diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 0741829..b8772e8 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -2,4 +2,5 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/lovetest_runAllTests.html b/examples/lovetest_runAllTests.html
index 5a0be83..4146220 100644
--- a/examples/lovetest_runAllTests.html
+++ b/examples/lovetest_runAllTests.html
@@ -1 +1 @@
π΄ love.test
- π’ 275 Tests
- π΄ 2 Failures
- π‘ 28 Skipped
- 16.781s
π΄ love.audio
- π’ 27 Tests
- π΄ 1 Failures
- π‘ 0 Skipped
- 4.898s
| Method | Time | Details |
π’ | RecordingDevice | 4.419s | |
π΄ | Source | 0.019s | assert 53 [check effect was applied] expected 'true' got 'false' |
π’ | getActiveEffects | 0.013s | |
π’ | getActiveSourceCount | 0.018s | |
π’ | getDistanceModel | 0.018s | |
π’ | getDopplerScale | 0.019s | |
π’ | getEffect | 0.018s | |
π’ | getMaxSceneEffects | 0.017s | |
π’ | getMaxSourceEffects | 0.016s | |
π’ | getOrientation | 0.018s | |
π’ | getPosition | 0.017s | |
π’ | getRecordingDevices | 0.017s | |
π’ | getVelocity | 0.018s | |
π’ | getVolume | 0.018s | |
π’ | isEffectsSupported | 0.017s | |
π’ | newQueueableSource | 0.016s | |
π’ | newSource | 0.019s | |
π’ | pause | 0.019s | |
π’ | play | 0.019s | |
π’ | setDistanceModel | 0.019s | |
π’ | setDopplerScale | 0.018s | |
π’ | setEffect | 0.017s | |
π’ | setMixWithSystem | 0.017s | |
π’ | setOrientation | 0.019s | |
π’ | setPosition | 0.019s | |
π’ | setVelocity | 0.018s | |
π’ | setVolume | 0.017s | |
π’ | stop | 0.019s | |
π’ love.data
- π’ 12 Tests
- π΄ 0 Failures
- π‘ 0 Skipped
- 0.213s
| Method | Time | Details |
π’ | ByteData | 0.017s | |
π’ | CompressedData | 0.017s | |
π’ | compress | 0.018s | |
π’ | decode | 0.018s | |
π’ | decompress | 0.018s | |
π’ | encode | 0.018s | |
π’ | getPackedSize | 0.018s | |
π’ | hash | 0.019s | |
π’ | newByteData | 0.017s | |
π’ | newDataView | 0.017s | |
π’ | pack | 0.017s | |
π’ | unpack | 0.018s | |
π’ love.event
- π’ 4 Tests
- π΄ 0 Failures
- π‘ 2 Skipped
- 0.103s
| Method | Time | Details |
π’ | clear | 0.015s | |
π’ | poll | 0.017s | |
π‘ | pump | 0.018s | used internally |
π’ | push | 0.018s | |
π’ | quit | 0.018s | |
π‘ | wait | 0.017s | test class needs writing |
π’ love.filesystem
- π’ 29 Tests
- π΄ 0 Failures
- π‘ 2 Skipped
- 0.561s
| Method | Time | Details |
π’ | File | 0.018s | |
π’ | FileData | 0.019s | |
π’ | append | 0.020s | |
π’ | areSymlinksEnabled | 0.017s | |
π’ | createDirectory | 0.019s | |
π’ | getAppdataDirectory | 0.018s | |
π’ | getCRequirePath | 0.017s | |
π’ | getDirectoryItems | 0.018s | |
π’ | getIdentity | 0.018s | |
π’ | getInfo | 0.019s | |
π’ | getRealDirectory | 0.018s | |
π’ | getRequirePath | 0.017s | |
π’ | getSaveDirectory | 0.017s | |
π‘ | getSource | 0.016s | used internally |
π’ | getSourceBaseDirectory | 0.018s | |
π’ | getUserDirectory | 0.017s | |
π’ | getWorkingDirectory | 0.018s | |
π’ | isFused | 0.018s | |
π’ | lines | 0.022s | |
π’ | load | 0.017s | |
π’ | mount | 0.018s | |
π’ | newFileData | 0.018s | |
π’ | openFile | 0.018s | |
π’ | read | 0.018s | |
π’ | remove | 0.018s | |
π’ | setCRequirePath | 0.018s | |
π’ | setIdentity | 0.019s | |
π’ | setRequirePath | 0.019s | |
π‘ | setSource | 0.017s | used internally |
π’ | unmount | 0.018s | |
π’ | write | 0.019s | |
π΄ love.font
- π’ 6 Tests
- π΄ 1 Failures
- π‘ 0 Skipped
- 0.123s
| Method | Time | Details |
π΄ | GlyphData | 0.017s | assert 8 [check glyph number] expected '97' got '0' |
π’ | Rasterizer | 0.018s | |
π’ | newBMFontRasterizer | 0.018s | |
π’ | newGlyphData | 0.018s | |
π’ | newImageRasterizer | 0.018s | |
π’ | newRasterizer | 0.017s | |
π’ | newTrueTypeRasterizer | 0.019s | |
π’ love.graphics
- π’ 93 Tests
- π΄ 0 Failures
- π‘ 14 Skipped
- 2.106s
| Method | Time | Details |
π‘ | Canvas | 0.017s | test class needs writing |
π‘ | Font | 0.018s | test class needs writing |
π‘ | Image | 0.017s | test class needs writing |
π‘ | Mesh | 0.017s | test class needs writing |
π‘ | ParticleSystem | 0.017s | test class needs writing |
π‘ | Quad | 0.017s | test class needs writing |
π‘ | Shader | 0.018s | test class needs writing |
π‘ | SpriteBatch | 0.018s | test class needs writing |
π‘ | Text | 0.018s | test class needs writing |
π‘ | Texture | 0.018s | test class needs writing |
π‘ | Video | 0.007s | test class needs writing |
π’ | applyTransform | 0.019s | Expected Actual |
π’ | arc | 0.024s | Expected Actual Expected Actual Expected Actual |
π’ | captureScreenshot | 0.184s | |
π’ | circle | 0.021s | Expected Actual |
π’ | clear | 0.018s | Expected Actual |
π‘ | discard | 0.016s | cant test this worked |
π’ | draw | 0.018s | Expected Actual |
π‘ | drawInstanced | 0.018s | test class needs writing |
π’ | drawLayer | 0.020s | Expected Actual |
π’ | ellipse | 0.018s | Expected Actual |
π’ | flushBatch | 0.017s | |
π’ | getBackgroundColor | 0.018s | |
π’ | getBlendMode | 0.018s | |
π’ | getCanvas | 0.019s | |
π’ | getColor | 0.017s | |
π’ | getColorMask | 0.018s | |
π’ | getDPIScale | 0.017s | |
π’ | getDefaultFilter | 0.018s | |
π’ | getDepthMode | 0.017s | |
π’ | getDimensions | 0.018s | |
π’ | getFont | 0.019s | |
π’ | getFrontFaceWinding | 0.017s | |
π’ | getHeight | 0.017s | |
π’ | getLineJoin | 0.017s | |
π’ | getLineStyle | 0.020s | |
π’ | getLineWidth | 0.016s | |
π’ | getMeshCullMode | 0.016s | |
π’ | getPixelDimensions | 0.018s | |
π’ | getPixelHeight | 0.018s | |
π’ | getPixelWidth | 0.018s | |
π’ | getPointSize | 0.016s | |
π’ | getRendererInfo | 0.019s | |
π’ | getScissor | 0.017s | |
π’ | getShader | 0.019s | |
π’ | getStackDepth | 0.018s | |
π’ | getStats | 0.018s | |
π’ | getStencilMode | 0.017s | |
π’ | getSupported | 0.018s | |
π’ | getSystemLimits | 0.018s | |
π’ | getTextureFormats | 0.019s | |
π’ | getTextureTypes | 0.018s | |
π’ | getWidth | 0.017s | |
π’ | intersectScissor | 0.019s | Expected Actual |
π’ | inverseTransformPoint | 0.017s | |
π’ | isActive | 0.017s | |
π’ | isGammaCorrect | 0.018s | |
π’ | isWireframe | 0.018s | |
π’ | line | 0.019s | Expected Actual |
π’ | newArrayImage | 0.019s | |
π’ | newCanvas | 0.015s | |
π’ | newCubeImage | 0.020s | |
π’ | newFont | 0.018s | |
π’ | newImage | 0.017s | |
π’ | newImageFont | 0.019s | |
π’ | newMesh | 0.018s | |
π’ | newParticleSystem | 0.018s | |
π’ | newQuad | 0.017s | |
π’ | newShader | 0.022s | |
π’ | newSpriteBatch | 0.019s | |
π’ | newTextBatch | 0.016s | |
π’ | newVideo | 0.021s | |
π’ | newVolumeImage | 0.019s | |
π’ | origin | 0.018s | Expected Actual |
π’ | points | 0.019s | Expected Actual |
π’ | polygon | 0.016s | Expected Actual |
π’ | pop | 0.019s | Expected Actual |
π‘ | present | 0.018s | test class needs writing |
π’ | print | 0.019s | Expected Actual |
π’ | printf | 0.019s | Expected Actual |
π’ | push | 0.021s | Expected Actual |
π’ | rectangle | 0.018s | Expected Actual Expected Actual |
π’ | replaceTransform | 0.017s | Expected Actual |
π’ | reset | 0.017s | |
π’ | rotate | 0.020s | Expected Actual |
π’ | scale | 0.020s | |
π’ | setBackgroundColor | 0.017s | |
π’ | setBlendMode | 0.020s | Expected Actual |
π’ | setCanvas | 0.019s | Expected Actual |
