In this lesson, we will use Annif and fastText to implement a Sorting Hat, which can determine which House (Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff or Gryffindor) a first-year student at the Hogwarts school should join.
fastText is a machine learning model for text classification developed by Facebook Research. It has some advanced features, such as being able to use word and character level n-grams (i.e. words that appear together and subwords) and to create word embeddings. On the downside, it has lots of tunable parameters and finding a combination that works well on a given data set can be a challenge.
Note that if you have a local installation of Annif, you will first need to install the optional fastText dependencies.
The original Sorting Hat reads the thoughts of the student, but Annif
generally does not have access to that kind of information, so we will
simply use the name of the student as input. We will train a fastText model
on the names of characters from the Harry Potter novels whose house is
known. To make it possible to generalize the model to new, unseen names, we
will use character n-grams to split all names into chunks of 1 to 4
characters - for example harry
becomes [h
, ha
, har
, harr
, a
, arr
, arry
...]. fastText can do this when given the minn
parameters, which set the minimum and maximum length of character
n-grams to generate from input text.
Use a text editor to add a new project definition to the end of the
name=Hogwarts Houses
The parameters are set in such a way that the model should heavily overfit on the small data set it will be trained on - in particular, the number of epochs is very high. Usually overfitting is bad, but in this case, we want the model to accurately remember all the examples it is trained on and it doesn't matter if it overfits, as long as it provides interesting results on unseen names.
Run this command:
annif load-vocab hogwarts --language en data-sets/hogwarts/hogwarts-vocab.tsv
The vocabulary file is really small and simple, it just contains a line for each of the four Hogwarts houses along with their Wikidata URIs.
Run this command:
annif train hogwarts data-sets/hogwarts/hogwarts-train.tsv
Normally it is bad practice to evaluate a model on the same data it was trained on, but in this case we can use the original training data to verify that the model correctly remembers the houses of all the Harry Potter characters it was trained on. We can evaluate on the same file:
annif eval hogwarts data-sets/hogwarts/hogwarts-train.tsv
Check the Precision@1 score. It should be 1.0, indicating that all known
Harry Potter characters are correctly classified. If not, increase the
number of epochs in projects.cfg
, retrain and revalidate.
Now the interesting part - which house is for you? Test it like this:
echo "Your Name" | annif suggest hogwarts
The first entry is your house.
You can also try the Web UI with this project.
Note: Although this exercise is a bit silly, it demonstrates a useful technique. Character n-grams can be used to perform approximate matching and/or matching of subwords (e.g. parts of compound words), making it possible to generalize the model beyond words it was trained on. They can also be used to identify the language a text is written in, because different languages have different frequencies of characters and short character sequences.
Congratulations, you've completed Exercise 9! You now know which Hogwarts House you belong to and know how to use character n-grams in fastText.