Linked to this documentation, this repository is a way for developper to train to be certificated for Symfony.
- Countries and their configuration
- Provinces and their configuration
- How do provinces behave in relation to countries
- Zones and their configuration
- How and where are the zones used
- Details about the state machine of the checkout
- Details and requirements for each step of the checkout process and how they affect each other
- What can be done with the cart in Sylius and how
- Inventory management during the checkout process
- Shipping and payment method selection
- Address book behavior during the checkout process
- Order of execution and promotion calculation results
- Configuration of cart promotions
- Configuration of coupons
- Available promotion rules and how to change/extend them
- Available promotion actions and how to change/extend them
- Catalog promotions' order of execution, calculation results, and behavior
- Configuration of catalog promotions
- Available variant checkers and how to change/extend them
- Available price calculators and how to change/extend them
- Catalog promotion processing and its configuration
- What depends on the channels
- How are channels resolved
- Channels configuration
- How money and currencies are stored in Sylius
- What are exchange rates and how do they behave
- Money calculations and presentations based on the selected currency
- Currency and exchange rates configuration
- Extending Sylius models, repositories and factories
- Extending Sylius controllers
- Extending Sylius form types and templates
- Fixtures configuration and how to extend them
- Fixtures features
- Fixture listeners' configuration, their behavior, and how to extend them
- Licenses
- High-level Sylius structure and architecture
- Purposes of main Sylius components
- What is preconfigured in Sylius installations in different environments
- Current Sylius dependencies (only main ones like PHP, Node, Symfony, and Databases)
- Basic questions about Sylius API
- Generic state machine usage (its configuration, what can be done on it etc.)
- How grids may be declared
- Grids optimizations
- Available grid actions, their configuration, and how to add a new one
- Available grid filters, their configuration, and how to add a new one
- Available grid fields, their configuration, and how to add a new one
- Grid usage and drivers
- Locale configuration
- Locale resolution (and how to configure it)
- Details about the steps of order processing
- How to customize order processing
- What each of the steps of order processing does
- States of order suitable for given order processors
- Behavior and details about order adjustments (and how they are set in different order processors), what data can be found in them
- Order life cycle after the checkout
- Payment state machine
- Payment methods’ configuration
- Payment gateways
- Details about product configuration
- Details about product pricing
- Details about the product and its relation to taxonomy
- Details about product associations
- Details about product attributes
- Details about product options
- Details about product reviews
- Image handling and processing
- What is Sylius Resource?
- How can Sylius Resource be configured?
- What services are available thanks to resources and what is their default functionality?
- How does the translation of entities work in Sylius?
- Sylius Resource configuration
- Shipping method configuration
- Shipping method calculators, their configuration, how to add them
- Shipping method rule checkers, their configuration, how to add them
- Shipping state machine
- Customer mailing
- Shop Users vs Customers
- Taxation of orders
- Taxation of order items
- Taxation of shipments
- Taxation and promotion on the same object
- Taxes calculation logic
- Extensibility of taxation logic
- Types of tests in Sylius
- Testing utils in Sylius
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