π’ | setColor | 0.018s | Expected Actual |
π’ | setColorMask | 0.019s | Expected Actual |
π’ | setDefaultFilter | 0.018s | |
π’ | setDepthMode | 0.018s | |
π’ | setFont | 0.018s | Expected Actual |
π’ | setFrontFaceWinding | 0.018s | |
π’ | setLineJoin | 0.020s | Expected Actual |
π’ | setLineStyle | 0.017s | Expected Actual |
π’ | setLineWidth | 0.018s | Expected Actual |
π’ | setMeshCullMode | 0.018s | |
π’ | setScissor | 0.018s | Expected Actual |
π’ | setShader | 0.024s | Expected Actual |
π’ | setStencilTest | 0.018s | Expected Actual |
π’ | setWireframe | 0.019s | Expected Actual |
π’ | shear | 0.021s | Expected Actual Expected Actual |
π’ | transformPoint | 0.016s | |
π’ | translate | 0.020s | Expected Actual |
π’ | validateShader | 0.021s | |
π’ love.image
- π’ 5 Tests
- π΄ 0 Failures
- π‘ 0 Skipped
- 0.088s
| Method | Time | Details |
π’ | CompressedImageData | 0.018s | |
π’ | ImageData | 0.018s | |
π’ | isCompressed | 0.017s | |
π’ | newCompressedData | 0.018s | |
π’ | newImageData | 0.018s | |
π’ love.math
- π’ 20 Tests
- π΄ 0 Failures
- π‘ 0 Skipped
- 0.284s
| Method | Time | Details |
π’ | BezierCurve | 0.016s | |
π’ | RandomGenerator | 0.017s | |
π’ | Transform | 0.017s | |
π’ | colorFromBytes | 0.018s | |
π’ | colorToBytes | 0.018s | |
π’ | gammaToLinear | 0.017s | |
π’ | getRandomSeed | 0.017s | |
π’ | getRandomState | 0.018s | |
π’ | isConvex | 0.018s | |
π’ | linearToGamma | 0.018s | |
π’ | newBezierCurve | 0.018s | |
π’ | newRandomGenerator | 0.018s | |
π’ | newTransform | 0.017s | |
π’ | perlinNoise | 0.019s | |
π’ | random | 0.012s | |
π’ | randomNormal | 0.017s | |
π’ | setRandomSeed | 0.002s | |
π’ | setRandomState | 0.002s | |
π’ | simplexNoise | 0.002s | |
π’ | triangulate | 0.003s | |
π’ love.physics
- π’ 22 Tests
- π΄ 0 Failures
- π‘ 6 Skipped
- 0.059s
| Method | Time | Details |
π‘ | Body | 0.002s | test class needs writing |
π‘ | Contact | 0.002s | test class needs writing |
π‘ | Fixture | 0.002s | test class needs writing |
π‘ | Joint | 0.002s | test class needs writing |
π‘ | Shape | 0.002s | test class needs writing |
π‘ | World | 0.002s | test class needs writing |
π’ | getDistance | 0.002s | |
π’ | getMeter | 0.002s | |
π’ | newBody | 0.002s | |
π’ | newChainShape | 0.002s | |
π’ | newCircleShape | 0.005s | |
π’ | newDistanceJoint | 0.002s | |
π’ | newEdgeShape | 0.002s | |
π’ | newFixture | 0.002s | |
π’ | newFrictionJoint | 0.002s | |
π’ | newGearJoint | 0.002s | |
π’ | newMotorJoint | 0.002s | |
π’ | newMouseJoint | 0.002s | |
π’ | newPolygonShape | 0.002s | |
π’ | newPrismaticJoint | 0.002s | |
π’ | newPulleyJoint | 0.002s | |
π’ | newRectangleShape | 0.002s | |
π’ | newRevoluteJoint | 0.002s | |
π’ | newRopeJoint | 0.002s | |
π’ | newWeldJoint | 0.002s | |
π’ | newWheelJoint | 0.002s | |
π’ | newWorld | 0.002s | |
π’ | setMeter | 0.002s | |
π’ love.sound
- π’ 4 Tests
- π΄ 0 Failures
- π‘ 0 Skipped
- 0.015s
| Method | Time | Details |
π’ | Decoder | 0.007s | |
π’ | SoundData | 0.003s | |
π’ | newDecoder | 0.002s | |
π’ | newSoundData | 0.003s | |
π’ love.system
- π’ 6 Tests
- π΄ 0 Failures
- π‘ 2 Skipped
- 0.023s
| Method | Time | Details |
π’ | getClipboardText | 0.004s | |
π’ | getOS | 0.007s | |
π’ | getPowerInfo | 0.002s | |
π’ | getProcessorCount | 0.002s | |
π’ | hasBackgroundMusic | 0.002s | |
π‘ | openURL | 0.002s | cant test this worked |
π’ | setClipboardText | 0.003s | |
π‘ | vibrate | 0.002s | cant test this worked |
π’ love.thread
- π’ 5 Tests
- π΄ 0 Failures
- π‘ 0 Skipped
- 0.318s
| Method | Time | Details |
π’ | Channel | 0.220s | |
π’ | Thread | 0.092s | |
π’ | getChannel | 0.002s | |
π’ | newChannel | 0.002s | |
π’ | newThread | 0.002s | |
π’ love.timer
- π’ 6 Tests
- π΄ 0 Failures
- π‘ 0 Skipped
- 2.020s
| Method | Time | Details |
π’ | getAverageDelta | 0.002s | |
π’ | getDelta | 0.002s | |
π’ | getFPS | 0.002s | |
π’ | getTime | 1.003s | |
π’ | sleep | 1.006s | |
π’ | step | 0.004s | |
π’ love.video
- π’ 2 Tests
- π΄ 0 Failures
- π‘ 0 Skipped
- 0.016s
| Method | Time | Details |
π’ | VideoStream | 0.009s | |
π’ | newVideoStream | 0.007s | |
π’ love.window
- π’ 34 Tests
- π΄ 0 Failures
- π‘ 2 Skipped
- 5.954s
| Method | Time | Details |
π’ | close | 0.054s | |
π’ | fromPixels | 0.002s | |
π’ | getDPIScale | 0.002s | |
π’ | getDesktopDimensions | 0.002s | |
π’ | getDisplayCount | 0.002s | |
π’ | getDisplayName | 0.015s | |
π’ | getDisplayOrientation | 0.017s | |
π’ | getFullscreen | 1.340s | |
π’ | getFullscreenModes | 0.009s | |
π’ | getIcon | 0.019s | |
π’ | getMode | 0.014s | |
π’ | getPosition | 0.017s | |
π’ | getSafeArea | 0.017s | |
π’ | getTitle | 0.018s | |
π’ | getVSync | 0.017s | |
π’ | hasFocus | 0.018s | |
π’ | hasMouseFocus | 0.018s | |
π’ | isDisplaySleepEnabled | 0.017s | |
π’ | isMaximized | 0.186s | |
π’ | isMinimized | 0.744s | |
π’ | isOpen | 0.054s | |
π’ | isVisible | 0.031s | |
π’ | maximize | 0.173s | |
π’ | minimize | 0.740s | |
π‘ | requestAttention | 0.003s | cant test this worked |
π’ | restore | 0.840s | |
π’ | setDisplaySleepEnabled | 0.016s | |
π’ | setFullscreen | 1.335s | |
π’ | setIcon | 0.013s | |
π’ | setMode | 0.021s | |
π’ | setPosition | 0.178s | |
π’ | setTitle | 0.003s | |
π’ | setVSync | 0.002s | |
π‘ | showMessageBox | 0.002s | cant test this worked |
π’ | toPixels | 0.002s | |
π’ | updateMode | 0.014s | |
\ No newline at end of file
+π΄ love.test
- π’ 281 Tests
- π΄ 2 Failures
- π‘ 20 Skipped
- 13.278s
π’ love.audio
- π’ 28 Tests
- π΄ 0 Failures
- π‘ 0 Skipped
- 0.851s
| Method | Time | Details |
π’ | RecordingDevice | 0.397s | |
π’ | Source | 0.021s | |
π’ | getActiveEffects | 0.017s | |
π’ | getActiveSourceCount | 0.018s | |
π’ | getDistanceModel | 0.017s | |
π’ | getDopplerScale | 0.017s | |
π’ | getEffect | 0.017s | |
π’ | getMaxSceneEffects | 0.017s | |
π’ | getMaxSourceEffects | 0.017s | |
π’ | getOrientation | 0.017s | |
π’ | getPosition | 0.016s | |
π’ | getRecordingDevices | 0.017s | |
π’ | getVelocity | 0.014s | |
π’ | getVolume | 0.017s | |
π’ | isEffectsSupported | 0.017s | |
π’ | newQueueableSource | 0.017s | |
π’ | newSource | 0.017s | |
π’ | pause | 0.017s | |
π’ | play | 0.017s | |
π’ | setDistanceModel | 0.018s | |
π’ | setDopplerScale | 0.016s | |
π’ | setEffect | 0.017s | |
π’ | setMixWithSystem | 0.017s | |
π’ | setOrientation | 0.016s | |
π’ | setPosition | 0.016s | |
π’ | setVelocity | 0.016s | |
π’ | setVolume | 0.016s | |
π’ | stop | 0.017s | |
π’ love.data
- π’ 12 Tests
- π΄ 0 Failures
- π‘ 0 Skipped
- 0.197s
| Method | Time | Details |
π’ | ByteData | 0.016s | |
π’ | CompressedData | 0.016s | |
π’ | compress | 0.016s | |
π’ | decode | 0.018s | |
π’ | decompress | 0.017s | |
π’ | encode | 0.017s | |
π’ | getPackedSize | 0.016s | |
π’ | hash | 0.015s | |
π’ | newByteData | 0.016s | |
π’ | newDataView | 0.015s | |
π’ | pack | 0.018s | |
π’ | unpack | 0.016s | |
π’ love.event
- π’ 4 Tests
- π΄ 0 Failures
- π‘ 2 Skipped
- 0.096s
| Method | Time | Details |
π’ | clear | 0.016s | |
π’ | poll | 0.016s | |
π‘ | pump | 0.016s | used internally |
π’ | push | 0.016s | |
π’ | quit | 0.016s | |
π‘ | wait | 0.016s | used internally |
π’ love.filesystem
- π’ 29 Tests
- π΄ 0 Failures
- π‘ 2 Skipped
- 0.539s
| Method | Time | Details |
π’ | File | 0.020s | |
π’ | FileData | 0.016s | |
π’ | append | 0.022s | |
π’ | areSymlinksEnabled | 0.017s | |
π’ | createDirectory | 0.017s | |
π’ | getAppdataDirectory | 0.016s | |
π’ | getCRequirePath | 0.017s | |
π’ | getDirectoryItems | 0.019s | |
π’ | getIdentity | 0.017s | |
π’ | getInfo | 0.018s | |
π’ | getRealDirectory | 0.017s | |
π’ | getRequirePath | 0.017s | |
π’ | getSaveDirectory | 0.017s | |
π‘ | getSource | 0.017s | used internally |
π’ | getSourceBaseDirectory | 0.017s | |
π’ | getUserDirectory | 0.018s | |
π’ | getWorkingDirectory | 0.021s | |
π’ | isFused | 0.014s | |
π’ | lines | 0.017s | |
π’ | load | 0.018s | |
π’ | mount | 0.018s | |
π’ | newFileData | 0.018s | |
π’ | openFile | 0.016s | |
π’ | read | 0.016s | |
π’ | remove | 0.017s | |
π’ | setCRequirePath | 0.016s | |
π’ | setIdentity | 0.016s | |
π’ | setRequirePath | 0.015s | |
π‘ | setSource | 0.017s | used internally |
π’ | unmount | 0.018s | |
π’ | write | 0.019s | |
π΄ love.font
- π’ 6 Tests
- π΄ 1 Failures
- π‘ 0 Skipped
- 0.121s
| Method | Time | Details |
π΄ | GlyphData | 0.016s | assert 8 [check glyph number] expected '97' got '0' |
π’ | Rasterizer | 0.016s | |
π’ | newBMFontRasterizer | 0.017s | |
π’ | newGlyphData | 0.018s | |
π’ | newImageRasterizer | 0.018s | |
π’ | newRasterizer | 0.018s | |
π’ | newTrueTypeRasterizer | 0.018s | |
π΄ love.graphics
- π’ 98 Tests
- π΄ 1 Failures
- π‘ 6 Skipped
- 2.029s
| Method | Time | Details |
π΄ | Canvas | 0.018s | assert 44 [check depth sample mode set] expected 'equal' got 'nil' |
π’ | Font | 0.023s | Expected Actual Expected Actual |
π’ | Image | 0.020s | Expected Actual |
π‘ | Mesh | 0.018s | test class needs writing |
π‘ | ParticleSystem | 0.017s | test class needs writing |
π’ | Quad | 0.020s | Expected Actual |
π’ | Shader | 0.029s | Expected Actual |
π‘ | SpriteBatch | 0.016s | test class needs writing |
π’ | Text | 0.014s | Expected Actual |
π‘ | Video | 0.015s | test class needs writing |
π’ | applyTransform | 0.018s | Expected Actual |
π’ | arc | 0.026s | Expected Actual Expected Actual Expected Actual |
π’ | captureScreenshot | 0.183s | |
π’ | circle | 0.023s | Expected Actual |
π’ | clear | 0.018s | Expected Actual |
π‘ | discard | 0.017s | cant test this worked |
π’ | draw | 0.034s | Expected Actual |
π‘ | drawInstanced | 0.014s | test class needs writing |
π’ | drawLayer | 0.017s | Expected Actual |
π’ | ellipse | 0.018s | Expected Actual |
π’ | flushBatch | 0.016s | |
π’ | getBackgroundColor | 0.016s | |
π’ | getBlendMode | 0.016s | |
π’ | getCanvas | 0.016s | |
π’ | getColor | 0.016s | |
π’ | getColorMask | 0.015s | |
π’ | getDPIScale | 0.016s | |
π’ | getDefaultFilter | 0.016s | |
π’ | getDepthMode | 0.016s | |
π’ | getDimensions | 0.016s | |
π’ | getFont | 0.016s | |
π’ | getFrontFaceWinding | 0.016s | |
π’ | getHeight | 0.015s | |
π’ | getLineJoin | 0.016s | |
π’ | getLineStyle | 0.025s | |
π’ | getLineWidth | 0.018s | |
π’ | getMeshCullMode | 0.016s | |
π’ | getPixelDimensions | 0.016s | |
π’ | getPixelHeight | 0.024s | |
π’ | getPixelWidth | 0.013s | |
π’ | getPointSize | 0.016s | |
π’ | getRendererInfo | 0.016s | |
π’ | getScissor | 0.016s | |
π’ | getShader | 0.017s | |
π’ | getStackDepth | 0.016s | |
π’ | getStats | 0.015s | |
π’ | getStencilMode | 0.016s | |
π’ | getSupported | 0.015s | |
π’ | getSystemLimits | 0.015s | |
π’ | getTextureFormats | 0.017s | |
π’ | getTextureTypes | 0.016s | |
π’ | getWidth | 0.015s | |
π’ | intersectScissor | 0.017s | Expected Actual |
π’ | inverseTransformPoint | 0.016s | |
π’ | isActive | 0.016s | |
π’ | isGammaCorrect | 0.015s | |
π’ | isWireframe | 0.015s | |
π’ | line | 0.017s | Expected Actual |
π’ | newArrayImage | 0.016s | |
π’ | newCanvas | 0.015s | |
π’ | newCubeImage | 0.017s | |
π’ | newFont | 0.017s | |
π’ | newImage | 0.017s | |
π’ | newImageFont | 0.016s | |
π’ | newMesh | 0.016s | |
π’ | newParticleSystem | 0.017s | |
π’ | newQuad | 0.016s | |
π’ | newShader | 0.022s | |
π’ | newSpriteBatch | 0.017s | |
π’ | newTextBatch | 0.011s | |
π’ | newVideo | 0.019s | |
π’ | newVolumeImage | 0.018s | |
π’ | origin | 0.018s | Expected Actual |
π’ | points | 0.020s | Expected Actual |
π’ | polygon | 0.021s | Expected Actual |
π’ | pop | 0.018s | Expected Actual |
π’ | print | 0.020s | Expected Actual |
π’ | printf | 0.020s | Expected Actual |
π’ | push | 0.018s | Expected Actual |
π’ | rectangle | 0.020s | Expected Actual Expected Actual |
π’ | replaceTransform | 0.018s | Expected Actual |
π’ | reset | 0.018s | |
π’ | rotate | 0.018s | Expected Actual |
π’ | scale | 0.017s | |
π’ | setBackgroundColor | 0.017s | |
π’ | setBlendMode | 0.019s | Expected Actual |
π’ | setCanvas | 0.018s | Expected Actual |
π’ | setColor | 0.018s | Expected Actual |
π’ | setColorMask | 0.019s | Expected Actual |
π’ | setDefaultFilter | 0.017s | |
π’ | setDepthMode | 0.017s | |
π’ | setFont | 0.019s | Expected Actual |
π’ | setFrontFaceWinding | 0.017s | |
π’ | setLineJoin | 0.018s | Expected Actual |
π’ | setLineStyle | 0.018s | Expected Actual |
π’ | setLineWidth | 0.019s | Expected Actual |
π’ | setMeshCullMode | 0.018s | |
π’ | setScissor | 0.020s | Expected Actual |
π’ | setShader | 0.023s | Expected Actual |
π’ | setStencilTest | 0.019s | Expected Actual |
π’ | setWireframe | 0.018s | Expected Actual |
π’ | shear | 0.019s | Expected Actual Expected Actual |
π’ | transformPoint | 0.018s | |
π’ | translate | 0.025s | Expected Actual |
π’ | validateShader | 0.016s | |
π’ love.image
- π’ 5 Tests
- π΄ 0 Failures
- π‘ 0 Skipped
- 0.087s
| Method | Time | Details |
π’ | CompressedImageData | 0.018s | |
π’ | ImageData | 0.017s | |
π’ | isCompressed | 0.017s | |
π’ | newCompressedData | 0.019s | |
π’ | newImageData | 0.017s | |
π’ love.math
- π’ 20 Tests
- π΄ 0 Failures
- π‘ 0 Skipped
- 0.321s
| Method | Time | Details |
π’ | BezierCurve | 0.018s | |
π’ | RandomGenerator | 0.017s | |
π’ | Transform | 0.017s | |
π’ | colorFromBytes | 0.017s | |
π’ | colorToBytes | 0.016s | |
π’ | gammaToLinear | 0.016s | |
π’ | getRandomSeed | 0.016s | |
π’ | getRandomState | 0.016s | |
π’ | isConvex | 0.016s | |
π’ | linearToGamma | 0.017s | |
π’ | newBezierCurve | 0.016s | |
π’ | newRandomGenerator | 0.016s | |
π’ | newTransform | 0.016s | |
π’ | perlinNoise | 0.015s | |
π’ | random | 0.016s | |
π’ | randomNormal | 0.014s | |
π’ | setRandomSeed | 0.015s | |
π’ | setRandomState | 0.015s | |
π’ | simplexNoise | 0.016s | |
π’ | triangulate | 0.016s | |
π’ love.physics
- π’ 22 Tests
- π΄ 0 Failures
- π‘ 6 Skipped
- 0.468s
| Method | Time | Details |
π‘ | Body | 0.018s | test class needs writing |
π‘ | Contact | 0.017s | test class needs writing |
π‘ | Fixture | 0.026s | test class needs writing |
π‘ | Joint | 0.017s | test class needs writing |
π‘ | Shape | 0.017s | test class needs writing |
π‘ | World | 0.017s | test class needs writing |
π’ | getDistance | 0.017s | |
π’ | getMeter | 0.015s | |
π’ | newBody | 0.016s | |
π’ | newChainShape | 0.016s | |
π’ | newCircleShape | 0.017s | |
π’ | newDistanceJoint | 0.016s | |
π’ | newEdgeShape | 0.017s | |
π’ | newFixture | 0.016s | |
π’ | newFrictionJoint | 0.016s | |
π’ | newGearJoint | 0.016s | |
π’ | newMotorJoint | 0.016s | |
π’ | newMouseJoint | 0.018s | |
π’ | newPolygonShape | 0.016s | |
π’ | newPrismaticJoint | 0.017s | |
π’ | newPulleyJoint | 0.016s | |
π’ | newRectangleShape | 0.017s | |
π’ | newRevoluteJoint | 0.015s | |
π’ | newRopeJoint | 0.016s | |
π’ | newWeldJoint | 0.015s | |
π’ | newWheelJoint | 0.016s | |
π’ | newWorld | 0.014s | |
π’ | setMeter | 0.015s | |
π’ love.sound
- π’ 4 Tests
- π΄ 0 Failures
- π‘ 0 Skipped
- 0.068s
| Method | Time | Details |
π’ | Decoder | 0.018s | |
π’ | SoundData | 0.017s | |
π’ | newDecoder | 0.016s | |
π’ | newSoundData | 0.017s | |
π’ love.system
- π’ 6 Tests
- π΄ 0 Failures
- π‘ 2 Skipped
- 0.148s
| Method | Time | Details |
π’ | getClipboardText | 0.019s | |
π’ | getOS | 0.017s | |
π’ | getPowerInfo | 0.017s | |
π’ | getProcessorCount | 0.016s | |
π’ | hasBackgroundMusic | 0.029s | |
π‘ | openURL | 0.016s | cant test this worked |
π’ | setClipboardText | 0.017s | |
π‘ | vibrate | 0.016s | cant test this worked |
π’ love.thread
- π’ 5 Tests
- π΄ 0 Failures
- π‘ 0 Skipped
- 0.376s
| Method | Time | Details |
π’ | Channel | 0.230s | |
π’ | Thread | 0.093s | |
π’ | getChannel | 0.018s | |
π’ | newChannel | 0.017s | |
π’ | newThread | 0.018s | |
π’ love.timer
- π’ 6 Tests
- π΄ 0 Failures
- π‘ 0 Skipped
- 2.082s
| Method | Time | Details |
π’ | getAverageDelta | 0.017s | |
π’ | getDelta | 0.016s | |
π’ | getFPS | 0.016s | |
π’ | getTime | 1.017s | |
π’ | sleep | 1.009s | |
π’ | step | 0.005s | |
π’ love.video
- π’ 2 Tests
- π΄ 0 Failures
- π‘ 0 Skipped
- 0.039s
| Method | Time | Details |
π’ | VideoStream | 0.020s | |
π’ | newVideoStream | 0.020s | |
π’ love.window
- π’ 34 Tests
- π΄ 0 Failures
- π‘ 2 Skipped
- 5.855s
| Method | Time | Details |
π’ | close | 0.052s | |
π’ | fromPixels | 0.002s | |
π’ | getDPIScale | 0.017s | |
π’ | getDesktopDimensions | 0.018s | |
π’ | getDisplayCount | 0.017s | |
π’ | getDisplayName | 0.018s | |
π’ | getDisplayOrientation | 0.018s | |
π’ | getFullscreen | 1.357s | |
π’ | getFullscreenModes | 0.010s | |
π’ | getIcon | 0.019s | |
π’ | getMode | 0.015s | |
π’ | getPosition | 0.017s | |
π’ | getSafeArea | 0.016s | |
π’ | getTitle | 0.017s | |
π’ | getVSync | 0.016s | |
π’ | hasFocus | 0.016s | |
π’ | hasMouseFocus | 0.015s | |
π’ | isDisplaySleepEnabled | 0.017s | |
π’ | isMaximized | 0.185s | |
π’ | isMinimized | 0.749s | |
π’ | isOpen | 0.037s | |
π’ | isVisible | 0.024s | |
π’ | maximize | 0.156s | |
π’ | minimize | 0.733s | |
π‘ | requestAttention | 0.003s | cant test this worked |
π’ | restore | 0.880s | |
π’ | setDisplaySleepEnabled | 0.020s | |
π’ | setFullscreen | 1.151s | |
π’ | setIcon | 0.007s | |
π’ | setMode | 0.023s | |
π’ | setPosition | 0.181s | |
π’ | setTitle | 0.018s | |
π’ | setVSync | 0.015s | |
π‘ | showMessageBox | 0.003s | cant test this worked |
π’ | toPixels | 0.002s | |
π’ | updateMode | 0.011s | |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/lovetest_runAllTests.md b/examples/lovetest_runAllTests.md
index c69865b..d309282 100644
--- a/examples/lovetest_runAllTests.md
+++ b/examples/lovetest_runAllTests.md
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
-**305** tests were completed in **16.781s** with **275** passed, **2** failed, and **28** skipped
+**303** tests were completed in **13.278s** with **281** passed, **2** failed, and **20** skipped
### Report
| Module | Pass | Fail | Skip | Time |
| --------------------- | ------ | ------ | ------- | ------ |
-| π΄ audio | 27 | 1 | 0 | 4.898s |
-| π’ data | 12 | 0 | 0 | 0.213s |
-| π’ event | 4 | 0 | 2 | 0.103s |
-| π’ filesystem | 29 | 0 | 2 | 0.561s |
-| π΄ font | 6 | 1 | 0 | 0.123s |
-| π’ graphics | 93 | 0 | 14 | 2.106s |
-| π’ image | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0.088s |
-| π’ math | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0.284s |
-| π’ physics | 22 | 0 | 6 | 0.059s |
-| π’ sound | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0.015s |
-| π’ system | 6 | 0 | 2 | 0.023s |
-| π’ thread | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0.318s |
-| π’ timer | 6 | 0 | 0 | 2.020s |
-| π’ video | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0.016s |
-| π’ window | 34 | 0 | 2 | 5.954s |
+| π’ audio | 28 | 0 | 0 | 0.851s |
+| π’ data | 12 | 0 | 0 | 0.197s |
+| π’ event | 4 | 0 | 2 | 0.096s |
+| π’ filesystem | 29 | 0 | 2 | 0.539s |
+| π΄ font | 6 | 1 | 0 | 0.121s |
+| π΄ graphics | 98 | 1 | 6 | 2.029s |
+| π’ image | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0.087s |
+| π’ math | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0.321s |
+| π’ physics | 22 | 0 | 6 | 0.468s |
+| π’ sound | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0.068s |
+| π’ system | 6 | 0 | 2 | 0.148s |
+| π’ thread | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0.376s |
+| π’ timer | 6 | 0 | 0 | 2.082s |
+| π’ video | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0.039s |
+| π’ window | 34 | 0 | 2 | 5.855s |
### Failures
-> π΄ Source
-> assert 53 [check effect was applied] expected 'true' got 'false'
> π΄ GlyphData
> assert 8 [check glyph number] expected '97' got '0'
+> π΄ Canvas
+> assert 44 [check depth sample mode set] expected 'equal' got 'nil'
diff --git a/examples/lovetest_runAllTests.xml b/examples/lovetest_runAllTests.xml
index deb2d42..dc3bb5e 100644
--- a/examples/lovetest_runAllTests.xml
+++ b/examples/lovetest_runAllTests.xml
@@ -1,162 +1,161 @@
- assert 53 [check effect was applied] expected 'true' got 'false'
@@ -166,507 +165,496 @@
assert 8 [check glyph number] expected '97' got '0'
+ assert 44 [check depth sample mode set] expected 'equal' got 'nil'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/output/expected/love.test.graphics.Font-1.png b/output/expected/love.test.graphics.Font-1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb2f21a
Binary files /dev/null and b/output/expected/love.test.graphics.Font-1.png differ
diff --git a/output/expected/love.test.graphics.Font-2.png b/output/expected/love.test.graphics.Font-2.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d12d684
Binary files /dev/null and b/output/expected/love.test.graphics.Font-2.png differ
diff --git a/output/expected/love.test.graphics.Image-1.png b/output/expected/love.test.graphics.Image-1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f45cf9
Binary files /dev/null and b/output/expected/love.test.graphics.Image-1.png differ
diff --git a/output/expected/love.test.graphics.Quad-1.png b/output/expected/love.test.graphics.Quad-1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22ab17e
Binary files /dev/null and b/output/expected/love.test.graphics.Quad-1.png differ
diff --git a/output/expected/love.test.graphics.Shader-1.png b/output/expected/love.test.graphics.Shader-1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6742f63
Binary files /dev/null and b/output/expected/love.test.graphics.Shader-1.png differ
