Here is a typical promise chain:
firstly {
}.then { creds in
fetch(avatar: creds.user)
}.done { image in
self.imageView = image
If this code used completion handlers it would look like this:
login { creds, error in
if let creds = creds {
fetch(avatar: creds.user) { image, error in
if let image = image {
self.imageView = image
is just another way to do completion handlers, but it is also quite a
bit more. At this initial stage of our understanding it merely helps
readability. The promise chain above is easy to read, one asynchronous operation
leads into the other, read line by line. It's as close to
procedural code as we can easily get with the current state of Swift.
is the same as then
but you cannot return a promise, it is the
typically the end of the “success” part of the chain. Above you can see how we
get the final image in our done
and use if to set our UI.
Let’s compare the signatures of the two login methods:
func login() -> Promise<Creds>
// compared with:
func login(completion: (Creds?, Error?) -> Void)
// ^^ ugh. Optionals. Double optionals.
The distinction is that with promises your functions returns promises. So for each handler in our
chain we return a promise. By doing this we can call then
. Each then
waits on its promise, so the
chains resolve procedurally, one at a time.
A Promise
represents the future value of an asynchronous task. It has a type
that represents the type of object it wraps. In the above example login
is a
function that returns a Promise
that will represent an instance of Creds
is new to PromiseKit 5, previously we had athen
variant that did not require a promise to be returned. The problem is, this often confused Swift leading to confusing and hard to debug error diagnostics, but also it made using PromiseKit more painful; introducingdone
makes it possible to type out promise chains that compile without additional qualification to help the compiler.
You may notice that unlike the completion pattern, the promise chain appear to ignore errors, this is not the case, instead it is the opposite: the promise chain makes error handling more accessible and harder to ignore.
With promises, errors cascade ensuring your apps are robust and the code, clearer:
firstly {
}.then { creds in
fetch(avatar: creds.user)
}.done { image in
self.imageView = image
}.catch {
// any errors in the whole chain land here
In fact, Swift emits a warning if you forget to
a chain. But we'll talk about that more later.
Promises each are objects that represent individual asychnronous tasks. If those
tasks fail their promises become rejected. Chains that contain rejected
promises skip all subsequent then
s, instead the next catch
is executed
(strictly, any subsequent catch
For fun let’s compare this pattern with a completion handler equivalent:
func handle(error: Error) {
login { creds, error in
guard let creds = creds else { return handle(error: error!) }
fetch(avatar: creds.user) { image, error in
guard let image = image else { return handle(error: error!) }
self.imageView.image = image
Use of guard
and a consolidated error handler help, but the promise chain’s
readability speaks for itself.
We have learned to compose asynchronicity. Next let’s extend our primitives:
firstly {
UIApplication.shared.isNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible = true
return login()
}.then {
fetch(avatar: $0.user)
}.done {
self.imageView = $0
}.ensure {
UIApplication.shared.isNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible = false
}.catch {
Whatever the outcome in your chain—failure or success—your ensure
handler is called.
For fun let’s compare this pattern with a completion handler equivalent:
UIApplication.shared.isNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible = true
func handle(error: Error) {
UIApplication.shared.isNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible = false
login { creds, error in
guard let creds = creds else { return handle(error: error!) }
fetch(avatar: creds.user) { image, error in
guard let image = image else { return handle(error: error!) }
self.imageView.image = image
UIApplication.shared.isNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible = false
Here it would be trivial for somebody to amend this code and not unset the activity indicator leading to a bug. With promises this is almost impossible, the Swift compiler will resist you supplementing the chain without promises, you almost won’t need to review the pull-requests.
Note PromiseKit has inconveniently switched between naming this function
multiple times. Sorry about this, we suck.
You can also use finally
as an ensure
that terminates the promise chain and does not return a value:
spinner(visible: true)
firstly {
}.done {
}.catch {
}.finally {
self.spinner(visible: false)
With completion handlers, reacting to multiple asynchronous operations is either slow or hard. Slow means doing it serially:
operation1 { result1 in
operation2 { result2 in
finish(result1, result2)
The fast (parallel) path code makes the code less clear:
var result1: …!
var result2: …!
let group = DispatchGroup()
operation1 {
result1 = $0
operation2 {
result2 = $0
group.notify(queue: .main) {
finish(result1, result2)
Promises are easier:
firstly {
when(fulfilled: operation1(), operation2())
}.done { result1, result2 in
takes promises, waits for them to resolve and returns a promise with the results.
And of course, if any of them fail the chain calls the next catch
, like any promise chain.
When we made PromiseKit we understood that we wanted to only use promises, thus, wherever possible, we offer extensions on top of Apple’s APIs that add promises. For example:
firstly {
}.then { location in
}.done { placemarks in
self.placemark.text = "\(placemarks.first)"
To use these you need to specify subspecs:
pod "PromiseKit"
pod "PromiseKit/CoreLocation"
pod "PromiseKit/MapKit"
All our extensions are available at the PromiseKit organization and you should go there to see what is available and to read the sources so that you can read the documentation. We have copiously documented every file and every function.
We also provide extensions for common libraries like Alamofire.
