Default decay for PROD_PID = 223022
This neutral decay of the src/gammaavm.cpp
Added check in src/e_narrowResonanceCrossSection.cpp
for backwards production.
Switched to two vertices, gamma and electron, in src/hepmc3writer.cpp
Added targetBeam, electronBeam and backwards_production tag for src/inputParameters.cpp
and include/inputParameters.h
(Removed TAU+TAU decay)
Changed src/starlightpythia.cpp
to produce eXEvent instead of UPCEvent
Backwards Production Code in src/gammaavm.cpp
if (_backwardsProduction) {
//Fill the intial state in the lab frame
double pz_tar_i_lab = -1.0*target_pz; //Flip the pz of the target
double E_tar_i_lab = sqrt(pow(target_pz,2) + pow(starlightConstants::protonMass,2.)); //Calculate proton energy
double pz_gam_i_lab = Egam; //Photon energy
double E_gam_i_lab = Egam; //Photon energy
//Calculate the final state target energy and pz
double pz_tar_f_lab = (pz_tar_i_lab + pz_gam_i_lab) - pz;
double E_tar_f_lab = sqrt( pow(pz_tar_f_lab,2) + pow(starlightConstants::protonMass,2.) );
//Calculate the boost (beta,gamma) to the center of mass frame
double beta = (pz_tar_i_lab + pz_gam_i_lab)/(E_gam_i_lab + E_tar_i_lab);
double lorentzGamma = 1.0/sqrt( 1 - pow(beta,2.));
//Boost to the final state target to the CM frame
double cm_frame_target_pz = lorentzGamma*( pz_tar_f_lab + beta*E_tar_f_lab );
double cm_frame_gamma_pz = lorentzGamma*( pz + beta*pz );
//Recalculate target energy in the CM frame (assign to VM)
double vm_mass = sqrt( E*E - ( px*px + py*py + pz*pz ) );
double vm_E_cm = sqrt( vm_mass*vm_mass + px*px + py*py + cm_frame_target_pz*cm_frame_target_pz);
//Calcuate photon energy in CM frame (assign to target)
double cm_E = sqrt( pow(starlightConstants::protonMass,2.) + pow(t_px,2.) + pow(t_py,2.) + pow(cm_frame_gamma_pz,2.));
//Boost photon and target back to lab frame
t_pz = lorentzGamma*(cm_frame_gamma_pz - beta*cm_E);
t_E = lorentzGamma*(cm_E - beta*cm_fame_gamma_pz);
pz = lorentzGamma*(cm_frame_target_pz - beta*vm_E_cm);
E = lorentzGamma*(vm_E_cm - beta*cm_frame_target_pz);
//Calculate the rapidity
Y = 0.5*std::log( (E+fabs(pz))/(E-fabs(pz)) );
Removed the option to include DPMJET in CMakeLists.txt
Changed the beam1/beam2 -> electronBeam/targetBeam. Defined in include/beambeamsystem.h
Removed all references to UPCEvents in: