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Investigating a single neuron

In this task you can familiarise yourself with the way you will interact with the BrainScaleS-2 chip during the lab exercises. For all tasks there exist jupyter notebooks that are intended to be used as a basis for the results. If you are not familiar with python or jupyter notebooks before beginning this lab course, we recommend that you spend some time beforehand to familiarise yourself.

During the execution of some of the notebook cells, you will cause an experiment to be run on a BrainScaleS-2 system remotely. You will find that due to the analog nature of some of the system's implementation the execution is not deterministic, i.e., not each hardware execution will result in the same outcome.

Generally speaking the simplest hardware experiment can be divided in three steps

  • hardware configuration
  • hardware execution
  • analysis of hardware observables.

More sophisticated experiments can involve multiple iterations of these basic three steps or a subset of them. At the level of abstraction you will be working on for these lab exercises, most of the intricacies of the hardware configuration and execution will be hidden behind a common high-level API, called PyNN.

In the next section we will set up a connection to an RPC server that multiplexes connections to the hardware, which will allow us to work with the system interactively. This process is handled by a custom microscheduler (quiggeldy), a conceptual view of which you can see in the following figure. The actual hardware execution time has been colored in blue.


At the end of this notebook you will find a number of exercises to complete.

Experiment setup

.. only:: jupyter

   To prepare for the execution of experiments on the neuromorphic system, you have to first connect to the scheduling server as follows.
   You will need to run this cell once after starting or resetting the Jupyter backend.
   The easiest way to escape from a broken state, will be to select "Kernel -> Restart" in the menu above and reexecute the following cell.

   .. include:: common_quiggeldy_setup.rst
   .. include:: common_nightly_calibration.rst

   We store results for documentation and to perform evaluations in a common
   place for each of the tasks.

   .. code:: ipython3

      import pathlib
      results_folder = pathlib.Path('results/task1')
      results_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

   We start by importing the relevant python packages we need for our experiment and setting up the enviroment for experiment execution.

   .. code:: ipython3

      import pynn_brainscales.brainscales2 as pynn

      from pynn_brainscales.brainscales2 import Population
      from pynn_brainscales.brainscales2.standardmodels.cells import SpikeSourceArray
      from pynn_brainscales.brainscales2.standardmodels.synapses import StaticSynapse

   The following function allows us to quickly plot the membrane trace and spikes of a neuron.

   .. code:: ipython3

      %matplotlib inline

      import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
      import numpy as np
      import time"_static/matplotlibrc")

      def plot_membrane_dynamics(population: Population, segment_id=-1, ylim=None):
          Plot the membrane potential of the neuron in a given population view. Only
          population views of size 1 are supported.
          :param population: Population, membrane traces and spikes are plotted for.
          :param segment_id: Index of the neo segment to be plotted. Defaults to
                             -1, encoding the last recorded segment.
          :param ylim: y-axis limits for the plot.
          if len(population) != 1:
              raise ValueError("Plotting is supported for populations of size 1.")
          # Experimental results are given in the 'neo' data format
          mem_v = population.get_data("v").segments[segment_id].irregularlysampledsignals[0]
          spikes = population.get_data("spikes").segments[-1].spiketrains[0]

          plt.plot(mem_v.times, mem_v, alpha=0.5, color='black')

          # indicate the spikes as red dots
          plt.scatter(spikes, np.max(mem_v)*np.ones_like(spikes), color='red')
          plt.xlabel("Wall clock time [ms]")
          plt.ylabel("ADC readout [a.u.]")
          if ylim:

For our first experiment, we create a single neuron and record its spikes as well as its membrane potential.

def experiment(title, v_leak, v_threshold, v_reset, i_bias_leak, savefig = False):
    Set up a leak over threshold neuron.

    :param v_leak: Leak potential.
    :param v_threshold: Spike threshold potential.
    :param v_reset: Reset potential.
    :param i_bias_leak: Controls the leak conductance (membrane time constant).
    :param savefig: Save the experiment figure.


    # everything between pynn.setup() and pynn.end()
    # below is part of one hardware run.

    # a pynn.Population corresponds to a certain number of
    # neuron circuits on the chip
    pop = pynn.Population(1, pynn.cells.HXNeuron(
        # Leak potential, range: 400-1000
        # Leak conductance, range: 0-1022
        # Threshold potential, range: 0-500
        # Reset potential, range: 300-1000
        # Membrane capacitance, range: 0-63
        # Refractory time (counter), range: 0-255
        # Enable reset on threshold crossing
        # Reset conductance, range: 0-1022
        # Increase reset conductance

    pop.record(["v", "spikes"])

    # this triggers a hardware execution
    # with a duration of 0.2 ms
    plot_membrane_dynamics(pop, ylim=(100, 800))

    if savefig:

    mem = pop.get_data("v").segments[-1].irregularlysampledsignals[0]
    spikes = pop.get_data("spikes").segments[-1].spiketrains[0]

    return mem, spikes
.. only:: jupyter

   .. code:: ipython3

       from ipywidgets import interact, IntSlider
       from functools import partial
       IntSlider = partial(IntSlider, continuous_update=False)

           title="Task 1: Leak over threshold",
           v_leak=IntSlider(min=400, max=1022, step=1, value=1000),
           v_threshold=IntSlider(min=0, max=500, step=1, value=500),
           v_reset=IntSlider(min=300, max=1022, step=1, value=400),
           i_bias_leak=IntSlider(min=0, max=1022, step=1, value=150),


