Releases: emcodem/ffastrans_webui
FFAStrans 1.2 is out!
Just as FFAStrans base software, the Webinterface did undergo mostly bugfixes.
It is recommended to use the newest FFAStrans release 1.2 along with this webinterface.
Most annoying bug fixed: when having many files in watchfolders to remember, we got occasionally an error about "could not get queued jobs from ffastrans".
Lots of other minor bugfixes as well as little new features to improve useability.
Added Queued and Incoming Jobs
Added "queued" Jobs from API and manual submit
Added display for "incoming" files from workflows with active monitors (folder, ftp...)
Rightclick->open in new tab on menu item (finally!)
Minor improvements in useability on UI
Added Filter for JobViewer Buttons
- Filter in usergroup permissions for Jobviewer Buttons
- FranceBB Helmet icon
Logviewer fixes
Support ffastrans 1.1.1 and below, more features and fixes in logviewer
Micro Bugfix
user_vars description for creating a dropdown on the webint ui was not working
Now with sorting capabilities for active jobs grid
After showing queued jobs, we found the need to sort active jobs
- Search in History Job View is now case insensitive
Show queued Jobs and Workflow Name Filter for Job Status
Queued Jobs are now displayed on Job Status Page
The Groupright "FILTER_WORKFLOW_NAME" now also applies to the "Job Status" page (instead of to the "Job Submit" Page only).
Added installation files for RabbitMQ (future use) - server.exe binary size is now bigger
Added /tickets method to new API - in difference to the stock method /tickets, it enriches the workflow_name to queued tickets.
As usual we also have several minor fixes
Mediainfo cannot crash anymore
Now using mediainfo binary instead of wasm module, this leads to mediainfo cannot crash anymore.
Scheduler update - support forever running jobs
Scheduler did not yet support creating "forever running jobs", so was not possible.
Now it is.
Minor Update for Version 1
Mediainfo now available in Filebrowser, minor fixes