- Arrays and vectors
- Rotation (cyclic shift)
- Circular buffer
- Longest increasing subsequence
- Maximum subsequence
- Majority element
- Sqrt decomposition
See also Sequence containers – The standard library, Boost, and proposals.
- D.Stone. Faster, easier, simpler vectors – CppCon (2021)
- D.Stone. Implementing
: How hard could it be? – CppCon (2021)
-rotation (or aK
-cyclic shift) of a sequence{a0a2...aN-1}
is a sequence{aP(1)aP(2)...aP(N-1)}
, where the index permutation isP(i) = (i + K) % N
. Any non-zero rotation has no trivial cycles. The number of (non-trivial) cycles isgcd(K, N)
- Sec. 11.3: Rotation – A.A.Stepanov, D.E.Rose. From mathematics to generic programming (2014)
- Sec. 10.4: Rotate algorithms – A.A.Stepanov, P.McJones. Elements of programming (2009)
- Sec. 2.3: The power of primitives – J.Bentley. Programming pearls (1999)
- C.A.Furia. Rotation of sequences: Algorithms and proofs – Preprint (2014)
- D.Gries, H.Mills. Swapping sections – Technical report 81-452, Department of computer science, Cornell University (1981)
Gist of the algorithm: reverse the subsequences
, then reverse the whole sequence{aK-1...a0aN-1...aK}
. The total number of swaps is⌊N/2⌋ + ⌊K/2⌋ + ⌊(N-K)/2⌋ ∼ N
. With 3 assignments per swap, the total number of assignments is∼ 3N
. This algorithm is typically used to implementstd::rotate
for bidirectional iterators.
Gist of the algorithm: if
K = N - K
, swap the subsequences{a0...aK-1}
; ifK < N - K
, swap the subsequences{a0...aK-1}
, then proceed recursively for the suffix subsequence{a0...aK-1a2K...aN-1}
withK' = K
; ifK > N - K
, swap the subsequences{a0...aN-K-1}
, then proceed recursively for the suffix subsequence{aN-K...aK-1a0...aN-K-1}
withK' = 2K - N
. The section sizes(K, N - K)
form the same sequence as that obtained if the subtraction-based Euclidean algorithm is employed to calculategcd(K, N)
. The total number of swaps isN - gcd(K, N)
. With 3 assignments per swap, the total number of assignments is3[N - gcd(K, N)]
. The Gries–Mills algorithm can be implemented such that it only requires to move one step forward, so this algorithm is typically used to implementstd::rotate
for forward and random access iterators.
Gist of the algorithm: compute the number of cycles,
Nc = gcd(K, N - K)
; for each cycle{aCi(0)aCi(1)aCi(2)...}
withCi(j) = (i + jK) % N, i = 0, ..., Nc - 1
, make a cyclic shift of all the elements by one position to obtain{aCi(1)aCi(2)...aCi(0)}
. The total number of assignments isN + gcd(K, N)
. However, this algorithm is not cache-friendly and can have poor performance in practice, although it makes much fewer (~2-3 times) memory accesses. This algorithm is sometimes used to implementstd::rotate
for random access iterators.
- W.Fletcher, R.Silver. Algorithm 284: Interchange of two blocks of data – Communications of the ACM 9, 326 (1966)
A circular buffer (cyclic buffer, ring buffer) is a data structure that uses a single, fixed-size buffer as if it were connected end-to-end. When the buffer is filled, new data is written starting at the beginning of the buffer and overwriting the old.
- Circular buffer – Wikipedia
- B.Stout. “Olympic” filtering for noisy data – C/C++ Users Journal 13 (1995)
Problem: find the longest monotonically increasing subsequence (not necessarily contiguous) within a given sequence. The dynamic programming solution (without additional tricks) has running time
, and is not the most efficient one. The problem can be solved inO(N log N)
time using an algorithm based on binary search. This algorithm is output-sensitive: if the size of the output, the lengthK
of a subsequence, is taken into account, it requiresO(N log K)
time. Any comparison-based algorithm requires at leastN log2 N - N log2 log2 N + O(N)
comparisons in the worst case.
- Longest increasing subsequence – Wikipedia
- Longest increasing subsequence – CP-Algorithms
- Dynamic programming – MIT OCW 6.006: Introduction to algorithms (2011)
- Sec. 8.3: Longest increasing sequence – S.S.Skiena. The algorithm design manual (2008)
- Sec. 3.5.2 Classical examples – S.Halim, F.Halim. Competitive programming (2013)
- Sec. 6.5.2: Finding the kth smallest element, Sec. 6.11.1: Longest increasing subsequence – U.Manber. Introduction to algorithms: A creative approach (1989)
- M.L.Fredman. On computing the length of longest increasing subsequences – Discrete Mathematics 11, 29 (1975)
Problem: find a contiguous subsequence with the largest sum within a given one-dimensional sequence.
- Col. 8: Searching – J.Bentley. Algorithm design techniques (1999)
- J.Bentley. Programming pearls: Algorithm design techniques – Communications of the ACM 27, 865 (1984)
- D.Gries. A note on a standard strategy for developing loop invariants and loops – Science of computer programming 2, 207 (1982)
- Boyer–Moore majority vote algorithm – Wikipedia
- Sqrt decomposition – CP-Algorithms
- S.Kopeliovich. Sqrt decomposition – MIPT (2016)