The Projekt is based on the wireguard installation Script "road warrier". Thanks to Nyr!
To get very easily an installation of wireguard you can use Nyr's script:
wget -O && bash
wireguard_user needs a running wireguard!
You can easily add or delete a user by using
wirguard_user --add -u Username
wireguard_user --del -u Username
wireguard_user --list
gives you an list of all users.
wireguard_user --options:
[ -u | --user ]
[ -d | --del ]
[ -a | --add ]
[ -c | --check ]
[ -l | --list ]
[ -e | --erase ]
[ -h | --help ]
Creates a user, the output is the user.config file:
wireguard_user -u UserName -a
Deletes a user, the output is: "user xyz deleted" or "user xyz not found":
wireguard_user -u UserName -d
Check: does the user exists?
wireguard_user -u UserName -c
List of all VPN users:
wireguard_user -l
Deletes all users in wireguard:
wireguard_user -e
wireguard_user -u test -a | tee test-user.conf | qrencode -t UTF8
Creates a new user, puts the config file in your path and shows it as an QRcode.
You want to user wireguard_user systemwide?
Just copy the script to the sbin directory:
cp /pathToWireguard_user/wireguard_user /sbin/
chmod a+x /sbin/wireguard_user
If you want to create or delete wirguard users remotly form another machine, first push the ssh token to the wireguard-machine ( folowings named wireguard). Open a Terminal in the remote-machine and execute:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ root@wireguard
Now the following commands can be used from a terminal in your other machine
ssh wireguard -q -l root -t "wireguard_user -l"
ssh wireguard -q -l root -t "wireguard_user -u test -a"
ssh wireguard -q -l root -t "wireguard_user -u test -a" >> test-user.conf
ssh wireguard -q -l root -t "wireguard_user -u test -a" | tee test-user.conf > qrencode -t UTF8
ssh wireguard -q -l root -t "wireguard_user -u test -d"