Last version release date: 31 Oct 2014
Author: Lester Carballo Pérez
This is an action for the Nemo browser, to paste files using ultracopier instead of the default nemo copier tool.
1- Install ultracopier( on Ubuntu and Mint sudo apt-get install ultracopier
2- Download the nemo action files:
3- Uncompress the file and copy the contents of 3 files to the place /home/USER/.local/share/nemo/actions where USER it's your user account.
4- Give permission for execute the file /home/USER/.local/share/nemo/actions/
5- Test the result and enjoy.
- Add translation for spanish languages (Es)
- Removed some unnecessary conversion and allow the empty spaces in the url.
- Fixed empty space in the source url(thanks to Alberto Perez).
- Initial release