The presentation were created in the scope of a project on tensorflow and Google Cloud Platform together with Fabien Tarrade, please visit github/tarrade/proj_DL_models_and_pipelines_with_GCP for latest developments.
Slides for
- Windows Users, underlying notebook (in nbviewer)
- Linux/Mac Users, view underlying notebook (in nbviewer)
Install Anaconda Distribution on your system. This provides you with the most important packages on your system.
Install Jupter Notebook extension into base environment.
conda activate base
conda install -c conda-forge jupyter_contrib_nbextensions #triggers system-wide installation
- go to the directory in which you want to download the package from git
- download the package from Github:
git clone
- or download zipped repository.
- open a command line in the directory that contains the code from GitHub.
This will provide you a virtual environment of python packages needed to run the code.
create a python env based on a list of packages from environment.yml
conda env create -f environment.yml -n gcp_dl
activate the env
conda activate gcp_dl
In case of issue clean all the cache in conda
conda clean -a
In case you want to use nbdime for checking differences in notebooks:
nbdime config-git --enable --global
In case you want to use interactive slides using RISE:
conda activate gcp_dl conda install -c conda_forge rise
update a python env based on a list of packages from environment.yml
conda env update -f environment.yml -n gcp_dl
delete the env to recreate it when too many changes are done
conda env remove -n gcp_dl
- open a command line
- go to the directory in which you want to download the package from git
- activate the env:
conda activate gcp_dl
- execute TensorBoard:
tensorboard --logdir ./results
- open a web browser (Firefox) and copy the link that appear in the prompt above: