkin_ws directory on your host machine.

  • dustynv/ros:noetic-pytorch-l4t-r35.2.1: This is the name of the Docker image to be used when creating the container. It specifies the image's repository (dustynv/ros) and its tag (noetic-pytorch-l4t-r35.2.1). Docker images are like snapshots of the container's filesystem.

Details on container selection


NOTE: The reason I went for the pytorch container is that it seems to have all the required ros packages already installed. Other versions require apt update && apt install ros-noetic-ros-base for using some basic tools, like rostopic But these installed apt packages do not persist between runs of the container!

Feel free to check the other noetic containers at

Keep in mind it is important to get the correct version If you want to check versions, as your user account:

cat /etc/nv_tegra_release
# Should indicate R35 (release), REVISION: 2.1

dpkg -l | grep nvidia-jetpack
# Should indicate Jetpack 5.1

lsb_release -a
# Should indicate Ubuntu 20.04