A continuously spiking neuron

As a first exercise, set the neuron up such that it spikes continuously without any external input. For that purpose, play with the function's parameters and note down a suitable configuration in the following cell. Make sure to also save the resulting plot.

mem, spikes = experiment(
    title="A continuously spiking neuron",
    v_leak = 1000,
    v_threshold = 500,
    v_reset = 400,
    i_bias_leak = 150,
    savefig = True

Simple spike train statistics

  • Calculate the neuron's average firing rate.
  • Derive the inter-spike intervals (ISIs) of the spike train recorded in the previous exercise. The inter-spike interval denotes the time between two consecutive spikes of a neuron. Plot a histogram of the ISIs.
  • Identify a method to calculate the mean and standard deviation of the neuron's instantaneous firing rate. The instantaneous firing rate provides a moment-by-moment measure of the neuron’s activity.

Hint: You may use, e.g., np.diff, np.mean, and np.std to complete these tasks.

.. only:: Solution


   .. code:: ipython3

       import numpy as np

       # calculate the interspike interval
       isi = np.diff(spikes)

       print(f"Mean firing rate: {np.mean(1/isi):.2f} +- {np.std(1/isi):.2f} kHz")

Recording the f-I curve of a silicon neuron

Next, we want to study the behavior of neurons with a current source. For this, we introduce a new parameter for our neuron model. This will allow to enable/disable a constant current source and observe the impact.

  • Add constant_current_enable (True/False) and constant_current_i_offset (range=0-1022) as parameters into your experiment
  • Configure a non firing neuron
  • Vary the current and observe the impact
    title="Task 2: Current introduced firing",
    v_leak=IntSlider(min=400, max=1022, step=1, value=1000),
    v_threshold=IntSlider(min=0, max=500, step=1, value=500),
    v_reset=IntSlider(min=300, max=1022, step=1, value=400),
    i_bias_leak=IntSlider(min=0, max=1022, step=1, value=150),
    current=IntSlider(min=0, max=1022, step=1, value=300),
  • To quantify your observations write a program that sweeps over a current range from 0 up to 800.
  • Plot the neuron's mean instantaneous firing rate including its error over current.
.. only:: Solution

    Note: Current range limited to 800 because current source on chip looses linearity higher than that

    .. code:: ipython3

        runtime = 1

        i  = np.arange(0, 800, 50)
        f  = np.zeros_like(i, dtype=float)
        df = np.zeros_like(i, dtype=float)

        for n, i_offset in enumerate(i):

            # Required atleast on FP Setup to achieve a f-I-curve as expected

            pop = pynn.Population(1, pynn.cells.HXNeuron(


            spikes = pop.get_data().segments[-1].spiketrains[-1]

            isi = np.diff(spikes)

            if len(spikes) > 0:

                f[n] = np.mean(1/isi)
                df[n] = np.std(1/isi)

            # print(f"i:{i_offset} / f=({f[n]:.2f} +- {df[n]:.2f})kHz")

        plt.errorbar(i, f, yerr=df,
            marker='.', capsize=4, capthick=2, linestyle="None")
        plt.title("Task 2: f-I Curve")
        plt.xlabel("Current [c.u.]")
        plt.ylabel("Firing Rate [kHz]")

Synaptic stimuli and PSP stacking

We now confirmed a normal behavior of the neuron. In this task we want to look at the responses of the neuron to stimulations of incoming spikes. Your goal will be to recreate the image of PSP-Staking from the introduction. You might take a look into pynn_introduction again


  • Set up a population of one neuron to record its membrane potential
  • Create a population of at least one SpikeSourceArray as a stimulating population
  • Connect the stimulating population to the neuron population
  • Find a suitable spike pattern to recreate the plot (you might require multiple spikes)
.. only:: jupyter

    .. code::

        # Write here your solution

.. only:: Solution

    For my setup I used one target neuron and 3 spiking neurons with a continuous spiking pattern

    .. code::


        neuron_parameters = {                          # range
        "threshold_v_threshold": 400,              # (0-600)
        "threshold_enable": True,
        "refractory_period_refractory_time": 50,

        neuron_type = pynn.cells.HXNeuron(**neuron_parameters)

        # save the configured neuron in the population 'pop'
        numb_neurons = 1
        pop = pynn.Population(numb_neurons, neuron_type)

        spike_times = np.arange(0, .12, .017)
        pop_stim = pynn.Population(3, pynn.cells.SpikeSourceArray(spike_times=spike_times))

            synapse_type = pynn.synapses.StaticSynapse(weight=63),


        raw_data = pop.get_data()

        analog_data = raw_data.segments[-1].irregularlysampledsignals[-1]

        plt.title("PSP Stacking of Neuron")
        plt.xlabel("Wall clock time [sec]")
        plt.ylabel("Membrane Potential [a. u.]")

        plt.plot(analog_data.times, analog_data)