conception & prototype
- invention of a concept for a non-linear lightweight blockchain
- built first working prototype
- API for prototype
- prototyping of first application (messenger)
developing prototype into a more wholesome piece of software
- various improvements in blockchain logic
- reliability improvement
- API improvement
further quality improvement & DevOps
- automated testing
- installer
- separated Brenthy from Walytis
- automatic updater
- versioning management and bidirectional backward intercompatibility
- Walytis security improvements
- Brenthy API & Walytis API improvement
preparing for release
- finish urgent features
- full code cleanup
- thorough Documentation
- website
- publish Beta release
- set up github discussions
- put docs on wiki?
- thorough documentation on developing blockchains for Brenthy
- develop full installers for Windows, MacOS and non-systemd linux
- develop new features:
- WalytisAPI SQL block queries
- Control Panel
- Brenthy CLI
- Walytis CLI
- security features: monitoring to detect fraudulent behaviour
- videos