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ulo edited this page May 30, 2019 · 4 revisions

This page is meant to collect information about the *.rec files, that the 2018 TipToi pen creates when recording with the built-in microphone.

The files appear to be named using the following schema (relative to the root directory of the TipToi pen):


In this schema ‹productId› is the ID of the "product" (book/game/…) which you used to record the file with.

‹slotNumber› is a 4-digit number to distinguish the recordings in one product. It seems that one slot number can be assigned to an arbitrary OID. Normally there is one OID that always records a certain slot and one other OID that plays that slot. The lowest slot number found in a Ravensburger book is 0001 (see examples)


  • "Die verrückte Weltreise"
    • ./129book/RecSlot0001.rec (the wizard on the first page, recorded by OID 3218, played back by OID 3219)
    • ./129book/RecSlot0007.rec (the man in the ear-costume on the second page, recorded by OID 3248, played back by OID 3249)
    • ./129book/RecSlot0003.rec (the bird on the first page, recorded by OID 3226, played back with higher pitch and three times by OID 3227)
    • ./129book/RecSlot0013.rec (the clown on the second page, recorded by OID 3286, played back by 3287 followed by the clown laughing)

The file format

The files are WAV files xor-ed with the byte 0x6a. More specifically the WAV files are encoded using PCM (signed, little-endian), a sample rate of 16 kHz (exception: in "Die verrückte Weltreise", the recordings made for the blue bird have a sample rate of 8 kHz, probably has to do with the high-pitched playback), 16 bits sample size, mono.

File conversion

REC files can be simply converted to WAV files (and vice versa) using online tools like CyberChef so that recordings can be archived to the computer or replaced with music etc.