The Boost.Units library is an implementation of dimensional analysis in a general and extensible manner, treating it as a generic compile-time metaprogramming problem. Support for units and quantities (defined as a unit and associated value) for arbitrary unit system models and arbitrary value types is provided, as is a fine-grained general facility for unit conversions.
- M.Pusz.
: Lessons learned and a new C++ library design – ACCU (2023)
class is a smart pointer that stores a pointer to an object with an embedded reference count, which is managed somewhere outside the smart pointer.
- B.Wicht. Boost
: Faster shared pointer (2011)
- Boost intrusive pointer – Stack Overflow
– Boost.SmartPtr- I.Muerte. An intrusive smart pointer – WG21/P0468
- P.Nyman. C++ in space – Sweden C++ (2023)
- J.Arrieta. Traveling the Solar system with C++: Programming rocket science – CppCon (2017)
- S.Brawner. Robotics at compile time: Optimizing robotics algorithms with C++’s compile-time features – CppCon (2023)