diff --git a/output/expected/love.test.graphics.Text-1.png b/output/expected/love.test.graphics.Text-1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f15348
Binary files /dev/null and b/output/expected/love.test.graphics.Text-1.png differ
diff --git a/output/expected/love.test.graphics.setColorMask-1.png b/output/expected/love.test.graphics.setColorMask-1.png
index 254f834..315c7a9 100644
Binary files a/output/expected/love.test.graphics.setColorMask-1.png and b/output/expected/love.test.graphics.setColorMask-1.png differ
diff --git a/readme.md b/readme.md
index 52bedda..81b9f5a 100644
--- a/readme.md
+++ b/readme.md
@@ -1,136 +1,109 @@
-# LΓΆvetest
-Basic testing suite for the [LΓΆve](https://github.com/love2d/love) APIs, based off of [this issue](https://github.com/love2d/love/issues/1745).
-Currently written for [LΓΆve 12](https://github.com/love2d/love/tree/12.0-development), which is still in development.
-## Features
-- [x] Simple pass/fail tests in Lua with minimal setup
-- [x] Ability to run all tests with a simple command
-- [x] Ability to see how many tests are passing/failing
-- [x] Ability to run a subset of tests
-- [x] Ability to easily run an individual test
-- [x] Ability to see all visual results at a glance
-- [x] Automatic testing that happens after every commit
-- [x] No platform-specific dependencies / scripts
-## Coverage
-This is the status of all module tests currently.
-| Module | Done | Todo | Skip |
-| ----------------- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
-| π’ audio | 28 | 0 | 0 |
-| π’ data | 12 | 0 | 0 |
-| π‘ event | 4 | 1 | 1 |
-| π’ filesystem | 28 | 0 | 2 |
-| π’ font | 7 | 0 | 0 |
-| π‘ graphics | 93 | 14 | 1 |
-| π’ image | 5 | 0 | 0 |
-| π’ math | 20 | 0 | 0 |
-| π‘ physics | 22 | 6 | 0 |
-| π’ sound | 4 | 0 | 0 |
-| π’ system | 6 | 0 | 2 |
-| π’ thread | 5 | 0 | 0 |
-| π’ timer | 6 | 0 | 0 |
-| π’ video | 2 | 0 | 0 |
-| π’ window | 34 | 0 | 2 |
-> The following modules are not covered as we can't really emulate input nicely:
-> `joystick`, `keyboard`, `mouse`, and `touch`
-## Running Tests
-The testsuite aims to keep things as simple as possible, and just runs all the tests inside LΓΆve to match how they'd be used by developers in-engine.
-To run the tests, download the repo and then run the main.lua as you would a LΓΆve game, i.e:
-WINDOWS: `& 'c:\Program Files\LOVE\love.exe' PATH_TO_TESTING_FOLDER --console`
-MACOS: `/Applications/love.app/Contents/MacOS/love PATH_TO_TESTING_FOLDER`
-By default all tests will be run for all modules.
-If you want to specify a module/s you can use:
-`--runSpecificModules filesystem,audio`
-If you want to specify only 1 specific method only you can use:
-`--runSpecificMethod filesystem write`
-All results will be printed in the console per method as PASS, FAIL, or SKIP with total assertions met on a module level and overall level.
-When finished, the following files will be generated in the `/output` directory with a summary of the test results:
-- an `XML` file in the style of [JUnit XML](https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/developer-for-zos/14.1?topic=formats-junit-xml-format)
-- a `HTML` file that shows any visual test results
-- a `Markdown` file for use with [this github action](https://github.com/ellraiser/love-test-report)
-> An example of all types of output can be found in the `/examples`
-> The visual results of any graphic tests can be found in `/output/actual`
-## Architecture
-Each method and object has it's own test method written in `/tests` under the matching module name.
-When you run the tests, a single TestSuite object is created which handles the progress + totals for all the tests.
-Each module has a TestModule object created, and each test method has a TestMethod object created which keeps track of assertions for that method. You can currently do the following assertions:
-- **assertNotNil**(value)
-- **assertEquals**(expected, actual, label)
-- **assertNotEquals**(expected, actual, label)
-- **assertRange**(actual, min, max, label)
-- **assertMatch**({option1, option2, option3 ...}, actual, label)
-- **assertGreaterEqual**(expected, actual, label)
-- **assertLessEqual**(expected, actual, label)
-- **assertObject**(table)
-- **assertPixels**(imgdata, pixeltable, label)
-- **assertCoords**(expected, actual, label)
-Example test method:
--- love.filesystem.read test method
--- all methods should be put under love.test.MODULE.METHOD, matching the API
-love.test.filesystem.read = function(test)
- -- setup any data needed then run any asserts using the passed test object
- local content, size = love.filesystem.read('resources/test.txt')
- test:assertNotNil(content)
- test:assertEquals('helloworld', content, 'check content match')
- test:assertEquals(10, size, 'check size match')
- content, size = love.filesystem.read('resources/test.txt', 5)
- test:assertNotNil(content)
- test:assertEquals('hello', content, 'check content match')
- test:assertEquals(5, size, 'check size match')
- -- no need to return anything or cleanup, GCC is called after each method
-Each test is run inside it's own coroutine - you can use `test:waitFrames(frames)` to pause the test for a small period if you need to check things that won't happen for a few seconds.
-After each test method is ran, the assertions are totalled up, printed, and we move onto the next method! Once all methods in the suite are run a total pass/fail/skip is given for that module and we move onto the next module (if any)
-For sanity-checking, if it's currently not covered or it's not possible to test the method we can set the test to be skipped with `test:skipTest(reason)` - this way we still see the method listed in the test output without it affected the pass/fail totals
-## Todo
-Things still left to do:
-- [ ] physics.Body, physics.Contact, physics.Fixture,
- physics.Joint, physics.Shape, physics.World
-- [ ] graphics.Canvas, graphics.Font, graphics.Image, graphics.Mesh,
- graphics.ParticleSystem, graphics.Quad, graphics.Shader,
- graphics.SpriteBatch, graphics.Text, graphics.Texture, graphics.Video
-- [ ] event.wait
-- [ ] graphics.present
-- [ ] graphics.drawInstanced
-- [ ] graphics.setDepthMode (needs actual graphical comparison if possible)
-- [ ] graphics.setFrontFaceWinding (needs actual graphical comparison if possible)
-- [ ] graphics.setMeshCullMode (needs actual graphical comparison if possible)
-- [ ] @deprecated setStencilTest (use setStencilMode)
-- [ ] @deprecated physics methods (sasha changes)
-- [ ] check 12.0 wiki page for new methods
-- [ ] need a platform: format table somewhere for compressed formats (i.e. DXT not supported)
-- [ ] ideally graphics.isCompressed should have an example of all compressed files love can take
-## Future Goals
-- [ ] Tests can compare visual results to a reference image (partially done)
-- [ ] Ability to test loading different combinations of modules
-- [ ] Performance tests
+LΓVE is an *awesome* framework you can use to make 2D games in Lua. It's free, open-source, and works on Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS.
