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Tint Trotter

Simple React application that interfaces with the Tint API /feed endpoint for fetching social media feeds.

For this specific application, Instagram feeds were targeted from all the places that I lived or frequently visited during my time living abroad in Switzerland. Each feed corresponds to a geography location on the map, as indicated by the pin icon. As the pins travels from each location, the feeds will change to reflect the Instagram feeds from that region.


I wrote this app for 4 reasons:

  1. To learn more about Tint, it's API and account management
  2. Creating a good starting React app that gives examples of Redux, async calls, and testing. this app could act as a good seed app future projects.
  3. Brush-up on my React skills.
  4. Have fun building something that can remind me of beautiful places I lived and saw in CH.

Technology Stack

  • React
  • Redux
  • scss
  • Jest (testing)


  1. Install npm brew install npm
  2. Install yarn npm install yarn
  3. Install project dependencies yarn install
  4. Run local dev server yarn dev
  5. Open browser and navigate to localhost:8080


  • Fix container tests. The container tests are currently failing because I of an unmocked dependency on scss.

Known Issues

  • Need to add better error handing for async calls to Tint API