- PIM-5120: Do not hydrate all JobExecution of a JobInstance during a the creation of a JobExecution
- Fix composer requirements to minor versions
- PIM-4678: Remove execution detail in mail notifications
- Remove execution detail in mail notifications
### Improvements
- Move the JobInstanceFactory from Akeneo PIM
- Fix inconsistencies with ItemStep and item elements interfaces and methods flush() and initialize()
- Add a command to create job instances
- Fix missing akeneo_batch.entity.job_execution.class parameter
- Fix erroneous class name in DoctrineJobRepository
- Added the
to ease job launches
- Introduced PHPspec as a dev dependency
- The
option is now used instead of the console related--no-debug
- PIM-5120: Do not hydrate all JobExecution of a JobInstance during a the creation of a JobExecution
- Fix composer requirements to minor versions
- PIM-4678: Remove execution detail in mail notifications
- Added optional arguments $code and $previous in the constructor of InvalidItemException
- Added a UOW clear in order to prevent job instance to be flushed
- Add an optional parameter in StepExecution::incrementSummaryInfo
- SQL errors on PostgreSQL due to reserved keyword
- Fix the memory overflow with warnings
- Added a user property in JobExecution to allow to store the user who launched the job
- Database schema has changed. Please read UPGRADE.md
- PIM-4678: Remove execution detail in mail notifications
- PIM-3562: Added a UOW clear in order to prevent the job instance to be flushed
- PIM-3446: Fix memory issue when loading a lot of warning
- Fix/verify pid
- Add a jobExecutionManager allowing to check if a job is still running
- Fix the deprecated call to getEntityManager to avoid warnings during batch runs.
- Add a new case to deal with an object item in addWarning
- Adding the name of the job to the message at the end of the execution.
- Warnings are stored in their own entities, to avoid excessive serialization
- Warnings are now objects of the Akeneo\BatchBundle\Entity\Warning type
- Database schema has changed. Please read UPGRADE.md
- Added precise error messages for failures on jobs.
- Added akeneo:batch:list-jobs command
- StepExecution object is updated to repository at every batch writes, allowing to effectively follow the batch progress
- JobExecution has now the PID of the system process executing the job
- a doctrine:schema:update call is required to update database schema to add the pid column to JobExecution
- Configure a step element configuration value via its setter
- Added AbstractConfigurableStepElement::initialize() and AbstractConfigurableStepElement::flush()
- Renamed ItemStep::initializeStepComponents() to ItemStep::initializeStepElements()