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Style Guide

Spelling and grammar

American spelling and grammar

Whenever U.S. English and British (or other) English spelling or usage disagree, standard U.S. spelling and usage is preferred.


The colour of the button is grey.


The color of the button is gray.

Quote marks

  • Quote marks should generally be avoided if possible.
  • Smart quotes (also known as curly quotes or directional quotes) are not permitted in source files.

Avoid quote marks

Quote marks are used in prose writing to indicate verbatim text. This is rarely useful in technical writing, as verbatim text usually requires a more specific semantic markup.


Click the button that says, "Save."


Click :guilabel:`Save`.


You may see an error message that says, "Something went wrong."


You may get an error: ``Something went wrong.``

Straight quotes

Any time that you do need to use quotation marks, use straight (or plain) quotes. Sphinx and Docutils will output the typographically correct quote style.

Serial comma

In a comma-delineated list of items, the penultimate item should be followed by a comma.


Apples, oranges and pears.


Apples, oranges, and pears.

A bulleted list is often more clear than an inline list.


You will need to be familiar with git, GitHub, and Python.

Possibly Better

You will need to be familiar with:

- git
- GitHub
- Python

There's no hard rule about which to use in any situation. Use your judgement: try it both ways and see which is more clear.

Ordered and unordered lists

An order list is numbered. It should be used when the order of the list is essential. For example, when enumerating a series of steps in a procedure.


- First we do this.
- And then we do this.
- And the we do this.


1. Do this.
2. Do this.
3. Do this.

An unordered list is bulleted. It should be used for a collection of items in which order is not essential.


1. apples
2. oranges
3. bananas


- apples
- oranges
- bananas

Avoid Latin

Several Latin abbreviations are common in written English:

  • etc.
  • i.e.
  • e.g.
  • viz.
  • c.f.
  • n.b.

At best, these present a minor barrier to understanding. This is often made worse by unintentional misuse.

Avoid Latin abbreviations.


If you are writing about a specific process (e.g., installing an application)...


If you are writing about a specific process (for example, installing an application)...


Et cetera (or etc.) deserves a special mention.

Et cetera means "and all the rest," and is often used to indicate that there is more that could or should be said, but which is being omitted.

Writers often use etc. to gloss over details of the subject which they are not fully aware of. If you find yourself tempted use etc., ask yourself if you really understand the thing you are writing about.

Avoid unneeded words


Adverbs often contribute nothing. Common offenders include:

  • simply
  • easily
  • just
  • very
  • really
  • basically


To open the file, simply click the button.


To open the file, click the button.


You can easily edit the form by...


To edit the form...

Filler words and phrases

Many words and phrases provide no direct meaning. They are often inserted to make a sentence seem more formal, or to simulate a perceived style of business communication. These should be removed.

Common filler phrases and words include:

  • to the extent that
  • for all intents and purposes
  • when all is said and done
  • from the perspective of
  • point in time

This list is not exhaustive. These "canned phrases" are pervasive in technical writing. Remove them whenever they occur.


Semicolons are used to separate two independent clauses which could stand as individual sentences but which the writer feels would benefit by close proximity.

Semicolons can almost always be replaced with periods (full stops). This rarely diminishes correctness and often improves readability.


These "canned phrases" are pervasive in technical writing; remove them whenever they occur.


These "canned phrases" are pervasive in technical writing. Remove them whenever they occur.


Third-person personal pronouns

Third-person personal pronouns are:

  • he/him/his
  • she/her/her(s)
  • they/them/their(s)


While some people consider they/them/their to be non-standard (or "incorrect") as third-person singular, it has gained wide use as a gender-neutral or gender-ambiguous alternative to he or she.

There are two issues with personal pronouns:

  • gender bias
  • clarity

To avoid gender bias, the third person gender-neutral they/then/their(s) is preferred over he or she pronouns when writing about abstract individuals.


The enumerator uses his device.


The enumerator uses their device.

Unfortunately, they/them/their is not a perfect solution. Since it is conventionally used as a plural pronoun, it can cause confusion.

Therefore, avoid the use of personal pronouns whenever possible. They are often out of place in technical writing anyway. Rewriting passages to avoid personal pronouns often makes the writing more clear.


When using Collect, first the enumerator opens the app on their device. Then they complete the survey.


To use Collect:

- open the app
- complete the survey


Same, when used as an impersonal pronoun, is non-standard in Modern American English. It should be avoided.


ODK Collect is an Android app. The same can be used for...


ODK Collect is an Android app. It can be used for...


ODK Collect is an Android app that is used to...


Title case and sentence case

Document titles should be in Title Case -- that is, all meaningful words are to be capitalized.

Section titles should use Sentence case -- that is, only the first word should be capitalized, along with any proper nouns or other words usually capitalized in a sentence.

