- The mainnet genesis.json will be published to this repo before mainnet launch
- Bring uo bios boot node using published genesis.json
- Create system accounts
- eosio.ppay
- eosio.msig
- eosio.saving
- eosio.stake
- eosio.token
- eosio.usage
- Deploy system contracts
- worbli/build/contracts/eosio.token
- worbli/build/contracts/eosio.msig
- worbli/build/contracts/eosio.system
- Create and issue WBI currency
- Create WBI token with 25,000,000,000 token supply
- Issue the initial 2,500,000,000 token supply to eosio
- Create the primary and backup BP accounts
- Stake enough tokens for BPs to regproducer
- Add producer by calling addproducer on the eosio.system contract
- Pause chain
- Peer bios boot node with Worbli producer node
- Publish the paused block number in slack
- Bring up producer nodes with clean state and --genensis-json flag pointing the publosh genesis
- Confirm once peered.
- Validate the boot sequence was executed properly
- Confirm the booted chain is valid
- Chain will be unpaused
- BPs will regproduce
- Chain will be activated by calling togglesched action in eosio.system which will activate the producer schedule
- Bios boot node will be retired