+[![Build Status: Github CI](https://github.com/love2d/love/workflows/continuous-integration/badge.svg)](https://github.com/love2d/love/actions?query=workflow%3Acontinuous-integration)
+We use our [wiki][wiki] for documentation.
+If you need further help, feel free to ask on our [forums][forums], our [Discord server][discord], or our [subreddit][subreddit].
+We use the 'main' branch for patch development of the current major release, and therefore it should not be considered stable.
+There may also be a branch for the next major version in development, which is named after that version.
+We tag all our releases (since we started using mercurial and git), and have binary downloads available for them.
+Experimental changes are developed in a separate [love-experiments][love-experiments] repository.
+Files for releases are in the [releases][releases] section on GitHub. [The site][site] has links to files and additional platform content for the latest release.
+There are also unstable/nightly builds:
+- Builds for some platforms are automatically created after each commit and are available through GitHub's CI interfaces.
+- For ubuntu linux they are in [ppa:bartbes/love-unstable][unstableppa]
+- For arch linux there's [love-git][aur] in the AUR.
+The best places to contribute are through the issue tracker and the official Discord server or IRC channel.
+For code contributions, pull requests and patches are welcome. Be sure to read the [source code style guide][codestyle].
+Changes and new features typically get discussed in the issue tracker or on Discord or the forums before a pull request is made.
+### Windows
+Follow the instructions at the [megasource][megasource] repository page.
+### *nix
+Run `platform/unix/automagic` from the repository root, then run ./configure and make.
+ $ platform/unix/automagic
+ $ ./configure
+ $ make
+When using a source release, automagic has already been run, and the first step can be skipped.
+### macOS
+Download or clone [this repository][dependencies-apple] and copy, move, or symlink the `macOS/Frameworks` subfolder into love's `platform/xcode/macosx` folder.
+Then use the Xcode project found at `platform/xcode/love.xcodeproj` to build the `love-macosx` target.
+### iOS
+Building for iOS requires macOS and Xcode.
+#### LΓVE 11.4 and newer
+Download the `love-apple-dependencies` zip file corresponding to the LΓVE version being used from the [Releases page][dependencies-ios],
+unzip it, and place the `iOS/libraries` subfolder into love's `platform/xcode/ios` folder.
+Or, download or clone [this repository][dependencies-apple] and copy, move, or symlink the `iOS/libraries` subfolder into love's `platform/xcode/ios` folder.
+Then use the Xcode project found at `platform/xcode/love.xcodeproj` to build the `love-ios` target.
+See `readme-iOS.rtf` for more information.
+#### LΓVE 11.3 and older
+Download the `ios-libraries` zip file corresponding to the LΓVE version being used from the [Releases page][dependencies-ios],
+unzip it, and place the `include` and `libraries` subfolders into love's `platform/xcode/ios` folder.
+Then use the Xcode project found at `platform/xcode/love.xcodeproj` to build the `love-ios` target.
+See `readme-iOS.rtf` for more information.
+### Android
+Visit the [Android build repository][android-repository] for build instructions.
+- SDL2
+- OpenGL 2.1+ / OpenGL ES 2+
+- OpenAL
+- Lua / LuaJIT / LLVM-lua
+- FreeType
+- ModPlug
+- Vorbisfile
+- Theora
+[site]: https://love2d.org
+[wiki]: https://love2d.org/wiki
+[forums]: https://love2d.org/forums
+[discord]: https://discord.gg/rhUets9
+[subreddit]: https://www.reddit.com/r/love2d
+[dependencies-apple]: https://github.com/love2d/love-apple-dependencies
+[dependencies-ios]: https://github.com/love2d/love/releases
+[megasource]: https://github.com/love2d/megasource
+[unstableppa]: https://launchpad.net/~bartbes/+archive/love-unstable
+[aur]: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/love-git
+[love-experiments]: https://github.com/slime73/love-experiments
+[codestyle]: https://love2d.org/wiki/Code_Style
+[android-repository]: https://github.com/love2d/love-android
+[releases]: https://github.com/love2d/love/releases
diff --git a/resources/.DS_Store b/resources/.DS_Store
index 7abf222..39c7c62 100644
Binary files a/resources/.DS_Store and b/resources/.DS_Store differ
diff --git a/resources/font-letters-ab.png b/resources/font-letters-ab.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ec8aec
Binary files /dev/null and b/resources/font-letters-ab.png differ
diff --git a/resources/font-letters-cd.png b/resources/font-letters-cd.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51190f6
Binary files /dev/null and b/resources/font-letters-cd.png differ
diff --git a/resources/love_test_graphics_rectangle_expected.png b/resources/love_test_graphics_rectangle_expected.png
deleted file mode 100644
index bbbaf6e..0000000
Binary files a/resources/love_test_graphics_rectangle_expected.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/tests/audio.lua b/tests/audio.lua
index 4645629..bf36b11 100644
--- a/tests/audio.lua
+++ b/tests/audio.lua
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
-- RecordingDevice (love.audio.getRecordingDevices)
love.test.audio.RecordingDevice = function(test)
+ if GITHUB_RUNNER == true then
+ return test:skipTest('cant emulate recording devices in CI')
+ end
-- check devices first
local devices = love.audio.getRecordingDevices()
if #devices == 0 then
diff --git a/tests/event.lua b/tests/event.lua
index 9e43f8b..00b49f3 100644
--- a/tests/event.lua
+++ b/tests/event.lua
@@ -76,5 +76,5 @@ end
-- love.event.wait
-- @NOTE not sure best way to test this one
love.test.event.wait = function(test)
- test:skipTest('test class needs writing')
+ test:skipTest('used internally')
diff --git a/tests/graphics.lua b/tests/graphics.lua
index 43b389f..1b06b0d 100644
--- a/tests/graphics.lua
+++ b/tests/graphics.lua
@@ -10,19 +10,221 @@
-- Canvas (love.graphics.newCanvas)
love.test.graphics.Canvas = function(test)
- test:skipTest('test class needs writing')
+ -- create canvas with defaults
+ local canvas = love.graphics.newCanvas(100, 100, {
+ type = '2d',
+ format = 'normal',
+ readable = true,
+ msaa = 0,
+ dpiscale = love.graphics.getDPIScale(),
+ mipmaps = 'auto'
+ })
+ test:assertObject(canvas)
+ -- check texture settings
+ test:assertEquals(love.graphics.getDPIScale(), canvas:getDPIScale(), 'check dpi scale')
+ test:assertEquals(1, canvas:getDepth(), 'check depth is 2d')
+ test:assertEquals(nil, canvas:getDepthSampleMode(), 'check depth sample nil')
+ local min, mag, ani = canvas:getFilter()
+ test:assertEquals('nearest', min, 'check filter def min')
+ test:assertEquals('nearest', mag, 'check filter def mag')
+ test:assertEquals(1, ani, 'check filter def ani')
+ canvas:setFilter('linear', 'linear', 2)
+ min, mag, ani = canvas:getFilter()
+ test:assertEquals('linear', min, 'check filter changed min')
+ test:assertEquals('linear', mag, 'check filter changed mag')
+ test:assertEquals(2, ani, 'check filter changed ani')
+ test:assertEquals(1, canvas:getLayerCount(), 'check 1 layer for 2d')
+ test:assertEquals('2d', canvas:getTextureType(), 'check 2d')
+ local horiz, vert = canvas:getWrap()
+ test:assertEquals('clamp', horiz, 'check def wrap h')
+ test:assertEquals('clamp', vert, 'check def wrap v')
+ canvas:setWrap('repeat', 'repeat')
+ horiz, vert = canvas:getWrap()
+ test:assertEquals('repeat', horiz, 'check changed wrap h')
+ test:assertEquals('repeat', vert, 'check changed wrap v')
+ test:assertEquals(true, canvas:isReadable(), 'check canvas readable')
+ test:assertEquals(1, canvas:getMSAA(), 'check samples match')
+ -- check dimensions
+ local cw, ch = canvas:getDimensions()
+ test:assertEquals(100, cw, 'check canvas dim w')
