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Using Testeth

winsvega edited this page Mar 2, 2015 · 17 revisions

##Testeth To run tests you should open folder


and execute a command ./testeth This will run all test cases automatically.
To run a specific test case you could use parameter -t in the command line option:

./testeth -t <TEST_SUITE>/<TEST_CASE>  

Or just the test suite:

./testeth -t <TEST_SUITE> 

You could also use --filltests option to rerun test creation from .json files which are located at ../cpp-ethereum/test/<TEST_FILLER>.json

./testeth -t <TEST_SUITE>/<TEST_CASE> --filltests

Filler files are test templates which are used to fill initial parameters defined at test specification (Tests Wiki) and then create a complete test .json file. You might find filler files very useful when creating your own tests.

To specify a concrete filler file for test creation use --createtest option:

./testeth -t <TEST_SUITE>/<TEST_CASE> --createtest <TEST_FILLER>.json <TEST_FILE>.json

If you want to debug a single test within a result test .json file, you might use the following command:

./testeth --log_level=test_suite --run_test=<TEST_SUITE>/<TEST_CASE> --test <TEST_FILE>.json <TEST_NAME>

That's it for test execution. To read more about command line options you may run testeth with --help option.
Now let's see what test cases are available.

##Test Cases Almost each test case has it's filler file available at ../cpp-ethereum/test

TEST_SUITE = BlockTests
TEST_CASES = blValidBlockTest blInvalidTransactionRLP blTransactionTest blInvalidHeaderTest userDefinedFile

TEST_SUITE = TransactionTests
TEST_CASES = ttTransactionTest ttWrongRLPTransaction tt10mbDataField userDefinedFile

TEST_SUITE = StateTests
TEST_CASES = stExample stSystemOperationsTest stPreCompiledContracts stLogTests stRecursiveCreate stTransactionTest stInitCodeTest stSpecialTest stRefundTest stBlockHashTest stQuadraticComplexityTest stSolidityTest stMemoryTest stCreateTest userDefinedFileState