Verb forms

If a document or section describes a procedure that someone might do, use a verb ending in -ing. (That is, a gerund.) Do not use the "How to..." construction.


How to install ODK Collect


Installing ODK Collect

If section title is a directive to do something (for example, as a step in a procedure), use an imperative.

Installing ODK Aggregate

Download ODK Aggregate

Section content here.

Section labels

Section titles should almost always be preceded by labels.

The only exception is very short subsections that repeat --- like the Right and Wrong titles in this document or the XLSForm Rows and XForm XML sections in the :doc:`form-widgets` document.

In these cases, you may want to use the :rst:dir:`rubric` directive.

Other titling considerations

  • Do not put step numbers in section titles.
  • Readers skim. Section titles should be clear and provide information.

Writing code and writing about code

ODK Documentation includes code samples in a number of languages. Make sure to follow generally accepted coding style for each language.


In code samples:

  • Use spaces, not tabs.
  • Two spaces for logical indents in most languages.
  • Strive for clarity. Sometimes nonstandard indentation, especially when combined with non-syntactic line breaks, makes things easier to read.
    • Make sure that line breaks and indentation stay within the valid syntax of the language.

Using two spaces keeps code sample lines shorter, which makes them easier to view.

Example of indenting for clarity

HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized
Server: HTTPd/0.9
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2005 20:26:47 GMT
WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="[email protected]",
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 311

Meaningful names

When writing sample code, avoid meaningless names.


def myFunction(foo):

  for bar in foo:
     bar[foo] = foo[spam] + spam[foo]

  return foobar


Some of the terms often used to describe XML and HTML code structures are imprecise or confusing. For clarity, we restrict certain terms and uses.

Likewise, coding practices and styles for XML and HTML vary widely. For the sake of clarity and consistency, samples should follow the guidelines set forth here.


The following piece of code represents an element:

  Some content.


An element is not a block or a tag.

  • Tag is defined below.
  • Block has a specific meaning in HTML and XML templates, and should generally be avoided outside those contexts.


A tag is the token that begins or ends an element.

<element>  <!-- The opening tag of this element. -->
  Some content.
</element> <!-- The closing tag. -->

The word tag has often been used to refer to the entire element. For clarity, we will avoid that here.


The word node is often used interchangeably with element.

For clarity, we make the following distinction:

  • An HTML or XML document has elements, not nodes.
  • A node is part of a "live" DOM tree or other dynamic representation.
    • An XML or HTML element becomes an element node in a DOM tree.
    • There are also other types of nodes in a DOM tree.

Attributes and values

An element may have attributes. Attributes have values. Values are wrapped in straight double-quotes.

<element attribute="value">

Other names for attributes, such as variables or properties, should be avoided.

Element content

The code between the opening and closing tags of an element is the content. Content can include other elements, which are called child elements.

    More content.

When an element is empty, it can be called a null element.

<null-element attribute="value" />

In XML, null element tags always self-close. This is not the case in HTML.

  • HTML elements that are always null (for example, <img>) do not need to be self-closed.
  • Empty HTML elements that normally accept content have a separate closing tag.
<img src="awesome-picture.jpeg">

<script src="some-javascript.js"></script>


For all HTML samples, tag names and attribute names should be all lowercase.

Newly-written XML examples should also be all lowercase.

XML examples that show actual code generated by tools in the ODK ecosystem should replicate that code exactly, regardless of its capitalization practice.

ODK jargon

ODK and ODK Docs


  • Odk
  • odk
  • Open data kit
  • OpenDataKit
  • the Open Data Kit
  • ODK docs
  • ODK documentation


  • ODK
  • Open Data Kit
  • ODK Docs
  • ODK Documentation

Probably want to avoid...

  • Open Data Kit Documentation

ODK app and project names

ODK includes a number of components, including:

  • Collect
  • Aggregate
  • Briefcase

These should always be capitalized.

The ODK prefix (as in, ODK Collect) should be used the first time a document mentions the app or project, or any other time it would be unclear.

A few projects should always use the ODK prefix:

  • ODK XForm
  • ODK Javarosa
  • ODK Docs

XForms and XLSForm

  • XForms refers to XML-encoded forms.
  • XLSForm refers to a spreadsheet format used to define forms.


  • Xforms
  • X-Forms
  • xforms
  • XForm (no s, when referring to the specification)
  • xlsform
  • XLSform
  • Xlsform


  • XForms
  • an Xform (when referring to a single form)
  • XLSForm

XForms Spec, XForms Tools, XForms

XForms can refer to:

XForm (without an s) refers to:

  • A specific XML document that encodes a form.

When writing about any of these things, make sure you are clear --- in your mind as well as in your writing --- which one you are talking about.


XLSForm can refer to:

When writing about any of these things, make sure you are clear --- in your mind as well as in your writing --- which one you are talking about.