+ test:assertEquals(100, ch, 'check canvas dim h')
+ test:assertEquals(cw, canvas:getWidth(), 'check canvas w matches dim')
+ test:assertEquals(ch, canvas:getHeight(), 'check canvas h matches dim')
+ local pw, ph = canvas:getPixelDimensions()
+ test:assertEquals(100*love.graphics.getDPIScale(), pw, 'check pixel dim w')
+ test:assertEquals(100*love.graphics.getDPIScale(), ph, 'check pixel dim h')
+ test:assertEquals(pw, canvas:getPixelWidth(), 'check pixel w matches dim')
+ test:assertEquals(ph, canvas:getPixelHeight(), 'check pixel h matches dim')
+ -- check mipmaps
+ local mode, sharpness = canvas:getMipmapFilter()
+ test:assertEquals('linear', mode, 'check def minmap filter mode')
+ test:assertEquals(0, sharpness, 'check def minmap filter sharpness')
+ canvas:setMipmapFilter('nearest', 1)
+ mode, sharpness = canvas:getMipmapFilter()
+ test:assertEquals('nearest', mode, 'check changed minmap filter mode')
+ test:assertEquals(1, sharpness, 'check changed minmap filter sharpness')
+ test:assertGreaterEqual(2, canvas:getMipmapCount()) -- docs say no mipmaps should return 1
+ test:assertEquals('auto', canvas:getMipmapMode())
+ -- check rendering
+ canvas:renderTo(function()
+ love.graphics.setColor(1, 0, 0)
+ love.graphics.rectangle('fill', 0, 0, 200, 200)
+ love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1)
+ end)
+ local data = love.graphics.readbackTexture(canvas, {100, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100})
+ local r, g, b, a = data:getPixel(2, 2)
+ test:assertEquals(1, r, 'check canvas draw r')
+ test:assertEquals(0, g, 'check canvas draw g')
+ test:assertEquals(0, b, 'check canvas draw b')
+ test:assertEquals(1, a, 'check canvas draw a')
+ -- check using canvas in love.graphics.draw()
+ local xcanvas = love.graphics.newCanvas()
+ love.graphics.setCanvas(xcanvas)
+ love.graphics.draw(canvas, 0, 0)
+ love.graphics.setCanvas()
+ data = love.graphics.readbackTexture(canvas, {100, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100})
+ r, g, b, a = data:getPixel(2, 2)
+ test:assertEquals(1, r, 'check canvas draw r')
+ test:assertEquals(0, g, 'check canvas draw g')
+ test:assertEquals(0, b, 'check canvas draw b')
+ test:assertEquals(1, a, 'check canvas draw a')
+ -- check depth samples
+ local dcanvas = love.graphics.newCanvas(100, 100, {
+ type = '2d',
+ format = 'depth16'
+ })
+ test:assertEquals(nil, dcanvas:getDepthSampleMode(), 'check depth sample mode nil by def')
+ dcanvas:setDepthSampleMode('equal')
+ test:assertEquals('equal', dcanvas:getDepthSampleMode(), 'check depth sample mode set')
-- Font (love.graphics.newFont)
love.test.graphics.Font = function(test)
- test:skipTest('test class needs writing')
+ -- create obj
+ local font = love.graphics.newFont('resources/font.ttf', 8)
+ test:assertObject(font)
+ -- check properties match expected
+ test:assertEquals(6, font:getAscent(), 'check ascent')
+ test:assertEquals(6, font:getBaseline(), 'check baseline')
+ test:assertEquals(1, font:getDPIScale(), 'check dpi')
+ test:assertEquals(-2, font:getDescent(), 'check descent')
+ test:assertEquals('nearest', font:getFilter(), 'check filter def')
+ font:setFilter('linear', 'linear')
+ test:assertEquals('linear', font:getFilter(), 'check filter change')
+ font:setFilter('nearest', 'nearest')
+ test:assertEquals(8, font:getHeight(), 'check height')
+ test:assertEquals(0, font:getKerning('a', 'b'), 'check kerning')
+ test:assertEquals(1, font:getLineHeight(), 'check line height')
+ font:setLineHeight(2)
+ test:assertEquals(2, font:getLineHeight(), 'check changed line height')
+ font:setLineHeight(1) -- reset for drawing + wrap later
+ test:assertEquals(24, font:getWidth('test'), 'check data size')
+ test:assertEquals(true, font:hasGlyphs('test'), 'check data size')
+ -- check font wrapping
+ local width, wrappedtext = font:getWrap('LΓVE is an *awesome* framework you can use to make 2D games in Lua.', 50)
+ test:assertEquals(48, width, 'check actual wrap width')
+ test:assertEquals(8, #wrappedtext, 'check wrapped lines')
+ test:assertEquals('LΓVE is an ', wrappedtext[1], 'check wrapped line')
+ -- check drawing font
+ local canvas = love.graphics.newCanvas(16, 16)
+ love.graphics.setCanvas(canvas)
+ love.graphics.setFont(font)
+ love.graphics.print('Aa', 0, 5)
+ love.graphics.setCanvas()
+ local imgdata = love.graphics.readbackTexture(canvas, {16, 0, 0, 0, 16, 16})
+ test:assertPixels(imgdata, {
+ white = {{0,3},{4,3},{7,4},{9,4},{10,5},{0,8},{4,8},{10,8}},
+ }, 'font draw check')
+ test:exportImg(imgdata)
+ -- check font substitution
+ local fontab = love.graphics.newImageFont('resources/font-letters-ab.png', 'AB')
+ local fontcd = love.graphics.newImageFont('resources/font-letters-cd.png', 'CD')
+ fontab:setFallbacks(fontcd)
+ love.graphics.setCanvas(canvas)
+ love.graphics.clear(0, 0, 0, 0)
+ love.graphics.setFont(fontab)
+ love.graphics.print('AB', 0, 0)
+ love.graphics.print('CD', 0, 9)
+ love.graphics.setCanvas()
+ local imgdata2 = love.graphics.readbackTexture(canvas, {16, 0, 0, 0, 16, 16})
+ test:assertPixels(imgdata2, {
+ green = {{1,8},{6,8},{2,10},{5,10},{9,10}},
+ black = {{9,9},{14,8},{14,10},{14,1},{1,10}}
+ }, 'font draw check')
+ test:exportImg(imgdata2)
-- Image (love.graphics.newImage)
love.test.graphics.Image = function(test)
- test:skipTest('test class needs writing')
+ -- create object
+ local image = love.graphics.newImage('resources/love.png', {
+ dpiscale = 1,
+ mipmaps = true
+ })
+ test:assertObject(image)
+ -- check texture props
+ test:assertEquals(love.graphics.getDPIScale(), image:getDPIScale(), 'check dpi scale')
+ test:assertEquals(1, image:getDepth(), 'check depth is 2d')
+ test:assertEquals(nil, image:getDepthSampleMode(), 'check depth sample nil')
+ local min, mag, ani = image:getFilter()
+ test:assertEquals('nearest', min, 'check filter def min')
+ test:assertEquals('nearest', mag, 'check filter def mag')
+ test:assertEquals(1, ani, 'check filter def ani')
+ image:setFilter('linear', 'linear', 2)
+ min, mag, ani = image:getFilter()
+ test:assertEquals('linear', min, 'check filter changed min')
+ test:assertEquals('linear', mag, 'check filter changed mag')
+ test:assertEquals(2, ani, 'check filter changed ani')
+ test:assertEquals(1, image:getLayerCount(), 'check 1 layer for 2d')
+ test:assertEquals('2d', image:getTextureType(), 'check 2d')
+ local horiz, vert = image:getWrap()
+ test:assertEquals('clamp', horiz, 'check def wrap h')
+ test:assertEquals('clamp', vert, 'check def wrap v')
+ image:setWrap('repeat', 'repeat')
+ horiz, vert = image:getWrap()
+ test:assertEquals('repeat', horiz, 'check changed wrap h')
+ test:assertEquals('repeat', vert, 'check changed wrap v')
+ test:assertEquals(true, image:isReadable(), 'check canvas readable')
+ test:assertEquals(1, image:getMSAA(), 'check samples match')
+ -- check dimensions
+ local cw, ch = image:getDimensions()
+ test:assertEquals(64, cw, 'check canvas dim w')
+ test:assertEquals(64, ch, 'check canvas dim h')
+ test:assertEquals(cw, image:getWidth(), 'check canvas w matches dim')
+ test:assertEquals(ch, image:getHeight(), 'check canvas h matches dim')
+ local pw, ph = image:getPixelDimensions()
+ test:assertEquals(64*love.graphics.getDPIScale(), pw, 'check pixel dim w')
+ test:assertEquals(64*love.graphics.getDPIScale(), ph, 'check pixel dim h')
+ test:assertEquals(pw, image:getPixelWidth(), 'check pixel w matches dim')
+ test:assertEquals(ph, image:getPixelHeight(), 'check pixel h matches dim')
+ -- check mipmaps
+ local mode, sharpness = image:getMipmapFilter()
+ test:assertEquals('linear', mode, 'check def minmap filter mode')
+ test:assertEquals(0, sharpness, 'check def minmap filter sharpness')
+ image:setMipmapFilter('nearest', 1)
+ mode, sharpness = image:getMipmapFilter()
+ test:assertEquals('nearest', mode, 'check changed minmap filter mode')
