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georgeedwards edited this page Mar 4, 2016 · 23 revisions

The first step is the ensure you have your development environment setup properly. If you do not have Node, TypeScript or Go installed, please see the linked section.

First, you'll have to download the generator (if you are on a mac, you may need to run this as a sudo command to avoid permissions errors):

npm i -g generator-ng-fullstack

If you do not have Yeoman installed, you will have to run (again if you are on a mac, you may need to run this as a sudo command to avoid permissions errors):

npm install -g yo

Make Sure you have all the dependancies installed for the technologies youhave selected, we detail these in the sections at the bottom of this page. Then, you'll have to go to the folder that'll be the root of your application and run:

yo ng-fullstack

You'll see a few questions, some are for configuration (package.json, readme, badges for travis and coveralls, etc) and others are for the stack you'll work with. To answer the questions, use the up and down arrows on your keyboard and hit enter on your answer. Here are the questions:

What is the name of your app?
What is your username on Github?

What stack do you want? Full, client or server?

What do you want in server side?
What do you want in client side?
What transpiler do you want to use in server side?

NB: ng1 and ng2 refer to AngularJS 1.x and AngularJS 2.x respectively.

After answering all the questions, the generator will create all the files the stack needs (the todo application files and deps) and it will start to download the dependencies and devDependencies.

While the dependencies are being installed, you might want to run mongod, so your db is up. If you don't have MongoDB installed, see here. To do this, open a new terminal window and on Windows run:


on mac run:


Depending on your installation and opperating system, your path may be different, but find the file called mongod.exe and run it, the database should then be set up and listening on port 27017. When the dependencies are ready, you'll be able to run the watcher for file changes and start the server, all you have to do is (in different terminals):

$ gulp

$ npm start


When the generator is done, you should find this structure in your project directory:

├── client
│    └── dev
│        └── todo 
│            ├── components 
│            ├── services
│            ├── templates
│            └── styles
├── server
│    ├── api
│    │   ├── todo
│    │   │     ├── dao
│    │   │     ├── models
│    │   │     ├── controllers
│    │   │     └── routes
│    │   │
│    ├── auth     
│    │   ├── local
│    │   │
│    ├── commons  
│    │   └── static 
│    │    
│    │
│    ├── config   
│    ├── constants
│    └── routes
└── tests
     ├── client    
     │   └── todo
     │        ├── services
     │        ├── models
     │        └── services
     ├── e2e
     │   └── _helpers
     └── server
         ├── _helpers
         └── todo
              ├── dao
              ├── models
              ├── controllers
              └── routes

Using node

You'll need to install node, the website contains installers for Windows, OSX and Linux. It has great documentation to help you with any issues you run into.


You'll need to install globally the following modules:

  • istanbul;
  • mocha;
  • babel;
  • gulp-cli.

You can run:

$ npm i -g istanbul mocha babel gulp-cli

To install them globally, or if you just want the tools to be available to your projects current directory, cd to that directory and run:

$ npm i istanbul mocha babel gulp-cli

Now you are ready to start with the generator set up.

Using Go

You'll need Go installed. Follow the guidance on that link.


Inside server folder, run:

$ go get

Starting the server

Inside the server folder, run:

$ go build
$ server


Inside server folder, run:

$ go test ./... -cover -bench .

#Using TypeScript To use Typescript, you will need to ensure you have both TSC (TypeScript Compiler) and Typings (the TypeScript CLI) installed, to install both:

$ npm install -g typescript-compiler typings
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