You can get a long way with our extensions, but sometimes you have to start chains of your own. Maybe you have a third party API that doesn’t provide promises, or maybe you wrote your own asynchronous system. Either way, we provide the starting point, and if you were to look at the code of our extensions, you would see it is the same method below as we use ourselves.
Let’s say we have a method:
func fetch(completion: (String?, Error?) -> Void)
How do we convert this to a promise? Well, it's easy:
func fetch() -> Promise<String> {
return Promise { fetch(completion: $0.resolve) }
You may find the expanded version more readable:
func fetch() -> Promise<String> {
return Promise { seal in
fetch { result, error in
seal.resolve(result, error)
You’ll find the seal
object the Promise initializer provides you has many
methods for the common variety of completion handlers, and even some rarer
situations thus making it really easy for you to add promises to your existing
Note we tried to make it so you could just do
but we couldn’t make this simpler pattern work for the wide variety of situations you encounter without making the 90% case easy to use and un-ambiguous for the Swift compiler. Sorry, we tried.
Note with PMK 4 this initializer provided two parameters to your closure,
. PMK 5/6 provide an object that has afulfill
method, but also many variants of the methodresolve
. Thus you can typically just passresolve
to completion handler parameters and Swift figures out which one to use for you (like the first example).
Since PromiseKit 5 we have provided Guarantee
as a supplementary class to
. We do this as a complement to Swift’s strong Error handling system.
Guarantees never fail, so they cannot be rejected. A good example is after
firstly {
after(seconds: 0.1)
}.done {
// there is no way to add a `catch` because after cannot fail.
Relatedly Swift warns you if you don’t terminate a Promise
(ie. not
) chain, and the way we expect you to satisfy this warning is to
either catch
or return
(where you will then have to catch
where you
receive that promise).
Thus use Guarantee
s wherever possible to force yourself to write code that has
error handling where required and not where not required.
In general you should be able to use Guarantee
s and Promise
s interchangably
and we have gone to great lengths to try and ensure this, so please open
tickets if you find an issue.
provides you the result of the previous promise and requires you return
another promise.
provides you the result of the previous promise and requires you return
an object or value type.
provides you the result of the previous promise and requires you
return an Optional
. If you return nil
the chain fails with
Rationale before PromiseKit 4,
handled all these cases and it was painful. We imagined the pain would disappear with new Swift versions, however it has become clear the various pain-points are here to stay, and in fact, we, as library-authors, are expected to disambiguate at the naming level of our API. Thus we have split the three main kinds of then out into:then
. When using these new functions we became enamored and realized this is much nicer in use, so we addedcompactMap
as well (modeled onOptional.compactMap
can be especially useful and enables quick composition of promise
chains, eg:
firstly {
URLSession.shared.dataTask(.promise, with: rq)
}.compactMap {
try JSONSerialization.jsonObject($ as? [String]
}.done { arrayOfStrings in
}.catch { error in
// Foundation.JSONError if JSON was badly formed
// PMKError.compactMap if JSON was of different type
Tip we provide most of the functional methods you would expect for sequences too! Eg.
, etc.
We provide get
as a done
that returns the value fed to get
firstly {
}.get { foo in
}.done { foo in
// same foo!
We provide tap
for debugging, it is the same as get
but provides the
of the Promise so you can inspect the value of the chain at this
moment without any side-effects:
firstly {
}.tap {
}.done {
}.catch {
Above we kept using firstly
, but what is it? Well, it is just syntactic sugar,
you don’t need it, but it helps make your chains more readable. Instead of:
firstly {
}.then { creds in
You could just do:
login().then { creds in
Here is a key understanding: login()
returns Promise
and all Promise
have a then
Thus, indeed, firstly
returns Promise
and, indeed, then
returns Promise
, but don’t worry too much about these details. Learn the patterns to start with, then, when you are ready to advance, learn the underlying architecture.
is one of PromiseKit’s more useful functions, and thus we offer several variants.
- The default
and the one you should typically use iswhen(fulfilled:)
this variant waits on all its promises, but if any fail, it fails, and thus the chain rejects. It is important to note that all promises in the when continue. Promises have no control over the tasks they represent, promises are merely a wrapper around tasks. - We provide
. This variant waits even if one or more of its promises fails, consequently the result of this promise is an array ofResult<T>
, and consequently this variant requires that all its promises have the same generic type. See our advanced patterns guide for work arounds for this limitation. - We provide
, this variant allows you to race several promises, whichever finishes first is the result. See our advanced patterns guide for typical usage.
Swift will automatically infer returns and return types for one line closures, thus these are the same:
foo.then {
// is the same as:
foo.then { baz -> Promise<String> in
return bar(baz)
Our documentation often omits the return
for clarity.
However this is a blessing and a curse, as the Swift compiler often will fail to infer return types. See our Troubleshooting Guide if you require further assistance.
By adding
to PromiseKit 5 we have managed to avoid many of these common pain points in using PromiseKit and Swift.
The above is the 90% you will use. We strongly suggest reading the API Reference. There are numerous little functions that may be useful to you and the documentation for all of the above is more thorough at the source.
In Xcode don’t forget to ⌥
click on PromiseKit functions to get at this
documentation while you are developing.
Otherwise return to our contents page.