+ test:assertEquals(1, sharpness, 'check changed minmap filter sharpness')
+ test:assertGreaterEqual(2, image:getMipmapCount()) -- docs say no mipmaps should return 1
+ -- check image properties
+ test:assertEquals(false, image:isCompressed(), 'check not compressed')
+ test:assertEquals(false, image:isFormatLinear(), 'check not linear')
+ local cimage = love.graphics.newImage('resources/love.dxt1')
+ test:assertObject(cimage)
+ test:assertEquals(true, cimage:isCompressed(), 'check is compressed')
+ -- check pixel replacement
+ local rimage = love.image.newImageData('resources/loveinv.png')
+ image:replacePixels(rimage)
+ local canvas = love.graphics.newCanvas(64, 64)
+ love.graphics.setCanvas(canvas)
+ love.graphics.draw(image, 0, 0)
+ love.graphics.setCanvas()
+ local imgdata = love.graphics.readbackTexture(canvas, {64, 0, 0, 0, 64, 64})
+ local r1, g1, b1 = imgdata:getPixel(25, 25)
+ test:assertEquals(3, r1+g1+b1, 'check back to white')
+ test:exportImg(imgdata)
@@ -40,13 +242,102 @@ end
-- Quad (love.graphics.newQuad)
love.test.graphics.Quad = function(test)
- test:skipTest('test class needs writing')
+ local texture = love.graphics.newImage('resources/love.png')
+ local quad = love.graphics.newQuad(0, 0, 32, 32, texture)
+ test:assertObject(quad)
+ -- check properties
+ test:assertEquals(1, quad:getLayer(), 'check default layer')
+ quad:setLayer(2)
+ test:assertEquals(2, quad:getLayer(), 'check changed layer')
+ local sw, sh = quad:getTextureDimensions()
+ test:assertEquals(64, sw, 'check texture w')
+ test:assertEquals(64, sh, 'check texture h')
+ -- check drawing and viewport changes
+ local canvas = love.graphics.newCanvas(64, 64)
+ love.graphics.setCanvas(canvas)
+ love.graphics.draw(texture, quad, 0, 0)
+ quad:setViewport(32, 32, 32, 32, 64, 64)
+ love.graphics.draw(texture, quad, 32, 32)
+ love.graphics.setCanvas()
+ local imgdata = love.graphics.readbackTexture(canvas, {64, 0, 0, 0, 64, 64})
+ test:assertPixels(imgdata, {
+ white = {{17,31},{31,31},{31,24},{32,32},{46,32},{32,46}},
+ lovepink = {{2,31},{31,2}},
+ loveblue = {{32,61},{61,32}}
+ }, 'check quad drawing')
+ test:exportImg(imgdata)
-- Shader (love.graphics.newShader)
love.test.graphics.Shader = function(test)
- test:skipTest('test class needs writing')
+ -- check valid shader
+ local pixelcode1 = [[
+ extern Image tex2;
+ vec4 effect(vec4 color, Image tex, vec2 texture_coords, vec2 screen_coords) {
+ vec4 texturecolor = Texel(tex2, texture_coords);
+ return texturecolor * color;
+ }
+ ]]
+ local vertexcode1 = [[
+ vec4 position(mat4 transform_projection, vec4 vertex_position) {
+ return transform_projection * vertex_position;
+ }
+ ]]
+ local shader1 = love.graphics.newShader(pixelcode1, vertexcode1)
+ test:assertObject(shader1)
+ test:assertEquals('vertex shader:\npixel shader:\n', shader1:getWarnings(), 'check shader valid')
+ test:assertEquals(false, shader1:hasUniform('tex1'), 'check invalid uniform')
+ test:assertEquals(true, shader1:hasUniform('tex2'), 'check valid uniform')
+ -- check invalid shader
+ local pixelcode2 = [[
+ extern float ww;
+ vec4 effect(vec4 color, Image tex, vec2 texture_coords, vec2 screen_coords) {
+ vec4 texturecolor = Texel(tex, texture_coords);
+ float unused = ww * 3 * color;
+ return texturecolor * color;
+ }
+ ]]
+ local res, err = pcall(love.graphics.newShader, pixelcode2, vertexcode1)
+ test:assertNotEquals(nil, err, 'check shader compile fails')
+ -- check using a shader to draw + sending uniforms
+ -- shader will return a given color if overwrite set to 1, otherwise def. draw
+ local pixelcode3 = [[
+ extern vec4 col;
+ extern float overwrite;
+ vec4 effect(vec4 color, Image tex, vec2 texture_coords, vec2 screen_coords) {
+ vec4 texcol = Texel(tex, texture_coords);
+ if (overwrite == 1) {
+ return col;
+ } else {
+ return texcol * color;
+ }
+ }
+ ]]
+ local shader3 = love.graphics.newShader(pixelcode3, vertexcode1)
+ local canvas = love.graphics.newCanvas(16, 16)
+ love.graphics.setCanvas(canvas)
+ -- set color to yellow
+ love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 0, 1)
+ -- turn shader 'on' and use red to draw
+ shader3:send('overwrite', 1)
+ shader3:sendColor('col', {1, 0, 0, 1})
+ love.graphics.setShader(shader3)
+ love.graphics.rectangle('fill', 0, 0, 8, 8)
+ love.graphics.setShader()
+ -- turn shader 'off' and draw again
+ shader3:send('overwrite', 0)
+ love.graphics.setShader(shader3)
+ love.graphics.rectangle('fill', 8, 8, 8, 8)
+ love.graphics.setShader()
+ love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1)
+ love.graphics.setCanvas()
+ local imgdata = love.graphics.readbackTexture(canvas, {16, 0, 0, 0, 16, 16})
+ test:assertPixels(imgdata, {
+ red = {{1,1},{1,7},{7,7},{7,1}},
+ yellow = {{8,8},{8,15},{15,15},{15,8}}
+ }, 'shader draw check')
+ test:exportImg(imgdata)
@@ -58,13 +349,40 @@ end
-- Text (love.graphics.newTextBatch)
love.test.graphics.Text = function(test)
- test:skipTest('test class needs writing')
--- Texture (love.graphics.newTexture)
-love.test.graphics.Texture = function(test)
- test:skipTest('test class needs writing')
+ local font = love.graphics.newFont('resources/font.ttf', 8)
+ local plaintext = love.graphics.newTextBatch(font, 'test')
+ -- check text properties
+ test:assertObject(plaintext)
+ test:assertEquals(font:getHeight(), plaintext:getFont():getHeight(), 'check font matches')
+ local tw, th = plaintext:getDimensions()
+ test:assertEquals(24, tw, 'check initial dim w')
+ test:assertEquals(8, th, 'check initial dim h')
+ test:assertEquals(tw, plaintext:getWidth(), 'check initial dim w')
+ test:assertEquals(th, plaintext:getHeight(), 'check initial dim h')
+ -- check changing text
+ plaintext:add('more text', 100, 0, 0)
+ test:assertEquals(49, plaintext:getDimensions(), 'check adding text')
+ plaintext:set('test')
+ test:assertEquals(24, plaintext:getDimensions(), 'check resetting text')
+ plaintext:clear()
+ test:assertEquals(0, plaintext:getDimensions(), 'check clearing text')
+ -- check drawing + setting more complex text
+ local colortext = love.graphics.newTextBatch(font, {{1, 0, 0, 1}, 'test'})
+ test:assertObject(colortext)
+ colortext:setf('LΓVE is an *awesome* framework you can use to make 2D games in Lua', 60, 'right')
+ colortext:addf({{1, 1, 0}, 'overlap'}, 1000, 'left')
+ local font2 = love.graphics.newFont('resources/font.ttf', 8)
+ colortext:setFont(font2)
+ local canvas = love.graphics.newCanvas(64, 64)
+ love.graphics.setCanvas(canvas)
+ love.graphics.draw(colortext, 0, 10)
+ love.graphics.setCanvas()
+ local imgdata = love.graphics.readbackTexture(canvas, {16, 0, 0, 0, 16, 16})
+ test:assertPixels(imgdata, {
+ yellow = {{1,9},{8,13},{16,11},{22,10},{25,7},{29,9},{32,13},{34,15}},
+ white = {{17,13},{30,12},{38,9},{44,13},{58,13},{8,29},{58,29},{57,37},{5,39},{57,45},{1,55}}
+ }, 'text draw check')
+ test:exportImg(imgdata)
@@ -196,15 +514,8 @@ end
-- love.graphics.discard
love.test.graphics.discard = function(test)
+ -- from the docs: "on some desktops this may do nothing"
test:skipTest('cant test this worked')
- -- wrote all this before seeing "on some desktops this may do nothing"
- -- leaving in case we need it in future
- --local canvas = love.graphics.newCanvas(32, 32)
- --love.graphics.setCanvas(canvas)
- -- love.graphics.clear(0, 0, 0, 1)
- -- love.graphics.draw(Logo.texture, Logo.img, 0, 0)
- -- love.graphics.discard(true, true)
- --love.graphics.setCanvas()
@@ -369,12 +680,6 @@ love.test.graphics.polygon = function(test)
--- love.graphics.present
-love.test.graphics.present = function(test)
- test:skipTest('test class needs writing')
-- love.graphics.print
love.test.graphics.print = function(test)
@@ -939,9 +1244,7 @@ end
-- love.graphics.isGammaCorrect
love.test.graphics.isGammaCorrect = function(test)
-- we know the config so know this is false
- print('gammaCorrect #1')
- print('gammaCorrect #2')